#and it stands for 10 in the URL soooo
ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
Spell your URL
Spell out your URL (or name) using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Tagged by: @spotofmummery (thank you!)
I've done this previously with specific characters so... let's do it with my actual URL this time!
Tagging: @blueberryaesthetics @sayuriaoki @neoma-eltanin @umbralsound-xiv @under-the-blood-moonlight @ffxivaltaholic @hopes-red-dragon @margarettelizha
Tumblr media
F - Faith - Nathan Wagner (Dusk - Moonlit Hearts) F - For the Dancing and the Dreaming (cover) - HTTYD2 (Other Hydrae [OzodugxAroujin]) X - Ten - Jewel (Moonlit Hearts) I - Into the Unknown - Panic! At The Disco (Dubus) V - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) - Don McLean (Zo'ogai)
T - The Trail We Blaze - The Road to El Dorado (Zyyn & Baruun) R - Rain - Ben Platt (Khu - Opposite pages) I - I Promise I'm Trying - Cavetown (Auro'usk) B - Bones - Imagine Dragons (Verihiirensammal) E - Eight - Sleeping At Last (Dubus - Words Unspoken)
H - Homeward Bound - Peter Hollens (Zo'tall) Y - You're Welcome - Dwayne Johnson: Moana (Dubus) D - Dreams of my Downfall - Nathan Wagner (Khu) R - Run - Snow Patrol (Other Hydrae [Tagadus]) A - Angel - Broken Door (Zo'ogai - Yin and Yang) E - Enjoy Your Life - MARINA (Auro'usk)
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halucynator · 10 months
Omg I really needed more swiftie mutuals <3
Please rant about all things you like, i love rants, gosh we seem to have so many close interests, I am not a writer tho, but I do read, effectively making me a reader which doesn't sound as cool, now that I think about it.
My fav Taylor song at the moment is "Slut!". I cannot get that out of my head. I mean "got lovesick all over my bed", I die a little everytime I hear that.
Fav Olivia song at the moment is logical (kinda like you username aah). I still CANNOT get over "can't take a joke, can't get you off". Like please kill me already.
Fav Sabrina song at the moment is probably "because i liked a boy". (damn who hurt me?)
And fav conan song at the moment, "Lookalike"
Tell me yours?
omg thank you thank you thank youuuu <33
okay so i love a lot of things some of them are pretty questionable but I'm questionable literally ask anyone on the discord server so its fine. anywhoo, i love taylor, maisie, gracie, phoebe, alix page, lucy (dacus not myself I'm not THAT narcissistic), olivia hardy (from wasia project) julien, conan, liv, sab (and @loserdiaz but that's a known fact) and so many other people to the point that even i cant keep track. oh and i love laufey, mitski and lyn lapid just bc.
my current fav by wasia project is petals on the moon but ur so pretty especially live from the studio is so gooddd
anywayss, reading is really cool thats how i got into writing (which is the best thing ever ik /hj) i also really really like reading bc it makes me smart and it's super fun
which is your favourite book series?? mine is lockwood and co as if you couldn't already tell by the amount of times I've mentioned it i also really love agggtm series bc why wouldn't it its so good. I'm sure i love so many more book series but my memory sucks (it does not but I'm lazy so I'll use that as an excuse)
anywhooo, i love scream which is weird bc i watched the first one when i was 10 (i know, who let me do that???) and i... liked it? (I'm very questionable i know) but i also tend to rant about it as if its real life (like WHY DID THEY KILL OF *insert name of dead character* IM SO MAD) and not a movie so I'm a bit annoying sometimes but pls don't tell me that otherwise I'll start crying /j
hmm my favourite taylor song atm would be "is it over now?" or "now that we don't talk" bc at the moment i resonate so well with those songs (ikr my life sounds like a nightmare: it is but it isn't really? idk) at yes i totally agree with the "got lovesick all over my bed statement but" also "love thorns all over this rose" and omg "you're not saying you're in love with me, BUT !! YOURE !! GONNA !! DO !!" like who gave taylor the right to be such a mastermind (funny, right? no? okay.) like the entire song, heck the entire album is so GOOD. HER ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY IS SO GOOD. (this is totally normal fan behaviour btw)
favourite liv song atm is probably lacy but i love all of the songs all the album (and yes logical is soooo good i mean i have to love it otherwise my url is meaningless) but my favourite lyric from the entire album is probably "we both drew blood but man THOSE CUTS were NEVER EQUAL!!" from the grudge (also one of my top 3) bc that hits DEEP. (bc the cuts were deep, i know I'm so funny /j)
favourite sab song atm is prolly cindy lou who / opposite (been there) / a nonsense christmas. i cheated but i simply cant choose one shes too good. also super funny bc cindy lou who and opposite are like sad vibes and then a nonsense christmas i want you to [redacted] and [redacted] me on the couch while we [redacted] presents (sorry i just think I'm so funny when I'm not but dont tell me that i wanna be a stand up comedian no I'm just kidding I'm not a failure. IM JOKING) (also regarding bc i liked a boy, I agree. who hurt you???)
anyways, my favourite conan song atm is prolly the best known option "heather" BUT i also like "the cut that always bleeds" the entire of kid krow tbh
okay i wrote a lot asdxcasdcvafd sorry
alsooo, you didnt ask this but my favourite gracie abrams song atm is "where do we go now?" and "cedar" (you arent mine) bc its such a heartbreaking song especially when you can relate to it. ooh and i also love camden, painkillers, rockland and long sleeves but they're all pretty depressing so if you don't like sad songs they're prolly not for you.
and THANK YOU for this ask this was so fun send me more sometimes <333
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Writing Toph Beifong, Advice from a Blind Writer
I’m Mimzy, an actual visually impaired writer and blogger who talks a lot about writing blind characters accurately and sensitively. A while back someone sent me an anon asking how to write Toph more accurately and sensitively.
Anonymous asked: Hi there! Your blog has been super-helpful already - I thought I knew a bit about writing with blind characters, but it turns out there was a lot to learn - but this is more specific. I'm writing a The Last Airbender fanfiction, and one of the characters is Toph. I think the fandom has done a fairly good job of respecting her blindness, but what are some things you'd like to see when people write her? I want to represent the character as best as possible; thanks in advance!
It’s taken a while for me to answer because I have a lot of thoughts about it as both a blind writer and someone who has read a lot of atla fanfiction. So here we go:
Before we get started, I want to mention some things: 
One: I have an entire series for writing blind characters that continues to grow with time and the most up-to-date version can be found pinned as the top post on my blog. There will be a time-stamp for when the post was last edited and a long series of links to all relevant posts on the subject.
Here’s a quick link to that post, but again, all you have to do is click my blog url and you’ll find it immediately.
Two: I’ve noticed something amazing about the atla fandom and I would like to thank you for it. I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers have taken to writing image descriptions for both the fanart and memes you post in the fandom, whether it’s OP including the description or another blogger adding it themselves. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a fandom so consistently doing this and that’s incredible. Realizing how many different blogs were picking up this habit has warmed my heart.
I’d like to see writers use her other senses. There’s soooo so much more to her O&M (Orientation and Mobility) than earth sense. 
Beyond sight and earth bending, there’s hearing, touch, smell, taste, sense of direction, hot vs cold, sense of pain, sense of where your body parts are in relation to the rest of you, sense of internal well-being, etc. Before Toph had mastery of her earth bending, she had to have mastery of those too.
Toph also must have very strong opinions about certain smells, sounds, tastes, and textures. Toph is opinionated about everything, and when so much of your understanding of the world depends on senses that most people are ignoring in favor of some other sense you don’t have, it gets frustrating. I’m sure that tree looks pretty but the smell is terrible. Who cares if this fabric looks pretty, it’s scratchy, do. not. like. at. all.
But also in positive ways too. Oh, that flower arrangement looks bland and monochromatic? Who cares, it smells sweet and honey-like. Weird dark cavern with high ceiling and no light? The harmonics are awesome.
Every character probably has a certain sight or image they’re particularly fond of: Katara watching snow fall, or Aang enjoying how small the world looks from up on Appa, or Zuko enjoying the sunrise every morning during meditation. In that line, Toph must have some things personal to her that she enjoys.
I imagine she likes the taste of foods familiar to her childhood, the smell of whatever flowers grew around her home, and the texture of certain kinds of dirt Example: loose dirt probably isn’t the best for seeing, but I think she would enjoy how it feels to run her fingers through it or maybe enjoy the way it softens her perception of the world the same way sighted people like to see colorful, bright lights reflecting off puddles in the middle of rain.
If you struggle with this, that’s okay. I recommend taking some time to think about it for yourself, to find what tastes and smells and textures and sounds you enjoy the most, what makes you feel safe and at home, what brings you comfort, and relate that back to Toph.
In a Modern AU, I want to see Toph have a cane. Even in a Modern AU with bending included in the world building, I think Toph would benefit from having a cane.
The cane has a lot more function than bumping into things. A big part is that it signals to others that you are very obviously blind. Which is a big deal because sighted people are really, really bad at spotting the blind person.
(psst, please stop saying ‘the blank look in her eyes’ because I swear to god it’s been killing me inside for years.)
Also, even in an AU with bending, I think Toph would like the advantage of tapping her cane to create a stronger, more distinct vibration than a small shifting of her weight on her feet. It would have more control.
You could give Toph a guide animal, buuuuuuut, um, Toph is not a guide dog person. Like, there are some people who definitely prefer a guide dog, and some people who definitely prefer a cane, and some who definitely prefer no mobility device at all. Toph does not have the vibes of someone who wants to be both responsible and reliant on an animal when she’s so insistent that she can take care of herself on her own. Toph likes animals, but not that much.
Although, yeah, only 10% of the blind community use mobility devices, so cane and guide dog users are the minority of the blind community, but I stand by the vibe that Toph would love the independence of a cane. Also, it’s almost never ever done. Modern AUs never seem to touch much on Toph’s O&M skills with canes or guide dogs.
I wrote a whole post on everything you need to know about canes, what orientation and mobility is, how you learn O&M, what kind of canes exist, how to use them, how to describe the sensory input a cane gives you, and everything I know about guide dogs from past research.
Honestly, you could give Toph (or any blind character) a cane in any AU, because I fully stand by the theory that canes are a piece of technology that has been invented, lost, and reinvented again and again.
I wrote “I found a piece of lost blindness history” a few months ago after a visit to see my grandparents. My grandmother told me how her blind aunt found a way to write letters by hand to send to my grandmother when she was a child. I speculated on how the long cane has probably been invented and then lost and then reinvented over and over again in history, as well as giving a little history on the growing popularity of guide dogs in the 20th century following World War 1.
About the “blank look in her eyes,” I have a theory to the exact cause and nature of Toph’s blindness.
I know it’s common to think that the milky green color of her eyes is why she’s blind, though I’m not sure how many realize that milky green color is caused by severe cataracts. At least, cataracts is what I assume to be the reason for the color of her eyes. However, people with cataracts still have some remaining sense of light and shadow perception.
Only 9% of the blind community is completely blind, seeing absolutely nothing. The rest have some remaining vision, even if that’s only light and shadow perception or the perception of vague movement.
The percentage of people born completely blind is even smaller.
Toph says that she’s never been able to see, which would lead me to guess that the initial cause of her blindness was a defect with the visual processing part of her brain. I also theorize that the cataracts developed slowly over her very formative years and that she likely wasn’t born with them. For that reason, I think it would have taken a few weeks or months for her parents to realize there was something wrong with her eyes.
Here is a post about the developmental years of blind children and how their life would differ from both sighted children and from someone who went blind as an adult.
What is it like to see nothing?
It’s a concept that sighted people struggle with and I completely understand. I myself didn’t understand the concept of “nothing” until someone explained it as this:
“Imagine trying to see out the back of your head.”
Which, genuinely, imagine that. Try that. Because here’s what I found. There’s no part of my body that can help perceive that. I don’t have eyes there, nor do I have a part of my brain that can process that. Because of this, there is no sense of light or dark, no shape or shadow or movement or depth that I can perceive. There is nothing.
And honestly, it gives me a headache trying to think too much about it.
Toph doesn’t see black, doesn’t have a mental image of it. When people talk about light and dark, Toph has nothing to base the concept on. The closest relation she has to that is silence versus sound, or her earth sense when she’s in the air on Appa versus when she’s on solid ground. But it’s not the same.
I would like to examine the way the show tried to describe Toph’s earth sense, that black void with ripples of white stretching from her feet and outwards. Television is a visual medium so of course their explanation of Toph’s earth sense would be visual, but that’s not what it’s actually like in her head. More accurately, it’s like touching the back of your head to something and feeling what’s solid behind it and what has more give. A wall versus a pillow for example. Slamming your hand on a flimsy table and feeling it rattle under your palm. And for someone so adept at using that sense, she feels not just the table surface under her palm, but the individual rattles down the four legs, how uneven those rattles are because the legs are carved decoratively instead of solid planks, and how the foot of each leg bumps against the ground, and how the floor vibrates in response to the impact, which she feels in both her feet and hand. 
About Toph’s Relationship with Her Parents
It’s not something I see touched on much. There’s been a lot of focus on Zuko and Azula’s relationship with their parents and the abuse, as well as exploration of Sokka and Katara’s trauma with losing their mother, and Sokka looking up to his warrior father while Katara struggles with her abandonment issues.
Please don’t take this as a critique, because there are a few valid reasons for this and I would like to give you some insight on how to explore Toph’s relationship with her parents.
For starters, the show had a lot more reason to focus on Zuko and Azula’s parents, with Fire Lord Ozai being the primary villain and Zuko’s greatest abuser, and Azula’s dependent worship of her father in response to Ursa’s neglect and favoritism of Zuko, which was likely Ursa’s response to Ozai’s favoritism of Azula. Their parents are huge driving motivators for why Zuko and Azula make the decisions and mistakes they do, why they are at one point in the show the villains themselves. (And why I think Azula should get a redemption arc and some healing.)
Katara’s trauma of losing her mother and blaming herself is a huge factor in both her response to the war, her relationship with her bending, and her motherly nature with her friends. The show has to explore that. Just as it has to explore Sokka’s problems with toxic masculinity in response to being the man of his village, and his desire to be a great warrior and leader like the father he idolizes. 
The show needs to explore that to make the plot move forward, and it benefits from these being two sibling sets with different responses to their upbringing and different sibling dynamics, setting them up as foils for each other.
The show also wouldn’t benefit by giving Lao and Poppy Beifong more screen time. Their established character were two nobles who kept as far out of the war as possible and prospered monetarily for it. Poppy was polite and demure and Lao liked to lead the conversation. Unless the gAang decided to return to Toph’s home, those characters had no reason to pop up anywhere in the show. And if they did, they would be a hinder to Toph and her part in the plot as both Aang’s earth bending teacher and as the greatest earth bender in the world, tossing Fire Nation soldiers eight ways to Sunday. 
So truly, I understand that there’s not a whole lot of canon material (comparatively) to go off of when developing this, but I will offer some insight on what is there in canon.
Toph’s relationship with her parents is explored in that it maps out why Toph doesn’t want to be mothered by Katara, why she wants to prove how independent she is, but there’s very little on screen interaction between Toph and her parents.
Toph deeply loves her parents. I think that plays into why she doesn’t want Katara mothering her, because she has a wonderful mother at home who she loves and wants to better understand her, but she had no friends growing up and no older sister, which are the roles she needs and wants Katara to fill. If Toph wanted a mother figure, she would have latched onto Katara. Look at how Zuko never sought out another mother figure but did find a father figure in Iroh as he began to heal from his childhood trauma and separate his self image from his father’s acceptance.
Toph is in a complicated situation, she loves her parents but the way they’re raising her is hurting her in the long run. But Toph can see that their actions are because of their immense love for her. She can see how they would do anything for her. While she never had any examples of how other noble children were treated by their parents, who might have been distant or disinterested or always away for their social and work lives, she was remarkably loved by her parents. Her father put careful thought into her tutors and checked in on her progress. Her mother feared for Toph’s emotional state when she was kidnapped (even if she was incorrect about how Toph would respond), showing genuine empathy for her daughter.
I think their over protective nature became the love language Toph best understood them by, and part of her reasoning for not revealing how capable she was, was because she wanted to keep experiencing that love and care for as long as she could. But it’s not a love language she would put up with from anyone else.
I would like to point out Toph’s genuine excitement to see her mom again in the season finale of Book Two, how badly Toph wants her mom to understand and accept her for who she is.
My thoughts on what Toph can’t do: read, swim, see in the sand, fight things mid-air.
For how incredibly powerful the show makes Toph with her earth bending and the O&M she taught herself through it, they do touch on some of her weaknesses when they come up and find a useful way to showcase them.
The Serpent’s Pass was an excellent example of Toph’s vulnerability in water. From her fear of not being able to see on Katara’s ice bridge to not being able to swim and needing Suki to save her, Toph’s weaknesses putting her in danger added to the excitement and “sitting on the edge of your seat” feeling while watching the episode without turning her into someone who was helpless. She was just in a position where her normal defenses were useless.
Just like the earth benders in the metal prison in the ocean, or Katara having little water in the middle of a desert where her friends needed that water to survive more than she needed it to fight, making her vulnerable later in the show when the insect-wasp things attacked. Just like fire benders being weaker at night, or powerless during a solar eclipse, or a sighted person being lost in the dark. Those were just situations in which the tools you were accustomed to relying on could no longer help you or were taken away.
The show was clever in that it didn’t make her inability to read a direct threat to her safety, but rather as a clever plot device for her to be alone when the sand banders attacked and have to choose between fighting them to save Appa, or holding back an entire fricking building by the tiniest spire on its very top from falling into a void leading to the spirit world. It also showed her weakness to not being able to see or fight as well in sand. Which the show later made an effort to show how she’d improved on that problem in Book Three when she was surrounded by nothing but sand at Ember Island.
Like improving her ability to see in the sand, I would like to see a character teach Toph to swim, or at least float, so that she never feels helpless again. If she took the initiative to improve her sand bending so much, I’m sure she would have learn to swim eventually.
And on the note of reading, I’ve seen some speculation on how Toph could learn to read, whether it’s through using ink that has some percentage of earth mixed in, or developing the sensitivity to feel out the different weight, consistency, and texture of ink on paper. 
I would like to bring your attention to Louis Braille, the blind Frenchman who invented Braille while studying at  the Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles, the world’s very first school for the blind in Paris France (established 1785). Previously Louis was learning to read through a method in which each letter was pressed into the paper to leave an imprint that someone could feel out with just their fingers.
Louis Braille concluded that raised lettering was impractical because-
1.       It is difficult to read, the letters had to be printed in huge font to be fully felt out and printed on thick paper.
2.       Thick paper means higher quality, more expensive. Larger font means more paper is needed for a single text.
3.       This made it inaccessible due to expense and the sheer volume of a text.
4.       If today’s Braille books are hard to access and giant compared to traditional books, I can’t imagine how inaccessible those raised letter books really were.
The subject of Braille, the start and controversial near downfall to  Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles were discussed in a post about writing a blind character during the Victorian Era.
I’ve heard others complain in the past about fantasy universes in which a sighted person invents a solution to allow the blind to read, when the most effective and longest lived method was invented by a blindman over two hundred years ago and is the standard taught in schools today.
And while I couldn’t easily explain it or how it works because I can neither read Braille nor speak Chinese, I can tell you that Chinese Braille exists and works only slightly differently from the Braille western languages use. So, again, modern AUs especially would benefit from enabling Toph to read Braille and use a computer and phone with screen reader.
But just as easily you could choose not to have her learn to read but rather have sighted people read things aloud to her. Whether it’s in a professional setting as an adult having an assistant who reads and writes for her, or as a cute, fluffy little moment between Toph and another character. Both are just as genuine to the blindness experience.
Blind Jokes
If you ever get around to reading my post about blind jokes, I’d like you to remember that it’s primarily written for people writing original characters and that Toph canonically makes blind jokes, so to take away from that would not be true to her character.
Does Toph’s Earth Sense Negate her Blindness?
It’s a question I’ve seen raised before and discussed by both abled, disabled, and blind people. There are multiple perspectives on it, but my own take on it is that Toph’s earth bending does not negate her blindness, but rather functions very much like the process of learning to use a cane.
She had a tool, a teacher, and she learned to use that tool. Instead of a cane, it was seismic perception and her teacher were blind badger-moles. She spent years learning to earth bend as they do and then continued to take it to new heights as she explored fighting with it on her terms against sighted fighters.
Come to think about it, I would love to see Toph teach another visually impaired or blind earth bender who to see and bend as she does.
Is Toph Good Blindness Representation?
This question was posed to me in the comments of my master post, and my answer was something like this: “Toph is good representation, but she can't be the only type of representation we get. She's the best we had 15 years ago, but there are a million ways to nuance the blindness experiences. Toph's experience being born blind, having very over protective parents, being a small girl in a patriarical and wealth influenced society, having no friends growing up. Those are all great aspects of blindness to show, but there is so much more to explore. As for her blindness and whether or not that's negated, that's also nuanced. She has limits, she's not all-powerful, but she is the best earth bender hands down. More or less, I love Toph, she's a great character, give me like a million more blind characters who are completely different from her.”
I want to see accurate and well-written blind characters become much more common in modern media, and that’s why I started this blog. So if you decide you want to write your own blind character from scratch, feel free to come back and look at some of my other stuff.
End Notes:
I want to thank the anon who sent the original question because it never occurred to me how much the atla fandom would benefit from a post like this. 
You should follow my blog. Along with advice about writing blind characters, I write general writing advice and answer questions about writing, college, plot development, character analysis, and living with blindness. I curate writing advice from fellow writeblrs, write my own image descriptions for writing memes, post about mental health and working/living with ADHD, disabilities outside of blindness, and LGBTQA+ topics. 
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voidendron · 2 years
tagged by @vespertine-legacy for a Get to Know the Blogger - thanks, November! :D
1. why did you choose your url?
okay, so there's actually a bit of story behind it so this answer's gonna be long.
I was a roleplayer...god. years ago (6? ish years ago?), for the Transformers fandom, and because of the character I played, I got called "Blitz" and the nickname just kinda stuck, even after I left that fandom. before I'd realized I was trans, my username had "Queen" in it, and I had a separate account for RPing as that character. well, I had both accounts logged into the chat at the same time once cause I'd been chatting on my main, then decided to hop onto the RP one and forgot to disconnect my main (DeviantArt Chat, haha), someone didn't know which one to tag to get my attention, so just caps-locked BLITZQUEEN at me
it didn't take long for me to change my user to that. I eventually drifted away from that fandom, but I decided to name my mascot Blitz for the nostalgia
I started to get uncomfortable with my user, realized I was trans, and started looking for alternatives to the "queen" part of it. I came across the word "indite" which is a synonym for "write." I liked how symmetrical the I's were from each other in "Blitzindite," so decided to roll with it
so yes. my username is literally just "Blitz Writes" (it's also why my writing tag is "blitz indites")
2. any sideblogs?
@thevehszlegacy - where I keep track of my SWTOR OCs. needs updated, but soooo nice to have for sorting reasons
@swtor--screenshots - haven't posted there in a long while, but as the username says
@fr-thecollectors - my Flight Rising blog. currently in an inactive phase on FR, but I still adore my dragons there
@jse--deep-blue-sea - I had a crossover fic from my previous fandom that I stopped writing like two years ago, but decided to try and at least finish it now (mostly bc of the Subnautica part of the crossover). I only post chapters there so I can keep this blog to Star Wars content
I've got a few others I don't really touch anymore, but these are the notable ones
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
4. why did you originally start your blog?
JSE and Markiplier Egos
5. why did you choose your icon?
my current one is my SWTOR main, but I usually have a gas mask one because my mascot has one in place of his face
6. why did you choose your header?
but I just really really love that screenshot. one of my favorites I've ever taken
7. what's your post with the most notes?
art from my previous fandom. not gonna link it because of eyestrain (glitching effects) and blood/gore. in this fandom, my post about being able to use headpieces (even the toothpick!!!!) to hide Vette's shock collar in vanilla
8. how many mutuals do you have?
is there even a way to check that?
9. how many followers do you have?
10. how many blogs do you follow?
11. have you ever made a shitpost?
yeeee. my followers are probably tired of my dumb posts tbh aksjld;sldk
12. how many times do you use tumblr a day?
If I'm on my laptop, I have it open. so I'll just say "quite a bit" and leave it at that
13. have you ever fought another blog?
14. how do you feel about “need to reblog” posts?
can't stand them. the moment I see "everyone should reblog this" "if you don't reblog-" blah blah blah I scroll past whether I liked/agreed with the post or not, oftentimes without even reading the rest of the post.
15. do you like tag games?
sure! makes me nervous tagging others for them, tho
16. do you like ask games?
yessss I love ask games. haven't been doing em much lately, tho. I should get back into them.....
17. which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
I...don't actually know. but I know some of them are more fandom-famous
18. do you have a crush on a mutual?
tagging: @thedinalixlegacy @raven-of-domain-kwaad and whoever else wants to do it! like I said, tagging others makes me nervous 😅
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
ok wait after u sent me that ask i have to know ur top books!!! dw if u don't feel like it but i would love to hear them 🌷
This is so sweet and considerate! Thank you Eva, you gave me 5 so I’ll try to keep it to that # as well 💖🐰 off the top of my head:
🌷 The Stormlight Archive series, especially the second book, Words of Radiance. Stormlight is like 4 books + 2 novellas right now, and is projected to be 10 books and ???novellas eventually. And on top of that each main book is 1000+ pages and while you can read Stormlight on its own, most of the other books by the author, Brandon Sanderson, are part of this larger fictional universe called the cosmere. Each series takes place on a different planet, and if you are invested in the whole cosmere, there’s Easter egg references to other series in other series. So like! While I rec these books often, most people understandably don’t take me up on it wgshshh 🤭 Sanderson’s non-Stormlight books are all MUCH shorter but also much more flawed imo. Like I wouldn’t count him among my favorite authors were it not for Stormlight. anyway I’m a die hard fantasy fan so the length didn’t deter me, and I picked these up because a friend told me the world building in these books was genuinely unique instead of the typical very lazy maps composed of like. Fantasy Russia and its hostile mysterious neighbors Fantasy General East Asia and Fantasy Africa lol. and she was right! The world building is exquisite and refreshing and almost every character is canonically of color. They live in a society with an eye color based caste system and it’s.., so hard to sum up this massive series with four main characters and a ridiculous(ly fun) amount of plot lines, so I’ll cut this short and say 1) the first book, The Way of Kings, is highly expository but the ending is so so worth it, and if you enjoy the ending you’ll find merit in continuing with the series 2) Words of Radiance is my favorite book so far partially because I haven’t read the newest, Rhythm of War, yet, and also because it’s the book with the most scenes that solidified Kaladin Stormblessed (one of the main characters) as one of my favorites of all time. Another one of the best things about this series is how Brandon Sanderson portrays mental health in very natural ways, and it makes Kaladin’s growth so incredibly soothing to follow (I MEAN. He has low points that sometimes hit too close to home, but it makes you root for him harder) he really is just. Truly my definition of a hero, if we wanna get cheesy about it, and I had to pick one solid example. I love him so much this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg as to why 😭!
🌷Jane Eyre. Silly frivolous teenaged girl that I am this book swept me off my feet when I first read it and I condone every problematic aspect of it❤️ (I DONT ofc but like! I love drama and being played like a fiddle by narratives and the book delivered on both fronts! And it couldn’t have without its unsavory plot twist soooo 😙💖) (the hate this book and especially one specific character gets is funny to me just because like. Hate for the former (imo) usually stems from people taking the book too seriously while simultaneously missing the point (JE and du Maurier’s Rebecca (highly influenced by the former) are oft considered loose Bluebeard retellings for a reasonnnn!) and hate for the latter is usually just like. Warranted and then taken over the top like... he’s just a fake funny little man you guys :( and the book would’ve been boring if he wasn’t so twisted and out of touch and passionate ): not to mention I do personally in a mean ish way think it’s funny how for some people this character is one of the worst examples of men they can imagine. Like good for Them! I don’t want them to have lower standards for horribleness in people But also omg 🤭 it just reminds me of how... irony of all ironies, I’m semi frequently told I’m too harsh on real life men and then when I love twisted ones in books (for being funny and entertaining and good solid characters) I like. get the most interesting side eyes (whether figurative or literal) bwjswnhshe anyway I have nothing against Austen, I definitely enjoy her, but from what I’ve read so far, I prefer the Brontës a lot more... I need adventure! Show me horror show me rot etc etc❤️ also I’m. A stupid sucker so the fact that the book was Charlotte Brontë’s attempt to write a plain looking lady protagonist and to make her praiseworthy and virtuous and worthy of spellbinding romance makes me... 💗💓💕
🌷Keturah and Lord Death — Martine Leavitt. I haven’t seen it officially stated anywhere but to me it’s p clear this book is a retelling of/highly inspired by Godfather Death (the Grimm tale) Very simple, predictable but effective plot, and the characters are just. So much fun. From my url you can probably tell I love stories in which women (or anyone but you know. Death and the Maiden is its own trope for a reason) outsmart/face off against death. If they also k*ss, when done right, I think that’s swell as well.
🌷A Thousand Splendid Suns — Khalid Hosseini. By far the heaviest book I will mention in this ask, and I don’t rec it willy nilly for that and a few other reasons. It’s a forever fave to me because I read it at the exact right time in my life, where I was like... noticing a ton of things irl and things at home were tumultuous, and when I saw very similar things unfold in this book while I was being silenced and made to feel crazy by the adults around me, it meant so much to me to see reality as I was experiencing it in real time reflected back at me via this novel. The context of the story is wildly different from my own life and the stakes the characters face are far higher, and it is if I remember right mostly a novel about the horrors of war, which isn’t something I pretend to have any firsthand experience with, but! It was legitimately cathartic to read when I read it, and it especially meant a lot to me at the time that the author was a grown man. Not to mention how my mother is not and never has been a reader, and somehow the one and only book I ever managed to get her to read was this. Hilariously she got mad at me for only (“only”) reading depressing things (there’s... a grain of truth to that but she doesn’t need to know! 🤫) but also... she was hooked I could tell! (I got all tmi explaining this one gag I’m so sorry)
🌷A Slight Trick of the Mind — Mitch Cullin. Retirement-era Holmes! Holmes as an old man! A sad old man who keeps bees!! It’s the novel the movie Mr. Holmes was based off of (haven’t seen it yet) and I was not expecting it to get me all sentimental like it did 🤨😪 but anyway it’s like. A prolonged character study and explores some of the most interesting (to me, anyway) parts of Holmes that are only lightly touched upon in canon, like his occasionally huge follies when navigating his few close relationships and how he copes with them afterwards, his fatigue at the random injustice of the world, how he’s often mistaken both by characters that surround him and people irl as a man without feelings, etc etc. like there’s no Dr. Watson or Mrs. Hudson in this book, and the people he interacts with are almost entirely original characters, but as I listened to the audiobook it barely occurred to me to miss Watson and Hudson (I know! 😦) and the author’s original characters interacted with Holmes so believably that I sometimes forgot they weren’t ever Doyle’s. Def recommend to any flexible Holmes fan that’s not a total stickler for canon (though you don’t actually have to know much about Holmes to read this book and enjoy it! 🐝)
🌷Sleepless — Sarah Vaughn + Leila del Luca. I began with the longest book, so let me end with the shortest. It’s a 2 volume long graphic novel series and that it’s so short is the only long standing, legitimate complaint I have of it! Gorgeous art, really effectively written romance, a dark skinned girl who gets to be the proactive, lively protagonist and stunning, pined after love interest at the same time, a cast of characters that is majority of color, the perfect %-age of drama and angst etc etc. if you can find it via your library or online or smth, you can knock it out in one sitting and leave the experience eternally altered in the funnest way 👁👄👁
Honorable mentions: The Botany of Desire — Michael Pollan, Troubling Love — Elena Ferrante, The Girl from the Garden — Parnaz Foroutan
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upsidedowninmyworld · 3 years
All of them? :$
I can’t sleep. Why not
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? The height I am now
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) Hmm...Gizmo
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Anything comfortable really
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Sonic
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My partner, my future, and what it all holds
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Very quiet, slow to anger but proceed with caution
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? 🤷🏻‍♀️
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] uhh when I took this test in high school, I was melancholic
9: Are you ticklish? Yes
10: Are you allergic to anything? Loads
11: What’s your sexuality? Bisexual
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa
13: Are you a cat or dog person? Cat
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Hmm vampire
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? I did
16: How tall are you? 5’2”
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I like mine
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] too much for me to be comfortable
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Uhh I like both equally
21: Are you religious? Kind of
22: Pet peeves? When people touch my stuff without asking. Bad breath
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Nocturnal
24: Favorite constellation? Not sure
25: Favorite star? Not sure
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? No?
27: Any phobias or fears? Not saying
28: Do you think global warming is real? Yes
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Not really
30: Favorite movie? Forrest Gump
31: Do you get scared easily? No lol
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 5?
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] what?
34: What is a color that calms you? Blue
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Australia, London
36: Where were you born? LA
37: What is your eye color? Brown
38: Introvert or extrovert? Intro
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? No lol
40: Hugs or kisses? Kisses
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? Cody
42: Who is someone you love deeply? Cody
43: Any piercings you want? Second ear piercings
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Yes
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? Before
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! He’s pretty great. Been with them for almost 4 years :)
47: What is a sound you really hate? A certain person’s voice
48: A sound you really love? The ocean
49: Can you do a backflip? Not anymore
50: Can you do the splits? If I stretch, yes
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Natalie Dorner and Ed skrein atm
52: Favorite movie? I already answers this
53: How are you feeling right now? Tired
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Half white half Black
55: When did you feel happiest? I think it’s been a while
56: Something that calms you down? Writing or drawing
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] nothing diagnosed
58: What does your URL mean? My world is odd
59: What three words describe you the most? Quiet, contemplative weird
60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? Posting things I don’t like
62: What makes you follow a blog? Posting things I like
63: Favorite kind of person: a genuinely nice person that is honest
64: Favorite animal(s): pandas, otters
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. 🤷🏻‍♀️
66: Favorite emoticon: 😻
67: Favorite meme: I have too many
68: What is your MBTI personality type? I can’t remember
69: What is your star sign? Uhhh Pisces...?
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? Yes
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? A black shirt and jeans with converse
72: Post a selfie or two? No thank you
73: Do you have platform shoes? I do!
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I can bend my thumb all the way to my arm
75: Can you do a front flip? Not anymore
76: Do you like birds? Sure
77: Do you like to swim? Love it
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming for sure
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: not saying
80: Some thing you wish did exist: someone that is no longer here
81: Piercings you have? Just my ears for now
82: Something you really enjoy doing: reading
83: Favorite person to talk to: Cody
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? I like this site
85: How many followers do you have? Uhh I haven’t looked in a while
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? I use. To lol
87: Do your socks always match? Yes
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? Yes
89: What are your birthstones? Aquamarine
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Panda or a cat
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? A rose
92: A store you hate? Hmmm not sure
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? I don’t
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Read minds
95: Do you like to wear camo? On occasion
96: Winter or summer? Winter
97: How long can you hold your breath for? About 30-45 seconds
98: Least favorite person? HAHA
99: Someone you look up to: my dad
100: A store you love? Any bookstore lol
101: Favorite type of shoes. Converse
102: Where do you live? In LA
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? Nope
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? I don’t have one?
105: Do you drink milk? Yes
106: Do you like bugs? No
107: Do you like spiders? Yes
108: Something you get paranoid about? The future
109: Can you draw: kind of
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? How sex was with a person I slept with or how I could stand sleeping next to ex because he snores really loudly. Like freight train loud
111: A question you hate being asked? Who’s the smarter or prettier twin. I usually get that I’m smarter
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? Yes
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? I do
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: codes
116: Favorite cloud type: what
117: What color do you wish the sky was? Purple
118: Do you have freckles? No
119: Favorite thing about a person: clean hands
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits
121: Something you want to do right now: see someone
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Ocean
123: Sweet or sour foods? Sour
124: Bright or dim lights? Bright
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Sure
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: 🤷🏻‍♀️
127: Something you love about Tumblr: 🤷🏻‍♀️
128: What do you think about the least? Work
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? 🤷🏻‍♀️
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? HA
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My mind
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Yes
133: Computer or TV? Computer
134: Do you like roller coasters? Yes
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? It depends
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Attached
137: Do you believe in karma? Sure
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? Like an 8 on a good day
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Quite a few
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Yes
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Both
144: What makes you angry. A lot
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? One
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? I’m bi soooo
147: Are you androgynous? No
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: my butt lol
149: Favorite thing about your personality: my ability to see the good in everyone even when they’re shitty. Also my least favorite thing about myself
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. Well my dad, Cody, my grandma
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? The one rn because I am a minority
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Sure
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] uhh dating app. Technically a football game.
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Just codys
156: What embarrasses you? Not a lot
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: the future because I can’t really talk about it with anyone without stressing people out. But it helps me feel less anxious so I’m kind of stuck
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: oof
159: How many people are you following? 🤷🏻‍♀️
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 🤷🏻‍♀️
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?🤷🏻‍♀️
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?🤷🏻‍♀️
163: Last time you cried and why: ooh like a few days ago
164: Do you have long or short hair? Short
165: Longest your hair has ever been: to my butt
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? I don’t want to answer this
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Yes
168: Do you like to wear makeup? Yes
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes
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3: 3 Fears: flying, heights and being homeless
4: 3 things I love: music, true crime and the 80s
5: 4 turns on: new wave, george ezra, music, and hearing bass grooves
6: 4 turns off: manipulators, abusers, men and of course, men (and no, I'm not gay)
7: My best friend: @georgesparadise
8: Which part of the world are you from? USA
11: What do I miss? NYC
13: Favorite color? black and sometimes pink
14: Do I have a crush? George Ezra
15: Favorite quote? Roses are red, violets are blue, George Ezra's great, let's watch some kung fu
16: Favorite place: NYC
17: Favorite food? NYC pizza
18: Do I use sarcasm? Extremely
19: What am I listening to right now? Nothing
20: First thing I notice in new person? Great smile
24: Favorite style of clothing? Sports-like casual: something sporty spice would wear
25: Ever done a prank call? No
27: Meaning behind my URL? Because I'm a spitfire if you mess with me
28: Favorite movie? Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
29: Favorite song? The Politics of Dancing
30: Favorite band? Depeche Mode
31: How I feel right now? Good
32: Someone I love? George
33: My current relationship status? George
34: My relationship with my parents? My mom's dead
35: Favorite holiday? Halloween
36: Tattoos and piercing i have? None
37: Tattoos and piercing i want? a butterfly on my right shoulder, something on my thigh, but I'm not sure yet
38: The reason I joined Tumblr? Because I liked it. Actually it's a long story, goes back to 2012
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I don't care
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? No :(
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Ew no
42: When did I last hold hands? January :/
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? between 20 minutes to an hour
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? yes
45: Where am I right now? home
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? ????
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? loud with headphones on
49: Am I excited for anything? yes
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? my good friend from england
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? never
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? ???
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I don't care! I told you, I don't like men!
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? what?
55: What is something I disliked about today? Men
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? George Ezra
57: What do I think about most? George Ezra
58: What’s my strangest talent? ???
59: Do I have any strange phobias? ???
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both
61: What was the last lie I told? That I didn't eat my roommate's bags of chips
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Neither lol
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts yes, aliens no
64: Do I believe in magic? Yes
65: Do I believe in luck? Yes
66: What's the weather like right now? Sunny but chilly
67: What was the last book I've read? Python programming book
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes
69: Do I have any nicknames? Shelidee
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? ????
71: Do I spend money or save it? Both
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? No
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? Strawberry lemonade
74: Favorite animal? black panther (see what i did there?)
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? sleeping
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? ?????
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Anything that George Ezra puts out EXCEPT Shotgun
78: How can you win my heart? Buy me a trip to London
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? There in lies the girl who liked the 80s too much
80: What is my favorite word? syzygy
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: @georgesparadise and 4 others
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? I want to meet George Ezra very badly
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? ????
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? I'm not... answering this one...
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? ????
86: What is my current desktop picture? anything rainbow-colored it changes every few minutes or so
87: Had sex? Men are stupid
88: Bought condoms? Men are stupid
89: Gotten pregnant? Men are stupid
90: Failed a class? Not in high school but in college, yes :(
91: Kissed a boy? Boys are stupid
92: Kissed a girl? Girls are worse (i'll explain later)
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? No
94: Had job? I just got hired
95: Left the house without my wallet? no
96: Bullied someone on the internet? yes
97: Had sex in public? men are stupid and probably gross
98: Played on a sports team? no
99: Smoked weed? no
100: Did drugs? no
101: Smoked cigarettes? no
102: Drank alcohol? yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? I respect them totally but no i am neither
104: Been overweight? yes
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding? yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yes
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? yes
109: Been outside my home country? yes
110: Gotten my heartbroken? men are soooo stupid but no
111: Been to a professional sports game? yes
112: Broken a bone? no
113: Cut myself? yes
114: Been to prom? yes
115: Been in an airplane? yes
116: Fly by helicopter? no
117: What concerts have I been to? Franz Ferdinand, The Specials, NIN, Gary Numan, Janet Jackson (twice)... I love concerts
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? yes but i'm not telling you who
119: Learned another language? Yes i'm semi-fluent in french
120: Wore make up? Yes
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Not answering this one
122: Had oral sex? Yes
123: Dyed my hair? Yes
124: Voted in a presidential election? Yes
125: Rode in an ambulance? Yes
126: Had a surgery? No
127: Met someone famous? It's... complicated
128: Stalked someone on a social network? Yes
129: Peed outside? No ew
130: Been fishing? Not really
131: Helped with charity? Yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? Yes :(
133: Broken a mirror? Yes
134: What do I want for birthday? George Ezra
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louisloulouie · 4 years
Obligatory emotional post because I love my people and my boys
Today is 10 years of 1D, but it is also my 8 year anniversary of being a fan. I am so grateful that that night in 2012, people I was friends with on Facebook were celebrating 1D’s second anniversary and made me curious about the band. Plus it was just in time to watch their epic Olympics performance like a month later.
I am not exaggerating when I say One Direction changed my ENTIRE life. I learned that happy, upbeat pop music could actually make me happy and it led me to listen to other pop music. 1D music actually brought me out of depressive episodes so many times. I stopped wearing all black and I started wearing colors again because I was feeling happy again and wanted to stand out. I started feeling happy about my life, I wanted to celebrate me because 1D music lifted my mood dozens upon dozens of times. It wasn’t a fix all, but damn did it help.
I’ve had some amazing memories because of 1D. They dropped the greatest song of all time Fireproof on my birthday in 2014. I’m relieved I got to see them live once in 2015 during the OTRA tour 4 days after my birthday. They made my parents fall in love with their music. I am just grateful for these boys so much.
Of course, the best thing though was making this account. I truly found my people. I had never felt so welcomed and like I fit in and belonged. None of my real life friends liked One Direction as much as I did. I came here and found other people to freak out with, to get happy and celebrate with, and to message all the time. You guys have helped with my happiness as much as these boys have. I scream in my tags, others do too, I get happy reading them, and it seriously makes it soooo much more fun to like something when you can share it with others. Genuinely, even if we’ve never talked, just reading some of you guys’ tags makes me feel happy!
I’m calling out just a couple of my main faves, definitely not everyone, but that’s because I’ve been gone 2 years and I’ve lost track of who’s who and what urls used to be what. I know there’s dozens of you I’ve become friends with and I genuinely genuinely love all of you, thank you for making this journey with these boys a million times better. It would not have been as fun to love them if I wasn’t surrounded by other 1D fans 💖
@tobeso-narrie @tinysilverbird @foliealou @gloryhalleloujah @moonshine2019 @dearmrsawyer @justonedir @criedoutimalone
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adragonstale · 5 years
2,7,11,18,19,23,24,26,28,32,33,37,45,50,51,58,68,72,74,79,85,87,88,91,92,93,95,96,98,99 !! (that'll do for now xD)
· 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
That’s a pretty though decision. For personal pleasure aka having fun? Tom Ellis. To do something meaningful? Well as meaningful as it could be, Donald Trump and I would punch him in his ugly face and kick him in his baby carrot.Maybe not the wisest choices, but I was never known for being wise to begin with.
· 7: What’s your strangest talent?
I’m good in remembering Details about TV shows even a decade after I’ve seen them :D
· 11: Do you have any strange phobias?
Nope, luckily no phobia at all
· 18: Do you believe in karma?
Yes, big time. and I hope it bites all those people ruining our world in their asses
· 19: What does your URL mean?
It was a blog only for dragons to get reposted and well it didn’t stay like that, but I like it anyway so I never changed it
· 23: How do you vent your anger?
Mostly through videogames. Sometimes my anger is fasterthan my brain and it can happen that I punch a wall without wanting to do it. Isprained my hand more than once because of this :D
· 24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I collect dragon figures, bones and other dead stuff,books/comics I want to read, Lucifer stuff (TV show, Comic and biblical figure), books about dog training/ mushing
· 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
Mostly yes, I still have a lot to work on and I know Iwill not be able to get over all the things that I hate on myself. But since Istopped giving a damn on what other people think about me I became way more happy with myself
·  28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
Another hard one, there are a lot of “what if’s” in live,right?The one that’s almost always present in my thoughts is “What if I had money and what would I do with it.”The answer is pretty simple. I wouldn’t need to decide between getting a newwinter jacket or another vet treatment of my now deceased senior dog.I wouldn’t need to decide if going to a Christmas market is something I canafford once or twice a year.It would also be just to go on vacation. Not a big ass 5 star hotel vacation.More like “Let’s go to the beach over the weekend outside of the season andjust enjoy the time there.”And it would be supporting all my favorite artists via commissions or patreon.
· 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
School. I count it as place and those where the mosthorrible years of my life. I hated every day and the only good thing were thevacations.
· 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
I’m from Germany, soooo I have no idea, spontaneously Iwould say West Coast though, because California is always warm in comparison toGermany (even though the drought and wildfires are horrible) and I have someawesome friends there
· 37: Do you believe in luck?
Yes, too bad it often hits the wrong persons
· 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I think I was 20 or 21 (looong time ago) when I had amotorcycle accident.It was the ONE day I didn’t wear my whole protective gear because the daybefore I forgot the protective pants in the office. Well, long story short: It rained, my tires where old and were about to bereplaced in the next days and I fell. I got away with a knee that is now actingup every know and then. It can be pretty annoying, for example doing squats? Nope not more than 10 or so or it would swell and hurt the next day.Although now that I think of it, I also had a bike accident a few years later.I fell on my wrist and sprained it pretty bad. I never went to a doctor and Istill have issues with. It probably had some fissures or so. I don’t know, butsince then I’m in pain if I pick up heavy stuff in a certain angle and rotatingit is also not always pleasant.
·  50: Do you believe in magic?
Harry Potter like magic? NoMagic like in spirits, a hidden world next to ours and stuff like that? Yes.
· 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Oooh yes. It takes a lot to piss me off and make me holda grudge, but if someone manages it, I will hold on to it forever. Probably not the healthiest thing to do, but welp.
· 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Yes, not the tip of my nose, but my septum
· 68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
I would say Morningstar, even though it’s more a titlethan a last name.How about Decker? :D
· 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you haveapproximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are goingto die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) Only very close people like my mom and my soulmate friends. They deserve to know.
b) I would do a lot of stuff that I put off. Like going to the beach again.(although I don’t have so much on my bucket list). I would see that I can finda good new home for my pets if my friends are not able to take them in, becauseI love my little fur and scaley babies. I would also give away my money (notthat I have any LOL) to my friends most in need.
c) Oh hell yes. I believe in some kind of afterlife, but it’s still scary
·  74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Too many to name them, but a really special song is this one.Whenever I hear it I’m back in Croatia 15 years ago standing on a beach andwatching the stormy sea. I just loved it. It was calming and powerful to me.And since then this song is on almost all of my playlists when I’m on the wayto a convention or so and so it collected many more memories as well
· 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Getting my Body modifications done/ planned out. It pairswell with #26 since both go hand in hand. It made me happier and more selfaccepting, so it was definitely the best thing
· 85: What’s the last song you listened to?
DeProfundis – ASP(No, I don’t only listen to German Musik)
· 87: What is your current desktop picture?
And those two didn’t change for quite a while now. I havethe right one since the scene aired and before I had Season 4 Crispy on theleft, I had season 3 one from the last scene.
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· 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode,who would it be?
Donald Trump!And if it could be more than one then also Boris Johnson, Erdogan and all the other tyrants and idiots in important areas of the world
 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even
cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is thatpower?
Flying, give me some big ass wings and let me fly. It’sbeen my dream and to go superpower since I can remember, but I insist on the wings
· 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be ahalf-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experienceagain?
The Tom Ellis Meet and Greet I had this year. My life isn’tthat exciting that I had any other important things happen within the time span of 30 minutes
· 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Hard decision between growing up with an alcoholic Dad orhaving my sister.The history between me and my sister is long and full of hate for each other. No, you are not obligated to like each other just because you are family. No,not even if your ages are relatively close to each other.And well, then there is my Dad and nope, I’m not in contact with him anymore. I don’t even know if he is still alive since I know from my mom that he got diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor earlier this year. And to be honest, I don’t care at all.
· 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Whereare you gonna go?
Since I’m going to Los Angeles anyway soon (Because Ihave the best friends who gifted me the plane tickets and everything so I cansee the Lucifer sets T_____T) I would say Norway or something like that.I really REALLY hate the cold weather, but I would love to experience a realhusky mushing/ dog sledding tour.
· 96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Nope, not to my knowledge
· 98: Ever been on a plane?
Yes, exactly one time, in January this year to go toBrighton to the first LUX Convention
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
I’m not the one who should speak to the world. And itdoesn’t matter anyway if nobody is really listening if you know what I mean. Iprobably would ask if they would be willing to REALLY listen to people likeGreta Thunberg and the scientists again.
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aubzylynn · 6 years
After the Epilogue
Word Count: 1500 Warnings: Steve’s a little shit. This is his revenge for being picked on so much during RTS. Lots of fluff. Summary: After some time of separation, Bucky wants to see you again. A/N: Soooo hi. I’m not dead. I swear. Im trying to get back into writing. What better way than to have a fluffy ending to RTS a year after I posted the original? lol
Please remember to leave comments! They help motivate me to keep writing!
[Road to Schkeuditz Masterlist]
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You breathe in deeply through your nose, letting the world fall away. Your eyes drift closed as the rising sun kisses your skin, not as warming as the mantra in your head:
You’re going to see Bucky today.
Over a year of waiting. A year of listening to Steve’s stories of Skyping with his best friend. A year of Steve visiting his pal. A year of your Captain telling you that Bucky asks about you all the time, that he wants to know how you are, what you’re doing, not so subtly asking Steve if you’re still harboring feelings for him.
You worried that this day would never come. That your promise of patience for Bucky was being tested. Doubts that the soldier had any remaining feelings for you crept into your mind. He was getting himself back, why would he need you? Despite Steve’s constant reassurances, you doubted. He just needs time. He’s doing so well. He wants to be ready. He misses you, he’s adjusting, just give him a little more time.
More time. Something you wish you didn’t have an abundance of. You had all the time in the world following Steve, Natasha, and Sam around on covert missions and hiding away from the United States government.
But that’s what you had promised, isn’t it? I’ll wait for you.
Your doubts were silenced when Steve found you, beaming, looking like he was holding a small bust of Bucky in the palm of his outstretched hand. You sat up, asking silent questions as Steve beckons you towards him, still looking towards the Bucky in his palm. “Yeah, she’s right here, pal, hold on.”
Steve grabbed your hand and pulled you into his side, his smile practically splitting his scruffy face. Your focus is on the Kimoyo bead in Steve’s palm, then on the lifelike Bucky who is just grinning from ear to ear. “Hey, Kid.”
You stop and look between Bucky and Steve, trying to figure out if this is real. Reaching out, your fingers brush across Bucky’s image. You feel nothing but air, but it looks like your fingers are sifting through fine sand. A startled laugh escapes you as you watch Bucky’s facial expressions.
Suddenly his image is distorted and your smile fades, worried that he’s going to disappear. “Bucky?”
“Sorry, Kid,” he smiles sheepishly, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. You quietly realize that he must have also touched your...hologram? (What even is this?) The thought brings a shy smile to your lips.
Steve’s still beside you, you realize when he huffs out a quiet laugh. “Already touchy feely and you’re not even in the same room yet?”
As a reflex, you smack Steve with the back of your hand, turning to him and making a startled noise. “Cut it out, you monster!”
“Aww, you blushin’, Buck?” he smiles wide, bringing the image of his best friend in his hand closer to his face.
“No,” Bucky clears his throat as Steve laughs. “Shut up, punk.”
After that first time, Steve was happy to ask T’Challa for your own set of Kimoyo beads so you could talk to Bucky whenever you wanted. It was slow going for a while, conversations would stall, shy smiles exchanged. Eventually, though, you had found your rhythm with him again. After some time, he asked if he could see you. You cheekily made a remark that he practically sees you every day. He smiles at you, eyes gleaming.
“I’m serious, Kid. I...I think I’m in a good place. I th--” he stops, purses his lips and swallows. Bucky looks down and nods before glancing up at you through his lashes. “I think we’re in a good place.”
The controls and insistent beeping on the jet pull you from your head, you look at the coordinates Steve had given you, panic bubbling slowly in your stomach. “Steve, you sure this is right?”
“Keep going,” he says with no offer of an explanation.
You’re headed straight for the mountainside. He has a little ornery smile on his face, but you know to trust him. Your muscles slowly tense, waiting for impact; but it never comes.
The trees on the mountainside melt away, revealing Wakanda. The country is waking with the morning rays bouncing off the tall, beautiful buildings, the open plains, the little villages and huts. Animals graze lazily through the open fields while their shepherds wave at your jet.
“You were nervous, weren’t you?” Steve asks cheekily.
You scoff and smile at him. “I wasn’t ready for this view.”
He smiles warmly, turning back to look out the windshield. “You were sleeping last time you came in, huh?”
You nod absently, taking in the skyline and the beauty of the land before you. The whole country was beautiful. It almost felt like coming home.
The awe you felt seeing the beauty of Wakanda slowly dissipated and a raw, jittery energy slowly settled in the pit of your stomach.
You were going to see Bucky today.
As much as you had dreamed of this day, you were nervous to see him. Sure, you had fallen back into an easy relationship with him, but would it be the same when you were together? What if things were different while you were in his presence?
“You keep spacing out--which scenario are you imagining?” Steve asks, taking over the steering from his side of the jet. “A: Bucky runs to you, arms open, slow motion, like in that movie--”
“When the hell did you have time to watch 10?” you laugh loudly, thinking of Bucky in corn row braids, running like a sex icon.
Steve grins, running a hand through his beard. “We’re here.”
“Darn, I was looking forward to hearing what you think scenarios B through Z were,” you sass, making Steve laugh again. “But I must say, option A sounds pretty good to me.”
Despite Steve’s brief distraction, you’re nipping at your bottom lip as Steve lands the jet. He turns everything off and looks at you, face spreading into that shit eating grin that makes you wanna smack him sometimes. “You ready?”
Sigh. “As I’ll ever be.”
He pats your shoulder as he passes by, “I thought you’d be more excited to be able to kiss the love of your life--”
“Steve! Oh my god, shut up!” Heat burns your cheeks as you shove him.
He laughs joyously, dodging your feeble punches as he makes his way down the ramp. T’Challa is making his way towards you both with a couple of members of the Dora in his wake. He crosses his arms over his chest in greeting. Steve nods in reciprocation before shaking T’Challa’s hand and pulling him into a hug.
“He has been anxious for your arrival.” T’Challa says to you over Steve’s shoulder. Heat flares up in your cheeks again, prompting a smile from T’Challa and Okoye. “Come. Let’s not keep him waiting.”
Steve grins at you again before offering his arm to walk with you. Taking it gratefully, your mind starts to wander again. Wondering how today was going to go. Wondering if you would still mean so much to this man once he saw you again.
Everything focused as soon as you saw him. Bucky was sitting on the ground, a baby goat in his lap and a child sitting next to him, laughing while the goat ate from his hand. He only glanced up when the child ran towards your party, speaking excitedly to T’Challa.
Bucky stands, a smile slowly enveloping his face. You let go of Steve, feeling like the grin you’re sporting is going to split your face in half. Bucky looks so good in his Wakandan clothes. Hues of blue and green really make him look soft. You reach for him as you get close enough, your hand slides from his shoulder to cup his jaw. “Hi,” you breathe, caging your lower lip between your teeth again.
“Hi,” he says just as quiet. The wind blows around you, whipping your hair around. Bucky tucks a lock behind your ear seconds before you lunge into his embrace. “I smell like goats--!”
“I don’t care!” you laugh, wrapping both arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He scoops you into him, wedging your shoulder under his chin.
You stay like that, wrapped in each other, for a long time; but it’s not enough for you. You could stay here all day like this.
He pulls back slowly, wanting to see your face. As you release him, you press a gentle kiss to his cheek and you’re just beaming. Before he can stop himself, his fingers are tangled in your hair as he pulls you close and presses a sweet, chaste kiss to your lips.
You giggle against his mouth and kiss him again and again and again.
“Come on,” he says, eyes sparkling. He’s completely forgotten about the party behind you. “There’s so much I want to show you.”
*If you liked this, please consider donating to my Ko-fi so I can help buy an Owlet monitor for my goddaughter! Thank you!*
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145 notes · View notes
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
You are enough by sleeping at last, Good old days by macklemore and kesha, Blood//Water by Grandson, Eyes to the sky by Jon Bellion, High hopes by panic! at the disco, and Cowboy casanova by Carrie Underwood (I know its alot of genres)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“We looked carefully, but saw no apparitions”
4: What do you think about most?
This is going to sound full of myself, but i think about myself alot. I just like to self reflect and try to improve whatever i think can be improved upon.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“No problem, I can try to make it work”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with. I live with too many people to be sleeping nude.
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can scream EXACTLY like a horror movie. I had to pretend to be a murdered scream for this real life clue thing once and it was awesome
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls…. are absolutely goddesses and I fall in love with every one.
Boys…. are devilish jokers I wish I could stop falling for.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
I think so? There’s a guy who likes me and would send me poems about “some mystery girl” who I’m like 98% sure is me
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
probs like last week
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I have zoophobia actually, I love animals but they give me a huge amount of anxiety so I’ve been trying to get over it
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
I- I don’t know
13: What’s your religion?
I’m a christian, I actually got saved last year around this time!
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind. always.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Lately it’s been Sleeping at Last. They’re so calm but meaningful I love it
17: What was the last lie you told?
“Nooooooooooo, hahahahahaha, why would I like you???? No offense I mean you’re really… uhm. nevermind. no, I don’t” 
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
nothing really
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I’ve been told they’re the same thing: I’m a really caring and sympathetic person which makes me good with people but also too trusting and gullible
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
no, but I lowkey really want to??? when I was little I read about it in nancy drew without even fully realizing what it was and I always wanted to try it
23: How do you vent your anger?
Usually by working out? I always joke that I don’t work out alot, but I bike/swim/walk/dance/do a ton of random muscle workouts pretty daily
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I have a collection of lipsticks if that counts
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
it depends on the person, but I personally prefer video chatting just cause it’s easier to read body language
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I feel like there’s ALOT of room to improve tbh
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
nails on a chalkboard ; dude anyone with a deep voice (no matter what they identify as) has my heart in a second of speaking
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
probably the usual “what if this had worked out” with a previous crush
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes. also yes. (don’t judge me)
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
my pillow and my bed
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
stale air. it is summer and hot. please send help.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
this is gonna sound terrible, but probably in our car? I have so many bad memories and I hate driving it with a passion
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
west coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Shawn mendes, no doubt
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
Helping other people
36: Define Art.
An expression of emotion so strong it makes the viewer also feel emotion
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
early evening
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes, not yet cause I barely ever drive
41: What was the last book you read?
the Odesseye
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Way too many. My latest was “miracle” given to me by a ton of adorable middle schoolers who couldn’t remember anything but the first three letters of my name
44: What was the last film you saw?
the greatest showman
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
A sprained ankle
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Yeah, it’s a long story but this one I think tried to have sex with my finger
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
dude I always do. Jane the Virgin is television gOLD
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
Right now I identify as either bisexual or pansexual 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
just small ones about who I like (that weren’t true and complicated friendships)
50: Do you believe in magic?
I don’t know
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yeah, I’ve been trying to get better at it
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
I spend money way too easily, I’ve been trying to learn how to save more
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A pretzel 
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
I wish
57: How many relationships have you had?
None that I’d like to count
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
At a bonfire
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
ohhhhh yeah
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Friendship wise it’s just asking how their day is and asking if their doing okay. Romantic wise, I am soooo mean to people I like so usually just teasing them and buying them food
64: Where is your best friend?
right now at her home hopefully
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
@sophietheadventurer @s1n-am0n @darhwolf @undead-aesthetic @xqueenofpunsx
66: What is your heritage?
Mostly irish but my dad’s side has a heck of a lot of russian cause my great grandma is from Ukraine
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping like a wimp
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I don’t know actually, I try to be the type of person I think a person NEEDS, so I would probs be pretty different if i was my friend
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
drown with the dog cause I can’t swim for crap but I’ll die trying
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I would only tell a couple people at first, the rest I’d tell farther in b) spend time with my family and friends and travel a whole lot/probs write ALOT c) I’d be more sad I didn’t have more time with the people I care about
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
love, I already don’t have trust let’s be real
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Good old days by macklemore just cause it’s amazing 
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
I’d give them out but like I already have way too many unknown numbers calling me
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Two people who connect on a mental/emotional/spiritual level who can be completely themselves with each other and don’t have to spend all their time together, but cherish every single minute
77: How can I win your heart?
food and musicals
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
I think in a lot of ways it can, but that’s a whole debate in and of itself
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
coming back to the same summer camp every year
80: What size shoes do you wear?
7 and ½
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
“Now the only extra she is is dead”
82: What is your favourite word?
chimney (long story)
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
falling in love
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“It’s not a look” or “oH honEy nO”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
“God made girls” It’s been stuck in my head for ages
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
it changes almost daily but right now it’s a bright pink
87: What is your current desktop picture?
subtle gay art
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
That’s a hard question, too many horrible people alive
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Someone irl asking my sexuality (i am very very deep in the closet)
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Probs go back to bed I’m a tired chick man
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
this one specific car ride I had with my sister when I was younger
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my entire life as a thirteen year old
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
tie between Kesha and Shawn Mendes
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not that I know of but most likely yeah
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
wayyyyy too many times
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
I would probably freeze up and say nothing
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shykylosolo · 6 years
Tagged by @adamkylosandwich ♥
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 accounts you want to know better
Nickname(s): Rosie, Daisy (ppl like making fun of the fact that my name is a flower), Rosie Posie Puddin Pie
Gender: Female.
Sign: Virgo/Leo
Height: 5’6″
Time: 10:34 AM
Favorite Bands: Shikes. Uh. MCR, Death Cab, Circa Survive, The Maine, Mumford and Sons, Panic!, Sleeping With Sirens, Streetlight, Twenty One Pilots...
Favorite Solo Artists: Halsey, Post Malone (seriously i wanna marry this dude), Childish Gambino (this dude too), Chance the Rapper, Lil Dicky, Jon Bellion, Billy Joel
Song Stuck In My Head: Stay by Post Malone or Feeling Whitney by also Post Malone... I’m on a bit of a Posty kick lately. 
Last Movie I Saw: Deadpool 2. . . . . (it was not my favorite... not bad but...)
Last Show I Watched: Stranger Things (i am forcing my parents to watch it bc my dad played DnD in the 80s like he’s contractually obligated)
When Did I Create My Blog: Late december after TLJ came out...
What Do I Post: Anything/Everything Star Wars. Including: Reylo, (d)Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, fanart, lots of fic, etc. 
Last Thing I Googled: Where a city in Michigan is bc I don’t know it like the back of my hand (haha get it??) and I’m trying to get a job
Do I Have Any Other Blogs: i just almost said no but i definitely do... fuckmyfandom is my other one, it’s just like some of the marvel and other scifi shit i like but i like barely ever post on it 
Do I Get Any Asks: I think i’ve gotten like 5 total, so not really. Feel free to send me prompts or whatever tho i love getting shit... but i’ve also never gotten shit from antis so i’m not mad
My URL: uh well. i wanted it to be like “shybensolo” but that was taken or whatever so i was like whatever i’ll mash his names together which really doesn’t make sense but i’ve committed bc i also changed my AO3 name to shykylosolo 
Following: 283. Fun fact, when i got this blog, i literally just followed random reylo blogs from the search of “reylo” like if it had reylo in the name or title i followed it and i think since then i’ve only unfollowed like 1 of those people and it was bc they were kinda toxic and fighting with other people and i just try to stay out of it
Followers: 1,089. I had like a month where i gained like 10-20 followers a day, don’t know how that happened, and then suddenly there were just a lot and i don’t really know how we got here but i’m staying pretty consistent
Avg. Hours Of Sleep: Hahaha... uh, i’m gonna go with 6 still. I have no fucking clue it depends some nights i can’t sleep and some nights all i want to do is sleep soooo
Lucky Number: uh. i don’t know if i believe in a lucky number. Like i believe some people are lucky but idk about numbers being lucky? 
Instruments: Hi i am a music major uwu fancy
so i play (in order from best to worst): euphonium, trombone, flute, trumpet, french horn, ukulele, double bass, cello, and uh some percussion shit. And I can kind of sing a little. 
What Am I Wearing: A star wars shirt my sister got my dad like 10 years ago from Gap that I stole and bright pink nike mesh shorts
Dream Job:stand up comedian. but this is kind of a new development, i’m not even funny? But i love to make people laugh. That or be like a famous conductor and work with the NYP or literally any big orchestra 
Dream Trip: Anywhere in Europe. Big Europe tour. hell ya 
Favorite Food: Cheese? Bread? Literally almost anything I only hate fish and mustard and mayonaise and eggs i will eat anything else.
Nationality: American ha ha ha ha (get me out of here)
Favorite Song: Rn? Fuck It by Bumping Uglies 
Last Book I’ve Read:  7 Habits of Highly Effective People it is really good and really helping except i need to read it faster. It’s a great self-help book. The next on the list is a creativity one my Tuba/Euph professor suggested
Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Join: Star Wars, Marvel, uh... Firefly/Serenity
I’m Tagging: @bl0wthatpieceofjunkoutofthesky @reyloday @reylofic @youhadmeatreylo @adarmdriver @adarmdriver @amilynholdos  @reylodream
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rebelmeg · 7 years
Let's Get Personal
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?  Recently, it's been "Secret Love Song" by Little Mix, "Poison" by Rita Ora, "What Ifs" by Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina, "U and Ur Hand" by P!nk, "Perfect Matchup" by Kenny and London Holland, and The Greatest Showman soundtrack 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?  Robert Downey Jr. 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.  “When was the last night or day you took time off?” 4: What do you think about most?  Writing.  A new idea, a current idea, something I need to jot down, something I need to fix, the one I want to read. 5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?  I'm fine, unless you want the time. 6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?  Underwear. 7: What’s your strangest talent?  Personalizing or adding to things that probably do not need to be personalized.  (The beige Calvin Klein purse was BORING so I defiled something expensive to make it more “me”.) 8: Finish the sentence.  Girls… are strong; Boys… are allowed to be soft. 9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?  Not that I know of. 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?  I'm not an air guitar person, I have a THING about looking stupid and I’m certain that I can’t pull off looking cool doing air guitar. 11: Do you have any strange phobias?  Nah, just the regular ones. 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?  Don't think so? 13: What’s your religion?  LDS 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?  Walking to my car. 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?  Behind, definitely. 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?  I do hate this question.  I'll go with Queen, it's the first one that popped into my head. 17: What was the last lie you told?  I don't recall. 18: Do you believe in karma?  Eh, sorta 19: What does your URL mean?  I am and have always been a little bit of a rebel. 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?  Weakness, personal motivation and time management.  Strength, creativity. 21: Who is your celebrity crush?  RDJ and Sebastian Stan 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?  Yep. 23: How do you vent your anger?  Stewing about it, venting to other people. 24: Do you have a collection of anything?  Soooo many collections... I collect shot glasses as my travel souvenir. 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?  Phone. 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?  For the most part. 27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?  Permanent markers on cardboard boxes give me the heebie-jeebie shivers, the sound of a soda pop tab opening a can makes me swoon with happiness. 28: What’s your biggest “what if”?  I'm not sure.  Maybe what if I'd married someone else (not a desire at all, but something I've wondered about from time to time), my life would be entirely different from what it is now. 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?  No and yes, but not in the traditional sense. 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.  The chair next to me on the right, the child that is being clingy on the left. 31: Smell the air. What do you smell?  My house and my perfume. 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?  A casino. 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?  I've never been to the East Coast, so I can't really say. 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?  Oh geez, I don't know. 35: To you, what is the meaning of life?  To do your best, be kind, and be happy. 36: Define Art.  Life made viewable. 37: Do you believe in luck?  Not really. 38: What’s the weather like right now?  Rainstorm is heading this way. 39: What time is it?  9:31 am 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?  Yep and yep.  Not a big crash, though, minor one.  Fixed the alignment! 41: What was the last book you read?  Currently reading "Blood Fury" by JR Ward 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?  Don't mind it as long as it's not too strong. 43: Do you have any nicknames?  A fair slew.  Meg, Megs, Rebel, Mom, Mama, and then standard endearments. 44: What was the last film you saw?  Geostorm, I think. 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?  Not sure if this counts as an injury, but I ended up in the hospital with a miscarriage that required surgery.  If that doesn't count, I broke my foot falling out of a tree. 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?  Yep!  I found one on the grass once during recess as a kid when it was raining, it was close to getting crushed by the other kids playing ball. I held it cupped in my hands so I could show my teacher, its wings dried while I held it, and it flew away while we all watched. 47: Do you have any obsessions right now?  Fandom ones, heck yeah. 48: What’s your sexual orientation?  Straight. 49: Ever had a rumor spread about you?  Probably. 50: Do you believe in magic?  Everyday magic, yes. 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?  Yeah. 52: What is your astrological sign?  Libra 53: Do you save money or spend it?  I spend like it's burning a hole in my pocket. 54: What’s the last thing you purchased?  Lunch last week. 55: Love or lust?  Love 56: In a relationship?  Yes 57: How many relationships have you had?  Just one serious one. 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?  Not quite. 59: Where were you yesterday?  Home. 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?  My elbow is resting on a pair of my daughter's pink underwear. 61: Are you wearing socks right now?  Yep, I love socks. 62: What’s your favorite animal?  Bears, penguins, peacocks, owls, dogs. 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?  Being kind and friendly. 64: Where is your best friend?  Teaching school. 65: Give me your top 5 favorite blogs on Tumblr.  Oh geez, I can't narrow it down to just five! 66: What is your heritage? Mostly British, good mix of other UK and European ancestors, I’m a 2nd generation American. 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?  Watching Gilmore Girls and folding laundry. 68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?  Don't think he has one. 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?  Of course. 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?  I hope so. 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?  Save the dog quickly. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die?  Yes, everyone. b) What do you do with your remaining days? Be as happy as possible and spend as much time with the people I love as possible.  c) Would you be afraid?  Heck yes. 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.  A huge part of love IS trust, so love. 74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?  Goody Goody by Julie Lavery, it's an upbeat, bouncy song.  (Which is funny, because the lyrics tell a sad story) 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?  Nope, I use it as a passcode for stuff sometimes. 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?  Humor, taking care of each other. 77: How can I win your heart?  Interact with me. 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?  Yep. 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?  To start writing again. 80: What size shoes do you wear?  7 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?  *shrugs* Something nice. 82: What is your favorite word?  Popcorn.  I love the sound and the visual appearance of the way the letters are arranged. 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.  Love, courage, strength. 84: What is a saying you say a lot?  "Best thing ever!" 85: What’s the last song you listened to?  "Hey Soul Sister" by Train 86: Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?  Purple! 87: What is your current desktop picture?  Shamrocks 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?  I don't know enough to be able to make that decision.  Also, too many corrupt world leaders to narrow it down, I think. 89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?  I can think of many. 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?  "I am too tired for this nonsense, either sit down and chill or go downstairs and wait until morning." 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?  Time manipulation without accelerated aging.  I just want to be able to nap whenever I want and have time to catch up on my Netflix list... 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?  The first time my hubby and I held hands when we were dating.  It was perfect and absolutely adorable. 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?  Ugh, I'm not sure, there are two that immediately spring to mind that were pretty awful. 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?  I have no idea. 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?  Europe.  Anywhere in Europe, but particularly the UK. 96: Do you have any relatives in jail?  I don't think so? 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?  I'm sure I did when I was a kid, but not that I can remember. 98: Ever been on a plane?  Finally went on one for the first time a couple years ago! 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?  Be kind.
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90sreddie · 7 years
Another Tag Thingy
tagged by @dont-call-me-eds (thank youuuu!!)
Rules: tag 20 (I'm gonna tag like 10 woop) people you wanna see do this too
Nickname: paypay, pait, p, pigeon, benny, pootiny, thottie p, shawnie boys “wifey”, IDEK A LOOOOT
Gender: female
Star sign: libra
Height: 5’8
Sexuality: not really sure ://
Time: 12:44 am
Birthday: october 3, 2001
Favorite band: nirvana, calpurnia ;), oingo boingo, the kooks, little kid, the j. geils band, vancouver sleep clinic, cigarettes after sex, tears for fears, blink-182, foster the people, AND SOOOO MANY MORE
Favorite solo artist: hmm dawn golden, RY X, sleeping at last, bon iver, tom odell, hozier, shawn mendes, and so many more i’m blanking on, literally can neverrrr choose one i love so many 
Song stuck in your head: kettering by the antlers
Last movie seen: stand by me (my favorite jwskawjfowjoffdi)
Movie I want to see: call me by your name, i swear i will sob the entire time
Last TV show watched: stranger things because i literally rewatch daily hahh
Why did you create your blog: i’m in love with IT and stranger things and love tumblr so i thought it would be fun
What do you post/reblog: IT (mostly losers club/reddie/cute fics), stranger things stuff, and anything i like
Last thing you googled: keep yourself warm by frightened rabbit lyrics
Other blogs: my main blog @solbrenthimmel
Why url: i adore reddie and the 90s is a cool generation so jfkdkskkskdkkd
I follow: only 107 blogs so far but i guarantee it will increase dramatically because AHHHH i love like every account i find on here
Followers: 24 woOP
Average hours of sleep: depends, between 4 and ETERNITY
Lucky number: i dont think i have one but i like the number 8
Instrument: i play cello now, but i played violin in elementary school and viola in middle school
What are you wearing: pajamas :))))
Dream job: author and film director
Dream trip: a road trip all around the world
Favorite food: ice creammmmmm and chocolate :’))
Favorite song rn: ugly moon by little kid ahh i’m crying
Top three universes: hmm i have no idea actually 
Last book i read: simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda (IM SO EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE OMGGGG)
I tag: @wyttolff @mikeandeddie @reddieinthestars @golden-orchid @sleepyrichie @loverlosers @stenbroughbill @vintagetozier @reddiesinhaler @stanlons @ and anyone who wants to do this, i’d love to see you do it too :))
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Ask Game
nobody asked me any of these questions because u all h8 me but I wanted to answer them anyway so here we are (^:
1: Name: Mia (: 2: Age: 19 3: 3 Fears: spiders, people crawling and being chased in horror movies, my dog dying someday 4: 3 things I love: my dog, park jimin, Speezy Freezes 5: 4 turns on: boys listening, empathizing, learning from their ignorance, and advocating for important causes. K I N K. get u a freak like that ^^^ 6: 4 turns off: being talked over, mansplaining, greasy hair, bad smell 7: My best irl friend(s): @jaemamba, @namjoons-broken-toe, @mark-biased 8: Sexual orientation: bisexual 9: My best first date: going to my university’s football field at 1:00 in the morning with my dog, running around with him, and then driving to Speedway to get Speedy Freezes 10: How tall am I: 5′4 11: What do I miss: my best friend 12: What time was I born: i was born at 5:18 on 6/18 13: Favorite color: red 14: Do I have a crush: i fell in love with my eye doctor yesterday. does that count? 15: Favorite quote: “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 16: Favorite place: this is hard. mt favorite destination type place is antigua, guatemala, but my favorite place to be is anywhere with my dog (: 17: Favorite food: scalloped potatoes 18: Do I use sarcasm: me??? noooo, never. 19: What am I listening to right now: dope - BTS 20: First thing I notice in new person: teeth and hair 21: Shoe size: 7 1/2 US size 22: Eye color: green 23: Hair color: brown 24: Favorite style of clothing: sweaters 25: Ever done a prank call?: when i was in, like, middle school. OH! also american airlines when they were being unhelpful little douche-dicks this summer when they lost my luggage in france ((((: 27: Meaning behind my URL: um i’m in love with jimin’s crooked tooth 28: Favorite movie: monster’s inc. 29: Favorite song: leave me lonely - ariana grande 30: Favorite band: BTS 31: How I feel right now: tired and hungry 32: Someone I love: park jimin 33: My current relationship status: i’m in an exclusive relationship with food 34: My relationship with my parents: eh 35: Favorite holiday: christmas and thanksgiving 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: i have a tattoo of mine and my brother’s hands in a pinky swear on my right side, a tattoo that says “i belong deeply to myself” on my left side, a big tattoo of athena on my left thigh, and my dog’s paw print on my right foot.  i have my ears double pierced and my nose pierced. 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: i’d love to have nipple piercings but my boobs are reeeeally big and that increases my risk of infection and irritation, so i probably wont get it done. and the next tattoo i want is a bow behind my ear 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: fandoms 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: i don’t think so, we just don’t talk 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: lololololololol no 41: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? i would hope not 42: When did I last hold hands?: like a week ago with my best friend 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: it depends on if i put on makeup or not.  no makeup = 15-20 minutes, makeup = 30-40 minutes 44: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: i think so. i’m losing track of time so it’s hard for me to remember hahahaha. 45: Where am I right now?: at my apartment. 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: i don’t drink so quite honestly, i don’t know who it would be helping me 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: loud 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: no 49: Am I excited for anything?: i’m excited for to make a new character for d&d 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yes(: my best friend Martin, but he lives thousands of miles away in normandy, france 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: more often than you’d think. i’m very good at it. 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: two days ago i hugged some family members after visiting 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: i would not care in the slightest lol 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: i don’t think so.  i usually keep trustworthy people close to me and untrustworthy people away from me. 55: What is something I disliked about today?: i accidentally slept in waaaaaaaay too late. 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: park jimin 57: What do I think about most?: my dog 58: What’s my strangest talent?: i have a few. i memorize license plates, i can name every color in a 64 pack of crayola crayons, and i can look good in any pair of sunglasses 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: yes. people crawling and being chased in horror movies. also, people touching and grabbing my wrists/being restrained 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front of it. 61: What was the last lie I told?: “my dog locked the door, not me.” 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: i’m just gonna say facetimeing because it’s kind of a mix of the two 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: yes and yes 64: Do I believe in magic?: no 65: Do I believe in luck?: yes 66: What's the weather like right now?: snowy snowy snowy 67: What was the last book I've read?: everything, everything 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: yes 69: Do I have any nicknames?: mi and higgie smalls 70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: when i broke my arm in 7th grade.  i was playing soccer and i was the goal keeper and somebody from the opposite team kicked the ball and snapped my arm in half. 71: Do I spend money or save it?: a mix of both 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: yes, a pencil 74: Favorite animal?: giraffe and puffins 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: watching mulan 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name?: i asked my roommate and he said “faust” so i’m gonna go with that lol 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: serendipity and lie 78: How can you win my heart?: food and dogs 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: sneezed on the beat, and the beat got sicka 80: What is my favorite word?: serendipity 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: @got7-markjinson, @yeoldalayhehoo 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: “fuck donald trump” 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: not that i know of 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? teleportation so i could go anywhere in the world for free! 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? “are you happy?”  86: What is my current desktop picture? sehun lookin’ all perfect, as always (’: 87: Had sex? no 88: Bought condoms? no 89: Gotten pregnant? no 90: Failed a class? no  91: Kissed a boy? yes 92: Kissed a girl? no)))): 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no omg too cheesy 94: Had a job? i’ve had 4 95: Left the house without my wallet? yes 96: Bullied someone on the internet? i more-so fight with people on the internet, not bully. 97: Had sex in public? never had sex, so obviously not hahaha 98: Played on a sports team? yes! growing up, i played soccer for 7 years 99: Smoked weed? nope 100: Did drugs? nope 101: Smoked cigarettes? nope 102: Drank alcohol? i hate alcohol 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no 104: Been overweight? yep 105: Been underweight? nope 106: Been to a wedding? yes 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 5 hours? i think you mean 5 TIMES 5 hours lmaoooo 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? YES. WHO HASN’T???? 109: Been outside my home country? yes! 3 times(: i’ve been to guatemala, mexico, and frace 110: Gotten my heart broken? eh, not really 111: Been to a professional sports game? yes 112: Broken a bone? yes! 2 113: Cut myself? no 114: Been to prom? yes, twice 115: Been in airplane? yes, soooo many times 116: Fly by helicopter? no, but i would love to do it sometime! 117: What concerts have I been to? omg there are so many. in order: taylor swift, kelly clarkson, one direction, demi lovato, bastille, lana del rey, marina and the diamonds, one direction (again), ed sheeran, the 1975, ariana grande, and then i’m going to see harry styles and niall horan this summer! 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? yes because i’m fckin GAY 119: Learned another language? i’m studying spanish and korean 120: Wore make up? all the time lol 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? NO BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER HAD SEX. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SEX 122: Had oral sex? NO 123: Dyed my hair? nope 124: Voted in a presidential election? yes, just 1 125: Rode in an ambulance? no 126: Had a surgery? yes 127: Met someone famous? yes, i met lea delaria fro oitnb 128: Stalked someone on a social network? UM ALWAYS??? 129: Peed outside? yep 130: Been fishing? yep but it’s soooo borning 131: Helped with charity? yes 132: Been rejected by a crush? all the fucking time (^: 133: Broken a mirror? i dont think so 134: What do I want for birthday? for park jimin to acknowledge my existence ((((((((((((((((((((((((:
why am i such a noob????
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kachulein · 7 years
🌸11 Questions tag🌸
Here are 11 questions from @rosecheol~ Thanks, love!
1. What is your favorite book? It can be a graphic novel, a book from your childhood, etc.
My favourite book is a book series called 'The Lux series' by American author Jennifer L. Armentrout. The main book series are made of 5 books called Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, Origin, and Opposition, which are getting darker towards the end. There are additional books like side stories or everything that happens written from another character's point of view. I really love how she put fantasy and romance together to create thrilling novels, perfect for people my age to read, or at least I think so. I really read through this book series in a week because I was so obsessed.^^
2. What is your ultimate bias group in K-Pop and how did you get into them?
BTS and SVT. I really can't choose between these two. My friend introduced me to Kpop nearly 2 years ago and I was like: yeaaah, that sounds dope. And somehow I later saw on Facebook people fangirling over a Korean boy group called BTS. And then I talked to my friend at school about Kpop and told her what I saw on the Internet and then we got into BTS. About a month later, she sent me a picture of a lot of guys and was like: omg look, there are soooo many guys...but that one I know is called Vernon. And then I asked her for song recommendations and I first listened to OMG and Minghao was the first member I really noticed because I found his stage name strange.😂And then I watched Mansae and 아주 Nice just came out and boom! I fell in love with these 13 lovelies!~
3. What is your favorite color and how does it make you feel? i sound like a psychiatrist lmao
Black~ I always loved black (I know, I know, it's technically not a colour but....don't fight me on this *cries*). I love black because it's just as dark as my soul i'm kidding. Black can be casual and simple but on the other hand also elegant and fancy. I think, you can almost never go wrong with black.
4. Favorite TV or Netflix series ever?
Hm... I don't really watch series tbh. I'm the binge-watching type and I simply don't have enough time to binge-watch series, and I can't stand watching only one episode at once. But I always liked The Walking Dead a lot. And Glenn was my second Asian/South Korean crush I've ever had after Eugene from Buzzfeed.😂
5. Do you have anything to say to me? :) if it’s mean i’ll fight you in the parking lot of my local waffle house so……. let’s go. 2 a.m. by the dumpster
Uh...pls don't fight me? I'm just a lil bean who can do no harm *cries and runs away*
Okay, Jokes aside. I really appreciate having you as my friend! And also, I don't have anyone who likes Seventeen as much as I do, so I'm really glad to have you!~ And once again, I love your writings, they brighten up my day. Ily💕
6. Do you prefer to write with pens or pencils?
I actually don't like writing with pencils because it always feels like I don't take what I write seriously due to the reason that I could just erase it? Yeah, I prefer pens all the way. :)
7. Do you speak any languages other than English? If not, what would you like to learn?
Yes, I do. My native language is Swiss German, of course I do speak German as well, and also French, some basic Italian and basic Korean(I'm currently studying/improving on it)
I want to become fluent in Korean and also Italian someday. And I'd like to learn Spanish, Japanese and Mandarin. :)
8.You have a one-way ticket to any country in the world to start your life anew. Where do you go?
I'd say South Korea...but, I'm not really a fan of their education system, so I'll have to pass on that one. There's many places I really like, honestly. But given the circumstances, I think I have a good life here in Switzerland and I'd stay here I guess. Even though I just wanna run away sometimes
9. Hoodies, pull-overs, or zip-up jackets?
Hoodies for the win!!😌
10. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you like to learn?
I play the piano and I want to learn how to play the guitar too.
11. What URL would you like to have but is taken?
Simply just "Kachu" but yeah, it was taken just as "Pikachu" so I put a "-lein [lain]" on the end of both one's, which is a diminutive in German, making both names sound cuter.
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