#a HINT of winteriron.....as a treat
lovelyirony · 5 years
jess, may i please request u write me some sharon carter vibing as she roller skates backwards and either pepper is recording her hot ass gf, or theyre strangers and pepper is watching sharon from afar and is pining hard
Sharon Carter fell in love with roller skating at someone else’s eighth birthday party. While everyone else in her class was struggling to maintain balance, Sharon thought it was a breeze and raced around the rink about a million times.
When her mother came to pick her up, Sharon had stars in her eyes.
“Mom, I really, really wanna roller skate.”
Her mother doesn’t protest this, mainly because Sharon had become known as the “Hellion of the Studio” at the building she took her ballet classes in. While Sharon could definitely spin, twirl, and plie with the best of them, Sharon didn’t exactly like the classes.
“All the girls are boring,” she whined. “They don’t even like Power Rangers mom! Power Rangers!”
So Sharon starts skating lessons, other moms be damned. She gets her elbow pads, helmet, knee pads, and new skates that are plain black. Sharon prefers this, as she scorned all of the sparkly, pink, blue, and purple designs.
Sharon becomes a natural at skating. She can weave in and out of the crowds, do amazing trick shots to the beat of the music, and decides to join roller derby.
“Sharon, no,” Bucky says. “You could get killed!”
“I’m not going to die,” Sharon responds, rolling her eyes. “Roller derby does not mean death. Might break a bone or something, though.”
Bucky is the only friend that is concerned with safety.
Steve encourages her to break her arm.
“If you do, I can draw a garden on your cast.”
“Oh that’d be fucking sick!” Sharon cheers. “New goal!”
“I am surrounded by idiots,” Bucky mutters. “Idiots.”
Tony also skates and likes to support his cousin’s derby competitions. He also drags Pepper with him.
“Why are we at a skate place? Am I dying?” Pepper asks.
“You might,” Tony says. “Of love.”
Here’s the thing: Tony loves playing cupid. And he knows that Pepper will absolutely love his cousin and then they will have the perfect wedding that he can plan.
And from the beginning, Pepper falls hard.
Sharon’s part of the opening act, twisting all around the rink to the beat of the song, smiling and grinning at the crowds.
Pepper’s mouth goes dry.
“Is that...is that Sharon?” Pepper asks.
“Yup,” Tony says. “Cute, right?”
“Um...yeah. Oh my god she’s cute.”
Steve and Bucky can see Tony and Pepper a mile off.
“If she sees Pepper we’re so screwed,” Bucky moans. “She’ll look at her and get an arm broken!”
“Let’s bring Pepper to the front, I still haven’t gotten to make a garden cast,” Steve mentions. “I bought new green colors specifically for this!”
“Steve, I say this honestly. I’m concerned for your capacity of human emotion.”
Steve rolls his eyes.
“Don’t worry about me, asshole. I’d be more worried about you making eyes at Tony over there,” Steve says. “I know he’s your type. He has nice eyes.”
“Hmph,” Bucky huffs. “Let’s just get to the match and hope Sharon’s eyes are on the game.”
Sharon’s eyes are.
At least, until the score gets to be so high that she can have fun with the crowd and sees a woman with strawberry-blonde hair, an impish smile as she watches her race, and the best looks that Sharon’s ever seen.
Sharon Runs Into a Wall.
A Wall.
It’s her fault, honestly, even if their team still won.
Jennifer “The Jet” Walters and Carol “Captain Marvel” Danvers laugh at her.
“Just now only are you finally noticing a cute girl staring at you the whole round,” Jennifer says. “Finally.”
“I definitely only ran into the wall because of something else,” Sharon scoffs. “Not because that’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Then get her number!” Carol calls out, skating around. “Just don’t fall on your ass again, 13!”
Sharon jumps, scores the winning point, and skates right on up to Pepper.
“Forgive me if I read the signals wrong, but I’d really think that we’d enjoy dinner together,” Sharon says. “I’m Sharon.”
Tony is grinning to the side. Sharon blanches.
“I told you that you’d fall for her!” Tony cackles. “I just didn’t think you’d do it literally!”
Pepper shoves Tony into the crowd, kissing Sharon’s cheek.
“You are correct with that. Let me get your number?”
Sharon leaves with a grin on her face, a date set for eight o’clock, and red lipstick imprinted onto her cheek.
Things are gonna be good.
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
Melt into Me (Your Words Are My Own)
WinterIron, E, 18k, Heavy casual praise kink, pining, non-graphic injury, self care is big sexy | AO3
Remember when I said this prompt for WinterIronMonth got way out of hand? I was young and naive. It’s a monster. Here it is I’m super proud of it. 
This fic, like lots of other fic, is all Stella’s fault. Everyone say thank you. And an extra big thank you for the idea, and the title, and in general letting me whine about this fic at you all the way through. You are truly a treasure.
Bucky has a new strategy for getting Tony to take proper human care of himself. Tony has never been so well fed, hydrated, thoroughly rested, and confused in all his life.  
That doesn’t mean he wants it to stop, and it’s amazing how many boring adult things Bucky can get him to do just by patting his head and calling him ‘good boy’. Right up until Tony possibly ruins everything.
“Did you actually go to medical before coming down here?” Bucky asks as he walks into the lab. He fixes Tony with an expectant stare, looking freshly showered and gorgeous and-
Tony viciously shoves down that line of thought, instead holds up his arm and shows off the neat line of stitches on his forearm “I did,” he says smugly, “and you can tell, because these are much neater than when I do it myself.”
“Your stitches are terrible, I’ve seen literal evil scientists with better needlework than you,” Bucky says agreeably, stepping close to inspect Tony’s arm before giving a satisfied nod.
“That’s hurtful,” Tony says, dropping his arm and turning back to his worktable before he does something stupid like lean in and try to get a big whif of the shampoo Bucky uses. “Now where’s my treat, that was the deal, I went and let the ‘professionals’ sew me up and you better not be backing out on your end of the deal, or-“ Tony cuts off when a ziplock bag of homemade cookies lands on the table in front of him, straight from Bucky’s secret stash that no one has been able to find. ��Yay,” he says gleefully, ripping into the bag.
Bucky’s hand is suddenly resting on top of his head, gently ruffling it, and Tony is uncomfortably aware of the fact that his hair is a sweaty mess because he may have gotten distracted on the way to his post-battle shower. Then Bucky pats his head and coos “yeah, tha’s a good boy.” His voice is equal parts teasing and amused, maybe a hint of condescension and underneath it all a fond warmth, like he really is pleased Tony dragged his pitiful human ass to medical after a relatively routine fight.
Tony flushes hot, nearly chokes on his giant mouthful of cookie and the only saving grace is that Bucky has already wandered away to play some kind of elaborate game with the bots. Tony still does not understand the rules of said game, and he wishes he found it less endearing that Bucky refuses to explain it to him.
Okay, so. That... that happened. Tony turns his attention back to the gauntlet he’s trying to repair and tells himself it’s fine, it’s not like it’ll ever happen again. It’s fine.
And the thing is, it’s not like Tony meant for it to happen again. It’s not like he was aiming for it. At least... not intentionally.
It’s just that Bucky’s been pestering him about actually remembering to eat lunch at a decent time recently, so when one day Tony actually does remember he decides to rub it in a little. ‘Ate lunch,’ he texts even though it’s silly, it doesn’t even matter and Bucky is only a couple floors up helping Steve rearrange furniture to Natasha’s liking for the millionth time. ‘Don’t see the big deal, but now maybe you’ll leave me alone you big mother hen.’
About half an hour later, Tony is heading to check out the new common room arrangement when Bucky texts him back and he laughs when he sees that it’s just a cookie emoji. Then Bucky adds ‘good boy’ and Tony makes a strangled sound as he walks into the still-opening doors of the elevator.
Tony spins on his heel and punches the door-close button before anyone spots him. Because he really doesn’t need company while he presses his flaming red face against the cool metal wall of the elevator, his heart thumping hard in his chest. Tony firmly tells himself that had not been his intention, and it’s really a good thing he’s so experienced at lying to himself.
Tony tracks Bucky down to hand over the fancy new scope he’s just finished, and finds him in the library curled up in an oversized armchair. It’s unfairly adorable, and Bucky’s smile does dangerous things to his heart.
“Thanks doll,” Bucky says, staring up at him instead of inspecting his new toy. When Tony tries to literally wave him off, already turning for the door, Bucky catches him by the wrist and gives a gentle tug until Tony relents and meets his stupid earnest gaze. “I mean it,” Bucky says, “I know how hard you been workin’ on this, thank you.”
Tony sputters, and then makes a couple nonsense noises while something uncurls warm and amazing in his chest. “No worries,” he finally manages and it’s both a relief and a disappointment when Bucky releases his wrist. “Making scopes is my jam. That’s better than the one I just put on Clint’s bow. Don’t tell him.”
“I’m gonna tell ‘im,” Bucky says instantly, smug and grinning and still just staring up at Tony, like he could possibly be more interesting than a digital scope. “I get the best stuff an’ I wanna make sure he knows it.”
“Whatever makes you happy, snowflake,” Tony says, face warm because oh god he’s so obvious, isn’t he? When he turns to enact a manly flee, Bucky lets him go and the sound of his soft, fond laugh follows Tony the rest of the day.
It kind of spirals out of control from there. Tony tells himself he doesn’t love it, but even he doesn’t believe himself anymore.
Bucky snatches the coffee cup out of Tony’s hand and replaces it with a glass of water before Tony can even begin to formulate a protest. For a long second all Tony can do is blink in stunned silence because how dare?!
Tony narrows his eyes in a glare, and apparently the twitching of his free hand gives him away because Bucky shifts to hold the mug way up above his head with that wide, gorgeous grin. Tony is pretty sure, if he tried hard enough, he could get that mug back, but it would probably end in both of them covered in water and/or hot coffee. And it would involve a lot of pressing himself against Bucky and attempting to climb him like a tree, which is... probably not a great plan.
So Tony chugs the water, glaring the whole time, and then Bucky hands back his coffee with a quiet “good.” Tony struggles to fight back his blush, can’t at all help the smile that takes over his face, and Bucky just smiles back before continuing on his way.
“JARVIS, please wake Bucky up just to inform him that I am pointedly not getting more coffee at three in the morning, and please do it as obnoxiously as possible,” Tony says as he stares into the depths of the fridge, “I’m thinking air sirens. Neon lights.”
There’s a soft, low chuckle from right behind him, and Tony has just enough time to freeze up, his eyes going wide. Then Bucky’s hand is in his once again messy hair, and Bucky’s low, sleep-rough voice is rumbling out “good boy.”
By the time Tony finds his own voice again Bucky has leaned in close against his back to swipe one of Clint’s juice boxes, patted him on the shoulder, and started for the door. “If I’m a good boy then where’s my cookie?” He calls after Bucky’s retreating back, tongue thick and heart racing.
“Good boys go t’ sleep,” Bucky calls back, pointedly, and Tony grumbles all the way to bed.
He sleeps like a fucking baby, wakes up still feeling warm and happy and flushed.
"I don't need a brain scan," Tony insists. Again. “My brain is fine. It’s excellent. It is a stunning example of a human brain, ask anyone. Except Bruce, but he’s still just mad that I broke his favorite microscope.”
Bucky continues to stare him down, then lifts his shiny metal hand. "How many fingers am I holdin’ up?" He demands, and Tony would be insulted if he wasn’t having such a hard time focusing.
Tony stares at his hand, counting carefully. "Three," he finally declares, with full confidence.
"That took entirely too long!" Bucky says, dropping his hand again even though it looks like what he really wants to do is just throw both hands in the air and yeah, Tony gets that a lot. "You have a knot the size of a fuckin’ golf ball an’ no offense, but it’s ruinin’ your pretty face. Go get th’ damn scan!"
Tony taps his screwdriver against his chin, eyes on the ceiling, and decides he should probably wait to freak out about the ‘pretty face’ comment later, alone. So for now he turns a sunny smile on Bucky, pointing his screwdriver, and says "no.”
"Please, doll? Do it for me?" Bucky asks, completely shifting tactics, and he even has the gall to pout at Tony. With his blue eyes and red lips. The nerve of it.
Tony holds firm. For about five seconds. "Fine," he sighs, dropping the screwdriver to the table so he can throw both hands in the air himself.
Bucky smiles at him, warm and relieved and something that Tony almost wants to call thankful and Tony has to drop his chin because he can’t deal with that face.
Moving his head so suddenly kind of makes the room spin, and Bucky ends up having to carry him to the medical wing. Bucky also lectures him the whole time, but his hands are so gentle and he stays for the entire thing and Tony finds that he only minds the lectures a little.
Tony wakes up from a nap he definitely hadn’t intended to take, still sprawled out on the couch in the common room with Bucky’s fingers still running through his hair. He has no idea how much time has passed but the TV is off and the windows are dark. He appears to have stolen Sam’s blanket, at some point.
He twists his head, still resting on Bucky’s thigh, to fix Bucky with a baleful look and says “I thought I told you I didn’t need a nap.”
“‘S not like I made you fall asleep,” Bucky says, smiling innocently even though he basically did, with his stupid magic hands. Then Bucky’s grin turns into a smirk, voice low as he adds “but don’t you feel better now?”
Tony pouts harder, because he does, and Bucky laughs, continues petting his head until Tony falls right back to sleep.
“You do not want me helping you cook,” Tony says with a sputtering laugh, but he steps further into the kitchen anyways, because whatever Bucky is cooking smells amazing. And because it’s Bucky. “I can’t believe you’d ask me to come help you cook. Did JARVIS not tell you how much of a terrible idea that is?”
“Just be good an’ get over here,” Bucky says, and he doesn’t look up from stirring whatever’s in the giant pot but Tony can hear him rolling his eyes.
“I will be no help,” Tony assures him, but steps up to the stove anyways, trying to peek over the rim of the pot. “Is that tomato sauce? Please say yes, and then please don’t let me ruin it.”
Bucky lets out a huff of laughter and turns towards him, wooden spoon outheld, and says “c’mon doll I need a taste tester.” When Tony just blinks at him, Bucky wiggles the spoon a little and says “open up, sweet thing.”
Tony does his best to ignore what that particular choice of words does to him, instead making a big show of checking the spoon for signs of poison or sabotage, humming suspiciously until Bucky gives an impatient huff. Only then does Tony give in, leaning in just a little more to drag his tongue up the flat back of the wooden spoon and then groans happily, because holy shit that is some good sauce. He opens his eyes to tell Bucky so, not sure when they fell closed in the first place, only to find Bucky watching him with an intensity that has Tony’s breath catching in his throat.
“Good?” Bucky asks, like he doesn't already know the answer, and when Tony nods emphatically he grins. “See,” he says, voice suddenly gone low and deep, not looking away from Tony even as he returns to stirring the pot, “you can be good an’ helpful, knew you could babydoll.”
Bucky finally turns back to the stove, just in the nick of time because there’s not a damn thing Tony can do about the warmth spreading across his cheeks, unfurling in his chest. “Yes, very helpful,” Tony says with a dry laugh, “what would you do without me here to lick things?”
Bucky’s eyes flick over to him, lids lowered in a way that is giving Tony ideas, and his lips quirk up and as he says “have to lick things myself I guess, an’ where’s the fun in that?” Tony barks out a startled laugh, face heating, and Bucky grins down at the pot. “Gonna stay and eat with me, right?” He asks pointedly, like he’s just daring Tony to say no.
Tony pretends like he actually has to think about it, making considering noises and dragging his eyes away from the smug curve of Bucky’s lips. “Do I get a treat afterwards?” He asks obnoxiously, giving Bucky a little nudge with his elbow.
“Mmhmm,” Bucky hums, gaze shifting over to him again. Tony can feel his pulse in his fingertips in the best possible way and he has to bite his lip so he won’t start blurting out suggestions. Bucky’s eyes flick down, just for a second, and then he says “go get some plates.”
So they eat dinner, and Bucky demands to know all of Tony’s greatest cooking disasters and yeah he laughs his ass off but he also keeps giving Tony these wide, warm smiles, and Tony finds that he really doesn’t mind. He’d tell Bucky every embarrassing thing he’s ever done if he gets to hear that laugh. And he’s done a lot.
When Tony starts shoving his empty plate across the table, knocking it into Bucky’s obnoxiously, Bucky just laughs and goes to rummage around in the pantry. Which is a foolish move, because now Tony knows his secret sweets stash is in fact somewhere in the pantry. Which is more than anyone else knows.
Bucky returns with a chocolate and peanut butter cookie roughly half the size of Tony’s face, and then watches him eat it with an unfairly intense stare. Bucky barely glances down at his own plate as he devours a second, and then a third helping of food, just watches Tony eat the cookie that he’s starting to suspect Bucky has been saving just for him. Like there’s nothing he’d rather be doing in the world, nothing more interesting than watching Tony make a mess of himself with baked goods, licking smears of chocolate off his fingers.
The heat in Tony’s gut is battling for attention with the warmth in his chest, and he can’t do much more than stare back. He barely even remembers the walk to the elevator after Bucky firmly suggests he should get some sleep once in a while, the weight of Bucky’s eyes on his shoulders all the way down the hallway.
He falls asleep thinking the word ‘ravenous’ and wakes up panting, stuck to his sheets and aching.
Bucky walks into the room, and Tony switches from eating his breakfast like a normal, rational person, to eating it pointedly, fork scraping across his plate, loud chewing, the works.
Bucky just smiles, big and genuine, says “look at you, feedin’ yourself, I’m so proud,” like he really means it. Tony swallows thickly, heart thundering in his chest and an addictive warmth spreading through him. That still doesn’t mean he lets Bucky get away with trying to steal his bacon, though.
And okay yeah, Tony feels a little bad, if he stops to let himself think about it. Feels like a bit of a creep, but only a little. Because it’s not like Bucky knows that every tiny nice thing he says goes straight to Tony’s head. And his heart. And also a little bit to his dick. Just like Bucky doesn’t know that Tony has had a big useless crush on him for like a year now and really, what’s one more secret?
And besides, unless Tony is actually as out-of-touch as some people like to accuse him of being, it almost seems like Bucky is happier too. Like for some reason he actually likes keeping Tony alive and functional, and really, who would Tony be if he took that away? If Bucky gets some sense of accomplishment out of forcing Tony to get three square meals and eight-ish hours of sleep, then who is Tony to deny him?
It’s just one more tiny little secret.
Tony barely manages not to audibly sigh in relief as the reporter who’s been hounding him gets distracted by some kind of commotion over by the catering table and hurries away, lest he miss the story. Tony’s smile doesn’t slip, because he’s a pro, but it’s difficult. Tony loves his mother’s charity, he really does, it’s the only gala he doesn’t have to be convinced to go to, but he really wishes people wouldn’t ruin it by insisting on asking about Howard.
If Tony has to grit his teeth one more time and say that Howard was a ‘great man’ (debatable) or that he ‘always supported Maria in her causes’ (outright lie), then he’s going to snap and do something drastic. Like go raid the entire bar. Or cry.
“You don’t have t’ put up with that,” comes a voice from right beside him, and Tony jumps hard even though he’d know that voice anywhere. Apparently, Tony is even more tense than he’d realized, and the concerned look on Bucky’s face means he’s probably noticed too.
“I’m going to put a bell on you, almost gave me a heart attack,” Tony grumbles, clutching one hand to his chest and hoping like hell that they can just not talk about it.
Bucky hums thoughtfully, then grins and says “Sneakin’ with a bell, sounds like a fun challenge.”
“That is not the point of the bell,” Tony says seriously, pointing at him, and not letting his eyes drag down the line of Bucky’s body, no matter how much he wants to. No matter how good Bucky’s legs look in a well-fitted suit.
“I mean it,” Bucky says, smiling dimming a little, and so much for Tony’s attempts to deflect, “you know you don’t have to put up with that, right?”
“What?” Tony asks blankly, even though he doesn’t know why he bothers, he never gets away with playing dumb. Sure enough, Bucky fixes him with a flat look until Tony sighs and says “Yes, I kind of do.”
“No,” Bucky says, so firm and urgent that Tony is a little taken aback, catching Tony gently by the elbow when he tries to turn, tries to look for a distraction. “Maybe you have to be here, an’ maybe you have to play nice, but you don’t have t’ answer anythin’ you don’t wanna. And you especially don’ have to talk about him.”
Tony doesn’t know what he feels at this point, some mix of frozen and warm and fuzzy, flushed hot while ice runs through his veins, and he kind of can’t believe that Bucky has been watching him that closely-
“I don’t?” He asks and hates how weak his voice comes out, how unsure, but he’s been talking up Howard at these stupid things for as long as he can remember, it’s second nature, and no one has ever told him that he doesn’t have to in his his entire life-
“No, Tony,” Bucky says and his voice has gone soft too, rough and a little sad and he smiles crookedly as he adds “jus’ tell ‘em to fuck off if they keep tryin’.”
“Well I definitely can’t do that,” Tony huffs. Bucky’s fingers are still holding him so gently, thumb dragging over the inside of his elbow, making Tony shiver just as much as holding him standing.
“You’ll figure it out,” Bucky says, smiling a little wider again and tapping his thumb against Tony’s pulse through his sleeve, “you got that way with words, sweet talker, ‘m sure you’ll come up with somethin’.”
“You’re the sweet talker,” Tony grumbles, and Bucky laughs softly.
Not even half an hour later the same damn reporter corners him as he steps off the stage after his speech, asking the same damn questions, and Tony hesitates. Then he decides fuck it, throws out all his prepared responses, slaps on his sharpest smile and bites out “I’m not going to talk about that anymore.”
The reporter actually looks a little thrown for a second, then visibly steels his nerve and says “People just want to know what it was like growing up with-“
“No,” Tony says, smiling wider, sharper, “I’ve already answered that question what must be a million times by now, how about you go dig up one of those stories and republish that. I’m sure it’ll be better written that way, anyways.” The reporter is still sputtering as Tony turns and walks away, slips into a side hallway to pat himself on the back and maybe panic-breathe, just a little.
He’s barely slumped back against the wall before Bucky is right in front of him, breathing out “Oh, Tony.”
“Seriously, a bell, a big one,” Tony repeats, smile only a little wobbly as he drags his eyes up to meet Bucky’s, and then can’t help blurting out “Did I- was that... okay?”
“Perfect,” Bucky says instantly, jolting forward and then stopping, like he’d been about to pull Tony in for a hug before thinking better of it. Which is too bad, Tony could really go for a hug right now but it’s almost just as good when Bucky says “That was perfect, you did so good sweet thing, don’t you feel better now?”
“Yes,” Tony says with a heavy sigh, not even realizing how much he means it until all the tension bleeds out of him and before he can stop himself Tony is leaning forward to thump his forehead against Bucky’s chest, letting his eyes fall closed and breathing in the comforting, earthy smell of Bucky’s cologne. He just can’t take the warmth and open pride in Bucky’s gaze anymore, not without running the very serious risk of turning to a useless puddle of mush.
Of course, then Bucky’s right hand lands warm and gentle on the back of Tony’s head, wide palm cradling his skull easily and thumb stroking down the line of his neck, the other hand curled around Tony’s shoulder and pulling him a little closer. “So proud’a you, Tony, did so good, knew you could do it doll,” Bucky says softly, speaking directly against the top of Tony’s head while his fingers slide through Tony’s hair.
“I’ve told off reporters before,” Tony huffs, even though he doesn’t know why he bothers, Bucky apparently sees right through him, “I do it all the time. Did you miss when I snapped at one of them during that last press conference and Steve gave me disappointed face?”
Bucky just hums, taps his metal fingers against the curve of Tony’s shoulder blade. “Yeah,” he finally says, voice barely more than a breath, “For everyone else. Always makin’ sure the rest of th’ team never has to talk about anythin’ they don’t want to the press. Never cut yourself any slack like that, though, do ya?”
Tony’s breath catches in his throat, and how does Bucky do that?! He has no response, no idea what to say, absolutely never expected to be called out. Not on this. When Bucky makes a soft, expectant sound, like he’s actually waiting for an answer, all Tony can do is shake his head a little, careful not to accidentally dislodge Bucky’s hold on him.
“You’re worth it too, ya hear me?” Bucky asks, his hold on Tony tightening ever so slightly, one finger tap tap tapping at the back of Tony’s head until Tony finally huffs and nods. “Good boy,” Bucky says, still so softly, and if he notices the way Tony all but melts against him, at least he doesn’t say anything about it.
Tony shuffles down the hallway, frowning at his phone and glancing up every now and then just to make sure he’s not about to run into anyone. Considering he lives in a tower full of spies, soldiers, and other assorted superheroes, they all have surprisingly terrible situational awareness sometimes. And sure, it’s heartwarming that they can all let their guard down, at least a little, but he’s also a little tired of people tripping and breaking things because Thor likes to nap in hallways.
When he glances up and spots Bucky in his path, he steps to the side and barely has time for a “Hey frosty, Clint was looking for you. He was also holding a water gun, so I’d be careful.” After a quick grin Tony returns to squinting at his phone, and therefore does not see it coming at all when Bucky gently grabs his elbow and halts him in his tracks.
“Hey, you okay?” Bucky asks, an adorable little concerned wrinkle between his eyebrows. He also lets go of Tony’s arm, which is a shame.
Tony blinks, then glances down at himself. He’s not sure what gave Bucky the impression that something is wrong, if it was the stained and hole-littered jeans, the wrinkled shirt, or the fact that Tony apparently lost one of his socks somewhere. Huh.
“Yeah, fine,” Tony says and waves his phone a little, “just got a lot to do. You know how it is. Every day I receive emails, so on and so forth.”
“You got a headache?” Bucky asks, randomly, even though Tony does. It’s pounding right behind his eyes, and all along his temple, and throbbing in time with his heartbeat. All in all, it’s a high quality headache.
“No,” Tony says anyways, because he has things to do, and Bucky is making ‘go take a nap’ face at him. It’s a very specific face. “My head feels awesome, better than awesome, I gotta get down to the lab, so, you better be getting on with your water gun fight. Watch the furniture.”
Tony tries to step away again, before Bucky can guilt him into not working, but Bucky snaps a hand out and catches him by the belt loop on his hip. It’s everything Tony can do not to swallow his tongue.
“What you gotta do is take a break,” Bucky says firmly, and Tony is opening his mouth to ask if that means he’s invited to the water gun fight, but Bucky apparently sees it coming and cuts him off. “Go take a nap, Tony.”
“I don’t want a nap,” Tony whines petulantly and braces his bare foot against the ground, leans against Bucky’s hold and trusts him not to actually let go as Tony pouts at him.
“Then at least go lay down,” Bucky says, heartlessly. When Tony just pouts at him harder Bucky rolls his eyes with a soft huff and says “Do it an’ I’ll bring you somethin’ to drink.” When Tony opens his mouth Bucky immediately adds “not coffee.”
Tony gasps in horror, but Bucky remains unswayed. “Fine, hot chocolate,” he demands, leaning a little harder despite the way his worn jeans are gaping at the waist and more than likely to rip at any second.
Bucky considers, eyes dragging down Tony’s chest and probably counting the grease stains on his shirt, and finally says “Water an’ then hot chocolate.”
“Fine, I will go to my room and await my beverage delivery,” Tony says, already running mental calculations on exactly how long he has to run to the lab and grab his tablet then stash it somewhere before Bucky catches him.
“You goin’ straight to your room?” Bucky asks, one eyebrow raised, and damnit how does he do that?! Tony is seriously considering
Tony groans, then gives what Rhodey has assured him is the worst salute humanly possible as he says “Sir yes sir, Sargent Tastee-Freeze.”
Bucky grins with lots of teeth and tugs at Tony’s belt loop to pull him back upright again as he says “Good boy.”
Tony goes straight to his room, and Bucky’s smile when he finds Tony already curled up under a blanket with the lights in the room down low is totally worth it. The amazing hot chocolate is just a bonus.
“Tony,” Bucky says, voice frantic, “Tony, you gotta stay awake.”
“Hurts,” Tony complains, just in case Bucky hasn’t noticed that he’s bleeding out here. And he’s supposed to be the observant one.
“I know, I know it does,” Bucky says and his fingers are shaking as he brushes Tony’s hair off of his forehead. His other hand is incredibly steady as it presses a crumpled jacket to Tony’s bleeding stomach, making him groan pitifully. “You gotta stay awake for me, doll, jus’ stay awake.”
“Wanna sleep,” Tony says petulantly, because that sounds way better than being awake for all this agony. His eyelids are already fluttering shut and he’s not worried about the asshole that shot him, if Bucky is here then there’s nothing to worry about. Tony is pretty sure Natasha was around here too somewhere, but it’s surprisingly hard to remember.
“No no no, wake up,” Bucky says, voice cracking, and maybe there is something to worry about, if Bucky sounds that upset. Tony wonders what it is. “C’mon, wake up for me sweetheart, be a good boy and just- jus’ open your eyes.”
“Good?” Tony slurs out and cracks one eye open, just enough to see that Bucky’s face is wet and if Tony didn’t know better he’d think Bucky was crying.
“Yeah Tony,” Bucky says with a smile that’s entirely too shaky, sounding entirely too desperate, “jus’ be good and stay awake for me, give you all the fuckin’ cookies you want, give you anything.” His hand is on Tony’s cheek again, fingers so warm, and when Tony’s eyes start to fall closed again Bucky gives him the slightest of shakes and says “Hey, hey, c’mon doll, don’t you got some demands for me? Gotta stay awake to tell me what you want, baby.”
“Wanna be good,” Tony manages to croak out, struggling to get his stubborn eyes to open and actually focus. He almost wishes he hadn’t, because there’s something horribly stricken about Bucky’s expression, something startled and scared and it drags a pained noise out of Tony’s chest that has nothing to do with the blood pooling below him.
“Yeah?” Bucky asks after a pause and he’s shaking all over now, everywhere but his metal hand still pressed firm and agonizing over the bullet holes in Tony’s stomach. “Wanna be good for me, you gotta stay awake until the paramedics get here, can you do that sweet thing?”
“Gross, hate them,” Tony says, and Bucky’s laugh sounds more like a choked sob. Tony flails one hand up until he can grab weakly at Bucky’s shirt. “‘Kay, stayin’ awake,” he says and decides to not mention that he can taste blood with each word, instead tugging at Bucky’s shirt a little as he slurs out “just cuz y’re a worrier.”
“That’s real sweet of ya, darlin’,” Bucky says and at least his laugh sounds a little less ragged, a little less like it’s being dragged out of him.
Everything goes a little fuzzy after that, but Tony doesn’t let go of his grip on Bucky’s shirt until the EMTs start heartlessly cutting into his nice suit. Bucky doesn’t let go for even longer.
Tony did something wrong. He doesn't know what, but he knows he did something. Which is just, Classic Tony.
Except he does know, he knows exactly what he did and the knowledge sits in his stomach like a weight. He made it weird. He hasn't seen Bucky since he woke up in the hospital. Not really. Because Tony made it weird.
He’s not even sure what he did, exactly, except possibly everything. He’s got this huge sad crush on Bucky, sure, but he’s had that for ages now, and Tony is dealing with it. He’s dealing with it fine. And okay sure, maybe Tony has been acting like a bit of a creep about it, lately, getting all warm and fuzzy and tingly anytime Bucky does something nice for him. Which Bucky does all the time, because he’s a nice person.
And now Tony has scared him off, somehow, between bleeding out mid-press conference and being discharged from the hospital. Painkiller-Tony probably said something to give himself away, that loopy bastard has no filter.
But Tony tells himself it’s fine. It’s fine. Maybe he’ll finally get over this stupid, useless crush now. It’s not like he feels cold and lonely without Bucky’s constant hovering, or anything. It’s not like the fact that Bucky will barely look at him hurts more than the multiple lines of stitches in his stomach, or anything.
It’s fine.
He shuffles slow and careful into the kitchen at stupid-o-clock in the morning, after his second (third?) night without sleep, and there’s no super soldier laying in wait to snatch away his coffee. And force feed him an obscene stack of pancakes. And bitch at him for not sleeping enough when he’s technically still recovering from his unintended run-in with multiple bullets.
The best he gets is Natasha telling him he looks like a zombie and throwing an apple at his head, which really just doesn’t have the same charm. Even if she does do it gently, while giving him concerned eyes.
So Tony gets his coffee, takes his apple, goes back to the lab and wakes up later that day with everything aching because he passed out sprawled across a worktable again. His back is sore and he’s hungry and his stitches burn from being hunched over for hours.
But it’s fine. Tony is fine, he’s an adult, he’s been barely-taking-care-of himself for years. It’s fine.
Bucky is still around, is the thing, he still cracks dry jokes at Steve’s expense and hoards all the blankets on movie nights.
He still wanders down to the lab to play with the bots, but it’s not as often. Not that Tony has made charts, or anything, just to prove to himself that it’s not all in his head. He brings down plates of food, also less often, and doesn’t stick around to make sure Tony eats them. Tony never plans to, plans to shove the food away for a proper pout, but after the third time he finds himself finishing off the plate and halfway through texting Bucky about it before realizing better, Tony gives up. He switches to just eating as soon as Bucky leaves the lab, and he doesn’t even have to lie to himself that it’s just a different form of pouting.
When Tony tracks him down to hand over some new body armor, Bucky still thanks him with entirely too much sincerity, like he still doesn’t realize that this is just what Tony does. It still makes Tony’s heart lurch and his stomach swoop and his face heat, but when Tony goes to run away because he still doesn’t know how to deal with that, Bucky doesn’t stop him.
Bucky still watches his back in every fight and suggests weird sci-fi books, still leaves leftovers with Tony’s name on them in the fridge just like he always has. Tony still has his friend, is the thing, and when he tells himself that’s all he’d ever expected it’s not even a lie.
JARVIS is the one to gently remind him when it’s time to have his stitches removed, Tony is nearly overwhelmed by the sudden urge to cry. Because he can’t remember the last time Bucky wasn’t the one dragging him down to medical for boring things like follow up appointments, bribing him with baked goods and smiling all the while.
Tony is tempted to just remove them himself, he’s so tempted. Because it’s not like he can’t, it’s what he used to do before Bucky started his whole ‘aggressive mother hen’ routine. He even has the tiny scissors in hand, sterilized and everything, but he can’t stop picturing that sad little twist to Bucky’s lips, the way his eyes go wet and pained when he catches Tony doing his own first aid. And Tony can’t even lie to himself that Bucky doesn’t care anymore, because they’re still friends, it’s not like Tony can exactly blame him for needing space now that he almost definitely knows Tony has feelings.
Eventually Tony throws down the scissors so aggressively that DUM-E makes concerned beeping noises at him, and he definitely gets some weird looks when he stomps into medical grumpy and painfully alone. No one asks any questions about it though, about the sudden Bucky-shaped hole in his side, and Tony wonders just how miserable he must look.
He nearly runs straight into Bucky in the hallway at something-past-midnight, and it’s all Tony can do to not spill his extra large mug of coffee all over both of them.
“You give me one more heart attack and I’m actually putting that bell on you,” Tony threatens, clutching his mug close to his chest even though odds are pretty good Bucky isn’t going to try and take it from him anymore.
Sure enough, Bucky only makes sad-eyes at his coffee for about two seconds, then drags his eyes up to Tony’s face and says “Just make sure they sound extra Christmas-y, to fit with my whole ‘winter’ vibe.”
Tony laughs and tells himself that this is fine. He still has a friend, still gets to enjoy Bucky’s weird sense of humor, still gets to see him around in the common rooms and that’s plenty, it’s fine. He almost manages to believe it. “Christmas anti-stealth bells, your wish is my command,” Tony says, nodding seriously. And then he raises his coffee to his lips and takes an obnoxiously loud sip, doesn’t know why he does it except that he absolutely does, stupidly trying to bait Bucky into snatching it away from him, insisting Tony take it easy, get some sleep some time this week, something.
All Bucky does is make sadder-eyes at him, which is not what Tony had been going for now he feels terrible. Bucky opens his mouth like he’s going to say something, then shuts it again, and honestly that’s worse than the way Tony’s stomach still throbs dully anytime he laughs, it’s an aching hurt that settles deep in his chest and makes it hard to breathe.
“Well, I better get on it,” Tony says and takes a shuffling step back because he doesn't know what else to do, he doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s tried to stop having this big stupid crush, fuck has he tried, but he can’t. It just gets worse and Tony is starting to think he’s never getting over it, just one more chronic ache he’ll never shake.
Tony needs to go, he needs to get out of here and go put himself back together so he can stop doing this to himself. But when he turns too quickly it sends a sharp pain lancing through his gut and Tony can’t quite stop the hiss that slips out of him. He doesn’t stop moving though, just pushes through and keeps his steps as carefully measured as he can, even when Bucky makes a soft, wounded noise that sounds like he’s trying to swallow it down.
Bucky doesn’t actually say anything though, and soon enough Tony is alone in his room holding a mug of coffee he’s just now realizing he doesn’t even want. He dumps it out in the sink, crawls into bed for another good pout and ends up falling asleep for eight hours.
So Tony keeps feeding himself and getting a good night’s sleep every so often. He even waits until he’s officially cleared by the doctors to start demanding to be let back into the field and he drinks the occasional glass of water. He keeps doing all those things even after he stops hoping Bucky will ruffle his hair and call him a ‘good boy’ in that tone that’s somehow the perfect mix of fond and amused and bossy and maybe just a little condescending.
Because they’re still friends, and Tony doesn’t want to ruin that too. He doesn't want to keep making Bucky make sad-eyes at him across the lab when he catches Tony chewing on coffee beans to keep himself awake, holding a half-melted ice pack to his face and squinting at his screens.
So maybe Tony has a big sad crush, and maybe Bucky figured that out somehow. Probably the fact that Tony got inappropriately tingly when Bucky treated him like a particularly stupid house pet, because Bucky has completely stopped. Tony is not letting himself think about how much he misses it, because that’s not the point.
The point is that they’re friends, and if it makes Bucky sad when his friends can’t take basic human care of themselves, well the least Tony can do is try to do better. It was just a lot easier when he could look forward to Bucky patting his head and calling him ‘good’ in that way that sent heat spiraling through Tony’s entire body.
But whatever. Tony manages.
“We should order pizza,” Tony announces, marching into the common room and nearly shouting to be heard over what appears to be half the team heckling a baking show.
“Are you trying to start another screaming match?” Steve demands, giving him a horrified look, “this tower cannot agree on pizza toppings, we’ve learned this.”
“I’ll just order everyone their own, no screaming, no problem,” Tony says dismissively, “I just finished with an all-day meeting that could have lasted an hour tops and I’m starving and the only thing that can make it better is pizza.” He ends his declaration with a whine and a little stomp of his foot, and tells himself that the sound of Bucky’s quiet laugh doesn’t make his chest warm. He needs to get better at lying to himself.
“But then I still have to see the abomination Clint calls a pizza, and how am I supposed to eat like that?” Sam demands, shooting a look at Clint who’s already half on-top of his arm chair and drawing in a huge breath to no doubt shout his rebuttal.
“I’m still going to do it,” Tony says gleefully, drowned out by the onslaught of yelling and already pulling out his phone.
“Are you happy now?” Steve demands as Sam and Clint start whipping throw pillows across the room at each other while Bucky laughs, egging them on and tossing Clint more ammo.
And yeah, Tony kind of is.
Someone walks into the workshop and Tony’s head snaps up, but it’s just Clint. Tony is not disappointed.
“Stop giving me that look,” Clint says, pointing one finger at Tony’s face. “Bucky wanted me to come down here and remind you to go to medical. He also told me not to tell you he told me to, but I’ve conveniently forgotten that part.”
“Convenient for who?” Tony asks with a huff of laughter, and ignores the way it makes his stupid heart feel all warm that Bucky still worries, at least, even if he doesn’t actually want to come down and face Tony’s crush himself. It’s still something.
Clint ignores him in favor of poking at the things scattered across the worktables, never mind that most of it is weaponry of some kind, and when Tony throws a screwdriver at him Clint spins around with an unimpressed look. “What’s up with you two, anyways? You’re being weirder than normal,” he demands, throwing the screwdriver back.
“Go tell him I’ve already been,” Tony says, barely managing to catch the tool before it hits him in the face, “my stomach is fine, they just taped up my ribs and gave me a tetanus shot. Tetanus!” And no, for the record, Tony had not spent the entire time thinking about how Bucky probably would have let Tony hold his hand, if he’d been there.
“Go tell him yourself, you incredible idiot,” Clint says, and then starts poking at dangerous things until Tony kicks him out of the lab.
“Why are you up before noon and looking like you actually slept?” Video-call-Rhodey demands, narrowing his eyes suspiciously, “who are you and what have you done with Tony?”
“Fuck you, platypus,” Tony says pleasantly, “that’s hurtful, I know how to adult.” The look Rhodey fixes him with in return is so unimpressed Tony’s can feel it in his soul, even through the screen.
“I have known you for years,” Rhodey says slowly, “and I can emphatically say that no, you do not, and- Are you drinking water?”
“What? No,” Tony says, lowering his glass of water back out of frame. Rhodey continues to stare him down, and Tony just stares back, because there is no way they’re getting into this. Tony wouldn’t even know where to start, at this point.
He passes Bucky as he turns the corner towards the elevator, and Tony really wishes he had the time to ask what Bucky is grinning so wide about. As it is he has a meeting with Pepper to get to and best-friend-questions to avoid.
“You know what Steve,” Tony snaps, because he can’t take it anymore. He’s exhausted, he’s sore, he has a ton of work to do and he’s tired of being yelled at for shit that’s not his fault. He’s also tired of the sad look Bucky is giving him, like he thinks Tony can’t see him, like he thinks Tony doesn’t know that he doesn’t deserve this.
Steve actually falters, words trailing off as he blinks at Tony because yeah, Tony usually calls him ‘Rogers’ when he’s pissed, or at least ‘Cap’. And yeah it’s one of Tony’s favorite ways of distancing himself, what of it? He can feel Bucky’s stare like a physical weight on his chest, he’s frustrated enough with himself as it is, and Tony doesn’t want distance.
“I’m not a magician, okay,” Tony grits out, doesn’t snap it, keeps his voice even and clenches his fists to keep them from shaking, “hacking an encrypted system takes time, and it takes processing power. Processing power that is limited when I’m also using it to pilot the armor, so yeah, I hacked it as quick as I could, and if that’s not good enough then I don’t know what to tell you.”
Steve gapes at him for a second, eyes wide and mouth hanging open and Tony really wishes he could feel better about accomplishing that right now. “Oh,” Steve finally says, and Tony can’t help but notice that the debrief room has suddenly cleared out around them. “I- I didn’t-“
This is usually the part where Tony would jump on that moment of hesitation, tack on a couple barbs to easily push Steve from thrown-off to angry. It’s surprisingly easy, Tony has practically made an art form out of it. Because Tony is so much better at knowing what to do with people when they’re mad at him. But right now, Tony is tired, and he really needs a shower, and he really needs to get down to the lab and figure out how to up the power in the suit, make sure he doesn’t get caught unprepared again.
And yeah, Tony can still feel Bucky staring at him, and Tony doesn’t know how much longer he can stand it without breaking down and doing something ridiculous. Like demanding a hug. Or to have his head patted, or for reassurance that he did okay. And Tony doesn’t get that anymore, never should have had it in the first place, so he just turns and leaves.
Tony has nearly made his escape, and he’s managing to keep it together, right up until he catches sight of Buck’s face. Tony has spent a lot of time cataloging away all of Bucky’s expressions, telling himself the entire time that he’s not a creepy obsessed weirdo, and he’s never seen that face before. Some mix of happy and surprised and proud, and a hundred other things that Tony still hasn’t been able to figure out how to deal with. Seeing it less often apparently doesn’t stop Tony’s heart from lurching dangerously at the sight of that warm smile, doesn’t stop his stomach from working itself into a tight, heated knot.
No one follows after him, and after turning a couple corners blindly Tony finally lets himself slump back against a wall, just for a second. Just to try and catch his breath, try to fight down the warmth rising stubbornly in his chest.
Tony likes doing his test flights of the suits around dusk, when he can help it. He likes watching night fall over the city, likes watching the colors of the sunset give way to the bright lights that come to life in every window.
When he finally heads back for the tower he aims for the roof, figuring he’ll have the suit drop him off and then take itself down to the workshop to start running diagnostics on the new settings without him. It’ll take a while anyways, and Tony hasn’t had dinner yet. And for some reason, all of Tony’s friends seem weirdly invested in his eating habits and are weirdly thrilled when he remembers to do it. Tony is even doing a better job lately of convincing himself there’s not one friend in particular he’s trying to thrill.
Once the armor zips off towards the entrance on the workshop level the roof is dark, and Tony very nearly trips over Bucky on his way to the door. He makes an embarrassing squeaking noise but manages to keep his balance, only wincing a little as his toes throb because fuck what is Bucky’s shin made of?!
“Woah, shit, excellent lurking there, Frosty, truly A+ work,” Tony says, clutching at his chest, and he’s about to re-suggest his whole ‘put a bell on you’ plan when Bucky actually drags his eyes up from the ground to fix on Tony instead.
Bucky looks terrible. Which of course means he’s still one of the most gorgeous people Tony has ever seen, but the dark circles under his eyes hit Tony like a blow to the chest. Bucky’s hair is a mess, lines around his eyes deep and pronounced and he looks tired in a way that seeps straight down into your bones, eats you alive. Tony knows that feeling all too well, but he has no idea what to say in the face of it.
He doesn’t need to ask if Bucky is having a rough couple of days, it’s painfully obvious, and he knows Bucky isn’t going to talk about it if he doesn’t want to. And he very rarely wants to. It would certainly explain why Steve was looking for him yesterday, if Bucky has been hiding out avoiding everyone, which probably means that Bucky has been sitting out here on the roof for who knows how long and will continue sitting out here until he feels like a person again.
The fact that Bucky doesn’t say anything, doesn’t uncurl from his protective huddle against the wall, just stares up at Tony with shadowed eyes, means that he’s definitely not there yet. He barely even twitches when Tony’s stomach growls loudly, just raises one eyebrow slightly even though Tony is pretty sure that was loud enough for people down on the street to hear.
“I’m on my way right now!” Tony defends before Bucky can start making sad face at him, because that is probably the last thing Bucky needs right now, to be worrying that Tony is somehow going to starve to death without constant supervision. Bucky’s lip twitches in the barest hint of a smile, and Tony is absolutely going to count that as a win.
He’s about to leave, head inside and leave Bucky alone to his rooftop creeping, but then something occurs to him. If Bucky has been hiding out away from everyone, it stands to reason that he hasn’t been to the kitchen for food recently. There’s always someone in the kitchen. Tony hesitates for a second, and then decides fuck it. They’re friends, and fair is fair.
“Come on Snowflake,” he says firmly, no room for arguments, and holds out one hand for Bucky to take. “I’ll make you one of my specialties. Do you want a lumpy sandwich, or cold cereal?”
Bucky’s lips twitch ever so slightly further up as he takes Tony’s hand and pulls himself to his feet, and Tony is going to call that a resounding fucking victory.
Bucky loves sci-fi. Even worse, he loves cheesy, horrible sci-fi, and he gets a particular kick out of movies that are so inaccurate they send Bruce and sometimes even Tony into fits of rage.
It’s a serious problem, because Tony loves that Bucky loves shitty sci-fi. It’s hopelessly endearing, and Tony is pretty sure it’s only a matter of time before he full on breaks down crying at the entirely-too-adorable sight of Bucky on the couch amid a mountain of blankets, happily humming along to the Stargate Atlantis theme song. Tony is only human, okay? He’s just trying to head back to the lab with his lunch and there’s only so much he can reasonably be expected to withstand.
It’s also a problem in that Bucky tends to get caught up in binge watching something and forget about things like sleeping, or the ever important feeding his super appetite. Which Tony gets, he really does, he is no stranger to getting wrapped up in something and forgetting everything else, so instead of suggesting Bucky take a break from his marathon at least long enough to get food, Tony just shoves his own plate into Bucky’s lap and leaves his glass of water on the coffee table with a pointed look.
Then he heads back to the kitchen to make another sandwich for himself, waving off Bucky’s stuttered, surprised-sounding thanks and refusing to let himself look back.
It kind of spirals out of control from there.
Tony sticks his head into the gym where, sure enough, Bucky and Steve are still having their stupid push up competition.
“Let’s wrap it up boys, it’s dinner time,” he calls, and then rolls his eyes when they don’t react at all. “Seriously, you’re both impressive, you both win beefiest belle at the ball, you can punch it out later,” Tony adds as he wanders closer, “Let’s go before Thor eats everything and then comes down here to show you both up.”
“Five minutes,” Steve huffs out between push ups, “He’s about to give up.”
“Like hell,” Bucky grumbles and does his next rep one handed so he can swat at Steve. It’s unfairly distracting.
“I’m evicting both of you,” Tony says pleasantly, “Just like I threatened everyone else with eviction until they gave in and agreed to order from that Korean-Mexican fusion place you’re both so obsessed with.”
“What?!” Steve demands, pushing himself upright on his knees to fix Tony with an affronted look, “why didn’t you say that?”
“Ha! I win!” Bucky says, still doing push ups and grinning at Steve smugly.
Steve looks so horribly offended for a second that Tony can’t help snorting in laughter. Then Steve grins wickedly, shoves Bucky over, and makes a break for the door calling “I’m gonna eat all your food, then we’ll see who wins!”
“Still a sore loser,” Bucky says with a sad shake of his head, pushing himself to his feet. A couple strands of loose hair cling to his forehead and fall around his face, his thin shirt clinging to his chest just right, and Tony’s life would be so much easier if he could just not.
Bucky is staring at him, curious tilt to his head, and Tony belatedly remembers to blurt out “Don’t worry Frosted Flakes, I hid your kimchi tacos at the back of the fridge where no one can get to them. Not that I know why anyone would want to.” The wide grin that breaks out across Bucky’s face still makes Tony’s heart thump dangerously, no matter how many times Tony tries to convince himself that it doesn’t, that it won’t next time. It always does.
“Thanks Tony, you’re the best,” Bucky says, all warm and soft and genuine, bumping their shoulders together gently as he heads for the door. Tony trails after him, face flushed and chest warm, and that was totally worth all the trouble of convincing Bruce that Korean-Mexican fusion is not a crime against humanity.
“You need to go lay down,” Tony says for what must be the tenth time since Bucky walked into the lab.
“I’m fine,” Bucky says, again, despite the fact that he is clearly not fine.
Tony waves both hands at Bucky, trying to encompass all of him, the fact that Bucky hasn’t changed or showered since the fight when usually that’s the first thing he does, the way that he’s just kind of standing there letting the bots poke at him instead of chasing them around the lab. “I can hear your spine clicking when you move, and I have normal human ears!” Tony insists.
“No it’s not,” Bucky says, but he’s holding himself suspiciously still. When Tony just stares at him, unimpressed, he adds “it’ll heal.”
“Yeah, if you go lay the fuck down and avoid killing yourself before then,” Tony says, and only barely resists the urge to throw a bolt at him. He’s pretty sure Bucky would just let it hit him in the face right now, and that’s not what Tony is going for. No matter how well it would prove his point.
“No," Bucky says flatly. Tony throws the bolt, and Bucky winces when it bounces off his chest but otherwise refuses to move.
"Then you're going to medical," Tony says, throwing both hands in the air, "I’ll call Steve and he’ll carry you there, don’t think he won’t. He will be delighted to do it."
“I’ll throw ‘im out another window,” Bucky grumbles, and when Tony makes a show of grabbing for his phone Bucky sighs out “fine, fine, I’ll go lay down.”
"Damn straight you will," Tony grumbles under his breath and then blinks in surprise when, instead of heading for the door, maybe back to his room, Bucky slowly makes his way over to the lumpy couch in the corner.
And Tony's not complaining, it absolutely makes sense for Bucky to lay down on the nearest available flat surface, but Tony had really been expecting him to leave. Keep up that friendly distance, and all that. Instead Tony is left just staring dazedly as Bucky lowers him half down onto the couch with a level of care that completely gives away how injured he actually is.
Once Bucky is settled he turns his head where it's propped up on the armrest, only wincing a little, and stares back at Tony. There's something considering in his gaze, and he's probably trying to figure out how long it'll take before Tony gets distracted enough to not notice Bucky making his escape.
After several long seconds of mutual staring, broken only by them both glancing over when DUM-E gets tangled in the blanket he's trying to bring to Bucky and starts beeping in distress, Bucky finally breaks the silence. "Don't I get a cookie?" he asks slowly, innocently, like he has no idea that the reminder sets off an explosion in Tony's chest.
"I already gave you one of my favorite bolts, what more do you want from me?" Tony complains, turning back to his workbench so hopefully Bucky won't notice that his face has no doubt gone bright red.
"Somethin' edible, preferably," Bucky says with a soft laugh that has warmth spreading out from Tony's racing heart and mixing surprisingly well with the sudden influx of butterflies in his stomach.
Tony tells himself that it's fine. They're friends. He's glad that Bucky is comfortable enough to hang out in the lab with him again, making dumb jokes. All Tony has to do is not make it weird. Again. He can totally do that.
He doesn't have any cookies, but Tony does share his terrible energy bars, and when Bucky dares to complain about how terrible they are Tony throws a couple more bolts at him. Injured or not, he can't let that stand.
Eventually Bucky falls asleep, and Tony works as quietly as he can, and it's fine. It’s the closest to fine that Tony has felt in a long time.
Bucky’s nose scrunches up a little in disgust, but he doesn’t say anything. No one else seems to notice, arguing over their exact dinner order like it’s a life or death ordeal. They are all usually armed, in some way, so hell it might be life or death.
Tony slumps a little lower in his armchair, just enough that he can stretch out and kick Bucky lightly in the foot. When Bucky looks over at him Tony gives him an expectant look. When Bucky continues to stare blankly at him Tony does a little ‘go on’ motion with his head, and then kicks Bucky again. Just for good measure.
Bucky’s eyes widen, just a little, and then he blurts out “I hate sushi.” Everyone stops to stare at him, and Tony grins widely.
“What? Since when?” Sam demands, looking personally offended.
“Since always, it’s raw fish,” Bucky replies, throwing a pillow that bounces harmlessly off Thor’s head when Sam ducks. “Just get me some rice or somethin’, ‘s long as it’s cooked,” he adds and easily swats Sam’s return pillow away from him.
Steve immediately starts reading off other options from the menu, and Tony continues grinning all through the rest of the ordering process. He’s a little surprised when he looks over to find Bucky smiling back at him, something small and strangely delicate, and Tony just hopes his face isn’t as warm as it feels, hopes it doesn’t show that he’s melting inside.
Bucky has been giving him this look, lately, and Tony has no idea what it’s supposed to mean. It’s somewhere between surprised and considering, like he’s putting together the pieces of a puzzle he didn’t even know he was looking at. It’s mildly terrifying.
If he didn’t know better, Tony would think Bucky has figured out about his super secret crush, but that can’t be right. Bucky had already figured that out... right? And if that was the case he definitely wouldn’t suddenly be hanging out with Tony more, he’d be running even further away.
Tony is kind of tempted to avoid him, avoid that look entirely, because as long as he doesn’t know what it means it can’t mean anything bad. The problem with that plan, is that Bucky is suddenly everywhere he turns.
He stumbles out of his lab and it’s like Bucky is just laying in wait so he can drag Tony to the kitchen for an impressive lunch spread. And then he hangs out, watches while Tony gorges himself on soup and sandwiches and leftover donuts, and when Tony shoves the last donut towards him Bucky’s thoughtful little smile gets wider.
Tony doesn’t know what to do with that, or what to do with the warmth that lingers in his chest all day, growing something that feels dangerously like hope. Maybe he should give that avoidance plan another shot.
He makes it a full day. Mostly by hiding out in his lab the whole time. When he shuffles out, rubbing at his tired eyes and aching everywhere, Bucky is there before he makes it ten steps out of the elevator onto the common floor.
“What have I told you about sleeping?’ Bucky asks with an exasperated sigh that does not at all take away from the smile tugging at the corners of his lips, both hands coming down on Tony’s shoulders to stop him in his tracks. “And don’t say ‘it’s for the weak’, or I swear...”
Tony hums thoughtfully, then grins up at Bucky, who is standing so very close. If Tony were less sleep deprived he’d probably be more worried about that, more worries about what he’s giving away as he leans into Bucky’s chest ever so slightly. “Must have escaped my mind,” he finally says, grinning wider when Bucky rolls his eyes.
“I believe it was that you need to sleep, Tony,” Bucky says and uses the hands still on his shoulders to spin Tony in place and point him back towards the elevator. He leaves his hands on Tony’s shoulders, which is probably a good thing because Tony is dimly aware of the fact that he’s swaying in place. “Go on, before your zombie face scares Bruce again,” Bucky adds with a soft laugh.
“That was one time,” Tony protests, digging in his heels as Bucky starts pushing him towards the doors, “and I’m hungry.” The last part comes out nearly as a whine, and Tony doesn’t even try to stop it because this is all Bucky’s fault in the first place. Him and his regular meal schedules, and his insisting that Tony follow them.
“Nuh uh, I know how you are,” Bucky says, giving him another little shove towards the elevator, “you’ll go to the kitchen and then you’ll get distracted and I’ll find you five hours later half asleep and having a staring contest with your reflection.”
“Again, that was one time, and I had been up for days,” Tony says with a huff, then squeaks when the heels of his worn sneakers slip against the floor and Bucky’s grip on his shoulders is the only thing that keeps him from falling on his ass.
“Go get ready for bed, doll,” Bucky says and he’s definitely laughing now, “an’ I’ll bring you somethin’ to eat.”
“I want waffles,” Tony demands petulantly and finally stops leaning back against Bucky’s shoving, starts moving towards the elevator instead.
“Waffles, you got it,” Bucky says, all warm and amused, and his hands finally fall away from Tony’s shoulders. There’s a second where Tony starts to shuffle forward, elevator doors already dinging open, and he hears Bucky start to turn back down the hallway, and then Bucky’s hand lands on his head and Tony freezes in his tracks. He’s not even breathing, just holds himself perfectly still as Bucky ruffles his hair.
When Bucky steps away and his footsteps disappear down the hallway Tony is finally able to drag in a ragged breath and start his forward shuffle again. He spends the entire elevator ride thinking it’s a good thing he’s already half asleep, or he’d be really freaking out right now about what this all means.
Tony is slumped down low on his couch and poking at his phone when Bucky turns up with the promised waffles, but it’s totally worth the wait because the waffles are hot and fluffy and covered with the perfect amount of syrup. After Tony eats them all Bucky smiles at him warmly and says ‘good’, and what’s left of Tony’s poor batted soul feels like its been dipped in warm honey.
Tony doesn’t actually remember falling asleep, and he definitely doesn’t remember Bucky carrying him to bed, but he wakes up later curled under the blankets with his socks still on and oh look at that, he’s awake enough to start freaking out again.
Because Tony had been pretty sure he’d ruined everything, given himself away, and now everything is back to normal. Maybe even better. And Tony has no idea what to do. He doesn’t know what’s changed, and he doesn’t know how to not ruin it again.
Tony is heading for the gym, figuring he might as well accomplish something if he’s too angry to sleep at three in the morning. Sure, he’s exhausted, but maybe if he gets some of this energy out he’ll be able to sleep. And it won’t even be the first time someone has found him blissfully passed out on the gym floor in the morning.
He passes Bucky in the hallway, and it’s somehow both a surprise and not surprising at all when Bucky catches him by the forearm and pulls him to a stop. His eyes move over Tony’s face, and at least this is an expression Tony recognizes, it’s Bucky’s ‘figuring out why Tony can’t sleep’ face, and it’s a game Bucky is disturbingly good at. Even if it’s been awhile since he last played, not that Tony is letting himself think about that. Much.
“Hey freezy-pop, just heading to the gym,” Tony says and aims for an easy smile, but Bucky frowns at him and doesn’t let go. Not that Tony is actually trying to get free, that would mean losing the warmth of Bucky’s skin against his.
“People problem or math problem?” Bucky asks with a crooked little grin and Tony really hopes it doesn’t show how much it makes it heart leap that Bucky knows that.
“People problem,” Tony says before he’s even aware he’s going to say it, and then sighs as it feels like something tense inside him starts to unravel. “Huge people problem. The board is trying to slip some shady shit past me again, and I have to wait until morning to yell at them. Because I’m, and I quote, ‘not allowed to wake the old bastards up to yell at them’ any more. But I want to, I’m all riled up now and I want to bite some heads off.”
Bucky’s smile gets a little toothier and his gaze flickers down for just a second before he says “As much as I enjoy watchin’ you bite heads, prob’ly not a good idea. Might give ‘em a heart attack.”
“Which would be a bad thing, because...” Tony says and waves his hand in a ‘go on’ type motion.
“‘Cause then Pepper will kill you with her shoes,” Bucky says, very seriously, and damnit he’s right. Down to the exact threat Pepper had used, and Tony’s heart gives another little lurch.
“And that is a thing I do not want,” Tony recites with a sad little nod, and then grins when Bucky laughs. “So that’s why I’m going down to the gym. I’m going to imagine their wrinkled old faces on the punch bags. I figure hey, punching bag therapy works for Steve.”
“No it doesn’t,” Bucky says with a snort, then gives Tony’s arm a gentle little tug and says “c’mon, come watch Star Trek with me.”
“You think you can just distract me with Star Trek?” Tony demands, “because you can. What episode are you on now? Should I grab popcorn? What am I saying, of course I should grab popcorn, come on I need your hands.”
“How much popcorn you plannin’ on eating?” Bucky asks, but lets Tony start dragging him towards the kitchen with a smug little smile, like he’s getting exactly what he wanted.
Tony’s heart gives another little leap, and apparently this is his life now. If he dies tonight, it won’t be from an anger induced aneurism, it’ll be from choking on his own stupid heart just because Bucky is taking care of him again. Because Bucky is smiling at him all warm and fond and a little awed, like Tony is the one doing something amazing.
“Also, I love it when math problems keep me up, that’s the dream. The metaphorical dream, obviously,” Tony rattles as he drags Bucky along by way of Bucky’s hand still on his arm, just firm enough to not lose his grip, thumb stroking over the inner bend of Tony’s elbow as he lets out an amused hum.
Bucky doesn’t let go even as they settle onto the couch with their own bowls of popcorn, just shifts his grip down to Tony’s wrist instead, tap his finger against the wild flutter of Tony’s pulse in time with the opening theme. Tony shovels more popcorn into his mouth, mocks the questionable science until Bucky starts good-naturedly shoulder checking him, and doesn’t let himself think about the fact that Bucky’s hand on his wrist is leaching all the tension out of his body better than anything else ever has.
And Tony especially doesn’t let himself think about the fact that Bucky is giving him that look again. Like he’s solving some kind of riddle. Or maybe like he’s already solved it, and he’s just waiting for Tony to ask about the answer. But Tony is terrified to ask, because fuck he doesn’t want to be wrong. Even more terrifying, he’s starting to think he might not be.
Tony isn’t sure how Pepper convinced literally all of the Avengers to dress up to the nines and show up for the fanciest and most painful charity gala of the year. She even got Clint into a tux. Tony does know how she convinced him, at least, which was with threats to both his person and his cars. It was very effective.
Tony is still pondering the mystery as he heads for the common room to round up the rest of the unwilling ceremonial social sacrifices, and instead finds only Bucky struggling with his bow tie. “Either I’m late, or everyone else is extremely late,” Tony says and doesn’t even try to hide his wide grin as he watches Bucky nearly strangle himself.
“It’s both,” Bucky grumbles, yanking at the ends of the bow tie so aggressively Tony is a little surprised the poor thing doesn’t tear, “Some of ‘em were here, but then Bruce spilled his tea all over him an’ Clint, an’ Steve laughed so hard he ripped his shirt. So they all went to change. I think Nat left without us.” Bucky drops his hands to his side and scowls at this reflection in the mirror above the bar, at the lopsided bow hanging loose around his neck.
“That’s why she’s Pepper’s favorite,” Tony says, laughing as much at the story as the defeated slump of Bucky’s shoulders as he starts unknotting the bow tie again. Before Tony can think better of it he’s stepping closer and tugging at Bucky’s arm, all wrapped up in soft black fabric that somehow makes his arms look thicker. “Stop, stop, you’re killing the poor thing,” he says as he grabs for the tie with his free hand.
“Good,” Bucky says with a pout that has no right being so adorable on someone so lethal, “I dunno why it’s bein’ so difficult. I can do a tie no problem, but this?” He whips the bow tie off his neck and eagerly shoves it into Tony’s hand as he declares “bow ties are bullshit. Do you have a clip on around here?”
“Bite your tongue, you heathen,” Tony tells him seriously and forces himself to let go of Bucky’s arm, only dragging his fingers along Bucky’s firm bicep a little in the process. Then he takes a deep breath and steps forward a little closer, until they’re pressed practically chest to chest, and says “Here, let me help you with this before you somehow injure yourself with neckwear.”
“Please,” Bucky says with a heavy sigh, his hand brushing over Tony’s hip just for a second before falling to his side. “I swear I’ve tried fifty times now, you’re my only hope. You always clean up so nice an’ I’m just tryin’ not to make a fool of myself.”
Tony tries to ignore what that particular choice of words does to him. Later, he can work himself up into knots over the fact that Bucky thinks he cleans up nice, thinks he always cleans up nice, like Bucky has been thinking it for a while. But that’s for later, for now he just has to focus on getting this bow tie in place so they can all get over to the stupid gala and live through the stupid night. And then he can go back to his stupid panicked pining.
Focusing on the bow tie turns out to be a little difficult though, because all Tony wants to focus on is Bucky standing so incredibly close to him, the way Bucky is looking at him, eyes half lidded and chin tipped up to give Tony better access to his throat. His first attempt looks even worse, too tight and the bow lopsided, and Bucky barks out a laugh.
“Do you actually know what you’re doing?” Bucky demands, play-swatting at Tony’s stomach, “Are you wearing a clip on?”
“You take that back!” Tony squawks, swatting back at him before he starts aggressively undoing the bow tie again. He needs to get it together, because the longer this takes him the longer he’s standing all up in Bucky’s space, and the more of a blushing mess he’s going to become. And if Bucky hasn’t figured him out already, which is something Tony still can’t get a definite, undeniable read on, then Bucky definitely will now.
Especially because Bucky keeps his head tipped back and smiles lazily in a way that has Tony’s stomach clinging up tight as he asks “Are you trying to kill me, is that what’s happening here?”
“Yes dear,” Tony says, sickeningly sweet, and gives an extra hard tug at one end of the tie, “I’m trying to kill you with a bow tie. Slowly.” Bucky doesn’t say anything, but his smirk gets wider and wider and finally Tony huffs out “Turn around, I can’t work like this.”
“Sure, much easier to strangle me from behind,” Bucky says agreeably as he spins in place to face the mirror again, and his reflection fixes Tony with an expectant look.
Before he can talk himself out of it Tony steps forward and up onto his toes, hooks his chin over Bucky’s shoulder to properly see what he’s doing in the mirror, and brings both arms up over Bucky’s shoulders. From this angle it only takes a couple seconds to get the bow tie perfectly centered and secured around Bucky’s neck, just like it only takes a couple seconds for Tony’s pulse to jump up to truly unsafe levels.
“There, told you I know what I’m doing,” he says with a smug grin and then can’t quite seem to pull himself away, can’t seem to break eye contact with Bucky’s reflection.
“Looks perfect, thanks doll,” Bucky says, low and warm, and raises one hand to gently grab Tony’s forearm where it’s still draped over his chest. Like he doesn’t want Tony to pull away.
“So how did Pepper talk you into this?” Tony blurts, which, all things considered, is probably the least damaging thing he could blurt out right about now.
“She pointed out that if the Avengers look good, it helps your company look good,” he says, like that’s any kind of explanation, still staring Tony right in the eye like that’s supposed to mean something.
“That- that’s not- what-,” Tony says, startled, taking an instinctive step back. Bucky doesn’t let go of his arm, just turns back to face him with his mouth already open to protest. “Seriously,” Tony says, cutting him off and feeling a little frantic for reasons he can’t name, doesn’t want to name, “That’s not something you need to worry about, what- why would that-“
“Hey,” Bucky says, soft like Tony is some kind of spooked animal, which, okay, that feels pretty fair right now. When Bucky gives his arm a little tug Tony steps closer, completely helpless against it. Then Bucky’s other hand is on his face, fingertips just barely brushing Tony’s cheek, the line of his throat, and cool metal thumb pressed oh-so-gently beneath Tony’s chin nudging his head up to meet Bucky’s gaze. “Hey,” he says again, “I want t’ make you look good, okay? ‘S the least we can do after all you do to make us look good. ‘Cause I know that can’t be easy.”
Tony just gapes uselessly for a second, breath caught in his chest, and he’s not sure when he grabbed two handfuls of Bucky’s tux jacket, but he doesn’t think he could let go if he tried. Finally he manages to drag in a shaking break and stutter out “w-we?”
Bucky smirks a little wider, taps his thumb against Tony’s chin, and confesses “I may have helped Pepper ‘talk’ some of ‘em into it.”
And Tony is right back to useless gaping, because what the fuck is he supposed to do with that?! Tony has never expected the rest of the team to worry about the effect their Avenging has on SI, that’s his responsibility, his problem to deal with, and he has the growing feeling that Bucky is trying to tell him something here but Tony is too busy trying not to hyperventilate to figure out what the fuck it is-
“I’m about to enter the common room!” Comes a sudden shout from the hallway, and Tony startles so hard that Bucky’s hand still on his arm is the only thing that keeps him from toppling over. “Please no one throw tea at me this time!” The voice continues and oh, that’s Clint. Of course, because they’re waiting for the rest of the team. Who will be here any minute, and Tony should probably get it together already.
“That was your own fault, an’ I think you know it,” Bucky calls back, smiling just a little ruefully as he drops his hands back to his sides. Tony untangles his hands from Bucky’s jacket and has to resist the urge to smooth out the slight wrinkles he’s left in the lapels.
“Now hold on just a minute,” Clint says as he bursts into the room to defend himself, wrinkled suit jacket only half on and waving a finger at Bucky and Tony sees his chance.
Tony runs. Sure, he says he’s going to get Bruce, but it is absolutely just a cowardly flee. He just needs a minute, he just needs to breathe, needs to figure out what the hell he’s supposed to do with all the hope growing wild and unchecked in his lungs.
Tony gets home from a business trip and he honestly has no idea what time it is. He doesn’t even know what day it is, the only things he knows are that he’s jet lagged as all hell, and that he just wants to sleep.
When he gets to the penthouse there’s takeout from his favorite Italian place waiting on the table, still warm. There’s also a note that says ‘be a good boy and eat before you pass out for 12 hours’. It’s not signed, but at this point it really doesn't need to be.
He honestly doesn’t know what he’s expecting at this point, when he send a photo of the empty containers to Bucky with the caption ‘I want a cookie when I wake up.’
What Tony gets is an almost immediate response in the form of a picture of one of those chocolate-and-peanut-butter monstrosities that he loves, followed by a text that says ‘see you in 13 hours sweet thing’.
Tony wakes up almost exactly thirteen hours later, and he’s so far past wondering how Bucky does that. He’s also so far past his ‘avoid Bucky’ plan, all he wants to do is go find Bucky, get his cookie, and maybe even get the feeling of Bucky’s fingers ruffling his hair again.
So he does.
He’s heading for the elevator to leave for a press conference when Bucky and Natasha suddenly appear in his way, arms crossed and matching terrifying assassin glowers on their faces.
“Seriously, bells,” Tony says, clutching at his chest with the hand not clutching his to-go cup, “bells for everybody, I can’t live like this. I have a heart condition.”
They don’t laugh, but it’s not the usual ‘Tony please don’t joke about your heart condition’ not-laughing, and Tony is instantly on high alert, because something is going on here and he has a feeling he’s not going to like it.
The feeling only gets stronger when Bucky actually hesitates before slowly saying “I know you already talked t’ Pepper about this-“
“No,” Tony says instantly and he can’t believe he ever thought it was kind of sweet that Bucky talks to Pepper, that was clearly going to come back to bite him in the ass some day. Sure enough Natasha pulls out the very same body armor shirt Pepper had been waving at him this morning and Tony groans out “no.”
“You’re wearing the armor,” Natasha says flatly, and it’s completely unsurprising that she’s the one playing bad cop here.
“I am not wearing the armor,” Tony returns, just as flat, “because why would I? It’s a press conference, what’s the worst that could happen?”
“You could get shot again,” Bucky bursts out and his face is doing something truly fascinating, like he’s cycling through emotions too quickly for any of them to properly settle.
Tony can’t help rolling his eyes a little, because are they still on that? “What’re the odds that’ll happen again?” he says dismissively, “Smart assassins never try the same move twice, you know that frosty.”
Bucky’s face twitches harder and okay, apparently they are not yet to the point of joking about Tony’s recent gunshot wounds. Noted. “If you don’t wear the armor? Odds’re pretty damn high,” he growls out and yep, he’s even got his angry-eyebrows on. That’s usually reserved for Steve-levels of stupidity.
“You made this, it's the same material you use for all our gear,” Natasha points out, and okay, maybe she’s not ‘bad cop’ so much as ‘rational cop’. She holds the armor out to him, one eyebrow raised, and demands “are you saying it’s not good enough?”
“That is not what I’m saying, and I think you know it,” Tony says, narrowing his eyes because oh, that’s a low blow, how dare she imply he’d put his team in anything but the best. Her challenging smirk only gets wider, so Tony sniffs and drags his free hand over his chest as he says “I just don’t want to ruin the lines of my suit.”
“It’s the size of an undershirt, your figure will be fine,” Natasha says, but her lips twitch ever so slightly upwards.
Bucky remains staunchly unamused. “Yeah, I’m just gonna put the armor on you myself,” he says with a decisive nod, and Natasha gleefully hands it over.
“I’ll throw my coffee on you,” Tony warns, holding it up like a shield and taking a step back, “it won’t accomplish much, but then you’ll have to listen to me bitch about how I don’t have my coffee anymore. I might even cry.” Bucky keeps advancing on him, armor in hand and a determined look in his eye, so Tony pretends to fumble with the lid of his cup and warns “I’m talking ugly crying here, Bucky-bear, you’ve seen me without my coffee, it’ll be embarrassing for everyone, and-“
"Tony," Bucky snaps, standing right in front of him now, voice low and rough and cracking ever so slightly, "be a good boy and wear the damn armor!”
Tony's stupid heart trips all over itself. Natasha is somehow suddenly all the way down the hall, pointedly ignoring them while sipping Tony’s coffee, and when did she even steal that, and she is very clearly blocking Tony’s escape route. Not that Tony could actually flee right now if he wanted to, he’s much too busy just trying to stay standing under the force of the hot flush that rushes over him, stomach clenching hard and blood roaring in his ears. Tony can’t find the air to reply, can only stare, and Bucky’s face crumples a little further.
“Please, doll? I gotta know you’re safe, I can’t-'' Bucky cuts himself off, clenching his jaw, and Tony feels some confusing mix of horrified and elated. Because of course he feels terrible that he’s the reason for the terrified, pleading look in Bucky’s eyes, the reason Bucky’s right hand trembles slightly as he gives the body armor held between them a little shake. But on the other hand, Tony is the one who made Bucky look like that, cracked open and vulnerable, Tony did that. And oh, he knows that Bucky is letting it show, for him, it’s a gift that he hears the way Bucky’s breath hitches as he pleads “Just- jus’ do this for me? Be good and wear th’ damn armor so I can feel like you’re safe, will you do that?”
Fuck, Tony is pretty sure he’s going to die, he’s pretty sure the entire tower can hear the way his heart is racing in his chest, He has no idea how he’s supposed to respond to that, because all he really wants to do is take that single step it would require to bury his face in Bucky’s chest. But Tony knows he has to say something, anything, Bucky is still staring at him like he’s waiting for an answer, and it nearly knocks him off his feet all over again when he realizes Bucky has been waiting for an answer from him for a while now.
"O-okay," Tony finally manages, voice weak around the way his heart is lodged somewhere in this throat and already shrugging off his jacket so he can just take the stupid god damn armor.
"Yeah?" Bucky asks, voice pitched low, gaze heavy, so much in that simple question. It’s so new and so familiar and Tony is already nodding because oh fuck yes, anything Bucky is offering, anything he wants, yes.
Tony has to swallow thickly a couple times before he can actually say “Yeah, I- I can do that. Wearing the armor, being safe.” Being good, he doesn’t say, but Bucky’s eyes darken like he heard it anyways. Once Tony has finished tugging off his jacket and tie Bucky takes them from his shaking hands, and Tony can only manage a vague huff of protest as Bucky carelessly drapes them over his own shoulder and makes an impatient gesture with his free hand.
And here’s the thing, Tony is not generally what people would call ‘shy’. He left his shame far behind him about a decade or two ago and never looked back. But it’s Bucky, and he just keeps staring as Tony starts fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, and Tony has a terrible feeling the flush on his face is spreading down his neck. He’s more or less gotten used to the scars that litter his torso, his teammates have all seen them and on a good day Tony even forgets they exist. He’s still getting used to the three new freshly-healed bullet holes scattered across his stomach, so of course that’s right where Bucky’s eyes settle and it’s all Tony can do not to fidget, not to snatch his shirt back out of Bucky’s hand.
Bucky’s fingers are warm as they trace over the shiny new skin, ticklishly light and unbearably gentle. “Jus’ wanna feel like I’m protectin’ you,” he says, voice barely more than a sigh, and Tony wants to protest that it’s not his fault but he can’t find the air. Instead all he can do is nod, scared to breathe too hard in case it dislodges Bucky’s fingers from tracing the edges of each slightly raised scar. Tony can’t help the soft noise he makes when Bucky’s hand falls back to his side, already mourning the loss of contact, and Bucky smirks just a little as he says “Arms up, babydoll.”
Tony definitely hears Natasha snort, somewhere down the hallway, but it’s pretty low on the scale of her ‘insulting snorts’ and Tony really doesn’t care right now. He’s too busy throwing his arms up so quickly that it’s a miracle he doesn’t smack Bucky in the face or dislocate his shoulder or something equally ridiculous. Bucky smirks a little wider but doesn’t say anything, just carefully slips the deceptively thin body armor onto Tony’s arms and then gently lowers it down over his head.
Bucky makes sure the armor is pulled all the way down, big hands running over Tony’s hips and the small of his back, and then hands back Tony’s shirt. “There y’ go, nice and safe for me,” Bucky says almost absently as he fixes Tony’s hair and Tony is mostly still just marveling at the open relief in Bucky’s eyes.
“You’re only paranoid because I’m an average squishy human,” Tony tries to accuse, mostly to distract from the way his hands are shaking as he does up his buttons, but it comes out wobbly because even he doesn't believe that anymore.
Bucky’s lips quirk up like he knows Tony doesn’t really think that, but he still says “Nah, I worry cuz its you,” voice soft, like he needs to be sure that Tony knows. His eyes are dark as he watches Tony settle the knot of his tie against the hollow of his throat, and Tony’s hands are shaking so badly that Bucky has to help him get his jacket back in place. “Didn’t even ruin th’ lines of your suit,” he adds with a smug little grin, running both wide palms down Tony’s chest, fingers spread wide, and there’s no way he can’t feel the way Tony’s heart is trying to beat straight out of his chest.
“Lucky for you,” Tony says, voice equally soft, and when Bucky’s hands fall away he drags in a ragged breath.
“Lucky me,” Bucky repeats absently, like he’s talking about something else entirely, and then leans forward. His grip is firm but gentle as he cups the back of Tony’s head with one hand, his lips are dry and soft against Tony’s temple, and Tony freezes up all over again. “Thank you, Tony,” he whispers, lips moving against Tony’s skin and sending shivers down his spine, “always so good for me.”
Tony makes a sound that he refuses to categorize as a whimper, and Bucky pulls away smiling amused and warm and amazed. When Tony steps onto the elevator he’s still trying to catch his breath, but his hands are steady.
“You should date me,” Tony blurts out that night, because he can’t not, anymore. Because he’d smiled like a loon all the way through the press conference, face still warm, and at the end Pepper had asked him if he had a concussion, half serious and half knowingly smug. Because the warm flutter in his chest still hasn’t faded. Because Bucky has been giving him that look, and Tony thinks he’s finally figured it out.
Bucky just blinks at him for a second, and okay yeah, maybe Tony could have picked a slightly better place than the middle of the kitchen. At one in the morning. When they’re both in worn pajamas, odds are unfortunately pretty good that Tony has the remains of his PB&J sandwich smeared around his mouth.
He probably could have picked some better words too, so Tony scrambles desperately for some and all he comes up with is “Or, I should date you. We should date each other. No, I mean- yes, but- fuck-“
“Yeah,” Bucky says, cutting him off and still blinking at him like he’s vaguely dazed. “Yeah, we- us. Dating. Yes. Okay.”
Tony blinks back at him, because that sounded a lot like Bucky agreeing to date him, but it also sounds a lot like he just broke Bucky’s brain. “Are you sure?” Tony has to ask, shuffling on his feet a little, “Because-“
“What- yes,” Bucky says, surprisingly vehement, lurching up from the stool he’s been sitting on. Tony dares to let a wide smile start spreading across his face. Still-
“I’ll be a good boyfriend,” he offers helpfully, and really wishes he could sound more sure of that. He’s damn sure going to do his best.
Bucky is up and across the kitchen in an instant, taking Tony’s face in his big, deadly, gentle hands and breathing out “Tony.” He’s moved from looking dazed to looking something almost like awed and he says “Tony, doll, you are already so good to me, I just want you.”
Tony shudders all over and he’s not sure when his hands landed on Bucky’s waist but he’s holding on for dear life. “Bucky,” he sighs, and then, because he’s weak, he begs “Say it again.”
And oh, Tony just knew that Bucky knew what he was doing, and he gets his proof because instantly Bucky tightens his grip, drags his fingers along the hollows behind Tony’s ears. “Gonna be my good boy, yeah?” he asks, breath hot against Tony’s lips, eyes dark and intent, smirk to die for.
“Oh,” Tony gasps and when he shivers Bucky just holds him tighter, pulls him closer, until Tony’s eyes fall closed and he’s clinging helplessly to the broad muscle of Bucky’s back. “I- oh,” he gasps again when Bucky’s thumbs trace along his cheekbones, barely catching his eyelashes, and Bucky’s answering laugh is everything. It’s happy and amazed in a way that makes Tony's chest warm and fluttery, dark and just a little condescending in a way that makes his guy tighten up in heated want.
“I see you, Tony,” Bucky says, low and rough and insistent, “I see everything you do for us, for everyone.” His lips trace the line of Tony’s brow in soft, feather-light kisses, and his voice is barely more than a breath when he adds “For me. Gonna be good an’ let me take care of you back?”
Tony is caught between the urge to nod frantically and the need to stay exactly where he is, Bucky’s hands cupping his face like the most precious thing he’s ever held, so instead he croaks out “Yeah, I- I can- fuck I want that.” Tony cracks his eyes open again, because it’s overwhelming, and he doesn’t want to miss it.
Bucky smiles, happy and proud and heated and a million other things that have warmth spreading through Tony’s chest, curling up tight in his gut, lighting up his entire body. “Can I kiss you, baby?” he asks, lips nearly close enough to touch already, and when Tony throws himself forward Bucky catches him easily, left hand sliding to the small of Tony’s back and pulling him in closer.
The first press of lips is electric, has Tony sighing out a soft noise and then Bucky’s hand still cupping his jaw tilts his head a little further back and Bucky licks his way into his mouth with a slow, consuming determination. Tony clings harder to Bucky’s shirt where it stretches tight across his shoulders and hangs on for all he’s worth, tries to catch Bucky’s tongue between his teeth and shudders when Bucky growls low in his throat.
Bucky’s thigh slots between Tony’s like it belongs there and Tony breaks away from the kiss with a shaking groan as he abruptly realizes that he’s achingly hard, soft cotton of his sweats damp and clinging and amazing. “O-oh, shit-“ Tony gasps out, helpless against the way his hips jerk forwards just once to grind himself against that thick thigh. “God, Bucky-“ he whines, ducking his head to pant against the curve of Bucky’s shoulder and then bites back a desperate noise when Bucky’s thigh nudges up against him a little harder.
“Tha’s real sweet baby, sound so good,” Bucky sighs out as his lips move over Tony’s hairline, down his temple, his breath as heated as his words. He shifts his hand a little lower, spreads his fingers wide over the curve of Tony’s ass and pulls him in encouragingly as he growls “C’mon doll, don’t stop, lemme hear you makin' all those pretty noises for me.”
Tony doesn’t need to be told twice, rolls his hips forward again with another muffled groan. “Bucky, oh my god-“ he whines and presses closer, until he can feel Bucky’s cock nudged up thick and hot against his hip. His legs shake and he just clenches them tighter around Bucky’s thigh, tucks his face into Bucky’s throat and grinds himself forward. The sweet friction against his cock has Tony gasping again, shuddering all over as fire races up his spine and his head spins.
“Good, so good sweet thing, fit so perfect against me, gonna take such good care of you, treat you just right,” Bucky says against the shell of his ear and presses his thigh up a little further, digs his metal fingers a little harder into the swell of Tony’s ass and pulls in time with the roll of Tony’s hips against him. When Tony moans and clutches at him tighter Bucky chuckles again, low and dark, and drags his calloused thumb along the line of Tony’s jaw as he asks ”Damn you’re easy for me, ain’t ya? Gonna come like this, grindin’ against me all desperate and shakin’ for it?”
It sends another wave of heated, slightly-embarrassed arousal crashing over Tony and all he can do is whine again because unless Bucky is planning on stopping him, then he absolutely is. At this point Tony couldn't stop himself if he wanted to, cock throbbing and leaking as he grinds himself against Bucky’s thigh, panting hot against the curve of Bucky’s throat.
He can already feel his orgasm building fast, feels like it’s been building forever now, and his voice is shaking as hard as the rest of him as he moans out “Bucky- please, I- I’m, I can’t, please-“ Bucky silences him with a scrape of his teeth over the shell of Tony’s ear that has him practically collapsing against Bucky’s chest, limp except for the way he can’t stop rutting himself against Bucky’s thigh, chasing the sparks that light up his body.
Bucky laughs again, just a low, warm rumble in his chest, and presses another kiss to Tony’s eyebrow before saying “You’re this worked up you better come for me now, babydoll. ‘Cuz I’m gonna take you upstairs an’ take my time with you, make you feel as good as you deserve an’ put you to bed real sweet, how does that sound baby?”
He somehow makes it sound like both a promise and a threat, and Tony chokes out a noise caught somewhere between a sob and a moan. “Y-yeah, fuck yeah that- oh- fuck please-“ Bucky’s fingers press a little more firmly against the base of his skull, sliding through his hair, and Tony feels like he’s burning.
“Good,” Bucky says, an uneven hitch to his breath and Tony can feel the way Bucky’s cock throbs against him, “Fuck, you’re so good sweet thing, so perfect, feel so good, sounds so sweet for me, c’mon Tony, wanna feel you fall apart for me.”
Every word settles hot in Tony’s gut, has his head spinning faster until all he knows is Bucky’s voice in his ear, Bucky’s hands firm and demanding against him, the rush of his own blood in his ear as the pressure builds inside him. His sweats are going to be ruined and Tony doesn’t give a fuck because he’s so close, thin cotton already soaked and clinging to his cock, thrusts of his hips gone short and uncoordinated as his fingers scramble at Bucky’s back.
“Bucky,” he moans out, completely shameless, and drags his teeth over the line of Bucky’s throat, just because he can. Because Tony still kind of can’t believe the way Bucky shakes and groans against him, pulls him in harder and meets every roll of Tony’s hips with one of his own. “God, you’re so- I, I can’t believe- oh- Wanted you so long-“
“I know,” Bucky says, surprisingly soft and something almost like sheepish. He presses his thumb a little harder to the underside of Tony’s chin and tips his head up again, making Tony gasp at the rush of cool air over his flushed face even as he keeps his eyes squeezed shut because it’s so much. He’s so close to breaking apart at every seam. Bucky’s lips brush against his and Tony whimpers even as Bucky says “I see you now baby, been taking care of me for so long, haven’t you? Been so good, takin’ care of yourself so perfect for me, shit- you’re so good for me doll.”
“Bucky,” he gasps again, so close to the edge, every inch of him tingling, burning, so close-
“Look at me, Tony,” Bucky says, barest edge of a demand to his voice and it still has Tony prying his eyes open instantly. Then he groans weakly because Bucky is right there, blue eyes gone nearly dark, wild and hungry and fixed on him like there’s nothing else in the world as he breathes out “now be a good boy and come for me.”
Tony’s orgasm hits him overwhelming and inevitable, leaves him moaning breathlessly and clinging to Bucky impossibly tighter. Bucky’s hand on his ass keeps pulling him in, dragging it out until Tony is shaking and nearly sobbing into the feather light brush of Bucky’s lips against his own as Bucky calls him ‘good’ and ‘perfect’ and ‘gorgeous’.
As soon as he gets back the bare minimum brain cells Tony tips his chin up to kiss Bucky again, blissed out and lazy and it makes him shiver all over again when Bucky clutches at him tighter with a deep groan. Tony has to break away from the kiss sooner than he’d like because he still hasn’t quite caught his breath, hasn’t been able to get his hips to stop twitching forward as aftershocks race through him.
“Damn,” Bucky sighs, one hand petting at Tony’s hair and the other gentling against his waist as Tony slumps against him fully, “Good boy, so good baby, so perfect for me. Let’s get you up into bed, huh? Spread you out real nice and get my mouth on every inch of you.”
And that sounds good, it really does, but Tony can still feel Bucky’s cock thick and hard and throbbing against his hip, and he wants it now. So instead Tony drops to his knees, moving quick enough that he slides easily out of Bucky’s lax grip, presses his face to Bucky’s hip and nuzzles his cheek against the clear outline of Bucky cock through his thin pajamas.
“Fuck-“ Bucky gasps and his fingers tighten in Tony’s hair, holding him in place as his hips jerk forwards. “Damn what a sight you make, you want it that bad, doll?”
Tony turns his head just enough to look up at Bucky, lips moving against the hard line of Bucky’s cock, and he’s never meant anything more as he breathes out “Please, honey.”
Bucky’s eyes get impossibly darker and his cock throbs, the scent of him thick and heady and Tony’s mouth is watering. “We’re still in the kitchen, baby,” Bucky points out, but he’s already hooking his thumb into the front of his pants.
“I can be quick,” Tony promises, smirking a little because Bucky’s hips keep twitching forward against him, parajams visibly wet where they pull tight over the head of his cock, and this isn’t going to take long at all. And Tony really, really doesn’t care right now that he’s in the kitchen in a tower full of insomniacs, all he cares about his getting his mouth on Bucky, making Bucky feel as amazing as he does.
Bucky groans out something that was probably meant to be Tony’s name, but Tony has more important things to focus on because Bucky shoves his pants down far enough for his cock to spring free and Tony wastes no time trying to choke himself on it. He’s so loose-limbed and orgasm-dazed that when Bucky’s cock nudges at the back of his throat Tony just keeps going, only gags a little even as his eyes water and a whine builds in his chest.
“Oh- fuck Tony, so good, you’re so good baby, so- fuck-“ Bucky’s every word comes out rough and gasping and his fingers dig harder into the back of Tony’s neck, hips jerking forward like he just can’t help himself.
Tony moans encouragingly and clings to his hips, presses his nose to Bucky’s stomach and swallows around his cock. Bucky pulls back and then thrusts himself deep into Tony’s throat with another shuddering groan. Then he does it again, and again, until Tony has spit and precome sliding down his chin and arousal building again, almost painful, in his gut.
“Good, fuck you feel so good, you’re so- Tony-“ The way Bucky groans out the compliments, practically snarls his name, sends a hot shiver down Tony’s spine and has shaking all over again.
There’s a desperate moan caught in Tony’s chest that comes bursting out of him when Bucky abruptly tightens his fingers in Tony’s hair and yanks him back, leaves Tony panting for breath. His protest dies away when he opens his eyes and meets Bucky’s gaze, dark and ravenous.
“Open up, sweet thing,” Bucky growls, metal hand flying over his cock and his other hand still holding Tony in place, so close to the flushed, leaking head of Bucky’s cock and yet so far.
Tony doesn’t even need to think before he lets his aching jaw fall all the way open and he doesn’t care that his face is wet, constant pleading noises slipping out of his raw throat. He doesn’t care that he’s kneeling on the hard tile of the kitchen with his own come cooling in his sweats, all he cares about is getting more.
“Good boy,” Bucky gasps, and then finally comes. It streaks warm across Tony’s chin, the bridge of his nose, into his open mouth, and Tony lets his eyes fall closed again with a pleased moan as he runs his tongue over his lip, chasing the musky taste of him. “Fuck- shit, oh, Tony-“ the way Bucky groans out his name is going to stick with Tony for a long, long time, ringing in his ears, lighting him up, and Tony wants to hear it forever.
He’s still catching his breath when Bucky pulls him to his feet, into his arms, and Tony is all too happy to wrap his arms around Bucky’s shoulders, his shaking legs around Bucky’s waist, and let Bucky take his weight. “Okay, now we can go upstairs,” Tony slurs out as he drops his forehead to Bucky’s shoulder, voice rough, still feeling like he’s floating on air.
Bucky laughs, quiet and rumbling, and his hand is so gentle on the back of Tony’s head again as he tucks Tony’s face down into the curve of his neck. It’s definitely smearing Bucky’s shirt in come but if Bucky doesn’t mind then Tony certainly doesn’t care, just snuggles in closer and wonders if it’s actually possible for his heart to swell straight out of his chest.
“Whatever you want, babydoll,” Bucky says, warm and fond, presses a quick kiss to the side of Tony’s head and then starts carrying him towards the elevators. “Gonna take such good care of you, my good boy.”
Tony is pretty sure it’s not physically possible to get any closer, but he wraps himself tighter around Bucky and gives it his best shot and he mumbles “Gonna take care of you back.”
“I know you are, sweet thing, ‘s what makes you amazing,” Bucky says with another warm laugh, and Tony could probably argue that, because he’s really not, but he decides to let Bucky have this one.
For now. Apparently, they’ll have plenty of time to debate it later, over dates, and Tony is so looking forward to it.
Tony wakes up sore in places he didn’t even know he had, teeth marks on his shoulders and stubble burn on his thighs and just- deliriously happy. He can’t even try to convince himself it was some kind of crazy dream, because the physical evidence is kind of overwhelming. The other half of his bed is still warm, and there’s a telling clattering sound coming from his kitchen, and Tony decides he can afford to let himself lay here grinning at the ceiling like a loon for a while.
Soon enough Bucky is back with a giant plate of waffles and a wide smile, pausing in the doorway to drag his eyes down Tony’s bare chest. His hair is a mess and he’s unbearably gorgeous, and Tony smiles back as he realizes he can say it now.
“A beautiful man and breakfast? Help, my heart can’t take it,” Tony says, clutching at his chest with one hand even as he makes grabby motions at Bucky with the other.
“Not funny,” Bucky says, but he’s laughing as he sets the plate down on the nightstand and crawls back into bed, into Tony’s arms, and he’s still smiling softly when Tony pulls him into a kiss.
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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Our TSB party is still going, and here is one of the games we’ve had fun with so far!
Fic Titles Game
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Glitter - suggested by @phoenixmetaphor3000
@huntress79 - Idea: Dum-E teams up with Steve (other Avengers optional) to bring some Christmas cheer to their favorite in-house Grinch (aka Tony XD)  Massive amounts of Glitter involved
@rebelmeg​ - tony kind of has an accidental thing for glitter. it's not his fault. the iron man suit has a glitz and glamour of its own, he's always told his eyes sparkle, and his favorite tie pin is that gaudy ruby one that pepper hates. he loves the stars, the way sunlight sparkles on the waves outside his malibu mansion, and he can't really be blamed when a tiny speck of glitter under a certain someone's eye catches his attention one december day.
@psychiccatpanda - Clint refills DUM-E's fire extinguisher with purple and silver glitter as revenge for Tony making Clint's most recent armor change to red and gold with body heat. Hijinks ensue.
@lbibliophile-mcu - Decorating the Christmas tree, the Avengers get into an argument over who is responsible for the missing tinsel. Half an hour later they find it, in a tangled web draped all over Dum-e. He objects strenuously to its removal, but eventually concedes to their assistance in rearranging the strands so he can still move.
@huntress79 - The Avengers are invited to a Charity gala, but they have to wear costumes that are NOT their usual ones. And of course, Tony can't resist an opportunity to rile up a certain Captain, just a little bit. Best way to do so: a dare, in this case who wears the most glittery costume. But what Tony didn't expect was that Steve comes up with his own counterdare... (author's choice ;))
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - It's pride, so there was bound to be some glitter floating around, it was inevitable. But this much? Someone was obviously being irresponsible with glitter and needs to be given a warning for the good of the world (and the Tower's cleaning bots). Tony follows the trail of glitter... all the way to Steve's room? Does this mean that Tony's crush on Steve actually stood a chance of being more than just a crush.
@ralsbecket - It was Steve's first Father's Day being Morgan's step-dad, and Tony helps her with cooking breakfast in bed and sprinkling red, white, and blue glitter on a handmade card (not particularly in that order). Steve still finds glitter everywhere weeks later.
@rebelmeg​ - i can't art very well, but i want art of the aftermath of tony opening a glitter bomb that rhodey left out for him
@huntress79 - (Stony) - During a mission in space, Tony and Steve are stranded on a planet, with no immediate way to get back. After a while, they encounter tiny little beings who introduce themselves as fairies. But while they can't fulfill their wish to get home (for whatever reasons), they might be inclined to use their glittery fairy dust for something else… (could also be used for a crossover with Hook/Peter Pan)
@rebelmeg (with some inspirational help from @dreaminglypeach) - tony coming home with glitter all over his suit and looking super smug, and everyone IMMEDIATELY assumes strippers. but of course it's gotta something completely different and silly.  like... he wandered through the christmas department at the store and slipped on something and ended up sprawled on the glitter strewn floor
 @yesmooshoe - Tony is somehow de-aged to around 5. The Avengers do their best to take care of him while they figure out what to do, but don't keep a constant eye on him. Tony likes all of his new friends though and wants to do something special for them, so he acquires a bunch of glitter and glue (maybe jarvis helps? maybe thor likes crafting? fuck knows.) Tony proceeds to embellish everyone's stuff - glitter all of steve's shield, thor's hammer, glitter all over Clint's arrows (which really throws off the balance but he can't be mad), and even a weird-looking red and yellow robot suit. When Tony is finally returned to normal he's upset with his younger self for how haphazardly he glued all the glitter to his suit, because it could have looked super cool if done well.
Collaborative effort that started with strippers and then went off the rails
Glitter lube
Scratchy, what a terrible idea
oh my god but imagine shitting out glitter
Edible glitter
Edible glitter on cakes
Edible glitter exiting the human body
So many glitter poop jokes and anecdotes
@ralsbecket - The Avengers are forced undercover for a mission to catch a villain red-handed, and this villain just so happens to work from the basement of a strip-club. Tony draws the short straw, but at least he can choose his own stripper name.
@lbibliophile-mcu - He's sure it looks very pretty. Gentle waves ruffling the surface of the bay. Each strand of grass on the dunes lined in perfect crystals of frost. Dawn sun painting the sky pink. And right there is the problem: dawn sun. It is far too early to have to deal with all these stray rays of light stabbing through his eyes.
(More under the cut!)
Vices - suggested by @ralsbecket
@huntress79 - (Stony) - Steve's a hard working cop on the vice, Tony's his "favorite" frequent delinquent (aka Tony's a bit of a bad boy who usually gets arrested by Steve, for rather minor things, but Tony can't shut up when Steve's around, so it's more for his talking than anything else) (Steve, of course, can be replaced by any other character, whatever floats your boat XD)
@rebelmeg - tony kicked a lot of these habits a long time ago. it's been ages since he's been high, or slept around, or partied until he literally dropped. but around this time in december, he's allowed a few of his other vices. his need for near-constant touch and attention. drinking. staying up to keep the nightmares away, and being coaxed to bed when he's so exhausted he's asleep before his head eats the pillow. eating all the food he loves that aren't that great for him. it's okay, though. this time of year, he's allowed.
@lbibliophile - "... This is not the worst thing you've caught me doing." And it was in that moment - confronted by the picture he made trapped in the grip of supposedly-helpful machinery - that Tony decided he really needed to prioritise a better way of getting the suit on and off.
@rebelmeg - some kind of profile art with the arc reactor depicted as one half of a vice clamped on tony's chest
@dreaminglypeach - vices: DUM-E was only trying to help squishy-dad with his work. He didn’t mean to get his hand stuck in a vice. If only sky-dad would stop chastising him and call for help…
@Magicadraconia16 - Dum-E does not understand why everyone keeps saying that vices are bad. They're very helpful tools! He loves the one that Tony gave him for his very own. He can show everyone, then they'll see! If only he can get it off of U's arm, first…
@huntress79 - Knowing that Tony will fall back to some of his old vices as soon as December rolls around, the whole Tower teams up to keep him from doing so (can be gen aka Avengers as a family, or end with your favorite partner for Tones)
@psychiccatpanda - [potential WinterIron] Bucky has been researching everyone on the team and it seems like the media has nothing better to do than to gossip about Tony Stark's vices - women, booze, and expensive cars mostly. The trashier gossip bloggers openly speculated on what (or who) Tony's latest mistake would be. When Bucky gives Tony a judgmental look after he's returned from being out (much longer than the hour Stark had said he'd be gone), Tony frowns. The bag clanks like metal. What the hell had Tony meant when he'd said he needed to 'go pick up some new vices'?? ((hint - it's actual vices. It always takes longer at Home Depot or any hardware store because Tony has to look at everything before he leaves!))
@tehroserose - [Stony] Steve had only one vice. Well, two, but they were related. He loved watching Tony's backside, and he loved getting him angry. The genius was so alive when he was angry, and then he was treated to a wonderful view of the amazing backside. Bucky was about ready to smack him upside the head for his kindergarten way of having a crush.
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - Before the serum there was a lot of things Steve couldn't experience, whether it was because of his conditions or lack of money. Steve's favourite thing about the 21st Century is all the foods and flavours. Being able to eat things he couldn't eat before. Being able to taste things he wouldn't've been able to taste before. Steve spends his military back-pay on food and treats... a part of him burns at the idea of spending his money this way, there were more beneficial things he could be doing with it... But he can't help himself, especially when some flavours taste like euphoria. Tony notices and decides to indulge in Steve's vices.
@huntress79 - (potential HawkIron) For the longest time, Clint always had to choose before a mission between wearing the team comms and his hearing aids, otherwise his ears felt like being in a vice. SHIELD didn't see it as a necessity to equip him with better things, but once he joins the Avengers, and Tony notices the obvious problem, things start to look up for the resident archer....
@huntress79 - Ever since he got free of the programming and came to live at the Tower, Bucky's been doing repairs on his metal arm on his own. But after a mission, putting his arm in a vice and working with the fine tools isn't the easiest thing to do. And Buck's too proud to ask anyone for help, be it Steve or anyone else. Good thing that he can't stop JARVIS alerting Tony to that particular problem... (can be friendship/mending bridges between them, or WinterIron)
5 Times Tony Stark was a Terrible Cook, Plus 1 That One Time He Finally Ordered a Pizza - suggested by @yesmooshoe
@tehroserose - Tony/Others, Tony/Rhodey end. Tony has always tried to cook for his dates. He wants to impress them. Problem is, he can't cook. And too many people just want the Stark money and lie and say it is good. Or they're too afraid/intimidated to tell the truth. Later, much later, he realizes they aren't good for him. Then there's Rhodey, who's never afraid to tell Tony that his cooking sucks... and then, after the last relationship ended, this time when the white lie was out of care, Rhodey again tells Tony his food sucks, let's get pizza. And they kiss, over the pizza.
@rebelmeg - first it was cookies. cookies burnt to a crisp that even ana jarvis couldn't salvage. second was spaghetti, so mushy and overcooked that rhodey couldn't stop laughing even when tony threatened to throw his enormously thick math textbook at him. third was that whole "raw in the middle" chicken incident that happy still won't let him live down, and fourth was the disastrous omelet for pepper. fifth was morgan's 1st birthday cake, and thank heaven's pepper was wise enough to ignore him and order a backup. this time, he's just gonna order a pizza.
@huntress79 - Tony The Cook: The Jarvises tried, Mama Rhodes as well, but for all his genius, Tony can't figure out a cooking recipe. Nonetheless, he tried to impress several various dates with his cooking skills. Needless to say that none of these attempts (both cooking and dating) ended well. Then, he meets Steve, a guy who doesn't care at all what they eat, as long as they eat together. And so, Tony orders pizza for their date…
@Magicadraconia16 - It's an unfortunate historical fact that Tony cannot cook to save his life (hmm, there's an idea for the next HYDRA kidnapping...). Rhodey's meal was burnt to unidentifiable cinders (seriously, even Tony doesn't know what it was supposed to be); Pepper's gave her an allergic reaction; Natasha chipped a tooth; Hulk came out and threw Bruce's food out of the (closed!!) window; and Steve got food poisoning. Steve!!! So when Bucky turns up in his workshop one day, Tony decides to selflessly save everyone from a hangry Winter Soldier and just orders pizza, instead.
@ralsbecket - 5 + 1 Pizza: Tony Stark was many things. He was a genius, he was a billionaire, he was a playboy, he was a philanthropist. The thing he was decidedly not was a good cook. It was one burnt omelet too many before Pepper begged him to just order out. The person delivering his pizza was... attractive. If he started ordering pizza on Fridays at 6PM every week for a month, that was nobody's business.
@lbibliophile-mcu - Tony just wants to offer a fancy home-made anniversary dinner. It's not so much that Tony is a terrible cook, but that something (or several somethings) always go wrong. His significant other's flight was delayed. He gets distracted by a minor crisis half way through cooking. He tries to prepare beforehand, but forgets to label it before leaving it in the common fridge. Had a mistranslated recipe or the wrong measuring spoons. Dum-e tried to 'help' while he was distracted. The next year, his SO requests that they just order pizza to eat cuddled on the couch.
@psychiccatpanda - Single dad Tony tries to do it all. He feels terrible about the amount of time his three kids (all under the age of 5) spend in daycare, but college will be expensive, so he works -and works. But he tries to make the after-work before-bed moments really count. Sometimes his carefully planned dinners don't work out. Monday, the slow cooker wasn't plugged in and their chicken and potato dish spoiled for being on the counter for almost 13 hours unrefrigerated. Tuesday they were out of bread and ate PBJ on the last three hot dog buns. Wednesday, he thought dinner was fine, but Peter declared it was 'too spicy' and so none of the kids would eat it. Thursday he burned the chicken nuggets in the oven because he had to help the kids with their baths, and Friday? Well no one was gonna talk about that again. Saturday Tony's ready to cry because he's pretty sure Morgan is coming down with something. So he orders pizza. When the pizza delivery guy arrives, holding Morgan, she barfs all down Tony's back. Pizza delivery driver yanks the pizza away and asks if he can come in to set it down in the kitchen, then helps out with the kids while Tony takes a shower.
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - It was meant to be romantic, cooking for a date. But with Tony it was definitely not romantic. Cooking for Rumiko he managed to burn everything, yet have the food still raw. Firefighters had to be called when he set his dorm alight cooking for Janet. Ty needed to have his stomach pumped after Tony's cooking (how was he to know what was too much alcohol, wasn't it meant to burn off?). Indries had stomach problems for weeks after Tony cooked for her. And he managed to poison Pepper... Needless to say, Tony wasn't a good cook... So when he scores a date with Steve Rogers, he thinks "why bother try? Steve is too good for me anyway", there was no way they were going to last. So he orders a pizza. Steve is relieved when he sees the pizza. He had been hoping Tony would pick something down to earth, worried he wouldn't know how to eat whatever posh food Tony put in front of him and make a fool of himself. Steve admits he doesn't know how to cook either. Maybe Captain America isn't so perfect. Maybe... Maybe this could work out. Him and Steve
@huntress79 - Of all the people, Tony has probably the most irregular eating rhythm. He has been known to try and cook for himself, but the results are less than stellar. So, one by one, each of the Avengers try to cook for him, until Steve joins him in the workshop with a small stash of pizzas…
@lbibliophile-mcu - It was all Steve Rogers' fault. Him and his insistence on 'team dinners' to 'promote bonding' and 'improve cohesion'. Not that Tony necessarily objects to the dinners - pending his schedule - but Steve seems to have this odd conviction that having home-cooked food is a necessary part of the ritual, and none of them can change his mind. Natasha tried logic. Clint tried begging. Bruce, he's pretty sure, is sneaking in pre-made food and just cooking the final steps. Thor thinks it's a great idea... but is always for some reason back on Asgard on his nights. But Tony is a genius, so he decides on a different approach. He grumbles a little bit, but otherwise doesn't complain when it's his night to cook. He cooks... and watches as each of the Avengers gives up on choking down the barely-edible meal. The next time he is rostered, the scene repeats. And the next. And the next. By the sixth time he is due to be cooking dinner, Steve comes up to him and politely - but pointedly - suggests that maybe they just order pizza. Tony thinks of the several meals worth of tasty leftovers hidden in the penthouse fridge, and graciously acquiesces.
I hope Thistle cheer you up - by @darthbloodorange
@rebelmeg - it was the pun war to end all pun wars. and it was probably going to end all of them. clint was fine, he loved puns almost as much as he loved pizza. steve hated puns so much he had taken up swearing. tony took sadistic glee in saving his worst puns for when steve was around. nat was famous for using the most clever of puns at unexpected moments. bucky could deadpan a pun so seriously it always took them by surprise. thor was terrible at it, still grasping the nuances of american english, but he sure tried hard. bruce tolerated it all and made half-hearted attempts at participation, though chuckling at his own puns was usually funnier than the puns. sam loved making puns, but hated it when other people did. it started creeping into other areas of their life, onto social media, in interviews, and at one point hawkeye was trending for awhile after he screamed out "THISTLE CHEER YOU UP!" whilst battling some kind of plant monster. tony helped, because he retweeted with the comment, "ooh, talk dirt to me."
@ralsbecket -  So what if Tony had gotten laid off? So what if Tony had a mountain of bills sitting on his dining table? The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was his baby girl Morgan, with her hair falling out of the ponytail and her cute little lisp. She'd come back in from the backyard with a handful of dandelions, saying, "I hope thistle cheer you up, Daddy" so sweetly that for just a moment, everything was okay again.
@psychiccatpanda - [IronHawk] Tony's been working on the reams of paperwork that he's put off for SI. He's still not sure why it all needs to be done before the end of the quarter, but here he was. Needless to say, Tony Stark has been in a foul mood the whole week. The snide comments he usually keeps to himself have started to slip out and he feels guilty on top of the grouchy, so he decides to barricade himself in his office. He falls asleep on a sheaf of papers and wakes up with the impression of little ridges of paper on his cheek. It takes a moment (he hasn't been asleep that long) for him to fully realize the plant in front of him was real. An aloe plant - with a plate of chocolate muffins, fruit, cheese, and nuts. A post-it on the aloe's pot read, 'I hope thistle cheer you up,' written with a purple felt tip pen., which meant either Clint had left it - or Natasha pretending to be Clint.
@lbibliophile-mcu - Bruce looks at Tony, then back down at the spiny dried flowerhead in his hands.
"I know that you were getting frustrated trying to find these for your new fibre arts project, so I decided to help." His eyes light up as he realises the pun. "Thistle cheer you up!"
Bruce sighs even as he smiles.
"Tony... I appreciate the thought, but as you said, this is a thistle. I need a teasel."
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - Tony really doesn't like his neighbour Justin. The man was always trying to find ways to report him to the local council. Mailbox too close to driveway? Reported! Weeds in his lawn? Reported! Fence too high? Reported! Didn't clean his pool that weekend? Reported! Lawn too long? Reported! It was ridiculous. But the council won't do anything because taking action against someone who's reported you (even if the reports were false) is apparently considered wrong and vindictive. There was nothing Tony could do but grit his teeth and bear it. One day Tony receives a box in the mail, addressed from his neighbour across the street. The handsome blond guy with the body of a Greek god and a garden that looked like a literal paradise. Steve Rogers. Tony wasn't too shy to admit (to himself) that he had a crush on the man. He eagerly tears into the box to find a small note and a lots of little bags of mulch wrapped in tissue paper. The note reads: "Tony, I've heard you be having some trouble. I hope thistle cheer you up. After the rain comes flowers. Ps. Throw these over Justin's fence." And so he does. Watching Justin battle all the weeds after it rains brings Tony so much joy. Especially when Justine reports him to the council and the council shrugs him off this time. He heads over to Steve with some home cooked food as a thank you gift and they get talking. Turns out Steve is an Environmental activist with a passion for guerrilla gardening. Tony is hooked. Maybe it has more to to with Steve then the revenge on Justin (as sweet as it was)
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amethystina · 6 years
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP meme WinterIron #19 Summer Camp AU + #38 Grief Fic
But sure, I’ll do my best ;) My story idea is below the cut because I shit you not this ended up being 3200 words. I just… I give up on writing short things.
(I want to add the disclaimer that I know nothing about summer camps and have never attended one, but heck, why should that stop me, right?)
SO. Let’s lower Tony’s age a little and say that Howard and Maria die when he’s seventeen instead of twenty-one. The grief isn’t exactly easier to handle when he’s in the middle of puberty and Tony acts out in the months following their deaths (well, more than usual). It reaches the point where Obadiah just doesn’t know how to handle him and eventually loses his patience. So, since he doesn’t want to deal with Tony’s anger and self-destructive tantrums, Obadiah sends him off to summer camp for four weeks.
It’s not a rich-boys camp by any means, but rather one of the few that could take him on such short notice. Tony hates it instantly. He has no interest in doing outdoorsy things and no amount of Obadiah’s “it builds character” makes up for the fact that Tony can’t bring his tools and gadgets. He’s not allowed to tinker and, frankly, he’s not sure how he’s expected to survive the summer.
So it’s an incredibly angry, frustrated, and grieving Tony that arrives at the summer camp in question and his only goal is to get sent home as quickly as possible. He figures that if he breaks enough rules, it won’t matter how much money Obadiah paid them to take him in with only a couple of day’s notice.
Bucky is, of course, one of the camp counselors together with Steve. They’re just above twenty and figures that being counselors is a fairly easy way to earn money, so why not? Hilariously, all the teenagers — at least during the first couple of days — always assume that Steve is the nice one. He’s tiny, blond, and wholesome, so of course he has to be kind, right? And he is, of course, but he’s also strict as hell when it comes to certain things (morals, mostly, and treating each other with respect and kindness) and once a camper has earned themselves a Steve Rogers Is Disappointed In You Rant™ they usually behave for the rest of the camp. And are also rewarded a badge Bucky had made that they then have to wear for the rest of the day.
With this in mind, Tony decides that Bucky is the one to hassle. There are other camp counselors, sure, but Bucky is the one who looks like he’ll get angry the fastest and would be more inclined to dole out punishment.
That, clearly, is Tony’s first mistake.
Still, Bucky gets pretty frustrated with Tony’s comments that are always just a little too hurtful to be playful sarcasm, no matter who he speaks to, and he’s pretty fucking tired of Tony’s general attitude. The first week is like pulling teeth. Tony refuses to participate in any of the activites, no matter how much they coax or subtly hint about disciplinary actions. He’s rude to the other campers, his mood swings from lofty superiority to snarling anger, and the counselors have no idea what to do. No matter what they try, Tony blows them off and acts as if he’s better than them — as if him being there is a punishment of epic proportions (which is how he sees it, really).
Things escalate to the point where the other campers start avoiding Tony (mostly out of self-preservation) and Tony gets more and more isolated, and more and more angry. Except the anger is hiding a lot of pain that he still hasn’t dealt with. Inside of him the grief is just growing and the fact that he’s far from home just makes it worse. He’s not able to sneak over to his mother’s closet and bury his face in one of her dresses and, if only for a second, smell her scent again. Or step into his father’s workshop and marvel at the brilliance he had always hope to match someday — perhaps even surpass if he worked hard enough.
It hurts so much he can barely breathe, but he refuses to break. He refuses to cry. He refuses to let any of it show. It festers and grows deeper and darker until he’s just so tired of it all that he snaps at anyone daring to come close.
Fortunately, Bucky and the other counselors are pretty sure why Tony is acting out. Howard and Maria’s deaths made the headlines, after all, and they all know that Tony is Anthony Stark, so it’s not hard to put two and two together. It doesn’t mean that they know how to handle it, but at least they know the reason. 
Well, Bucky has some ideas on how to handle it, since he was there when Steve lost his mum and while they react to it differently, he’s at least seen the grief before.
So he decides to befriend Tony. He knows that might backfire spectacularly, but he’s not willing to give up on Tony, either. They could send Tony home, sure, but what good would that do? He’d still be angry and grieving and probably spiral even further down into despair.
Tony doesn’t like it. He gets frustrated when Bucky starts trying to talk to him. Not about the grief — Bucky is much smarter than that — but regurlar things. Tony doesn’t want to get pulled into conversations and replies with comments so hurtful they would make some people cry.
Bucky just purses his lips — occasionally replies with something snarky of his own — and keeps talking. Tony has no idea what to do with that. After all, he has no idea that this is the man stubborn enough to remain friends with Steve Rogers, despite all the shit that little punk gets into.
Tony is bewildered.
But, little by little, he also kind of grows to enjoy it. It IS kind of nice to have another person close, even if it’s one of the camp counselors. Tony still tries to rile Bucky up every now and then — confused and almost insulted that it’s not working as well as he thought it would — but by then Bucky just replies with a grin and a witty retort. They strike up a friendship of sorts, be it one founded on snarky remarks, and Tony starts to cool down considerably. Bucky even manages to convince Tony to join one or two of the activities, even if it requires bribery or sneakily playing on Tony’s competitiveness.
Things actually start going well and, by the time week two is over, Tony is not exactly happy, but civil. He can be around the other campers without scaring them off and he clearly favours Bucky over the other counselors, to the point where he willingly seeks Bucky’s company. All in all, things are progressing nicely.
Until the day they try to make Tony play the piano.
The counselors don’t mean anything bad by it. Tony just happened to let it slip that he knows how during one of his and Bucky’s conversations — not mentioning that he does so because of Maria — and they suggest it as something he can occupy himself with, seeing as he still refuses to take part in most of the other activities. Tony refuses, vehemently, but not even Bucky can tell that this isn’t Tony being unreasonable just for the sake of being a little shit, but because he is genuinely upset by the thought.
Bucky realises it only when Tony suddenly turns and runs off. Never has Tony done that. He’s been rude and mean and caused enough conflict to last them the entire summer, but he has never backed down or left a conversation before he was sure that he had won.
So Bucky, naturally, follows Tony. He finds him only because Tony sucks at moving quietly through the woods and Bucky can hear him from a mile away, but, as far as Bucky is concerned, he almost wishes he couldn’t. He hears Tony’s panicked, hitched breaths long before he finds him sitting curled up into a little ball behind a tree. Bucky knows the situation is delicate — he might fuck up royally — but he knows that there’s only one way for him to handle this situation.
He sinks to his knees next to Tony and hugs him.
Tony stiffens, holding his breath, but eventually just breaks. As much as he hates it, he can’t hold back the grief anymore.
So he cries, desperately burying his face against Bucky’s shirt, and just let’s go for the first time in months. Since his parents died, basically. And Bucky holds him, gently petting his hair and whispering that it’ll be okay, even if he knows that it probably won’t. It will get better, though, but Bucky knows Tony probably doesn’t want to hear that either.
Tony cries until he’s too exhausted to be embarrassed and Bucky gently takes him back to his cabin where he can sleep it all off. Then Bucky finds the other counselors and explains that piano is a bad idea for Tony. He doesn’t tell them about Tony’s breakdown — that’s not his to tell — but that Tony reacted negatively and they shouldn’t bring it up again.
The next day the embarrassment has caught up with Tony but Bucky refuses to let that stop him and just acts as if nothing has changed. He doesn’t behave as if it never happened — he can’t help that he looks at Tony with a hint of gentleness now — but he doesn’t bring it up or make Tony talk about it. Bucky he stubborn — he can wait for Tony to do it.
And eventually he does. It takes another week of steadily more serious conversations — Bucky opening up too, about his wish to join the army, his family, and what it’s like to be friends with someone like Steve for the majority of his life — but Tony gets there.
He didn’t even know he needed to talk about it until he’s already halfway through the explanation of how he got the news — the fear and denial he felt at the thought of losing both his parents in one fell swoop. Bucky listens and lets Tony talk, not interrupting even when Tony starts crying again. He just listens. 
Tony definitely didn’t know how much he needed that.
He feels awkward at showing such weakness, yes, but there’s relief, too, and a fair share of gratefulness. Bucky is so kind and gentle, never pushing but always supporting, and Tony has never really had that. Rhodey is an amazing friend and Tony loves him very much, but their relationship is a bit different. Not to mention that Tony has made sure not to speak to Rhodey as much these past couple of months, simply because he couldn’t handle it. He tried to do the same with Bucky, clearly, but that didn’t work. Bucky was simply too stubborn and much too caring for his own good.
And, right there, after telling Bucky about his dead parents, is the moment Tony realises that he’s falling in love with Bucky.
He’s not exactly surprised, but he’s pretty sure it’s going to cause problems, too. He tries to ignore it during the next couple of days, but he’s seventeen, horny, and impulsive, so three days before the end of camp, he kisses Bucky.
It’s not glamorous or romantic by any means. Tony is helping with the firewood, not because he enjoys it, but because that’s what Bucky is doing. And they’re trading snarky comments like usual and a particularly inventive one of Tony’s makes Bucky laugh and Tony is just gone.
So Tony kisses him.
Tony knows right away that he shouldn’t have. Bucky is stunned for a second, then gently but firmly pushes him away. Bucky doesn’t have time to do more than draw a breath before Tony cuts in with: “I know. That was stupid. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Tony is too young, not to mention grieving and in no position to make those kinds of decisions. Bucky is the camp counselor and an authority figure — kissing one of the campers will get him fired without a doubt. And when Tony seems to think that Bucky isn’t interested, well — Bucky does nothing to convince him otherwise. It’s partly true, after all. He’s never really considered Tony in that way, much too caught up in helping him with the grief, but now that they’ve kissed it’s a whole lot more difficult to ignore. Some part of him might actually be interested, but Bucky refuses to acknowledge that part.
They agree to never talk about it again.
The last three days of camp are awkward and a little bit miserable, but nowhere near as bad as it was from the beginning. Tony has had time to heal, no matter how much it hurts to know that Bucky doesn’t feel the same, and he’s not angry anymore. Still snarky and frustrating, sure, but that’s Tony.
The end of camp rolls around and Tony is mortified when he feels like crying. Bucky has been his sole support for almost three weeks and he’s terrified at the thought of going back out into the world without him. He has to, though, and tries to act as if it’s no big deal.
Bucky sees through it, of course, and pulls Tony aside to give him his phone number and email, just in case. Bucky knows he’s probably crossing some line he shouldn’t be crossing, but he can’t stand to see the desperation in Tony’s eyes, no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
Tony just swallows and nods, unable to reply, and Bucky pulls him in for one last hug. Tony clings to him longer than he should or is appropriate, but Bucky doesn’t push him away.
He lets Tony hold on until he feels ready to let go.
Eventually, Tony does, and he only manages another nod before he turns and heads for the car. Jarvis is there to greet him and Tony tells himself he won’t look back.
Except he does, and Bucky gives him a crooked smile and a little wave, while pretending that he’s not upset at all. The thought of never seeing Tony again isn’t agonising at all. He’ll be fine. Steve, wisely, says nothing.
So Tony leaves. Bucky eventually goes back home too. Tony has already graduated from MIT so he starts tinkering instead. Bucky joins the Army.
Tony doesn’t call.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but that summer at camp almost starts feeling like a dream to him after a while — like it was too good to be true. He handles the grief better, though. Bucky taught him a thing or two, after all, and Tony is more willing to listen to Rhodey now. Rhodey manages to steer him away from some of the wilder parties and Tony focuses more on his projects. Obadiah isn’t quite sure what to do with that, but he lets Tony be for now, seeing as he isn’t a threat.
A year passes. Then another. Then another.
Bucky wonders every now and then — especially when handed a gun or piece of armor from Stark Industries — what Tony is doing. Why he never got in touch. Despite Tony’s behaviour at the start of the camp, Bucky remembers him fondly. And that little seed of what could have been — the beginning of an attraction that Bucky can’t quite deny or ignore — lies dormant but not forgotten. 
Sometimes, when on leave, he catches sight of Tony in the newspapers. There’s a lot of gossip, as always when it comes to the rich and famous, but most is about his inventions and accomplishments. The young genuis who showed all the signs of becoming a rich, spoiled playboy turned out to be a dedicated, hard-working young man with a passion for everything that can help and improve people’s lives.
Most assume it was Tony’s parents’ deaths that made him change — that Tony was forced to grow up when he lost Howard and Maria — and Bucky isn’t someone who would assume otherwise. He’s proud when he sees what Tony has become, sure, but he doesn’t quite realise the impact he had. That he was one of the main reasons that Tony managed to turn his life around, especially during such a painful stage.
Another year passes. Then another. Then another.
Bucky is twenty-seven when he’s sent to Afghanistan a second time. Seven months later he’s sent back home without a left arm. He’s not entirely sure what to do, disoriented and alight with phantom pains and the echoing sound of gunfire and explosions and the heat of fire against his skin and pain pain pain in his arm.
Having Steve helps. It takes two months before Bucky feels stable enough to even consider daily chores, but he gets there. His new life stretches ahead of him and its daunting, but he’s stubborn and not one to give up, so he’ll get through it.
One day there’s a knock on the door.
Bucky doesn’t expect much, yet when he opens the door, there is Tony. He’s older — twenty-three now — and looks the same but different. Despite his surprise and general disorientation, Bucky’s heart skips a beat, like a jolt of awareness suddenly shot through him, startling him awake after years of slumber.
He hasn’t seen Tony in ages.
And Bucky knows he should say something nice or profound or perhaps even witty, but what he ends up saying is: “I like the beard.”
That seems to work, though, since Tony grins, and he looks calm and healthy — so unlike the angry, shielded-off teenager that Bucky knew. He’s beautiful, though — Bucky isn’t ashamed to admit that.
He invites Tony in, too happy to see him to do otherwise. He knows Tony is probably there because of the arm — Bucky isn’t sure how Tony found out and he probably doesn’t want to, either — but that’s okay.
Seeing Tony again feels really good.
The conversation is a little stilted at first as they feel their way, trying to bridge the years they’ve been apart. Tony doesn’t stare at Bucky’s missing arm, which helps, but the warmth in his eyes and the soft smile on his face is distracting. Bucky can’t look away. He’s not sure if he can blame what he blurts out next on his injury and the PTSD that followed, but he’s definitely going to blame Tony — he shouldn’t be allowed to be that beautiful.
“It’s okay to kiss me now.”
Bucky realises a split second later how stupid that is. How insulting. As if he can assume that Tony still has a crush on him? As if Tony would actually want to kiss someone like Bucky? Tony might have a significant other, or simply just moved on with his life.
Tony looks surprised and Bucky is about to apologise when Tony fires off another one of those grins and says: “Let me take you out to dinner first. I wouldn’t want you to accuse me of not treating you right.”
The confidence is very different from the false bravado that Tony had shown as a teenager and Bucky likes it. He knows that they’re going to have to talk about his arm at some point — Tony probably had a reason for showing up all of a sudden — but that can wait. Bucky has lived the past two months in a daze of nightmares and disorientation, and he’s definitely enjoying this new-found clarity. He doesn’t know how long it will last or if Tony will stay for more than one dinner, but they’ll figure that out along the way.
They’ll get there, Bucky is sure.
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WinterIron summer/first love AU
Anyone else want a very vaguely Call Me by Your Name inspired Bucky/Tony summer romance story? I know you do, so here we go.
Non-powered AU, set sometime in the mid-80s.
The Starks have spent their summers in the house Maria inherited from her parents for as long as Tony can remember. It was great when Tony was younger; lots of other kids who close by to play with, woods and lakes and rivers and beaches to explore, just weeks of being outside and having fun.
Tony’s 18 now, though, has finished college, and spending months cooped up in the Italian countryside with his parents—especially Howard—with nothing much to do isn’t exactly his idea of a good time. But Maria eventually manages to convince him, and so they pack up their things in Manhattan, and head to Italy.
For the first few weeks, Tony is mostly bored out of his mind. Some of his childhood friends are still around, and they all do hang out—going skinny dipping in the lake, sneaking out to the only disco in the area, drinking and smoking by the river—but Tony misses his lab, his ‘bots, the freedom to do whatever he wants and go wherever he wants, whenever he wants that he usually has in New York.
But then, a month or so into the summer, Howard announces that a grad student he’s been teaching last year (as a guest lecturer or something) will come to stay with them for a while. Tony doesn’t care, initially, because whenever Howard teaches a class it’s business related, and Tony could not give less of a shit about any of that.
He quickly changes his mind when James arrives, though. He doesn’t seem like the usual business student—he has long hair, drives a badass car, is missing an arm, and is absolutely gorgeous—and Tony is immediately intrigued.
(More after the break!)
Howard and Bucky, as he’s told everyone to call him, spend huge parts of every day working on Bucky’s dissertation together. Howard tends to get annoyed when Tony hangs around his study, but Bucky doesn’t seem to mind; in fact, he’s usually hiding grins whenever Tony bugs Howard to the point that Howard starts swearing at him.
Which does serve a purpose, because at that point, Howard usually calls it a day, and Tony gets Bucky to himself for the rest of the day. Bucky doesn’t talk about himself much, but Tony doesn’t care, because Bucky’s great. He isn’t a huge talker—all Tony really knows is that he used to be a soldier, and got hurt in combat—but he always listens to Tony, no matter what Tony’s rambling on about. They go swimming together, Bucky teaches Tony all kinds of scout and survival tricks, Tony plays the piano for Bucky, Bucky lets Tony read through his dissertation, and Tony lets him look at his notebooks full of code and ideas in return.
Needless to say, Tony is crushing hard. At first, he thinks it’s completely unrequited, because why wouldn’t it be? Bucky is in his twenties, is teaching while finishing his studies, has an established life in Brooklyn. And Tony has no idea what he’s going to be doing when he gets back home after the summer—he’s not going to work for Howard, fuck that—still lives with his parents, and is just not in the same league as Bucky, at all.
But then, sometimes, when Tony’s sneaking a glance at Bucky, Bucky is already looking at him, and blushes and quickly averts his eyes when Tony catches him. He’s very tactile and easily affectionate with everyone, but Tony thinks maybe more so with him than others. He just can’t tell for sure, and he’s not about to make a move, and possibly get punched in the face for it, unless he’s absolutely, 100% certain.
That doesn’t keep him from being jealous when Bucky tags along to the disco, and spends the whole evening dancing with one of the local girls, though. At first, Tony tries to shrug it off, dances with some of his friends, but it makes his stomach twist to watch Bucky and the girl. He decides to go back early, and is surprised when Bucky suddenly comes running after him.
He’s worried, and Tony tries to reassure him that he’s fine, but Bucky doesn’t believe it. Tony gets pissed when Bucky won’t let it go, and ends up blurting out that he really fucking likes Bucky, and that he knows Bucky isn’t like that, doesn’t feel like that, but that it still sucks to see him get all flirty with some random girl.
What he doesn’t expect is for Bucky to kiss him. They kiss until they’re both breathless, pressed together against a tree under the stars, holding each other so tightly it actually hurts a little. Bucky confesses that he’s not interested in women, that he likes Tony, but wasn’t sure Tony felt the same, didn’t want to pressure him, or make him uncomfortable.
The remaining week until Bucky heads back to New York is pure bliss. Whenever Bucky isn’t busy working, he’s with Tony. Every night, Tony crawls into Bucky’s bed, kissing and touching and holding him, falling in love more and more each day.
But, of course, Bucky has to head home eventually. Tony considers telling him that he’s in love with him, asking to stay in touch—they live only a subway ride apart, after all—but he chickens out. And Bucky doesn’t say anything, either. Which tells Tony that what they had wasn’t as serious for him as it was for Tony.
For the rest of the summer after Bucky’s left, Tony mopes. Everyone notices, even if they don’t know the reason; Jarvis does his best to keep Tony as busy as possible with chores in an attempt to distract him, while Ana practically stuffs him with cookies and other treats. Maria pulls him down to sit with her whenever Tony walks by, tucking him close, and reading out loud to him from whatever book she has with her that day.
Even Howard seems to be aware that something’s wrong, and he and Tony fight less than usual. One day, while Tony’s lying listlessly on the couch in Howard’s study, Howard goes as far as sitting down with him, and running his fingers through Tony’s hair. He doesn’t look at Tony when he tells him that losing first loves is always difficult, but that it will get better. Tony’s shocked that Howard even noticed, and that he doesn’t seem to be entirely disapproving. He ends up crying in Howard’s lap, but does feel a little bit better afterwards.
Back in New York in the fall, Tony decides to go back to school. Howard would have rather had him join the family business, but is supportive of higher education in general, so that goes about as well as could be expected. Tony’s still sad about Bucky—something he thinks won’t go away for a long, long while—but he’s coping, and moving on with his life.
Which is, of course, when sees Bucky again. Before he can decide if he should run away or not, Bucky spots him. They’ve lost all the easy camradie they’ve had in the summer, and their conversation is extremely stilted and awkward. They make small talk for a bit, but then Bucky asks how Tony’s been since he left, and Tony snaps. Because how does Bucky think he’s been? Fucking miserable, that’s how, because his first big love broke his heart and left, most likely never to be seen again.
Bucky looks confused. He asks if Tony didn’t find the shirt he’d left for him, which, in turn, confuses Tony. Bucky’s staring at the floor, not meeting Tony’s eyes, while he explains that he didn’t know how much he could expect from Tony, how serious their relationship had been for Tony. So he’d left his shirt, as a hint for Tony that he’d like to stay in contact, and had figured Tony was rejecting him when Tony had never written or called.
They both realise that they’re being dumb, and that everything has been a huge misunderstanding. Bucky takes Tony back to his apartment, and they stay in bed for hours.
When Tony calls his parents to say that he’s met a friend and won’t be home tonight, Howard just tells him to bring Bucky for dinner soon before hanging up.
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larissaloki · 7 years
90. “Sorry to interrupt, but you need to move your hands away from him/her before we have a problem,” Winteriron.
prompt request from @once-upon-a-ghost-blog my first request ever!!! this one sort of ran away with me and had to force myself to stop before i wrote like 4 more pages! XD hope this please!! With a sigh Tony sipped his apple juice, after being clean from alcohol for so long he’s demanded all functions to have non-alcoholic choices as well. Pepper would be proud if she was here, instead she was in Japan closing a deal for him while he was forced to attend this shit show. A party to welcome back the Avengers formally. Thanos had come, they kicked ass, Tony got the infinity gauntlet wished into never existing and scattering the stones again. Afterwards the world changed their tune, admitted they needed the Avengers, the accords were changed to be more friendly to supers and such. There were still restrictions but they were less so. Tony of course being the biggest pusher for them, chasing down officials to get the pardons and arguing all the unfair rules. It took many sleepless nights and days, but he did it. Despite his pro-Avengers actions, he was still weary around the Avengers, keeping his distance and if possible, flat out avoiding them. Instead, he had spent his time working on Rhodey’s braces or with T’challa on a new arm for Barnes. It took months to work through his grief over his mother. Took months to process the bombshell of what had actually happened. The guilt he felt from blaming his father all those years. Smoothing his vest out, getting rid of the non-existent wrinkles, he made his way slowly around the room. Taking a break from schmoozing the rich and famous or military men that were in attendance tonight. Passing some random art sculpture on display, giving it barely a glance he slipped out through a door into a quiet side corridor heaving a sigh of relief. Glad to be away from the hot, stuffy room at last. Moving partway down the hall he sits on a sofa, most likely placed for decoration purposes mostly than for actual use. Shifting around to get comfy, he leaned his head back, most likely crushing the artful curls on his head against the wall in the process, and closed his eyes for a few moments. In his mind, he wondered over to the specs for Rhodey’s braces, always mentally tinkering with it. It was while he was lost in thought, that he failed to hear the door open from the hall. “Well looky here~” Snapping his eyes open, startled by the sudden loud intrusive voice, Tony stares up- Tiberius Stone. Eyes narrowing into a glare, Tony shuffled to sit up straighter and moving away as Stone sat heavily next to him. A smug grin on his face. A glass is soon shoved into his face, the smell of whiskey hits his nose nearly making him gag now. “I saw you sneak out and thought you could use a drink some good company!” Stone’s voice slithered over and through him making him shudder in disgust. How had he ever found his guy appealing he will never know. “Well, unfortunately for me, both said drink and company disappoint me.” Hoping to come across as dismissive, Tony tries to stand only to stumble as a strong grip pulls him back, snuggly into Stone’s side, much to his chagrin. “Hey now! Is that any way to treat a friend!? I came in good faith! Come now Tony, you can’t still be bitter all these years are you?” “Yes actually I can, and I am...” Glaring at the offensive arm around his waist Tony turned his glare onto the owner of said arm. “let me go Ty, I don’t want to cause a scene..” Leaning in close Stone grinned, even his grin came across as slimy. “Then don’t~ lets have a drink and...catch up~” Chuckling to himself, Stone moved to lean in for a kiss.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you need to move your hands away from him before we have a problem,”
Tony had never seen Stone move away so fast as he did in that moment. Barnes stood right in front of them. Glare in place and turned fully onto Stone. It was dark enough to make lava stay in a volcano in fear of him. Backing away quickly, Stone stood up fast and put distance between him and Tony as if Tony had the plague.
“It’s not how it looks...”
“Of course not” Smiling sharply Barnes turned his full body to keep facing him, aggressive as can be, “You were just leaving right?” Nodding, face pale and damp with nervousness Stone fled back to the party as though hell itself was after him. Probably was, Tony could imagine death dusting a seat in a pit of lava and fire reserved specially for Stone.
“You ok Tony?” Jolting, Tony realised that imagining death dust a seat had somehow taken up his mind and turned back to face Barnes. Nodding he stood, ignoring the shaking in his legs.
“Yeah, thanks for the rescue there Terminator. I only had my repulsor watch on me and didn’t want to blow the guys face off...no matter how much of a shit he is..”
Chuckling Barnes grins at him his head tilting down and to the side a bit, his long hair pulled aback into a bun with a few strands having escaped. “I’m glad I could scare him off for you,”
The two of them looked at each other as silence falls between them, slowly becoming slightly awkward. Clapping his hands, rocking on the balls of his feet, Tony grins cheekily. “Well we best join the party! Wouldn’t want anyone wondering where the old War hero had wondered off to! I can only imagine Roger’s puppy pout right now!”
“Tony....” Pausing from where Tony had been starting towards the door, he turns his head to listen. “Yes?”
Licking his lips Bucky shoved his hands nervously into his pockets and looks at a painting. “I...Do you want to get out of here? I mean..this sort of thing bores me...Want to go get some real food? Say...a cheeseburger?” Tony slowly turned around fully blinking surprised at this sudden request. Only to see Bucky biting at his bottom lip still not looking a him. He can see sweat gather on his forehead.
Observing him closely, for any clue that could point to deceiving or mocking him. Finding none, he decided to take a leap here. Truth be told, after the whole civil war thing, Barnes was the one he was least awkward around. They didn’t have history of being friends. And Barnes didn’t withhold any information, he couldn’t when he didn’t know himself.
“Take me to the Five Guys and you buy and call it a date” Smirking, walking back over to Barnes, he stopped right infront of him. Prompting Barnes to finally look at him. This time it was his turn to look surprised. After a few seconds it morphed into a playful smirk. When he spoke, Barnes voice had taken on a hint of Brooklyn accent, complete with the drawl as he spoke.
“Deal. One date coming up, would you like me to walk you to the car?” Grinning he offered his arm to Tony. Drawing his eyes to the fact that- Holy shit! Barnes was in his old war suit!- how the hell did he not notice before!? Holding in a purr as he gave Barnes a quick glance over.
“You can indeed Soldier~” Grinning charmingly he linked his arm with his while brining out his phone. “Friday, send Cap a message that me and Barnes-“ “Bucky” “-Bucky are heading out for real food. Tell him to not wait up!”
92 notes · View notes
27dragons · 8 years
So if you wanted some prompts I have some for AvAc Winteriron: 1) Bucky is crushing hard on Tony and is irrationally jealous of Misty, whose arm Tony made her. He also wants an arm spesifically made for him by Tony! Even if the one he has is working perfectly fine already!
2) After arriving at the Academy, Bucky is shown around by Tony, and is really drawn to him. He’s so impressed by everything Tony has done for the academy (not that Tony likes to mention it, he only does so in passing as if it isn’t important), and after staying there for a while he is slightly horrified by how some people treat him/take advantage of him all the time.
3) Every new song Bucky writes has subtle hints about how he is in love with Tony, not that Tony ever notices. Janet, however, does, and confronts Bucky about it to be sure he won’t break Tony’s heart, because she knows how Tony feels about Bucky as well.
These were so cute, I combined all three. This is nearly 6k, so ‘ware the readmore! (I’ll put it up on Ao3 as soon as I get a chance, for easier reading/bookmarking…)
“Hi,welcome to Avengers Academy!”
Buckyturned toward the voice, wary. When someone said “welcome” atHydra, it usually meant they were planning to humiliate you or getthe drop on you with an ambush.
Well,they could try. The Winter Soldier had carved out a niche of respectat Hydra, and he would make one here, if he had to.
“Usuallyit’s Jan or Pepper doing the welcome tour, but Pep’s offinterviewing some potential recruits and Jan’s right in the middleof planning next month’s parties, so I said I’d do it. So hi,welcome – I said that already, didn’t I? – um, I’m Tony Stark,nice to meet you!”
Buckylooked him over. Tony Stark had armored boots and a gauntlet on hisextended hand, and was wearing a garish red and yellow jacket overskin-tight jeans. Those jeans did not look practical for combat, butthey did an excellent job of showing off Tony’s legs. Tony hadartfully fluffy hair that made Bucky want to mess it up, and ascraggly attempt at facial hair that was kind of cute in its utterfailure. He’d started off with a bright smile, but it was beginningto fade, a crease forming between his eyebrows.
“Uh,okay,” Tony said, dropping the extended hand and rubbing it on hisother arm uncertainly. “So you’re the Winter Soldier, huh? Isthat… what you want us to call you? I mean, most everyone’s got acodename and, you know, a real name, but we’re pretty divided onwhat we want people to call us. I’m Tony and Jan is Jan and Pepperis Pepper unless she’s reallymadat you in which case she’s Ms. Potts. But you should see how madEnchantress gets if you try to call her Amora, and man, do notcallHulk Bruce, he smashes extrahardif you do that. And ‘Spider-Man’ thinks he’s maintaining asecret identity, so we pretty much humor him and call him that ifhe’s got his mask on, you know?”
Buckyconsidered this. “Names are nothing but words / it is the soulwithin that hurts,” he tried. Not the best meter or rhyme, butthere was a theme there worth exploring.
Tonystared at him blankly for a moment. “Um. So you’re… cool withwhatever, I guess. Okay. Well, I’m supposed to show you around thecampus, so come on, I’ll make sure you know where everythingimportant is!”
Tonyled Bucky around the campus in a wide arc. Bucky already knew thecampus layout, of course, having studied it in preparation forattack. But it was very different, seeing things with his own eyes,and Tony’s constant stream of chatter was often amusing.
“Twonightclubs, in fact,” Tony was saying proudly. “There’s theGalaxy club there–” He pointed toward a garish neon building.“–and the Guardians put on a mean death metal show, I gotta say.But a lot of us prefer something a little more homey, and that’sClub A. Pool table, jukebox, great dance floor.” He looked sidelongat Bucky, then shrugged. “Cap spends a lot of time in there, so…”
Buckydidn’t let himself wince, but he wanted to. His feelings about Cap– Steve – were… complicated. But Tony was looking at himhopefully, waiting for some sort of reaction, and Bucky was oddlydisinclined to disappoint him. “The bartender is a robot,” heobserved.
“What?Oh, yeah, I made him.”
“Byyourself?” It took – hadtaken–a team of three Hydra scientists to merely perform maintenance on Bucky’sarm.
“Oh,sure, robots are easy. The challenging bit was upgrading him so itdidn’t cause any long-term damage when his head comes off.”
Buckystared at Tony.
Tonyshrugged. “Crossbones keeps ripping his head off, and I don’tknow how many times I’ve tried to tell him they don’t like that,but he won’t listen, so it seemed easier to just make it so itwouldn’t hurt them too much, you know?” Bucky had no trouble believingthat. Crossbones was… unpleasant. It wasn’t enough for him toaccomplish his missions. He made it personal.
Tonywas still talking about the robot. “… already had someeasy-repair joints for the robots at the blasting range, so I justhad to find a way to–”
Nowthatsoundedlike something Bucky would enjoy. “Blasting range?” He swung hisfavorite rifle off his shoulder. “Show me.”
Tony’ssmile was all teeth. “This way.”
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Janfound Tony in the library. She was supposed to be studyingentomology, which was usually one of her favorite subjects, but shecouldn’t help watching Tony. He was listlessly turning page afterpage without even really looking at what was on them. Instead, hisgaze kept drifting out the window toward the food court.
Maybehe was hungry; it wouldn’t be the first time Tony had gottenwrapped up in what he was working on and forgotten to eat. Though hedidn’t look particularly absorbed now, which meant he was brooding.Stewing. Maybe even sulking.
Janbrought up the social media aggregator on her phone and scrolledthrough it with a few flicks of her fingers. There had to be a reasonTony was acting so weird. He hadn’t gotten into a fight with Stevefor weeks; Jan had personally been making sure to take down all ofProfessor Pym’s posts on the message board calling for “volunteers”for his electricity experiments (honestly, Pym was cute but sometimeskind of thoughtless); there weren’t any new selfies from Crossbonesposing with Club A’s headless bartender or from Hulk showing off astolen cheese fridge.
Janscowled at her phone. If social media was failing her, it had to besomething huge. The last time Tony had been this listless was whenhe’d been moping about his dad, but he didn’t have thatguilty/anxious look that always gave him. The only other thing Jancould recall was when he’d been trying to convince Natasha to datehim and Nat had been–
Waitwait wait.
Thatwasn’t Tony’s sulkingface.That was pining.
Janclapped both hands over her mouth so he wouldn’t hear her squee ofexcitement and realize she was watching him. This was something shecould help with! She would have to be crafty. Subtle. Tony sometimesobjected to her help.
First,she had to figure out who it was. She couldn’t have someoneunworthyattachedto her best friend.
Subtle,she reminded herself. She shrank down into her Wasp form and flittedthrough the library to land on Tony’s shoulder. “Hi!”
Tonyflinched a little at the buzz of her wings, but relaxed when he sawit was her. “Hey, Jan. Were you going to try to study? I can clearout.”
“Nah,I’ve got some entomology homework, but it’ll wait.” Shecritically examined the stitching on the collar of his jacket. It wasstarting to fray; she’d have to make him a new one soon. Heroeswere so hard on their clothes. “So, who’re we spying on?” Shepeered through the window, trying to see who was in the food courtthat Tony might be watching.
“I’mnot spying on anyone,” Tony said. Jan could heartheeye-roll; she was definitely on the right track.
MariaHill was at the coffee kiosk, but– ew, no. She was far too seriousfor Tony, and didn’t have much in the way of fashion sense, either.Tigra ran past, but she was obviously on her way to a fashion shootor an important nap or something, not someone Tony had been watchingfor the last half hour while pretending to read up on the latestengineering developments. Anyway, Tigra had a huge crush on Cap.Misty Knight was considering her options for lunch, but if Tony had acrush on Misty, Jan would’ve thought she’d have noticed earlier,since Tony had been working on Misty’s artificial arm for months.
Pepperand Kamala were chatting in the line for the shwarma stand, butKamala was basically everyone’s kid sister, and while Tony flirtedendlessly with Pepper, everyone – including Tony and Pepper – knewthere was nothing to that. Natasha was deep in discussion with Union Jackon one of the benches, probably listing all the different ways theycould kill a man with the hot dog she was holding. But Tony waspretty much over Natasha these days, Jan thought.
Ormaybe it was Union Jack? Jan considered that for a moment. Union Jack wasabout as gay as a guy could be without actually skipping everywhereand leaving daisy petals in his wake, and he’d never tried to hidethe way his eyes lingered on Tony sometimes. But Tony had alreadyturned him down (except for the body shots thing, and no one wascounting that),so it wasn’t him, either.
“Jan,”Tony sighed. “Really, it’s nothing.”
“Don’tbe an idiot,” Jan said, patting his ear. “You’re not that goodof an actor. This will go much faster if you just tell me who you’reso obsessed with!” Well, she’d never been that good at subtle, anyway.
Tonygroaned and nearly unseated her by dropping his face into his hands.Jan hovered for a moment and then re-settled on his shoulder,frowning out the window. “Come on,” she wheedled. “Don’t makeme beat it out of you. Is it Misty?”
“No,”Tony groaned.
“Areyou chasing Natasha again?”
Janwas running out of options. “God, don’t tell me it’s Maria,”she begged.
Tonylifted his head to give her a disgusted look. “She’s even lessfun than Cap,” he protested. “Why would I even.”
“That’swhat I thought, but– Ooh, did you change your mind about Union Jack?”She could work with that. He was super-cute, and his colors wouldblend acceptably with Tony’s for couple-themed events. “I mean, Iknow you want everyone to think you’re straight, but–”
“Iamstraight,”Tony said firmly.
“Youdated Loki,”Jan pointed out.
“Onlyfor a couple of weeks,” Tony pouted. He dropped his face back intohis hands. “Anyway, Loki’s a girl sometimes.”
“Thatmight make you lessstraight,not more,”Jan mused. “We’ve talkedaboutthis, Tony. It’s good you want to make your dad proud and all, buthiding who you are is not the way to go about it! It’s not like hecan disown you for being bisexual.”
Tonywas quiet for a long minute, but the back of his neck was turningred. “Pansexual,” he corrected in the tiniest voice Jan had everheard from him. “I think.”
“Youdon’t have to know for sure,” she said, and patted his ear again.“I won’t out you, I promise.” He didn’t lift his head though,so Jan went back to looking out the window. “Except I still don’tknow who it is you’re–”
Tonywasn’t looking at anyone in the food court after all. Past the foodcourt was the Quad. And on the Quad was the Winter Soldier, soulfullystrumming his guitar.
“Ohmy god.”
“Ohmy god.”
“You’vegot a crush on BuckyBarnes.”
Tonygroaned, but didn’t deny it, which was confirmation enough for Jan.She was so excited that she couldn’t resist zipping around the rooma few times, trailing a barely-repressed “Eeeeeeee!” ofexcitement behind her like a banner. “Ohmigodohmigodohmigod!”
“Itdoesn’t matter,” Tony said, voice muffled by his hands. “Hebarely even lookedatme the whole time we were on the school tour. And maybe I’m notstraight, but he hastobe.”
“Whydoes he have to be straight?”
Tonygave her a despairing look. “He’s Captain Perfect’s best friendfrom the Stone Ages! Rogers is so straight that even my dad wouldprobably tell him to relax a little.”
Janfolded her arms and gave Tony her best glare. The one she practicedin the mirror to use on Enchantress, and people who mixed plaids.“Anthony Edward Stark, are you suggesting that straight andnot-straight people can’t be friends?”
“No!”Tony backpedaled. “He’s just so…” He trailed off, looking atBucky through the window again. Bucky had put his guitar away and wasplaying catch with a football-throwing device now.
Janwatched with Tony for a moment. “…Dreamy?” she suggested slyly.
“Yeah…”Tony shook himself, then shoved her, playfully. “Stop that! Youknow what I mean.”
Jandid know. There were a handful of students at the Academy who wereout of the closet, but not many. Certainly not as many as,statistically, there should have been. But that didn’t make it anyeasier to ask someone out, not knowing if they even liked whateveryou were. “Lucky for you,” Jan said, “you have me.I’ll find out for you!”
“Youwill?” The look of gratitude on Tony’s face was a testament totheir friendship. Or to his desperation. She wasn’t sure which.
TheQuad was a great place to hang out. It was wide open, not crammedwith buildings and other clutter. There was always a quiet spot forBucky to work on his music or practice throwing and catching.
Sometimes,there would be a new prospective student in the Quad, looking aroundand talking to everyone who passed. New students made the Academystronger, more able to stand against their enemies, so that was okay,even if Bucky didn’t always trust the candidates, especially theones who had recently fought against the Academy. Perhaps that washypocritical. But Bucky knew his own reasons for turning against hisformer institution. He didn’t know theirs.
Therewas frequently a challenger in the Quad as well, daring Academystudents to fight them. Sometimes, they triumphed, but Bucky’sclassmates banded together again and again, relentless and fierce,until the challenger retreated in disgrace. Bucky had not yet beencalled to stand against a challenger, but he took satisfaction inrefusing to allow them to disrupt his routine, in continuing to workout on the Quad, and showing off his arm so that the challengerscould see it and know what they might face.
(Hewasn’t the only one who enjoyed such tactics. The alien woman,Gamora, would sit on one of the benches for hours at a time, honingher sword and flipping it into the air, her cold gaze lockedrelentlessly on the challenger as it fell easily back into her hand.The Wakandan prince often chose the Quad to practice hislightning-quick fighting style, and the Black Widow, who wasintimidating even at her most friendly, had been known to don acostume of eldritch horror and… loom.)
Sothere was every reason for Bucky to spend almost as much time in theQuad as training at the blasting range. It certainly had nothing todo with the fact that Stark Tower overlooked the Quad, or that itsowner could often be seen through the windows, hard at work or evenlounging in the decadent rooftop hot tub.
Still,when a slender, red-clad figure emerged from Stark Tower’s mainentrance, Bucky noticed. He was a sniper; it was his job to noticethings. It was perfectly understandable that his heart rate wouldincrease as he evaluated a possible threat.
Somewhatless understandable was the sense of disappointment he felt when heidentified the figure as Misty Knight, but there was no one nearbywho knew him well enough to know what the subtle shift in hisshoulders or the tip of his head meant. Or to spot the way he tensedagain with the realization that he’d been out here on the Quad fora couple of hours, now, and he hadn’t seen Misty go in,which meant she’d been in Stark Tower that whole time. Perhapseven… overnight?
Helooked down at his guitar, but she had already spotted him watchingand changed the angle of her path.
“Heythere,” she said when she reached him. “You’re Bucky Barnes,right? I’m Misty. I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
Wasshe going to warn him off? Her hand was extended as if to shake, butit was her artificial arm. Bucky knew how much damage hisarmcould do. But Steve had been trying to convince him that AvengersAcademy was different. That he could trust – well, maybe not allthestudents here, but mostofthem. He took her hand cautiously.
“It’swarm,” he said, startled.
Mistysmiled, wide and bright and not at all offended. “Yeah, that was acouple of upgrades back. Actually, I thought we could hang out alittle and compare notes, if you want?” She wiggled the fingers ofher prosthetic hand to indicate what she meant.
Thatseemed… good, actually. Talking to someone who knew what it waslike. Still, he hesitated. He’d meant to practice his guitar for awhile longer.
Tonyburst out of Stark Tower, running hell bent for leather. He grinnedand waved at them as he passed, late to Professor Pym’s class yetagain.
“Wecan swing through the food court and go have lunch in the park,”Misty was saying. “Have you tried the new pizza place?”
Therereally wasn’t anything keeping him in the Quad. He could practicelater. “Not yet,” he said, trying to remember how to smile, andgestured for Misty to proceed him down the path.
Thepizza was pretty good, but Bucky was less interested in that than inlearning more about Misty’s arm. It turned out that Tony had builtthat, too, and kept her supplied with upgrades on a regular basis.Much more frequently than Hydra had upgraded Bucky’s arm, which hadbeen whenever he’d managed to get it so damaged that it was easierto replace than repair.
“Oh,all sorts of things,” she answered when he asked. “There’s thetemperature thing – it’s not just cosmetic; the metal used to pullheat from my body in the winter and overheat me in the summer, and mywhole shoulder just achedfromit, you know?”
Buckydid know. He was used to ignoring it, but… he knew.
He wondered if Tony would take over maintenance to his arm, now. Maybe even upgrade it some. He thought about having Tony close enough to touch, warm breath spilling over his shoulder, strong hands delicately caressing Bucky’s innermost circuits... He shivered. He hadn’t allowed anyone so close since Hydra. It was a little terrifying.
Misty was still talking, heedless of Bucky’s wandering thoughts. “Andhe’s always got a new trick for smoother function or faster neuralresponse. Better waterproofing, a filter system to keep out dirt andstuff, power upgrades… All kinds of stuff. Seriously, Tony’s thebest.”
Hercolors were similar to Tony’s, Bucky couldn’t help but noticing– mostly red with black accents, and the arm was gold… Somethingturned over high in Bucky’s gut, oily and uncomfortable. Maybe thepizza wasn’t as good as he’d thought. “Are you and Tony…together?”
Mistysnorted indelicately. “No,” she said shortly. “He’sbrilliant, and he’s funny when he’s not trying too hard, and Iowe him more than I’ll probably ever be able to repay. But no waywould I date a boy who acts like Tony does.”
“Idon’t… understand,” Bucky confessed. Tony seemed like he wouldbe an excellent partner, clever and attentive and generous, eager toplease and adventurous, and handsome–
Oh.Oh no.
Itwasn’t fear, or the pizza. It was something much, much worse:
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“Idon’t have anything against the guy,” Steve said as he lined uphis shot, which was utter hooey, because Steve obviously didhavesome kind of beef with Tony. “He’s just kind of… flighty.”
Buckyleaned against Club A’s bar and calculated Steve’s shot in hishead, the geometry of collisions blooming there almost as neatly asthe arc of a clean shot. If there was one thing Steve did well, itwas calculate ricochet. All that work with the shield, Buckysupposed. “He’s not flighty,” Bucky said.
“Maybethat’s the wrong word,” Steve allowed. He paused to take theshot, sending pool balls spinning across the felt. Two of themdropped into the waiting pockets. “He just never takes anythingvery seriously.”
Whateverhis eye for angles, Steve’s eye for people – or at least Tony –was obviously half-blind. “Are you kidding me?” Bucky asked. “Hedoes so much here – he built the blasting range, and he’s upgradedit at least twice! And the sparring ring–”
“Excusesto play with robots,” Steve snorted, walking slowly around thetable. “Just happened to work out for us.”
Buckyrolled his eyes. “Plushestill runs his business.”
“He’sgonna run it right into the ground if he doesn’t buckle down,”Steve said. “The last thing I saw him testing was some kind ofhoverboard toy. And then he comes in here playing big-shot, throwinghis money around.”
“Hey,it’s his money,” Bucky said mildly. He didn’t ask if thehoverboards were a thing he could get for himself, because honestly,that sounded a hell of a lot more fun than playing pool allafternoon. “And staying on top of his classes. He’s got straightA’s, you know, even though I think Pym’s got it out for him.”
“Just‘cause Tony won’t follow the standard safety precautions,”Steve muttered. “That’s not Professor Pym’s fault. Maybe hewouldn’t have such a hard time if he didn’t spend all his librarytime looking for books with pictures of pretty dames, or mockingeverything in the engineering journals.” Steve made another shot,then looked up at Bucky across the pool table. “Look, I’m nottelling you who you can or can’t like–”
“Gee,thanks, pal,” Bucky drawled.
“Ijust don’t want to see you get hurt,” Steve said, all earnestpuppy eyes. “I mean, I know you weren’t back yet when ithappened, but there was that incident a few months back where he wasin here letting Union Jack do bodyshotsoffhim. That’s not relationship material.”
Christ,Rogers was so full of bullshit, Bucky wasn’t sure why hedidn’t stink. If Tony had anything going with Jack, it would’vebeen all over campus. Hell, Bucky’d had lunch with Misty at thepark onceandit had taken three days to quash the immediate rumor that theyweredating. You’d think, between classes and jobs and superheroing,these folks wouldn’t have so much time to gossip. Bucky was aboutto mention that to Steve when the door opened and Steve’s face litup.
Peggy.Of course. The only person on campus who could make Bucky turninvisible. Steve put up his cue and jogged over to join her at thejukebox.
Buckytook another swig of his drink as he watched them dance. At leastSteve had finally learned a couple of moves. But god, it made himache with the desire to pull someone onto the dance floor himself.Someone slender and strong and unafraid of Bucky’s arm. Someonewho’d laugh and rise to the challenge, ready to risk failure forthe possibility of glory…
Buckysighed and finished his drink. He waved off the robot bartender whenit reached for a new can, and slumped out the door.
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“Iheard the most interesting thing,” Natasha said in Tony’s ear.
“Gah!”said Tony, because she hadn’t been there just a second ago, andthen, “Why do you do that. Why.”
Natashasmirked. “Because it’s funny.” She stepped out of the cardboardbox she’d used to sneak up on him and dropped into the seat next tohis on the dorm patio. “I heard the most interesting thing,” sherepeated, somewhat more conversationally this time.
“Heard,or overheard?” Tony teased. He pried open the back of the gadget hewas tinkering with and examined the wiring.
“Heard,”Natasha said, faux-wounded. “Are you going to ask me what it was?”
Tonylooked at her sidelong, then fished the multitool out of his pocketand started unscrewing the circuit board. “I don’t know,” hesaid. “If it’s about how Loki and Enchantress got into anotherfight, you can save it. I heard about it already from Jan.”
“No,I got it from Jan already, too,” Natasha said. “Did she tell youthey were fighting about you?”
Tonyrolled his eyes. “Of course she did. I don’t know what she thinksI’m going to do about it. I dated Loki for, like, twoweeksbeforeI got sick of his attitude, and Enchantress only wants me because Idon’twanther.I really wish I hadn’t given her a key to the hot tub.” He heldthe circuit board up, checking the connections and switches. “Howcome the only people on this campus who are interested in me areex-villains?”He did some quick calculations in his head and flipped a couple ofswitches.
“Well,there’s Union Jack,” Natasha offered.
Tonyrolled his eyes. “He’s not actually interested in me, you know.He just spreads that around to make himself look more attractivelyunavailable. He only really wants me for the tech, to be the Q to his Bond.”
Natashadidn’t say anything. Tony finished screwing the circuit board backinto place, then hit the power switch. Well, thatdidn’twork. He turned it back off and reached for the multitool again. Heglanced at Natasha. She was watching him like he was one of themysteries of the universe. “What?”
“Nothing.”She leaned back in her chair. “Ask me what I heard.”
“Fine,whatever, tell me what you heard.”
“Iwas at the Winter Soldier’s open mic last night–”
“Oh,shit, that was last night?” Damn it. He’d been meaning to go tothat. What had he been doing last night? …Oh, right, he’d gottencaught up studying that alien armor down in SHIELD HQ’s basement.He really should start setting alarms for himself when he was downthere.
“Yes,”Natasha said. “And he had some great new lyrics to try out.”
“Well,that’s what open mic night is for, I guess.” Tony fidgetedaimlessly with the gadget, not wanting to telegraph his feelings tooobviously, even though it was Natasha and she probably already kneweverything just from the way he’d combed his hair this morning, orsomething. “I’m sorry I missed it.”
“Youshould be,” she told him smugly. “I think my favorite was the oneabout the ‘stark beauty of winter’ and the ‘red glow of dawn’,myself. Sif really liked the new ‘Snowmelt’ song, but I thoughtthe bit about it dripping into the forge’s fire was a littleoverdone. Also, the rhyme was a bit forced. It could use work.”
Tonylooked up at her. “He’s… really kind of impressed with the IcePalace, I guess?”
Natasha’smouth actually fell open. “You’re being even dumber than usualtoday,” she finally said. “That’s not what they’re about.”
Whatthe hell did that mean? “But the forge at the Ice Palace is theonly one we’ve got,” Tony pointed out.
Natashadropped her head into her hands. “You’re hopeless, Stark.Completely hopeless.”
“Excuseyou, I am fullofhope,” Tony shot back, grinning.
Natashashot him a Look that made him fear for his life, or at least hiskidneys, and stalked off, muttering under her breath.
So,Bucky liked the forge at the Ice Palace, did he? Maybe Tony shouldtry to spend a little more timethere. His blacksmith costume was pretty sexy, if he did say sohimself.
Janfound Bucky at the blasting range. “So, you’ve been here forwhat, a month now?” she said between zaps. “How’re you settlingin?”
“Fine,”Bucky said, absently taking aim. The strange thing was, he actuallymeant it. His memories had been steadily trickling back, and no onehad even hinted at taking them away again. There were people here whowere actually interested in his music, who attended open mic nightand invited him to jam sessions and sought his advice aboutharmonies. The classes were interesting – well, most of them. Thestaff seemed to think of the students’ well-being as people as muchas their value as assets. And while not everyone was friendly –Bucky and Crossbones both still went out of their way to sneer at eachother whenever they crossed paths – the atmosphere was much morerelaxed and easygoing than Hydra had ever been.
Andthere was Tony, of course. Bucky’s mouth curved in a small,unwitting smile.
Heactually likedithere.
“Youknow, Tony and I have been friends forever,”Jan said.
Buckyflinched, just a bit, and his shot went off-center, wide by a whole handspan.Damn it. He made himself take a slow breath and aim again. “I’veheard that,” he said neutrally.
“Soyou know that if you break his heart, I’ll have nomercy,”she said. She shot him a glare, and it should’ve been cute andeasily-dismissed, that stubborn pout and furrowed brow, but Bucky hadseen what her stings had done to the target ‘bots, and her tinyWasp form would be ideal for ambush. It was generally acknowledgedthat despite her fixation on fashion and social media, she was one ofthe more formidable students here. “And I don’t just meancheating,” she said fiercely. “He’s sensitive,you have to be nice to him!  Don’t yell at him for working toohard because he tries to act all ‘man of leisure’ but he’sactually superbusyall the time, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll respectthat. And don’t take him for granted because he’s already had todeal with just too many people who only want his money or his tech.And you’d better appreciate his genius, too! He’s the smartestguy on campus!”
Buckyknew better than to show fear. “We’re not dating,” hepointed out when she finally had to pause to draw a breath.
Jandemolished her target and huffed in exasperation as she waited for itto reset. “Well, that’s because he’s also kind of an idiotsometimes. You just need to be a little more obvious.”
Buckyactually lowered his gun to stare at her. “More obvious.”
“Yep!”She shrank and took to wing, and destroyed the target again withthree quick shots.
“Isthere a single student on this campus who hasn’t figured out how Ifeel about him?” Bucky asked.
“Um…”She resumed her human size and thought about it. “Well… Danny canbe a little oblivious sometimes,” she said. “And Rocket doesn’tcare about anyone’s love life.” She sniffed indignantly.
“AndTony, of course,” Bucky added. Just saying the name sent a shiverthrough him, as if it were forbidden. “He came to open mic threedays ago and I sang the song I’ve been saving for him, ‘TheGlowing Heart’. I don’t know how much more obvious I can get.”
Jansmiled and reached up to pat his shoulder. “You’ll figure itout,” she said. Her eyes narrowed. “You’d better.”
“Ug,she’s at it again,” Taskmaster growled as he stomped through thedoor into Club A.
Buckyglanced up, then looked away again. Taskmaster was supposedlyreformed, but Bucky didn’t trust him. He spent too much timehanging out with Loki and Enchantress.
“Who?”Crossbones demanded from the spot he’d commandeered on the dancefloor.
Buckyhad almost turned around and left when he’d spotted Crossbonesalready in the place, but they both came from Hydra. Crossboneswouldn’t see it as Bucky simply wanting peace and quiet; instead,it would read as weakness.
Whatever.He’d only wanted a drink, anyway, before band practice.
“Amora,”Taskmaster snorted. He refused to call her Enchantress, even when shefumed at him. It was one of the few things that Bucky liked abouthim. “She’s trying to hypnotize Stark again. What the hell doeseveryone see in him, anyway?”
Buckycould have answered that, but why would he? If they couldn’tappreciate Tony without being told–
Buckythrew back the rest of his drink and barrelled out of the club,heading for the Quad at not quitehistop speed. He slammed to a halt when he saw them, the Enchantress’magic a sickly green aura that slithered into Tony’s mouth andeyes.
Tonystaggered under it, weak, and stared at Enchantress with wide,adoring eyes that made Bucky’s stomach churn with anger and disgustand fear.
Evenas Bucky watched, however, Tony shook off the effects of the magic,his dopey grin curling into a sneer. He turned his back with a rudegesture and started to walk away, but the Enchantress was alreadysending out her magic again, dragging him back in again.
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Bucky’shands curled into fists. Atit again,Taskmaster had said, which meant this wasn’t anything new.The Enchantress tried to drag Tony into her trap often. And despitehaving no protection from magic – certainly not Asgardian magic –Tony had so far managed to resist her.
God,the strength of will that must take… Coulda flightymando that, Steve?Buckymentally challenged.
Butwhy the hell hadn’t anyone put a stop to this? Fury, or even Odin?Did it amuse them to see Tony so weakened? There were students, aswell, fully capable of blocking the Enchantress’ lure.
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Buckygrowled, anger rising, and pushed himself into motion, stalkingtoward the tableau. “Leave him alone, witch,” he snarled at theEnchantress. He wrapped his hand around Tony’s arm and tugged himaway, making straight for Stark Tower.
Buckyfelt it, the instant the last tendrils of the Enchantress’ magicsnapped. Tony stumbled a few steps and straightened, then looked atBucky in surprise. “What…?”
“Hadto get you away from her,” Bucky said through clenched teeth. Hedidn’t stop moving until they’d pushed into the lobby of StarkTower.
“Awayfrom…” Tony turned around to look behind them, though he didn’ttwist hard enough to free his arm from Bucky’s grasp. His eyeswidened. “Enchantress? Really? You… rescued me?”
Heatflooded Bucky’s neck and cheeks. “I dunno ‘bout that,” hesaid. “You seemed to be holdin’ your own. I just… couldn’tstand to watch it.”
Tonywas looking at him, now. “No one’s ever done that for me before,”he said, voice soft with wonder.
Buckybit back the first half-dozen comments that sprang to mind. (“Yourstrength does not obligate / you to carry all the weight” wasn’ta bad starting point for a lyric, maybe a song.) Tony didn’tstop looking at him, though, his eyes wide and warm. “Well, I did,”Bucky finally said.
“Yousure did,” Tony said. “Thanks.” He smiled, and it lit up hisface like the sun. Bucky swayed into it like a plant seeking themorning light.
Moreobvious,he thought, and said, “Don’t suppose you’d like to go get adrink?”
“What?Oh, uh, sure, yeah,” Tony stammered. “Victory drink, thatsounds–”
“Imean like a date,” Bucky said, and Tony’s eyes rounded. Wow, Janhad not been kidding atallaboutTony’s level of obliviousness. “I really like you,” he added, just to be sure.It came out a little too loud, verging on panicked. If Natasha was sneaking into Tony’s cheese fridge again, she was going tobust something laughing at them.
Buckydecided he didn’t much care. He let go of Tony’s arm, finally,and instead lightly brushed back the tips of Tony’s hair where theywere drooping toward his face. “I like you a lot,” he said.
Tonyswallowed, but he didn’t back away. He just kept staring at Buckywith those pretty, warm eyes. “You’re not– Really?”
“Yeah,Tony,” Bucky said. He dug deep and dredged up a smile that wasnearly a grin. “Come on, doll, let’s paint the town red.”
“IronMan red?” Tony asked, teasing.
“Youbet,” Bucky agreed.
Tonyslipped his arm through Bucky’s. “You’re on, hot stuff.” Helaughed briefly. “Oh, man, wait’ll I tell Jan she doesn’t haveto stick her nose in it, after all!”
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aslightstep · 8 years
winteriron + 21
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And I have loved you in a tame way/And I have loved you wild
Song is:
Seven Bridges Road
“Bucky, seriously, think this through.”
Bucky ignored his brother, throwing more clothes into his knapsack. “Buck! Brock is not worth this.”
“He is to me,” Bucky rumbled, swinging the bag over his shoulder. “And if this is what it takes to get him, then I’m going.”
Brock Rumlow was all Bucky had ever wanted. He was handsome, funny, athletic, and most importantly, charismatic. He always fit in everywhere he went. Bucky had never had that; people thought him cold, called him ‘Winter.’ Everybody but Steve and his mom Sarah treated him like an outside, which, okay, he was, but still. Bucky just wanted to belong with, to somebody.
Brock was that somebody. Yesterday Bucky had dressed in his best suit, scraped together his courage, and went to ask for his hand, but Brock was high-class. He couldn’t just be wooed by some pretty words.
“I would bring you the stars, Brock,” Bucky had sworn, and ignored the pang in his heart when Brock laughed, focusing instead on how beautiful he was when he did so.
Brock got himself under control, looked Bucky up and down, and said “Alright, Winter. We all saw the shower yesterday. One of the stars fell from the sky. You get me that star and I swear to be yours.”
So now Bucky prepared to walk down Seven Bridges Road. No one ever made it past the fourth bridge unless they could pay the toll, but if you could, you would find yourself in a magical world. Or so said Bucky’s father, Chester Phillips, in his favorite nighttime story.
Sarah said that’s where Bucky came from. His father had been her childhood friend and she had taken care of Bucky once he passed on, but his mother had always been a mystery. “She’s from beyond the bridge, your pa always said,” Sarah would tell him. 
“It’s dangerous,” Stevie said. “I’ll worry about you, jerk.”
Bucky smiled at his brother, ruffled his hair, which Steve predictably huffed at. “You shouldn’t. I’m leaving all the stupid with you, punk. I’ll be fine.”
Downstairs, Sarah Rogers was waiting. She handed him food, a water canteen, and his birthright: a magical candle that was said to transport the user miles in seconds as long as the candle was lit. “Come back to us,” she whispered to him as they hugged. “You will always have a place here.”
“Be safe, Bucky,” Steve told him, and then he set.
For love, he told himself as he left the only home he’d ever know. 
“No passing.”
“No passing unless you can pay the toll,” the tollman said, tone as bland as his face. Bucky rolled his eyes, feeling like they’d been arguing for hours even though it had only been a few minutes.
“And what’s the toll?”
“If you don’t know, then you can’t pay,” the man said with a shrug. “If you can’t pay then you can’t pass.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “You sure you’re legit?”
“Do you want to see my badge?” Bucky nodded and he passed it over.
“Phil Coulson. Agent of Shield. Is that what it’s called, beyond the bridge - Shield?”
Coulson shrugged. “Just about. More capitalization. My badge if you please?”
Bucky almost handed it right back over, then jerked his hand back, grinning. “What will you give me for it?”
Coulson froze, staring at Bucky hard. “You wouldn’t happen to know Chester Phillips.”
“He was my dad.”
“Son of a-” Coulson cursed, then stepped to the side. “He did the same exact- just go.”
Shield did not look immediately different then his own town of Bridge, until he hit the first village. Talking birds, spellcasters, a woman with two heads - Bucky tried not to gape but he was pretty sure he failed.
“Excuse me, do you need help?”
Bucky turned at the hand on his shoulder. A pretty woman, around Sarah’s age, was standing there, her eyes roving over his face like she was drinking him in. “Um, hi,” he said, and something in her eyes grew very bright. “I’m Bucky - James, really, but everybody calls me Bucky...”
“James,” she echoed, her hand rubbing over his shoulder soothingly before letting go. “Are you lost?”
“Yeah, a bit. This place is pretty busy.”
“Oh, yes,” she said, her face falling. “Our King just recently passed. The Barnes royal family has many sons, and word says that he decreed any of them could inherit should they prove themselves worthy.”
“How do they do that?” Bucky asked, curious despite himself.
“They catch a star,” the woman said. “And bring it back here to be admired. People are gathered in case one of the princes comes through and needs help. If they choose the next king, they assure their futures.”
The star - he had to hurry. “Listen, do you know where the star fell? Only, I’m after it too.”
“After it?” she repeated, sounding disappointed. “May I ask why?”
“I’m retrieving it, for my love,” Bucky answered proudly, but her frown only deepened. She was silent for a very long time, her gaze weighted, before she pointed towards the east.
“It will be a long journey,” she warned him. Bucky grinned, stepping closer. Inexplicably, he felt he could trust this woman. He showed her the candle. Her eyes grew wide as they raised to his face and then, suddenly, filled with tears.
“Whoa, hey,” Bucky said, putting his hands on her shoulders. “It’ll be okay! ‘S nothin’ to cry over, its just a candle!” She just kept crying. Jesus, this is why people thought he was cold. He was so rotten with people.
She stepped away with him and pointed again to the east. “Promise me that you’ll be gentle.”
Bucky’s brow wrinkled in confusion but nevertheless, he nodded. She took a few deep breaths, pulled a match from...somewhere in her dress, turned him in the right direction, then lit it.
“Be gentle,” he heard again, before the world zoomed away.
He found a huge crater where the star must have landed, but no star. Instead there was a young man sitting in the middle, looking completely distraught. He was dressed in a slinky silver shirt and white pants, which looked beautiful against his tan skin and dark hair and eyes. For a moment Bucky was frozen as he stared down at him, his breath caught in his chest.
Then the boy noticed he was there, and scowled. “Hey! Don’t just stand there gawking. I’m injured, I need help.”
Bucky scrambled down the slope to reach him. “I’m looking for a star that landed around here, have you seen it?” He panted as he reached him.
The boy stared at him like Bucky had just said something very stupid, before his eyes narrowed. “And what do you want with this star?”
“To take it back to Brock, my one true love,” Bucky answered, reaching out a hand.
The boy snorted in derision. “True love? From a human? Are you even capable?”
“What are you talking about?” Bucky asked, dropping the hand like the boy’s acidic tone had scoured it raw. “You’re human. You’ve never been in love?”
“I am not human!” The other man snapped, looking insulted. “And...no. Of course not. Love is so fleeting. There’s no point to it.” He looked up at the sky, where the moon hung bright, a mournful look in his eyes. “She’s so far away.”
“Who is?”
“Maria,” the boy answered. At Bucky’s clear bewilderment, he pointed up at the moon.
Bucky felt the need to take a step back. Clearly this man was insane. “You named the moon Maria?”
“I didn’t name her anything. Maria is her name. She’s my mother. Well, not really. But she protects me from Howard, blocks me from his view, and that makes her family.”
“And...who is Howard?”
“Your sun,” the boy said as if it was obvious. “He’s an asshole. He likes to push the other stars around, show off how brightly he shines, like he’s not just a little dwarf star.”
Suddenly multiple things clicked in Bucky’s head. The absence of the star. The boy in the middle of the crater. His injury, as if he had fallen, and all this talk of the sun and the moon. He pointed excitedly at the boy and said “You’re the star!”
“...I am,” the star said slowly, crossing his arms with an adorable pout. “And you’re not taking me anywhere.”
“But I need you to win Brock!”
“If you have to sell a sentient being to win Brock’s love, then let me tell you, he is not worth it,” the star said, raising one imperious eyebrow. “I’m not going, and you can’t make me.”
They glared at each other, at an impasse, until Bucky grinned. “I don’t think I like that look,” the star said just before Bucky swooped down on him, lifting him into his arms. The star felt nice in his arms, warm and soft. Amidst many protests, Bucky carried him out of the crater and to the woods where he sat him down and began breaking a branch off the tree.
“I’m not going to sell you,” he reassured the boy, pulling out his knife and carving at the top of the branch. “Not now that I know that you’re - you. I just want him to see. He’s promised to be with me if I do and he’s - all I ever wanted. I could belong with him.”
“You don’t belong?” The star asked, still cross but with curiosity in his tone as well.
“No,” Bucky said softly. “Never. I’ve always felt like an outsider, like I can’t relate to others. Even when they’re the same as me.”
He thought he heard an “I know what you mean” but when he looked Tony was staring at the sky again, the same sad look from before back in his eyes.
“Look, why don’t we help each other out,” Bucky said, pulling out the candle from his back. It hadn’t run out yet. “This candle can transport you miles in seconds as long as the flame is lit. It could get you back home. I’ll give it to you, if you come with me.”
Tony stared at the candle hungrily, eyes flicking once or twice to Bucky’s face. “Alright,” he agreed after a moment. Grinning, Bucky put the candle away, surreptiously pulling out another item. He got the star onto his feet, then handed him the crutch he had carved out of the branch. 
“You got a name?”
“Yes. But I’m not telling you!” the boy answered mutinously.
Bucky grinned. The star had spunk, he’d give him that. “Then I’ll just have to make something up. Bambi? No, too fiery. Silver? No, that’s no good. Give me a hint, doll?” A sudden burst of color flitted across the star’s cheeks and Bucky’s grin grew wider. “Doll? You like that? You’re certainly as pretty as one. Fun to carry, too.”
“Just shut up and get moving!” the star spluttered, his cheeks burning red. “The sooner we get to Brock, the sooner I go home!”
The star was funny, as prickly as he was, and endlessly curious. He had Bucky explain every new sight they came across, huffing cutely when Bucky didn’t exactly have all the answers. “Why couldn’t I have got a useful human?”
“Hey, who is giving you a piggy back ride right now, you spoiled little star?”
“I’m not spoiled, you’re just a worrywart. I’m pretty tough, you know?”
“Sure, doll,” Bucky snorted, adjusting the star so he was more comfortable on his back. “I see some lights up ahead. Might be an inn. We’ll stop for the night.”
“Shouldn’t we hurry?” The star asked. “Aren’t you anxious to see Brock?”
“He’ll wait for me,” Bucky said, trying to sound surer than he felt. Maybe the star heard his fear anyway, because the arms around his shoulders squeezed him a little tighter for a moment.
It was indeed an inn, operated by a man and wife. The wife was a little odd; her exotic coloring with ink-black night and moss green eyes kept distracting Bucky, drawing his eye. He snapped back when the star scraped his knife across his plate, creating a terrible screeching sound.
“Something wrong?” Bucky asked. Tony just scowled at him and announced he wanted to take a bath. The wife, Madame Loki, immediately began fussing around him, tugging him upstairs.
There was another guest, a Sir Stane, that had the air of importance and condescension Bucky knew well to avoid. He headed upstairs, pausing when he heard Loki and the star through one of the doors.
“You seem stressed, my dear,” the woman was saying.
“Yeah, I guess,” the star sighed. “I just miss my home.” Bucky felt a pang of guilt at that. He could have sent the star back straight away, found another way to win Brock’s heart. It’s what Steve would have done. But Bucky didn’t want to keep waiting for the moment when everything made sense, where he suddenly fit in. Brock made sense, he told himself.
The voices dropped to a murmur and Bucky was about to move on when suddenly he heard a shout from within. Heart leaping into his throat, he burst through the door to find Loki standing over the star in the bath, a knife raised high.
There was a light burning bright in the center of the star’s exposed chest. It seemed to be Loki’s target, but as the knife swung down Bucky let out a yell and tackled her. The knife skittered away as they rolled around on the ground. “Doll!” Bucky shouted. “Run!”
The star seemed torn with indecision, but before he could decide to run or stay and help, Sir Stane appeared at the door. “What is all this-” His eyes froze when they landed on the star, the light in his chest. “The star! Oh, my boy, you don’t know what a gift this is. With you in my grasp, I will be king!”
“The star is mine!” Loki howled, and with a flick of her wrist Bucky went flying. He landed near the knife and stared at it woozily.
“Bucky!” the star came rushing towards him. “Come on!”
“Go,” Bucky mumbled. “Take the candle - go -”
“I’m not leaving you, you idiot! Maria above, what kind of horrible person do you think-”
There was another crash and suddenly Stane was bearing down on them, his hands going for the star’s throat. Bucky didn’t know what compelled him to move, but suddenly the knife was in his hand, and then in Stane’s gut. Bucky and the star watched as the man gasped and fell back.
“Now can we go?” the star said faintly, and in answer, Bucky grapped his hand as they dashed for their gear and clothes and left.
“Tony,” the star said softly as he dabbed gently at the wound on Bucky’s forehead he had received when his head collided with the wall. Bucky tilted his head questioningly. “My name. It’s Tony.”
“Tony,” Bucky echoed, weighing it, feeling the taste of it on his tongue. Tony blushed that beautiful red, but this time underneath it was a strange soft glow.
“Don’t wear it out, okay?” he warned. He shook a finger in Bucky’s face, attempting to look intimidating, but Bucky just laughed, grabbing his hand.
“Don’t worry, Tony. You’re still my doll.”
Loki chased after them over the countryside, Tony and Bucky only staying one step ahead of her at all times. Even worse, they found out that Sir Stane’s brother Sir Pierce was wandering these same hills, looking for them.
They fled into a lightning storm, hoping to cover their trail, only to get captured by a boat that harvested the lightning for sail. For a long moment, Bucky expected to be killed, but the Captain, Nicholas Fury, took one look at their hands, wrapped around each other, and snorted.
“Eloping?” he asked out the side of his mouth to Bucky, who shook his head. “Oh. Well, maybe you should think about it.”
Captain Fury, pilot of the Helicarrier, was fierce in front of his men, but fairly genial otherwise, agreeing to take them back to the closest port to the village on Seven Bridges Road. In his spare time, he took to teaching both Tony and Bucky how to shoot.
“I’ve had men train for years ain’t got the aim you got, Buck,” he complimented. 
“What about me?” Tony whined.
“Yeah, you’re okay.”
That adorable pout overtook Tony’s face once more and Bucky took pity on him. “Here, let me show you something,” he said, stepping close to Tony and raising his arm to wrap his hands around his forearms. 
With curiously trembling fingers, Bucky fixed Tony’s grip, unable to help himself from lingering. Tony was just so warm, and bright. He felt so perfect in his arms.
“Is this good?” Tony said lowly, turning his face up to Bucky’s so they were only inches apart. All Bucky could see was large brown eyes staring up at him, sparkling and bright. The whole world lit up around him but Bucky only had eyes for the star in his arms. 
“It’s good,” he replied. “So good. You’re so good, Tony.”
Tony blinked slowly, and his or Bucky or both of them inhaled on a shudder that shook the earth. “Can I-” Tony began.
“SHOOT!” Fury shouted, and surprised, Tony fired the gun.
“Well, look at that,” Fury said, smirking. “There’s hope for you two yet.”
Tony pouted again, which was starting to do interesting thing to Bucky’s blood flow. It wasn’t until he lifted his fingers to run them along that lip and they cast shadows back at him that he realized Tony was glowing. Tony had never done that before, not this brightly.
Tony was staring at Bucky’s outstretched fingers now, then to Bucky himself, and a shy smile took over his face. The glow, Bucky realized, meant Tony was happy. Happy with him.
“They call me Winter, back home,” Bucky said on their last night. They stared up at the star from the deck of the ship and Tony relayed stories of them. There was Pepper to the east, shining brilliantly. Rhodey to the north, never blinking. A weak light down south that Tony called Hammer with a sneer. So many stories of a place Tony called home. It made Bucky sad. “They said I was cold.”
“Only because they wouldn’t let you in,” Tony said. “You’re the warmest person I know.”
“I’m just about the only person you know, Tony.”
“I’ve watched humans for centuries,” Tony said stubbornly. He looked sideways, almost abashed. “The other stars always laughed at me for it, watching. But humans are so interesting. They feel so much. Stars change, but not for centuries. I never knew-” His hand reached up to clutch his chest, over the bright light Bucky knew was there. “I never knew it could feel like this.”
“Me neither,” Bucky whispered, rolling over so he could drink in Tony fully, shining bright against the wooden planks. He made the mundane look beautiful. Tony rolled as well, and carefully reached out to trace over Bucky’s arm, then his ribs, down to his hip.
“I wish we could stay here,” he whispered, before his expression shuttered. “But we can’t, can we? You have to get to your love.”
Bucky wasn’t so sure anymore.
They were in the village when he resolve broke. Tony yelped as Bucky shoved him against the wall and began digging in his pack. “What are you doing?”
He pulled out the remains of the candle and handed it over. “Here. You can go home now.”
Tony’s eyes flickered from the candle to Bucky’s face, confusion on his gorgeous face. “But - don’t you want to win over Brock?”
“No.” I want to win over you, but I can’t. “Forget Brock, he’s not important. I should have given this to you straightaway, and let you get home. I put you in danger.”
“You saved me,” Tony said fervently.
Tony rolled the candle back and forth, eyes narrowing on Bucky’s face. “Why didn’t you? Give it to me. Just to win Brock, right?”
Bucky opened his mouth, then closed it again. Sarah had taught him to be truthful. “Not exactly.”
“Then why?”
“Because I wanted you to stay,” he whispered, unable to look at Tony, to see rejection once more.
Hands grabbed onto his face, dragging him down towards Tony where their lips crashed together. It was clear Tony had no experience, but he made up for it in enthusiasm, kissing and kissing and kissing. Bucky groaned into his mouth, wrapping his arms around the smaller man to bring him closer, he had to be closer.
He stepped forward, pushing Tony to the wall again and held him there, kissing back as fiercely as he could. “Tony,” he groaned, his hands touching everywhere they could. 
“I want to stay,” Tony panted, tilting his head back so Bucky could get at his neck. “I want to stay. Bucky, I love you-”
Tony was glowing bright, hard against his thigh where he was rutting into Bucky. He likely only had the vaguest idea of what he was doing. Bucky slowed the kiss down, pulling back to gain some control. This was important. “I love you, too,” he said. Tony literally lit up, even though his smile faltered.
“But Brock?”
“Brock isn’t home, doll,” Bucky said, kissing him again. He couldn’t stop. “You are.”
Tony’s smile looked fit to split his face and Bucky was worried the glow might start attracting attention. “You know, I’ve noticed we’re in an alley right next to an inn.”
“Historically not good places for us,” Tony teased. Bucky nipped at his lips, quieting his giggles.
“Maybe we can make some better memories.”
They rented a room, kissing and touching as much as the star seemed comfortable with, into the late hours until Tony, who seemed permanently lit from within, fell asleep. Bucky watched him, then rolled over to walk towards the desk, jotting down a few lines before grabbing up his pack.
He had to tell his family that he was never coming back again. That he had found his home, and it was wherever Tony wanted to be, because it was Tony. And, he grinned as he sawed off a little piece of Tony’s hair, he would keep his promise to Brock, if only to show him the wonders he was missing.
He dropped the letter off with the landlady to leave with Tony and set out just before dawn, a spring in his step.
Tony woke with a smile on his face. Maria above, the other stars didn’t know what they were missing. “I hope you see me, Mother,” he whispered to the ceiling. “I hope you’re happy.”
He rolled over, wanting to wake up Bucky and maybe persuade him to do some of the things he was clearly holding back on last night, only to find an empty bed. “Buck?” he called, but there was no answer from the attached privy.
He got out of the bed, wincing at the cold floor, and went to look anyway, but the room was entirely empty. When he came back, he noticed that Bucky’s pack was gone. Tony ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit he had developed in this body, and felt a weird choppy bit, as if someone had chopped a piece off.
“Oh,” Tony said, when it all clicked together. He had left.
Bucky had left him, and gone back to Brock, taking a piece with him. He had changed his mind. Chosen the human. Of course. Why would Bucky, who never felt like he belonged, love a star, who never would?
Tony was such a fool. 
Numbly, he dressed himself and walked out of the room, out onto Seven Bridges Road and heading for the border. He couldn’t go on without Bucky. Even if he had to watch him from a distance as he always had before, at least he would see him.
A moment later the landlady came to the deserted room, carrying breakfast on a tray with a letter stuck neatly in the corner. “Good morning, dearie, your man said-” She stopped at the sight of the empty room, her heart dropping at the shadows left behind.
“BUCK!” Stevie cried, and they fell into a hug. “Look at you, look at your hair!”
Bucky tugged on the strands that had grown out over his time in Shield, grinning sheepishly. “And look at that smile,” Steve continued. “Good trip. Did you find your star?”
Bucky’s smile only grew when he thought of Tony, waiting for him back at the village. He would only stay for a few hours; he couldn’t wait to get back home. “Yeah, I did.”
“And? Where is it?”
“He is waiting back at Shield for me, so I can say my goodbyes here.”
“He?” Steve repeated, eyes bulging with surprise. “Goodbyes?!”
Bucky laughed, and told him the whole story. By the end of it he swore Steve might be swooning. “Gosh, Buck, that’s so romantic. I knew there was something different about you the moment I saw you. So he’s nice, really?”
“Nice is not the word I would use,” Bucky said with a snort, reaching into his pack for the handkerchief he had wrapped Tony’s hair in. “Look, a little piece of him-”
“That sounds creepy, Buck.”
“Just look, punk,” Bucky said, then unwrapped the handkerchief. Instead of strands of Tony’s soft dark hair, however, a stream of beautiful silver dust fell to the ground between them. Bucky stared at where in mixed with the dust on the floor, and an inexplicable feeling of dread welled up in him. “That’s...not right.”
“It turned to dust. It was his hair, I swear it, Steve.”
“I believe you. But our world isn’t like theirs. Maybe Tony just doesn’t belong here,” Steve reasoned. 
Doesn’t belong here.
“I left him all alone,” Bucky whispered.
“Yeah, but you said you left him a letter.”
Bucky shook his head, shouldering his pack, checking that the gun Fury had given him was still in there. “There are people after him and I left him alone - what if he tries to come to where I am? He’s in danger, Steve!”
“Alright, alright,” Steve said, his tone both soothing and firm. “Just don’t panic, alright, Buck. We’ll go get him.”
“Well if my future brother-in-law can’t come to me, I’m going to him,” Steve said, and Bucky knew there was no arguing with the stubborn set to that jaw.
The woman who had been pestering him since he exited the inn was still at it. “I can’t,” Tony said blankly. “I have to see Bucky.”
“James - Bucky - he’s coming back. I saw you two yesterday, the way he looked at you - he didn’t leave. But you can’t go through the bridge!”
“I have to,” Tony said. The woman tried to follow him but was jerked back by the very long chain that had kept her shackled lo these many years just as Tony crossed under the fifth bridge, heading for the fourth. A carriage was coming their way, driven by a familiar-looking, handsome man with black hair and dark green eyes.
“Need a lift?” The gentleman asked, but Tony shook his head. “Oh,” the man said, grabbing his hand. The woman screamed and Tony realized why those eyes were so familiar. “But I insist.”
They disappeared in a flash of green light, the carriage continuing on, as the woman stared at the place they had disappeared. 
“Tony!” she heard, and her head snapped up. James - Bucky - her son, came barreling towards her, collapsing at the place where Tony had just been standing. A small blond man with a shield on his back followed after him and placed a comforting hand on Bucky’s shaking shoulder.
“Was that one of the ones after him?”
“Loki,” she answered for them. “It’s a trickster spirit that feeds off natural energy. A star would power it for centuries. We have to go after him.”
“How?” Bucky sobbed, digging his hands into the dirt as if he could drag Tony back to him. “He’s gone.”
“Do you still have the candle?” she demanded, and Bucky’s shoulders froze, mid sob and looked up, nodding. “I can show you the way.”
“Come with us,” the blond man said, and she shook her head, pointing at the chain. Her son stood, reached into his pack and pulled out a gun. Without blinking, he shot her chain apart.
Gaping, she stared at the split pieces. “What’s your name?” James asked her softly.
“Una,” she replied. She had almost forgotten her name, in the time since she had been allowed to speak it. She pulled out a match, James held out the candle, and they flew off to save a star.
“You can’t have my heart,” Tony laughed even as struggled against his bond. “I gave it away. To someone who didn’t even have the decency to give me a replacement.”
“As fascinating as your tale of woe is,” the spirit drawled. “Even a heart with such little power as yours can sustain me for decades. At this point, I’ll take what I can get it.”
He raised the knife high and Tony found himself closing his eyes, waiting. It wouldn’t even hurt, he told himself, not when Bucky was carrying the most vital pieces of him.
“I believe you have something that belongs to me, spirit!” 
Tony’s eyes flew over, but it wasn’t Bucky. A short, sandy-haired man was standing at the door, armed to the teeth.
“You!” Loki snarled.
“Who?” Tony asked.
“Pierce!” the man screamed. “Rightful king of Shield as soon as you give me my star!”
Tony blinked, feeling serious deja vu. “Hey, did you have a brother named Stane?”
“Yes,” Pierce said, smiling. “And I thank you for dispatching him. I only need one more thing from you-”
He was cut off when a round disk came sailing out of nowhere, hitting him in the back and sending him flying. A familiar figure filled the doorway, flanked by two figures, one Tony knew and one he didn’t. But only one that was important.
“Bucky!” he cried, lighting up. Loki cackled at the glow, scrambling for his knife, the full power of a star within his grasp, but he was blown backwards by a shot from Bucky’s gun.
Bucky rushed to Tony’s side, unchaining him from the altar and lifting him up into his arms. “I’m sorry,” he breathed into Tony’s neck. “I’m so sorry.”
“You left me,” Tony cried even as he returned the embrace.
“I told you I was coming back,” Bucky said, pulling away.
“You did?”
“I left a letter.”
“With the landlady!”
“As fascinating as this is,” a new voice broke in, and Bucky and Tony looked up just in time to dodge a stab from Pierce’s sword. Steve was sprawled out on the floor, groaning, while Una was running towards them. Bucky dodged ripostes and blocked swipes with his sword until he was backed into a corner. Pierce raised his sword high and Una shouted “Brother!”
The man froze at the voice, the call, and turned to look at the woman, his eyes going wide with recognition. “Sister?” he asked disbelievingly. “Where have you-”
The questioned never finished as Loki re-entered the fray, sending a lance of ice straight through Pierce’s eye. Una screamed as her brother fell, and the trickster appeared behind Tony to grab him by the neck.
“Tell your friends to leave, star,” he growled in his ear, summoning several pieces of ice and directing them towards Bucky, Steve, and Una. Tony kept his eyes locked with Buck’s, wide and terrified. “Let’s you and I finished our business.”
“Tony, no! I won’t leave you!” Bucky screamed, scrambling to his feet. Loki sent the ice forward and Tony yelled.
“Oh? Do we have a deal, star?”
Tony panted, struggling, gazing at Bucky. “You won’t hurt them?”
“Of course not. Not if you cooperate.”
“Tony, don’t!” Bucky yelled. “Please! I won’t leave!”
“I love you,” Tony whispered, and Bucky’s eyes filled with tears. 
“I love you, too.” He stepped forward, letting the ice touch his chest. “Please.”
Tony closed his eyes, accepting his fate. At least Bucky would live. “I think you forget how stars die, trickster.”
Loki chuckled in his ear. “And how is that?”
The light in Tony’s chest suddenly grew bright, and then brighter, until Una had to shield her eyes. Bucky, however, didn’t look away. Tony smiled. “They go supernova.”
The light exploded, taking Tony and Loki with it.
Bucky woke up coughing. He was disoriented for a moment until he remembered where he was. What had happened.
He shoved pieces of debris off of himself and got onto his hands and knees, crawling towards the last place he had seen the star. The room seemed permanently bleached with brightness, and Loki was nowhere to be seen.
A small body rested where Tony fell, and he scrambled to it, turning his love over to see his still, pale face. “Tony,” he whispered brokenly. “No. No. Please, don’t leave me. Please. You are my home.” He kissed unmoving lips. “You are my heart.” Another kiss. “I belong to you, and you belong to me.
“I love you.”
Outside, where none of them could see, the clouds moved from where they blocked the moon’s view. Maria looked down at her Tony, her star, her favorite child, and smiled, sweetly sad. The moon grew a little dimmer that night, and forevermore after.
Inside, Tony gasped to life.
Bucky cried out, then laughed wetly, kissing all over his face, saying his name.
“I told you,” Tony grumbled. “Not to wear it out.”
“Doll,” Bucky corrected, smiling down. 
Tony sat up, feeling at his chest. “It’s gone. My light.”
“Never,” Bucky swore and Tony looked up at him, trying to smile.
“I don’t think I’m a star anymore, Buck,” he said, trying so hard not to cry. “It’s so cold, now.”
Bucky tugged him closer, kissing his forehead. “Then I will warm you up.”
Una ran her fingers through her brother’s hair, remembering when they were children and he wanted to save the world. How did they come to this, she wondered.
“I’m sorry,” a voice broke through her reveries, and she looked up. James was standing nearby, the star cradled against him. Steve was in the distance, retrieving his shield. “He was your brother?”
“Your uncle,” she said, smiling sadly when the man stepped back in shock. “Your father was Chester Phillips. I met him while running away from my guards and fell in love at first sight, but he only had the one night. He left before I could tell him about you. I knew you would be in danger from my family, so I had Coulson smuggle you to him where you would be safe.”
Bucky’s mouth opened and closed as he struggled to adjust. “You - he passed on when I was eight. He said he always regretted leaving my mother.” He looked down at Tony. “To never make the same mistake, when I had love in my grasp.”
Tony got up on his tiptoes to reward him for that bit of poetry, and Una smiled to know that Chester remembered her. “You have defeated all others, James. You have retrieved the star. You have fulfilled all the requirements to become king of Shield.”
“Me?” Her son yelped. “A king. I’m just a kid from Bridge!”
“Hey,” Steve said indignantly. “That’s my line.”
“I can’t be a king!”
“I think you’d make a great king,” Tony said, shrugging. Bucky rounded on him. “You’re smart, you’re kind, but not too kind. You’re compassionate. You’d look great in a crown.”
“You realize I’m gonna marry you. You’ll be king, too.”
Another shrug, though accompanied by a truly spectacular blush. “Well, if I can’t be a star, being a king might do.”
“A star is a star,” Una said. “No matter how far it falls.”
Tony blushed even more at that, and her son beamed at her before ducking down so he could get to the star’s mouth again. They got quite distracted, and Steve gagged.
“Gross. This is gross. You’re gonna be royal and gross. Royally gross!”
Tony broke away from Bucky with a gasp, glaring. “Who are you, again?”
“I’m Steve! Bucky’s brother, thank you,” Steve sniped back. “Future Captain of the Guard, too, so you should be nice to me, starshine.”
The two glared at each other while Bucky looked to the heavens. “I haven’t even said that I would - look. Mother? You know more about this than me. Why don’t you rule? Or we can, together. Just as long-” He kissed Tony again. “As long as I have you.”
Tony smiled, and though he wasn’t a star anymore, Una still thought she could see a glow. “I love you, too...Your Majesty.”
182 notes · View notes
lovelyirony · 4 years
Winteriron Idea: Tony doesn’t expect to see his high school crush at his cousin Sharon’s wedding, but here he is, in a suit that makes his mouth water.
Tony never exactly got over his stupid high school crush on Bucky Barnes, honestly. He was a nice guy, always humorous, and he was good-looking to boot. 
And yeah, he followed him on social media and sneakily liked the pictures or just stared, and that was fine! That was fine. 
He could be happy just simply living his life and not having any romantic partner! And who knows, maybe Bucky wouldn’t be a romantic partner, maybe he would suck at it and Tony’s just foisting all of his romantic scenarios onto Bucky and nothing is ever realistic! 
Besides, they were living different lives now. Bucky was working at some security company that Nat also worked at, and Tony was working for his own company in the R&D department after Pepper overtook as CEO. (Thank god, he loves that woman immensely.) 
Tony sees his cousin Sharon every so often. They’re closer now that they’re grown up, and he always looks forward to hearing from her. 
Especially now, when he sees a golden band on her left ring finger, and her eyes are grinning. 
“Steve proposed!” 
“You sound like an excitable debutante,” Tony says, although he’s smiling. “I’m surprised that Steve took my hint. Along with everyone else’s.” 
Sharon lightly taps his shoulder. 
“Hey, he’s not that dense.” 
“Isn’t he?” Tony teases, bringing her into a hug. “You have to promise me that I can help with some of the stuff.” 
“No way,” Sharon says. “You can help by supervising the other cousins and making sure that they don’t steal all of the alcohol at the open bar like last time.” 
“Didn’t we also do that?” 
“Yeah, but we were better about it, so that doesn’t count.” 
Tony laughs. 
“Okay, well let me know if there’s anything I can do.” 
“You know I will.” 
He’s mostly left out of wedding planning, although Sharon nervously asks where he gets his suits, and Tony takes care of that little portion. (Or at least, part of it. Sharon still wants to pay for it, and so he calls the tailor ahead of time and says that he’ll pay for seventy-five percent of the cost beforehand if he’ll only charge twenty-five percent.) 
And then, the day of the wedding. 
Tony’s been helping set everything up, center the tablecloths, and making sure that everything is perfect or Sharon doesn’t know about it if it isn’t. 
He’s so busy with everything that he doesn’t notice all the guests, and he hasn’t seen any of the groomsmen. 
This is a problem. Kind of. 
You see, as Tony is sitting by Bruce and Thor, he realizes that he forgot one crucial detail about this whole thing: 
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are best friends. 
He doesn’t know how he forgot this, it’s the easiest thing to remember. Hell, they would say the same thing at the same time and would get each other out of trouble every single week. 
He’s in a suit. 
A suit. 
He sits up a little straighter and Bruce sends him a look that says he still remembers when Tony would literally rework his day to see even a glimpse of him. 
“You’re still stuck on him?” Bruce whispers. 
“What? No!” Tony whispers back. “No!” 
“You’re so bad at lying,” Bruce says, grinning at him. 
“You both need to pay attention to Sharon,” Thor says. 
“We are!” They whisper back, and their eyes go back to Sharon, who has her vows written out on a napkin from Steve’s favorite diner. (Disgustingly cute.) 
Bucky can see Tony from the altar. It’s weird, seeing him again. 
Steve had told him he’d be there, obviously. 
“So you can still have your crush there,” Steve had teased him. “You want me to tell him that you liked him in that last magazine he was in?” 
“Aw shut up,” Bucky whines, fiddling with his cufflinks. “I can still knock your ass out when the priest asks for any objections.” 
“But you won’t,” Steve says. 
“Then you get to hear me talk about how embarrassing you were all throughout high school and how Sharon still doesn’t know that you were the reason that they got the really nice suite for the final basketball championship.” 
Steve flips him off, and Bucky laughs at him. 
He knew Tony would be there, but it’s very different to see him. 
He looks handsome, beyond handsome. He has an artfully shaved beard, a tailored suit that fits to perfection, and the way he’s smiling as he watches Sharon and Steve say “I do” and kiss to seal the deal is good to see. 
He’s always liked his smile. 
Now the reception. 
Bucky is busy with pictures and catching up with old family and friends, and everything else that came with being the best man at a wedding. He can’t really find Tony until he sees him in line to congratulate Sharon. 
After he does so, Bucky waves at him. Tony carefully weaves through the crowd to see him. 
“Hey,” Bucky says. “Good to see you again, Tony.” 
“It’s nice to see you too,” Tony answers, smiling gently. “What have you been up to?” 
From then, they talk all night. Bucky nearly misses his cue to give the speech before dinner, and his eyes keep drifting over to Tony, who’s smiling up at him. His heart skips a couple of beats. 
He finishes up his speech, watches Steve twirl Sharon around the dance floor, and catches Tony’s eyes as the song finishes up. He tilts his head, indicating the dance floor being open. 
Tony steps out. 
They meet in the middle, and Bucky grins. 
“Been waiting since high school for something like this to happen,” he admits. “I remember you being an exceptionally good dancer.” 
“You...you do?” Tony asks as they twirl expertly around. Bucky sends him out of his arms, and watches as he twists back into the embrace. It’s perfect. 
“Of course I remember. You’re an exceptionally hard person to forget about, Tony.” 
“I could say the same of you,” Tony says, smiling up at him. “I remember that you were always kind. And nice. And also an alright dancer.” 
“Like I could’ve held a candle to you and Pepper,” Bucky asks. “How is she, by the way?” 
“Enjoying running the company,” Tony answers. He changes the pace of their steps as the song shifts into a slower one. “She and Dr. Helen Cho are doing well together.” 
“Oh is right,” Tony teases. “She adores the hell out of her.” 
“And what about you? Surely there’s someone who adores the hell out of you.” 
“Not so far,” Tony says, small frown on his face for a moment. 
Bucky takes his chance. 
“And if there was someone?” 
Tony’s eyes snap up to his. 
Bucky smiles. 
“I, uh...I meant to ask you out senior year of high school, after graduation. But then time got away from me, and I was too much of a damn coward to ask. So I’m hoping I’m not too late.” 
“Better late than never,” Tony says with a grin. “I had wanted to do the same, but then I had found out that you and Steve and Sam were doing your grand road trip, and I didn’t want to ask you and then leave.” 
“Then how should we make it up to each other?” Bucky asks. 
“Coffee for starters,” Tony says. “But I think I might make you come with me to an art museum next...it’s only fair.” 
“Of course,” Bucky says. “It’s only fair that I treat you to dinner afterwards, as well.” 
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
They leave together, and Natasha cusses as she hands Bruce some bills. 
“How were you right about this? You thought his name was Binky!” 
Bruce cackles. 
“I know my romance, Romanov.” 
“You told Thor if he didn’t date you then he would receive grilled cheese sandwiches unexpectedly throughout his life.” 
Bruce shrugs. 
“Like I said. I’m a romantic.” 
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tonystarkbingo · 3 years
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TSB MIV Week 26 Roundup!
IT’S THE LAST ONE, Y’ALL!  And there are so many amazing fills that came flooding in this past week!  We’re in the process of getting badges made and sent, so please be patient with us.
We are taking the rest of the month off, but in May and June we will be doing month-long flash bingos!  We’ll keep you posted about those, and in the meantime go give some love to these wonderful content creators!
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Title: Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun Collaborator: Politzania Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted: KINK: Threesome Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: dimensional shenanigans, fluff, fade to black smut Summary: Thanks to some multiverse experimentation, Bucky now has two genius billionaire boyfriends (and their libidos) to deal with. Word Count: 717
Title: A Good Date and a Bad Idea Collaborator: gottalovev Card Number: 4077 Link: AO3 Squares Filled: Chapter 1, R5 - Winteriron Chapter 2, A4 - Justin Hammer Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Attempted kidnapping Summary: Chapter 1: Tony is on what he hopes is a first date with Bucky. He didn't expect it to be so rudely interrupted. (Tony POV)  Chapter 2: Justin has waited for his moment, and this is it. (Same events, Justin Hammer's POV) Word Count: 7918
Title: Adjust The Pecking Order Collaborator: camichats Card Number: 4049 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - AU: western Ship: Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: polyamory Summary: Tony knew that he wasn't the most adjusted man in the world, but there was something hot about a woman in a pretty floral dress confidently pointing a shotgun at him. There was nothing wrong liking a woman with a gun. The messed up part was where she was surely Laura, Clint's wife. He shouldn't be eyeing his friend's wife, no matter how sure her hands were on that gun. "You with the bank?" she asked. "No, ma'am," he said. Since his hands were already up by his head, he took his hat off, tipped it in her direction, then put it back on. "Name's Tony Stark. I believe your husband sent for me?" Word Count: 1211
Title: Finals Collaborator: hereandnowwearealive Card Number: 4085 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - James Rhodes/War Machine Ship: Gen Rating: IronHusbands Major Tags: art Summary: An image of Tony and Rhodey studying for finals, long overdue for a break
Title: Something like fate Collaborator: Gottalovev Card Number: 4077 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Sent to a Different Dimension Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Universe hopping, getting together, CW fix-it but no discourse Summary: Tony and Steve go alternate-reality hopping by accident (Fine. It's Tony's fault: he touched something he shouldn't have in Reed Richard's lab). It's an eye opening experience. Word Count: 8411
Title: DtP —> DtF - Chapter 1 Collaborator: Politzania Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: dimensional shenanigans, eventual smut, threesome, selfcest, oral sex, anal sex, Tony POV, First Person POV, Present Tense Summary: Thanks to a bit of dimensional travel, Tony takes the chance to find out if he really is as good a lover as his Bucky says (as well as get another Bucky’s opinion on the matter).. Word Count: 681
Title: The Courtship of Death Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Card Number: 4019 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Tony Stark/Loki Ship: FrostIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Crack treated seriously, AU canon divergence, courtship and rejection thereof, canonical character death, BAMF Hela Summary: ...goes a lot easier when you do some research first. Otherwise entitled: "Why Torturing, Brainwashing And Murdering The Father Of The Person You're Trying To Court Is A Bad Idea" (trade mark pending, by Tony Stark) Word Count: 2351
Title: Things Develop (in the Darkroom) Collaborator: 27dragons Card Number: 4027 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Photoshoot Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU: No powers, photoshoot, photographer!Bucky, lingerie, budoir photoshoot, oblivious!Bucky Summary: Bucky was happy to agree to a private photoshoot with his favorite client... at least, until he realized what kind of photoshoot Tony wanted. Word Count: 775
Title: The Heartbreaker Collaborator: fightingforcreativity Card Number: 4004 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R2 - Au: Hydra won Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU: Hydra won, Hydra Iron Man, Angst, Mark 17 (Heartbreaker) Summary: Red Skulls voice resonated from everywhere, “Oh might I have the honour of introducing you to Hydra’s newest and strongest agent? Say hello to ‘Heartbreaker’. I’m sure you’ll find the name befitting.” And just like that, the Avengers came face to face with the one man they had hoped to free, wearing an armour they’ve never seen before. “Tony?”, Rhodey’s voice was broken, just as his heart and he could bet everything he had, the other’s weren’t faring better. “Been a while, Rhodes. Nice of seeing you all again, sadly you can’t stay for the party~” replied Tony, voice cold and devoid of emotion.
Title: Family Date Night Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Drive-In Ship: Stony, Superfamily Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff Summary: Date night plans get changed at the last minute. Word Count: 714
Title: The Supplicant Collaborator: 27dragons Card Number: 4027 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - AU: Royalty Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU: historical/fantasy, warlord Tony, tribute Bucky Summary: Bucky wondered, sometimes, if King Alexander had not intended Bucky to stand at the throne’s right hand as the kingdom’s general, or at its left hand as chief counselor, why the king had even bothered to sire another child after his first had proven hale and of sound mind. He rather suspected that the king, too, wondered that same thing. But as it turned out, there was a reason for the king to have sired a second child: to be given as tribute to the terrifying warlord threatening the entire kingdom. Word Count: 2966
Title: They didn't cover this in the Academy - Chapter 1 Collaborator: camichats Card Number: 4049 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2- “Damn it, Stark!” Ship: Gamora/Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, marriage of convenience Summary: Tony might be a pain in his captain's ass, but he never goes out of his way to make problems for her. And really, how was he supposed to know that the engineer he spent all last night talking to was a princess? Gamora wants to get off planet, and Tony is willing to help. While heading back towards Federation space, they pick up a distress call from inside Romulan space. Word Count: 10,206
Title: Anything for you Collaborator: Gottalovev Card Number: 4077 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Pining Ship: Steve Rogers/Natasha Stark (universe 3490) Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Getting together, porn with feelings Summary: Steve has one certainty: he has a crush of epic proportion on Natasha Stark, and it's becoming quite a problem. Word Count: 4083
Title: The Futurist Collaborator: periwinklepromise Card Number: 4053 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Edwin Jarvis Ship: Tony & Edwin Jarvis Rating: Gen Major Tags: Implied Child Abuse, drabble Summary: Perhaps it is time to look to the future. Word Count: 100
Title: untitled Collaborator: chel Card Number: 4011 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Adopted - Wrong Number/Booty Call Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard-ish Word Count: N/A
Title: Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) - Chapter 2 Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Kink: Sex Compulsion Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Phone Sex, Identity Porn, Anal Fingering, Dildo Play Summary: Bucky's little camboy sidegig - where he plays 'Special Agent Jay' -- gets him attention from an unexpected quarter. Chapter 2: Bucky's one on one chat with BrooklynBorn heads in a very different direction than he expected; offering instruction and support as well as release. Can he keep his emotions in check? Word Count: 3912
Title: Save My Soul, Spare My Heart Collaborator: summerpipedream Card Number: 4045 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Space Ship: Pre-Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angels and Demons Summary: “Are you hurt?” “The jury’s still out on that. Who exactly are you and why the hell are you in my apartment?” An angel and a demon walk into Tony’s apartment. Supposedly, both of them were tasked to protect him. Whether Tony can survive their bickering is another question entirely. Word Count: 2242
Title: The Perfect Solution Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Card Number: 4004 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - Kink: Cuckolding Ship: IronHusbands, Rhodey/Carol Rating: Mature Major Tags: AceTony, bisexual Rhodey, friends with benefits, Carol knows what she wants, caring boyfriend Rhodey Summary: Tony never really enjoyed himself during the more intimate moments in bed. Naturally Rhodey had figured him out and after meeting Carol the perfect solution came to be. Word Count: 482
Title: Time Loopy Doopy (Fake News already in 2009 Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Card Number: 4004 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S5 - Paparazzi Ship: (Hinted) WinterIron Rating: M Major Tags: timeline- what timeline?, Avengers, Kid bucky(?), fake news, time trouble Summary: Despite what the News tweet says, Tony and the Avengers all knew the truth and that was Tony trying to protect his current boyfriend’s kid self from the past. Now he just needed to find a way back into his own time with his own Avengers. Word Count: N/A
Title: My Darling, you are my poetry Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 4046 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - AU: Artist/Muse Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: NSFW art, nude modelling Summary: Bucky absolutely didn't plan to go to art classes, but his therapist insisted. So here he was creating nude art of the young Stark heir, while blushing furiously. Word Count: N/A
Title: This light that I hold, speaks to you Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 4046 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R1 - Kink: Candles Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Candles Summary: A quiet night spent together, playing with supersoldier senses. Word Count: N/A
Title: The Wrong Dress Collaborator: cami-chats Card Number: 4049 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Kink: Interfemoral/Intercrural Ship: IronWidow Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: Natasha's dress might not be good for events, but that doesn't mean she looks bad in it.  Word Count: 933
Title: They didn’t cover this in the Academy - Chapter 2 Collaborator: cami-chats Card Number: 4049 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Kink: Messy/Dirty Ship: Gamora/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: Major Character Injury (not fatal) Summary: Lieutenant Commander Tony Stark of Eden and the continuing adventures of having a ship that’s falling apart around him.  Word Count: 7385
Title: Nighttime Shadows Collaborator: Khentkawes Card Number: 4091 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Pepper Potts/Rescue Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: vague discussion of PTSD (very vague), emotional hurt/comfort, nightmares, angst and fluff, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts Summary: Tony’s nightmares never fully went away. But over the years, Pepper likes to think she’s gotten better at helping him cope with them. She doesn’t always have the right words to say, but she can at least be there for him. And usually, that’s enough. Word Count: 1555
Title: Status: Iron Man dead/Tony Stark alive (it’s complicated) Collaborator: Khentkawes Card Number: 4091 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: discussions of possible death/funerals, Endgame Fixit, funeral, fake funeral, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Canon divergence Summary: The Avengers ‘accidentally’ fake Tony Stark’s death. And Tony finds it hilarious. Word Count: 4749
Title: Spin Me Out Collaborator: 27dragons Card Number: 4027 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - AU: Sci-Fi/Futuristic Ship: WinterIron Rating: G Major Tags: AU: Sci-Fi, space opera Summary: Tony keeps his head down, working on the ships that come through the station, trading on the grey market, listening to the gossip, and quietly planning to reclaim the technology that was stolen from him years ago. His chance may finally have arrived, but is immediately complicated by Winter, an impossible fugitive from a galactic empire that controls its people with forbidden Old Tech. Word Count: 1391
Title: Secret Identities and Super-dads Collaborator: Khentkawes Card Number: 4091 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Futurefic Ship: Pepperony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Minor violence, post-Avengers Endgame, not Avengers Endgame Compliant, BAMF Tony, BAMF Pepper, Rescue!Pepper, not-dead Tony Stark, Morgan Stark, family, attempted kidnapping Summary: When armed men attack an elementary school in New York, attempting to kidnap eight-year-old Morgan Stark, no one expects that “Roger the chauffeur” will be the one to take out the bad guys—with some backup from Morgan Stark herself and a very pissed off Pepper Potts. The public have believed Tony was dead for the past four years, and Tony never expected his big secret would get out like this. He didn’t mean to blow his cover as “Roger the chauffeur.” But when people try to mess with his family, they get what’s coming to them. Word Count: 6104
Title: Celebration Collaborator: Ducky Card Number: 4013 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Victorious Ship: IronFalcon Rating: Gen Major Tags: Paintball, First Dates, Fluff Summary: After a victorious paintball exercise, Tony and Sam celebrate on their first date Word Count: 835
Title: A Look Into the Mind Collaborator: Ducky Card Number: 4013 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Sent to a Different Dimension  Ship: ThunderIron, one-sided Amora/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Dimension Summary: Thor and Tony are sent to the Enchantress’s consciousness. Word Count: 323
Title: The Stars May Not Accept Us Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Hot Water Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Non-Powered AU, Space AU, amputee!Bucky, fade to black smut, Summary: People come and people go -- that’s the way a spaceport works. Especially one out on the edge of known space; some stay a few hours, some a few years, but everyone moves on eventually. Bucky knew that going in, but he fell hard anyways. Word Count: 2790
Title: Visions, Not Reality Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Nick Fury Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: Tony's conversation with Fury at Barton's Farm leaves him second guessing his relationship with Steve - which no one was supposed to know about. Word Count: 1915
Title: What, Like It’s Hard Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Movie Retelling Ship: Stony Rating: M Major Tags: Omegaverse, Asshole Ty Stone, Even more of an asshole Stane (in future chapters) Summary: Omega Tony Stark has it all, until his alpha boyfriend breaks his heart. In an effort to win him back, he follows the alpha of his dreams to Harvard Law School, where he discovers there might be more to being the first omega at the prestigious school. He also meets another alpha that might just make him forget the one he drove across the country for. Word Count: 1629
Title: You Should Date My Boyfriend Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Sharon Carter/Agent 13 Ship: Stony, Sharon/Steve Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: Sharon makes sure Tony knows her boyfriend might be interested in someone else. Word Count: 1090
Title: Heart jewel Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 4046 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Sucker Bet Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Magical Jewels, Ravens Summary: Loosely based on the Cornelius Sigan episode of BBC Merlin. Word Count: 100
Title: The Persistence of Memory Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 4046 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Art Format: Cubist/Surreal Ship: none, implied past Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Reincarnation, Grief Summary: Stephen Grant, art student and docent at the Smithsonian is doing the last of his rounds, when he meets a wealthy gentleman who looks very familiar. Word Count: 300
Title: Would Robot Eyes Rust if They Cried? - Chapter 6 Collaborator: JacarandaBanyan Card Number: 4064 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: Stuckony Rating: E Major Tags: Established Relationship, Sexual Content, Angst, Robot Bodies Summary: Steve tries again with Tony. It doesn't go a whole lot better. Word Count: 2376
Title: What, Like It’s Hard? Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Evil Exes S4 - First Kiss Ship: Stony Rating: M Major Tags: Omegaverse, Asshole Ty Stone, Even more of an asshole Stane (in future chapters) Summary: Omega Tony Stark has it all, until his alpha boyfriend breaks his heart. In an effort to win him back, he follows the alpha of his dreams to Harvard Law School, where he discovers there might be more to being the first omega at the prestigious school. He also meets another alpha that might just make him forget the one he drove across the country for. Word Count: 20,611
Title: Short Drabbles - Chapter 5: Hand holding Collaborator: Card Number: 4046 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Holding hands Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: summer heat Summary: Tony enjoys the metal arm keeping it's cool at all times. Word Count: 100
Title: Daisies on Your Nightstand Collaborator: raslbecket Card Number: 4056 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - showoff Ship: Stony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Rough sex, exhibitionism, choking Summary: Tony Stark's exhibitionist streak rears its head when he's in the middle of rearranging Steve Rogers' guts. Word Count: 1462
Title: The Eye Of A Spy - Chapter 2: Interlude - How Everything Began Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Card Number: 4004 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: IronFury Rating: Mature Major Tags: IronFury, movie retelling, MIT Era, Mostly Fury Pov Summary: Fury gets his mission. Word Count: 869
Title: A Fairytale, This Is Not - Chapter 2: All Pieces But No Solved Puzzle Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Card Number: 4004 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - shared trauma Ship: WinterIron, Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Morgana, Merlin/Gwaine Rating: Mature Major Tags: Reincarnation, dreams, visions, canon typical violence, ok Howard, kidnapping, (HYDRA in later chapters), team as family, trauma Summary: Tony makes some friends, is being betrayed, and keeps dreaming of a man named Merlin, who apparently has magic and that fact isn't known to his friends until he tells the black-haired woman about it. Somehow everything works out ok for them all though. Word Count: 3584
Title: Five Tuesdays and a Wednesday  Collaborator: LBibliophile Card Number: 4090 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Fortune Telling Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Time Loop, Groundhog Day, Coffee Addict Tony Stark, 5+1 Things Summary: Bucky is stuck in a Groundhog Day loop. He has many things to achieve, to make right, to try and end the loop - but top of his list is saving Tony from the dreadful fate of terrible morning coffee. Tony appreciates his efforts. Word Count: 2820
Title: body getting tense (nothing like the others) Collaborator: starksnack Card Number: 4073 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Dressing Room Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: None Summary: Steve and Tony steal a quick moment in their dressing room before their next shoot. Word Count: 1000
Title: Half of Love’s Duet Collaborator: ralsbecket Card Number: 4056 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Height Difference Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Threesome, Age Difference, Art Summary: A glimpse of college student Tony and his married professors, Steve and Bucky. Word Count: N/A
Title: Clint Gets A (New) Job Collaborator: celtic Card Number: 4035 Link: AO3 Square Filled : T1 - Occupational Hazard Ship: Tony Stark & Clint Barton & Bucky Barnes Rating: Gen Major Tags: Modern Day AU, No Superpowers, Mild Angst, Canon Character Death Summary: Stane Industries has taken over Trickshot Incorporated, which means Clint is out of a job. Until he meets a third player, the man who will build Stark Enterprises with what remains of his father’s legacy. Word Count: 4236
Title: Girl’s Night Collaborator: celtic Card Number: 4035 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Darcy Lewis Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Tony and Pepper need a babysitter for Morgan for date night. Word Count: 1635
Title: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, Evil Clones Are Such a Struggle - Chapter 2 Collaborator: Cinna Card Number: 4060 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: Tony/Bucky/Winter Rating: Teen Major Tags: Selfcest (Bucky/Winter) Summary: When taking down a Hydra base, you should probably avoid touching anything weird-looking and potentially magical. (Or, Bucky and Winter both have the hots for Tony, and a newly-embodied Winter decides to finally do something about it.) Word Count: 2695
Title: No Pets Allowed - Chapter 4 Collaborator: Cinna Card Number: 4060 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Team Bonding Ship: background Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Minor warning for non-graphic mention of off-screen animal death. Summary: Tony Stark is not a cat person. (this is a lie.) Word Count: 894
Title: Trouble with a Capital T (And That Stands for “Tiny”) Collaborator: Cinna Card Number: 4060 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Precognition K5 - Deaged (Tony) Ship: background Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: featuring Actual Good Dad Howard (not really a warning, but you should probably be aware or you might be confused  ) Summary: Tony gets de-aged by magical fuckery, and five-year-old Tony and gets to meet his future self, in AI form. AI Tony thinks this is a hoot. Everyone else is less convinced.  Word Count: 19082
Title: Six Months Earlier - Chapter 7 Collaborator: Cinna Card Number: 4060 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Canon: Armoured Adventures Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Grief, Medical Trauma Summary: Tony recovers from the plane crash that damaged his heart and took his father from him, and struggles to come to terms with the aftermath. Word Count: 1044
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riotwritesthings · 5 years
That Happened
WinterIron, T, >1k, casual praise kink | AO3
For the @winterironmonth​, NSFW Monday: TROPE/AU: Praise Kink
This fic got way out of hand, and I was not able to finish it. I will though! In the meantime have this teaser for what I am not calling ‘heavy casual praise kink’ AKA ‘soft but in a VERY INTENSE way’
“Did you actually go to medical before coming down here?” Bucky asks as he walks into the lab, expectant look on his face, freshly showered and gorgeous and-
Tony viciously shoves down that line of thought, instead holds up his arm and shows off the neat line of stitches on his forearm “I did,” he says smugly, “and you can tell, because these are much neater than when I do it myself.”
“Your stitches are terrible, I’ve seen literal evil scientists with better needlework than you,” Bucky says agreeably, stepping close to inspect Tony’s arm before giving a satisfied nod.
“That’s hurtful,” Tony says, dropping his arm and turning back to his worktable before he does something stupid like lean in and try to get a big whif of the shampoo Bucky uses. “Now where’s my treat, that was the deal, I went and let the ‘professionals’ sew me up and you better not be backing out on your end of the deal, or-“ Tony cuts off when a ziplock bag of homemade cookies lands on the counter in front of him, straight from Bucky’s secret stash that no one has been able to find. “Yay,” he says gleefully, ripping into the bag.
Bucky’s hand is suddenly resting on top of his head, gently ruffling it, and Tony is uncomfortably aware that his hair is a sweaty mess because he may have gotten distracted on his way to the shower. Then Bucky pats his head and coos “yeah, tha’s a good boy.” His voice is equal parts teasing and amused, maybe a hint of condescension and underneath it all a fond warmth, like he really is pleased Tony dragged his pitiful human ass to medical after a relatively routine fight.
Tony flushes hot, nearly chokes on his giant mouthful of cookie and the only saving grace is that Bucky has already wandered away to play some kind of elaborate game with the bots. Tony still does not understand the rules, and he wishes he found it less endearing that Bucky refuses to explain it to him.
Okay, so. That... happened. Tony turns his attention back to the gauntlet he’s trying to repair, tells himself it’s not like it’ll ever happen again. It’s fine.
It kind of spirals out of control from there.
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riotwritesthings · 5 years
Kinktober 2019 Day 16
Frottage ALSO THIS gif set, and more specifically the tag “#it goes from ‘nice romantic dinner’ to ‘fuck on the table’ real fast” (-from @tcnystcnks )
WinterIron, E, 1k | AO3
“You made dinner,” Tony says slowly, eyes wide. “For me.”
“Technically I made if for myself, but I suppose you can have my scraps,” Bucky says with a grin, just a hint of nerves hidden underneath. He huffs out a soft laugh almost immediately, his smile going a little more shy.
Tony just stares for a second at the pasta laid out on the table, complete with wine glasses and candles and every thing, and feels indescribably guilty. Some boyfriend he is, only a couple weeks in and already Tony is getting wrapped up in his lab, ignoring everything else. Bucky had suggested dinner over an hour ago, and after muttering 'just give me five minutes' Tony had promptly gotten caught up in lines of code and completely forgotten. It was only maybe ten minutes ago that he had looked up and realized Bucky was gone, and Tony had gone searching for him expecting to grovel, not be treated to what appears to be a home cooked meal.
Tony opens his mouth to apologize, because he really needs to, but before he can Bucky is cupping his face with gentle hands and stunning him into silence.
"I just wanna make sure you're eating, doll," Bucky says, soft and fond and way more than Tony deserves.
"I'm still an asshole," Tony grumbles, because Bucky really shouldn't let him get away with it, "and I'm going to make it up to you."
"Well I like the sound of that," Bucky says, smirking and dropping a quick kiss to the tip of Tony's nose.
So they eat dinner. It's amazing. Next time Bucky offers to cook for him Tony is gong to drop anything and everything, no matter how many lives or what kind of catastrophe hangs in the balance. Tony tells him as much while they clear off the table and Bucky laughs, that big gorgeous laugh that scrunches up his eyes and his nose and makes him look so much younger, so carefree.
"I dunno," Bucky says, his smile dropping away to be replaced with a heated look, "kinda liked the idea of you making it up to me." He licks his lips, just a flash of tongue against the white of his teeth, his grey eyes darkening as his pupils blow out.
Tony flushes hot so fast that it takes his breath away, forks and knives clattering loudly into the sink as his hands shake with how quickly his blood tries to rush to his dick. Bucky's smirk widens.
It turns out to be a really good thing the table is already clear, because the next second Tony finds himself flat on his back on the thankfully empty surface, Bucky stepping between his splayed thighs and pressing close, folding himself down around Tony. Tony's surprised noise is smothered by Bucky’s mouth crashing against his in a fierce kiss, stealing away what little breath Tony has left.
All Tony can do is groan and bury his fingers in Bucky’s hair, tugging it out of it's neat little bun as Bucky licks into his mouth, bites at his lip and drags his hands down Tony’s sides to his hips. He wastes no time working Tony’s pants open, wrapping a warm palm around Tony’s half hard cock, so Tony focuses on yanking at Bucky’s shirt, breaking the kiss just long enough to get it over Bucky’s head before diving right back in.
Tony tightens his legs around Bucky’s hips, arching up into his grip with a moan, and it sends a shudder through his whole body when Bucky responds with a low growl. “C’mon, wanna feel you,” Tony demands breathlessly and finally untangles his fingers from Bucky’s hair so he can paw uselessly at the front of Bucky’s jeans. Any time Tony is about to get them undone, Bucky swipes his calloused thumb over the head of Tony’s cock and effectively steals all of his brain function and fine motor control. “Bucky,” Tony whines out and shivers again when Bucky chuckles, low and rough against his lips.
Bucky finally takes pity on him though, pulls back just enough to get his own pants open and that’s better, that’s so much better, Bucky’s cock warm and silky against his own, Bucky’s wide palm wrapped around both of them as he starts rolling his hips, grinding against Tony.
“Yes, god, just like that,” Tony pants, wraps his arms up around Bucky’s shoulders again so he can run his fingers through Bucky’s hair, drag his palm over the smooth, shifting muscles of Bucky’s back. When Bucky kisses him again it’s deep and messy and amazing, and Tony doesn’t think he’s ever going to get over the way Bucky kisses, putting everything he has into it like all he cares about in the world is turning Tony’s brain to useless mush. He’s damn good at it too, and before long all Tony knows is Bucky’s mouth against his, Bucky’s hand around his cock teasing him right up to the edge.
“That’s right, jus’ like that,” Bucky says, sounding about as breathless as Tony feels, dragging his lips along Tony’s jaw and ducking down to mouth at his throat. He rolls his hips again, cock sliding against Tony's in the tight grip of his hand, both of them slick and when Bucky's thumb swipes over the head of his cock again Tony digs his nails into Bucky’s shoulders and comes with a shaking moan that might be Bucky’s name.
Bucky follows soon after, sinking his teeth into Tony’s neck as his hips work furiously, grinding himself into the mess of Tony’s stomach until he goes still with a low groan. Tony whines, shaking and oversensitive, still arching his hips up to meet Bucky’s, trying to prolong the pleasure.
They take their time catching their breath, ignoring the ominous creaking of the table and the fact that the mess between them is starting to get cool and sticky. Finally Bucky huffs out a soft laugh, shoulders shaking under Tony’s hands.
"Yeah, I definitely feel 'made up to,’" Bucky says, his face still tucked into Tony's neck and his grin audible.
“Best dinner ever,” Tony says happily and pulls Bucky up into another kiss, slow and lazy.
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