#Yoo Su-Bin
billornot · 5 months
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8,7 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Crash Landing on You (English title) / Love's Emergency Landing (literal title)
Hangul: 사랑의 불시착
Director: Lee Jung-Hyo
Writer: Park Ji-Eun
Date: 2020
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Hyun-Bin, Son Ye-Jin, Seo Ji-Hye, Kim Jung-Hyun
 2020 (56th) BaekSang Arts Awards - June 5, 2020
Best Supporting Actress (Kim Sun-Young)
 Bu dizi için hem anlatacak çok şey var hem de hiçbir şey yok. Dizinin dinamiği ve teması ile ilgili çok fazla konuşabilirim. Diğer yandan konusu ile ilgili uzun uzadıya anlatılacak bir durum yok. O yüzden öncelikle kısaca konusundan bahsedeyim. Yoon Se-Ri’nin  (Son Ye Jin) Güney Kore'de kendi kurduğu bir moda şirketi vardır. Aynı zamanda babasının 2 erkek oğlu olmasına rağmen holdinginin varisi olarak Se-Ri’yi seçmiştir. Kendi şirketindeki bir lansmanda hazırladığı sporcu kıyafetlerini denemek ve tanıtımını yapmak üzere yamaç paraşütü yapar. Çekim sırasında çıkan fırtına büyüyüp hortuma dönüşünce paraşütle Kuzey Kore topraklarına sürüklenir ve bir ağacın üzerine düşer. Nerede olduğunu bilmeden bir süre kurtarılmayı bekler. Bu esnada bölgenin güvenliğinden sorumlu bir grup asker, şimdiye kadar böyle bir duruma ihtimal dahi vermedikleri için rutin olarak nöbet tutmaktadır. Çok dikkat etmedikleri içinde kadını gözden kaçırırlar. Asker grubunun başındaki Yüzbaşı Ri Jeong-Hyeok’un (Hyun-Bin), kaçak ziyaretçiyi bulması ile dizi başlar.
Kuzey Kore’deki şartları şimdiye kadar en gerçekçi şekilde yansıtmasından dolayı dizi yayınlandığı an itibari ile çok fazla izlenmiş ve beğenilmiş. Kesinlikle en iyi Kore dizisi diyemem ama 2019 yılı en yüksek reytinge sahip olduğunu ve o dönem çıkan diziler arasından sıyrıldığını söyleyebilirim. Dizinin senaristini daha sonradan öğrendim. Benim izlediğim diğer iki dizi My Love From the Star ve The Legend of the Blue Sea ‘nin  de senaryosu aynı kişiye aitmiş.. Bu iki dizide benim gözümde ortalamanın altında kalmış dizilerdi. Ayrıca iki dizide de Jun Ji-hyun oynuyordu. Bu dizide de onu oynatmamış olmasına gerçekten çok sevindim. Birincisi Jun Ji-hyun’dan çok hazzetmiyorum, ikincisi ise Son Ye-Jin bu dizi için biçilmiş kaftandı. Daha önceden tanımıyordum ama burada hem oyunculuğunu hem de kendisini çok beğendim.
Burada araya biraz dedikodu sokayım, Son Ye-Jin ve Hyun-Bin diziden sonra evlenen çiftlerimizden biri. Daha önce bahsettiğim Song-Song çiftine kıyasla bu çiftimiz çok daha aklı başında ve emin adımlar atmışlar. Şimdilerde çocuk sahibi olma planları olduğunu açıkladılar.
Diziye başlamadan önce biraz ön yargım vardı. Kuzey Kore’de geçiyor olmasından kaynaklı ağır dram olduğunu düşünmüştüm. Neyse ki öyle çıkmadı, tam romantik olmayan kesinlikle komedi diyemeyeceğim ama romantizmi de komediyi de içinde barındıran tatlı bir dramaydı. Dizi boyunca ara ara konuk olan oyuncuları görmek de keyif vericiydi. Hospital Playlist’in soğukkanlı kalp cerrahı Jung Kyung-Ho’yu birkaç bölümde gördük. Park Sung-Woong'u taksi şoförü olarak izledik. Ama en keyiflisi Kim Soo Hyun’du. Güney Kore’de akıl hastası rolünde geziyordu. Sonradan öğrendim ki, Secretly Greatly filminde Kuzey Koreli bir ajans rolündeymiş. Bu dizide de aynı karakter ile konuk olmuş. Ben bahsi geçen filmi izlemedim ama yine de konuk olarak görmek yüzümü güldürdü.
Dizide mantıksız çok fazla şey oluyor, mantık aramadan izlemenizi öneriyorum. Mantıksızlığın yanı sıra ilk kar, kız arkadaşının saçını bağlama gibi çok fazla klişe ile karşılaşıyorsunuz. Buna rağmen bence bilinmeyen karanlık bir yere ışık tutmaya çalıştığı için diğer dizilerden sıyrılmayı başarıyor. Bölüm sonlarında koydukları minik kesitlerde de izleyiciye jest yapıyorlar.
Dizinin içerisinde konusu ve işleyişi ile ilgili çok detay vermemi gerektiren bir durum yok çünkü; en başta anlattıklarım birçok şeyi açıklıyor. Kızımızın durumuna üzülen yüzbaşımız onu askerlere teslim etmek istemediği için gizli bir şekilde ülkeden çıkarma yolları arıyor. Bu esnada yüzbaşının ekibi ile tanışıyoruz. Se-Ri’nin sınırdan geçtiğini fark etmedikleri için istemeden de olsa bütün ekip suç ortağı oluyor. Kuzey Kore’nin kapalı yapısı yüzünden dış dünya ile ilgili çok bilgileri olmadığı için Se-Ri ile olan diyalogları dizinin komedi yönünü ortaya çıkarıyor. Başlarda onunla konuşmaktan çekinseler ve sürekli Güney Kore ile ilgili bilgi vermemesini ya da Kuzey Kore ile ilgili bir şey sormamasını söyleseler de bir süre sonra tatlı bir arkadaşlık ortaya çıkıyor. Özellikle Güney Korelilerin parmakları ile yaptığı kalp işaretini anlamaya çalıştıkları sahneler oldukça eğlenceliydi. Karakterler üzerinde çok durulmuyor. Tamamen Yüzbaşı ve Se-Ri odaklı bir hikaye ilerliyor. Yine de yan roller bir süre sonra kalbinizi çalabilir. Birçok yorumda hiç bahsedilmiyor ama ben dizideki diğer çifti de çok beğendim. Se-Ri’nin abisinden kaçmak için Kuzey Kore’de saklanan eski nişanlısı Gu Seung-Jung  (Kim Jung-Hyun) ve bir süre sonra aralarında çekim olduğunu açıkça gördüğümüz Yüzbaşının nişanlısı Seo Dan ( Seo Ji-Hye) çifti beni oldukça etkiledi. Özellikle Gu Seung-Jung ile kurulan empati ilerleyen bölümlerde izleyicinin kalbini çok kırıyor.
Bol bol eğlenmeme rağmen, gözyaşlarımı tutamadığım sahneler dizi bittikten sonra daha canlı aklımda kaldı. Kim Jung-Hyun’u daha sonra MR. QUEEN dizisinde izlemek, oyuncu hakkındaki düşüncelerimi doğruladı. Bence çok başarılıydı. Kısacası, bu dizi Kore dağarcığıma üç yeni isim eklememe neden oldu. Hyun-Bin, Son Ye-Jin, Kim Jung-Hyun.
Son olarak, dizinin içine yerleştirilmiş Kuzey Kore gerçeklerinden bahsedeyim. Dizide birçok gerçek yumuşatılmış olsa da, büyük oranda gerçekleri yansıttığı için bu başarıyı yakaladığını söylemiştim. Kuzey Kore’de bütün erkeklerin askere gitmesi zorunlu, diğer ülkelerden farkı ise askerlik süresinin 10 yıl olması. Fakirlik bütün ülke genelinde süregelen bir durum. Dışarıya kapalı bir ülke olduğu için ihracat kavramı burada yok. Buda demek oluyor ki, kendi elektriğini, suyunu üretmeleri gerekiyor. Kaynaklar yeterli olmadığı için evlerde ne elektrik ne de su mevcut değil. Elektronik cihaz kullanımı yasak, telefon televizyon gibi dış dünya ile bağlantı kurulabilecek teknolojiler yasak. Yalnızca yüksek rütbedeki askerlere telefon veriliyor. Belli bir saatten sonra evlerin ışıkları sönmek zorunda. Yiyecekleri koymaya buzdolabı olmadığı için bahçelerde yer altı mahzenleri var. Belli başlı tarım ürünlerini buralarda muhafaza ediyorlar. Başkent Pyongyang dışında lokanta, mağaza gibi kavgamlar yok. Erkekler içinde kadınlar içinde belirlenen saç modelleri dışında saç yapılması yasak. Aklıma gelen son bilgi de, ülkeden özel yetenekleri sayesinde çıkabilen gençler, üniversite ya da sanat dalı gibi, işi ya da eğitimi bittiğinde ülkeye dönmek zorundalar. Dönmezler ise aileleri idam ediliyor. Sayısını bilmiyorum ama her yıl Güney Kore’ye sığınan Kuzey Korelilerin oldukça fazla olduğunu okudum.
Dizinin OST’leri beni çok cezbetmedi. IU’nun bile bir şarkısı olmasına rağmen ben K-drama müzik listeme herhangi bir şarkı ekleyemedim. Diziyi önerir misin derseniz, bence izlenmesi gereken bir yapım olmuş.
Raven Melus
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namjhyun · 1 year
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Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Dong Hwi and Yoo Su Bin for Allure Korea September 2023 promoting upcoming kdrama The Deal.
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booskwan · 2 years
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alexa play misery by maroon 5
(idea c.@dqmeron)
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stuffdrama · 11 months
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the perfect deal - icons 👥
— If you save/use like or reblog ✿
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weak-hero · 11 months
The Deal / The Perfect Deal is a kdrama about what happens if you let your intrusive thoughts win. like. what if... we turn simple hangout to get drunk into the kidnapping case? it's been two days we have no proper plan or ransom money, cops tried to arrest us for one (1) night because of a noise complaint from a neighbor whose gf is a police academy graduate (but we don't know that yet), there is a very scary man on our tail, also local gangs and debt collectors, but we blissfully unaware of any of it 'cause like we said...it's been two days.... 1.5 of it we spent minding our hangover and dealing with our emotions...
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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It's been 30 years since Divorce..."I miss my estranged children" (Bumpy Family)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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lockefanfic · 2 years
Toy - Part 9: Ball Boy
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Yoo Jeongyeon was, above all else, a breath of fresh air.
She was so unlike the other eight, and in more ways than one. The others put a lot of thought into their clothes, their makeup, their accessories - Jeongyeon was content simply to roll out of bed and throw on a hoodie and sneakers five minutes before you’d picked her up for her tennis practice. The others were into social media, endorsements from big brands, and what the general public was saying about them in online forums and in the comments - Jeongyeon was more into taking her dogs for walks, volunteering at an animal shelter with her sister, or building lego sets at home.
Moreover, while the others were very much involved in the inter-group rivalry between Nayeon and Chaeyoung - Jeongyeon was more than content to simply watch from afar and let her groupmates battle it out.
“I don’t really have a dog in the fight,” she says, casually, bending to pick up a ball from amongst the dozens on the floor of the private tennis court after you bring up the topic. “Nayeon is one of my best friends, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I think she’s an angel.”
“So knowing what you know about her, it doesn’t swing you over to Chaeyoung’s side?” you ask as you approach her with the bin you were both using to collect the tennis balls. Her tennis instructor had called in sick, and so you’d spent the last couple of hours feeding balls into the automatic serving machine for her to practice her returns.
“No. Like I said, I love Nayeon for who she is. It doesn’t mean I agree with the way she treats Chaeyoung, or for that matter, the way Chaeyoung treats her.”
“Fully neutral, then, huh?”
“Like Switzerland,” she says with a smile and a wink, “unlike you. From those photos it looks like you’re well and truly on Nayeon’s side.”
You sigh as you toss another couple of balls into the bin. The fallout of the leaked photos depicting you and an only half-clothed Nayeon embracing in the hallway of her apartment had been managed relatively well by JYP’s PR department, truth be told. Thankfully none of the photos showed your face, and so JYP staff had put out a statement that you were simply an old family friend who was paying Nayeon a friendly visit. Rumors persisted, but generally it seemed most of the uproar had blown over.
You were fully expecting to be fired from your position as the girls’ pseudo-manager, but it seemed the girls had more than enough pull in the organization to let you keep your job. You wondered if Nayeon or one of the others had stepped in to defend you - you’d have to ask her about it the next time you saw her.
“You know what I was doing there,” you say to Jeongyeon, who has returned to the bin with another armful of tennis balls. She smirks, knowing full well what you meant.
“I’m sure the pussy is great,” she says, nonchalantly. “But you really need to be careful when it comes to getting caught like that. Yes, we’re all women, and yes, women our age are allowed to fuck whoever they want, but given our line of work, we still have to watch out for that kind of thing, you know? It could really hurt our images - and thus our careers.”
“I know. I just think it’s shitty that someone would take those pics with the sole aim of fucking with you girls.”
“Yeah, it’s shitty. I know it’s shitty. The media is shitty, people are shitty. But it comes with the territory.”
“I know. You’re right, Jeongyeon,” you admit. You’d spent little time with Jeongyeon compared to the others, but you’d spent enough time with her to know that she was often the voice of reason in the group. “But in my defense,” you continue, “there was no way I could have known there was paparazzi outside Nayeon and Momo’s apartment, just waiting for the moment to snap a couple of pictures.”
“That’s true,” she replies with a frown. “How did they even get into the building, anyway? It had to have been a resident, or someone let them in.”
“Right? It seems kind of sus that someone would be lurking out in the hallway just waiting for me and Nayeon to run out there.”
The two of you stand there in silence next to the bin of tennis balls, pondering the situation.
“Do you think… it was one of us?” she asks.
The thought that the photographer could have been one of the girls hadn’t occurred to you. But you supposed it was possible that one of the girls who had beef with Nayeon - or at least, was on Chaeyoung’s side, or doing her bidding - could have snapped the photos. Aside from Jeongyeon, who lived with her sister in a separate apartment, all the members lived in the same building, if in different units, so access to that particular hallway wouldn’t have been a problem for any one of them.
“I hadn’t thought of that,” you admit. “Do you think someone snapped those photos and leaked them to start shit with Nayeon?”
“Beats me,” Jeongyeon says with a shrug, although the slight furrow in her brow and the seriousness of her tone hinted at the concern she was hiding behind her casual tone. “Either way, it’s a really shitty thing to do. Nayeon’s been inconsolable. I called her right after the pictures leaked, and she spent an hour just crying on the line. She and Momo and I were supposed to go for dinner yesterday, but the three of us just spent the entire night in her room consoling her. She must’ve thought her career was over.”
Your frown deepens. The last thing you’d wanted was for Nayeon’s career to be affected - especially after she’d spilled her feelings about it to you. You knew what relationship rumors did to an idol’s career.
“Hey, don’t worry about it too much,” Jeongyeon says. “JYP’s got a good PR department. You’ve seen how they’ve handled it. Most of the public seems to have bought the ‘family friend’ story.”
“I suppose,” you agree. “But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a shitty thing to do. I need to find out who was behind it.”
Jeongyeon nods, but doesn’t say anything further. She gazes blankly at the bin of tennis balls, reaching down and grabbing one before turning it around in her hands.
“You like her, don’t you?” she asks.
Caught a little off guard by her question, you can do little more than mumble a “Who?”
“Nayeon. You have feelings for her. You seem awfully concerned about this whole thing.”
“I’m just her manag-... I mean, I’m just a toy for you girls.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“I don’t have feelings for Nayeon, Jeongyeon.”
“So Chaeyoung, then? She was the one who picked you out of the crowd, picked you to be our toy. You’ve spent more time with her than with any of us. I see the way you look at each other.”
You take a moment to compose your answer - and Jeongyeon gives you a sly smirk when you look up at her, as though your silence had told her all she needed to know.
“She must’ve been pretty pissed off about the whole thing, huh?” she asks.
“I think so. I tried to reach out to her after the pics leaked, but she wasn’t having me. She was pretty pissed off.” You left out the details, including the choice names Chaeyoung had for Nayeon. It seemed Chaeyoung was perfectly fine with you sleeping with the other girls - but seeing you and Nayeon sharing a more emotionally intimate moment seemed to have struck a chord with her.
Jeongyeon gives you a short nod, her eyes focused on the ball in her hands. After a moment she tosses it into your chest.
“Alright, that’s enough small talk,” she says with a smile. “Now go set up the machine and serve me another set, ball boy.”
Jeongyeon, it appeared, was a breath of fresh air in yet another way.
For the most part, the other girls had been relatively similar in terms of the power dynamic when it came to your more intimate duties. A few had bossed you around - at least initially - while some were more submissive. Some were somewhere in between, or happy to switch between the two poles at will or as the session went on. Either way, you never felt like you weren’t in control of the proceedings whenever you were with any of the girls.
But none were quite like Jeongyeon. It was clear right from the very start who was calling the shots.
You were a little nervous when she’d pulled you into the private, secure shower rooms of the upscale indoor tennis facility; not for fear of getting caught, but rather because you’d never been intimate with her before. Despite having worked with them for months, the stars had never quite aligned and you’d never been alone with her for very long, so the opportunity had never presented itself. You figured she’d be like the other girls, and that she’d pull you into the shower with her, you’d fuck, then you’d both go on your merry way.
But instead she made you wait outside her shower door.
She hadn’t even undressed in front of you - she’d instead tossed her sweaty clothes over the closed shower door for you to pick up. And so you spent the next twenty minutes standing there, awkwardly, her sweaty hoodie and leggings in your hands as she showered - although you did make note of the fact that she wasn’t wearing underwear.
At least the shower door was only partially frosted, and its semi-transparent surface had given you a solid view of her soft, curvy body as she cleaned the afternoon’s worth of sweat off herself. Like the other girls, she had been slim and bordering on underweight when she’d debuted - but growing into adulthood had given her a curvier, fuller, more womanly shape than the other girls. Even through the frosted glass the differences were obvious; the other girls were thin sticks compared to Jeongyeon’s full, womanly shape. It was plain to see in her hips, those round thighs, and her long, luxurious legs.
“Towels please,” she says as she nears the end of her shower, “Two of them.” With more enthusiasm than you were expecting you pick up a couple of the luxurious looking towels from the nearby shelf and pass it to her over the shower door.
You find yourself licking your lips at the sight as you watch her dry herself through the frosted panel. Intentionally or not, she turns her back to you as she bends over to dry her legs - presenting you with the silhouette of her found, firm butt as she does so. You feel your lower lip curl under your front tooth at the sight.
She found you still standing there when she finished up, swinging the shower door open in a rush of hot steam and moist air. She stepped through the fog as if by magic, like some fairy creature emerging from the mists - one towel wrapped tight around her torso, the other around her drying hair.
“Enjoyed the show, did you?” she asks, an alluring smirk on her lips.
“Uh, yeah,” you admit. “You’re kinda gorgeous, I guess.”
The smirk on the young woman’s lips deepens into a smile. “Flattery will get you nowhere. Come on, then.”
You follow her from the showers and into the changing room, which was empty - the facility had been more than willing to shut down the entire place for an idol of Jeongyeon’s caliber, it seemed. She takes a seat on one of the long wooden benches, slipping one long, delicious leg over the other. The towel that was all that kept her decent rides up her legs, revealing more of the flushed, moist skin of her full thighs.
“Alright, you can start.”
Puzzled, you are unsure how to answer. “Uh, what?” you stammer.
“You can get started. Take off your clothes.”
Her forthrightness catches you off guard, and it’s only after locking eyes with her and noticing the sultry look on her features that you slowly begin to remove the zippered hoodie you were wearing.
“So, uh, this is happening, huh?” you ask, as you toss your hoodie onto the bench next to her. You step closer to the young woman, eager to finally get your chance with her.
She stops you with a hand on your belly. Her hand gives you a sharp push - almost a shove - one that sends you stepping backward to your original position.
“Did I fucking tell you to move?” she hisses with a shake of her head, tone sharp, but with that mischievous little smile still on her lips.
“I- I-, uh, sorry, Jeongyeon.”
“I bet you think that this is the part where I get on my knees and suck your dick before you fuck me like you do the other girls, huh?” she asks, casually. “The part where I become a pathetic, mewling little thing that tells you to ‘use me, fuck me, fill me up with cum?’ That may be true with the other girls, but that’s not what’s going to happen here.”
“Oh yeah?” you answer, as you begin to undo your belt. You find your own smile appearing at the corners of your lips - this assertiveness was new and exciting, and something you hadn’t found in the other girls. “Then what will happen here, Jeongyeon?”
“You’re going to strip, first,” she answers, “so I can see exactly what the other girls have been going so crazy over. Then you’re going to do exactly what I say.”
It doesn’t take much more motivation for you to follow her orders, and soon your t-shirt, pants, and boxers have joined your hoodie on the bench next to her. Throughout it all you watch Jeongyeon’s eyes drink in your body as you remove each article of clothing. More than once you catch a slick pink tongue gliding over soft pink lips, but for the most part she retains her composure, legs still crossed, hands folded atop her knees as she watches you undress.
Soon you are standing there, fully naked, hands on your hips. Between your legs, your half-stiff cock begins to stir - and it gives you a good measure of pride to watch a look of approval wash over Jeongyeon’s features.
“Well, now I see why the girls love you so much. Tell me,” she begins, leaning over her knees and bringing an index finger to her chin and lips, head bent to the side slightly and eyes fixed on your cock, as though she were admiring a display in a gallery. “Which of the girls are the subby ones?”
You certainly weren’t expecting to be interrogated while naked, but you are happy to let Jeongyeon set the pace. “It kind of depends. They all have their moments. Dahyun, Sana, Mina… I suppose they’re the most subby.”
“Interesting. And the others are doms?”
“It depends. Like I said, sometimes the girls switch between them.”
“Ah,” she says, looking and sounding for all the world like she were having a conversation over a museum piece and not discussing the sexual preferences of her group mates. “And what do you think I am?”
You lock eyes with her, and for the first time you find sheer, unfiltered hunger in those deep brown pools.
“I think… I think you like being in control, Jeongyeon.”
“That’s right,” she says, a satisfied look on her features as she leans backwards slightly on the bench. “And don’t you forget it.”
Her right hand reaches for the towel wrapped around her torso, and with an agonizingly slow flick of her wrist she slips the moist fabric from her body, dropping the towel on the floor next to her. Shortly thereafter the towel wrapped around her head joins it, letting her short chocolate-brown hair fall in a slick, wet tumble around her small face.
You have only a moment to appreciate the young woman’s naked body before she uncrosses her legs and spreads them widely, her flushed, full thighs parting to reveal the soft pink flesh between them.
Jeongyeon slides a hand above her mound, the tips of her fingers playing idly with the slick flesh of her slit. 
“Come on, then, ball boy,” she says, her voice utterly dripping now with a kind of seduction and temptation that none of the other girls could hope to imitate. “Come show me what your mouth can do.”
Your body moves of its own accord, almost involuntarily, closing the distance between you and the gorgeous young woman atop the bench. Your eyes soak in the sight of her - full breasts, wide hips, thick, flushed thighs - and you wonder just how you managed to last this long without having her.
You go to your knees between Jeongyeon’s, reaching out with your hands to cup her spread thighs from beneath. You hear the slightest, faintest gasp escape her lips as you make intimate skin contact with her for the first time - but the gasp disappears quickly and turns into a soft coo as you bend your upper body to begin placing soft kisses on the warm skin of her inner thighs.
Going down on the girls was something you’d admittedly had little practice with - they’d either been more than willing to perform oral on you, or skip it altogether and get right to the main course - and so you were determined to savor every moment of this opportunity with Jeongyeon. Not only was her dominating, in-control nature refreshing; it was also a chance to satiate an inner need to feel a woman’s most intimate parts on your tongue.
With this in mind you take your time, savoring the touch and taste of Jeongyeon’s warm, soft thighs beneath your lips. She lets little sighs and coos of satisfaction leave her lips with every kiss you make, the soft sounds echoing off the tiles of the empty changing room. Just before you reach her pussy you switch to her other thigh, starting halfway up and re-starting the slow approach to her slit - eliciting a sigh of frustration from the young woman.
“Such a fucking tease,” she says, half-hiss, half-sigh. “I bet you get all the other girls hot and bothered doing this, huh?”
You smirk in reply as you take a glance at her pussy, mere inches from your face. Perfect pink lips, shaved bare, already glistening.
“I think you’re getting all hot and bothered yourself.”
Jeongyeon blushes, but returns your smirk. “I think you should do something about it, then.”
“I dunno,” you say, your lips curling into a smile even as you continue to plant kisses on her inner thigh. “I kind of like getting you all hot and bothered.”
Her response to your snarky little comment is immediate - a hand in your hair, pulling your head up violently by your scalp to face her.
“If you don’t shut up and put your tongue on my pussy, you won’t be getting the chance to put anything else in there.”
You are equal parts frightened and aroused by the challenge you see in her eyes - to say nothing of the painful grip she had on your hair. You give her the slightest of nods, and seemingly satisfied that you’d learned your place, she pulls your head down towards her crotch.
Suitably chastised but equally turned on by her forcefulness, you dive into Jeongyeon’s folds, giving her a long, slow lick from the bottom of her opening to the top, adding in a slight swirl of the tip of your tongue around the bud of her clit. The sound that leaves her mouth is one you want to record and play back over and over - long and low and soft, a sigh of satisfaction and pleasure and release all rolled up into one perfect melody.
You savor her taste on your palate as you dive into her body once again, giving her long slow licks, lapping up her juices, savoring the imprints of her taste and smell and sound on your senses. She tastes like no other woman, slick and moist, tangy and sweet. 
“Fuck yes,” she hisses, the words leaving her mouth with no small amount of satisfaction, mirrored in part by the tightening of her grip on the back your head. “That’s right. That feels so good. Eat my pussy like a good little boy.”
Her chosen pet name for you lit something inside you - something you hoped would ignite into flame later on.
For now you content yourself with devouring her body, relishing the feel of her writhing and squirming beneath your tongue. You grasp her hips with your hands, and she involuntarily wraps her legs around your shoulders, trapping your head between her full, warm thighs, wrapping your face with her soft flesh. It is warm and wet and sticky and there was nowhere else in the world you’d rather have been, and with no other woman.
You spend a long couple of minutes there, trapped between Jeongyeon’s thighs, devouring the young woman’s dripping cunt, lapping up every drop of her freely flowing juices, savoring the taste of her body on your tongue.
After awhile it becomes almost suffocating between her thighs, and as happy as you might have been to have had your obituary read ‘suffocated to death by Yoo Jeongyeon’s thighs’ they were closing a little too tightly around your head, and keeping you from doing what you wanted - which was swirling your tongue around her needy little clit. It earns you a sigh of frustration when you reach up with your hands and part her full thighs, but you make up for it by using your newfound freedom to close your lips around her clit and using the tip of your tongue to begin swirling random patterns around it.
Jeongyeon is past sighing and cooing now, and fully into moaning her pleasure into the empty changing room. But even her moans are different - the other girls were happy to let out sheer unfiltered moans of pleasure, but Jeongyeon’s were controlled, measured, with a hint of satisfaction and gratification in them, as though she were actively obtaining pleasure instead of simply receiving it.
Whatever she felt, you were content to let her vocalize her pleasure in whatever way suited her - the pleasured, delightful moans bouncing off the tiles and walls of the changing room filled your ears, made it seem like she were everywhere around you, moaning her pleasure directly into your brain.
It’s when you slip a hand from her thighs and slide a finger against her entrance that her moans reach another peak - one she shatters when you slide your index and middle fingers, slowly but steadily, inside her.
“Fuck!” she snaps, her mouth opening and freezing in an open “O” as your fingers penetrate her for the first time, easily sliding inside her wet, slick pussy to find that rough, textured patch at the front wall of her opening. She only manages to resume her moans when you begin to scratch the patch with soft strokes, using the very tip of your fingers to tease it, back and forth, your tongue on her clit and free hand on her hip the only thing keeping her hips and butt from wriggling right off the table.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck--” she continues in between moans, “Fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum all over your fucking mouth fuck I’m cumming-”
It doesn’t take long. Not with what you were doing to her body. Soon the slur of profanity and moans leaving her mouth cut out, her body goes rigid, and the fingernails digging furrows into your scalp send spikes of pain into your brain as her grip on your head tightens involuntarily.
She orgasms under your tongue, and a flush of her slick, warm juices squirts onto your chin before you open your mouth enough to drink it all in.
Yoo Jeongyeon was a squirter.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she swears as her body is wracked with pleasure, still twitching and squirming beneath your tongue and hands as she finishes squirting on your face, leaving your mouth and jaws slick with her wetness. While her orgasm is still coursing through her veins you wrap your mouth around her clit, your tongue resuming its swirls around her bud, albeit at a slightly slower pace, ensuring that you weren’t overstimulating her. Inside her your fingers - despite being almost crushed by the pulsating tightness of her walls - remain unmoving, content simply to fill her, a prelude to what you hoped would fill her next.
“Oh god,” she says, one last time. Your mouth leaves her clit and your fingers slowly slide out of her, earning one last whimper of pleasure from the young woman. “Fuck, damn, no one’s ever made me do that before.”
You don’t quite know what to say to that confession, and so as you lick her juices from your fingers, swirl them around your tongue and swallow them, you answer the only way you know how: “Fuck, you taste so fucking good, Jeongyeon.”
“Yeah?” she says, breathlessly.
“Fuck yeah. I could eat you all day.”
A wicked grin appears on her lips, and she reaches up and grasps your sore scalp with a hand before crushing your lips with hers. Her tongue slides eagerly into your mouth, and you can feel her lips curl into a smile as she tastes herself on you.
She ends the short but passionate kiss - and you notice a hunger, a need in her eyes that you hadn’t thought the casual, aloof young woman was capable of. It lasts only a moment, before she returns to kissing you, giving you a soft kiss on the lips before bringing her lips, stained with her own juices, to your ear.
“You like how mommy tastes?”
There were a few moments over the months you’d spent with the girls that you’d call sexual awakenings - the growing occurrence of group sex, given the sheer number of girls you were tasked with pleasuring, was one thing. Your first experience with multiple penetration and taking all three of a woman’s holes in a single evening were others. But this - Yoo Jeongyeon awakening your fucking mommy kink - this was somewhere near the top of that list.
“Fuck yes, mommy,” you hiss, the words spilling from your mouth involuntarily in a rushed slur, as though your body wanted to react long before its brain could formulate a proper fucking sentence.
Jeongyeon leaves your ear to stare you in the eyes, her face only a few inches away from yours.
“Good,” she says, cheeks flushed, a sultry smile on her lips. “Come sit on the floor for mommy, now. I’ll show you how mommy fucks.”
Once again your body seems to move of its own accord, quickly taking a seat down on the cold tile of the changing room, leaning back and keeping yourself upright with your hands behind you. Jeongyeon rises from the bench, taking a moment to stand over you, relishing the hungry look in your eyes as you take in the sight of her naked body from head to toe. You lick your lips, still tasting her juices in your mouth - you couldn’t remember the last time you were so eager to be inside a woman, which was significant considering the experiences you’d had over the last few months.
Jeongyeon straddles you on the floor, her full, warm thighs on either side of your hips, her knees on the tile. She reaches down between you, grasping your needy, sensitive shaft with her long, thin fingers. She brings your tip to her drenched folds, dragging it up and down between her slick lips, lathering your head with her freely flowing juices.
“Mmmm,” she purrs. “You really want to be inside mommy’s pussy, don’t you?”
“Fuck yes, mommy please,” you reply, caring little for the desperation that was evident in your tone.
“Good. Because mommy’s going to fuck you until you fill her cunt with your cum. Can you do that for me? Can my little boy fill me with his cum?”
“Fuck, yes, Jeong- mommy, mommy please.”
You expect a reply, one last snarky, teasing comment - but there is only a deepening of the smirk on her lips before Yoo Jeongyeon dips her hips and takes you inside her.
“Fucking hell,” you swear as you fill her for the first time. She was so wet, so very, very wet - more so than the other girls. Wet and hot, like your cock was being enveloped by a slick, moist heat from all directions.
“Mmmm, you’re so big inside mommy,” Jeongyeon sighs as she impales herself on your cock to the base. From this position your face was level with her upper chest, and she captures your face with her palms on your cheeks before turning it upward to face her own. “You’re stretching out mommy’s pussy so good, filling her up so well. Are you ready for mommy to fuck you, baby boy? Are you ready to be a good little cock for mommy to ride until she cums all over you?”
“Oh god, oh god yes,” you spit, the words as much a plead as they were a declaration of your state of readiness and eagerness.
Eyes still locked on yours, Jeongyeon begins to ride you - and you soon find your eyes closing involuntarily as the pleasure overtakes your senses.
Her pussy would have been enough - that hot, wet tightness would have been all you needed to cruise to an quick and easy orgasm - but Jeongyeon was so much more than that. There was her body, so feminine and curvy and womanly; there was her motherly, protective nature combined with a casual easygoing-ness that made it easy to fall in love with her; and now there was the newfound kink she’d just awoken in you - one that you hadn’t known had been there all along, just waiting for the right woman to unlock it.
And beyond all that she was clearly very skilled with it came to riding you - the way she rolled her hips, the way she grinded her pussy against your crotch in circular motions, the way she squeezed her walls against your shaft with every entry only to release on the exit and repeat it over and over and over again - this was a woman who knew what she was doing. This was a woman who was in control.
You force your eyes open to watch her face as she rides you. Head cast back slightly, eyes shut, mouth slightly ajar, a soft tumble of sighs and moans leaving her lips with every entry and exit into her body - she was a sight to see. But she never seemed like she was losing control of herself, or being overwhelmed by the sensations flowing through her veins. This was a woman actively finding her own pleasure at a pace and speed that she was comfortable with, instead of simply taking the pleasure being forced upon her body like the other girls.
As if sensing your eyes on hers she opens them, leaves them half-lidded, looking down on you from above with power and command. 
“Does that feel good, baby boy? Do you like the feel of mommy’s cunt wrapped around your cock?” she hisses, her calm, measured tone only slightly compromised by the pleasure in her veins and the movements of her body.
“Yes, mommy. Mommy feels so good.”
“Mmmm,” she coos, a tender smile on her lips. “You feel so good inside me. You make mommy feel so full!”
Your eyes wander - down her long, graceful neck, and onto the full, round mounds of her breasts. Your mouth follows your gaze, and before you know it you are reaching up with one hand to cup one full mound, capturing her taut nipple between an index finger and your thumb before latching onto it with your mouth and sucking.
Jeongyeon yelps when you begin to suckle from her - a yelp that turns into a small giggle, as though your mouth on her breasts was something that brought her intense happiness. The giggles are only temporary, however, turning back into moans and cries that reach a new volume as you take your fill of her chest, sucking from one nipple while squeezing and pinching and twisting the other.
Her riding increases in pace, her pussy a sloppy wet mess now as she somehow becomes even wetter than she already was. Throughout it all she remains tight and hot around you as she takes you in and out of her body, your mouth and fingers latched onto her breasts all the while. Eventually she tears your mouth from her chest with her hands latched tightly around your cheeks, pointing your face towards hers.
For a few long moments she rides you, your face cradled in her hands and her eyes locked on yours. You watch as her eyelids twitch, watch as they close halfway, watch every little movement of her face and features as she continues to ride your cock on the shower room floor.
You would have wanted to take things slowly, wanted to relish every entry and exit made by the beautiful woman on your cock. You would have wanted to relish the sight of sweat dripping long slick trails down her body, and the taste of it when you licked it off her flushed skin. Jeongyeon was like nothing and no one else, and you wanted to savor the moment.
But what you wanted didn’t matter. Only her pleasure did, and she was in control, not you. And the fact that your orgasm was approaching faster than you would’ve liked didn’t matter to her. Only her own orgasm did.
“You’re gonna make mommy cum,” she hisses between gritted teeth as she struggles to maintain her composure amidst the waves of pleasure emanating from her crotch with every bounce on your cock. “Do you… oh god yes… do you… do you want mommy to cum on your cock?”
“Yes please, Jeongyeon. Please cum, mommy!”
“Will you… will you cum too, baby boy? Will you fill mommy’s tight wet little cunt with your cum?”
“Yes, Jeongyeon, mommy, please, please, please cum for me-”
“Oh god, fuck I’m cumming-”
She does - and she crushes your face against her sweat-slick, flushed chest as she does so. You bury your face in her cleavage and you wouldn’t have given a damn if you’d never emerged from those warm soft depths, wouldn’t’ve have cared if they’d had to peel your dead body from between Jeongyeon’s tits.
All that matters is her, and her tight, pulsating cunt around your cock and the way it milked your orgasming shaft of every drop of cum you had. You feel each pulse, each twitch of your cock as it sends spurt after spurt of thick, hot semen into Jeongyeon’s needy little pussy, filling her cunt with cum, filling it with you.
You weren’t quite sure how much time you spent there, in that warm, wet little slice of heaven that you’d found between Jeongyeon’s breasts. But when your face finally emerges from her chest and you look up at her you find her looking at you with the warmest, most caring smile you’d ever seen in your life. It was beautiful, soft, almost maternal.
She strokes your hair gently, running her fingers through the sweaty strands, the softness of her touch somehow taking away the painful soreness she’d left there when she was gripping your scalp earlier. She wraps her arms around your head, bringing your face back into her upper chest. 
She grinds her crotch against yours, causing your still-stiff shaft inside her to move, her every movement making soft, slick sounds as your combined juices slur about inside her body. Throughout it all she continues to stroke your hair, planting short, soft kisses on the top of your head.
“Your cum feels so good inside mommy,” she says, softly.
You feel your own arms wrap around her, your arms tight against her sweaty back as she continues to fuck her cum-filled pussy on your cock. You close your eyes, savoring the intense feeling of warmth and safety Yoo Jeongyeon had provided you.
It took another few hours before Jeongyeon arrived at the apartment she shared with her sister - your little session with her on the changing room floor had, of course, necessitated another quick shower so she could at least look presentable on the way home. 
She quickly and easily slipped back into the casual, easygoing and aloof persona that you’d normally associated with her, and she made for a fun and easy conversation partner as you drove her home. She made a nice change of pace from the usual small talk you shared with the girls, and you found yourself hoping you’d be spending more time with her in the near future.
She was more than a little surprised to find that she had a guest waiting for her in her bedroom.
“Your sister let me in,” Nayeon says as Jeongyeon steps into the room.
“I see you’re miraculously doing better,” Jeongyeon replies, a slight edge in her voice as she drops her tennis racket and duffel bag in a corner of the room.
“I am. I’m not sure if you know, but I've been through quite a traumatic experience recently. Pics of me and my secret lover were leaked all over the internet,” Nayeon replies, making no attempt to hide the sarcasm in her tone.
Jeongyeon frowns and lets a breath out from her nose, but says nothing in response.
Nayeon saunters around the room, stopping in front of the dressing table and the high-end DSLR camera atop it. She lets her fingers trace little patterns atop its knobs and dials, a smug smile on her perfect lips.
“Did you fuck him?”
“Yes,” Jeongyeon replies.
“Did he cum in you?”
Nayeon lets a small smile appear at the corners of her lips.
“Yes?” the older woman asks, sharply, turning for the first time to face her friend.
“Nayeon,” Jeongyeon repeats, “I… I don’t want to help you with this anymore.”
Nayeon scoffs, letting a sharp breath escape her lips. She crosses her arms and leans back, resting her butt on the dressing table.
“So you fuck him once and suddenly you don’t want to help me?”
“That’s not true,” Jeongyeon states, although she can already feel her resolve weakening. She couldn’t even look at Nayeon, and she settles instead for awkwardly playing with her hands. No one else did this to her. No one else could turn her into a defenseless loser. Only she could. Only Nayeon.
“So what is it?”
Silence reigns for a moment as Jeongyeon considers her answer. The seconds pass like hours. Jeongyeon hazards a glance at her older friend’s eyes, but Nayeon’s features are stone cold, and she finds little comfort in those dark pools.
“I’ve been thinking bout it, Nayeon. And…”
“It’s not fair,” Jeongyeon states, although it takes all of the conviction she had left in her to say it. Nayeon had a way of breaking her down, tearing down her resolve, no matter how prepared she thought she was. “It’s not fair to him.”
Nayeon lets her eyes roll.
“I understand you have beef with Chaeyoung,” Jeongyeon continues, summoning up what was left of her courage. “But… but he has nothing to do with it. He’s just a guy doing a job. We don’t need to ruin his life just so you can piss Chaeyoung off. I don’t want to help you with this anymore. If you want to keep on starting shit with Chaeyoung then you can go ahead, just leave me and him the fuck out of it.”
Nayeon returns her gaze to Jeongyeon, who can hold it for only a moment before she has to look away. She lets a sigh escape her lips before leaving the dressing table and approaching Jeongyeon.
“Hey, hey,” she says, softly, her tone suddenly apologetic now as she reaches up to caress Jeongyeon’s cheek. “Okay. I won’t involve him anymore. Him, or you. Will that make you happy?”
Jeongyeon doesn’t answer, closing her eyes, doing her best to ignore the softness of Nayeon’s palm against her cheek. Nayeon’s touch was her weakness - had always been her weakness. It hurt her to know how sharply she’d fallen from being the one in control mere minutes before, when she was with him, to being so very weak and helpless with her.
“You’ve already done your part, anyway,” Nayeon says, her tone soft and low, as though she were comforting a hurt child. “He… doesn’t suspect you were involved, does he?”
Jeongyeon shakes her head in Nayeon’s palm.
“And he still believes it was one of the other girls that took the photos?”
Jeongyeon nods.
“Good,” Nayeon says. “Then your part is done - I’m sure those pics have convinced Chaeyoung who really owns her toy. I’ll take it from here. You’re still going to be moving back in with Momo and I, right?”
Jeongyeon gives her the slightest of nods.
Nayeon’s palm on her cheek turns Jeongyeon to face her. The older girl’s free hand wraps itself around Jeongyeon’s waist. Jeongyeon wants to fight it, wants to push her hands away and tell the older girl to leave, but she is too soft, and too beautiful, and too Nayeon. 
And so when Nayeon leans up to kiss her, Jeongyeon can do nothing to stop it. Even as the kiss deepens, even as Nayeon’s tongue slides into her mouth, she can do nothing. She is frozen, powerless, defenseless - a far cry from the dominating, controlling woman she was in the changing room earlier that day.
Nayeon breaks the kiss before her hand drifts to Jeongyeon’s, and she slowly pulls her towards the waiting bed. Once she reaches it she pulls her hoodie over her head and pulls her sweatpants down her long legs - leaving her naked. She makes a show of crawling onto Jeongyeon’s bed on all fours, relishing the feel of her friend’s eyes taking in every movement of her body.
She pats the bed next to her, beckoning her friend to join her.
“Now then,” Nayeon begins. “Do you need me to clean his filthy cum out of your pussy, mommy?”
Jeongyeon sighs, powerless. 
Author’s Note:
Locke: “Toy is a PWP series”
Also Locke:
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koreaguides · 1 year
Top K-Dramas on Netflix in 2021
1. Sisyphus: The Myth 
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Worldwide Rank: 81 
Actors: Cho Seung Woo & Park Shin Hye 
2. Hospital Playlist 
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Worldwide Rank: 67 
Actors: Jo Jung Suk, Jeon Mi Do, Yoo Yeon Seok, Jung Kyung Ho, & Kim Dae Myung
3. Nevertheless 
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Worldwide Rank: 66 
Actors: Song Kang, Han So Hee, & Chae Jong Hyeop. 
4. The King’s Affection 
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Worldwide Rank: 48
Actors: Park Eun Bin, Rowoon, & Nam Yoon Su 
5. My Name 
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Worldwide Rank: 47 
Actors: Han So Hee, Ahn Bo Hyun, & Park Hee Soon 
6. Hellbound
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Worldwide Rank: 46 
Actors: Yoo Ah In, Park Jung Min, Won Jin A, & Kim Hyun Joo 
7. Hometown Cha Cha Cha 
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Worldwide Rank: 26 
Actors: Kim Seon Ho, Shin Min Ah, & Lee Sang Yi 
8. Vincenzo 
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Worldwide Rank: 15 
Actors: Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Been, & Ok Taecyeon 
9. Squid Game 
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Worldwide Rank: 1
Actor: Lee Jung Jae, Park Hae Soo, Jung Ho Yeon, & Wi Ha Joon 
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billornot · 6 months
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Yeon Si Eun. It's a pretty name.
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whispering-stones · 1 year
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☆ Esta lista estará siendo actualizada constantemente mientras siga el proceso de reservas.
Alejandro Speitzer — JimmyJim
Alina Kovalenko — Karenina
Alycia Debnam-Carey — Galadriel
Amaury Baudoin — Históricas
Ana de armas — Lenene
Bae Suji (Suzy) — Batgirl
Bang Chan — Pixie  
Barbara Palvin — swnsset
Beatrice Vendramin — Harmonizer
Ben Barnes — Aragorn
Ben Dahlhaus — Gandalf
Blanca Soler — C.J
Bridget Satterlee — Sailor Moon
Camila Morrone — raven 
Cha Eun Woo - swnsset
Chanikarn Tangabodi - Hemara
Charleen Weiss — Cece
Chase Mattson — Ozone
Choi Beomgyu — himesama.
Choi San — horizon
Choi Soo Bin — moontx
Choi Yeon Jun — viper
Chris Evans — Captain
Christine Obanor — Montoya 
Christopher Mason — Salem
Claire Estabrook — Brightside
Claire Holt — Megara
Conan Lee Gray​  — Soseki
Daniel Gilles — Megara
Daria Didorchuk — Polar
Dasha Taran — Fantasía 
Diego Barrueco — Cerbero
Dua Lipa — Khalelis
Emilia Clarke — Sailor
Emilia Mernes — Khalelis
Emily Blunt — Maggie
Ergi Bardhollari — floshine
Ester Expósito — Moon
Fernando Líndez — tsuki
Finn Teixeira — Forelsket 
Grace Piscopo — Newcastle 
Hailee Steinfeld — Lola
Hansol Vernon Chwe — Dinosaurio
Henry Cavill — Yennefer
Hwang Hyun Jin — jettxski
Isabelle Mathers — Polar
Jang Wonyoung — Batgirl
Jenna Ortega — moonlight
Ji Chang Min (Q)  The Boyz — Daijin
John Krasinski — JimmyJim
Joe Locke — Harmonizer
Jung Su Bin — Kyu
Jung Wooyoung — horizon
Kai Kamal Huening — Daydream
Kate Li — Shroud
Kennedy Walsh — estoesunapodo
Kim Jennie — peaches.
Kim Jisoo — sagex.
Kim Tae Hyung — pysche.
Kim Young Hoon (The Boyz) — Lihuan 
Kwon Ji Yong — Chocolate 
Laura Berlin — Tuenti.
Lee Felix — Kenta 
Lee Yu Jeon (The Boyz) - Bradshaw
Leo Woodall — Tuco.
Lera Nerushima — sunset 
Liza Weidemann — Éponine
Madeline Ford — Dust
Madison Beer — Khalelis
Mandy Moore — Paracetamol
Margarida Corceiro — Lilibeth
Mark Becher — Baby Pink
Milo Manheim — Batgirl
Milo Ventimiglia — Ibuprofeno
Minatozaki Sana — Hemara
Mishti Rahman — pinkypie
Moya Palk — heronddale
Neels Visser — Apollo
Nicholas Galitzine — Treinta
Nicholas Skidmore — Qwerty
Nils Kuesel — Tenn
Pedro Pascal — Aster
Rob Knighton — Nano
Shawn Mendes — Togepi
Sadie Sink — W
Scarlett Leithold — May
Sebastian Stan — Kerr
Taron Egerton — Eda
Taylor Hill — polaroid
Timothée Chálamet — DingDong
Tobias Reuter — Flamingo
Vinnie Hacker — Greystone 
Xu Jia Qi — Tsuki
Yael Shelbia — Sunny
Yoo Ji Min (Karina) — Daijin 
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logabeauty · 2 days
Start Up
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Start Up
Start-Up adalah seri televisi Korea Selatan tahun 2020 dengan bintang Bae Suzy, Nam Joo-hyuk, Kim Seon-ho, dan Kang Han-na.
Drama ini tersiar di tvN setiap Sabtu dan Minggu pukul 21:00 mulai 17 Oktober hingga 6 Desember 2020 dan juga tersedia untuk penonton internasional melalui Netflix. Start-Up berlatar belakang di kawasan fiksi Korea Selatan Silicon Valley yang disebut Sandbox dan menceritakan kisah orang-orang di dunia perusahaan start up. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pemeran Utama - Bae Suzy sebagai Seo Dal-mi - Heo Jung-eun sebagai Seo Dal-mi muda Ia bercita-cita menjadi Steve Jobs dari Korea. Ia seorang petualang yang tidak memiliki banyak harta, tetapi memiliki rencana besar untuk dirinya sendiri. Dan ia juga memiliki pengalaman dalam berbagai pekerjaan paruh waktu dan merupakan orang yang memiliki vitalitas tinggi. - Nam Joo-hyuk sebagai Nam Do-san - Kim Kang-hoon sebagai Nam Do-san muda Do-san adalah pendiri Samsan Tech. Ia pernah menjadi kebanggaan keluarganya sebagai seorang jenius matematika, tetapi selama dua tahun terakhir, tidak ada perubahan dengan investasi perusahaannya. Ternyata Seo Dal-mi mengingat Do-san sebagai 'cinta pertamanya yang keren' dan ia memutuskan untuk memulai startup dengan harapan mengubah kesalahpahaman Seo Dal-mi menjadi kenyataan. - Kim Seon-ho sebagai Han Ji-pyeong - Nam Da-reum sebagai Han Ji-pyeong muda Han Ji-pyeong memulai perusahaan startup untuk melunasi utangnya. Seorang pemimpin tim di SH Venture Capital, keterampilan investasinya yang menakjubkan dan lidahnya yang tajam membuatnya mendapat julukan, "Gordon Ramsay investasi." Meskipun ia jahat bagi kebanyakan orang, ia lebih lembut dari semua orang kepada satu orang istimewa yang memberinya bantuan besar di masa lalu. - Kang Han-na sebagai Won In-jae/Seo In-jae - Lee Re sebagai Won In-jae/Seo In-jae muda Won In-jae memiliki semua yang dihormati oleh banyak orang: latar belakang pendidikan, penampilan cantik, dan uang. Ia menganggap latar belakangnya sebagai chaebol generasi kedua sebagai kelemahan dan melakukan semua yang ia bisa untuk menciptakan kesuksesan sendiri dan pengakuan karena keahliannya. Namun, ia akhirnya digunakan serta terbuang dari ayah tirinya dan untuk berhenti menjadi bidak sekali pakai di papan catur ayah tirinya, ia terjun ke dunia startup. Tumbuh bersama Seo Dal-mi membuatnya memiliki hubungan yang buruk dengan Dal-mi dan menganggap sebuah kesalahan bahwa Dal-mi tinggal bersama dengan ayah kandung mereka, sedangkan dirinya bersama ibu kandung mereka. Pendukung Keluarga Seo Dal-mi & Won In-jae - Kim Hae-sook sebagai Choi Won-deok, Ibu Seo Chung-myung dan Nenek Seo Dal-mi dan Won In-jae. - Song Seon-mi sebagai Cha Ah-hyun, Ibu kandung Seo Dal-mi dan Won In-jae. Setelah menceraikan suaminya karena berhenti dari pekerjaannya. Ia akhirnya menikahi Won Doo-jung, meskipun ia terbukti menyesal meninggalkan ayah Seo Dal-mi untuknya karena ia selingkuh. Namun ia dapat menikmati uang yang dimiliki suami keduanya. - Kim Joo-hun sebagai Seo Chung-myung, Ayah kandung Seo Dal-mi dan Won In-jae. Setelah tidak tahan direndahkan di tempat kerjanya, ia memutuskan untuk memulai bisnisnya sendiri, yang berujung pada perceraiannya. Setelah setahun, ia berhasil mendapatkan kesepakatan dan tersirat bahwa dialah yang memberikan ide untuk nama "Sandbox "selama pembicaraannya dengan pemilik. Pada hari yang sama, ia meninggal di dalam bus saat pulang karena cedera otak. - Um Hyo-sup sebagai Won Doo-jung, Ayah tiri Won In-jae. - Moon Dong-hyeok sebagai Won Sang-soo Samsan Tech - Yoo Su-bin sebagai Lee Chul-san - Kim Do-wan sebagai Kim Yong-san - Stephanie Lee sebagai Jeong Sa-ha - Seo Yi-sook sebagai CEO Yoon Seon-hak Keluarga Nam Do-san - Kim Hee-jung sebagai Ibu Nam Do-san. - Kim Won-hae sebagai Ayah Do-san. - Jang Se-hyun sebagai Sepupu Nam Do-san. Lainnya - Kim Min-seok sebagai Park Dong-chun - Cho Tae-hwan sebagai Alex Kwon Penampilan khusus - TBA sebagai Jang Young-shil (suara gadget Ai) - Lee Bo-young Start Up Mitra Loga Beauty Skin; Desain website oleh Cahaya Hanjuang Read the full article
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myramglina · 2 months
TXT "Run Away" / music video from Oui Kim on Vimeo.
Director : Oui Kim (OUI), Yongseok Choi (Lumpens) Assistant Director : Jaehwan Hong
Producer : Yeonjin Kim (OUI) Co-Producer : Emma sungeun Kim (GE production) Production Manager : Eunah Seo
Production Assistant : Jongwoo Baek, Sunghwan Kim , Yun Heo
Director of Photography : EumKo Focus Puller : Deokjung Kim 2nd AC : Youngwoo Lee, Eunil Lee 3rd AC : Yuntae Ko
Jimmy Jib : Dongjin Lee Jimmy Jib Assistant : Kitae Kim, Seokchan Lee
Phantom Operator : Sangrin Choi
Gaffer : Seungnam Yoon (BEST BOY) Lighting Crew : Hyuk Park , Seongil Lee, Inkuk Hong, Mincheol Kim, Jaehyeon Baek
Art Director : Suji Kim Assistant Art Team : Hayoung Choi, Kyeungsuh Kim, Ahram Choi, Jiwon Lee
VFX: Second Floor Co-2D: Jungwoo Yoo
SFX Supervisor : Kyoungsoo Park (JUST) SFX Manager : Changsuk Kim, Dongho Lee SFX Technician : Taehoon Kim, Heun Ahn
Location Manager : Sepil Jang
Visual Creative : Nu Kim, Lee HyunJu, Cha Yeon Hwa Performance Directing: Son Sung deuk, Kim Su Bin, Lee Ga Hun Artist Management: Kim Shin Gyu, Kim Ji Soo, Yang Jun Hyeong, Oh Gwang Taek
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otakusmart · 4 months
The Beginner-Friendly Guide to Korean Variety Shows in 2024
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When you start feeling disinterested in K-pop and dramas, it's time for a break. Korean variety and dating shows offer a fresh and exciting change. As fans, we all experience a setback in watching dramas at some point.  That's what I call a “Fan hiatus”.Just like idols take time off for their well-being, we need a break too. Take a breather from the dramas and dive into the world of Korean variety shows. Let me guide you through the must-watch shows for beginners.  You'll thank me later!” Starting off simple, South Korean variety shows are literally made up of a group of celebrity cast members who sometimes align with their scripts and revolve around the genre and plot of the shows along with showcasing their close relations. Here is a Guide to the Top Korean Variety Shows
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Source: IMDb 1. Running man This Korean variety show is basically like the god of variety shows in South Korea. It has around 707 episodes as of (June 2nd,2024). The cast includes Yoo Jae-suk the nation's MC, Song Ji-hyo, Haha, Jee Seok-jin, and other members.  For those who are wondering about any K-drama actors why not bro? It includes Song Joong Ki, Kang Hoon, and Jeon So Min. It airs on Sundays. The show is filled with fun games by guests and cast members Running Man also features guest appearances by some great Korean actors and actresses too. 2. Knowing Bros This show is set in a school, and all the cast members are like current students. Every week, some actors make appearances as new students and showcase their charm with performances. A definite must-watch. 3. Jinny's Kitchen Are you ARMY?Do you remember the story of a famous BTS fan who happened to see V while he was shooting? You know what she did? As she did not want to disturb him she wrote her message on a piece of paper and took consent from him. How adorable! Do you know that the show was in Jinny's kitchen? Jinny's Kitchen revolves around a kitchen on wheels business with various celebrities as its employees. It features Lee Seo Jun, Jung Yu-mi, BTS v, Park Seo Joon, And Choi Woo Shik “In Bacalar, a small town in Mexico, Jinny's Kitchen opens, introducing Korean street food to their passionate customers. Meet Seo Jin, the boss of the business, and his various employees.” 4. All the butlers (Master in The house) For anyone ready for a laughter ride with amazing and unique tasks every day then absolutely All The Butlers is a show for you guys. It aired every Sunday, It stars Yang Se-hyung, Kim Dong-hyun, Eun Ji-won, Doyoung, Bam Bam, and Lee Dae-ho. The show has former cast mates such as Cha Eun Woo, Lee Seung-g, and Yoo Su-bin. You can also watch recent shows like Super Rich in Korea, Physical 100, and Zombiverse Still, the list is endless............................... Read the full article
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