#Zo'tall Hydrae
ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
#2 Bark
For FFxIvWrite2023 Characters: Zo'tall
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Tranquil stream to raging sea.
Waves battered the rough hull of the ship, fragments split away to be forever lost to the depths, forgotten. What would be lost did not matter; the wood was already destined for demise. A fate accepted. But existence was not a meaningless one; a greater purpose served the vessel up until its time was to come.
It had to stay afloat, for the sake of a young life and its mission to bring but a brief moment of joy and happiness. It was so much more than what any insignificant piece of bark could ever imagine their journey to be like.
With a twig and leaf sail the miniature ship was a proud construct.
With every rock and branch found in the river a great challenge to overcome.
With the youth running along the shore chanting the story unfolding, a life was created.
It fought, it persisted, and it made its creator proud with the distance it sailed. Until a waterfall saw the ship fall to its eventual demise. Currents ripping away the once magnificent sail, strong mast crushed against rocks, the once proud ship was reduced to its true self. Piece of bark all it was, now lodged at the bottom of the pretended sea. Here it would rot, pieces be washed away by the flows of the elements, join the endless cycle of Etheirys, and eventually be gone.
Did the child cry over the end of the story? Did it fulfill its purpose to bring a smile to their face? Never would it know, embracing the return to its purposeless existence…
Or so it thought. As the hand of the creator grabbed hold of the piece of bark, brushing away the gravel and debris, it was once more raised high, purpose yet not completed.
The child’s eyes were bright with pride, smiling with his entire being. He’d tell everyone about the journey, how the perfectly shaped bark had been ideal for the task. A new mast and a new sail were needed; maybe even a gift of a crew! Perhaps a race for glory, or the attack of a beast, or a peaceful fishing tour laid in the bark’s future.
Ah, to become a loved toy by a child was the greatest gift in the world, to something so insignificant.
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neoma-eltanin · 2 years
Prompt #23: pitch
For FFXIVWrite2022 Character: Cyrus Eltanin, Zo’tall Hydrae ( @ffxivtribehydrae​ ) Warnings: None
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Despite the fact the kingdom of Doma was occupied by the Galrean Empire, the people of Yanxia found ways to lighten their ordinary days in their rather humble lives. Such was the case in places such as Hashidoi, the little village north of the capital of Doma. While they were forced to labor hard to produce rice and bamboo to whatever the Empire requested of them, as well as for themselves, they had time for other things every so often.
A melody was heard in the air. A gentle, light and soft dance of notes, like it was harmonizing with the birdsong of the forest surrounding the valley. Cyrus knew what that sound was. The little boy was on his way to the source of it, the sound of his geta sandals clopping against the dirt road as he hurried his steps. He had no reason to run other than that he wanted to see who was playing that beautiful sound. Someone who was very good at playing the flute.
There, by a cherry tree by the river, sat his father. It was almost autumn, and so the leaves of the tree were starting to change hue into a bright orange. His father rested against the tree, finished with the day’s work, relaxing and playing his flute. He had played flute for as long as Cyrus could remember. “Father!” the child called to him, interrupting his playing as he ran up to him with energetic steps.
“Hello, Cyrus.” The man smiled gently at him as the boy threw himself into his lap for a hug. “Are you done helping your mother like I asked?”
“I am!” Cyrus replied with a proud grin. “And Neoma can almost walk all on her own now. I was teaching her! She’s still small though.”
His father laughed. Despite Cyrus’ young age, he was a surprisingly responsible boy, always so caring for his family. It was heartwarming. “She is still a toddler. She will grow, eventually. Just like you. You will get very tall when you grow up, you’ll see. You’re growing fast!”
Again Cyrus smiled proudly at his father’s encouraging words. He admired his father more than anyone else in this world, and his support meant a lot for the young boy who wished for nothing but his love and care. “Father, how long have you played the flute?”
“Hm? Oh, a very long time. Long before I came to Yanxia, actually. Want to try it?” He handed his flute to his son, who eagerly accepted it and immediately attempted to blow into it without waiting for instructions. The sound was horrible and made both him and his father flinch by the painfully false tune. “Cyrus, Cyrus”, his father laughed. “It takes time, and practice. And you need to blow carefully, not so hard. Let me show you.”
Cyrus pouted in confusion as he handed the flute back to his father, who demonstrated and showed him how to place his fingers and lips, how to breathe and blow to create a clear tune. It was much more tricky than he expected, but he listened carefully to the instructions. Finding enjoyment in the playing once he managed to play a clean note, he begged his father to continue teaching him. His father was more than happy to oblige.
Several years later, by the same cherry tree on an early autumn afternoon, Cyrus sat and played the flute he had inherited from his father. He never considered himself to be as good as him, even if others would disagree. At least he had a good teacher. He still enjoyed playing it, it brought back good memories despite how hard life had been during the Garlean rule. Now more than ever, he felt at peace. And when he played his flute, he relaxed.
“Cyrus!” A child’s voice called for him, accompanied by the sound of small geta sandals hurrying down the dirt road towards where he sat, and he stopped playing to look up.
“Hello, Zo’tall”, he smiled. This felt familiar. “Are you done helping Yuina like I asked?”
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
#14 Clear
For FFxIvWrite2023 Characters: Chimeg Uyagir, Zo'ogai, Zo'tall Warnings: Dysfunctional family
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It was so obvious, wasn’t it?
Yet she had clung to the hope that it wasn’t as it appeared. It was just a phase they needed to get over. After all they had both been thrust into such a big change in their lives. He just needed time to get used to it, and she’d be patient.
And Chimeg had been patient for many cycles. Endured the loneliness of whenever her supposed husband turned away from her at night, only knowing his back when she sought some kind of connection. Struggled to keep up the façade of a happy family, raising his son essentially on her own, as leaving the boy with his father had just resulted in displeasure from the man she thought she had feelings for. Comforted herself with the idea that things would change as their son grew older, perhaps he simply struggled with small children or was shy to get close to her as their first meeting to being married happened so fast.
Zo’tall was about to turn four when she began to doubt any change would ever occur, that perhaps her husband had untold feelings about her he did not share. Did he change his mind about them being together, and when, in that case? No, she wouldn’t lose faith that easily, Nhaama wouldn’t lead her into such a cruel fate as this.
She tested him. She sought the touch of another, as discreet as she could, having learned the ideals of this tribe that were they caught, they’d both be in for punishment. The man was not of Hydrae blood, married into the tribe just like her, which was all she cared about knowing of him.
Would he be jealous? If he truly loved her surely her announcement of being pregnant would incite some sort of feelings, which they could hopefully speak about, and make amends for her conspiring. Even if anger was what greeted her, she’d take it.
But Zo’ogai said not a word while the tribe congratulated them both on the family expansion. He’d just looked at her. Her husband and supposed love had nothing to say about her sin, even if they both knew the last time they shared an intimate touch was far before their son was born.
Even Zo’tall was more interested when his half sister was born. It left the mother lost and confused. She didn’t allow herself grief; she was too far gone into this life to turn around now, wasn’t she? But no longer did Chimeg try earning Zo’ogai’s attention, and no longer did she force their son to spend time with an uninterested father.
Then when her partner in crime sought her out with the suggestion of a second sin, she agreed, there was nothing left to lose. A final few moons when she suddenly saw their relationship for what it really was, unobstructed by her feeble hopes and dreams. He wasn’t even present upon the birth of her second son. It had been so obvious all these years, in his every action- or lack thereof. Why had he brought her here then? Did the time they spent together in her home, among the Uyagir mean so little? Clearly he had played her for whatever selfish gains he held.
And so she decided, it was better to take the risk starting anew, take the risk fleeing alone into the night. Yes, in the morning she’d take her children, grab what provision she could carry and leave. While all lay asleep, she cradled a baby boy, held her daughter tight by the hand and gazed down at her first born.
As time passed she had seen more and more of the boy’s father in his features. From the blue eyes, to the unruly hair, to the pinkish highlights. She saw the man who brought her so much pain so clear in the boy that she couldn’t bear the thought of bringing him with her. Lest she wanted to be constantly reminded of the face whom stolen so much of her life already.
Before the sun’s rays had illuminated the forest, she ran. In the hopes she could reclaim her life somewhere else. She did not care for the fate that awaited her now ex husband and abandoned child. Perhaps it was cruel, but for once in her life, Chimeg chose herself.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
#23 Pitch
For FFxIvWrite2022 Characters: Zo’tall, Yuina ( @neoma-eltanin​ ) Warnings: None
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Zo’tall found it by accident, tucked away in his box of possessions.
The crude flute that he made all on his own, it was one of many but he had only kept the last. Suddenly he recalls the tough times he and Zo’ogai shared on the streets of Kugane. It was a strange thing to remember times of uncertainty, when they never knew when next they’d have a meal or even a bed and roof at night.
Now they had everything they could ask for, even more than he could ever have hoped for!
Rolling the flute in his hands to inspect for any damage he soon grinned and put the instrument to his lips, took a deep breath and-
The broken tone echoed in the small room and would likely have stung the eardrums of whoever was listening. It would make strange hitches as he switched between notes he wasn’t even sure if they existed.
Despite the horrible sound, he was still proud about what he had made. And Zo’ogai had never shown any great anger about its quality of sound. Perhaps it was because they both found an interest in music after their first visit in Hashidoi? From the same source and similar reasons.
“Zo’tall, is everything alright? What is that noise?”
Excitedly the boy turned to the Raen woman, she had essentially become like a loving grandma to him, always stuffing him with food and giving wise words. Fast was he on his feet to present the source of the noise.
“I found my flute! Look Yuina! I made it myself!”
“Oh? Such talent!” She encouraged, perhaps more the craftsmanship than anything, “You know Cyrus also plays the flute, maybe if you asked him nicely he could borrow you his nice one?” She inspected the flute with interest and spoke with enthusiasm.
“Really? The really nice one!?” When he received a nod the boy bounced in place, already wanting to run and find Cyrus straight away but was stopped by a chuckling Yuina.
“Do give him a demonstration of this flute too, I’m sure if not kindness convinces him, your dedication to learn will!”
And with an excited confirmation and nod the boy ran off to find the man in question.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Nathan Wagner! I have never hit subscribe faster than when I found his music for the first time and you can find his songs on nearly all playlists for my OCs. Peace comes from Zo'ogai and Zo'tall's playlist on their shared section!
It represents the two having finally found a place were they can find peace, stability and build their new lives. A safe haven in a quiet little village, surrounded by good people, were they can work through their traumas together.
- Send a number for music -
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
Spell your URL
Spell out your URL (or name) using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Tagged by: @spotofmummery (thank you!)
I've done this previously with specific characters so... let's do it with my actual URL this time!
Tagging: @blueberryaesthetics @sayuriaoki @neoma-eltanin @umbralsound-xiv @under-the-blood-moonlight @ffxivaltaholic @hopes-red-dragon @margarettelizha
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F - Faith - Nathan Wagner (Dusk - Moonlit Hearts) F - For the Dancing and the Dreaming (cover) - HTTYD2 (Other Hydrae [OzodugxAroujin]) X - Ten - Jewel (Moonlit Hearts) I - Into the Unknown - Panic! At The Disco (Dubus) V - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) - Don McLean (Zo'ogai)
T - The Trail We Blaze - The Road to El Dorado (Zyyn & Baruun) R - Rain - Ben Platt (Khu - Opposite pages) I - I Promise I'm Trying - Cavetown (Auro'usk) B - Bones - Imagine Dragons (Verihiirensammal) E - Eight - Sleeping At Last (Dubus - Words Unspoken)
H - Homeward Bound - Peter Hollens (Zo'tall) Y - You're Welcome - Dwayne Johnson: Moana (Dubus) D - Dreams of my Downfall - Nathan Wagner (Khu) R - Run - Snow Patrol (Other Hydrae [Tagadus]) A - Angel - Broken Door (Zo'ogai - Yin and Yang) E - Enjoy Your Life - MARINA (Auro'usk)
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
(A letter arrives written in slightly different styles for each paragraph, even switching language between Hingan and Eorzean, as if each part had been written at different points in time. Still the handwriting was clearly that of a child regardless. Along with the letter was drawings of the village in its seasons, his room, food and candies along with scribbled text thanking for the letter and sweets)
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Hello sensei, teacher, uncle, friend Daidukul!
You said I can call you anything, so I will call you everything!
I have my own room now! It used to belong to Cyrus’s sister so it already have decorations. It is pretty nature decorated and purples and pinks! I think I like green more than other colours but I like this too! I do not have many things to put in the room though so it is nice there are already things here. But I am supposed to sleep alone there too and I don’t sleep good some nights. Before I always slept with someone next to me. Then I go to Cyrus’s and Zo’ogai’s room when I can’t sleep and sleep there instead. They share room so I can have my own place they say!
Hashidoi is very nice all cycle so you can have all clothes you like! It snow in winter and it is sunny in summer and there are a lot of flowers blooming! Especially lilacs! They smell really good and I think you should come here and visit! Yuina say I can bring friends home and I would want to bring you! Please come visit! Zo’ogai is also making friends with neighbours and is making very nice things for them! He do not hunt food like he did when we traveled, instead the village grow and trade and raise food here.
Have you met my grandfather? I hope you have! He is always happy and probably lonely travelling alone. I wish I could meet all my family again, Cyrus write letters to his sister but Zo’ogai don’t write to uncles. Maybe you can teach him to write when you visit so he can send letters too!
Cyrus taught me to hold a sword like he do and promised to teach me what he do with it, so he is also a teacher now! He said he learned to fight when he was young too so if I start I can probably become better than him. And if I learn to fight I can do adventure too when I grow up! So now I own a wood sword to practice with!
When you visit we can make you a lot of tasty things too! Sweet like your candy and really spicy food too! But still tasty!
From Zo’tall
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
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I bring a precious boy~
Zo’ogai’s son Zo’tall~
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 years
#6 Avatar
For FFxIvWrite2021 Character: Zo’tall Warnings: None
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The yol swooped down to guide its champion to their ally’s side, a samurai whose katana cut through a pillar of stone. More blades met blades of foreign design and the battle that took place was fierce.
With an intimidating screech the great bird went on the attack along with its warrior rider, clashing with the magician’s spells. Pillar of stone was now a wall of water that bent and twisted around the winds created by the creature’s wings. Thunder was called forth to chase off the beast that threatened to bring the threat close, catching closer and closer to the target while the magician’s allies protected them to keep casting spells at terrifying speed.
Again the yol cried as the elements caught its feathers, bringing the opposite side’s trump card to an end and water wall taking the mirrored shape of the mount for the magician to use and-
“You can’t do that! It’s unfair!” the child called, “No magician can do that!”
The scene lost its drama. Reality showed a group of Raen children along with one Xaela boy, with sticks and toys enacting a fantasy role play to claim imaginary territories.
“My uncle and aunt can!” Zo’tall argued. Khu had shown him amazing things and so had Adelle, even if she was not related to his family in any such way, that was the title he had settled with to call her for now. “I have seen it!”
His ‘wand’ was much more in resemblance to that of a scythe, not that anyone argued as few had actually seen magicians in this remote village. It was inspired by the one wielded by his mentioned uncle.
“You can’t just copy us! That one was mine!” the yol warrior pouted, inspired by the stories the Xaela kid told of the Steppe and the champions that reclaimed their land.
“A lot of advneturerers can do magic like that!” Zo’tall kept arguing, “I was in Eorzea! I know! And, and, when Adelle visit, she can prove it!”
The children kept on with their bickering until they finally came to agree on new rules to their little game. Soon their roles returned with dramatic lines and the battle to claim the land resumed.
No matter which side claimed the land of the single fruit bearing apple tree, the prize would be shared in the end anyways with laughs.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 years
#8 Adroit
For FFxIvWrite2021 Characters: Zo’ogai, Zo’tall Warnings: None
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It’s the choice of material.
It’s the way he twist his wrist before a cut.
It’s the switch of tools, some rather untraditional ones for the task at hand.
To Zo’ogai it was nothing but a pastime, something to keep him occupied and distracted from the world around him and the thoughts that would often disturb him internally.
It’s how he collected and used the natural resources to make them unique.
It’s how he gave every detail life and softness.
It’s how he worked in peace.
To Zo’tall it was another kind of magic. He believed that his entire life, ever since he first saw the traps Zo’ogai would make. How his creations would move as if alive. But what he made now days, sculptures of creatures frozen in time, yet so much more energetic than those creations that would snap their jaws and draw blood. Not to mention so much more comforting and fascinating to watch their making.
The child stared in silence as Zo’ogai carved away on a piece of bamboo this time, the adult letting him watch, enjoying the company in a way he once upon a time never could.
And Zo’tall thought to himself, one day he too would be as skillful in creating as his father.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 years
#15 Thunderous
For FFxIvWrite2021 Characters: Zo’ogai, Zo’tall Warnings: None
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Zo’tall still wasn’t used to having his own room, all to himself, where he was supposed to sleep alone.
To add to his struggles of falling asleep, a storm had rolled in over the otherwise calm little village. So the child laid rolled up underneath his blanket while Zo’ogai sat beside the futon, waiting for the boy to fall asleep so he could go back to his work. A hand on the boy’s head was the extent of his ability of comforting the scared child when lightning struck.
“Zo’ogai… can you sing lullabies?” Zo’tall asked with just a mumble, worried the adult would be upset.
As expected, Zo’ogai sighed with a slight bothered frown. He considered the question for a moment before shaking his head apologetically, “No.”
Disappointed, the child pulled the blanket higher over his face, “Adelle sang on stormy nights…” he muttered with a sad expression, missing the sweet times they shared.
The change in Zo’ogai was instantaneous, as sudden as the bolts of lightning he shot a glare, not at the kid but rather his words though his hand left the boy’s head as a strange pang of jealousy filled him. Even if he was thankful for what the Elezen done for the two of them, he couldn’t help but carry this unjustified distaste to her. Whenever the boy mentioned a fond memory of her he’d feel… inferior? Another thing he failed at as a parent.
Zo’tall didn’t notice the change; perhaps it was even a conscious choice to not look the other’s way. He only dared ask in the first place because Zo’ogai had been much calmer since their return to Hashidoi. He very much still had a temperament, but it wouldn’t flare up as it usually did and rarely target or be caused by Zo’tall.
With another strike of lightning much louder than before, the boy yelped and hid fully underneath the blanket, praying Zo’ogai would still be there once he decided to peek out again. Just the thought of the other leaving had him trembling in fear of being alone.
That’s when he heard it, a soft humming, with a slow, soothing melody. He kept listening, wondering if he was just imagining the sound until he carefully pulled down the blanket to look at Zo’ogai, wide eyed in disbelief slowly growing into delight.
Indeed the humming came from the man, eyes closed and lips ever so slightly moving. He had partly turned away from the boy, just a tinge of embarrassment from what he was doing. But he wanted to try to be the father he should have been long ago.
And just like that, the storm was forgotten.
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neoma-eltanin · 3 years
Prompt #14 - Commend
“Use your feet.”
Watchful eyes studied the young pupil, making sure he used all of his body for each strike in the air. Cyrus had never trained someone like this before… At least not someone this young. But Zo’tall’s young age was probably beneficial; the earlier you started, the better you were bount to get. One day he might become a very skilled sword fighter… If he wanted to keep it up, of course.
The child swung the wooden stick in the air, over and over, like he was hitting something which wasn’t there. His stubbornness was commendable, and Cyrus felt a strange pride watching him. Admittedly, he had begun to view Zo’tall like his own more and more the past moons.
A gentle smile crept onto his lips as he nodded approvingly.
“Good, Zo’tall. Imagine your whole body is linked to the sword.”
“Okay!” said the child eagerly, seeming very pleased by his teacher’s approving words. One day, he hoped to be just as strong of a samurai as him. One day.
(Zo’tall Hydrae belongs to @ffxivtribehydrae )
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 years
#16 Crane
For FFxIvWrite2021 Characters: Zo'tall, Cyrus ( @neoma-eltanin​ ) Warnings: None
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"What are you making there, Zo'tall?" Cyrus wondered, watching the boy struggle with shaping a piece of wood.
"A crane!" He cheered before looking startled with himself and lowering his voice as if sharing a secret, "It's a gift for Zo'ogai..!"
The boy beamed with pride. He'd never made anything for just Zo'ogai, seeing as anything he made the other could do better- to perfection even, according to the child.
Cyrus raised a curious brow, "Why a crane?"
"Mister Tsuru told us a story about cranes!" The boy grinned, "They represent heavensturn because for good changes in life and, and they also mean harmony and balance and respect! I think it fit Zo'ogai and l want to make him something special..."
Again Cyrus raised his other brow. That was a surprisingly deep meaning to his planned gift. He gave it some thought as he watched the boy keep struggling with the knife and wood. It was clear he was putting a lot of effort into it. After silently observing though and seeing the child's pout as it wasn't turning out as he wished it to, an idea came to the Raen's mind.
"Zo'tall... how about you make him something he never made before, something he might never have seen?" He asked and the boy turned to him with sparkly eyes in interest.
"It's made of paper and skill... they also carry wishes and good fortune."
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 years
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(A letter reaches Daidukul’s hand, written in ink with a somewhat tidy child’s hand. Most was written in Eorzean letters with a few exceptions written in Hingashi letters. Along with the letter were more paper of colourful drawings. Himself, the people mentioned in the letter, including the receiver and a Yanxian village surrounded by mountains and bamboo forests.)
Hello sensei Daidukul!
Cyrus said sensei was a nice thing to call teachers here so I wanted to call you that too! I am in a little village in Yanxia now that is called Hashidoi. When Zo’ogai and me left home we stayed here and made friends. I like it here because there are other children as small as me that are very kind and fun to play with so I feel not alone when Zo’ogai or Cyrus or Yuina work! Cyrus and Yuina have a house Zo’ogai and me live in now and we can call it home Cyrus say. I hope it is a home I can stay in!
Adelle followed us here too but she continued and did not stay but that is okay because she can visit any time! Will you visit too Daidukul?
I was very surprised when we got home too because grandpa was here! Grandpa is named Ozodug and he also started travel and decided to stay with Yuina for a while so she was not lonely. I really missed grandpa so I was very happy he was here. But he said he was going to Eorzea too like me and Zo’ogai and my uncles did. I hope he visit again too.
Cyrus has promised me to help practice my writing since you are not here to. But he is not as good at writing in Eorzea letters as Hingashi. He is very impressed with me writing and say I will be a master in no time! I miss the lessons with you though!
I hope we will be happy here. Zo’ogai never looked happy while we travelled but now he look happier. He do not get as angry any more when I do not good things. It is a nice change. I think he likes Hashidoi too. It is better than Kugane I think because here we always have beds and a lot of food!
I hope the letter reach you. Cyrus say it will. He suggested you could send me lessons by letter that Cyrus can help me with. That way you are still my teacher!
From Zo’tall!
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ffxivtribehydrae · 4 years
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Zo’ogai’s first Starlight was spent with his two favorite people!
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ffxivtribehydrae · 4 years
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It’s been rough times and for some selfcare art to also make up for me not drawing for so long, I made myself with all my dear OCs!
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