#Yoram Hazony
liberty1776 · 1 year
How Marxism is Disguised as Woke Morality | Dr. Yoram Hazony | EP 305
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wavecorewave · 7 months
What Israel hopes will continue to extend its appeal, beyond nations that just want some of the most intrusive and lethal military equipment on the planet, is the growth of states that share its commitment to ethnonationalism. Such countries stand proudly for religious observance and against multiculturalism and liberal values. They blame a socially indulgent left for undermining traditional ideals and replacing them with morally confused perspectives on race, gender, marriage, and sexuality. The conservative Israeli political theorist Yoram Hazony has explained his vision, and it paints a frightening picture for minorities. It is a view shared by a sizable bulk of the Israeli Jewish population. He argues that America is a Christian nation with a Christian majority and therefore Christians must choose the country’s laws and social rules. Minorities could get “carve-outs,” but the majority must be dominant. In Israel, this dictates an aggressive Jewish majority ruling over non-Jews by increasingly brutal means to quell any resistance. The extreme force, surveillance, and technology needed to achieve that is what Israel hopes will keep its experience relevant to other like-minded states.
Antony Loewenstein The Palestine Laboratory - How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World
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readingsquotes · 4 months
"A country that maintains an unequal citizenship system for Jewish and Palestinian Israelis—and disenfranchises approximately 35 percent of the population in territory it controls on account of their ethnic identity—does not match the conventional definition of democracy. But there is an alternative idea of democracy in vogue among partisans of the global right, one built around the right to discriminate and to privilege the needs of the nation over those of individuals in general and minorities in particular. It is this version of democracy that has long prevailed in Israel, and which the Jewish state’s supporters now offer as a blueprint for illiberal leaders around the world.
Aided by new institutional networks that spur the circulation of right-wing ideas and practices among Israeli, Hungarian, and American conservatives, the Zionist right has acquired ideological heft and global recognition by joining the legal right to discriminate to a defense of national particularism, tradition, and other “conservative values.” The champions of illiberal democracy claim to represent a venerable alternative to both liberalism and fascism; their political vision is more accurately described as ethno-authoritarian. One problem, as Israelis began to experience during last year’s crackdown on anti-government protests, is that states built around eliminating enemies of the people eventually tend to devour their own.
...While Likud’s efforts to cultivate ties with foreign activists and intellectuals go back decades—arguably beginning with the mutually advantageous relationship between Likud founder Menachem Begin and televangelist Jerry Falwell in the 1980s—the Israeli right has only recently offered the Jewish state’s particular brand of illiberalism as a global model. Intellectuals and activists have put a new spin on Israel’s discriminatory political and legal system—born out of state-building via conquest and dispossession—by elevating it as an alternative to the liberal constitutional model centered around individual rights and freedoms. As Yoram Hazony, author of The Virtue of Nationalism and chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, which convenes the National Conservatism Conference, wrote in a 2015 essay, “The universal constitution of Rousseau and Kant is the one ‘politically correct’ constitution permitted by a certain strand of radical Western political thought that has currently become fashionable in the West.” This dangerous tradition, he continued, “made deep inroads in Israel. And with it the suspicion that the Israeli regime is not a ‘true democracy’ and will not be legitimate until it is reshaped into a ‘state of its citizens.’” For Hazony, Israel’s democratic deficit is a feature, not a bug—an alternative constitutional model that defies liberal universalism.
...At the heart of the ideological convergence between Hungary and Israel is an obsession with ethnic homogeneity as the basis of the state. ...Indeed, it is this argument that has made Zionism attractive to reactionaries worldwide—from self-described “white Zionist” Richard Spencer to India’s Hindutva ideologues.
...Israel’s horrific assault on Gaza has shown that “enemies of the state” is a capacious category, which for many now includes newborn babies, foreign aid workers, and journalists alongside thousands of other victims
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rtrixie · 2 years
Thoughts on national conservatism?
Used to be a label I identified with before coming to the realization that conservatism has failed.
Nowadays you’ve got people with ulterior motives like Yoram Hazony pushing it in an attempt to align the European right with particular foreign interests.
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korrektheiten · 5 months
Die radikale Linke will die Meinungsfreiheit ersticken – dramatische Szenen bei konservativem Treffen
Tichy:»Dramatische Szenen in Brüssel: was als Treffen konservativer Intellektueller und Politiker gefeiert werden sollte, endet im Belagerungszustand. Hochrangige Persönlichkeiten wie Suella Braverman, Mateusz Morawiecki, Nigel Farage, Kardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Eric Zemmour und Viktor Orbán stehen auf der Gästeliste. Dazu sind Intellektuelle wie Yoram Hazony und David Engels eingeladen. Dem deutschen Publikum dürften zudem Hans-Georg Der Beitrag Die radikale Linke will die Meinungsfreiheit ersticken – dramatische Szenen bei konservativem Treffen erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/T5bLXX «
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mel-rhodes-place · 8 months
January 25, 2024 One of the best written books you will ever read is The Virtue of Nationalism by Yoram Hazony. There is too much in it to quote here. But note this:“The European Union does, despite the propaganda, have a powerful central government whose directives are legally binding on European nations and on their individual members . . .  It lacks a strong executive – an emperor – capable…
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ednamiller45 · 11 months
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yespat49 · 1 year
Le nationalisme, seule garantie de liberté ?
Dans son livre, Les Vertus du nationalisme (Éditions Jean-Cyrille Godefroy, 256 pages, 24 euros), préfacé par l’avocat et essayiste Gilles-William Goldnadel, le philosophe conservateur israélien Yoram Hazony défend l’idée que le nationalisme demeure la seule garantie de liberté dans le monde actuel. L’auteur, dont la famille s’est établie en Palestine juive il y a près d’un siècle, revendique des…
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deblala · 1 year
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liberty1776 · 2 years
How Marxism is Disguised as Woke Morality | Dr. Yoram Hazony | #305
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zmkccommonplace · 1 year
The LGBT community is intentionally being used by some on the woke left as a blunt instrument to smash conservative Christianity & Orthodox Judaism in America..the left's argument has been framed so that, by opposing the "transitioning" of children, Christians & Jews will look (in the eyes of the left) like people consumed by "homophobia and anti-LGBTQ hate."
Yoram Hazony
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openapocalypse · 1 year
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sbalich · 1 year
Conservatives, Liberals, & the Purpose of Education
The Will County News Home  #History  Conservatives, Liberals, & the Purpose of Education #History #liberal #liberty #maga #political Conservatives, Liberals, & the Purpose of Education By  Steve Balich  – April 6, 2023 0 1 By Gary W. Houchens In “Conservatism: A Rediscovery,” Yoram Hazony emphasizes the importance of living a conservative life: one in which duty, honor, and a deep…
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readingsquotes · 10 months
In the final paragraphs of his obituary for Meir Kahane, Hazony qualified his adoration by clarifying that he never adopted Kahane’s political views or violent tactics. Yet this is arguably a distinction without much difference: If you regard Jews as the only group with the (divine) right to dwell in Israel/Palestine, and believe that colonizing the West Bank is the natural expression of your Jewishness, sooner or later you will come back to the “solutions” Kahane offered more than 40 years ago. Persistent violence by both state and state-adjacent actors in the name of upholding national integrity—along the lines of settler pogroms in the West Bank or anti-Muslim attacks in India—will be folded into the architecture of a legal framework built upon the right to discriminate." The real danger of National Conservatism is that there are enormous portions of the population that will not feel the sting of such measures at all. EBF’s UK chairman James Orr referenced this big-tent attitude in his opening remarks at the London conference, noting that National Conservatism has a “place of honor” in its coalition for many types of people—from “liberals appalled at the carnage of liberalism” to socialists “critical of the fact that the left has abandoned the working class” and the “gender critical feminist who has no space in the new left.” Of course, there are many people who fall outside the tent, and whose absolute otherness is decried by those within as an existential threat. For those of us who exist as majority populations, who are straight and cisgender, whose everyday preoccupations track rising childcare costs more than debates within constitutionalism, National Conservatism has much to offer, albeit at horrific cost to Others of various kinds. The real danger, perhaps best exemplified by Jewish Israelis going about their business with nary a thought of the occupation, is that many people will find that’s a deal they can live with."
For Yoram Hazony, the founder of the National Conservative movement, Israel is an illiberal model for the international nationalist brigade.
Suzanne Schneider
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gary232 · 2 years
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by Yoram Hazony | Honor is one of the central ideas in a conservative political theory. I do not mean any particular code of honor, such as that which was accepted among English gentlemen two hundred years ago. Rather, I want to understand honor as a general phenomenon appearing...
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