#but now that I started writing a little more again with the Zos
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n the thirteenth part! I'm so so so sorry for the wait but girl drained her writing abilities too much and I just couldn't write and then couldn't give you all a shit chapter. I hope you will still enjoy this! ✨🤍 also, your girl is running on 3h of sleep so if there are mistakes, forgive me... I'll fix them when my brain is once again plugged to the internet.🙃
warning: kids, past trauma, substance use... low key seems too little of a list but nothing else comes to mind
Axel's been desperate for a couple of days now. He had managed to lift off the ground and do a couple of flaps with his wings at the start of the week. The excitement on his face when Azriel carried him back home was unmatched. Unlike anything you had seen before. He was glowing. Radiant. So deeply loved, and it showed. The boy had rambled about it throughout the whole dinner. But Azriel hadn't denied his excitement even once, a proud smile on his face as he let the boy babble on and on.
It felt easy. It was so easy to be there. In Azriel's apartment. To wake up next to him. To watch him come home after a long day. Fetch the kids for classes. Not to mention that his place was ever-shifting. After the first night on his mattress, which was rung by the furthest of walls, Azriel had shown up with Cassian the very next day. Boxes in hand, they got to work putting together the biggest bed frame you had ever seen. He covered the knives stand with some sort of spell. They were there still, a big part of him, but the kids could not reach them. His way of baby-proofing the space. Slowly morphing it into something that suited everyone's needs.
"Lift up and do ten flaps", Azriel's voice floated through the field. The day was beautiful. The sun was out. Warm rays of sunshine kissed the skin. You and Zofie were sitting on a big knitted blanket. The little girl beside you was threading flower crowns. Her tiny tongue was slightly out as she concentrated on her very serious task.
"I can do more", Axel urged. He was standing next to Azriel. His tiny Illyrian leathers clad his skin. His safety armor. A tiny little piece of comfort that the spymaster had gifted to him. Azriel shook his head as he smiled, "Start with ten, then we will see". You could tell that Azriel had also found comfort in teaching Axel. A second chance at a glimpse of a happy childhood. With him and only him in the center of someone's happiness.
For a moment, there was only a warm breeze humming through the field. You watched how Axel got into a position. His determined face faltered, and his eyes darted back up at Azriel. "You will catch me, right?", here it was, that same bitter fear of failing. Of not trusting himself. But Azriel didn't let it settle in as he kneeled next to the boy, "You won't need my help, but if you do, I will be right by your side". Axel's big, golden eyes blinked at Azriel.
"And if I don't make it...", the boy doesn't finish the sentence, but the premise of it is clear. Will you be disappointed? Laugh? Give up on me? Azriel cupped the Axel's cheeks between his scared palms. "Look at me", the spymaster muttered, "You will do it. I know you will. You have to believe in yourself". They looked at each other for a moment before Axel quickly nodded his head, "Okay. I've got this", the boy muttered, Azriel quickly ruffled his hair, "Hell yeah, you do!".
Axel found your eyes across the field. You smiled at him, nodding your head. He could do it, and you did not doubt it. The boy nodded his head one more. A deep breath in. And within seconds, his tiny frame shot up. Axel faltered ever so slightly. Gravity pulling him down. But with one determined flap after another, he managed to stay up above. "Look at me", he beamed from the sky, the wind dancing in his onyx hair. "Y/n! Zo!", he shouted. The girl beside you let out a gasp. Scrambling to her feet as she ran through the flower field to get closer to her brother, "Axel!", she squealed happily. "Good job, honey!", you called right after her, your hand on your chest as you tried to suppress your emotions. One beat after another. Just his energy strained as fast as it was mustard. And the boy slowly sank back down. But the smile on his face didn't seem to shrink.
"Did you see it?", Axel looked across all three of you, breathing heavily. "We did, my love", you beamed at him, leaning closer to kiss his sweaty forehead. "I flew like all of the Illyrians", the boy taped at his leathers proudly, his eyes darting up at Azriel, whose smile was just as big. "I'm so proud of you", Azriel said. "Thank you, pa-Azzy", Axel stuttered, his big eyes suddenly laced with worry, but Azriel only scooped him up in his arms, seating Axel on his shoulder, "You got it, bud".
The kids were far from, content afterward. Too much excitement rushing through their tiny bodies, and now that they were painfully aware that they had Azriel wrapped around their fingers, within a couple of hours you were back in the city, for none other than street pancakes. "You didn't have to say yes", you muttered to Azriel as you two trailed behind the two overly excited younglings. "Why, not?", he said straight away as if tending to their needs had already become second nature for him. "Well, I'm sure you have meetings or people to scare", you shrugged, making Azriel chuckle slightly. The expression easy to miss because his colder mask was back on. What you didn't miss was how some people looked at him. At you all. The emotions were hard to pinpoint, but it was clear evidence that one didn't find the spymaster of the night court casually walking through Velaris streets.
"Look, it's the fountain", the two little monsters came tumbling back, pulling at the skirts of your dress, tiny fingers pointing toward the water fairies. "Now, what did I say about pointing fingers, huh?", you huffed, and the two of them dropped their hands. Quick apologies swirled around, but the pulling didn't ease. Azriel took a heartbeat to look at you three. The way a laugh slipped past your lips as one of the fairy bopped Axel's face making the boy jump back slightly. All courtwork aside, the past couple of weeks have left Azriel feeling weightless. No burdens. No worries. And if something managed to cling to him after a long day, it would all melt away the moment he stepped through his apartment door, hearing your voices and laughter. It felt so good to finally have something that belonged just to him. And it wasn't that territorial fea-male thing. Well, yes, it was, but there was so much more. Azriel finally felt like he had a purpose. His bland days were finally filled with more color. He loved being able to take Zofie to her dance classes. Fetch Axel for training with Cassian. To come home and find you smiling at him. To kiss you softly.
"Can I get two?", Zofie's voice filled Azriel's senses, and his head instantly turned towards the pancake stand. An old lady was already smiling as she looked down at the kids trying to pick their orders. "You won't be able to finish them both, bug," you said as you brushed your fingers through Zofie's hair. "But I can't pick between jam and chocolate", she pouted. Azriel stepped closer, earning a slight bow from the owner, that he quickly returned with a nod.
"Azzy, you pick", Zofie quickly moved towards the spymaster, cleverly making grabby hands at him so that once the order was made, she would be able to see how they were made because, not like Axel, she couldn't see over the stand. "I would like apple crumble, please", Axel said, fingers twirling with the material of your skirt. "And jam and chocolate", Azriel followed suit. You shot him a look, but he was already too occupied by how Zofie was beaming in his arms.
"Add it to my account too", Azriel said firmly, and you shook your head. "Nonsense, let me pay for it", you reached for the satchel fastened to your corset. But Azriel softly took hold of your hand, lacing his fingers through yours. "Don't fight me on this, love", he simply muttered. And stop frowning; it doesn't suit you. Azriel's smug voice filled your mind, making you let out a huff. You're too full of yourself; let me pay for something. You muttered back, but Azriel only smirked. You are paying; it's our shared account. A breath hitched in your throat. A shared account? But only members of the inner circle shared accounts with their partners. And you... you blinked a couple of times. Had Azriel set his claim over you to Rhys? You're not an object. Azriel's velvety voice rang out once more.
You were about to answer him a gasp left Axel's lips, soon followed by Zofie. "Grammy", the two of them said in unison. Cordelia had just set her bags down as the two swarmed her. Jumping. Giggling. "My gorgeous bunch", the woman said, cradling them both in her arms, "I swear you two have grown an inch since I last saw you". They both beamed at her, pancakes long forgotten. Azriel's shadows made quick work of his mother's bags. Tiny little clouds got to work immediately as they moved to carry them back to her house.
"Azriel, Y/N", Cordelia said, turning to you both as you finally approached her hands full of food. "What are we celebrating?", the elderly woman asked. "Grammy, I flew. Azriel took me to the field. I was up in the sky", Axel said excitedly, and your eyes instantly filled up with tears, making you blink quickly. "Oh, sweet boy", Cordelia cupped Axel's cheek, "That's wonderful. Soon, you'll outmatch my Azriel. But don't tell him I told you so". The boy giggled sheepishly, catching a glimpse of Azriel, but his calm expectation didn't change.
"Why don't you two leave them with me", Cordelia said after a moment, "I'm heading home anyway". The kids instantly stepped towards her as if they didn't care for what any of you had to say. "No, ma'am, that...", "Cordelia, darling", Azriel's mom corrected you instantly. "You must be tired, and...", you tried again, only to be met with another smile, "Nonsense, these two are angels. Plus", she muttered, "When was the last time you two spent time alone?". Never. The answer was never. And the fact that the answers sank on you so quickly said it all. You and Azriel had never truly been alone. Had never been on a date.
"Exactly", Cordelia stated proudly. "I'm looking after my grandchildren, and if I see any of you at my doorstep before tomorrow evening", she narrowed her eyes, "Let's say you don't want to know what will happen". Azriel let out a laugh, shaking his head at his mother. "Thank you", he muttered. Cordelia simply leaned in to kiss her son's cheek before she squeezed your shoulder. "Have fun", she winked, turning towards the kids, already pointing them towards another stand.
"Do you want some more?", Azriel lifted the halfway-empty bottle, but you shook your head, "I still have some, thank you". Oddly enough, it felt strange to spend time with Azriel like this. No rush. No need to go places. No kids to look after. No serious worries. Just you two. A quiet apartment and a long night that was still ahead of you two. You shifted, brushing your hand through your hair.
"This feels strange in a way", Azriel breathed out, running his hand over his face, "I mean, I don't want you to feel like...", he was quick to point out, but you rested your hand on his thigh, "We're not used to being together like this". The shadowsinger nodded his head before he leaned back into the sofa, putting his glass on the tiny table that was set on the side. His arms reached forward, pulling at your hand. A chuckle slipped past your lips as Azriel tugged you closer to his chest. "What are you doing?", you breathed, still smiling. "Something I should have done at the start of the evening", Azriel mused, letting out a satisfied hum now that you were pressed against his chest.
Silence filled the room. You let yourself listen to the way Azriel's heart was drumming right beneath your ear. Warmth spread through your body. This, without a doubt, was how peace felt. "Should we play a game?", Azriel spoke up, finally making you lift your head from his chest. "A game?", you frowned slightly, pulling away. "Yeah, like, get to know each other game", Azriel breathed out, a slight pink tint brushing his cheeks. You let out a chuckle. "Okay, I am...", you breathed out, "Are Rhys and Cass your biological brothers?", "Straight at it...", Azriel let out a surprised breath, and worry instantly washed over you. "Was I not supposed to?", your big eyes looked at him. "No, no, it's okay; I like that you're taking the lead", Azriel reassured you wiggling his brows making you rill your eyes in return. You two moved to sit opposite each other. Your legs were tucked beneath you, but Azriel's hand still stayed on your thigh.
"And to answer your question, they are not", he said smoothly. "We meet in the camp. Rhys's mother pulled us under her wing; the rest is history but they feel like blood brothers". You found yourself nodding; you knew that they were in training together. Most people called them the inseparable three for a reason. The loved they shared always made you smile. It was rare. Especially between territorial Illyrian males. "Your mother was from Helion's court," Azriel stated, claiming his turn, "You've ever thought about going there?". You took a moment to let his words sink in. Rhys had brought that up a couple of times, but the idea of going to a place you knew nothing about to meet people you knew nothing about. "No...", you breathed out. "I mean, it'll sound bad, but Helion keeps his angels under tight wraps." Pulling the strand of your hair, you quickly twirled it around your fingers, "If he had use for me, he would have claimed me by now". A rumble left Azriel's chest, "No one can claim you; you make your own choices". His voice was thick with frustration. The thought, clearly, unsettled him. You reached for his hand once more, "Azriel, I know, hence why I said it would sound bad". But the frown between his brows didn't ease until your fingers carefully brushed over his skin.
You weighed your next question for a heartbeat before muttering, "Your hands, can you tell me the real story?", you watched as Azriel's face shifted with emotion. The man was almost a myth. The amount of stories told about him could easily be turned into a book but... most of them seemed so far fetched. For a heartbeat, you even regretted your question, but then Azriel let out a sigh. "You know about the basement...", the spymaster clenched his palms together. "This was one of their games", you shifted slightly, reaching for his hands as you clasped them in yours. Azriel's eyes lingered on your joined palms. "One night they wanted to test how quickly I would heal. So they dunked my hands in oil and set them on fire", his words sounded cold and distant. But then how else would you talk about the trauma that shifted your life. You bit the inside of your cheek as you leaned closer to him. But before you could fully rest against him, you pulled his hands up to your mouth, placing kiss after kiss on the scared surface. He didn't stop you. Didn't pull away. Soaking in the warmth of you. The tender touch.
But your movements stalled at his next words, "Your back", Azriel muttered. You let go of him instantly, drawing back, "What of it?", you asked, even if you knew more than well what he was asking for. In a way, your scars linked you both together. But you've worked your hardest to keep that side of you hidden from everyone. Even yourself. You let your head drop slightly, and Azriel's fingers instantly hooked beneath your chin. If there was something this man was against, it was you feeling small when you were with him.
"You don't have to", he breathed out, his gorgeous hazel eyes piercing through you. Eyes that had captured your soul the very same night you two had come for one another's throats in his room. You chose to swallow your words, turning away from him. Suddenly, your dress felt way too tight on your body. Azriel took that as a sign to drop the topic, ready to apologize when you muttered, "Undo the ribbon". Azriel swallowed thickly. Hesitation stilled his movements. But his trembling fingers still reached for the light blue material. Goosebumps trickled down your spine instantly.
Azriel could see the way your shoulders tensed the looser the fabric got around your chest. Leaning in, he placed a couple of loving kisses on your shoulder blades. He hesitated before letting the fabric fall off your skin, your hand instantly moving to cover your breasts in front. But Azriel was too far captured by the brutal slashes that even now shined red and black against your skin. The angel wings you had didn't start at the same spot where Illyrian wings rooted, which explained why the spymaster didn't catch a glimpse of them while you were in nothing but your silk nightgown.
"I hoped I could heal myself...", you muttered quietly, biting your lip. Azriel's eye snapped back up, and he instantly brought your trembling frame into his chest. Mother, strike him for letting himself gawk like that. He knew what being stared at like that felt like. The scrutiny. The pity. Blimey, his own family still shot him glances like that, and here he was. His strong arms cocooned your frame before he realized the lack of clothes covering your chest. Azriel's cheeks pinked, even if he couldn't see anything that he hadn't already seen. He moved to lift the fabric, but you stopped him, motioning for him to let you go. He got his clue here—you didn't want him watching, so his head wiped to a completely different side.
"I've never been with a male", you muttered after a heartbeat. Azriel's body froze once more. Something deep and territorial, way stronger than before, scratched at his chest. "Was I your first...", his words were barely a whisper, as you chased them away. "Everything so far...", you breathed out. Was admitting this to him awkward? Yes. But he was your mate. Surely, he would realize that eventually. Azriel turned back to face you. Realizing that he probably should have asked if he could turn around in the first place. But he found your shy eyes looking up at him. He reached for you once more. Pulling you over his lap, his hand resting on your hip.
"Thank you for sharing that", he breathed against your neck, brushing tiny feather-like kisses all over your collarbones. The tickling sensation made you giggle slightly before a frown washed over you once more. "I understand if it's not attractive", you breathed out, and Azriel halted in his movements, pulling back to meet your eyes. "Love, I'm more than okay with waiting till you're ready", he reassured you as he brushed his thumb over your cheek. "But that's... you have needs", you whispered, catching his wrist. Azriel let out a breathy chuckle, scanning your face before he leaned in to peck your lips. "I am no longer a teenager who gets a hard-on from any moving thing in front of him, but thank you for your concern, love", he said, utterly satisfied with his answer. "Ew, Azriel", you cackled, hitting his chest playfully. The spymaster's laugh matched yours in no time as he pulled you down on the plush sofa, nestling you deeper into his embrace.
You had hoped to wake up in Azriel's arms the next morning. The intimacy of last night's confessions still lingered. But once the slumber left your body, you quickly realized that the bed felt way too cold. A pang ached in your chest, but you knew that he was a busy man. A note you found in the kitchen proved just that. An urgent meeting. I hate that I had to leave you like that. I will see you in the evening, Az. You brushed your fingers over the paper, turning your attention to the bond, smothering it with soft touches, only to be met with a cold wall. You frowned slightly. But then, he always shut it off when he was out on duty. You knew that if something was seriously bad, he would answer. But nothing was seriously bad and you weren't about to become a needy partner. Brushing the nagging thoughts away, you smiled to yourself. No, nothing was going to ruin the plan you had for tonight.
And it started out so perfectly. From the way you had allowed yourself to explore the city. Wondering from one shop to another. Everyone greeted you with a smile. The streets were humming even in the early morning. All the smells and sounds fill your senses. You tested cheese from a local farmer's stand, listening to the stories about the sheep that he owned. You had forgotten what it felt like to live like this. Now fully understanding why Zofie and Axel loved it here so much. The white, quiet walls of the sanctuary felt more like a prison than a happy home when you compared it to the city.
Your arm was aching from the bag you were carrying, but it didn't seem to bother you today. Your eyes caught the stand full of freshly cut flowers. Like a little bee on a hunt for nectar, you turned its way. The lady greeted you with a wave. She, like the man before, shared her passion for the blooms before wrapping a big bouquet of peonies in paper. The smell of them made your lips taste sweet. But the moment her hands brushed yours, you felt a tight grip on your arms. Dark eyes looked at you. Sharp venomous teeth gleamed, "Silly child, he is not your happy ever after. You're burning in flames of pain for your mistakes", the thick words sounded, making you draw away, nearly dropping all of your stuff. You bumped into someone, pulling your eyes away from the lady, and when you finally blinked, a man was holding onto your shoulders. Steadying you. "Are you alright, dear?", the female called out to you, making you take a double look at both of them. "Yeah", you muttered, feeling your cheeks heating up. "I'm so sorry, I just got dizzy from all the smells", you breathed out, quickly taking hold of your things and hurrying away.
You hoped the feeling of unease would lessen eventually. That the image of that monstrous face would fade. But it stuck around. Sending shivers down your back all day long. The same way it did up at the house of wind. You had felt slightly better at Cordelia's house, where you stopped to get the kids, but the moment you crossed Azriel's apartment's entrance, it clasped right over your throat once more. "Do I put this in?", Axel called out, making you draw your attention back to the two kids. A pot of stew was bubbling on the stove. You pressed a palm against your temple, an odd throb aching there.
"Yes, sweetie, give it a mix too", the two of them had been desperate to make Azriel's mother's stew. Cordelia had cooked with them a couple of times, and now they had taken it upon themselves to show what they had learned. "I need help", Zofie muttered, pulling at your sleeve. She had been tasked with pulling some of the herbs from the stems and dicing them. Yet your body didn't seem to comprehend the request. Axel turned to her instead. "Show me", he said, but you could feel his eyes on you. Both of their eyes are on you.
"Y/N", Axel called out softly, "Is everything okay?" The real answer to that would be that you didn't know. It was the tightness and numbness in your chest that unsettled you the most. You've never felt like before. As if something was missing all of a sudden. You tried to claw out of the hazy daze, "Yeah, I'm...", but your voice died down to the sound of the knock on the door. Axel jumped off his step stool, but you caught him by his shoulder. "Stay here with Zo", you muttered. Deep down, you hoped that it was Azriel or someone from the family, but then Azriel wouldn't knock. He never did.
You cracked the door open as if you already didn't feel confused enough. There she stood. The prettiest pink dress framed her figure. Loose curls fell over her shoulders. Elain. You braced yourself against the doorframe. Mother, don't let this be what you thought it was. "Oh", the female gasped lightly. "I...", she stuttered, suddenly growing fidgety. "How can I help you?", you breathed out, trying to keep your racing mind at bay. "Azriel said we would meet here; that usually means alone", her tone was sweet, but every word sent daggers flying straight into your heart. Silly child, he is not your happy ever after. The voice echoed in your mind. You blinked rapidly, frown marking your features. For a moment, it seemed as if something flashed through Elain's eyes before she mustered a forced smile back on her lips.
"I apologize for interrupting", Elain turned to walk away but halted quickly as if changing her mind. "Actually", she muttered, "I forgot about a little gift", her voice trembled as she pulled her hand out of the dress pocket, opening her palm to reveal a crystal-clear powder. She blew on it gently, flecks flowing towards you. The same invisible hand clawed at your throat. You tried to gasp for air, but it felt useless. You staggered back, the sound of someone grinding their teeth drilled through your head. A scream echoed through the space as your body hit the floor. Muffled noises rang endlessly. Noises. Screams. Zofie and Axel. The last bits of your rational mind called out. You dug your nails into the floor, turning your body towards the kitchen. Black figures swarmed all around, both of the kids trashing in their grip. You reached your hand towards them, but before you could cry out to them, everything went black.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace @just-m-2 @thereadinggremlin @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @hijabi-desi-bookwarm
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Hi, can you write a Victoria Neuman fic where Victoria and her lover are just finally having a relaxing time on vacation since Victoria is always working and popping heads (if you know what I mean.)
Warm Weather
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AN: My first Vicky request!!!!! The reader is gender neutral but Zoe does call them mama but the reader isn't necessarily a woman ( Just not a man). I don't really have a clear idea of when this is set in. I am mentioning the FBSA because why not? I honestly don't remember how old Zoe was so I made her like 6. I really love this request it’s so cute because she really does need a vacation. Also sorry if it sounds weird I like just finished editing it now 😅
word count rounded: 2.8k
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Victoria sat in her office typing away at her computer. The whirl of the air conditioner lets off a quiet but steady humm and she skims through a report. The FBSA has been a huge workload for her and the work just seems to pile up. The report was somehow terribly written from someone in her bureau. There was a multitude of spelling mistakes and the person used the wrong their about 4 times. She sighs running her hand through her dark curled hair. Her eyebrows furrow creating the little lines on her forehead that you’d kiss when she was deep in concentration. 
She glances over at the clock and quickly back out the window as she realizes the sun is starting to set. She sighs again, reaching over to an old coffee to take a sip. She quickly spits the cold coffee back into the cup. Victoria grimaces and coughs as she stands up to drop it in a trash can near her desk. She leans against her desk looking out at the bright lit office buildings and flashing lights. Some of them are off as the employees pack up their desks and shut off their computers.
Victoria looks back over at her computer, she should really finish the report but it's getting late and she promised she would be home to put Zoe to bed. She pushes herself off her desk and goes over to her computer, shutting it. Right before she can slip it into her bag she hears her phone vibrate on the desk. Victoria grabs it, opening it up as a message from you comes through. 
“ Hiii Vicky, are you almost done at work? Zo Zo told me that mommy is a much better book reader then me 😘”
Victoria smiles and that's the last thing she needs to give her a final boost to quickly pack up and go home but before she texts you back.
“I’m on my way home, tell Zoey that i’ll read her one when I get home. I love you 😘”
As soon as she sends it she packs up her stuff quickly making her leave from the office and locking up. The way back to her home is a quiet one away from the bright city lights and blaring horns of traffic. Her quaint, cozy home was perfect for the three of you. It was away from press and work and has a park across the street for Zoe. She approaches the house unlocking the door. She peeks her head around the corner hoping to see you, but she realizes you and Zoe are probably in her bedroom. 
She slips off her coat, hanging it up on the hanger. She heads up stairs, the carpeted stairs creaking under her heels. She drops her stuff in your shared bedroom before heading into Zoe’s room slowly creaking open the door. She smiles at the sight of you and Zoe cuddled up asleep together on the bed. Your head is against Zoe’s headboard and Zoe is cuddled up to your side with a few story books scattered on the bed. She opens the door and walks toward the two of you chuckling to herself as she cleans up the books. 
She smiles fondly, kneeling beside the bed to give her daughter a kiss on the forehead. She cards her fingers through Zoe’s hair as the girl snuggles more into your side. Victoria shifts over to give you a kiss on the forehead as well, rubbing your arm softly trying to wake you up without startling you. “Babe…....wake up” She whispers, brushing a strand of hair out of your face as your eyes slowly blink awake. 
Your eyes adjust to the dim light as you breathe in quickly, spooked by the face looming over you. “Jesus f-..Vic..” You lay back against the bed when you realize it's just her. “My gosh Vicky…..you scared me. I thought you were.. I don't know. I must have fallen asleep while I was laying with Zoe.” You say rubbing your eyes. “Sorry honey I didn't mean to scare you.” She smiles softly pulling you into a soft kiss. “I told her that I'd cuddle with her until you got home… I guess we were both a little sleepy.” You say after you pull away from the kiss. You smile fondly as you reach over to fix Zoe's hair and slip out from under her. You lay her head down on the pillow and tuck her in before giving her a little kiss.
You slowly slip out of bed and follow Victoria to your shared bedroom. She slips off her work clothes heading to the bathroom to wipe off her makeup and put on her pajamas. You lay on the bed slipping under the covers. “How was work baby?” You ask as you hear a dramatic groan coming from the bathroom. “Ughh don’t even get me started on work today babe.” Victoria grumbles to herself peeking her head out of the bathroom before she slips under the covers with you. “Hey…. maybe you need a little break? You say pulling her into your arms and running your fingers through her curled hair. “A break would be perfect.” She sighs, settling with her head on your chest. “I'm being serious though. You need a break. You need a vacation away from all the work and supes. Just me, you and Zoe on some beach, somewhere far away. Hopefully with a spa.” You explain while rubbing her back as if you had this idea planned for a while.
“I’d love a vacation. I’m just so tired and stressed with work…… but you know I do need a break and I want to do something fun with Zoe before she gets to the age that she is embarrassed to be around us” Victoria laughs and sighs, imagining a warm break lounging on the beach. The three of you havent been on a true vacation since you took a road trip a few years ago to go visit your family. “See! It's a great idea ....c'mon you're like the boss right? You can totally take a break. They can handle it without you for a week. Hughie is pretty competent at his job.” You joke as she looks up, shooting you that look. 
She mulls it over, her face is twisted into deep concentration as she thinks it over. You smile leaning down to kiss the lines that appear on her forehead. Victoria smiles scrunching up her nose and you tilt your head down to kiss it too. “........fine you're right. Let's do it. Let's go on a vacation!” She exclaims and pulls you into a deep kiss.
~A month later~ 
Victoria was finally able to get a full week off for the vacation to your excitement and Zoes of course. She was ecstatic to go somewhere warm, she raved about bringing home a pet dolphin. Neither of you were about to break her heart so you went along with it. You spent the night before packing all of her stuff into her own little suitcase. Zoe hardly slept the night before, she ended up sleeping in between the two of you on your bed. It was Zoe’s first time on a plane and she was somehow more excited then scared. She sat next to the window almost the whole ride. Victoria spent the flight reading a book you got her for her birthday that she never had the time to read.
It was about mid day when the plane landed. The air was humid but nice compared to New York weather. It was a bright blue day. The perfect day for a vacation. Zoe was standing in between you and Victoria. She was holding one of each of your hands as she swung back and forth, brimming with excitement. The three of you made it to the hotel room and flopped down on the beds exhausted after the day you’ve had. It felt so peaceful and calm laying in the hotel room. Well as peaceful as your 6 year old jumping on the bed. Zoe did eventually calm down and go to bed in between you and Victoria.
“This is so perfect, baby. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun. I'm thinking we could go to the beach…. I did a lot of research. I know you like plans but we're on vacation. But if not, I have lots of ideas.” You ramble on as Victoria watches smiling fondly as she nods, taking it all in. “That all sounds wonderful baby. I love all your ideas and research… but i'm also totally alright with just doing anything. I'd love to just relax.” She says holding your hand in hers as she lays her hand on your shoulder. “Yeah.. relax. We can do that…. Plus I’d love to see you in a bathing suit.” You smirk, leaning down to give her a kiss on the side of her neck.  
“Oh…. really?” Victoria smirks, pulling back this time giving you a kiss on the neck. “Yeah. I’ve only seen you in those pants suits… which do make you look really hot babe, but I think we both need some beach time” You sigh leaning into her kisses as she doesnt pull away. “I agree.” Victoria grins, pulling back to kiss you on the forehead. You both fell asleep cuddled up with Zoe sprawled out on top of you. The soft snores of your wife and daughter helped lull you to sleep.
You woke up to the little whispers of Zoe as she tried to wake you up. She speaks softly into your ear as she pokes your cheek. “Mama? Mama?” She whispers poking you cheek rapidly and as you eyes flutter open she moves her attention to Victoria. “Mommy? Mommy?” She continues poking Victoria in the cheek. Victoria groans and rolls over waking up as well. “Zoe? It's a little early for this…Can you go back to sleep?” Victoria grumbles sleepily as she plays with Zoe's hair. “How about you cuddle with us for a little longer?” She says pulling her close as you cuddle into both of them. You give both of them a kiss before drifting back to sleep to the constant stream of questions from Zoe.
When the three of you finally got up it was at a more decent time. You all went down to get breakfast and helped Zoe make waffles. Vic made a b-line to the coffee. Even if she is on vacation Victoria definitely needs her coffee, especially to deal with Zoe. After breakfast Zoe begged to go to the beach, it would be her first time after all. The three of you got all dressed up for the beach.
You chased Zoe around the hotel room trying desperately to get sunscreen on her. “ Zoe! Come here please! C’mom this isn’t funny” You chase her around as she giggles screaming about how “you’ll never catch me”. She somehow evaded you for a good minute before Victoria scooped her up as she came out of the bathroom. The young girl squeals as Victoria carries her over to you. Zoe gives in letting you  put sunscreen on her. 
As the three of you make it to the beach Zoe makes her way right to the water. You and Victoria put the stuff down before following her into the water. “Mama! Mommy! Look at the waves, I’m gonna be a surfer when I’m older.” She giggles and splashes around in the shallow waves. “ I’m sure you’d be an amazing surfer Zo .” Victoria says, smiling  fondly as the three of you make your way deeper into the water.
As much as Zoe loved the ocean she still isn’t that tall. She waddles over to you the water up to her chest. You scoop her up in your arms placing her on your hip so she can continue to enjoy the water. “Mommy! Look, I'm a mermaid!” Zoe giggles as you dip her into the water and she swims over to Victoria scoops her up. “Good job bug. You’re a very pretty mermaid” Victoria beams as she spins Zoe around in the water. 
Victoria whispers something into Zoe’s ear with a devilish grin spreading on her lips. That same smile spreads on your daughter's lips, she really is Victoria’s daughter.  You raise an eyebrow. “Hey… what are you two planning.” Zoe giggles before she splashes you. You gasp and cover your face. “You little devils.” You giggle and playfully splash them back.
You spent more time just enjoying the water before you made your way back to your beach towels. Zoe got right to work making a sand castle because instead of a mermaid she wants to be the ocean princess now. You and Vic layed out the towels on the sand so you could relax. “If you're gonna tan at least  put some sunscreen on.” You say as Victoria lays down putting on her sunglasses. “C’mom, don’t make me chase you like Zoe.” You giggle poking her in the side. 
“Fine….. you’re the responsible one. I don't want to get sunburnt. Especially not on my vacation.” Victoria sighs and rolls over reaching for the sunscreen. “Wait… let me do it. You always can’t reach that part on your back.” You smirk, grabbing the sunscreen. She shoots you a knowing look before smiling back and rolling over for you. You squirt some into your hand and rub along the small of her back. She sighs softly letting out a small noise. “ Wow, that actually feels really good.” She relaxes, closing her eyes. “You’re really really tense Vic.. you definitely needed this.”
Victoria leans into your touch as you massage the sunscreen into her back muscles. You move up to her shoulders massaging it in. You make your way down her arms and back to her legs kneading it in. She sighs rolling over and chuckling. “You really got into that huh? You got like magic hands baby. Thank you.” She smiles leaning up to pull you into a soft kiss. She finishes with the sunscreen and lays down on the towel. 
After the long day at the beach you, Victoria and Zoe all went out for dinner at the hotel. There ended up being a little movie night that you also went to. It was Moana which was perfect because it has been Zoe’s favourite movie for a while now. She danced and sang along, having the best time of her life. Till she crashed and ended up falling asleep in Vic’s arms. 
You carried a very asleep Zoe to the room while Vicky walked beside watching you occasionally leaning over to give you a kiss on the cheek. You laid Zoe down on the bed to sleep and you and Victoria went out to the balcony to enjoy the warm breeze and beautiful sunset. You both sat on a lounge chair cuddled up together. Vicky had her head rested on your shoulder while you intertwined your fingers. You pressed a little kiss to her forehead breaking the silence.
“It’s beautiful….. Today was perfect.” You sigh smiling as Victoria pulls her head out and gives you a smile. “ it really is…. Gosh I really needed this. Spending time with my two favourite people.” “You also look really good in a swimsuit baby.” You tease kissing along her neck. She laughs a hint of teasing In her voice “ oh? Is that why you wanted to rub me down earlier?” She smiles, raising a brow at you. “That is not what I was doing. I was protecting my wife from the dangerous sun rays while giving you a massage. Plus you liked it.” You shoot back with no bite to your tone.
She sighs and cuddles into you. “I’m just kidding love….it was wonderful. You have like magic hands.” She says holding your hand out to inspect them. “ Maybe I should have been like a masseuse.” You chuckle to yourself. “Hmm no these magic hands are just for me” she says leaning down to kiss the back of your hand softly. You return a kiss this time to her lips. You cuddle back into her side as the sun starts to set. The sun slowly begins to sink behind the sea. It would be a beautiful sight had your wife not been sitting next to you. She lays head on your shoulder as the both of you sit in comfortable silence. The perfect end to a vacation day, you couldn't wait for the next days to come.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 9 months
Most memorable items of clothing in bl series in 2023
In order of their airing/me watching them:
I'm thankful I've gotten into the habit of noting which shows I watch and when otherwise I wouldn’t be able to remember. As it is, first on my list is Bed Friend, which kind of sets the tone for this post since it features the best and the worst outfit choices for Uea. The waffle robes and cat ears vs the fake sleeves shirt.
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Next is a quick shout out to Por in My School President, since the show started in 2022 but did finish in 2023, and basically all of his outfits. The man is a style icon. But this stripy polo shirt takes the biscuit for me. I need to have it.
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On to Moonlight Chicken and this one is a combined effort between Heart and Li Ming. @telomeke prompted me to write a little about it, but essentially the two shirts together are saying 'you're my other half'. Urthe / Tomato sauce.
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The Gloves! Need I say more? (Alright, for those of you who don't know - how could you not?! - they're from Chains of Heart).
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And now not strictly an item of clothing but an accessory, the most straight ankle bracelet you'll ever see in a thai series. Totally platonic, not gay AT ALL. In Midnight Museum.
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In July the different Thai production companies took stock of three versions of the same stripy linin shirt – the cream long-sleeved, the brown short-sleeved, and the charcoal short-sleeved - and proceeded to clad every actor they could in one of them within a three and a half month period (six shows*, eight different characters). We had couple-shirts with both Kawi and Pisaeng and Mew and Top wearing them, and Namneua in Wedding Plan wore all three. (*Step by Step, Be My Favourite, Hidden Agenda, Wedding Plan, Love in Translation, and Only Friends).
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Staying in July for a while, and speaking of weddings, Kawi rocked on up to Pearmai and Not's wedding in Be My Favourite in this brown houndstooth shirt and black pants outfit - an almost exact replica of Ray's outfit in the original pilot trailer for Only Friends. I waited with baited breath to see if Ray would still wear the outfit in the actual series...and he did! Not only that, I then realised Uea had already worn it in Bed Friend earlier in the year.
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In a surprising turn of events, Be My Favourite – and Krist – turned out to actually be Quite Good. Perhaps distracted by Krist's puppy eyes, we weren't entirely ready for the first appearance of the Dudes shirt – itself a wonderful comment on the narrative since Kawi was figuring out his feelings for Pisaeng – but it was a delight to see it again on Nick in Only Friends, and offering a different narrative comment.
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This next one may only be notable for me, but when I was doing my dedicated scan through of oh so many shows to collect items for the communal wardrobe, I noticed this sand and grey sweater amongst the many other items of shared clothing which appeared in The Warp Effect and then very briefly on Pisaeng in Be My Favourite. Not long after, the trailer for Last Twilight dropped and I spotted it again immediately. I've also since noticed it in a speed scan of The Shipper. Not only do I think it's a pretty neat sweater, but I loved the effect it gave in Last Twilight, which I wrote about at the end of this post.
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This is getting long but I'm going to keep going (this might be the only 2023 wrap up I do so I'ma make it count).
If you've been following me for a while (or since the BBS days), you’ll know how rabid I go when I see a pair of the yellow-soled Mustard brand shoes in a show. The most recent being in Hidden Agenda worn by Zo…but they're not the ones on this list. Oh no, it's Joke's blue-soled shoes which made me sit up and scream this time...meaning even their shoes were colour-coded in this show. Oh how I wish I could buy a pair of each.
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There were many fabulous outfits in Laws of Attraction (especially Charn's) but Tanthai's green rope shirt wins out for me. Green seemed to be used in the show to represent the lies and secrets Tanthai was forced to keep because of his father, and he was metaphorically bound and trapped in these lies and his life. Ah perfection!
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I've mentioned a lot of brilliant items but there have also been many awful ones, and the one I can't seem to stop thinking about (or horrifying over) is the Droopy Tits shirt (or Nipple Protector, whichever way you want to call it) which first appeared in Dangerous Romance and then The Jungle just three days later. I'm surprised we haven't seen it again to be honest, but I imagine if we get more spoiled rich kids we probably will.
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These next two aren't specific items but more of a shout out to the whole wardrobe design of the shows.
First, Only Friends, with Mew and Ray's transformation to Ray and Sand's (respective) wardrobe choices, as well as the inversion of colours to highlight differences in relationships, and the use of colour-groupings to separate characters (<- a post i have yet to write). I wish I could write more about it…but life is just too busy to give it the time it needs.
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The second is, of course, Ai Di and Chen Yi in Kiseki: Dear to Me with how they always share a colour in their different outfits. @respectthepetty details this perfectly here, so I don't need to. I am however still feral about these two and can't wait to do a full re-watch of the show.
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And lastly, much like Baseball Mom in Bad Buddy two years ago (and to be honest many of Pat's other shirts), Aof recently gifted us another absolutely ridiculous but brilliantly poignant t-shirt slogan in Mhok's Fart Proudly shirt in Last Twilight, which I went into detail about here. Just A+
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Thanks for sticking with me through all that! Any others that stood out for you or that I missed?
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artekai · 1 year
tag game (Horizon)
Thanks @nerd-artist for tagging me!! I am flattered :3
1. ride or die ship (your otp): GAIA/Lis ❤️ I felt so validated when Sylens said the "two moms" thing, you have no idea.
2. most annoying ship: I plead the fifth
3. second favourite ship: Erevad! I never considered them until I read a really good fic about them and I was sold lol.
4. favourite platonic relationship: Hmm 🤔 I really enjoy Aloy & Sylens :D I missed him a lot in HFW (given he wasn't in our Focus any longer). mlm-wlw hostility real. Also, Aloy & Gildun and Aloy & Morlund are both very sweet but I suppose they have similar vibes lol.
5. underrated ship: Any of the ones I mentioned lol, I feel like they don't get as much love as others, haha. Which is understandable because it makes sense to gravitate more towards the GAIA gang! But other than that 🤔 I think Aloy/Zo and Aloy/Alva are pretty cute and underrated, even if I don't exactly ship them myself c:
6. overrated ship: I plead the fifth
7. one thing i would change in canon: *side eyes HFW hard*
Just one thing, though? I'd have to concur with most of the people I've seen do this tag game so far and say it's Varl's death. I'm pissed about that.
8. something canon did right: Other people have also mentioned it before me, but I think Horizon's writing excels at the datapoints. Just slowly having to figure out the past, putting the pieces together, getting glimpses of the tragedies (and the little joys) that once happened in those places, filling in the blanks... The environmental storytelling is amazing 👌. The intrigue, the curiosity, the mystery. It really scratches the urge to explore abandoned places and imagine what it was life was like for the people who once lived in them, so close yet so far away. HZD really did it well with the Zero Dawn facilities and I think HFW captured that magic again with Thebes. I crave more of that.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I'm not sure I can say anything I make is "for the fandom" since I only make OC stuff 😭 Believe me, I want to be more integrated in the fandom, but not as much as I want to focus on the blorbos from my brain 😔
I guess I can mention To Err is Human, my vampire AU fic, since, if all goes according to plan, that should be relatively fairly split between my OCs and canon characters. Sorry that it's taken me so long to update tho :( As for art, please look at my man :) And here he is again with my favorite Aloy I've drawn lol. I also still really like this one! Also this. And this. And this. And
I've realized I could go on all day actually so I'll stop myself now lol.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Sylens. I love him, crimes and all.
11. the character I relate to the most and why: Beta. Something something about characters who have the same neuroses as you but in their world their neuroses are justified (sigh). And Gildun! His quest in Burning Shores really grabbed me by the throat, oof. In some ways I also relate to Aloy but not as much, I think.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: Well, I could just name the usuals, Ted Faro, the Ceo, Lansra, etc. But they're the characters we're meant to hate, so, ironically, it doesn't feel right to say I hate them, you know? I appreciate a well-crafted villain, and I definitely appreciate their role in the narrative. So, do I really hate them? Yes but actually no.
It's like that one post that goes "I don't care if a villain is redeemable or not but by god please make them interesting." I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit insane about the likes of Faro and the Ceo lol, so I'd say they did their job. I actually enjoy them being in the narrative.
As for the Zeniths... I used to just hate them straight up, not just for what we're meant to hate them, but for what they did to the narrative. I then started my quick descent into madness until I came to love to hate them lol. But I still think they deserve this spot more than anyone else given that they still make me see red half of the time.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: uhhhhh I'm not sure? Interesting to see the differences between the Persona fandom and the Horizon fandom I guess. In a lot of ways they have the same issues all fandoms have but idk, it's different. I'll leave it at that.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: I don't really read as much fic as I would like to because of readers' block... But when I do, I feel like I tend to look for Beta-centric stuff. And Nemesis stuff hehe but there's very little of that. I feel like, at least in this fandom, I tend to gravitate more towards genfic instead of ship-heavy stuff. Those aren't three tags but still three things so fair enough.
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: I have a few playlists but I'm not sure any songs in particular jump out to me as much as Sad Machine by Porter Robinson, which has been my quintessential Horizon song from the moment I finished HZD. It still gives me the same chills that going through ELEUTHIA-9 gave me... God, I really wish I could go back to when I was first playing it and experience that feeling again. I might actually cry listening to it now.
Tagging: @banukaihelpme, @cicadaknight, @thatpunnyperson, @snorkeldays and @hartlesshart, but absolutely no pressure to do it! I guess this is more of a [insert your fandom here] thing, so, for any other mutuals who see this, if you wanna do it for your fandom, please tag me as your tagger, I would love to see it 🙏
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
(A letter arrives written in slightly different styles for each paragraph, even switching language between Hingan and Eorzean, as if each part had been written at different points in time. Still the handwriting was clearly that of a child regardless. Along with the letter was drawings of the village in its seasons, his room, food and candies along with scribbled text thanking for the letter and sweets)
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Hello sensei, teacher, uncle, friend Daidukul!
You said I can call you anything, so I will call you everything!
I have my own room now! It used to belong to Cyrus’s sister so it already have decorations. It is pretty nature decorated and purples and pinks! I think I like green more than other colours but I like this too! I do not have many things to put in the room though so it is nice there are already things here. But I am supposed to sleep alone there too and I don’t sleep good some nights. Before I always slept with someone next to me. Then I go to Cyrus’s and Zo’ogai’s room when I can’t sleep and sleep there instead. They share room so I can have my own place they say!
Hashidoi is very nice all cycle so you can have all clothes you like! It snow in winter and it is sunny in summer and there are a lot of flowers blooming! Especially lilacs! They smell really good and I think you should come here and visit! Yuina say I can bring friends home and I would want to bring you! Please come visit! Zo’ogai is also making friends with neighbours and is making very nice things for them! He do not hunt food like he did when we traveled, instead the village grow and trade and raise food here.
Have you met my grandfather? I hope you have! He is always happy and probably lonely travelling alone. I wish I could meet all my family again, Cyrus write letters to his sister but Zo’ogai don’t write to uncles. Maybe you can teach him to write when you visit so he can send letters too!
Cyrus taught me to hold a sword like he do and promised to teach me what he do with it, so he is also a teacher now! He said he learned to fight when he was young too so if I start I can probably become better than him. And if I learn to fight I can do adventure too when I grow up! So now I own a wood sword to practice with!
When you visit we can make you a lot of tasty things too! Sweet like your candy and really spicy food too! But still tasty!
From Zo’tall
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majesticarlette · 3 years
Could you please write Zoe Lee x Famous Singer Reader where Reader was Zoe’s only friend in New York and then Reader moves to Paris for concerts and to be with Zoe?
my apologies if requests are closed or if you don’t want to write this
Zoé Lee x Reader | ONE SHOT 🌷
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"I heard that (Y/n) (L/n) is here in Paris."
"No way, the (Y/n) (L/n) who has 2 successful albums?"
"You're stating the obvious, but that's them!" People could be heard fussing about the singer. Well, who wouldn't be excited when a famous person could be a few meters away from you? Your appearance in Paris isn't what you really thought about or even your goal to begin with. You're here because of someone you knew for a long time, and you can't wait to meet her again.
"We're here, let's go. We have a hotel reservation at 3:00 this afternoon, we can't be late." Your manager said while picking up her things. Your bodyguard on the other hand is already holding your bags. "Thank you." You smiled at him and faced your manager. "What time is it, Bellum?" "It's already 1:40." He responded after looking at his watch. You left the airport after double checking your things and head straight to the popular hotel in the city, Le Grand Paris.
You told the hotel staffs that you don't want anyone to know you're staying there. You want to keep your stay lowkey as possible until the days nearing the concert. Well, you went there ahead of time, not following the schedule designed for you. After your team finalized your world tour, according to them: Paris, France would be the last destination. You were ecstatic about the news, and couldn't wait to visit. So, as soon as you finished the recent concert, you flew all the way to Paris.
Once you reached your destination, your manager checked in for you while you stayed in the car. He came to pick you up after and you went to your room. "Finally, a bed." You flopped on the bed and it was so comfortable to the point of falling asleep in a span of minutes. "What's on the schedule today?" You faced your manager. "Wow, that's a first." He fixed his glasses and looked at his tablet. "Fortunately your schedule is not loaded for the day--" "I'm going outside." You quickly responded. "Are you going to meet, Ms. Zoé?" "Duh." He turned around after you started undressing yourself to fit new set of clothes. "That's why you're in a hurry of coming here." "Come on, she's your friend too. Aren't you excited to meet her too?" You started putting on your bottoms and shoes. "I am, it's just that it's not professional to act impulsively about coming here when you have a loaded schedule on your last destination. I had to fake your sickness for you to come here." You tapped his shoulder and he finally turned to you. "And that's why I love you. I'm gonna get going, do not follow me." You're in a disguise and left the room.
While looking around Paris, you stopped at a bakery to try their baked goods. "Hello, would you like to take an order?" A dark haired girl greeted you on the other side of the counter. "Hello, I'm new here. Do you recommend anything?" "All of our baked goods are delicious, but the best selling here are our macarons." "I'll take a box." She prepared your order but when she's about to hand it to you she stopped for a moment she must have noticed something. "That bracelet... Are you (Y/n)?" "Pssh... No, I'm not." You chuckled nervously. "It is you!" "Shh!" You stopped her cheers of excitement by placing your pointer finger on her lips. She's calming her self down but it doesn't seem to be working.
"You should come with me! I'll take you somewhere!" She uttered suddenly which made you step back a bit. She noticed her words and tried to explain. "I-I mean, I'm inviting you to a get together, 'cause my friends will perform their song at Liberty this evening. You'll enjoy it for sure." "Liberty?" You asked, confused by her response at you. You were startled when she face palmed herself hard. "What am I doing?! They have a busy schedule!" She started talking to herself which disturbed you a little bit. "Hey, what's Liberty?" You spoke trying to break her out of her rambling state. "Well, it's a name of a boat my two friends live in. They're into music, so there are music performances on the boat quite often."
Well, there's no harm in joining a get together. But, you're just new here, no one would know what might happen. Also, her invite seems legit, it must be nice to party on a boat while there's live music. Eh, you're still not so sure. What if she'll trick you into coming on a secluded area and take your organs? Now, you finally made up your mind.
"I'm totally going."
"Come on, Bell. I'll only be there for a couple of hours." You begged your manager to let you go. "Nuh uh." "Puh-leaaaase?" "Nope." "I promise, this'll be a one time thing." You gave him a puppy-eyed look while crossing your two fingers at the back. "Okay, I've made up my mind." Your eyes lit up and smiled at him. "No, you can't go." He smiled at you which made your smile drop. You flopped on the bed and sulk. Bellum chuckled at your reaction, "Alright you can go, bring Ollie with you." You got off the bed and prepared your things and left the room.
"(Y/n)!" Marinette called from the ship. Her friends quickly looked at your direction and gasp. "Hi." You entered the ship nervously, you're expecting a lot of touching and autographs but they never came. You were only greeted by smiles and handshakes welcoming you to Paris. But somehow, you could sense they wanted to really bad. "Uhm... Do you want me to sign you autographs?" You offered a bit embarrassed. They all nodded their head, they immediately handed you their owned albums you made. "You know, we really wanted you to sign our albums but it might overwhelm you." The girl named Mylène told you. "Hey, it's okay, I just dislike it when people rush up to me and they'll point their phones close to my face, and pulling of my clothes and limbs. You finished signing their albums and offered to take a group photo.
You looked at the direction of the voice and saw the person you're looking for, Zoé. "Zoé!" You hugged her and she returned it back. "Who knew the new girl would be friends with an international star?" The girl named Alya commented and they just smiled.
"1, 2, 3!" The drummer counts and Rose sang their debut song. The song was great and catchy, she's really telling everyone she loves unicorns. "So, why are you here in Paris so early? Isn't your concert will be in three days?" Zoé asked you. "Well, I missed you, of course. When you left New York, I began to miss our time together." Zoé chuckled at your response. "That sounds childish." "I'm serious, you were my only friend in New York, Zo." You held her hand and smiled at her. You swear you could see her cheeks tinted in pink.
"(Y/n), sing!" Marinette and her friends asked you to sing your songs but you promised you'll only sing one and keep the others for your concert. Bellum would scold you for sure if he heard that. Everyone cheers at you and admire your voice. "She is real." Juleka uttered "What did you expect? An illusion?" The others laughed at Alya's comment.
You swore that was the best night of your life, thank goodness you agreed to go.
You spent the remaining days before your concert with Zoé touring Paris. You're always in a disguise so not so many people would recognize you. You also left your bracelet at the hotel, you didn't know you could be recognized by that. "I'm glad I could be here with you in Paris." Zoé spoke while leaning on the railings on the top of the Eiffel tower. "Are you not going back to New York?" "I may not be, I found my comfort here in Paris. I met new friends and I could express myself freely." She smiled while gazing at the night view from up there. You could see that she's happy here than when she was in New York.
You smiled sadly, you never saw her this happy. You only have a limited time here in Paris and it's not enough for you. At this moment, you're desiring to be with her and stay by her side. You always knew your feelings for her ever since you became her friend but you didn't want to confess because you're afraid that it might cost your friendship. But you're not that (Y/n) anymore, you've waited for so long of keeping your feelings to yourself. Now that you've met again, it's time for you to tell it.
"Zoé." You spoke breaking the silence. "Yes?" she looked at you, waiting for your response. "I wanna confess something, I've been waiting to say this for a long time and I think it's time. Zoé, I like you. Not just as a friend but more than that. I wanna fulfill our dreams here in Paris, together." You held her hands as she just looked at you. "You mean, you're going to move here?" You nodded at her as an answer. She let go from your hold and just stared at you. "(Y/n), I've known you for a long time. I know you want to fulfill your dream as a successful singer who is known in the whole wide world." She rested her elbows on the railings and gestured the round world. You're just listening to her, confused at what she's saying. "And, you staying here in Paris isn't enough. I came here to be with my family, I had a desire and a goal to win their hearts but it didn't go my way. Instead, I found a new purpose. To be myself, not pretending anymore." She looked at you. "You, you started building your dreams in New York. You're just starting yet, you may say that you're already there, but it's not over yet. My point is, I don't want you to move all the way here just because of me." She pointed out. "I want you to move here because you planned to, you loved to, and you settled to be."
"I really want to, I promise." You replied and she just shook her head. "No, please reconsider. Now is not the right time." She cupped your cheeks. "What about my feelings for you, is that also rejected?" She just chuckled and pinched your cheeks. "I'll wait for you here, so don't pursue another person." She giggled and let go of your cheeks. "I'm kidding, you can date whoever you want, but I'll be here waiting for your return." You pouted from her answer. "I won't do that, you're the only one I'm going to pursue no matter how long it takes." You declared surely of your answer. You took something from your pocket, "This is a necklace my mother gave to me. When I get back here permanently I'll retrieve it from you." She smiled and hug you.
You both went home that time, you walked her to her room and then you finally entered your own room. You flopped on the bed and waited for tomorrow's event. You slept soundly that night, might be the most memorable night that happened here in Paris, and of course in your life.
You could spot Marinette and her friends in the audience while you were performing on stage. They were all shouting and admiring you from their spots. You waved at them which made the crowd shout louder. Of course, you wouldn't forget about your crush. You spotted her along with her family in the VIP seats.
You performed all of your songs and mentioned special people you met here in Paris. You swore you could see the gang's faces proud and happy. The experience as always was fun but never thought you'd meet new friends here. You swore you'll get back here as soon as possible, so have to give your all.
"Thank you all for coming here." You told the whole gang. "No, thank you and your bodyguard for letting us personally bid a celebrity goodbye." Nino responded and you just smiled. "Hug?" You offered and they all accepted. "Wow, I'm really waiting for this, I can't hug you at first because I know you'll get uncomfortable." Rose spoke and get to be the first to hug you and the rest follows. "These camera flashes are literally blinding me." Alya commented while covering her eyes, meanwhile Chloé's posing in front of the cameras. Yep, Chloé's here. "(Y/n), let's go. We don't wanna be late." Bellum suddenly spoke which breaks your conversation with the group. "I'll see you all soon." You waved them goodbye, you noticed Zoé discreetly giving you a flying kiss. You smiled at her and finally entering the terminal area.
"You finally told Zoé, huh?" Bellum spoke to you.
"I'm glad I did." You scrunched your nose at him.
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years
Yo, I hope you’re doing alright. May I request headcannons od Venti, Childe, and Hu tao with a Gojo Satoru reader?
Gojo! reader x Venti, Childe and Hu Tao
Pronounce: She/him/they, no pronounce mentioned so i won't either!
Warning: Slight spoilers for Gojo and Venti, violence (a little bit, nothing concerning), alcohol (it’s venti ofc)
A/n: Moshi moshi~ dear anon, I am doing great wbu? I hope you like this <3 And honestly this idea is great!!
Please check my rules before requesting!!
First time meeting:
You met him in Mondtstadt when he was performing, he was immediately interested in you. he wasn't the only one
Girls and boys alike were fangirling over some hot person with a blindfold. And they haven't even seen your eyes
He could also sense this strong power radiating off of you.
When you approached him and playfully flirted with him, he became even more interested in you.
He could see behind your playful and relaxed demeanor a complex personality, and maybe that's what made him even more attracted and curious of you.
When you two get together:
Menace to society, the both of you.
You are both very sneaky, pranking mondtstadts people, stealing wine from Diluc, and so on.
You both have lost a friend in your lives and you both have this playful and happy facade to hide the pain. When the pain really hits for one of you, you sit underneath windrise and just admire the view. Just peace and quiet with the two of you enjoying each other's presence.
Sweet songs being played on his lyre about you, you tease him about it but you secretly enjoy it. (he has several songs about you)
You don't like alcohol yourself, but you will buy lots of it for him.
Since you're rich, Venti is now your sugar baby.☺️
You both don't mind PDA and are really clingy, people are kind of disgusted by it but that just makes the two of you even more clingy.
If you use your powers, he will be shook...like are you a god? He has never seen so much power from one person!
But he, like all the others, worries that you might lose your mind.
When you took off your blindfold he was even more shook, like gawd dayum shawty(≖ ͜ʖ≖)
This relationship is very fitting and chaotic but also very cute!
First time meeting:
Meeting him in Liyue while you were buying souvenirs, he bumped into you.
He was like most people attracted to you, and when you flirted back he got even more interested in you.
Your cockiness and your smug smirk made him almost fall in love with you on the spot.
*insert fuck boy face*
When you two get together:
Sniff...that...that smells like a rich couple.
Buying a lot of gifts for each other, it sort of becomes a competition. Like who buys the best gifts and such.
Also a lot of flirting between the two of you.
You keep talking about how you are the strongest but now he really wants to fight you so badly.
But you don't want to fight him yet, you are waaaaay too strong for him. He will whine and cling onto you now because you were being ‘mean’.
He loves cuddling, and if you are as tall as Gojo (6’4 - 190 cm) then he will hang onto you like a koala, it's not like you two share the same height or anything 😐.
He really wants to go fishing with you. But zont zo it, zont zo it. It will just be chaos.
If you get into battle and use your skill, he will now really believe you that you are the strongest as he should peasant
Now that he found out about your abnormal strength he will want to fight you even more. (but if you two do that he will get his ass beat)
He appreciates that you don't hurt innocent people when in battle but he is worried about you losing your mind while in battle, he will do his best so that you don't lose it.
When he sees your eyes he will fall in love once again, he loves how your eyes sparkle...since his are just dull as he says.
Overall a stable and clingy relationship<33
Hu tao
First time meeting:
You were one of the people who fell victim to her pranks, but to her surprise you pulled a prank on her back.
She was very surprised and intrigued by you, so you pulling a prank on her meant war.
Hu tao: Finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!
After that you two were very cautious since you two practically started a prank war.
When you two get together:
Chaos and pranks.
People hate the both of you, and avoid the two of you at all costs.
She will drag you into doing pranks on people, but you don't mind.
The people do though they banned you from some shops.
You both have this playful and joking personality, it's quite a similar personality.
The dates consist of pranking people, cuddling, picking flowers, and eating weird foods.
She really loves you and dotes over you and so do you, you buy her flowers and her favorite snacks everyday.
Whenever you miss your friend, she will hug you and tell you jokes.
She is only soft for you, and basically a big simp for you and she also talks quite a lot about you<3 Zhongli probably knows every detail about you by now
When in battle she is very amazed by your strength (not that she was that shocked, you often said you were the strongest) but she is also quite worried for you, she will try to get you to be more calmer and not let your determination to win get you in trouble.
She absolutely loves your eyes, she will ask all the time for you to take your blindfold off, and as the certified simp you are you ofc do it.
You are actually quite protective over her, ensuring she doesn't get hurt.
Hu tao actually writes poetry about you and leaves them anywhere for you to find.
She knows about your sweet tooth and always brings you lots of sweet candies and such.
It's a very wholesome and funny relationship, except for other people..they don't like the both of you.
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alccaddsccup · 3 years
The Fallout
I seem to be on a roll with writing at the moment. Please enjoy this angst fic I wrote for queen b
Ina X MC
warnings: angst
tag list: @ikingsley@swimmingshoebakerydreamer@barnibumblr@veenast@livvynka@sayeedkingsley@youranonymous42@itsoverihavethehighground@hey-its-vy@hallowdiamond@sheepmomther-personal
lmk if u want to be added to my tag list and don't forget to donate to my ko-fi if u feel so inclined -------------------------------------------
…And for this reason, we can no longer be together romantically. I am sorry for all the pain this will cause, I wish I could do something, anything to help; but I can’t. This hurts me tremendously too, breaking your heart was something I never wanted to do. I still care about you, but this has to end
Bea couldn’t seem to tear her gaze away from the handwritten letter. Her heart felt trapped in her throat and she feared it might choke her. Just like that, her blossoming romance with Ina was over. No more sweet exchanges of words, no more tender kisses or quiet evenings, no more spending hours simply gazing at Ina’s beautifully perfect face. All gone, no more. It took a few seconds longer for the tears to begin rolling down her face but once they started falling, they wouldn’t stop. Bea had no idea how to cope, let alone start to feel better
She threw the letter across the room in an attempt to get it as far away from her as possible, but it caught on the air and harmlessly floated to the ground. In frustration, she pounded her fist against her pillow but it did little to make her feel better
“Daaamn girl, I’d hate to be that pillow right now” Bea whipped her head around to find Zoey standing in the doorway of her bedroom. Taking note of the tear-stained stormy expression on her best friend’s face, Zoey rushed over to sit beside Bea, taking her into a long hug as she smoothed her hair down gently
“Shh, it’s all gonna be okay”
After a few moments of crying into Zoey, Bea pulled away and wiped at her eyes with the back of one of her hands
“What’s got you looking like this?” Bea wordlessly pointed to the letter that had been discarded onto the floor. Zoey went over to pick it up, returning to sit on the bed as she read it. By the time Zoey reached the bottom of the page she looked incredibly angry
“What the hell?!” She shot up off the bed as she began loudly exclaiming whilst waving the letter around in the air
“Literally what the fuck is Ina’s problem? You’re a total babe” She dropped the letter on the floor to cup Bea’s face
“Forget about her, okay? She’s obviously an idiot for passing up someone like you”
Bea shrugged helplessly
“Forgetting her is much easier said than done, Zo. I still have to see her in Anthro” Zoey put a hand to her chin as she narrowed her eyes, her face was a look of pure concentration
“Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna put you in some super gorgeous outfits. We’re gonna do your hair, your makeup, the whole shebang. Let’s show Ina what she’ll be missing by leaving you”
At Zoey’s enthusiasm, Bea perked up a little bit. Maybe looking good would help, maybe Ina was just bored of her and needed a reminder of how beautiful she once found Bea. But maybe she was wrong?
She continued attending Ina’s lectures wearing the very best Zoey could find but Ina didn’t even look in her direction. Bea became more sure that Zoey’s idea wouldn’t work and less sure that Ina ever found her attractive to begin with. What makes attraction go away anyway? Surely if someone is found to be beautiful, they stay that way in that person’s eyes?
As time wore on, Bea was starting to become sure that Ina was purposefully ignoring her. Before the letter, Ina would spend every moment she could find just taking in the sight of Bea or sending her gorgeous little smiles across the room. But Bea was once again proved wrong when Ina called on her to answer a question during a lecture. Finally being acknowledged by Ina sent a thrill through Bea, although she wasn’t sure if it felt like butterflies or like being punched in the stomach. Unfortunately Bea didn’t know the answer to the question asked by Ina, nor did she trust herself to speak whilst still feeling so hurt so she just shrugged
“Ms. Hughes. Please see me after class, I believe I may be able to assist you with your understanding of this topic”
Bea decided that the thrill she felt was actually a feeling of being punched in the stomach. The way Ina addressed her was just like how she addressed all the other students, the no-named nobodies, people who had no past or significance to Ina. Maybe that’s all she was to Ina now. Bea wondered how Ina managed to get over her so quickly
The rest of the lecture dragged on, seeming to last for eternity as Bea dreaded the idea of talking to Ina after class. She didn’t know what to say or how to act anymore, what if she was too friendly? Or too cold? What if she made Ina uncomfortable? Or pushed her further away? All these thoughts raced around Bea’s head and made her feel uneasy and almost dizzy
Once class was dismissed, Bea got to her feet slowly, gathering her things even more slowly. She unhurriedly made her way to the front of the class, standing well away from Ina and trying her best to avoid looking at the beautiful and intelligent woman before her. As the final students filed out the lecture hall, Ina stepped out from her desk and approached Bea, a hint of a smile on her face
“I apologise for putting you on the spot during the lecture, I was sure you knew the answer!” Ina’s smile grew slightly wider yet it did not reach her eyes
“If you take a seat at my desk, I believe I can clear up the confusion surrounding the topic” Ina made her way over to her teaching desk and took a seat, putting on her glasses once seated. Bea did not budge from her position as a look of anger begun to take over her face
“So you’re just gonna pretend like everything’s normal, huh?” Ina’s head snapped up at Bea’s aggressive tone and she looked taken aback to see the feeling expressed so clearly on Bea’s face
“Ms. Hughes, what seems to be the matter?” This only seemed to enrage Bea further
“Stop fucking calling me that!” Ina’s eyebrows shot up and she held her hands up defensively “It’s just another painful reminder of what we aren’t”
Bea began to look uncomfortable as she felt tears beginning to surface. She wiped at her eyes harshly, not caring if she hurt herself in the process. Ina’s expression softened at the sight of Bea in such a state. She never meant to make Bea feel like this, she only wanted to put an end to their romance before one of them got hurt. But as she gazed at the woman before her, Ina wondered if she had perhaps underestimated how much Bea felt for her. Nevertheless, Ina couldn’t change how she felt for Bea and neither could she find the explanation as to why her feelings fizzled out
“I’m sorry Bea. Please forgive me” Ina went to stand from her desk but Bea held her hand outstretched before her, causing Ina to stop part way through getting up
“Sometimes sorry isn’t good enough. It won’t change anything about how either of us feel” Bea adjusted her bag on her shoulder before turning towards the door. Ina sat back in her seat as she watched the younger woman leave, making no attempt to stop her
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poppysmc · 3 years
I Don't Know How You Do It But I'm Forever Ruined
Notes: This has been sitting in my drafts for so so long, unfinished with a different song and Im just obsessed with this song right now so I thought I'd go ahead and post it.. sorry for the mistakes I don't have a beta so they're all mine. I'm just slowly getting back to writing again, please be patient with me. ❤️
Song: Off my face - Justin Bieber
(One shot)
Last and certainly not the least…. Ms. Morgan Hughes, she’ll be gracing us with her angelic voice, singing… uhh… Off my face? Thomas reads the cue cards, slightly puzzled, he thought Morgan would be doing stand-up, he and Morgan’s posse endured long nights of practicing her stand-up routine and now she’s just gonna sing, it’s not even vetted on.
He glances to the side, silently confirming if it was right. Morgan nods and smiles nervously. He in turn smiles back, giving an encouraging thumbs up and a whisper of ‘good luck’ as she takes to the stage.
Some of the audience chuckled at the name choice, adding to the ever growing lump lodged in her throat. This is definitely not her best idea and before she could go ranting about the title, some of her friends clapped and cheered, giving her a slight boost of confidence.
She wrote thet a few months ago, absently plucking at the guitar strings. She’s got the same few chords stuck in her head for week. Only god knows how she pulled the lyrics out of her muddled brain.
How does one go about sharing her feelings for someone who has no idea? Said someone sitting front and center with a scowl, sitting next to her parents. She has no idea she wrote it for her, she sighs in relief.
For a split second she could see Poppy’s attention snap up to her, smirking and raising her eyebrow in question. Morgan rolls her eyes at her and settled into her chair and just like Poppy’s face never moved, her scowl was back in place, listening to Chloe rant about her talent to her right.
She starts plucking out the intro, it’s now or never.
One touch and you got me stoned
Higher than I’ve ever known
You call the shots and I’ll follow
Sunrise but the night’s still young
No words but we’re speaking tongues
If you let me I might say too much
Sometimes people just enter your life and burrow themselves so deep into it that for the life of you, you couldn't remember when it all started. This case was different, Morgan could vividly remember a day it all changed, how it became harder for her to even look Poppy in the eye for more than a few seconds. How her warm touch roughly pulling her back to the argument now seemed to burn through her sleeves, pressure slightly softer. She used to meet her hot gaze, faces only inches apart spitting out vicious insults without thinking much, now she didn’t have the same fire in her veins she seemed to have arguing with Poppy.
The need to antagonize her fizzled into something else, a warmth that threatens to overtake her made itself a home in her chest.
Morgan wanted to stay home, as much as she enjoyed parties, it wasn’t something she wanted to do regularly. Sometimes it gets a little too much to handle, the music felt too loud, the people got too close, the eyes on her felt stifling. She wanted to be free just this one night out of expectant looks but Zoey is too convincing, her puppy dog eyes are too powerful for a mere mortal like herself. She made a condition to just be at the party no over the top expensive clothes, just herself.
“I’ll come but just to be your glorified chauffer.” She dresses herself in something simple, a pair of black pants and flannel. “I just want to be invisible this one night, Zo.”
“Fine by me, but if your fashion choices end up splashed all over The T tomorrow don’t come crying to me.” Zoey shakes her head, the slight dig on her wardrobe is softened by a thankful grin.
“You get dragged on The T once, and no one lets you live it down.”
“Because I’m pretty certain I said don’t go out in that, it’s suicide. So yeah I would never let it go, you wore socks with your flip-flops and had the audacity to show yourself in public.”
“It’s not even my fault, sunny ran out the door. I had no time to check what I was wearing."
“You’ll never learn. Whatever will you do without me?” Zoey smirks and shakes her head affectionately. "Stop stalling and let’s go. My carriage awaits dear chauffer.”
“Yeah, yeah. Please allow me to escort you down, boss.” Morgan bumps her shoulders with Zoey as she passes by to grab her jacket. She opens the door and offers her arm, Zoey laughs and loops her arms around hers.
The party was already in full swing once they arrived. The music was blaring; the bass makes Morgan’s chest thump along erratically with every beat. “Text me, okay? I’ll make myself scarce.”
“Sure. Thanks for driving.” Zoey winks and beelines for the bar. In a few seconds she loses sight of her.
Morgan trudges through the house, the crowd gradually thins as she makes her way farther to the back. She exhales in relief finally free of the maze of drunk students with no boundaries, nobody seemed to pay attention to her, thank god for the dim lighting. The backdoor swings open, she breathes in the crisp night air. The door shuts and party fades into muffled thumps. She sat on the porch steps, her side leaning against the banister, oblivious to the pair of eyes quietly observing her.
After a minute of silence, Morgan sucked air through her clenched teeth, surprised at hearing someone pointedly clearing their throat behind her. The rate in which her head whipped back almost made her dizzy. When she recognizes who the person was, she could already feel the headache coming through, she almost swallows her tongue in disbelief. Of all the people she didn’t want to see her tonight was Poppy, yet here she was, alone with her.
“What are you doing back here?” Poppy asked, voice devoid of any venom just genuinely curious.
“Do I need permission to be? Who made you queen?” Morgan scoffs, the slight bite in her voice comes through and makes Poppy smirk.
“Belvoire.” Poppy cheekily answers, earning an undignified snort from Morgan. The slight tension momentarily forgotten.
“Should have seen that coming.”
“The party’s raging inside and little miss newbie sits here. What are you doing, really?” Poppy asks not unkindly, voice tinged with concern and curiosity.
“I could ask the same to you.”
“I asked first.” Poppy frowns impatiently.
Morgan sighs, opting to just answer just to avoid trouble. She didn’t have the energy to make up excuses nor to argue. “I don’t feel like partying today. I’m just waiting for Zoey to get flat out drunk and drive her home. My turn.”
“It’s-  It’s overwhelming inside. I just want to be alone for a while.” The honesty in Poppy’s answer momentarily throws her off.
“Do you want me to go?” Morgan asks, feeling like she’s intruding. This must be the longest record they ever had being civil to one another, actually speaking without the sarcastic comments and the insults. It makes her feel out of place and awkward.
“You could do whatever you want. I’m not the queen of anything right now.” Right, cause technically it's Chloe. There’s something in her tone that makes Morgan’s heart clench, yet she shrugs it off as the bass from the party. To Morgan’s never ending surprise, the blonde pats the spot next to her on the bench. “The floor is filthy.” Poppy clarifies when she makes no move to stand. A disarming smile crosses her face, Morgan guessed her hesitation must have been showing.
Morgan stands and dusts herself off. “Who are you and what have you done to Poppy?” She asks with a grateful smile, sitting down the furthest she could from the other girl.
“I have half the mind to kick you off this bench.” Poppy grumbles.
“There she is.”
Poppy huffs out a half laugh and after that there’s just silence. After a while she could see the slight tremble in Poppy’s hand in her periphery. She wordlessly shrugs off the coat she’s wearing and offers it to the other girl.
“What?” Poppy blinks, eying her coat suspiciously, making Morgan chuckle in disbelief.
“You’re cold. Take it or go inside.”
“Fine.” Poppy slips on the offered garment, appreciating the warmth it gave to her cold limbs. She wasn’t thinking while she burrowed herself further, letting Morgan’s scent envelope her. She stared at Morgan, feeling guilty for a moment. She moves closer, Morgan shivers when their shoulders touched. "Thanks." Poppy whispers, if it wasn't for their proximity, Morgan might have missed it. She hoped the shadows hid the small smile spreading to her lips.
“I’m sorry for taking your coat. I just couldn’t go back inside. I-” Poppy trails off, breaking her gaze away and staring farther up the yard.
“It’s okay, I offered. You don’t have to explain anything.” Morgan understood, after today everything changed, she lost her spot to one of her friends. Morgan was somewhat surprised that instead of Poppy's explosive anger, she opted to just sit here and mope.
She jumps a little when her phone vibrates in her pocket, she could see Poppy smirk in the corner of her eye.
She reads the text and taps a reply, frowning. She turns to Poppy. She doesn't even know why she's explaining but it felt wrong to just go without saying anything. A part of her wanted to make this moment stretch a little longer, so she hesitates.
“Apparently Zoey doesn’t need me to drive her back. So... I guess I'll head back home." Morgan stands not having an excuse to stay longer and makes her way to the door, hands hovering over the door knob to open it but not before doing something stupid like asking her so called enemy if she wanted to drive around for a while.
“So… Do you still want company? We could drive around for a while?” Morgan mentally chastises herself for the suggestion. Of course Poppy would say no it’s not like she-
Morgan looks back at Poppy, she sees her worrying her bottom lip between her teeth in thought. Morgan’s gaze flickers down to her lips, wondering if they’re as soft as they looked. The moment passed and she breaks her gaze away just as Poppy decided.
“Sure but let me just get my stuff.” Poppy stands and makes her way to the door, Morgan standing motionless, hand over the handle. She reaches for it, her fingertips grazing Morgan’s, the slight static made her pull her hand away abruptly.
“Sorry.” Morgan breaks through her short circuited brain and moves to hold the door open for Poppy.  “I’ll wait for you out front.” Morgan makes her way back through the crowd, her mind reeling at what happened back there and what mess she got herself into.
She continued singing, her eyes accidentally meeting Poppy’s gaze again, her scowl was replaced by an unreadable expression, attention now focused solely on her and Morgan almost faltered. She breaks eye contact and stares at the back wall, ignoring the burning gaze upon her from those familiar eyes.
Your touch blurred my vision
It’s your world and I’m just in it
Even sober I’m not thinking straight
Cause I’m off my face in love with you
I’m out my head so into you
And I don’t know how you do it
But I’m forever ruined by you
The sound of the door opening breaks Morgan out of her deep thoughts. She could see Poppy walking towards her with a sour expression, she's still wearing Morgan's coat.
“What happened to you?” Morgan’s warm hands reaching out to her, settling comfortably on her shoulder. Poppy stares at her hands, she pulls it away like she’s been burned.
“Just drive.” Poppy mumbles, trying hard to be composed but failing.
“Where to?” Morgan pretends not to notice Poppy's agitation, barely glancing at her so she won't feel uncomfortable. She unlocks her car slipping inside while Poppy stares at the abomination in front of her.
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful but your truck is… I don’t know how to say it without offending you? But maybe it could use a good wash? Like you drove through mud to get here. I don’t know, maybe we could go to a carwash, my treat.”
"That’s about the rudest thing anyone’s ever said to me, and you said a lot of insulting things before." Morgan rolls her eyes. “She doesn’t mean that Betty, you just got a little mud on you.” She murmurs quietly.
“You named your car… Betty?”
“What? No I didn’t.” Morgan could see Poppy’s amused smirk even in her periphery.
“You’re such a dork.” Poppy can’t help but laugh at her mortified expression.
Morgan distracts herself from the rapidly rising heat on her neck by fiddling with the radio before driving off. The sweet sound of the guitar filtered through the car and she smiles triumphantly, previous embarrassment pushed to the back of her mind. She doesn't notice Poppy's expression soften.
Morgan drives her car through the carwash. They watched the water and the soap assault her car, the material of the brushes made a repetitive sound along with one of her favourite songs. Poppy had her seat leaned back, watching the machine rid the car of dust and mud. There was something mildly intimate about it, Morgan could move her right hand then they would be grazing Poppy’s, she could do it, she wanted to do it. But all she could manage was a slight twitch in her pinky, her hand doesn't move any closer.
“Do you ever feel like there’s a hundred people around you in a room, yet you feel alone?” Poppy breaks the silence, tilting her head slightly to the left to look at Morgan.
“Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes people may be looking at you yet feel as if their staring right through you, like your nothing. Oh! Like a ghost.” This makes Poppy chuckle.
“Yeah like that. It would have been easier if we were ghosts at least then you know why.”
“Did you feel like that back at the party?” Morgan wanted to say how that would have been impossible that no one could have seen her, she’s seeing her now. She wondered how could anyone ever take their eyes of her, she always seemed to be the brightest thing in any room she entered and now even in this dingy carwash she looked so radiant. How sometimes she thinks that she picks fights with her just for a chance to be bathed in her light. Thoughts she doesn't think would ever cross her mind trickled slowly and became a raging river. Now that she found herself here with her, without anything familiar to fall back on, anything just to distract herself out of her dangerous thoughts.
“Yeah, I don’t know. It was easier to be alone than surrounded but feeling alone. Do you get it? At least I know, I chose to be alone.”
“I get it.” If she had the ability to say more she would have but these few pathetic words are all she could manage. This time her hand reaches to squeeze Poppy’s. A quiet comfort to reinforce her words, she understood.
“Thank you.”
Whatever atmosphere they created in that moment fell apart when Morgan had to move her car forward and exited the wash.
“Where to now?”
“Your turn to choose.” Poppy mumbles, still staring blankly outside.
“Okay, I know a place. You're gonna love it."
“I’m not going to let you pick anymore.” Poppy complains, standing in front a fluorescent lit diner. It almost glowed but in a weird way, like a bat signal for the weary.
“Hey! They make the best food.” Morgan steps forward and drags her companion along when she hesitated.
Warmth and the ambient sound of cutlery grazing the plates makes Morgan smile. She always came here when she’s feeling lonely, missing her parents, their farm or when she’s stressed from school, for trying to fit in like a robot.
“Come. Don’t just stand there.” Morgan looks back at Poppy, her breath caught in her throat. Poppy looked ethereal against the most basic place there ever is. If you said diners were some kind of portal to somewhere else she’d accept it and move on, for she looked like she existed out of place, alien, untouchable as she was beautiful. For the second time this day her gaze flickers to Poppy’s lips, she realizes that she’s saying something and Morgan’s mortified of being caught staring like a fool.
“What? Is something on my face?” Poppy is thankfully oblivious.
“No, it’s perfect.” Morgan quietly whispers while Poppy checks herself in the diner’s window, her words falling into deaf ears.
Morgan balls up pieces of her straw paper places it over some torn up tissues, stacked together. She’s fidgeting under Poppy’s presence; she doesn’t know what to do with her hands.
She's startled when Poppy lightly grasps her hands stopping it from tearing up another piece of paper. It’s been minutes of watching Morgan tear up even rectangles of several tissues, a girl could only take so much.
“You’re making a mess.” Poppy chastises her like a child. She would have laughed but Poppy still hasn’t let go of her hand, it’s making her blush like an idiot.
“Sorry. It’s just that the food is taking a while huh?” Morgan stealthily tries to take her hand back but Poppy only holds it tighter. When they're not arguing, Morgan found that she doesn't know how else to act around her.
“Stop tearing paper like confetti.”
“Sorry.” Morgan sheepishly apologizes and Poppy lets go of her hand, hiding hers under the table, flexing it, she could still feel the warmth of her hand in hers.
The food arrives and Morgan smiles widely. Poppy stares, pretending she's interested in what food Morgan ordered. She admits to herself that for all the times she stared at her she never noticed how beautiful Morgan’s smile was. Arguing doesn't leave one space to insert a smile. It made her heart skip, imagining how it would be like if it was directed at her.
She almost misses Morgan stealing a fry off her plate. “Hey! If you wanted some you should have bought your own or at least politely asked.” Poppy mock glares at her companion, taking one of the crumpled balls and flicking it, hitting Morgan right between the eyes. They watched as the paper landed right into Morgan’s half empty milkshake glass.
"Your face!" Poppy laughs, wishing she could have captured it on camera.
Morgan found that she liked Poppy's laugh when it was genuine. “You better buy me another. You ruined mine.”
“What? It’s almost all gone anyway. All the needless calories you’re consuming will bite you in the ass someday.”
“I’ll take my chances.”
“Just have the rest of mine.” Poppy slides over her milkshake, Morgan grins and takes a sip right into Poppy’s straw. Poppy noticed first, eyes widening. Did She just… A revolting question crossed her mind, how would ‘Morgan’s lips feel like pressed to mine.’ Shes never felt jealous of a piece of plastic before in her life.
Morgan freezes when she realized what she’s done. She just had an indirect kiss with Poppy through the straw. “Sorry. I got excited.”
Poppy opens a new straw for her water, blowing the other end right into Morgans face, another bulls eye, she’s killing it. “Don’t overthink it.” She dismisses the act but her brain does summersaults inside her skull.
They finished eating, the last few of Poppy’s fries stolen right under her nose. She pretends she doesn’t see her sneaking a few of the fries away, she just lets her. Mind preoccupied with important things like Morgan’s lips.
Can’t sleep ‘cause I’m way too buzzed
Too late now you’re in my blood
I don’t hate the way you keep me up
Your touch blurred my vision
It’s your world and I’m just in it
Even sober I’m not thinking straight
Even if she doesn't look or at least tries her hardest not to, she could feel Poppy's gaze on her, burning, willing her eyes to look back. There's something wildly intimate about singing a song to someone and in the sea of strangers you know it's just for them. No matter how many people sang it, to another, to themselves or just for the heck of it, the song only belongs to the person you made it for. Just for her. They could never feel the way she felt when she wrote it, how her feelings were entwined with every word.
In her periphery she could see Poppy stand and make excuses to her parents. She left, she didn't see where she went, she doesn't dare look anywhere near where she was, she's a coward like that. All she could feel is disappointment. It takes everything in her not to show it on her face. Was it too late to change her talent to stand up?
"Come on Poppy, pick a place already. I've been driving around for hours! People will think we're stalking someone around here." Morgan whines in the driver seat taking yet another turn around the block.
"It's been exactly 20 minutes. You're such a baby." Poppy looks at her phone for any places that might still be open around this time. "Turn right, that's not right. Right! Not left."
"Great, now were going in circles. Pull over."  Poppy grumbles.
"What?" Morgan looks confused for a moment but does what she’s told anyway, parking along the street.
"Get out."  Poppy moves to exit the car.
"What are you..?"
"I'm not gonna hijack your car, just let me drive. You suck at following directions."
They switch seats, Morgan slumps and mopes in hers. Poppy fights back a smile.
“Would you look at that it only took 2 minutes.” Poppy smiles smugly.
“I did all the navigating you only had to turn once.” Morgan complains, getting out of the car and looking around the parking lot. “What the hell Poppy, a 711? You could have told me, I could have turned anywhere and found one.”
“Like hell you could. You don’t even know your left from your right.” Poppy laughs at Morgan’s offended expression. They walked in, shoulders brushing together and Morgan shivers, insisting to herself that it’s because it’s cold.
Poppy smiles, victoriously pulling out what they came here for out of the fridge.
“A freaking capri sun? We drove all the way here for that?” Morgan complains, ready to throttle Poppy. Though there’s something endearing in her expression, that proud smile for finding something she was looking for.
“Just go find something you want.” Poppy shoos her away, grabbing a few more pouches of juice. She shakes her head and walks off in search of snacks.
Morgan comes back with an armful of sweets and chips.
“We just ate. What are you doing? Take these back, I won't buy you all these.”
“You said something I like. I like them all. Come on aren't you rich?” Morgan dumps her haul in the counter, the cashier looking back and forth from them, looking for a sign that it’s okay to scan the items.
“Are you just an overgrown kid or what?”
“Pop, you just bought a juice in a pouch, you have no right to judge me.”
Morgan carries three bags worth of snacks back to the car, Poppy not attempting to lift a finger just because she paid.
“Your turn. Pick a place.”
Minutes later they're on a cliff overlooking the city. Fading notes from a song playing in Morgan’s car filtered to the back.
“I'm surprised you didn't get lost.”
“I don't suck at directions. You're the one that sucked at giving them.” Morgan says in self-defence. She unlatches the back so they could sit on it, holding Poppy’s waist, helping her up. If Poppy noticed her hands shake, she didn’t say anything. They sat closer together, leaning against the side. She could feel the cold seeping into her shirt, making her shiver. Poppy notices and moves to take Morgan's coat off.
“No. Keep it on.” Morgan stops her, cold hands over equally cold ones.
“But you're cold.”
“I'm not.” Morgan attempts to refute it but her hands are freezing.
“I can see your teeth chattering.”
“I like it on you.” She smiles softly.
“I don't want you to be cold. Just take it, don’t be stubborn.”
“If you speak of this to anyone, I would personally kill you in your sleep.”
“Why would you do- oh.” Morgan stared in confusion, then realization.
Poppy moved to sit in the space between her legs, leaning her back into Morgan, taking her hands and wrapping them to her waist. Her hands rubbing over Morgan's freezing ones. To say that she was now warm was an understatement, she was burning from the blush that overtook her body.
“If you wanted to be near me so bad you could've just asked.” Morgan grins, chin propped on Poppy's shoulder.
Poppy huffs and attempts to get up. Morgan's arms stop her, wrapping tighter, keeping her in place. “Don't move, I might freeze to death.”
“That's what I thought.”
They had a toast with the Capri sun pouches, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. They sat there talking for hours, the company was too enjoyable to give in to exhaustion or cold.
From the time they were talking Poppy shifted her position, now sitting on Morgan's lap, staring up at her while she told a story about their farm animals, making her scrunch her nose in disgust at one of her retellings.
They stared at the sky surprised to see the day chasing the night away. How long have they been talking? Morgan looks at her phone and even more surprised that it's nearly 6am. Time went by so fast.
“I always wanted to see the sunrise from here. Thanks for the company.” Morgan smiles softly, running her fingers through her hair to distract herself from Poppy.
No one mentioned how one of their hands are still interlaced together or how Morgan's thumb drew circles on the back. Especially not Poppy's lips softly grazing the underside of her jaw.
They watched in silence, both aware that as the night was done, so will this new moment they found together.
“I'll take you to back to your dorm.” Morgan reluctantly says, unwilling to move. It was Poppy who moved off her first.
Morgan slides off the back of her truck smirking at Poppy. “Want a piggy back ride?”
Poppy scoffs. But positions herself anyway, her arms wrapped on Morgan's shoulders, Morgan's hands holding her legs securely as she closes the small distance to the front of her car.
They drove back in silence, neither speaking of the moment, afraid it will be over soon.
Morgan stops her car in front of Poppy’s sorority house, tapping her fingers anxiously against the steering wheel.  No one talked nor moved for a minute or two, they just stared at each other feeling the change in whatever relationship they previously held. Poppy’s alarm goes off, effectively ruining their moment.
“I guess... I'll see you later. Good Morning, Poppy.” Morgan smiles softly, hands gripping the steering wheel too tightly, knuckles going white, stopping herself from reaching out.
“I’ll… see you later. Thank you for driving me around.” They both know they will see each other but not in the same capacity as tonight, they will be back to being rivals, enemies, whatever the school made them out to be. She could see Poppy fighting a losing battle against herself before she reached out and kissed the corner of Morgan's mouth. She turns away like nothing happened and exits the car without looking back.
Cause I’m off my face in love with you
I’m out my head so into you
And I don’t know how you do it
But I’m forever ruined by you
Cause I’m off my face in love with you
I’m out my head so into you
And I don’t know how you do it
But I’m forever ruined by you
Morgan stands and bows to the applause, yet she felt empty. It all felt useless somehow, she wasn't even there to hear the rest of it. She makes her way backstage, turning the corner as the next talent comes up. She felt like running but before she could turn and walk away, Poppy pushes herself off the wall and approached her. She gulped, unsure of what to do.
“Your voice is very beautiful.” Poppy tells her, voice almost as soft as a whisper. She's searching Morgan’s terrified eyes for something. “The song, did you write it?” She asks all the while moving closer, hands fiddling with the lapel of Morgan’s suit.
All she could do is nod, not trusting her voice at the moment. She takes a step back and another and another until her back is against the wall but Poppy follows her every step. Thank god they seemed alone or she would have burst into flames in embarrassment. Poppy steps closer until their bodies are almost touching.
“Who did you write that song for?”
“Tell me.” Poppy looks up almost pleading, wanting to hear what she hoped to.
“It’s for you.” Morgan presses herself even more to the wall, wishing it would just swallow her up. She closes her eyes but it flies open when she heard Poppy gasp. “Are you surprised or?” Morgan trails off, observing Poppy’s expression going from astonished, to happy and outright tearing up.
“I can’t believe you wrote that song for me, I thought that there was someone else.” Poppy breathes in relief, Morgan’s hands wrap around her waist, supporting her weight.
“Just you.” Morgan says breathlessly. Watching her break into a smile made all the nerves she had vanish. She pulls her into a tight hug, smiling when she feels Poppy sink into the embrace. Her head leans on her shoulder and she rests her cheek on her hair. Poppy pulls back and smiles before leanig up and kissing Morgan.
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angelvyxen · 3 years
𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐲
In which Melo comes home from a 5-game long road trip and catches you in an.. interesting act
Melo let out a relieved sigh as he pulled up in your driveway. He had just landed at Charlotte Douglas about an hour ago and decided he’d stay over at your’s tonight since 1) you were closer to the airport and 2) he missed you. He pulled up in your drive way, put his lamb truck in park and picked up his phone to shoot you a quick text letting you know he was outside.
Tumblr media
He wanted to grab something eat before settling in for the night. He hadn’t eaten anything since the team left Minnesota so he was starving. He sat back and waited for your reply but after 5 minutes without a text back, or read receipt, he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned off his engine. He knew you were home since your car was the one he was parked next to so he just figured you were asleep. It was 1 in the morning after all.
He strolled up to your front door and lifted up the welcome mat, picking up the spare key. He pushed the key in the lock, turned it, and opened the door before stepping in. He made sure to close and lock the door behind him before he made his way towards and up the stairs. He noticed your bedroom door was cracked open as he walked towards it, the light from your bedroom pouring into the hallway. He reached out towards the doorknob when he came to the door but paused, furrowing his brows when he heard vibration, followed by a few muffled moans. He peaked into the room, his eyes widening when they landed on your on your bed. You had a pillow covering your face to muffle your loud moans. Your legs were spread wide and he could clearly see your juices glistening against your pussy and part of your thighs while you continued to work a pink vibrator against your clit.
He quietly sucked his teeth, grumbling something under his breath before pushing the door open slowly so it didn’t make any noise, and walking in. He crept up to your bed and crouched down so he was at eye level with you. He watched you for a couple more moments before asking, “Fuck is you doing?” Out loud.
You jumped up instantly, making the pillow fly off your face and onto the floor and the vibrator you had let go slide to the end of the bed. You crossed your legs as you sat up, “How did you get in?” Was the first thing that left your mouth.
His eyes darted down towards the toy before looking back at you, he was so tall that even crouched you two were still at eye level with each other, “So that’s what we on, for real?”
Your mouth got dry as the embarrassment continued to eat you up.
“I.. I was just using it cause you weren’t around.. and I needed you.”
“Oh, you needed some dick so instead of calling me up so I could talk you through your nut, you use that?”
“I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Go to hell bruh.” He chuckled bitterly, “You just pissed me off for real. I been told you I don’t want nobody or nothing other than me touching my pussy.”
“I’m sorry, daddy.” You apologized, crawling towards him.
He stood up, “Nah, nah, don’t start with that ‘I’m sorry’ now cause you knew you wasn’t supposed to be doing this shit in the first place. Get on your back.”
“On your back. I’m not asking you next time.” He said as he started to take off his jacket.
You laid on your back, assuming the position with your legs spread, nervously watching him.
His hand lightly traced your thigh, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind everywhere it touched before his index and middle fingers spread your second set of lips apart.
“So you like that plastic shit better now?” He questioned, using his ring finger to tease your entrance. Your breath hitched as you felt the entire finger that was just circling your entrance a second ago push into you all at once, “Huh?”
“No,” you answered shakily, “I don’t. I swear I don’t.”
“Yeah, ight. You expect me to believe that shit when you wet like this?”
He removed his fingers and stepped back. He pulled down his joggers along with his boxers, revealing his hard dick. He climbed into the bed and gripped your legs, pulling you closer and folding them against you. You bit down on your bottom lip as you felt his tip push against your entrance.
“No protection?” You asked quietly. You had hopped off your birth control last month and since then the two of you had been extra careful.
“You didn’t put no condom on the vibrator, why I gotta wear one?” He suddenly pushing an inch into you. You let out a sharp gasp.
“Shut up. I’ll be damned if I have a toy out work me.” He said harshly as he went deeper. You let out a high pitched moaned as he thrust deep.
Surprisingly, he kept his pace slow. Stroking deep before pulling out almost all the way before thrusting in again. “That shit can’t go this deep, can it?” He rasped out as he ground his length into you. You swore you could feel his tip kissing your cervix.
“Nooo..” you dragged out in a moan.
His pace sped up as the answer left your mouth. You felt his grip on your legs tighten as his slow, sensual strokes turned into more aggressive, fast paced ones. “That lil toy can’t make you feel like this.” He grumbled, thrusting extra deep making your eyes roll back.
Your eyes rolled back quickly though when you felt vibrations against your clit. Your toes curled deeply and your pussy got wetter at the sight before you. Melo, with a serious look on his face, was holding the vibrator against your clit as he continued to fuck you.
“Ouuouuou daddyyy,” you dragged out, your legs starting to shake.
“I know your legs ain’t just start shaking when I used this. I know you fucking lying-” he sounded pissed and his strokes reciprocated his tone instantly. His thrusts turned jack-hammer like, making the bed shake and creak.
“Mmph daddy slow down, please,” you said breathlessly, “I can’t take it.”
“Nah, you was taking it just fine before I got here.”
He turned up the intensity on the vibrator and you swore you could see stars. A continuous string of loud moans left your mouth as you felt you felt yourself cumming. The initial feeling of euphoria washed over you before your body started jerking, and then a splash of liquid squirted out of you. Melo didn’t let up either, if anything he went harder, causing the feelings of immense pleasure to stay.
You cried out, finding it hard to form coherent words as well or squirted over and over again, “Mel.. please,” you weakly reached a hand up towards him which he slapped away.
After a watching you squirt a few more times he finally let up, taking the toy away from your clit. You thought you had time to rest but that thought was swiftly disrupted as he turned you onto your stomach, lifting your ass up, sliding into you, and resuming his strokes all in a matter of seconds.
“You. Got. Me. Fucked. Up.” He said, thrusting with each word. My nature you tried to bury your head into the mattress but he wasn’t having it. He gripped your hair, pulling your head up.
“Daddy please let me have a break,” you whined as you felt another orgasm bubble up inside you.
“Shut the fuck up and take this shit. Since you done forgot how good this dick is.”
You responded with a moan and followed his instructions, lying there and taking it.
“Ain’t nothing ever gon be as good as this dick, you here?”
“Yess, I love that dick so much baby.”
“I bet not catch you doing no shit like this again.” He gritted out, laying a hard smack on your ass, making you hiss in pain.
“Never again,” you responded out of breath before letting out a high pitched moan as you squirted all over him again, “I love that dick so muchhhhhhh!”
“This is my pussy, don’t let me have to remind you again.”
This one was a little shorter since I wanted to get this out quickly since I know y’all be waiting on me.
I want to write a different variation of this imagine but with a more playful Melo who’s more open the idea of using the toy, what do y’all think? I also want to write this type of imagine but with Zo. Lemme know if you want to see. 🕺🏾
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kitsunenonihongo · 3 years
Writing System
This is super important, before we begin with learning words and sentences.
Japanese has 3 writing systems so to speak. Two of them are syllabaries, you may refer to them as "Alphabets", and the third writing system is sort of symbol based, like Chinese.
There's also ROMAJI. Which we'll be using to help you learn sounds and to speak. But please, work on learning the syllabaries as soon as possible. Romaji is terrible for many reasons, including the fact that everyone and their mother writes Romaji in a different way. You may notice that my Romaji is different than some others you've come across. So again. Try to get away from it as soon as possible. Don't be afraid. I know you can do it!
We'll start with Kana, namely Hiragana as you'll be seeing it the most.
Hiragana is used mainly for native Japanese words. You will see Hiragana everywhere. So you'll be wanting to learn that first.
A:あ I:い U:う E:え O:お
Ka:か Ki:き Ku:く Ke:け Ko:こ
Sa:さ Shi:し Su:す Se:せ So:そ
Ta:た Chi:ち Tsu:つ Te:て To:と
Na:な Ni:に Nu:ぬ Ne:ね No:の
Ha:は Hi:ひ Fu:ふ He:へ Ho:ほ
Ma:ま Mi:み Mu:む Me:め Mo:も
Ya:や Yu:ゆ Yo:よ *yes there are only 3 of these
Ra:ら Ri:り Ru:る Re:れ Ro:ろ
Wa:わ Wo:を *yes there's only 2 of these
Okay, now some of these characters get whats called a "Dakuten" that's a little " or ゜that's next to the Hiragana that changes it's sound. those are as follows:
Ga:が Gi:ぎ Gu:ぐ Ge:げ Go:ご
Za:ざ Ji:じ Zu:ず Ze:ぜ Zo:ぞ
Da:だ Zi:ぢ Dzu:づ De:で Do:ど
Ba:ば Bi:び Bu:ぶ Be:べ Bo:ぼ
Pa:ぱ Pi:ぴ Pu:ぷ Pe:ぺ Po:ぽ
ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ are the only ones that use the ゜dakuten.
You'll notice that 「ぢ」sounds like "zi" ... or "dzi"... and not "di" and that 「づ」sounds like "dzu" and not "du" ... that's.... that's a pain in the butt but it is what it is. In order to get the "di" sound it's written 「でぃ」"de" and a little "i" makes "di" ... and actually you'll probably only ever see that written in Katakana 「ディ」
Which brings me to the next part. Little vowels and Little Y sounds.
We covered some of the little y sounds last lesson. You'll see more little Ys than little vowels. The biggest thing you need to remember about little Ys is that they're always stuck to an "-i" character.
Kya:きゃ Kyu:きゅ Kyo:きょ Gya:ぎゃ Gyu:ぎゅ Gyo:ぎょ
Sha:しゃ Shu:しゅ Sho:しょ Ja:じゃ Ju:じゅ Jo:じょ
Cha:ちゃ Chu:ちゅ Cho:ちょ
Nya:にゃ Nyu:にゅ Nyo:にょ
Hya:ひゃ Hyu:ひゅ Hyo:ひょ Bya:びゃ Byu:びゅ Byo:びょ
Pya:ぴゃ Pyu:ぴゅ Pyo:ぴょ
Rya:りゃ Ryu:りゅ Ryo:りょ
You'll notice some of these don't have "y"s in the romaji reading. Don't freak. That's just how it works. And is part of the reason I don't like Romaji.
Like I said you'll also see little vowels: ぁ ぃ ぅ ぇ ぉ but like with 「ディ」"di" you'll probably only ever see them in Katakana. Here's a few anyway:
Fa:ふぁ Fi:ふぃ Fe:ふぇ Fo:ふぉ
She:しぇ Je:じぇ Che:ちぇ Ti:てぃ Di:でぃ
Finally there's little "tsu" っ this little symbol DOUBLES the next consonant!
っか = kka っさ = ssa
etc. a っ can be near any other kana it doesn't really have a restriction besides not coming before あ, い, う, え, お, or ANY of the "N"s
If you come across a double n it will be written with the lone N first 「ん」 followed by one of the Ns with a vowel next to it.
Ex: Konnichiwa = こんにちは
Like English the double consonant doesn't change the sound, it just lengthens it by a fraction (if even that).
っき = "kki" pronounced the same as "ki" って= "tte" pronounced the same as "te"
Does that make sense? :)
KATAKANA (less explanation here because it's the same rules and sounds)
Katakana is used mainly for loan words. Words borrowed from other languages. It's also used in some names.
A:ア I:イ U:ウ E:エ O:オ
Ka:カ Ki:キ Ku:ク Ke:ケ Ko:コ
Sa:サ Shi:シ Su:ス Se:セ So:ソ
Ta:タ Chi:チ Tsu:ツ Te:テ To:ト
Na:ナ Ni:ニ Nu:ヌ Ne:ネ No:ノ
Ha:ハ Hi:ヒ Fu:フ He:ヘ Ho:ホ
Ma:マ Mi:ミ Mu:ム Me:メ Mo:モ
Ya:ヤ Yu:ユ Yo:ヨ
Ra:ラ Ri:リ Ru:ル Re:レ Ro:ロ
Wa:ワ Wo:ヲ
Ga:ガ Gi:ギ Gu:グ Ge:ゲ Go:ゴ
Za:ザ Ji:ジ Zu:ズ Ze:ゼ Zo:ゾ
Da:ダ Dzi:ヂ Dzu:ヅ De:デ Do:ド
Ba:バ Bi:ビ Bu:ブ Be:ベ Bo:ボ
Pa:パ Pi:ピ Pu:プ Pe:ペ Po:ポ
Kya:キャ Kyu:キュ Kyo:キョ Gya:ギャ Gyu:ギュ Gyo:ギョ
Sha:シャ Shu:シュ Sho:ショ Ja:ジャ Ju:ジュ Jo:ジョ
Cha:チャ Chu:チュ Cho:チョ
Nya:ニャ Nyu:ニュ Nyo:ニョ
Hya:ヒャ Hyu:ヒュ Hyo:ヒョ Bya:ビャ Byu:ビュ Byo:ビョ
Pya:ピャ Pyu:ピュ Pyo:ピョ
Mya:ミャ Myu:ミュ Myo:ミョ
Rya:リャ Ryu:リュ Ryo:リョ
Ti:ティ Di:ディ She:シェ Je:ジェ Che:チェ
Va:ヴァ Vi:ヴィ Vu:ヴ Ve:ヴェ Vo:ヴォ
ッコ= kko ッソ= sso ッタ=tta ッシ=sshi
... there are probably other possibilities I've left out, but these are all the common ones you should see. and even if that's not true I trust that you can see and understand the pattern here. :)
KANJI There's thousands of Kanji, so I'm not going to list. I will have Kanji in with the lessons, but learn them at your own pace. No worries. :) I've found that once I got to the point where I could start learning Kanji it's made reading a lot easier for me.
Sorry if this is a HELLISH ammount. Just write the syllabaries down and come back to them now and then as reference. You don't have to learn them all today, or this week, or even this month. I just want you to be familiar with them. :)
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magioftheseas · 2 years
Honest Feelings
Summary: In the end, Sayaka thinks back to those she liked and those she didn't.
Rating: T
Warnings: References to canon violence and death.
Notes: I forgot to cross-post this... Similar to the Kaito fic from a while back, I wanted to write a short introspective piece with Sayaka. She’s still my best girl. Features also Ayaka who is criminally underrated even for a udg target. ;w;
***Alternate Ao3 Link*** Commission? Donate?
The first person she liked was Ayaka. Ayaka didn’t like her at first, or at least she said as much to her face shortly after they met.
“It must be nice to be born with the kind of face that everyone likes!” Ayaka had cackled. “That can make things a lot easier...but it can also make things a lot harder if you’re unlucky. I wish you luck, Mai-zo-no-san.”
Ayaka was sharp-tongued and often irritable. While everyone else was preppy and cheerful, Ayaka would always go on the offensive, tearing down any perceived flaws without missing a beat. It had been clear from the start that Ayaka was as perceptive as she was talented, and any nasty comments directed at her were brushed off with a sneer.
Sayaka couldn’t help but admire that. Ayaka continually being so unimpressed just motivated her to push forward. She liked Ayaka, but she wouldn’t be surprised if Ayaka despised her. For the longest time, she had even assumed as much.
And then, Ayaka got between her and a bottle of water that someone threw. It had just been water. Only water, but...
“Calm down, Maizono-san,” Ayaka had snapped as she towel-dried her hair. “You’re acting like that creep threw acid at me.”
She had liked Ayaka. She had really liked Ayaka.
When Ayaka gave her a cheeky smile; when Ayaka said she was fine and swung her arms around while joking about wiping that creep out...
It was then that Sayaka realized she might’ve been a little bit in love. Shortly after, she thought about how that love would cause more and more people to try and hurt her if it ever got out.
Be better, she thought to herself. You have to be someone who can protect everyone.
(Ayaka never stopped being the one who protected her and the others.)
“Is everything alright, Maizono-san? Are you suuuure?”
When Enoshima asked that with a pouting face, she had been...grateful? Irritated? Why? While Enoshima could play the part of overly familiar and vapid, it didn’t mean she was stupid. If anything, Enoshima should’ve reminded her of her groupmates. She does know that Megumi was a huge fan.
Megumi had even modeled herself after Enoshima on occasion.
“I heard!” Enoshima had exclaimed right into her ear. It wasn’t necessary. There wasn’t anyone in the garden except them. Sayaka had come in for some peace and quiet, but... “Have you really been getting harassed lately?!”
“It’s unfortunate,” Sayaka could only sigh. “But someone took a picture of the last sports festival.”
She was just trying to be a good friend. Cheering for Naegi. Congratulating him... And this was her ‘reward’ for it.
“I’m more worried about Naegi-kun. He says he’s fine, but...” She does worry her lower lip. “Kirigiri-san is looking into whoever did it... Everyone’s been so anxious. That’s the last thing I wanted.”
“Well, yeah! You got a stalker!” Enoshima huffed, waving her hand about. “That sorta thing MEGA sucks, y’know?! It’s sweet that you’re thinking about our class, but... What about you, huh? Are you okay?”
She’s annoyed to be asked, but Enoshima is just being considerate, right?
“It’s unfortunate.” She sighs again. “But it’s...normal for idols.”
“That doesn’t make it okay,” Enoshima said. “For the record, it’s bullshit that you can’t even date.”
“Naegi-kun and I aren’t like that.” She twitched. Just a little. “Your sister...likes him, and I think they’re a much better pair.”
Enoshima scowls. It’s just for a moment. So quick it could be misconstrued as a trick of the light, but Sayaka knew better.
“But what about you?” Enoshima’s pressing now. “Are you okay or what?”
It’s just cynicism, Sayaka had thought. Enoshima-san isn’t a bad person. She’s worried, not malicious. She’s different from Ayaka, but...
If she hadn’t turned her face back then... She wonders what would’ve happened.
Would it have made a difference?
If she hadn’t smiled so brightly.
If she hadn’t said, “I’m okay, Enoshima-san. Thank you for worrying about me.”
If she hadn’t said, “You’re a good person.”
If she had actually taken in how Enoshima’s face twitched—how Enoshima forced a smile right back...
“Well, we’re classmates, right? Mai-zo-no-saaaan?”
Enoshima cackled, like a flame. Right before it blazes. But as Sayaka hadn’t been burned, she overlooked it.
I didn’t like Enoshima-san.
It’s ridiculous that she can admit that to herself now. It doesn’t even matter anymore.
The people I like best—are honest ones. With earnest feelings. The kind of person I could never be.
Even when everything seemed so sublime, that had been the case. In all their time together, Sayaka was never able to open her heart to anyone. Not to her classmates who she acted so close to, not to Ayaka, and especially not to Naegi.
Oh, Naegi. He was so earnest and likable. Now that she remembers, she can’t stop the tears from flowing. It hurts. It hurts so much, and her vision is blurring, but she can still see the scarlet of her blood...flowing into the drain.
Naegi had earnestly sworn to protect her. Like Ayaka. To repay him, she plotted a betrayal. Had she always been so...cruel? Or was it an act of despair? Was Enoshima proud?
As she writes the letters, she breathes. It wouldn’t make a difference. She was dying.
I didn’t like Kuwata-kun, either. Please...don’t forgive either of us, Naegi-kun.
“...rry... Sorry... Everyone. I wish... I could sing with you all again...”
I really was too greedy. If Ayaka is out there, I bet she’ll curse me out. Like she did before.
Despite everything, that precious memory caused a smile to crack upon her face.
If the others see the message she left behind, then they won’t be fooled. There’s no coming back, but she hopes they can still find a way forward. Despite everything. She hopes that they can find a way to protect one another.
Maybe if anyone can find a way, it’s Naegi. He’s still so earnest, still so likable—Sayaka can entrust the class to him. She’s sure of it.
“I hope...you find happiness, too, Enoshima...san.”
And within her last words, there underlies a message she had no doubt that Enoshima would get.
Go to hell.
Ayaka would be proud of that if nothing else.
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grilledpasta · 3 years
Only Us Carmen Sandiego Fanfic (First time writing fiction lmao)
Hey guys! So I have had this fanfic sitting on the backburner for about... 5 months now? Its no where near complete, in fact I am still working on the first chapter, but I wanted to share some of what I have so far with you guys, and have some feedback on my work. No pressure! I would love to make this into a full blown story with multiple chapters and I have alot of really cool ideas. But! of course, I have to start somewhere lol. 
( I took some liberties with carmen’s real name and such, I think it fits her well)
So here we go, here’s a snippet of chapter 1, I hope you enjoy.
Scrape Scrape Scrape went the sound of a small piece of colored chalk on a brick wall. The young seven(and a half) year old artist took a step back to admire her creation. 
“Hmmm, I think it needs more yellow.” 
Exasperated, an older girl looked up from where she was currently sitting nearby on the ground. 
“Zoe, you can’t be serious, I went to the market twice for more yellow chalk, can’t you draw something else that would be growing out of the ground because of the giant Sun you’ve been coloring?” she made a show of pointing to the four green chalk pieces lying on the ground next to the wall they had been coloring on 
“maybe use something other than just yellow?” 
Zoe thought for a few seconds, innocently oblivious to the green chalk, “like a big yellow sunflower?” she asked, cocking her head and pigtails to one side. 
The older redheaded girl rolled her eyes and sighed, “start with the bottom green part, tomorrow morning I'll see if Mr. Garcia has any more yellow chalk”. 
Zoe did a little jump and squealed in delight, “Yay! Thank you Isabel!” Shaking her head Isabel pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. “Of course Zo-” Isabel’s eyes widened when she realized what the time read. 
“C’mon Leo! We’re gonna be late for dinner!” 
A little boy no more than nine years old looked up at the crimson haired girl tugging at his arm. “Awwww do we have too? I think I can win if we play one more time?” Leo pointed to one of the few dozen road chalk tic tac toe games that they had been playing all afternoon (he had been on a winning streak for the past hour). Isabel shook her head “Tomorrow we’ll play again, I promise ok? Now if we don’t get back in time, Miss Valdez is going to get worried.” 
Leo shook his head a little ruefully at the older girl, “Ok fiiinnneee Izzy, bye Zoe!” 
Zoe almost tackled them both with a hug as they got up to leave. “See you tomorrow for my tía’s party? lots of food!” Zoe pressed. Isabel smiled, “Wouldn’t wanna miss it, I’ll have my mom call yours tonight to see if more kids wanna come”. 
Zoe gave a big toothy grin, “Yay! See you then!'' she turned and ran across the small street and up the steps of her house, her mother waving from the door with an oven mitted hand. Both Isabel and Leo waved and then raced up the street back toward the Orphanage where dinner and found family was waiting.
(Thanks for reading! I have a bit more as well, tell me if you would like to see that as well!)
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years
Hello!! May I request headcanons for medic, spy and demoman separately with female reader where she gets drunk and confesses their love to them? How would they react and how would they tell her that they reciprocate her feelings? Thanks in advance!!
certainly! however i'll have each of the mercs leave you alone at the end bc doing anything while drunk is kinda 🤨
(also a little update on my schedule at the bottom)
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medic is not one for drinking in particular, but seeing you barely able to stand up straight gave him a bit of a giggling fit and the idea of sticking around to see how you would end up at the end of the night (and totally not because he wanted to baby you, what are you on about)
after enough times of you nagging him to drink he reluctantly picks up a bottle to indulge you
10 minutes later he's as drunk as you are and you two look like a match made in heaven, constantly cackling at each other's fumbled words
as you double over in laughter you say "y'know, this 's why i love you s' much.. you make me feel good"
in his drunken state he doesn't process what you said until you hold his face with both hands and repeat "i loooove youuu"
of all things he could've done, medic laughs and holds your hands. "ich liebe dich auch" (i love you too)
you, now a bit more sober, slowly lean over and peck him on the lips with a smile
"i don' know what that means, but i hope you like me too"
medic replies "of course i zo. now, go sleep. we'll talk more tomorrow" with a grin. you reluctantly let go of his face and stumble into the night with a gleeful smile on your face(zho? do? medic's accent is weird to physically write)
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spy has been determined to get you to drink with him all week, so after gathering enough courage you accept and hope to not make yourself look like a drunken fool in front of him
he takes you to his suspiciously fancy room with an assortment of wine on his equally suspicious counter, nudging you to chose whichever you like
"spy, how strong are these? i don't want to be tipsy 2 minutes into drinking"
"unfortunately, these are the best i could find. new mexico doesn't have the best choices when it comes to wine" (99% this isn't true please don't flame me lmao)
you chose a medium sized bottle with an apricot as its logo, allowing spy to pour your drink with a small smile
you two share small chit-chat for over 2 hours, constantly bickering and complaining over every other merc
unbeknownst to you, wine makes you sleepy. after 2 hours, spy begins to worry when you barely respond to his words and barely move your body
"are you alright l'amour?"
"...yea? i'm jus' feelin' sleepy, that's all.."
"would you like me to escort you to your room?"
"that'd be nice, yea"
spy unceremoniously carries you all the way to your bedroom, which is especially caring coming from someone who never helps when his teammates are in danger, especially when they're drunk
when he arrives at your door you have to lean against the wall in a poor attempt to not fall over, leaving spy to basically hold you again the wall
"thanks spy, for tonight. you can go if you want to now. love you"
spy's entire body freezes up immediately, his eyes widening in shock
"surely you didn't mean that. you're so drunk you can't even stand straight."
you chuckle and cup spy's face, smiling. "i may have had too much wine but i do love you, spy. i didn't wanna tell you like this though. i had a whole thing planned out-"
spy cuts you off with a finger over your lips. "tell me about it tomorrow, mon amour. you won't remember this, and i want you to. goodnight."
surprised by his words, you nod and slither out of his grasp. "okay. goodnight, spy"
"au revoir, chérie"
(this one's long, oopsie)
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getting drunk with demo is not an unusual sight to see on base. you two are constantly seen holding a bottle of booze and sometimes each other for support
the other mercs leave you alone as no one wants to deal with two horribly drunk, stumbling fools who can barely speak a coherent sentence
after a particularly rough day, demo invites you to drink with him. you accept, immediately downing a bottle with a smile on your face
in the middle of a "conversation", you say "why can't it always be like this? me 'n you together doesn't look like a bad thing"
demo chuckles and replies "well lassie, life wouldn' be fair with you bein' by my side all the time!"
you take a swig of your bottle. "it'd be much easier though. i wouldn't have to pretend that i didn't like you."
demo tilts his head at your response, setting down his scrumpy on a nearby counter
you laugh at his obvious curiosity filled glance and reply, spilling your heart into the wide open. "i could kiss you, hold your hand, tell you that i love you, y'know? stuff like that"
demo is not one to experience hallucinations, so hearing you say this has him rethinking his alcohol addiction. no way that it's gone as far as hearing voices, right?
"ya' serious, lassie? ya' sure you haven't had too much scrumpy?"
"i'm serious, demo. i like you, a lot. i wanna be with you" you say, now a bit more sober and fully aware of what you're saying. "i think i love you"
tavish should be happy. he should. he is, in fact. however, deep down inside him he can feel something unpleasant. fear? fear of what? disappointing you?
demo sighs, rubbing his forehead. "lassie.. ya' can't.. why? outta' everyone, why choose the one-eyed alcohol addicted cyclops?"
you chuckle, reaching out to carefully put your hand on demo's face. he subtly leans into it, putting his hand over yours
"i love you because you're a one-eyed alcohol addicted cyclops. i love you because you're amazing."
demo can't handle this, not tonight. it was just supposed to be a fun little night of drinking, not you confessing your love to him.
"..we'll talk tomorrow, yea? i wanna remember this, lassie. please."
you nod and kiss his forehead, letting your hand fall from his face. "alright, see you tomorrow then."
demo stares at you like he wants to return the favor, but he doesn't and starts to walk away.
"see ya' tomorrow lassie."
"alright demo. bye."
yesterday was my last day of finals after a full week of them (and i start winter break as well) so i'll be much more active! however my inbox is pretty full right now so you might see your request a few days later than originally intended :(
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Thank you for writing my Poppy sketchbook request!! I loved it! 😭😭💕💕
Anyways, I have another idea: Poppy and MC doing body shots at a frat party!
I'm so sorry I keep requesting stuff. Hehe
I’m really glad you loved it anon it means a lot. Sorry if you were waiting a while for this one because I’m working through the requests now, I hope you enjoy it 💖💖
pairings: Poppy x mc
(Takes place after chapter 7 of queen b) 
taglist: @cloud9in @somewillwin @baexpoppy @save-me-the-last-dance @helpconfusedpersonhere @dopeyouth (i forgot i had a taglist for poppy but if you wanna be added on in future fics let me know 😁)
word count: 2.3k (its a long one) 
Body Shots 
The party at the frat house is in full swing, music blaring from the speakers, the pulsating and infectious beat echoing throughout the entire house. Every inch of the house is filled with drunk college students, all immersed in the party, drinking, dancing, playing beer pong and the classic, hooking up. 
Poppy Min Sinclair stands in the corner of the living room, a scowl etched on her face as she observes her surroundings. Veronica’s nowhere to be seen, undoubtedly live streaming for her picta fans and after many gruelling hours of begging and pleading, Chloe was back at the queen b’s side as her number 2. Chloe looks at the party-goers longingly, wishing she could join in on the fun but with Poppy in a sour mood tonight there’s no chance of that happening. After throwing away her remaining self worth to get back into the strawberry blonde’s good graces, she was not about to mess it up again by ditching her. 
You hover at the front door of the frat house, self-conscious about being in the public eye after weeks of hiding since Poppy released that embarrassing hog calling video. Everywhere you went, you were met with stares, laughs and even a student or two who would mock you. 
“Girl stop worrying” Zoey says reassuringly placing her hand on your shoulder, “everyone’s practically forgotten about the video.” 
You glare at Zoey indignantly, and then roll your eyes, “no they haven’t. I mean yesterday someone literally sent hay to our dorm room. Maybe this was a bad idea.” You turn away from the door and begin walking away. Zoey chases after you, her hand firmly clasps your arm as she tugs you towards the door. 
“Bea, pleaseeeee. Tonight is all about getting drunk and having fun. Please stay” She bats her eyelashes while giving you the puppy eyes treatment and your doubts start to dissipate.
You stand a little straighter, giving Zoey a resolute nod, “you’re right.” You begin mentally steeling yourself as you stare down the Alpha’s front door, which somehow looks way more intimidating than the first time you were here. 
Zoey ushers you in through the front door where you are met by a half naked, unmistakably drunk, Ford who throws his arms around both you and Zoey, “looks who’s hereeee.” he takes a swig from the cup in his hand, “we were hoping you would come Bea.” 
“Really?” you raise an questioning eyebrow at Ford who replies with an eager nod, pulling both you and Zoey into the living room. He motions at the dj who gives him a knowing nod, and the music suddenly changes and the sounds of your hog calling, which begins to echo throughout the entire frat house, evoking an assortment of reactions. All the students turn to look at you, humour written all over their faces while embarrassment is on yours. You look around the room and your gaze meets Poppy, whose lips quirk up, her eyes glimmering with amusement as she stares you down. You feel like you’re staring right at the face of the devil itself, and anger begins to flood through your body.
Zoey looks at you apologetically once the normal music resumes and she draws you into a hug, and mumbles an apology in your ear, “we can go if you want you.” 
You eyes once again roam the room, most students once again indulging in the party while some gawk at you, finding the ordeal humorous. You mind drifts to Poppy and how infuriating she is, because this is all her fault. You shake out of your reverie and softly shake your head, “no.” Zoey raises a worried eyebrow at you, “I came here to get drunk so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” You both walk over to the keg, pouring yourself and Zoey some beer in some plastic red solo cups and drain the entire thing within seconds before refilling it. 
“You might want to take it slow,” Zoey says, as she carefully sips her beer. 
“Nope, I need to forget the last couple of weeks existed,” you raise the cup almost as if you're doing a toast before downing the rest of it. You sharply inhale as you feel the alcohol beginning to warm your body, and you feel yourself starting to feel more at ease. You’re about to pour yourself another cup until a familiar voice comes up behind you, and it takes everything in you not to roll your eyes. 
“I see the Alpha’s are doing their regular charity work by taking in a stray,” her voice crackles with detest as she looks you over, but you notice her eyes lingering on your body but you don’t blame her since the dress you’re wearing is doing wonders for your figure. 
“I’m pretty sure you’ve already used a line like that before Pops, don’t tell me you’re losing your touch already?” you give her a little smirk, her eyes glowering at the sound of the nickname you’ve given her but she brushes over it and returns a demonic smile. 
“Hmm, maybe it’s because my point still stands. You don’t belong here. Maybe you’ll be better off on that farm of yours, getting down and dirty with the pigs than the frat boys.” 
“You didn’t mind getting down and dirty with me a few weeks ago.” Chloe who’s standing behind Poppy gives a small gasp, while Zoey stares at you, mouth hanging open. Poppy however, stares at you, all sense of amusement wiped from her face as a fire begins to burn in her eyes. 
Poppy turns her head slightly, speaking over her shoulder, “leave us now.” her voice commanding, and Chloe awkwardly migrates into the party. A few seconds later Poppy raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at Zoey, “why are you still here new money? Did befriending Farmsville cause you to lose brain cells or something?” Zoey sputters and looks to, waiting for your answer. 
“It’s okay Zo, go and enjoy the party. One of us should be able to without feeling like the air is being sucked out of the room.” Poppy lets out a small huff but Zoey obliges and walks but not before mouthing, “you and Poppy?”. You respond with a wink and then you’re left with the strawberry blonde who’s just staring daggers at you. 
“Listen here you oversized gremlin” she takes a menacing step towards you, but you stand your ground no matter how much steam is coming out of her ears, “you weren’t even that good in bed so I wouldn’t get all high and mighty if I were you.” 
“Funny, because I remember you screaming out my name.” 
“Hmm, I remember you begging me to say yours.” she retorts, with less sass but her tone almost seductive. As the air between you intensifies, Poppy does something you would never expect, she looks away. 
“So what’s her majesty doing in a place like this? You clearly aren’t having any fun?” You begin refilling your drink while Poppy’s face twists in disgust. 
“You’re still talking to me?” 
You roll your eyes, “Why are you always such an uptight bitch? Does it ever kill you to have some fun?” 
“I have fun Farmsville. I’m just not a juvenile like you, finding entertainment in the most banal things.” 
Maybe it was the alcohol, or just plain boredom, you’re not sure but something within you sparks a challenge as you raise an eyebrow at Poppy and say, “prove it.” Maybe Poppy’s feeling the same way as you, because her eyes mirror your exact feelings when she gives you a small grin. 
“Okay Farmsville, but first I need a drink.” You lift up your cup towards Poppy who pushes it away with disgust, “no a real drink.” 
As the party blazes on, Poppy leads you to a secret room within the Alpha house which is a replica of a bar, only smaller but you repress making a joke about how it’s a literal minibar. 
Poppy reaches behind pulling out a bottle of tequila and looks at you with a devious glint in her eye. “Now we can have fun.” She takes out two glasses, pouring out a drink for you both, and you both quickly down the drink. You slightly wince as the tequila burns your throat but Poppy seems unaffected as she refills the glasses again. 
Poppy raises a cocky eyebrow at you, “bet you didn’t think I could hold my own Farmsville.” 
“I’ll have to remember to not underestimate you.” 
“You have a habit of underestimating me Farmsville, just know I will never back down” she runs a finger down your chest, and you sharply inhale as you gaze into her eyes. As the atmosphere intensifies you find yourself almost drowning in Poppy’s brown doe eyes, and you begin to slowly lean in, Poppy notices your expression and quickly lifts her glass blocking your face and drinks it all before setting the glass down hard. “You’re falling behind Farmsville.” 
You quickly grab the other glass draining the contents before giving her a small grin, “please, I could literally drink you under the table.” 
Without missing a beat Poppy retorts, “but could you drink off me on the table.” her voice commandeering with confidence. In the moments that follow, Poppy easily unzips her dress and slips out of it, before hopping up on the counter and reaching behind grabbing a lime wedge and a few salt packets. She eyes bore into yours as you helplessly appraise her body, your mind flashing back to the night you had sex with her, and how perfect her body felt against yours. How her nails dug into your back leaving red marks all over it, but the pleasure was too much for you to care about it. As your eyes travel back up Poppy’s body you reach her eyes, which are glimmering with humour. “So?” She lifts up a salt packet in her hand, “are we going to do this or are you too much of a coward?” 
You step forward daringly, and take the salt packet from her hand before licking your own hand and sliding it down Poppy’s chest, the substance of your saliva sticking to it. You rip open the salt packet with your teeth, while maintaining eye contact and slowly guide the strawberry blonde’s body down the counter and empty out the contents of the packet onto her chest. Poppy lets out a giggle, her cheeks flushing red as she takes you in. You pour some of the tequila into her belly button and eagerly begin licking her chest, your tongue exploring the swell of her breasts. You hear some light gasps from Poppy as you kiss your way down to her belly button, your lips encircling it as you begin to suck the alcohol out of it. Once you’re done, you move your head up and begin looking for the lime wedge, your brows furrowed with confusion until Poppy opens her mouth and you see the lime wedge between her teeth.
You stare at Poppy before slowly moving down to her mouth and taking the wedge between your own teeth, your lips softly graze together before you tilt your head up, biting down harder on the lime squeezing out all of its juice. You laugh victoriously as Poppy sits up and begins to pull you down onto the counter. 
“My turn.” She begins hastily unzipping your dress and pushes you down onto the counter, as you lie down she straddles your hips. She pours a glass and balances it on your chest. She licks her fore and middle finger before sliding it down your throat and pouring some salt onto it. She delicately places a lime wedge on your lips, your mouth opens slightly biting down on the peel. Poppy leans down and begins to run her tongue down your throat, her tongue caressing it as she licks up every grain of salt before moving down your chest. Her lips curl around the glass as she picks it up with her teeth, emptying its contents, plucking it out of her mouth and moving down to the lime wedge. As she slinks down, your eyes meet hers, as she takes in the lime and begins to bite down on it. While the peel is still in your mouth, she finishes the rest of it, slightly wincing by the time she's done. In that moment you look over at Poppy and her eyes glisten with want and her gaze lingers on your lips. You turn your head spitting out the rest of the wedge, grab the back of Poppy’s neck as your lips come crashing together in a passionate kiss. Her lips taste sour, hints of the lime juice and tequila remaining on them as you nibble on her bottom lip, eliciting a few high pitched moans from the queen b. 
You stay attached at the lips, Poppy’s tongue invitingly tangling with yours, as you kiss her without restraint. Your hands slowly start to trail down her body resting on her hip. You’re about to flip the strawberry blonde over on the counter until the door abruptly opens and a gasp pulls you out of the moment. You look over to see Veronica, phone in hand as she ogles at the two of you. 
Poppy pushes you away, jumping off the counter, “you better not be live streaming Lombardi” her voice quickly sobering up as she glares at the ombre-haired girl. 
“I wasn’t and I’m going to leave. Have fun with whatever this is.” Veronica gestures between the two of you before slinking out of the room and as you get your bearings, you see Poppy already slipping her dress back on. 
“So that’s it huh?” 
Poppy doesn’t answer, her gaze averted from yours, she quickly zips up her dress, before running a hand through her silky hair and moves towards the door. Before she leaves, she turns towards you, “this was fun Farmsville. Maybe one day we’ll continue this in a more private manner.” She gives you a small wink and disappears, leaving you and your whirlwind of thoughts. 
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shipppphappens · 3 years
Zoey's extraordinary Session
This episode was so amazing. Best of the season, maybe of the whole show. There were so many things I loved and so less I don't. To write this episode you need to know that show so well and they did a very good job, with just a few little false.
First of all it was such a beautiful Clarkeman centric episode und they were so cute. I love that their start wasn't friendship of first sight.
It was so nice to see Mitch real alive and interacting with all of his loved ones. He and Zoey are so cute. He and Maggie just heartwarming and when he starts singing "Dream a little dream of me" - oh my heart.
And he gave Zoey his approvel for Max, "I like him." That we get that first meeting was such a fan service. It wasn't love at first sight for Max and Zoey, but for Max and Mitch. I let out a little squee when he called Maggie "Mags". Like a forshaddowing for the love of his daughters life.
It was also nice to close the  circle to the start of the season when Maggie speaks to Zoey at her first day back a SPARQ Point and now it was Mitch who speaks to Zoey.
So glad David picked Emily to be his wife and not Kersten. When Mitch died he wanted Emily to be with him and Mitch. His girlfriend shouldn't be with Maggie at the hospital. - Nice work writers, nice work.
Maybe a bit to much to put the thing with Emily also in that episode, but ok.
I little bit too much had also been the meeting between Zoey and Mo, but it brought the great "Mo's explicite Playlist" line. So I take it cause it makes me laugh. It also reminds us at Zora and Mo's Jeanscompany. And when we first met Mo in the very first episode, Zoey complains about his loud music, like she did it here.
So and now one thing who is wrong. In season 1 we learn Leif is at SPRQPoint for 7 years. Technicly he can't be at this day as a new guy. But I am happy he didn't has that hair anymore. Same with Tobin. And again Spellaversary - great.
The music hints were all so great and funny. The guy who is singing loud his feelings and Zoey's anger about it. 😂 "Keep it together!". Max's disbelieve in her lack of musicknowledge and his idea to get her a spotify account cause she needs more music in her life. But best of all her face when he started to sing and how distracted she was.
And it had been hate in first sight between Max and Leif. The battle was so funny.
And Zoeys excitement about DMD's show. Later she will be not always so happy when people do this. 🤣
DMD driving that scooter gave me so much feelings. Maybe the best easter egg that episode had.
And I know that character is kind of weird, maybe a bit annoying, but he is growing at me and he could never replace Joan, but it could be so much worse.
And hey, Max isn't a hobo. He has a home. Imagine that!
And know the Clarkeman stuff
I am so happy to see Max back at SPRQPoint.
I can't tell what I like most about the story. Maybe Max's face when Zoey realized he is his partner. Maybe their talk on the stairs. Maybe Max told Zoey to go to Maggie and still fight for the job. Maybe the fact that he went to the hospital to tell Zoey she got the job. Maybe the fact she only got the job cause Max gave his spot to her and she still didn't know that. Maybe the fact she called her Zo for the first time and she liked it. It was so great to have all that moments and the banter. They had that bond from the start and there is no doubt they are endgame cause it is their story. Like the therapist said "It's as much a lovestory as it is a losestory."
It is not because Zoey doesn't love him she is just to affraid of loosing the important people in her life. And that is the difference to Simon. It seems she isn't that affraid to loose him cause she never said something like that about him.
And then there was that scene where Zoey and Max met in front of Zoey's appartement and you could see that she loves him and that they mean a lot to each other. Max's still hat that robot in his closet, could cry. And it seems he isn't 100% sure to leave SF or Zoey for NY and Rose.
I loved, love and will always love that episode.
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