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youthstike4climate /1
manchester. 2019
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grayisholi · 5 years
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slagnation · 5 years
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Climate Strike, Canterbury, Kent.
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alondonjournal · 5 years
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In solidarity with yesterday's global climate strike.
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148 million Americans will go shopping for Christmas gifts this weekend. Please share, and encourage your friends and family to BUY NO GIFTS for the sake of the planet this holiday season.
During the holidays we waste billions of dollars and produce billions of pounds of waste in the process, for stuff we don’t really want or need. We must end our wasteful consumerist ways. Let’s start by striking against the high holy holiday of capitalism. 
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musette22 · 5 years
minnie will u be striking with us friday 20th september? ukscn has called a general strike for climate 👀
Aw man, I totally would but I'll be in NYC :( Good for you for joining though!! It's a great cause! Hope the turn out is great 🙌🏼
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tearsofthemushroom · 6 years
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the youth strike 4 climate rally in sheffield
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brummiephotography · 5 years
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#climatechange #youthstrike4climate #youthclimatestrike #birmingham #strike4climate #climateemergency #iambham #brummie_photography #brumisbrill #zerocarbon (at Victoria Square, Birmingham) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBYqr8D8gX/?igshid=1060vm89zxiex
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gambinijournal · 5 years
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I need to create this composition on black background, but my sketchbook is to small. However first I wasn’t thinking about stripped backgrounds and I didn’t turn over my working board. However these yellow stripes are giving a bit of kick.
I think so far this one is my favourite photo collage created today. It might need more police around. Will have to cut out more of those silly boys.
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mzq444-blog · 5 years
Tick. Tock. People of all ages have had enough. The Climate Crisis must be stopped.⁠ ⁠ Now ✊🏽🌍⁠ ⁠ This Friday people will descend on cities and towns across the world...will you? 👉🏽 LINKINBIO⁠ ⁠ #youthstrike4climate #gretathunberg #climatechange #climateemergency #climatecrisis #environment #nature #earth #globalwarming #sustainability #ocean #sustainable #savetheplanet #eco #vegan #actonclimate https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hjCTuAb_G/?igshid=1effpbhvszpq9
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youthstike4climate /18
manchester. 2019
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bottomoftheriverbed · 5 years
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[ID: A sign that says: Corporations not straws. Disabled people are not your scapegoats. End]
For the youth 4 climate strike on Friday. Excuse my shitty art skills
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dailybreadrolls · 5 years
Everything we buy
has a carbon footprint.
One of the best ways
to help climate change
is to buy less.
Clothes. Beef. Pointless stuff. Plastic. Paper.
And the stuff
we do buy,
keep, use and love
for a long time.
A reusable cup
is a good start,
but we need to go
beyond that.
To eat
all the food we buy
costs us less,
and helps climate change.
Eating less meat
will mean less cows and sheep
because the demand
will not be there.
Less cow and sheep farts = less greenhouse gasses.
Which may mean
we have to eat
less McDonalds,
but what
do we care about more?
The pleasure of McDonalds, or the decay of the Earth?
So proud of
Let’s not settle
for a dying world.
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carpad92 · 5 years
Exigimos un cambio climático
A nivel mundial, millones de jóvenes de más de 100 países abandonaron sus clases para unirse a las protestas del #FridayForFuture exigiendo medidas inmediatas contra la crisis climática. Todo esto comenzó en Suecia con las protestas de una estudiante de secundaria Greta Thunberg, el movimiento de huelga estudiantil contra el cambio climático #YouthStrike4Climate ya que se ha extendido este movimiento en varios países, está claro que se necesita medidas emergentes para el cambio climático.
El incremento de temperatura que hemos registrado en los últimos años, han sido completamente acelerado por causa de las industrias ya que se niegan a adoptar reducciones drástica en su modo de producción, la solución a la crisis climática es alza la voz para ser escuchado, los líderes de las grandes potencias mundiales, han prometido incorporar compromiso con el medio ambiente para reducir las emisiones del GEI. Si queremos asegurar el futuro de nuestro planeta debemos organizarnos para terminar con este sistema.
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For the past several months, growing numbers of students around the world have been cutting class — not to play but to protest. The topic driving them is the same: Earth’s changing climate. Increasing wildfires and droughts, rising seas and more extreme weather are among the events being tied to elevated emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide. As students see it, governments have not done enough to cut those emissions or to plan ways to adapt to the impacts of climate change. So students have been going on strike. And on March 15, many plan to participate in a coordinated strike that will take place across the globe.
As of March 6, there were 596 planned events across 64 countries, according to a list kept by the group Fridays For Future.
Milou Albrecht, 14, of Castlemaine, Australia, is a co-leader of strikes in her country. What motivates her, she says, is worry about wildfires. When she was little, a fire quickly approached the bush country where she was playing at a friend’s house.
Smoke quickly filled the air, she recalls. Everyone had to evacuate. “You didn’t know what to take, so we didn’t take anything.” She remembers feeling terror while waiting in an underground bunker for the fire to pass. The scare spurred her to find out more about bushfires. To her dismay, she learned that climate change is making such wildfires more frequent in Australia and elsewhere.
Wildfires aren’t the only thing that will worsen as global temperatures rise. There are a wide range of changes that will cause — and sometimes are already causing — people and animals to suffer. Many people could even lose their homes. Some may have to move far away.
Scientists confirm ‘greenhouse’ effect of human’s CO2
Human activities have caused a warming of 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above temps typical of pre-industrial times. That’s according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC. Human-induced global warming already has caused multiple changes in Earth’s climate, the IPCC noted in a 2018 report. Those impacts include more heat waves, more and heavier rains or snow events and a greater risk of drought. These changes are already stressing people, animals and ecosystems across the planet.
Read another version of this story at Science News
At the current rate, the increase in average global temperatures will hit 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) sometime between 2030 and 2052, the IPCC says. Beyond that point, impacts will be even more severe.
And the longer people wait to cut back releases of greenhouse gases, the more difficult it may be. This is true for the U.S. auto and energy companies, for instance. And the longer they wait, the higher the costs for any action will be. That’s according to a 2017 study in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.
Such data, many students now argue, mean the time to act is now.
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