#Z nation Doc
campbluesky · 5 months
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I'm an optimistic old man with substance abuse problems and a younger person who I treat like a son in place of my real son who I abandoned
I'm a pessimistic old criminal who got convicted for postal fraud and got chosen to be the savior of the human race by pure chance and have many, many issues stemming from that
And together we are
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clownieboo · 5 months
it feels like nobody in the z nation fandom talks about doc x murphy and that’s really what is shattering my heart into a million itty bitty pieces
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topazy · 1 year
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.02
Doc follows behind George for a few miles as she leads you to Camp Altura. The camp was built around a college campus, which had minimal damage. As you stepped in closer, you were able to see different stalls selling blankets, hot food, hand-made soaps, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
“This place is pretty impressive.”
“Hey, guys!” George calls over from a fenced-off area. “You gotta go to quarantine first!”
She points you in the direction of a tent to revive a medical test that would determine if you were alive or dead. Then you could move onto the second stage and fill out forms to register as a citizen. The third part was being assigned a temporary job until they found a permanent one suited best to the information you’d given them.
Doc and Sarge passed with flying colors, but the doctor checking 10K seemed concerned. “I'm having a hard time finding a pulse,” she says, feeling his wrist. “Any near-death experiences? Going into the white light? Loss of appetite?”
“Sometimes everything’s in slow motion.”
The doctor gets 10k to remove his top half of clothing to scan his body with a UV light. You swallow hard, glancing over to the other side of the tent. You see Doc and Sarge watching with the same expression on their faces, no doubt fearing the same thing as you. What if 10K was still technically dead? The doctor pushes him forward to inspect his back and notices the mark on the back of his neck. “What is that? It looks like a healed-over bite.”
“Oh, that… that was me. I sometimes get a little carried away in the bedroom.”
10k looks mortified at first but then clicks onto your lie. Smiling, he looks up at her and shrugs. “I picked a biter.”
Unconvinced, the doctor begins to feel his neck and then his chest. She roughly pushes her thumb over where his heart should be, causing 10k to wince out in pain. “Any heart problems you’re aware of?”
“Not till you did that,” he says, trying to pull away from her, but the doctor only pushed her thumb in deeper.
After a tense few moments pass, the doctor finally smiles and says, “There we go; we got a pulse.”
When it’s your turn to sit in the chair, you hand the doctor the paper with your name on it. It felt so strange seeing your name in black and white on the medical form. 𝐘/𝐍 ‘𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚’ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐤. You were unsure whether to even include your first name since nobody calls it anymore, but you chose to in case Addy ever came looking for you.
She looks between you and 10k, who was putting his top back on. “Another Beck, siblings?”
“But not siblings?”
Sarge scrunches up her nose and says, “that’s disgusting.”
You nod in agreement with Sarge while opening up your mouth for the doctor to inspect your teeth.
“Anything can happen in the new world,” she deadpans.
“Any zombie bites? Mortal wounds? Organ failure?”
You shake your head.
The doctor feels around the inside of your mouth, giving you a disapproving look. Considering how hard it was to keep hygiene standards up while running from the undead and trying to save the world, your teeth were in pretty good condition. The doctor narrows her eyes at you, then turns to tell Doc and Sarge they should start queuing to register because the lines were long. She asks you question after question without giving you a chance to answer. Frowning, she starts to feel around your stomach before moving her hands further up your body.
You swat the doctor's hands away when she feels your breasts. “Eh, excuse me!”
“Hmm,” she starts to scribble down on the piece of paper, shaking her head. “I’ll organize a scan for you. It will probably be later today so they can do a safety evaluation to figure out the best place for you to work.”
10k steps forward, his eyes wide with worry. “Why does she need a scan? Is something wrong?”
“No, just to see how far along the baby is.”
"I’m pre—” Before you can complete the question, you hear a thud. You look over your shoulder to see 10k has passed out. “I’m not…I cannot be.”
She hands you a small yellow tube to pee in and says, “Let’s find out then.”
Oh shit.
“Okay, so now that you’ve registered for citizenship and are certified alive, you’ll need to wait outside in the line on the left for housing and a work permit,” the doctor explains. She smiles at you. “Well, not you, mommy; you’ll be off work for at least a couple of days.”
This wasn’t happening; there had to be some kind of mistake. You couldn’t be pregnant. You glance at 10k, who was toying with the bandana on his head; he hadn’t said anything since two pink lines appeared on the stick the doctor dipped into your urine sample.
“I know this is a shock, but I do have more people waiting to be processed.”
You stand first. “Uh, thank you.”
Stepping out of the medical tent into the camp, you first spot Doc and Sarge, who are waiting for you both. “Fuck, we can’t tell them.”
10k nods in agreement, “we cannot tell them or anyone.”
You go over to retrieve your bags and weapons, which you made to hand over upon arrival. Soon as Doc waved over to you, you knew it would be impossible to keep a secret like this from him. 10k thinks the same because he says, “I don’t know how long I can be around him before I break.”
“We can tell Doc, but nobody else. I don’t want anyone to know anything until... I don’t even know.”
“Until we are finally sure things are safe?”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Our team is our family; this affects them, and I don’t want to freak everyone out until it’s absolutely necessary. How are you feeling about it? Your head took a pretty hard hit when you hit the ground.”
10k Let’s take a deep breath. “I’m not going to lie; I’m terrified. But we’ve made it this far.” Seeing tears build in your eyes, he pulls you in for a hug and kisses your forehead. “We’ve made it through much worse; we just need time to get our heads around it.”
Taking his hand, you walk towards Doc and Sarge in comfortable silence. Just as you reach them, George appears with a large smile on her face. “Hey guys, I’m glad to see you made it in. Did you get your work assignments?”
“Sure did.” Doc replies. “You’re looking at a future intake examiner. I guess they liked my bedside manner.”
“I’ve been assigned gate duty with the volunteer militia,” Sarge pouts.
“So have I,” 10k says.
Sarge seems a little happier that she and 10K have the same assignment, but she struggles to hide her disappointment. George picks up on it as well, “it’s only temporary. Once the referendum passes, you’ll be able to work anywhere in New America. I personally like Pacifia, my home, but there’s something for everybody.”
You liked the sound of that. Personally, you either wanted to live in an open area like a forest or a farmhouse. You knew it would be a long time before that day came, but having that goal reminded you how worthwhile all the shit you’ve been through was.
George’s dark eyes land on you. “What about you? What’s your work assignment?”
“I don’t have one yet,” you shrug.
George nods her head; she looks like she’s going to say something but notices the nervous glance between yourself and 10K and changes the subject. “Well, if there’s anything I can do—one moment.”
You watch as George orders men who are guarding the fences to be less rough on a woman who’s the new type of zombie. She calls for Dante to hand her one of those little black biscuits and feed it to the women, making her much calmer. Without those biscuits, camp would be screwed; it was the only thing that stopped people who had died from turning completely Z.
After a quick shower and a hot meal, you go with the rest of your group while they are on gate duty. You didn’t want your first day in the place to be alone, especially since you’d got an appointment for a scan later on that day. Even though the doctor confirmed you were with a child, you didn’t feel any different; the only difference you felt now was a massive weight pressing down on you for keeping it a secret. But knowing so many things could go wrong, it was best to keep it quiet for now. At least that’s what you told yourself.
“Warren! Murphy!”
“Oh my god! Roberta! You are indestructible! Look at your hair,” Doc says, pulling a brunette into a hug.
It takes you a few seconds to fully register. Warren was standing in front of you. She was alive. You jump to your feet and rush towards them. “I can’t believe Murphy actually found you. I was so sure both of you were gone.”
Warren hugs you tightly. “I’m glad to see you. I’m so glad you guys made it this far; I was worried I’d never get the chance to see any of you again.”
Whatever happened to Warren when she supposedly died changed her hair back to its natural color. You liked it; she looked more like herself again. Murphy’s skin still remained bright red. Although Altura was the longest zombie-free outpost in North America, you couldn’t shake the niggling feeling that it could all change now that Murphy had arrived. Seconds after the thought crosses your mind, Murphy causes a scene by refusing to go for his examination.
Seeing Dante step forward, you jump in between them and say, “Listen, he’s got a phobia of scientists.”
Doc starts to try and defuse the tension but stops talking when Warren and George smile at each other. They walk towards each other and hug. It turns out they were old friends who saved each other's lives at the start of the apocalypse.
The outpost was more impressive than you first realized; it even had its own bar—not that you could drink for a long time, but it was nice that others could. When you first entered the bar, you were pleasantly surprised to meet Simon Cruller, better known as Citizen Z. It was crazy to think how many times he’d saved your asses without ever actually meeting you.
“Oh my god, what is that?”
You try not to barf as a citizen places down a large glass of green tequila before sitting down beside 10k and saying, “Do not let me drink this; I have a wife and kid.”
10k tilts his head and looks at you with wide eyes; you could already see the sweat gathering at his hairline. You had agreed to sit down with Doc and gently break the news to him that night, then, in a few days, tell the others, but the unknown elephant in the room had caught the attention of Sarge, Simone, and Doc, who were all staring at the two of you, waiting for one of you to say something.
Doc suddenly lunges forward, “Reds alive! She’s here with some dude, and they have a kid!”
Before either of you can answer, glass shatters from the other side of the bar, and two drunk men begin to shove each other while arguing. Sarge and Simone go to intervene, while Doc stays behind. A baby? How long have you been apart from her? Keeping track of time in the apocalypse was never easy.
“Sorry kids, I thought you would be over the moon to—”
10K suddenly lunges forward, downing the green tequila he burns loudly before wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He looks at Doc and blurts out, “Astra’s pregnant, with a baby!”
Doc leans back into his chair and says, “Oh my god, I mean congratulations. You guys must be—”
“What’s going on, gang?” Warren asks, walking towards you.
“Nothing, nothing,” 10k scrambled to his feet. “I need some fresh air.”
“Yeah, I’ll go with you.”
“You guys should go talk to her,” Sarge says, motioning her head in the direction Red was going.
While walking around the stall area, Sarge caught up with you and 10K; if she sensed something was going on, she never let on.
“Yeah, it would be nice to catch up with her and find out how she vanished into thin air.”
You start to approach her first, watching as she smiles brightly and talks to someone, but when a man hands her a baby wrapped in blankets, you quickly turn and head in another direction. It was too much. Starting a new life, finding out you were growing a new life, Warren coming from the dead, and now seeing Red with a family—it was too much for you to process at once.
“Astra! Astra, wait!”
You run until you start to feel physically sick and sit down on a patch of grass. Pulling your chest up to your knees, you quietly sob. You lose track of how long you’re sitting for; you only lift your head when footsteps approach from behind. “I’m sorry, Tommy.”
“No need to be sorry.”
“Red?” You wipe away your fallen tears and stand, saying, “You’re really here.”
“And you’re alive!” She rushes over and embraces you in a hug that you desperately needed. “I spoke to 10K; just to be clear, I’m not married, but here you are. Congratulations.”
You pull back and chuckle. “I’d say I wish you were there, but it was kind of chaotic.”
“Isn’t it always? What kind of wedding was it?”
“It was a spur of the moment, word-dying type of wedding.” She laughs, thinking it’s a joke. “Red, I’m so sorry about everything that happened before you left. I’ve missed you so much; I should never have left you and taken off like I did.”
She offers you a kind smile. “What’s done is done. Now we can only look to the future, and for the record, I’m sorry too.”
You squeeze her hand, “friends.”
“Fri— what was that?”
You both look over to the building the voting was going on in to see smoke coming out from the side of it. “I think a bomb just went off.”
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lusz8 · 1 month
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bugdrink · 1 year
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does anyone rmbr z nation
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10ksbae · 11 months
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biirdex · 4 months
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THE siblings of all time
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freyawaves · 1 year
Z Nation is one of those shows that's shitty if you take it too seriously. In order to enjoy Z Nation, you have to embrace the chaos.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 months
Anyone else have like a thing for Doc from Z nation? Or is it just me?
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harlstiel · 9 months
Random person in the apocalypse trying to rob Operation Bitemark: Hand it over! I've got a gun!
Murphy: Yeah, and I've got a death wish, so that's not gonna work.
Doc: Murphy-!
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jugger-heads · 2 years
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z nation shit dump
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campbluesky · 4 months
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Pt; murph-
I am spinning them around in my brain, the scenarios are scenar-ying
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seatbelt-bandit · 2 years
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never forgive them for docs n 10k’s juggalo makeup. it was ass
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topazy · 1 year
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, minor violence
Chapter: 4.12
Your hair fell over your shoulders as you pulled clumps of blood out of 10K’s hair with your fingers. It would make cutting his dark locks, which had grown to just under his ears, that much easier without pieces of Z still in them. You were both drenched in blood and in need of bathing in the nearby river, but it was safer to wait until all the thick smoke from the explosion had cleared.
“It meant what I said.”
“I know; that’s why I agreed to marry you.”
10k tilts his head around, looking up from over his shoulder; his eyes almost have a pleading look in them. Just over half a year had passed since your group had all gone their separate ways, but it never became any easier to accept; out of everyone, 10k had taken it the hardest. Growing up, he only had his mother, so gaining a family he never had just to lose it was difficult to adjust to, especially with how it ended. 5K was dead, Murphy had gone AWOL, which was concerning considering he tried to build his own army last time, you and Addy weren’t on speaking terms, Warren was untraceable, and Doc decided he needed to do more and left to join a Z hunting party. He promised he’d be back, but I still hurt when he left. You were grateful that Red chose to stay with you and 10K, but all the new memories you were making didn’t ease the pain of the old ones.
All of this, combined with 10k’s body trying to function as normal after being bitten, had made him paranoid; he was scared anything that was too good would suddenly disappear.
“I love you, Tommy.” You kiss him on the only blood-free part of his face, which was his left cheek.
“I love you too,” he smiles. “When the time is right, we will get married, and hopefully our old gang will be there.”
“How will we know when the time is right?”
He shrugs and says, “I don’t know; I guess we just will.”
“You seem lost in thought; what are you thinking about?” 10k asks as you walk through a plot of land that was mainly rumbling from collapsed buildings and abandoned vehicles.
“One day in the future, when we have our own home again, I'll have the note you’d written me framed and hung up on a wall.”
10k raises his brows, smiling, and says, “That's a very hopeful thought to have, although I’m surprised that note has lasted so long.”
“You’re kidding, right? I treat it as if the paper were made from gold.”
“You know,” Murphy says loudly for Warren, who was charging in front, to hear. “If you just told us what you were looking for, it would be a lot easier to help you find it.”
Warren takes a moment to reply as her eyes scan the area, “I’ll know when I see it.”
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. You’d been relentlessly flogging Warren for days, and she had shared nothing useful about the location or any other information that would help you help her. It was growing increasingly frustrating, especially with Murphy dragging the zombified president behind him. After a while of walking, Warren zones out again, but then comes to and orders Murphy to stand in one spot while holding his hands in the air.
“How long do I need to do this for?” He moans, “I haven’t showered in three weeks, and my arms are tired.”
“It’s definitely longer than three weeks,” you snort.
After making Murphy change his arm position and holding up a sign post, Warren spots something no one else can see and somehow finds a hatch that had been hidden beneath the dirt and rubble leading to your next location.
Your mouth twists in irritation as you struggle to lower the dead president, who was surprisingly heavy, into the room the hatch led to, which was part of an underground army base. 10K, Warren, Murphy, and Doc had already gone in first to make sure it was clear, leaving you and Sarge alone for the first time in days. Neither of you had attempted to utter a single word to one another before this, but now you were forced to.
“Easy, steady,” she says, looking down. “Take it slow, nice and slow.”
“Easy for you to say.” You grit your teeth as you feel the rope burning the palms of your hands. You feel yourself startling to lose your grip. “I’m going to drop him!”
Sarge quickly grabs the rope that’s slipping and says, “Holy shit, he’s heavy!”
Even with the two of you trying to keep him steady, the president's weight became too much when he began wriggling about in the makeshift harness, causing the rope to slip from both of your hands. Hearing the thud below, you share a shocked look before both moving to stare down the hatch. Luckily, he was still moving, which meant you hadn’t re-killed him.
You let out a soft chuckle while getting to your feet. Sarge looks at you nervously; she motions for you to climb down the ladder first, “after you.”
10k takes your hand as he helps you jump off the end of the ladder, giving you a knowing look that says, “My bad.” You clear your throat. “So where to next?”
“That way,” Warren says before exiting the room.
As you go down different hallways, you come across a handful of Z’s that have gone blind due to the lack of sunlight, which meant it was easy for you to show mercy to time. Not wanting to create any noise, you shot them in the head with arrows. Your group remains silent until you reach a staircase and try to figure out the best way to get the zombie down it quickly.
“Maybe we could make a stretcher?” Doc suggests.
“That’s a good—” you stop talking when you hear a loud thud, and you glance over your shoulder to see Murphy standing suspiciously alone. “Murphy, did you just push the zombified president down the stairs?”
“Ex-president,” he points out. “And it saved us time, and besides, he’s already dead.”
Warren shakes her head. “We better go get him before he wanders off.”
You finally find the president after going down thirty flights of stairs to find two Zs eating the organs from his stomach. “I got it,” 10k says before using a slingshot to fire a sharp blade that goes through the two Z’s heads. He clicks his tongue and says, “Eight thousand, four hundred fifty-two.”
While Doc and Murphy tried their best to fix the president up as best they could so the zombie could walk again, your eyes remained glued to Sarge, who was staring at 10k so lovingly. You felt as if something was finally clicking into place as an uneasy feeling set in your gut.
“Let’s go,” Warren says, interrupting your thoughts.
You go into a control room and look around until Warren spots a red sign with a black message saying fourth strike and declares that’s the way to go.
You manage to fight your way through a small herd of Z’s without anyone getting bitten or hurt. While you all catch your breath, another Z appears suddenly behind you. Quickly, you stab it in the head and ask, “Where did that come from?”
10k points to the floor above, “up there.”
“I don’t think God has anything to do with this,” Murphy says sarcastically.
“No, I mean someone is pushing bodies over the edge.”
You look up as more Zs are pushed over and spot an older man with glasses about to push another Z over. “Hey!” You are behind him, firing arrows at him while Warren begins firing shots; however, the man is able to duck behind the wall. “Son of a bitch! Who the hell is that?”
“Possibly the same zona bastard who hacked the northern lights, then he had the launch codes,” Warren says, sounding panicked. “We can’t let him get to the drone before us.”
“Looks like it’s a race to the finish, then.”
A few things became more obvious to you while looking for the drone, including that Warren had apparently picked up a number of skills she had no memory of, including speaking Latin and hacking computers; the missions were growing increasingly dangerous as the minutes passed as more Z’s appeared; and Sarge most definitely had feelings for 10k. Seeing her stare at him with puppy-dog eyes made anger swirl inside you, but you had no right to be angry when she hadn’t acted on her feelings or had any control over them.
“Anyone else seeing this countdown?” Doc asks as a beep fills the room.
Warren remains silent as she clicks away at the computer, which now shows multiple CCTV footage of a small aircraft as gunfire fills the room. You join 10k and Sarge as they try to hold off Z’s from entering the room.
“Warren, we need the door code to close it!”
She doesn’t answer and sits, talking to herself instead.
“The code! Now, before the Z’s kill us!”
When she doesn’t answer, Doc tries his best to push the door closed, but he only manages to push it so far.
Suddenly Warren snaps out of her trance and back to reality, “It was Teller.”
“Dr. Teller?”
She explains that she remembers that Dr. Teller from Mercy Labs was the one who woke her from her coma to tell her about the black rainbow and how to stop it. She passes on instructions to both Doc and Murphy before saying she needs to go alone for the next part of the mission.
“We go where you go, boss.”
“Doc’s right, we can’t split up now. It isn’t safe.”
“You guys need to stay here and turn the keys in the computer,” she says, glancing down at the ground. “Where I’m going, no one can follow.”
Your jaw drops as the feeling of sorrow spreads through the room; it felt as if Warren was saying goodbye.
Warren pulls 10K in for her hug. She holds onto him tightly and says, “When you get to Newsmerica and find Addy, Sun Mei, and Red, tell them I love you from me.”
This was wrong. It felt as if Warren had already accepted that she needed to die in order to save the world.
With tears in her eyes, Warren steps back from her hug with 10k, turning to Doc and hugging him before embracing you tightly. “You’ve done good, kid,” she whispers. “I want you to go on and have the best life possible, with lots of little babies and at least one named after me.”
You let out a broken chuckle as you held back from crying. Throughout the years, Warren had been a massive part of your lives and was the reason all of you had survived so long. Losing her was going to be devastating.
“I’ll see you soon,” you sniff.
10k rests his forehead against the back of your shoulder as she leaves. The only thing you could do now was watch the screen on the computer.
“What is she doing?”
“Changing a cylinder on the aircraft,” Doc answers. “Apparently one saves the world and the other destroys it.”
“Okay, but once she’s done that, she can leave, right?” Deep down, you knew the answer but desperately wanted someone to tell you you were wrong.
“Uh guys!” 10k says, “we aren’t alone!”
When a Z forces itself through the crack in the door you fight to kill it as the others turn the keys and press the alarms as Warren had instructed causing red lights to start flashing and another countdown.
When Murphy spots the man from before who’d thrown the Z’s down on the screen he rushes from the room, despite Doc trying to stop him.
Your eyes flicker between screens as you watch Warren climb back into the drone and try to watch for Murphy on the other. The countdown reaches the final ten seconds causing you to panic, “what do we do? The drone is going to take off with Warren inside.”
“We can’t stay here,” 10k says, opening the door.
The four of you race down to the landing strip just as the drone dissolves into little pieces in the air, leaving behind what looks like a black rainbow in the sky.
She’s gone. Warren was really gone.
“What the hell?” Doc asks from beside you.
You glance to the side to see Murphy, who looked quite sunburned. You look at him in disbelief before looking back to the sky and saying, “We’re all going to die, aren’t we?”
“Looks like it,” 10k answers.
You stare up at the black rainbow above, finding it hard to believe you’d just lost Warren, your leader, your friend. Behind you, Sarge, let’s out a small gasp, but you don’t pay attention to why. You only look away from the darkness above when you feel something brush against the back of your leg. You glance over your shoulder and see 10k looking as if he’s going to sit on the ground. “What are you—”
10k falls to one knee and pulls out a ring box, “Astra…”
You momentarily freeze, unable to think as you process the unanswered question his shaky voice wasn’t able to get out. 10k opens the ring box, revealing multiple rings, each of them looking a different size. The thought of him saving them all for you causes tears to swell up. You look over to Doc and say, “can you marry us?”
He laughs a little before lifting his head to address Sarge and Murphy, waving them to stand at the side. The sun was setting, the air smelled of smoke, and everyone was covered in sweat, dirt, and blood, but weirdly, it seemed fitting for the type of life you lived. Doc clears his throat: “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two crazy kids. Now in the world before wedding ceremonies were drawn out, but since there’s a chance the dead could gate crash, I'm going to keep it short and cut to the vows.”
You all laugh at his words as 10k, who’s now standing, takes your hand in his. “I have spent my entire life feeling like something was missing, and I didn’t know what it was until I spotted a group of strangers fighting off the undead. That’s when I first saw you and finally found what was missing.”
You wipe away the tears trickling down your cheek while you let out a shaky breath. This was a moment you’d been looking forward to for so long, but it felt surreal finally living it, and it also broke your heart thinking of everyone who should have been there. Addy, Mack, Cassandra, Garnett, Vazquez, Red, and Warren 10k squeezes your hand when he sees you become emotional and gives you a moment before he continues. You wipe at your nose and nod for him to go on, “Sorry.”
He smiles brightly. “I knew from the moment I saw you pull the blade from your belt and take out a bunch of Z’s so fearlessly that you’d be important to me.” He chokes up and takes a deep breath. “My biggest fear is losing you. When you were kidnapped, I realized how much I loved you and that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to find you. I love you and promise to always protect you and stand by your side.”
Your heart melts when you hear those sweet words fall from his mouth. “When the apocalypse began, I lost all faith that anything good could last, but from the day you saved me, I knew our fates were intertwined, but I had no idea how madly I’d fall for you. You’re my best friend, Tommy, and there’s not a line I wouldn’t cross to keep you safe.”
By the end of saying your improvised vows, you are both crying, along with everyone else, including Murphy, who is now holding the ring box. He looks between the rings and your hand before pulling one out and handing it to 10k, saying, “I think this one will fit.”
It was a plain silver band that surprisingly fit as 10K placed it on your finger. You notice Doc's eyes have now gone bloodshot from crying; he claps his hands together and cheers, “You now may kiss the bride!” Your lips collide, and you smile into the kiss as 10k wraps his arms around your waist. When you pull back, Doc announces, “I now pronounce you man and wife!”
You kiss 10k again and mumble into his lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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that-milo-kid · 2 years
bc 10k learned most of his pop culture knowledge through him and addys hangouts (fuck you it's canon to me) i like the idea that he knows nothing about what teenage boys care about, but knows EVERYTHING about the things teenage girls care about. he knows nothing about cars, but can recite the names of all the kardashians. has never heard of rick and morty, but actively participates in outdated gossip about long-dead celebrities. this is a man who actively searches for old one direction cds to play in the car
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cazza2009 · 2 years
Ten K : Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail
Doc: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
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