#a fighter through art ( huan beifong )
empirelead-a · 3 years
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girlandthedarkness · 4 years
Lin Beifong x Reader
kind of a sequel to this headcanon with Lin Beifong
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The advantage to be the Avatar's friend is that you not only travel different places with her, you as well make a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. So it's not a surprise that you joined the search for new airbenders after the Harmonic Convergence. You were glad to find new airbenders with Korra and her friends, you thought that Lin will be against that, but she tells you to do what you please.
- Are you not mad? You ask thoughtful
- You know I never could be mad at you, also, spirits know, this group need someone who can think. She said with a small smile.
The journey was intense, and without any success, only one airbender has joined you. Ba Sing Se was even a bigger mess, the queen holds airbenders hostage for her own army, the blood in your veins was boiling. How dare she hold these people? You thought nothing could calm you down, It was until you saw your girlfriend who notice your anger and sadness. She learns about your situation and warns Korra about Red Lotus, whose members had escaped. Later, when the airbenders were safe, she holds you in her arms while you let all the emotions through tears.
- I saw enough of Ba Sing Se, remind me never to come here. You said while Lin just let a small laugh.
You were so excited when you heard that another airbender was found in a city entire made of metal. But you knew something was wrong the moment you saw Lin's face when she heard about Zaofu. Her frown became even deeper and she looked rather annoyed, insisting to turn back to Republic City. You stayed silent as Korra and Lin had a fight about if they should return to Republic City or collect a new airbender. They decided the last one.
- Something's wrong? You asked when you two retired to yours shared room.
She sighs heavily and gives you a painful glance, instinctive you pulled her closer to your body and give her a bear hug, so she knew that you're here for her.
- It's ok if you don't want to talk about it. You said concerned
- There's someone in Zaofu that I don't want to come face to face with. she said so low that it was almost a whisper
- Who? You question impatiently
- My sister.
When you arrived in Zaofu, Lin chose to remain inside the airship, instructing the group to not tell that she came along with them. You roll your eyes, the last night the only thing she told you was that she doesn’t want to face her sister because of a big conflict they had in the past. You tried to reason her why she should encounter her sibling, but she was way too stubborn to see your point.
Aiwei show you the city, the statue of Toph Beifong, who invented the metal bending. You with Bolin were so thrilled to see the city, their buildings and architecture.
 - You are so lucky to date the Toph's daughter. He said, whispering to you.
You giggle at these words
- Well, you lucky enough to try and learn the metal bending, at this word he let a deep sigh
- I hope.
You meet the matriarch of the city at dance rehearsal, you let a surprised sigh, because she looks so much like Lin, perhaps both of them look very much like Toph? Probably you never saw her in real life, only the statues and some portraits in the books.
Suyin named all of your group members, giving you a smile.
- I heard you are a wonderful healer?
- Yes, she is, the answer for you Korra, but also one of the best fighters. You heard a tone of pride in her voice and suddenly you felt shy.
Your discussion was interrupted by Aiwei who leans to Suyin and whispered something in her ear. You frown deeply when you saw that, looking at you Korra smiles, because this face reminds her so much of a certain Police Chief. But you realized they knew there was someone else on the ship, because of the seismic sense, such being the case why you could never give Lin sneak hugs.
- Aiwei says that there is someone on your ship?
- I told you Y/N, its Chief Beifong, for some reason she didn't want to come with us?
- Lin is here?
- Do you know her? Ask Korra dumbfounded
- Didn't she told you about me? Y/N notice the hurt in her voice
- Suyin is her sister, Lin's sister. You offer clarity
After the reveal, everyone suddenly developed the ability to walk fast, you barely could to hold the pace. They rushed so fast, that you were the last one to enter. When you come into the ship the intense atmosphere could be almost touched. Two Beifong's siblings gaze at one another and then the hell gets loose. They accused each other of so many things, such as tearing apart the family, Suyin accused her sister of not making any contacts with her in thirty years. You saw the almost ashamed stare in Lin's eyes at this word, so you moved to her side to bring a little bit of comfort since everybody looked for some reason so betrayed.
- Y/N why don't you tell us? Wonder Bolin
- I thought you didn't have secrets from me?  Korra asks a little bit hurt
At first she was shocked when you reveal your relationships with Chief Beifong, after that she enjoyed to tease you about it. But then the reality hit her, you started to spend so much time with Chief Beifong, that she internally always rolls her eyes. Isn't chief very busy woman? It bugs her how you depart from her, she was so happy to spend some time with you at home, but then Unalaq happened. She was relieved when you decided to help them to find the new airbenders, but then Chief joined them and it was once again you and Lin.
- I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, you started to apologize, but that's not my secret to decide to reveal it or not. Also, I thought we came here to meet the airbender? You try to pretend you don't see Su's intense gaze.
- It's my daughter, Opal. Finally said Suyin
You were holding Lin's forearm, while Suyin decided to introduce her family, you wonder if it's for the whole group or only for Lin. She started with her twin sons, Wei and Wing, who were playing power disk, something they invented. She proceeds to introduce to Huan, a metal bending sculptor, to his delight you let go of the Chief hand to take a closer look at his work.
- It's so beautiful and unusual, you smiled when you heard a small noise produced by Lin.
- Finally, said with pride Huan, someone who understands art.
While Suyin takes you to meet her daughter you came closer to Korra.
- Listen, I'm sorry that I didn't say to you anything, but as I said it's not my secret.
- Well of course it's not, it was yours and Beifong's secret, one of the many I guess. She said with a huff
- What do you mean? You looked puzzled
- I'm ok that you two dating, I'm even ok that Chief keeps her secrets, but you are my friend and I met you first, she said, looking at Lin who clearly could hear them, the last one rolled her eyes.
- I'm still your friend and I care about you, I'm sorry that I didn't pay you a lot of attention. You said sadly
- No Y/N, I'm sorry, Korra stoped you while everyone keeps moving, I guess I'm just a little bit jealous, she gazed ashamed to ground.
- I guess we both are guilty. You said, taking Korra in a warm embrace that she returned.
You meet Opal soon after, the young woman expresses so much of delight over meeting her aunt. But still mad at her sister Lin dismissed girl's joy, receiving a disapproving look from you. On the other hand, you are pleasant to encounter with her.
- I like your hairstyle, she said with a smile
- I can try to make you a similar one.
- So we have the airbender, we should turn back to Republic City where I can protect Korra from members of the Red Lotus. Your chatter was interrupted by Lin.
- Zaofu is the safest city in the world, I assure you, Avatar Korra is secure here.
You admired the Huan's sculptures when you saw a shadow approaching you.
- There's something stunning in metal, you said while turn around to see Suyin, perhaps the way sun reflex on it.
- Bolin said you see my sister. She said with a small smile
- By see you mean dating? You chuckle.
- So it's true, I never thought she would find someone who will bear her.
- She's not how you all portray her, just because she doesn’t show off all of her emotions, don't mean she is evil and have none. You rant, not in the mood to listen how your girlfriend is bad.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything malicious, but sometimes she's so stubborn. She let a long sigh from her lungs.
- Well, I'm pretty sure not only her since you had such a big fight that destroyed your relationships. You said still defensively of Lin
- You right, I guess we didn't just inherit earthbending from our mother. She said with a smile, that you return. After that the silence fell between you two.
- I want to make up for the way we meet today, do you know how?
- I need to know as much embarrassing stories as you can recall about Lin. You said with a sly smile on your face.
It was early morning, the early fight between two Beifongs still fresh in your head, you were so scared that they will hurt each other. But when Lin lost her consciousness, your heart skipped a beat, you tried to heal her, but except some small scratches, she is physically healthy. It was a deep emotional wound, that sadly your healing can't even touch. You smile slightly at the peaceful face, no frowning, just Lin. You saw her eyes moving underneath her eyelids.
- How many times should I say to not look at me while I'm sleeping, I can feel it. She said without any malice
-You scared me to death, you get closer to her body on the bed
- I'm sorry, she said while she opened fully her eyes and moved her head to your chest
- How do you feel?
- Relieved.
- Do you want to talk about it?
- Maybe other times, did you even get any sleep? She asks with a concern in her voice
- I couldn't, not until I'm sure you're alright.
She lifts her head from your chest and look at your face.
- You look ill, she said with a small smile. I think you need to sleep.
With that word she switches your position and now your head is on her chest. You raise your head to give a kiss on her lips, after you settled down, she kissed you on the cheek
- Goodnight Lin. You said almost falling asleep
- Goodnight Y/n. she put you closer drifting away as well.
A/N: “Kinda cheesy end, but this woman deserves some happiness. It was supposed to be a comfort Lin small fanfic, but it gets out of my hands and become my biggest English work”
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Questions for the ship Baavira Pre-relationship 4 General 5 Love 4 Domestic Life 3
4. Who felt romantic feelings first? (pre-relationship)
Baatar caught feelings first, back when they were kids. Within two years of Kuvira’s arrival at Zaofu, he was 100% wrapped around her finger. She remained oblivious to this fact through most of their adolescence, but in the years leading up to Book 3, there was something like a mutual crush between them. 
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference? (general) 
For most of their young lives, they were basically the same height. But then Baatar went away to study in Ba Sing Se and came back a few inches taller than her. He only grew more during the unification campaign, and by the time they get engaged, he has to bend down in order to kiss her (Kuvira refuses to stand on her tip-toes, but will occasionally earthbend herself up to his height). 
As for age, I think Baatar is about a year older than Kuvira. (My headcanon is that Kuvira is two years older than Korra, making her 20 when she left to stabilize Ba Sing Se and 23 during Book 4).
 4. What are their favorite things to do together? (love)
During the unification campaign, they did a lot of stargazing together, trying to make up for all the nights they spent under the domes back at Zaofu. The night sky is especially beautiful in the Si Wong Desert and the northernmost parts of the Earth Kingdom, where they can see the lights from the spirit portal at the North Pole. Sometimes, when they didn’t have too much administrative work to do, they would stay out past midnight, just watching the celestial bodies. Kuvira has all the constellations and their myths memorized (because independent study at Zaofu). Sometimes Baatar would point to a random one to see if she knew it, and he never caught her lacking. 
They also listen to music together. When they were teenagers, Baatar would try to rewire her radio so it could pick up the stations in Republic City and the Fire Nation instead of sticking to the local ones. Kuvira is the only force in the entire cosmos that can convince Baatar to dance, but he’s acquiesced every single time she’s asked, and will probably never stop. 
I also have a headcanon that they get kinda competitive over pai sho. Being the tactician she is, Kuvira is the better player on the whole, but Baatar can often eek out a win because he knows her so well. 
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Ironically enough, I see them having five children. (I initially wanted it to be three, but all five personalities kind of stuck with me. I’ve mostly imagined them as adults in the Avatar Jade headcanons, so please bear with me). Character descriptions are under the cut because there’s a lot lol. 
The eldest, Tai, was very dutiful and mild mannered as a child. He never gave his parents any trouble, and understood what was expected of him as the child of the governor of Ba Sing Se (more on Kuvira’s political comeback later lol). He’s a strong eartbender, but he never truly masters metalbending the way his sisters do. He decides to study law and go into politics, and by the time Avatar Jade is discovered, he’s the governor of Gaoling. 
Avani (two years younger than Tai) always loved fighting and threw all of her energy into her metalbending training. She learned a lot about matters of state and security from Kuvira (as the career peak baby, national security briefings were basically her lullabies). As an older teenager, she accompanied her mother on a number of high-risk missions. She decided to join the United Forces instead of going to university, and becomes “General Beifong” before she turns 30. 
Priya (two years younger than Avani) was the wild child. She was a talented metalbender like her older sister, but she built her reputation as a dancer rather than a fighter. As a teenager, she liked to party and stay out late. Priya argued with her mom and older sister A LOT, and she once ran away from home and hid in Zaofu with her Grandma Su. Even though they don’t always see eye to eye, Priya adores her mother and would fight anyone for her. After dancing professionally for years, she goes on to found the Bending Arts Academy (a performing arts school she had talked about with Grandma Su and Uncle Huan for years) in Zaofu, and is known as Headmistress Beifong as an adult. 
Jae (four years younger than Priya) was the first nonbender among the siblings, and he definitely compensated for it with his personality. Charming and charismatic, he could always talk his way out of trouble (and there was always trouble where Jae was concerned). When he was a teenager, he was designing race cars and drag racing on the outskirts of Ba Sing Se. Kuvira was always so entertained by him that she basically let him get away with murder. Baatar tried to lecture him on using his talent for engineering wisely (because parental hypocrisy is unavoidable). He goes to university in Republic City and ends up interning at Varrick Industries, where he meets and becomes involved with Lily Moon Varrick. As an adult, he becomes a wealthy capitalist, best known for developing resorts in the Si Wong Desert. 
Shreya (two years younger than Jae) is also a nonbender. As a child, she was quite upset about not being a metalbender like her sisters (especially when Kuvira would leave on some world saving mission and take Avani and Priya with her). She is a talented engineer, even more so than her brother, but is more drawn towards city planning and public works than the showy projects Jae tended to take on. She is the only Beifong child who is definitively closer to Baatar than Kuvira. She goes to the University of Ba Sing Se, and later becomes head of the National Electric Company. She is largely responsible for bringing electricity and phone service to even the most remote parts of the Earth Republic. 
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