#a DUNGEON (I know it’s not but let me have this z Lmao)
kankuroplease · 1 year
Just like to say
Obito choked Kakashi with his thighs in their fight
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That fight was sexier than it needed to be 🤭
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yessu · 1 year
I am once again having lore thoughts. have some magic system/gimmick adaptation spaghetti. I’ve mentioned some of these things briefly before but I need my thoughts in one place
There’s two forms in the world- natural energy, which powers Types and is magic only in the sense of “idk, cartoon magic” re: how gijinkas use moves and have abilities in the first place; and then there’s Actual magic, which *sorta* matches up to typing but doesn’t. It’s like how the TCG had/has its own reduced set of types and pokemon that might exist in one type canonically ingame get set as something completely different- like poison types just kind of vaguely land between the grass, psychic, and dark categories. these aren’t so much schools of magic, but what we’d consider schools (like dnd terms) tend to fall under certain types, like enchantments tend to be psychic, fairy, normal type witches. me and dan workshopped these a little bit i need to find it again
ANYWAY so that magic is also what powers the Various Fuckery of the world. (Stealing the idea from my own original world lmao) It condenses into crystal formations, and location does change its effects a Little bit- it’s purest and most concentrated in Paldea (tera crystals) without doing much but being Raw Elemental Magic (changing types temporarily). Otherwise, you have to match up to its type to use it (it being refined into a Booster like mega stones and z-crystals) but it also comes with a *lot* of radiation. Galar sees this as power spots and dens specifcally, it’s also why Dyna/Gigantamaxing and Mega evolutions tend to go beserk and/or hurt the user (unless they’re using a suppression tool that focuses it down safely, like the apparatus that people plug their mega stones Into) This radiation is also what influences certain regions to manifest their powers differently, like my headcanon of Orre having more “superhero” types and north of Galar having outright monsters.
Ley lines of this magic create deposits which create mystery dungeons, where the space is always changing and you can often tap into abilities you wouldn’t have outside (emeras, if anyone else was unfortunate enough to play super pmd LMAO) and with things being so Fucky there it can produce ‘treasures’— like how items popped up around you in the distortions in Legends— which is how treasure hunters keep their work ;)
Anyway! back to the magic itself- i think legendaries utilize Both in very high amounts, which is why they HAVE otherworldly power and influence and are inherently stronger than civilian pokemon. Witches Also feel stronger than civilians because this is what they’re tapping into. Legendaries aren’t necessarily witches themselves, but they Could practice that way (not every rectangle is a square etc) Also, witches aren’t by definition cut off from natural energy, they can still use normal moves if they wanted to/don’t Know they’re a witch/don’t want to be one/it takes a while for the potential for magic in their genes to wake up. It depends if they’re Practicing or not- magic just lets them have powers that are not Moves. It does still have to sort of line up to their actual types, like a fire witch isn’t going to be a grass type pokemon (use their learnpools as a guideline), but hidden powers are kind of an exception! Heinrich is an example of this; he’s still just grass/ghost as a Gourgeist, but his HP type is fire, so his ghost attacks look and feel like fire. Some people are just more in tune with theirs than others, and when it’s especially prominent it can flavor their other attacks, even without being a witch.
HP types are linked to Tera types too, I think- Terastilizing just boosts a type, so the norm is to have a type that matches your natural strengths, but “unusual” tera types happen in those people with prominent HPs. Going out of your way to change your tera type to something that ISN’T your HP I think would then change that type too because you’re taking in a Lot of magic to influence it. — OH! and gems, the hold items that boost an attack of their type? Those are extremely diluted tera crystals (naturally or deliberately). The sparkling water flavor of tera crystal.
I think that’s everything off the dome so if y’all have questions/feedback anytime let me know B)
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advice for someone looking for a dom, tips for first irl meet or anything? i think the way you openly share about your sex life inspired me to get on fetlife lol
so, sorry to take a long time responding to this, i was mulling it over in my mind for a while to see if i have anything much useful to say. i don't know that i do, but here's something, at least:
the best thing you can do, in my view, is to go to local munches and sloshes, meet people, get to know the community around you. as someone with terrrrrible social anxiety, i know that can be a terrifying prospect, but if you're looking for something longer term than a one or two night thing, even if you aren't looking for something romantic, you'll want to actually like any dom you're playing with as a person and not just as a kink dispenser, and making friends in the community makes it easier to meet additional people anyways. it's the difference between going on a date with someone you've met a few times irl and know you have a rapport with versus someone off tinder where you have no idea how you'll vibe, and i personally much prefer the former (though i do still meet plenty of people on tinder or grindr, so hey)
if your anxiety is too much to do something like that, then look at local groups on fet and see if there's any personal ads that strike your fancy, or post your own. talk to people for at least a few messages before meeting up, and always meet in public first and let someone know where you're going and when they should expect you back or to hear from you. weird tip, but relevant i think: masturbate and cum before you agree to meeting anyone or doing anything, so you know it's something you are actively interested and not just horny for at the moment. may sound dumb, but i've definitely almost made some very bad decisions while super horny that i avoided by just jerking off and getting that post-nut clarity of like "oh wait, that's a bad idea and i don't want to do it".
additionally, i would highly, *highly* recommend not doing any play involving restraints the first time doing a scene with someone in private. any type of kink play involves a lot of trust and some inherent degree of risk, but being able to get away or fight back if something bad starts happening is super important. risk mitigation, especially early on when you're still learning, is crucial shit. in general, if there's any kink clubs near you, i would really recommend playing there first, because if someone is going wrong or if the person you're with is ignoring you safewording and saying no, there will (at every public space i've been to) be people whose job for the night is monitoring the dungeon and intervening if need be.
no matter which method you choose or how you meet someone, be clear and honest about any experience or lack of experience you have, both for your safety and theirs, mental and physical. if you've only done something to yourself, say that explicitly and not "i've done X", because those are very different situations. there's nothing wrong with being a beginner in something, as long as you are honest and direct about it, and you'll have a much healthier and more enjoyable experience versus being thrown into the deep end because you fudged your experience level with X or Y or Z. also: aftercare is important for almost everyone, and even if you find you don't need it, which is very unlikely (i used to think i didn't need aftercare, but it turns out i was just ignoring sub drop because i was so depressed generally it didn't seem abnormal lmao), the other person very likely does, even if they're the top or dom in the scene. common trick is also have some dark chocolate in the fridge for the day or two afterwards lol, it sounds silly but it has genuinely helped me with sub drop.
uhhhh i mean there's a lot more i could get into, but it gets into a lot of things that require knowing specifics on your situation, and you're much better off meeting people in the community IRL and learning from those with more experience, asking for help and answers to questions when you don't know things or even just need clarification. hopefully that's at least somewhat helpful though
(also brought up in mentions, there are people who offer classes on kink 101 stuff and there's books as well [Screw the Roses Send Me the Thorns is a common rec i feel], but i personally don't love them [at least for beginner stuff, i have done and loved plenty of classes on more specific subjects], and a lot of "you should do this in a kink relationship" advice is incredibly specific to the personal outlook and experience of the person writing, and not usually something that can be easily universalized)
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the-punforgiven · 5 years
Hey! I saw your post about doing robot voices, would you happen to know a way to do soundwave's voice from transformers?
I’m assuming that was the evil dude with the funky voice from the old 80s cartoon? I’m sorry I barely remember anything about it but like, if I had to guess I’d probably say something along the lines of
EDIT: I’m putting it under a readmore since it’s longer than I thought it’d be lmao
1. If you’re using a vocoder, which operates basically by smashing two audio files together, (Which I highly recommend using by the way) you’re gonna want to do the actual lines in the deepest growliest voice you can possibly muster, like I’m talking hard death metal shit, or like, a Dr. Claw impression, work with what you can manage
2. The second audio file should probably be a smooth symphonic song, a go-to song for me in terms of voices like that is the first couple minutes of Inferi - A Beckoning Thrall because it doesn’t have any parts where the song goes silent (Trust me, it makes things weird) and has a little extra little bass and I love deep bassy tones lmaoCoincidentally is also one of the songs I used for that one Darkest Dungeon post lmao
3. Now that’s really all you need if you wanna record those lines fast, but if you want to go a little fuckin crazy and spice things up a little more, you could find a lower-pitched song (typically where I’d use metal) and record a second thing the same way. The song will only affect the melody that it forces into the lines and not the cadence or speed of the actual lines themselves, so if you use the same file you threw into the vocoder the first time, you’ll be fine and they should sync up no problem. -This can, at the expense of the funky auto-tune effect, add a little extra depth to the voice. however at the same time it doesn’t sound vaguely musical, so like, that’s probably a downside-(I don’t remember if the character did that though lmao)
4. If you wanna go beyond a little fuckin crazy and/or put your own personal spin on it, open the file with Audacity and fuck with it a little. My personal taste and especially if you’re using music that’s light on the bass, is to immediately boost it, like an amatuer, but if you want a cool little cheat too you can ctrl+c ctrl+v the file and pitch shift the clone down a couple octaves to really get that basiness going-Be warned though that doing that will sometimes present weird little artifacts and a fair amount of unintended background noise if you aren’t careful, so like, just something to look out for
But yeah, it’s always fun to mess around and I wholeheartedly encourage messing around with as many settings as you can just to get a feel for it
And like, if you mess up too bad, ctrl+z always an option so don’t let anything stop you from just doin’ stuff, like as long as you’re learning you’re doing good
Also if you figure out somethin cool feel free to let me know, I always love learning and trying new stuff with recording and audio!
oh also disclaimer I’m not a professional and haven’t taken classes or anything so there’s probably a better way to go about this lmao
But yeah like, have fun! and I hope this helped a little lmao
Thanks for the ask, friend!
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nana-of-light · 7 years
First 3 Dungeons Completed
So, my grandma finally got her controller set up, along with my game settings files, (which she very much likes) but I screwed up a tiny bit and later realized I put her game audio in Japanese. LOL Damnit. It’s okay though. It’s an easy fix I can help her change. She didn’t complain about it, but i had to ask her. She moves much faster, and when she follows me, she’s always right behind me. I don’t have to pause after i turn corners to make sure i don’t run too far ahead and have her lose me. And she dodges in battle now!! Aaahhh! She says the controller is much easier on her though, which i’m very glad for. She was saying something about the touchpad on her laptop bothering her finger after awhile. I can imagine how uncomfortable playing like  that is.. She is using the chat function more too now that she doesn’t move with the keyboard.
The last time I did MSQ with her, we left off in Gridania, and she just never left. She’s told me she loves it several times already. With a few side quests she’s picked up, she ended up in Lavender Beds, looking around houses, and got lost. During the night when I couldn’t sleep, I peeked on her account to see where her MSQ was, and found her logged in front of someone’s carbuncle house. I didn’t want to touch anything and got off. When she picked it back up, I helped her get out of there and back to where we needed to be for the MSQ. She seems to wait for me to do those with her. When we met up finally, I was no longer my usual female raen au ra, but instead a male seeker miqote. I stood there and told her i got a haircut... she didn’t react though, so we moved on.
Fast forward a bit to us standing in front of Sastasha. I explained that this was a dungeon and we’d be getting a random player with us. As i’m typing, she’s running around the area, trying to find where to click on to progress next. When she started to run away, I typed faster, asking if she wanted me to go over a few things to make things smoother basically. With a yes, I went over briefly what the tank’s job was, which was to lead the party through the dungeon and keep the enemy’s focus off everyone, along with the mention that dps and healers shouldn’t run ahead of them, and that she and my boyfriend were to kill everything. And that was all! I didn’t bother with mechanics at all, so she could just experience them.
In Sastasha, we learned that she really liked Sleep.. Lol. I eventually told her that it didn’t do any damage and it was something that was rarely needed. During this run, we were seeing that transpose was still an issue because when MP was low, she’d stand and wait for it to refill, but she’s playing around with her spells and seeing how they work. The healer spent their time jumping around and running ahead to pull more things, so while I trying to see what she was doing and helping as i tanked, i had that to try to deal with that.. I felt like I couldn’t really say much though. x__x; When the coeurl boss came up, i’m not sure what happened, but she got locked out and tried to run around to figure out how to get through. D: After that, she made sure to be in front of the line to not get locked out again. For loot, she figured out how to roll on her own because I saw that she won something. And on the last boss, she just focused on that, so we ended up burning it. 
Overall, there was a lot of sleep use at the start, blizzard II seems to be her favorite way to deal with mobs, probably due to her mp trouble, and at one point, while she did stay behind me, she used her range to pull another mob before we were done with the current. I went over the last bit, explaining why this was bad, but also that it was my fault for not telling her about it. When I reminded her that fire was the better source of damage, she asked me what it turned into. So we went over transpose again, and then I introduced Fire II and mob fighting with her. She also commented about how many levels she got in that run, surprised.
So, onward to Tam tara! The healer wanted to run ahead and pull more and then stand there, watching us deal with it. Lol Ahh! Why does this keep happening! I saw Nana using Fire more, and when there were was a mob, she’d use fire II. *tears of joy* There was a few things of Sleep as well, but i think these were accidents. I didn’t really see Transpose, but she’d swap to Blizzard II to refil then resume her fire use. At the very least, I think she’s understanding that blizzard spells give mp. On the last boss, when it used that large aoe, I saw her run out of it and i yelled out loud, “HOLY SHIT, SHE DODGED! OMG SHE DID IT!!”. Before the controller, this was something I didn’t see her do, so I was ecstatic! 
Seeing the improvement in this run was a real treat, but once we stood outside Copperbell, the queue wasn’t popping, so we stood around. While we waited, I gave her a baby chocobo minion since she had previously asked me about the “things” that follow me around. After some time, I cancelled the queue and tried to see if I could grab someone more ..patient. xD; I tried a few people (some of you name dropped for me in various forms of private messages, but weren’t on at the time unfortunately) and I eventually asked my Balmung FC if anyone was free for some lowbie dungeon healing. I explained what Party Finder was to Nana and then pulled our FCmate in. I introduced them, we talked for a little bit about stuff, and then went in.
The run went pretty smoothly, and there was actual conversation during battles, which was pleasant. Our FCmate would ask how she was doing with loot rolls and things, which was pretty nice too. For the boss fight with the spriggans, I gave the heads up that a lot would be spawning, and we dove into that. However, halfway through, my eyes started to burn really bad, and while I tried to deal with that squinty and teary eyed, i couldn’t take it anymore and apologized, jumping out of my chair to go deal with it. In my stead, the boyfriend guy tanked and they killed the things, and then they went over using Limit Break with Nana. Since the FCmate used a PS4 controller too, she went over how to assign things to her crossbar. This was something that I was grateful for because I completely forgot about this. Nana was confused with it all though, but she told us she took a picture of the instructions to try it later. I think she didn’t want us to wait for her. 
After my eyes no longer felt like they were on fire, we continued on, but as we were grabbing up loot, I turned to my grandma and I finally asked, “Nana, did you notice I was a cat boy?” There was a pause and she replies, “no”. The FCmate chines in with “I noticed right away >.>”. The boyfriend laughs in the background. I chuckle with my deep mancat voice and continue on.
So, the slime boss.. Nana wanted it dead, so I just let her blow it up while the FCmate did the bomb thing for us. I said we needed the bomb to explode on the slime and not to kill it. With her focused on the slime, we watched the bomb come over and explode. *Insert me yelling at my screen as she dodges them*
On the last boss, we let her know she could ignore the koolaid men coming out of the walls. Aaand dungeon completed! Hooray!
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I just want to apologize for the lack of screenshots. i know it never was something promised, but I always try to tell myself i need to get more for you guys, and I keep forgetting! By the time I remembered, I scrambled to get that unflattering one. Lmao .. I’ll try harder to get more.
Anyway! After that was all said and done, it was late and Nana wanted to get ready for bed. Our FCmate and her said their goodbyes and we split off. I think Nana afk’d or tabbed at this point because she stopped moving/responding, so I said I was logging, but would pm her on facebook.
Note: she uses speech to text on this when on her phone.
Me:  I wanted to ask.. did you like the dungeons? i was wondering if they were too hectic.
N:  Yes I'll get the the magic down better I took a picture of everything we wrote and your friend told me how to do that I didn't get it but I took a picture so I can do it tomorrow and level 27 now that's a good thing those dungeons do I had no idea where we went how we went there and where I'm at right now I'm just going to shut it down because right below it I have an old thing to do something to get that done N:  No punctuation marks you're going to have to figure it out
Me:  i am reading slowly, but i think i got it.
Me:  i didn't know how to do limit breaks for awhile, so i think it's normal.
N:  Yeah and you can't go back and correct it either
N:  I don't even know what limit breaks means
Me:  remember in the final fantasy games how there would be a gauge that would fill over time and it was a big attack you could use every now and then?
N:  Oh yeah
Me:  that's what it is, but a different name.  it's shared by the party.
N: *thumbs up emote*
N:  Okay I'm going to finish up here and go to bed your mom and I are going to run errands tomorrow
N:  That little duck looking thing is in my minion thing is that where it's supposed to go and what happens now
Me:  click on it in the minion guide.
N:  Okay
Me:  it's a chocobo. lol!
N: Lol nn
Me:  okay, good night !
N: *sticker of two sprawled out dogs, sleeping with Z’s*
So, that’s that! A little progress here and there. Good stuff. \o/ Phew!
Also.. Added bonus. Here’s an older screenshot while we were still stuck in the desert. This guy has no shame. I kinda want to draw this out..
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