#a gormet meal
nagitolovemotel · 2 years
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black-and-yellow · 1 year
Everyone in my notes saying cat food doesn't taste that bad has never smelled Whiskas. If that stuff so much as touches my skin I'm in Accident and Emergency on the double for emotional and psychological damage.
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tticctoby · 4 months
gas station peanuts + beef jerky + drpepper = meal
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glamgoblin · 2 years
Absolutely love that Yai’s solution to not wanting anyone to know he slept with Mangkorn was to sleep with him again
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
Everytime I see a Black Doom design where he looks like a mobian my brain decides to flash me with the idea that Shadow goes back in time on a wacky adventure and sees his kinda dad young again
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spowlaer · 6 months
a girl's favorite meal:
the skin on her lips
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sweet-child · 1 year
good afternoon my sweet carrot child! how was today for you? tomorrow, i have a half day (again, i hope the whole week will be half days) and my first home tennis match… yay… 😞😞😞
but, did you learn or do anything?
Yay. How was your tennis match?
I'm going to start learning clarinet for band. Rn I'm stuck at the damn softball feild and I just- augh. I don't do well in heat and I feel like crying. My gma was supposed to pick me up and she decides to just wait till I responded to her message which is fucking stupid cause guess what?
I'm hot. I'm thirsty. And I feel like having a damn mental breakdown. Its currently 90⁰ F. I hate the heat. So fucking much.
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l0st-marblezz · 2 months
“The LiB if they were human teenagers” headcanons (+ 1 Webby hc):
Tinky is obsessed with the backrooms but only the version where there’s no monsters. He’s constantly arguing on forums on how it’s the superior version and that “Kane Pixels is the reason the backrooms are seen as a joke”
Blinky runs a school confessions page and a school fights TikTok account simultaneously. He has the uncanny ability to be present and record every school fight ever. He’s the school gossip and stalks the other students’ social media accounts. Is chronically online and knows all the niche internet drama.
Wiggly is the type of kid to run a school black market monopoly selling contraband. He manipulates other students to do the actual selling while he rakes in all the money. Any other attempt at outselling him has been crushed.
Nibbly is the kid at the back of the class who is constantly eating. It’s always some sort of fancy gormet meal. No one knows where he gets his food from. He gets aggressive when you ask him to share.
Pokey is the certified obnoxious Theater Kid™️. Sings the most obnoxious theater songs and they always get stuck in peoples heads. Is the loudest kid in the class.
Webby volunteers in a lot of the school clubs. She’s the type of student that is very nice, but is quiet and you don’t see her often. She’s quite embarrassed of her younger brothers and doesn’t want to be associated with them.
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emberunderscore · 6 days
oh im cooking btw chat. im cooking so hard. im in the kitchen. gormet meal actually
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seraphtrevs · 2 years
i am NOT a chuck hater, i love his character, but like. what did rebecca ever see in him? he can be passionate but only about the law and he's pretty self absorbed. he loves her, we can see that, but i imagine it took sooo much for him to eventually let her into his life like that
I think it's important to keep in mind that we're mostly seeing chuck at his absolute worst. We see a glimpse of how Chuck could turn on charm when he goes to HHM to convince Mesa Verde to stay with them. It takes everything out of him, but he hasn't always been this ill
I'm not saying he was ever as sicially adept as jimmy - in fact, chuck knows he isn't and is jealous. But being a partner in a successful law firm means he needs to woo clients, and everyone seems to remember him very fondly. When he's dreaming of being well with Dr. Clea Duvall, he talks about wanting to host parties at his home. He wasn't a hermit
I imagine he and rebecca had a lot in common - I'm willing to bet that they met because chuck was a big fan of classical music and saw her perform. Maybe he was a patron. They both love to cook gormet meals. Chuck is very intelligent and well-read, so I'm sure he can talk about many interesting subjects beyond the law. Maybe she likes a good debate.
Their divorce was amicable, done for practical reasons because her career had too much travel and long-distance just didn't work for them. She's still very fond of him. That seems to suggest he was a good husband
Like I said, the Chuck we see - paranoid, isolated, rigid - is someone suffering from profound untreated mental illness, which didn't manifest itself until just before the show begins. He's a shadow of who he used to be.
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evildilf2 · 1 year
If I were a million jillionare I would buy a mainecoon cat and feed it those exquisite gormet meals you see people make online. Like quails egg + beef tartar + salmon and all that.
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foxgirlmoth · 2 years
would you eat some gormet Hotmeal? (meal of chopped hot dog, onion, green pepper)
Anything else in it? If everything is cooked (all of this grilled seems good) then yeah!
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risingshine · 1 month
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"Well if ya gimme a big enough chunk, I'll be able ta make ya rotten blood and death a gormet meal~"
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jupitercl0uds · 3 months
this was like a gormet meal in year 2 if anyone had any it would be shared with everyone in the class and looking back im very glad mine broke before i could bring it in because they were probably giant sticks of spit and bacteria once they were in 2LB's hands
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missdaynish · 10 months
This updated challenge was copied from this user but I did end up editing the different generations quite a bit.
Generation One: Onyx 
Long story short, your family kicked you out. Whatever. You couldn’t care less! You’ve always been the black sheep of the family, and now you’ve got to go out on your own. You work odd jobs to make ends meet, but you never seem to get ahead. Even if life isn't going your way, at least you live on the beach as you've always dreamed.
Traits: Slob, Evil, Freegan  Aspiration: Beach Life  Career: Odd jobs only 
Complete the Beach Life aspiration. 
Start on an empty lot and build a small house with only the bare essentials, then cheat yourself down to 100 Simoleons. 
You can only make money by doing odd jobs and selling things that you find.
Max the fishing and fitness skills. 
Your only friend is your spouse. 
  Generation Two: Blue 
Growing up, you had a hard life. Your parents were always struggling, and they rarely had time to raise you. You spent a lot of time eating snacks instead of meals and hanging out at the park. Honestly? You kind of resent them for it. You know you’ll never treat your own kids that way, so you move to the city where they can have everything. You work hard to earn a nice living and learning to cook great food so you can give them proper meals. 
Traits: Family-Oriented, Gloomy, Loves Outdoors  Aspiration: Big Happy Family  Career: Fast Food Employee (Teen), Culinary (Chef Branch) 
Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration and reach level 10 of the Culinary career. 
Max the cooking, gormet cooking, baking and parenting skills. 
Learn all 27 food stall recipes 
Have a family outing every Sunday 
Have a negative relationship and distant dynamic with both your parents. 
Generation Three: Grey 
You lived in a cramped apartment where you shared a room with all your siblings, and never got an ounce of privacy. To get away from it all, you spent your days in the park on the monkey bars and later on the rock-climbing wall. You get an apartment on your own as soon as you’re old enough in a faraway town, and learn quickly that you’re much more special than your upbringing would have you believe. 
Traits: Adventurous, Athletic, Self-Absorbed  Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast  Career: Athlete 
Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration and reach level 10 of the Athlete career. 
Max the fitness, rock climbing, and the skiing and/or snowboarding skills. 
Move to Mt. Komorebi as a young adult. 
Marry a Sim you meet on the slopes. 
Have one child only. 
  Generation Four: Pink 
Your parent was a bit of a public figure, but you always hated from the limelight. You like cats and romance novels, and all you really want to do is sit in a comfy chair and knit items to donate to your charity. You lead a book club and sometimes play the piano when the other book club members ask you to.   
Traits: Cat-Lover, Creative, Bookworm  Aspiration: Lord or Lady of the Knits  Career: Politician (Charity Organizer branch) 
Complete the Lord or Lady of the Knits aspiration and reach level 10 of the Politician career in the Charity Organizer branch. 
Max the knitting, charisma, and piano skills. 
Adopt at least two cats from the shelter and one stray cat. 
Lead a book club. 
Have an on-again, off-again relationship with a book club member. 
Never marry. 
Generation Five: Yellow 
Your parent seems happy with living a simple life with cats and charity, but you always dreamed of the limelight that your grandparent had. You know to reach your goal you have to be the best. So you get the best grades in school, participate in extracurriculars and work hard to become the star that you always dreamed of becoming. Also, you really, really hate cats.   
Traits: Ambitious, Genius, Perfectionist  Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity  Career: Drama Club (Child/Teen), Actor   Rules: 
Complete the World Famous Celebrity aspiration and reach level 10 of the Actor career. 
Max the comedy, acting, and at least one music skill (Violin, piano, guitar or singing) skills. 
Marry or date a celebrity. 
Get your Diamond on the Starlight Boulevard 
Generation Six: Green 
As the child of a celebrity, you have been around countless people who clearly don’t care anything but themselves, especially the environment. As you get older, you realize you want to make up for the selfishness of your parent and their friends through living an entirely green life. As a vegetarian, you love thinking up new and creative recipes, and the cooking channel is the soundtrack of your life.   
Traits: Vegetarian, Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple  Aspiration: Eco Innovator  Career: Civil Designer (Green Technician path) OR Conservationist (Enviornmental Manager path) 
Complete the Eco Innovator aspiration and reach level 10 of one of the careers 
Max Gardening and cooking skill 
Have a “green” lot with extremely reduced bills. 
Maintain a garden for your kitchen. 
Clean up Port Promise and earn a Green Eco Footprint 
Generation Seven: Orange 
After growing up on collard greens and tofu, you can’t help but eat as much as you can of everything that you can. Your parent was entirely selfless and so careful about using non-eco-friendly technology, but all you ever wanted was to be spoiled. You make it your mission in life to be as rich as possible and have everything in the world, even if you have to build it yourself. Shortly before your death, you’re overcome by altruism and give the family fortune to charity.   
Traits: Self-Assured, Hates Children, Glutton  Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy  Career: Engineer 
Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration and reach level 10 of the Engineer career. 
Max the handiness and robotics skills. 
As an elder, master the wellness skill. 
Create a servo 
Have only one child as an adult 
Before your heir takes over, use the “money 100” cheat. 
  Generation Eight: Purple 
Okay, so, your parent went off the deep end and now you have no money. Not to worry! You decide that you should just enjoy life and the world around you, so you decide to travel the world and become an archaeologist. You sell what you find to earn some extra money.  
Traits: Adventurous, Good, Erratic  Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar OR Jungle Explorer  Career: Self-Employed 
Complete the Archaeology Scholar aspiration. 
Max the archaeology and Selvadorian culture skills. 
Collect all 9 relics. 
Visit Selvadora and learn all the selvadorian recipes.   
Generation Nine: White 
Your parent was always interested in the world around you, but you found more fun in learning about the worlds you didn’t know about! When you were very young, you encountered an occult sim and since then you’ve been doing everything you can to become one as well. 
Traits: Clumsy, Loner, Cheerful 
Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery OR Master Vampire OR Werewolf Initiate  
Career: Paranormal Investigator 
Complete your aspiration and max the paranormal investigator career. 
Become an occult sim (either Vampire, Werewolf or Spellcaster depending on your aspiration. 
Master all Spells and potions (if a spellcaster) 
Master Vampiric Lore and Pipe organ skills (if a vampire) 
Join a pack and become the leader (if a werewolf) 
Have a familiar (only for vampire or spellcaster.)
Break up with your partner when you finally become an occult.
Marry an occult sim. 
  Generation Ten: Red
Your family has a long and lustrous history. You’ve been told your oldest ancestor had nothing but 100 Simoleons to their name and your parents are clearly proud of the occult life you live, but sadly you aren't. You just want to go to school and be a normal person, maybe become a writer or horseback rider, after all horses are your favorite animal! 
Traits: Horse Lover, Rancher, Hot-Headed  Aspiration: Championship Rider  Career: Writer Career OR Freelancer Career (Writer Branch) 
Have your sim take the cure for their respective occult when they become a YA. 
Complete the Championship Rider aspiration and reach level 10 of the writer career OR max the freelancer career (writer branch) 
Max the horse riding, nectar making and writing skills. 
Own at least 2 horses 
Never hire a ranch hand, you must do all the work yourself. 
Make every kind of nectar. 
Generation Eleven: Brown
As much as you loved the farm with your horses and nectar cellar, your parents always taught you to follow your dreams. You’ve always wanted to be a detective or doctor. You’ve always wanted to be a comedian. Well dang it, you can do both! Worker by day, comedian by night, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Lazy, Loyal Aspiration: Joke Star Career: Detective or Doctor
Complete the Joke Star aspiration and reach level 10 of the Detective or Doctor career.
Master handiness skill if in the Doctor career
Master fitness if in Detective career
Master comedy skill and reach level 5 of the horse-riding skill.
Must live in a different world than the one they were raised.
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arcanaaa · 1 year
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@satanclaw asked: Mirajane had just finished making dinner. A raised brow as she heard a knock at the door. Opening it, she could see a very smiley Cana. "Come on... I made plenty for two" It wasn't uncommon for Cana to come over, so Mira was always prepared.
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DINNER AT THE STRAUSS'S HOUSE WAS AS CLOSE TO A TRADITION THAT CANA ASCRIBED TO THAN COMPARED TO MOST CELEBRATED HOLIDAYS. While this routine was never formally introduced or vocally acknowledged among the remaining siblings, there was an unspoken understanding between Cana and the Eldest Strauss that her presence was universally welcomed and accepted, and something that was held close to their hearts.
If there were protests against Cana's intrusion, she never heard any. No objections ever rang when Cana crossed over their threshold-- if anything, the evening meal became more lively with Cana's presence. The Seer couldn't accurately say whether this was due to her direct influence, but if the happy smiles and heartfelt greetins that echoed among the siblings was any indication that she was welcomed, Cana was thrilled to receive such a reception.
Knocking the dirt from the bottom of her shoes before slipping them off to the side was like a heartbeat, done with hardly any concious execusion but a function that needed to be completed in order to step deeper inside the Strauss dwellings. A tired sigh joined the air, a roll of her burdens hanging over her shoulders, a quick fluff of her long brown hair, and eventually, Cana felt the days stress sluicing off her body like water. The job that she had taken took her far from Magnolia's familiar comforts, building a longing that grew the further her travels took her. Cana was not one to succomb to the melancholy while out on a job, but the return back to Magnolia came with a pang of longing.
TRAVELING FURTHER INTO THE HOUSE, THE FAMILIAR SCENT OF FOOD SUMMONED A PROPER APPETITE THE CARD MAGE COULD SATIATE. The cozy dining area was already neatly arranged, dinnerware and cutlery laid out for a dinner for two made Cana smile appreciatively. With Fairy Tail climbing out of the shadows of bygone obscurity and surviving foes set out for their destruction, the call for mages was in high demand and without rest. These days, Elfman and Lisanna had their own plans and were often caught between their own jobs, so it was usual for Mira to be the only Takeover mage to remain behind with the guild. Whether it was by her own preference or not was none of Cana's business. So long as Mira was content, there was no reason for Cana to worry.
❝M'home, Mira.❞
Before Mira could approach to greet her, Cana acted on her own impulse and gathered the woman in her arms to crushed her in a tight hug, lifting the woman off the ground despite vehment exclaimations tinged with fondness before delivering a quick spin that set off laughter among the two of them. It's no challenge to Cana's strength to hold her in her arms. For so long, Mira had become her personal pillar to lean on: for strength, for comfort, for counsel--
--and every so often, companionship.
❝I ever tell you that you're the best? ❞
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HONESTY WAS EASY BETWEEN THEM WHEN THEIR BOND WITHSTOOD THE TEST OF TIME. It was easy and freeing to show Mira her affection in her words and gestures while assured that the trust between them remained strong. Cana could simply show up at Mira's doorstep and be assured that her company was wanted.
❝Thanks for savin' a seat for me,❞ she said. ❝Food at the train station isn't exactly gormet you know.❞
Eventually the card mage set Mira down and they made their way over to their seats at the table. Her mouth watered at the scent, the steam a great sign of how recently the food was cooked. A jug of spiced mead and basket of rolls to complete the meal, with a faint sugery scent of dessert wafting from the kitchen, Mira truly spared no expanse. It was only a shame that her siblings weren't around to enjoy this quaint feast-- and truly, whoever the lucky son of a bitch was that managed to capture Mira's heart would never grow hungry nor know the kindness and love Mira produced in her cooking and everyday manner.
( Cana could almost claim to be jealous, if she had the right to feel that way. )
❝So-- you'll never guess what happened while I was out on a mission-- ❞
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