zenixromeave · 1 day
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mellohirust · 1 month
thinking about how desperately melinoë needed a parent growing up that she saw a mother in hecate. hecate denies this so adamantly not only because it feels like a betrayal to her actual parents, not only because melinoë will never actually get to be her daughter if she were to let herself get that close, but because hecate was always using her. that's not what family is, that's not what she deserves, that's not what she should learn to correlate with familial love. that is something hecate can never teach; not while teaching the rest. hecate pushes melinoë away for her sake, because she cares about her, but in reality it just leaves melinoë feeling even more lost and alone and without guide. she still doesn't know what a mother is actually 'meant' to be like. she just knows it's something she's told about, something she misses, and something hecate refuses to be for her. there's a hole that can't be filled and nothing is allowed to be 'close enough'. a part of her is still doomed to compare the two. absolutely gutwrenching
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angstyoreo · 1 year
the thing that gets me about limited life is that it was so full of love. love for your friends, for your allies. it was skizz dying twice to the boogeyman and tango, impulse, and etho agreeing to keep him alive at all costs. it was joel getting boogey and jimmy and grian immediately agreeing to help him get a kill. it was cleo getting armor for her boys. it was pearl and bigb, mistrusted and disliked by the rest of the server, deciding to trust each other anyways. it was scott letting cleo get a few hours off of him. it was skizz’s affirmation station. it was scott begging martyn to kill him. it was tango letting skizz kill the final green. it was bdubs giving jimmy an extra thirty minutes when jimmy had seven minutes left. it was joel and grian telling jimmy to push off the minecart that they set up so he could get an extra thirty minutes. it was skizz letting etho take his last thirty minutes. it was grian begging joel to kill him and joel refusing. it was grian making a tnt minecart when joel ran out of time. it was pearl making a mini-game in order to give bigb an extra hour and a half. it was impulse blowing up pearl and bigb because they could have killed etho. it was cleo reuniting with scar and bdubs in the sky after they all died. it was scott saying, “martyn, they tried to kill me >:(” and martyn replying, “that’s it, they’re dead”. it was grian giving etho a diamond sword and etho agreeing to help him, nearly 24 hours later, when grian was running out of time and allies. it was scott dying to martyn and saying, “betrayed by own mean gill. i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
the love was there. they all ran out of time, but it was there.
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shamemp3 · 8 months
90s comics were literally no man's land you can never tell what would happen next. it was lawless. and 8000 words on a page with every blinding color and explosion possible per panel. i miss them
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villainoushighqueen · 4 months
Ok I’ve noticed that there’s multiple times where Cardan puts his finger under Jude’s chin and tilts her head up so they’re making eye contact and…
👀 that’s…
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oyasumiaow · 6 days
every once in a while I'm just bowled over by the fact that nmj told lxc about my killing the jin captain and then feigning suicide to get close enough to seal nmj's qi and lxc is just like 'hm this seems like a terrible misunderstanding!'
like he was straight gone, the babygirl glasses were STRAPPED to his face it's so funny
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this-is-z-art-blog · 8 months
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Introducing a new Danny Phantom Hanukkah event, Eight Ecto Nights!
What: An eight day Danny Phantom prompt calendar celebrating Hanukkah! See here for what's Hanukkah?
When: Thursday December 7- Thursday December 14, the span of Hanukkah*
Where: Use the tag #eight ecto nights 2023, posts will be reblogged to this blog
Rules: • You do not have to be Jewish to participate, all are encouraged! If you're concerned about doing something respectfully, feel free to reach out to me, I'm always available to answer questions. • Headcanons welcome! This event is not restricted to the show's few canonically Jewish characters. However, there is no erasing the Jewishness of those characters ○ ie you can make a headcanon/au where Paulina's family is Jewish, but not one where Sam's isn't ○ The canonically Jewish characters are the Mansons: Sam, her parents Jeremy and Pamela, her grandmother Ida, and her presumably passed great-grandfather Izzy • Angst and crossovers both allowed, but must be tagged properly. If you have questions about tagging guidelines, please reach out ○ If you are not Jewish, I would advise caution when considering telling a story about the experience or effects of antisemitism
You do not have to do all eight, do whichever and however many speak to you! However, if you do complete all eight nights, you will receive a small prize of art or a short ficlet!
The Prompts: 1) Fire - Thursday Dec 7 2) Laughter - Friday Dec 8 3) Fried Foods - Saturday Dec 9 4) Giving - Sunday Dec 10 5) Community - Monday Dec 11 6) Games - Tuesday Dec 12 7) Identity - Wednesday Dec 13 8) Light - Thursday Dec 14
With special thanks to @jus-a-lil-mouse and @glow-and-vamp for helping me put this event together, y'all are the real mvps
*technically it's nightfall of the 7th through nightfall of the 15th, but these are the days we light hanukkias at night, so for simplicity, the 7th-14th is when we're holding this event!
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uzibrainrot · 6 months
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never seen anyone talk about THIS GUY
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violencewithwings · 7 months
Xaden becoming the epitome of “the hero would let you burn for the world but the villain would burn the world for you”
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wsoupofpain · 8 months
i think sam manson would enjoy celebrating her birthday according to the jewish calendar purely to keep people on their toes about when it is every year.
First of all you are SO correct thank you for saying so
My headcanon is that Sam was a valentine's baby because it would aggravate her, so assuming she was born before sundown in 1990 (making her 14 the year the show started airing), her Hebrew birthday is the 19th of Shevat
Secondary fun fact, that's just a few days after the Jewish holiday Tu B'Shevat (on the 15th), which is a bit like Jewish earth day! So I think some years her English birthday would fall on Tu B'Shevat, which I think she would just love. Environmentalism AND getting to confuse people? Perfect
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vexat1onn · 6 months
if we're not meant to drink blood why does it look so delicious
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zenixromeave · 9 months
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taps the sign
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mellohirust · 1 year
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angstyoreo · 10 months
dapper: wanna see something?
phil: yeah
dapper: *punches badboyhalo off the wall*
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shamemp3 · 7 months
when will they add the arabic middle finger to the emojis … where is my خوذ
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villainoushighqueen · 3 months
Ok listen I LOVE Oak and Wren but as a Cardan lover I am absolutely eating up every scene he is in. I would read an entire book that was just Cardan (and Jude, obviously). Someone call Holly. I need a novella that’s just them as a married couple (perhaps from Cardan’s point of vi-
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