intheticklecloset · 25 days
Intimate (Black Clover)
Summary: Leo accidentally hurts Yuno during a sparring match. While assessing the damage, he also accidentally discovers something rather adorable about the boy he likes.
A/N: This one is especially for @giggly-squiggily! I must admit, to this day this remains my favorite YunLeo piece I've written for you. I hope you enjoy it as well, friend! 💖
Word Count: 1353
Leo sprinted toward the heap on the ground. “Yuno! Oh my gosh, did I hurt you?”
The wind mage stifled a groan as he pushed up onto his knees. “Of course not. Takes more than that to knock me down. Ouch!” As soon as he put weight on his right knee, a sharp pain jolted through his body and he rolled over so he was sitting instead of kneeling, gritting his teeth. “I’m fine.”
“You are not! I hurt you!” Leo looked distraught, and it only made Yuno more determined to appear strong for him. The redhead knelt beside him. “Let me see.”
“I’m fine—” Yuno trailed off, his words abandoning him when Leo traced his fingers along his knee in a gentle caress. He swallowed.
Leo gave the tiniest squeeze, trying to determine how bad he’d screwed up, and Yuno jerked and let out a gasp, yanking his leg away. “Gods, Yuno, I’m so sorry. Let me see how bad it is.”
Yuno shied away from him. “N-No! It’s fine! I’m fine, just…don’t worry about it. I can always see Mimosa.”
Something flashed in Leo’s eyes and he frowned. “I want to take care of you too, you know.”
“I…uh,” Yuno stammered.
“Please, let me help.”
Well…crap. The wind mage swallowed again but nodded hesitantly, allowing Leo to grab onto his knee and press in gently, searching for the source of the pain. Yuno grunted and slapped a hand over his mouth, scrunching his eyes shut in a way that made Leo’s heart ache.
“I’m sorry,” the fire mage said again, his voice quieter now.
“I’m fine, I’m really fine,” Yuno insisted behind his hand.
It was only then that Leo noticed how red his cheeks were. “Yuno?”
“Are you…blushing?”
“No!” The reply was fast – way too fast.
Leo blinked, and a slow grin spread across his face. “Ooh, I got you flustered? How did I do that?”
Yuno scrambled for an answer. “Y-You…you’re caressing my leg like we’re…” He would not say lovers. He would not. “It’s…kind of intimate…”
“Ah.” Leo withdrew his hand and nodded. “Right…sorry.”
“I mean, I don’t…don’t mind,” Yuno muttered the last words so quiet he almost couldn’t be heard.
“But you said—”
“I don’t mind,” Yuno insisted, grabbing onto Leo’s hand before he could think better of it.
For a moment, they were frozen like that, hands atop one another’s, staring at them like they were foreign objects.
Then Leo’s mischievous grin returned and he let go only to gently grasp either side of Yuno’s hurt leg, caressing with intention now. “You don’t mind, eh?”
Yuno’s eyes went wide and he forgot how to breathe, but he nodded. Leopold gently trailed his fingers up and down his calf and shin, but when he got close to the backside of Yuno’s knee, the wind mage couldn’t help but gasp and try to pull away again.
Leo chuckled, though his smile faltered. “Maybe this is too much too fast, Yuno…”
“It tickles.”
The words were barely a whisper – the softest of admissions – but the redhead heard it, and he stopped, staring. “Say what?”
“I’m not pulling away because I don’t like it.” Yuno was back to blushing furiously, averting his eyes in that way he did when he was nervous. “My knee…it tickles.”
“I thought you were hurt?”
“I…I am. But…”
Leo grinned. “I see. Tickles, huh? But I really did hurt you?”
Yuno huffed. “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s not that bad.”
“All right, all right. But your other knee isn’t hurt.”
By the time Yuno realized what he was implying, it was too late. Leo grabbed his other leg and held it firmly in place while skittering his fingers along his kneecap, and the dark haired boy gasped and burst into giggles, unable to help it.
“Nohohoho! Hey!”
“You’ve got ticklish legs? That’s cute,” Leo hummed, slipping around to his knee pit. He beamed at Yuno’s following squeal and harder snickering. “Where do you think you’re going? Can’t get away from me with a bum leg, can you, hot stuff?”
“Y-Yohohohou’re the one whohohohoho’s hohohohot!” Yuno cackled. Then he realized what he’d said and his eyes went wide. “I m-mehehehehean—! Your mahahahahagic!”
“Sure, sure. Just my magic.”
He kept up the light scribbling under Yuno’s knee for a few moments, then switched tactics by slipping between his legs and scratching at his thighs instead. The way the wind mage blushed and visibly sputtered at the intimate move was absolutely everything.
“Stohohohohohop!” Yuno cried, struggling to stay upright at this point. “Leheheheheheo!”
“Aww, someone’s a little sensitive, huh? Tickle, tickle~”
Yuno whined and tried grabbing onto the lapels of Leo’s uniform, but the redhead suddenly grabbed his hips and squeezed and Yuno finally fell back instead, giggling loudly and kicking his good leg in the air desperately. “Nohohohohoho!”
“It’s good to see you laughing,” Leo said seriously even as he grinned at the darker boy, pinching and squeezing his hips and waist mercilessly. “You’re always so serious.”
Yuno clamped shaking hands on Leo’s wrists as he squealed and cackled, shaking his head while that dark blush returned. “Leheheheheheo!”
“You know, you said you didn’t mind that I was being so familiar. I wonder if that means you don’t mind this, either? You sure don’t seem all that desperate to get away from my tickly clutches~”
“You mehehehehehehenace!”
“I’m not hearing a retort~”
Yuno had to admit, he really didn’t mind this. It was embarrassing and his right knee was killing him, but having Leo looming over him like this, making him laugh so freely like this, teasing him like this – he didn’t mind it. Not one bit.
“Plehehehehease!” he whined, still holding the redhead’s wrists but not trying to stop him. “Leo, plehehehehehease!”
Leo smirked and began clawing his way further up, squeezing his sides now. “Hmm? Is that a desperate plea for me to keep going that I hear, Yuno?”
Yuno couldn’t even answer for how his giggling was bordering on laughter now, his mind a happy mush.
“If you’re interested, I can always take it a little further…” Leo teased, leaning down so they were nose to nose. “Gods, I want to kiss that laughter coming out of you.”
“Leheheheheheheo!” Yuno pleaded, then – before he could hesitate – grabbed onto the redhead’s neck and pulled him down so their lips collided. Leo never let up tickling him, though, which was both the best and worst thing about this moment.
“Mmm,” Leo hummed happily, suddenly darting his tickling fingers up to Yuno’s ribs with no warning.
Yuno wrenched his mouth away from his and burst into laughter for the first time, arching into his touch and squirming wildly on the ground. “AHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO!! NOT THEHEHEHEHERE!!”
“Ooh, not here? Not riiiiight here?” Leo teased wickedly. He latched onto Yuno’s ribs and drilled with a vengeance, leaning down to capture his lips again and silence his pleas.
Yuno screeched and laughed into their kiss, writhing in ticklish agony, able to withstand only a few seconds before tossing his head back to scream, “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP, LEO!! LEHEHEHEHEHEO!!”
The redhead had moved his kisses to Yuno’s neck, and that did it – the wind mage simply could not take any more. He frantically clawed at Leo’s uniform and laughed his heart out, begging for mercy all the while, and finally – after what felt like hours but was only another minute – Leo let up on his attack.
Yuno collapsed against the ground in a giggly heap, shakily prying his assailant’s hands away. Leo took the opportunity to lace their fingers together and push them above their heads, pinning Yuno in an entirely different way.
“You’re cute,” he said, once again hovering just above him so they were nose to nose.
Yuno chuckled. “Shut up.”
“You’re also hurt.”
“…yeah, I know.”
“So, what do you say I valiantly sweep you up in my arms and carry you to a healer?”
“I can walk just fine,” Yuno retorted, though his grin gave him away.
Leo leaned in even closer, eyes ablaze. “Not after I’m done with you.”
And he kissed him again.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Special Privileges (Black Clover)
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*kicks door in with my Yunleo BS* I HAVE ARRIVED!
Heyo everyone! This was very much inspired by my dear friend @intheticklecloset's HC that Yuno doesn't mind when Leopold tickles his neck. Thank you so much for letting me turn this into a silly fic! I had the best time writing it and after many moons- it's finally hear! :D I hope y'all like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo @imjusthere07
Summary: Yuno's neck is terribly ticklish, but he finds he doesn't mind it too much when Leopold's the one tickling him there. Leopold takes full advantage.
Leopold really liked Yuno’s hair.
It was soft to the touch, fluffy like a baby bird and feathery. It looked like the kind of hair where even if Yuno tried combing it down, it would never quite stay that way. The thought made him smile.
Wild as the winds he produced. Perfect.
“It’s lovely.” He spoke out loud, his voice hushed against Yuno’s crown as he carried on twirling and teasing the dark strands. Beneath him, Yuno hummed- far too comfortable to move. “How do you keep it so soft?”
“Hmm.” His boyfriend made a sound of unknowing- if he could shrug, Leopold was sure he would. “It’s always been that way. Never really knew why.”
“Lucky. Mine’s a mess when it’s down. When I was a kid, Mereo would chase me across the entire manor with a comb, screaming at me to stay still so she could brush it.” The fire mage laughed, the memory warm despite the description. “She was a bit rough with it, but I’d rather her do it than anyone else. No one else could have styled it the way she did.”
“Does she still do your hair now?” Yuno peered up at him, staring to smile when Leopold blushed.
“She…cuts it. Sometimes she’ll braid it too- hey, I am totally capable of doing my own hair!” Leopold fumed indignantly, melting almost immediately as he felt Yuno laugh against his chest.
“I believe you. I think it’s sweet- she still takes care of it for you. It reminds me of Sister Lily when we were kids. She’d do the same thing.” Yuno seemed to purr some when Leopold returned to his hair, carding his fingers through it and giving his scalp a small scratch. “I like it when you do it though. It feels nice.”
“I can tell.” The redhead laughed, kissing his forehead before carrying on his little scalp massage. At some point Yuno was presumingly asleep, eyes closed and breathing relaxed. Leopold let his fingers migrate towards the nape of his neck, just barely touching it.
“Hmm-hmmhmhm!” Yuno flinched some at the touch, his breathing hitched. Leopold tried not to giggle. He waited until Yuno was at ease once more before tracing the skin again. “Hmmhmhm! Leo…”
“You know what.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Thought so.” Leopold grinned as he traced the skin again and again, feeling Yuno twitch and fidget against him. The softest of giggles could be heard, but the brunette wasn’t making any moves to get away. If anything, Yuno seemed to draw closer, fingers curling into his tunic as he pressed his smiling face into his boyfriend’s collar. “You like this too much to move away, huh?”
“Shuhuhush!” Yuno swatted at him, shoulders drawing up to his ears as when Leopold dragged his nails against his skin. “Ahehahaha, Leehehheo!”
“Still not denying it~” The redhead cooed down at him, kissing his forehead as he carried on twitching his fingers, drawing out even more giggles and laughs. “You know- I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this before. Usually when Asta or Mimosa tickle your neck you’re running for the hills.” Then he gasped, eyes lighting up. “Don’t tell me- am I special? Do I get neck tickle privileges?”
“Stahahahap mahahaking it ohohohut to be a bihihig dehhahahahl! Gehaahhaha, yohohohu’re juuhuhust coohohomfortahahahble!” Yuno ducked his hand down to give Leopold’s side a pinch, making him jump with a yelp.
“Oh, it is ON!” Leopold doubled his efforts against Yuno’s neck, his other hand coming over to wiggle against his ribs. It didn’t take long for him to have the upper hand.
“Yohohoohu sohohoohn of ahahahahahhahah!” Yuno cried out as Leopold threw himself on top of him, pinning him to the soft sheets as he brought both hands to his ribs, tickling like no tomorrow. “Leheheheohohohohoho cohohohome ohohohohohon! Stahhahap tha-AHAHAHHAT!”
“What? I can’t make heads or tails of what you’re saying- you’re laughing way too hard!” Leopold spoke to the crook of his neck, planting tickly kisses and nibbles against the skin that left Yuno incoherent in his mirth. “I need to investigate further- after all; these privileges are mine and mine alone yeah? Hehehe.”
“GEHHAHAHA!” If Yuno could smack him, he would. Well- no, he wouldn’t- but the point stands! He shoved at Leopold’s shoulders and tugged at his hair as the other carried on tickling his neck with kisses, cheeks rivaling his boyfriend’s hair and voice near hoarse with laughter. This would be his death; killed by a collapsed lung after being tickled to near tears by his beloved.
Well- there were worse ways to go out.
Eventually though, Leopold resurfaced with a grin, giving him a much deserved break. “Hehe, I gotcha good, didn’t I?” In return, Yuno poked at his belly, making the redhead laugh and squirm off of him. They were laying side by side now, just like before. “You okay?”
“Yheha…yeah, I’m fine.” Yuno nodded, finally able to speak again. “I mean- I almost died and everything-” He laughed when Leopold narrowed his eyes at him, fighting down a smile. “No, but really. I…don’t mind you tickling me there..I guess it felt kinda..nice and all that..” He flushed, redder than from the tickle fight. He wasn’t usually this shy- but seeing the growing smile on his boyfriend’s face zapped away any bravery he had. “D-Don’t look at me like thahat! It’s so duhumb!”
“What can I say? I’m stupid in love!” Leopold threw himself on top of him once more, pecking his face with kisses until Yuno was whining beneath him.
“Ohoohoaky, oohoohaky I behehieheheve you! Gehheheht oohohohff!” Yuno busted into laughter, pulling Lepold down into his chest to hold him properly. “Ugh, you’re so lucky I love you.”
“The luckiest guy in the whole world.” Leopold smiled, his chest swelling at those sweet wonderful words. “I love you too.”
Thanks for reading!
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Felt cute, drew some YunLeo for a future fic :3
Lee!Yuno gives me so much life andnnsnnssnnsnsns
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mitsuki-komori · 2 months
Hey if you're doing a request can you do were Leopold and Yuno are dating and Sylph/Bell (the wind spirit) is jealous and trying to break them up but keeps on failing and she gets annoyed
Let’s ignore the fact that this request is a year old. I’m sorry. But if you’re still interested, I hope you like it.
The Envy of a Fairy
Yuno couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by the sheer ridiculousness of this situation. “Are you sure…? Isn’t this a little too much? It’s not like it’s our first date or anything…” he spoke quietly. Sure, he hasn’t seen his dear boyfriend in a month, but is one date really this big of a deal?
Mimosa shook her head and offered a reassuring smile. “I’m sure! You and Leo haven’t seen each other in a month! He’ll love flowers!”
Yuno shrugged, unsure. “I don’t know… flowers aren’t really my style…”
Mimosa quickly shushes him. “Everyone likes flowers, trust me, he’ll like them! He’ll be happy with the thought at the very least.”
Sylph roll her eyes and crossed her arms as she carefully observed the two Golden Dawn mages prepare for Yuno’s date. “I don’t see what the big deal is! Is he really so clingy that he can’t go a month without seeing Yuno? Come on, Yuno, wouldn’t you rather spend the evening with me?”
Yuno gave her a warning glare. “Bell…”
She scoffed. “What? Ever since you two got together, you never talk to me anymore.”
Mimosa chimes in politely. “With all due respect, Bell… Leo is Yuno’s boyfriend, so it’s really not that much of a surprise…”
Sylph gave Yuno a frown and pouts. “If you two never got together, maybe we’d hang out more…”
Yuno grits his teeth and snaps at her. “Bell. Don’t talk about Leo like he’s nothing. I care about him a lot and I won’t told your disrespect. Don’t come out during our date, I don’t need him hearing anything you have to say.”
She was quiet for a moment and her lip trembled. “Okay, I’m sorry…” She goes back into Yuno’s grimoire.
“Don’t you think that was a little harsh?” Mimosa asks. Yuno shrugged.
“I guess… I just don’t like hearing her talk about him like that. I don’t think she understands that this isn’t a temporary thing yet.” 
Mimosa nods in understanding. “Alright… Well, you two have fun on your date!” Yuno nods and gets on his way.
Leopold waits outside the café with a nervous smile. It’s been so long… Well, not too long, but too long for Leo. He’s spent every night thinking about the next time he’d get to see Yuno and he’s finally here. He even dressed up better than usual.
Leo’s head perks up and his eyes light up upon seeing his boyfriend approach him. He runs into his arms immediately.
“Yuno! I missed you so much!” Yuno was momentarily caught off guard before he smiles and gently wraps his arms around Leo.
“Hey, Leo. I missed you too…” After a minute, Leo pulls away, his gaze fixed on Yuno with a dreamy glint. Yuno brought out a bouquet of roses and presents it to Leo with a nervous blush.
Leopold gasps and he’s practically beaming. He gladly accepts the flowers. “Aw, you got me flowers? You’re so sweet! Man, now I wish I got you something too.”
Yuno puts a hand on Leo’s head. “Don’t worry about it.” He pauses for a moment and looks onto the beautiful sight that is Leo. “You look good.”
Leo’s face heats up. “Thanks. Hey, let’s go! I already know what I wanna order, but you can take as long as you’d like!” Leo grabs Yuno’s arm and drags him into the café.
They found a table by the window where they could watch people pass by as they enjoyed their time together.
Yuno glances at the menu and back at Leo. “So, what are you gonna get?”
Leo smiles. “I’m gonna get the strawberry chocolate truffles with cider.” Yuno raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“You’re not gonna eat any food?” Yuno questioned him.
“Well— I just… figured I’d just share with you. I couldn’t really pick.” He glanced out the window, if he can’t see Yuno’s unimpressed look, then that means it’s not there!
“Alright then… Still have a sweet tooth, I see. I guess I’ll order something for you too.” 
Leo looked slightly offended in a playful manner. “It hasn’t been that long!”
After a few minutes of chatting, the waitress came by and took their orders.
Bell peeks out from the table and stares at Leo with contempt. ‘Ridiculous! What does this arrogant royal have that I don’t? What’s so interesting about him? He’s loud, dumb, and reckless! How could Yuno even like someone like him? It’s not fair! I barely get to spend time with him anymore… If only that bird brain was out of the picture…’
Bell looks up at Yuno with a lonely frown.
The waitress walks back to the table with a tray, however, she trips on her heel and falls forward. Luckily, Yuno noticed just in time to stop the disaster.
He caught the embarrassed waitress along with their food and drinks. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry… are you two alright?” 
Leo helps her get her bearings with a kind smile. “Don’t worry about it, only a little bit spilled. See? Look, they're all fine. Thank you.”
After a few more apologies, the waitress left the couple to themselves. 
“Looks like you saved the day again, Yuno.” Leo says, grabbing a fork.
Yuno was nonchalant. “It was nothing.”
“Always so modest.” Leo waits until Yuno returns his gaze to speak again. “It’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”
Yuno almost choked, but he quickly composed himself. “Mhm.”
“Aw, you’re blushing!” Leo teases with a sly smirk.
Yuno rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
Bell, on the other hand, had an idea. ‘That woman almost ended their date in disaster! I wonder… if they won’t break up, maybe I can make them break up and Yuno will hang out with me again! It’s genius! Why didn’t I think of it sooner?’ She giggles and sneaks back into Yuno’s grimoire.
The night sky shines onto the couple as they stroll through the trees outside of town.
“It’s so pretty out here.” Leo says. Yuno nods in agreement, putting his arm around Leo. “I think there’s a lake around her somewhere. Do you wanna go see it?” Enjoying a calm moment by the lake with his boyfriend sounded perfect…
The water was calm, it reflected the stars well, it looked surreal. Leo leans against Yuno.
“I’m glad we finally get to hang out again, now that the mission rush is finally calming down.” Leo gave Yuno a small smile and let out a content sigh.
“I am too. I promise we won’t go that long without seeing each other again.” 
Leo’s face flushed and he put his arms around Yuno’s neck, slowly pulling him in for a kiss.
Yuno placed his hands on Leo’s waist and pulled him closer. Just as their lips almost touched, the calm water roared and flew at them in a second. It didn’t take long before Leo was soaked.
“Oh my god! What the heck?” Leo froze, water dripped off of him. He had just bought this outfit too… he hopes it’s not ruined.
“Leo! Are you alright?” Yuno’s eyes were wide, he took his jacket off and put it around Leo.
“I’m fine… That wasn’t very funny.” Leo glares at Yuno.
Leo sighed, disappointed. “How else could the water have done that so suddenly? Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but… It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other… I was hoping you’d be more serious.”
Yuno shook his head, slightly panicked. “Leo, I swear that was not me.”
Leo looked down. “Maybe you didn’t mean to, but I’m positive it was your mana. If you didn’t want to kiss, I wouldn’t have been mad…”
Yuno stood there, unsure of himself. Was it his mana? Could it be he was subconsciously worried about kissing Leo and he did that? He doesn’t know… “I’m sorry…”
Leo took a deep breath and gave Yuno a weak smile. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. It’s getting late, so we should probably go home.”
“I— Okay… Let’s go.”
The walk was awkward and it quickly became eerily quiet. Bell smirked and hid behind Yuno. ‘All according to plan! Surely they’ll break up now!’
“Next time I’m gonna throw you in the water.” Leo states in a playful tone. Yuno looked over at him.
“No way.”
Leo pouts and puts a hand on his hip. “Yeah-huh! It’s only fair you get soaked too!” 
“That wasn’t my fault.”
Leo rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Yeah, right!”
They reach the point they have to part ways and they gaze at each other longingly. “Well… bye.” Leo said.
Yuno nods. “Yeah… I’m sorry about your clothes.”
Leo shrugged. “It’s alright, I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Leo put his arms around Yuno. “See you next time, Yuno. I love you.”
Leo’s cold clothes and skin caused Yuno to flinch away slightly, causing a small laugh to leave Leo. “Yeah, I love you too.”
They wave and part ways.
Bell stares at the exchange with clenched teeth. ‘WHAT?! How do they still like each other? Hmph! I guess I’ll have to do more!’
“Leo. You’re home earlier than I expected… Why are you wet?” Fuegoleon glanced up from his book as his brother entered the door.
“Ugh… I don’t really want to talk about it, but… I fell into the lake.” Leo answered.
“Don’t lie.”
Leopold sighed and almost sat down before remembering he’s still wet. “Fine… Yuno ‘accidentally’ splashed water on me…”
Fuegoleon frowned before putting a bookmark in his book and setting it aside. “Well that was rude of him. I see he gave you his coat.”
Leo’s head perked up as he realized he indeed still had Yuno’s jacket. He took it off quickly. “Yeah… I think I’m just gonna go to my room for the rest of the night.”
“Very well. Is there something else bothering you though?”
Leopold was quiet for a moment, debating his reply. “It’s just… we were about to kiss when he splashed water on me… I’m just worried that…”
“You think he did that to not do it? It’s a possibility… It could be a misunderstanding, maybe talk about it with him next time.”
Leo nods in understanding. “Yeah, okay. I will.”
Leopold slumps over to the stairs, but upon turning the corner, Mereoleona was standing by the door.
“Why are you lurking around the darkness?” He asked.
Mereoleona’s expression was as serious as usual. “Be careful with that boy, Leo. If he’s not ready for a commitment you’ve already committed yourself to, he’ll just waste your time.”
Leopold was awkwardly quiet for a moment. “Yeah, um… I’ll keep that in mind.” He walks past her, finally getting to relax for the night.
“Leo, do you have it tied yet?” Mimosa asks. Leopold nods, tying the rope into another knot.
“You magic knights work so quickly!” The merchant says with a look of admiration.
“It’s no big deal, it’s our job after all! Now, Sir, we’ve almost made it to the village, so just sit tight!” Mimosa smiles.
Leopold was nearly done tying the goods again.
“Do you need help, Leo?” Yuno asks, looking back. Leo shook his head.
“No, don’t worry! Once I’m done, these aren’t going anywhere.” Leo offered a confident grin.
“Are you sure?” 
Leo groans and nods. “Yes, I know how to tie a knot, I assure you.”
After another minute, Leo stepped back and gave Yuno a thumbs up.
Yuno turns towards the merchant and signals him to continue onward as they escort him.
“We’re almost there, sir.” Yuno told him
The merchant smiles. “Oh, good. I can’t wait. Selling these is sure to get a load off my back.”
“I think it’s sweet you’re selling blankets and clothes to poor villages.” Mimosa praises, walking in the front. The merchant chuckled and scratched his neck.
“Well, what can I say? It’ll help people through winter, plus it's sure to get me more money to support my family as well.” 
“Of course, family is important!” She said,
“Ugh! Why are these ropes so tight together?!” Bell groans in annoyance. She covers her mouth quickly and glances at the three mages. “Good, they didn’t hear me.” 
‘If Yuno sees how bad Leo is at his job, he’ll definitely want to leave him!’ Bell pulls at the rope, but stumbles back. ‘No fair! Why is it tied to well?! Guess I have no choice then!’ Bell looked around, making sure no one saw her once again.
And she uses wind to slash the rope just enough untie it without making it obvious it was cut. “There we go. I’ll just take this piece of rope and throw it away! Okay… now I gotta get out of here.”
The rope came loose… and then, stuff started to fall out quickly due to the uphill slope.
“Aw, your daughter is getting married? That’s so sweet!” Mimosa does a silent clap.
“Uh, guys…?!” Leo spoke in a panicked tone.
Yuno and Mimosa both looked back to see all sorts of clothes falling from the wagon. As the wind begins to pick up, some of the smaller items start to fly away.
“Oh no! Yuno, get them!” Mimosa ran over to the heavier pile and started to help pick those up.
Yuno flew after them quickly.
Leo’s face heats up with utter embarrassment as he investigates the ropes. “God, I’m so sorry… I was positive I tied it perfectly! I swear, we’ll help you clean these up…”
The merchant sighed and shook his head. “Don’t worry about it… Just get me to the village and I’ll take care of it.”
Yuno soon came back with the rest. “Here.”
Leo took them, staring at the ground.
“I asked if you needed help tying it.” Yuno stated, annoyed.
Leo tries to defend himself. “I swear I thought I tied it well!”
Yuno shook his head. “Well, you didn’t. I guess I’m not surprised.”
Leo’s face turned from embarrassment to irritation. “Not surprised? What do you mean by that? Do you think I’m incompetent or something?”
Yuno sighed. “No, I didn’t say that at all. Don’t try to twist my words.”
Leo rolled his eyes and his grip on the fabrics tightened. “Are you sure? Because it sure sounds like it! Why are you acting like this? First you splash a bunch of water on me and now you’re saying this! What’s your problem?”
“I already told you it wasn’t my fault.”
“Yeah, sure! Whatever! Just…! Get off my back…” Leo almost shouts.
Mimosa stepped between them with furrowed eyebrows. “That’s enough, stop fighting!”
The two boys quieted down and stared at one another. “She’s right… I’m sorry, I guess I just overreacted.”
Yuno shook his head and took a step closer to Leo, “No, I’m sorry. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, I guess missions have just made me more irritable. I didn’t mean what I said.”
Leo feels his body relax and he pats Yuno on the shoulder. “It’s fine, I understand. Do you wanna help me tie it up again?”
Bell watched from her hiding spot with utter shock. ‘What?! They made up already? How is that even possible? Fine then! I’ll just have to try harder then!’
Leopold was never the biggest fan of these magic knight celebratory events, but there’s nice food and friends so he doesn’t complain. Entering with his siblings, he immediately scans the room and spots Yuno sipping on some sort of red drink talking to Asta. 
He strides over and greets Yuno. “Yuno!”
Yuno turns to Leo and smiles softly. “Hey, Leo.”
Leo tilts his head with a puzzled expression. “You don’t seem very happy.” Leopold couldn’t help but feel more nervous every time he saw Yuno. It’s like he’s watching their relationship crumble in slow motion. His biggest fear is the possibility of Yuno not loving him anymore. Watching the signs slowly become more clear makes him anxious.
“I’m just tired.” Yuno replies. Asta looks between the two of them with a raised brow.
“Is there something going on between the two of you?” He asks. 
Yuno and Leo both shout at Asta simultaneously, “No!”
“Um, okay… sorry?”
Yuno turned away from Asta to Leo, his expression serious. “Leo, why is your sister staring at me like that?”
Leo followed Yuno’s glare where Mereoleona was staring daggers at Yuno. It sent a shiver down his spine.
“Well… I told her about our date and that mission we went on. Actually, I was telling Fuegoleon and she decided to eavesdrop both times.” Leo explained, grabbing a paper plate for some small desserts.
“You told them about that?” Yuno questioned him. Leo nodded, confused.
“Why? Was I not supposed to?” 
Yuno rubbed his eyes and took a drink. “I guess not… I was just hoping you kept out private matters between us.” He set his drink down on the table.
Leo felt some fear surge through him. He should’ve known that! It’s so disrespectful to talk about their relationship like that without Yuno’s consent! How could he be so stupid? “I’m sorry, I didn’t know…! I just… I’m used to talking to my brother about these things.”
Yuno and Leo continue their conversation with awkward tension. Bell snuck out from behind the food, towards Yuno’s drink.
‘Hm… I know!’ Bell grabbed a nearby candle, blowing out the flame. ‘You better be grateful for this Yuno! I’m getting my hands dirty for you!’ And with that, she smears the melted candle wax onto Yuno’s glass. ‘That’s hot! Jeez…’ she thinks as she retreats back behind the desserts.
“Yeah, I know. I think we should talk later though.” Yuno said, grabbing his drink. However, he almost immediately noticed the odd texture or the glass. “Huh?”
All it took was one little squeeze when the glass slipped forward, out of his hands. The cold, sticky sensation caused Leo to gasp. After the glass spills onto Leo, it falls to the floor. The room falls silent, all eyes on them.
Leo looks as if he’s about to cry. “Is this some kind of joke to you? Did you say yes just to screw with me?” He whispered so only Yuno could hear his weak voice.
“What…? No, Leo, it was a mistake…” Yuno stuttered out. “I’m so sorry.” Yuno frantically grabbed some napkins.
“Don’t bother! The stain isn’t gonna come out. I’m starting to think this relationship was a mistake…” Leo says. He turns and rushed out of the room. 
Yuno was frozen in place. He was frozen until Asta nudged his shoulder. “What are you standing around for? Go after him!”
Bell followed closely behind Yuno, too proud of herself. ‘Yes, finally! It worked!’ 
Yuno chased after Leo. “Leo, wait!”
Leopold stopped and gritted his teeth. “What do you want now?!”
“Leo, are you serious about what you said?” Yuno asks with a shaky tone.
Leo looked away and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know! I feel like I’m just a joke to you at this point.”
“Leo, you’re not a joke to me…”
Leo took a step away from Yuno and took a breath. “Please, just don’t. You’re so cold and uncaring! You can’t even take out relationship seriously and the first thing you do when something bad happens is blame me! I… I just…”
Yuno was quiet, his worried expression becoming indecipherable. “Is that how you think of me?”
Leo struggled to get a word out. “It just… feels like the world is doing everything to tear us apart.”
Yuno faces away from Leo. “Then maybe we weren’t meant to be.”
Leo’s eyes widened and he felt his body tremble. He snaps his head back to Yuno who was walking away. “Wait, Yuno!” 
Yuno didn’t stop.
Tears escaped Leo’s eyes. He ran after Yuno and held onto him. “Please don’t go! I don’t want to break up! Please, I didn’t mean it! I’m sorry! You’re not cold! You’re…! You’re sweet and caring… I love you…”
Yuno listened carefully. He was hurt by Leo’s words… yet his words were also the thing to fix it. Leo always finds a way to make Yuno happy. Despite what he wants to say for the sake of his pride… It’s always gonna be Leo, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I love you too.”
Leo looks up at Yuno. “You swear?”
Yuno nods and kisses the top of Leo’s head. “I do… I didn’t mean what I said either.” Yuno lifts Leo’s chin and pulls him into a long kiss. It’s been too long since they’ve kissed… Their lips were soft, the tension slowly relaxed as their kiss carried on.
“Are you serious?!” A loud, obnoxious voice yells. 
Yuno and Leo both pull away in confusion. “Bell? What are you doing…?”
“Yeah, this is kind of a private moment.” Leo practically spat at her.
Bell looked as if she wanted to scream. “How do you two keep making up!? You’re supposed to get mad at each other!”
Yuno raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about…? Wait…”
Bell watched the realization spread across Yuno’s face and she felt her heart beat faster.
“You’re the one that’s been sabotaging us.”
Leo’s eyebrows raised. “What? Bell? You mean she’s the one that splashed me? And untied the goods on our mission?”
Yuno nods, his anger visibly showing, directed right at Sylph. 
“Yeah. When I was helping you tie the rope, I noticed one part seemed newer… or rather the old part had been cut off… and that glass had a weird texture… Bell… What did you do?”
Bell started to whine. “You never spend time with me anymore! I just thought that if he was out of the picture it would go back to how it was before!”
“That is no excuse.” Yuno almost shouts. She was lucky Leo still had his arms wrapped around Leo.
“What do you even see in him? He’s loud, dumb, and annoying!” She defends herself to the best of her ability.
“It sounds like you’re talking about yourself.” Leo mumbled.
Yuno had to stop himself from snapping. He took a few deep breaths. Each furious breath made Sylph more nervous.
“You’re right. Leo is loud sometimes. And sometimes he can act dumb. He’s reckless too. But I still love him all the same. I know what kind of person Leo is. He’s kind, funny, and brave. And you have no right to interfere with this.” Yuno spoke with determined conviction. Leo’s eyes sparkled as he had a beaming smile from Yuno’s words. There were nearly hearts in his eyes. All the damage Bell could’ve possibly caused was replaced by desire and appreciation.
“But…” Bell trailed off… she was nearly out of things to say for justification.
“Bell. You have to understand, this isn’t just some temporary thing. Leo and I are in a serious relationship. We’re gonna hang out and it’s just something you’ll have to get used to. Yes, it means we’ll hang out less, but that’s not the same as ‘not at all’.” Yuno’s voice was calm.
She felt guilt grow inside her, despite her wanting to not have it. “You really do?”
“I do.”
Bell sighs and looks utterly defeated. Leo decides to speak up.
“Hey, I get it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hang out with Yuno? I know I’d be sad if he hung out with someone else. But trust that we really do love each other. Maybe you can join us sometimes when we hang out?” Leo shows a smile, despite the uncomfortable sticky-ness on his shirt.
“Really? Even after what I did? I get to hang out with you too?”
Leo quickly corrects himself. “Well, sometimes! I mean… you can’t join us on dates or private moments or… You can hang out with us sometimes, just don’t expect it too much…”
Bell nods. “Okay! Sometimes. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t really accept your apology, but I’m sure I’ll get over it.”
Bell felt a lot more relaxed after this whole ordeal. “Well, I’m glad that’s behind us!”
Yuno tilts his head. “You think you can get out of this without consequences?”
Bell felt shivers strike her spine. “Haha… what consequences…?”
Yuno gave her an evil glare and spoke with a low voice. “I’ll deal with you later. Get back into the grimoire.”
Bell agrees with her shoulders slumped, a shameful frown. After she was gone, Yuno and Leo were finally left alone.
“She’s annoying.” Leo says.
“I know, I’m sorry. She should know better.” Yuno closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. “Are you okay?”
Leo nods, his mood refreshed. “Yeah! I actually feel a lot better knowing it was her and not you… I was worried you were getting sick of me…”
Yuno put a hand on Leo’s cheek. “I could never get bored of you, Leo. I know I don’t come across as very loving, but I do love you.”
“I know. And I’m glad.” Leo stood up to his tippy toes and kissed Yuno again. Yuno pulls Leo closer, trying not to smile into their kiss.
“Let’s leave this party and get you cleaned up.” Yuno connects their hands. Leo follows him closely.
“Okay! It’s just a shame we have to miss out on those desserts.”
Yuno’s lips curve upwards. “Then how about we go to the café afterwards?”
Leo’s eyes lit up, it was quite cute, really. “Mhm! That sounds fun! Come on, come on!”
“Why are we in such a rush?” Yuno’s grip tightens as Leo drags him.
“Because I’m excited!” Leo couldn’t help but feel so bubbly. 
Only someone as carefree as Leo could drag Yuno around like this. ‘You’re my biggest weakness, Leo… You’re lucky I love you so much.’
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What if Leo got a serious injury and tried to hide it, then Fuegoleon had to figure it out by Leo nearly dying?
FINALLY IT IS COMPLETE! I’m so sorry you had to wait so long! I really hope it is worth the wait. I did slide in some Yunoleo near the end so I hope you don’t mind (I just had to I’m sorry :)
That aside, enjoy!
Ordinary doubts
Everything is going to be fine, he thought. Nothing serious, he thought. Well sometimes what you think isn’t always true…
One week ago Leopold and another squad mate of his were sent to patrol the border between the diamond and clover kingdom. They ended up getting ambushed by two diamond mages. Him and his squad mate defeated them both. However, during the battle, Leopold did get hit by one of the mages spell. He didn’t know what his magic was but it didn’t seem like the spell really had that much of an effect on him so he just shoved it off.  But, it’s better to be safe than sorry.. right?..
— — —
Leo was walking through the Crimson Lion Kings headquarters, making his way to the exit.  While he was walking, Leo suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his arm. He hissed in pain as he lifts his arm up closer to his face and removing his sleeve. Leopold’s eyes slightly widen and he let out a small gasp. Looking at his arm you could see a light purple mark. Leo had never seen it before.. he figured he would check it out later as he pulled his sleeve back down.
Leopold was about the start walking again until an arm wrapped around his shoulders. ““Hey Leo! Where are you going” The person asked. Leo turned his head to face them. 
“Oh! Hi Elliot! I’m going to the Vermillion estate, why do you ask?” Leo questioned smiling. Elliot was a good friend of his, he was a year older than Leo and had black hair, he was also tall. He kind of looks like Yuno.
“No reason, just curious and you’ve not been yourself recently so I wanted to check up on you” He kept that smile on his face looking into Leopold’s eyes. ‘not myself recently..? What the hell does that mean?’ Leo didn’t think or rather realise he was doing anything out of the ordinary.. “What do you mean.. I don’t think I’ve really changed as far as I am concerned.” Leo questioned seeing Elliots smile disappear. 
“I mean you have been getting dizzy spells frequently and Mimosa told me you’ve been getting Headaches quite often as well”
Leo just stared at Elliot then looked down, he was processing everything the boy in-front of him had just said. Sure everything he said was true but he didn’t really think much of them.. “I haven’t really noticed.. but I’m sure it’s nothing! Leo gave him a reassuring smile.
“Okay then, if you ever want to talk I’m always available” Elliot gave him a smile in return.  “Thank you! Anyways, I should probably get going now, bye!” Leo waved walking away.
— — —
Maybe he should have considered what Elliot had told him back at the headquarters..
Leo has made it to the vermillion estate in one piece, well.. almost…
His head was pounding like crazy, Leo felt like he was seconds away from passing out.. Leo held onto a nearby wall for support hoping to keep himself up.
Leopold slowly made his way to his room , keeping his hand onto the wall for the very short journey. 
After making it there while on the verge of passing out, Leopold took a quick shower and got changed into some more comfortable clothes as he exited his room decided to just walk around for a bit.
He had felt a little bit more alive after take a shower so he was able to walk straight without toppling over. Leo was hoping taking a walk around the estate will make the headache also take a walk away from him, but sadly and unfortunately it’s not that easy.
Leo just kept walk losing track of his previous steps, soon he ended up bumping into someone, god he wasn’t in the mood for this..
“Dear cousin Leopold! What has gotten you into such an un-elegant mood” Kirsch said spinning some petals around Leopold in hope to cheer him up a bit. Leo just sighed and face palmed. Kirsch really know how to annoy someone even when they are at their worst..
He did a little spin as the petals around Leopold fell to the floor.
Kirsch put a hand onto his shoulder and lowered his head. 
“I suggest you lift your head up a bit, mimosa is here you can go spend your time with her, you look like a zombie, don’t want to turn out like that as-Rasta guy now do we” Kirsch smiled spinning away as Leo scoffed at they way he talked about Asta.
Why did he hate him so much anyways?
“Then I accidentally broke the plate out of anger..” Mimosa finished explaining an event that had previously occurred in the golden dawn.
Her and Leo were currently in Kirsch’s room, he had left to go do.. Kirsch, things?.. So the two were left alone talking about who knows what.
“What a lovely day for the Golden Dawn.. I’m guessing 40% of the chaos revolves around you?” Leo laughed as Mimosa scoffed.
She rolled her eyes and tuned to Leo, her face morphed into a confused and conceded look. Leopold had a hand in his head as if he was in pain or something, his eyes were shut tightly as he shifted a little.
Leopold moved his other hand to his head keeping it up. “Leo?.. You oka-“ Mimosa was interrupted by the door being thrown open.
“I’m ba-!”
“Shut up brother!” Mimosa yelled seeing Leo wince at the loud noise.
She puts a hand on his shoulder; hearing the door close and Kirsch coming to sit next to Leo.
“What happened?” Kirsch questioned trying to cover up his concern. He may be a narcissistic, self-centred person, but that doesn’t stop him from caring about his sister and cousin. He practically grew up with them and believe or not has a little soft spot for the two.
“I don’t know.. I’ll go get some water you stay with him” Mimosa replied leaving in a hurry.
Kirsch sighed and moved his hands to Leo’s hair, he started to undo his braided and starting playing with his hair seeing how he slightly relaxed. He put a hand on his forehead leaving him with a confused expression. He didn’t seem to have a temperature..
Soon enough Mimosa had returned with some water, handing it to Leo. He drank half of the cup until Mimosa took it back into her hands and gave him a look of sympathy. “You okay now?..” she asked, giving a small smile.
Leo gave her a weak one in returned along with a nod. “Yeah better, thanks you two” He lowered his head.
Mimosa tried to distract Leo from his headache and started to bring back some of their childhood memories. Leo laughed along with her as Kirsch started to slowly do his braid again sneaking in some petals along the way.
Thanks to their help, Leo was actually feelings a bit better.
but it didn’t last for long.
After spending the day with Kirsch and Mimosa Leo went over and headed towards his room to get some sleep. His headache was slowly creeping it’s back to where it was before. He was just hoping he would at least make it to his room without collapsing.
Leopold was walking with his head down. The only thing that was keeping him sane was the sounds of his footsteps. He felt like he would go crazy if it was complete silence.
“Leo?” Said a familiar voice.
Leo looked up and his eyes softened. “Oh hi br-“ Leo stopped himself and grabbed onto Fuegoleon’s arm trying to not fall over. Fuegoleon held Leo upright giving him a questioning look. “Leo are you alright?..” He asked.
Leo pulled back away from him putting a hand onto the wall and one on his head. “Yeah! Nothing serious at all.. Just a smsll headache nothing to worry about!” He tried to smile.
Although, Fuegoleon wasn’t convinced.. ”Are you sure..? You know if anything is wrong you don’t have to cover it up, make sure to tell me if you feel worst, okay?” He smiled. Leo gave him one in return. He took a step forward, leading him to fall over only for Fuegoleon to catch him.
“Sorry I don’t know what came over me..” Leo laughed nervously. Fuegoleon narrowed his eyes. “Leo are you sure you’re okay..? I don’t want to push you into telling me anything but you clearly aren’t well”
Leo pushed himself back once more and looked down leaning onto the wall for support. “It’s fine.. I’m fine. Just..” Leo stopped himself.
Fuegoleon put a hand onto his shoulder. “If anything is bothering you tell us beforehand before we figure it out, you don’t want to get yelled at by Mereoleona do you now” Fuegoleon smiled giving his brother a hug. “I’m just worried about you, stay safe okay?” Leo smiled nodding his head and making his way to his room.
Fuegoleon sat in his chair; hands on his head. He was trying to process what had just happened with Leopold. He looked so.. so.. d-dead?.. His movements were very stagnant and it looked like he was at the edge of collapsing. Something is clearly wrong..
Fuegoleon put his papers aside and started to think about his brother and his current distress. What had caused him to be like this?!
He heard the door open making him lift his head to see who had just entered, without knocking..
“What has got you so down” She laughed leaning against the wall of his office. Fuegoleon sighed and looked down again. “It’s just Leo.. he has been off.”
Mereoleona stopped leaning against the wall and stood up straight hearing her brothers name. “Hm.. how so?” She questioned.
“Well for starters, I walked past his today and he was pale! He looked dead and kept leaning onto something to hold himself up. I asked him about it and he just claimed it was a headache” Fuegoleon explained watching his sister take all the information in one by one. Soon he noticed her clench her fist.
“So that’s why he rushed away! So I wouldn’t question him! That little-“ She mumbled, looking Fuegoleon in his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it too much, it might just be a one day thing, if it goes on tomorrow then worry” she scoffed.
Fuegoleon sighed and gave her a bland look. “No wonder Leo rarely comes to you for advice about stuff like this..” He mumbled making his sister shoot up.
“Well, what else do you want me to say?! I’m not your local adviser, now go to sleep or something and stop worrying!”
Leopold and Mimosa both surprisingly didn’t a have any upcoming mission and were told to take the day off. So they thought to use it to their advantage and catch up with each other and recall some previous events.
The two were walking through the Vermillion estate. Mimosa asked him about what happened yesterday afternoon. Leo himself wasn’t entirely sure so he just ignored the question and changed the subject. Mimosa took from that that Leo didn’t want to talk about it so she didn’t push the question and they continued to walk through the Vermillion estate.
Soon enough Leo stopped.
Mimosa saw him in the conner of her eye and stopped herself as well. Leopold had one hand on his head and the other on the wall for support. By the looks of it, he seemed to be in pain or distress. Something was clearly not right.
Mimosa went by to his Side and put a hand onto his shoulder. “Hey, Leo.. You okay?” She smiled slightly.
Leo just shook his head and hissed in pain. He felt tears slowly make their way up to his eyes and down his cheeks. What was going on..
It felt like he was being torn apart bit by bit! Every part of his body hurt and he felt like his head was about to explode!
He tried to respond to Mimosa but nothing came out..
“Should I call someone, Leo?” She questioned putting a hand on his head and noticed the tears.
Leo crying wasn’t rare but it wasn’t common. Usually when his thoughts get out of control then it would lead to him crying. It seems that was happening right now and Mimosa didn’t really know what to do. She figured calling Owen over would be the best thing to do but how so?! She didn’t want to leave Leo like this giving his current state.
“Kirsch!” She called out seeing her brother come by. Thank god, for once he had appeared when needed.
“Mhm.. Mimosa?” He turned to her eyes slightly widening. “Is Leopold alright?”
“Cut the questions and call Owen or any other recovery mage!” She asked. Kirsch wasn’t the type to take orders from someone at all. Nothing less, Kirsch obeyed and got to it.
“So explain to me word for word on what happened, try not to miss out any details“ Owen asked.
Kirsch had managed to call Owen over to check up on Leo.
Mimosa helped Leo get to his room which was fortunately, not so far away. Leo then sat down and leaned to the side resting his head on a pillow leaving Mimosa to go get some water and Kirsch entered informing them that Owen will arrive shortly.
During all of this, Mimosa couldn’t help but feel proud of her brother.. Sure she knew he wasn’t heartless but to think he could be so caring towards someone else and attempt to make them feel better really shows he isn’t all so bad.
Mimosa started to explain everything to Owen in is much detail as possible. Own noted everything down in his head and soon turned to look at Leo.
His eyes widen as he took notice of Leopold wrist. It was.. purple? A light purple to be specific. His hand was his normal skin tone but his wrist. Owen asked Kirsch to slightly pull up Leopold’s sleeve . Kirsch did so.
It was purple.. Clearly this is not natural and someone played a part in this. Owen decided he will take care of the details later and focus on healing Leopold.
Right now he was barley conscious, but he hadn’t passed out yet. Turns out the purple mark had reached his neck. Thankfully Owens magic with the help of Mimosas was making it ever so slowly disappear. Although the healing process was interrupted by the door being kicked open.
“Leo!? What happened!?” Mereoleona asked, well it was more of an order..
Owen stood up from his chair as Fuegoleon came in from behind. “Owen.. Is Leopold alright?” Fuegoleon asked trying to cover up the concern and panic in his voice. Mereoleona rushed over and put her hands on Leopolds shoulders shaking him slightly.
“Stop!” Owen said in the nicest way possible. He really didn’t want to tick Mereoleona off. She was already looking like she has murderous intentions in her mind..
Nothing less she stopped and turned to Owen, it seems she noticed the mark..
“What. Happened.”
Mereoleona moved away from Leopold and crossed her arms; shifted her eyes. She was clearly not in the mood At All. Fuegoleon put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.
“I will give you both the details later? For the time being can I resume to your brothers needs?” Owen was slightly irritated
Mereoleona stood there with Fuegoleon as Owen went back to what he was doing. As the time went by questions and worries kept piling up. ‘How did this happen?’ ‘Why didn’t he tell us!’ ‘Does he not trust us?’ ‘who played a part in this?’
The more things piled up, the angrier Mereoleona got. As much as she hates to admit it, she was just way too worried and cared to much about her brother and it annoyed her about the fact that he didn’t come to her or Fuegoleon about this. She would have to question him when he is better because no way she is letting this slide!
Owen had finished healing Leopold and had left him to rest. He had also explained to Mereoleona and Fuegoleon what he knew about the situation, he suggested asking Leopold when he is better, but for now to leave him alone and give him time to recover.
After some time, Leopold had awoken and was feeling a lot better than before. His arm was fine, his limbs didn’t hurt and his headache was very faint. A big improvement
“Oh!? You are awake, how are you fe-“
“Leo!?” Yuno exclaimed opening the door and rushing to Leopolds side interrupting Mimosa.
Yuno put a hand on his cheek giving him a sympathetic look. “Are you okay? Do you feel hurt? Do you need anything? Please tell me if so!” Yuno frowned as Leo let out a light chuckle. Yuno has always been so protective of Leopold
“hehe.. Don’t worry Yun, I’m fine why are you so panicked anyways?” Leo laughed
Yuno let out a sigh of relief and smiled at Leo. “Just making sure” Leopold sat up and gave Yuno a kiss on the cheek. Leo pulled Yuno into the bed and hugged him tightly. Mimosa just sat their arms crossed, unfazed by the situation. She had this annoyed look displayed on her face. “Ahem!” She interrupted their little lovers moment.
“oh, I didn’t realise you were here” Mumbled Yuno earning a raised eyebrow from Mimosa.
“Sorry to ruin your little moment but Mereoleona and Fuegoleon are going to come in here any minute now, even though they know you two are dating how do you think Mereoleona will react if she sees you two like this?”
Leopold and Yuno stopped for a second. Just when Yuno was about to pull away. Leo stopped him. “Don’t leave! I’ll deal with them later” Leo mumbled towards the end. Yuno chuckled and let Leo lean into him.
Yuno would have no idea what he would do if he lost Leo because of that.
And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this. There is something about people throwing doors open in this fic though.. and I realised after going over it again.
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giggly-squiggily · 6 months
She Likes You! (Black Clover)
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We're at it again- WHOOO! :D
Heyo everyone! This is part two of a collab I'm doing with the amazing @intheticklecloset We decided to embrace our shippy selves and our love of Black Clover to bring y'all some confessional tickles! (or in my case; realization ones lols)
💖💖💖For Nym's Part💖💖💖
Summary: Yuno does some thinking after Asta helped him realize his feelings for the Leopold. Maybe he can help him realize the ones from a certain water mage in return?
“Don't you think I’d notice if someone had feelings for me?
Yuno was still rather shocked by such a statement. The delivery was matter of fact too- like Asta truly believed in what he was saying. He was either convinced or obtuse- or both. Asta could be both.
The wind mage leaned back against the grassy hill, arms behind his head as he played back the other day’s events over and over again. It was a good conversation, and much has happened since. All good things really.
So why was he so hung up on the comment? Did it really matter in the long run?
His focus switched back to Asta and his teammate- Noelle was her name, right?-leaving. He remembered how she looked at him when he wasn’t paying attention, the warmth that spread across her cheeks and the softness in her eyes showing her true feelings for the smaller mage. When he did look at her, she’d hide it quickly- trying for disinterest with little success.
‘Is that how I looked with Leo?’ The thought hit him like a tornado, making everything come together. That was it- that same hopelessly in love expression that girl wore with Asta. She felt for him how he felt for Leopold.
Somehow, the thought made him rather sad. Yuno hadn’t realized it before, but he was starting to empathize with her situation. Being in love with someone who you don’t even know likes you back.
At least, that was his own predicament until recently.
“Hey.” A finger poked his forehead, making him open his eyes. Green irises looked down at him, framed by vibrant hair. He looked upside down from his position, but his smile was as bright as the sun. “There you are. Whatcha thinking about, wind chime?”
“I told you to call me Yuno.” He huffed with a small blush as the redhead somersaulted beside him, getting comfortable. He didn’t know what changed, but one day-Leopold approached him with his heart in his hands, declaring his feelings in that special Vermillion way of his. They’ve been keeping things on the downlow since, but Yuno couldn’t be happier. “I’m just thinking about Asta. That girl really likes him, huh?”
“Noelle? Oh man- she’s crazy about him!” Leopold nodded excitedly, scooting close to him and resting his head against his chest. “Anytime anyone brings up his name she perks up, but if you ask her directly she’ll try to drown you. It’s cute.” He grinned, his smile faltering some. “Still, I’m worried about her. What if Asta breaks her heart?”
“He won’t.” Yuno replied automatically, perhaps a touch too hard. Leopold only chuckled in response, patting his chest.
“I know he won’t. Not intentionally. I just don’t think he quite gets she’s into him yet.” Leopold mused, playing with the tufts of Yuno’s Golden Dawn uniform. “Granted, I was pretty dense myself until my siblings asked me if I liked you. After that, it was like someone cleared all the fog in my brain.” He grinned up at Yuno, eyes soft. “I know it’s not a perfect solution, but sometimes you just need somebody to come over and hit you with an obvious truth for things to click.”
Yuno had been nodding along listening to him, but that last part struck a chord.
Of course..why didn’t he think of that sooner?
“You’re brilliant, you know that?” Yuno told him, taking Leopold’s chin in his hand as he kissed him quick. The redhead was beaming when they pulled away. “Completely brilliant.”
“Hmm, tell me again without words, yeah?” The redhead grinned as Yuno kissed him again and again.
His plan would have to wait until later it seems.
“Noelle likes you.”
There- he said it! Since his time with Leopold, Yuno had been debating on how to approach the subject matter. Should he do what Asta did and teasingly lean into it? Ask questions that would eventually lead to his friend coming to the realization himself?
In the end, the second they met up once again to hang out- it just came out like that. His version of a greeting.
“Huh?” Asta blinked, staring. “..huh?”
Okay- maybe should have started with the greeting. “Hey, what’s up? Noelle likes you.” Nailed it! He watched, waiting for Asta to process the information.
“Well, yeah- I know that.” Asta smiled, nodding. “We’re friends, afterall!”
Yuno blinked, then he closed his eyes, seeking patience. “No, I mean- she likes you.”
“Yeah…I know?” Asta waved his hands before him, puzzled. “I think she likes everyone in the Black Bulls though. Especially Vanessa and Grey, but their all girls so it makes sense-”
“Asta.” Yuno tried to keep the exasperation out of his voice as he grabbed his friend’s shoulders. “She likes you. Like how I…really like Leo.” The confession wasn’t new, but it still made Yuno’s cheeks warm.
Finally, Asta seemed to get it. “Oh? Oh! Oh…nah, there’s no way! No way at all- she doesn’t like me like that.” Asta laughed as he took a step back. “I already told you, I’d-
“Yes, you’d notice if someone had feelings for you, you’ve said that before.” Yuno gave up on hiding his exasperation, shaking his head. “Sorry to say this, but I think you’re wrong this time.”
“Whatcha mean by that?” Asta narrowed his eyes some, raising his chin with an indignant frown. “Are you saying I’m not good at picking these things up?”
“Yes.” Yuno nodded. Asta sputtered in shock, eyes wide.
“Well! I’d never!” Asta puffed, his annoyance fading when Yuno started to smile. “You’re a real jerk, you know that?”
“And you’re oblivious. I’m serious though- Noelle likes you.”
“I really don’t see it.”
“She calls you ‘dorksta.’”
“You call me ‘shortsta’- I don’t see you getting down on one knee.”
“You're not my type. She’s always looking at you.”
“Everyone looks at me!”
“Not the way she does! She’s always by your side-”
“To send me flying with water-”
“It’s true!” Asta cried back, shaking his head as he flopped into the grass beneath his feet, leaning back on his hands. “Even if she did like me like you say she does, it wouldn’t matter. She’s royalty- meaning she’s got an entire ocean of guys to pick from if she wanted. Why would she pick me?” Something uncharacteristically bitter entered Asta’s tone- a rare side of self-loathing Yuno never thought he’d hear from his best friend. “It’s like back in Hage when you pick potatoes; you grab the best ones first. No one wants the little guys.”
Yuno couldn’t believe his ears. Was this really Asta? Shaking his head, he sat down beside him in the grass, bringing his knees up to his chest. “Do you remember what you told me when I said the same thing about Leopold? You said I still have a chance, and that it didn’t matter about our social standing.”
“This is different, Yuno. Really different.”
“Look at you!” Asta waved a hand at him, gesturing to his entire being. “You’re tall, cool as hell, have amazing magic- not to mention you’re an amazing person inside and out, even when you’re being a jerk. It’s easy to see why Leopold likes you so much- you’re the whole package.” Asta slumped some, his hand dropping back to his side. “But me..what do I have to offer? I’m short, loud, and smelly. I’m nothing until I become the Wizard King. Until then-what can I offer her if I did like her back?”
“Asta..” Yuno felt his heart break at his friend's words. Asta sat up then, putting on a brave smile.
“It doesn’t matter- I’m already in love as is! One day- I’ll come home and sweep Sister Lily off her feet! She’ll accept my proposal one day-AH!” Suddenly the world tilted as Asta was unceremoniously pushed back into the grass. “Yuno? You big jerk- you can’t go tackling people like that!”
“I’m not the jerk here.” Yuno growled, tone nearly unreadable as he cracked his knuckles, staring daggers into Asta’s soul. “Enough is enough- if you’re too blind to see what’s right in front of you, I’m just gonna have to open your eyes myself!”
“Huh? What are yo-ohohohooeheahhahaha!” Almost immediately, the smaller boy arched with a yelp, hands shooting down to grab Yuno’s wrist as they scratched along his waist. “Yuhuhuhuhuno, wahhahahait! Gehahahahah, yohohohou jeheheherk- whahahhat the heheheehll?”
“Oh? What- you think you can tickle me until I confess and not get it in return?” Yuno’s death glare melted into a warm smile as he carried on scritching his fingers against Asta’s tunic, making his friend squirm and giggle. “I’m not stopping until you admit you’re worthy of Noelle’s feelings!”
“Buhuhuhuht I’m nohohohohot! Nohohohot yheheheheht!” Asta cried out, arching when Yuno dropped to his hips, pressing tickly thumbs into the soft spots. “Geahhahahha, Yuhuhuhuno! Dohohohohon’t nohohoht thehehehhehre!”
“Yes there! You’re so dense, I bet if someone cut your head open, they’d find bricks! And another thing- what are you saying you’ve got nothing to offer? So what if you’re short and smelly- that’s just you! You’re also brave, heroic, and determined! Do you really think Noelle only likes you based on the shallow things?” Tsking, Yuno kept one hand on his hip while the other moved to Asta’s ribs, making him shout before dissolving into giddy snickers. “She looks at you like you’re the only star in the night sky. She hangs onto every word you say, and she’s always flustered and shy whenever you look at her. She’s in love with you!”
“Ahehahahahhhahaha! Ehehehheven ihihihihihif thahahhat’s truuhuhhuuhe- I dohoohohohn’t thihihihk-GEHAHHAHA YUNO!” The second fingers attacked his stomach, Asta was flailing like a fish, his softer giggles shooting up to a proper burst as his worst spot was attacked. “GEHHAAHHA NOHOHOHOHO!”
“Yes! This is what you get!” Yuno smirked, deciding to go all out. Pulling out his most diabolical weapon, he leaned down and got right up to Asta’s ear. “Come on, whittle Asta- you and I both know you’re much better than you think. Admit it, will you? Please, for me?”
“TRAHAHHAHAITOR!” As if Asta couldn’t laugh harder! The dreaded teasing voice Yuno discovered worked so well on him sent him into near silent laughter- face red and eyes growing misty. Finally, he gave in, smacking the ground repeatedly and pulling at Yuno’s coat in submission. “OHOHOOHKAY OHOHOHOKAY ENOHOHOHOUGH!”
Yuno did as requested, pulling his hands back as he watched Asta curl into a loose ball against the ground, gasping for air. His cheeks were bright red, stained with tear streaks from how hard he was laughing. For a moment, Yuno felt a bit bad.
Then Asta was on his feet tackling him into the grass for revenge and Yuno realized feeling bad for someone so energetic wasn’t always the best idea.
“Heh. This feels all too familiar.” Asta laughed, breathless beneath the warm sun as he laid side by side with Yuno. “Weren’t we just having this conversation?”
“Can’t remember. My memory is as short as you.” Yuno snickered, laughing more when Asta threw a handful of grass at him.
“Shut up! Jerk.” Asta grinned, looking up towards the sky. After a moment, he spoke again, voice careful. “Do you…really think she likes me? Like, truly likes me?”
“She thinks the world of you, Asta.” Yuno reassured him, watching the emotions play out on his friend’s face. Realization there might be something there, anguish of possible rejection. And hope…something hopeful that maybe, just maybe…”Even if she has a hard time expressing it. I think she’s scared to tell you cause you might not feel the same.
“You don’t have to tell her now if you’re unsure. Just don’t drag her along, okay? When you realize how you feel about her, make it known- regardless of what it is. Believe me when I say..” Yuno’s ears burned as he turned away from his friend’s watchful eyes. “It really, really helps to know from the otherside.”
Asta was quiet. Then he reached out, punching Yuno’s shoulder gently. “To think it was only yesterday it was me comforting you when you were unsure. Thanks, Yuno. For everything.”
“Hmm.” Yuno nodded, bumping his fist against Asta's, pretending the mistiness of his vision was from the earlier tickle attacks. “Thank you too.”
Thanks for reading! And another major thank you to Nym for collabing with me! This was the best!
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
TickleTober Day 11 ~Squeal~ (Black Clover)~
The Vermillion siblings were a breed of pride.
“Did you just squeal?”
That didn’t mean they were any less ticklish.
“W-What? No! No way- me? Squealing?” Leopold laughed nervously as he backed up, eyes wide when Yuno raised his hands, fingers wiggling. “You must have misheard!”
“No- I definitely heard you.” Yuno darted forward, just out of reach. “Run all you want- I’m gonna tickle you.”
“Heheheh..I’d like to see you tr-EEH!” Another grab, this time gathering clothes. Leopold tried to use his strength to get away, but a few prods to his belly brought him to his knees. “Yuhuhuhuno!”
“I’m not stopping until you squeal again.” Yuno decided, pushing him onto his back as he carried on prodding along his torso. “Come on- let me hear it.”
“Iihihihihihiihm thehehhehhheelling yohohohohu! I dihihiihihihidn’t squueuueueuahahahhahal! Ahehahhahhhahaha Yuhuhuhuno!”
“Yeah?” Yuno moved to his ribs, pressing along the spaces between the bones. “So what was it, a war cry?”
“Iihihihihihif thahahahhat’s whahhahat you behehehehhelieve!”
“Hmm…nah, I believe that was a really loud, really cute squeal.” Yuno vibrated his fingers, making Leopold arch and howl. “And I wanna hear you do it again.”
“Neahahhahahahhahha! Nohohohoooho whahahahahhay!” Leopold tried to fight back, shooting his hands out and pinching his sides in hopes his boyfriend would back off. It kinda worked- there was a slightly shift in Yuno’s attack, but he was determined, moving up to the redhead’s armpits soon after.
“Nohohohohot tehehehehehehhehre!” Leopold cackled out, flailing against the grass. His cheeks were warm, hair getting in his eyes from his constant thrashing. He wasn’t gonna survive much longer- but at least he’d have his dignity!
So long as Yuno didn’t go for that one spot…
“Ahehahahahha- ihihihis thahahaht all you goHOOHOHOHOHOOHOT!” A loud squeal ripped from his lips when Yuno returned to his belly, drilling into it dead center. “AHEHAHAHHAH YUHUUHUHUNO!”
“There it is. See- was that so hard?” Yuno smirked as he stopped, pulling his hands back as Leopold curled into himself. “Just as I said: really cute.”
“Iihihihim not cuuhuhute! I’m a vehehehrmillion!” Leopold weakly argued, blushing more when Yuno leaned down and kissed his cheek.
“You can be both.”
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
Unflappable (Black Clover)
Summary: Leo tries cheering up Yuno after a battle, but he doesn't need cheering up - or does he?
A/N: I wrote this one for @giggly-squiggily a while ago and shared it with her privately, but the time has come to share it with the rest of you. Keep in mind I'm only about halfway through S2, so if there are inconsistencies it's because I'm not fully caught up yet. Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,097
Teal eyes suddenly popped into his vision, and Yuno blinked in surprise, coming back to the present.
Leopold tilted his head. “What’s up with you?”
“Hm? Nothing.” Yuno glanced around. The battle was over; it was just the two of them left standing now. A quick sweep over the redhead’s body confirmed he wasn’t seriously injured. A brief assessment of his own body confirmed the same. He let out a breath.
“They’re just arrogant assholes, you know.”
Leo smirked, flicking his forehead playfully. “Are you even home up there, Yuno? Those Diamond Kingdom jerks are just spouting off nonsense. You know you’re great, right?”
More blinking. A warmth in his chest, his cheeks. Yuno managed, “I’m…huh?”
At this point Leopold laughed, the sound brightening the battered courtyard they stood in. The broken fountain was creating a small stream that got closer to them with every minute.
“Maybe this will help,” the young nobleman said, suddenly darting around behind the dark-haired boy and hugging him gently, his back to his chest.
Help? Sure. That was one way to look at it. Another was that it might cause Yuno an early death by heart attack. His pulse was racing.
“What…what are you doing?”
“Ah! A full sentence,” Leo proclaimed triumphantly from behind him. He hugged him closer. “Pretty sure you were in shock for a second there.”
“As if that would happen. Why are you hugging me?”
“Because those guys are assholes, like I said, and I want you to remember that I think you’re awesome, even if you aren’t nobility.”
Yuno honestly had no idea what Leo was talking about. He was so used to the offhanded comments about his background and status as a commoner that he didn’t even hear them half the time anymore. Still, the Diamond Kingdom lackeys must have been taunting him along those lines. What else could Leo be referring to?
“I appreciate your kind words,” Yuno replied at last, “but it doesn’t bother me. It never bothers me.”
Leo scoffed out a laugh, poking his ribs as he released his hold on the taller boy, coming back around into his vision.
Why didn’t he just hug him from the front? Did he have to do it from behind like that? That was almost…intimate.
“So serious,” the redhead teased. Then he did a double take, his eyes widening with surprise. “Wait – are you blushing?”
“No,” Yuno said quickly, too quickly. He coughed, turning his back to the young Vermillion. “Come on. We have to start the cleanup efforts now – hey!”
A sharper, more insistent poke to the ribs made Yuno whirl around, Grimoire in the air beside him instinctively.
Leo grinned like a lion that had found some prey to chase. “Well, well. The unflappable Yuno has a weakness after all.”
Yuno didn’t say a word. He didn’t know how he was supposed to reply. He couldn’t deny that the pokes had tickled him, but he’d be damned if he announced to Leopold that yes, tickling certainly weakened him. It weakened Asta, too, and basically everyone he knew. It wasn’t that unheard of.
“…I’m not unflappable.”
The redhead darted forward, ducking under Yuno’s Grimoire and hugging his waist again, only this time, he also dug his fingers into the soft flesh of his sides and belly.
Yuno was giggling before he could even say a word of protest.
“Well, this is quite the discovery,” Leo teased, easily keeping up with his squirming, struggling form. “A little ticklish? I think Asta understated it. You’re wiggling like a fish out of water!”
Asta! Yuno was going to murder him for this.
“Quihihihit it,” he pleaded quietly, fighting to keep his snickering under control. “Leheheheo, lehehehet me go!”
“No way! This is gold!” Leo laughed, one hand snaking up to scribble at his exposed neck. “Is this really your worst spot—whoa!”
Yuno squealed, arching his back, one hand flying up to squeeze Leo’s fingers hard enough to make them sore the next day, the other frantically trying to stop the one clawing at his side. “Thihihis isn’t the tihihihihime! Will you stahahahahap already?!”
But his words only seemed to provoke Leopold even more, as the fire wizard tackled the wind mage to the courtyard cobblestones, hopping onto his back to scratch and scribble freely at his neck.
Yuno couldn’t hold back his laughter if his life depended on it.
“WAHAHAHAHAIT!! NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE, LEO!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Yuno flailed and tried to cover himself up, but he could only do so much in this position, and the instant he got close to protecting his neck Leo would grab his wrist and hold him in place, driving him even further up the wall.
“Whoa! Asta really wasn’t kidding – you’re crazy ticklish! How cute,” Leo teased, even going so far as to trace behind his ear. “Cootchie coo~”
Yuno nearly screamed with hysterical laughter, kicking his legs helplessly behind him. “DOHOHOHOHON’T DO THAHAHAHAHAT!! LEHEHEHEHEO PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Uh-oh! Sounds like little Yuno can’t handle being teased and tickled at the same time~” Leo adjusted so he was lying on top of him entirely, one hand scribbling his neck while the other snaked down to pinch his ribs, whispering teases right into his ear. “Tickle, tickle~ Aww, trying to get away? Where are you gonna go? By the way, Asta made me promise to make you promise not to kill him when I’m done playing with you~”
Damn that Asta! He actually thought ahead for once?!
“Plehehehehehease let me go!” Yuno begged, laughter mixing with wheezes now, face red as the sunset. “I gihihihihive! You wihihihihin!”
Leo chuckled. “You’re adorable. Promise not to kill Asta for this?”
“I’ll prohohohohohomise whahahahatever you WAHAHAHAHAHANT!! NAHAHAHAHA!!” Yuno screeched as Leo sat back and clawed both his hands at the dark-haired boy’s neck. “I PROMISE I PROHOHOHOHOMISE JUST STAHAHAHAHAP IT LEO, PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
Satisfied and beaming ear to ear, Leo climbed off of Yuno and rolled him over, taking in the rare sight the wind mage grinning and giggling out leftover mirth. Once he’d caught his breath he helped him into a sitting position, then knelt down so they were eye-to-eye.
“Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to hear what your laugh sounded like.” Leo kissed his cheek, smirking at the way Yuno stiffened and went even redder. “Now let’s at least look like we’re trying to help clean up before my sister gets here and yells at me for slacking off, okay?”
Yuno didn’t remember much after that. His entire body felt warm, the place where Leo kissed him burning hottest of all.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
For the headcanon dabbles was thinking that when Yuno told Leopold he was the prince of the spade kingdom Leopold got excited and was bombarding him with questions and Yuno shut him up with tickles? 🥹
AHHH MY BABIES! Some more Yunleo in my blog? Y'all are spoiling me! God this is precious- I've gotcha covered, anon!
Speaking of; spoilers for the Black Clover Manga below!!!
When Yuno learned he was the prince of the Spade Kingdom, it meant nothing.
Well- okay, it didn’t mean nothing, but to him it was rather irrelevant. He was Yuno from Hage, a commoner who just happened to have some serious wind magic and a goal to become the wizard king before Asta. Simple as that.
He’d also be lying if he said telling Leopold didn’t scare him. Would the redhead think differently of him? Would he be upset Yuno didn’t tell him sooner? Treat him differently now he knew of his blood?
Would he ask questions Yuno couldn’t answer? Ones he didn’t want to answer?
Turns out- his last question had some truth to it, but not in the way he thought.
“Wow…Prince of the Spade Kingdom. Does that mean you have even stronger magic than a captain? Even stronger than Fuegoleon?" Leopold had stars in his eyes- not all that different from the Wizard King himself. He hadn't changed a bit.
It was surprisingly comforting.
“I wouldn’t know- and I don't plan on fighting with him anytime soon.” The brunette shrugged, leaning back on his hands. At first, he found the questions tiresome, but after he learned Leopold had never been either, he was a bit more lenient.
Just a bit.
“Yeah, that's fair. Wouldn't look too good if you went about challenging the captains with that newfound strength of yours. Wow, I need to catch up. Hey, what kind of training did you do while I was away anyway? Waterfalls? Fighting bears? Swinging from vines in the woods-whoa!"
His leniency ran out. Yuno twisted and tackled him to the grass, fingers digging into his ribs and sending the redhead into loud fits of laughter.
“Ahaahhahahahahaha! Gehahahahahhahah! Nohoohohohoho! Yuhuhuhuhunoohohohoho pleahahhahhahse!” Leopold cried out, flapping his arms and wriggling beneath him. “Yuhuhuuhno! Yuuhuhuhno I’m shahahhaharry!”
“You better be, you dork.” Yuno growled playfully down at him, squeezing his lower ribs while his other hand dug into his stomach. “Who am I?”
“And what am I to you?”
“I was going for equals but- aww.” Yuno felt his cheeks warm, heart happy at the words. “I’ll take it. Now, stop asking me questions!”
“OHOHOKAY OHOOHOAKY FINE!” Leopold cackled out, gasping for air when Yuno stopped tickling him. He didn’t move off of him though, choosing to lay across his boyfriend’s chest instead. “Yhoohohu ahahahre thohohough. The aahhaabsolute lohohove of my life.”
“Such a sweet talker.” Yuno smirked, surprised when Leopold took his chin, looking him directly in the eye with a serious expression.
“I mean it. No matter who you are- prince or commoner, Spade Kingdom or Hage- you’re you. You’re Yuno; the cool as hell, unfairly beautiful, amazing future wizard king who I’ll always adore. Nothing will ever change that.” He finalized his words with a kiss, sending waves of warm tingles across Yuno’s entire nervous system. “Okay?”
Yuno didn’t have the words to express how much that meant to him. Instead, he leaned in and kissed him again and again, each one speaking for him.
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
This is not my headcanon, I hope that's alright, I just found it and grew fond of it.
Yuno legit loves Leo’s laugh. Like mans is down bad, he cannot get enough of it. Especially when his loud hearty laughter dies down to soft giggles, bro literally dies and ascends to heaven.
Intense sobbing and screaming* OH MY GOD YES Oh my God this is perfection- Yuno loving Leopold's laugh is perfect, precious, amazing stunning AHHH! I've gotcha covered!
Yuno felt a shiver run up his spine, his cheeks flushing some and his heart racing at the wondrous sound. He turned to watch Leopold fall backwards, hands around his belly and smile big as he laughed and laughed.
“Ooohohoh- Oohoohoh my GAHAHWD! Look aahaht them gohooho!” He cried out, gesturing wildly to the open field before them.
Out there was…chaos. That’s the only way Yuno could describe what he was looking at. Luck was a madman, running for his life and laughing the entire time as Magna chased him down- his voice loud but groggy in the distance. Asta was chasing both of them- just as hyped.
In the center of the madness, Finral was sitting crossed leg, arms poised and portals all around. The trio had been going in and out of them for a while now- scrambling and jumping- yelping as they fell through another. The wind mage didn’t know if it was supposed to be training or just Finral’s way of avoiding casualty.
The sight was rather hilarious, but Yuno found himself more drawn to the redhead beside him, the sounds of his laughter sinking into him like hooks.
“Gehahahha! Ahehahahaha- Goohoo Asta! Gehehet them!” Leopold called out, practically sobbing with his mirth. His cheeks were rosy, and his emerald eyes were glistening. He let out a whooping wheeze when they collided- Magna somehow losing his pants on the way down from the portal. If Yuno listened closely, he could hear Asta howling himself, his laugh just as loud.
“Oh! Ohoohohoho..oh, man…” Wiping at his eyes, Leopold slowly sat up, gasping for air. His voluminous laughter softened to a string of breathy giggles, slow breaths between each bout. “Eheehe..ehehe..whhahat?” He found Yuno staring at him, wearing the softest of expressions. “Whahat, is soohomething on my faahace?”
Yuno didn’t respond- not with words anyway. He leaned in, gently pressing a kiss into his boyfriend’s lips. It wasn’t long before Leopold was kissing him back, a hand weaving into his dark hair as they fell back into the grass.
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
This isn't a request for a tickle fic so I hope you are okay with writing it! I just wanted to request a fic were Leo and Yuno had revealed the fact that they are in a relationship so Yuno takes Leo to hage so he can meet everyone!
Ahh, my weakness! *vibrates at an inhuman speed* I'm so normal about them I swear! aerajrjheakjreaj No but really- this is a delight of a prompt and I'm beyond happy to make it for you, anon! I hope you like it!
CW: Mild angst, mentions of homophobia VERY LIGHT SPOILER WARNING: Black Clover Eps. 71-72 (It's incredibly vague- there's no real details but I'm gonna put it out there just in case)
Cloud 9 (Taglist peeps):
“Come to Hage with me!”
When Yuno first offered the suggestion to Leopold, he was excited. It’d been some time since he’d seen his family, and the idea of sharing a part of himself with Leopold felt right.
Then excitement turned to unyielding anxiety in a matter of hours as he realized he had no idea HOW he was going to do that.
The planning wasn’t the difficult part- both Captains Fuegoleon and William were fine with it, and they even managed to rope Captain Yami into letting Asta and Noelle tag along. Letters were sent, and the responses have been nothing but positive from Sister Lily and Father Orsi . The actual trip was set.
It was the whole- you know- coming out thing. All this time later, and he still hadn’t told them. Yuno felt his stomach twist into a thousand knots as he watched Hage’s green hills get closer in the distance, willing himself not to shake.
“You’re gonna love it there! Our siblings are a riot, but they’ll get used to you pretty fast.” Asta was filling the mildly tense air with chatter, giving Leopold and Noelle the details about their family. A few times the redhead would look his way, smiling brightly at him. That helped- somewhat.
“You okay?” Leopold floated over on his broom, voice pitched low so the others wouldn’t hear him. “You look like you’re gonna puke.”
“Motion sickness?” Yuno offered, wincing when his voice shook..
“You’re nervous huh?” He smiled, bumping him gently. “I’m a bit too. Do you…do you think they’ll like me?”
“You’re like a second Asta. They’ll adore you.” Yuno grinned, earning a laugh and a light shove from Leopold. “Really- I do think they’ll like you. Both of you.” He nodded back to where Asta and Noelle were, their voices acting as background noise.
“Thanks.” Leopold leaned over, giving him a quick peck before returning to the original pair, Asta’s “WHERE HERE!” snapping him back to reality.
It’ll be fine. Yuno took a breath, forcing a smile. Everything is going to be fine.
He hoped.
“YUNO! ASTA!” Recca all but squealed upon seeing the three brooms above. “Everyone- Asta and Yuno are back!”
Within seconds of touching the ground, they were swarmed. Squeals of glee rang out from Arlu and Holo as they bull-tackled Asta, clinging to his legs and jumping up with grabby hands. Recca practically squeezed the life out of Yuno, her frizzy red hair almost to his chin- when did she get so tall? Sister Lily came out soon after, tears in her eyes as she hugged both of them just as tight. By the door, Father Orsi laughed, patting Nash on the head as they waited their turn to get their hugs.
It was a mess of limbs and hugs and kisses and ear shattering screams of glee from the youngest kids.. Yuno took it all in, nostalgia and warmth mixing in his chest as he reunited with his family. God, he missed them all so much.
“Welcome home, boys.” Orsi smiled when he managed to get in, hugging them both before patting their heads. “Though I should call you two men- after everything you’ve been through. Still; no matter how old you two get, you’ll always be the squishy cheeked babies I remember when you first arrived.”
“Father Orsi, come on! I’m so much bigger now since being a baby!” Asta huffed, unable to stay annoyed. Yuno laughed softly, willing his ears to stop burning. It didn’t help that Leopold was snickering in the background, clearly pleased.
“I suppose so- now, who are these fine people you two brought?” He asked, looking out towards Noelle and Leopold. Yuno’s stomach twisted once more, the anxiety he was just beginning to forget about piercing him like an arrow. Right- introductions. It was time.
“This is Noelle! Fellow Black Bull and royalty!” Asta cheerfully introduced Noelle, pulling her closer to the group. “She’s a really cool water mage! If you’re lucky- she might show you some tricks!”
“Dorksta- don’t go promoting me like I’m some sort of circus act!” Noelle fussed, cheeks red and mildly annoyed. From the group, some of the kids giggled. “Erm, it’s nice to meet you all.”
“Your girlfriend’s pretty, Dorksta!” Holo declared, making Noelle flush crimson with a squeak. Sister lily scowled him gently but Asta took it in stride, laughing with the rest of his siblings at the nickname. When the chatter died down, all eyes turned to Yuno and Leopold.
It’ll be fine.
“Leopold Vermillion! Nice to meet you all!” Leopold declared proudly, all smiles. The children were hooked almost immediately, eyes shining. “I’m Yuno’s-” He paused then, turning to the other. There was a question in his eyes. Is this okay?
Yuno felt his heart squeeze so hard it hurt. Leopold was giving him the chance to lie- to just say he was Yuno’s good friend. To work up the courage later and tell them another time. He was grateful for the redhead at that moment.
“He’s my boyfriend.” Yuno finished. Alas- as grateful as he was; he had to do it. Leopold had already agreed to keep it a secret in the past- he wasn’t gonna put him through all that again . “We’ve been dating for a while now.”
Faces morphed into surprise- Father Orsi’s brows shot up and Sister Lily blinked. Recca and Nash’s mouths formed into “o” shapes, while Arlu and Holo were too busy hovering around Noelle to notice. Even Asta looked surprised- and he knew already. Yuno waited, pleading with whomever was listening for- what- the ground to swallow him up? For lighting to strike him down? For Captain William to call and suddenly announce a task only Yuno could fill and save him from this awkward situation?
“Well, this was unexpected.” Father Orsi was the first to speak, his shock fading into  warmth as he came over, shaking Leopold’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Leopold.”
“I recognize the name- are you related to Mimosa Vermillion?” Sister Lily recovered just as fast, smiling brightly. “She’s a darling, that one.”
“Oh yeah- she’s mine and Noelle’s cousin.” Leopold fell into easy chatter with them, bright as the sun as they asked about his team and family. Recca wiggled past the adults to Yuno’s side, her hand finding his as she leaned into his arm.
“Is he good to you?” She asked. Yuno took a shaky breath before nodding.
“He’s very good. The best man I’ve ever met.” Recca’s hand squeezed his in return, her face softening to a happy grin.
“Okay. Then I like him.” She decided. Yuno felt his throat tighten some as he leaned over, kissing her brow.
Asta and Noelle were soon dragged into the chatter. Before long, everyone was comfortable around everyone.
All but Nash, who hovered just outside the group with a pinched expression.
“It was so HOT! And dangerous too- there were so many cliffs and rocks, and the ground was carved with lava!” Asta stood before the group, retelling his adventures to his siblings- complete with standing tall and raising his arms high to emphasize his point. “There were so many instances where I was sure I wasn’t gonna make it! One wrong move, and your future Wizard King would have been as cooked as a Hage Potato!”
“I’m surprised you didn’t. I bet Yuno didn’t have any problems in that heat- not with his wind magic.” Recca grinned at her brother, earning a small smile in return. “I bet you were cool as the snow climbing that volcano!”
“Oh no, I just got lucky.” Yuno shrugged.
“Don’t be so humble- he was amazing!” Leopold grinned, joining Asta in retelling their adventures of Mereoleona’s training camp. “He was all- ZOOM! And we were all: ‘Whaaaat’ and he was all- “I’m so cool, look at me.’”
“Yeah yeah! Definitely!” Asta agreed, earning a round of laughter from the kids. “Noelle looked cool too!”
“What? Oh- don’t just say those things, Dorksta!” She huffed, cheeks pink but clearly pleased. Arlu and Holo were  fast asleep against her lap, likely dreaming of the small water dragons Noelle created for their entertainment . Despite her earlier complaints about being an attraction, it didn’t take long at all for her to give in and play with them. Yuno felt a new appreciation for the water mage. “I guess you were kinda cool too…”
“Oh goodness- I can’t imagine going through that myself!” Sister Lily laughed around her tea mug, fanning away the imaginary heat. “You two have been getting so strong since you went to the capital.”
“That’s our boys!” Orsi agreed, raising a cup of what Yuno suspected wasn’t water. He didn’t mind though- it was nice sitting with everyone again. Though, there was still something wrong.
Throughout the day, Nash had been fairly quiet, not talking much at all during dinner or the time before. He’d always been a calmer soul, but Yuno couldn’t help but suspect he was angry. There was this clear tension radiating off of him that prickled at Yuno’s skin all throughout the day- especially tense during dinner when they were all sitting together.
Yuno tried to brush it off as discomfort of new people, but sitting here now- Nash nowhere in sight, his thoughts got the better of him.
Did Nash…not accept him?
Slipping away from the group, he went to find him, scared of what he’d find but determined to get to the bottom of it.
“Nash?” Yuno called out, finding his brother sitting on the back steps of the church. “There you are.”
“Oh, hey Yuno.” The younger boy looked back at him, his face and voice calm as ever. In his hands he was playing with a tree branch, picking at the bark and pulling at the leaves. “Got overwhelmed in there?”
“A bit. I actually came to find you.” Yuno began to walk over but stopped, suddenly unsure of himself. What if he sat down beside him and Nash walked away? Maybe he should…
“Why are you hovering? It’s not like we’re strangers.” Nash nodded at the spot beside him. Yuno flushed as he sat down, shamed. Why was this suddenly so difficult?
Silence hung between them, charged with something Yuno couldn’t quite put his finger on that did nothing to ease his nerves. He went to find words, but his throat felt tight, locking away his vocal cords. He needed to say it. “Nash…are you mad?”
Nash didn’t reply, though the slow pace he was working at with his stick sped up, growing slightly more aggressive. Ah, so he was.
“Are you mad…at me?” Yuno asked, feeling his heart sink when the picking grew. “Did I do something wrong?”
The stick shook. Nash’s calm expression grew pinched. “You didn’t tell us.”
There it was. Yuno bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t- don’t apologize.” Nash tossed the stick aside, turning so he could face Yuno properly. “I don’t want an apology. I just want to know why. You know us- we’re your family! That’s never gonna change, so why…why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Nash huffed, shoulders drooping. “Did you not…trust us?”
“What- no, not at all!” Yuno winched, hating how sad his brother sounded. “It’s not that at all. I just…” He was about to ramble when he stopped, taking a breath. This was Nash- clever, understanding Nash. He might as well be honest. “I was scared.”
“Of us?” Nash blinked, tilting his head.
“Of how you’d all react.” Yuno nodded, turning to look at his knees. “Back at the capital, there are some incredible people there. But there’s also a lot of cruel ones too. Leopold- he came out before me, and I still think about some of the awful things said about him. Some were said about me too- both behind my back and to my face. I try not to care about them- they already have problems with me being a commoner, but…”
“You were scared we’d react the same way.” Nash spoke softly, voice barely over a whisper. Yuno winced, nodding.
“I know now it was irrational,, but at the time- when I first started figuring myself out and being with Leopold; I was just so…terrified. I couldn’t bring myself to say it in a letter- I needed to know in person how you’d all react. I didn’t want to come home and be treated like a stranger. That…that would hurt.” Yuno felt his eyes sting, his throat closing with unshed tears. “I’m sorry. I wish I had the courage to say it sooner, but…I didn’t. I’m sorry I made you think you couldn’t be trusted, and I’m sorry-”
“Stop.” Nash scooted over, resting his head against Yuno’s shoulder. “You’re shaking.” He took his hand in his own, two small warm ones holding Yuno’s icy limb. “Just breathe, Yuno.”
Yuno willed himself to do so, taking slow deep breaths one after another as he forced himself to calm down. He hadn’t realized just how close to a panic attack he was getting. Nash’s voice guided him back to reality, his hands still squeezing Yuno’s as the older boy collected himself. “Sorry…”
“Didn’t I just say to stop that?” Nash gave him a look, eyes softening after a moment. Silence passed before he spoke again. “You don’t have to apologize- it doesn’t seem like an easy thing to talk about. If anything- I’m sorry for getting so mad about it. Even if it took awhile, I’m glad you were able to tell us now.”
Yuno didn’t trust his voice, opting to squeeze Nash’s shoulder. Nash took this as a sign to continue.
“You know- I don’t even think that part is what made me upset. I’m really happy you found that Leopold guy, and I’m happy you and Asta are living your lives. I guess it’s just…everytime you and Asta come home, so much has happened. One minute you’re heading out to the capital, the next, you’re these powerful Magic Knights with cool abilities and war stories. I feel like there’s just so much..missing between. Like those old books someone donated that had chapters missing.” Nash dropped some, shaking his head. “That was probably stupid to listen to, huh?”
“Not at all. I think I get it.” Yuno nodded, finding his voice as he turned towards the skyline. “I’m sorry about that. Things happen so fast there, and when I go to write, I never know what to say. That and I’d hate to give Sister Lily a heart attack with the gorey details.” That earned a small smile from Nash. Yuno felt his chest loosen. “I’ll try to be better about keeping you guys updated. And I’ll try to visit more often.”
“Promise?” Nash peeked up at him. Yuno raised his pinky. Without hesitation, Nash curled his own around it.
“Promise.” Yuno gave it a little shake, the same way they did when Nash was real young. Just like that, the knots in his stomach vanished. He could breathe again.
“Thanks Yuno. Though, can I ask you something?” Nash leaned in conspiratory-like, brows furrowing. “What made you fall for him? Don’t get me wrong- he seems great, but he’s like a second Asta- just so…loud.”
Yuno snorted, hand slapping over his mouth as he shook with mirth. Nash grinned, giggling alongside his brother.
“I suppose that’s a good place to start.” Yuno got out once he recovered. The rest of the night he shared the tale with Nash, the tale of how he and Leopold came to be.
“There you are. We really do have a fondness for fields, don’t we?” Leopold laughed as he flopped down beside Yuno, the stars bright above and the air chilled. Yuno was lying on his back, hands tucked behind his head as he reflected on the day’s events. Overall- it all went well.
“That’s true. We’ll have to change it up soon. How about a beach day next time?” Yuno suggested, grinning when Leopold made a face.
“No way- I’m still finding sand in inconvenient places.” Shaking his head, he flopped backwards and into Yuno’s chest, snuggling close. “Thanks for inviting me out. Your family’s great!”
“Told you they’d love you.” Yuno hugged him close, skittering his nails against his back. “I’m glad you came. They’re gonna be talking about you and Noelle for months.”
“Hehe, better send some presents then. Gotta keep my “cool older brother” rep with the kiddos.” Leopold closed his eyes, melting against his boyfriend’s hand. “Hey…this is kinda dumb but..thanks for introducing me as your boyfriend. I would have gone with the whole friend thing if you weren’t ready to tell them, but…It made me really happy.”
“It’s not dumb at all. And I appreciate you so much for that. Still…I wanted to tell them. Regardless of what happened, I wanted them to know you as my boyfriend. It was really scary, but I’m glad I did it. I feel so…relieved.” Yuno nodded,  satisfied with his choice of words as he played with Leopold’s braid. “Was it like that for you when you came out to your siblings?”
“Honestly? I can’t remember. When I came out, I was so scared of chickening out I busted into Fuegoleon’s office and shouted it at the top of my lungs. Sis must have heard me from down the hall cause she yelled back “Good for you!” and Fuegoleon wasn’t fazed in the slightest. I think they both already knew.” Leopold laughed at the memory, smiling to himself. “I’m so lucky to have the siblings I have. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
“Yeah…” Yuno hummed in agreement, letting that settle. It made him grateful for his siblings as well- and his comrades. How’d he get so lucky to find the people he met?
“So- it’s just the two of us now. Do you think anyone will be slipping out this evening?” Leopold asked, sitting up so they were eye to eye, a teasing grin on his lips. Yuno blinked before flushing some, feeling his eyes widen.
“What? I’ve been good- I’ve held back all day from doing it.” He leaned in some, green eyes sparkling with warmth. “Now or never, right?”
Yuno rolled his eyes with a soft laugh, flicking his bangs away. “You’re a dork. Fine, come here.” 
Leopold wasted no time pressing his lips against Yuno’s, pushing him back into the grass.
It was all as Yuno hoped it would be and more. He was so glad he came home.
Thanks for reading!
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
jshdjdbdjd for the candy hearts event can i request a Lee!Leopold and Ler! Yuno for “Oh that is IT! Come here!”
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
*runs into room with my Yunleo bs* LETS GO! :D I've gotcha covered, anon!
Be Mine: "Oh that is IT! Come here!"
Leopold was a man of many talents.
“Yuno.” He called out to his boyfriend, grimoire flipping open. When Yuno looked at him, Leopold blew him a flaming kiss in the shape of a heart. Immediately, Yuno’s cheeks flushed a bright pink before the usually cool wizard twisted away.
One of those talents was making Yuno blush like a schoolgirl. “That’s how I feel about you.”
“Hush. God, that was so dumb- where’d you get that from?” The brunette groaned, unable to fight off the smile as Leopold laughed. “100 plus bad pick up spells?”
“Gah! How’d you know?” The redhead gasped, clutching his pearls. Yuno’s smile grew as he let out a soft giggle, shaking his head. This further encouraged the redhead. “I knew it- you love my pick up spells!”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes you do.”
“Yes, handsome?”
Yuno sputtered some, cheeks heating up once more. “One more and you’re done for.”
Leopold considered his options. Then he smiled, his grimoire glowing beside.him.
“You make my heart do this whenever I look at you.” He raised a fist, opening his hand as small firecrackers floated out of it.
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” Face burning, Yuno tackled him into the grass, going straight for his belly. “That was the cheesiest one yet!”
“Ehehehehehahha! Ihiihiht wahhhas my behheehhst ohohohohone! Yoohohou lohohohoved it!” The redhead squeaked, giggling like a child as he kicked his feet against the grass below. “Thahahaht’s whihihihihy yohohohoohu’re bluhuhuhushing sohohoho muhuhuhuhuch!”
Yuno didn’t have a counter for that, so he opted to shove his hands up Leopold’s tunic- clawing at the bare skin and making him howl with mirth. “YUHUUHUHUHNO AHEHAHAHHA!”
“Look who’s blushing now- you’re all red.” Yuno snickered, watching his boyfriend struggle between arching and curling up, hands loosely pawing at his own as he laughed himself silly. “Fine, I like your little spells. But I think I like seeing you lose it laughing more.”
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Forget Me Not (Black Clover)
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Happy Valentine's Day! I wasn't planning on posting anything, but in a sudden boom of motivation, I've decided I'm posting a fic! Yunleo makes me soft, and I haven't yelled about them in a minute, so here we are! :D I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo
Summary: It's the day before Valentine's and Leopold completely forgot. He scrambles to put together the perfect gift for his boyfriend.
Leopold was in quite the predicament.
You see, it all started a mere few hours ago…
“Perfect-oh, wait- no. It spread.” Mimosa sighed, brows furrowing as she looked at her tray of misshapen heart cookies. “They look like potatoes!”
“Yum!” Leopold grinned as he snagged one, frantically shoving it in his mouth before he could burn his fingerprints off. “They taste good! Nothing like a potato.”
“Why did you..nevermind.” His cousin shook her head with a small laugh as she put the tray down, grabbing her cookie cutter in hopes of reshaping them before they cooled. “At least they taste good. I suppose that’s the important part.”
Leopold hummed, mouth too full to speak. He watched her curiously, tilting his head as she reshaped her handiwork. “What’s the occasion? Are you guys having a celebration or something?”
“You could say that- it’s for Valentine’s Day. I’m gonna frost these and give them to-” She looked back at him, blinking when he went pale. “Leo?”
Oh no.
No, no, no, no, NO!
How did he forget???
“What about… that’s not gonna work. Oh, now…no, that’s dumb!”
Leopold was pacing around his room, hands in his hair as he struggled to think of something. It felt like the hours of his day were flying by with each failed attempt at securing a date. Most if not all the local restaurants were full with reservations for the big day, and shopping proved fruitless.
Then there was the question of what Yuno even wanted for Valentine's day. Past experience proved asking was pointless; his boyfriend always said the same thing when asked what he wanted: “You.” It was cute and never failed to make Leopold blush as dark as his hair; but it didn’t make surprises like now easier.
That left only one thing remaining; a handmade gift.
And Leopold…wasn’t exactly a craft man.
“Why is making paper flowers so difficult!?” He cried in frustration after the seventh failed attempt, tossing yet another crumpled mess into the pile growing on his bed. Mimosa was kind enough to show him how to make them on such short notice, but it didn’t mean much in the end. Littered on the floor were various paper hearts he tried to cut out like a heart- but even those were lopsided and ugly. Little scraps of paper and a dash of glitter coated his room like a thin film with the redhead sitting in the middle of it all, fighting the urge not to cry.
“Come on, don’t give up! You’re a Vermillion! We don’t throw in the towel!” He grunted through a lump in his throat, closing his eyes as he willed himself to take deep breaths.
Paper hearts and flowers were out. He couldn’t cook to save his life, so forget that. Yuno was one of those weird people who didn’t like chocolate, so that wasn’t an option- what was left? What could he..
Opening his eyes, he peeked at the remaining paper and pens before him; survivors of his crafting storm.
And just like that- he had a plan.
February 14th. It was officially the big day.
Oh great Wizard King save him.
Throughout the day, Leopold was a mess of anxiety and excitement; alternating between joy of sharing his gift with Yuno and dread that he’d hate it. They weren’t meeting up until the evening; both of them had a day full of team tasks to do before then- giving the fiery mage even more time to panic.
What if Yuno saw right through him? His gift was certainly last minute; nothing flashy or intricate- Leopold feared it would come off as disappointing; leaving his boyfriend to question if Leopold truly did love him.
Oh god- what if Yuno hates it so much they break up? The idea made his legs feel heavy, dragging his feet up towards their usual spot as he went to face destiny. His heart raced a mile a minute, threatening to bust out of his chest.
I want to run.
I want to run away.
I can’t face you; I’ll only disappoint you.
He started to turn-
“Leo?” That voice- soft and low- called out to him. Leopold felt himself freeze, everything in him coming to a complete standstill. He had been caught. “Hey.”
“Y-Yuno! Fancy meeting you out here! Hehe, hi!” Leopold twisted to face him, smiling big in hopes it’d hide his fear. “W-What a night to meet! Hehe, so what’s u-up?”
“You invited me out?” Yuno raised a brow, concern in those golden eyes as he watched him sweat. “Are you okay? You seem a bit-”
“Happy Valentine's Day!” Leopold practically shouted, making them both flinch. There, he said it! Yuno blinked at him, eyes wide.
“Oh…Oh! Right- Happy Valentine's Day, Leo.” He smiled gently, relaxing as everything came together. “Is that why you invited me out here?”
“Huh? What- I-” Breathe! He took a shaky breath, willing himself to calm. “Yes- that’s exactly why! I have a-”
He’ll hate it.
Three little words was all it took. Leopold felt his voice fade out as he froze once more, paling beneath the stars. He..he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t take that risk.
Yuno raised a brow, giving him a small encouraging smile. Leopold took it to his heart as he let out a shaky breath.
“Yuno…I have a present for you.” Leopold reached into his pocket, hands shaking as he went to grab said gift. He couldn’t even get his hand in his pocket. “But…I’m scared to give it to you.” At his boyfriend’s raised brows, he hurried on. “I’m just- I just really nervous all of a sudden cause it’s kinda last minute and I usually put more thought into things like this and I don’t want you to hate me-the gift and-EH!”
Fingers pressed into his sides out of nowhere, making him jump up with a squeak. He hadn’t realized Yuno got so close. “So you're saying…you’ve lost your nerve?” Yuno asked, something teasing in his tone as he pressed in more, making Leopold giggle and squirm. “In that case, I’ll help you find it.”
“Y-Yuhuhuhuno! Ahehahahaa- wahahahit!” This was certainly not how he planned tonight to go. Dancing in his boyfriend’s arms as Yuno gently tickled his ribs, his face pressed into his chest as he lightly batted at his chest. “Hahhahahang ohoohohn, I gohohohotta fihihiihnd it ohohoohohn my ohohohohohown!”
“Sorry, no can do. We’ll be here all night.” Yuno grinned as he pulled the redhead into his chest, wiggling his fingers against his belly and making him squeal. “Not that I mind that, really.”
“YUHUHUHNO!” Leopold thrashed in his arms, kicking dirt and stardust around them as he laughed like a goon. Out here in their usual spot, not a soul could hear them. It felt both freeing and devastating at the same time. “YUHUUHUHNO PLEAHHAHAHSE!”
“Please what?”
“Do what? You gotta be more clear, Leo~”
“TIHIHIHICKLE MEHHEHEHE- NHOOOHOHO WAHHAHAHIT!” Leopold all but shrieked when Yuno bit his shoulder, blowing a raspberry against the clothed fabric. Low and behold- he found yet another spot on him that was ticklish! “YUHUHUHUNO!”
“What? I’m just doing what you asked me to do!” Yuno grinned, moving his fingers back to his sides as Leopold calmed. “Do you feel better now? Ready to share with the group?”
“Ahehaha! Fihihihine, fhihiihhine! Ihiiihhih’m reahhhhahahdy!” Leopold gasped out, falling back against the other with a soft sigh as Yuno supported him. “Yoohohu’re teehehrrible!”
“Hm.” The wind mage smiled as he pressed a kiss against Leopold’s cheek. “You love me.”
“I do.” He replied automatically, his voice hushed with sincerity. He felt Yuno jolt in surprise; not quite used to hearing it. It gave Leopold the push he needed. “Hey, can you let me go for a sec? It’s important.”
Yuno did so, watching him as the redhead took a few steps away. Turning back to his boyfriend, Leopold reached into his pocket, pulling out the folded paper. “I wrote this and…well, I know it’s not much, but if you’ll have me, I’d like to read it to you.”
“Poetry, Leo? Who would have known.” Yuno teased good naturedly, leaning back on his heels as he waited. 
“I’m not much of a poet- but I tried.” After another breathe, Leopold began to read.
“First of all; Happy Valentine’s Day. It’s our first, and I wanted to do something special for it. However- this is where I must confess. I kinda…forgot.” Leopold winched. Yuno gasped, clutching his pearls.
Then he chuckled, easing away Leopold’s worries.
“Sorry about that. I’ll remember going forward. But this letter isn’t about my forgetfulness; it’s about something much more important…it’s about you.
“When we first met; it was during my sister’s bootcamp. I remember when I first really looked at you- I thought to myself: ‘This guy’s really cool. And he looks strong. I have to defeat him!’ I declared you my rival and set my goal to surpassing this really cool guy with fluffy black hair and eyes like sunlight by any means necessary. I challenged you to many duels, and not once did you turn me down.
“I think that’s when I started to fall for you. I can’t pinpoint an exact moment; maybe it was the way you carried yourself- or how you always talked about your siblings with such love. Maybe it was during a battle- or how you declare your ambitions like obtainable goals rather than distant dreams. I thought my admiration for you was simply that; a feeling of mutual respect for my fellow mage.
“But then you looked at me and I realized it was more than that. It was love. A love that burned within me like a burning candle wick- new and different than anything I’ve felt before. It grew and grew until there were times I simply couldn’t be around you cause all I wanted was to tell you how I felt. I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same, so I kept that burning wick to myself for months.
“And then…you returned my feelings. You said you liked me back! I couldn’t believe it! Sure- things were a bit rocky at the start, and there was a moment I was scared my wick would blow out, leaving me cold within, but you kept it burning and you still do.
“Did that sound good? I’m not exactly good at this poetry stuff. The point is- I love you, Yuno. I love your ambitions and your dreams, I love your faith in me when I don’t have any left. I love when you smile at me, when you take my hand in yours and never let go. I love how you look at me when you talk- like I’m the only one here. I love how passionate you are about what you want to do with your life. I love your bravery, your kindness, your competitive spirit and how you always make me feel loved and treasured. Your love comes as easy as breathing, and I want to keep breathing it in, letting it do whatever air does to our bodies- something about blood cells and whatnot.
“I probably killed the vibe with that last part; the point is- I love you, and for as long as I live- I’ll always love you. Even in death I’ll love you. My heart is yours for all eternity. Happy Valentine's Day, Yuno. Let’s have many more.”
Finishing the letter, he stared at the page, suddenly too shy to look up. What would he see when he did? Would Yuno fight off laughs? Would he be bored? Disgusted? Disappointed? He was scared.
Be brave.
He looked up- and stared. Yuno was crying.
“Babe..” He whispered, but that’s all Leopold got out before he was engulfed by arms, a cloud of pine and forest invading his nose as Yuno clung to him. “Yuno?”
“Not much of a poet my ass.” He choked out, a wet laugh coming though his voice. “Leopold…That was so…I love you so much.”
Those words were like coming up for air after nearly drowning. More than that- it felt like he was ascending. His body felt light with relief, almost numb as he brought them around his boyfriend- grounding him and filling him with warmth. “I was worried you’d hate it.”
“Never. I loved every word.” Yuno pulled back, eyes shiny with tears. Leopold reached up, brushing them away with his thumb. “I hate that I don’t have the words to describe how I feel right now…”
“More than words?” Leopold asked, earning another wet laugh. He closed his eyes as Yuno leaned in, capturing his lips with ease. Where words failed him, Yuno’s kiss told him everything he so desperately wanted to hear. His hands ran through black tufts of hair as Yuno grasped his hips, pulling him against him until only the pounding of their hearts were between them.
“I feel kinda bad now. I didn’t get you anything for Valentine’s Day.” Yuno confessed after some time. They were lying beneath the stars, his head on Leopold’s chest as the redhead played with his hair. “I kinda forgot too.”
“What?” Now it was his turn to clutch pearls. “Yuno!”
They looked at eachother. Then they were laughing.
“We’re a match made to be!” Leopold wheezed, shaking beneath Yuno as he giggled himself silly. “God, I love you.”
“I love you too.” Yuno smiled, scooting up so they were nose to nose. “I still want to give you something. Is there anything you want?”
“You.” Leopold grinned, watching Yuno flush pink, starting to laugh once more as he lightly slapped his chest.
“Jerk- that’s my line.” He laughed again, the sound muffled by Leopold’s lips on his. He was melting against him in minutes. “I still want to get you back.”
“You already did. Your love for me is the greatest gift I’ve ever received.” Leopold smiled, pressing his forehead against Yunos. “What more do I need when I have you?”
Instead of words, Yuno kissed him again and again.
Even if they both forgot the rest of them; Leopold would always remember this Valentine’s Day.
Thanks for reading!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
For request.. lee!Leopold and Ler!asta with a jealous Yuno on the side?
Oo, my boys! Honestly this went from Lee!Leopold to Switches!Everyone but with heavy focus on Leopold getting wrecked, so I hope that's okay! :D I've gotcha covered, anon!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
“I think we’re safe…” Asta whispered from his hiding spot beside Yuno, the sets of wide eyes watching as Sister Lily ran out, looking around. They were too far out to hear her, but judging by the faint scowl on her lips, she was rather crossed.
“Asta, I told you we shouldn’t have done that! We scared Sister Lily!” Yuno whispered, his pout starting to quiver as the shorter boy covered his mouth, fighting down giggles. “Asta!”
“Come on- you know that was funny! Sister Lily was all: ‘EEK!’” Asta mimicked the sound so perfectly his friend was barely fighting down giggles himself. “See? You thought it was funny too!”
“No I didn’t! Stop lying!” Yuno turned away, puffing his cheeks. The gray haired boy giggled before reaching out, grabbing his brother’s sides. “No! Stahhap that! Aahhahahasta!”
“Admit it was funny! Come on, you know you thought so too!” Asta cooed sweetly, pulling Yuno’s curling form into him as he tickled his belly. “I’m gonna keep tickling you until you admit it!”
“Noohohohohoho! Ahahahahhahastaahahaha!”
“Stahhahap it! Ahahhaha, you jeheheheherk!”
Yuno blinked, coming out of his memory at the sound of laughter. Turning to look, his gaze grew fond as he watched Leopold and Asta roll around in the grass beside him. What they were arguing about was lost to him, but it must have been pretty serious for Asta to pull out his tickle moves.
“Who are you calling a jerk, you walking bonfire! Oo, I’m gonna get you now!” The shorter of the pair pushed, sending Leopold onto his back as he danced his fingers along his belly, earning a proper squeal. “Aww, is someone ticklish? Huh? Is he?”
It was…strange, the whole “squad” thing. Besides Asta, Yuno didn’t think he’d have much of a social circle growing up. Hage was small, with the majority of the residents adults or elderly. The few kids there were..well; them and their younger siblings.
Then he joined the magic knights and ended up with not only a handful of amazing friends and teammates, but an incredibly loving boyfriend. Who- at the moment- was currently getting his socks knocked off by his brother’s childish antics.
It was nice, even when sometimes Yuno’s chest would tighten like now, a strange mix of longing and jealousy settling beneath the happy feelings in his gut. He had no reason to feel this way.
And yet…
“Ahahahahasta! Ahahahhahsta, coohohohohme oohohohon! Leheheheht me uhuuhuhuhp!” Leopold cried, cheeks pink and eyes cracked open with tears. He sounded a tad breathless, his grip moreso a gesture as his hands came around Asta’s wrists. “Plehehehahhahase, I gihihihihive!”
“Hehe, okay.” Asta laughed, pulling his hands back. Before he could properly stand up however-
“GOTCHA!” Leopold roared, jumping on Asta with vengeful fingers. Their game continued, fresh squeals of laughter filling Yuno’s ears and twisting the ache in his gut tighter.
“Oohohohoohoh, you jehehheheherk! Coohohoohohme heheheheehhere!” Asta wrapped his arms around Leopold, putting his muscles to work to quickly flip off the other. Once free, he looked around.
For a brief second, Yuno felt his heart race with anticipation. Was he going to…
But then Asta was tackling Leopold into the grass once more, fingers flying over his belly and making him shriek. Yuno averted his gaze before they could see his face fall.
“Wahahahhahit-wahhahahait, Ahahahahahhsta stahhahahap!” Leopold cried, tapping frequently at the other’s shoulder. Asta, noticing the sudden change, stopped. Before he could sit up however, Leopold dragged him down, whispering something.
Yuno shook his head, face warm with self loathing. He should be happy they’re getting along so well, and yet here he was sulking like a child. He’d better leave before his bad mood ruins their fun.
In his moment of self-loathing though, he failed to notice the two figures crawling up to him from either side.
“Yuuuuno~” Asta’s voice cooed, making him jump and scrunch up.
“Look what we have here~” Leopold teased on his other side, fingers worming their way into his ribs. “Is someone feeling left out? You know you just have to ask to join in.”
“Gah! Aheahhahahahaha! Whahahahit, wahahhait, pleahahhahse!” Yuno doubled over in giggles, arms pressing tightly into his sides as he tried and failed to block out the fingers tapping along his sides. “Thahahahhat’s not ihiihiihiht!”
“Mm-hm. Sure it’s not.” Asta teased, dropping his hand lower so he could knead the spot beneath his lower ribs. “You know when you lie your ears get all red, Yuno.”
Almost immediately, Yuno reached up to cover them.
“GOTCHA!” Leopold laughed as his fingers went right for the now open spot, earning a proper shriek from the other. “I can’t believe you fell for that! You’re too cute!” His teasy remarks were near lost as Yuno doubled over in mirth. “For such a stoic prince, you sure have a pretty smile!”
“EHEHEHEHE LEHEHEHEO! AHAHHAHASTA STAHAHHAHAP IHIHIIHIHIIT!” Yuno cried out, his chest starting to get tight from lack of oxygen. Slowly, the tickles came to an end, a few skittering fingers flying over his neck for good measure. Yuno scrunched up some with a snort, swatting at the hands. When he came back too, he tried to glare, crumbling into a small laugh almost immediately upon seeing their giddy expressions. “You two are terrible!”
“Nah, you loved it!” Asta teased, lighty shoving him.
“Yeah! Plus I didn’t see you try to fight back! You wanted that!” Leopold threw himself over his shoulders, hugging him tightly. “Is that why you were looking so sad? Because you felt left out?”
Yuno blinked, feeling his ears redden. So they did notice. “...No?”
“Liar.” Both pointed at his ears. The wind mage sighed some, shaking his head.
“Fine, okay- maybe a little.” He admitted, a part of him cringing at the confession. It sounded worse in his ears.
“Aww, Yuno!” Asta laughed softly, hugging him just as tight. “All you had to do is ask! Heck, really- all you needed to do was join in! I could easily take both down!”
“Bet?” Leopold shared a look with Yuno.
“Bet!” Asta grinned, even as he was suddenly being shifted back. “Wait! Wait-I wasn’t read-ehehehehehehhhhehehehe!”
“Sorry, what? I thought you could beat us!” Leopold teased, hands working circles into Asta’s waist.
“Come on, Shortsta- show us what you got.” Yuno smirked, how own hands worming into Asta’s knees, making him kick and cackle.
Sure enough, it wasn’t long before Asta’s muscles kicked in, sending them both flying back and Asta once again attacking Leopold with everything he had. “Yuno! Come help kill your boyfriend!” He cried out, laughing as Leopold squealed and shrieked.
“Nohoohohohooho! Hehehhehehelp mehehehehehhehehehe!” Leopold pleaded, cheeks red.
“Hmm…okay.” Yuno shrugged before joining the fray once more, who he was targeting was lost even to him. That awful twisted feeling in his gut was gone as the three laughed themselves silly.
The whole “Squad” thing was new to him, but Yuno was starting to realize he rather liked it.
Thanks for reading!
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whispersbelongingbird · 6 months
Enlighten Me
Not too proud of this but I’ve had this in my draft for awhile so I decided to get rid of it. Basically its just some of the Yunoleo scenes in the anime and some extra so enjoy!
“You also have a peasant in you squad.” Leopold spoke up. “A peasant who has forgotten his place because everyone fawns over him due to his four leaf grimoire”
Leopold glanced at Yuno then smirked and looked away, he flicked his braid over his shoulder. “I could’ve handled conquering that dungeon way better”
Yuno kept his mouth shut deciding not to argue back. It’s not like the words really meant anything to him.
“That’s quite confident, crimson brat” Alecdora spat. “It’s not like we expect anything from that peasant”
Alecdora looked over at Yuno and his smirk dropped before turning away. Yuno didn’t want to start something with his senior so he just kept silent and watched everything go bye. After all he didn’t need acknowledgment from such people.
Although he couldn’t help but notice the glances that Leopold would send him every now and then. 
“So this is what cool is… I don’t like” Leopold muttered giving Yuno a deadpan look as Asta laughed in the back and walked up to them. Yuno didn’t acknowledge Leopold’s statement and watched Yami and Charlotte make their way up the volcano.
“You’ll get used to it” Asta replied patting Leopold on the shoulder and giving a Yuno a wink. Yuno just simply looked away and focused on sharpening his mana in hopes to figure out this mana skin business.
Leopold scoffed and shrugged Asta off. Of course a pretty boy came with a shit personality. Nothing good ever came his way.
“Let’s go on now”
Mereoleona had abducted everyone in her sight and dumped them at the foot of a volcano. The star festival hadn’t even finished yet. Originally it was just going to be the Crimson Lion kings but Asta and Yuno dug their own hole and Charlotte, Noelle and Yami got dragged along. 
After a few pushes from Asta, Yuno and Leopold exchanged and it a few words and that was it.
“I would like to decline!” Leopold shouted then lowered his head in shame. Everyone had their eyes blown wide open. Fuegoleon stood in the back, he can’t say he didn’t expect this.
Yuno stood behind Leopold, next to Mimosa with his usual stotic expression. He, himself was confused and shocked by Leopolds declaration, but he wouldn’t let a few emotions crack his facade.
“When our vice captain had turned into an elf” Leopold paused and took a deep breath before continuing. “I was hopeless, if my brother hadn’t stepped in then I don’t know what would’ve happened. My squad mates asked me to go on and run away, in hopes I would actually survive.. Everyone tried to protect me even if it cost them their life.
He took in another breath before continued. “i’m just a weakling and I do not deserve this recognition!”
Leopold closed his mouth. He didn’t want to recall anymore of that event. He didn’t want to relive the moments of feeling utterly useless.
He couldn’t even look anyone in the face right now. It was embarrassing.
He was about to turn around and stand back to where he was before.
“You fool!” Fuegoleon yelled, making all heads turn towards him. “Do you know why they fought so hard to protect you?! Because they believed in you and saw hope in your very existence. Your charisma is what kept them going, you’re their motivation. If it weren’t for you then everyone would’ve been done for from the start. But you’re what kept them going.”
Even though Fuegoleon was scolding Leopold, he still held that warmth and comforting gaze in his eyes. Leopold still had his eyes blown wide as he turned back to face Owen, he let his brothers words sink in deep before he took a deep breath and lifted his head.
“I, Leopold Vermillion will do my best to live up to this Recognition and do my best to protect my squad from any enemy!”
He says giving a head bow as Owen smiled and handed Leopold his Medal. Leopold takes it and walks back. Everyone was clapping and Fuegoleon had a soft smile plastered on his face.
After the ceremony had ended Leopold was on his way out and he didn’t realise he had been walking next to Yuno until he spoke up.
“You know you shouldn’t down-sell yourself. If you want to become the best mage out there. Then you have to believe you are the best mage out there. Insecurities like that is whats making you fall behind” Yuno breathed out, not batting an eye at Leopold as he walked off. 
Leopold stood stiff. Was Yuno talking to him? He didn’t know if he was trying to comfort him or what. If he was then he sucked at it.
The red head chuckled as he made his way back to the Vermillion Estate. 
“Well, lets get going golden boy!” Leopold cheered ushering Yuno forward to the dungeon. 
The two had been sent on a mission to conquer a dungeon and find the treasure hall. It sounded quite simple. However the duo picked wasn’t exactly the best..
Leopold and Yuno have talked together about four times. Their communication and teamwork skills were not so great, or so that’s what they thought.
Nothing less, they were sent on this mission together and complaining was forbidden. Yuno followed behind Leopold as the two made their way into the geometrical structure, covered in moss.
As they both step foot in they immediately alarm and set off some traps. They didn’t do much damage as Yuno prevented any of the attack from hitting both him and Leopold.
Leopold couldn’t help but crack a little smile.
Throughout the mission, the two worked surprisingly well together. They didn’t need words to communicate. Just a glace or a simple hand gesture was enough. It was kind of scary how well they matched up.
Leopold only wished the mission had lasted a bit longer.
Yuno and Leopold had just finished their mission. It was a very simple one and they only came out with a few cuts and scratches. They were lucky enough to not run into any bandits.
“So we work together pretty well. Match made in heaven I suppose?” Leopold teases raising his eyebrows and giving a cute little wink.
Yuno only scoffed. He seemed to be doing that a lot around Leopold. Leo and his delusional fantasies decided to take it as a huff of affection.
The raven head didn’t responded to Leopold’s earlier joke and looked up. “Its gonna rain” Yuno sighed and shook his head, muttering under his breath.
“Ha? How can you tel-“ Leopold was cut off by the sudden downpour that hit them. 
That was not how he planned his walk back with Yuno.
Leopold tried to use his grimoire to cover his already wet hair while Yuno watched Him. He couldn’t help but chuckle. Though, didn’t last long as he quickly composed himself. 
He rubbed his eyes and looked up at Leopold who looked like he was about to burst out into a fit of giggles. In which he did so.
Yuno stood still. Watching Leopold clutch onto his stomach as he let out light, soft giggles which had a little rasp to it. “S-Sorry.. its just you look-..” Leopold looked up and ruffled Yunos hair and Yuno jerked away. “He-“ 
Yuno cut himself off as he looked into Leopolds   Green eyes. They were so bright. Maybe the rain was getting into Yunos head but he swears he saw hearts in thoses eyes. Their bodies were practically flushed together as Yuno continued to stare into leopolds eyes.
His eyelashes were wet from the rain and the drops trickling down from them made his eyes glow even more.
This wasn’t going to end well.
Yuno moved back and turned away from Leo. “Lets go find some shelter for now before we get sick. “
He rasped out and started walking away from Leopold without warning. Leopold ran up to Yuno almost slipping in the progress but Yuno to grab onto his arm to steady him.
Yuno and Leopold had no luck in find an inn around. The place was empty of any mage. The two had stumbled upon a cave and decided it was the best option so they went in.
Yuno did his best to dry their clothes with his wind magic as Leopold used his mana to heat up the area.
Leopold noticed the tremble in Yuno’s hands so without think he decided to reach out and embrace his cold ones with Leo’s own warm hands.
Yuno’s hands were a perfect contrast to Leopold’s, but they still slot together perfectly. It felt nice. It was cozy and he felt at home. It was hard to put into words.
It took Leopold a few long seconds before he realised what he did and flew back. “S-sorry! Its just you s-seemed.. uh..” Leopold chucled and scratched the back of his neck before turning away and distracting himself by rolling around some rocks.
His face was bright red and he squinted his eyes shut trying to recovering from the embarrassment. He didn’t want to tun around and look at the other mage in fear of seeing disgust plastered onto his face.
Leopold not turning around resulted in him not seeing Yuno look at his hands which he once held and put it to his chest.
It was cute really.
“The rain doesn’t look like its stopping anytime soon..” Leopold mused and leaned back against the cave wall and let out a long sigh.
They were dirty, cold and hungry. 
Leopold was pulling at his hair. He eventually had to drop his grimoire. Using his mana for an hour straight to heat up the cave was exhausting. Yuno told him to drop it and that they will be fine.
Well, that was before they heard the thunder that came crashing down onto the earths surface.
They both flinched back and Leopold knocked his head against the prickly rock behind him.
The redhead cradled his own head as tears pricked his eyes. He was just annoyed right now. He was cold and tired. He was dehydrated and hungry. They were magic knights, so something as small as this shouldn’t get him acting like this.
Except it did. He was pathetic. The vice captain of the golden dawn was right next to him and he had made a fool of himself. He could already see the nasty looks from his parents and the harsh words coming his way. 
They always did that
He shook his head trying to erase those thoughts. He didn’t want to make this situation even more miserable. 
“So.. How’s everything going.” Leopold cringed at his own pathetic attempt to start a conversation. Yuno not being a very talkative person wasn’t helping.
“Its.. Good?” Yuno’s eye twitched and he turned his head away. Leo figured he had already gotta bored of him so he just sighed and rested against the wall. It felt like ants were nibbling on his skin. He was itchy all over and wanted nothing more than to go home and take a nice warm shower.
Leopold stared off into nowhere for a few minutes before he felt something knock against his shoulder. 
The boy looked down to see Yuno snoozing away, his head tucked into Leopold’s neck. 
Yuno was sleeping. On Leo.. 
Leopold squealed but stood stiff. He was so close to throwing his arms about and running out of there. He felt the heat rush to his face. Thank god Mimosa wasn’t here otherwise she wouldn’t let him live this down.
The red head looked over at Yuno again and smiled softly. He looked so peaceful.. so beautiful and at rest. Usually Yuno had such a stiff expression and it was hard to crack. But here he was, sleeping soundlessly.
Leopold resisted the urge to caress Yuno’s soft, delicate skin and settled for resting his head on top of Yuno’s.
Yeah, this was nice.
“Other than that, I’d say its pretty good! How is everything here?” 
Leopold flashed Yuno a bright smile as he put his hands behind his back and swayed forward waiting for a response
They were three months into their six month training and Leopold decided to come to the Golden Dawn with Mimosa. He had spotted Yuno and decided to have a talk and see how things are going!
“Hm.. It’s good, we are seeing improvement. How is everyone else?” Yuno slightly tilts his head and raises an eyebrow. He had a certain light in his eyes that Leopold hadn’t seen before.
“Everyone is doing amazing! Asta and Noelle are improving rapidly. “ Leopold cheered.
Yuno cracked a soft smile and scoffed at the mention of Asta. “Not a chance.” He gave a soft, precious laugh. No one saw that coming. 
Yuno hadn’t realised he zoned out a bit, reflecting on the memories with his childhood friend. He glanced up at Leopold who looked like his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. His face was flushed red, along with a subtle tint to his ears.
“You.. alright?” Yuno questions not knowing what to say. 
Leopold does eighty percent of the talking between them so Yuno doesn’t really have to so much. Honestly, Yuno likes it like that. He liked listening to Leopold talk. It was soothing..
“H-huh! Yeah! No worries! Anyways I should het backk. Uhh.. The beavers wanted to see me! Yes.. the beavers..” Leo chuckled nervously and adverted his gaze before turning around. “See ya!” 
and he ran off without another word.
“Beavers..?” Yuno muttered to himself as he watched Leopold from behind.
“Beavers?! Leopold, are you being serious??” Mimosa yelled, grabbing onto Leo’s shoulders and shaking him.
He was an idiot. A very stupid one. 
“I’m sorry okay! I got nervous.. his laugh okay.. oh god his laugh Mimosa I could play that on repeat forever.” Leopold smiled softly, reliving the memory. His eyes were looking up towards the sky and that famous tint of pink made its way up his face. Oh he was so down bad.
“Alright we get it.” Mimosa rolled her eyes but chuckled. She was honestly happy about the situation Leopold and Yuno were in. The two are so focused on becoming stronger and the best of the best that they forget there is more to life snd they are still just kids. Mimosa prided herself in being the one who got them to talk to each other in the first place.
“Mimosa! What do I do. I just wanna kiss his nose” Leopold knocked his head against the wall and Mimosa coughed. 
“Kiss his nose? Leo, do you have a fever?” She placed her hand onto his forehead, brushing his bangs aside which earned her a pout from the older of the two.
“This isn’t funny! He’s just so… ugh forget it. It’s Yuno here. He is the full package. Smart, cute, handsome, strong, handsome.. cute.. fun to talk to, handsome…” Leo once again knocked his head against the wall and groaned loudly. “Everyone wants him. Why would he even choose me.”
Leopold scratched the back of his head and looked up at Mimosa who was pulling at her hair. 
“You’re hopeless, thats what”
“Y-You what?” Leopold stood there, frozen. He moved his hand to is cheek and pinched himself to make sure this was real. 
The 6 months were coming to an end and Leopold had once again came back to the Golden Dawn for one final time. Although he didn’t know what was coming his way.
“I..” Yuno trailed off and groaned. It was a rare sight itself. Leo would have enjoyed it more if he wasn’t currently flabbergasted by whatever Yuno had just split out of his mouth.
“I like you. I have for some time now. At first I though you were a stuck up royal who thought too highly of himself. But, after hearing about you from Mimosa and Asta. Talking to you, going on Missions together and a lot of late night think-“
Yuno was cut off by Leopold throwing himself into his arms with tears in his eyes. Leo wrapped his arms around Yuno’s neck and nuzzled his cheek. 
“Yuno! Stop don’t talk anymore! You’ve said too much. I’m gonna explode” Leo whined and swayed one of his legs. He hid his face hin Yuno’s neck in order to hide his blush. Although it wasn’t doing much because the flush from his ears were on display.
“So you like me back?”
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Yo giggles, I have this headcanon the Leopold does have the cocky personality that most royals have (kinda like noelle's). And gets weirded out when a commoner does something commoneish? Anywya could u write a drabble about it? Maybe with asta and yuno? *Cough* yunleo *Cough*.
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
Heyo! To be honest, I think I misunderstood the assignment with this one akjlrkjearjkeajk I read it like- five times in a row and still said: "...Did I do it right?" Either way- I hope you like it anon! Personal confusion aside- I had a lot of fun writing this one! :D
“Wait- WHAT? And you do that all day long?” Leopold was gaping, watching Yuno spin piles of clothes through the air with his magic. Across the way, Asta was wringing shirts out one after the other.
“Not all day- it usually takes around an hour if I’m doing it. Asta though…” The brunette shrugged, a small smile pulling on his lips. Seconds later he was jerking away with a startled laugh when water flicked at him, Asta shaking the shirt out violently in his direction. “Aim it somewhere else, shortsta!”
“Sorry- you looked overheated.” The smaller wizard snickered, returning to his task. “But yeah- you guys don’t do your own laundry back at your place, do you Leo?”
“Well- no. We have servants that cook and clean for us, so dinner and fresh clothes aren’t ever something we have to worry about.” He watched Yuno twitch his fingers, the now dry lining folding into a pile of squares. “Course the last time any of us siblings cooked, we nearly set the house on fire- so maybe that’s a good thing.”
“Pfft! I can see it!” Asta cackled at the thought, tossing the last of the shirts into the air cycle before dumping his bucket. “Given how fired up you three get- I bet it’s all crispy!”
“Didn’t you burn a hole in Sister Lily’s favorite pot the last time you attempted to cook?” Yuno blinked at him, just barely saving the clothes when Asta ambushed him. Limps flew and fabric reigned down around the three as they began to wrestle across the grass. “Asta, the linen!”
“We’ll wash it again! Take that back, you overgrown jerk!” Asta cried, fingers already attacking Yuno’s ribs, making the brunette shoot up with a squeal. “Take it back, take it back!”
Leopold snickered in his hands as his boyfriend got wrecked, heart fluttering at the sweet sounds. Then his attention turned to the fallen linen- dry but scattered. With a hesitant hand, he reached out, grabbing one of the shirts and folding it.
The square wasn’t nearly as neat as Yuno’s- but it was similar enough. With a shrug, he got to work finishing the pile as the boys rolled down the hill, laughing the entire time.
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