s-a-i-s-a · 1 year
Hello again, dear fandom. I have received some interest in the discord server. However… I have thoughts and questions. This will probably read more like a journal entry than anything else.
TW/CW: CP, Watsuki
I continue to struggle with how much I personally want to engage with RK given that the author is still alive, profiting, and more than likely continuing his crimes behind closed doors.
My initial intention was to open up a discord that centered fan-created content, particularly queer content and discussion. Despite a series that literally has “romantic” in its title, I have always viewed Watsuki’s shallow handling of RK’s canon relationships and female characters to be, at best, incredibly unsatisfying. Now knowing what we know now, it’s not surprising. Kaoru, Misao, and Megumi deserved better.
Things like supporting official merch and pedo apologist arguments were not going to be welcome in the discord. Piracy is a thing, and the only somewhat acceptable way to consume RK at this point, in my opinion anyway. However, a quick google search will lead one to articles that suggest piracy can actually boost sales and market awareness. Thus, my cognitive dissonance continues.
The anime reboot, while aesthetically pleasing to look at, is also more faithful to the manga. And thus, closer to Watsuki. For some reason, I was hoping the anime reboot would distance itself from some of the problematic narrative choices that already existed in the manga. And now, as I am watching this reboot with different eyes, and with the knowledge of its creator’s unspeakable crimes, I’m beginning to see just how outdated the series and its tropes actually are. I can’t find a reason to justify its retelling, other than the occasional nostalgia-driven dopamine hit. But that’s not good enough. There are other stories that are much more deserving of being animated.
Meanwhile, the Hokkaido arc is barely worth mentioning. It’s garbage.
TW/CW: fan death
Additionally, as some hardcore saisa fans may already know, one of the most prolific saisa fanfic authors, Kuroiyousei, passed away about one year ago now. While they were not the only one still producing queer RK fan content (newer fanart can still be found on pixiv), the English-speaking queer fandom has essentially died along with them.
So where do we go from here? Do we, as queer and trans fans, try to reclaim what we can? Is that even possible? I ask all of this as someone for whom Rurouni Kenshin was my favorite series. Its depiction of Saitou Hajime, my favorite character. And saisa, my OTP. I have fond memories of all the friends and experiences I had in this fandom.
But there are other stories out there. Other saisa-adjacent pairings and ships to sail.
Still. It’s not the same. I can’t blame fans (including myself) for continuing to feel something for a story that has impacted them.
But these days when I look at the RK manga on my shelf, instead of fond fandom memories there’s this question in their place: Is this no longer worth saving?
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3v3rl4stingbr4in · 7 months
Sometimes, I still wonder if Felix and Sage had something going on. I know they talk like homies do but like........... Hmmmmmmmm...!!! The pride parade smell way too strong, people.
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oceansssblue · 3 months
WARNINGS: Robbery, famine/hunger, poverty, orphans, wounds, attempted rape on an minor (first part if you want to skip the scene, further up there's only a fleeting mention of it). Starts angsty, then it switches to a bit of action and semi-fluff. Hopefull ending. 💔💖
Li wasn't named by her mother; but by a thirteen year old girl that decided to step in and act as such. It wasn't completely unheard of; adopting another person meant one more mouth to feed, but also a remidy for heartbreaking loneliness. Loneliness is a dangerous thing; it slowly eats your mind and soul from the inside out until you're just a carcass of who you had once been.
Li owes everything to that thirteen year old girl. Now she's thirteen herself, and her adoptive mother twenty-six; she finally is old enough to be able to help her and repay all that she has done for her. Li never calls her mum and she never refers to her as a daughter; but they quietly act as such, and after so many years together, the affection they hold for each other is undeniable. Honest love and loyalty is rarely found in the lower levels of Coruscant, where the artificial light barely makes an appearance and the scum of the galaxy crawls into the night.
Li tries to do anything on her hand to bring food to the table. She had managed to get hired as a cleaner for a junk food bar ten levels above from home two years ago; and though she always ends up feeling exhausted at the end of her turn, being able to bring Saisa some credits makes her feel better about it. It's not much. There are still days where the two are forced to go to the old matress they share as a bed with their stomachs empty and rumbling from hunger, winters with just one layer of clothing that leaves them trembling and easily subjectible to illness; but they make do with what they have, and that's that.
Thirteen year old Li drags her exhausted self through Coruscant's dark streets. Some call the capital the city of lights, the city that never sleeps; but that's because they haven't been down here, where she lives. It's almost eerily silent, the air charged and humid, figures dissapearing into the dark. Years ago, when Li was smaller, she often felt scared going out on her own; now that fear has morphed into wariness. The Corries might keep things in order in the medium and upper levels; but down here no one's particularly safe.
Li's in a dangerous age. Most people don't enjoy picking on children that can't really understand what's happening around them or defend themselves; so eight year old Li hadn't had to cope with much more than a few insults and jokes back then. She's just stepping into her teenage years now, though; and Saisa often reminds her of that fact with a concerned warning or two. Li knows she worries about her; but it's not like they can change their situations. Saisa has her own job to attend to, and can't walk the way with her; and they need both their salaries –if you can call them that– to survive.
Suddenly, a door opens on one side of the street, and Li barely has the chance to glance at the sound before she's being slammed against the wall on the opposite side. The rocks dig painfully into her back, and her breathing is knocked out of her for a second; the person in front of her reacting with a dry laugh.
"Well, well, well. Look' what we have here" the man's breath reeks of alcohol and stale, and she has to make an effort to not gag in front of him. "Has no one told ya' little girls shouldn't be on their own down'ere?"
Li doesn't even know what to say. Her mind is working a hundred miles per hour, trying to find the best solution and pondering how not to anger him. She hears an extra two pair of steps and looks behind him; there are three of them now, and only one her. Fear grips every muscle and bone on her body. She tries to hold it in.
"I was just on my way home" she finally answers, voice slightly trembling, but firm enough. "You can take the credits and I'll be gone".
The man laughs. Li's hair moves in front of her face. He searches her pockets until he finds the credits –one whole month worth of them–; then throws them to the other two men who are silently watching the interaction between them.
"Well, that's a tempting offer" he grins, stepping closer until they are literally pressed together. Li tries not to flinch. The stranger drags his eyes down her body in a lascivious way. His dilated pupils focuses back on hers with a dark, mocking smile. "But I think there's more than one tempting offer here".
His dry hand cups the side of her face; his body ondulating forward against hers, and this time Li visibly shakes. The man chuckles lowly and tilts his head.
"Come on now, no need to be scared. I'm not even planning on hurting you, I promiss I'll be gentle if you behave" he pushes her chin up sharply, making space for his chapped lips to press against her neck. He drags his mouth up to hers, speaking over it and bringing tears to Li's eyes. "I just haven't had a fuck in years. Just need a warm body to clench around my cock. Are you gonna' do that for me, mm? Gonna' be a sweetheart and give me some relief?"
The man forces his lips on hers, and Li focuses on not vomiting, squeezing his eyes shut tightly and tensing like a cord while she let's the man's tongue have his way with her. She fakes a small moan of a whimper and when he steps back to check at her in surprised satisfaction, Li shows him a scared, but shy flustered wobbly smile.
"O-okay. Just-Just don't hurt me, please" she pleads, following his offer for now, her mind screaming it's the safest bet, and the stranger grins.
"Sure thing, sweets" he steps back and leaves some space between them, standing next to the other two men and crossing his arms expectantly in front of his chest. He arches an eyebrow. "Go on, then. Don't be shy. Take your clothes off and gives us a little show".
Li nods, terrified. Her heart is going so fast she fears it'll jump out of her chest; her hands trembling constantly while her fingers grasp her only jacket and slowly starts pulling it of. The man who started this smiles widely, encouragingly, while the other two glance at each other in silent comunication. Li mentally prepares herself. She carefully throws her jacket at them in what could be interpreted as a seductive movement; and then, the next second, she's running away, her legs taking her as fast as they can to escape.
She hears insults and echoing steps behind her, but she doesn't waste time turning around, and she keeps running, and running, and running. Her pulse is pounding in her throat, her tears blurrs her vision, and she feels close to passing out from the mix of terror and adrenaline; but she knows this is her only chance at getting away, so she forces all of that down and keeps running. In the mean time, one same sentence repeats itself over and over on her head;
"I wanna' go home. I want to go home. I want to go home. Home, home, home, home..."
Her body starts to feel lighter. Her skin tingles from her toes to the top of her head, and she vaguely worries if she's going to pass out. Un-noticed by her, a soft purple glow intensifies as seconds pass around her body; and then, suddenly, the scenery switches violently and changes in a nauseating swirl.
Li rams into the wall of her and Saisa's bedroom. The twenty six year old woman incorporates with a shocked gasp.
"Li?" She's quickly kneeling at her side, caressing her hair and trying to make sense of what had just happened, blinking in confusion, and the thirteen year old girl breaks down.
"Mum" she sobs, calling her as such for the first time in a decade and throwing herself on her arms.
Saisa's got a million of questions in her head; but she puts them on hold, and hugs the teenager to herself. She gives a kiss to her hair.
"Sh..." she soothes her, heart clenching in worry. "I'm here".
Li sniffs and burrows her face against her shoulder. Her body still shakes. Her mind doesn't even start questioning herself; she's just so relieved she's safe...
"I lost the jacket" she mumbles against Saisa, exhaustion tugging at every muscle and bone "and one month's pay".
The woman caresses her back and answers in a calm voice.
"That's okay. Winter is coming to an end anyway, and we've got a tiny bit saved".
Li mumbles something else she can't quite hear. Saisa continues to hold her in silence. The next time she checks on her, the teenager has already surrendered to sleep. Saisa carefully pulls her onto their bed and lays behind her. She stays awake for some minutes before succumbing to tiredness as well.
The ARC is paying rapt attention to Captain Rex's debrief. The new mision doesn't involve the 501st as a whole, it's not a battle they're being sent to this time; but a special op for just Torrent Company, requested by the Chancellor himself. It happens from time to time; when initially insignificant things start to spiral out of control and someone needs to push it to a stop.
The civilian in question has a long list of crimes; too long to still be roaming free through Coruscant. The trooper's eyes scans through it; vandalism, burglary, breaking into private property, violation of parole, and even a first and second-degree murder sprinkled in between. He frowns. The woman is twenty years old; a bit young to have done all that, to have that much rage and hate inside of her. What could have driven her to do this? Is there a specific reason, an explanation, or is she plainly evil?
The ARC waits patiently while Captain Rex pinpoints the strategy for the subject's capture. He can read de confusion amongst his fellow troopers; though that civ' definitely should be put behind bars, this is not exactly their competence. Have the Corries been unable to capture her? And if so, how?
Rex taps on his datapad and shows them a video on the big screen; quickly answering their silent question.
"And here's the reason why we have to step in, boys" he gestures to the moving image with a jerk of his chin. "She's a Blink".
There's a collective groan at that. The usually silent troopers start muttering under their breath to each other, watching how the woman in the video is surrounded by a purple glow and vanishes from thin air in front of a Corrie's visual in a blink of an eye. "Blinks", as people call them, are a nightmare to catch. Depending on their self-taught training, they can teleport to any place in the world; in the galaxy. And their galaxy is big enough. He suposes he should be thankful that there's only one or two Blinks per each million habitants. Contrary to most other abbilities, it's not a hereditary trait.
The ARC trooper shares a knowing glance with his brother Echo. They already know this is going to be a long complicated mision. Blasted universe with it's unhinged powers...
That night, Fives dreams are cold and full of snow.
His teeth are rattling against each other inside of his bucket. He's fucking freezing even with his termo-blacks on and his white and blue armour standing as a second barrier against the cold. They had managed to track the Blink to Ioth thanks to Jesse; his brother has the ability to find people with his mind in a way that reminds him too much of a Jedi using the Force. Kaminoans had experimented on decades of generations of clones to create them with useful abilities: all funded by the Republic in an attempt to keep the increasingly dangerous galaxy under control. When a normal civilian suddenly develops the power to set fire to a whole building with just a flicker of a hand, normal everyday troopers aren't enough.
Not all citizens posses powers, thanks the Maker; it's still a minority, but a minority in a galaxy of millions is significant. In the same way, not everyone in the GAR does; though Torrent Company is an elite squad where they all have one ability or another, put together to face the most complicated of situations. Fives has premonitory dreams, glimpses of possible futures –usually at random, though he can concentrate in specifics sometimes–; Echo can interact with and control every single piece of machinery around them. Captain Rex can influence and manipulate minds to a certain degree; Kix makes cells regenerate –wether it's on himself or another being–, which inmediately directed him to medic training. Hardcase makes things explode –like Wrecker from the Bad Batch, he'd heard–, Dogma conjures shields, and Tup, the most recent rookie, can inflict pain –which he had decided to represent by the small tattoo of a tear in his right undereye–. It's a good mix.
Unfortunately, Fives knows it's not going to be enough. He's seen this place on his dreams; has watched the woman escaping them in dozens of possible futures. There's ony one of them where they manage to get her –which is why they have to try, no matter how small the probability is–; but realistically, the ARC knows they won't succeed in Ioth.
They don't. Torrent manages to surprise her alright –Jesse's ability crutial to track her through the snow–; but as soon as she recognises the threat, she opens fire with an almost entertained smile. Dogma brings up a shield upon them inmediately –the kind ones that droideka's have but amplified in size–; and Rex doesn't wait a second on trying to subdue her.
"Stand down and turn yourself in" he orders her in that kind of special low, dark voice, an abbility almost no-one is able to resist.
To everyone's surprise, the young woman smirks.
"Mm. I don't think I will, trooper. You'll have to find a way to forgive me".
She doesn't flee inmediately, though she could, and instead humours them with a small chuckle, an amused arched eyebrow, and an explanation.
"Surprised, huh? I'll let you onto a little secret; most mental powers don't have an effect on me" she mockingly whispers to them. "You'd have a better chance with physical ones, if you have some of that".
As an answer, Tup quickly extends his hand forward, and quietly turns up the pain receptors inside of her. Her knees bend with a whimpered, muffled scream.
Rex makes a subtle sign and they all inmediately move towards her; but even twitching in pain, with her jaw clenched and eyes tightly shut closed, she vanishes in a blink of purple.
The captain sighs and turns to Jesse. He answers without needing to be asked; concentrating for a few minutes while the rest of them give him some quiet to work in.
"Parla" he finally states, and Rex nods firmly.
At least it's not a far jump from where they are.
The captain gives a few last orders around.
"Echo, bring the ship here. I'm kriffing tired of this cold. And Tup" he stares at the young trooper, who already looks nervously guilty. "Wait for a signal next time. She's cocky; our best chance to get her is to indulge her in a chat, not spooke her like that".
"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir" Tup inmediately answers, Heavy coming closer to pat his shoulder comfortingly.
That night, Fives dreams shows him glimpses of a woman named Saisa.
Fives has folders and folders of information of his dreams on his datapad. He has had so many visions and possible futures –some becoming a reality, some not– it's only sensible to do so; keep everything more or less organised and saved in case he doesn't remember it quite well and needs to go back and check on them. He dreams of that same woman, Saisa, again and again on the following weeks; while Torrent jumps from Ioth to Parla, from Parla to Naboo, and then to Alderaan, Corellia, Hoth, and back to Parla.
It takes him a while, but with each dream, he begins to see a connection. This woman is vitally important to the Blink –he just knows by the way they interact together in his dreams–; and if there might be someone in the galaxy the fugitive would be itching to visit from time to time, it's definitively her. Fives just needs to figure out where exactly this Saisa lives and they'll be able to set a trap instead of following this girl through the whole kriffing galaxy.
He meditates; just like the Jedi taught him to. He can redirect his visions better this way; and he focuses on just one thing, Saisa. Ironically, it's not the woman in question the one that appears on his dream; but the one they are trying to catch, the Blink herself.
<< "Who's Saisa?" a quiet, peaceful version of Fives ask, eyes trained on the young female in front of him.
She glances back at him with intrigue; wariness but trust at the same time.
"Why' you wanna' know that?"
Soft rays of light make a halo around her shape, almost like the purple glow that hugs her body every time she teleports, and Fives' dream version can't help but think of how beautiful she is.
"I... I've seen us taking her in. Helping her escape of the hands of the Empire" Fives pauses, evaluating her reaction. "She must be important to you, because you cried in this vision upong getting her back to safety. You both did. So, who is she?"
Li smiles nostalgically; in a way that tugs at Fives' heart. She steps closer to him.
"Remember... Remember the things I told you about my past?" She asks, fingers playing with each other nervously. Fives knows this is delicate. He nods in silence, stepping closer too, ready to listen to this bit of her story, of herself. Usually, she's not one to share much. "Saisa is the woman who took care of me when I was abandoned at birth. She gave me her food when she didn't have anything to eat herself, protected me, put me back together after I... After I..."
She struggles, and Fives lays a comforting hand on her shoulder, caresses the skin there. She takes a deep breath and continues; and Fives must have already been told of this, because he's not surprised, but calm and understanding instead.
"After I was almost raped" she manages to continue. "She was basically my mother, the closest person I've ever had. I lost contact with her after she left Coruscant... But I love her, wherever she is. She is important, Fives".
He nods, and tucks the woman into his arms. Li closes her eyes with a sigh. >>
Wrenching himself back from his vision, Fives pants. His mind works a million thoughts per second. He was right; Saisa is an important person to the Blink, sort of an adoptive mother. And she must live in Coruscant still. But... There's more to unfold. There's a difficult past to Li's story and... He's not quite sure how, yet; but he might be an important person to the Blink in the future as well.
The Corries make the dirty work for them. They ask around through Coruscant, and are redirected to the medium levels; and it's only a matter of time and investigation from there. They find a thirty four year old Saisa that matches with Fives' stories; and Torrent Company travels back home, ready to set the trap in.
They plan everything out. A Blink is still a Blink, and even if they'd manage to catch her by surprise at Saisa's home, like in Ioth, there's really no tell if they'd be fast enough to put her in cuffs before she vanishes to somewhere else. So they make Saisa do it. Rex uses his compulsion on her; orders her to act normal if Li pops in the apartment to visit her and wait until she is distracted to seal the power-blocking cuffs around her wrists. Saisa's eyes only show a sliver of pannick and fear for one second before her emotions are soothed out in forced compliance. At the Captain's orders, she goes back to her day almost like a robot, undisturbed; and Rex and the two ARCs twins find a good spot to hide in the apartment while the rest of Torrent takes post around the building. Now it's just a matter of time and patience.
It takes four days for the Blink to appear. She acts normal, but Fives can tell she's wary; eyes glancing to the sides and around her from time to time while she chats with Saisa. The ARC can now read that same affection he had seen in his dreams; in the way Li closes her eyes shut and sags in the older woman's hug, releasing a deep, tired sigh. There's an audible magnetic click; and the Blink tears herself of Saisa, trying to tug her wrists free in a quick succesion of confusion, understanding, shock, hurt and betrayal.
"Saisa?" Is the only thing she says, a quiet whisper.
Captain Rex gives a signal, and Fives and Echo make an entrance, pointing their blasters at her firmly. She quickly turns towards them, stunned, and Captain Rex smirks.
"Don't blame her. Turns out compulsion does work alright with her".
Rage flickers through her face.
"You piece of shit!" She snarls, trying to bring a fist towards him, shaking in place when she quickly realises she's unable to.
She tries to teleport, then; her feet remaining stuck to the kitchen floor.
"It's over. You're going to prison, Miss" Rex goes to stand behind her, pushing her outside of the apartment firmly, Echo at his side while Fives walks after them.
He's silent while they take her to the Corries. He's silent while she's quickly found guilty in a trial; while the boys in red push her into a cell. He doesn't tell anyone about her, not even Echo; about dreams of pink fields and golden sunsets, a small house by the lake, a heartfelt keldabe kiss and the way his heart clench when he calls her mesh'la and cyare in a voice he has never used with someone else.
Fives doesn't know how can their story change so much from now to then. But there's a hundred posibilities of a future like that, and just two that differ in a complete oposite direction; and he knows what that means.
Maybe he'd be able to have it all, with just a bit of luck. Echo, Li, his brothers and a small house by the lake everyone would be welcomed in. Aliit, love, and a kid with a smirk that looks just like his.
Yooooo whatcha thinkkk?!?! Let me know! I think that came out great in a bittersweet kinda way!
So that's our second story published for the 10 fics of the 100blueceleb!! 8 more to go. Next one will be the Historic!Period AU with our dear Captain Rex! Like a bridgerton kinda thing, I've already planned it all and will be jumping to write it asap. It's gonna be so much fun!
Remember you can find the masterlist for this set of stories in my "sw masterlist" > "followers celebration" // or with the tag "100blueprompt".
See you around!
Back to main masterlist here:
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WMAF couple # 24 - Polish 🇵🇱 and Chinese 🇨🇳
Wiktor and Saisa have been together since 2019. He met her while he was modeling in China. They got married in 2023
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saisamedi · 8 months
How Do You Prevent Cracked Heels From Turning Into Diabetic Wounds?
Cracked heels are a common foot problem for many people. Here, we will discuss the many causes that lead to crack heels, how to prevent crack heels from turning into diabetic wounds and if you already have them, then how Saisa Medi LLP helps you treat them. Read more here.
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ametistassaisalt · 1 year
Apyrankes Poroms
Nuo Klasikinės Iki Madingos:Ištirkite Saisa Porų Apyrankių Įvairovę!
Apyranke poroms yra puikus būdas parodyti savo meilę ir įsipareigojimą vienas kitam.
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Apyrankės per visą istoriją buvo puoselėjamos kaip meilės ir ryšio simbolis. Nuo klasikinio dizaino iki madingų stilių – šie gražūs aksesuarai visada užėmė ypatingą vietą porų širdyse.
Nesvarbu, ar tai paprastas derantis rinkinys, ar įmantraus dizaino gabalas, galite rasti tobulą apyrankę, atspindinčią jūsų santykius
Kad ir kokį dizainą pasirinktumėte, poros apyrankės yra puikus būdas parodyti savo meilę ir atsidavimą vienas kitam.
Šiame straipsnyje pakviesime jus į kelionę po išskirtinę „Saisa“ siūlomą porų apyrankių kolekciją, kurioje užfiksuota meilės ir bendrumo esmė.
Aistrą Keliančios Porų Apyrankės
Aistrą sukeliančios poros apyrankės yra pagamintos iš geriausių aukštos kokybės medžiagų, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant natūraliems kristalams, tokiems kaip karneolis, raudonasis jaspis ir skaidrus kvarcas.
Šie akmenys yra atrinkti ir sertifikuoti, kad būtų garantuotas jų autentiškumas ir aukščiausios kokybės kokybė, nepaliekant jokių abejonių dėl jų tikrovės.
Ne tik paprastos apyrankės, bet ir mūsų aistrą sukeliančių poru apyrankes pora yra ideali dovana bet kokiai progai. 
Su meile ir rūpesčiu sukurtos šios poros apyrankės yra ne tik jūsų ryšio simbolis, bet ir jūsų bendros kelionės atspindys.
Meilės Ir Ryšio Stiprinimas: Apsaugančios Ir Įžeminančios Apyrankės Poroms
Šios išskirtinės apsauginės ir įžeminančios apyrankės yra apgalvotai sukurtos taip, kad jas nešiotų abu partneriai, simbolizuojančios jų meilės gilumą ir nepajudinamą įsipareigojimą vienas kitam.
Šios apyrankės yra ne tik stilingas aksesuaras, bet ir turi reikšmingą prasmę, kaip apčiuopiamą priminimą apie tvirtą jų ryšį.
Šios apyrankės buvo sukurtos atsargiai, jos buvo prisotintos savybėmis, kurios skatina ramybės, pusiausvyros ir stabilumo jausmą.
Šios ranku darbo apyrankes poroms gali būti pritaikytos pagal jūsų konkrečius poreikius ir pageidavimus, jos gali rinktis iš daugybės akmenų ar spalvų, kurios giliai rezonuoja su jų individualia energija.
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Harmonijos Apyrankės Poroms
Harmony poroms apyrankes yra apgalvotai sukurti aksesuarai, turintys gilią simboliką, atspindintys gražų ryšį tarp dviejų asmenų.
Šių apyrankių išskirtinis bruožas yra jų unikalus dizainas, kruopščiai parinktas taip, kad įkūnytų jų švenčiamų santykių esmę. 
Tarp populiarių motyvų yra nesenstantys begalybės simboliai, širdys ir kitos prasmingos piktogramos, kurių kiekviena apima amžiną meilę ir meilę tarp nešiotojų.
Įsigijus harmonijos apyrankes, jos paprastai būna kaip tobulai suderintas rinkinys, kiekvienam partneriui skirta po vieną apyrankę.
Šis poravimas sukuria stiprų vienybės ir tarpusavio ryšio jausmą, nuolat primenantį gilų emocinį ryšį, kuris sieja porą.
Apyrankės Poroms
Tvirtos poros apyrankės yra galinga nepajudinamo įsipareigojimo ir nenutrūkstamo ryšio tarp dviejų giliai įsimylėjusių asmenų emblema.
Šios apyrankės pagamintos iš aukščiausios klasės medžiagų, tokių kaip išskirtinis sidabras ar blizgantis auksas. Šios apyrankės išsiskiria elegancija ir ilgaamžiškumu, puikiai atspindinčios pačios meilės tvarumą.
Nesvarbu, ar tai būtų švenčiama ypatinga proga, ar tiesiog kaip spontaniškas meilės gestas, ši solidi apyrankė poroms yra nepaprasta ir apgalvota dovana, kurią galite padovanoti savo mylimai antrajai pusei.
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„Saisa“ poros apyrankės siūlo įvairaus dizaino ir medžiagų asortimentą, kiekviena simbolizuoja meilę ir bendrumą tarp partnerių.
Nesvarbu, ar tai būtų klasikinė, ar madinga, kiekvienas kūrinys atspindi santykių esmę, todėl tai yra graži ir nuoširdi meilės ir įsipareigojimo išraiška.
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wankingbank · 2 years
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“Hi guys, my name is Rachael Saisa 28years old single working class sugarlady living in westlands Nairobi where I work in a law firm there. I am well educated as I am university graduate from Jomo Kenyatta University(JKUAT).I am single.I am not married.I am not in any relationship.I am not a prostitute.I do love private fun.I am currently alone and that why I need a mature-minded spoilable dude who is ready I spoil him over this March.I want more fun than ever this holiday please admin.Get me a good dude who is serious for relationship for fun.I will treat him good.He will be my love.He can be from any part of the country, am ready even to come for you in the furthest corner of the country as far willing to relocate n stay with me.Feel free to be with me,i live alone.and waiting for you my dear.”
★••••••••••#######•»»»»»»»»»•#######•••••••••••••••★ For hook up with her text/Whatsapp your details:[your name,age ,location] and the word “Rachael” to admin on +254717176613 serious and willing guys only. jokers will be ignored as usual.We hook privately .We also PUBLICLY post your details n photos on our sites if willing and with your PERMISSION
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eastcoastpineapple · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Saisa Western Fringe Shirt Women's Medium Red Long Sleeve USA Made 80s.
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skijarama · 1 year
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Meet Saisa and Elazzio. No, I don't have any other lore for them besides that. At some point I'ma slap a voice to em.
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bramiametyst · 1 year
černý obsidián účinky
Příroda nás nikdy nepřestane udivovat svými bohatými dary a jedním z takových pozoruhodných drahokamů je obsidián černý. Černý obsidián, uctívaný starověkými civilizacemi pro své mystické vlastnosti, obstál ve zkoušce času jako silný ochranný štít. V tomto blogu se ponoříme do neuvěřitelných výhod černého obsidiánu a prozkoumáme, proč zůstává oblíbenou volbou v moderních holistických postupech.
Naše oficiální stránky: https://brami.cz
Brami Adresa: MB Saisa Partizanų g. 16-217 Kaunas, 50212 Litva E-mail: [email protected] zavolejte nám +37064444977
Náš blog: https://bramiametyst.tumblr.com/
Další video: https://tinyurl.com/3p469cr8
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suis-nous · 1 year
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s-a-i-s-a · 1 year
RuroKen Fandom Discord Server
Hello again. Just checking in again to see what the interest is like out there. I have an RK discord server that's kind of barebones. However, I've just been using it privately for now. Send me a message if a more fandom/shipping-oriented RK server (18+ years only) is something you're interested in. I might open it up if there's enough interest.
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ametistassaisalt · 1 year
Tigro Akis Akmuo
Suteikite Energijos Savo Stiliui Su Saisos Tigro Akimi – Atsparumo Brangakmeniu!
Tigro akis, taip pat žinomas kaip tigro akies akmuo arba tiesiog tigro akmuo, yra žavus brangakmenis, pavergęs papuošalų entuziastų ir dvasinių ieškotojų širdis.
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Dėl unikalios išvaizdos ir galingų metafizinių savybių jis yra populiarus pasirinkimas tiems, kurie nori savo stiliui suteikti elastingumo ir gyvybingumo.
Jei galvojate įsigyti Tigro akies brangakmenį, Saisa yra puiki vieta apsvarstyti. Išsiaiškinkime, kodėl:
1. Kokybė, Kuria Galite Pasitikėti
Pirkdami Tigro akis iš Saisa galite būti tikri jo kokybe. Saisa ekspertai kruopščiai renka kiekvieną brangakmenį rankomis, kad įsitikintų, jog jis tikras ir puikus. Jums nereikės nerimauti, kad gausite padirbtą ar prastesnį brangakmenį.
2. Platus Pasirinkimas
Saisa siūlo didelį akmuo tigro akis pasirinkimą. Jie būna įvairių dydžių, formų ir tipų.
Taigi, nesvarbu, ar norite mažo Tigro akis pakabuko, ar didelės Tigro akies sferos, jį rasite Saisa. Rasti tobulą Tigro akis savo poreikius yra labai paprasta.
3. Prieinamos Kainos
Jei turite mažą biudžetą, bet vis tiek norite aukštos kokybės Tigro akies, Saisa jums padės. Jie siūlo konkurencingas kainas, todėl jums nereikės laužyti pinigų, kad pridėtumėte šį nuostabų brangakmenį į savo kolekciją. Jūs gaunate vertę už savo pinigus.
4. Greitas Ir Saugus Pristatymas
Saisa žino, kad džiaugiatės galėdama paimti į rankas savo Tigro akį. Štai kodėl jie pasirūpina, kad jūsų brangakmenis būtų išsiųstas greitai ir saugiai. Jums nereikės ilgai laukti, kad galėtumėte mėgautis Tigro akies grožiu ir privalumais.
5. Puikus Klientų Aptarnavimas
Klientų aptarnavimas yra būtinas, o Saisa šioje srityje puikiai tinka. Jei turite klausimų ar neaiškumų dėl pirkinio, klientų aptarnavimo komanda pasiruošusi jums padėti. Jiems rūpi jūsų pasitenkinimas.
6. Dvasinė Nauda
Tigro akmuo yra galingas brangakmenis ir nuo seno buvo naudojamas dėl savo gydomųjų savybių. Žinoma, kad tai suteikia jėgų, atsparumo ir gyvybingumo – tai, ką visi galėtume panaudoti šiais sudėtingais laikais.
7. Universalumas
Tigro akis yra puikus pasirinkimas, jei ieškote aksesuaro, kurį būtų galima lengvai pakeisti iš dienos į naktį.
Nesvarbu, ar norite kažko elegantiško oficialiam renginiui, ar ko nors madingo ir atsitiktinio, Tigro akis jums padės. Dėl nesenstančio grožio jūsų išvaizda išsiskirs bet kokia proga.
Tigro akis yra žavus ir galingas brangakmenis, turintis daug tigro akis savybes bruožų. Tai gali būti puikus būdas sustiprinti jūsų stilių ir suteikti jūsų išvaizdai elastingumo bei gyvybingumo.
Saisa siūlo puikų tigro akis akmuo pasirinkimą konkurencingomis kainomis, todėl tikrai rasite sau tobulą kūrinį. Be to, jie siūlo greitą pristatymą ir puikų klientų aptarnavimą.
Taigi, jei ieškote Tigro akies, kad pakeltumėte savo stilių į kitą lygį, Saisa yra geriausia vieta ieškoti!
Turėdami platų pasirinkimą ir patikimas paslaugas, galite pasitikėti, kad jie turi jums tobulą brangakmenį. Naršykite jų kolekciją šiandien ir raskite savo svajonių Tigro akį!
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otpsaisa · 3 years
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Inspecting The Damage
Saitou checks out Sanosuke's wounds after a fight(that the roosterhead likely started).
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carduelis-art · 6 years
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kondo-hijikata · 5 years
Some people make Kenkao kabocha. Others make Cho-styled chirashi. Only a certain pair can make Sukiyaki a la Saisa. 
I don’t go here anymore but a lovely reader left me a kind comment on something I posted years ago. I had this story finished and just collecting dust on my laptop, so here’s one last hurrah.
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