#Yoo Se-yoon
k-star-holic · 8 months
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Kim Jun-ho, a baby daddy in Thailand, wrapped his belly and said, "Solitary confinementTour"
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liveasbutterflies · 1 year
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The Uncanny Counter Season 2 Teaser Poster
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spaceyhiyyihlight · 8 months
Twinkling Watermelon episode 12 is kinda bonkers
first of all, Eunyoo and Eungyeol not realizing they're both from the future is starting to piss me off like it's TIME. how did he listen to her say they're from different worlds, she doesn't know how to leave, and she's trying to help her parents AFTER she refrenced SQUID GAME, and he still has no clue?? i'm also PLEADING ANYONE to connect the dots about Eungyeol calling Yichan his dad, Chungah his mom, and Sekyung "ajumma". two 18 year olds are falling in love with people they think are 46 years old right now, i need someone to stop this madness 😭
ntm WHAT IS HAPPENING to Chungah right now ??? i know why she's upset, but wtf is going on with her plot? her dad's whole "make her smile at me" mission seems so completely removed from the rest of the plot, and i'm completely lost about where the weird power dynamic between him and his wife is going. i have a suspicion the writers made Chungah suddenly blow up at Yichan so he can miss her and realize he wants her back (?), but it feels pretty random to me that she suddenly yelled at him like that 💀 anyways, i hope all of this confusion means more time spent on Chungah's plot in the next episodes
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dreamsandstars24 · 11 months
The uncanny counter season 2
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HE WENT FROM “Excuse me, can you please kneel?”
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To “Kneel. Now.”
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I feel offended that they kept this from me. I do. Another man who is older than me and already has my heart. 
But honestly, it should be illegal for all of them to look this good. 
I need a lot of hobi water in order to continue watching this. 
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phantomstatistician · 4 months
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Fandom: Nevertheless
Sample Size: 170 stories
Source: AO3
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passionforfiction · 6 months
Dr. Romantic: The Way to a Dream Come True
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Dr. Romantic is made up of three seasons with a lapse of 4 years between the Season 1 and Season 2 and a 3 years lapse between Season 2 and 3. The first season we are introduced to the regular Doldam Hospital and new arrivals: Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung. Master Kim helps these two young doctors and his regular staff to sharpen their skills and find realize their dreams. We see their growth as professionals and as human beings, while healing people and fighting to keep the hospital open. This first season ends with Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung heading to new challenges but leaving a hope for their return.
Second season, Master Kim and his regular staff are still healing people while fighting to maintain the hospital running. We are introduced to three new doctors: Cha Eun Jae, Seo Woo Jin, and Yoon Ah Reum. In this case we have doctors returning and a doctor from a capital hospital, Park MinGuk becomes Holdam Hospital director as part of Chairman Do's attempt to take Master Kim down. But at the end we leave the hospital with a secure standing (no one can touch the property) and Dr. Park decides to partner with Master Kim and work together towards making Master Kim's dream come true - have a trauma center in the hospital.
Season 3 seems to be the conclusion to his story. Now they have the trauma center building connected to the old part of the hospital and they are about to open, but they need government funding to help run the center since this is a non-profit hospital. The staff is divided into two areas and those working at the trauma center will need to deal with their new director. Master Kim's Plan B - Dr. Cha Jin Man, who is also Dr. Cha Eun Jae's father and later Plan A - Kang Dong Joo.
I must admit that I was so excited to see Kang Dong Joo back and to see that Yoo Seo Jung returned, along other doctors that were part of the staff in the previous two seasons. It is satisfying to see Master Kim's dream come true: have the trauma center ran by his students.
You would've thought that he would want to run the center - after all, it was his dream - but he decided to stay in the old part of the hospital and have the another person run the trauma center. I loved the love stories and the new young characters. It was a really sweet way to bring this story to an end.
This story is one of my favorites on the doctors-drama category. A most watch, the three of them. I would watch them back to back, that way I would catch on things I probably missed since I saw them when they came out and time has past between each viewing.
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kpoptimeout · 10 months
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the 2nd Week of August (Aug 7-Aug 13 2023)
Aug 7
Popular boy band THE BOYZ has summer flings and parties in this fun MV filmed in the Philippines!
Jeon Somi - Fast Forward
Somi shows she can be the diva of her generation in this amazing comeback!
U-KNOW - Vuja De
TVXQ!'s U-KNOW brings us into a vibrant virtual reality in this experimental MV!
Aug 8
Yoo Se-Yoon - Love Ya ft. D-Hack
Comedian and musician Yoo Se-Yoon drops a smooth new track!
Aug 9
IZ*ONE's main vocal Jo Yuri is back solo in this funky performance!
V - Love Me Again
BTS' V debuts solo in this soulful track which showcases his baritone vocals.
Aug 10
HEEO - Beautiful Monster
Underrated solo artist HEEO shows her queen energy in this powerful comeback!
Aug 11
Wild Idol winners TAN return in another strong performance!
Aug 12
LimJi - Call Call Call ft. Ollti
Veteran rappers LimJi and Ollti collab in this fire track!
Aug 13
Hwi Young - Drive5
SF9's Hwi Young debuts solo in this classy and vibey piece.
What is your favourite track of the week?
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shirosaa · 1 year
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dilebe06 · 2 years
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My Top Female Characters 2022
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k-star-holic · 8 months
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Kim Ji-min " ⁇ Kim Jun-ho and Kiss in Drinking Energy So Far" ⁇ "Unpleasant" rage ('Solitary Confinement Tour')
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moiraiinesedai · 1 year
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been binge watching heesun’s shows and i’m just about done with honeymoon tavern. the music is so awesome that i had to make a playlist. here it is!!!
LINK: Honeymoon Tavern Playlist
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ohyangchon · 2 years
Been toying with a Secret Forest x Worm crossover for a very long time so: here is a Changjae snippet of them flirting while fully aware of each other’s identities and their diametric opposing stances
The Cape known as Paragon was an unyielding force of good in the South Korean prosecution. Holding so much power, both superhuman and in the justice system itself shouldn’t be as oppressive and terrifying but Paragon, civilian identity Lee Changjoon, would probably have found it funny to see people try to assassinate him.
His powers involved conjuring blue flames and the manipulation of electronics, but why he was codenamed Paragon was most well-illustrated in the fact that he could compel anyone - even the most hardened of Rogues - to tell nothing but the truth before him, at all costs. To that, he had swiftly climbed the prosecution’s ranks when he could so effortlessly make people crack from his presence alone, and his civilian name was spoken through gritted teeth or mutters of fear.
Of course, rumors abounded of his status in marriage to Lee Yeonjae, the owner of Hangjo (just one of South Korea’s biggest economical giants, no big deal). After all, her father Lee Yunbeom had been a powerful Rogue in his prime, but when he passed abruptly from rumored overuse of his mind-controlling abilities, it was stated that his son Lee Sungjae had inherited his power and mantle to become next-in-line for Manifesto, the Rogue that was both rich and unparalleled - until Paragon had put him away into The Cage, and won supposedly-powerless Yeonjae’s hand the same way.
Yeonjae liked reading speculation articles about Manifesto, actually. In truth, both she and Sungjae were Passengers to her father’s abilities, and they had been trained from a young age to harness them: Sungjae was just too impetuous for his own good and had to show it off publicly, compromising his identity and freedom in the process. It annoyed her at times that she couldn’t quite turn off what others were thinking of her in their minds (and she had the anxiety disorder to prove for it), but her husband...she didn’t need to read his mind to know what he was thinking.
“Remember when you saw me at the courtroom, that one time,” she teased, cuddled up snugly in one of his arms as she sighed into his chest, “I thought it was so funny that all you could think of was how my smile lit up the courtroom and my dimples, like you weren’t putting my brother away.”
“It’s the truth,” Changjoon traced a hand down her cheek, lifting her chin up slightly, “But what would the rogueish Idealist think of herself sleeping with the Paragon, the unrelenting blade against all evil?”
“Idealist thinks she got a steal, thank you very much,” Yeonjae scoffed, burrowing into his arms, “You should feel relieved that you’re one of the only people alive to know about her identity, and here you are giving me lip about the matter. I could arrange for you to disappear, too.”
Changjoon planted a kiss on her lips, pulling away before tilting his head with a quietly fond expression. “Of course I do know. It’s difficult not to notice that every tongue that rises against Paragon meets mysterious falls, yeobo,” he commented, though there was a tiny amused smile that had quickly formed over his face, “You either buy them out publicly or they disappear from existence. I needn’t win any prizes to know what you’d done.”
Yeonjae huffed again, closing her eyes. “Awful old man,” she complained, humming quietly to herself, “I could just make you do whatever I want though. Dance to my beat like the puppet you are.”
“I believe it,” Changjoon casually arched Yeonjae’s head back with a coy smirk, “You know I’d let you. If I didn’t, would I have married you?”
“That’s too easy. I like it when my prey squirms and scream,” Yeonjae let her grey hair cascade down her back, indulgent at her husband’s worship, “One day the other capes will find out that their Paragon isn’t all that cracked up to be.”
“Perhaps so,” Changjoon turned away, and Yeonjae could feel her husband’s thoughts get shrouded from her - she respected his privacy with certain governmental secrets to avoid putting her in danger, but the fog still bothered her from time to time, “If that happens, I’d need a new Cape name.”
“Mmm,” Yeonjae’s smile felt forced now, her worry seeping back in, “Let’s not dwell on such unhappy hypotheticals. Shall we rest?”
Changjoon nodded, comforted in Yeonjae’s words. He didn’t need to compel her to speak truths when she would always bare her heart to him. “Of course, yeobo. We have to see how Soojung’s training is going too at the private school. Has she picked a name yet?”
“Mmm. You’ve seen the way she fights...efficient and elegant, the best of both our worlds,” Yeonjae’s subtle exertion on Changjoon’s mind had started to recede as she relaxed, “She still wants to be known as ‘Penguin’, though. Who caused this fixation? Was it that plushie I made her as a baby?”
“That ugly beanbag?” Changjoon too had laid down, allowing his aura to recede into himself while he drifted off, “Perhaps. She was conjuring ice blades based off that hideous little thing. Do you know what she was thinking when she made those? I’m just glad she didn’t need to Trigger. It came to her naturally.”
Yeonjae’s eyes lowered, her grip tightening ever slightly. “Yes,” she replied, short and sharp, “She didn’t Trigger. She just received hers naturally from us both. I couldn’t be happier...our Soojung doesn’t need to suffer to get to where she currently is now.”
Changjoon snuffled Yeonjae’s hair, before lowering his arm, allowing his wife to rest. He cast his eyes out towards the night sky, contemplative until he had finally drifted off, thinking of his apprentice who would eventually catch up to him and the almost-non-Cape he had as a new friend.
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karinasgf · 6 months
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karina with So!YoON! of SE SO NEON
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