davinciwannabesblog · 20 days
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Another Subnautica study
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please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you...
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salvitanio · 4 months
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weedlornation · 10 months
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Speak Now (Taylor's Version) inspired wallpapers!
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7nvii7 · 7 months
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star sea is literally my favorite dress in the game idc if its basic
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gardensofbabilon · 2 months
୨୧ Rooftop ୨୧ - Enzo Vogrincic.
enzo vogrincic x fem reader.
! tem de tudo aqui.
a/n: primeira vez que eu escrevo pro tumblr! obrigada xexy por me inspirar a escrever em português o que eu planejava em ingles ahahahah.
É dia 31/12 e você está na festa de ano novo do seu melhor amigo, Matías, porém sem nenhum beijo de ano novo, quem poderá mudar isso?
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''Andale, gorda'' Fran exclamou, batendo palma na porta do quarto. Faltavam poucas horas para a festa anual do Matias começar, vocês sempre se arrumavam juntos e você sempre era a atrasada.
A roupa desse ano era um vestido novo que havia comprado em promoção na sua loja preferida do shopping, ele era branco com algumas borboletas desenhadas, porém ainda era transparente e sexy, desenhava todo o corpo quando batia qualquer fonte de luz e você amava aquilo.
"Estou pronta, Fraaan'' Gritou descendo as escadas saltitando, o amigo retribuiu a intensidade pegando em suas mãos e rodando pela sala ''Dessa vez eu não serei seu beijo de ano novo, tenho certeza!" Tinham essa tradição por serem os dois únicos solteiros do grupo de amigos e o beijo de ano novo era importante para os dois.
Ao chegar no rooftop que recebia a festa mais esperada do ano, você e Fran buscam entre a multidão alguém interessante para conversar, o objetivo dessa noite era encontrar um homem para te dar um beijo, e que esse homem não seja o mesmo de sempre.
"Você sabe que eu posso te beijar, né?" Pipe se aproxima por trás e te da um beijo na nuca, apesar de todas as investidas você nunca deu muita atenção, mas todos esses anos sozinha estão me fazendo considerar uma chance.
Até que ele chegou.
''Enzo! Que saudade!'' Escutou Matias exclamar do outro lado da festa, ele passa correndo para conversar com o homem com cabelos longos e escuros que adentra o ambiente vestindo uma camiseta de botão e uma calça bege. E é nessa hora que seus olhares se encontram.
As pessoas se amontoam ao redor dele, como se tivesse algum tipo de imã que atraia atenção para si, porém seus olhos não desgrudavam dos seus. Sentiu todos os seus órgãos revirarem enquanto o seu corpo arrepia.
Passaram as próximas horas trocando olhares a distância, enquanto você sentia o queimar no pescoço durante as danças mais provocantes, que pra falar a verdade eram propositais. Qualquer um que olhasse perceberia a vontade presa dentro dos dois de se tocarem.
''Atenção galera, tá chegando a hora, se juntem ao beijo de vocês!" Esteban grita para que todas as pessoas escutem, seus olhos correm a procura de Fran, que havia sumido logo assim que chegamos. Enzo está encostado na parede encarando você com seu vestido branco quase transparente, aquela era a hora perfeita para atacar.
Se não for agora, não vai ser nunca.
"Oi! Meu nome é (S/N) e o seu?" Se aproxima aos poucos em meio aos gritos.
'' Enzo! Você também ta sozinha" Ele pergunta se abaixando e encarando seus lábios.
"Estou, nunca te vi por aqui antes" Retruca colando seu corpo ao dele.
"Se eu soubesse onde te encontrar teria vindo mais cedo! Nunca botei fé nas festas do Mat"
Ri tímida enquanto sinto a mão dele envolver a sua cintura.
''Me concede a honra de ser meu beijo de meia noite?" Ele sussurra em seu ouvido.
"Eu adoraria" Joga seus braços ao redor do pescoço dele.
Os lábios do Enzo se encostam aos seus e o calor envolve todo o seus corpo, coloca seus dedos nos fios de cabelo longos e escuros do homem, sentindo a respiração do maior pesar, envolvendo ainda mais seus corpos e acariciando sua cintura com força. "A gente pode continuar na sua casa?" Você interrompe o momento sorrindo de canto para o rapaz que agora segura sua bunda.
Ele abre o caminho para passagem de vocês através da porta e na sua cabeça só se passava o quanto estava molhada embaixo de toda essa roupa, parecia que esse homem veio diretamente dos seus sonhos. Mas eu não era do tipo de pessoa que dava para alguém no primeiro olhar trocado.
Entramos no elevador e a tensão ali era palpável, o moreno me encarava com os olhos abertos e parecia que via o seu tesão respingar através do vestido branco quase transparente, a luz do elevador revelava mais do que gostaria no momento, inclusive seus seios com os bicos duros. O tempo parecia não passar ali dentro, seu coração batia cada vez mais rápido.
''Que se foda'' Ele aperta o botão vermelho que causa uma parada brusca no transporte. Logo em seguida suas bocas se devoram intensamente, o suor escorria nas costas dele, era impossível resistir. Suas pernas se estremeceram conforme foi colocada contra a parede, a pressa em tirar todas as coisas que estavam no caminho do prazer devorava Enzo.
''Eu não sou do tipo que da no primeiro encontro'' Você separa os seus corpos agora totalmente exposta, ao ouvir a frase que sai da sua boca, Enzo ri ironicamente e passa a sua mão no meio das suas pernas, sentindo como já estava totalmente molhada.
''Sua buceta diz o contrário'' Ele sussurra em seus ouvidos, fazendo-a soltar um gemido baixo. ''Você quer que eu te foda?'' Ele pergunta com os olhos grandes.
Só faltava implorar por aquele momento. ''Sim, Enzo. Me fode como se eu fosse sua puta'' Você responde afastando as pernas e agarrando nele. ''Como você quiser, minha puta''.
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 1 month
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I need you all to see this.
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momoslilpeets · 27 days
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Little role-swap AU where Momo is the young designer lost in a magical land, & Nikki is the smart lil kitty keeping him on-task to saving the world.
I imagine momo to be very eager to help, but also easily distracted with side quests & tasty snacks. An ADHD king, truly.
Ramblings/thought process + lore under the cut:
This is what I imagine he came to Miraland in; something comfortable that he'd wear on a regular day, but that has a distinct style. Nikki's canon basic sprite has a lot of detail to it but is just a dress, socks, and shoes, really, so I left Momo's at just outfit, socks, and shoes. Reigned in my maximalist urge to accessorize the hell out of him... but I did give him a little paw earring cause it's cute. I get ONE accessory... as a treat.
Momo's suits have a lot of lace, ruffles, and cute accents when I looked up refs, so I ran with those motifs mixed with a casual boyish silhouette. I think he's a very cutesy, ouji + soft-boy stylist, who dabbles in spookier themes as well (like his Halloween witch suit, or nurse set) while keeping them lively. He personally likes to be comfortable though, so all the fanciful detail gets mixed with casual cozy items like a hoodie & boots. He probably has perpetual baby-face too; like Helz.
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maepop · 1 year
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we both lost our gift to fly 🕊
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starphenie · 2 months
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my nikki x genshin au design
class doodles + notes! i have thought about this deeply and extensively (the hour and half that is my programming lecture)
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the og design and a low detail bobo and kimi + my attempt at crossover worldbuilding (i am not a writer. i don’t think this makes any sense story wise. like i picked aeon as the archon for apple at first but he is so blue and water themed and i refuse to NOT make cloud the hydro nation but he is not from cloud. guess who’s not blue? desire. i think there are better fits for most of the archons i picked i just don’t know who.)
- everyone’s visions are based on vibes and colors
- nikki’s vision is fake because she’s the traveler it’s a fashion thing
- i have not played genshin impact since inazuma came out
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highly critical important footnote:
((characters whose appearances already translate well))
(into Genshin…)
((& that I remember))
aka i drew favs that i have committed to memory and gave them a vision that i think makes sense, doesn’t take a lot of thought bc they have sprites that are super ornamental compared to like nikki and kimi who def need redesigns lol
here is my list of characters + visions because sorting is fun, i might update this periodically
anemo: bobo, noah, royce, mercury, shade, bai yongxi
geo: nikki, yvette, orlando, loen
pyro: zoey, zhu yuxian, mela, ozeca, lilith, qin yi, cesare
cryo: agata, louie, neva, kimi
hydro: lunar, aeon, marina, ming shuiyuan, vulture, chloris
dendro: nanari, grey raven
electro: ace, elle, ai, caprico, sofia
- pretty much all the elves fall under anemo or dendro, except for Evil Vampire Flame Sword Cesare, who is an outlier and should not be counted
- nidhogg reads geo to me but ozeca is pyro obviously and they could serve such overload slay he could be an electro wielder i see it. i just can’t pick <\3
- shade got his vision when he was flynn. hc that it doesn’t respond to him since he’s changed he just uses guns now. non magic ppl with a gun in magic universe are my favorite thing
- lilith qin yi and zhu yuxian need to stop burning down buildings
- a lot of characters are omitted actually because i can’t pick an element for them. but reid doesn’t get a vision he’s just some guy
some guys: reid, hiber, toto timi aron etc all the citizen npcs
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ruffboijuliaburnsides · 2 months
randomly, I love the reason the supernatural fandom ended up shortening to "spn" rather than just "sn". Because while it feels obvious now bc it's familiar, it didn't USED to be.
But the thing was, fandom was still congregating (when it did) on LiveJournal in 2005. And fandom spaces on LiveJournal loved Aaron Sorkin. Not just The West Wing but also Sorkin's earlier, 2-season show Sports Night.
Not as popular as TWW, for sure, but well-established, as the show had aired from 1998 to 2000. And Sports Night had already been shortened, for fandom purposes, to SN for years when baby Supernatural fans started shortening it to "SN". So there was an active CHOICE to switch to "SPN" so as to not cause confusion or step on the toes of Sports Night fandom.
And like. Damn, how many folks these days would even recognize Sports Night as a show or fandom? It's not many. I just. Think about that sometimes tho. The ways we accommodated each other. The ways we still do.
I love fandom. We are, mostly, pretty decent to each other, when you account for the loud assholes and ignore them. And I think we should remember that.
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duck-that-does-stuff · 3 months
Best exchange in this whole game
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moonviewer · 10 months
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"I will keep going forward, no matter how hopeless it might seem."
(please do not repost my art and just leave a link to it if you'd like to share instead, thank you!)
#shining nikki#sn nikki#my art#sn#nikkiverse#i drew this for an art contest#but i really drew it because i wanted to say something with its message#and because i needed a reason to paint something to practice my art style#lol#i tried to make it so even those who don't know its context could understand...at least a little bit#i've recently been watching Naoki Saito (an illustration advice youtube channel) and i've been wanting to try out the things i learned ther#this time i wanted to try conveying a concept/message just in 1 image alone#at first it was honestly more difficult than i thought i tried it for days#but nothing worked and when i finally did get the idea that became this drawing it was because i was thinking one night of how#nikki was someone who has failed thousands and thousands of times yet she never gave up#i admired that because i was thinking of how i just keep failing in my goals that night#that was when i thought i wanted to convey that strength that nikki has#that strength that i also wished to have#and that was when the concept just flowed to me like water so easily#isnt it strange that its only when i start to feel like theres something i want to say that i finally find the idea to express it#something so obvious that i don't even realize lol#for context this image is about someone who lived in a world operated by AI where all emotions and creativity are shut down and dominated b#AIs kinda like the current AI crisis in the art community#but this someone believed in a world with vivid color#and the heart that created such an imperfect yet beautiful world before AI dominated it#thats what i wanted to express#thanks for reading if anyone bothers reading my long rants lol :)
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Speak Now Taylor's Version album concept
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myouiminart · 2 months
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Sana is an Angel. SANgel
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kanarienvogel-miau · 5 months
just little edit by me~
well i often think about the fact that the existence of SN speaks to the destruction of everything that I (and nikki) loved about LN...
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