#a fun addictive sort of game kinda like a mobile app game
ink-the-artist · 1 year
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Video game I saw in a dream. It was in this low poly style like an older video game. You play as this character I think was meant to be a lamb, or maybe a weird mix of a lamb a mouse and a rabbit, (while not really looking like any of those things) and you’re running away from a wolf. Your objective is to last as long as possible before the wolf catches and eats you.
The house you’re running in is endless and bizarrely put together like most building interiors in dreams are (like the infinite toilet dream dimension on Reddit lol) the layout of the house is pretty detailed, you can stop and hide in places like closets or bins while the wolf looks for you, you can go up and down stairs and into rooms etc.
You never actually know where the wolf is or how close it is to you until it appears in your line of sight, it makes no noise and the game gives you no way of knowing where it is, and it’s pretty unpredictable it doesnt move at a consistent pace. When the wolf catches you there’s an animation showing it eating your character
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transmandrake · 1 year
Concept that will never ever happen but man, 3d renders for a petsite with dress-up ala neopets or flight rising would be a great like, time-saving strategy. Like it is mindboggling the amount of effort that goes into a single item in FR... but 3d would make the possibility of fully dress-upable pet sites way more viable (i mean. Im sure theres more but I can only think of those two. And thats fair! Flight rising is petsites georg in terms of, whatd you call it, production level)
Like, instead of redrawing a hat 30 times, model it once, and then slap it on with minor adjustments for them all, and theoretically once you have a system of what fits what, adding on another beastie wont keep exponentially increasing the work of adding new clothes.
Then, render the creature and the clothes as spearate images, and have the site layer them as appropriate and compress into a final single image. That would mean no shadows and stuff, but thats already something you cant really do in 2d, but it would be a lot more noticeable.
Also wayyyy wayyy easier to do multiple poses.
That's also making me imagine the possibility of animated petsites... prerendered probably but man, imagine like, pokemon amie but on your computer or phone with your lil dressupable creatures. As much as I hold petsites dear to my heart, I do think they're on their last limb simply because most people don't go on their computer to goof around. Like technically you can play FR on your phone but its just not the same. (Side note but um. Anybody want a nature/water sprite? I feel a lil bad theyre rotting on my account considering they must be pretty rare at this point)
The idea of a petsite as an app causes me some form of revulsion, but I'm not sure why. If anything thats what I always wanted as a kid, but most games like that are... well. Shit. But I'm also not 12 anymore so maybe 'mobile games where you have some dudes to take care of' has expanded as a genre.
But in theory it would be cool. In general I think petsites came up with a lot of fun ways to interact digitally that arent anywhere else, that would make some unique videogames.
Went on tangent below lol
Also same with those dragon breeding mobile games that you really shouldnt play but are a guilty pleasure of mine... I'd love to make a whole game based around completing a compendium of dragons by collecting different ones and combining them.
As much as I hate to say it though they fundamentally revolve around waiting a lot of time between attempts, that I cant think of a way to keep the excitement of getting something different without being the shitty mobile game style ohhh you can wait 4 hours... orrr pay usss... like, just removing the paying would just make the game annoying.
they are genuinely fun if you have no money and are resistant to addiction... which is sad, I wish I could translate the gameplay loop in an equally fun but non-exploitative way.
But i guess animal crossing does real time stuff and people love it, but it also doesnt seem the sort of idea to make a good chill out game... the only way i can think of is to just make it so on average by the time you come back from playing the 'find more dargons' part of the game, that your combinings should be ready. But making that into a factory sort of advancement would be... kinda fucked up lmao.
You obviously want to make the dragons feel like pets or companions and not breeding stock. But also the angle of 'you are a dragon conservationist and you must convince as many dragons as possible to Fuck' sounds kinda funny... like how in FR obliterating dragons for money is well-rationaled as sending them off to serve their deity, but in reverse.
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yutadori · 4 years
question! could you assign your OCs the appropriate options from re: how they use their phones: (1) calling and texting (2) utility apps (exercise, accounting, calendar tracking, etc.) (3) games (4) forgets to bring their phone places; doesn't really use it (5) they use it as a clock and are constantly flicking the screen on and off (6) camera/image storage (7) it's a kindle/tv but small
OH HELLO ANON!!! yesss omg thank you so much for asking about my beloved ocs!!! answers will be under the cut because i love to Talk
1. calling and texting a. hana: hana loves to do both but she prefers calling because shes super talkative and can literally talk for hours:3 she enjoys texting too and loves using apps like line because she loves the customization and the stickers that they offer and yes its possible that she has 54322 sticker sets (yes that may have happened to me yes its possible i might have 20 line sticker sets) oh also when shes texts, she definitely uses a lot of emojis, key smashes, and caps lock  b. koi: he’s like hana and enjoys both too but prefers texting because it’s easier! he doesnt usually spend too much time calling unless itis with hana. for messaging, he’s a p casual texter and uses emojis from time to time ! 
c. kashi: kashi!!!! he doesnt Dislike calling, but he wouldnt go out of his way to do it because he feels like it’s a lot of effort LOL he prefers messaging apps like hana because he also favors the customization! he takes pics of aes things and his cats often and he likes using those for his chat wallpaper ^__^ for response time he’s a fairly timely responder 
d. kosai (note that im not as familiar with kosai or soriiya Yet so these are up in the air !!): he’s like hana in that he prefers calling!! he enjoys msging too and replies v quickly 
e. soriya: dislikes calls and will only enjoy them when shes talking to hana ^__^ when it comes to texting, she doesnt have a preference for msging apps or the default one on her phone. she doesnt really use emojis that often and usually responds in short answers (not in a ‘dry’ way though)
2. utility apps (i dont know much abt these so my answers may be lacking dgdsgs) a. hana: oh like me she definitely has a lottttt of reminders set on her calendar bc she’s vvv forgetful 0: omg and she DEF has that bbt tracking app and when she looks back at it at the end of each week shes kinda like .............. 
b. koi: i feel like he’d utilize these types of apps p well! he likes organization and is good at getting things done so these would definitely be v helpful for him. he’d probably use apps like water tracker ones, the calendar, etc
c. kashi: i’d say similar answer like koi’s! i also feel like he’d probably use some kind of step tracker or exercise app since he plays sports!!!!
d. kosai: i feel like he’d go through the cycle of trying to use them and then forgetting that they exist gfdsgsdfgf 
e. soriya: hm i’d say like koi and kashi! maybe she’ll use them a little less
3. games (i dont play mobile games so im not familiar w whats out there so this answwer may be lacking too gfdsgfd)  a. hana: oh hana would DEFINITELY play games!! i feel like she’d play ones like neko atsume.... like v cute fun games but also games like gacha (ive never played but this is just based on what ive heard), which are so bad for her bc she . lacks self control fgd sgfd (koi eventually gets her to stop. he’’s like ‘okay hana think about it this way,, with all the money youire spending on gacha you could be spending on bbt’ and she stops immediately)
b. koi: mmm i dont think he’d play games much, maybe every now and then whenever he’s bored
c. kashi: i feel like similar to hana minus the gacha part HAHA 
d. kosai: oh hm i feel like he’d definitely be addicted to any sort of game he plays LOL 
e. soriya: no 0:
4. forgets to bring their phone; doesnt really use it a. hana: ohh i feel like she’d be both forgetful but also not gfdgfd like i feel like she can be attached to her phone but she’s also really forgetful and will sometimes forget it ggfdsfgd also during times when she’s like out somewhere (lets say a cafe) with someone and she takes out herr phone and then ends up talking i feel like shed totally forget that she left it on like the table and then when they get up to leave the other person is just like ‘hana your phone’ fsdgfdg 
b. koi: i feel like he’d usually remember to bring his phone places! i like to think that before he leaves his home, he has a mental checklist of things he’ll need to have on him that day! as for usage, i’d say he spends a normal amount on it but he’d carry around a portable charger just in case 
c. kashi: hmmm i’d say he’d forget his phone sometimes but he’d just be like ‘oh’ BUT he’d get really )): if he saw a cat or something really pretty that day and he didnt have his phone to take a picture of it ): if he’s with koi or hana they’ll offer their phones to him and he’ll just be like ;---; wait thats so cute oh my god.... im crying 
d. kosai: hmmm i’d say it’s a balance! and i feel like he’d spend time on his phone often esp when he gets bored in class gfdsgf
e. soriya: oh i feel like she wouldnt forget that often but the times she does she wouldnt really mind it either. i’d say she uses her phone the least and also uses it when she wants to avoid being spoken to gfsgfdgdf 
5. clock a. hana: yes  b. koi: yes c. kashi: mmm sometimes! esp when he has sports practice and needs to be on time since i feel like he has a ?? sense of time 4. kosai: he has a ?? sense of time too but i feel like he forgets to check the time gfsgf e. soriya: not really, i feel like she’d wear a watch!! :3
6. storage a. hana: omg...... she’d definitely be like me like right now i have i think over 5k? pictures on my phone..... it got WORSE since march bc before when i’d be out like on commute, i’d go through my photos and clean them out but now i dont gfdsg i’d say her photos consist of memes, art, aes, videos, screenshots of nice/funny convos gfggsg b. koi: i’d say he’d have a normal amount of stuff on his phone?? he’d have photos of things like his friends and family, food he cooks, memes, and stuff like that  c. kashi: LOLLL i feel like he’d be like hana because he loves taking pics of aes things and his cats!! also would have pics of his friends and the things he cooks ! 
d. kosai: oh i feel like he’d have lots of apps for some reason and def pics too,, though i’m not sure where he’d rank fggdgd
e. soriya: soriya wouldnt have many pics.... )): i do feel like the pics she has would be things important to her though, like her friends, maybe some art, snippets of writing she likes etc
7. kindle/tv oh do you mean like would they own that ?? if not let me know and ill fix my answer ! 
a. hana: i feel like she’d have one ! she gets bored easily and would like to have something to read or watch during commutes and things like that 
b. koi: yes i feel like he would! maybe he wouldnt carry it around as often as hana but he’d have one c. kashi: hm..... i’m kinda 50/50... i feel like he wouldnt because he’d see it as a hassle to carry around extra weight (even if it’s not much LOL) but i Also feel like he would  d. kosai: hmmmmm . i’d say yes because he gets bored easily too like hana
e. soriya: ohhh i was going to say no bc she would find it a bit of a hassle to carry around (both she and kashi like to travel Light) but i also see her having one because she likes to read! v
AH THANK YOU AGAIN for this ask anon!! these questions were really interesting and i really enjoyed answering them!! if you have anymore questions about them feel free to ask!!!
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crystalsoul16 · 8 years
RFA + Minor Trio: Video Games
So I got bored, and being the Mystic Messenger obsessed game addict that I am, my mind wandered to wondering what sorts of video games the RFA would play, like types or genres and some examples (aside from LOLOL in Yoosung’s case of course lol), which led to making this headcanon post. Of course, these are all just my personal headcanons, and I would love to hear what thoughts you guys have for this subject! Sharing headcanons is fun~!! Sorry this got kinda long tho lol I guess I got carried away ^^;;;
Note: If you’re on the mobile app and only see Yoosung’s section, copy and paste the post’s URL into your mobile web browser. That should fix it~
Well we all know that he’s addicted to LOLOL, and probably plays or has tried other MMOs. As perfect as those are for him, I’m looking at other types of games for this. Otherwise it’s too easy lol
Plays RPGs and adventure games the most
When he can make a custom character, his preferred classes are knight or warrior classes, but he’s also open to playing as mages
Definitely the kind of player that picks up every. Single. Side quest. Because he wants to help everyone
Need a certain number of rarely dropped items? No problem!
Want to deliver an item to someone who’s not even a two minute walk away? He’s on it!
Got a super difficult optional boss that you want dead that can–and will–display the Game Over screen multiple times, and you’re offering a class-specific item he can’t use as a reward? Sign him the fuck up!
Unless they want something he doesn’t agree with… -gives Skyrim’s Blades the side-eye-
No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t bring himself to play the “asshole/aggressive character” style
“Sure, this assassin was hired by that one traitor who wants us dead, my party is totally against letting him live since he might try to kill us again, and we have absolutely no reason to trust him aside from his seemingly honest answers which he could have just fabricated to save himself, so logic seems to point at killing him to be safe…………buuuuuuuuuut he could be a helpful party member and then no one has to die!”
Also, he loves games that encourage interaction with other players!
“People think that you don’t get any friends if you play games… but you get tons!” TRUTH!!!
So yeah, games with interaction are great!
Honestly MMORPGs are fucking perfect for him and and that’s why he’s addicted to LOLOL! lol seriously dude game with me plz
Really likes Pokemon for the sense of community with trades and battles and such
Totally attempted to make a competitive team at some point
Whenever new games are announced, he and Seven figure out who gets what version so they can trade version exclusives and such
Can never beat Seven in a battle tho… The one rival battle he can never win T^T
Also this guy is a Kirby fan fight me on this
Not a lot of time for gaming with his schedule, but he doesn’t mind using them to wind down or as a distraction when he has the time or feels really stressed out (and if working out doesn’t help first)
He’s a fan of the more cinematic or story driven games, like Shadow of the Colossus, Heavy Rain, and The Last of Us
Knowing this, Yoosung recommended some Telltale games to him
Zen got hooked. The Wolf Among Us is probably his favorite
Plus their episodic releases really work with his schedule, with each episode lasting about 2 hours, give or take. So if he starts on a fully released one, he can do one episode a day until he’s done
Sometimes he and Yoosung will talk about how their stories went or what choices they made
“Wait, you knew what ‘Glass him’ meant???”
“Of course I did, Yoosung, that’s why I didn’t choose it! What did you think it meant?”
“I thought it meant giving him a drink, not smashing the glass in his face!!!”
“lol well now you know in case they use it again!”
Also, I’m sure this likely goes without saying, but this man is damn good at DDR style games or Pump it Up I guess cuz Korea but you get my point. Good luck trying to beat him lol
I mean, first off, he’s clearly got great rhythm considering his job
And second, great form of aerobic exercise! So why not?
Might try to get Yoosung into exercising more by tricking convincing him to play this with him
He’s definitely a “freestyle” sorta player, doin’ all sorts of flashy moves
Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been asked to do voice work for a game
Maybe a dating sim…
Okay, let’s get the obvious out of the way. This man definitely plays Neko Atsume and no force in this universe can convince me otherwise. It’s about cats and you really only play it in very short intervals through the day, which works with his schedule. It’s perfect for him. Moving on 
With his busy schedule due to running a company and whatnot, there really isn’t a lot of time for him to sit down to play video games despite owning a couple of systems apparently. It might be days or weeks between play sessions. So casual games are more his thing
Okay so, hear me out. Animal Crossing New Leaf
You’re in charge of a village and what gets built where, gotta manage your finances with paying off your house and having new structures and businesses built, sometimes schedule meetings visits with the villagers, cat villagers
Questions Tom Nook’s business strategy regarding the house
“Why have the house expanded before they pay for it? A customer could easily betray your trust that way by never paying you for the final expansion. Paying ahead of time as you do with the exterior customizations would be wiser.”
“Jumin it’s just a game… ;;;;;;” 
Probably made Jaehee get a copy of the game to make some tasks easier
“Assistant Kang, you have perfect oranges in your village, yes?”
“Yes, though why are you asking me right now? Don’t you have a meeting in five minutes?”
“I’m passing the time, and Mitzy requested an orange.”
“Don’t you have regular oranges to give her?”
“Of course, but Mitzy deserves no less than a perfect orange.” plus he still needs her picture, and prefect fruit will help with that
-_-;;; “……I don’t think I can get one to you before the meeting, but I can have a full basket ready for you after you’re done.”
“That will do.”
Also, do not let this man play Minecraft
Remember, this is the guy who made fucking blueprints when he was told to draw a house when he was a little kid. He would definitely get carried away like that in Minecraft 
Like in the tutorial when they tell you to make a house? Basically just a simple box with a door? pffft, nah. That won’t do
He would probably end up building the most elaborate cube-based house you could possibly imagine and leave you wondering how the fuck he had the free time to build that
“Firstly you need a nice foyer to leave a good first impression. A standard house should have at least two bedrooms, though three would be ideal. And a living room and a kitchen are both necessary, of course. I suppose a library or office is optional, but they make a great addition. Getting enough colored wool proved to be difficult, but adding some color with carpets keeps the house from looking bland and–”
“Jumin it’s just the tutorial! You just need a one room house with a door and a bed!”
“That’s not a house, though. That’s a shed with a bed.”
might use it to help plan out layouts for new buildings
Man, most of these guys really don’t have time for gaming, huh?
Jaehee probably has the least amount of free time for gaming tho. Poor Baehee barely has time to sleep :c
She’s honestly really not that into games tho, so this doesn’t bother her. There are much more productive things she can do in her spare time like get some sleep jfc let the woman get enough sleep for once plz!!
Though if Zen did do a voice in a game she would play it in a heartbeat, or look up a playthrough at the very least. Nowhere near the same as seeing him actually acting up on a stage of course, but surely he can do a great performance solely with his voice!
Like Jumin, casual games that you can put down for long periods of time would suit her best
Actually ends up liking Animal Crossing more than she thought she would or wants to admit
She loves how the villagers are always happy to see her and always rooting for her, and she absolutely adores Isabelle
Probably has a Brewster plush or figure somewhere in her cafe
While I don’t think she’d actually play them, I can imagine her being REALLY good at fighting games
Just takes her a quick look through those lengthy combo lists and she’s got that shit memorized, and with a few practice rounds she can kick your ass with perfect wins before you even know what hit you
But of course, she probably wouldn’t play them, so you don’t have to worry about that :)
Yay, someone with some time to game!
Actually no, that’s a lie, but he procrastinates on his work a lot, so he has game time
Anything that’s humorous or gives him a chance to be a jackass would be his shit
Sometimes you just need the stupid humor of a goat flying through the air in ragdoll mode to help you get through the day, y'know?
He also enjoys puzzle games to exercise his mind, and racing games for obvious reasons he can go fast without risking his babies’ safety lol
Okay so in Yoosung’s route, he mentions playing GTO (assumed to be a knockoff of GTA), which makes sense for him because cars and high jinks, but with that in mind you know what he’d really get a kick out of?
Saints Row, especially Saints Row IV, cuz that one has hacking elements, and you get superpowers, and you gotta save people and shit. Sounds great for the Defender of Justice, no? The comedy and great music selection is a bonus, really c:
As for being a jackass… Be cautious if you invite him to play Mario Party with you.
He will purposely aim for the Chance Time spaces just to watch everyone else freak out about it, and he will aim for stealing your stars and often succeeds
He’s also really fuckin’ good at Mario Kart. Do not challenge him unless you like being hit by blue shells and other such items
Also, Battleblock Theater. Great puzzle platformer, good humor, and in co-op mode, a great chance to be an ass!! Much to Yoosung’s dismay lol
“Seven, stop throwing me into the water!! And stop blowing me up! We won’t get the time bonus at this rate!”
“lolol who cares, seeing you get mad is worth it~”
A grumpy Yoosung later got revenge by shoving 707’s character into the water
they laugh about it later lol
Guys, this poor man can’t see well at all. Like, he can only see a little bit out of his left eye. That kinda makes video games a challenge for him
That being said…idk he probably liked Pokemon Snap when he could see
Okay seriously this time, imagining he can see well and his life isn’t shit. He’d be a big fan of games that are about exploration and have stunning views or a unique art style
He’d probably really like Okami, Unravel, and Journey
Ori and the Blind Forest! Get it? Cuz he’s.........into artistic games and that game is really fuckin’ pretty
and he’s bli--
Also Firewatch. That game is fucking gorgeous. He would take so many screenshots in that one plus there’s a camera feature in the game lol
Also imagine him and Jumin playing Animal Crossing together and tell me that’s not the cutest shit
It’s a cute and light-hearted game, which I feel like he’d be into, he can play it on his 3DS when travelling, and it’s something he could play with his best buddy~ I’m down for this
Oh shit sudden thought
Okay hear me out! In an attempt to try to get closer to Yoosung, V asks him to teach him how to play LOLOL. Yoo might be a little hesitant at first but eventually agrees to it and holy shit it actually goes well and yay they’re bonding!
And damn V does a great job as a support mage
Of course V can’t play much due to travelling for work, but they try to schedule play times around that and make it work out. And during his travels, if V comes across a location that reminds him of some scenery seen in the game, he sends a picture of it to Yoosung and can this be a thing? I want this to be a thing because I need more Yoosung and V fluff in my life okay sorry for the ramble MOVING ON
seriously tho he probably really liked Pokemon Snap as a kid
Look me in the eyes and tell me this guy doesn’t rage quit
Like Michael Jones Rage Quit levels of rage quit
That first one is definitely him and Seven
Otherwise he’s pretty much silent when playing
As for games he’d like, anything that’ll let him blow off some steam, like shooters or fighting games
Need a partner for CoD Zombies? Or need someone to co-op Resident Evil with? Well, he’s not much of a multiplayer sorta guy, but if you can convince him then you’re set cuz he’d be damn good at those! 
And Multi-man Smash mode in Smash Bros is very therapeutic to him
Especially when his brother gets on his nerves
Which is often…
You can tell he’s really pissed off when he breaks out Mortal Kombat > ->;;;;;
Also, I can’t help but think that he’d be pretty good at the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games
As in “really fucking close to 100%-ing Through the Fire and the Flames on Expert mode in GH3” pretty good
Seriously his hacker hands are probably really fuckin’ fast I’m sure he could pull it off
Though when his bro sets up a “Family Game Night” and you know he would totally do that at some point or some sort of gaming get-together and sets up Rock Band, Saeran usually prefers to play the drums
holy shit drummer Saeran tho
Oh yes, thinking of gaming nights, if you thought Sev was a monster at Mario Kart, hoo boy, Saeran can be pretty ruthless himself
Except he usually saves all of his blue shells and other misery-inducing items for his bro
In a way he’d be your ally if you get stuck behind Seven
But when they need to team up, like for a 2v2 minigame in Mario Party, you are done
Those two working together make a lethal combination that you could never hope to defeat
I blame twin magic
So, hear me out. Card games
They probably play casual card games like Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, Hearts, etc on their phone to pass time
And they come across as a decent strategist to me, considering their job
And card games tend to focus very heavily on strategy
So card-based games like Shadowverse and (don’t laugh) Yu-Gi-Oh and such are probably up their alley
They’d also be really good tactical games like Disgaea
But for the most part they just favor those simple card games like Solitaire. They have too much to do to focus on other such games
Not that Seven hasn’t tried to drag them into gaming with him!
They only agreed to it when they thought Seven would get back to work after a quick game of Mario Kart or Smash Bros or something
Would lose on purpose to make the game go faster
Sev would know though and try to force them into another round
“This time with feeling!”
(;¬_¬) “…Alright, fine…..”
Another victory for 707
“Okay, you won again, now back to work.”
“Oh come on, one more! You looked like you were having fun that time! Sorta kinda!”
-Vanderwood pulls out taser-
;;;;;;; “Right, back to work! Understood!”
Was definitely having fun tho. Don’t tell Seven
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