#Moshe Yanai
planesky · 11 months
Ok. Bring back the hostages.
Abraham Munder, 78.
Samer Fuad El-Talalka, 22.
Bilal Alziadna, 21.
Hamza Alziadna, 22.
Yosef Hamid Alziadna, 53.
Joshua Loitu Mollel, 21.
Sujith Nissanka, 48.
Chaim Peri, 79.
Yarden Roman Gat, 36.
Elad Katzir, 47.
Hannah Katzir, 77.
Oded Lifshitz, 83.
Amiram Cooper, 84.
Ronen Engle, 54.
Yuval Engle, 11.
Mika Engle, 18.
Carina Engle-Bert, 51.
Abigail Idan, 3.
Tamar Gutman, 27.
Channa Peri, 79.
Nadav Popplewell, 51.
Emilia Aloni, 5.
Daniel Aloni, 44.
Yuly Konio, 3.
Ema Konio, 3.
Sharon Aloni Konio, 34.
David Konio, 33.
Shlomi Ziv, 40.
Yahel Gani Shoham, 3.
Nave Shoham, 8.
Tal Shoham, 38.
Adi Shoham, 38.
Noam Avigdori, 12.
Sharon Avigdori, 52.
Shoshan Haran, 67.
Itzhk Elgarat, 68.
Alexander Dancyg, 75.
Inbar Haiman, 27.
Omer Shem Tov, 21.
Raz Ben Ami, 57.
Ilana Gritzewsky, 30.
Tsachi Idan, 51.
Elma Avraham, 84.
Or Levy, 33.
Guy Gilboa-Dalal, 22.
Gadi Moshe Mosez, 79.
Adina Moshe, 72.
Tamar Metzger, 78.
Yoram Metzger, 80.
Noa Marciano, 19.
Roni Krivoi, 25.
Tal Goldstein, 9.
Gal Goldstein, 11.
Agam Goldstein, 17.
Chen Almog-Goldstein, 48.
Daniel Gilboa, 19.
Eitan Yahalomi, 12.
Ovad Yahalomi, 49.
Ella Elyakim, 8.
Dafna Elyakim, 14.
Evyatar David, 26.
Raz Katz Asher, 4.
Avis Katz Asher, 2.
Doron Katz Asher, 34.
Efrat Katz, 68.
Alon Lulu Shamirz, 26.
Maya Regev, 21.
Itay Regev, 18.
Shani Louk, 22.
Omri Miran, 46.
Alon Ohel, 22.
Hersh Golden-Polin, 23.
Maya Leimberg, 17.
Gabriella Leimberg, 59.
Fernando Marman, 60.
Clara Marman, 63.
Bar Kuperstein, 21.
Noa Sharabi, 16.
Eli Sharabi, 55.
Four Angel, 18.
Yossi Sharabi, 53.
Moran Yanai, 40.
Adrienne ‘Aviva’ Siegel, 62.
Ron Sherman, 19.
Ditza Haiman, 84.
Elia Cohen, 26.
Elkana Bohbot, 24.
Agam Berger, 19.
Ohad Ben-Ami, 55.
Nick Beiser, 19.
Yuval Brodetz, 8.
Oriya Brodetz, 4.
Ofri Brodetz, 10.
Hagar Brodetz, 40.
Naama Levy, 19.
Almog Meir Jan, 21.
Liraz Assulin, 38.
Karina Ariev, 19.
Noa Argamani, 19.
Or Avinathan, 30.
Liri Elbag, 18.
Mia Schem, 21.
Yaffa Adar, 85.
Omer Wenkert, 22.
Carmel Gat, 39.
Kfir Bibas, 9 Months.
Ariel Bibas, 4.
Shiri Bibas, 32.
Sahar Kalderon, 16.
Ofer Kalderon, 53.
Louis Har, 70.
Want peace? Want us to ceasefire?
Bring them back!
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monsooninn · 2 months
Berakhot 9a: 29. "The Lineup."
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There is a new magic word in this Mishnah, Rabbi Yanai, "The Master of the Disciplines of Ya Anai, "In God's Name, This is Who We Are."
This is what the Mishnah states God said to Moses before he says, "tell the Israelites to line up, it is time to leave":
29. "Speak please in the ears of the people" etc. Say Rabbi Yanai: There is no "please" except for a request, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moshe: At your request, go and tell them to Israel: At your request, Q [line up] those from Egypt silver vessels and gold vessels, let him not say...
Egyptian vessels are 1622, אוב ubb, "a leather bag used in necromancy or sorcery". No one should be the victim of a magic spell or lie and become a tool of a fool for a dictator or tyrant= "Moses, ask the Israelites to go and see if anyone else wants to be free."
The Value in Gematria is 7912, עטא‎ב‎ zetab, "Show willingness to find the keys to the house and do that which you are obligated to do."
The Hebrew word for olive tree is זית (zayit; Deuteronomy 8:8, 2 Kings 18:32, Amos 4:9), or the fruit of it; olives (Micah 6:15) and olive-oil (שמן זית, shemen zayit; Exodus 27:20, Leviticus 24:2).
A person who occupied any of the few highest earthly ranks — the king, high priest and a prophet had no earthly superiors — was called an anointed (see the name Messiah), and anointing was done with olive oil (Judges 9:9). A failure of the olive harvest was a disaster because that would mean that Israel's social structure couldn't be maintained (Deuteronomy 28:40).
And it also caused the olive tree to be one of the most symbolical entities in the Bible. What is symbolizes, however, is commonly not very well understood, but it's by no means an accident that Jesus' passion began with his arrest on Mount Olivet.
The word 'ab followed by the letter yod usually makes the ab-part possessive. The construct אבי ('abi) may mean "father of," "my father," or form the adjective fatherly (literally "of father").
Also note the following structure, and remember that a man's "house" is not simply a building but rather his wife and children:
The noun אב ('ab) means father and possibly comes from the root אבה ('bh). A verb spelled and pronounced exactly the same as the assumed root of the word אב ('ab) is the verb אבה ('aba), meaning to do something under obligation or upon request.
The opposite, ta'a, is to disobey God and wander around in error:
"The verb תעה (ta'a) means to wander about and is used to describe the unsteady gait of drunkards (Job 12:25, Isaiah 28:7), of sheep or cattle without a herder (Exodus 23:4, Jeremiah 50:6), of homeless people (Genesis 21:14), and of foolish people (Ezekiel 44:10). It marks a lack of direction or objective and emphasizes the uselessness of the effort of going somewhere while in fact one is going nowhere at all. The noun תועה (to'a) means a wandering or straying from a certain path; a confusion or an error (Isaiah 32:6 and Nehemiah 4:2 only)."
To prepare to leave Egypt in God's Name, leaving behind persons who would otherwise go nowhere at all without the goodwill of persons who understand the Seder and the Haggadah is not the Jewish way. We are not fighting the Republicans and Mormons just for our own sakes, but for the happiness of everyone who yearns to live on a free, untroubled planet.
Thus ends 9a.
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somaself · 1 year
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eretzyisrael · 7 years
“The Boston Israeli community is very talented and accomplished,” says Dan Trajman, president and CEO of the New England Israel Business Council. He estimates that roughly 25,000 Israelis live in the Boston area.
“Most Israelis who come to Boston are coming to study at the top universities in the area, to do research, to start a company or because they are being relocated by their company. It started in the 1960s and grew since then. There are several generations of successful Israelis, some already retired and some in their prime right now,” Trajman tells ISRAEL21c.
Israelis are active in Boston-area academia, healthcare, retail and other fields. In high-tech alone, about 250 Israeli-founded companies have set up shop here.
Read More: Israel21c
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carguytimes · 8 years
イスラエルInfinidat社の創業者でCEOであるMoshe Yanai氏はインフィニダット ジャパンとSCSKのサービスパートナーシップ契約締結を発表する記者会見に登壇し、���社のストレージソリューションの優位性を力説した。 http://dlvr.it/NSDhQR
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ticsparaempresas · 4 years
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bigdata2020 · 4 years
vía Revista Cloud
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cprokansascity · 6 years
This tech exec’s $10M Brookline manse has a wine cellar and vehicle turntable
Nearly two years after its original listing, tech entrepreneur Moshe Yanai’s Brookline estate is still on the market.
Yanai’s seven-bedroom, nine-and-a-half-bathroom Brookline manse spans 9,294 square feet at 55 Leicester St. Features of the home include a floating staircase, a 20-guest dining room, a master bedroom with 20-foot windows and a balcony, a wine cellar, and a roof deck. The home sits on nearly an acre, with landscaped grounds, a pool with a pool house, a five-car garage with a vehicle…
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nzisraelnews · 7 years
INFINIDAT launches Moshe Yanai's Infinibox storage solutions in NZ
The graduate electrical engineer come one-time Israeli Defence force commander, inventor, pilot, philanthropist, and businessman has a serial string ... http://bit.ly/2xbezJC
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itviconsultants · 7 years
5 Rules For Practicing Disruptive Innovation While Staying On Top Of Big Data Waves - Forbes
Forbes 5 Rules For Practicing Disruptive Innovation While Staying On Top Of Big Data Waves Forbes I write about technology, entrepreneurs and innovation. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Infinidat. Moshe Yanai, founder and CEO, Infinidat, flying high again. Moshe Yanai has been re-thinking the box for more than 40 years, ... http://dlvr.it/PmFyKw #bigdata #hadoop #analytics
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bigdatanewsmagazine · 7 years
5 Rules For Practicing Disruptive Innovation While Staying On Top Of Big Data Waves - Forbes
5 Rules For Practicing Disruptive Innovation While Staying On Top Of Big Data Waves Forbes I write about technology, entrepreneurs and innovation. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Infinidat. Moshe Yanai, founder and CEO, Infinidat, flying high again. Moshe Yanai has been re-thinking the box for more than 40 years, ...
http://ift.tt/2xg2rHc via http://ift.tt/18iWci2
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vincenzabartl · 7 years
5 Rules For Practicing Disruptive Innovation While Staying On Top Of Big Data Waves
Data is eating the world and Moshe Yanai, first at EMC and now at Infinidat, has been staying on top of its exponential growth by using artificial intelligence to cost-effectively store and manage data. from Forbes Real Time https://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2017/09/11/5-rules-for-practicing-disruptive-innovation-while-staying-on-top-of-big-data-waves/ via IFTTT
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mbahelp24-blog · 7 years
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Interview with Moshe Yanai, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Interview with Moshe Yanai, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
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businessmindstoday · 7 years
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Interview with Moshe Yanai, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Interview with Moshe Yanai, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
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Im Februar Segment der Feldenkrais Ausbildung arbeiten wir mit einer anspruchsvolle Serie aus den Alexander Yanai Lektionen von Moshe Feldenkrais über Balance, das stabile Stehen über einem Bein und dem "höchsten Punkt des Hüftgelenks“.
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