#Zach Herron imagine
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21burritoseavey · 2 years
little daniel imagine, with the '“where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' prompt <3
a/n: thank you for the ask, anon! hope you enjoy!<3🌼pick a prompt:)
you get up a few minutes past seven o’clock, shuffling out of bed behind daniel, out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. the sky, as the sun rose not too long ago, is still wearing its coat of muted pink and yellow, and natural light welcomes itself into your home in narrow streaks onto the floors and kitchen countertops. daniel is first to wake up, sleepily mumbling something about wanting to get to tour rehearsals early, and with the help of his convincing smile and guarantee of breakfast, you hop out of bed as well. 
it isn't unusual for the two of you to be grumpy in the morning, only sharing slight smiles and little morning kisses and a touch of conversation while you work through your routines to get ready for the day…at least until there is cooked food and warm drinks on the table. 
honestly, if it wasn't for the tempting promise of hot, home-cooked breakfast, which you gladly agreed for daniel to make, the pair of you would still be in bed, lured in under the warm sheets and blankets, fighting off the wintry morning chill. your slight grumpiness has progressed into an obvious agitation, furrowed brows and all, at the absence of your keys from their usual spot near the entryway. 
daniel’s cooking as you breeze around the house looking for them, showing half-hearted concern and asking simple questions that honestly tick you off even more. “are you sure you haven’t seen them?” you call, halfway across the living room as your eyes scan every possible fraction of space and object in sight. 
“yep, no idea” daniel dismisses, unknowingly receiving an annoyed huff in return, his voice muffled by the sound of the kitchen cabinets and drawers rolling open one by one only to be shut again as he tries to find the jar of coffee that would usually be sitting in one of the shelves. 
he puts breakfast on the table anyway, two two mini stacks of pancakes and berries for each of you, and although daniel is proud of his culinary work at such an early hour, his limbs still tired and eyes still groggy, you aren’t so pleased at the absence of your necessary cup of coffee. the edge of your voice is ever so obvious as you pace around the house, looking for other things you’d somehow misplaced from your shoes to your lip balm back to your keys, murmuring out a “thank you,” followed by a “where’s my coffee?” as you glance at the food in front of you.
“where’s the new coffee mix?” he counters. 
“i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?”
the two of you attempt a staring contest, a battle of who can hold their frowning expressions the longest without faltering, before you just decide to search together. daniel loses, sighing in frustration before he moves to check around the kitchen one more time, “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' his words are cut off, eyes rolling at the sight of your keys in the cutlery drawer. “how did they even get in here?” he questions, keys hanging off his finger in the air. 
an easy smile graces your lips, as if a frown had never been there, and the morning grumpiness melts away as you cheekily pluck the keys from his hand before plopping down at your seat to eat….”the coffee’s in the pantry, first shelf on the right” you say through a mouthful of food.
taglist: @chilling-seavey​ @marthagryffindor​ @hiya-its-amber​ @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​ @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee​ @onlyangelavery @sadbitchfangirl @wiildflower-xxx @nichmeddar  @unitersmoonshine  @sbrewer21 @comatosedheart  @kaitieskidmore1 @sunlightinmyeyes​ @starlost-andfound​​@jonahmaraiscupcakelimelight
join my taglist!
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jonah-aesthetic · 2 years
I wouldn’t know what consistency was if one road’s directions had CONSISTENCY written in massive bold letters. I’d somehow manage to yank the steering wheel in the opposite direction, swerving back into the main highway and complete missing the exit. There goes my coffee.
Anyone want to give a girls some inspiration?
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upindreamland · 2 years
Part 2 of: In My Arms - Zach Herron
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Zach Herron x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) last part of part 1
Summary: Your husband is back after being gone for a while. (angst to fluff)
AN: I couldnt keep it angsty the whole time lol. I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Go read the first part if you want. Angsty at the beginning but turns fluff. Come talk to me once you're done.
(This takes place after Zach gets back from the writing session and the kids are asleep)
There’s an amazing amount of tension in a room that just has two people in it. It’s just me and Zach in the kitchen. The kids have been put to bed hours ago.
I’m sitting on top of the kitchen island, while Zach stands at the entrance of the kitchen. Not knowing what to do, I picked up the glass I was drinking water out of. While I walk over to the dishwasher, I can feel his eyes on me. I just continued with what I was doing. Focusing on my hands and tuning him out. Trying anything to forget that Zach is right there.
Zach got back from the writing session just a couple of hours ago. He spent the time with the kids while I stayed off to the side. I didn’t want to start anything in front of them. They don’t need to experience that. Now that they’re asleep, I don’t have to pretend that everything’s alright.
“Hello? Are you even going to talk to me?” my husband’s voice resounds all around the kitchen as he walks closer to me.
Quickly walking out of the kitchen, I hear Zach slam his hand on the countertop before following after me into the living room.
“Babe, what is going on with you?” he asks. Just by the way he said that, I can tell that he’s becoming increasingly worried.
Sitting down on the couch (that I spent most of the nights crying and sleeping on. I couldn’t sleep on our bed because it brought back so many memories. But, he doesn’t need to know that) I fold my arms and look at anything but him. That is enough for him to know that something is seriously wrong.
“Oh, the silent treatment. Really?” he scoffed while shaking his head.
“Real fucking mature Y/N.” he said sarcastically.
That’s what caught my attention. Quickly standing up and making eye contact with him I can’t help but say,
“Says you, the one who was out partying at a club and chea-“ I cut myself off before I finish the sentence. If I say it out loud, I’m afraid that it might come true. That would be horrible for me and the kids. I know what it’s like to grow up with divorced parents. It's literal shit. I do not want my kids to experience that.
“No, go ahead and say it Y/N. Say it to my face” he responds with malice in his voice.
When I open my mouth to speak, the words get stuck in the back of my throat.
“If you’re going to accuse me of cheating on you at least have the decency to say it to my face” he yells angrily, taking a step towards me.
Shaking my head no, I look down so he won’t be able to see the tears forming in my eyes.
“No what Y/N? You need to talk to me,” the way the tone of his voice changed surprised me. I was expecting him to still yell at me and have that angry look in his eyes. However, when I looked up I saw the worried and caring eyes I fell in love with all those years ago.
Zach walked closer and pulled me into his arms.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you babe. I’m just tired and haven’t been feeling the best without my amazing family by my side. I know that’s not an excuse, but I really need you to talk to me. What’s going on?”
Sniffling I look up at him and I can’t help but to let it all out,
“That night when I called you there was a woman in the background. She asked if you were ready. You hung up right away and said that you didn’t want me to hear her and that was what started it all. I tried telling myself that I was being irrational but then…”
“Y/N, honey…” Zach says
“No, let me finish, please,” he nods, “then I remembered that you didn’t call or answer our calls for five days before that. That put a big toll on me and on our kids. It just hurt so much,” I take a deep breath before continuing. “Then to top it all off, you call me from a club and criticize my parenting,” my voice becomes bitter “when you know how hard I try especially when you’re not here.
“You want to know what really made it worse, I hear that woman’s voice again. I don’t get to see my husband for who knows how long and then, having to hear this woman’s voice every time I call. You weren’t here and I didn’t have anyone's support. That’s why I’ve been…” I get cut off by my own sob.
“…why you have been sleeping on the couch and crying most nights,” Zach finishes for me.
Shock passes my face. I stumble out, “how did you know?”
He can’t help the smile appear on his face, “your incredible kids did. Riley and Sophia told me they saw you crying on the couch one day. And that you never went up to bed and they always heard crying noises,” the smile disappears, “Okay I’m going to explain now but it might be long so be ready,” he finishes.
“You don’t hav-” I start but get cut off.
“Oh no missy don’t even start. I know you want an explanation and you deserve to hear from me.”
He takes a deep breath before continuing.
“I know that you think I was cheating but it was nothing like that. The woman you heard was a realtor. I was looking for a house to buy since I know you wanted a place to travel to during the summer and winter time and that you love that part of the country. I was so busy that when I was done it was already so late that I didn’t want to call. That’s why I didn’t call for those five days. Then when you called, we were just getting ready to go look at a house that I had a good feeling about. She asked if I was ready to leave and I responded how I did because I didn’t want you to hear her because I was afraid she was going to spoil the surprise. I hung up quickly just in case. I’m sorry for that. About what I said in the club, I was drunk and I was just taking my insecurities out on you. I know you’re an amazing mom and those kids wouldn’t be who they are without you. There’s a reason why I put four children in you,” he gives me a cheeky smile.
“I just so happened to run into her at the club with her girlfriend. She said that I had to figure out what I wanted before I left in regards to the houses we saw. I know it must have sounded wrong but it meant nothing. I’m sorry if you felt like I was lying and I’m sorry if it felt like I broke my promises. I know what you were probably thinking at night all alone Y/N. So I’m telling you this right now and I mean it truthfully, you will always be safe in my arms Y/N. Nothing, not even a fucking house can tear us apart.”
I smiled at him, thankful for his explanation. I knew I made the right decision in saying yes when he proposed. All of my worries seemed to disappear. We were going through a hard time in our relationship, but the important things stayed the same. He is an amazing husband and father just as I am an amazing wife and mother. Relationships are never easy but when they get hard, it’s up to the two people in love to make up for it and I think Zach and I did an amazing job. “I understand Zach, I'm so sorry for how I reacted.”
“It’s alright babe. Come on let’s go cuddle upstairs in our bed together, before the kiddos wake up.
And that’s exactly what we did. In each other's arms.
(And yes Zach got me the most amazing vacation house ever. I can’t wait to check it out.)
AN: Ahhhh okay here it is. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think down below. Love you all and have a great rest of your day!
- Kara (upindreamland)
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hollandsangel · 3 years
just together | j.a.
thank you to ray and naf for reading this before hand, i love you both!!
isn’t he just the prettiest boy
summary: you and j spend some quality time together, just the two of you
warnings: you’ll probably swerve
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You didn’t watch him mix very often, usually you would lay in his bed on your phone, or reading a book. You would listen to the melodies and lyrics that came from his speakers, but it wasn’t very often that you would watch the process, and lately, you’ve been missing it. MIssed the way his fingers travelled across the keyboard and messed with the tones or pitches. You liked watching how his lips would silently mouth the lyrics he wrote and memorized, many of them about you (but you didn’t know that.)
The bed creaked a bit when moved off of it, slowly stretching out your legs as you walk to the other end of Jack’s room. Your hands meet his shoulders once you get to his desk, gently digging your thumbs into the muscles you know are sore from hours of leaning forward.
“Hey pretty girl, what’s up?” his voice is gruff from lack of use, his body melting into your touch.
“Hmm, nothing much, just wanted to come watch you.” you hum, leaning down to kiss from the side of his neck up to his jaw, smiling when his head falls back into you.
“Watch me do what?” he chuckles, reaching his arms above his head to hold onto you. You move around his chair as he rolls away from his desk, his hands still on you to guide you right in front of him.
You shrug your shoulders, letting his hands slide down your arms until his fingers intertwine with yours “I dunno, watch you mix, play around with your music and stuff.” you’re playing with his fingers absentmindedly, spinning his rings around and tracing the tattoos on his knuckles.
He’s smiling like an idiot as you stare down at the big socks covering your feet, every touch of yours stirring around the butterflies in his stomach. “Yeah, you wanna sit with me for a bit? I don’t think I’ll be too much longer.”
You shake your head, letting him swing your hand back and forth, “Take as long as you need, I just wanna be close to you, we can be quiet, just together.”
His smile softens, and he’s quickly pulling you into his lap, burying his face in the crevice between your neck and shoulder. “Okay, just together.” He repeats. kissing your ski before moving his head and looking back up at you. You wrap your arms over his shoulders, and it's your turn to your face in his neck, inhaling as much of his scent as possible.
“Where’d you get the hoodie, babe?” it comes out in the form of a giggle, and you just know you’ll never get over the sound.
“Found it in your closet.” you mumble against him, letting out a slow breath as his hand works his way under the fabric, rubbing your back soothingly as the other messes with the mouse. “It’s one of my favourites.” you add, and of course he knows that,he’d lost count of the amount of times it’s gone missing and he’s found it in your laundry hamper back at your apartment. Jack never really minded though, he liked how it looked on you, and that it always smelled of your favourite perfume and laundry detergent when he finally got it back.
“So I shouldn’t be expecting it back for at least a week right?” He jokes, gingerly stroking your spine because he knows it’ll make you squirm.
“J…” you groan, wiggling against him in an attempt to move away from his antics. It isn’t very successful, as he presses his palm firmly over your back, keeping your body as close to his as possible.
“I thought we were being quiet?” you can hear the grin in his voice, but that doesn’t stop you from pinching his side. “Oww” he whines, over exaggerating his pain, just wanting your kisses and affection.
“Oh hush, you’re fine.” you giggle, moving a bit so you’re looking at him again. He pouts still, moving his hands from his desk and your back to your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into them. “You want a kiss don’t you.” you ask, raising an eyebrow at him. He nods his head, the pout turning into a pucker as he leans a bit closer to your face. You roll your eyes, leaning into him too because of course you want a kiss too.
So the two of you stayed there for a while, he’d rub your back and you’d kiss his neck gently. Every so often one of you would maneuver because you craved the others lips. It was nice, it was quiet. “We should do this more often.” you said after a bit “Be like this, just together.”
“I’d like that.” Jack replies.
@randomlimelightxxx @baby-bearie @averysbestyears @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @g7aesthetic @babyzachyy @wdwjay02 @jocelyntheduckie @chilling-seavey @bessonbae @my-fangirling-outlet
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sweetlycreations · 3 years
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missed it - corbyn besson
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
hi bb! could I get a cute zach x reader fic? you can take this in whichever way you like but I was thinking some fluff like a movie night at Zach's or he teaches the reader to play video games? you can do it either way/come up with something of your own too! xxx
Slow Down; Zach Herron
a/n: hope you like it, queen!! 💘
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You knocked gently on your boyfriend’s front door, feeling insecure in your leggings, your sweatshirt, and sneakers. You’d been to the boy’s house before, but this was still only your second time, and you’d never dressed so casually in front of Zach. Your relationship was still fresh- only 8 dates had happened so far- so you were still holding back parts of yourself you were afraid of him seeing. The lazy, messy part of you that some guys were turned off by.
You wrung the sleeve of your sweatshirt between your fingers. The door opened a moment after you knocked, drawing your eyes from your feet. Jonah, tall as a tree, stared down at you, a sleepy smile growing to his dark features.
“Hey, Y/N, good to see you.” Jonah swept an arm through the air and you walked into it’s path.
The house was noisy, as per usual. Lights were on all over, Corbyn and Jack were shouting over the shooting noises of a video game on the tv, music was streaming from the Bluetooth speakers, Tessa sat at the kitchen island. Daniel was probably out in his studio, and his brothers were strewn around the living room, watching Corbyn and Jack beat each other.
You felt so out of place in the group’s familiar Friday routine. Jonah could tell, harboring the same feeling of social anxiety, and gently touched your elbow.
“I’ll go get him, okay?” You’d been in Zach’s room, he must’ve not have been in there, because Jonah walked outside after you nodded.
You busied yourself with removing your sneakers. You squatted and gently set them beside somebody else’s shoes on the rack. You peaked around at the door and shut it all the way. Somebody finally spoke up when you turned back around.
“Oh, hey, Y/N! Come sit,” Corbyn patted the spot next to him on the couch.
“Shit, sorry, we just completely ignored your existence,” Jack added on, laughing into his headset.
“No worries,” you smiled at everybody, carefully stepping over Christian’s legs to sit next to Corbyn.
“How ya doing, Y/N?” Corbyn glanced at you.
You folded your hands. “I’m okay, thanks. How are you?”
Corbyn went to answer when something happened in the video game and everybody yelled. That’s when you noticed Zach making his way across the room. He pushed Christian’s legs out of the way, earning a playful punch to the thigh. You stood up as he did, giggling at the laughter the two boys exchanged.
Zach threw his arms up when he laughed, one of his cutesy quirks that you had learned yet. His hands landed on you- shoulder and hip. He gently pulled you into his chest, your hands moving to his back.
“Hey,” he laughed in your ear, fingers moving to your back, but landing on your mini backpack.
“Hi,” you leaned away. His fingers slid down your shoulder and gently held your fingers.
He tugged you behind him, guiding the two of you to his room. “Sorry I didn’t answer the door. Daniel was having me record something.”
You shrugged, “No worries. I got a warm welcome from everybody.”
Zach sighed, letting go of you to shut the door. You sat on the edge of his bed. He said, “Yeah, they can be overwhelming at first.”
“No!” You disagreed. “They’re all really great. I like the energy.”
Zach smiled at you as he walked over to you. “You look very cuddly.”
Your anxiety settled in your subconscious, no longer a part of your worries. Instead, a blush painted your face. “We have never cuddled before.”
Zach sat beside you, setting a hand on your knee. “We don’t have to.”
“No, I want to,” you assured him, grabbing said hand and squeezing the knuckles. “I know you’re probably used to moving a little faster, but I’m just nervous. I’m sorry.”
Zach shook his head, carefully studying your eyes. He brushed the hair from your face, behind your ears, “I think I need to slow down anyways. With my career and looking back on my past relationships, I think it’ll keep me grounded. You’ll keep me grounded.”
Your stomach whirled with adoration. You found yourself leaning forward and kissing him. It wasn’t your first kiss- actually, it was your second. But it felt like the first. You hoped that feeling would stay.
Zach cupped your cheek, thumb just barely pushing your chin up into him. Your hands found his jaw, fingers molding between his hair. You kissed for a moment longer, and intended to keep going, but someone knocked at the door.
You jumped back from Zach, laughing from your naive fright at the sound. Zach pecked your lips and went to the door.
“Hello?” He opened it towards him, leaning against the door frame.
That was hot.
Jack waved from his side of the door. “Can y’all go pick up the pizza?”
Zach rolled his eyes, huffing. “Really? There’s, like, 10 other people here. Why can’t they?”
“Thought maybe you wanted alone time with your girl,” Jack shrugged. “Also, Jonah and Tessa just left, Daniel is busy, the rest of us are playing a game. Please?”
Zach obviously wasn’t going to argue with his band mate in front of his girl, as jack had put it. So he agreed.
Zach went to the closet as you waited on the bed, picking out a hoodie. He slung it over his head and sat beside you again to put on his shoes. As he did, you told him about something you did earlier that day. He was a good listener and conversation came so well between you two.
Zach stood up, offering you his hand. He pulled you up, purposefully tugging you close to his chest. He held you by the back and kissed you again. You giggled into his mouth, feeling his fingers squirm against your sweatshirt. He pulled away, to your disappointment, and looked at your sweatshirt with furrowed brows.
“No, this won’t do,” he tugged at the hem of your sweatshirt.
You looked at him with utter confusion, “Huh?”
He walked back to his closet, voice echoing from inside. “If you’re gonna be my girl, you gotta wear my sweatshirt.”
He settled back in front of you, holding out the hoodie.
You carefully grabbed it. “Is that you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
Zach tipped his head at the sweatshirt, “Is that you saying yes?”
You answered by taking off what you had on and replacing it with a hoodie that the The Invitation Tour logo on it. You followed Zach out the living room again and sat down on the floor to put on your sneakers while he found his keys. He helped you off the floor, like in his room, and led you to the garage.
He opened your door for you like a gentleman, passing by with a sweet kiss. You let out a deep breath once you were settled in the seat, feeling a weight of emotions in your stomach.
Zach got in and then you guys were gone. The pizza place was ten minutes away, but they didn’t offer delivery because of COVID. And, of course, you forgot your mask. Zach just shrugged it off while you felt bad he carried two pizzas and a bag of 2 liters to the car. He put it all in the back seat before joining you again.
On the way back, Zach told you to put on music. Meanwhile, his hand sneakily found it’s way to your knee. He didn’t want to automatically place it upon your thigh, genuinely meaning what he had said earlier.
You wrapped your hand around his, letting your intertwined fingers rest in your lap. When you got back to the house, Zach didn’t allow you to carry anything again. As soon as the pizzas hit the kitchen counter, the boys went ravenous. Even Daniel appeared from his cave to get food.
You stood off to the side, feeling rude just diving in. Corbyn noticed you and automatically spoke up over the crowd of men.
“Hey! Guys, we should probably let Y/N go first,” he motioned to you.
Your face flushed and you felt your neck started to clam up. “Oh, I’m okay.”
Zach, who was caught up getting cups for everyone, sighed. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told them to wait.”
“No, it’s no worries, guys. Please, go ahead,” you insisted again.
Daniel shook his head and handed you a plate, “No, Y/N, go ahead.”
You carefully took it and joined the hoard at the island. You took a single slice of cheese pizza and circled back to your spot.
Christian disagreed with your sad plate, “Oh, cmon. Get another slice, and some chips and a drink.”
You began to protest when they all spoke over each other, insisting. Daniel slapped another slice onto your plate, Corbyn held up two bags of chips in your face, and Zach had already poured your favorite soda into a glass. You tapped on the Dorito’s in Corbyn’s right hand and he poured some on your plate.
You had a restless, wide grin on your face the entire time. “Thank you so much.”
Everybody went back to being savages. Zach quickly got in and got out, leading you back to his room. He crawled across the bed and leaned back on his headboard. You carefully sat beside him as he turned on the television.
“You wanna watch that movie you told me about the other day?” He held out the remote to you.
Your mouth fell agape for a moment and then you nodded. “Yeah- uh, yeah.”
How was he such a good listener?
You found the movie on Netflix and put it on. Zach finished his food quickly, but you ate carefully and slowly. Zach simply layed out on the bed, waiting for you to finish. Once you were done, you stood up from the bed.
Zach paused the movie, “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Wanna give me your plate?” You held out your hand.
Zach jumped up suddenly, grabbing his plate and yours before walking out.. You caught up to his long-legged strides with protests.
“Zach!” You called after him, tugging on the back of his sweatshirt.
He finally turned around after he set everything in the sink. “Yes?”
You tried to glare at him, but his smile was so sweet, you broke into a grin. “I was gonna take them!”
Zach shrugged. “I got it, babe.”
You lifted a finger to point in his face, but froze when the pet name registered. Your face went red again.
Zach’s innocent smile turned even cheekier- if possible. He kissed your cheek and left you standing there. You followed him to his room, stopping him in the middle of the hallway. You tugged him around to face him, practically launching yourself into his arms as you cupped his jaw and kissed him. He held the curve of your back, leaning into the kiss.
You broke off, breathless, with matching smiles. “Wanna finish the movie?” You jerked your head in the direction of his room.
Zach nodded in a less than calm manner and followed you inside. He shut the door, splaying back in his spot on the bed. You carefully lay beside him, resting your head on his bicep, which he extended out beside him. His hand clasped around your shoulder and tugged you into his side. You got comfortable over the span of a few minutes, at first slightly stiff. When you were in position, your leg was tossed over his, your hands on his chest.
The movie ended and you began another before your breathing evened and your eyes couldn’t keep themselves open. Zach noticed and carefully shut off the lights and tv with the remote. He pulled the blanket at the end of the bed over you.
“Want me to take you home?” He whispered into your ear.
You hummed a disagreement back, curling further into him. “Is that okay?” You sleepily said.
Zach responded by kissing your forehead and mumbling a goodnight.
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Jack: So, what's it like living with Y/N?
Zach: Well, once she was mad at me, and I asked her for a glass of water cause I was really thirsty. She gave me a glass of ice and then told me to “wait”.
Jonah: Eh, you probably deserved it.
Zach [turns to Y/N]: Babe!! The boys are being mean to me!
Y/N: Eh, you probably deserved it.
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starlost-andfound · 4 years
undercover // z.d.h
Requested by a wonderful anon
Request : Ok hear me out. Zach and his girlfriend go to the movies then the boys crash their date going undercover. And Corbyn accidentally spills the drink all over Zach's girlfriend.
Summary: Y/n is an influential leader on the dark side, known as Cobra. Zach is a secret agent working to eliminate the dark side. His mission? Y/n.
W/C: 1.86 K
A/N: Made my own little twist to the request ;)
A/n+ : @angelmarais​ I gave Jonah an angel necklace in his lil special appearance, it does nothing to the story line, I just put it there for you in this Zach fic, to lure you back into Zach’s lane no reason.
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Zach closed the button on his suit and adjusted the sleeve of his blazer as he entered the hall. The large room was buzzing with chatter and glittering with the tall chandeliers and expensive accessories adorned by the guests. He scanned the crowd, his eyes meeting the bartender’s who kept the stare a second longer than normal.
He slipped through the groups of people, making his way to the bar.
The bartender glanced at him as he wiped a glass with a cloth. Zach noted his built form and the fading blonde strands of hair into brunette. The bartender placed the glass down, “Drink?”, he asked, propping his hands onto the table.
Zach glimpsed down at his arm where the permanent sketch of an anchor peeked out from his rolled up sleeve. He took a seat on the stool, “One Lotus Flower on the rocks.”
The bartender looked Zach up and down, “We don’t serve that here. I can offer you some whiskey.”
He turned around reaching for a bottle of whiskey when Zach spoke again.
“They served it at the Inn once, in 1706.”
The bartender hesitated a moment before pouring a bit of whiskey into a glass, topping it with some ice cubes and water. He passed the drink across the counter with a napkin. Zach took a sip of his drink before picking the napkin and lifting up the fold.
The target known formally as y/n, is dressed in ivy green. Her connections know her as Cobra. Distract the target and we will steal the hard drive.
Just as Zach finished reading, the bartender swiped the table with a cloth, cleaning the counter and taking back the napkin. Zach turned around in the stool, observing the guests, searching for a splash of green.
“Whiskey, I’ll have it straight.”
Zach cast a side glance to his right, matching the voice to the other person at the bar. A woman dressed in a suit. Green.
He took a sip of his drink, holding back the grimace as the liquid burned down his throat.
“You don’t look like you’re from around here,” Zach glanced to the woman who spoke. She stirred her drink, the spoon clinking against the glass.
Zach turned to her, “I came for the show,” he said casually. He waited a few moments before talking again, “Dean, Michael Dean.” He held out his hand.
His new acquaintance reached out hers, “Y/l/n, Y/full/n.” She turned to shake his hand and Zach noticed the curve of a snake tattoo on the side of her neck. A cobra.
“Pleasure to meet you,” he smirked.
She lifted up her glass, “Pleasure’s all mine. Cheers.” They clinked their glasses before drinking the liquid inside.
“So Michael, tell me about yourself,” y/n finished the drink in her glass, seemingly unphased by the alcohol, “Entertain me.”
Zach grinned, “There’s nothing much to entertain.”
Y/n smirked, “I highly doubt that.”
Zach smiled, “Well, I was born in Texas, and studied business. I started my own company, which turned out to be a success, earned a lot of money and, here I am.” He twisted the ring on his finger, “What about you?”
Y/n chuckled, leaning back in her stool, revealing the cropped top she wore inside her suit and another tattoo which danced along her ribs. “What do you think, Michael?”
Y/n looked at Zach in the eyes, “Who am I?”
Zach smirked, leaning towards y/n, “I think you’re a gorgeous woman,” he began.
Y/n mirrored Zach’s expression, “Is that all I am?”
Zach shook his head, shifting slightly closer to her, “No, there’s more, so much more to you.” His eyes traced the curves of her face, “Your eyes remind me of the stars at night when they spark.”
Y/n hummed, “And?”
“You have this sense of power and confidence, it’s attractive,” Zach gently brushed his hand against her arm.
Y/n smiled teasingly, welcoming his touch, “Go on.”
“You have such a powerful aura yet reveal so little, it’s mysterious,” Zach continued, his voice getting lower..
Y/n looked up, intrigued.
Zach looked her in the eye, “It’s like you’re hiding something and I love it. I want to figure it all out. Get to know you, every part of you.”
A small tap on y/n’s shoulder pulled her away from Zach, almost reluctantly as she excused herself. Zach watched as she talked to the man who pulled her away, a tall brunette with soft curls on his head. The man wore a black suit, adorning silver chains. The glimmer of the word angel on one of the chains caught Zach’s eye before the man pulled y/n away to the side to talk to her.
Zach brushed his hair behind his ear, pressing the button of a small hidden device attached to the back, making y/n’s conversation clearer.
“What is it Jonah?”, Y/n spoke lowly
“Harold hasn’t stuck to his end of the deal, boss.”
Zach looked away as y/n continued to talk to Jonah. He spotted one of his co-workers on the other side of the bar, a glass of wine in hand, Corbyn. Corbyn nodded at him knowingly, before taking a sip of his wine. Zach took a sip of his own drink, looking around the gala, discreetly listening to the conversation.
“What did he do, now?”
“As negotiated, we sent three of ours to the checkpoint with the cash. I just received note that they were ambushed.”
“How many injured?”
“Two injured and one killed.”
Y/n sighed, “And the cash?”
“All gone. I came here to inform you and receive orders on how to move forward.”
There was a moment of silence before y/n spoke, “Send the best of our team, terminate him and get the cash.”
“But m-”
“It’s non-negotiable. That’s an order.”
“Yes, boss.”
“And one more thing,” y/n said, whispering now.
“Find out everything you can about him, his family, background, business, where he keeps the stash. Is that clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good, thank you for informing me Jonah. It’s time we teach him a lesson.”
Zach switched off the device with a click and focused on his drink as y/n walked back with a smile on her face. Jonah walked off, disappearing into the crowd.
“Sorry about that,” she sat on the stool next to Zach, “Had to handle some business.”
Zach grinned, “No worries, is everything alright?”
Y/n leaned towards him, brushing her hands over his shoulder, “Just perfect.”
The two continued their conversation, occasionally throwing a flirt, gentle brushes of their hands against each other. Zach pushed a strand of y/n’s hair behind her ear, listening to her as she talked. He felt a small push against his shoulder as he felt Corbyn brush past him, accidentally stumbling into y/n and spilling his wine over her.
Corbyn cursed, copying a drunk tone in his words,  “I am so sorry, did not see where I was going.” He backed away, pretending to wobble in his steps.
Y/n scowled, picking up a few napkins, “I-It’s fine, just watch it next time.”
Zach asked the bartender for more napkins, helping y/n clear the spill. He glanced over to Corbyn who was headed for the exit. Corbyn discretely flashed his hand out, giving Zach a glimpse of a hard drive before he walked out, putting it into his pocket.
Y/n cursed under her breath, “That is some really cold wine.”
Zach laughed, passing her another tissue as she tried to clear up the wet drops, leaving behind a stain on her suit.
Y/n checked her watch, before looking at Zach, “It’s getting late”
She sighed, “I should head out before someone spills wine on me again.”
Zach chuckled, “Would you like me to walk you out?”
Y/n shook her head, “I can walk myself out, it’s been a pleasure, Michael Dean.” She kissed Zach on the cheek, just a few centimetres away from his lips and turned away.
“Will I ever get to see you again, Ms. Y/l/n?”
Y/n looked back with a smirk on her face, “Time will only tell, Mr. Dean. Goodnight.”
Zach waited a few moments for her to leave before exiting through the back door behind the bar, leading him down a hallway at the back of the building and to the parking in the basement. He fiddled with the ring on his finger, as he approached the van at the end of the parking.
He knocked on the back door and it opened, Corbyn standing on the other side, “Did she suspect anything?”
Zach shook his head and entered the van, “No, not a thing.”
He took off his suit jacket, placing it to the side and unbuttoned his collar. “How are we with the drive, Jack?” he turned to his partner in crime who sat at a laptop, hard drive plugged in.
“Give me another minute or two.”
Zach nodded, rolling up his sleeves. A sudden buzz from his suit jacket alerted him and the boys as they stared at each other.
“I thought we were told to go without phones, so we don’t get tracked?”, Jack looked up at Zach.
Zach frowned at his suit jacket where the device buzzed, “That’s not mine.” Corbyn and Jack waited in a tense silence as Zach pulled out the device from the jacket, an old flip phone.
He flipped it open, the screen lighting up with the caller, Anonymous.
“Who is it?” Corbyn asked.
“It’s anonymous.“”
They looked at each other with a knowing look, “You think it’s her?”, Jack asked.
“I guess we’ll have to find out,” Zach answered the call, putting in on speaker.
“Michael Dean, or should I say Zachary Dean Herron? Age, 21. Member of the secret agency.” Zach recognized the voice immediately.
“Y/n,” he spoke.
Y/n chuckled on the other side of the phone, “I must say, I was correct in saying there is no doubt that you would entertain me tonight. Mr. Dean was quite a charmer.”
Zach clenched his jaw as she continued.
“I expected you would want to get tangled up in my business. You have already eliminated 2 leaders from the dark side. I’ll admit, that’s quite impressive for an agent of your age.”
Zach snarked, “And, you? An international underground business worth millions. Quite impressive for someone of the same age.”
Zach could hear the smirk on y/n’s face as she responded, “It seems you’ve already figured me out Mr. Herron, but the game is yet to begin.”
“It’s over for you,” Zach gritted his teeth.
On the other side of the line, y/n grinned, pulling out a replica of the drive Corbyn stole from her pocket, “It’s only just started. Have you decoded the drive yet?”
Zach looked up at Jack who returned the glance with an anxious expression. He turned his laptop around, displaying the contents of the drive to Corbyn and Zach.
All that was there, was a message.
Let the games begin. - Cobra
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xdanniesx · 4 years
[1:34 am]
You sit opposite of Zach at the kitchen’s island as he pours his heart for you. He’s been having a hard time and you were the only one able to crack him. That’s because you’re only one who makes him feel that safe and vulnerable.
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h3arteyes4mingi · 4 years
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Just dad things- Z.H
Request by Anonymous
I think this one is really cute!!
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hopinglimelight · 4 years
Imagines Masterlist
Titles marked with a * contains Smut. Titles marked with a • were requested.
View a list of my WIPS (:
View my Full Fics Masterlist
*up to date as of 6/20/21*
currently accepting requests from these lists:
Injury Prompts, Kissing Prompts, Miscellaneous Prompts, Touching Prompts,
be specific when requesting!
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Afterglow- Allison and Corbyn. that’s it… that’s the summary.
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Loss- *The sequel to Sober* Loss is inevitable, unfortunately.
Sober•- With all the excitement for their new album, Daniel has been out partying. Constantly. Kora is fed up.
The Night We Met pt. 1- Luna is Daniel’s best friend until Jessica gets in the way. During her heartbreak, everything goes wrong.
The Night We Met pt. 2- When the worst night of Luna’s life takes her all the way back in the most depressing way, to the night they met.
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nothing available
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nothing available
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nothing available
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21burritoseavey · 2 years
first sleepover (j.m.)
a/n: hey! i apologise for not posting in ages but i really hope you enjoy this imagine, especially the lovely anon that requested it (and has been waiting very very very patiently<3) 
summary: this request! you spend the night at jonah’s apartment for the first time. 
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under the starry glow of the ceiling projector, you watch the credits of Me Before You roll on the brightly-lit screen of jonah’s laptop, the small names reflecting in your eyes as they make their journey over each person in the cast and crew. your soft sniffles go unnoticed by the boy beside you, whose body went limp with sleep at what seemed to be the half-way mark, his head nestled into your chest, unruly brunette strands tickling your skin as you scratched his scalp tenderly. you considered pausing the movie to let him sleep, not only in your arms but also in the unusual quietness that cradled the neighbourhood. yet, between the snug sensation of his weight upon your chest and his muffled snores whispering through his bedroom, you weren’t too worried about the noise possibly waking jonah up. plus, there was no chance you were willingly going to deprive yourself of lou and will’s beautiful yet bittersweet love story; their romance was too compelling to stop watching.
although now, you press your lips to his forehead for a final kiss before peeling off the blankets and easing out of bed, bringing the empty popcorn bowl and empty box of tissues with you to the kitchen. the transition from his room, rendered with a vivid blue to the scarce lighting in the rest of the apartment catches you off guard, causing you to nearly stumble over the cat padding silently across the hallway. “hey there, little guy” you breathe out. wesley’s dark fur tickles your ankles as you crouch down to greet him with a quick scratch under his chin before he slinks off into jonah’s room through the small crack in the door.  
you set the empty bowl in the sink, throw the empty box in the recycling and take a cup from the drying rack, placing it under the running faucet to chug a glass of water before shuffling around the kitchen quietly to look for a snack. you begin scanning the cluttered cabinets for something to eat. usually, jonah’s home would be brimming with all the food and snacks one could wish for but tonight seems to be an exception. after a while of searching to no avail, you find yourself reaching for the handles of the cabinets that store his cutlery and dishes, hoping to find a stray packet of chips or candy, but you end up finding something way more interesting than a mere packet of sweets. the sight of an almost full gift bag with pastel dyed tissue paper peeking out of the top tugs up the corners of your lips, and in remembering the significance of this particular saturday night, you can’t help but succumb to the giddy feelings that creep over you, warming your skin from head to toe. 
you don’t want to make this occasion a big deal, to put too much weight on something many couples simply consider the norm. however, to say you aren’t excited about sleeping over at his apartment for the first time would be an understatement. you carefully pull out the gift bag from its place hidden behind the plates in the cupboard, hastily glancing around the place as if you don’t want to be caught red handed sneaking a glimpse at what is inside. 
wesley, seemingly unbothered by your disappearance into the kitchen, had occupied your spot in bed next to jonah and curled into his chest. soon enough, jonah is awoken by the movements of his cat, spreading his consciousness further as he rubs his eyes. he leans forward, a sleepy groan slipping past his lips as he props his elbows on the mattress to find you disguised in the neon blue light of his room, but his eyes only meet the beams of a distant street-lamp, its light bleeding through the blinds and the colourful, swirling ribbons of his laptop’s screensaver. 
“y/n,” he calls your name weakly, confused as to why you’re not cuddled beside him. though it isn’t long until he guesses that you’re in the kitchen, proven by the distant sounds of the cabinet doors and drawers closing and the crinkling of food wrappers. the sounds prompt the memory of the gifts he’d bought earlier in the week, and the question of whether his hiding spot for the said gifts was good enough anchors a sense of nervousness in his mind. but it isn’t until he sees a glimmer of the pastel coloured gift bag from around the corner through the small opening of his door that he feels a panicked lump form in his throat. 
he jumps up out of bed, almost bumping into you as you walk in gleefully with the gift bag dangling from your forearm. “y/n,” he sighs. his raspy voice is drenched in disappointment, but you notice it in his face first as you halt your attempt to sneak through the doorway into his ensuite. it’s written in his features from his creased eyebrows to the gentle frown playing at his lips and you feel the awful sensation of guilt hollowing a pit in your stomach for ruining what seems to be his planned surprise. 
“i was only going to eat a little,” you mumble, looking up at him bashfully, referring to the handful of sweets you had secretly eaten. 
“‘a  little’, huh?” he chuckles, bringing your hand up to challenge your obvious lie with the sight of a fistful of candy wrappers clutched slyly in your grasp.
“yep,” you move your hand back to your side, attempting to change the subject. “you are the sweetest though, you know that? getting me all this,” you’re hoping the wide grin on your face withers away his disappointment and you glance down at the gift bag, gaze scrolling over the several, small gifts he had bought you, from the plentiful snacks and candy to the new skincare products he knew you loved to use. 
“i thought i hid that gift pretty well,” he admits, slumping back onto the bed with a deep sigh, his gaze swimming over the artificial stars dappling the ceiling.
“never underestimate me when i’m hungry. i practically have a sixth sense when it comes to finding something to eat” you joke light-heartedly, though it doesn’t seem to perk up jonah’s deflated mood. “it’s okay though, i was so surprised when i saw it.” you offer him a reassuring smile, reaching for his hands to pull him up so he’s sitting upright. you’re crouched down in front of him, caressing his hand in yours, “you fell asleep during the movie, i ruined your surprise,” you realise these two events are of differing severity but still add “can we call it even? kinda?”, giving him the brightest grin, you can muster at this hour. 
“sure.” he pulls a tight smile, and a few seconds pass until he reveals “i also have another surprise.” he adores the way your face lights up, “but wait here,” he sets his hands on your arms, urging you to sit on the bed patiently. “i’m not letting you spoil this one too.” 
jonah heads straight to the en-suite, switching on the light before he turns to the countertop to retrieve two sets of matching pyjamas in the cabinet under the sink. he flashes a warm smile once he walks back into the bedroom, offering out one set of black, velvet pyjamas to you. the two of you agree, along with many others, that wearing a pair of brand-new, soft pyjamas is simply one of the best, most pleasant feelings, so jonah expected nothing less than the beaming grin that swept across your face. “oh my god, i love them!” you push off the bed excitedly, moving to kiss his cheek once “thank you! thank you! thank you!” you clutch the pyjamas to your chest as you rush into the bathroom to put them on, leaving jonah in your wake, chuckling at your obvious eagerness. 
a cozy vibe soon settles around the two of you as you progress through the steps of your individual nightly routines. the low hum of music jonah had put on at your request is accompanied by the gentle murmur of your conversation and the calming scents of a nearby candle wisping into the bathroom. you had suggested the two of you put on the face masks, one of the items jonah had generously gifted you, earning not only an agreement from jonah but also a keen request to go first. now, you’re both standing behind the mirror, facing each other and sporting your matching velvet pyjamas while jonah finishes applying the face mask to your face. 
“okay,” he smiles, passing you the bowl with a gentle kiss, “my turn.” 
you laugh lightly at his eagerness. “are you enjoying this?” you inquire, mixing the paste haphazardly with the brush. 
“like actually enjoying this? because we can do something else if you want. we could play a video game or-”
“no, y/n. i am enjoying this. i enjoy absolutely everything when i’m with you.”
“of course.” he leans down to share a few kisses, “now, hurry up, i expect you to be done tonight, not two years from now,” he jokes, receiving a scoff in fake offence and a light shove to his shoulder. 
despite the cooling sensation the face mask was supposed to have on your skin, you feel every inch of it heating up from his words - especially the loving line ‘i enjoy absolutely everything when i’m with you’ that he reveals so effortlessly - and the touch of his lips. the love etched in each syllable drips over you like the moonlight trickling in through the bare bathroom window and the feeling of his lips on yours quickens your heartbeat as much as if you'd just completed a sprint. you hope this never changes, that you never get tired of his flirtatious smiles whenever his gaze lingers on you, the amused twist of his lips whenever he makes a joke at your expense, or the way his arm always finds its way across your waist when you cuddle. you know for a fact that you’ll never get over nights like these, where you and jonah can let go of everything and simply show each other love. 
there aren’t any expectations to do or say anything when you're just in each other’s presence, no pressure of finding something to say in conversational silences or filling every moment together with an activity. you wouldn’t trade anything for these ordinary and silent moments with him. it’s quiet when you’re finishing applying the face mask to his face, dipping the brush a final time to fill any missed spots. you drop the brush into the bowl when you’re done. “perfect” your grin is contagious. your eyes meet once again and your smiles press against each other’s for another loving kiss. as per the directions, the pair of you wait several minutes before washing off the face masks. jonah’s patting his face with a hand towel, droplets of water rolling over his skin when you pipe up with a question. 
your face is freshly moisturised and glowing under the bright overhead lighting. “what’s next?” you prompt, clasping your hands together enthusiastically.
jonah turns to his phone on the bathroom countertop, tapping his screen to glance at the time before he responds. the numbers 12:32am on the screen seem to make him more tired and he looks back at you. a yawn tumbles from his lips as he asks “wanna watch some netflix?” the suggestion is a simple one, but a perfect one nonetheless, and you agree with a nod before taking his hand and making your way out the adjoining bathroom to his bed. 
wes hasn’t moved since you last saw him practically buried in the warm mess of blankets, but as you and jonah plop onto the bed tiredly with content sighs, the cuddly cat wastes no time settling into the small space between the pair of you, relishing in the abundance of warmth and attention. jonah laughs lightly as you murmur an “awww”, your heart melting at the cat’s sweet action. he moves in closer, his hand finding yours as he shifts more comfortably against the headboard. he uses his free hand to pull his idle laptop on his lap and put netflix back on. as he scrolls through the countless movies, you bring the gift bag up on the bed and search for another snack, ultimately deciding on m&m’s.  
“thanks for tonight j,” you let your head drop lazily on jonah’s shoulder, inviting him to share the packet of m&m’s with you. 
“my pleasure, baby, tonight’s about you and me,” his fingers find the roots of you hair and he plops a handful into his mouth, brushing his fingers through the strands. 
“us”.  you correct him. 
“exactly,” he offers you a bright smile, “which is why i think it’s only fair that it's my turn to pick a movie” he pushes the laptop in the middle. 
you can’t help but be a little sceptical, jonah’s full of surprises. “okay, what is it?” 
“top gun”
“that’s fine. but i’m not letting you off the hook. you still need to finish watching ‘me before you’. you argue, thoughts travelling back to the memories of the film as he presses the spacebar to start the second movie of the night. 
“deal,” the two of you seal the agreement with a handshake. 
however, only five minutes into the movie, you find yourself in the position jonah was in earlier, your eyelids closing under the weight of happy exhaustion and your mind captured by thoughts other than those of the film in front of you. you’re unsure whether the amount of sugar you had consumed is to blame or the calming, naturally sleep-inducing company of your boyfriend. it seems the roles have reversed now, and it’s jonah who has his arm slung over your shoulders while you’re asleep in his loving embrace. well, not totally asleep, because the moment he removes his arm from around your shoulders, slowly inching his legs to the edge of the bed under the blankets, you wake up, eyes squinting as you mumble, “don’t move.” 
your arm interlocks with his when he tries again, “i’m just going to get some water, i’ll be a second”. he places a soft kiss to your forehead, but it doesn’t suffice. 
“no, please don’t move. you’re warm and if you leave, i won’t be comfy anymore.” you try to give him a warning look, but suspect that it isn’t as threatening as you hope because you only a ripple of muffled giggles in response.
there’s no denying the rosy colour blooming on jonah’s cheeks at your words and the smile dimpling his cheeks is evident in his voice as he rubs a hand over your back, “okay, y/n. whatever you want.”
taglist: @chilling-seavey​ @marthagryffindor​ @hiya-its-amber​ @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​ @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee​ @onlyangelavery @sadbitchfangirl @wiildflower-xxx @nichmeddar  @unitersmoonshine  @sbrewer21 @comatosedheart  @kaitieskidmore1 @sunlightinmyeyes​ @starlost-andfound​​ 
join my taglist!
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Why Don’t We Masterlist
                   Daniel Seavey 
Take A Chance 
Get Out 
Party  /  Mess
Heartbreak Girl 
Dream School  /  Reconnect
Best Friend 
                 Corbyn Besson
Best Friend 
I’m Sorry 
My Girl 
Close As Strangers 
Hard  /  Blind 
                      Jack Avery 
Tell Me I’m Wrong 
Shut Up and Kiss Me 
I Miss You 
Just Friends 
Damage  /  Wait 
                    Jonah Marais 
You’re Mine
Temporary Fix
Last Night
Shove  /  Electricity 
Lies  /  Found
New Start 
Make Me 
Roller Coaster 
Universal Studios 
Instagram IRL
                     Zach Herron 
In Love 
Beside You 
The Past 
Date Night
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upindreamland · 2 years
In My Arms - Zach Herron
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Zach Herron x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) oneshot
Summary: Your safe spot has always been in your husband's arms. What happens when just 15 words causes it to crumble down (angst)
Warnings: ANGST (and me not being good at writing it lol) This is way in the future!
AN: I really wanted to try out writing some angst. If you have any feedback please let me know. If you want: like, comment reblog or come talk to me. Anything is appreciated. I hope you enjoy!
Update: There is now a part 2!!! I couldn’t keep it angsty but if you want it to end this way that’s okay!! Check it out if you want.
“Come on kids. We have to go to the grocery store!” I yell up the stairs to my kids. Normally, I wouldn’t take them with me, but no one was able to watch them today. Also, Zach was out of the state so I had no other option.
“Mommy! Noah won’t give me back my unicorn.” My two year old daughter complained about her older brother.
Sighing, I walk up the stairs and go to her room.
“Noah, you know that’s not nice. Give it back to Grace please. If you don’t, I’m going to have to call dad.” I threaten.
“So if I don’t give it back, does that mean we finally get to talk to him? Mommy we haven’t talked to him in five days. I have been counting.” Noah retorts.
“No Noah. You give your sister back her unicorn and go down to the car.” I try to say without my eyes tearing up.
The truth of that statement makes my stomach turn. It’s even worse that a three year old child was able to figure that out. Zach has been away at a writing session out of state with the rest of the boys. After winning multiple Grammys, the band has been working so hard to produce more amazing music for their fans. During all of that, the calls home started decreasing. A couple of days ago they just stopped. I try to be strong for my kids, but it becomes difficult when you don’t even know what’s going on with your husband. He’s supposed to come home in four weeks, so I guess we will wait and see.
With my two younger kids already in the car, I go and check on the two oldest.
*after going to the grocery store*
When we got home, to say I was exhausted was an understatement. Having four children, ranging from two to seven, with the love of my life is finally taking a toll on me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my kids with every fiber in me. It doesn’t help that their dad has been MIA. Deciding to try and call him while the kids were napping, I picked up my phone.
“Hey babe.” I say once Zach picks up.
“Hey love. How’s everything over there?”
“It’s alright. We all miss you”
“Aww, I miss you guys too. I was just going to call and let you know that-“
“Zach are you ready?” A woman’s voice cuts him off.
“Shhh, my wife’s on the phone. I don’t want her to hear you.” He quickly whispers.
Shock. That’s the word that describes my reaction perfectly. I haven’t talked to my husband in five days, and when I get a chance, I hear a woman’s voice. I trust Zach with my life, so I don’t understand why all the sudden I feel like this. Also, why does he not want me to hear? If it’s nothing wrong, why does he feel a need to hide it?
Next, a feeling of sadness courses through me. Has he been cheating on me? No Y/N why the hell would you think that. You have four kids together, he wouldn’t throw that all away. Wait, but how can I be so sure. I haven’t seen him in weeks. What if all of a sudden he just gave up and realised that he didn’t love me anymore. What if…
I get pulled from those horrible thoughts when I hear his voice. “Sorry love. I have to go. Say hi to the kids for me.” He rushes out before hanging up.
And just like that he’s gone again. How long will it be this time before we can talk again? He’s gone, probably having the time of his life, while I’m over her with my intrusive thoughts. I failed to even notice that I started crying until a tear fell onto my hand. I don’t try to hold back my sobs anymore. I can hear them echo all around me. I shouldn’t be feeling like this. He’s my husband for goodness sake. While basking in my misery, I failed to notice two kids on the stairs.
*skip three weeks*
One week. Seven days. That’s how long until Zach finally comes home. These days felt like they were dragging on and on. Throughout the past three weeks, he would call to talk to the kids. He would spend hours listening to them talk about their day or what they ate. Those moments helped numb the pain. When it came to me though, he kept the conversations brief. That didn’t help at all with my speculation of him cheating. The only reassuring thing was that I haven’t heard the woman’s voice in a while.
Ever since that day, I just couldn’t keep my mind from wandering. I had these thoughts about Zach not loving me anymore despite being together for seven years. These thoughts mostly occurred when I woke up in the middle of the night, reaching over to snuggle my husband, and just being met with the cold sheets. It was a stab in the heart, every single time. I felt like that was the way the universe was trying to tell me where our relationship stood. Most nights, I let the darkness and the cold take over. Feeling completely vulnerable and exposed to this part of love I’ve never experienced. I knew what I was getting into when I decided to first date Zach. I was prepared for the hate, criticism, and jealousy. I was strong. All he had to do was wrap me in his arms, and mumble “It’s alright. You’re alright. All that matters is that you’re here, in my arms. You will always be safe in my arms Y/N. Never forget that. I will always be there for you and never hurt you. My arms will always be open. I promise.” I didn’t care about anyone else’s opinion. The only thing that mattered was the love me and Zach had. No matter what, we had each other. Even when it felt like the world was turning its back on us. And that’s exactly what I said in my vows when we got married three years ago. But now, all of that is crumbling down piece by piece.
After a stressful day of getting the kids to and from school, working for eight hours straight, and cooking dinner, we are all sitting at the dinner table. That is everyone except for Zach. Throughout the whole dinner, I was lucky they didn’t mention their dad. I was on edge since his return was getting closer and closer. I was nervous for what would happen to us when we finally see each other in person. Better yet, what would happen to our family. I just couldn’t picture a happy ending. I especially didn’t want to pick a fight with him when he just got back. Wanting to clear my mind and maybe try to call Zach again without the kids around, I tell them to finish as much as they can before getting ready for bed. Right when I thought they were all gone I heard my oldest, Riley, speak up.
“Mommy how many days until daddy comes home again. I really want to show him the new soccer moves I learned.” He questions.
Going to answer, I open my mouth to respond but get cut off by another voice.
“Ri, there’s seven more days. Maybe if we get to sleep early he’ll come home faster.” Sophia responds from upstairs to her older brother.
“Thanks Soph. Mommy can Gracie and Noah sleep with me and Soph tonight? Pleaseeeee.” He practically whines.
Not being able to say no to the adorable face he makes. I give in and say yes. I mean who can say no? Now that they were all upstairs, I picked up my phone that was on the counter. Right when I was about to tap on the call button, an incoming call pops up on my screen. It’s none other than the man himself, Zach Herron. That’s odd. The only time he calls is early in the morning because of the time difference. Shaking that thought off, I answer the phone.
I immediately get my answer when I pick up. He’s fucking drunk at a club. The first clue is the loud club music that can be heard in the back. The next clue is the way he’s talking. It’s slurred and barely makes any sense. He can’t even form a complete sentence. The reason as to why he’s drinking is still unknown.
“Zach… is everything alright?” I carefully say, not knowing how he’s going to react.
“Huh, oh yeah everything is good. I just wa- wanted to ca- call and say that you’re, you’re the hottest…” He trails off before starting a new sentence.
“We finished our wri- writing se- session early. So, we de- decided to party.” Well that answers why he’s drinking.
Before I get to respond, he slurs “Are you taking good care of my kids? Last time I checked in, Grace hurt her finger. You should really be paying more attention to them.”
The anger quickly surges through me. I’m over here working my ass off with a full time job and “his” kids while he’s out partying and getting drunk. He has the audacity to criticize my parenting when we both know I’ve done most of the work. I was trying my hardest to stay calm, but it was hard hearing my husband’s words. Getting ready to open my mouth and snap at him, the cause of my sleepless nights returns. Just when I thought nothing could get worse, it happens...
I hear the woman’s voice again.
“We have to figure out whatever it is you want before you go back home.” I clearly hear her voice come from Zach’s side of the phone. And just like that, I feel my heart stop. All it took was fifteen words. Now, I know that his promises were never true. He hurt me. He wasn’t here. And I wasn’t safe in his arms.
Here’s the part 2 again if you want to read it
AN: That's it! I hope you enjoyed reading.
- Kara (upindreamland)
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hollandsangel · 4 years
can’t stand when you’re not close to me | z.h.
hey lovies! i’m having a bit of trouble in my ~personal life~ atm, so bare w me if uploads are a bit slower than usual. i love you all so so much and am absolutely beyond grateful for all the love you have shown me and my work, you make me wanna keep it up, thank you <3
inspired by notice me by role model! literally one of my fav songs
summary: you and zach just can’t get enough of each other
warnings: mild spice, i definitely fell in love (again)
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He never failed to light you on fire, his touch was a match igniting your skin. It didn't matter where you were, it could be an afterparty, during an award show, or even just Jack’s backyard, the two of you always found a corner to sneak off to. His hands under your shirt and his lips against your jaw. He made you feel seen, noticed, desired.
He reached for your hand across the table, pulling you away from the conversation you were having with one of the girls that had shown up to the small gathering. You threw him a questioning glance, his only response being a small tug to pull you closer.
“Z…” you dragged out, falling into his chest.
“Hmm.” he hummed in return, tucking your head under his chin.
“What are you doing?” you whispered, pulling away from him as much as he’d let you as you looked around at everyone scattered around Jonah and Corbyn;s backyard.
“Dancing, babe.” he mumbled, his eyes following yours.
“Zach, no one else is dancing.” you tried to reason with him, afraid of people watching you.
“We don’t need an invitation to dance, angel.” he pulled you close again, his hand landing on the small of your back, yours moving from his waist to rub over his shoulders.
“Fine, you’re lucky I like this song.” you finally let your head fall against him, letting out a deep exhale as he moved his hand up gently, squeezing tightly at your waist.
His other hand untangled itself from yours, dragging over your side until he reached your jaw. His fingers delicately traced your lips, eyes never dropping your gaze. “You gonna kiss me or not?” 
Zach let a smile take form on his lips, the smallest of laughs tumbling past them. “I’m thinkin’ not.”
With an equally mischievous grin, you unwrapped yourself from his arms, “Fine, I’ll go sit down then, I think Tessa’s here.” Zach stood still for nearly half a second as you began to walk back to the fire, the sway in your hips unmistakable.
“Wait, wait, wait.” you looked back at him with a victorious glimmer in your eye, his hand already back in your own. “Over here.”
You threw your head over your shoulder as Zach dragged you across the yard, hoping no one saw the two of you disappear.
Before you knew it, both of you were hidden by the pool shed. The space between the shed and fence was small, but neither you or Zach minded being so close. “Gonna kiss me now?” your voice was too pure, too innocent for him to handle. He didn’t answer you this time, only grabbed you by the hips, pulling himself into your body as you fell against the back of the pool shed. He was gentle and soft with the way he kissed you, even when he was in a rush. Slow, deep, open mouthed kisses fell onto your skin. He would bite gently at your lips, his tongue fighting with yours as you both tried to get the other as close as possible. 
“Can’t stand when you’re not close to me.” he breathed, heavy and quiet. You let your head fall back again, and Zach took his opportunity with no hesitation, biting and kissing at the soft flesh connecting your shoulder and neck, the sensitive spot behind your ear. He knew exactly what to do to make you helpless.
“I can’t believe you’re real.” you thought aloud, causing him to pull away. You reached for his hands, and he made sure to intertwine your fingers.
“What does that mean?”
“I never thought somebody could make me this weak in real life. Didn’t think anyone would notice me the way you do.”
He leaned forward again, dropping a kiss to your swollen lips. “Oh angel, you’re the only one I see” he whispered.
@randomlimelightxxx @chanelwonders @baby-bearie @g7aesthetic @averysbestyears @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @babyzachyy @wdwjay02 @jocelyntheduckie @chilling-seavey
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