#a functional website (derogatory)
vaspider · 11 months
Okay @staff the FUCK is with this new change where any post with a filtered tag or term doesn't open within the app but opens in a browser window, which means you can't ever reblog or like the post?
My filtered tags contain things that I want to be able to choose when I interact with, like 'terf' and 'transphobia', and being essentially blocked from being able to reblog or like those posts or being able to filter them so I can interact with them when I am up for it is pretty bullshit.
Like, what the fuck is this shit?
This is garbage. PUT IT BACK TO HOW IT WAS.
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disasterhimbo · 5 days
Is anyone else having a problem where they can’t post drafts?
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harfblarf · 10 months
does anyone know why tumblr mobile sometimes just abruptly forgets some or all of my tags
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
The poll post crashed the editor. I literally cant reblog it. Tumblr at it's finest.
Tumblr media
Tumblr is an amazing website:<3
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bruisedconscience · 1 year
reblog if youre so excited to have 50+ new followers in the last month and they ALL have blank, fresh-faced accounts with no likes, no reblogs, no customized accounts, and have either a blog title "Untitled" (soo original & so cute too lol!! i love that fandom) or a desc like "georgia :) 19 :) bungee jumping"
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miyamiwu · 2 years
If you delete the post it stays up because of the reblogs but it basically takes out the rest of the incoming notes for it
I'm not sure what you're talking about, anon. I don't remember deleting any post with a decent amount of notes for you to have taken notice. I suspect this ask was mistakenly sent to me, or this is some weird Tumblr bug. I did not see this ask in my activity. The only ask I saw was this:
Tumblr media
When I click on the "Answer" above, I'm taken to that ask by @ andrewszombie. But when I click on the message of the ask itself, I'm taken to this completely unrelated ask of yours. This is a really weird bug @staff . Please fix this.
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heleneplays · 2 years
the way u cant access your goddamn own blog thru (blogname).tumblr.com anymore
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dearophelia · 2 years
i just had a solid two minutes where i was adding tags to the post i was reblogging but tumblr kept suggesting tags from the previous poster and it was just at the perfect spot to cover up the reblog button. i had to add some bullshit and then delete it to get the dropdown menu to be a dropup menu instead
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sudoscience · 2 years
Love when artists tag their art as some variation of "[artist's name]'s art" instead of "my art" so I don't have to frantically reblog it a second time after Tumblr automatically steals their tags for me and refuses to let me edit the post lest people think that I'm purposely tagging other people's art as my own.
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woodsfae · 8 months
what the fuck is up with this
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orbitingkepler · 8 months
my tumblr dash is so messed up
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beezelbubbles · 10 months
Cool cool cool. That stupid fucking skull and crossbones pirates thing is sitting right over the next button. So instead of going to the next page, I can only toggle my background. Thanks @staff.
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thef155 · 5 months
Say it with me everyone:
Estrella 👏 Did Not 👏 Dump 👏 Carlos.
Ferrari dumped Estrella when Peroni offered them a sponsorship deal.
Let me explain: Peroni is an iconic Italian brand that is very important in the Italian market (as is the Scuderia). They no doubt offered Ferrari a very lucrative deal. Estrella and Peroni are both beer brands, and two beer sponsors simply cannot co-exist on the same team. It made business sense for both Peroni and Ferrari.
If it doesn’t seem like Carlos is crushed by the news, it’s because 1) this news came out in June, not last month, and 2) he probably got some kind of payout from Ferrari to dump Estrella, if in fact they’re no longer his personal sponsor—although they still appear on his website, so it’s quite possible Estrella remains a personal sponsor for Carlos even if he can’t combine Estrella and Ferrari.
Also, never forget that the Spanish bank Santander—Ferrari’s biggest sponsor—is in the game to sponsor popular Spaniards. Alonso has CitiBank as a personal sponsor, so they can’t skip town for Aston. Santander is basically like Carlos’s personal sponsor for the foreseeable future (if only by function and not by name). There is a reason the Lecfosi use “Sainztander” in a derogatory way when making the claim that Carlos wields too much power in Ferrari.
Stop. Worrying!
ETA: In defense of McLaren/Zak Brown, the only person they ‘stole’ Estrella Galicia from (if anyone) was Fernando/Aston, who were rumored to be the other half of a sponsor swap when Peroni left them for Ferrari. It’s also entirely possible the sponsor swap was nothing more than just a rumor and Estrella was simply up for grabs.
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darkwood-sleddog · 10 months
you know i think it's really funny (derogatory) that tumblr seemingly has the ability to create popups for ad-free, crabs, anything that will get them money, but when it comes to using popups to guide new users around the website layout they're just like "uww what can we POSSIBLY do?? all these new people only know twitter and they couldn't possibly read a popup explaining how to use the site!! let's just change everything visually appealing about tumblr to cater to our inability to make popups for helpful reasons uwu!!".
like you know what i want? If you're testing a change on me I want a pop up that says so. I don't want to have to rely on the @changes blog to see that. If i'm testing a change I should be given a feedback form that is specifically about that change. I want the results of the feedback forms for changes to be publicly viewable to the userbase. you could learn so much about how this website actually functions for users through that, but no. we can only make popups when it fiscally benefits us! we can't use polls to get a sense of what the userbase is feeling! we can't publicize what % of feedback about a change was positive or negative. we couldn't...possibly...
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
What even is TME? I would normally just Google it but I'm sure if I do I'll end up on some giant asshole's website. From context I can gather it's an insult aimed at trans men but I can't figure out the acronym.
it stands for “transmisogyny exempt” but functionally it means any trans person who was assigned female at birth. doesn’t really have anything to do with whether or not they experience transmisogyny. it’s just another way to say afab and is usually used in a derogatory way.
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interactyouth · 8 days
hello, do you have any videos or youtube channels recs to learn more about being intersex (that touch on any topic)? if you do, tysm!
I do, thank you for asking! I apologize that many of these are not closed captioned in advance, but I've compiled a playlist of SOME videos that I've seen online. I would like to add some clarification, though. Many forms of media that are available will use the derogatory word, "hermaphrodite", to describe intersex people. Due to its extensive history in medical pathologization, it is considered a slur and should not be used by perisex (non-intersex) people. Reclaimed usage of the term (similar to slurs reclaimed by the queer community) is only reserved for intersex people due to said history. However, medical contexts continue to use it as a diagnostic label, so many intersex people must use it when trying to receive affirming healthcare.
As a result, it's important to be aware of this information when many forms of media, both old and new, contain the usage of this word.
While the word is genuinely relevant for discussions of animal and plant biology, it does not accurately describe the anatomy of intersex people. Unlike animals and plants, human beings--whether perisex or intersex--are not capable of having two different sets of fully functioning reproductive anatomy. Sex (for humans) is a bimodal spectrum, and is not a binary. As such, bodies can look many different ways due to innate variations of sex characteristics!
Now, I'll highlight a few specific videos in particular below:
A 2016 TedxTalk by an important intersex scholar, Dr. Georgiann Davis. She has written dozens of extremely important publications over the past decade! Here is a 2011 publication and a 2015 publication discussing the pathological medicalization of intersex people , and a 2016 publication that additionally describes the medicalization of trans experiences.
Emily Quinn's 2018 TedxTalk and her 2018 Ted WOMEN presentation (the second one is captioned). She also has a YouTube channel!
Pidgeon Pagonis has a YouTube channel, and they have been featured in several different interviews across the years during their ongoing advocacy work. They have a 2019 documentary about their experiences, and they have a website.
Here is an archived video from 1997 of intersex people discussing their experiences with other intersex people at a gathering held by Intersex Society of North America, whose work is currently continued by interACT.
In collaboration with Human Rights Watch, interACT worked on a 2017 report and video to raise awareness of the harms of medically unnecessary surgeries performed on intersex children without fully informed consent. The video is captioned.
Activist Sean Saifa Wall has spoken extensively about his experiences on media platforms, and he is a co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project, which focuses on empowering Black and Brown intersex people in advocacy work.
There is a 90 minute documentary that was released in 2023 called Every Body, and it details the life experiences of three intersex people.
While not a video, there is also the personal experiences of intersex youth as documented in a 2023 doctoral research dissertation done in collaboration with interACT: “'Support the shit out of them:” Intersex emerging adults’ socialization experiences and recommendations for caregivers of an intersex child".
Overall, I hope this is suitable resource, and thank you again for the question!
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