#Zach Herron x y/n
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
hi bb! could I get a cute zach x reader fic? you can take this in whichever way you like but I was thinking some fluff like a movie night at Zach's or he teaches the reader to play video games? you can do it either way/come up with something of your own too! xxx
Slow Down; Zach Herron
a/n: hope you like it, queen!! 💘
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You knocked gently on your boyfriend’s front door, feeling insecure in your leggings, your sweatshirt, and sneakers. You’d been to the boy’s house before, but this was still only your second time, and you’d never dressed so casually in front of Zach. Your relationship was still fresh- only 8 dates had happened so far- so you were still holding back parts of yourself you were afraid of him seeing. The lazy, messy part of you that some guys were turned off by.
You wrung the sleeve of your sweatshirt between your fingers. The door opened a moment after you knocked, drawing your eyes from your feet. Jonah, tall as a tree, stared down at you, a sleepy smile growing to his dark features.
“Hey, Y/N, good to see you.” Jonah swept an arm through the air and you walked into it’s path.
The house was noisy, as per usual. Lights were on all over, Corbyn and Jack were shouting over the shooting noises of a video game on the tv, music was streaming from the Bluetooth speakers, Tessa sat at the kitchen island. Daniel was probably out in his studio, and his brothers were strewn around the living room, watching Corbyn and Jack beat each other.
You felt so out of place in the group’s familiar Friday routine. Jonah could tell, harboring the same feeling of social anxiety, and gently touched your elbow.
“I’ll go get him, okay?” You’d been in Zach’s room, he must’ve not have been in there, because Jonah walked outside after you nodded.
You busied yourself with removing your sneakers. You squatted and gently set them beside somebody else’s shoes on the rack. You peaked around at the door and shut it all the way. Somebody finally spoke up when you turned back around.
“Oh, hey, Y/N! Come sit,” Corbyn patted the spot next to him on the couch.
“Shit, sorry, we just completely ignored your existence,” Jack added on, laughing into his headset.
“No worries,” you smiled at everybody, carefully stepping over Christian’s legs to sit next to Corbyn.
“How ya doing, Y/N?” Corbyn glanced at you.
You folded your hands. “I’m okay, thanks. How are you?”
Corbyn went to answer when something happened in the video game and everybody yelled. That’s when you noticed Zach making his way across the room. He pushed Christian’s legs out of the way, earning a playful punch to the thigh. You stood up as he did, giggling at the laughter the two boys exchanged.
Zach threw his arms up when he laughed, one of his cutesy quirks that you had learned yet. His hands landed on you- shoulder and hip. He gently pulled you into his chest, your hands moving to his back.
“Hey,” he laughed in your ear, fingers moving to your back, but landing on your mini backpack.
“Hi,” you leaned away. His fingers slid down your shoulder and gently held your fingers.
He tugged you behind him, guiding the two of you to his room. “Sorry I didn’t answer the door. Daniel was having me record something.”
You shrugged, “No worries. I got a warm welcome from everybody.”
Zach sighed, letting go of you to shut the door. You sat on the edge of his bed. He said, “Yeah, they can be overwhelming at first.”
“No!” You disagreed. “They’re all really great. I like the energy.”
Zach smiled at you as he walked over to you. “You look very cuddly.”
Your anxiety settled in your subconscious, no longer a part of your worries. Instead, a blush painted your face. “We have never cuddled before.”
Zach sat beside you, setting a hand on your knee. “We don’t have to.”
“No, I want to,” you assured him, grabbing said hand and squeezing the knuckles. “I know you’re probably used to moving a little faster, but I’m just nervous. I’m sorry.”
Zach shook his head, carefully studying your eyes. He brushed the hair from your face, behind your ears, “I think I need to slow down anyways. With my career and looking back on my past relationships, I think it’ll keep me grounded. You’ll keep me grounded.”
Your stomach whirled with adoration. You found yourself leaning forward and kissing him. It wasn’t your first kiss- actually, it was your second. But it felt like the first. You hoped that feeling would stay.
Zach cupped your cheek, thumb just barely pushing your chin up into him. Your hands found his jaw, fingers molding between his hair. You kissed for a moment longer, and intended to keep going, but someone knocked at the door.
You jumped back from Zach, laughing from your naive fright at the sound. Zach pecked your lips and went to the door.
“Hello?” He opened it towards him, leaning against the door frame.
That was hot.
Jack waved from his side of the door. “Can y’all go pick up the pizza?”
Zach rolled his eyes, huffing. “Really? There’s, like, 10 other people here. Why can’t they?”
“Thought maybe you wanted alone time with your girl,” Jack shrugged. “Also, Jonah and Tessa just left, Daniel is busy, the rest of us are playing a game. Please?”
Zach obviously wasn’t going to argue with his band mate in front of his girl, as jack had put it. So he agreed.
Zach went to the closet as you waited on the bed, picking out a hoodie. He slung it over his head and sat beside you again to put on his shoes. As he did, you told him about something you did earlier that day. He was a good listener and conversation came so well between you two.
Zach stood up, offering you his hand. He pulled you up, purposefully tugging you close to his chest. He held you by the back and kissed you again. You giggled into his mouth, feeling his fingers squirm against your sweatshirt. He pulled away, to your disappointment, and looked at your sweatshirt with furrowed brows.
“No, this won’t do,” he tugged at the hem of your sweatshirt.
You looked at him with utter confusion, “Huh?”
He walked back to his closet, voice echoing from inside. “If you’re gonna be my girl, you gotta wear my sweatshirt.”
He settled back in front of you, holding out the hoodie.
You carefully grabbed it. “Is that you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
Zach tipped his head at the sweatshirt, “Is that you saying yes?”
You answered by taking off what you had on and replacing it with a hoodie that the The Invitation Tour logo on it. You followed Zach out the living room again and sat down on the floor to put on your sneakers while he found his keys. He helped you off the floor, like in his room, and led you to the garage.
He opened your door for you like a gentleman, passing by with a sweet kiss. You let out a deep breath once you were settled in the seat, feeling a weight of emotions in your stomach.
Zach got in and then you guys were gone. The pizza place was ten minutes away, but they didn’t offer delivery because of COVID. And, of course, you forgot your mask. Zach just shrugged it off while you felt bad he carried two pizzas and a bag of 2 liters to the car. He put it all in the back seat before joining you again.
On the way back, Zach told you to put on music. Meanwhile, his hand sneakily found it’s way to your knee. He didn’t want to automatically place it upon your thigh, genuinely meaning what he had said earlier.
You wrapped your hand around his, letting your intertwined fingers rest in your lap. When you got back to the house, Zach didn’t allow you to carry anything again. As soon as the pizzas hit the kitchen counter, the boys went ravenous. Even Daniel appeared from his cave to get food.
You stood off to the side, feeling rude just diving in. Corbyn noticed you and automatically spoke up over the crowd of men.
“Hey! Guys, we should probably let Y/N go first,” he motioned to you.
Your face flushed and you felt your neck started to clam up. “Oh, I’m okay.”
Zach, who was caught up getting cups for everyone, sighed. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told them to wait.”
“No, it’s no worries, guys. Please, go ahead,” you insisted again.
Daniel shook his head and handed you a plate, “No, Y/N, go ahead.”
You carefully took it and joined the hoard at the island. You took a single slice of cheese pizza and circled back to your spot.
Christian disagreed with your sad plate, “Oh, cmon. Get another slice, and some chips and a drink.”
You began to protest when they all spoke over each other, insisting. Daniel slapped another slice onto your plate, Corbyn held up two bags of chips in your face, and Zach had already poured your favorite soda into a glass. You tapped on the Dorito’s in Corbyn’s right hand and he poured some on your plate.
You had a restless, wide grin on your face the entire time. “Thank you so much.”
Everybody went back to being savages. Zach quickly got in and got out, leading you back to his room. He crawled across the bed and leaned back on his headboard. You carefully sat beside him as he turned on the television.
“You wanna watch that movie you told me about the other day?” He held out the remote to you.
Your mouth fell agape for a moment and then you nodded. “Yeah- uh, yeah.”
How was he such a good listener?
You found the movie on Netflix and put it on. Zach finished his food quickly, but you ate carefully and slowly. Zach simply layed out on the bed, waiting for you to finish. Once you were done, you stood up from the bed.
Zach paused the movie, “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Wanna give me your plate?” You held out your hand.
Zach jumped up suddenly, grabbing his plate and yours before walking out.. You caught up to his long-legged strides with protests.
“Zach!” You called after him, tugging on the back of his sweatshirt.
He finally turned around after he set everything in the sink. “Yes?”
You tried to glare at him, but his smile was so sweet, you broke into a grin. “I was gonna take them!”
Zach shrugged. “I got it, babe.”
You lifted a finger to point in his face, but froze when the pet name registered. Your face went red again.
Zach’s innocent smile turned even cheekier- if possible. He kissed your cheek and left you standing there. You followed him to his room, stopping him in the middle of the hallway. You tugged him around to face him, practically launching yourself into his arms as you cupped his jaw and kissed him. He held the curve of your back, leaning into the kiss.
You broke off, breathless, with matching smiles. “Wanna finish the movie?” You jerked your head in the direction of his room.
Zach nodded in a less than calm manner and followed you inside. He shut the door, splaying back in his spot on the bed. You carefully lay beside him, resting your head on his bicep, which he extended out beside him. His hand clasped around your shoulder and tugged you into his side. You got comfortable over the span of a few minutes, at first slightly stiff. When you were in position, your leg was tossed over his, your hands on his chest.
The movie ended and you began another before your breathing evened and your eyes couldn’t keep themselves open. Zach noticed and carefully shut off the lights and tv with the remote. He pulled the blanket at the end of the bed over you.
“Want me to take you home?” He whispered into your ear.
You hummed a disagreement back, curling further into him. “Is that okay?” You sleepily said.
Zach responded by kissing your forehead and mumbling a goodnight.
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Hi! Can I get a fake soical media of Why Don't We and reader. The reader goes on a secret date and the boys gets overprotective. Thank you.
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majesticmarais · 7 years
2018 | Z.H
Requested: yes
Summary: You and Zach spend a relaxing night in on new year’s eve
Warnings: Nada
Word Count: 1, 232
It was around 4pm on New Year’s Eve when your boyfriend, Zach, showed up to your apartment, snacks in hand and his usual cheeky grin on his face. “Hey,” you smiled, leaning your head back to face him from your comfortable spot on the house. “Where are the boys?” you asked, expecting to see 4 other rowdy boys shuffle into the door behind Zach. “I think they’re gonna come in a little bit,” Zach shrugged, taking his shoes off and walking over to where you sat, dropping the snacks on the coffee table and plopping down next to you, slinging his arm over your shoulders like an automatic reflex.
The other Why Don’t We boys had planned on going to a party to celebrate New Year’s, but you and Zach mutually agreed that you would rather stay inside and have a calm, but fun evening nonetheless. You weren’t really a huge party person, and Zach knew that. Plus, he had promised he would spend New Year’s Eve with you, whether the boys were around or not. In spite of everything, the other boys had agreed to spend a few hours with you before heading to the party, which you were happy about. They all made your 2017 amazing, and you were happy to have them around for the final day.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the party? I don’t mind,” you said. You had been worried about him just trying to please you, and he knew that you often thought too far into things. “Y/N, I’m sure. I want to spend it with you. If they end up wanting to stay here because we’re the coolest people ever, then great. If not, I see them pretty much every day anyway, it’s no biggie,” he answered, scooting closer towards you and pulling you into him. “Okay, I believe you,” you muttered into his chest. “I brought your favorite,” he sang, reaching over and grabbing a box of your favorite cookies, causing your eyes to light up as you took the box from him, excitedly ripping it open and eating the first one. “You’re the best,” you mumbled through your chewing, causing Zach to laugh at you.
Eventually, like Zach had said, the boys showed up, cheering as they entered your apartment, piling onto the couch. “So, lady and gentleman, what shall we do on this lovely last day of 2017?” Corbyn asked, wiggling his eyebrows. “How about I kick your ass at Mario Kart one last time?” you asked, smirking at Corbyn who pretended to look appalled
As always, your Mario Kart “tournament” as you guys always called it resulted in a lot screaming, jumping, pushing, and of course you winning almost every race you played. You stood up off the couch and threw your arms up in the air in victory, doing a little dance before slipping and landing onto Zach’s lap, making everyone burst into fits of laughter, including yourself.
“Gotta love clumsy Y/N,” Jonah chuckled, ruffling his hand through your hair before earning a light swat from you in return. “Whatever, point is I’m the champion,” you laughed. “Hell yeah,” Zach agreed.
After an early evening of video games, monopoly, and a somehow spontaneous game of tackling each other, the boys decided it was time to head to the party. You hugged all of them goodbye and wished them an early happy new year and soon enough it was just you and Zach once again.
“I love you,” Zach blurted out randomly as you sat there scrolling through Netflix for something decent. “I love you too,” you grinned, “where did that come from?” “I don’t know, just thinking about the year coming to an end and how much you’ve change my life over the past year,” he shrugged. “Oh stop,” you chuckled, a blush creeping onto your cheek, causing Zach to laugh and press a kiss to your cheek, making it turn an even brighter shade of red. “I mean it, Y/N, ever since you came into my life, I see life in a new way. You make me the happiest guy ever and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. No matter what my day was like, being able to come back to you and hear your voice and see your face at the end of every day makes everything even more worth it. There aren’t enough words to describe the love I have for you,” he gushed. “Zachary you are so adorable!” you exclaimed as you pressed a kiss to his lips as he pulled you onto his lap. “I can’t wait to start 2018 with you,” you grinned as you looked at your boyfriend, the boy who made you feel a way you never thought was possible. The boy that made you laugh so hard you snorted, the one who held you as you cried after bad days, the person who knew every single thing about you, and still loved you. You were more in love with Zach than you thought was ever possible.
After being mushy with each other, you leaped off the couch and grabbed a small box from the closet, opening it to reveal cheesy 2018 glasses, hats, and confetti cannons for you both to shoot at the strike of midnight. “This is great,” Zach laughed, putting on the hat and glasses and flashing a silly face in your direction, tickling you once you sat back down on the couch.
“Zachary Dean Herron DO NOT tickle me!!” you shrieked, jumping off the couch defensively. “Is that a challenge?” he asked, lifting his eyebrow. “No,” you said sharply. He stood up off the couch and went towards you as you squealed and ran, Zach following close behind you. You ran into your room and slammed the door, holding it closed with your body as Zach tried to push through. Eventually, he succeeded so you tried to sprint back out of the room, but he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you back, tickling you even more. “Stop stop stop!!” you exclaimed, uncontrollably laughing as you tried to free yourself from his grasp on you. He stopped and laughed as he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, in which you jokingly pulled away.
“You’re so cute,” he giggled. “Not cute, you’re an ass,” you mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest. “You love me!” he teased, kissing your neck lightly. “Yeah you’re lucky I do,” you winked. “I know, the luckiest,” he smiled.
“5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!!!” you and Zach screamed in unison, setting off your confetti cannons. He pulled you towards him and kissed you softly, making you melt in his arms as you kissed back passionately, the sound of people cheering on TV playing in the background. “2018 here we come,” you said as you pulled away. “Can’t wait,” he grinned. 
Zach reached down and grabbed a pile of confetti off the ground, throwing it at you. You gasped as you picked some up and threw it back at him. You both ended up back on the couch together, confetti stuck in both of your hair, laughing your heads off as you often did.
It wasn’t a big party, or a huge celebration, but Zach was all that you needed, and there was no better way to start the new year.
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totomoshi · 4 years
Everybody Talks
Pairing: Why Don’t We x best friend!reader, Daniel Seavey x reader
Warning: Mentions of depression and death!!
authors note: this idea has been in my head for a few months now and i was a bit hesitant but, here’s my very first attempt of fanfiction based on my ideas. hope you guys love it !
Today was most probably the most boring day in all of the boring days... at least that’s what you thought.
In all honesty, with everything that’s been happening in the world + life making you depressed, you just wanted to go and have fun. Even if sometimes you don’t want to get out of bed and just stay in the comforts of your trusted blanket.
Alas, you know you’ll have to get out for food and water so here you are: lying on the couch for the past 10 minutes, figuring what to do to conquer your boredom. You’d call the boys, but they’re probably at the studio right now, at least that's what Daniel told you anyway.
You've already contemplated on whether just to go for a walk in the park for the needed amount of fresh air, but that meant you’d have to go change and you’re already so comfortable in your worn-out tank top and baggy jeans.
It was another 10 minutes of thinking when suddenly someone knocked on the door of your apartment.
“Who is it?” you asked
“It’s us!! Open up!!”
Wait a minute...that’s Daniel’s voice! But he's supposed to be at the studio...how did he -?
Your thoughts were interrupted by another knock on the door
“Come on y/n!! These snacks and pizzas are heavy y’know?!” Zach whined
‘Is the whole band here??’ you wondered
You decided to find answers of your own and immediately opened the door to find that not 1, not 2 but all 5 members of the boy band outside your door with each member bringing a type of snack, boxes of pizza and... CDs?
“What are you all doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the studio???” you asked surprised and a bit confused, to be honest
“Well...I- I mean we kinda lied” Daniel chuckled with the usual mischievous glint in his bright blue eyes
You immediately blushed and smiled shyly. It was amazing how with just a glance, this man can turn you into a blushing mess.
“Look, I’m glad that you guys are having a moment and everything but can we come in? Because I wasn't kidding when I said that these snacks and pizza boxes were heavy” Zach whined. Both Daniel’s and I face turned crimson red to that.
“O-oh yeah! Sorry guys, please come in!!” I stuttered as the boys started to scatter around the apartment
“So the five of you still haven't answered my question, what are you doing here??” I questioned
“We heard you weren’t feeling well, that's why we decided to come and check up on you” Jonah spoke up
“It’s okay guys, I can handle it. I’m used to handling this on my own, it will pass. Trust me.” I reassured
“We know, but nobody should be dealing with these types of things alone. We all understand how you feel so trust me when I say for all of us, that we’re here for you. You’re not going through this alone, you have us.” Daniel reassured while looking at me with his soft eyes that radiated a blue so bright that it could give the sea a run for its money.
If you were being honest, you weren't always like this. Usually, you could hold it all in but with your grandfather’s death anniversary coming up and all of your schoolwork increasing, you felt like you were gonna burst. Also, the fact that the boys were all here wasn't making the entire ‘holding it in’ plan promising.
After hearing Daniel's reassurance, you decided to just let it all out and that's how you became a sobbing mess in his arms.
“I-i just couldn't deal with everything you know? With grandpa’s anniversary coming up it's making it a hell lot difficult to be okay. Usually, I could hold it in but I just miss him so much” you sobbed into his hoodie
“Hey there, it's okay. You don't have to hold it in anymore. You have us, remember? We’ll always be here for you” Jack cooed
At this point, you don't even know if it was even possible to die from their purity and love for you.
“Y-you guys are the best. I love you guys so so much” you mumbled while reaching out to form a group hug
“We love you too y/n,” they said
“Yeah, some more than others” Corbyn mumbled which was immediately met with 4 other glares
“Uh, nothing!! Nothing at all!” he replied nervously
You just shrugged it off thinking it was some sort of an inside joke between them
“So, what else did you all decided to grace me with? Besides your presence of course,” you asked teasingly
“Well, we knew how much you loved it when I did a cover of Everybody Talks on my Instagram live. So we decided to do the full cover of it, right here just for you” Daniel explained
Excited couldn't even begin to fully explain how you felt during this exact moment. Just to summarise it, your feelings were all over the place. Touched; because you didn't think he listened to your random rants especially the ones about him. Excited; who wouldn't be? You're about to hear your favourite boy band do a full cover of one of your favourite songs!! Then there were other feelings that you didn't think there would be enough words in the English language to describe it.
“Zach! Would you kindly do the honours?” Jonah asked
“It would be my pleasure” Zach jokingly said in a fake posh voice
He then went to your stereo and inserted the Everybody Talks cd. The minute the music started to play, you sat excitedly on the couch as the boys started to sing
Hey baby, won't you look my way?
I can be your new addiction
Hey baby, what you gotta say?
All you're giving me is fiction
I’m a sorry sucker and this happens all the time
I found out that everybody talks,
Everybody talks, everybody talks
You were honestly surprised because the minute Jonah started to sing, he pulled you up from the couch to dance with him to match the energetic beat of the song.
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mama’s always gotta backtrack
When everybody talks back
Then, you were suddenly whisked into Daniel’s arms which in all honesty you didn’t mind one bit. As he sang the chorus, he looked into your eyes with his signature smile. Even though there were 4 other people in the room, it felt like both of you were the only two people there.
Hey honey, you could be my drug
You could be my new prescription
Too much could be an overdose
All this trash talk make me itchin’
Oh my, my shit
Everybody talks, everybody talks
Everybody talks, too much
When it was Corbyn’s turn, him being Corbyn, he danced goofily around you which made you giggled and you decided to join him and be goofy too.
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mama’s always gotta backtrack
When everybody talks back
You didn’t know whether it was your feelings for him or the fact that he was also your best friend, but you couldn't take your eyes off him. It was as if he was an angel that God sent you, he was just so perfect. But watching him dedicating the lyrics to you right now, you knew that whatever hell you go through, at the end of the day he’ll always be there to save you.
Never thought I’d live
To see the day
When everybody’s words got in the way
You knew that when it reached Jack’s part, he would back hug you and he did. It was something you two always did as you both were always affectionate with each other.
When the guitar riff started playing, the six of you started to dance like crazy. It was the exact thing you needed, just having fun with your 5 best friends.
Hey sugar, show me all your love
All you’re giving me is friction
Hey sugar, what you gotta say?
You knew exactly what to do when it was Zach’s turn. The minute he started singing, you climbed on his back which made him stumbled a little. He danced and spun with you on him which made you laugh like crazy.
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mama's always gotta backtrack
When everybody talks back
The minute it was Daniel's turn again, he whisked you in his arms and started to twirl you which you didn't even know he could do. That boy’s always full of surprises.
All of you
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks, back
Seeing you dance like that was something Daniel hadn't seen in a while. He was glad that you were smiling because of something he and the boys planned. He would give the world just to make sure you’d never lose your smile. It was 2 years into your friendship when he realised he was hopelessly in love with you. He knew he can't do anything that will risk the friendship that you two have. But seeing you having fun with his 4 best friends made him threw every doubt he had out the window.
‘Oh fuck it’ he thought
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
Just as Corbyn sang the second line, Daniel went up to you and planted his lips on yours. You? You were surprised. How could you not? The boy of your dreams is kissing you right now!! It took a few seconds but you gladly returned the kiss which made him smiled into the kiss.
After a few more seconds, the both of you pulled apart with huge smiles on your faces.
“I’ve been wanting to do that” Daniel mumbled
“Me too” you grinned
“Nailed it!!” the rest of the boys shouted which made the two of you laughed.
Who knew that dancing to your favourite song could lead you and your best friend to confess your feelings to each other?
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polaroidmarais · 5 years
Going stargazing as w first date with corbyn and he’s telling you all the facts he knows about space and you just there like damn he the one
“so you see that constellation over there?” corbyn asks y/n as they next to each other on a blanket.
“that’s aquila. part of the summer triangle is in that constellation. it’s one of my favorites because you can see it best during the summer months.”
“so, right here, right now? this is the best time?” y/n asked turning to corbyn who was still staring above.
after a small pause, he turned and looked at y/n and nodded. y/n knew that this boy was the one, right here, right now.
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Tour - CB
A/N: this gif is 🤪 so I apologize but it’s also cute :) also I kinda messed up and this is not what was requested so I apologize for that!
Edit: I posted this in 2019 and it’s pretty short lol hope you enjoy?
Warnings: a lil angst but that’s ok
Word count: 1k
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Your POV
As I was humming some of the boys’ older tunes, washing the dishes, I suddenly heard my phone buzz frantically. I picked it up to see lots of notifications, mainly from twitter, but not from any accounts I recognized. There was also a text from Tyler, so I checked that first.
“Hey Y/N, the boys are pretty worried, a photo just leaked recently and it looks like you with another guy, one that isn’t Corbyn. I know you would never do something like that, but just to be safe, the boys requested you not contact them for a while.”
As I read more and more of the message I felt the lump build up in my throat and the slight prick of the tears gathering in my eyes. I would never cheat on Corbyn, and now I wanted to know how this obviously fake rumor spread so suddenly. I opened twitter and I checked my mentions. Tons of fan accounts sharing the same photo of me hugging my friend Lucas. I hadn’t seen him since high school, so running into him this morning outside of our go-to coffee shop was a pleasant surprise. We caught up a little with the promise to meet again soon, but I hadn’t realized that anyone had captured our moment together.
I texted Tyler back,
“I know the boys won’t respond to anything I share, but that was a high school friend, I know it doesn’t look great but I swear it was nothing more than a hug and a quick catching up.”
As I hit the blue arrow, despite knowing I wasn’t the one at fault, I just tried to think how Corbyn feels right now. I would hope that he would never think I would cheat, but there were fans that never really liked the two of us together, or me in general, and although that hurt, I never really thought that it would cause this rift, or whatever it is.
I was broken away from my thoughts with a ding, but I decided not to pick it up immediately, not feeling ready to deal with whatever else is suddenly being pushed down my throat.
Corbyn’s POV
I can’t believe she’d do that. I mean I never thought that she’d be a cheater. I mean long distance was hard, especially being on tour but I always felt there was that level of trust. I knew in the moment it was immature, but I went on twitter.
“hey so thanks to the fans for all the messages, @y/twitter/n thanks for wasting my time 💔”
The second it went up there was a flood of retweets and likes.
“@y/twitter/n was always a bitch, she never deserved him 😤”
“why is this trending?”
“what a two timing slut 🤪”
“did i miss something?”
“ugh thank god, corbyn deserves so much better”
“ngl i thought they were endgame 😔”
I read just a couple tweets before realizing that what I tweeted was wrong. The guilt seeped in as I truly recognized what I had done. I opened up twitter about to delete it when I got a call from Y/N. I picked up immediately.
“Hey bean? A-are you ok?” She sniffled lightly, and I could tell she’d been crying. It broke my heart to know that her first priority was asking me if I was okay.
“Yeah honey, I’m fine, how are you?” I tried to speak as calmly as I could. I guess something about what I said set something off because she immediately started bawling.
“I’m so sorry Corbyn! I know the photo looks bad but it was just a friend from high school and I swear I would never do anything to hurt you and I know I’m a terrible girlfriend and I know you’ll never want to see me again after tour is done and I can stop talking to the boys and I’ll just move in with Sydnie for a while and-” I could tell that she was panicking big time, and I knew I was the cause.
“Woah honey, hey hey hey, I’m right here okay? I believe you.”
“You do?” Her voice was calmer now, although she still seemed hesitant.
“I believe you, and I’m sorry about the tweet, it was the swing of my emotions and I know you would never cheat.”
The line was almost dead for a while...
“Are you still there?”
“Yeah...” I could hear her thinking over the line.
“Y/N, listen to me. You are the best thing that’s happened to me. It’s you and the boys, okay? It’s you and me forever, I love you.” I wanted to reassure her, I needed her to know how important she is to me.
“I love you too bean.” There was a slight sniffle from her end.
“I’ll call you tonight ok? No more tears from you missy, ok?”
“Yeah, okay Corbyn. Love you, bye bye.”
“I love you too, okay? Bye.”
Your POV
Although hearing Corbyn’s words was reassuring, looking at his tweet the whole phone call was devastating. So was seeing all of the fans that were cheering on the end of your relationship. Being seen as a waste of his time, being broken up with or whatever happened because of that tweet happen, over Twitter without any confirmation or direct communication, really did wonders to any semblance of self worth I thought I had. I felt another wave of tears start to come, so I turned off my phone and went to bed. Hopefully the morning would bring better things.
Corbyn’s POV
After the call I deleted the tweet. I felt exhausted, and luckily there was no show tonight. I decided to make another post, as it was late back in LA, so it was something Y/N would be able to wake up to. Something positive to hold on to before I get back to her.
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corbynbesson i’ve realized in the past couple hours the true power of words. honey, i love you, and i always will. everything that happened today was not your fault, and i want you to know that. i’m so glad that for 3 years I’ve been able to call you mine. i love you so very much and i’m very ashamed that some “fans” reacted in the ways that they did. i’m also disappointed in myself for acting in such an immature way. but to those “fans”- if you can’t support any of us because of our personal life choices, please do not support us at all. we only want postitive vibes for wdw. getting back to my love, @y/insta/n I love you honey, see you after tour. 💛🍯
“What a pleasant surprise to wake up in the morning to,” I thought as I hit post and went to bed.
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tempus-ut-luceant · 5 years
muse pt.2 • corbyn besson x reader
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here’s part two! thanks for waiting for months for this because i wasn’t quite sure if i should continue! enjoy! also this is short so sorry about that, but i have hopes for the future sections to be longer! also unedited oops
The next morning Corbyn arrived just as y/n walked around the corner. Y/n blushed as Corbyn waved to her. They walked into the boutique together and walked up to place their orders.
“Well, y/n, what’s the best?”
“Well I really love the raspberry iced tea and strawberry banana smoothie, but if you are looking for coffee to wake you up, I’d go for the vanilla latte.” Y/n said pointing out everything as she spoke.
“The latte sounds good since all this traveling makes me tired and I think I’ll take the cinnamon muffin too.”
Corbyn ordered and then y/n ordered her morning usual smoothie and bagel with cream cheese and the two wait while their food was prepared. Once their order was called Corbyn insisted that he pay. Then the two walked outside and found a small table for themselves.
“Okay, Corbyn, so you said that all of the traveling you do makes you tired. Why do you travel so much?” y/n asked.
Corbyn started searching for the right thing to say because he was not sure how he should explain his situation.
“Well, to be completely honest, I’m touring with my band right now.”
“Wait, you’re in a band!?” y/n asked excitedly.
“Ya, I’m 1/5 of Why Don’t We.”
“Wait a sec, I think I’ve heard that name before. Isn’t one of your songs Something Different?”
“Yes, yes it is,” Corbyn laughed out, “Have you heard it before?”
“I heard it on the radio when I was visiting the states not too long ago,” y/n explained.
The conversation continued on until Corbyn’s phone kept ringing and buzzing. The rest of the band was pestering him and asking how his “date” was going. Jonah asked him if he could bring back coffee for him. Zach and Jack kept texting stupid questions and Daniel kept apologizing for those said questions. Y/n laughed at how the rest of the band was so invested in how Corbyn was doing. The two laughed as Corbyn read aloud the questions that Jack and Zach had sent. In response, Corbyn took a selfie with y/n to prove that his date was real.
The rest of the date went off without a hitch and Corbyn and y/n walked back to the place where the band was staying so she could meet them. Both y/n and Corbyn were beyond excited, but for different reasons as they approached the boys. Corbyn was excited to introduce y/n to the rest of the band. Y/n on the other hand was excited to meet Corbyn’s friends that he spoke so fondly about. They walked side by side, hands brushing, but never joined.
okay so a part 3 is on the way! please let me know if you want to be tagged! (people that are currently tagged are tagged because they showed interest in the writing!)
tags: @why-dont-we-everything @notfondoflightning @coolkidcorbyn @jackshappiness @thisgrlrocks03 @seaveyssparkle @bessonbear
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upindreamland · 2 years
Part 2 of: In My Arms - Zach Herron
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Zach Herron x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) last part of part 1
Summary: Your husband is back after being gone for a while. (angst to fluff)
AN: I couldnt keep it angsty the whole time lol. I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Go read the first part if you want. Angsty at the beginning but turns fluff. Come talk to me once you're done.
(This takes place after Zach gets back from the writing session and the kids are asleep)
There’s an amazing amount of tension in a room that just has two people in it. It’s just me and Zach in the kitchen. The kids have been put to bed hours ago.
I’m sitting on top of the kitchen island, while Zach stands at the entrance of the kitchen. Not knowing what to do, I picked up the glass I was drinking water out of. While I walk over to the dishwasher, I can feel his eyes on me. I just continued with what I was doing. Focusing on my hands and tuning him out. Trying anything to forget that Zach is right there.
Zach got back from the writing session just a couple of hours ago. He spent the time with the kids while I stayed off to the side. I didn’t want to start anything in front of them. They don’t need to experience that. Now that they’re asleep, I don’t have to pretend that everything’s alright.
“Hello? Are you even going to talk to me?” my husband’s voice resounds all around the kitchen as he walks closer to me.
Quickly walking out of the kitchen, I hear Zach slam his hand on the countertop before following after me into the living room.
“Babe, what is going on with you?” he asks. Just by the way he said that, I can tell that he’s becoming increasingly worried.
Sitting down on the couch (that I spent most of the nights crying and sleeping on. I couldn’t sleep on our bed because it brought back so many memories. But, he doesn’t need to know that) I fold my arms and look at anything but him. That is enough for him to know that something is seriously wrong.
“Oh, the silent treatment. Really?” he scoffed while shaking his head.
“Real fucking mature Y/N.” he said sarcastically.
That’s what caught my attention. Quickly standing up and making eye contact with him I can’t help but say,
“Says you, the one who was out partying at a club and chea-“ I cut myself off before I finish the sentence. If I say it out loud, I’m afraid that it might come true. That would be horrible for me and the kids. I know what it’s like to grow up with divorced parents. It's literal shit. I do not want my kids to experience that.
“No, go ahead and say it Y/N. Say it to my face” he responds with malice in his voice.
When I open my mouth to speak, the words get stuck in the back of my throat.
“If you’re going to accuse me of cheating on you at least have the decency to say it to my face” he yells angrily, taking a step towards me.
Shaking my head no, I look down so he won’t be able to see the tears forming in my eyes.
“No what Y/N? You need to talk to me,” the way the tone of his voice changed surprised me. I was expecting him to still yell at me and have that angry look in his eyes. However, when I looked up I saw the worried and caring eyes I fell in love with all those years ago.
Zach walked closer and pulled me into his arms.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you babe. I’m just tired and haven’t been feeling the best without my amazing family by my side. I know that’s not an excuse, but I really need you to talk to me. What’s going on?”
Sniffling I look up at him and I can’t help but to let it all out,
“That night when I called you there was a woman in the background. She asked if you were ready. You hung up right away and said that you didn’t want me to hear her and that was what started it all. I tried telling myself that I was being irrational but then…”
“Y/N, honey…” Zach says
“No, let me finish, please,” he nods, “then I remembered that you didn’t call or answer our calls for five days before that. That put a big toll on me and on our kids. It just hurt so much,” I take a deep breath before continuing. “Then to top it all off, you call me from a club and criticize my parenting,” my voice becomes bitter “when you know how hard I try especially when you’re not here.
“You want to know what really made it worse, I hear that woman’s voice again. I don’t get to see my husband for who knows how long and then, having to hear this woman’s voice every time I call. You weren’t here and I didn’t have anyone's support. That’s why I’ve been…” I get cut off by my own sob.
“…why you have been sleeping on the couch and crying most nights,” Zach finishes for me.
Shock passes my face. I stumble out, “how did you know?”
He can’t help the smile appear on his face, “your incredible kids did. Riley and Sophia told me they saw you crying on the couch one day. And that you never went up to bed and they always heard crying noises,” the smile disappears, “Okay I’m going to explain now but it might be long so be ready,” he finishes.
“You don’t hav-” I start but get cut off.
“Oh no missy don’t even start. I know you want an explanation and you deserve to hear from me.”
He takes a deep breath before continuing.
“I know that you think I was cheating but it was nothing like that. The woman you heard was a realtor. I was looking for a house to buy since I know you wanted a place to travel to during the summer and winter time and that you love that part of the country. I was so busy that when I was done it was already so late that I didn’t want to call. That’s why I didn’t call for those five days. Then when you called, we were just getting ready to go look at a house that I had a good feeling about. She asked if I was ready to leave and I responded how I did because I didn’t want you to hear her because I was afraid she was going to spoil the surprise. I hung up quickly just in case. I’m sorry for that. About what I said in the club, I was drunk and I was just taking my insecurities out on you. I know you’re an amazing mom and those kids wouldn’t be who they are without you. There’s a reason why I put four children in you,” he gives me a cheeky smile.
“I just so happened to run into her at the club with her girlfriend. She said that I had to figure out what I wanted before I left in regards to the houses we saw. I know it must have sounded wrong but it meant nothing. I’m sorry if you felt like I was lying and I’m sorry if it felt like I broke my promises. I know what you were probably thinking at night all alone Y/N. So I’m telling you this right now and I mean it truthfully, you will always be safe in my arms Y/N. Nothing, not even a fucking house can tear us apart.”
I smiled at him, thankful for his explanation. I knew I made the right decision in saying yes when he proposed. All of my worries seemed to disappear. We were going through a hard time in our relationship, but the important things stayed the same. He is an amazing husband and father just as I am an amazing wife and mother. Relationships are never easy but when they get hard, it’s up to the two people in love to make up for it and I think Zach and I did an amazing job. “I understand Zach, I'm so sorry for how I reacted.”
“It’s alright babe. Come on let’s go cuddle upstairs in our bed together, before the kiddos wake up.
And that’s exactly what we did. In each other's arms.
(And yes Zach got me the most amazing vacation house ever. I can’t wait to check it out.)
AN: Ahhhh okay here it is. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think down below. Love you all and have a great rest of your day!
- Kara (upindreamland)
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nonstoplover · 4 years
nonstoplover's one-shots
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about: this is a masterlist for all the one-shots i’ve written for actors, movie and book characters, musicians, occasionally complemented with a second part.
a/n: i’d like to note that i mean no disrespect for the real people, these are only fruits of my imagination.
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☆ those thin bathroom walls | s.s. x fem!reader — this is the story of how in lockdown because of the pandemic Sebastian and (y/n) become shower singing buddies.
☆ passing grey clouds | j.a. x fem!reader, age gap — at an 'end of college' party, his negative thoughts regarding their age gap come back and cloud over his head - leaving it to her to chase these clouds away once and for all.
☆ 36 questions | d.f. x fem!reader — as part of an experiment two complete strangers, Dave and (y/n) have to answer thirty-six question to see if in the end they actually fall in love.
☆ photoshoot | d.f. x photographer!reader — (y/n), an emerging photographer finally gets a chance to have a major photoshoot with someone famous - who eventually turns out to be none other than her favourite actor.
☆ café pt.1 | d.f. x fem!reader — (y/n)’s favourite time of the week is when she goes to her favourite café and enjoys the taste, the scent whilst reading a book. though one day it becomes more than that, when a specific brown haired boy asks to sit down at her table…
☆ café pt.2 | d.f. x waitress!reader — after meeting him, (y/n) doesn’t think much of the man, already feeling the luckiest to have met him. Dave on the other hand truly can’t stop thinking about her, and goes to get her.
☆ suffering from separation | t.h. x fem!reader — after quite a long time spent apart from each other, (y/n) and Tom can’t wait to see each other again, and when they finally do, events swiftly taking a turn only to make it one of the happiest days of their lives.
☆ oscars | j.g. x pregnant actress!reader, requested, drabble — after a successful evening at the Oscars, (y/n) and Jake get ready for bed in a love-filled atmosphere once back at home again, memories of the night flashing back.
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☆ unstoppable apologies | b.b. x benjamin!reader — Rooster can't find the courage to ask Penny's daughter out, right up until one especially tipsy night when things take a turn.
☆ all that i need | f.w. x ravenclaw!reader — when the Weasley twins prank the possibly shiest girl of Hogwarts, what they don’t expect at all is her performing a similarly playful, mischievous and very much impressive revenge on them, but oh boy, what a pleasant consequence it leads to.
☆ happily ending catastrophies | f.w. x muggle!reader — Fred is accidentally (and fortunately) at the right place in the right time, and is able to save a muggle girl’s life.
☆ for the better pt.1 | m.c. x wife!reader — Michael scolds his wife for acting without his approval and things escalate quickly, not quite the way Michael imagined.
☆ for the better pt.2 | m.c. x wife!reader — (y/n) is back to living life alone, and it’s not long until she finds company to divert her thoughts from the fight whilst Michael keeps on trying to find a way to win his wife back.
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ZACH HERRON (why don't we) :
☆ it's all an act | z.h. x fem!reader, requested — when Zach’s too nervous to tell her crush how he feels, Jack - fed up with his best friend’s cowardice - pretends to make a move on the girl to get a reaction out of the younger boy.
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© 2023 all rights reserved — nonstoplover. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, or claim my work as your own.
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jonah-aesthetic · 4 years
Gingerbread I Zach Herron
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Zach X Reader
Plot: Y/N’s successful boyfriend invites her to his to bake Christmas Cookies.
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: The last bit is a little rushed, this isn’t edited but I hope you enjoy. Merry Christmas my Lovelies! 
Rating: 16+ (do you guys like the spicy scenes or no)
Inserting the brass key into the lock with a click, you pushed open your door with your shoulder. Entering your apartment on the three floor, you flicked on the lights and tossed you keys on the counter not caring where they landed. 
The entire day was stressful, the corner store was out of your favourite creamer. Next you forgot you phone at home and had to run back. You were late to work cause your hair wasn’t participating. Not to mention that Asshole that cut you off earlier. You were annoyed and ready to throw on something comfy to watch Netflix for the rest of the day.
A yellow post-it note caught your eye, Remembering it not being on the fridge this morning. Plucking it off you read the words written upon it. 
 Hey Darling, 
@ 10pm meet me at my place, we’re baking cookies. Don’t call me saying no cause I blocked you. Also there’s a gift in the fridge for you 
xx - Z 
Smiling you shook head, only Zach would make the effort of blocking you on everything so you had no other choice then to show up. You had the worst habit of denying his invitation when you weren't in the mood for it. But you’d end up regretting it five episodes in of your favourite tv show. Zach always managed to make your day better, ever since the day you meet him. 
December 10th, 2019
The aroma of the coffee shop was filled with the intoxicating smell of coffee beans and Christmas music. Third  in line all you could think about how the guy you were talking to you ghosted you. He was the first guy who found interest in you since the breakup with you ex- boyfriend. The bastard used that to his advantage just to get laid. Knowing you were fairly vulnerable and desperate to feel any connection again. What- 
“What can I get you?” The leathery voice asked, 
Without realising you moved up on the line, slightly embarrassed you wondered how many times he had to ask you. “Just a large coffee, three sugar, three cream.” You spoke with a small smile, what could you say. you had a sweet tooth and hated the bitter taste of black coffee. 
“$3.78.” His bored tone was heard, 
Nodding you reached into your purse for your wallet. searching you found two quarters, one dime, two nickles and no sign of your back card. Of course not you left it on the coffee table after buying a book online. Your dumb ass never put it back home. 
“Fuck.” You say more to yourself, but you knew it was heard my others close by. Looking up you smiled apologetically at the barista. “Funny story- 
“Here, I got it.” a smooth memorising voice cut you off,  you watched as some guy reached over your shoulder to pay. Not just any guy with that perfect bone structure a fucking god, okay maybe that was too drastic, but you didn’t think it was. 
“No, You don’t have to.” You spoke trying to push him away, but it was too late his card reached the machine chiming happily. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s my pleasure honestly.”  His smile sucked the breath out of your lungs. His brown eyes were watching you, wondering what emotions were going through your pretty little head. Taking his hand out of the pocket of his slacks, reaching it towards you. “Zach” 
“Y/N” You smiled back at him, connecting your right hand in his. They were warm to the touch and significantly larger then your delicate one. The thing that intrigued  you most about him was his un-denying classic style he held. Wearing a beautiful button down, which had four different black and white patterns. Two buttons undone, just enough for his defined chest to peek through. Tucked into a pair of black striped slack as he wore black oxford shoes, pulling the entire look together. He was formal, yet he wasn’t and you found it fucking attractive. 
After Zach requested his order and paid you both caught onto a conversation. Waiting for your drinks, he was funny and from what he was telling you talented too. Collecting your beverages he offered to take a seat with you, and you definitely weren't denying that offer. Talking with Zach you forgot all about Chase, or was it Chance? Who cared he wasn’t important anymore. 
You had no idea how long you talked before the barista who served you earlier kicked you out. You switched numbers and he asked if he could walk you home. It was dark and you didn’t necessarily want to walk alone down town.
Sticking the note to the counter you hopped in the shower washing away the filth of the day, changed into leggings and a hoodie that once belonged to him. Locking up the apartment you got into your car and began driving to Zach’s house. Feeling giddy you forgot about the candy bar settling inside the fridge. 
Arriving you walked through the front, glass doors sliding open like they always had for you. Reaching into the lobby you caught the eye of Julian who had been sitting behind the hostess’ desk. Green eyes staring he smiled, “Well if it ain’t little Mrs. Herron.” Greeting you with the nickname he gave you eight months ago. Nonetheless it still made your cheeks heat up at the thought of marrying the boy one day. 
“Hello to you too Julian.” You reply, heading straight to the white elevator. Pressing the silver key card against the scanning pad. It was a gift given on the same night you planned on offering your apartment key to him. You both laughed at how connected your mindset really was. 
Dinging the elevator opening speaking mechanically to you. “Good evening Y/N, and Happy Holidays.” Walking in you whispered a small thank you like you’ve always had. You still weren’t use to how luxurious the apartment-plex was, Only feels like yesterday was the first time you agreed to come over. 
Letting the elevator engulf you with hushed Christmas music. There were no buttons embedded on the side. All the information it needed was packed into the chip within the card. All that was plastered on the wall was a screen, counting down the seconds it took to reach his pent house.
Zach’s success as an artist never bothered you, never made you feel less then him. He’s never once made you feel that way with him, especially when you two fought in the dead of the night. He’s even asked for you to move in, but you liked you place. Liked your own space.The luxury of his life could be a little much for you at times. 
Dinging the elevator door exposed Zach’s apartment, lights were dimmed showing off the string of Christmas bulbs scattered about. Home Alone displaying on the t.v above the crackling fire place. Candles lit emitting of the scents of pine and peppermint mingling perfectly together. Christmas decor still intact from when you placed it with Zach’s help last week.  Staring at the atmosphere your boyfriend created you wondered where he was. 
“Zach?” Your voice travelled through the pent house like a maze. With no response you decided to look for him yourself. Entering his room you spotted pyjamas atop his silky black duvet, Another note rest a top. 
Just put these on for me 
xx -Z
Plucking the note you unfolded them, a white crop top and a pair of red pyjama bottoms. With all nine of Santa's reindeer’s names written in white all over them. You couldn’t help but smile like an idiot, he had a chill night planned for the both of you. Since he knew you weren’t one for big crowds, you were blessed to know he understood that. 
Stripping in the middle of his room you changed into the Christmas pjs. Tossing your clothes into the corner of the room you ventured off to find him. Wasn’t too long before you spotted him in the kitchen, in matching Pyjamas dancing to the Christmas music. That right there was the love of your life and you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
“Hey hot stuff!” you holler over the music, he stopped instantly at you voice, looking up he breaks into a stunning smile. “ I didn’t here the elevator.” His brown eyes a little apologetic, “You also didn’t here me call for you. Too busy lost into the Christmas feel.” you tease him. 
“Here, I made you this.” Grabbing a red mug off the counter he stalks towards you. Towering over you small height, he places the hot coco in your hands. The hot beverage topped with whipped cream, cinnamon, and a candy cane melting into the side of it.  You didn’t think your words could manage the gratitude you felt from him. Placing you unoccupied hand around his neck bringing him to your lips. You kissed him, a soft and slow one. He tasted like hot coco and candy canes. 
“I could never get use to the way you kiss me in appreciation.” He says after you let go of his neck. 
“I Don’t feel like my words are enough, not like the way you sing them.” 
“Your words are everything to me, but I’d definitely prefer the kissing.” Zach winks, flirting with you like you two were still best friends. Walking backwards to the island he did a once over of your body, and a second time. His brown eyes travelled from head to toe drinking every inch of you in. You laughed and rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head a little. He always flirted with you, he never saw the reason to stop. Zach found you breathtakingly beautiful and wouldn’t let you forget it. 
Drinking the glorious hot coco he made you, your eyes watched at he started prepping the ingredients. His moments were sly and simple yet attractive, you still couldn’t grasp the thought of him being yours. The man practically got on his  knees till you said you’d be his girlfriend. 
“So are you just going to stare at me the whole time or help me?”  His eyes never lost focus as he caught you red handed admiring the way this hands moved. Your cheeks flushed, trying to hide yourself behind the cup of hot coco. The man could flirt with you but the moment he catches you staring you burn up like a tomato. 
“I wasn’t.” You mumble into your beverage, hoping it hide the quiver in your voice. It failed. 
Dark chuckle emits into the air, “I love the way I affect you.” Still trying to hide into your cup, you couldn’t see the way he prowled over to you. His brown eyes a little dark and his expression a little sharper. You gasped once his hands came in contact with your skin. Goosebumps arisen on your waist as he backed you up against the counter, lifting you atop it. 
You let him pull the mug away as he looked into your eyes, seeing every piece of you. Separating your knees he slide between your legs. Pulling you closer against him, you locked your ankles around his waist. He held your chin in his hands you felt every muscle, every vein, and every bone in his left hand. Placing his thumb on your chin he pried back your bottom lip. 
Your core throbbed between your legs feeling the sexual energy flowing in his blood. You were putty in his hands like you’ve always had been for him, only him. You released a whimper at the growing tension, wanting him to do something, anything. Moving closed to you, his mouth swerved past you lips and to your ear. Breathing against your neck sending shivered down you spine.
“I want to fuck you, but right now I want to make cookies with you.” He whispered softly and you could hear the teasing smiled on his lips. Just like that the burning in your core vanished like thin air and replaced with disappointment. That fucking brick, he’s done it multiple times before. yet you still haven’t learned. 
“Okay lets go.” You grab his hand, hopped of the counter and pulled him to the kitchen island. Showing no weakness, no emotion, no trace of the way he affected with his prickery.  Zach was bewildered by your response, nonetheless let you lead them. 
There was no effort needed into making the dough as Zach had measured everything out correctly.  While slinging along with the Christmas music you combined the wet ingredients and Zach did the dry. You’d never forget this moment with him, sneaking glances while you made gingerbread cookies with him.  
Wasn’t too long before combining both mixing bowls into a larger one, placing that one under the mixer. Watching the dough as it mingles everything together creating a beautiful brown and soft cookie dough. It was mesmerising to watch honestly. 
Distracted with the dough you couldn’t feel the tight hold of Zach’s eyes on you. Watching every muscle, the way your lips twitched with happiness. How your calm breathing expanded your chest. The motion of your fingers riming the brim of the mixing bowl. The way the light in the kitchen beamed off your hair, making the shade brighter. 
“I love you.” His voice sounded hazy, lost in the thought of you. 
Surprised you whipped your head in his direction, a giddy smile upon your lips. He leaned against the counter, sipping hot coco out of a forest green mug with ‘Merry’ written in white. You realised your mug and his had been a matching set, as yours had the word ‘Christmas. 
“I love you too.” It was as if the words were yanked from your soul. Maybe it was in the moment or you knew that you truly loved this man with your whole heart. But you let yourself say it and you didn’t feel the need to apologies. Zach responded with an ear to ear smile, no words and you were thankful for that. 
From there it didn’t take too long before the dough was plop on the island and rolled out. Gingerbread cookie cutters dug into it softly, before they were laid down on a cookie sheet. Then pushed inside the oven to be baked. 
“Speaking of cookies, I got you a gift.”  Looking into his doe brown eyes you held in a laugh. “How do those even connect?” You asked him, raising your eyebrow and crossing your arms accusingly at him.
“They don’t, But I got you one.” He pulls a small white box with a stunning red ribbon on top from behind his back . Small meant it was either a give card or jewellery, with him it always had been expensive. Which you were grateful for but you’d rather the small gift. Deep down you didn’t want to feel like a burden, Zach has done so much for you already.
“It’s not Christmas yet.” You managed to get out. 
“Does it have to Christmas for me to get my girlfriend a gift?” He asked his voice smooth and sounding like home. Shaking your head gently you say “No, I guess not.” It would making you feel less guilty if it had been. 
Taking the small box into your hands you watched his brown eyes light up. Starring at the little bow atop, you pulled the lid Revealing a gift that was neither what you assumed. Inside was a golden card sitting on green velvet, Not just any card, a card that was identical to his pent house key card. Grasping it into your grip you saw the small detailing. Matte background with a shinning luxurious car and letters that spelled your name. 
“What’s this?” You ask having a good idea, but you wanted confirmation.
“Key card for the parking garage.” You could spy the hesitation and anxiety swimming in his eyes. You wondered how long he’s had this tucked away. Waiting for the exact right moment to ask you again. 
“Will you move in with me?”  his words were forced from his lips like he was awaiting your denial. “I made my office into one for you, your own space. It’s all yours if you want it.” He continues not hearing your answer over his hammering heart. That explained why he kept it locked for the last two months, you never questioned it since this was his house.
“Yes” you smile, knowing you made the right choice for the both of you.”...but you didn’t have to do that Zach.”  He engulfed you in a hug and you latched onto him like it was the last time you would see him. Holding you tight to his chest you could feel his lips kiss the crown of your head. 
“Really?” His slow question vibrated against his chest where your head was laying. you moved to catch his eyes with yours, to make sure he heard you. “Yes, You’re my forever Zach.” 
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solarsunsimagines · 3 years
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Pairing:  Zach Herron x female!Reader
Warnings: None
Request: Nope
"Y/n get your elbows off the table!" My mom snaps, clearly stressed out by the last few hours. In a span of three hours, my mother ended up loosing all of our outfits for dinner, and finding them again, 10 minutes before we actually had to be at dinner.
I smirk at her and slide my elbows onto my legs, not wanting to stress her out anymore then she already was, but also doing it in a painfully slow way, just to piss her off.
"When's the ice cream coming!" Ryan practically shouts from next to me.
"Give then a few minutes kid, we only just ordered it." I smile at him, which made his sour mood even worse. I look up at my parents, deciding now was probably the best time to bring up the whole 'going out after hours to meet a boy' without actually mentioning doing exactly that. "So, I was talking to a few teens on the boat earlier," this instantly catches my parents attention, "There's a party on the pool deck tonight, and I was invited, so I was wondering if I could go?"
"Who's going to be there?" My dad asks instinctively, forgetting that we were on a bot with a million people that I didn't know.
"Well, I only know one person who's going." My mother raises her eyebrows at my words, knowing exactly who I was talking about.
"At what time?" Dad continues to quiz me until he's satisfied with my answers.
"You can go, but don't be loud when you come back, I don't need Ryan to be even more cranky tomorrow." My mom side eyes Ryan, who was shoveling down the rather large bowl of ice cream that he was given.
Quite honestly I never thought they would say yes, but I'm glad they did. I barely knew Zach, but I had to admit that the crush I had on him was slowly growing with every passing day.
We finned dinner at about 8:30, which gave us enough time to say goodbye, and for me to still be on time for my quality time with Zach.
"Right, now, if you get cold, you come and get a jacket from the room, here's a card for the room so you don't wake us all up when you get there. Be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't." Dad gives me a brief hug before taking Ryan's hand and leading him to our room.
"You better be safe." Mom stands directly in front of me, "Nice excuse by the way, a teenager only pool party, sounds like a disaster waiting to happen." I laugh at her attentiveness, and give her a quick hug. "He does seem like a nice boy, Ryan told me all about your interaction in the arcade."
"Oh gosh." I gasp and put my head into my hands out of pure embarrassment.
"Don't worry, I've been there. Just be careful okay, and don't fall overboard, I'm not a very good swimmer." She waves as she walks away, finally leaving me to go off on my adventure.
I walk upstairs quite slowly, knowing that I still had a few minutes before we actually had to meet.
When I finally arrive on the pool deck, I sit down on one of the stools that surround the pool, to wait for Zach to arrive.
The nerves seemed to get to me with every passing moment, as I couldn't stop looking at my phone, counting down the minutes to 9 o'clock.
Eventually the time came around, and I sat up straight in the chair, waiting to see Zach walking out of the entrance to the cabins.
Everything okay?
My mom texts me, it gave me hope for a second, but I quickly lost patience and got up to go back to the room.
As I enter the hallway to the rooms, I hear a loud voice practically screaming my name from outside.
I walk outside once again, and after seeing a panicked looking Zach, I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt and join him outside.
"Hey." I say calmly, trying to keep my anger masked.
"Hi, I am so sorry, my friend got really bad sea sickness and I had to help him, and the rest of them wouldn't let me leave, I'm really sorry."
I could tell he was being genuine with me, so I held out my hand, waiting for him to take. Eventually he got the hint and took my hand in his. I dragged him along to the front of the ship, looking at the ocean ahead of us.
"It's kinda creepy isn't it?" Zach says at a volume that was barely audible.
"What is?" I look at him quizzically
"The ocean, we don't know what's down there, but it's just there. It just makes you think about life I guess."
"Never would I have thought you were the philosophical one." I laugh at his words.
"I can be extremely philosophical if I want to be." He tries defending himself.
We stand in silence for a while, admiring the view, while feeling safe with each other.
"Do you think we could hop that?" I say bluntly when my view focuses on the very tip of the front of the ship, which has been very deliberately blocked off.
I look at him after a few moments of silence to find him taking off his shoes.
"What are you doing?" I say with a giggle.
"It's easier to climb without shoes on." He smiles up at me, I quickly follow in his path, trying to make our preparations as quick as possible.
He takes off running for the fence, and after past ally lifting me over, we both make it to the other side.
"I really hope we don't get caught, I don't wanna be kicked off this ship just yet." I think out loud.
"Why's that."
"Because I found some nice company while aboard." I flash him a smile and step closer to the edge of the ship.
I spread my arms out, just like Rose did in titanic, and close my eyes, letting my senses be engulfed by the ocean.
I feel warm hands go around my waist, as Zach holds me in place, while placing his chin onto my shoulder.
"We really could be Jack and rose, without the death of course." I giggle slightly at his comment, mainly focusing on the moment at hand, and not thinking too much about the future.
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
Why Don’t We: Masterlist
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Daniel Seavey
Like Real People Do: You and Daniel are just friends. But, late nights are made for confessions.
Ruin My Life: You hate him with a burning passion- and that was dangerous to be played with.
Corbyn Besson
Love Song: You made things weird by admitting your feelings, but then he wrote a song.
Zach Herron
Slow Down: New relationships are tricky- but he was trying his best.
Jonah Marais
Say it Back: Your take on a TikTok trend.
Main Masterlist
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Can I request a fake social media of why don't we and reader where they get jealous because the reader spended more time with her old ex banda
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majesticmarais · 7 years
Dancer | Z.H
Summary: You have a dance performance and Zach surprises you
Warnings: It’s kind of bad LOL and 1 swear word I think
Word Count: 946
I’ve been a ballet dancer since I was  years old, and today I was performing in the Nutcracker as the lead role. It was opening night, and my nerves grew more and more as the seconds passed. My family had come to see me perform, seeing as they were the ones who had been supporting me from the beginning.
My boyfriend of a year and a half, Zach, wasn’t able to make it because he was on tour. Usually he was the one who was able to calm my nerves, he would tell me I would be great, and be there to cheer me on when I was both on and off stage. Today I didn’t have him here, and I wished more than anything that he was here to cheer me on.
After putting on my pointe shoes and costume backstage, we were ready to start. I needed to perform my best, and I was ready, hopefully.
I walked on stage and the bright lights came on, the music starting. Before I knew it,my body was swept away in the music, most of my nerves seeming to float out of my body as I danced.
It was always where I felt the most myself. Bad feelings usually left when I danced, and I felt so free.
Once the performance was over, I walked off the side of the stage and down the hall to get to my changing area. When I walked in, I was faced by a sight I was not expecting.
Zach stood there, a huge grin on his face with a bouquet of roses in his hands. I squealed as I ran up to him, jumping into his arms, my tut and shoes still on, making it slightly harder to hug him the way I wanted to. “You’re here! Oh my god!” I said, putting my hands on his cheeks and kissing his lips. “I wanted to surprise you. You were amazing baby, I don’t know how you do it,” he said, handing my the bouquet and kissing my lips once again. “It’s not too hard,” I winked. “I don’t even want to think about what it feels like to be up on your toes like that. You’re wonder woman!” he exclaimed, putting his arm around me. “You definitely over hype me, Zachary,” I laughed, smelling the roses, causing my smile to grow.
“Seriously though, babe, you are fucking incredible, you blow me away,” he said. “Awww babe,” I cooed, kissing his face over and over, so excited that he was really here. “You have more fans waiting out in the crowd for you,” he said, smirking at me. “You brought the boys?!?!” I exclaimed, jumping. He simply nodded and laughed. “I was so sad because I thought you weren’t coming,” I pouted. “I wouldn’t miss it...unless I actually had a show,” he laughed. “Loser,” I joked, poking his chest with my finger.
“Let me go change,” I said quickly as I went to grab my normal clothes from my bag and get the hanger to put my costume back on. “I can just watch,” he shrugged. “Shut up,” I laughed, sticking my tongue out at him as I walked away to change out of my costume and shoes.
Zach told the boys where to meet us so we walked out the back and to the lobby area of the performing center, where the boys stood next to my family with huge grins on their faces, just like the one Zach had when I saw him.
I ran up to them and pulled all my best freinds into tightest hugs, expressing how happy and shocked I was that they were here.
“Y/N, you’re like....INSANE! How do you go on your toes like that? How do you move like that? I don’t understand,” Corbyn said, shaking his head in awe. “He’s right, it was beautiful, you’re awesome!” Jonah added, causing my cheeks to turn red.
I hugged my family as well and took the flowers they had handed me. The boys decided we would get my favorite take out for dinner and go back to the Why Don’t We house to hang around for the rest of the night, and I was more than happy to end my night like that. I kissed my family on the cheek one by one before going out with the boys, Zach’s hand in mine.
We got back to the house and I flopped ont the couch, not wanting to take a shower or move any more. Zach sat next to me and let out a chuckle as he rubbed his hand on my back. “I need to take my hair out,” I groaned. I felt his gentle hands touch the bun on my hand, pulling out the large amount of bobby pins out of my hair, each one feeling so much relief. He finally got them all out and gently pulled out the elastic, handing it to me. “You’re the best, you know that?’ I asked, opening my arms as I rolled over from my stomach to my back.
Zach fell into my arms and I held him close, kissing his cheeks. “Get a room!!” Jack called as the boys emerged from the kitchen with the chinese food.
“Just feed me you assholes,” I laughed, flipping them off. “Sassy, I like it,” Zach chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before sitting up so I could too.
The rest of the night was spent eating way too much food and watching our favorite movies.
It wasn’t how I was expecting my night to end, but it was better than anything I was originally hoping.
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seductiveseavey · 4 years
please baby? // zach herron
summary: although you have an essay to finish, zach’s needs become too prominent for you to ignore. 
request: none
pairing: zach x fem!reader
warnings: sub!zach, dry humping, that’s kinda it lol
hey uh so i wrote this a while back and found it in my drafts so i thought i’d finish it up, it’s kinda short but like also kinda hot so like lmaoooooooooo
this is hella fuckin smuttyyyy so please enjoyyy
“baby, please,” zach whined into your ear for what seemed like the thousandth time in the past fifteen minutes.
“zach not right now, i really have to finish this essay,” you motioned to your computer screen, the display glowing with the ten page paper that you had to finish by midnight. this paper was worth twenty percent of your semester grade, and you were not about to let your horny boyfriend ruin your chances at a 100.
“but i really want you,” he pouted, pressing his now prominent bulge into your thigh. he shivered at the friction he had created, craving relief for the problem that had arose downstairs.
“too bad, figure it out yourself.” you told him, turning back to your essay despite the arousal that was growing in your stomach. you couldn’t give in now, despite how much your body was telling you to.
zach huffed, his lips forming a pout and he sat back into the soft pillows on your bed.
you had expected him to go take a cold shower, or maybe go into the bathroom to jerk off, so it came as a surprise when you felt zach’s clothed boner grind into your thigh again.
he let out a soft whimper, squeezing his eyes closed as he created a steady rhythm.
you felt arousal began to flood your veins at his actions, using every single bit of your willpower to focus on your essay instead of giving in to his temptations. you glanced over at zach for a second, seeing his eyes shut and his head thrown back in pure pleasure.
“fuck, y/n,” he breathed out, his pace quickened, and you could tell he was getting close.
fuck it.
you closed your laptop, throwing it to the side of the bed as you moved away from zach, interrupting his euphoria.
“what-” his eyes shot open, confusion evident in his features before you shushed him, quickly slipping off your pajama shorts which left you only in your underwear. you straddled his waist, placing your hands on his chest.
“if you get to cum, i get to cum.” you stated, slowly beginning to grind your hips down onto his. he let out a whimper, his hands shooting up to grasp your waist.
you leaned down, beginning to kiss up and down his neck. your pace quickened, the friction on your clit feeling like absolute bliss. zach’s grip tightened, and he began rutting his hips up to yours.
“nuh-uh baby,” you mumbled, pressing a hand down onto his pelvis to keep him from thrusting. “we’re doing this my way.” he nodded fervently, craving release so badly that he would do whatever you wanted.
you began to move faster, closing your eyes as waves of pleasure began to course through you. you let out a moan, grinding down harder onto zach’s clothed dick.
“i’m close,” zach breathed out, his face scrunching up as your movements became more and more desperate.
“wait for me baby, i’m almost there,” you replied, feeling a knot begin to form in your stomach.
“y/n, i don’t think i can hold on much longer-” he moaned, a look of desperation painted on his face. you increased your pace, feeling the knot in your stomach getting ready to explode.
you pressed your lips to his, reaching a hand between your bodies to rub circles on your clit. that was enough to push you to the edge, and you began to kiss zach even harder than before.
“let go baby,” you mumbled into the kiss, zach immediately letting out a cry of relief. 
you felt the knot in your stomach explode, your grinding movements slowing down as an orgasm crashed over you. you let out a loud moan, resting your head in the crook of zach’s neck as waves of pleasure flooded through your body.
zach groaned as his own orgasm racked his body, his seed painting a wet spot on his briefs and coating his lower stomach.
you laid on zach’s chest for a minute or so, drinking in the moment that had just occurred between you two. after your breathing steadied you rolled off of him, stretching to retrieve your previously discarded laptop and returning to your essay.
“wait, you’re just gonna go back to your essay? babe quit playing,” he whined, reaching an arm around your shoulders and pressing a soft kiss into your neck. a shiver went down your spine at the sensation of his lips, but you pushed down your craving for another round.
“zach, i really have to finish this essay right now,” you sighed, turning to your still-horny boyfriend. he sent you his best puppy pout, pressing yet another kiss to the column of your neck.
you sent zach a pointed look, causing him to back away and frown. you let out a sign, leaning over to press a soft kiss onto his frowning lips.
“if you’re a good boy, then i’ll give you everything you want when i’m done with this paper.” you whispered against his lips, causing smile to paint itself across his features. 
“anything for you y/n.”
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