#Yule Special
littlerainyghoul · 9 months
A short ficlet about Yule with the ghouls
Ghyule? Ghyule. - A Yule Special.
Words: 581
Characters: Copia and Era V Ghouls (Sunshine is Regressed but it can be read as not)
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“Oh my goodness, you've got to be kidding me!" Dewdrop burst into peals of contagious laughter as he gazed at Mountain. Mountain, with his majestic horns decked out in twinkling yule lights, stood tall and proud. He tried his best to maintain a serious expression, but his lips couldn't help curling into a mischievous smile.
Seeing Mountain's struggle to keep a straight face, Dewdrop couldn't help but be entertained. "You just can't resist, can you?" he chuckled, filling the air with a delightful blend of laughter and twinkling lights.
Mountain's chuckle soon turned into uproarious laughter as he doubled over on the floor, unable to contain himself any longer. The sound of his contagious laughter reverberated through the room, attracting the attention of the other ghouls who eagerly gathered to witness the joyous scene.
One of the ghouls, Sunshine, looked absolutely adorable in her striped red and green jumper. She exuded childlike joy as she made a hilarious attempt to climb onto Mountain's adorned shoulders. "Up! Up! Up!" she giggled, her voice brimming with infectious happiness.
Meanwhile, Aurora popped up behind her, capturing every moment with her phone, determined to record the hilarious spectacle for posterity.
Finally succumbing to the adorable pleas, Mountain lifted the little ghoullette onto his shoulders, and together they embarked on a spontaneous run around the ministry. As they scampered through the enchanted corridors, their laughter harmonized with Mountain's huffs of exertion, creating a lively symphony that echoed throughout the halls.
Enchanted by the commotion, the rest of the ghouls couldn't resist joining in the whimsical parade. Dewdrop, always the instigator of laughter, danced alongside them, his mischievous giggles adding a playful rhythm to the impromptu procession.
The twinkling yule lights seemed to shine even brighter overhead, as if applauding the ghouls' spontaneous celebration. Mountain's majestic horns sparkled with each step, illuminating the path of their joyful escapade.
Copia, the leader of the ghouls, watched the delightful spectacle unfold with a warm smile on his face. The spirited run of Mountain and the little Ghoullette, accompanied by the laughter and joy of their companions, filled his heart with happiness. In that moment, all formalities and responsibilities melted away, as he absorbed the genuine happiness radiating from the enchanting scene.
"Little Sunshine, you look positively elated up there!" Copia remarked with genuine affection, his eyes twinkling with amusement. The enchanting atmosphere of Yule seemed to weave a special magic, softening his usually formal demeanor.
Encouraged by the positive energy, Aether eagerly joined in. "Come on, Papa! Join us!" he exclaimed, playfully lifting Dewdrop onto his own shoulders. Not to be outdone, Cumulus and Rain also joined the fun, lifting Copia and Aurora high into the air, creating a jovial and lighthearted atmosphere.
With the serene glow of the twinkling yule lights surrounding them, the ghouls formed a cozy circle, basking in the unity and camaraderie they shared. Windows adorned with flickering candles added to the soothing ambiance and seemed to bless the heartfelt gathering.
As quietude embraced the gathering, the soft rustle of leaves outside the ministry echoed the tranquil stillness within. The Yule tree stood tall and radiant, symbolizing the magic that had unfolded in the heart of their enchanted realm.
The little Ghoullette, Sunshine, succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep, her dreams filled with the laughter and warmth of the Yule celebration. The other ghouls, each wearing a contented smile, exchanged glances that spoke volumes about the bonds they had forged on this magical night.
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Yule Special: Night Two Pt. 1
 The weather had worsened as the circus truck carried out throughout the whiteout conditions, the red lights standing out like a horrifying beckon down the steep roads. Envy sat still for a bit, their stomach turning a bit at the stale popcorn smell as Dolly did the looking out of the window for any sign of the little deplorable family members’ car. Greed was tapping the driving wheel, head banging a little bit to some heavy metal band on the radio before being motioned to stop the truck. Sure enough, there was the car in a deep ditch, the engine still running with noticeable movement inside. The circus truck of demonic looking proportions came to a slow halt before entering parking mode, Envy jumping out of the circus van immediately to escape the stale popcorn smell. The fresh air was very well welcomed by Envy as they rushed to the car and ripping the door clean off the car to get everything over with. Sure enough, as if the fates mocked Envy’s efforts, they were greeted by the signature scent of stale cookies that all families with small children seem to have. Envy’s nose wrinkled in disgust at that all too nauseous fragrance, but relaxed when they found Carmilla, safe, sound, and covered in marker doodles to match the car. Envy picked up the feral child, holding back all the urges of wanting to trash the car further after noticing the dumbasses left their kid alone in a running car, and headed back to the circus truck.
 “Great, the gremlin is all decked out for the Yule.” Greed commented as he noticed the little beast Envy was carrying back to the van. “Well she wouldn’t have been that way if Carmilla’s parents hadn't left her alone in a running car to her own devices.” Envy commented as they gently tossed the sticky mess called Carmilla into the van before climbing in after.
 “They did what!? Out in this weather to boot!” Dolly was flabbergasted as she checked Carmilla over for any injuries.
 “I know, right? Anyways, we got Carmilla, let’s head back for the household.” Envy was ready to get back into the household to escape the lingering staleness of the truck as they flop back to relax. “Damn it looks like I’m going to have to play as your conscious this time around. Shouldn’t we locate Thomas and that one woman whose name is escaping me right now? I mean they don’t deserve to freeze to death.” Greed said as he turned around to look at Envy who had absolutely no interest in the matter.
 “They let Carmilla smash Talia’s vase during a tantrum.” Dolly explained as she relaxed upon seeing there were no visible injuries on Carmilla who was starting to make raptor sounds at being handled like that. “...Okay nevermind then and you avoid having to deal with the courts trying to claim custody. I know for sure the judge would’ve had a field day with you possibly taking Carmilla out to commit arson.” Greed went back to pay attention to the roads to head back up to the Mancer Household.
 “Arson is absolutely an age appropriate activity to teach small kids!” Envy argued, looking offended that arson isn’t considered an appropriate after preschool activity.
 “Shouldn’t we be worried about leaving them to Hohenheim? That’ll be more bodies to the death toll he’s been racking up.” Greed pointed out as he slowed the truck a bit due to how heavy the snow was becoming. “True, I do want that bastard to suffer the cold without the luxury of having flesh on his disgusting bones.” Envy shrugged as they had no desire to help relieve the deplorable parent by freeing him from the mortal coil. “I wanna knock over the Skeleton again! AGAIN!” Carmilla started screeching again, clearly the child had some seriously strong pipes and lungs.
 “Love the spirit there Carmilla, but no, the nasty skeleton needs to suffer more before being put down.” Envy calmly said as they checked out the window to calm their stomach down from the odor. “What happened to trying to humanely euthanize your sperm donor?” Dolly asked, concerned that there was no longer an effort to euthanize the skeletal abomination with a thing for skin stealing.
 “When Hohenheim acted rudely to you last time, I figured he needed to stew a bit in misery.” Envy glanced a bit at Dolly before looking out the window again, getting super green than before.
 “Ewww stop being gross, I want violence!” Carmilla hissed, her bloodthirsty nature bringing pride to her family lineage. “Well Envy, to be fair, Carmilla definitely knows what she wants, like me!” Greed grinned that equally sharp toothed smirk as Envy nearly vomited from that line.
 “Shut up Greed! Clearly Carmilla takes after me with her fantastic need for Violence….keep driving Greed and go faster..” Envy placed their full focus on Carmilla after witnessing something awful outside. “Envy?” Dolly looked confused at Envy at the sudden change in demeanor before taking a good look outside and had to hold back a gasp. “Just, keep driving, Carmilla, how about you focus on me and tell me your plans of violence?” Envy asked, clearly learning that a distraction is needed for kiddo to prevent a second Envy from being made. “FUCK!” Greed cursed upon seeing the carnage outside of the storm, nearly ready to stop the truck before Envy’s reptilian hiss made him think twice. “I SAID KEEP DRIVING!” Envy growled out as they kept Carmilla from attempting to look out the truck’s window. Greed grimaced as he kept driving by, the red standing out on the snow that wasn’t from the headlights. Displayed on the grounds were bloodied bones and scraps of fabrics left in disarray, Hohenheim had clearly claimed his next set of skins to wear to stay warm. Envy, being Envy, even after all that time, had a thing about sharing their hatred for Hohenheim with others. That hatred was theirs alone and Envy certainly wasn’t going to share that with Carmilla, keeping her carefully unaware of the grotesquery outside. Dolly, in the meantime, was really hoping that it wasn't Thomas and his wife that she saw just now. All Carmilla wanted at this time was to kick and bite towards freedom as Greed drove away from the scene, going towards the household. Outside, Freddy stood as he waved his arms towards the hellish circus truck arriving before it came to a full stop. Unfortunately for Freddy, Envy brought out the rabid and deranged child, screeching things no child should’ve known in their vocabulary so soon. Dolly gave Freddy a worried look as he did in fact come outside like that to wave down the vehicle. Greed couldn’t care much less now that his journey was done and he can indulge in baked goods inside with spiked hot chocolate, exiting the truck after turning it off. “Freddy, did you manage to get through to Thomas?” Dolly asked as she went up to Freddy who looked very much ready to skin a person himself. “No…just his wife..his fucking wife left him out in the wilderness after getting spooked by something.” Freddy said, pissed that not only did his nephew and his wife leave their child alone, the wife basically sacrificed her hubby to the elements as well. “....I’m taking full custody of Carmilla.” Envy announced suddenly as they got Carmilla into the household, much to Freddy’s distress. “Envy are you fucking deranged!? You’d be the worst parent imaginable to an already horrific child!” Greed yelled out upon hearing that, Freddy relieved that he wasn’t the only one concerned with that proclamation. “Oh please, she’s better off being parented by me than a pair of idiots that leave their child unattended in a running vehicle!” Envy blew off Greed as they made their way to the household.
 “Envy, let’s be honest here, if we were to fight for custody, we would be hoping to whatever forces out there that Lust takes the mutant in. Lust has an incredibly successful career and does have child psychology under her belt amongst other things that would be beneficial for Carmilla’s development.” Freddy pointed out, hoping like hell that Envy taking in the little Beelzebub doesn’t happen.
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smashpages · 1 year
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This is Mike Mignola's variant cover for Hellboy Winter Special: The Yule Cat (Dark Horse, December 2023).
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chasingmidnights · 10 months
'Tis the Season: Holiday Special
Day Four - Loki - what the holidays might looks like with Loki in your life. Things are a little different as Loki introduces some Yule traditions to you. Things that Frigga taught him growing up on Asgard. Lighting the Yule log, going out and picking a good, strong Yule tree and decorating it with ornaments and dried fruit. Your favorite though is when you cozy up by the fire and Loki reads to you a few stories.
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ranminfan · 1 year
I have a question in my mind is if that Pied Piper is Jewish as in the Christmas scene of Shrek, he made a something that the Jewish would use for Hanukkah with the fire. Or is he from any other religion?
I've search it's called a Menorah. And I do apologize but I have very little knowledge about it's tradition, but I do like the idea.
I also have no knowledge with when Jews began in Germany (Since the origins of the story originated there), Buuuuut the thought of Piper being Jewish is interesting, why not?
It certainly adds more diversity to it.
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floridaboiler · 1 month
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source - https://twitter.com/ReamerClub
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thelien-art · 9 months
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I´m lighting a thousands for you❤️❤️❤️❤️ and downing a bottle or two in your honor🦀❤️
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The wizard of all has now made me a wizard🧙🥳
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You too❤️
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If you promise to have a great one too!
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Back at you❤️
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😭❤️ You´re too sweeettt❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope yours get to be wonderful too, you´re so nice❤️ and I´m happy you like my Luthien and Beren! I like big woman
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Thank you for telling me and liking it❤️
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You too😆❤️
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Happy holidays to you too! I´m happy your like my art❤️
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Thank you sooo muuucch❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you´re all so sweet 😭 I hope your holiday will be great too, and sending the wishes right back at you❤️
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Merry Christmas to you too❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I got a sock!!! I´M FREE NOW!!
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I don´t even know how to replay to this😭 this is probably the sweetest anyone has ever said to me!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I´m so happy to know I inspired someone! also if you´re comfy with it I would love to see your art👀
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We´re chilling❤️ thank you❤️❤️❤️
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❤️ I hope your holidays, and 2024, will be great too❤️❤️❤️ and thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️ I always get so happy when people tell me they enjoy my art or feel inspired😭❤️ I celebrate Yule (and Solestic) from the 21 dec to 1 jan
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Merry Yule to you too!!! (or Christmas)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Thank YOU for calling my art lovely😭❤️❤️
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I already ate a whole box I got after we finished😔 - I hope you enjoyed the dance with yours! We ended up dancing in the garden and walking through the naboers house XD as always😳
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I hope you get to have a wonderful holiday and new year too😭❤️❤️ You´re way too sweet in your compliments❤️❤️ ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️
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graphicpolicy · 10 months
Preview: Hellboy: Winter Special - The Yule Cat
Hellboy: Winter Special - The Yule Cat preview. Hellboy travels to Reykjavik, where children are disappearing and a giant beast has been spotted #comics #comicbooks #hellboy
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shambelle97 · 2 years
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Loki - Christmas Special / My Fan Poster
~ Mischievous Yule ~
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brutalgamer · 1 year
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Hellboy coming home for Christmas, with an all-new Winter Special
The Holiday tradition continues, as Dark Horse will have Hellboy Winter Special: The Yule Cat on shelves this December.
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ladyimaginarium · 9 months
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Yule Special: Night Two Pt. 2
“Nah, I got this. Carmilla is a lot like me back then, I’m better suited to parenting the monster than anything else.” Envy said, blocking any form of reasoning that was being offered to them.
 “Goddamn it Envy just listen to Freddy for once! He gave a pretty valid candidate and I’m sure Lust would be more than happy to take Carmilla under her wing.” Greed was ready to rip Envy’s head off their shoulder at this point and replace it with a much less pigheaded one.
 “Envy, let’s just get things underway. We need to inform the authorities what we found by the roadside along with filing a missing person’s case. I think I’m going to be needing some of the venison jerky right about now.” Dolly gently placed a hand on Envy’s shoulder and softly directed them into the household. 
 Envy huffed a bit at that before ultimately going inside of the Mancer Household with the others following behind. Carmilla had evidently made herself right at home by screeching for Snickerdoodle to come out of the wall, annoying Gluttony, Ernest, and Dorian. Thanks to the screeching, the notable sound of scuttling could be heard retreating away from the little monster that clearly wanted to torment the poor creature of the walls. Freddy, needing to escape the demonic child, ran for the kitchen to call up the police to file away the missing person report and the highway mess that was found. Dolly stayed with Envy to see how they handle the screeching mess that is Carmilla, given they had made that claim to take full custody. Envy paused for a bit to figure out how to control the screeching, until Envy got that stupid smirk on their smug face. Quickly, the dumbass shapeshifted their right arm into looking like a pale imitation of the already horrifically mutated hamster to entertain Carmilla with. There came a horrible but happy scream from Carmilla who quickly clung to the imitation Snickerdoodle arm that Envy produced. Dolly pulled out a chair to sit down on to watch this little interaction, trying to take her mind off of the now very much missing Thomas who could possibly be super dead by now. The sound of Freddy talking on the phone with the police could be heard, slowly devolving into an argument upon learning of the forty eight hour wait before a search could be issued. It annoyed Freddy that he was sticking his neck out for a very much despised family member that allowed the destruction of a very beloved memento as the police compromised to check on the roadside carnage instead. 
 “Damn pigs, Greed, you still want to feed them to Gluttony by any chance?” Freddy growled as he slammed the phone on its receiver.
 “Freddy, I’ve been waiting FOREVER for you to even offer that glorious thing to me. I can fix up a perfect little dining spot for Gluttony to enjoy some officers. Hey Gluttony, up for a pork roast for Yule this year?” Greed grinned with excitement that he finally got the okay to rid the Walden area of the police force by means of feeding Gluttony. 
 “Pork Roast, PORK ROAST!” Gluttony chanted excitedly for such a delectable meal being offered to him for the perfect festive season.
 “You got it buddy! We’re gonna get you that promised pork roast for Yule this year!” Freddy finally conceded to the use of violence via feeding Gluttony as Freddy went to sit down on his rocking chair right away. 
 “See Face Fur, violence is perfectly acceptable and you’re giving Gluttony some nice fresh meat.” Envy said as they pulled their attention away from playing with the violence driven Carmilla. 
 “I wanna see Gluttony eat the rich next!” Carmilla yelled as she clung to the Snickerdoodle arm.
 “That’s the next step kid, get rid of the pigs and then we get to feed the rich to Gluttony. That way your favorite Uncle Greed can lay claim on their cash as his own!” Greed smiled happily at the thought of getting more cash in this fashion as Carmilla hissed out a cheer. 
 “Shouldn’t we return our attention back towards locating Thomas given that the police is now Gluttony chow?” Dolly softly asked as she turned her attention away from monitoring.
 “I guess we could go back to locating Thomas, I GUESS.” Envy shrugged as Carmilla tugged on the Snickerdoodle arm for more attention. 
 “Are you sure it’s a bad thing that Thomas is gone forever? I’m sure Talia would’ve been more than happy to kick his ass during their boat ride down that river.” Ernest finally dropped his cens into the conversation. “I wouldn’t wish that on Thomas even if he was absolutely grotesque with the funeral and his complete disregard towards how much Talia had cared about him as her first grandchild.” Dolly shook her head a bit from how everything went for the day before the Yule. 
 “You even said it yourself Dolly, his behavior was grotesque and everything Talia had done for him growing up, Thomas had the gall to ask for inheritance right at the funeral. The asshat deserves to freeze.” Ernest argued, wanting to make sure the asshole freezes to death from all the crap he pulled. “Oh no, Ernest, I wasn’t talking about freezing, I’m fine with that one. No, I was talking about Hohenheim, he’s on the loose right now.” Dolly sighed a bit, having to go into that little bit of detail. “Nevermind then, asshole doesn’t deserve to have his flesh ripped from his bones.” Ernest pouted a bit that the situation was different instead. “Can Ernest still vaporize him though?” Dorian piped in, apparently both horrible lions’ need for carnage was very strong for such a merry holiday of sorts.
 “We went over this, Ernest can only vaporize Thomas if it was for his funeral.” Envy jumped in, apparently this whole thing was discussed beforehand. “Dammit.” Dorian pouted big time at not getting to see Thomas be vaporized by Ernest. “I second that ‘dammit’ right there.” Ernest mimicked the pout that was painted onto Dorian at that moment. 
 “You can still use the sledgehammer on him though if Thomas is still alive.” Envy compromised, earning some rather horribly eager expressions on the equally horrific clay lions’ faces. 
 “And this is exactly why we don’t want you to be a parent damn it!” Greed nearly fell off the chair upon hearing what ‘compromise’ came out of Envy’s mouth.  “I Envy would absolutely make the best parent out there! I’ll make the whole Parent Teacher board envious of how great of a parent I’ll be!” Envy kept that stubbornness and evidently grew stronger, far stronger than anyone anticipated.
“...Good luck with that one, Envy.” Freddy resigned to letting the best teacher of all, first hand experience, teach Envy in a horrifying fashion what ‘parenthood’ is really like and how brutal the Teacher Parent board is. 
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Okay Bridgerton peeps, first I KNOW this video says “Victorian Christmas Traditions,” but if you watch it, it starts off explaining Georgian (Regency essentially, I’m not explaining the whole deal here) Christmas traditions first, then Victorian, then the World Wars.
And all I’m saying is Netflix would totally get me for a Bridgerton Christmas special my friends. Forget the Christmas tree (which Queen Charlotte did bring from Prussia but wasn’t popularized amongst the public until Queen Victoria).
Nah, give me KISSING BOUGHS, give me apples and oranges as freaking decorations! Give me the shocked expressions of the older generation for younger more hip gentry families using *gasp* MISTLETOE!
Come on, Netflix. I’d totally watch it.
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mar-ruiz · 10 months
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(vía 'Hellboy Winter Special: The Yule Cat')
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battywitch · 10 months
Alright, which one of you fuckers (affectionate, mostly) is responsible for infecting me with this bizarre desire to decorate for winter holidays?
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doodlepip00 · 2 days
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