#a greusome
theknightmarket · 11 months
It is 02:03 for me right now, I'm scripting the second part to 'Mirror, Mirror', and I have lovely, conflicting emotions. 1) I am Tired. 2) I am so appreciate of the support I received and the want for a sequel. 3) I hate Actor. I hate him so much. He's just sooooooo, just, ugh. I hate him. I need to talk about this, but I don't want to spoil it, so just understand that he is so, he's a bitch.
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bella-with-a-blog · 2 months
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Haha! she thought being a knight was all fun and games!! no.
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falinscloaca · 8 months
rewatched paranoia agent by proxy (reaction youtube), feeling emotionally akin to warm yet raw eggs again. great.
#i hate that i unlock my enlightened discourse centrist powers when this happens#like. that 'voting for biden as a practical decision because the repub candidates would all be worse on the issues he's fucking bad on alre#already' and 'jesus fucking christ this isn't democracy so why shouldn't the american minority demographics hold themselves hostage for som#NUDGING of the democratic political platform' (....the democrats will let us die though. like they won't budge. some will make concessions#but not many and not the ones with the ability to change didly dick) are both technically 'correct' viewpoints to have#and no i don't think things will get anywhere better for minorities in the united states where its headed even with a dem in the white hous#well at least BECAUSE of that. the republican followup to the last two we've had will still kill more. it'd still be GOOD to avoid that.#g-d the Dem party will let themselves die before they move meaningfully left though.#on one hand we have a rock gently sliding to crush us and on the other hand we have another rock moving much faster to do the same#and of course going out of their way to kill human beings en masse abroad#like if the democrat's pet minorities can't meaningfully withhold the vote then what the fuck is the point??? and we CAN'T.#not for president!!!!#(still get fucking involved with elections besides Presidential#pickings will still be slim in terms of 'good' but its not a fucking sham)#just. fucking. mutual aid and direct in-person organization.#join a fuckin org try reading some shit about sociology and political activism advocate for tenants rights and voting rights for criminals#& voting access for all#(those last two things wouldn't fix a presidential election but working to better democratize the rest of the system could give fucking spa#in years where there actually IS a primary maybe shit will be slightly less greusome. though i'll be fuckin rich if any presidential candid#candidate manages to stay true to their fig leaves to the progressives come inauguration#ALSO FORM A FUKIN UNION#MAKE ART!!!!#NOT JUST POLITICAL ART!!! MAKE ART IN GENERAL!!!!! APPRECIATE EACH OTHERS ART!!!!!! CONSUME LESS CORPO SLOP!!!!!!!!! LOVE EACH OTHER AND#OURSELVES!!!!!#to clarify by 'we cant meaningfully withhold our vote' that doesn't mean we have an imperative not to. i mean that if we withhold it#nothing will change about the democrats besides them getting pissy and at bwoerst they lose the election to the kill everyone now party#it WOULD continue to good!radicalize the american voterbase though possibly but that could also happen if we all voted for biden again and#he kept doing not enough (good stuff#he can do bad quite clearly)
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thesquireinvictus · 9 months
Netflix’s The Crown has always been a lot of republican tosh, but this last series apparently sets the whole clown car on fire once and for all. In a way, I look forward to it.
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hey! i’ve seen you reblog a few posts from proshippers/posts tagged as proship and i just wanted to let you know in case its not on purpose!
I need some of you youngsters to please listen carefully to what I'm about to say because it might open your eyes to a very important concept- when I say ship and let ship I mean I don't give two fucks about what people read in fanfiction because it's all fake. Made up characters in a made up scenario with made up things happening.
Your christian-based concept that thought is equal to action isn't true. You can THINK whatever the hell you want do long as your actions don't cause a problem. A creepy old man can look at a young lady and THINK all the nasty things he wants. So long as he does not take those thoughts and turn them to actions, he's fine. He might want to go see a therapist but at the end of the day thoughts are just thoughts. Standing on the edge of a cliff and thinking "wow if someone pushed someone off this they'd die" doesn't mean you want to push someone off a cliff.
PLEASE separate the concept that thought and action are the same thing.
Even if the topic is a taboo topic, even if it's something you would never in a million years agree with, it's still fake at the end of the day.
I don't personally want to read about canibalism, but its not my job or my right to force other people to never write about that stuff. Policing other people's writing and policing the "goodness" or "badness" of the content they write is not my job and it's not anyone else's. Your morality is yours and yours alone. What you find taboo and never want to think about might just be a weird enjoyable read to someone else. Just like kinks or even random topics, you cannot cater to everyone and trying to force a moral purity in written fiction is just ailly. They're made up. No matter how much you want Azirphale and Crowly to be real no matter how much you are desperate for Percy Jackson to have real feelings, they aren't and he can't. They're not real and they never will be so nothing that happens to them, no matter how fucked up, really matters.
And that's all it is and all they will ever be. A bunch of taboo topics and events done to made up people.
I don't want to read about incest but I'm not going to stop people from writing fanfics about the supernatural brothers doing the nasty. I'm also not going to go out of my way to look for it or tell people to stop because it's all fake. Its not supporting it. It's made up pretend space.
I sit here throwing made up characters into Bad Situations that would be horrible if they were real people. But they're not. They're fake people with fake things happening to them and it's fun to write and fun to read. I torment my characters all the time. I made Virgil go through so much emotional trauma in APP and no one bats an eye because it's fake. Please apply the same critical thinking to the rest of written everything.
Proshipper literally means that a person should have the freedom to write what they want and read what they want because morality has nothing to do with fiction. It does not make you morally a bad person to enjoy a taboo subject in written form. This goes for ALL taboo subjects. People reading greusome murder mysteries don't go out and murder people. The same thing applies to the other taboo subjects. People writing about weird incest ships aren't going to go out and do the incest thing.
If they are it has nothing to do with the fiction and everything to do with that specific person.
Thought and action are not the same thing.
Allowing everyone to write what they want without gatekeeping based on morality is a good thing. We would not have lgbtqia+ stories if the morality policing of Christian values dictated what we are allowed and not allowed to write.
Please understand that I saying all this as a teaching tool. You might be super icked out by certain topics and that's natural and normal and ok. I am too! Everyone is! But what we have to do is be tolerant of the ideas that writing taboo subjects and being a proshipper isnt a bad thing. Also enjoying taboo subjects in written form doesn't make you somehow evil, ok?
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thebubblybutcher · 5 months
(the young mercenary paced. the large expanse of her designated space allowed much room to do so despite the items scattered across the floor, but it wasn't at all helping. small drips of blood fell occasionally in her path. it covered her hands, her neck, her face, her sickly body a greusome canvas of red. normally, she would find herself beautiful like this. but ripping open the soft flesh of her neck with her nails was hardly something to be proud of.)
"i know that! i know! but it wasn't my fault!"
(she snapped her words at the body hanging from the ceiling, suspended upside down from a meat hook and being drained from the neck into a bucket. some poor bastard from the blu team. it was sloppy work, covered in frantic stab wounds and trauma from the beating she gave it. though it was lifeless, she yelled into the dark of the room as if it was talking to her, prosecuting her. she collapsed against a wall and slid down into a sit. her ragged breathing and the stritch of her nails against her slickened skin reverberated quietly in the open space.)
"now, they think i'm weak..."
(she spit her words through her teeth. she was coming down from an earlier rampage, but she didn't feel any lighter. she sat in the ruin of the room, splattered with blood, broken glass, the shards and remnants of various things she threw against the wall, stomped on, or smashed. she looked up. she glared into the dead eyes of the body, her own eyes glazed with tears. her fingers curled into her open flesh with a searing pain to stop them from falling.)
"don't fucking look at me like that. don't ever look at me like that, like i'm a bloody pity. you hang there and bleed like the fucking pig you are. i'm not. weak."
(diogenes cooed from under the sheet hunter had thrown over him on her matress, in the opposite corner of the room. she ignored his little chirps. it was silly, but she didn't even want a bird to see her like this.)
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mauvemischief · 2 months
Lock Up All My Promises (And Throw Away The Key)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish
Word Count: 1,379
Adam’s hand slid over the back of his neck, holding Ronan as close as they could possibly get. He wasn’t sure if Adam was aware of how much Ronan smelled like blood, maybe he was, and maybe he was holding him anyway.
another deleted pynch scene that we were robbed blind of, immediately following the discovery of Aurora Lynch's greusome death. I think this may be the most self indulgent piece I have ever written and that is saying something.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
the rest of the hair nightmare details I can still recall:
• yes there was space travel via whale. The whale was augmented with technology and you'd go into its mouth and there would be a door in its throat and you could go through it and there'd be like a whole massive ship home to thousands of people inside like a pocket dimension.
• there were 2 space whales and 2 pocket dimension space colonies. It was later revealed that some greater interdimensional entity made these pocket dimensions possible.
• each pocket dimension was anchored to one of two sisters who were each considered heroes and celebrities by the people living in the whale colony they provided geometrically impossible space for.
• neil cicierega was friends with one of these girls, the younger sister
• something went wrong and the extradimensional power began to eat away at the mind and autonomy of the younger sister. She was becoming merely a conduit for this greusome transformative power-- which turned things around her into hair when she lost control.
• She made a second pocket dimension within the whale colony pocket dimension to quarantine herself and her Hair Powers, to keep the inhabitants of the whale safe and give them time to evacuate to the other whale via a portal her sister created connecting the two
• Neil did everything he could to try and save the younger sister, but nothing seemed to be able to permanently remove the entity leeching away at her free will and personhood. At this point he was working with a small team of other people, which included me. The whole team had access to and had taken anti-hair-power potions.
• She begged him to stop and to escape safely to the other whale colony but he refused to leave her, entering the pocket-dimension-inside-a-pocket-dimension that she had made to separate her volitile hair powers from everyone.
• I don't remember what they said to each other but the younger sister basically explained that the destruction of her as a person was inevitable, and she didn't want that destruction to give any more power to the entity that took everything from her.
• She makes another door inside the pocket dimension inside the pocket dimension, and goes through as Neil yells and begs her not to. This causes all the pocket dimensions AND SPACE WHALE to collapse in on themselves, folding into nothingness, destroying themselves and presumably destroying the younger sister with them, but leaving Neil alive, free floating in a space suit.
• Neil still thinks the younger sister can be found and saved-- that her pocket dimension may still be accesible by her sister. He and his team use some weird climbing equiptment type stuff and limited rocket boosters to perilously make their way over to the second whale colony without a portal.
• The team enters the whale's mouth and enters the mouth door, planning to find the elder sister and form a new plan to save the younger.
• Inside the door is what appears to be a night club. It's very dark, and what lights there are are a warm pink color. The refugees from whale 1 and original inhabitants of whale 2 are dancing to incredibly loud music, apparently celebrating together. There is an unsettling, manic energy to it all though.
• Neil is also weirded out because the elder sister's powers should have made her aware that her younger sister was destroyed moments ago. Yet the older sister appears to be DJing the party.
• The older sister says some things to the crowd that make it clear she is extremely out of touch with reality in this moment. Some crowd members begin breaking their facade of partying, suddenly sobbing and having panic attacks when asked what's going on. The older sister is perturbed by this and snaps violently at the crowd, which is extremely out of character. It's clear now that she is losing herself to the entity as well.
• locks of hair float down from the cieling and touch various members of the crowd as everyone begins to panic. People touched by the hair start coughing violently, until they are spitting and crying blood, followed by hair. Eventually their entire form is consumed by hair and there is no trace of them left. The elder sister relaxes once most of the crowd has been turned into hair.
• The hair protection potions either weren't strong enough or began to wear off of Neil's team. They got partially tanglednin the hair, only halfway transformed but very mentally out of touch with the world around them.
• At this point it's clear that everyone is doomed. This is the last remaining space whale, and the girl responsible for making it survivable is now deatroying it.
• I begin to panic about how there's nothing left I can do to stop everyone including myself from either dying in the vacuum of space once the whalecpocket dimension collapses, or succumbing to the hair entity before then.
• the panic wakes me up :)
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
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the law. the retired. the exhausted.
name: apollo bartholomew antoine. age:43 height: 6′1 occupation: police detective. retired cia agent. species: fallen arch-angel.
A fall from grace, an Arch-Angel without meaning, his wings trapped. In the early days as a winged warrior, Apollo can see why love for family can turn to hate. No crime is more heinous than loving too much and watching someone else plot his demise. Sometimes even when you love your family, they only seek to see you crumble. He wishes it was a story that was oversold, but family….it only mattered if it was a family you chose, not one tainted by blood.
Because that blood had sealed his wings, mangled beneath his skin and sent him tumbling ass over end to the mortal plane. Older than the earth itself, but unknowing, Apollo finds himself navigating the human realm, a irrational sense of justice rattling his bones. Safety. It’s what the underdog needs and it’s what he spent his years doing. And as no non-sense as he was seen, his utter devotion was for those who couldn’t protect those who should’ve been safe from harm by the very people that loved them. 
he’s been alive long enough to see the good, bad and absolutely horrendous. they don’t lie when they say some cases stay with you and apollo has been a part of his few dozen of bloody and greusome cases. but despite that, he feels rewarded by the fact that he’s able to protect his city the best he can and that he is only a few yearsaway from a quiet and unassuming life. after all the shit he’s seen, it’s about time for him to settle down into something normal. though, he’s seen some shit he can’t really explation with a calm rationale. most in his neighborhood know him by his last name, never his first because of respect and even the criminals he happened across know he’s fair until it comes to outright violence then they’re getting the getting the infamous scowl he gives most who disturb him.
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ao3feed-pynch · 2 months
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Hey, could I get a one shot involving Eyeless jack with his half human daughter reader? Their relationship is rocky, and she has started to undergo physical changes that make her look more like him.
Hello Anon, Mod Lee here. I'm on the up-and-up from a bout of sickness (and a hospital visit induced by expired cold medicine), but I've taken the time to write a piece for you. The Story of Eyeless Jack and his Daughter You were the daughter of Eyeless Jack, the infamous Creepypasta, and your relationship with your father was far from perfect. You two have never gotten along, especially because of your father's status as a killer and ally of other Creepypasta characters, who kill the innocent. Recently, though, you've noticed some changes occurring, changes which frighten you. To your dismay, you are starting to resemble your father; his bluish skin, his empty black eyes, his sinister smile of sharp teeth.. it sickens you. You try to avoid your mirror for fear of seeing your reflection and being reminded of your father's face. It's times like this you miss your mother, and wish she could be here, or wish that your father would talk about her, rather than his many greusome crimes.. it makes you shiver. You don't want to be a killer, not like your father. You want to be a peacemaker, a friend to humanity. But with your ghoulish appearance, how can you? Even when you try to hide, keeping your face in the shadows, you can never forget. You shed tears from your empty, black eyes, alone at night in your room, your only company the music from your MP3 player, and wish for change. A Fanfiction By Mod Lee. "Stand Up. A Champion Shouldn't Be On His Knees."
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the-cool-chicken · 7 months
yeah pretty greusome....you already forgot about it didn't you?
My boy is double traumatized now 😎 👍
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scaredgirlsilly · 8 months
is there a dog/werewolf/whatever you get the theme im goin for mtg like starter deck?? i really wanna get into mtg and like. eventually i want a cool puppy deck but if they just have a starter deck thats like that then i wanna get that
and also can someone explain the different like game modes or whatever and please explain it in greusome detail cause i dont really understand like. what cards are legal in what or whatever and if im just going against people at a gamestore can we just use whatever cards from whenever?? idk im sure that last thing depends on who im playing with hdksjdjs but still im fuckin lost >w<
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Don't Let the Flowers Fool You
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We get told not to judge books by their covers, but I would be a big fat lying liar face if I said that that this cover had nothing to do with why I picked this book up. And then I got entirely swept away by the lush world of the Burning Kingdoms, by Priya and Malini, by the magic systems, and by the Hirana. Let's talk The Jasmine Throne.
So, the problem with trying to indoctrinate women to believe that they should let you *checks notes* horrifically burn them to death for religious reasons is that eventually, someone is going to stand up and say "Absofuckingloutley Not." That is the absolutely fascinating dynamic that the book begins with between Princess Malini of Parijatdvipa and her brother, religious zelot Prince Chandra. Malini's choice to live, to stand defiant, really highlights what is twisted about Chandra. He doesn't just want to burn her. He wants her to burn willingly. Malini is having exactly none of that nonsense, thank you, so she is banished to Ahiranya, the country they have invaded and subjugated--I desperately want to just say colonized, because honestly.
With Malini is Pramila, who's daughter went willingly to be burned, which makes Malini and Pramila's relationship somewhat strained, to say the least. Additionally, Pramila is under orders from Chandra to slowly poison Malini with needleflower (basically a really strong opiate) and try to brainwash her into willingly burning. To take this to a whole other level of cruel, Malini is held in the room in the Hirana where the elders burned the temple children to death (we'll come back to that). So Malini is not having a great time in this book, which honestly just makes her strength in holding her ground and turning a chance meeting with Priya to her advantage and gaining an ally.
Malini deeply understands personal and political power and how to weild it subtly and effectively. She is literally so good at it that when Chandra cannot kill her, he has to drug her and yeet her to the ends of the earth to prevent her from destabilizing his political power and usurping the throne that technically should go to their oldest brother. Malini is a goddamn powerhouse, and everyone knows it. The fact that she extracts herself from two different torturous death sentences--and the second one while being slowly poisoned to death and fighting hallucinations of her heartsisters burning before her eyes--just highlights how terrifyingly effective Malini would be in her home territory at full strength. For all that Malini is powerful and deeply connected to fire, personally she leans very, very cool, calculating, and she knows that too. Malini is afraid that she could easily become a monster like Chandra, just of a different flavor.
That's where Priya comes in. Priya has soft spots for children, her friends, and her brother, which is honestly astounding since she is an illicit survior of the murder of the temple children by the temple elders. At the beginning of the novel, Priya isn't supposed to be alive and has to hide her past. The Hirana makes that somewhat difficult, because this semisentient, possibly evil temple seems to have a soft spot for Priya; it regularly murders people who try to enter it, but goes out of its way to help Priya save the life of a fellow maid who slipped and cane within a knuckle joint of falling to a greusome death. It also give Priya some of the powers she would have had as a priestess to save her life when someone figures out that Priya was a temple child and tries to finish what the elders started.
Priya and Malini's relationship starts off intensely tenuously; they are functionally colonized and colonizer, jailer and jailed, priestess and princess, and smitten and smitten, respectively. "It's Complicated" doesn't even BEGIN to cover this relationship. And yet they talk through it, they bond, and they have one of the best slow-burn romances I have ever read. The sheer trust that is Malini letting Priya control--and slowly wean her away from--the needleflower doses was huge.
Priya and Malini's relationship carries this book, and honestly I haven't been so invested in a relationship in a long time. Both of these women are BAMFs in their own right, but together they hold the potential to change the map of their entire world.
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Mainly 'cause I'm curious, what do you think the sides DND classes could be.
(Also, maybe, just a little, because I have a Sanders Sides DND AU, that I'm really enjoying writing, and want to know if you'd like to read it lol)
I WOULD like to read it! I love dming hehehe. X3
I think Roman would make a good flamboyant paladin- richeously heroic, the wpitomw of a good knight! Remus should be the horny Bard but he tells greusome and disturbing stories and facts. Patton would make a good Cleric- a healer with a familiar, also devout to their god. i love Logan being a Wizard- maaaany hours of study. I can see Janus being a sorcerer or warlock but it would be very cool if he were a Rogue because he's a sneaky snake. Able to tread rue shadows. I know Virgil could also be a rogue but... I actually like him being a Fighter because fight or flight.
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antibigotwhumpblog · 1 year
Divine Principles Pt 1
(Next, Masterlist)
Cw: Whump, Captivity, Toxic Christianity
The runes that so henishly burned into her wrists till her upper layer of flesh peeled and slimed were composed of weak magick. The binding runes did not succeed in making the rope immoveable. She bit her lip, and a tear slipped out of one of her eyes as she meekly pulled her hands through the rope. Her feet dangled just higher than any reprieve from the floor as her shoulder blades withstood her weight. Each of her arms were outstretched, and bound to the wall via her wrists with tightly wound binding-magicked rope. Her wings were wrapped with the rope, and squashed against the wall. The runes engraved into her binds seared her skin as she ran her hand through the loop. She whined, and shot her hands back into the binding. The scorching ropes nestled into their former spot against her wrists. She blubbered softly.
She was certainly enslaved by a human. She could feel the lack of divinity in her cell the moment she awoke. It made the air unfulfilling, and even suffocating for her. She assumed her captor was a hunter, for what other mortal could create even fauge threads of heaven divinity magick. Other than hunters, humans could not even handle bastard runes. She tried to stop her crying, for she would not be in any further pain this day. She was much stronger than any human, and surely this human's mortality and logical thought would compel him to release his lame binds in return for her mercy. She was only bested by them for an infetesimal schedule after all.
She was locked inside four black walls, and one magicked door. Her eyebrows furrowed upwards as she recodnised the weapons on the wall. Most she'd never personally encountered, but many were weapons she identified via the greusome wounds their sort inflicted upon the angels in the Medicene Ward at Divinity. She inhaled deeply, and exhaled shakily through her mouth. She noticed her strained back stung her slightly.
Her head whipped towards the door as the runes carved into them lit aflame. The bright light stunned her vision as her eyes had accomidated her sight for the low light. The handle clicked, and the hinges of the door creaked. She locked her jaw, and glared at the noise as her eyesight recovered.The center of her vision returned fuzzily, and she saw the small chest of a human male pump with breath. The breath that made them weak and in need of protection. His sinful stench assualted her nostrils. As she blinked, her eyes had readjusted again accompained by a distracting ache behind her nose. Age had hidden the color of his eyes or the shape of his lips, and folded the skin of his face three times over. She scoffed to herself. Age rendered the humans fragile. His hair was whispy, and piled atop each other made its blonde color visible. His facial hair was in the same condition. He was muscular and slim, more than adverge for what she imagined a human of his age was capable of. His grey suit was tailored and pressed, similar to the male dress code at Divinity. His wrinkled hands were remarkably large.
She turned her nose upwards, and looked down at him through the hair fallen in front of her face. The flaps of his skin pulled straught around his mouth as he sneered.
"Be not afriad. I hold no ill tiding towards you, child. Repent, and find God your father," She announced.
"Shut up, filth," He growled, and he swung his backhand against her face.
She gasped, and her head swung to the side.
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