#a feather from macedon... from home...
princessmacedon · 1 year
"Maria. Best of luck to you on your mission."
Merric catches up with her shortly before the call to split up. Maria certainly needs to arrange things with her team, and so does he naturally - especially with him being a Professor now, the Academy expect him to look after them - but it would be remiss of him not to bid her farewell.
"I hope everything goes well for you and your allies. Be sure to keep everyone safe, but also stay safe yourself, alright?" He pauses. A faint smile still dances on his lips, but it's a faded one. "Your brother is waiting for you back at the monastery, after all."
Reaching into one of his pockets, he produces a white feather, and holds it out towards her. "I found it once, while traveling through Macedon. Think of it as a good luck charm.. I hope it can remind you of home, and keep your dreams safe."
A year ago and more, Maria would have been surprised to see Merric come to greet her before such a mission. As seasons have changed and the foreign becomes familiar, so too have they; thus does a robin greet the breeze, and Maria greets Merric with a smile.
What does surprise her is when he goes on to mention her brother. In the eyes of gods and men, Michalis is a villain; she knows this. He is the patricide, the gaoler of one sister and the would-be slayer of another, and a man who looks down on Marth, beloved of many, with unfettered disdain besides. It must be an uneasy thing for Merric to know that a former foe now resides in the same place as him and so many he loves, but still, he smiles as he says it. It is a favor Maria watches, eyes clear and bright, so that she will be sure to remember.
"Mhm..." Ribbons of crimson tickle her shoulder as her head lists to one side, seemingly pulled down by the weight of the fondness in her smile. Before she has the chance to make her own reply, however, the mage continues, procuring something from his pockets.
"Wow! Oh, I..." Her mouth opens, then closes just as suddenly, lips pressed into a thin and wavering line. In her hands, the feather seems so small and frail, and yet the truth is that it has crossed the same seas as she has, and soared the skies more freely than she will ever know. It is so very, very far from where it started-- perhaps far enough that it does not remember the skies nor seas-- but it is here with her now. A piece of Macedon. A piece of home.
"...Thank you, Merric." Loath as she is to tear her gaze from this piece of happiness, precious and fragile, Maria does so anyways. If not in the tone of her voice, then in the watery shine of her eyes-- that way, surely, Merric will understand what it means to her. "This means a lot to me."
With caution and a ginger touch, she holds the gift to her chest, a sense of warmth and surety seeping into her smile.
"I don't have anything to give you in return right now, but I have all my wishes and all my luck!" After all, the wind would always carry these - these and so much more. "So you have to come back safely, too, okay? Your Lady Elice is waiting for you, hee hee..."
A twinkle comes and goes within her eye, swept away on a tide of gentle laughter.
"But it's not just Lady Elice, either. Prince Marth will walk beside you, and Queen Caeda, Kris, Tiki... Luke and Katarina... and me! All of us will be waiting for you to come back, you know? And even more people after that! The ones who love and care about you now, and the ones who are waiting to love you someday - all of us! Hee hee."
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reddragonprincess · 28 days
"Wow!" Hands clasp together in absolute, unmitigated delight, tucked beneath her chin, rosy eyes set all a-sparkle. She has always known that her sister is wonderful and radiant, of course, but it is nonetheless a joy to see her shine off the battlefield. "Minerva, you look amazing today!"
Unpinning her brooch from her sash, she holds up her black feather, parted now from its two golden companions... achingly familiar, that, but still she smiles as she holds it up.
"Did you know? If you meet lots of people and trade-- decorations, this year!-- then they'll send you home with a treat! Oh, Sister, you'll trade with me, won't you? Please?" After all, though she keeps the heart of the wish to herself, she has long dreamed of sharing these festive, joyous celebrations with her siblings -- brother and sister both. The stamp cards and vines of yesteryear remain preciously held in her box of treasures; this memory, too, she will cherish.
The sound of her voice was unmistakable –soft, a bit chirpy and unbelievably strong. Minerva knew it was her and as she turned to face her, she was surprised to see her little sister in a long dress, actually making her seem older than she actually was and remarkably beautiful, but that was already known by the red-haired Macedon princess. She bowed her head, sketched a smile and she caressed Maria's cheek with the back of her index finger, catching the enthusiasm of her tiny body.
“You look wonderful, like you always do, my little one” she softened her tone, observing the brooch in her hands: the black feather, a very curious combination for her, but in some way, it actually fit her quite well. She listened to her request and with a murmured laugh, she gently unhook the string of pearls from her dress, inspecting it for a short moment, before turning her gaze to Maria.
“How could I say no to you?” she chuckled with a soft smirk upon her lips, handing over the brooch with care and placing a hand over hers. “Here, I’m sure you already met so many people from the monastery” she nodded, leaving her hand rest for a little longer, “Your deserved treat will come very soon!” she teased her with  mocking expression, noticing a familiar figure looming around the dance area.
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“Have you seen Michalis too?”
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blaiddllodi · 17 days
"It's Dimitri, right?"
It's a near-rhetorical question that greets him as Maria makes herself known -- she would have had to try harder to not know her own house leader's name, even if they've never spoken. A smile faintly curves her lips, and she holds out a small parcel, a black feather brooch quietly tucked under one of its binding strings.
"Have you ever tried pegasus cheese? It's not for everyone, but even if you don't like it, it's good for sharing! Even if I like the Macedonian kind better... hee hee!" Her hand withdraws, pausing to catch a good-natured giggle at her lips before falling into a friendly little wave.
"Thanks for all of your hard work, House Leader." Teeth are bared in a fleeting grin, and she turns, not wanting to take too much of his free time. "I hope you're having fun tonight!"
Though Dimitri didn't know the voice immediately, he turned at the sound of his name, and his eyes creased into a smile. "Ah! Hello - that is, ah, Princess...Maria, isn't it?"
A classmate, a fellow Blue Lion - though of a different social circle than he, the blazing hair of Macedon made its mark on the landscape of Garreg Mach, distinct among so many other shades, with multiple members in attendance.
At her press of the black feather, he holds his white one out in return, inclining his head at the exchange, pinning the trinket proudly amongst its fellows.
"I have not!" he admitted, looking at the girl's other offering curiously. "Pegasus cheese, is it? I wonder...perhaps something for one of my country's territories to look into... Ah, you say that there is a style from your home that you prefer?"
Biting into the cheese, his salivary glands flooded at the salt, despite that the rest of the nuance was lost on him. It had a pleasant texture though.
"Ah, good! But, if you are ever in a position to share the cheese from your home, I would be delighted to try it. Perhaps you might even like the selection that is famous in Gautier. For another time, perhaps?"
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(i want to go ahead and add this in so bear w me but)
Inside the delivered box was a letter. It read,
“Dear Dimitri— His Majesty— whatever. You know who this is from. It’s Silver.
I wanted to thank you personally for all you’ve done for Fhirdiad, and Faerghus as a whole. I may not be a native of Fodland, but you, and everyone at the office here, have made this Akaneian mutt feel more than welcome. You gave us a home we could proudly return to. You’ve balanced the gap between the poor and the rich (as best you can, and I’m not gonna harp on you for that. We can’t be picky), you’ve brought peace where it was sorely needed.
Basically the guys at the Post Office and I think you’re amazing.
So we all pitched in a week’s worth of our paychecks and had this made for you!
We put our heads together and decided on a little hello from my home country of Altea! This cloak is made and lined, inside and out with weatherproof Pegasus feathers. Back home, when Pegasi foals start molting, farmers (humanely) help pluck them from their wings. The down is used to line the insides of coats. The waterproof outer layer is made from shed outer feathers from our Pegasi in the stable (more likely from Eileen’s Butterscotch. He sheds so much, poor baby), so this coat is both stylish and rain resistant!
In my mother’s country of Macedon, the waterproof feathers were replaced with Wyvern scales, but I’m not exactly sure what Fodland’s laws are on descaling wyvern corpses for armor and clothing. Don’t wanna get testy.
I’ll end it here, but thanks for everything! We appreciate it. Truly! :)
- The Fhirdiad Fifth Division Fliers
(Eileen, Silver, Renée, Cedric, Miguel, Cassandra, and Stephen)”
She was right. Inside the box was a neatly folded cloak lined top to bottom with lighter than air Pegasi feathers. The outer layer trailed colors from plain white at the top to speckled gray, sweet caramel, and even Percival’s dingy bay towards the bottom. The inside of the cloak was lined with sapphire dyed, but still exquisitely soft, foal’s down.
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*He gently feels the cloth of the cloak, marveling at the softness of it* I... I don’t know what to say. Thank you deeply, from the bottom of my heart. I’m incredibly touched by this act of kindness towards me, I’m deeply honored that you all appreciate my efforts enough to do this for me. I don’t know how I will be able to repay you for this, but I swear that I will continue to work to make you and everyone else proud.
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tmorriscode · 6 years
Friends Help You Move, Real Friends Help You Move Bodies, Best Friends Help You Find Treasure (Rowan, MC) (1/2)
“(Y/N) you got a visitor!” Jean Luc sticks his head into your room and points back over his shoulder at the common room you share with all the curse breakers stationed in Athens.
You tuck the book under your arm and follow him to find Rowan sitting stiffly on the dodgy, ancient couch.
“What are you doing here?” You laugh as you hug your oldest friend. “I thought you were working in wood procurement at Olivanders?”
“That’s why I’m here!” She squints at your thick tome with it’s faded cover.
“Remedial defense,” you hold up the book to show her. “Everything we should have learned from that beastly string of DADA professors at Hogwarts.”
“But you always did well at dueling.” Rowan says.
“Sure, against Merula. But she had the same useless teachers as we did. My supervisor said that I need to know more than just bombardia, depulso and protego,” you shrug. “Bill says not to feel too badly. He had to go through remedial defense when he started, too.”
“Is he here?” Rowan perks up.
“Sorry Rowan, he’s stationed out of the Cairo office.” You wince, and change the subject. “What brings you to Athens?”
Rowan takes your hand and pulls you to the door. “I want to hire you!”
You glance over at Jean Luc, but your fellow curse breaker is making shooing motions your way. All of you take side jobs where you can. The goblins don’t yet give you too much in the way of base pay. Until you find your first big cache of treasure (and reap a percentage of it in bonus pay) you’re all pretty much living paycheck to paycheck and splitting food and rent.
Once on the street, you take over and lead Rowan to a your favorite taverna. The patroness is just opening her doors, now that afternoon siesta is over. You order a plate of dolmades and two glasses of portokalada.
You sit and take a moment to study your oldest friend. She looks the same as she did months ago when you were buried under books and worried about NEWTS, if a little less tense.
For her part, she gives you a visual once-over. “I hardly recognize you,” Rowan says, touching your hair. You run your fingers through it.
Thanks to the rigors of work, you haven’t had time to get a haircut. Now your hair is past your shoulders, snarled and sun-faded from dark mahogany to an amber honey-color.
You’ve also lost the last of the softness that you’d always kept from eating giant sandwiches at Hogwarts. Now you are mostly muscle and sinew stretched beneath sun-bronzed, weatherbeaten skin.
“Mum told me the same thing last time I was home.” You chuckle. With Jacob home at last, mum is finally starting to act like a proper mother. She actually asked you when you were going to find a nice young man and settle down.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her that your nice young man was more interested in dragons than dating. And further, even if you could synch schedules enough to have a date, the two of you would probably pass out from exhaustion while watching muggle telly.
You did shoot Jacob a look over Mum’s shoulder, as if to say that he and Angelica might be Mum’s only hope for grandkids, unless she wants to rock a baby dragon or two.
Jacob’s response was to choke back a laugh so hard that pumpkin juice sprayed out of his nose.
Rowan clears her throat, bringing you out of your musing.
You blush at getting caught woolgathering. “You said you wanted to hire me?”
“Part of my job at Olivanders is translating the oldest records from Greek and Latin,” Rowan explained, “I’ve been working on the letters from the first Ollivander. Listen to this: ‘I find the wands made by these Briton druids to be of poor quality compared to my own. Each is made of oak, regardless of it’s suitability for the wizard, Oak being sacred amongst them.
Even worse, they do not hollow the wands to create magical cores, but instead wrap the magical elements around the outside of these crude sticks. This limits the magical elements to that which may be easily tied: hair of kelpie, veela, unicorn or thestral, feathers of augury, griffin or phoenix for example.
To my horror, I have seen multiple incompatible magical elements braided togeather and wrapped around the crude “wands.” Not only are wands of this sort temperamental, they are unpredictable, turning on their welders at moments of greatest need.
“I’ve taken as much wood from my own stores as I can carry. Olive and palm, laurel as well as a goodly amount of blackwood and red ivory wood purchased from Numidian traders, which produce wands of uncommon inflexibility.”
Rowan looks at you in excitement. “I can’t find any records of this storehouse. It isn’t a reference to his Gringotts vault, I checked. It’s possible that its still out there undisturbed, somewhere. If it is, Mr. Ollivander is interested in finding it.”
You put your chin in your hand. “What do you think you’ll find there? Stacks of ancient lumber?”
“Possibly some rare or extinct wood types,” Rowan said. Some types of palm, like the Judean date palm, went extinct centuries ago. We’ve bought muggle junk furniture made from rare wood at rummage or estate sales and auctions.”
“Mr. Ollivander is very choosy about the types of wood he uses. So I think this might be an intellectual curiosity for him. He told me that studying wand wood suitability is a lifetime pursuit. Then again, he has a whole back room full of experimental wands. On really rare occasions, one of them will choose a wizard. When that happens, Mr. Olivander closes up the shop and buys all of his employees a round at the Leaky Cauldron.”
“Have you seen that happen?” Laurel asked.
“I think Dreezy said it’s only happened once in the ten years he’s been with Ollivander.”
“Is a free elf. Who do you think cleans up after all those wild-magic incompatible-wand accidents?”
“Fair enough.,” you shrug. “Do your records say where we might find this ancient storehouse?”
“No, but the original Ollivander was from Crete, so we might start there.”
You stuff a last dolmade in your mouth. “Crete is a pretty big island, so we might need to narrow it down a bit.”
“Fortunately, I carry my library with me everywhere I go,” Rowan pats her satchel.
You lean forward in your seat to see the book bag better. “Do you have an undetectable extension charm on that? I’m so jealous! If I had a bag with an extension charm on it, I’d live out of it!”
Several of your fellow cursebreakers do just that. That’s how you have six wizards living in a one-bedroom flat. But it’s not cheap to buy a bag like that. Most ministries control their sale. Fearing that if they became ubiquitous, the statutes of secrecy would get broken willy-nilly by careless wizards. They’re probably right.
“It’s handy for taking all the books,” Rowan sticks her head into the bag, and pulls out a thick wizarding travel guide to Crete. “According to this, Crete was peaceful up until around the late 4th century B.C., so around the time Ollivander left for Britannia.
“At that time, Knossos went to war against a neighboring Cretin city state, Lytton. The Knossians allied with Phillip of Macedon, while the Lyttonians allied with Sparta.”
“So we’d best narrow our search to around Knossos.”
A/N: so this one ran long and I ran out of room. You can read part 2 here.  You can find the masterpost to all my other imagines here. 
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strategischwelt · 7 years
Super Glorious Ones
Note: This story has taken place before the event of Civilized All Stars Part 1.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these series (XCOM and Civilization).
Daniel "Dan" Roosevelt
Elizabeth "Elisa" Greenhill
Mary Alexandrina "Merlyn" Wilson
Alexander "Xander" Jackson (Alexander the Great of Macedon)
Carla Roosevelt
Dr. Raymond Shen
Dr. Moira Vahlen
The Spokesman (real name: unknown)
Gerry Roosevelt (Narrator/Teddy Roosevelt)
Raj Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi)
Vicky Harrison (Victoria)
Sonia Zhaparova (Tomyris; mentioned)
Betty Thatcher (Nuclear-Beth/Elizabeth I)
Mary Thatcher-Lukeson (Mary Tudor; mentioned only)
Mark Romer (Trajan)
Rafael de La Cruz (Montezuma)
The Glorious Ones:
Phil Lukeson (Philip II)
Freddy Browns (Frederick Barbarossa)
Pete Cosgrave (Peter the Great)
Peter Alencar (Pedro II)
George Nzinga (Mvemba a Nzinga/Afonso I)
Gladys Cosgrave ("Master" Jadwiga)
Jane Lavigne (Catherine de Medici)
Elisa Castillo (Isabella the Catholic)
Spokesman: Greeting, Commander. The civilization has been restored from the world. The Civilized Plasma can uses the power of the duty and wisdom. We build our own armada for the expedition. Good luck, Commander.
Philip II: We'll be back.
[The Glorious League]
Episode 1: Lettergiving
[Tuesday, August 11th, 2015]
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was an officer who attached to XCOM named Central Officer John Bradford. He was a charismatic man who reported to Daniel "Dan" Roosevelt and Elizabeth "Elisa" Greenhill (as the Young Commanders) and gave the Glorious Letter to their friends.
Central: Please give me your Glorious Letter to your friends.
Dan: What is this?
Elisa: The Glorious Ones in the Historical Civilization, including Philip II of Spain.
[Thursday, August 13th, 2015]
[In the Virgilian High School]
Master (?): Hello, Commander.
Merlyn: [waking up] Oooouuuuh... Who are you?
Master Jadwiga: I am Master Jadwiga Andegaweńska of Poland.
Merlyn: Master Jadwiga!?
Master Jadwiga: Commander, you must give reasons why Lettergivers should not know about Glorious Fleet.
Xander: Tell us about it!
Master Jadwiga: In the extraterrestrial, Gloria HQ was a main base for the anti-Reformer and anti-Scythian operation. It was called "Soul Inquisition" by the Leader of Spain, Philip Lukeson.
Carla: Who's Philip Lukeson?
Master Jadwiga: He was a descendant of Philip II who devout Catholic, focused to teach every student about history. He was married to Mary Thatcher in 2014. However, Elizabeth Thatcher sent an her own army to aid the (Protestant) Dutch, associate with Scythia, in rebellion against the Glorious Ones in 2015.
Merlyn: This year?!
Episode 2: Brotherhood
[41 days later]
[Incoming Transmission]
Central: Young Commander, the Glorious Ones have to prepare for war against England and Scythia during Invincible War. Please, you must use weapon for a mission of the Passive One.
[5 days later]
Central: Move, move, move!
Shen: Who's next?
[Dan and Elisa become the next soldiers]
[In the Rebellion (November 19, 2 days after Central's birthday)]
Merlyn: What the freak?
[Seeing the destroyer of the Glorious Fleets]
[In La Oficina de Gloria]
Vahlen: We show a book of war.
Dan: What is it?
Carla: The Book of the Glorious Armada.
Dan: Tell about it now.
Carla: In this rebellion, a woman named Elizabeth Thacher. She suffered her hunger for nuclear destruction trying to destroy the Glorious Armada.
Elisa: Wait a second!
Dan: Elisa?
Elisa: This gift from Central's birthday. This is a Book of the Avenger Fleet in the Glorious Wars.
Dan: The Avenger?
Elisa: Yes, a mobile base of XCOM to launch mission during the campaign to the Glorious Ones. This mobile is known as "ant farm" interior design to harbor.
Vahlen: What are facilities?
Dan: Bridge, research, engineering, armory, living quarters, restaurant, memorial, and the Office of Commander.
Carla: Oh my gosh! That's strategic!
Elisa: Yes, Carla. We have to prepare to the gran oficina for the mission.
Episode 3: Most Strategic
[In La Oficina de Gloria, main room]
Victoria: Please give us an alternative letter on the Avenger's Continent.
Shen: That continent has new... I mean the Glorious Continent. Isn't it?
[In the Avenger, bridge]
Central: Congratulations, young Commanders. You have succeed the mission of how Tomyris has to get arrested, but escapes from gran oficina in La Paz. Now, we have a strategic assignment to do! Gandhi provides the important prizes to you all.
Soldiers: Yeah!
Gandhi: Good job, young Commanders! We can't express how we appreciate your mission. Give the world best for you all. You get our prizes from Teddy and Vicky.
Central: As you wish.
Dan: Hey! I have something to do this one.
Merlyn: What are we doing?
Dan: The soldiers use the weapons, armours, and helmets to prepare into the fleet.
Xander: Ha ha! How outrageous.
Dan: Nope, Xander. That's hard working to get the promotion from Gandhi.
Carla: But he's going to invite us in Earth Channel Office tomorrow.
[next day]
[bell rang]
Elisa: ...; Excuse me. Where are you going to go?
Carla: Gandhi's invitation for the great promotion and greeting at office.
[3 days later]
[Dan and Elisa visit Trajan's home]
Dan: Peace upon you! Barrister. I am Dan Roosevelt, son of Gerry. And It's my friend Elisa Greenhill. We'd like to share our interest in Raj Gandhi and Vicky Harrison to you.
Mark: Greeting, strangers! I am Mark Alexander Romer from Italy, a winner of Barrister of the Year 2015. So, you can call me Mark. But, Gandhi and Vicky warned me about Prizes of Glory in the World.
[note: Mark Alexander Romer is a descendant to Trajan, 13th Emperor of the Roman Empire]
Elisa: Despite they two invite us to explain about the Glorious Ones. The Glorious Ones are Philip Lukeson, Pete Cosgrave, Freddy Browns, George Nzinga, Peter Alencar, Jane Lavigne, and Gladys Cosgrave. So that's why Elisa Castillo is a wife of Ferdinand who joins the early-Glorious Ones.
Mark: That's a secret news, strangers!
Elisa: Of course, barrister. We are going to watch a news to meet the historical-themed members.
Dan: Wow! That's glorious.
Episode 4: The Secret Plan
[During the Nuke-free Movement for the World]
[protesting against Nuclear-Beth]
Gandhi: The announcement is propaganda! Elizabeth, the destroyer of armada who irritated the expedition of the Glorious Ones and used the nuclear weapons to destruct the fleet on the sky and also prepared for the early battle of the New Gravelines to launch the Scythian expedition. Reject her!
People: Reject Nuclear-Beth!
[5 days later]
Mark: Forward, strangers! We're going to go to the Glorious Avenger.
Elisa: Yes, barrister.
Dan: Mark, I don't know if you join the XCOM Attorney to report th-
[reaching to the harbour.]
Mark: Come with me!
[turning up the sky. They watch the protest, refugees, citizens, and some soldiers who process the weaponry. They reach La Oficina de Gloria.]
[15 minutes later]
[arriving to the front]
Mark: Hail, strangers! I am Mark Romer. And it's my friends Dan and Elisa. Can we go to the office?
[entering to the office.]
[Philip II, at 32]
Philip II: Greeting! I am Philip II of Spain, devout follower of the true Catholic. (Hmm... I don't know why Pete is an Orthodoxy.)
Mark: So miracle for the truth and loyal!
Dan: Phil, why did you lose your battle during the New Gravelines?
Philip II: I had a problem with the logistical expedition. Since Elizabeth focused her ocean nuclear to use the Storm Horror.
Elisa: Of course, not.
Philip II: But I prayed to our armada who were destructed by Nuclear-Beth and rebuild our armadas to prepare for the Glorious War.
Mark: That's outrageous, but miracle.
Elisa: Look! There are Philip's preferred foods.
Mark: Churros with hot chocolate and tomato spaghetti.
Philip II: How wonderful foods!
[In the Bridge]
[Pedro II, at 47; Catherine de Medici, at 33]
Announcer: Attention please! Our project will have Gloria Headquarters that will be held on February 15th, 2016.
Pedro II: Phew... that sounds good.
[Catherine reading her favorite josei manga (Flower and Sword)]
Catherine: Something I'll get perished in the Great Ball.
[Jadwiga, at 14]
Jadwiga: Look! It's Philip II.
Philip II: Ladies and gentlemen, we know that the Scythian army carries the invasion of Glorious Ones. Although Elizabeth gives the promise to Scythians and Netherlands.
[Frederick Barbarossa, at 34]
Frederick: There's no excuse to our people who mourn to our defeat.
[Mvemba a Nzinga/Afonso I, at 54]
Afonso: The destructor has failed us.
Frederick: We need to go, everyone. The rebellion has occured in this world.
Peter: The powerful army can't face our powerful one.
All: Peter the Great?
[Peter the Great, at 31]
Peter: The expedition problem has occured at the rebelion against Scythians, Dutch, Muslims, and English.
Jadwiga: The power has 90% for the English nukes to destruct our armadas.
[Isabella the Catholic, at 24]
Isabella: As you wish.
Episode 5: The Secret Battle
[The Hall of Glory, main room]
Mark: Alright, everyone. This is the League of Gloria in the HQ.
Philip II: In the headquarters?
Isabella: We have been working hard to do the most wonderful and most glorious.
Philip II: We are going to meet some members of the glory.
[being shown when mentioned]
Philip II: Pedro II, the crest of leaf and jungle; Peter the Great, the crest of water and wood; Mvemba a Nzinga, the crest of feather and spear; Jadwiga, a low-pitched young girl who has two crests: flower and light; Catherine de Medici, the crest of darkness; Frederick, the crest of sword and shield; and Isabella, a wife of Ferdinand who has two crests: seed and bird.
Dan: Whoa! That's glorious!
Isabella: We believe in the crest of light and darkness. Except for Catherine who simply believes in the darkness for her espionage. Philip, come to the Spokesman's screen!
Catherine: Follow us to the bridge, Peddy!
[Catherine laughs]
[Pedro II getting shocked and insulted]
Pedro II: Screwing roguish queen! It's Pedro!
[the others laugh why Pedro II is called "Peddy" by Catherine]
Catherine: Oh, that's what to say, freaking Peddy.
Pedro II: Nope! You screwing roguish Catherine!
[Pedro II fighting to Catherine]
Philip II: Oh, man...
[In the armory]
Merlyn: Xander?
Xander: What's wrong?
Merlyn: The Radical Scythians had threaten the city of Paris.
[Xander reading the newspaper]
Xander: Tomyris?!
[Next day at the Hall of Glory]
Narrator: Meanwhile...
[Route video on the main screen]
Spokesman: Hello, the Glorious Ones. In the rise of the Glorious Project. You have to favor a main bases... and survive on the secret expedition. Good luck, the Glorious Ones.
Philip II: We have an SD Card.
Isabella: Have to take the SD to Spokesman. Scan the SD and copy the secret files.
Spokesman: Give me the secret informations for the war.
Elisa: Hey! It's Spokesman.
Pedro II: Tell about the armada.
Spokesman: Preparing 170 ships, 10.000 members, and 18.500 soldiers, and 3000 guns to take the warship.
Afonso: But why to get delayed?
Spokesman: That was a bad weather and water nuclear.
Peter, Jadwiga: Bad weather?
Catherine: Phew... the Murderous One was a cautious at the storm...
Frederick: At the storm? Just no more waves.
Episode 6: At the War
Narrator: Meanwhile, in the Earth Channel Office.
[1 hour later]
Teddy: Mr. Gandhi, we have to take a risk about the armadas.
Gandhi: Elizabeth's tribute?
[in the field]
[people protesting against Elizabeth]
Montezuma: Long time no see, freaking Pip.
Philip II: No so fast, Monte!
Montezuma: Freak you, Pip!
[in the front on the Earth Channel Office]
[people still protest against Elizabeth]
Philip II: But I am an Admiral of the Spain who has a crest of candle and paper: Philip II!
Isabella: Lieutenant Isabella of Castile!
Frederick: Admiral Frederick Barbarossa of Germany!
Afonso: Grand Admiral Afonso of Kongo!
Catherine: Rear Admiral Catherine de Medici of France!
Peter: Captain Peter of Russia!
Jadwiga: Lieutenant Jadwiga of Poland!
Pedro: Vice Admiral Pedro of Brazil!
Philip II: Mass screwed, Monte!
Montezuma: I have to freaking summon Elizabeth. No one cares!
[people screaming]
People: Help! Nuclear-Beth! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!
[emerging form the bridge]
[after Mark disappeared]
Dan: Mark, where are you?; Mark? MAAAAAARK!
Jadwiga: My turn, Monty!
Montezuma: My sentence is backed with... NUCLEAR-BETH!
[Elizabeth breaks free from the throne; using the nuclear weapons]
Elizabeth I: Hyaaaaagh!
Catherine: Ah! That's like a "Nuclear Gandhi" from Civilization franchises!
Jadwiga: Help! I'm scared!
Peter: Don't be scared, Jadwiga. We have to finish this!
[Monty jumping onto a top of the roof of the hall; kidnapping Elisa]
Montezuma: So long, the freaking Glorious Ones!
[reaching Elisa]
Dan: Elisa!
Elisa: Help! Dan!
[Dan fails to save Elisa; Elisa goes to the prison]
Dan: I'm gonna save you, Elisa! Elisa? ELISAAAAAAA!
Elizabeth I: You can't beat me, screwers!
Pedro: Oh, how greedy!
[people screaming again]
Philip II: We're going to stop Elizabeth using the nuclear to destroy our armadas of the world! Isabella, go!
[Isabela rises into the air and uses her technique.]
Isabella: Bombas de la Granada!
[Note: "Bombas de la Granada" meanings "Bombs of pomegranate" to drop the bomb; blaming the Nuke-happy.]
[Elizabeth uses her technique to bash.]
Elizabeth I: Rose-bombed-cards!
[Isabella getting bashed by Elizabeth who uses the magic cards.]
Isabella: Hyaaaaah!
[Isabella falling into the ground]
Afonso: Nice shot!
Isabella: Phew... She's too strong, Phil!
Frederick: She also uses the stormy technique.
Pedro: Screw you, Elizabeth!
Philip II: (Before she uses the water nuclear to destroy our armadas.) Spokesman!
[The Hall of Glory, at the moment]
Narrator: Meanwhile, in the Bridge
Spokesman: What are you doing, Admiral?
Philip II: We need to know how to defeat the nuke-happy Elizabeth.
Spokesman: Nuke-happy Elizabeth?
Philip II: We've got to defeat the nuke-happy Elizabeth and build the Statue of Glory.
Frederick: Isa, use the culture card!
Isabella: What's this?
[opening the secret: Feuermacht]
Isabella: Feuermacht? Let me do this.
[Izzy pointing to Pedro]
Isabella: Pedro, use the Rousing Rocket Launcher.
[Pedro grabbing the Rousing Rocket Launcher]
Afonso: Penas do Relâmpago!
[Note: "Penas do Relâmpago" meanings "Lightning Feathers"]
Philip II: Ah! I got it!
Catherine: What's that?
Philip II: Beam Cannon! Beam Cannon is the most powerful weapon human forces can deploy.
Catherne: Can deploy?
Narrator: Philip II uses the Beam Cannon to prepare the attack on the armadas.
Elisa: Woah!
[Peter deactivates the stormy nuclear weapons; Philip II prepares the Statue of Glory to defeat Elizabeth I]
[Later, Philip II uses the Beam Cannon to beat Elizabeth I; Elizabeth I gets shot on her stomach]
[Elizabeth I falls down; splashed into the water; disappeared]
[Elisa is saved from the prison]
Episode 7: The End of the Battle
Narrator: In the same place...
[Mark getting cough after fume]
Mark: Finally...
[before escaping]
Philip II: Your power is not enough to destruct our duty, Monte!
[Monty going into the nuclear vehicle]
Montezuma: I will be back, the Freaking Glorious Ones!
[taking into the sky]
Philip II: Screw you!
[people yell when Monty in the vehicle fly away to the sky]
[the decisive Glorious Ones victory]
[in the Bridge]
[in mic]
Dan: Listen, everyone! You don't want Elizabeth to bulid her own Counter-Armada. See, the nuclear-based spell weapon can destruct the peace. The history of the world has to build the new heritages and items. The glory, is a one of the greatest theories.
Merlyn: The Peacekeepers will rebuild the city, in order that the people keep calm. Mission accomplished!
People: Yeah! Long Live the Glorious Ones!
Elisa: Thank you for saving us, Dan. You're my best companion!
Dan: You, too.
Merlyn: Ha ha. The XCOM Avenger rebuilt!
[Dan kicks Merlyn]
Merlyn: Ouch! Stop kicking me!
[everyone laugh]
Narrator: Philip II and his allies leave the Bridge. In the Great Challenge of the Duty and Wisdom revealed in this world... and peace.
Epilogue: The Secret
Tomyris: I have conquered the Glorious Ones many times.
?: Why?
Tomyris: The ADVENT has the new propaganda, no humans can volunteer. And Sectoids threaten the true civilization.
?: How difficult.
[Tomyris open her eyes and endanger the citizens]
Tomyris: It's about time... to build the NUCLEAR INJECTION!
[End of the Glorious League]
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