#Zen Gaho x Reader
paraliveimaginesblog · 8 months
hiii :'3 may i ask for funny headcanons for bae, yohei and zen where mc gets drunk and when the boys try to help her return home, mc rejects them saying that she already has a boyfriend and is waiting for him, ..so in summary mc drunk doesn't recognizes them and thinks they are a stranger trying to flirt XDD tkm *hugg*
Allen Sugasano:
Allen is a little bit at a loss of what to do. You didn’t recognize him? Did you hit your head? He wondered if he had that to worry about as well as your drunken state but… He knows a way to get you to recognize him! You might not understand every word coming out of his mouth, his words starting to blend together the longer he went on about hip hop, but you certainly recognized the enthusiasm. You threw your arms around Allen and cheered, asking when he got there; you humbly request that he take you home as you’ve had far too much, and you were beginning to attract ‘unwanted attention’ from some randos in the bar.
Anne Faulkner:
They can’t help but laugh at your response to them, giving a flirty grin and saying your loyalty only made you more attractive. They made a pinky promise that their intentions were entirely pure and that actually, your lover had contacted them to make sure you got home safe. They could answer any and every question about themselves that you used to investigate this strangers claims, deciding to call Anne real quick just to double check; you seemed soothed at hearing their voice, big smile on your face as you promised to come home safely to them. Anne turned back around after the phone call ended, asking if you were ready to be escorted home now to which you eagerly nodded.
Hajun Yeon:
Hajun can’t help but test the limits, still staying within a respectable range but flirting with you in a much more obvious manner. When you ignore his responses and even tell him to fuck off at a certain point, he has to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing too obviously. He knew he had to get Anne or Allen’s help after purposely irritating you, as you certainly wouldn’t believe this flirtatious ‘stranger’ had your best interests in mind, but he couldn’t wait until he got to speak with sober you again. He could only imagine the look on your face when he explained the previous night’s experience.
Yohei Kanbayashi:
Yohei can’t help but mutter that you’re a pain in the ass, having dealt with more than his fair share of annoying drunks. This drunk just happened to be the person he loved so he couldn’t just toss you on your ass and call a cab; he had a duty as your boyfriend to see you safely home, even if you didn’t recognize him as such. He kept his distance and walked you most of the way back, listening as you rambled on and on about how you wanted to see him, and how you wished he’d accepted your invitation out because you just wanted to cuddle with him. Embarrassing, and he’d be sure to keep your drunken ramblings to himself, especially because he found it almost cute how you spoke about him without holding back.
Zen Gaho:
Would bring him to tears if he thinks about it long enough. He knows you not recognizing him in your drunken state would make things a little more difficult when it came to getting you home safely, and he never had doubts about your loyalty whether drunk or sober, but seeing your strong response to ‘other’ men touching really gets to him. He can see that your loyalty is just as fierce as his whole-hearted dedication to you, and he promised to be on his best behavior so drunk you could realize he was trustworthy.
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mera-k1 · 4 months
I love your last request about the positions AAAA TKM!! Kdns can I request something similar for kanata, anne and maybe yuto?) >^< pls
i added a bunch of other characters as well so enjoy~!
Fav Positions Pt 2
Various Paralive x gn!reader
-smut, yuto w/ no hancho!!
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anne prefers to be on top but doesn't really mind what position. they love to tease you though so as long as they can tease you, any position is okay with them. they're always down to try out new positions as well!
kanata is simple. he likes missionary because it feels the most intimate to him. he loves being close to you and he feels safe and comfortable when you're that close to him. he won't let go and has to slide his hand into yours to hold it while he fucks you.
i don't think nayuta has a preference, it's whatever you enjoy! you like him being on top? sure, he doesn't mind missionary or any other position you might have in mind. you prefer to be on top? okay! he doesn't mind cowgirl!
zen prefers the lotus position. i honestly have no reasoning for this other than gut feeling. he just seems like he'd love having you so close to him, it feels intimate. he can hold your waist and kiss your face if he wants to at any point. zen enjoys intimacy when it comes to sex!
satsuki has no preference since he's very inexperienced. he enjoys whatever you enjoy usually so if you asked him his favorite, he's not really sure. he does get hella embarrassed just seeing you naked but he finds himself wanting to look at you even if he has to look away to hide his flustered face.
a very sweet guy, yuto likes missionary just for the fact that it's easy and versatile. he can hold your hand, kiss you, touch your body, and a whole lot of other things. he likes making you the center of attention when it comes to sex so this is the perfect position for him.
ryoga is a rough and brute-like guy. he doesn't really understand the concept of being gentle with his partner sometimes and that's part of the reason i think his favorite would be the mating press. he just really enjoys being able to bend you in half against the mattress but he tries really hard to listen to your pleas to be gentler even if he's not sure how to be yet.
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seasidefallenangel · 5 months
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notes: kanata yatonokami, iori suiseki, nayuta yatonokami, zen gaho, satsuki ito, yuto inukai x reader, play/fake fighting, fluff.
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who wins? depends.
✣ probably one of your worse ideas, if we’re being real. he has to be in a specific mood in order to go along with your whims. half the time he ends up shoving you off of him whilst looking like an irritated cat. when he does fight back, he’s careful not to actually hurt you even though you can’t tell with his gritted teeth and narrow brows. there’s a good chance you can take him out and he’ll just huff and ask if you’re done being stupid ; but be warned that while he’s not very muscular, he does sometimes get a rush of adrenaline in a fight that gives him a quick edge over his opponent and the same applies here - before you know it, you’re underneath while he looks down at you, unimpressed. “annoying,” he’ll mutter, and before you can protest he’ll give you a chaste kiss on the lips before leaving and acting like the situation never happened at all. 
who wins? you.
✣ realistically, iori could knock you out in one quick strike - however, he loves you a lot and loves being the source of your happiness just as much which means he will always let you win. always. you could give the most half hearted attack towards him and he’ll be falling dramatically, going on about how his beloved has betrayed him and left him to die. his shit eating grin as he does so takes any chance of believing him and squashes it. the only retaliation he offers is gently tugging you down with him as he lays on the floor and letting your body rest atop his. he’ll give you that stupid lovesick look he always has when you’re in the room and lean up to kiss your forehead, mumbling a sweet nothing about how proud he is of you for being so brave and strong.
who wins? nobody.
✣ nayuta specializes in stealthily dealing with people rather than physically, as shown by when he pickpockets those thugs for shiki. and even then, he doesn’t really feel like exerting the energy needed to pin you down most of the time. so what's his solution? act like a big baby. the second you launch at him or anything of the sort, he’ll whip out the pout and puppy-dog eye combo with the full knowledge it tugs at your heartstrings. he’s so unbearably cute that you just give up and smother him in hugs and kisses instead, something he’d much rather participate in.
who wins? you.
satsuki is actively terrified a simple hug from him will hurt you, you think he’d ever fight back? he’ll be surprised for a moment when you jump onto his back and almost go to retaliate before realizing it’s you and instead stiffening from such blatant contact. there’s a moment where he’s scared you’re mad at him and that’s why you attacked him, but once you explain you’re just playing around he’ll stand there and take whatever you give him. he’s a relatively built guy so the chance you do any actual harm is minimal, and he'll just be elated you're acting so adorably around him. the raging blush on his face has a higher chance of KOing him than you do.
zen: who wins? him, but he tried to let you win.
this man is built like a brick wall. there is 0% chance you’d be able to knock him down or do him much damage at all if you’re just playing with him. he’ll look at you with a little bit of confusion while you struggle to try and get him to budge. it turns into a smile when you drum your fists against his chest while complaining about how he’s too damn muscular. “alright then,” he’ll laugh and relax his body to give you a better chance, “do your worst, love.” it ends with him apologizing profusely for the way you landed on your ass when trying to push him over. 
who wins? hancho.
yuto on his own is a bit of an easy target. sure, he’s a prison guard but you’re not a prisoner and he wouldn’t want to harm you. besides, he kinda leaves “cop mode” behind once he’s home with you so it would be a huge shock to him when you sneak up and tackle him down on the couch. he’ll stammer and blush while you straddle his hips with his wrists pinned above his head, and your victory looks to be assured when a familiar red glint appears in his eyes. “where’s all that bark from before?” hancho will growl in your ear with a smirk on his face as you wriggle helplessly beneath him. 
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moonstruck-writing · 3 months
Zen Gaho | Wearing his clothes
Pairing: Zen Gaho x reader | Paradox Live CWs: fluff, domestic fluff, established relationship, gender-neutral reader, suggestive (M), jealousy, light angst, comfort, reader is smaller than Zen Word count: 1.5k Summary: Zen wakes up to you wearing his clothes.
Reader wears their clothes series: Zen - Part 1 - Part 2 (coming soon) | Satsuki (coming soon)
There were very few days in which Zen wasn’t the first one to wake up in the Suiseki clan’s household. Many of those involved him rolling in bed, palming the mattress to find the warmth you’d left, but finding no other trace of you.
He opened his eyes, looking around the dimly lit room. The stubborn morning light that couldn’t be controlled by the bamboo blinds only revealed you weren’t there. Zen yawned and rubbed his eyes, sitting up on the bed.
Before he could make it his mission to go and find you, you were back from the bathroom.
“Morning, babe,” you chirped with a wide smile on your face. However, Zen was too distracted to greet you back. His senses were paralysed the moment he saw you wearing his white shirt. He could only think of the way the piece of clothing hung from your shoulders, how it was long enough for you to use it as a dress, and how it seemed to highlight your soft skin and tender form.
“Did anyone see you?” He asked in a worried tone. You chuckled as you approached the bed. You didn’t understand the question or the way he had phrased it.
“No? I didn’t see anyone, why?” You pulled aside the covers, getting inside.
“Good.” That’s all the explanation he gave you before sliding a hand on your cheek and planting a good morning kiss on your forehead. You giggled, but before you could stretch yourself to kiss his lips, he hugged you and pulled you down with him, making you lie down on top of him.
“What’s going on?” Zen was a very affectionate person but seeing him act like that felt different from usual. It was almost as if…
“You aren’t allowed to wear my clothes outside our bedroom.” The pout and puppy voice made it impossible to not laugh at his declaration. Then, the warmth filled your mind. ‘Our bedroom’. It was only Zen’s, but you spent so much time there, that he had started to make accommodations. You nuzzled your face on his chest, basking in the feeling of being treated as special.
“Why?” You looked up to find Zen had his eyes closed.
“You don’t know how dangerous you are.” He pulled his arms tighter around you, effectively anchoring you in place. “Or how dangerous the world can be.”
“And why is everyone so dangerous this morning?”
You heard him sighing through his nose, and you knew he wasn’t going to tell you. At least, not now. Instead, he moved one of his hands to gently play with your hair.
“Are you trying to make me fall asleep again?” You weren’t complaining – his fingers felt delicious massaging your scalp – but you also knew Zen’s routine. “Shouldn’t we be getting up and getting ready—” Before you could finish your sentence, the hand Zen had around your back trailed down to the thigh you had on top of him.
“Everyone knows you’re here.” He caressed the back of your thigh, kneading slightly. His movements were gentle and slow, but deliberate. “And you’re only wearing your underwear,” he whispered to himself, opening his eyes in frustration. “Didn’t you bring a pair of pyjamas the other day?”
“Why aren’t you wearing them?”
You hesitated, unsure of what was going on, but sure that the conversation was getting heated for some reason.
“Are you angry at me?”
Zen closed his eyes, and you saw his nostrils flaring. When he opened his eyes again, he had a gentle smile to show you.
“Sorry. I—” he chuckled slightly, embarrassed. “I got jealous and scared.” You felt him give your thigh a soft squeeze.
“Of what?”
The smile widened like he couldn’t contain whatever your perplexity was producing inside of him. His arms circled back around your back, and he pulled you tightly against him like he needed to confirm you were there, and you weren’t going anywhere.
“You’re not going to like it.” His chest rose and fell as he spoke, and his grip on your frame relaxed, setting you free to adjust and dig your chin on him so you could look at his face again.
“I’ll be the one to judge that. I still want to know.” When you felt his smile falter, you felt your heart flutter painfully. Was it so bad? You trusted Zen and knew him deeply. Was there something he had never confessed?
“I am…so disgustingly scared that someone will see you and snatch you away from me.” He squeezed you in his arms. “Not that I think you wouldn’t be loyal!” He quickly added, seeing the way your gaze was swimming in sadness. “I know you love me, I feel it, and I hope you know and feel my love for you. It’s just… You are way more attractive than you think you are. And that scares me. You don’t know your power. But you also don’t know how other men react to you.” He lowered his gaze, his voice trailing down to a whisper. “Sometimes I think I must be the luckiest man alive, for having found you first, before anyone realised your beauty – outside and inside.”
The tears fell from your eyes onto Zen’s bare chest, and his embrace loosened. You heard his gasp and felt the way his body buzzed with worry.
“Sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” his voice softened even more, making it difficult to hear him through the overwhelming emotion.
“Zen,” you sobbed, not wanting to make a scene, but not knowing what else to do. “I love you.” Those were the only words that came out, and maybe they were the only ones that accurately represented the mess that was moving inside of your heart.
“Oh, baby,” he muttered, holding you gently and pulling you closer to his face. He managed to rest your head on his shoulder, touching his head to yours. “I love you, too, so much.” He took one of your hands and placed it on top of his beating heart. The gesture stripped your throat of a new set of sobs. “Those are… happy tears, I hope?” He asked with a breathy voice. You nodded and freed your arms from under your body and from his gentle hold, linking them around his neck.
You stayed in that position for a while, Zen drawing abstract forms on your back with his fingertips. When you calmed down and it felt like a regular cuddling session, he spoke again.
“On a lighter note, I think I need to say,” he removed some hairs from your face, “you look too sexy in my clothes.”
You laughed and he felt the vibrations on his torso. Then, your eyes met and you moved to trace his lips with your finger. He kissed the tip and pretended to bite it, while you felt his hands roaming from your back to your bottom.
The familiar warmth of desire trickled through your bodies, and you moved slightly on top of him, accommodating to be able to kiss him.
Suddenly, a few sharp knocks made you jump and frantically pull away from each other.
“Zen, I regret to be the one to have to retrieve you from your lovers’ nest, but we had this meeting today, remember?”
Zen cursed under his breath.
“Waka, just give me a minute—”
“I’ll give you ten, ‘s best to make sure to leave satisfied, yeah?” The sound of his wooden sandals echoed away with a loud chuckle.
You looked at Zen as he quickly picked up his overalls and began pulling them up. As he zipped them and buckled his belt, you noticed the bulge his underwear was barely able to contain couldn’t be successfully hidden with the new layer of fabric either.
“Like what you see?” He teased lovingly when he caught your gaze. You looked away instinctively, but then you thought maybe he needed the shirt you were wearing.
Before you could take it off, he caught your hands, kissing them.
“Keep it.” He squeezed your hands before letting go. “Maybe just… don’t go outside only wearing that?” He took his black tank top from his wardrobe.
Once he was wearing it, you approached him, and you melted in a slow, sensual kiss. He pulled your body closer to his, and you felt his hardness against your waist.
“We still have some time…” you suggested, pressing against him. He chuckled shyly and proceeded to pepper your face with pecks.
“I’ll think about something else, and it’ll go away.” He lowered his head to rub your noses together. “Besides, we’ll have something to look forward to later, then…”
He winked and pulled on your clothes, teasing.
“I love you,” he kissed you goodbye, leaving you a bittersweet feeling and the throbbing anticipation of something more.
“I love you, Zen.”
A/N: It’s been so long since I last wrote fanfiction, plus it’s the first time I've written Zen, and idk if this feels OOC or if it’s just me :/ but then again, it’s just my headcanon.
Hope you enjoyed! Interactions are highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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seizingthesky · 8 months
can i ask sunflower for Iori and Zen
YES!!!!!! Thank you anon have a great day. Sparkle on, as they say
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SUNFLOWER: How would they confess their feelings to their crush?
IORI briefly considers going all out and doing something dramatic and ridiculous that'll make you laugh and smack him on the arm but decides against it. Sure, it would be a good way to catch your attention and make the whole thing memorable, but deep down, he wants his confession to be between the two of you and no one else. After all, he's spent countless hours mulling over the intricacies of the whole confession thing (some while just a bit drunk), so he wants it to be special. It happens when he surprises you by coming home early that night from his shift, gently pulling you by the arm to take you outside so you can watch the stars together for a while. As you sit down, he wraps an arm around your shoulder to have you rest against him, leaning his head against yours as he says in an uncharacteristically quiet voice, "I love you."
Despite what you may assume, ZEN is incredibly nervous about telling you his true feelings. He knows he can be a little hard to handle and a bit pushy sometimes, but he doesn't want any of that to come across while confessing to you. So, he puts it off. He tries to get it out of his head, and it works until he's holding you in his arms after you get hurt. You try to tell him that it's nothing, that you'll be fine, and maybe you even joke that he's such a worrywart as always, which is when it hits him. He can't lose you. He can't stand the thought of not having you here with him, of having to go through a day without hearing your voice or seeing your face... so he tells you exactly that, albeit through some tears. There's no way he can lose you because he loves you too damn much to let it happen, so be careful from now on, okay?
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pillow-anime-infos · 1 year
paradox live {masterlist}
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fashion week in milan {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 413 words ; sfw}
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daddy {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 657 words ; nsfw}
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mother (ft. nayuta yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
“please! please, don’t leave me!” {quote prompt number 29 + scenario | 559 words ; suggestive}
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mother(ft. kanata yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
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his lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
“the princess shouldn’t wait, you know?” {quote prompt number 17 + scenario | 581 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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“should ifuck you? so beg for it.” {quote prompt number 45 + scenario | 937 words ; nsfw}
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nian-7 · 5 months
haiii!! can I req a platonic and romantic matchup for pjsk and paralive if it's okay? my name's vani, and I'm bigender and bisexual! I'm also an aquarius and an INTP-T 9w1!
my hobbies include anything creative! (like drawing, making jewellery, etc) and collecting cute plushies and dolls!
I like cats, hamsters, hedgehogs, astrology, video games (mainly rpg and rhythm/music based games) and writing!
i dislike insects, having to follow through a specific routine, anything scary or horror related, and vegetables (im picky…)
personality wise, I can be considered quiet, reserved and a bit cold at first…but when it comes to friends, I try my best to match with their energy! not everyone understands my humor so i have VERY few friends. I'm also a bit indecisive sometimes and I feel uncomfortable whenever someone is mad at me. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I tend to be blunt. i also have a hard time communicating and understanding people's emotions sometimes.
(I'm not sure what else to put now....but hope this is enough!) thanks in advance and have a great day!! :3c
hi, vani!! please enjoy :]
I match you with... (platonically)
Kanade Yoisaki!
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-So, Kanade isn't someone who'd get mad at you or blame you when you have a hard time understanding emotions. She understands that people struggle with different things and wants to help you with it!
-Your quietness and more reserved nature would probably be a nice match as her friend because she's similar. She'd like to have some quiet but quality time with a friend.
-You both just seem similar and complimentary to each other and that's why you both would get along. The both of you can understand and help each other through things because of the similar personalities!
I match you with... (romantically)
An Shiraishi!
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-An is like sunshine and I matched you with her because I feel like she could help you come out of your shell and maybe introduce you to the rest of VBS!
-She might be a little pushy but it's just because she loves you and wants to help you! She's not the type of person to be mad with you or want you to feel uncomfortable around her, she strives for you to be comfy and happy with her as your girlfriend!
-Emotions and communication can be hard and so she tries to understand that. She'll always try to help with communication but also wants you to remember that communication is key! She won't know things if you don't tell her!
-She'd honestly love to see your cute collections and would always be so happy when you show her a new one you got. She feels special just being able to see it!
I match you with... (platonically)
Shiki Ando!
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-You might remind Shiki of Nayuta a little bit and that's probably a reason he wanted to become friends with you. Beside the point, he'd be a nice friend who also has a hard time communicating and with his emotions (maybe in a slightly different way but still).
-Being friends with Ryu probably helped with him trying to understand your humor more since Ryu's a bit on the weird side. He doesn't mind it at all though, no judgement from him!
-Seeing as he also has few friends, he cherishes you a lot and even if you two might not be the best communicators, he still loves to be around you! He's happy he's made another friend that he can bring over.
I match you with... (romantically)
Zen Gaho!
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-SImilar to An, I think Zen could bring you out of your shell a little bit by introducing you to Akan Yatsura. They're his family so they should know when he's got a partner, right? Obviously, he'll save that for when you feel ready though!
-Knowing you tend to be on the reserved side, he wouldn't try to force you out of your shell or try to force you to do anything. Take your time and he'll hold your hand the whole way. Just as long as you promise to try little by little!
-Tries his best to have you eat some vegetables as well... He'll sneak them in just a little so you eat at least a few. He wants you to branch out but also stay in your comfort zone.
-Tried one of your rhythm games once and immediately died. He really tried but his eyes just couldn't catch on to when he needed to tap.
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Body Paint ~ *Zen Gaho*
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Summary: As an artist, you are always pushing the limits of your art. That's one of the reasons why Zen loves you. However, when you ask him to help you with your next project, he's not sure how he feels and wonders if you've gone too far...
Pairing: Zen Gaho X Fem!Reader
Genre: Suggestive Oneshot
Word Count: 1261
Warning: A little NSFW
Zen may not be the most adventurous guy on the entire planet, but ever since dating you, he has definitely been pushed out of his comfort zone more and more. At first, he was a bit skittish when you wanted to try new things with him. But having you by his side to assure him that everything was going to be fine, he became more inclined to join you.
It also helped that most of the new things he tried were of the artistic persuasion. You loved art in all its many forms. You had coerced Zen to join you in drawing, pottery, photography, tapestry, and knitting classes. You also convinced him on more than one occasion to be your model while you painted, although he has yet to pose nude for you. Regardless, you could always work some form of art into every single date the two of you went on. Even when it was just a standard dinner out, you told him about what you learned about flower arranging or how the lighting was meant to invoke romantic feelings in people, as you learned in photography. 
While some would find your constant obsession with art obnoxious, Zen found it utterly enchanting. To him, it felt like you saw the beauty in everything around you. And he loved hearing you talk about things you were passionate about. He would be willing to listen to you talk or watch you do art every single day if he could.
Which is why when you texted him to meet you at your studio for a project, Zen was quick to ask Iori if he could go. Of course, before he was allowed to leave, he received a healthy dose of teasing from the group's leader. But he didn't mind. He was more focused on the fact that he would be seeing you soon.
Upon arriving at your studio, he called out to you and you emerged from the back storage room that he helped put shelves in for you last summer.
He smiled. "Smock, palette, and brushes? Another painting party I see."
"Not exactly." You coo, a coy smile on your face. "One of my friends from the art museum downtown gave me this most fascinating idea and you were the first person I thought of to share it with."
"And what is this idea?"
"Take off your shirt and I'll show you."
This caused him to pause, a red blush creeping up his neck. "Take off my shirt? Why?"
You giggled. "I told you that I'll show you! You just need to wait and see! Now pretty please won't you take off your shirt?"
As his blush intensified, he slid off his black tank top. You let your eyes trail over his soft, tan skin and bulging muscles. It wasn't often you saw your boyfriend like this, and he looked absolutely delicious.
Refraining from licking your lips, you gesture to the floor. "Please lay down on your stomach."
Zen didn't argue and instead laid down with his head in his arms. He did tense as you straddled his hips from behind, sitting nicely on his waist.
"What are you doing?"
"Relax, dear. I'm not going any further than this." You assure him. "Although, try not to flex and move too much. You're going to feel some weird sensations on your back, but I promise it won't hurt a bit."
"Seriously, what are you doing?"
You sigh. "I'm just going to paint on you."
"What? The paint's supposed to go where?!"
With a giggle, you mix your paints a bit more on your palette before settling your brush on the wide plane of his back. "Right there."
He tensed at the contact of the brush on his back, but at least he didn't move too much as you began to paint. He was silent for a time, allowing you to do your art. But you could tell he was confused and slightly worried about what you were painting on him.
"Don't worry, I'm not painting anything obscene." You assured him with a giggle. "I'm actually painting Starry Night on your back."
"Are you really?" You could tell he half believed you.
You nodded, though you knew he couldn't see it. "Yep. Can't you feel it?"
"I just feel cold paint being applied to my back and my muscles beginning to ache because I'm afraid if I move, I'll crack the paint."
"What a considerate canvas." You sweetly say. "Don't worry, though. If you need to move, you can move. I don't mind too much. Just let me know if you do."
Zen nods and the two of you re-enter the calm silence you were in moments before. Occasionally, he mentions he needs to adjust again and shift underneath you. Working on a more limited space, you get the painting done relatively fast. You couldn't help but admire your work.
"Hang on. I need to get a picture."
"Oh, are you done already?" His voice was thick with sleep, presumably from the nap he took in the last ten minutes of your painting.
You giggled and took a picture on your phone. You then showed him the photo. "What do you think?"
Zen nods again. "Very well done, my little Van Gogh."
You smile before pressing the palette and brush into his hands. "Now it's your turn!"
Instead of answering him, you slipped out of your smock, revealing your naked torso to him. He blushed and looked away out of respect as you took your spot on the ground where he just was.
"Now you get to paint on my back. Anything you want. And it doesn't have to be some great, intricate piece. It can be as simple as colorful shapes all over my back. Just make sure you fill the whole canvas."
"Please Zen?"
He sighed. "Okay, I'll try."
You shiver as the paint touches your back. He wasn't kidding, it was definitely cold and the paint brush gliding across your back was an odd feeling. Still, you enjoyed it nonetheless. You were curious as to what he was painting on you, but you didn't ask until he was finished. Instead, you enjoyed the moment of him carefully painting your body. You even found yourself yawning a couple of times, understanding how he managed to take a little cat nap earlier. It was so relaxing right now.
Eventually, he shook you awake by your shoulder. "I think I'm done."
"Take a picture and let me see."
Grabbing his phone, he took a picture of your back and held it up to you. As you sat up, his blush returned and he looked away once more. It made you giggle. You then nodded at the picture.
"Very good work, Zen! It's absolutely beautiful!"
"You think so?" He bashfully asked.
"I know so. Oh, I need to post these right away!"
He touched your hand before you could grab your phone. "Can you, um, not post them please? I want this to stay between us."
"Oh." You nodded. "Of course, absolutely! But let me just send this picture to my phone, okay? So I can have the two pictures together."
He nods and watches you send the picture. "This was fun. We should, um, we should do this again sometime."
You smile. "Yes, we should! Although I have an even better idea!"
"And what's that!"
"A sex mural! Where we cover ourselves in paint and have sex on a piece of canvas that we can hang up later!"
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mcsupernova · 1 year
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Dont be shy; play with their nipples. pinch them, bite them, suck them, whatever, they will be so happy if you do it that they are going to come in their pants with just your fingers playing with their sensitive nipples !! You don't even have to do something else, just leave their nipples swollen and reddish from playing with them, they are gonna love it and ending up moaning for more <3
Zen, Allen, Chungsung, Rokuta, Kanata.
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
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⋆𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓸⋆
⋆𝓗𝓪𝓳𝓾𝓷 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓷⋆
⋆𝓐𝓷𝓷𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓾𝓵𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓻⋆
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⋆𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓪 𝓨𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓴𝓪𝓶𝓲⋆
⋆𝓝𝓪𝔂𝓾𝓽𝓪 𝓨𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓴𝓪𝓶𝓲⋆
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⋆𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓼⋆
⋆𝓝𝓪𝓸𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓻𝓪 𝓢𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓸𝓷⋆
⋆𝓨𝓸𝓱𝓮𝓲 𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲⋆
⋆𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓷𝓭𝓸⋆
⋆𝓡𝔂𝓾 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓮⋆
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⋆悪漢奴等- 𝓐𝓴𝓪𝓷 𝓨𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪⋆
⋆𝓘𝓸𝓻𝓲 𝓢𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓴𝓲⋆
⋆𝓖𝓪𝓱𝓸 𝓩𝓮𝓷⋆
⋆𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲 𝓘𝓽𝓸⋆
⋆𝓗𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓲 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓴𝓲⋆
⋆𝓡𝓮𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓾𝔂𝓪𝓶𝓪⋆
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⋆獄𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴- 𝓖𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴⋆
⋆𝓨𝓾𝓽𝓸 𝓘𝓷𝓾𝓴𝓪𝓲⋆
⋆𝓡𝔂𝓸𝓰𝓪 𝓣𝓸𝓼𝓪⋆
⋆𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓚𝓪𝓲𝓭𝓪⋆
⋆𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓫𝓪⋆
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⋆𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓰𝓸 𝓨𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓸⋆
⋆𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓪 𝓗𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓰𝓮⋆
⋆𝓐𝓸𝓲 𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓱𝓪⋆
⋆𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓸 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓾𝓳𝓲⋆
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⋆𝒦𝑒𝒾 𝑀𝒾𝓎𝒶𝓂𝒶⋆
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⋆𝒟𝑜𝓃𝑔𝒽𝒶 𝒴𝑒𝑜𝓃⋆
⋆𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓃𝑔𝓈𝓊𝓃𝑔 𝐵𝒶𝑒𝓀⋆
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⋆𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓲 𝓚𝓾𝔃𝓾𝓻𝔂𝓾⋆
⋆𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓾𝓸𝓶𝓲 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓾⋆
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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silvanusx · 6 months
Master list
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Allen Sugasano
Hajun Yeon
Hajun Yeon x amab!reader "who cares about him"
Anne Faulkner
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Kanata Yatonokami
Nayuta Yatonokami
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Naoakira Saimon
Ryu Natsume
Shiki Ando
Yohei Kanbayashi
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Reo Maruyama
Zen Gaho
Iori Suiseki
Hokusai Masaki
Satsuki Ito
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paraliveimaginesblog · 4 months
Will You Be My Valentine? - AKYR + AMPRULE
Hokusai Masaki:
Hokusai realized, almost too late, that he had to actually ask you to be his valentine for you to know that you were his. He had been going based off your relationship, the closeness you had making him logically arrive at the conclusion that you were his valentine, but he was informed that it was not the way it worked. When he had gone to seek you out he found you anxious and shuffling on your feet, surprised that you felt so nervous about asking him to be your valentine when he had already made that choice long ago.
Iori Suiseki:
Iori had suspected you were up to something but had patiently sat back, not one to assume but certainly knowing what was on your mind. You still managed to surprise him with a homemade gift as well as asking him to be yours for Valentine’s Day, the genuine smile on his face and his laughter filling the room the best gift you could’ve asked for. He wrapped you in a hug, pulling you as close as he could before letting you know he had already made plans for the two of you. If asked on why he didn’t make the first move he just laughed again, saying it was always pleasant to be the one pursued (and that he’d make your efforts worthwhile, in the end).
Reo Maruyama:
Reo winked, flirted, and accepted all gifts tossed his way on Valentine’s Day. Someone with his charm was used to all of this attention, but it could get exhausting after constant stimulation from others for hours on end. Plus, it never felt quite as special as a valentine really should, which he never realized until he had someone solid in mind that he wanted as his valentine. He’s glad that you’re the one who asked because it meant he could hide how in love with you he was (since he considered making the first move, which he certainly doesn’t do for just anyone), and he immediately rattled off all the things he wanted to do on that day with you since he hadn’t stopped thinking about it since the month began.
Satsuki Ito:
Satsuki cuts you off QUICK, on his knees like he’s groveling as he held your hands tight and began to sweat. There’s an awkward pause as you wait for him to explain the feral yell that was torn from his throat but it seemed he needed another minute to think, perhaps regretting his hasty reaction. He had to be the one to ask, after all, but the courage didn’t suddenly appear like he hoped it would. He does manage to stutter out the question because he’s not a quitter, but he won’t make eye contact, especially not after Reo asks why it looked like he was proposing.
Zen Gaho:
Zen is fighting to hide how hot his face is growing, touching his own burning hot cheeks and wondering how he got lucky enough to attract your attention. After pining away for you for who knows how long, finally having the confirmation that you felt the same for him was almost too much to bear. You cradle his face in your hands as he started to tear up, refusing to actually let them fall as he didn’t want to ruin the mood but he couldn’t help how overwhelmed with emotion he was. He would make this your most romantic Valentine’s Day yet!
Chungsung Baek:
Chungsung is pleasantly surprised, licking his lips at the homemade gift you hand to him after asking him to be your valentine. While he doesn’t presume he’ll have any free-time on that day, much like he doesn’t most days as he attends to his master, he’s still flattered that you asked. He supposed he could carve out some of his own personal time while Dongha was busy to spend with you, not quite an official date but there were a few meals he could whip up that the two of you could enjoy together. He’s never pursued a relationship like this but he’s excited to see where it may lead.
Dongha Yeon:
You had debated on even asking Dongha as it didn’t seem like something he’d be interested in, but you had done stupider things to get his attention before so you thought you might as well. He’s actually quite surprised to hear the question, to have such a blatant act of affection thrown in his face like this leaves him frozen. Did you want something from him? Surely being seen with the Yeon heir would do wonders for you, but your stuttered out ‘date plan’ only consisted of spending time together indoors watching movies… What did you want from him? He accepted, because he certainly couldn’t have you asking someone else to be your valentine, and he’d simply have to probe you later to find out what your motives were.
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mera-k1 · 1 month
(u said u didn't have a limit on ppl but if this is too much pls just do one per group i love u)
can i get b g and w for naokira, yohei, zen, iori, ryoga, and shion
love you too, nonnie~ enjoy!
Smut Alphabet (B, G, W)
Saimon, Yohei, Iori, Zen, Ryoga, Shion x gn!reader
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naoakira saimon
♡ body part [what’s their favorite part of your body?]
-your chest. whether it's big or small, saimon is definitely a chest/boob guy. and he's so gentle too! whether your shirt shows a bit of your chest or it's tight fitted, he can't help but stare just a little bit! he's mastered the art of not getting caught while doing so...
♡ goofy [are they serious or tend to be more lighthearted in the moment?]
-i think he'd like to have a good balance of both. to him, there has to be a good balance for it to be enjoyable for both parties. there can be playful and lighthearted comments but there also has to be the serious moments that make the experience overall intimate.
♡ wild card [a random hc i have for the character!]
-despite his more reserved personality, i do think saimon would get a little bit handsy with you in the bedroom. not so much that it's like he's clingy but he does like to touch you a lot, only when you both are alone in bed!
yohei kanbayashi
♡ body part [what’s their favorite part of your body?]
-your ass by a long shot but yohei would never admit such a thing to you. if you ask, he'll dodge the question and tell you that it's such a stupid thing to ask when he loves every part of you equally!
♡ goofy [are they serious or tend to be more lighthearted in the moment?]
-he's more on the serious side, usually trying to shut down any teasing comments or advances you make. it's not as though he hates it though, he just finds it a bit embarrassing when you tease him! he is very dedicated though and takes sex seriously with you.
♡ wild card [a random hc i have for the character!]
-yohei definitely has thoughts about you that intrude into his mind while he's working. he always waves them off but they always come back until he sees you again. no matter if those thoughts are dirty or not, he'll struggle through his shift till he gets to see you again!
iori suiseki
♡ body part [what’s their favorite part of your body?]
-obviously your adorable face! iori can't help but love your cute face, especially when it's contorting with pleasure. you can't blame him especially when he kisses all over your face after sex.
♡ goofy [are they serious or tend to be more lighthearted in the moment?]
-sometimes sex is more lighthearted but it can also be serious. it could tip either way depending on the mood or day. sometimes he wants to cut to the chase while other days he wants to tease you till you're begging.
♡ wild card [a random hc i have for the character!]
-for some reason, drunk sex with iori... it's something he'd probably be fond of because it's much more lighthearted than usual with you both giggling and feeling each other up while the alcohol runs through you both.
zen gaho
♡ body part [what’s their favorite part of your body?]
-it's really fluffy but he likes your hands. zen likes it when you cup his face with your hands and bring him in for a kiss. it feels so intimate to him. your hands are also his favorite because they're so versatile...
♡ goofy [are they serious or tend to be more lighthearted in the moment?]
-i think he's the type to take it way too seriously. he doesn't do it on purpose but he just takes the whole experience seriously and needs you to help him loosen up and realize that it's okay to make mistakes! just because he made a mistake doesn't mean it's going to immediately ruin the mood!
♡ wild card [a random hc i have for the character!]
-zen's a big hand holder during sex. he always has to hold your hand no matter the position. whether you're riding him or he's fucking you in missionary, he just has to hold your hand.
ryoga tosa
♡ body part [what’s their favorite part of your body?]
-your back. i really have no reason to think this other than the vibes ryoga gives off... something about him just loves to look at your back and touch it with his rough hands.
♡ goofy [are they serious or tend to be more lighthearted in the moment?]
-he tends to be more on the serious side just because that's more so what he leans towards in general. he doesn't wanna mess around or tease you and just wants to get to the point. (but he doesn't stop you from trying to tease him...)
♡ wild card [a random hc i have for the character!]
-ryoga is far more gentle with you than you might think. yes, he's a brash and rough guy but when it comes to you, he can't help but soften up. he can still be rough with you but it comes at a far less degree because he can't help but feel a little guilty about it when he gets too rough.
shion kaida
♡ body part [what’s their favorite part of your body?]
-shion's a tough one... he can't help but be fond of all parts of your body so when he has to choose just one? he avoids the question, telling you that he can't pick because everything about you has his mind spiraling.
♡ goofy [are they serious or tend to be more lighthearted in the moment?]
-hmmm.. serious about pleasuring you or himself but usually lighthearted when talking to you during sex. he likes to keep the whole experience more playful but he is very serious about pleasure.
♡ wild card [a random hc i have for the character!]
-to me, shion seems like he'd be open to a poly relationship. he'd probably enjoy it because another partner means more pleasure, right? although he does love you a lot, if you're open to it, he'd be down for another partner.
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sourame · 2 years
Hello, I am the anon who asked for the shy reader of a resplendent beauty and I forgot to specify qqwqq sorry, it is with bae and if it is not much, could it also be with akyr? I apologize again for forgetting me: '' v
no its totally fine!
SHY READER X BAE AND AKYR (romantic hcs!)
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- hes terrible at hiding his emotions, so when anne introduced you to him, he almost died /j.
- he will go on rants to the rest of the group member on how beautiful you are and every single aspect he adores. hes a fangirl.
- if you ever dare to put yourself down, expect a cuddle session with pillows, teddy bears, and blankets. he refuses to believe you arent beautiful.
"You? Ugly? you're like a... a diamond! even more than that!"
- you two go everywhere together. it doesnt matter where, he just wants to truly admire your beauty.
- he's always getting you gifts. handmade perfumes, the most expensive chocolates he could find, all for you.
- tell him right away if anyone tries to mess with you. they will go "missing" in about 1-2 business days.
"pff, you're so adorable. never quit that, okay?"
- she shows you OFF. in almost every argument , she pulls out the "my y/n is hotter" card.
- she always takes you on shopping dates. you two spend hours in dressing rooms for outfits to wear for the week.
- if you allow her to, she will happily do your makeup for any occasion. occasionally, you two match.
"..there we go! aah, you look so cute! i love you, hun."
- he will spoil the living hell out of you.
- shopping dates are almost frequent. whenever he sees you something even eyeing something, he's already brought ten of it.
- sometimes, he'll even take you out to fancy restaurants where you two can just chat about whatever's going on.
- sometimes, you'll catch him not paying attention and just staring into your eyes. that's the part of you he admires the most.
"you know I love you right? with all my heart? thats a promise ill keep till the day I die."
- he doesnt have a lot of experience romantically, so it might take him a bit to warm up to it. 
- dates are normally at a restaurant or local park.
- if you give him a single compliment, he’ll think about it for the rest of the week. he gets flustered incredibly easily.
- he swore to protect you and everyone you love. sweet boy.
“I love you, Y/N. I swear on my life that I always will.”  
- you’re the only one hes talkative to. he feels more at ease with your presence.
- the best thing about him is his kisses. he’ll give you soft kisses everywhere, especially in places you’re insecure about.
- he gets you two matching stuff often. he thinks its cute to see you two together that way.
- if you two ever sleep together (romantically), he’ll just be adoring you as you drift off to sleep.
“Y/N is..so adorable. Like a kitten. I love you.”
- he tries to be all manly around you,like your “night in shining armor” type thing.
- if someone does so much as look at you in the wrong way, he’ll pick a fight with him. but hes stopped by you (hopefully).
- his blush and stuttering when he speaks to you is adorable, considering he does it almost everytime.
- he really wants to see fireworks with you. he just wants to hold your hand and kiss your lips as soon as the fireworks paint the sky.
“You- know you’re special to me, right?...Really special..”
- hes so adorable around you!!
- he clings to you in public. a lot. hes secretly worried someone will try to take you from him.
- he sees you as the most beautiful to ever exist, no matter what you might tell him.
- cuddle sessions are frequent, especially if one of you is having a bad day.
“i love you a lot, y/n. you’ll love me too, right?”
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moonstruck-writing · 3 months
On a Chilly Night [Zen Gaho x reader]
Pairing: Zen Gaho x f!reader | Paradox Live CWs: fluff, romantic fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, female reader, light angst but solved quickly, they just love each other so much Word count: 2.6K Summary: You wear Zen's blazer to CLUB CANDY
Part 2 of Reader wears their clothes series: Zen - Part 1 - Part 2 | Satsuki (coming soon)
A strong burst of wind made you pull tightly on the blazer you were wearing. It was too big for you, making it easy for the cold to slip under and bite at your skin. However, it all disappeared once you pushed the doors open and entered CLUB CANDY.
The heat, the sweet smell of perfume and the buzzing noise all hit you at once, and you paused for a couple of seconds before walking down the hall.
“Welcome to CLUB CANDY, how can we—” Zen politely greeted while tapping at the monitor on the reception desk. When he finally looked away from the screen, his business smile gave way to a wide and tilted one. “How may we serve you today, milady?”
“I’ll just have a drink at the bar while I wait for you.”
“Very well, a great decision as always, milady.” Zen winked at you. Even if he had to keep his professional persona on, he found subtle ways to adjust it to you. “I believe you know the way?”
“Oh, if only I could have such a handsome young man to guide me,” you played along, placing a hand on your sternum. “It’s such a pity you cannot leave the hall.”
“I’ll be done quickly,” he whispered leaning towards you. “I believe our staff will keep you safely entertained.”
“Yeah? Well, I prefer the private show we’ll have later,” you winked to punctuate the breathy invitation. If you didn’t know Zen like you did, you would’ve said he had no reaction. However, the fervent pink colouring his cheeks told you otherwise.
You said your goodbyes and advanced to the inside of the club.
“You’re gonna have to stop coming here if you refuse to work for the club,” Iori joked as you swirled the contents of your drink.
“You don’t have to shield me, Iori.” Everyone there knew he was the boss. If not, they hadn’t come enough times to the Club. But his pride was mostly made of regulars.
“I’m being serious here, I keep catching customers looking this way. You’re making us lose money.” He tutted, but that didn’t hide the sombre tone in his voice. You knew better than to interpret Iori at face value.
“And how am I making you lose money, exactly?” Still, you played along, wanting to play his game and push back a little. You had gotten used to his ways after dating Zen for so long.
“You distract Zen.” His tone was flat, but that didn’t prevent the heaviness from seeping through. He turned to look at you, no trace of his usual foxy smile on his face.
“He’s just in the hall.” Your words sounded hesitant. It was the only thing you could come up with as a response, and you couldn’t tell if he was serious or if he was pulling your leg.
“It’s important.” Iori held your gaze, his face unchanging.
“I’m sure he’s doing his job well.” You felt a surge of pride and confidence in your words. You knew Zen, you trusted Zen. He was the most responsible person you knew.
“You’re not getting my point.” Iori sighed, breaking the eye contact, sliding on his seat a little bit, and leaning his back to the bar. “You could’ve waited for him at home with Reo and Hokusai.” He shook his head as if to highlight the wrong of your actions. “I’ll admit your plan works, though.”
“Plan? What plan?” You blinked with confusion, turning a little bit more to look at him, but he wasn’t looking your way.
“That’s his blazer, am I right?” He looked at you sideways for a brief moment and then continued looking over the room.
Iori offered you a knowing smile, and you pouted while feeling tinier than before under the garment.
“I’m not complaining, it goes well with the little black dress you’re wearing, too.” He continued, raising his eyebrows. “It does highlight your legs even more.” Iori looked down at your exposed skin, and for the first time, you felt the shadow of something dark lurking behind his eyes. “And I’m sure Zen would agree, you look tiny and adorable.” When he looked back at your face, you recognised the fond look he usually gave you, like a family member who approved of you. You relaxed under it, feeling comfortable with the familiarity. “Well, then, I’ll be on my way.” With that, Iori got up from the seat and walked around, joining some tables briefly.
You looked at your phone. Zen would be with you any moment now.
“Mind if I sit next to you, gorgeous?”
You froze when you heard the unfamiliar voice, punctuated with an uncalled-for compliment. Now you were kind of regretting saying Iori didn’t have to shield you. It was uncanny, how the bartender had just left to the backroom a few moments ago, leaving you alone at the bar.
“She doesn’t work here.” Your vision was suddenly filled with a black vest, as Satsuki stood between you and the stranger. You couldn’t see Satsuki’s face, but you could hear the meaning behind his words.
“The more reason to keep her company,” the stranger pressed back. The way he spoke drove a chill from you.
You saw the change in Satsuki’s stance and went to grab a hold of his vest before he could do something Iori wouldn’t want for the business. However, before you could grab him, you felt Satsuki relax.
“I am afraid our opening hours are coming to a close, here, gentleman.” Zen’s voice sounded as calm and conciliatory as ever as he placed a hand on Satsuki’s shoulder and massaged briefly. You could see the side of his face over Satsuki’s frame, but he kept his eyes trained on the stranger.
Only when the customer left reluctantly, muttering something offensive, Zen turned to you.
“You can go on to tidy up, Satsuki.” Zen dismissed him, his face relaxing and showing the tiredness he was feeling. “You’re done, right?” He pointed to your drink, and you nodded. It was all he needed to enclose your shoulders with one arm and lead you outside.
You used the back door, and once both of you were in the narrow alley, he let go of you.
“Are you okay?” He sighed, his eyebrows furrowing. The contrast between the stifling heat of the Club, and the chilliness of the night air drew a shiver from you. Zen took one of your hands with his, and briefly pressed the back of his other palm to your cheek. Your skin was warm, but somehow his hands were always warmer.
“Yeah, Satsuki was there before anything could happen.” You showed him a small smile, no teeth. “He makes a great guard dog for the Club.” You chuckled lightly. Maybe it was Satsuki’s shyness that made him want to protect the people working there.
Zen stepped towards you and placed his hand on the back of your head, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“I should’ve been there,” he sighed against your hair, pulling you close to his chest. You grabbed the back of Zen’s shirt, basking in his warmth.
“It was okay, really, Zen. Nothing happened.” You looked up at him and he took the chance to lean down and press a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Okay.” He rubbed his face roughly as if to let go of the tiredness of the day. “Do you want to go to one more bar?” He suggested, a hopeful smile tugging on his lips. You raised your eyebrows in a silent question. That’s not exactly the reaction you had been wanting to get from him when you came to the Club. “I must confess, you look really good in that outfit.” He took a step away from you and leaned his head to the side slightly, tracing your form with his eyes and licking his lower lip unconsciously. “I want to show you off.”
You chuckled, embarrassed, which made Zen blink quickly.
“Does that make you uncomfortable? I didn’t mean it in a—”
“I thought you didn’t want anyone to see me when you got… you know, jealous?” You smiled playfully. Maybe your plan hadn’t been a failure after all.
“I don’t want anyone to see you alone. If I’m by your side, I can protect you. And make sure everyone knows we’re together.” He took a step towards you, prompting the same from you. He took hold of the lapels of the blazer, looking at you with sparkly eyes. “Although I still love the idea of being the only one who has seen you like this.” He gave you a sheepish smile, that you took from his lips as he leaned down and you joined in a slow, deep kiss.
You grabbed the sides of his face, keeping him in place until you were satisfied. When you broke the kiss, you were sure you had the same dazed look on your face that Zen was sporting.
“Let’s go then.” You intertwined your hand with his and started walking to the end of the alleyway.
The bar ended up being one of the only shops whose opening hours went past CLUB CANDY’s. It was small and dimly lit, but the atmosphere was strangely cosy and calm. It didn’t look anything like the Club.
There were few people there, and all seemed regulars, but not in the same way the regulars at CLUB CANDY acted. It makes sense, you thought. They were different types of shops after all.
You sat down at a small table in a corner which seemed made for just one person, and with Zen there, it looked even more ridiculous. But it made the distance between you smaller, and you liked that proximity. Most people at this hour sat down at the counter to idly chat with the bartender, and the intimate atmosphere seemed to thicken where you were.
Zen went to order drinks, and you took the chance to take off the blazer. When he came back with a glass in each hand, he gave you a cheeky smile.
“Hello there stranger.” He sat down, pushing one of the drinks towards you. “May I buy you a drink?” He winked, and you smiled knowingly. If he wanted to play, you’d play.
“Sorry, I have a boyfriend.” You cocked your head to the side and pursed your lips, the corners of your mouth turning down funnily.
“Oh, you do?” He sounded amused but faked being surprised anyway. “And what's he like?” He leaned his head and propped it on one hand.
“He’s amazing.” You beamed. “I hope you’re ready for this because I have compliments for days.”
“You do?” His expression softened even more, and he reached for the hand you had over the table, caressing your knuckles with his fingertips. “Funny, I also happen to have a girlfriend, and I have a million things to boast about.”
You giggled, feeling a little shy but also curious.
“Yeah? I got dibs, though.” You grinned and he pinched your cheek lovingly. When he let go, you caught his hand and squeezed. “He’s got the biggest heart.” Zen smiled and looked down like a little kid. “Cushioned by the biggest muscles,” you added, poking your tongue through a toothy smile. It got a laugh from him. “He is the most caring person I know, always trying to help. He makes the world a better place, makes the world a home for the people he loves.” You felt your eyes begin to water, and your heart softened. “And I feel incredibly grateful to be one of those people.” You reached for his face, caressing his cheek. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
“You’re going to make me cry,” he said in a whisper, but the bar was quiet enough for you to hear him. “I hope you’re ready for the rematch.” You nodded, feeling jittery. “She is so incredibly bright, determined, beautiful and sexy.” He leaned to press a kiss to your shoulder. “She’s the person that makes me a better man. Every day I wake up next to her, I believe this life can’t get any better.” He turned his hand in your hold, to intertwine his fingers with yours. “She makes me crazy and helps me keep my sanity,” he chuckled softly, “if that makes sense? I’m worse than you at expressing myself.”
You laughed silently, exhaling through your nose.
“I adore you, Zen.” You moved your fingers slightly in his hand.
“I worship you,” he counterattacked. The way he looked at you pushed the meaning further into you. “Should we finish these drinks so I can show you all the ways I can worship you?” He leaned his head down on the arm he had on the table, looking at you from below. He seemed like a giant puppy waiting for his owner’s orders.
You picked up the glass in response.
The walk back home was chilly, but feeling Zen’s warmth next to you, and through your connected hands, kept you from the cold. Once inside the Suiseki house, you went to the toilet before going to Zen’s room.
“Is it silly if I say…” Zen spoke the second you closed the door behind you. “That I don’t want you to take off my blazer yet?”
“What should I do then?” You smiled cheekily, getting closer to him. “Should I do a private runway show?” You pressed your open palms to his chest. “Just for you?”
“I’d love that.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek. “What would the price of admission be?”
“I’ll decide later.” You pushed on him, guiding him to the bed and making him plop down. You turned around and walked away, as far as the room would allow you. Then, you turned back to Zen and smiled.
Having his gaze trained on you used to make you nervous, but now, it gave you the confidence you needed. He didn’t just accept you completely, but he also thought anything you could offer him was an amazing gift.
You walked towards him slowly, stopping before you reached him. Then, like a model, you stroke a few different poses, pulling on the blazer. Zen whistled softly and you took off the blazer, grabbing it by the collar and sliding it over one of your shoulders to hang from your hand at your back.
You turned around and walked away again, looking over your shoulder back at Zen. He smiled brightly and stood up.
“Best model I’ve ever seen, the designer should be grateful. If I didn’t already own the blazer, I’d buy it again.” He walked towards you, and you chuckled.
“So, you’re only lending me the blazer? Aw, I thought I’d convince you to give it to me with this.” You joked, faking a pout.
“I can show you why it’s mine, you know. Don’t get me wrong, it looks great on you, love, but.” He took the blazer from your hands and started putting it on. “It fits me just right.” He moved his head signalling for you to sit down on the bed.
When you did, he paraded like you had done, making a serious but confident face. When he paused, he ran his fingers through his hair and pulled on the blazer, like there was a mirror in front of him. Then, he broke into an amused smile, looking into your eyes.
“You convinced me.” You giggled, jumping from the bed. In a second, he got close to you and surrounded you with his arms, placing his hands on your lower back. “I’m still mad you’re not giving it to me, though.” You grabbed him by the lapels.
“Maybe,” he leaned down, placing his mouth by your ear and whispering. “I can make it up to you.” A sweet shiver ran down your spine. “Shall I take your dress off?” He leaned back to look in your eyes.
“Only if you take off your shirt first.” Your hands moved to caress the sides and back of his neck.
“Easy.” His small smile melted onto your lips in a slow and sensual kiss.
Hope you enjoyed! Maybe there'll be a part 3, too.
Interactions are highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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seizingthesky · 10 months
Hi hii can i get forget-me-nots + Zen Gaho? 🥺
You sure can!!! Zen you are everything to me god bless..... thank you for requesting!!! :D
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FORGET-ME-NOTS: What do they do to get their s/o’s attention?
I like to think of ZEN as a lovesick puppy when it comes to you. He's just sooo incredibly smitten that, sometimes, he will sit across from you at a table and stare with a stupid smile on his face. Every time Iori sees it, he cackles as if he saw the funniest thing in the world (he's kind of right). It's so strange for the rest of Akanyatsura to see their dear Zen-nii so stupidly in love. But enough about that!
With his physique, it's easy for Zen to get attention from passersby and other random people. While he appreciates compliments, the only ones that matter come from you. Maybe he'll not-so-subtly flex his muscles whenever you're close, maybe he'll see you struggling to reach something on a higher shelf (if you're shorter) and sneak up behind you to grab it, maybe he'll invite you to tag along to his training sessions.
If that doesn't work, he's not afraid to just wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest to mumble in your ear about how he wants a kiss. Or two. Or three. Or... you get the point, right? Regardless, there's no way Zen's letting go of you 'til he gets the attention he craves so badly from you. Good luck!
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