#Zan Fujita
fourorfivemovements · 6 months
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Films Watched in 2024: 28. 地球攻撃命令 ゴジラ対ガイガン/Chikyū Kōgeki Meirei Gojira Tai Gaigan/Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972) - Dir. Jun Fukuda
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podzilla2000 · 5 years
Hey y’all, we might be on a biweekly schedule these days, but we’re still making progress! Here’s two movies full of weird, wild stuff! Hope you aren’t sick of the 70′s yet, because we’ve got a few episodes left before we say goodbye to the Showa Era!
Movie details beneath the cut!
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Directed by Yoshimitsu Banno Produced by Tomoyuki Tanaka Written by Yoshimitsu Banno and Takeshi Kimura Music by Riichiro Manabe Cinematography by Yoichi Manoda Edited by Yoshitami Kuroiwa
Starring Akira Yamauchi, Toshie Kimura, Hiroyuki Kawase, Keiko Mari, and Toshio Shiba
(second poster designed by Zygmunt Bobrowski)
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Directed by Jun Fukuda Produced by Tomoyuki Tanaka Written by Takeshi Kimura and Shinichi Sekizawa Music by Akira Ifukube and Kunio Miyauchi Cinematography by Kiyoshi Hasegawa
Starring Hiroshi Ishikawa, Tomoko Umeda, Yuriko Hishimi, Minoru Takashima, Zan Fujita, Toshiaki Nishizawa, and Kunio Murai
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kondo-hijikata · 8 years
from Mizu’s 30 Day OTP Challenge: Sleeping in
Early Rise (slightly nsfw, nothing explicit)
Rims of dark lashes cracked like the breaking of dawn. As if synonymous in nature, the soft amber glow stretching along the horizon mirrored irises slowly meeting the darkness of the bedroom—and then it was morning.
Long before his involvement with the Shinsengumi, when he’d been known by his father’s last name instead of the current one, Saito had become an early riser. His parents had been strict and inflexible, and as the first rays of the sun began to embrace the earth, Saito was on his feet for the morning chores. Then followed stretching, then breakfast, then rigorous training; each day of his childhood adhered to a carefully structured schedule, meant to build responsibility and character.
In the end, his parents’ old fashioned insistence paid off for everyone…except the Tokugawa regime, but their demise was no fault of Saito’s; in fact, it was through their stubbornness to not abandon the sword in favor of modern weaponry where he learned his first hard lesson about the dangers of inflexibility.
Despite that, it was true that some tendencies in thought and action refused to die, no matter how many years passed since they were first acquired. Saito possessed several of these penchants, had been criticized for keeping them and sometimes deemed too rigid and out of date in the new era.
“Ten years has passed since our last meeting and since then, I have sought peace. I will not finish now what was started so long ago, that I will not.”
“Now how long, in the Meiji era…how long can you hold onto your precious sense of justice?”
“A domesticated dog wagging his tail for the Meiji and barking about Aku Soku Zan. I’m evil? Evil is the weakness in the current government and for that, I will destroy it.”
“Ah, Fujita! You always arrive at the office so early, even when it’s slow here…”
But really, what more could have been expected from an ex-manslayer turned wanderer, a blinded man who’d admitted defeat to himself but no one else for the sake of his cheap pride, a megalomaniac hellbent on vengeance and attaining endless power, and a police chief who had never seen war?
Despite whatever attributes they might have had in common, the commitment to his beliefs was what kept Saito vastly different—and the more he was unlike those named, the better. He found amusement in the irony that out of all the aforementioned, he’d been the one considered most resistant to change, when Saito had dealt with change better than any.
Instead of letting go of his ideals or living a lie because of a painful past, instead of working to destroy the government that had obliterated everything he’d fought to protect in the war or trading habits that kept him sane for a small bit of luxury in return, Saito adjusted himself and adapted. As the times changed, so had he and his expectations, but never, never had he surrendered his moral compass in the process.
That was the difference. And the result of that difference was a police officer armed with both the justice of Aku Soku Zan and a sword, working in the new age to protect the country he had a hand in raising at all costs—even if he’d been on the losing side of the war.
If that wasn’t adaptability, Saito reckoned the definition warranted a rewrite. Then again, gaining the approval of people who mattered very little in the long run hadn’t ever been of importance to him.
Saito swallowed, staring up at the ceiling while he stretched his legs. Yes, the times made their demands: new government, new job, a spouse. But human nature was human nature, and denying one of their true self was only walking a lifelong road of misery. His face fell to the side on that musing and through the darkness, he looked at Sano, curled up and facing him, breathing softly as he slept.
The answer to everything was learning how to work with societal demands and play along just enough to satisfy them without letting go of what mattered most. Somewhere in Tokyo, a woman sharing Saito’s last name might have awoken just as early, opening her eyes to another woman pressed against her as she thought the same.
Fully conscious now, Saito’s lips parted in a yawn and he stirred, allowing his body another blissful mini-stretch before sitting up. The cover puddled in his lap as he moved his face side to side to get the muscles in his neck moving.
It was time to get the old morning routine kicked off with a smoke, some hot tea, and a warm up. By the hour Saito cooked rice and put natto and miso soup on the table, the lazy thing at his side might just be crawling out of bed. Though, that still would be relatively early. Perhaps, Saito would be eating alone once more.
Softly huffing through his nose at the thought, he pushed the blanket away and slid his feet off the futon—when a hand suddenly flung up to grab blindly at the sleeve of his black undershirt. The unexpected contact triggered his defenses and Saito’s left hand clenched, while simultaneously recognizing it was no threat at all. His chin hit his shoulder as he looked over it.
“’Ey…” Sano growled into the pillow, his voice deep and cracking from disuse. His fist tightened on Saito’s sleeve. “Today’s your day off, remember?”
Saito cleared his throat, too proud to have his own words mangled in the way Sano’s were. “I’m aware,” he replied quietly and then placed the soles of his feet back on the mattress. “Though I’m not sure why you are. Or why you’re even awake now.”
“Hn?” Sano’s eyes opened then and there was a flash of white as he grinned before his mouth opened in a large yawn. His pointer finger unraveled from his fist and he poked Saito’s arm with it. “I know everything about you.”
A brow twitched. “You know nothing.”
“I know enough,” Sano countered through half-lidded eyes and without ever losing his lopsided smile. “Every day, you wake up and look at the ceiling, then do that little stretch thing ya do.” Saito’s chin raised as his shirt was pulled until the fabric stretched, coaxing him to lie back down. He resisted. “Then, you get up and—” Another yawn. “—smoke. Drink tea. Stretch properly and practice your form. And then…here’s my favorite part…you make breakfast.”
Sano nosed the pillow. “See? I can write a friggin’ biography about your typical day, though it’d be so damn boring that no one would read it.”
With that, he delivered another forceful tug and Saito finally gave in. “Oh?” he asked indifferently as he lowered back down to the bed, but his mouth hinted at an upward twitch. “What else is there that you think you know?”
“I know that sometimes you work too hard…that you don’t sleep enough…”
“Interesting observation from the mouth of someone who hardly ever works and then sleeps too much...”
Ignoring the light-hearted gibe, Sano tossed the cover back over Saito and then shuffled closer. His movements were lazy as he slid his arm across Saito’s chest, then settled in and laid his head on his shoulder. “I know you like when I do this.” He nuzzled the black shirt and then slipped his foot between Saito’s ankles to entwine their legs. “…Feel free to tell me if I’m wrong.”
Saito’s lips barely parted and he inhaled before he spoke, but chose to reply only by pulling Sano closer with the arm he’d lain over. His hand fell on the far side of Sano’s bare chest, ring and pinky fingers landing where the top of the wraps had been yesterday. He drummed his digits softly.
“Hnnn…what else…” Sano’s fingertips tapped against Saito’s other bicep and ran down to the hand resting at his side, pausing there as if to consider if he should take it, before letting them trail over his thigh. “Oh, now I know you like this for sure.”
Saito’s larger hand covered the back of Sano’s as it began moving and he leaned his face to the side. His cheek pressed to Sano’s forehead and he looked out into the space of the room beginning to gently lighten from the rising sun. Over a breath, he purred, “Is there a point in trying to prove all this?”
“Well, you don’t live with a shifty ass cop for months without picking up a few tricks.”
Sano smiled against his chest. “I’m trying to make it so appealing that you wouldn’t even possibly consider leaving bed anytime soon…ya know, social engineerin' and all that…” He lifted his face to push his nose against Saito’s jaw and then drawled in a low tone, “So? Is it working?”
Upon drawing a quick breath, Saito’s hand shot up from covering Sano’s and he tossed himself to the side. The movement was fast, shoving Sano on his back as Saito’s knees hit the futon to straddle him. Bracing his palms above Sano’s shoulders to keep from crushing him, Saito’s tongue poked out to wet his lips and he maintained eye contact. “Commendable,” he commented with a growl, then lowered to his forearm and traced his thumb across Sano’s mouth. “But I think you can try harder.”
Sano’s lips opened slightly and a soft smirk pulled into his cheeks. “At the risk of fucking up your routine, huh?”
“In case you haven’t noticed,” Saito said, sliding his hand behind Sano’s head. “I’m very adaptable.”
The kiss that followed reinforced that fact.
It was the combination of light and heat that roused Saito again, his eyes squeezing and turning from the window before they fluttered open. He blinked several times and shifted slightly as dead weight pinned his right side down. Sano was halfway on him again with his head on his chest, the difference from before being that Saito’s shirt had been flung somewhere across the room instead of covering him.
Lifting his head off the pillow, his nose pressed into Sano’s hair, and then Saito laid back again with a deep exhale. Both his internal clock and the growling of his stomach indicated it was likely late in the morning.
A small groan left Sano and his hand clasped into a light fist over Saito’s chest as he stirred. Picking his chin up, he looked at Saito with sleepy eyes.
They silently regarded each other for several moments before Sano cocked his head to the side. “So.” His voice was once again rough. “When, ugh—” He cleared his throat, sniffled, and tried again with another lazy grin. “When’s breakfast?”
Saito pursed his lips. “I’m not sure.” Raising a hand, he stroked it through Sano’s thick hair. “You seemed intent on dismantling my routine, so...”
Displeasure crossed Sano’s features and he pouted. “Well, I didn’t mean—”
“Lucky for you, however,” Saito continued with intentional apathy in his tone, “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of completely destroying it. Twenty minutes. Of course…” His brows raised. “…if you were to help, the time would be cut down to fifteen.”
Sano smiled. “Well…what are waitin’ for? Seize the day—ay—ay—ayyy—”
The yawn that had interrupted his reply had Saito softly scoffing. “Your self-image doesn’t matter to you at all, does it?” He shifted out from underneath, freeing himself to stand and then holding his hand out.
“Hey!” Sano took it and stumbled to his feet. “I thought you knew me better than that! Maybe you’re the guy who’s not doin’ his homework, hmm?” He squinted and leaned in, just to receive a yukata thrown in his face.
“Put that on,” Saito instructed as he donned his own. “I’m fully aware that you’d rather walk around my house naked and indecent. That’s the only relevant fact at the moment.”
“Oh, sorry, Mister I’m so prim and proper and always perfect,” Sano playfully retorted and began fumbling with the garment to put it on correctly.
Saito ran a hand through his hair to neaten any locks that had sprung out of place (there were none), and then walked to the door. After he slid it open, he peered over his shoulder and smiled with his eyes at Sano.
“Always,” Saito called as he left the bedroom. Once he was out of Sano’s sight, he allowed himself a deep yawn that stretched his mouth much too wide and then gently scratched his groin.
And that was all it was, the answer to everything in life: learn how to work with societal demands, play along just enough, stay true to one’s real nature, and never let go of what mattered most…
Aku Soku Zan, Aku Soku Zanza.
…even if one of those things was the person across the table, shoving rice and natto into his mouth in the most unflattering way possible.
Saito’s parents would have never stood for that. But the times changed and so had he. With no complaints, he closed his eyes and smiled softly while sipping his tea without a sound.
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thyele · 4 years
VOLCANO Officialさん「【屍忌蛇メッセージ】 2008年のとある日、柴犬の男の子が大阪の富田林で産声をあげた。彼は、はるか遠くの東京のロックミュージシャンの元に行くことになる。誰が想像したであろう、その壮絶な犬生を・・・。そのロックミュージシャンを名乗る男は、俗に言う「アル中」として名を馳せていた。 https://t.co/A9w4sFqMLQ」https://twitter.com/VOLCANO4148/status/1256606584366456834 VOLCANO Officialさん「だがしかし、彼はどんなに泥酔していようがその柴犬の散歩を欠かさなかった・・・。なんと、今日は、その柴犬の12回目の誕生日である。 名前は【安兵衛】と言った・・・。 PS みなさん、無事に安兵衛12歳の誕生日を迎えられました。 いつも安兵衛を愛して頂いてありがとうございます。 https://t.co/GamU8z6XqX」https://twitter.com/VOLCANO4148/status/1256606590997688322 aikoさん「https://t.co/0WsR6Mgz99」https://twitter.com/giboaiko_japan/status/1256775462350540800 桜井青☀️cali≠gari🐕ヘクトウさん「おはようございます☀ 明後日のbozu桜井、 早々にシャンパン完売致しました🍾 ガチ気合コールも盛大に飲ませて頂きます🥂 お悩みお焚き上げチケもZAN少… ※注意※ 一番お問い合わせ案件ですが、 〝アーカイブは残しません‼︎〟 飲み屋での愚痴なんてその場だけ✨ ドアの外出たら忘れるものなのよ✨ https://t.co/cfDzZuwKh7」https://twitter.com/ao_sakurai/status/1256775270020734977 Always with you~to おはる ♡~さん「公式サイトに 「おはるTシャツメモリアルポスター企画」 を反映しました #toおはる #メモリアルポスター https://t.co/2Chv16Jmog」https://twitter.com/oharuevent/status/1256776954579017728 Always with you~to おはる ♡~さん「おはるさん応援グッズ第一弾 「イベントTシャツ」 二次受付中ですが公演延期とメモリアルポスター企画を踏まえ、受付期間と発送日程を延長することになりました 背面の日程デザインが幻となったレアTシャツを是非入手してください!! https://t.co/ZO748qN9vO #toおはる #メモリアルポスター」https://twitter.com/oharuevent/status/1256779964462043136 KING OFFICIALさん「【NEW ONLINE LIVE】 2020.5.9(土) 単独自宅配信 KING RYO ONEMAN LIVE 〝GO TIME〟 OPEN18:50 START19:00 ツイキャス プレミア(有料) TICKET¥3,500 ■チケット購入 ■ご注意 ■購入方法が不安な方 [email protected]までご連絡をお願いします」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1256782216568270848 KING OFFICIALさん「失礼いたしました。 再度投稿いたします。」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1256782424064667649 魚 住 英 里 奈 ( 独 唱 )さん「https://t.co/N2cTGAax87」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1256783244877389826 Ralph spielerさん「https://t.co/WPamlDLz2Y」https://twitter.com/201utopia/status/1255390092316880897 こもだまり/昭和精吾事務所さん「超簡単メニューの【まぐろアボカ丼】と【坦々豆乳そうめん】を紹介しようと思いながら、いつも忘れて作り始めるし、食べてしまう(笑) あとお客さん時代に砂々良のマスターに教わった【いかの塩辛】もいつか。」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1256783948497084416 KING OFFICIALさん「【NEW ONLINE LIVE】 2020.5.9(土) 単独自宅配信 KING RYO ONEMAN LIVE 〝GO TIME〟 OPEN18:50 START19:00 ツイキャス プレミア(有料) TICKET¥3,500 ■チケット購入 https://t.co/u4ga6aGaoR ■ご注意 https://t.co/EP3qE75tMh ■購入方法が不安な方 [email protected]までご連絡をお願いします https://t.co/JoqTA4T7jK」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1256784825869930496 邪悪四弦LINAさん「こんにちは!(°_°) https://t.co/1PCuntPpMl」https://twitter.com/L_ch_vazm/status/1256790894633603074 KINGRYOさん「こんにちは😃 最近謝ってばかりだった事に気づいた俺は〝ゴメンなさい〟を〝ありがとう〟に変換する事にしました。 みんないつも見守ってくれてありがとう🦁✨ 今夜21:00〜ありがとうキャス(無料)をやりまーす! もしお時間あればよろしくどうぞ👍 https://t.co/qURLIPZaID」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1256799791465377793 YOSHIP0Nxxxさん「微力ながら支援しました。 初めて出演したライブハウスで移転各場所から今も出演させてもらってる大切な場所。 もう少しです、賛同される方よろしくお願いします!!! #町田 #ThePlayHouse https://t.co/QsP3aqyN8X」https://twitter.com/YOSHIP0NxxxTOR/status/1256796947173699584 田宮俊彦@コッケ&kanataさん「あれから9年、横塚さんに捧げます。 https://t.co/S6F41LHrZJ」https://twitter.com/tammy0829/status/1256814699968000000 KENZIdps5・3博多DRUMSON中止。さん「本当なら今日は博多でdpsライブやったんや。仲間や��ってくれてるみんなに会いたかった。絶対行くから笑顔見せてな!それまで一人、一人慎重に行動して前を向いてください☆ https://t.co/DBuC1p3N7i」https://twitter.com/Antikenzi2000/status/1256824015630430214 ひろミサ✰剛田武さん「灰野敬二さん  68歳のお誕生日おめでとうございます。これからも素晴らしい音楽を聴かせてください。 #灰野生誕 #keijihaino #fushitsusha https://t.co/sJR1KcQDrv」https://twitter.com/mirokristel/status/1256747433612111872 天才TADACyさん「ノーブルノワールさんにてTADACy商品10%オフで通販中です 5/5閉店のため残り期間わずかです! このお店でしか入手できないアイテム多数なのでお見逃しなく!! https://t.co/l2LdWQ752M https://t.co/XCUFiqhUvp https://t.co/KbIuz9hEWP」https://twitter.com/TADACy_com/status/1256827923241136133 gaizao officialさん「【gaizao 緊急決定】 お家でいい子にしてるみんな&お外で頑張るみんなへ 5/3 20:00より gaizaoのスタジオライブ配信決定! gaizaoの魅力ギュギュっと凝縮ミニマムセット!最近gaizao気になってる君…ずっと気になってる君にお・ス・ス・メ! 配信はgaizao公式YouTubeから! https://t.co/4y1MGalSpn https://t.co/wV2CWtjXDc」https://twitter.com/gaizao_official/status/1256206878490554370 池袋 手刀さん「◎いつも御利用、応援ありがとうございます 大変お待たせしました・・・最重要通販サイト「プーチョー」 ◎待望の新商品: 『YUKIYA FUJITA 手刀D≒RINKチケット コンプリートセット-2020- 豪華特典!配布CDR付き!』 遂に発売!(受注生産品) 激しくクリック・・・。 ↓ https://t.co/7pVXwmUAn3 https://t.co/xQy7aLee8B」https://twitter.com/ikebukuro_chop/status/1256843484033474561 舜 4/21NEiNフルアルバム発売さん「今日の仕事も無事終えたのでアニマックスでガンダムUCとNT観るっす_(:3」z)_」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1256847075116900353 邪悪四弦LINAさん「去年の9月からアイツと付き合い始めて以来食事する時も寝る時もいつでもどこでも一緒に過ごして来たんやけど正直マンネリ化してしまいもう別れようかなと考えてます。 あ、これアゴ髭の話ね(°_°) 飽きてきた(°_°)」https://twitter.com/L_ch_vazm/status/1256854208466173953 杉本善徳さん「さも当たり前のように宣伝を強要してきやがる(笑) https://t.co/n3D2QSPGkG」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1256871869275271168 こもだまり/昭和精吾事務所さん「寺山修司記念館はもちろん休館中ですが、明日の寺山さんの命日には、恒例になったTwitter上での【献花】、今年も受付けています。 わたしも事務所も毎年参加してます。 皆様もぜひ、花(絵文字・写真・イラスト)と共にメッセージを。 #寺山修司 #修司忌2020 https://t.co/iUTI4iPChy」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1256865714159288320 三沢市寺山修司記念館さん「🌹#修司忌2020 テンプレート🌷 写真やイラストがない、という方はこちらのテンプレートも活用ください✏︎ ①画像をダウンロード ②スマホアプリなどでメッセージを書込み ③Twitterに添付 ④#修司忌2020 をつけて投稿 募集期間:4月28日(火)〜5月6日(水) 皆さまの投稿をお待ちしております。 https://t.co/wBWZ8oNPkh」https://twitter.com/shuji_terayama/status/1254992464873578497 KING OFFICIALさん「【NEW ONLINE LIVE】 2020.5.7(土) 吉祥寺SHUFFLE KING RYO Acoustic ONEMAN 〝完全なる独唱〟 OPEN18:50 START19:00 ツイキャス プレミア(有料) TICKET¥3,500 ■チケット購入 https://t.co/i7jiCEYaqF ■ご注意 https://t.co/EP3qE75tMh ■購入方法が不安な方 [email protected]まで https://t.co/vFNt3jlqpy」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1256866085216772096 こもだまり/昭和精吾事務所さん「寺山さんが居なかったら昭和精吾は存在しなくて、今の私も存在しない。 直接は会っていないけど昭和さんにたくさん話を聞いているから「寺山修司」というより叔父貴みたいな気持ちです。 1999年までは毎年渋谷ジァン・ジァンの地下にいた5月4日、今年はイッキと高尾にご挨拶に行きます🥀 #修司忌2019 https://t.co/razUaWd4I7」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1124453312206520320 昭和精吾事務所さん「2019年5月4日 本日は 寺山修司氏 37回忌です 2015年は昭和とこもだで高尾に 2017年はこもだひとりで高尾に 三沢も高尾も賑わうことでしょう🌸 寺山さん、 昭和さんはどちらに来てますか? #修司忌2019 https://t.co/CV0Uvk9oA4」https://twitter.com/showa_terayama/status/1124459369788129281 昭和精吾事務所さん「#修司忌2019 🌹言葉の献花企画で 事務所アカウントで寺山さんと昭和精吾とのツーショット写真を送りました 記念館ツイートの画像で 見ることが出来ました 英明さん、記念館の皆様、参加させていただきありがとうございます https://t.co/Slipc4ZkFz」https://twitter.com/showa_terayama/status/1124600196686438402 こもだまり/昭和精吾事務所さん「(リツイートは去年の様子。 今年は高尾には行けないので、自宅より献花、献杯予定です。)」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1256867761772363778 金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「とてもいい曲ばかり入ったアルバムなのに、似たような曲ばかりで個々の印象が薄れてしまう わざとやってるんでしょうか? (°_°)」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1256878030422601729 Köziさん「https://t.co/Kbx6PNfR30」https://twitter.com/Kzi_official/status/1256885470019022848 YOSHIKI CHANNELさん「#YOSHIKI 、 #HIDE の #命日 に #追悼 生配信 https://t.co/CPcP6Ws6iq @YoshikiOfficial」https://twitter.com/YoshikiChannel/status/1256904280306446336 MONSTER-ROCK ONLINE SHOPさん「【2次受付】Always with you〜to おはる〜 イベント限定Tシャツ | MONSTER-ROCK ONLINE SHOP https://t.co/WwItOKcgaB #BASEec @MONSTERROCKONL1さんから」https://twitter.com/MONSTERROCKONL1/status/1256904387181461504 YOSHIKI CHANNELさん「「 #X に入りなよ!」 #YOSHIKI 、 #HIDE との出会いを語る https://t.co/BVGhkLke2m @YoshikiOfficial」https://twitter.com/YoshikiChannel/status/1256904100542910464 薫さん「実際〜 #DIRENGREY5DAYS #C #創ってる時 #英語やと #思ってたわ #実際」https://twitter.com/kaorugeee/status/1256888465221750787 十三月 紅夜さん「https://t.co/VQws4IZmzn」https://twitter.com/jusangatsukouya/status/1256904161183928320 KIBAさん「テスト https://t.co/hSQtjI0b1K」https://twitter.com/KIBA_Gargoyle/status/1256907862078418944 KING OFFICIALさん「失礼いたしました。 正しくは、5月7日(木)となります。 申し訳ありません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1256911454185250817 KINGRYOさん「KINGRYO(@kingryoworld)さんのキャス https://t.co/MW8KYckCuz」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1256916319955374080 ryoさん「テレワ取材していただきました。 ryoの5月3日 4月某日について語る|アプレゲール #note https://t.co/708wkrEecx 「死と謂うものの形」」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1256924455764291584 魚 住 英 里 奈 ( 独 唱 )さん「トレーシングペーパーでできた本に 自粛日記を書き始めた 5/3 日々が重なっていく様 貼ってあるフィルムの箱は 先生が開封した謎の期限切れフィルムで おいちゃんは素敵 」と書けませんでした https://t.co/56LY5zcwPb」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1256927480113315841 金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「ああ…なるほど バラードベスト的なコンセプトがあるのか それにしても曲(の印象)がそっくりだ (°_°)」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1256898249631268867 金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「スジを通して生きてきたつもりだが メンバーよりもプライベートで呑みに行って仲良いと思ってたローディーにとばれ、ツアー中もドラムローディーにとばれ、ライブ前には可愛がっててボーカルに推した後輩にとばれ、ドラム教えてください!って言ってきた奴も基礎練習の段階でいなくなる 俺が悪いのか?」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1256933838971736065 魚 住 英 里 奈 ( 独 唱 )さん「https://t.co/oeGUSkG2Sw」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1256935322383859716 りんさん「魚住英里奈さんというシンガーソングライターの歌を聴きはじめて、2年が経ちました。 イラスト→ライブ仲間の@china_anago https://t.co/b7KOV17YNO」https://twitter.com/seacret_rin_03/status/1256110920616439808 DIR EN GREYさん「DIR EN GREY AUDIO LIVESTREAM 5 DAYS -YouTube Exclusive Setlist by Members- 2020.05.03 [DAY2] Toshiya Time flies! Thank all of you for joining us tonight Tomorrow is the Setlist by Die See you tomorrow #DIRENGREY5DAYS https://t.co/0bCRnS3bda」https://twitter.com/DIRENGREY_JP/status/1256915406163333125 近藤彩人さん「色んなことを経て、この作品も発表出来ました。フルコーラスじゃ無いけど、楽しんで貰えたら嬉しいです。everset / Reboot https://t.co/4yD34p5Pr7 @YouTube」https://twitter.com/everset_ayato/status/1256936736321495045 🇯🇵🇫🇷Versailles KAMIJOさん「「Persona Grata」Youtubeプレミア公開ありがとうございました。幸せな時間でした! https://t.co/gPy5qmbvPz」https://twitter.com/KamijoOfficial/status/1256937026026270720 聖詩さん「堪能中🎵 https://t.co/UB4zieCqFm」https://twitter.com/suimasenoaiso/status/1256904495423819776 🕸𝔛𝔛𝔛𝔄𝔗𝔖𝔘𝔖ℑ🕸さん「今DALLEの新作apparel marchのデザインやってます DALLEの新作音源も絶賛制作中なんですけど 今回は更に振り切って悪魔な世界観にしようと考えています それはmini albumになる予定なんですが titleも悪魔 marchデザイン中のこのマークも悪魔意識でpcで描いてます そんな感じです https://t.co/R9ed14Yjgr」https://twitter.com/xxxxvalentine/status/1256942130263539718 太三さん「20200110池袋手刀餅突きの日その2 https://t.co/5AFEmIzdtZ」https://twitter.com/taizodiac/status/1256942532912533505 lucy+peter=esolagotoさん「在宅ワーク増加の影響か、ギガファイル便がKORNの様に重くたかが100MBの音源が一向にDL出来ない・・・(白目)」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1256941868601847808 KINGRYOさん「ありがとうキャスご視聴ありがとうございました(*´-`)✨ 次回はパジャマキャスでお会いしましょう #STAYHOME #配信ライブ #ありがとう https://t.co/3jJygnZLQR https://t.co/pJXObHQDT0」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1256946111496876033 KINGRYOさん「よろしくお願いします🦁✨ https://t.co/pdqbovvQ1P」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1256946302681624578 KISAKIさん「何年経っても大切な思い出は永遠です。 #アンダーコードプロダクション #地下線 https://t.co/WOevSeZL39」https://twitter.com/KISAKI_OFFICIAL/status/1256954199524302849 🕸𝔛𝔛𝔛𝔄𝔗𝔖𝔘𝔖ℑ🕸さん「DALLE apparel marchの袖グラフィックが出来た https://t.co/QTYn1xzlFc」https://twitter.com/xxxxvalentine/status/1256966918772150276 lucy+peter=esolagotoさん「深夜2時過ぎてから再開してみたらザ・コアーズの様に軽くなってて同ファイルがものの10秒で落とせた・・・(黒目) やはり在宅ワーク、オンライン発信系辺りが原因なんだろうか・・・ いずれにせよこの期間、「ゴールデンタイムの締切は危険」って思っておかないとやばそうだ(白目) https://t.co/KEdthLVOZF」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1257012793917583360
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