#【letters to the uniter】ask meme
tanadrin · 1 year
bonus objectives
The primary purpose of life is, depending on who you ask and what mood they're in, to live virtuously, to be of net benefit to the world, to enjoy yourself, to pass on your genes, to pass on your memes, or nothing at all--or some other bit of boring nonsense. The following are your bonus objectives. Point values are loosely based on a combination of difficulty, pointlessness, and entertainment value.
Get the IAU to name a planetary feature, solar system object, star, or exoplanet "Butthole." (5 points; +5 points if it's a crater) 2. Convince at least one U.S. state to officially allocate its electoral college votes to a nonhuman primate (5 points) or other animal (10 points).
Have a news story reporting your death be a major international headline (e.g., the number 1 post on Reddit for the day). (1 point; +9 points if you are not otherwise famous)
Become the first internationally recognized Emperor of Mars. (5 points)
Be the cause of a major revision to the UNCLOS. (5 points)
Mend the Great Schism/heal the Sunni-Shia divide/reunite Western Christianity. (10 points each)
Uplift a nonhuman animal to the point it can speak, write, or type a natural human language at least as well as a 10-year-old native. (10 points; +20 points if it's not a mammal; +20 points if it can also win a FIDE-recognized chess tournament)
Domesticate bears. (10 points)
Solve one of the remaining Millennium Prize problems in mathematics. (10 points each)
Build a medieval-style castle on the Moon. (5 points)
Receive a valid letter of marque from King Felipe IV, or his successor, and use it to capture a British-flagged vessel. (5 points; +45 points if you do this at or beyond low earth orbit)
Unite two non-Commonwealth countries in personal union. (1 point; +4 points if they're on different continents; +25 points if they're not monarchies)
Have Liechtenstein declare itself an empire, without its borders changing (5 points).
Convince Istanbul to change its name back to Constantinople, or Tokyo to Edo, or Mexico City to Tenochtitlan. (5 points each)
Convince Greece to change its name to South Macedonia. (25 points) 16. Successfully hoax the world into believing they're being contacted by aliens for at least a week. (15 points; +50 if you've got actual aliens on the line)
Start a new religion that gains at least 10,000 followers. (1 point; +4 points if it's not an offshoot of an exisiting major world religion; +10 points if it doesn't closely reference any major world religions' mythology or theology at all; +5 if that includes not borrowing any major new age or neopagan concepts; +10 if you do all this on, or convince your followers to move to, another body or planet in the Solar System; +10 if your religion subsequently becomes another major world religion; +25 if it's *not* principally a Scientology-style scam; +50 points if the place in the Solar System you establish as your religion's spiritual center is the one you convinced the IAU to name "Butthole")
Start a new political ideology that wins power in a UN member state. (1 point; +4 points if it's not just a cosmetic rework of an existing political ideology; +5 points if you win power through constitutional means; +10 points if you manage to retain power for at least 5 years)
Circumnavigate the globe under your own power. (10 points)
Leave the Solar System (dead or alive). (15 points; being on an escape trajectory will suffice for the purposes of scoring, unless that trajectory is likely to be intercepted or disrupted by a solar system body like a planet or asteroid; +50 points if you're somehow still alive when you hit the heliopause)
Touch an object of interstellar origin on an escape trajectory from the solar system (such as 'Oumuamua) and say "Tag, you're it," while remaining in contact. (20 points)
Develop a conlang that is used regularly by at least 10,000 people. (15 points; +25 points for every order of magnitude increase in users after that number; +100 points if it becomes a standard international auxiliary language spoken at least as widely as English)
Invent a word that makes it into OED. (1 point; +4 points if it makes it into desktop-sized abridged dictionaries)
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sirmidezz · 9 months
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Rambo head canons
Except it's just me projecting
-had a hippie faze himself up until he got drafted. After that his entire perspective changed on them.
-calling him a sad shelter dog is a understatement. He is a soggy wet rez dog that trautman found on the side of the road and gave a hot dog to.
-John's sad puppy dog eyes are not only used for looking at things, but also to secretly hypnotize any waiter lady to get free appetizers.
-he can sing he just doesn't want to. (Let this man sing a Johnny Cash song and be prepared to fall in love.)
-knows so many insults but doesn't use them mostly because he is genuinely a nice guy and doesn't like hurting peoples feelings unless the other person deserves a good word with him.
-he can be mean and not think twice about it, but he chooses not to.
-want to watch a movie with him? He will fall asleep as soon as he sits down on the couch.
-hides candy in his sock drawer to feel in control of himself. (Same)
-he buys candy he doesn't even like just to hide it. (Same)
-don't ever ask John for money. He doesn't have anything to provide and will only give you his thoughts n prayers.
-"ur transgener?" John will understand, he doesn't judge anyone. He grew up around 2 spirited people.
-John will never understand a "deez nuts" joke so please dont make them around him he will only look at you confused and stare at you after you make the joke.
-he has a pair of dad glasses he uses to read any letter sent to him. You want to show him a meme? Watch him pull out a pair of glasses and not laugh at the meme.
-he doesn't want a pet but if you get him a pet he will treat the pet like his own baby.
-when he was younger he learned how to hoop dance. He doesn't know how to dance now which is honestly very disappointing. (Same but with another dance😭)
-unironically goes "hehehe" when he gets what he wants like extra jam on his toast.
-has that generational trauma on BOTH sides. (Got hit with a double whammy)
-looks Lana Del Rey, but is actually mitski.
-almost never cries, but when he does someone probably died. Like nothing else but loss (and his talking about his past) can make this man break down nowadays.
-if he were a line in a song it would be, "cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me," (family line by Conan grey)
-if someone sat john down looked him in the eyes, held his hands and said, "your soul needs peace, you need to releive your anger not with violence, but with a gentle breath, allow yourself to feel for one last time." Then he will cry. Like full on ugly cry into your shoulder and let out pained groans and whimpers typa shit.
-he has big parental issues only he distances himself away from everybody he ever gets attached to in fear of being hurt again.
-he craves physical touch, only he gets so uncomfortable when someone hugs him.
-this man can deadlift 300. maybe even more, he can go walking miles without stopping once. hell he is a whole unit, but he will not go to the kitchen to get you a cup of water no matter how much you ask him.
-hates mushrooms.
-had a pet crawdad he accidentally lost. (It's still alive somehow, he just doesn't know it.)
-thugs it out on a daily. 💯💯 (I will pay for his therapy)
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tanoraqui · 4 months
5, 9, 19, 23 for the russingon asks!
[ask meme]
5. "Lies came between them": what are your thoughts on the relationship between Fingon and Maedhros during the fraught period of the Unrest of the Noldor?
As a rule, day to day, if the animosity between Fëanor and Fingolfin is at a 10, the animosity between Maedhros and Fingon is at a 4 or 5. This means that often it's no more than a background tension, an awareness that this friendship is a pointed choice and public act as much as it is a genuine expression of entirely organic affection... But they're both loyal sons, and even more than filial piety and family loyalty they're both convinced that their own side is right, so...
After Fëanor draws the sword on Fingolfin in the king's hall, but before any judgement has been passed down, Maedhros grits his teeth and goes to Fingon to try to smooth over the events of the day, because that is what they do, the two of them. But both their tempers run high - it's not like Fingolfin didn't insult Fëanor back, with impeccable passive-aggression - and they have the worst fight they've ever had. They do not speak again before Maedhros leaves for Formenos. They do not speak while Maedhros is at Formenos, though they both start and stop several letters.
In the lingering shadows of Darkness, Fingon finds Maedhros soaking wet in a stream near Formenos, after the entire family has ridden there pell-mell and while Fëanor is still vanished somewhere with the untempered madness of grief. Maedhros had finally slipped away from his brothers to have a moment to himself, to bathe, and is scrubbing his feet raw where he'd stepped in Finwë's blood unknowing. They end up holding each other and weeping, and promising to see this through (though neither has any idea what "this" is yet, and neither wishes to specify, lest any argument restart).
They don't actually talk anything out until a hospital tent beside Lake Mithrim, though - not the old grievances, not the numerous new ones that have burst up in the interim.
9. Share some headcanons on what the day-to-day of their relationship was like: what were their favourite things to do together?
They really enjoy sparring together, with fisticuffs or wrestling or, preferable to both, swords. There was a while where swords were just an exciting if dangerous new sport, and they regularly competed and did exhibition matches. Then it became increasingly politically fraught for the two of them to be doing so... Not that this always stopped them, because they weren't always wise about trying to maintain the bonds of friendship amid the House of Finwë...
They're both happy to be able to spar once more when united in Beleriand, for all that it's no longer a game at all. After re-incarnation, they'll eventually resume the habit, though it'll be some time before Maedhros can hold a sword without being overwhelmed by soul-searing guilt.
They also both enjoy walking into a fancy event knowing that they are the prettiest motherfucker in the room and have the second prettiest motherfucker in the room on their arm. Maedhros is the one who really makes an art form of personal beauty - he was given natural talent in this direction; he might as well hone it! - and will happily spend 2 hours primping before so much as a family dinner (when not in a constant state of war, that is). Fingon is more casual day to day, but does enjoy dressing up for an event.
19. Share three of your favourite Russingon fanfictions (bonus: tag the authors if they're on tumblr!).
NSFW: Enthroned by @arofili (warning: explicit) is my favorite fic for russingon fealty kink. By which I mean, they have sex on Fingon’s throne and forget halfway through who is melodramatically playing King and who is Liegeman. It’s ideal. Their ability to comfortably switch that is one of my favorite things about this ship, and more fic should portray Fingon as just as horny for the idea of High King Maedhros as Maedhros is for High King Fingon.
justonelastdance is my favorite author in the “Post-Rescue from Thangorodrim” tag, which btw is a GREAT tag for hurt/comfort. They write Maedhros is various shades of extremely fucked up and traumatized frames of mind, but in a way that feels…plausibly impermanent? Some fics portray Maedhros as back on his feet too fast for me (I want whump!) and some as too broken (he was being poetically sarcastic about Thingol’s attempted geopolitics within a year!). With justonelastdance, I get to be the sicko in the window cackling as I watch his worst days, while acknowledging that he has many better days than this over the stumbling course of recovery.
This IS a fandom in which the flexibility of canon begets a glorious sandbox of infinitely varied headcanons, so… Once we move beyond pwp and self-indulgent angst, the only person who gets the characters 100% right To Me is, in fact, Me. Everyone read Celechwes Fixes the Noldor! The title is ironic; they cannot truly be fixed except maybe by millennia of time and slow forgiveness!
23. Tell us about any Russingon WIPS or ideas you have.
I’m not going to do it, because it would require more genuine care than I’m interested in putting into this silly au, but it would be fun to continue this idea from the superhero au. Because what would be fun to write and interesting to read is exactly what would be tricky to write: maintaining a balance at all times between 3 simultaneous stories:
The melodramatic cliche plot of “Hero is captured and recruited by Villain, using amnesia and mind control, and must escape both literally and mentally/emotionally while rediscovering who they are, aided by friends (ft. at least one “I know you’re in there!” fight) and confused by incredible sexual tension with the Villain and getting to see them as more emotionally vulnerable and casually, sympathetically human than usual”, which the general public are witnessing in pieces and generally assuming, as well they should.
The behind-the-scenes where the above is kinda happening, sure, except also it’s an elaborate public act because Maedhros and Fingon have been secretly married for like a decade, they have a house in a decent part of town for their civilian identities and a lab-grown 4yo son and everything; only about 4 people outside the House of Finwë know this and they’re all very trusted friends. It’s obviously the heroes’ job to Save This Day (and Fingon Valiant), but you bet Maedhros also has people working on fixing it asap. His villainous subornment of Valiant includes calculations of how much evil to make him do in order to be both publicly dramatic and genuinely useful for his own schemes in ways he couldn’t ordinarily achieve, but also that Fingon won’t be too angry at him or feel too guilty about later.
The adventure that amnesiac!Fingon is having, which mostly resembles Story 1 because nobody is telling him Story 2, because he’s too amnesiac to know how much to keep secret. He’s going weirdly hard (by trope standards) (which he’s vaguely aware of, though not as they apply to his own life history) on the “sexual and emotional attraction to Villain” part, because he can’t remember any facts about his life but he still intuitively recognizes Maedhros as “most favorite, trusted-ish person in the world”, and Maedhros is at some point going to swear Fingon to absolute secrecy then little Ereinion to see him, because when you’re 4, there’s a big emotional difference between “Dad’s not coming home for a few days because he’s on a work trip fighting/saving aliens in outer space” and “Dad’s not coming home for a few days even though he is in the city and you might see him on the news; he just doesn’t remember you right now.” Better to let Erein see him, with the amnesia explained, and get some good reflexive Dad Hugs in.
I think I’d mostly write it in Fingon’s POV, so Stories 1 and 2 are implied in the background. The “I know you’re in there!” fight would probably be with Fingolfin, because it has to be someone so badass that Fingon cannot fight only to disarm and disable, even when his opponent is doing that; it’s kill or surrender—and Fingon is very, very, good in a fight. But he won’t kill. Maedhros Phoenix sent him out with orders to “Do whatever you have to do in order to [crime]”, which technically does include killing, especially of someone trying to stop him from [crime]—but Fingon hasn’t killed anyone but willing minions of Morgoth since the Battle of Alqualondë, and a little amnesia and light mind control isn’t going to make him start now.
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Weird Question.
What does a good Limbus Company Tier List look like?
[Warning: Long]
Gacha games are, at least in part, games about optimizing limited resources. There is a daily stamina limit, and weeklies and dailies that you need to feed that stamina into. In turn, you receive an amount of rewards that need to be spent to acquire and upgrade units. Limited rewards. And you need so many just to upgrade one unit. Decisions need to made, resources allocated. You only have so much, you want to get and use the right stuff without wasting anything on someone you find out is trash 90 levels in. Right?
This is an aspect of Gacha that is often missed in discourse about pngs of anime waifus: the emotional and intellectual labor of investing into a unit, the constant worrying about if you are making the most optimal choices, and the satisfaction of planning well. How a lot of attachment to a character can stem not from their design or personality but just because they're all you had that countered this boss node and lord almighty they clutched out the win with 0.1% HP after you dumped all you had into raising them. I could talk about it all day, it' super interesting to me. But to refocus, the major consequence of this kind of game design are tier lists.
Tier lists will tell you, at a glance, what units are worth investing in and what's worth avoiding. Good tier lists will provide comprehensive explanations and guides for each unit to contextualize their placement. Bad tier lists won't. They can be the combined knowledge of an entire community for a game, they can also be an edict laid down without compassion or transparency. Again, absolutely interesting. And again, to refocus, Limbus doesn't really have one.
Ok, there are Limbus tier lists. Esgoo has great tier lists on which IDs and EGO you should prioritize when considering Uptie 4. Obviously those are his opinion, all Tier Lists are at the end of the day, but he has a whole hour of discussion covering the why's and hows of each category. There is a Prydwen tier list for units, but its rarely shown to new players in any of the PM communities I'm in and is instead largely chastised to my knowledge. I've seen Sinner tier lists, meme tier lists, so on and so forth. None of these are the Tier List.
Maybe its just a sign of the times, but I remember when Gachas had the Tier List. Community vetted, moderator approved, above any all all others. Offered freely to newcomers and watched feverishly by veterans after a new unit is released. Nowadays I feel like I rarely see them.
Limbus doesn't have the tier list. You may wonder if it even needs one and I think you'd have a point. Boiling an entire ID's value to a letter grade might seem unnecessary, especially as Limbus is a bit different as a Gacha. IDs are easy to get, and though the level cap continues to raise (in a way many others find alarming and I'm inclined to agree) it's still less than a week's effort to max one out. I've played games where it took a month of currency to get a single Unit useable. THere just isn't as much drive to worry about leveling the wrong things, investing incorrectly because basically anything works.
There still are obvious differences in the strengths of each character ID. True, most if not all are "useable", but you're probably better off leveling Pequod Yi Sang than Seven Yi Sang. You are definitely better off leveling Pequod Ishmael than Sloshing Ishmael. Its fair to want a quick cheat sheet to communicate those ideas at a glance, with explanations for those who want to delve a little deeper.
But I ask again, what would it even look like?
By what categories and traits do we subdivide these IDs? How can you convey that W Ryoshu is a self sufficient DPS monster tahat requires no synergy to be good while Maid Ryoshu has AoE built into her kit as well as strong poise gen that also does good damage at a glance? Put one in an AoE group and the other in DPS? Is that truly accurate when part of attack weight is that it's great against Abnormalities, the most common type of one-on-one encounter?
I ask the question "what would it look like" because I truly don't know. Limbus is a complicated, evolving game. I don't think that makes it special or standout in any particular way, but for an example it could be that Seven IDs are top tier next event because of temporary buffs and that throws a whole tier list on its head. I don't know of many Gacha that do stuff like that.
That's kinda the end of the thought. The best I can come up with is a list consisting of three tiers: "great, good with the right team comp, and don't. Further explanation available upon request." That's not very helpful, is it?
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
If you're not far-Left and woke that is
Robin Westenra
Aug 06, 2024
You’ve got to hand it to the Brits.
They (sill) have a sense of humour despite the fact that humour is as dead as a dodo on the BBC and elsewhere.
Everyone in England finding out they’re far-right.
Here’s a view from a historian of nazism from Southport
An Open Letter to Prime Minister Keir Starmer (Southport)
Dear Keir Starmer, I'm calling out the Fascist United Kingdom government for its tone-deaf and totally inappropriate response to the disorder on the streets of Southport and the rest of this country. I'm calling for peace. Could you actually listen for once?
More satire
10 Foolproof Ways To Dodge Keir Starmer's 'Two-Tier Keir' Policing In The UK
UK — "Oops, what did we vote for?" are the words spoken by every ordinary Brit after their first sip of coffee in the morning, as they struggle to navigate the treacherous waters of Keir Starmer's new government and its infamous "Two-Tier Policing" policy.
Fear not, dear Brits, for I have compiled a list of acts that will definitely get you into trouble with Two-Tier Keir;
1. For being white: Consider a temporary skin-darkening procedure or wear a balaclava and carry a knife while taking the tube to work!
2. Declaring allegiance to Elon: Soon you'll receive a text from your mum: "Get off X" 3. Talking about the UK when not in the UK: Stick to American politics, they are way more tolerant!
4. Protecting your children from masked and armed thieves: This is racist. Instead, teach your kids to politely ask the thieves for their names and addresses.
5. Winning gold at the Olympics: If you're white and blonde like Keely Hodgkinson, do not beat a pack of black athletes in 800m. Let them past!
6. Commenting on Facebook posts: Only use emojis and GIFs. No one can arrest you for a well-placed laughing face.
7. Using the British flag emoji
: Patriotism is now thuggery. Replace it with the flag of a small, obscure island nation that you have colonised. Try this one
8. Criticising Starmer: Avoid poking the Hitler within, we all got one. And, avoid posting memes portraying Starmer as Hitler!
9. Independent Journalism: Don't do it from the UK. Set up shop in a luxurious resort in Cyprus with great internet, cheap cocktails, and massages!
10. Avoid using the words 'Civil War': If they do slip out of your mouth, claim you were referring to a movie you just watched! At publishing time,
Three-Tier Keir is about to be deployed, featuring the army!
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mari-buginette · 6 months
Hello everyone in the United States! Eric Burlison in Missouri voted against the new budget Biden presented. He did this for many reasons, including opposing anything that makes being LGBTQ+ safe in the USA.
He used a popular Tumblr meme in the news letter he sent me, the one with the gent in orange puffer coat, and the text is several rows of hate for humanity. This outlines clearly how much he wants Americans to suffer.
Get him out of office.
This is our mission Tumblr. He comes to our house?
Ruin this man’s whole career.
This is how we win the revolution you want. Vote out as many Republican seats as possible this year. Especially this fool, who doesn’t know who he’s messing with. Go get ‘em, Tumblr.
Missi Hesketh is the only Democrat running against him in district 7 currently. I know there's enough of us to flip this. Ask your work for time off. Voting is open 6am to 7pm. Get an absentee ballot, or vote absentee the night before, as you are allowed if you request it on the .gov site.
For reference, this is the misappropriated meme showing Republican intent to make lives miserable:
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marypsue · 1 year
16 and 21 for the fic ask meme
[from this meme]
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
There are two possible times I come up with titles: either as soon as the premise lands in my head, or when I am staring down the draft on AO3 and about to post it. There is no in-between.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
Here's my little secret: I don't delete anything anymore. Anything that doesn't work where I'm trying to put it gets copied and pasted into the very end of the document where the story lives, after about half a page of blank space from the last line of 'real' writing. Then I have it, preserved in amber, for if I get another twenty scenes in and realise that I need something and that thing that I cut out twenty scenes ago is exactly the thing I need.
(This happens more often than you might think. I completely cut about 2/3 of the final chapter of the road goes ever on, thinking I'd have to rewrite it from scratch. Nope! Just had to chop up those 2/3 of a chapter that I cut, rearrange it like a maniac with a corkboard and some red thread, and write a handful of interstitial sentences. And now it reads like it was always meant to be that way, and I can't even remember where all the stitches are. Ain't writing neat?)
To answer the spirit of this question and not the letter, though: yeah, all the time. Part of that is because I keep scenes that I cut, and if I really love them, I'll often find a way to work them in somewhere else (or into something else), so it doesn't feel like quite as much of a permanent sacrifice as it might. Part of that is because...well, have a story.
I'm a fresh baby adult. I have just recently graduated high school, and now the full weight of everyone's expectations of what I'll do with my 'potential' and everyone's disappointment that I don't have a clear, safe career path planned out yet are resting directly on my shoulders. I'm in a university art class. I'm very, very nervous, because I don't feel like a 'real' artist, because I don't feel like I belong here with all the good artists, and because I have a nervous perfectionist streak almost as wide as my entire body.
We are doing a unit on sculpture. I have never in my life done any sculpture, except for a couple of (extremely ugly) clay crafts in elementary school. We are assigned to take a rectangular block of styrofoam, and make an animal shape out of it. The kicker - we can't add anything to the block, only cut away.
I manage to make a reasonably decent-looking animal shape in my rough draft. But as soon as I try to translate it to the big block, it's immediately obvious that my design...lacks something. It's blocky. It's bulky. It's ugly. It looks...close to the shape of an actual animal, close to photorealism, but the fundamental rectangular-ness of it is so overwhelmingly strong. I'm carefully whittling away at the edges and the corners and the curves, scared to wreck it by making a big change, but nothing I do is helping at all.
Luckily, I have a very good art professor. Luckily, I have limited patience for fussing around with things that aren't working. (Luckily, I've been listening to MCR's Danger Days on repeat and it, especially the idea of 'Would you destroy something perfect to make something beautiful?', has been setting little fires in my brain.) Luckily, somehow, for whatever reason, I get fed up with nibbling around the edges and seeing no results. I get brave.
And I cut a deep curve into the side of my sculpture, cutting nearly half of the material away in one stroke.
The sculpture comes to life. The change is instant and obvious, and, more importantly, it's good. It's not anything resembling photorealistic anymore - if an actual animal was shaped like that, it would be very, very uncomfortable or possibly very dead - but it looks more like an animal than it ever did when I was going for 'realistic'. It has motion. It has visual interest. It carries the eye through the sculpture. And this massive improvement on the one side makes it suddenly extremely obvious where the rest of the sculpture needs similar cuts and angles to balance it.
I think I ended up getting a B or a C+ on that assignment. The sculpture turned out kind of wonky, with some angles that still didn't sit right. It was not a piece of timeless art. But that wasn't what was important. What was important was that I took a big risk, and got rid of what wasn't working, and it made something good. Something compelling. Something interesting. Something that, for all its flaws, I was much, much prouder of than the dull, safe thing I had been working on.
Sometimes, especially when you're just starting out as a writer, just starting to find your voice and feel confident in your work, every sentence feels precious and it feels dangerous to move or remove them, because what if you'll ruin it, what if you'll never make anything that good again. But if you're writing, it means you care enough about telling a story to try at it. Trying, and continuing to try, is how improvement happens. As Annie Dillard so beautifully put it, these things fill from behind. You will write something as good as that again. Many things, even. And even better things, so long as you keep plugging away at it.
And...you know your story. You know when something doesn't fit or isn't working, way deep down. The worst thing you can do for yourself is leave it where it doesn't belong anyway because you're scared of making a mistake.
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harinawa · 2 years
harinawa masterpost + navigation
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Hello! This post is a one-stop shop (?) post of my short intro and links to my WIPs. Might be updated from time to time.
𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚
Welcome to my Writeblr! Where I post memes and bellyache about my most favorite thing in the world, which is writing. My name is Sofia, 21+, she/her. I have another intro here (where I basically say the same thing) and I write mostly fantasy stories and some poetry on the side.
General Content Warnings: mentions of death (in WIPs, mostly), violence (towards non-existing entities), foul words. Will fight tooth and nail to keep this writeblr at least R-16. Capital letters more often than not as testament to my feelings, excessive use of colloquial vernacular expressions like 'korique' (literally correct, means agreement or acknowledgement of fact) and 'eme' (means just kidding, kidding, it's a joke).
Not Okay with homophobics, terfs, and general hate speech purveyors. I can respect preferences but I do not tolerate bullying and prejudice.
A-Okay with writing tag games (even if we have never interacted!!), receiving random asks about my WIP, or you sharing things and tidbits about your WIP.
[masterpost + mobile nav under the cut]
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I. Forsaken Gods - Infographic Intro - PPT Intro
↺ urban YA fantasy, based on philippine mythologies
Seventeen-year-old Aya de Luna is familiar with the world’s cruelty. With her father estranged and her mother dead, it takes more than street-smarts to feed herself and her fifteen-year-old sickly brother. That is, until she witnesses a murder and acquires a weapon only heard of in legends that leads to her brother’s kidnapping. In her mission to find him, Aya discovers a whole new world where the gods are as crazed as the monsters that live in it. Blood will be shed, secrets will be revealed, and all who seek power for themselves will be punished.
A. Character Introductions
Aya Victoria
Kale Leonidas
Nicolas Rafael
Yen Paraiso
Ybarra Miguel
B. Worldbuilding
Creatures, Humans and Non-humans
C. WIP Tags
general wip tag: # fgc aesthetics: # fgc.misc snippets: # fgc.bits rants: # fgc.rant
II. All the Devils are Here - PPT Intro
↺ YA middle fantasy, murder mystery, academia themes
The elusive Madam Quincy is said to have revolutionized education when she established the House of Royals-- a pillar of ambition, catered to train the world's next leaders. However, scandals and controversies rattle the House of Royals' reputation with heirs dropping dead like flies, and no one can tell who the murderer--or murderers--is. The deaths spark unrest among the kingdoms, and if the murders aren't solved soon, then the already precarious balance between two strong empires might be tipped--and the rest of the world along with it.
A. Character Introductions
Hiraya Luwalhati
B. Worlbuilding
The Psycha/e
C. WIP Tags
general wip tag: # atdah rants: # atdah.rant aesthetics and inspo: # atdah.misc
III. Dead Man Walking - PPT Intro
↺ NA fantasy, pirates and witches
Kosmos was once a great empire, split into three when power and greed forced men to rip the lands apart. Now three mighty kingdoms stand in its place, and yet remnants of the curses of the ancient empire still linger up to this day. The exiled heir to a powerful bloodline, Nyx Asteria wants nothing to do with curses and ancient empires. All she wants is to remove the seal burning on her back that forces her magic to feed on her own veins and carry on quietly as the handmaiden to the Duke’s Daughter. Just as she’s getting used to her new job and identity, she becomes an offering to the pirate captain of the Shadow. So Nyx does what she does best and bargains for her life, entering what is already a shaky agreement and turning it into a soul-binding contract. Never mind that she can’t even do magic without feeling like she’s dying. Never mind that she’s with a band of peculiar pirates, united by their own selfish goals. Never mind that their captain’s notoriety reaches the ends of worlds, bordering on legend at best and sounding like fabrications at worst. Nyx knew, though. The first time she saw him, she knew he was just a Dead Man Walking.
A. Character Introductions
Not quite here yet.
B. Worldbuilding
C. WIP Tags
general wip tag: # dmw aesthetics and inspo: # dmwaes rants: # dmwrant snippets: # dmw.txt
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𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙨
random posts: sofiasays self-reblogs: srb answered asks: sofiasaid (i realized i have no creativity whatsoever) poetry: sofia.poetry
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If you want to be added to any of the taglists of the WIPs above, or on my general taglist, kindly send a dm/ask!
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boasamishipper · 2 years
T and Y for the ask meme?
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)?
first ones that come to mind (not all of which can be classified as hard and fast, but these are the headcanons i will die defending):
Iceman Kazansky 1) grew up in California, 2) has a sister, 3) has known he was gay since he was a teenager, and 4) was raised Jewish but never had a bar mitzvah and only reconnected with his faith after his cancer diagnosis.
Maverick Mitchell 1) moved in with his mother's sister and her family after his mother died and has not spoken to any of them since he was seventeen, 2) had his queer awakening pre-canon, and 3) kept in touch with only a few people after the events of Top Gun: Ice, Slider (by proxy of staying close with Ice), Viper, and Sundown.
Coyote Machado 1) grew up in New Orleans, 2) is bisexual, 3) was Top Gun (Hangman took second place; the two of them were neck in neck all the way to the end), and 4) is conversationally fluent in Portuguese because his father grew up in São Tomé and Príncipe before eventually moving to Lisbon and then the United States, where he met Coyote's mother.
Hangman Seresin 1) is demisexual, 2) grew up in a very emotionally distant old money family (like old old money; his father's family made their fortune in railroads and real estate during the Industrial Revolution, and his mother is a Vanderbilt), 3) met Coyote in flight school and has been friends with him ever since, and 4) has amassed just enough emotional intelligence since leaving high society to know What he should say in a serious situation (ie. one that requires some sincerity and genuine human emotion) but not enough emotional intelligence to actually know How to say it.
Sam Obisanya and Dani Rojas are both bisexual and the youngest siblings in their family.
Billy Tyson has dated men before but kept it on the DL from everyone in the 126 because a) it wasn't their business and b) he didn't know how they would react.
Owen Strand is not a bad father and would die before he ever wore cargo shorts.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
9-1-1 (Fox), BTVS, The Rookie, Home Economics, The Sandman, Game of Thrones, Andor, New Girl, House of the Dragon, and Succession (though I'm sure there are others I can't think of right now).
send me a letter!
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vanvelding · 1 year
📰 🔬
Another morning of waking up and learning about another--
Elon Musk, TW by the way
--random collection and symbols which is a Fascist Thing.
So a prominent person or someone in a position of authority says 📰 🔬 or "paper microscope." Something stupid like that. Or they have a paper microscope on their desk, or post the initials PMS, or says a three-letter phrase with those initials, or they ask if a scientist who wrote a paper that supports left-leaning social theory used a real microscope.
Then someone(s) else says that 📰 🔬 is a racist dogwhistle, or an antisemitic codeword, or a symbol used by fascists shitting in port-a-potties, or some other damned thing. "It actually means..."
The first response is the tribal shitflinging. If you hated the first party, then obviously they're using cryptofascist symbols. If you hated the second party, then obviously they're making up things to smear the first party, "📰 🔬 means 📰 🔬 and nothing more."
It exhausts me because it's definitional. 📰 🔬 doesn't mean anything. The letters in this sentence mean nothing, objectively. I chose those two emojis randomly.
Let's freewheel fashy, alt-right, misogynistic meanings for any two symbols:
📰 🔬 - Science is fabricated based on left-wing ideals. Or maybe it represents the hated science and reporter classes of society who are always full of inconvenient facts for right wing choads.
👨 🐘 - Contrasts the difference between regular, domesticated men and themselves who are solid, slow members of a family unit who have long memories.
🍎 ☪ - Too easy. The Christian symbolism of the fruit of knowledge about Islamist threats to western civ. Again, two randomly selected emojis synthesized into a fascist symbol.
🙀 ☠ - This is actually hard. It feels like cult-of-masculinity fans and incels never stop talking about death and pussy, but it's still a challenge. It could be a testosterone reference, since sex drive and thoughts of death are both related to testosterone treatments. It could also be about a soft, civilized civilization's fear of the inevitable and ubiquitous presence of death amongst them while they beat their chest about comfort with death because they play video games.
My point is not that anything can be miscontextualized as a secret passphrase for hateful douchebags; it's that hateful douchebags' only community is hate and the community of hate. They will always need secret codephrases with their secret friends to build the only sense of community that insufferable contrarians can build. If they tried to build a train set together there would be blood.
"It's not really a mimetic symbol among racists; racists have merely ironically chosen it as a fake symbol. 👌🏻😏" Symbols that racists promulgate is a symbol of racism. Irony is not a factor, either for the racism or for the authenticity of the symbol.
The idea is for like-minded people to give away their true affiliation and encourage others. A billionaire or senator posting "📰 🔬" means that it's successful and your fetid little ideology has the support of those in power. Followers of fetid little ideologies are still get excused by those in power and might still get pardoned! Those symbols are important.
Four years ago, John Cusak reposted an anti-semitic meme with the intention to criticize the state of Israel's treatment of Palestinians. After criticism, he recognized that what he posted could be understood as anti-semitic, he removed it, and he apologized.
All language is symbolic and meanings are contextual. There's no "real" meaning to anything; it's a bunch of symbols we imbue with meaning which is stupid and frustrating. What we can do is realize that the broad and facile appeal to values that fascism affects to get common people to accept the boot of authoritarianism can sometimes slink below the radar and get picked up and furthered by any of us.
And if you really hated fascism, racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, ableism, anti-semitism, misogyny, and white supremacy, when it's pointed out you're using their words, you might clarify or reflect a bit.
An innocent fool may say that expecting us to care about how our words affect others is oppressive, but a more malicious actor would say nothing more, having said everything they intended.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Learn the alphabet with Dolores.
A is for: Ashes Ashes we all fall down.
B is for: Brother, what other brother, I only got a little brother.
C is for: Cloudy days are more peaceful to me.
D is for: Dead... it died long time ago.
E is for: Eating Auntie arepa is delicious.
F is for: Flowers like roses makes me sneeze.
G is for: Get Out Of My Room.
H is for: Happy death day.. I mean Happy birthday.
I is for: Isabela is so spoiled, annoying and many more.
J is for: Jump on my bed and see what's gonna happen.
K is for: Kittens are my favorite along with bunnies.
L is for: Love you Mama, you the best.
M is for: Mirabel is my favorite... no question asked.
N is for: Nope, I haven't seen Camilo and Bruno.
O is for: On the way home, Isabela trip on her own feet and got mad at us for laughing at her.
P is for: Perfect Isabela gets what she wants, perfect Isabela has plastic friends, perfect life, perfect everything.
Q is for: Quiet, Antonio is sleeping and so is Mama.
R is for: Run before I catch catch you Camilo.
S is for: Shut up, it's no wonder why she doesn't hang out with you.
T is for: To be honest I can be nice if I want to, today I feel like going crazy.
U is for: Upstairs in far right is my secret hiding spot.
V is for: Vacation in the United states with Mariano for five weeks is a dream.
W is for: Wait I forgot to tell you.
X is for: What letter starts with X.
Y is for: Yellow is Mama and Antonio favorite color, I prefer red.
Z is for: Zebras are more beautiful and they not perfect, that's why I like them.
I will do the others later or the others can, got this idea from learn the alphabet with meme.
I’ve never been so confused yet so interested 😭😭 have no idea what’s going on but it’s still cool asl‼️‼️
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teamrocketmemes · 2 years
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In honor of Luxiem’s first anniversary, this is a sentence starter from this Vox Akuma VOD where they reminisce about old phrases they all have said in a game format. I’m taking both the phrases discussed specifically as well as other funny quips said during the stream. Content warning for mild language. Feel free to change pronouns if necessary.
“I’m a really smart guy and I definitely thought about this really hard before we started.”
“Are we introducing ourselves??”
“Sussy among us…”
“I’m the detective guy, but there’s someone cooler next to me.”
“[Name] is eating spicy noodles by choice now.”
“I was having the cravings and I—I just went for it.”
“There’s no such word as can’t.”
“Burrito?? Is that a Naruto character??”
“You swear to everything holy that these are not fabricated??”
“Why does it look like you etched his name in blood??”
“I was right on his ass shoving that thing in.”
“Every single [name] quote has the word POG in it.”
“I felt a strange vibration in my wenis.”
“Google it. The Flagina is real.”
“I got to Urban Dictionary and I don’t think I wanna read this out.”
“I have a meme for this. Hold on.”
“My phone is on 5% but that’s enough.”
“Staff, for legal reasons, that’s a joke.”
“Guys… How do I delete my canvas??”
“[Name] has created a horror so real that it won’t leave.”
“If I keep on guessing, one of them has to be [Name].”
“Let’s have a look at what—” Burps really loudly.
“You want to fight me in Tetris after seeing my brain??”
“They do call me the master baiter.”
“No!! I like his hat!!”
“I feel like it’s me but when the fuck was this??”
“When I read it, I can hear [Name]’s voice.”
“Here’s [full name], he says LOL.”
“This is a historic quote.”
“They didn’t say laugh out loud, they said LOL.”
“If someone ends with a full stop, I feel very threatened.”
“The grammar police in my head is just like ‘You gotta do it [name]’.”
“We had to just decipher something that was written in binary but we didn’t realize that it was binary–”
“I was straight up incapacitated for a while…”
“Oh! the double penetratio–”
“I will be putting some of you on blast today.”
“This is me but I stopped earlier, in my defense…”
“No matter what you say, it will always return to bite you in the ass.”
“My favourite position? I like beieng on my computer playing League of Legends.”
“You’re absolutely right. League absolutely plays [name].”
“Are you a mistletoe? Because I want to be under you.”
“What’s something funny… Does anyone remember the movie Sky High??”
“All I know that it’s like— My Hero Academia several years before it came out.”
“If they’re asking for a kick in, they should get a kicking.”
“Waitwaitwait— I’m drawing a funny.”
“What an unit indeed.”
“Meow, bottom.”
“Only real ones remember.”
“Ooooh the memorie– Wait, no.”
“Mine is the default Windows wallpaper.”
“You guys know the incident I’m talking about. Don’t try to play dumb.”
“That might be the most awesome thing that’s ever gonna happen on this stream.”
“I’ve never had more raw panic into my body than when it kept going after the car.”
“You exposed yourself on this one.”
“Liar has 5 letters.”
“Why is [name]’s number all the way to the right??”
“I feel like a worm on a piece of concrete.”
“See, the first question you ask is would you say this to yourself??”
“I have this really bad habit of having these really overly specific analogies that I never remember but everyone else does.”
“Did [Full name] say this??”
“[Name] really is the kid who reminds the teacher that they had homework.”
“Who really needs restraints such as handcuffs?? There’s a perfect space between the tip of my show and the heel where your wrists fit just right.”
“I can’t guess because I don’t know what this means.”
“That’s such a mid S.”
“I’m drawing with a mouse. It’s good enough.”
“Unless you did not know, I don’t wear heels.”
“[Name] is depicting a fucking cave drawing.”
“Number 12 is, I guess, cock.”
“All of my quotes are sexual.”
“I’m sorry for putting you on blast.”
“It’s not that there’s something in the sentence that blatantly gives away who it is.”
“Does he know?? He doesn’t know.”
“Like, dude, you don’t understand, it’s rectangles man.”
“Most likely to become a Bro…”
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daz4i · 2 years
For the ask game! 4, 6, 10, 15
thank you u3u!!!!!
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
oh god oh fuck uuuuuuh idk if we have one?? most of our "national" food is very much like. egyptian or palestinian food cuisine, or stuff people brought from their. origins? idk if that's the word but you get me i think. tldr shawarma is nice
answered 6 here!
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
oh definitely אחושרמוטה (achusharmuta). my favorite measurement unit as well. i also like zayin bc it's funny that a whole ass letter is also a word for penis and an expression of rage and in a way, our equivalent for "fuck". AND it's an smt character name even!
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
technically also answered it in the link but lemme give you another. עצרו הכול! תראו איך אתם נראים! בבעיה קשה, קובע השה! ש-לוש! ("stop everything! look how you look! in a tough problem-" i cannot translate further due to "this isn't an actual word" reasons my apologies)
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very brief masterlist of tags mostly for my own reference
door counting -> daily updates on cover
door agenda -> anything related to the bonedo cover poison by got7 agenda (excludes door counting posts)
not door agenda -> anything not related to the bonedo cover poison by got7 agenda
boynextdoor -> posts I make about bonedo (excludes reblogs)
about the neighbors -> all posts pertaining to bonedo (includes reblogs) discontinued
from out of town -> all posts not about bonedo (includes reblogs)
from behind the door -> posts I make (excludes reblogs except those from my main & asks)
answering the door -> answered asks
meme nextdoor -> memes (currently just bonedo memes, but we’ll see what comes to the sideblog as time goes on)
neighborhood art -> art by onedoor!
arts and doors and crafts -> edits by me that are not memes
home organization -> just this post (and I guess if I make a part two or a masterlist of something) ((but probably just this post))
any names & groups will be tagged as they are called in posts by me and reblogs excluding bonedo and the members
[member’s name] -> posts by me about member
worm leader -> jaehyun
shoulders pumpkin subway -> sungho
back it up by seventeen -> riwoo
giant mountain -> taesan
love conquers all! proof? balloon -> leehan
extreme job: maknae -> woonhak
units are tagged based on who is featured / mentioned in a given post. it does necessarily need to have them in the same photo (eg: sungho & jaehyun in one photo will most often be tagged the same as sungho & jaehyun in individual photos both on the same post) ((sometimes I don’t tag them individually if there’s a unit tag. particularly for ot6. we’ll see how it goes))
ot6: neighbors who will get along with your dad -> all members featured in a group capacity
duo: oh dude he’s flirting -> sungho & jaehyun
duo: heavy rain watch -> sungho & riwoo
duo: giant castle -> sungho & taesan
duo: guess you could say love is an open *stiffles laugh* DOOR -> sungho & leehan
duo: TBD -> sungho & woonhak
duo: TBD -> jaehyun & riwoo
duo: ex-roomates -> jaehyun & taesan
duo: TBD -> jaehyun & leehan
duo: TBD -> jaehyun & woonhak
duo: TBD -> riwoo & taesan
duo: one twoo -> riwoo & leehan
duo: tofu -> riwoo & woonhak
duo: this one giant -> taesan & leehan
duo: TBD -> taesan & woonhak
duo: responsible twenties -> leehan & woonhak
trio: lactic acid bacteriaz -> hyung line
trio: TBD -> maknae line
all TBD tags will be updated one day lol I tend to make up my own tags bc I’m not on the bird letter app so I rarely keep up with what and how the unit/duo/chemi names are. sometimes they match and sometimes it’s whatever I decide
[thing] tw -> any content or trigger warnings will be tagged as such. if there’s something you need tagged lmk. I typically distinguish between [thing] tw and [thing] mention tw
to delete later -> posts I plan to delete later (for real) ((mostly))
to delete probably -> posts I plan to delete later (not really) ((depends))
if I don’t want a post reblogged it will mention so in the tags somewhere
I’m honestly still gauging what this sideblog will and won’t feature so the posts may range a lot more as time goes on. we shall see.
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yunogf · 2 years
Omg I send you the ask about 'being worried' with Ty's comment and didn't explained why I was worried at all???
What I wanted to say is that I was worried bc of all the sm/hybe/kakao situation. After the djj unit debut there's no sign of anything related to 127 until the second half of the year (it can be bc of nct dream/superm promotions) and I don't know if you heard about the rumours surrounding group members who were supposed to have their contracts renewed or suspended some time ago (like rv and exo members who were supposed to have their contracts renewed or suspended since 2021 but no news have came out since then so people are speculating that their contracts haven't gone through this process but are actually being prolonged) but they said that some members from groups who should have renewed or suspended their contracts some time ago and some members from groups who should discuss their contracts this year (like 127 and dream) weren't happy with the suddenly acquisition and wanted to quit. All that was just speculation when hybe were on the scene but since they jumped out and now kakao is the only company trying to acquire sm the rumours just increased specially with Taeyeon's ig story (where she posted a meme of The Glory where an employee made their resign letter on back of their script. Taeyeon posted the letter of the character but changed the character's name to her's).
What I mean is that although I know it was just Taeyong being clingy maybe it wasn't him only being clingy at all you know things are all confusing right now involving sm's future so I wanted to know what you think about it I just forgot to mention this whole part lmao
Btw how are you today? Are you enjoying your weekend? Eat and rest well bae ♥️♥️♥️
omg chzkcjxk idk abt any of those things bc i dont keep up w kpop like that &i also have no way of knowing taeyongs real feelings so i just assume he was going thru his usual 127 withdrawals when the group activities end but who knows 😅
also im ok!! work is hectic but im getting used to it 😓 how r u? i hope u have a great rest of ur week! 🤗💓
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empirelead-a · 3 years
tag #1
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