#those two are never far apart ( wei and wing beifong )
empirelead-a · 3 years
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Can you do one where Wing and Y/N share they're first kiss? Also can Y/N be a water bender and possibly related to Korra?
what can i say, i'm a sucker for fluff hehe, and i honestly loved writing for Wing! i hope you like this! (also sorry for taking so long)
First Kiss (Wing Beifong x Reader)
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Fandom: The Legend of Korra
Summary: See request
Word Count: 1145
Reader is gender neutral! (with they/them pronouns)
It was evident now that there were new airbenders, and (Y/N) never hesitated in helping their sister and the rest of her friends. The whole journey to Ba Sing Se was a rollercoaster, but they eventually made it to Zaofu.
During the whole journey, Lin was acting even grumpier than usual, and once they all got there, they realized why.
"I found out why you were so against coming here. Why didn't you ever tell me you had a sister?" Asked Korra once everyone went back to the airship.
''Half-sister,'' Lin corrected her.
Obviously, Lin didn't want to be there, she made that very clear from the very beginning, but Suyin was right: they all went there to meet the new airbender, not to fight, and there was no time to lose.
Su decided to introduce everyone to her kids, making the whole Team Avatar feel welcome.
''Those are my two youngest, Wei and Wing. They're playing a game called power disc. They invented it all on their own, '' said Su.
''That seems fun, '' commented (Y/N) while watching the two boys. They couldn't help but giggle a little bit when one of them scored a goal.
''Ha! Wing goes down.''
(Y/N) saw the boy on the ground and thought that he was really cute.
''Hey, look, they seem to be around your age, '' whispered Bolin to (Y/N) while slightly wiggling his eyebrows, and they blushed a little.
''I'm so proud of those two,'' said Suyin, and they all kept walking.
They reached a place filled with sculptures made of metal. (Y/N) absolutely loved being a waterbender, but they were fascinated with the versatility of metal, they thought it was amazing.
Once introductions were over, everyone made themselves comfortable since they were staying in Zaofu. Bolin and (Y/N) decided to take a little walk around, both mesmerized by the city.
The twins were still playing their game, and (Y/N) couldn't help but look at them. They only realized what they were doing once Bolin asked if they were listening to him. (Y/N) smiled a bit and apologized to the boy.
''Go talk to him,'' he said.
''What? Talk to who?'' They asked nervously.
''I saw you looking at Wing I think it is, just go talk to him.''
''Are you crazy, Bolin? I'm not gonna do that! He doesn't even know my name and just- no, I won't.'' They licked their lips and scratched their neck, still feeling a bit tense. ''Come on, we should get ready for dinner.''
They walked together back to the guesthouse, and shortly after they got back, it was time for dinner.
There was a suffocating tension in the air. Everyone knew how Lin could be, but she was more irritated than usual, and it was evident.
(Y/N) felt a little awkward. They were sitting in front of all their friends around people they weren't familiar with, and if they were already nervous, sitting next to Wing didn't make things better. However, the boy was really nice and actually tried to make conversation with them, and soon (Y/N) stopped feeling so uneasy.
Wing was also feeling a bit nervous, he'd been wanting to talk to the waterbender ever since he saw them but didn't know how. He initially thought that (Y/N) was very good-looking, but he found out that they were really nice and sweet too, and he couldn't help but like them a little more.
Once everyone was done eating, they all went to their rooms, ready to rest. However, (Y/N) decided to go outside for a bit, they wanted to catch some fresh air.
Suddenly, they heard someone walking towards them, and since they didn't know who it was, they got ready to attack, but immediately relaxed when they realized it was Wing.
''Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you,'' they apologized.
''It's okay, and you didn't actually do anything to me anyway,'' he chuckled and walked a little closer to (Y/N). ''What are you doing here?''
''Just getting some fresh air, you?''
''I, well, I saw you were here and thought about coming to talk to you,'' he admitted while slightly blushing.
''What do you mean you saw me?''
''My window is right there,'' he said, pointing at it and (Y/N) nodded. Wing let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. ''So what do you think of Zaofu so far?''
''I think it's amazing, really. I love how everything is made out of metal, kind of reminds me of home,'' they said.
They both sat down on a little bench, face to face so they could comfortably talk to each other.
''You're from the Southern Tribe, aren't you?''
''Yeah, I grew up there and well, then Korra and I moved to Republic City.''
Wing and (Y/N) stayed there and talked for a while, happily getting to know each other a little more. He then walked (Y/N) to their room, not really wanting to get away from them.
''I had a really nice time tonight, thank you,'' they began saying. They chuckled and he did too.
‘’Of course, and I had a nice time too, I hope you stay here for a while,'' he gave them a quick peck on the cheek. ''Goodnight, (Y/N).''
''Goodnight, Wing.''
The next morning right after breakfast, Wing asked (Y/N) if they wanted to take a walk with him, to which they said yes.
They walked for a few minutes and talked about pretty much everything. But then, the boy stopped and started playing with his hands.
''Is everything okay, Wing?''
''Yeah, yeah. I'm just a little nervous.'' He took a deep breath, trying to build the courage he needed. ''You know, I wanted to say something last night but I kinda chickened out last minute and I- well, maybe it's a bit too soon to say this since we met yesterday but I... I kinda really like you, and I just wanted to say it.'' He let out a nervous sigh and shyly scratched his neck, waiting for a response.
''Hey, it's okay, Wing. Just calm down a little,'' (Y/N) said while putting a hand on his shoulder. ''I kinda really like you too.''
''Oh, that's a relief, really,'' he said while smiling. ''I just have something to ask you now.''
''Can I kiss you?''
(Y/N) was sure they had the biggest smile on their face and since the words just couldn't get out of their mouth, they just nodded.
Wing slowly put a hand on (Y/N)'s face and got closer to them. They shyly wrapped their arms around him and finally, they kissed. Once they pulled apart, they couldn't help but smile.
''Yeah, I definitely like you,'' said the boy before kissing them again.
@burningcurrently @sorrythatspussynal
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riceccakes · 4 years
Means Something
here’s the sister fic to Same Boat!
it takes place in the same universe, just from Korra’s perspective. This one is inspired by Lizzy McAlpine’s song “Means Something” if you wanna listen to the song, I totally suggest you do !!! i followed the song a bit more loosely in this fic but i hope you guys enjoy it
read it here on ao3
or here on tumblr :)
The corner of her mouth curled up in a smile as she snapped a picture of the billboard passing by. Korra was with her basketball team, traveling to Ba Sing Se for a game. It couldn’t have been a coincidence that on the drive there she’d seen a third Future Industries ad. This one had Asami posing with a confident smile on her face as she was surrounded by smiling Future Industries employees. Without a thought, Korra sent the picture to Asami. 
One with your face on it? Look at that goober
After a few moments, Asami replied:
Goober? Oh yeah, you in the reflection? Glad to see your face :)
Kuvira peered over Korra’s shoulder and started laughing. The girl quickly put her phone away and turned around to look at Kuvira sitting behind her. Korra gave her a stare and Kuvira leaned back in her seat, putting her hands up, but laughing lightly to herself. 
Korra couldn’t keep count of how many times Kuvira poked fun at her about Asami. Korra had to constantly remind her the two girls were, in fact, just friends.
“I’ve seen the way you two get along,” Kuvira would say. “That’s not nothing.”
Korra knew she was right though, that there had to have been a reason for the state of their relationship. They worked in tandem, Korra would put down the place mats just as Asami would put the plates and utensils. While Korra would pick the Netflix movie, Asami would somehow bring every single snack Korra wanted to eat. When Korra would walk down the street, Asami would be right by her side, in step. (Even though Asami had longer strides, Korra knew she would take smaller steps so she could keep up.) When Korra was about to sneeze, Asami would be ready with a tissue for the girl to take. There had to have been a reason for it all.
The stars must’ve aligned: two girls who dedicated their lives, thus far, to their respective crafts decided after meeting they would set aside time for each other. It was like the movies, the few years they’d known each other passed by in a montage. Korra refused to believe it was an accident that Asami was leading a student tour of Republic City University when she was visiting in regards to a basketball scholarship. Sure, it may not have been the tour group Korra was assigned to, but she heard her voice, the velvet smooth, the sweet sound of music, how could she not be drawn to it? It could not have been by chance that Asami pulled her aside when the tour was over and questioned the lost look in her eye. While Korra first stumbled through her words, she found her footing after making the girl laugh. It was no fluke that the girls quickly fell into rhythm, talking about their interests and dislikes then moving to personal matters and lifelong dreams without batting an eye.
It was Asami who was able to get through to Korra on the way to Tonraq’s funeral. The news struck suddenly, he died on impact after his car swerved off the road on a particularly icy evening in the south. To everyone else, Korra made sure to seem fine; she stayed quiet but would be responsive, nodding, shaking her head, mustering up all her energy to put a small grin on her face. But when she found herself alone with Asami in the back of the Future Industries jet flying them south, Korra knew she could let go. Asami wrapped her arms around the girl’s shoulder and Korra began to cry, falling into the girl’s chest and bawling for what felt like hours. 
At the wake, Korra stayed cooped up in her childhood bedroom, holding the picture of her father teaching her how to take a foul shot. Senna opened the door and was followed in by Asami. Korra looked at them both and sighed, gripping the frame to her chest. Senna gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead then left the room as Asami stood to the side. When her mother was gone, Korra stood up and fell into Asami’s arms.
It may not have been her father’s bear hug, but the feeling of Asami’s chin on her head brought a comfort she’d never felt before. Of course Asami’s hugs would feel like home, because she was Asami Sato and while Korra couldn’t find the right words to explain the sentence, she knew the sentiment was right. She was Asami Sato and it was no accident everything felt right with her.
It was a cruel twist of fate that at the biggest party of the semester, hosted by esteemed Beifong twins, Wing and Wei, Korra and Asami found their way to each other when the night was finishing up. They’d spent most of it apart, Korra felt challenged by Mako after he stated he was better at pong than her, so they were off playing round after round while Bolin scooped Asami up to be his wing woman in impressing the twins’ sister, Opal. The girls found a secluded room and recounted their nights to each other whilst slurring their words. They sat on the ground next to each other, using the wall to prop them up. Asami had her head on Korra’s shoulder. It got quiet and suddenly Asami’s hand was on Korra’s cheek and their lips were pressed together.
The kiss lasted for a moment and despite the intake of alcohol, Asami tasted like sweet cherries. Korra thought the tides were changing, that their relationship was shifting, and she was going to accept it with open arms but when Asami pulled away her eyes began to flutter and she fell asleep on the girl’s shoulder. The boys found them, Korra running her fingers through Asami’s hair, and they helped each girl get into the car. Designated driver Bolin brought Asami to the Sato mansion and Korra brought her inside. She stayed over that night.
In the morning, Asami had no recollection of the kiss.
It was a cruel twist of fate that shook Korra’s soul. The kiss was short, but it ignited fire in the girl’s heart. Suddenly every other person was just fine, but none of them were gorgeous like Asami Sato. No one made Korra’s heart speed up, no one made Korra’s head swim, no one made Korra feel anything that came close to the feeling of that kiss. She never told anyone about it. It was a secret just for her, one she replayed night after night, hoping if she thought about it hard enough, she’d taste the sweet cherries again and see the sparks when she closed her eyes. There was no way fate would play such a trick on Korra, at least she thought so.
“It’s too bad your little girlfriend can’t make the game,” Kuvira said, putting her chin on the headrest of Korra’s seat.
Korra shook her head, it was just circumstantial. Ba Sing Se was too far out for her friends to make an appearance. After the game, the team was to clean up and shower then hit the road again to travel to Omashu and return to Republic City by Monday. Korra didn’t expect a single one of them to make the trip. (Even though she prayed to Raava that Asami would somehow show up in the stands of the University of Ba Sing Se Arena, if she couldn’t spot those emerald eyes, the two girls would still be best friends.)
At that moment, Korra’s phone pinged again and showed a message from Asami. She sent a picture of herself in the RCU Fire Ferret’s jersey she bought, the one she ironed Korra’s number on, and in her message said repping my number 6, i’m there in spirit! Korra felt her cheeks blush, the world must’ve had plans for the two of them. Even if the thought was totally, absolutely, outright insane, she held onto it, her grip would not let up. It had to of all meant something, it had to.
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