#Zhu zhengting imagines
xxdreaminadream · 6 years
ZHU ZHENGTING SCENARIO PLEASE🙏🏼❤️ I WILL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE (also a bi wenjun if you can❤️ he totally bias wrecks me along with zeren, justin, chengcheng, quanzhe and xinchun) as you can see I can't stay loyal to my bias and got a ton of bias wreckers😊😅 the whole group specifically🙃
a/n: nex7 are tHAT powerful that they just!! biaswreck you all the time!! i hope you’ll like it hehe
pairing: zhu zhengting x reader
genre: fluff
trigger warnings: a bit suggest i v e
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                                      zhu zhengting - shirt
it was almost noon, you had just woken up. as you entered the living room, still half asleep, you heard your boyfriend, zhengting, with his sweet, soothing voice almost barking at you.
- is that my shirt? i searched it for the whole morning! you gotta be kidding me!
you mindlessly looked at him, and sat next to him.
- and you’re not even answering? you stole my shirt. you deserve to die or something like that.
you stupidly smiled at him, wondering how could someone be so worked up because their significant other was wearing his shirt.
- why are you smiling? does my pain make you laugh?
you laughed silently, and looked at his beautiful features while he was trying not to laugh.
- you know, i had to spend the whole morning shirtless, he said with a little smirk. shirtless. so obviously, after a while, so… he acted as if he was thinking, as if he had a brain. after 2 hours, i decided to take one of your hoodies. and guess what?
- tell me about your problems baby, you said while trying not to laugh, slightly making fun of him.
- when i was searching in your closet for a hoodie, i found the one i had lost since 2 months! you’re nothing more than a filthy little thief!
you bursted out laughing after he said that.
- but you told me that i could keep it! if i’m a filthy little thief, as you say, then you are a disgusting liar, you said while putting your elbow against the back of the couch, still foolishly smiling at him.
he smiled softly, before regaining his seriousness.
- i feel like we’re moving away from the original subject, y/n. he said as he turned his head to face you.
- are we, zhengting? you asked, amused.
- yes. so… why did you steal my shirt? he asked, smirking.
your faces were only a few inches apart, and you could feel his hot breath against your skin, which distracted you slightly.
after a little moment, you got closer to his face and whispered quietly in his ear.
- i stole your shirt because last night, my clothes seemed so ugly to you that you threw them across the room, and i can’t find them back, fucker, you said before smacking his head and stepping back a bit while giggling.
he laughed while rubbing his head, then he put his head on your lap.
- you know… everyone has needs sweetheart, he stated, as he was looking at you, somehow still smirking. but my shirt looks really good on you… he told you while he was playing with one end of the fabric, may i say.
- your needs and your compliments won’t exempt you from helping me find my clothes, you told him, as you were tracing the contours of his face. but well played. you said with a smile before leaning down to kiss him.
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peachyjie · 6 years
Strawberries and Cigarettes || Zhu Zheng Ting
— Author Note :
Tbh, idk if this is still considered a soulmate!au or not. But I just like the concept! This is requested by the lovely @lovee-myseelf , thank you for your request and patience on waiting this piece and I hope you enjoy it :>
— Warning : Well.... there’s a mention of cigarettes in the title but I doubt any would be shown, it’s just a reference so yea. It’s the cliche storyline btw.
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— Wc : 8.794
— Pairing : Zhu Zheng Ting - 98!liner Reader
— Genre : Soulmate!au + fluff
— Summary : Sometimes the sense of home, is the person you’re with. Even when they’re far apart, the memories and scent they carry will always lingers
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This is the story of you and him, about how you met, how it started and how it ends. The story of 2 different people with 2 different lives.
The Tale – Soulmates from birth, soulmates till death
To you,
Zhu Zheng Ting has the scent of morning mist and light musk in autumn. His scent is strong and soothing whenever he’s near, it’s also subtle and fresh when he’s far. His scent always reminds you of smoke rings that lingers around the air once it’s blown.
Like cigarettes. His strong persona, his charm, his scent.
To him,
You have the scent of plump fruits and freshly bloomed flowers in spring. Your scent is welcoming and sweet whenever you passed by him, it’s also simple and addicting to be remembered when you’re away. Your scent always reminds him of sugar from the sweet shops and bakeries.
Like strawberries. Your sweet persona, your smiles, your scent.
It wasn’t a wonder how people would often turn around and take a double take whenever you’re walking down with Zhengting. It wasn’t a wonder how your parents are also cautious of him whenever he drops by. It wasn’t a wonder how your younger brother is far more than protective on you whenever he sees Zhengting.
Both of you are different, very different from one another. So, it wasn’t a wonder how both of you could attract many attentions.
Zhu Zheng Ting, the High School’s notorious bad-boy. The bad-boy who is mischief and rebellious, moody as he can be and hated summer.
Huang Y/N, the High School’s lovable sweetheart. The sweetheart who is loving and caring, always thin about others and loved summer.
It’s much funnier to know even with such opposite personalities, Zhengting’s fate had always been tangled with yours. Both of you didn’t realizes it at first, but it didn’t take too long for any to catch up on it.
To put it in a more cliché way and simple way, both of you are meant to be. You’re meant to bumped into him, he’s meant to be pulled into your life.
Back in the days, where people still believe in myths of how Greek made theories against soulmates. There is a saying that people are born from each descendant of God or Goddesses. Each descendant will have their own special way to identify their soulmate.
The oracle of Hades and Persephone, God of the Underworld and Goddess of Spring. It’s a simple tale that tells how you and him happened. Where’s one day during her stay in the Underworld, she suddenly missed the essence of life. So, when Hades knew, he tried to find the best solution to ease his loving queen. He grows a whole garden filled with freshly bloomed flowers, tall green trees and bright plumped fruits. She lives in the Underworld happily surrounded by the murky strong scent whilst he grew to love the sweet lively scent.
Giving the Underworld a more diverse scent against its putrid reality.
This is more likely sum up how those who are their descendent are usually have a sensitive smell. They react far too easily on scent, often too sensitive. They would grow uncomfortable when their nose come in contact with putrid and un-pleasant scent, they would find the perfume shops as their only safe haven.
Now, because they have a sensitive nose, it’s very easy for them to know their soulmate. The scent of their soulmate is what defines who is who’s. One whip of their scent and that’s enough to lock them in. The feeling of longing and desire would grow stronger, forever only that one scent will stay with you.
Forever that scent is what soothes you, bringing you the sense of life and the sense home.
The Present – 5 years later
It’s summer, mid-summer in the big city we call China.
The room is shut tightly, the curtains drawn in to block any living daylight that wants to pass. A figure lay deep in slumber under his warm blankets, feeling the comfort against the cool room. It wasn’t until a small slit could be seen from the curtains, the small lining of light crawls itself towards the peaceful male.
It took his system a while to jerk awake against the sudden change of temperature, the blinding light against his closed lid. He groans, moans as he stretched.
He sat up and peaked against his dimly lit room. His mind is trying its best to process the whole situation, trying his best to make his life organized. But what’s a descendant of Hades doing without a very sensitive nose in the morning?
“Ahh… morning breath”, he hissed a little and made his way to the washroom.
When the door opens once again, he’s already in peace. His hand brushed over his freshly washed hair in a delicate manner, his skin still soft from the warm shower, his mouth fresh like the cold sensation of mint. Then, without wasting another second, he pulls the curtains as he lets the summer light into his room.
This is Zhu Zheng Ting, the fresh graduate from university, infamous bad boy in High School, living in his 5 years relationship as your lover and your soulmate.
He smiled a little feeling the sudden nostalgia running into his system, for once he felt the real meaning of peace. Seamlessly forgetting about reality, the reality where he lives with 6 other people under the same roof.
6 chaotic troublemakers
Zhengting shuddered in disgust on the odd stench, his hazy morning mind still processing the whole situation. Then, Zhengting dashes out of his room in a hurry.
“I swear… not again”, he said in a hurry as his feet thundered the wooden floor.
In a speed of light, he ran from his room and thunders down the stairs. He rounded into the corner, dashing into the kitchen as his other hand grabs the fire extinguisher.
In the once clean, sparkling kitchen he cleaned last week is now surrounded by nothing but smoke, a flaming toast and 2 screaming children.
Zhengting stare blankly at the scene, mind failed to process the situation due to his mind being too busy thinking about his thrown away effort. One decided to cease the fire with a cloth, continuously slapping the dry cloth against the flaming fire on the pan.
Like that would work.
When the cloth catches itself on fire, Chengcheng yelled more. His other mate, Justin wasn’t much help either as he was also freaking out by the burnt bread. Without much thought, Zhengting aimed the extinguisher on the pan, ceasing the whole fire in a matter of second.
Then he looked at Chengcheng. “Ge, no—“, and now they have one living snowman in the middle of summer.
Zhengting stare at the now burnt pan, he bought this 2 weeks ago and had yet to use it. He sighed and threw it into the dishwasher before glaring at the 2 children.
“What made you both think it’s a great idea to set the house on fire in this early morning?”, he hissed out. Justin goofily smiled at him whilst Chengcheng was too busy getting the white fluff off him.
“My sister is coming back, so I planned on making her toast!”, the youngest exclaimed gleefully. Zhengting stare at Justin’s pure excitement, the innocence in the child. He wished he could stay mad at him longer, instead he pats Justin head and ushered him away.
“Next time, try not burning the whole house down”, he sighed silently.
“We’re picking her up right? I want to see her quickly!”, Justin whined at him. Zhengting only laughed at the younger’s manner – “I wouldn’t miss meeting her also, Huang”.
When Justin is out of the kitchen, Zhengting finally spare a glance at Chengcheng. The male obviously still disgusted by the fluff texture from earlier, but Zhengting showed no remorse.
“Make sure you gargle and rise, and put on extra deodorant”, and Zhengting was out of the kitchen once again. Leaving the grumpy male, hissing out a sarcastic – “Okay, mom”.
Zhengting smiled softly towards them, feeling the incoming warmth running in his system. The familiar scent of spring rising to his senses, dominating the summer breeze.
You’re finally coming back
The Past – 5 years ago, few weeks before the new semester
Zhengting swore he’ll always be grateful by Wenjun’s decision on spending his summer break working for extra cash. Because if it’s wasn’t for that one phone call Wenjun made, Zhengting wouldn’t know how the us would’ve started.
It was like fate wanted both to finish things quickly, because both of you didn’t have any intention on meeting one another that day.
You were out buying some popsicles to fight the summer heat and a bottle of banana milk for your younger brother, the one and only Huang Justin. Whilst Zhengting, he was awoken from his afternoon nap by Wenjun’s abrupt phone call half whispering, half yelling – “Dude, that girl! She’s here! Hurry up!!”
Wenjun had told him about how the summer job not only granted him some extra cash to spend, but also how it gave him the infamous summer crush experience.
Zhengting never met who had manage to grab Wenjun’s attention this fast, especially since it’s like a week before High School starts again. Wenjun only described you as the polite female who always smile and sweet to everyone.
But he also said about you having a very sensitive nose just like him.
Well, who would know that Wenjun’s tiny crush ended up being the ultimate wingman of his meeting with you. Zhengting is forever grateful by Wenjun, but also pities him as his summer crush ended like that.
“Here’s the change”, he smiled widely at you as his hand extended itself to hand you the spare change.
Mouth biting on the cold ice, you hummed at him as a sign of thank you. It wasn’t until your nose tingles, sensing the odd sensation in the store. You stare at Wenjun confused, then you looked at his neck.
“You changed your cologne”, you blurted out without much thought. Wenjun who’s very much taken aback stared at you in surprised. “H-How did you know?”, he said.
Flustered, you only shake his question away trying your best to avoid any more confrontation. “I’m sorry, forget about it. I have uhh—somewhere to go!”, you said quickly. You took the spare change as fast as you can and dashes your way to the door with your other purchases. “Thank you—“, you said as your eyes wander around him before resting on his tag.
“—Wenjun?”, and BAM!
It was hard to process everything now. Your mind was hazy from fluster, your face was red from embarrassment, now you’re whimpering in pain by the great force of glass hitting your face. Hands on your face, you didn’t even care the once opened one is now on the dirty floor as you still had others dangling on your arm.
You hissed in pain, feeling the throbbing on your nose.
“I’m so sorry”, you looked up towards the figure. Very much not minding their mistake as you’re trying to escape yours. Waving your hand in dismissal, you tried to ease the pain whilst made your way to apologize on the stranger also.
“It’s fine, it was my—“, you choked on your words when you finally grasp on his full feature.
Breathtakingly beautiful
“—fault”, you said mindlessly, sensing your conscious slowly driving you away under his structure. You knew, he wasn’t in your neighborhood. Nobody this perfect would even think on living near your part, yet you rarely saw him even if he lives in the other part of town.
Dressed casually with a white tee and black ripped jeans, the aesthetically pleasing white high-top converse shoes, it fitted him. His eyes were doll like yet sharp, jawline prominent as if god craved so it can cut anyone, his lips are perfectly proportioned, tall and simply beautiful.
But you noticed something more, something more alluring from him.
His scent
The smell of musk and morning mist of autumn in the woods, accompanied by a little fresh stench of mints. It was strong yet delightful, especially with a tinge of smoke in it. Does he smoke? But you hated the smell of smoke and cigarettes, it always caused your nose to react badly. But why does his smelt so nice and sweet? Is it his natural scent?
“Hello?”, you stare blankly at his hand movement, probably confused on the fact you’re literally standing frozen yet looking high as ever.
When you snapped back to reality, you gasped in surprise. “I am so sorry!”, you said and this time you really dashed off the store as quickly as you can. You didn’t care anymore, today was enough embarrassment for you to handle.
Zhengting stare at you in a daze, he kept looking until your figure disappeared around the corner clearly noticing your slight tinged cheeks. Zhengting smiled a little, mostly thinking the small odd interaction was somewhat cute.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?”, Zhengting snapped his head to Wenjun. The male’s arm propped themselves on the metal counter, his head resting on the palms as his eyes stares dotingly at your already disappeared figure.
“Was it necessary for you to call me just for that?”, Zhengting said as he strode over to Wenjun. “You know I hate going out during summer break. Odd odors, mixture of sweats and perfumes, not to mention the unbearable heat”, he hissed out.
Wenjun, noticing the male’s mood changing just quickly grabbed the spare cold milk and throw it at Zhengting.
Without much hassle, Zhengting simply caught it and opened the flap, chugging the cold liquid down his burning throat. The male sighed in content after a few gulps, feeling the sadness as the cold delicacy is already half gone.
“Yo, I think she digs me”, Wenjun boasted. Zhengting stare at the male, his face shows the obvious sarcasm. “It’s true! Just now, she even noticed that I—”
“You changed your perfume?”, Zhengting said causally as he takes another sip of his milk. Wenjun gasped in shock, hands on his mouth for a more dramatic effect.
“You’re not interested in me, are you?”, he asked cautiously at Zhengting, causing the older male throwing the empty carton at him.
“She probably noticed your new scent too strong and stinks”, Zhengting said. He turned his head a little towards Wenjun and smirked – “She isn’t wrong, you know”.
Wenjun huffed a little. “Well—she knows my name!”, he said proudly. Zhengting laughed a little, how gullible could this male get. He pointed out to his name tag, trying his best to calm himself or he’ll risk choking.
“She has eyes, Wenjun. She probably saw your name tag”, and finally Wenjun admit his own defeat. “It’s fine, I’m going to chase her anyways”, Zhengting only hummed a little as his eyes wandered itself on the melting popsicle on the ceramic floor.
Zhengting must admit, he also got himself dazed the moment he sees you. You looked so delicate and innocent, it wasn’t possible to lure a pure dandelion into a pit of acidic water.
You’re like the blooming flowers in spring, like the fruits ripening into its beautiful plump self. Sweet and addicting, like sugar and spices. Zhengting smiled to himself – “she smelled like spring”, he whispered.
Wenjun stare at him in confusion, “like what?”
Zhengting only dismissed the male’s question, still clearly in his own thought. He kept staring at the pool of melted sweet on the ground, your scent still lingers a little in his sense.
Fresh and subtle. “She’s very beautiful”, Zhengting smiled to himself.
By fate or by chance, Zhengting couldn’t wait to see you again.
The Progress – How both finally collides after a few days in High School
During his survival in High School, every single morning will always be the same. Squealing and whispers surrounding him, as the infamous troublemaker really had the guts to set his foot in his parent’s school.
Zhu Zheng Ting, infamous bad boy, troublemaker 101, son of the headmasters. His parents, strict and cold towards him. Forcing their ways against his, ruining not just his childhood but also his life. The only people who crushed his dreams, leaving him empty into nothing in the society.
His persona just drags more people in. Girls would often flaunt themselves on him, showing him how they want him shamelessly. Guys would get close to him just for the sake of status, using him for their own benefits.
Zhengting hated his life, it wasn’t ideal for him. It was probably the reason why he lived his whole life in High School isolated, as a rebel for others to fear him. Zhengting doesn’t need them, he only needed himself and a few problems.
Wenjun is his only friend since childhood, being Zhengting’s neighbor for so long. Despite being a year younger than Zhengting, being hold in a different section of classes from him. He’s probably the only person in the entire school he could trust. The only person who understand who he is and how his life works.
It was during first day of senior year, the very last year of Zhengting’s hellhole. He noticed something different.
Zhengting couldn’t grasped it at first yet it was familiar. So familiar.
Zhengting knows it wasn’t the class, it’s the same old cube where students thinks its jail. It’s also not the bathroom, still putrid at its time. It’s also not the cafeteria, the food still as bland as ever.
It was the air, it’s different.
No odd odor of people, no artificial perfume scents. It was suddenly fresh and welcoming, it felt familiar. Like he smelt it somewhere. It bugs his mind since the beginning of the day until late lunchtime in the cafeteria. And when the door swung open, he swore the whole room smelled like spring, as if petals are falling from the ceiling.
“Sweet! She’s in this school also!”, Wenjun exclaimed nudging on a dazed Zhengting.
In all glory, you were here. You’re actually in his school, studying in his school. Zhengting thought he was dreaming, he actually met you again.
He noticed your confused self, looking around the room before abruptly resting your gaze at him. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, clearly confused on why this person is giving you a staring contest in such open area.
Then he smiled.
You swore, it took you a second to remember who he was. Remembering the last encounter, you just quickly walk back to the door in hope of finding your friend elsewhere.
“Y/N!!”, you stopped. Turning around, the familiar hand suddenly took a hold of yours, dragging you to order some food.
“I told you to wait for me, Xinchun!”, you hissed at the male. Xinchun only smiled sheepishly, ruffling your hair as he apologized.
At the same moment, who would know your small interaction with Xinchun brought more misunderstanding to others. More likely, your soulmate.
“She’s taken? Come on!”, Wenjun threw his utensils back to his tray with a huff. Zhengting only stare, hand gripping on his pair of utensils. It was a foreign feeling for him, he didn’t know who you were, yet he felt sick staring at that small interaction.
He hates it. And for the first time, he didn’t know what to do.
Few days passes, Zhengting slowly grasped small facts regarding your arrival. He learned you’re the new kid in the school, freshly moved with that Xinchun guy. He learned that you’re more to the quieter side, always listening to Xinchun, who’s very contrast from your quietness, always ranting about life 24/7.
It wasn’t unusual now to see Zhengting in a daze, suddenly boring his gaze against your back during lunchtime or whenever he accidentally saw you on the hallway.
What he didn’t know about you was you’re also the observant type. Despite not talking much, you like to observe people quietly. Seeing each one differs from one another, watching as others interact as you stood by the sideline.
It didn’t take you long to notice his on-going stare on you nor his continuous glare to Xinchun. You could always feel his eyes whenever both of you passed by during class changes, or during lunchtime.
Because you’re also observing him from afar. Either he noticed or felt it, your eyes always lingered on his back whenever he passed you. Something about him suddenly attracts you, like he was ready to pull your strings to him.
“So, who’s that summer fling of yours?”, Xinchun once asked you. Your eyes wander around the cafeteria, noticing he’s still on his usual seat with his one and only friend, Wenjun. It was amazing how he still didn’t notice your continuous stare despite he’s always looking at you also.
When you didn’t answer Xinchun’s question, the male took the chance to see what you’re looking at. Or who you’re staring at.
The Zhu Zheng Ting
“God no, babe!”, he hissed at you. You blinked at him innocently, surprise by his sudden outburst. “You’re telling me that guy is your mysterious guy?!”, you literally had to launch yourself on him, closing his mouth with both of your hand for the sake of not letting others hear the conversation.
Xinchun pride your hands off him, glaring at you. “Babe, 3 o’clock is trouble and you’re not getting near him”, he said as he took a small sip of his cup.
You sighed a little on his words. When you began your journey in High School, you’ve also learned a few things about him aside of him having a beautiful face. You’ve noticed he’s the school’s troublemaker of the century, loving son of the headmaster of the school. It was very obvious to see others launch themselves on him just for the sake of their own benefits.
Xinchun was right, he is trouble. You were sure even if you’re bound as soulmates, it would be harder. You wouldn’t know how he works, how your family would gather and do a peace offering, but mostly if both of you will even last.
“I mean it, Y/N”, Xinchun hold his gaze on yours. “Stay away from him”, he was dead serious.
It was probably during your duty in the infirmary was your first official meeting with him. You woke up from the bed after a light nap, just as the door swung open with a small knock.
“Anyone here?”, your body grew rigid. Slowly, you draw the curtains that separates each bed away from your silhouette. In the same moment, Zhengting’s eyes locks itself on yours. Both of you swore it was like death suddenly met life during the match.
“The head is out for the moment, is there any problem?”, you asked him softly, trying your best not to stutter as his eyes kept boring itself on you.
It took him a while to snap back to reality, your scent simply hypnotized him to drive the male far away from reality. He sighed in content, forgetting where and in what situation he’s living in.
“Ehh… sorry?”, he snaps his eyes open and stare at you in shock. “I—uhh… I scraped my knees during practice”, he said.
Your eyes instinctively looked at his gash. It wasn’t a big wound nor that small, you nodded.
His eyes still rest themselves on you even when you’re cleaning the blood off his skin and gash. That day, Zhengting had to hold back all his will for a smile, he’s finally talking to you. The look of concentration you had when you wrap a bandage around his knee was the most precious thing he had ever witness, he felt the beating of his heart increases in each passing second.
“All done!”, you said cheerfully. Looking up, you finally noticed his eyes on yours the whole time.
It took him a while to break the eye contact. Despite no wanting to, he did anyways. He stood up as you’re cleaning up the aftermath from his treatment.
“Thank you”, he said. You smiled and nodded at him a little.
He didn’t go, he still lingers in there for a while. Even after you finished arranging all the supplies on their respective places, he’s still there unmoving, not willing to move.
“Zhengting, I’m Zhu Zheng Ting”, he blurted out. You froze, very much taken aback at his sudden greeting.
“I know”, you blurted out. You swore, you wished you could slap yourself for blurting out random things in such odd situation. He stared at you confused, as if he was asking – you knew?
“I’ve watched—I mean, seen you a few times”, you groaned to yourself for being too obvious, you wished you could run now. He chuckled a little and nodded to himself.
You expected him to bid you a quick goodbye or at the very most, run. He didn’t, instead he gave out a smile and hummed a little.
“I’ve also watched you more than a few times also, Y/N”
You stare at him taken aback, he only smiled sheepishly on you. There, the next chapter finally unfolds.
The Beginning – 4 months into High School
It started during mid-autumn. The leaves are changing colors to a beautiful contrast of orange and red to yellow, the weather is cooling down, and both of you and Zhengting finally made progress.
Sometimes, you would spend some time talking to him. Sometimes, he would pop up during your shift in the infirmary. Most of the time, both of you tried to keep a good distance from one another.
When you’re about to close the infirmary when you noticed a jacket resting on the table. Zhengting had lend you his jacket because you left yours at home. You almost forgot it was still with you until now. Without wasting any second you just quickly pack your things, stuffing his jacket on your arm and just went for the door.
It didn’t take you too long to find him. After all, his scent is very dominant from the other people around.
The slight musk and mint mixed together, it was like smelling autumn during winter days. Zhengting had always have this slight smoke tinge, making you wonder if the troublemaker here does smoke or not.
Your feet stopped after you rounded into one corner, noticing another tall male exiting a room. It was Wenjun.
“I’m going to get us some drinks, kay? Don’t take too long there!”, he said before going off to the opposite direction.
“The dance room?”, you wondered a little.
You could smell the upcoming scent of his getting stronger as each gap closes, the only thing separating you from going near him was the door. You could hear the light traditional music resonating in the room, accompanied by a small thud every now and then.
Without warning, you creaked the door open a little. No stench of sweat or huffing breath, it’s just him.
When you first noticed Zhengting, you’ve already concluded that he’s a beautiful human in existence. This time, you swore you thought you’ve seen an actual angel. The way his body moves along the smooth tones of the music, his whole aura glides to gracefully and delicately, it’s just beautiful. His whole figure glides like no other, as if the music runs into his veins.
Until his eyes locks on yours on the mirror, that’s when he lost his balance.
You screamed a little seeing his whole body impacted the hard floor, quickly running near him to ensure he wasn’t injured.
The moment your hand touches his arm, he just brushed you off harshly. Eyes red as if he’s in rage, huffing to calm his breath. “W-when—since when you were there?”, he said in between breath.
Confused, you didn’t know how to react. “Just now, I was coming to give you back your—”
“Why—No. Get out.”, he said.
You shake your head a little, still unsure if he’s really okay or not. “But, you fell and—”
“Get out, Y/N!”, he hollered out. You grew rigid, shock registering in your system. Quickly, you just scrambled on your feet and was ready to dash for the door. It wasn’t until Zhengting grabs a hold of your arm, his eyes very much in rage.
“Whatever you witnessed just now, don’t tell anyone”, he said. “forget about it”, he hissed out.
Leaving you in your own paranoia, Zhengting never chased you for any sort of explanation since then. He just left you in your own bubble of shock and fear.
In all his life, Zhengting could say he’d fucked up countless time. From disappointing his families until his own parents was ready to disown him at any time, he was okay about it. He didn’t care about them, he despises them anyways.
This time, he knew he fucked up real bad. He knew you’re still in school, he could smell your scent from far away. But you’re really avoiding him.
Sometimes, he could say the sensitive nose has it own perks. You know either someone is there or not, or just you use it to avoid people you don’t want to from their scent.
Whenever you sensed him getting closer, the usual calming scent suddenly become a huge alarm in your head, you just simply took a big U-turn and make a run for it. But that didn’t stop Zhengting from hunting you down.
He made the effort to find you. From getting confrontation of your best friend Xinchun who he found out that the male already has a soulmate until getting dumped by your younger brother who’s 6 years younger than him. The rage in the younger eyes, it was as if Justin was ready to bite him off even if Zhengting is the alpha in charge.
It took Zhengting a while to gather more than enough information to find your whereabouts. When he sees the folder of student bios laying around on his father’s study room, he just took it without consent and scan the thousands of faces on the papers.
There he knew, he just knew how to fix this whole situation as he now got your address. If he couldn’t explain it to you in school, he’ll just talk it out privately near your neighborhood.
Who knew the aftermath caught him in a dazed during a chilly weekend morning. From knowing you’re very loved in the school until discovering you’re also very much cherished at home. Not just by your parents, it was mostly by your brother who recently entered Junior High.
Justin stare at Zhengting from his legs up towards his face, the kid isn’t amused. Justin bites the straw of his banana milk on hand, eyes judging the older male who dare cause a ruckus in the household.
“You’re the douchebag that made my sister cry?”, Justin threw the bullet at him.
Zhengting stood on the yard awkwardly as Justin stare him down, it was amazing to know the kid is by means 6 years younger than him but knows how to dominate people. But that wasn’t the point, you cried?
“You’re really dumb for a troublemaker, you know?”, Justin cackled a little.
Zhengting swore, if this wasn’t for you, he would’ve smacked the kid in place right now. “Tell me where she is”, Zhengting said in a strict tone, hoping it would break down the younger’s hard attitude.
Justin scoffed a little. “You wish”, Justin scoffed at him.
Very much taken aback by Justin’s attack, Zhengting had never expected this much contrast between your brother with you yourself.
“You’re a tornado of trouble, right?”, Justin asked mindlessly as he takes another sip of his milk. Zhengting furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, he was pretty much already afraid of the kid.
“Eh… yea?”, he said unsurely causing a grin on the younger’s face.
Justin clucked his tongue a little, nodding. “Can you fight?”, he asked again.
Zhengting was pretty much already triggered by the question, nonetheless he just nodded again. “Tell you what, one round and I’ll tell you where she is”, Justin said.
Zhengting didn’t know what got into him, all he knew he had the best laugh in the century. Justin only stare at the older male pretty much unamused by his cackling, he only sips his banana milk quietly as he waits for him to finish his laugh.
“I mean it”, he said after Zhengting managed to calm himself. “Hit me once, I’ll tell you where my sister is. I hit you, you got to agree on my one wish then I’ll tell you where she is”, he smirked at Zhengting.
“You’re telling me, you’re going to tell me even if I fail on making a mark on you?”, he scoffed at the younger male.
Justin shurgs. “You’re her soulmate, there’s no reason for me to hold you off her that long”, he said. Justin takes a small step down the front door into the lawn. A small tug on his lips, he stared at Zhengting wildly.
“Come at me, Zhu”, he said. “Let’s see how well you can use your instinct”, and Zhengting launches himself on the young child.
You sighed a little, huffing when you still failed on getting the book you needed. You thought for a while once again before rising up on your tippy toes as your arm reach high for the book on the top shelf.
It was nearing exam seasons and you took the time to revise everything in a more in depth manner. Hence, you decided it was best to spend it in the local library near your neighborhood. At this time of the early weekend, you decided it was best to spend your time revising your arch enemy, advanced calculus.
You huffed once again, now very much annoyed by the fact you’re still unable to get the book. You stare at the spine, very much boring lasers on the dead bounded pages of papers. Again, you tried once again to get the book. Arm stretching as far as you could as you tip toe for an extra helping height to reach the top shelf.
It took you a while to even register the smell of musk suddenly lingers in your senses. No, he couldn’t possibly be here, he doesn’t know this place exist.
When the scent became stronger, you didn’t have time to react fully by the incoming figure. A longer hand reaches out on the respective book you needed, causing you a bigger amount of shock and you turned around.
Alive and in his whole glory, Zhengting is there in front of your eyes.
You stare at him, almost thinking it was just hallucination because you’ve rarely met your soulmate now. He’s not real, it’s just in your mind.
“This is the book you needed right?”, you gasped in shock when he suddenly spoke, he stared at you in confusion.
“It’s not?”, he questioned. You reached out and poke him a little on his arm, feeling the warmth radiating from him. “Oh my god, you’re real”, you whispered to yourself. Zhengting chuckled at your confused self, pretty much amused on how the whole cat and mouse chase made you think.
“Here”, he passed on the book towards you which, you took without questioning as you mumbled a small – “Thank you…”
Then it was back to the awkward silence. Being in a very small space and a very close proximity with Zhengting wasn’t a good idea. You could feel yourself getting hotter at every passing second, especially when his eyes are already boring itself on you.
“Y/N?”, he called out.
Cautiously, you looked at him. He smiled a little, feeling the small beat in his chest rise louder and louder. “I’m sorry”, he said.
“I didn’t mean to suddenly yell at you that day. It was just—“, he sighed a little. “I was just—“, he groaned a little. Zhengting had no idea how he would explain this whole situation towards you, he himself is still lost on his own problem making it harder to explain his own outburst.
Your brother already gave him this opportunity and he can’t let this slip off. After all, Zhengting didn’t just sacrifice his pride to get his ass kicked by a Junior High kid. Damn, when Justin said he learned to fight, Zhengting would’ve never thought it meant I’m a black belt in Taekwondo also!
Zhengting took a small breath, calming his nerve a little. “Y/N”, he said once again. You kept staring at him, more likely very concerned on his behavior in each passing second.
“I think I’m in love with you”, he said.
You felt the slight heat crept itself on your neck, the pink radiating on your cheeks by the confession. Both of you knew, this is bound to happen. But it still gives out the same amount of fluster and nervousness on both actors.
You didn’t know how to exactly continue the whole conversation, instead you gave out a small squeak of “W-what?” in the most unsure manner ever.
“I’m in love with you—“, he said once again. He swallowed a little lump before continuing on. “—and I really want to kiss you right now”, he whispered.
Just like that, everything happened naturally. His hand rested itself on the shelf whilst the other snake towards your back, slowly he inches forward closing the gap. When you felt his lips rest itself on yours, you instinctively rest your hands on the line between his jawline and neck. Feeling far more in bliss, as if this whole situation was too good to be true. The sparks, the butterflies, all mixed into one.
When both finally pulled away, Zhengting only smiled widely at you. “Oh wow”, he whispered to himself. “I am very in love with you”, he said in a daze causing a small fit of laughter out of you in the process.
“I see you’ve met Justin”, you said suddenly. Zhengting only smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head in shame. “It was the only way I could actually find you”, he said.
“I hope he didn’t cause you any injury then”, you said to him. Zhengting laughed, almost sarcastically as he said “No, Justin is a very nice kid anyways”.
“Isn’t he the sweetest?”, you said in pure glee.
Zhengting thought about earlier, the way Justin swiftly threw the male off as a kick landed itself on the older’s waist. Justin smiled at him, softly mumbling towards him. “She’s in the local library down the street”, he said casually. Finally deciding to help the older one out, Justin easily extended a helping hand which Zhengting accepted. When he grabs a hold of the younger’s hand, Justin just clenches it as a warning.
“Make her cry one more time, I’ll break that pretty face of yours”, Justin said softly, a smile still plastered itself on his face.
“Yea, he’s the sweetest”, Zhengting said as he shuddered a little. He swore, Justin Huang will always be the spawn of the devil himself.
The Climax – The last obstacle for Hades and Persephone
When Zhengting graduate 2 years ago, he thought there would be nothing that will hold you away from him. He had the most blissful relationship with you, making memories non-stop. Sure, he had to deal with your parents, who are still cautious around him. And yes, Zhengting still fear Justin. Mostly, Zhengting will never forget about Xinchun being all snappy.
He remembered when Xinchun felt the upmost disbelief and shock when the news was given. “You’ve been dating this douche for almost a year and didn’t tell me?”, he snaps.
Zhengting only pulled you closer as the tiger snaps again as you looked at Xinchun in pure guilt. “We were keeping it subtle”, you mumbled.
“That doesn’t hide the fact you kept it from your best-friend”, he said back. You only mumbled a small apology at him, feeling nothing but pure guilt. When Xinchun leaves out a sigh, you were expecting him to throw another tantrum. Instead, the male ruffles your hair with a wide grin on his face.
“As long as you’re happy, I approve”, he said. Then his eyes locks with Zhengting’s, the smile completely wiped off. “Soulmates or not, if you hurt her, I am murdering you”, he hissed at the male before turning around to hand with Justin.
It’s an iconic memory, for you and Zhengting mostly.
“And I thought only your family is protective on you”, Zhengting said in a daze. You chuckled a little, “They just love me too much”.
He would never had thought time would pass that easily. One day he bumps into you, then the next day you’re both sealed the oath. It went away fast, without notice both started to change. You noticed Zhengting is more of the clingy touchy side, he would often snuggle himself on the crook of your neck.
“You just smelled so good”, he would often say. Sometimes he would ask what is his scent, which you replied easily with – “Like morning mist and smoke, fresh and strong”. It’s like him, painted the picture of who Zhengting truly is.
“Like flowers and sugar, spring and sweet”, he said to you. Just like you, it shows who you truly are in the end. It was cliché to say both of you are too blind for one another, it’s true.
“I am going to marry you one day”, he said during your first summer break as a High School graduate. You laughed at him, he turned around as his eyes glistened in hope. “I mean it, I am going to marry you one day”, he said.
“I believe in you”, you said before you pulled him into another kiss.
Innocent love, sweet and innocent. Like sugar and smoke.
Both of you always thought that nothing would come and ruin the relationship. Nothing. Even after 2 years and during your graduation and summer break. Just plainly in love and in peace. You’re going to univ like him then graduate, then Zhengting would find the right time to finally propose and everything will be official.
“I’m moving to London in a week, Ting”, was the first thing you said during his break from uni. “I’m moving there for college”, you said. Zhengting remembered he still had the smile on his face as his whole body froze, his hand gripped on the doorknob, so tight until his knuckles turned white.
He swore, that day he felt the world fall apart. He felt himself fall apart.
You ran, as fast as your feet could. Passing each hallway to another, running up the stairs towards the other wings. When you stopped, you stare at the same door you visited last time.
The soft tune still resonates in the room, you could feel it vibration running from the wall to the door. Your heart thunders as your hand came in contact with the knob. Then you opened it.
He turned his head around and you swore you felt your heart broke at the sight. He was shaking, his breath very uneven, eyes red. A sight you’ve never seen before, he’s disoriented. He stared at you in fear, his lips quiver from making any sound but a silent sob.
Dating Zhengting had been nothing but a blessing. He’s different from you, you’re the biggest contrast from him.
He didn’t force you into anything, you would never make him do things he doesn’t want. That day you noticed the difference. Zhengting already knew who you were inside out in just 3 months whilst you had no idea who he truly is. You’re not familiar of the Zhu Zheng Ting you’re dating, your own soulmate.
He’s still the biggest mystery you’d ever have, but you still accept him. You know, one day he will tell you. But you never understand how things escalated this far.
Until he was broken, you were finally lost. This time, you discover he’s not the troublemaker everyone talks about. He has his own problems in life, things he decided to keep to himself from the pity and the guilty eyes of society.
You just ran to him, slamming the door in the end. Soon, he cradles himself in you, desperate for any type of support.
His sobs became more violent, broken the more you hold him. He finally breaks. You slowly hushed him, lulling him to calm down from his own storm. “I—can’t—I”, he stuttered out.
“It’s okay, take your time”, you whispered softly at him. “It’s okay…”, you said.
He cried more. Zhengting didn’t know why, he felt like he found his own safe haven around you, his protection from his own weakness. The only person he could run to, the only person who shall see him in this broken state. You, only you.
“I don’t want you to leave”, he choked out the words. “But I can’t do anything, huh?”, he laughed to himself a little.
“It’s okay, Ting… It’s fine”, you said when he buried himself closer to the crook of your neck.
For once, he doesn’t believe your words.
“I got kicked out”, Zhengting said. The smile engraved itself on his face, his eyes still glistened like crystals. He’s beautiful.
“My parents—“, he choked on his words. “My parents finally kicked me out”, he said.
Zhengting didn’t know why, he felt the huge relief when he finally let loose. He smiled a little. “I was never that famous troublemaker everyone talks about. I caused trouble due to my fear of being used by them—”
He leans closer to your warmth. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around him, spooning him in. “It’s not a secret that I have good scores that’s considered above average, almost perfect.”, he wondered a little.
“I studied day and night, just for my parents liking. They had no room for games, I was forced to be perfect just because they own this whole institution. Hence, my opinions never matter to them. I was always shunned off from their light, never becoming their priority—"
“I have my own passion, my own dream. I dreamed to get lulled under music, as my mind haze itself on the tune, as a dancer.”, he chuckled. “It never happened. I told them about my plans after High School, I would go to the best university that teaches Traditional Dance and graduate from there. Then I would pursue my life around the world, doing the things I love—“, he choked out.
Slowly, you wiped away the stray tear that left his eyes. Pressing a small kiss on his temple, you hushed him to calm down.
“My father—”, he choked out. “He hits me, he told me to stop thinking about useless things and just focus on reality. My mother only stared at me with the uttermost disappointment in her eyes. I was crushed, I thought I had to stop then”, he laughed a little to himself.
“But I can’t”, he whispered. “The will lingers, I can’t get rid of it that easily.”, he said.
“In the end, I always practice without their knowledge. I hid it from everyone in fear that words will travel around, then in the end my parents would know”, he said. “I’m sorry for that day, I truly am. I didn’t mean to yell at you or even have that outburst! I was paranoid, scared mostly—”
“You didn’t, instead you supported me. Constantly staying whenever I’m in this room. The awe in your face is just too precious and you even told me to chase my own dream, do thing I love.”
“I did, I got accepted in the university I wanted, into the major I love”, his hand tangles itself around yours as he laced his fingers with yours.
“Zhengting, I’m sorr—”
“It’s not your fault”, he said. “I got things covered for the future impact. I chose to tell them in the end. Like I expected, they kicked me out. It doesn’t matter anymore, if they can’t accept my own decision in my own life, then it’s the same they wouldn’t accept me for who I am”, he smiled a little in the end.
“As long as I have you, I’m fine”, he stared at you. He leans closer to your side, closing the small gap. His nose brushed against yours, breath tickling one another. He cups your face on his palms, the most sincere smile on his face.
“Go… I’ll support any decision you make”, he whispered. “I’ll sacrifice some of my happiness for you”, he said. He sighed a little, knowing each passing second means you’re slipping away. He smiled, for you he did.
“I truly love you, Huang Y/N”, and sealed his lips against yours.
Even when heavens rumbles, banned Hades from Olympus itself, he didn’t care. He knew there’s one person who will accept him fully back in the Underworld. His queen, his beloved, Persephone. He will wait for her comeback, and when she’s back in hell, they will fire Olympus down together.
Now – Airport, 12.56 PM
Zhengting sighed loudly when he felt the stinging heat against his arms. He had always hated summer, not just from the heat or odd odors people emits. But bringing the other 6 people with him was like bringing a zoo to a public place.
He stares quietly at Justin and Chengcheng who’s fighting over a popsicle. The youngest is so pissed off, he pushed the whole ice in the older throat and choked Chengcheng in the process. Zeren who’s beside them is freaking out as he tried to calm the choking male. Then Xinchun and Quanzhe was screaming on one another just for the portable mini fan. This is giving the mother a headache.
Zhengting proceeded to stare at Wenjun who’s standing beside him quietly. At least he’s normal, he wondered to himself.
It took him a second to complain on the on-going summer heat. Zhengting swore he felt his heart rate rises up higher and higher each minutes pass.
When he smelled the incoming sweet smell, he knew. It wasn’t just his mind replying all the sweet moment he had spent with you. It was for real.
You didn’t change, your scent still as fresh as ever, sweet like sugar. He smiled to himself, you’re here.
“Jie!!”, Justin yelled when he saw you coming out of the door.
You were lost at first, turning around for any sign of your brother. When you suddenly felt the incoming impact and the familiar scent of Justin, you let out a loud laugh. “Hi turnip, I missed you”, you ruffled his hair.
He literally dragged you towards where the other stood, greeting each one especially Xinchun. “Short as ever”, he said causing you to hit him in the process.
Zhengting chuckled a little, the scent he emits grew stronger and stronger. “Hi”, he said. You smiled at him, then you ran towards him.
Zhengting laughed when he felt your incoming impact on him, he didn’t mind. His arms automatically wrapped itself around you, pulling your closer. You nuzzled your nose around him as he finds his way to your neck, taking a whiff.
The smell of home.
You missed him, you truly missed him. Those 2 years were enough to murder your patience and having him right here in front of you. It felt too good to be true. He’s here, your one and only.
Zhengting pulled away from you slightly, cupping your face in the process. “You never changed”, he said. “I would never”, you said back.
“Welcome back, love”, he said before slowly he leans down and locks his lips around you.
You smiled alongside on the shared contact, feeling the pure bliss running in your system. His hand slowly traces itself on your waist, pulling you closer. The other runs down your other arm, holding your small one in his.
You gasped a little when you felt the cold metal substance slid into one of your fingers. When you pulled out, the first thing you saw was him grinning like a true idiot. You stare at your hand, feeling the pure nostalgia running into you
“I told you”, he said still grinning.
The silver band wraps itself perfectly around your ring finger, the diamond shines under the summer heat. It shines, glistens like no other. He held your hand in his, pulling it towards his face as he lands a small peck on your knuckles.
He gave you a smile, his eyes shine with hope.
“I’m going to marry you one day, Y/N”
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happyendingau · 6 years
[22:33] your neighbors zhengting and wenjun knock on your door and ask you if you want any juice because they went to the grocery store and bought too much after failing to make their own
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sinfulcries2 · 6 years
heart chat ; nine percent
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welcome to heart chat! a dating app, which lets you find your ideal type in a click! (an interactive game!)
NAME: y/n
AGE: not old
HOBBIES: uhhh.... being lazy?
IDEAL TYPE: give me anyone hot and talented
PERSONALITY: uhh,,, a hot bitch
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would you like to check them?
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dearlinong · 6 years
top pick ; zhu zhengting
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[if you can? could u pls write a lil bullet scenario thing where the reader could be zhengting’s older sibling or a mentor in idol producer (or if u want u can make the reader both ssghkgklifh) and the reader reacts to zhengting’s modern dance? bc i kept watching it and it was so so so beautiful and zhengting dances so graceful im just 🤧]
(a/n: i cant believe i actually finished this in one day! btw thank you anon for requesting. i got some feels while writing this, i really tried to put myself in y/n’s place, and i got too overwhelmed lol. hope you like this guys!)
genre: idol!sibling, idol producer mentor!sibling
requested: uhuh
you are a very famous idol in china and in korea
you are also zhengting’s older sibling
a very loving and caring younger brother
you sometimes even forget that you’re older than him lol
also very hardworking
so when he told you that he was joining idol producer you were so proud of him
but at the same time nervous
you know why
like a few weeks back the director of the show asked you if you wanted to be a vocal trainer
so you were like heLLS YEA
and you were planning on telling them the good news, but then zhengting told his news first
you didn’t tell them
on he day of the first recording, zhengting was all ready to go, then he saw you all dressed up and shit so he asked you where you were going then you lied to him saying that your company arranged a meeting with you for a new comeback, and then he’s like oh okay have fun :-)
you were dying inside a bit bc he really fell for it
so you two parted ways
even if you were both going to the same location
when you arrived in the mentor’s lounge you were looking at the monitors which were connected to the cameras in the place were the evaluations will be held
you and the other mentors watch as all the trainees come in
the yuehua boys were one of the last to come in
you are actually close with the yuehua boys since you bring them food and you also sometimes give them tips while training
when the last trainee came in that was the signal for the mentors to enter the venue
you had a big smile while entering, you saw all the trainees reactions like
‘oh my god itS JACKSON’
but what you kept on hearing were the yuehua boys
and when you saw zhengting’s reaction, you can’t help but laugh
it was legit like this -> OoO
it was time the evaluations, some of them were amazing and some of them need more improvement but still you gave everyone words of encouragement, that even if they got a low rank, it’s not the end for them and that they can still improve
then it was the yuehua trainees turn
you heard everyone say that their performance is going to be lit because duhhh, its yuehua
so when they entered the first one you looked at was zhengting and bRO he was shaking
then it was time for them to introduce themselves, and when zhengting was done introducing himself, you smiled at him, and you saw him smile back at you but hiS SMILE WAS LIKE THE FAKEST SMILE YOU’VE EVER SEEN HIM DONE, because clearly he wasn’t okay
before letting them perform yixing called zhengting’s attention
‘zhu zhengting? aren’t you y/n’s brother?’
‘y-yes i am’
and everyone was like ‘BITCH OHMYGOD’
so then they did their performance, you saw some mistakes but they were just minor ones and their whole performance was BOMB AS FUCK
yixing then called zhengting’s attention and asked if he could perform a modern dance for them, so he was like ‘of course!’
after he did his modern dance yixing asked if you could give any comment to his modern dance
‘first of all, i’m really proud that you’ve come this far and i’m really proud that you keep on honing your talents, and i’ve been watching you since you were little and i just wanna say that you’ve grown so much.’
and then jackson’s like ‘BOI IS THAT A TEAR I SEE’ and then you smack his arm
you continued to give comments about his performance and you said that his movements were very magnificent, you told him that he looked like a swan while he was performing because he was so damn graceful, and you continued to shower him with compliments
after you give your comments mc jin said ‘why don’t you give your brother a little hug, for good luck’
so you stood up and gave him the biggest hug you’ve ever given to someone you also whispered to him
‘you got this zhengting, jiayou and keep on doing what you do, i’m always here for you, you’ll always be my top pick’
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Yuehua boyz × stargazing pt.1
Inspired by this amazing post http://whu-zhengting.tumblr.com/post/172478058624/zhu-zhengting written by ♡
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lordsicheng · 7 years
Stay: Zhu Zhengting
Zhu Zhengting x OC
400-500 word music drabble challenge #31
word count: 493
song: Stay - Zedd, Alessia Cara
All you have to do is stay a minute Just take your time The clock is ticking, so stay All you have to do is wait a second Your hands on mine The clock is ticking, so stay
It only took a few knocks for Zhengting to run over and open the door, face lightening up the moment he saw you with a smile on your face. He was excited you could come over to his place with some friends, hanging out after a busy week at college. He invited you in and you walked on over to the sofa, sitting next to your other friends as they continued to chit chat and watch a movie to let the time pass by
“What are we watching?” you asked as you grabbed the bag of chips on the coffee table in front of you
“Peter Pan. Classic.” Kenta, one of your friends, said as he leaned his back on the sofa
“More like it was your choice, Kenta.” Zhengting commented and laughed as he sat next to you
Kenta just laughed as he looked back on to the TV, resting his arm on the sofa’s cushion that was behind you. Zhengting saw this and kind of felt slightly jealous, side eyeing a few times in hopes Kenta would get rid of his arm behind you. You, on the other hand, didn’t really mind this since you were all very close enough and comfortable with each other.
As time passed, a few of your friends left one by one since it was getting pretty late even though everyone had a great time just hanging out. You didn’t realize that it was only you, Kenta, and two more other friends left so you just decided to clean up Zhengting’s place before leaving.
“Hey, y/n. Was wondering if you were free tomorrow?” Kenta asked all of the sudden as he wiped the table
“Not really. Why?” you turned your head to look at Kenta from across the room
“Nothing.” he chuckled while continuing on wiping the table and clearing the last few pieces of trash by the table
Zhengting just couldn’t help but eavesdrop while he was nearby. Again, giving a side eye as he washed the dishes by the sink. Kenta looked at his watch and then walked over to him, giving a slight wink while smirking
“Guess you’ve got her for tonight.” Kenta whispered, patting his friend on the shoulder
“Hey, I’m gonna go ahead.” Kenta grinned as he looked at you and you waved him goodbye
Before you knew it, you were the only one left in Zhengting’s apartment, apart from him. You looked at the clock and saw it was getting pretty late, but you didn’t feel like leaving. Zhengting stretched a bit before sitting on the sofa, looking at you as you looked back at him
“Need to go?” he asked with a raised brow
“I guess. Don’t feel like leaving yet though.” you shrugged, turning to the direction of the door
But before you could take a step, his hand suddenly grabbed yours but in a gentle way, making you look back at him with a small smile
“Just stay.”
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thedreamstore · 4 years
Let's talk about this Zhengting
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent Masterlist
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Escape Room with 9%
Scenarios based on their pics #1
Scenarios based on their pics #2
If they saw someone being harassed
Scenarios for @nine._.percent
3rd year anniversary scenario
Nine Percent part of the mafia
Per Members
Cai Xukun
Cai Xukun as a yandere in my dream
Justin Huang
My Dork (fluff)
Lin Yanjun
Lin Yanjun as a secret agent part 1
Lin Yanjun as a secret agent part 2
Lin Yanjun as a mentor
Zhu Zhengting
Crossing the ocean (angst + fluff)
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yanjuniverse · 4 years
How Should It Be - Xiao Gui/Wang Linkai One Shot
[a/n: ah yes back at it again with another cringey one shot. i meant to post this on 5/20 but i couldn’t get my brain juices to work and finish it until tonight. i hope you guys like it. big reminder that i love wang linkai ❤️. sorry if the fic is a mess btw lol.] / master list
He sags down in his seat, visibly defeated by whatever was on his mind. A pout is prominent on his lips as his best friend cracks a smile, clapping him on the back before wrapping his arm around him, their bodies crashing together.
“Why the long face, Gui? Don’t you know that frowning gives you wrinkles?” he asks. If Linkai wasn’t so down in the dumps, he would’ve smacked the exaggerated frown right off of Chengcheng’s face right then.
Fan Chengcheng has never been the kind to just let Linkai live in his misery. Oh, no. Fan Chengcheng has to twist the knife after he stabs you. Sure, the guy’s quiet when you first meet him. But once you get to know him the way Linkai knows him, it’s a done deal. Your soul is his and there’s no getting rid of him.
“You saw my butthole once, Kai. We’re practically blood brothers now.”
Don’t ask. Linkai is begging.
“Nothing,” he shifts back into the ratty couch. He thinks for a second about how Xingjie is always babbling on and on about how he should replace it (as if Linkai has the money to replace this old hand-me-down couch. He’s a soundcloud rapper. How much does Xingjie even thinks he makes off of his beats?). Something about how just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s vintage. Linkai thinks that maybe the spring that pops out of the second cushion of the faded blue sofa may have caught Xingjie by surprise one too many times. That’s why Linkai always sits on the arm rest or lays like a starfish on the floor during movie nights. You’ll never catch him squished in the middle of Yanchen and Xingjie on their Thursday night Grey’s Anatomy marathons (per Yanchen’s request because how could one look at the actual sun and say no?).
He’s picking at the frayed edge of the sofa when Chengcheng says, “It doesn’t look like nothing.” He suddenly snaps, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a pair of his (nonprescription) glasses. He pushes them up on his nose then opens his phone to his notes. Linkai sees him type “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH GUI TODAY” and watches him not only put it in bold print but italics as well. “I think we should start a diary of some sort. My sister has one of those and she says it’s all a part of a healthy life style. Wait, should we buy a Password Journal for you? Okay, wait Chengcheng. Too far off track. Let’s focus on the now.” He recomposes himself before saying, “First of all, do you know your rising sign? It could help explain a lot of things.”
Linkai thinks that there’s a reason for everything. He thinks that you never meet a person by mistake. But sometimes...he has to question his life mottos as Chengcheng waves his hand and tells him he’ll make his birth chart from scratch, all he needs is the time he was born (because Chengcheng’s already memorized that he was born on May 20, 1999 in the Fujian Province).
“Chengcheng, I promise on my mother that I won’t judge you. Just tell me if you were dropped on your head as a baby or not.“ He’s desperate at this point. There’s no way somebody just wakes up and makes the conscious decision to be Fan Chengcheng. Not any sane person, that is.
“Astrology is a very serious science, Gui and I will not stand for your bashing!” Chengcheng whines.
Likai gives him side eyes. “Didn’t you only get into astrology because Justin said you were a Gemini and he liked that?”
“No!” But the blush rising on his cheeks says otherwise. “Look. This isn’t about me! This is about you! What’s your deal?”
The older one shakes his head, throwing himself back against the couch and hoping that the weird stain to his left would manifest into a blackhole and swallow him hole. He crosses his arms and taps his shoe against the ground, eyes glued to the ceiling popcorn and wondering who the hell even thought that shit was cute. He starts to wonder how much he could pay Chengcheng to eat it when the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it,” Chengcheng says. “I’m expecting a package!” As he gets up, he throws a cushion at his roommate before hopping away.
Linkai shuts his eyes, too exhausted to even fight back. Maybe it is his package. Maybe it’s Justin. Maybe they have another “date” in Chengcheng’s room (it’s not a real date if Justin doesn’t know it’s a date).
He’s about to drift to sleep when another cushion hits his chin, causing him to bite his tongue.
He’s on his feet and ready to throw hands when his eyes land on (a very pissed looking) you.
Honestly. He’s not surprised. You have this sour face all day and all night and it’s to the point where he’s starting to consider having Chengcheng put together your birth chart so that he can understand just that much more about you.
He crosses his arms. “And what is the problem today, princess?” he raises his eyebrows. He leans down, teasingly close, and wrinkles his nose. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Don’t look so stressed,” you scoff. He pokes your forehead, causing you to stumble back a couple of steps. “Hey!” you whine, rubbing the spot. He can just hear you screaming in your head about how he has dirty finger nails or how his hands are always so cold and boney. You huff. “You’re gonna give me a headache.”
“You give me a headache every time you walk into the room,” he shrugs, pulling back. He throws himself onto the couch again and hears the floor rattle beneath him. Another complaint that you’ll throw at him is how he and Chengcheng should just move out of this ratty old place. (“And go where exactly?” “I don’t know! Go live with Zhengting! I heard he needs a roommate!” “You want us to live with Zhu Zhengting? He’ll be on China’s Most Wanted after he kills me and Chengcheng.”) You roll your eyes instead. “But go on. What did your best friend Wang Linkai do to piss you off today?”
“We had a lunch date!” you stomp your foot.
“A lunch date?!” Chengcheng repeats as he exists the kitchen, choking on the piece of bread he had shoved into his mouth. “You two go on dates?!”
Linkai snorts. Ever since Chengcheng found out the story of how you and Linkai met, he’s been begging for you two to fall in love. (“You met in college when she dropped her books and you helped her pick them up? Fingers lingering, eyes glazing over. Love blooming like spring cherry blossom-“ “Chengcheng, shut the actual hell up. I only helped her out because I’m not an asshole.” “Not an asshole? Have you met you?”). Chengcheng says that he’s read a lot of fan fictions. He knows how this will turn out. Apparently, he’s taking bets alongside Chen Linong and Lin Yanjun as to when you two will finally get together. But jokes on them because you are denser than a book.
According to Chengcheng, it’s not your fault because apparently Linkai has terrible game. His idea of flirting with you is to flake on you half the time, watch you get riled up then pat your head and walk away after you get done ranting to him. Linkai doesn’t call that game. He calls that tolerance because some of this shit you put him through makes his head spin in circles. Plus, he’s got an image to uphold. Xiao Gui AKA.IMP cannot go around braiding flower crowns and singing to the birds like this is some kind of Disney film. He’s still trying to live down that time Xukun posted a picture of him coloring in a coloring book on his instagram story (Ziyi still sends him children’s coloring books every holiday since. Whether Linkai fills them out or not is his business and his business only).
He thinks today is going to be a bad day. He thinks it’ll be one of those days where the two of you will fight to no ends and there’s literally nothing he can do to make you feel better. He hates to admit it but he likes those kind of days because they always end with the two of you laying in his bed. Those are the nights he’ll hold you and wipes your tears, whispering a mantra of “Yes, I’m an idiot” and “I’m sorry, it’s my fault for not cherishing you.” He likes those nights because even though you get on his last nerves, he’ll be willing to admit defeat if that means he’ll get to wake up with you beside him.
“Honestly, Linkai. I don’t even know why I try with you sometimes,” you groan, setting down the bag of food in your hands onto the coffee table with one too many water stains. “Chengcheng, come join us for lunch.”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude on your date,” he says.
You smile at him. “It’s not an actual date.“
There’s a weird look on your face as you say that. It’s a look you get that Xiao Gui has never been able to read. Your smile is big but your eyes never seem to match. Your shoulders visibly sag and your movements slow for a second before you seem to realize what you’re doing and get back to being normal. “Come!”
“No,” Linkai plops down on the floor next to you. “He has a lab with Justin due at midnight tonight. He needs to leave.”
“Hm? You keep tabs on me?” Chengcheng has a shit eating grin on his face which quickly disappears as Linkai scoffs.
“No. You’re wearing cologne for once and don’t look oily. From just that, I know you’re going to meet Justin,” he says. “You usually smell like terrible B.O. and your hair looks dry. As for your project, you have it written on your calendar inside of a big red heart. I saw it when I went to steal the five bucks from your dresser earlier.” Chengcheng sputters, face red with embarrassment.
You swat Linkai’s shoulder. “Leave him alone,” you frown. “Don’t worry about him, Cheng. You always look and smell great to me!” you grin encouragingly before turning back to Linkai again to whisper yell. “He has a crush. Don’t tell me you’ve never gotten dressed up for somebody you liked.”
“Hey!” he says louder than you expected considering this was supposed to be a hushed conversation. “I’m wearing the jeans you said make my ass look fat,” he retorts. You simply roll your eyes before returning to Chengcheng. Once again, you’ve reminded not only Linkai but the world that you are denser than a book. He makes a face. “You expect me to read your mind and yet you never seem to be able to read mine,” he mutters under his breath, forcefully stabbing into his rice.
“What was that?” you turn back to him. He shakes his head, shoveling a load of food into his mouth to keep you from pressing. You thankfully don’t and once again, turn to Chengcheng. “I think you look amazing. Really. Go get him! He’ll be in your arms in no time!”
“Thanks, jiejie!” the dopey boy grins. “I’ll be on my way then. Be back tomorrow morning. Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone!” he winks. He’s out the door before Linkai can kill him (as if Linkai even had the energy to do so).
He’s too busy dissecting his meat to notice your cold stare. You have to clear your throat for him to look up and see your face. He groans, “What the hell did I do now?”
“You should be more supportive of Chengcheng.”
“More supportive? Any more supportive and I might as well just text Justin and say ‘Hey dinghead! Chengcheng is in love with you!’” he scoffs. “Honestly, it doesn’t get any more supportive than me.” He’s actually offended that you don’t think he’s all for Chengstin. Linkai is the vice president of the Chengstin fanclub, only coming second to You Zhangjing. “Who do you think always makes sure there’s ice cream in the fridge when Justin comes over? Who do you think hops off our shitty ass wifi when Justin comes to watches movies? Who the fuck ran across town just to fight with sneaker heads to get Justin the newest pair of shoes because Chengcheng was stuck in class? Have you ever had to fight a sneak head, YN? Have you?” His eyes are wild as if he’s seen some things he’d rather not talk about.
You sigh. “I just think you need to be nicer to him,” you shrug.
“Last week you told me not to let Chengcheng step all over me,” Linkai points his chopstick accusingly at you.
“Because you were deadass tired and up doing his laundry while he slept!” you exclaim.
Linkai snorts. You’re honestly a walking contradiction when it comes to him. “Just eat and be quiet. I’ve already got a headache. Don’t make my stomach upset too with all of your nonsense.”
“It’s not nonsense, Linkai!”
“If it’s coming from you, it is.” He shuts his foam to-go plate and stands to his feet before you could give him another earful. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Want anything? Water? A soda? A shot of vodka?”
“Ten more minutes with you makes the last option sound more appeasing than it should,” you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Nobody is forcing you to be here,” he reminds you, patting your head as he walks away. When he returns, he’s made two pretty drinks and winks at you. Bottoms up, his eyes say.
“Really? Drinking on a Tuesday?” you scoff.
“Whether it’s a Tuesday afternoon or a Saturday night, you will always find a reason to complain,” he replies. You roll your eyes, taking a sip and feeling the alcohol burn down your throat. You grimace before setting it back down on the table. “So what do you wanna do now, hm? Watch a movie? Make me watch you online shop?”
“Maybe I could put make up on you and do your hair,” you suggest.
It’s his turn to roll his eyes. “You say that everyone elses’ boy friends do this for them and yet, I feel as though I’m the only one.”
“Boyfriend?” you repeat, completely disregarding anything else he had said.
“Boy. Space. Friends,” he says before leaning back onto his hands. “Why? Do you wanna remove the space in between us?” he wiggles his eyebrows before swooping in close to you, noses bumping. You freeze at this. “What?” he smirks when you don’t push him away like usual. “You actually thinking about kissing me this time?”
You scoff, shaking your head and moving away from him. “Wang Linkai,” you scoff again. “You really are something else. You know that? Kiss you? My best friend? I’d rather eat sand or-“ You stop, looking at him and seeing the way his eyes cast down for a second. “What?”
He looks back up. “Nothing,” he says before pulling himself to his feet again. He stretches his arms over his head and yawns. “Come. Let’s go shop. Or something. I don’t know.” He shakes his head and reaches for his drink. Maybe he shouldn’t have poured so much alcohol into his drink. One sip and he’s already a mess. “What?” He notices you still haven’t moved from your spot on the floor. “Hurry up and put on your jacket. Or do I have to so it for you?” He makes a swipe to grab your arm but you pull back, holding it against your chest. “YN, what?” he sighs, a bit annoyed. “Are you mad at what I just did? Look, I’m sorry. Let’s just-“
“Linkai,” you frown. “Why do you look so sad?”
“It’s nothing,” he replies, walking around and looking for his keys.
“It’s doesn’t seem like nothing to you.” Your words are careful, almost as if you’re trying to find the right wire to cut in order for the bomb not to explode. It’s always like that when the two of you argue this deeply. And sadly, it always ends with somebody crying.
“Because it’s never anything to you!” he throws a hand down dramatically. “So like. Let’s go because I’m not going to do this today!”
“Do what today?” you ask, standing to your feet. He shakes his head and makes it towards the door when you grab his arm. He instantly spins around and pins you against the wall, arms encasing you. You narrow your eyes at him. “What’s your deal?” you huff.
“It’s not even a bit obvious to you?” He’s smiling like a deviant. Like you’re just playing into one of his cold jokes. “Are you really that stupid?”
“What did I do to you?” you cross your arms.
“Everything,” he says, eyes casting downwards. You feel your heart starting to hammer as you realize he’s staring right at your lips. “You waltz into my life and make it absolute hell. You expect me to just know what’s on your mind. You expect me to just know what makes you happy and what makes you sad. You expect me to just know these things and I don’t and it makes me so tired and yet...” he laughs coldly. “And yet when I look at you, I want to be defeated. I want to fall at my knees at your mercy. It’s been like this since the day we met.” His hand slowly makes its way up to your cheek, cupping the glowy red flesh between his fingers. “C’mon, YN. How should it be? What do I have to do to make you like me as much as I like you?”
“Linkai, you idiot! If you liked me, you should’ve just told me!” you pout.
“And then you would’ve found something to complain about then as well,” he rolls his eyes. “Honestly, YN. Just lighten up with me sometimes. I’m trying.”
“You’re always trying,” you smile. “That’s what I like about you.”
“You wanna know a secret?” he asks, leaning in closely. “I only try his hard for you.”
And as his lips finally land on yours, you realize that this is exactly how it should have been all along.
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peachyjie · 6 years
Caught on Work || Zhu Zheng Ting
— Author Note :
Requested from a lovely anon.This is probably the last req I’ll do because I’m going to debut Royals and Diamonds, so stay tune 💕
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— Wc : 4K+
— Pairing : Zhu Zheng Ting - Mentor!Reader
— Genre : Slight!angst + Pure fluff like a lot of it
— Summary : You know how deep his love is for you, it wasn’t too hard for him to be completely drawn towards you. Mad in love. Yet, he still finds himself getting insecure for trying to be professional.
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To say a passion can drive someone so deep until the extent they forget who they actually are, is an understatement. You’re one of them but you’re not alone in this case; because in a battlefield to survive, anyone is willing to do anything, everything to achieve that goal.
Assuming every single one of you had known the sensation when a certain melody took over your own body. As if that tune, every single cords flowed inside your vessels like blood, enticing isn’t it?
The loud music loud enough to fill the entire room, each walls felt like their resonating every melody coming out from the speakers. But none of it bothered you, too entice to the rhythm anyway. It wasn’t until the music came to an end, you finally felt exhaustion came in your system.
You finally slumped on the cool hard floor; sweats lining on your temple, uneven breathing, knees weak. You stared at the white ceiling, light illuminated from the bulb. You closed your eyes, taking the silence and empty space in you. Slowly evening out your breath, you hummed as a smile crept on your face.
Then you yelped, crawling in surprise when you felt a cold sensation hitting your cheek, even if it’s only a mere second it was enough to bring electricity jolting up in your system. A laughter came ringing the empty practice room, you glared at him.
A hand holding on the freshly bought cool water from the nearby vending machine you presume, whilst the other was hitting his own knees to control himself. He calmed down before finally locking his orbs with yours, a warm ray of smile on his lips. He opened his arms wide, welcoming you with his warmth as if he intended to protect you from any harm.
“I’m sweaty”, you said.
“I’m needy, come here”, he said with a whiny tone.
You laugh and threw yourself on him. He accepted it willingly, letting his torso basket the sudden force that came. His arms circles itself on your waist, pulling you closer as you rests yours on his shoulders. You giggled when you felt his nose burying itself on the crook of your neck, tickling you with his breath.
“I miss you”, he said as he bores his dark orbs on yours. “I miss you a lot”, tone soft now like a whisper from the wind.
You rest your palms on his face, feeling his soft skin as you trace his facial. His eyes glimmer with stars, enchanted by your existence. “You saw me earlier, Ting”, you said to him. You felt yourself getting hazy, almost like you’re drunk under his delicate touch.
“Not enough”, and he pulls you down for a kiss
The saying about being in a relationship is like a roller coaster, you would say your relationship with him is like a volcano. Calm as ever without any problem, almost like the calm scent of rain or the refreshing sound of sea waves. But once one misunderstands, both of you can erupt and be nominated as the murderous fight of the year. More likely, you would conclude both of you are happy and grateful to have each other. Him
Zhu Zheng Ting, yours.
Zhengting left a soft delicate peck on the corner of your lips, an obvious smile painted on his lips. You nuzzled yourself in his warmth more, both of you sighing in content.
It wasn’t until the practice room door creaked open, was when both of you sprawled across the room quicker than the speed of light. Both of you tried to play casual, acting normal as if the intimate session never happened.
Heart beating, both of you are not risking getting caught. “I told you to knock before you come in, Huang!”, Zhengting hissed at the yellow-haired teen. But that wasn’t enough to let the younger to shake, especially when his eyes locked on yours.
“JIE!”, Justin ran and threw himself into your arms. You laughed by the sudden clinginess the younger always try to show, Zhengting could only shake his head whilst a small sigh accompanied him.
“Don’t be jealous, Ting”, you said teasingly. Zhengting walked and sat beside you, pulling you closer to him whilst his other hand pushes Justin from your embrace, making the younger whine. Zhengting’s glare was enough to shut the younger up, making him pout.
“You need to know who you belong to”, Zhengting warned as he pinched playfully on your nose. You swat his hand away from your face, cheekily smiling at him. “Yours”, you whispered.
Zhengting hummed before he slowly leans lower to you, you willingly leaned forward also.
Well, it wasn’t until the door swung open by a bigger force with a loud bang. The cheers of the other Yuehua sprouts filling the room, making both of you and Zhengting froze on spot. You bite your lips as you’re trying your best to not burst out in laughter, knowing this is getting into your boyfriend’s temper.
“Did we came in a bad timing, or should we walk by again?”, Zeren spoke up, his tone cautious noticing the fire in Zhengting’s eyes.
Zhengting stood up, he took your hand to pull you up slowly also. “No”, he said. You stared at Zhengting, somewhat confused. “All of you came at the perfect time”, and pulled you down on a kiss.
You were more than flustered, especially from the hollers and whooping of the audiences. You hit him on chest, but that only led him to tighten his grip on yours. When he broke the kiss, he smirked at you in a playful manner. You scoffed, disbelief.
“Come on”, he said as he laced his fingers on yours once again. “The boys ordered pizza for dinner”, as he pulled you to sit in the circle of his family, occasionally giving glares if one of his members tried to be clingy to you.
“You all know which to choose, right?”, Chengcheng started as his eyes wonders to his members. “Choose Zhang PD’s son-“, Justin didn’t even need to finish his sentence to earn a smack from Zhengting. “That’s plan B, you idiot!”, hissed Zeren.
“Right, we’re sticking to plan A”, Justin said seriously. “That’s right, gather most Yuehua in Y/N Jie’s place because our Ge here is too protective on his girl to not let other trainees get near her”, Chengcheng glared at Zhengting, the older just simply shurgs. I mean, the meme is not wrong.
“He’s just triggered after knowing Xukun-ge is her fan”, Justin scoffs. “Or, the fact she finds Ziyi a total cutie-“
“No, she doesn’t!”, Zhengting snapped tat Chengcheng.
“Who finds me cute?”, Ziyi popped out of between the seats from behind, resting his head on of the lined seat. His eyes sparkles in curiosity, Chengcheng smirked at his leader.
“It’s not your sister right?”, Ziyi tried to guess. Chengcheng choked by the question, glaring at Ziyi. “I am sorry, what?”, Chengcheng taunted the older. “Kidding, bro”, Ziyi raised his hand on defense.
“So, who finds me cute?”, Ziyi asked again. This time his tone was teasing and filled with anticipation.
“Oh, just someone”, Chengcheng pulled on his tone trying his best to irk the older. Zhengting swore he felt his eyes twitching. If only Yixing haven’t come in to start the show, he would’ve had his arms on Chengcheng.
“Rolax man, you’ll get the spot”, Zeren patted his leader’s hand, trying his best to calm the older’s nerves. It wasn’t until Yixing began to explain the rules on the segments, everything hits Zhengting. “Do we even know which song is Y/N’s?”, Zhengting whispered his way to Zeren.
The other male widen his eyes in realization. “You don’t even know your own girl’s song?”, Chengcheng tone was more than surprised, he was in complete disbelief. “I forgot to ask!”, Zhengting tried to defend himself.
“Maybe if you stopped your dirty deed and keep your mouth to yourself, you would’ve remember asking, wouldn’t you?”, taunted Justin. “Oh shut it, Huang”, Zhengting scoffed.
“We’ll figured it out, I mean all of us know her style”, Wenjun popped in. “You’re a genius, ge!”, Justin give a proud smack his Ge’s shoulder making him grumbled. “No, all of you are just dumb”, Quanzhe said ending the whole bickering session.
“Why am I the one who’s getting nervous”, you said as your body sways to Jieqiong’s side. She laughed and patted softly on your head. “You’ll do fine, everyone’s there are like your fans”, you scoffed at Jieqiong’s words.
“Said the one who got nominated as ‘The Prettiest Mentor’ award from the trainees”, you taunted her back making the other mentors laughed at your diss.
Jieqiong faked hurt, but soon broke into a fit of giggles before throwing her arms around you for a friendly embrace.
Speaking really frankly, you never thought you would get the chance to stand here and be one of the mentors in Idol Producer. You thought you were out of your mind when you accepted the offer itself, especially the reason why you accepted the offer was because Zhengting and the other Yuehua beans told you to.
You could still remember the nerves that swells in your system, how it felt like as if it’s going to explode when you first step out to the stage. Knowing your close friend Jieqiong who’s the same age as you is also the mentor kind of calmed your nerves a little. You remembered running to her embrace, crying from nervousness and fear whilst she was laughing her heart out by your clinginess.
“I thought I was going to die!”, you said to her. “Oh, you’ll do fine”, she said. You kind of wish she was right, it wasn’t until you walked out to the stage with the others mentors was when the butterflies came up again.
You grew weak when you stared at the huge amount of trainees, you swore it made you felt small. “They all love you”, MC Jin whispered to you once all of you tried to get to your individual seats. You only thank him for the compliment.
“You’ll do fine, believe me”, Jieqiong whispered at you. “Ready?”, Yixing asked as he stared at your nervous state. Your eyes locked it ways on Zhengting’s, his gaze adorns you with the usual warmth that would always comfort you. You felt the fear slowly subsidize, he gave you a smile. The same smile that reached his eyes with a tinge of sparks and mouthed ‘I love you’ and ‘good luck’, you could conclude your nerves were thrown out of the window.
You smiled to his way. You stared at the other mentors and nodded your head, “Let the evaluation begin”.
Jieqiong stared in awe at the room you’re designated into, whilst you were nibbling on your lips trying to calm your nerves. “Is this a scheme, is this scripted?”, you heard Yixing said. His tone surprised and more to amazement.
“Eyyyy, she got Yuehua domination in her room!”, Chengxiao said. “There goes your wish to have Justin and Zeren on your team”, Jieqiong teased her. “Well, you lost Chengcheng from getting in your team also”, Chengxiao taunted. You laughed at the small bickering they were having, but you’re going to admit the Yuehua beans always finds a way to find you.
But you knew better, this is probably Zhengting’s idea. Because right now you’ve ended up adopting 2 troublemakers, 1 dance helper and your boyfriend in the same room. You knew you had to play smart, professional to be frank.
No one knows your relationship with Zhengting, it’s amazing. Hiding from the flickering blind light, paparazzi, and your own company about your 1 year on-going relationship with Zhengting, let’s just say it was a huge testament. Especially if your boyfriend is really clingy. But at least the Yuehua sprouts knows how to act like a Oscar worthy actors, hence both of you got to stay undercover for so long.
You were expecting loud screaming and cheering when you opened the door, but you received the polar opposite. They were slumped on the floor, gloom on their face as the colors in their faces were so drained. You even thought if you got into the wrong room or something.
“Are you real?”, Chengcheng said weakly. His tone wasn’t cheerful, he sounded depressed and well tired as if all his hope was already shattered. You lock your confused gaze on Zhengting, he also was staring at you in hopeful gaze.
“Did something happened here?”, you said as you closed the door. Xingjie stared at your clipboard and pointed at it. It didn’t took long for the boys to come tackling down taking your clipboard on the performance you’re doing. You stood frozen as the group of males was on top of each other to take a peak on the stack of papers on the wooden material board.
“She’s the one!”, Zeren shouted, his voice boomed the entire room. You choked, still unable to process whatever was happening or what happened to the boys when you’re out to get your clothes changed for practice.
“JIEEE!”, Justin said as he tackled you down. “You guys are so mean! We’ve even learned the dance Mentor Jin performed to us! Then Chengxiao-jie came in saying she’s our mentor!”, said the yellow teen. Xingjie came in and took Justin from suffocating you, as Zhengting helped you to stand up properly.
“Hi”, he said softly as a smile played on his face. “Hi”, you said back.
“Glad you didn’t got lost”, you said teasingly. “I always find my way to you”, he whispered. Zhengting tried to restrain himself from pulling you closer and kiss you, especially since you’re not completely alone. With the camera rolling, he finds all of this testing his patience. Hence, he separates himself from you, but left a good amount of space to stay as close but comfortable for others to not suspect.
You gave an adoring smile to Zhengting before going on clapping your hand, taking the boys attentions. “Let’s go back to school, boys”, you said in a playful manner.
“I aim our stage to light flames, striking people to know how badass we are”, and Zhengting never knew his heart could swoon more as your competitiveness coming out, eyes fiery as ever. He swore it’s almost like he’s falling for you all over again.
When break came, none of you even try to walk out of the door. You sat down as your back was leaning on the wall, you tried to even out your breathing like the others are doing. Mostly, the boys are all sprawled on the floor, almost dead but still alive.
Justin was lying down near you, his eyes twinkling in pride. “We’re so gonna burn the stage”, he said. You laughed, making everyone turns their head on yours. “Sure we are”, you said back to the teen. Justin finds himself getting more comfortable as he tried to snuggle closer to your side, you willingly patted the younger’s head.
Zeren stared at Zhengting grumbling at the younger’s clinginess, and nudged the older male. “Don’t”, was the only thing Zeren said before he drags Zhengting to get lunch.
If looks can either kill or at the very shoot lasers, Justin would be fried by now. Especially by the proximity the younger had around you, and the other fact you didn’t mind due to knowing this yellow head loves attention.
You would occasionally pat the Justin’s head as a praise, or Justin would suddenly give you a friendly hug whenever practice was over, or the fact that Justin can also snuggle around you without the others getting suspicious because Justin is needy.
Zhengting would only tried his best to restrain, and well ignore. Especially he still have Zeren who would occasionally pull the older to not murder the young one, and ended up blowing his own cover. Zhengting is thankful for that, that’s what he thought.
You on the other hand, noticed Zhengting’s changes of behavior. He would often not focus on the moves, occasionally forgets where his positions, his timing, his beats, and his constant cold murderous glares always directed to Justin very frequently during practice and after practice.
It wasn’t until you had enough, you found the perfect timing to have the small talk with him.
When the crew were already out, and most trainees are already asleep. You slowly creak into his room, trying your best not to wake anyone out. You were proud to say you had mad skills, because waking up Zhengting is like wrestling him.
You caught his arm that almost want to knock you dead cold on the face, you hissed his name. “Y/N?”, he said in a slight loud tone. You yelped out softly as you covered his mouth, pulling him from his comfort zone.
A half-awake Zhengting is a pain, you literally had to drag him. Noting to yourself if you’re going to have a talk with him, you would do it when he’s awake and now a sleep deprived zombie.
You gave him a small bottle of banana milk, which he took despite knowing he’s having sugar in the middle of the night. Tucked on a corner of the emergency stairs, far from any cameras but also a spot which not people would usually pass around night time.
“Will you tell me what’s bothering you?”, you asked him softly.
Zhengting almost choked on his own drink, how is he this dumb to not notice the whole reason you’re dragging him out of his slumber. He noticed he did became more cautious, deadly to the youngest. But he never knew you would literally drag him out, and have a small good night talk at 3AM.
“Ting”, you said snapping him right from his trance. “Tell me what’s wrong”, it wasn’t a question anymore. Zhengting sensed your seriousness, but mostly pure worry laced upon each words you said.
He didn’t what got into his nerves, his system. Either he was high on sugar, or the sudden neediness in him got the best of him. You didn’t process anything in your mind when he suddenly pulled you towards him, his lips sealed on yours.
You gasped, in shock by the sudden move.
You could feel it from his action. Desperate, insecurities, but also longing.
When he pulled away from you, you saw his gaze broken. You rested a hand on his face, slowly tracing his features. You smiled at him, slowly leaning on him giving a small peck on the corner of his lips.
“Tell me what’s wrong”, you said once again.
He smiled, struck noticing how much power you got to have him entirely wrapped around your finger.
“It’s just me”, he said. “I forced myself to stay away most of the time because I don’t want to expose us too much, the unwanted attention that would eventually ruin us
“But yet in the end, I am too needy.”, he laughed at his own statement. “Seeing you and Justin, especially that kid is always thirsty for attention, your attention. We’re already close with you for some good time already, but people knows you’re love towards Justin. Hence people weren’t that shock to see Justin all needy to you, because you’re like his long lost sister. Whilst me—”, he choked out.
You took his hand, slowly interlacing your fingers on his. He sighed, this is going to be a long night.
“I just—Well, I can’t do any of those. I can’t show you my attention whenever I want, I can’t show the others that you’re mine when most of them have a definite crush on you-“, you giggled on his last statement making him give you a glare.
“It frustrates me, I am so needy yet I can’t occasionally show it. I can’t do anything on what a normal couple do, and I am your boyfriend”, he finished.
You smiled, playing with his delicate fingers that are interlaced with yours. You smiled fondly at Zhengting, his own effort to make everything work. You admire him, hence ended up falling for him as time passed by.
”This”, you pointed out as it gained his attention. “This is what a normal couple would do, Ting. A normal couple would appreciate any small effort their lover do, a normal couple would make any situation work into a simple easy date, and a normal couple always support each other whenever one have a problem”
“We are enough, we are that normal couple you envisioned.”, you placed a kiss on his palm. “Don’t let other things bother you too much, Ting. I don’t mind living out our relationship hidden in the shadows, having you by my side like this—“, you pointed out.
“This is enough, us”, and you lulled him into another delicate kiss.
“Amazing performance, they completely burned the stage just now”, Ronghao said as he took peaks on his cards. You laughed softly, feeling pride fire in you.
The audience roars louder, and you could see the banner your fans made for you but also his occasionally in your sight. You hummed in content with the so called polished performance. You’re proud to do it not with just your team, but also because Zhengting’s is always by your side giving out the most support and push towards you.
You couldn’t be more grateful.
When Yixing passed you the mic, you took it willingly knowing what you’re going to say in a second.
“I would want to thank not just crew members, the other mentors for their hard work, and also PD who always make time to evaluate our practice—“, you started. Your eyes wandered to the boys, who’s smiling at you with equal pride.
“I also want to thank all the fans for making time to come here and support the boys. But also, my gratitude will always goes to my team who always practice day till night without sleep”, you laughed remembering constant whining they gave you during practice.
“I’ve seen a lot of comments asking if I have a special connection with Justin or not, if I am dating him or such”, Zeren stared in confusion by the sudden change of topic. All of them knew this wasn’t even in your usual speech. Zhengting was about to nudge you as he’s the closest to you, but Justin held him from the back. “Trust her”, he whispered to the older.
“I do not have any special relationship with Justin, he’s like a younger brother to me—“, you haven’t even finish your sentence as the crowd gave out a small whine.
You laughed, oh aren’t they in for a surprise.
“Sorry to break it, you guys”, you said teasingly. You look back and smile at the boys, Zhengting gave you a confused look mostly.
“You guys can’t force shipment on me”, you huffed at the audience. “Especially when I am happily committed in my own on-going romance”
This shut everyone up, even Yixing and Ronghao was frozen. Zeren, Justin and Chengcheng was pursing their lips from laughing, whilst Zhengting felt the sudden butterflies burst in his stomach. He stared at you in awe.
When you and your team were excused from the stage, Zhengting immediately pulls you to a dark corner of the stage.
“Why did you do that?”, he whispered to you. But both of you knew he wasn’t mad, more to bursting out pride at your gut.
You felt his lips hovers around yours, his breath mixing with yours. Drawn deep into his stares, his spell. You were so willing to be lulled in.
“To let people know I am happily taken by someone who’s really needy of my existence”, you said. He chuckled softly.
“You’re crazy”, he said. “Crazy for you”, you taunted him
“Well then, I am mad for you”
He sealed his lips on yours, knowing how this small steps is going to change a lot of things.
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nextsevxn · 4 years
Zhengting: It’s funny how you two are such good friends. Didn’t he hate you at first?
Zeren: Xinchun hates everybody at first. It’s his way of reaching out to people.
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forzhengting · 4 years
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i still cant believe that this is him barefaced...
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vermemesol · 4 years
College! AU | Nine Percent - Part 2
Pairing : Nine Percent x Fem!Reader
Genre : College!AU, Fluff
College! AU Masterlist | Normal Masterlist
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You sat at the cafeteria with the boys and they introduce themselves to you.
“So you two aren’t related right?” Lin Kai asked. 
“No!” both you and Xu Kun answered in unison. 
“Hao Hao~!!” a familiar voice calls out to Justin it seems.
“Oh God, it’s her again.” Cheng Cheng stated in agony.
“What’s she doing here?” the annoying girl asks, pointing at you.
“I belong here.” you answer without shame.
“We invited her obviously.” Yan Jun added.
It was at this moment that you decide to continue beeing cheeky, so you stand up and say, “By the way, we haven’t really met, have we? I’m Cai Y/N.” You extend an arm to shake hands with her. Surprisingly she does shake hands with you, her grip, however, tightening with every shake. “Just because you have the same family name as Kun Kun doesn’t mean you’re anyhow close to him.” one of her underlings say from the side. “Oh, I don’t know. Whether or not I’m close to any of these guys, it’s up to them you know? Not me.” you say, tightening your grip as well. She finally can’t handle the strength you were exerting and let’s go. “Hmph, let’s go girls.” 
“Woah, that was so different from how you were before.” Li Nong stated. “I’ve learnt to deal with girls like those.” you continued to eat your lunch after replying him. The entire lunch break consisted of you teasing Xu Kun and Justin about their ‘top tier fangirls’. 
A few weeks pass by and nothing much happens. Just the usual routine of going to school, lunch with the boys, working at the cafe, the boys still going to the cafe as much as they can. Oh! They’ve added you into their group chat, so a lot of interesting conversations unfold I guess.
It’s another day and as always, you walk to the cafe with the boys after school. This time though, you were stopped in front of the school by a limo and a man dressed very formally. “Miss Cai.” he bowed. “Your parents request that you return home early today.” he says with an unchanging facial expression. “Y/N do you know this guy?” Zheng Ting asks. “Unfortunately, yes. I’m afraid you guys will have to head off without me.” you say walking towards the open limo door. “I’ll text you guys later.” you flash a smile at them before getting into the expensive vehicle.
They watched as the vehicle left. “She didn’t seem too happy.” Justin pointed out. “Come to think of it, she never talks about her family.” Zheng Ting adds. “She never really talks about herself at all doesn’t she?” Cheng Cheng adds again. “Oh shit, you’re right.” Lin Kai comes to realization. “Watch your words!” Zheng Ting scolds. “We never really ask about her either.” Zi Yi says. 
They all just stand around for a moment looking at each other as they have come to realize that they know literally nothing about you. 
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- END -
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College! AU Masterlist | Normal Masterlist
That's all for now, I'm gonna go sleep now, it's 7AM here RIP. I hope you liked it! And yes they BOOOIIISSS groupchat is in Ming Hao (Justin) POV.
And yes I just made Y/N something you will never actually be, filthy rich. :D
I like doing text based stuff more so maybe I'll do more of that in the future since I suck at actually writing.
Ah, yes, please ignore the time in the texts! It's actually like 9PM as Ming Hao said.
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dearlinong · 4 years
hello guys im back from the dead and ready to write again. in the past year i have been stressing about school and all. and now that we’re in quarantine, what better way to spend my time than to write some scenarios! (btw the fucking cpop industry is bezerk pls update me with all them happenings) anyways my requests are open for new and fresh requests from you guys!
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coldimplord · 4 years
Spilled Coffee - Chapter 12
Author’s Note: 
Hello again.. 
Yes, it’s been almost one and a half year.
Yes, it’s been a long time. 
And yes, there is still more. 
Please enjoy.
Lu & Jess ♥ 
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