#You'd think knowing me this would be about Chrobin
If you respond to an lgbtq headcannon with "Herm but they have a cannon child where did they come from?" I am going to hit you with a car.
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ultraviolet-psyche · 1 year
Dead On Arrival (F!Chrobin ver.)
Rating: T
Pairings: F!Robin/Chrom, implied Alfonse/Kiran
Characters: Chrom, Kiran & F!Robin
Warnings: Angst; basically all the warnings you'd expect from a Risen King Chrom fic
Summary: Chrom, King of the Risen and the Fell Dragon's most trusted servant, is summoned to Askr.
Word Count: 995
A/N: Once again, this is mostly just some pronoun changes and some slight adjustments in description. Robin doesn't actually appear that much here, so...
Original M!Chrobin ver.
Light. Sunshine. Bright. Too bright. Clear skies. Stone floors. Clean air.
A hooded figure. A voice. Unintelligible speech.
"Who calls me?" He sounds as haggard as he looks.
More talking. It's louder. His name? Oh. Yes. His name.
"My name is… Chrom…" It hurts to speak; he's long used to it. "I am the king of corpses. Where I go… despair follows…"
He blinks a few times until his eyes adjust to the harsh light and the blur of colours and shapes in his line of vision form a clear image. The stranger before him is smiling beneath their hood, as though perhaps they're used to fallen former heroes being dumped into their peaceful world. Strange.
"Good to meet you, Chrom," they say. "I'm Kiran, the Hero Summoner. You have just been summoned to the Kingdom of Askr. I understand how confusing this must be for you, so allow me to explain."
They start talking about things that Chrom hardly has the energy to comprehend. The aforementioned Askr. A contract. The Order of Heroes. Wait. That's not right. Chrom isn't a hero. He has no business being here. He can't help these people change their fates.
Go! Tell them! Do not let them suffer our same fate!
His heart, or what remains of it, still aches, sometimes, and it aches now as he thinks back to the last words Robin has ever spoken to him. Robin had momentarily seized control of her own body to tell Chrom to save this strange world that called for him. Why, after all this time, does she trust him to avert the inevitable? Him, a broken corpse, used as his master's weapon to destroy all that he knows and loves, unable to protect a blasted thing. Why – how – has Robin not lost all hope? He wishes he could see her one last time, if only to ask, why him? Why the Risen King?
But, as his master had reminded him time and time again, nothing will ever change, because fate is always set in stone.
To make matters worse, Kiran is now prattling on about alternate universes and different versions of Chrom and the other Shepherds. Different Chroms, different Robins, different Lucinas… different versions of his master. Gods. A world with multiple Grimas is doomed no matter how many Chroms, Robins and Lucinas are there to fight them. The despaired world he's left behind can't even handle one Fell Dragon, so what hope does this world have?
Chrom soon realises that Kiran has stopped rambling. Their hood obscures their eyes, but it doesn't conceal their worried frown. "Is something the matter?"
"Your world… will fall to ruin…" is all that Chrom has the heart to say.
"Oh." There's a brief pause. "Uhh, okay, that's good to know, I guess? Anyway, how about we go to the castle? I have some friends I'd like you to meet."
Chrom would much rather find a secluded area and stay there forever, but the whims of a Risen are of no one's concern. He has no choice but to play along.
It's surreal to travel through active, populated villages, packed with buildings fully-intact and dozens of villagers going about their day – moreso when Chrom feels their stares burning into his pallid skin like a flame meeting parchment. The sound of youths laughing and playing in the warm afternoon sun reminds him of his own children – or, rather, his children in a world that allowed them a proper, happy childhood. His heart aches again. He's a failure at many things, but his failure as a father stings like nothing else.
Askr is like a fairytale kingdom straight out of a children's book. The weather is picture-perfect, the birds are singing a sweet tune, and the closer Chrom and Kiran get to the castle, the more magnificent it becomes. It's the polar opposite of Ylisse in every way. Of course his master had no qualms about sending him here; it's a persistent reminder of everything he's lost.
Kiran chats with Chrom about the friends he'll be meeting as they both advance toward the castle. Chrom is only half-listening, merely responding with the occasional grunt, but he does register their names – Anna, Alfonse and Sharena. He notices that Kiran talks about Alfonse in a manner that's more… distinct. The words they use when speaking about this boy are painfully familiar – "other half", "special bond", "bound by ties stronger than fate". Something twists painfully in the depths of Chrom's stomach as bittersweet memories resurface, but he shoves them down, reminding himself that Kiran and Alfonse don't have much time left, anyway.
Once the castle entrance enters his view, Chrom notices a smattering of people, grouped into pairs or triplets, hanging about and socialising with one another. He wonders if these must be some of the Heroes Kiran was talking about.
With one glance to the left, he has to wonder no more. The sight before him is enough to stop him dead in his tracks.
Standing close to each other, adjacent to a large fountain, are a man and a woman, both dressed in light colours and each carrying a bouquet of flowers. The man, who's sporting blue hair and the Brand of the Exalt on his left shoulder, takes a moment to gently adjust the flowers nestled in his companion's ivory pigtails. The woman smiles and mouths a thank-you before leaning in for a peck on the lips.
They are so absorbed in each other's presence that they take no notice of Chrom, the Risen King, looking on in agony. He wants to cry, but he can't summon any tears. If only… If only…
Kiran lets out a long, sad sigh beside him. "I'm sorry you have to see that, Chrom. Come, let's go inside – Alfonse and the others are waiting."
Chrom tears his gaze away from his other self and his other half as he trudges behind Kiran, mourning the happy future that could've been.
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coralhoneyrose · 4 months
8, 15 (+14 if you'd like to answer both), 38!
Ooo thank you so much for sending these in! ^-^
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“C-Chrom?” she asks, the name slipping out before her befuddled brain can think better of it.
“Oh! You—you know my name?” he asks, sounding just as confused as she is.
“Uh…lucky guess,” she replies. His lips pull up into a hesitant smile, and Robin forgets to breathe for a moment. That’s not something she’s ever seen the man on the poster do. It’s disarming. A moment later though, his brows knit back together in concern, his smile sliding away.
“Are you alright down there?” he asks, and despite the pounding in her head and heart, she laughs a little at the absurdity of the question.
“Oh yeah, I’m great. I was just taking a nap.”
The man (who really is named Chrom, apparently) rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “I suppose that was probably a foolish thing to ask,” he admits with a chuckle. “Here, give me your hand.”
I was just really proud of myself for coming up with a way to allude to the dialogue from their original meeting without using it verbatim—especially since that whole fic is intended as a celebration of the game in honor of its anniversary. Was also proud that I'd devised another scenario where Robin already knows Chrom’s name upon first meeting
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oooooo, fun question. But I mean it’s gotta be Pretending to Love You, right? If for no reason other than the fact I would get to see Robin in a bunch of pretty dresses (and Chrom dressed up for the ball too). I think having it set in an unrealistically glamorous castle would also be fun, and there is a lot of chrobin kissing in that one, which would absolutely be a top priority for any movie with them in it 🥰
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Oh man, I am glad to have gotten this question again so I have an excuse to talk about another LOL. One comment that comes to mind was one where the person mentioned they’d never read anything more slowly than they read PtLY because they were savoring it so much. The same comment also referenced making a post related to the fic on their personal Instagram account, screaming aloud at one point while reading, and that if I ever wrote original work, they would be willingly to pay for and advertise it. Literally any single one of those things would make me a stupid amount of happy to hear and probably make my whole week, so someone saying all of them in one was just like…I was floored and really, really flattered <3
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dentos-wife · 2 years
I don't want to sound mean or anything but in my opinion if Instys is fine with making all that stuff around Chrobin it's precisely because we would have had the same reaction if they had used F!Robin instead since Chrom treats F!Robin and M!Robin the same way, calling them both is "other half".
The difference is how LUCINA would have reacted since she is colder towards F!Robin due to her being overprotective compared to M!Robin. Intys would have had it smooth since in the game F!Robin can be her mom but in that moments, Lucina's reaction towards F!Robin is completely different too.
With M!Robin Lucina reacts in a way that they are in good terms but not too close, but if it had been F!Robin, her reaction would have really depended on how much their relationship had progressed or the state of current relationship.
However, I don't think Instys really intends on playing on M!Chrobin but that the fandom has this impression due to the fact that we treat the Robin differently when Chrom treats them the exact same way. So if they intended on using F!Robin instead, Chrom would have had the same reaction. If anything, if Intys were to push Chrobin, I don't think they would try to favor any gender over the other since their relationship with Chrom is fundamentally the same.
Hmm I agree on it's the same if it's FRobin as I think all Chrobin is intended now but not on the reasoning. IS has changed so much with Awakening already. Grima is a very large hah example
Awakening: World ending earth dragon, enemy of Naga, just a big force of nature.
Echoes: Actually forget that he's an earth dragon, he was created in a lab, he's fire emblem mewtwo
Heroes: Oh and uh the reason he hates humanity so much is he was used and betrayed by them. (I'm not talking about the girl version I hate hate what they did to her)
Then Engage they can't even call him evil and it's more complicated then that? Uh okay
So! if they wanted to use FRobin they could retcon the way she acted with her and I feel like they might have already did. She had some moments with Lucina in the Day of Devotion
Lucina: I'm just so inspired by this festival. I wonder how I can communicate all these overwhelming feelings... Especially my love for my father... I need more than flowers, something even more special...but what?
FRobin: I would think that Chrom would be perfectly happy if you just expressed your feelings. No need to stress...
Lucina: Oh, I know! What if I made a special outfit for him? I could design something that would fit him perfectly. Something just for the festival. He'd like that, right?
FRobin: Ah, well... Yes, I think it's a nice idea, but the festival is today. I don't think you'd be able to make it in time.
Lucina: Oh. You're right. Hmm. That's too bad. I really liked that idea. OK, what if, instead...there must be...hmm...
FRobin: Why don't we ask what others are doing? I'm sure we can gather some great ideas.
Lucina: Yes! I'll go see what others are doing for the festival. I'm sure to find something!
And because MRobin is the duo with Chrom pretty sure FRobin is the odd one out she even asks to hang out with everyone here
Chrom: Lucina... You have already given me more than you could ever know. You survived the future to come and meet with me...To have you here, before me now... It makes me happier than I could ever express.
Lucina: Father... I hadn't really thought of it that way. Spending time with those you truly love is the best gift of all.
MRobin: So, that settles it then? No more wild gift hunt? Good. Now, let's go and enjoy the festivities!
FRobin: If you don't mind...could I join you
Lucina: Yes, of course! Together, we'll make this day one to remember forever!
FRobin also has some moments in the Tempest Trials in FEH with Chrom and you're correct same relationship. Chrom loves Robin no matter which Robin they are. MRobin however is more popular and is used more, like FCorrin is the more popular Corrin. Both won CYL after all and we all knew they'd win before their other avatar. Because of this you end up with two guys in a relationship.
But yeah I'm not knocking on FChrobin I like FRobin too it's FGrima I'm not a fan of. If FRobin was the popular one and not MRobin we'd be seeing the same thing just probably less arguments as hetero relationships are more accepted then same sex. The reason MChrobin is the one played up is simply because...they use MRobin. And the reason they use MRobin more is popularity. When they do use FRobin though more rare they play it up too
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coralhoneyrose · 5 months
hello, i just want you to know that i recently played awakening and am so obsessed with and insane over the way you write chrobin. thanku sm for being generous enough to share your writing cause i've reread your fics so often in the past week i risk sounding clinically insane. on a side note, the specific way you write them reminds me of the song "reckless driving" by lizzy mcalpine, if that makes any sense. many thanks again, and i hope you're doing great <3
AaAAAAaaaahh, thank you SO much!! 😭💖 Not kidding when I say getting messages like this is huge part of the reason I share my work in the first place. I very much remember how all consuming the ship thoughts were just after playing my first chrobin run of Awakening--I really *needed* to read / think about 100 different ways they could fall in love and that their relationship could play out to cope LOL. I am so thrilled that my fics have been able to help fill that role for you!! And also that you like them enough you'd want to read them more than once in the first place dfjgdf that's a huge compliment and means more to me than I really know how to say 💜
Also this song !!!!!!! Omg I've never heard it before but I already love it after one listen and can definitely see why you would think of it! The lyrics very much capture that misalignment in how I like to write about Chrom and Robin approaching love / their feelings for each other. There are quite a few lines in here that make me feel CRAZY when applied to Chrobin (in a very good way). Also I love that despite the fact that the female part is insisting like "I don't love you like that and it'll kill us if I don't let you go" with the implication that she's going to HAVE to let him go to save them both, like--the song still ends with that abrupt cut off implying that she *wasn't* able to bring herself to let go in time and AaAAAAA. God. Losing my mind over Them 🥹
Thank you again for taking the time to send me such a lovely message! I saw the notification just after waking up and it made for a really wonderful start to my day! Hope you're doing great too! 😊
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