#a grey troll tastes like nothing
kalopsic-lagomorph · 5 months
headcannon/theory that since trolls are basically drugs and everything wants to eat them, going grey is a defense strategy to ensure they dont get eaten (via getting rid of all the happy troll chems)
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 5 months
Defeated and Trophied
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Prompt: I would love to see your interpretation of Branch being captured instead of Floyd, like the original concept in the movie. Used for Defeated and Trophied.
Fandom: Trolls (Dreamworks)
Character: Branch
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, torture, multiple mentions of death and being killed, though nothing graphic
1744 words
Fear was an old friend to Branch.
It had been a rare acquaintance back when he was a child — back in the days in which his biggest concerns had been thunderstorms and a dark room. 
From the moment he’d turned grey, it had crept its way beside him, a creature that would never grant him peace again. 
After all, no one else was around anymore to chase it away for him.
As he’d grown up, it remained consistently by his side. It was a constant voice in the back of his head, screaming at him to watch for bergens, boil the drinking water, always be ready for that which longs to kill you. 
Yes, fear was an old friend indeed. But he’d learned early on how to hold it close to his chest. One slip up and he could be devoured. 
So when he woke up in a diamond bottle, two massive creatures looming over him, he didn’t show his terror. He didn’t scream as he so wanted to, and most importantly, he would not resort to begging.
They were tall, comparable to a bergen in that regard. But where bergens were stocky creatures, these were lanky. Their skin was shiny and hard-looking, a far cry from the soft fluff of a troll.
Whatever they were, he’d never seen one before. 
His stomach churned with anxiety. Normally, he was knowledgeable enough to at least have some idea of what monster he may have been dealing with. But this… he didn’t know if these things wanted to eat him or worse. 
He knew what Poppy would do if she were here. At the thought of his girlfriend, his heart leapt into his throat. Was she here? Had they gotten her too?
No. He didn’t see her anywhere in the massive room. Thank god. He knew she could take care of herself, but the thought of her being trapped in a claustrophobic diamond prison left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. 
“Who are you?” He called out cautiously. He waited for a response, but the pair — one boy and one girl, he was pretty sure — hardly even reacted to the noise. 
They were both looking at the bottle he was trapped in, yet somehow they remained ignoring him. 
“Hey!” He yelled, quickly losing patience as he pounded a fist against the purple-hued glass. “Let me out of here!”
The boy looked at him (or rather, the jar as a whole, like Branch was nothing more than a pretty decoration inside) with trepidation. “Do you think it’ll work?” He asked hesitantly, like he couldn’t even hear the shouting. 
“Oh,” the girl said, scooping up the jar carelessly and sending Branch tumbling, the wind getting knocked out of him as his body knocked against the hard walls. “It will work.”
“What the hell!” He shouted, furious at the lack of acknowledgement. “Let me out! What do you want?”
With her free hand, the girl held up a small ball…? Examining it closer, though, Branch could see that it was connected to the jar he was held in, making it almost reminiscent of a perfume bottle.
What the hell?
He didn’t know what to expect, but the coming sensation wasn’t something he could have prepared for. All at once, a horrible pressure erupted from the center of his chest, like — like some invisible force was trying to get in.
Distantly, he could feel his body being lifted slightly off the ground, levitating no more than a few short inches. It was hard to even notice, through the agony. It didn’t get any colder in his prison, but he could feel the warmth being pulled out of his skin.
The pressure seeped from his body quickly, and he could almost feel it going right up and out of the bottle, being spritzed like a fine mist over the girl’s body.
As his body dropped down, thudding against the floor, he could hear her belt out a ridiculous riff.
“Wh…?” He coughed, pressing a hand over his heart from his new position on the floor. It felt like a part of his very soul had been sucked right out of him. He felt empty. What was going on? What was happening?
“Wow,” the boy said, reverent of the notes that had just come from the other’s mouth. “Let me try!”
“Wait—” Branch wheezed, unable to catch his breath before being subjected to this again. He tried to brace himself, but it did little to help.
It was almost more intense the second time around, and leaving him feeling somehow even more hollow than before. 
He was shaking from the cold by the time his body dropped back to the floor the second time.
“What are you doing to me?” He croaked, dizzy and freezing.
There was a malicious smirk on the girl’s face, the first thing finally directed at him. 
His heart pounded in dread. He was going to regret even asking, and he knew it. 
“He’s kinda cute,” Veneer said, shaking the jar slightly and sending Branch stumbling on unsteady feet back and forth. “Don’t you think so, Vel?”
Velvet glanced back at her brother from where she was touching up her makeup. “Not really,” she said, disinterested.
“Oh, come on, he’s like a feral little chihuahua!” Veneer said, proceeding to coo at Branch. “Who’s a good little troll?”
With the minuscule energy he had left, he glared as strongly as he could. “I will kill you,” he growled. As such a proportionately small creature that was barely standing and also trapped inside a sad little bottle, Branch couldn’t imagine that he looked very intimidating.
“Ugh, feisty thing,” Veneer whined, setting the jar down on a side table. “I don’t know why you’re so upset,” he said, “we take perfect care of you, don’t we? I mean, sure we have to keep you in a little jar, but it’s not like you’re dead or anything.”
“Your talent is being put to much better use on us,” Velvet chimed in, “You should be grateful! It’s not like you were using it for anything important. But thanks to you, we’re currently charting at number one!”
“Did you at least credit me somewhere?” he asked drily.
Veneer leaned over, stage whispering to his sister. “Should we have given him creds?”
“No, you moron! Ugh, come on, we’re going to be late for the photoshoot.”
Branch woke from his not-quite-sleep as he’d learned to get used to: by being jostled around like he was a fucking doll.
He groaned weakly, blinking his eyes open to the slightly sleep-blurred vision of a massive eye staring back at him.
After nearly two decades of anticipating a bergen around every corner, his instincts told him he was about to be fucking eaten. But he wasn’t quite so lucky.
“Oh, good,” who he finally recognized as Velvet said, completely flat, “it’s still alive.”
Had he the energy, he would have flipped her off… or something. But as it was, he just curled in on himself, wincing in anticipation. He knew what was coming. It was all the self-proclaimed pop princess (and oh, how that title made his blood boil) ever really interacted with him for.
“Just do it,” he growled, far from complacent, but simply desperate for the bad part to be done and over. He just wanted to rest. 
How long had he been here, now? Two weeks? Three? He’d completely lost track. 
Was Poppy looking for him? What had she thought when he’d just vanished into thin air? What if she gave up on him?
No. That was a stupid thought. He knew her better than that. On their first adventure together, they had literally seen Creek get eaten, and she’d somehow still been determined to save him. And, somehow, she’d been right. Of course, Creek had turned out to be a no-good traitorous piece of shit garbage man, but before that reveal, Poppy had been determined to get him back.
As hard as it was for him to fathom the idea that anyone would ever stay by his side as she had, he was always one to look at the facts. He knew she would refuse to give up until she got him back. He knew, no matter how long it took, she would find him.
As comforting as that was, it also left him feeling wary. Velvet and Veneer weren’t exactly the type that could be subdued by a hug.
He cried out in pain as his talent was drained from him, gasping desperately for breath. He didn’t have much more to give.
“You can’t…” he panted, gritting his teeth. “Can’t use my talent f-orever. S’not sustainable.” He said, snarky as he could manage through the bone-deep exhaustion.
“Oh no,” Velvet lamented, drawn out and dramatic, “whatever will I do?” With little warning, she tossed the jar to Veneer, who only barely caught it.
Branch didn’t have the strength to brace himself. Every inch of his body ached from being thrown around like this.
Velvet draped herself over her makeup chair, legs kicked over the arm of it. “If only I’d thought of that before,” she pouted as Veneer drained another dose from him, leaving Branch’s vision unfocused. “Oh wait! I did.”
“You did?” Veneer asked, apparently unaware of whatever his sister was up to. That seemed to be the common trend, Branch had noticed. 
“Yes, dummy. I told you this troll was a part of BroZone, remember?”
His heart sank at the mention of his br—his former brothers. What did they have to do with this?
“I forged a letter,” Velvet continued, “it will lure the rest of the band here to save their stupid little brother, and then,” her eyes glinted with greed, “we’ll have plenty of troll to keep us on top.”
A thousand bad memories threatened to overwhelm him at once. He could feel his emotions swirling in his chest, and for a moment he was certain he was going to vomit them up. Instead, he managed to scoff out a laugh.
“Yeah,” he said, forcing himself to remain flat and unemotive. If he’d done it for the better part of twenty years, he could do it now, even if he was slightly out of practice. “I’ve got bad news for you. There’s no way in hell any of them are coming for me.”
“Just wait and see, little troll,” Velvet said, confidence unwavering. “Just wait and see.”
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I have something to say about hating SJM characters. Any and all SJM characters.
If you do this, it’s okay, you just don’t like the books and nothing SJM writes is going to change that for you. SJM only has two types of characters: heroes and villains. That’s it. Every character you think doesn’t fit into either box gets revealed as one or the other eventually. Trying to argue a hero is really a villain or hasn’t been redeemed or won’t ever be will always be a bad take.
Anyone relevant enough to get antis either goes full evil or gets a redemption arc: by fully turning to the side of good or sacrificing their lives in service of it. If you don’t like that, complain to a wall - that’s what she writes. Every time.
Kaltain. Manon. Chaol. Lorcan. The King of Adarlan. Papa Archeron. Jurian. Nesta. Cormac.
ACOTAR isn’t over yet. So still awaiting their redemption arcs: Tamlin. Eris. Elain. Yes, I said what I said. Elain needs to make karmic amends same as Nesta did, I don’t make the rules of story. Love her? She’s gonna suffer anyway. Hate her? She’s gonna get a beautiful HEA. Sorrows. Prayers.
Crescent City, also unfinished but I guarantee you: Tharion. Ithan.
(Side note, some of you are just out here completely misreading the text. Hunt, Cassian, Aedion: they’re all just straight heroes the whole time, not even morally grey. Haters to the left. Azriel and Lucien too - if you hate either of them, sorry. They’re each getting a big-ass-hero turn. Evil!Gwyn is a fantasy only fanfic can ever fulfill for you. Rhys’s antis straight up baffle me. You don’t even go here.)
If you don’t understand or accept this, then you don’t have the insight to predict the plot at all. Any theories you come up with are irrelevant. And you will always be disappointed.
SJM builds massive alliances where everyone gets over their differences and works together. Your personal pettiness will never be gratified. Being anti Nesta doesn’t make you a better friend to Feyre than the books are. Acting like Tower of Dawn is a skip track because you don’t like Chaol just makes you irrelevant to the conversation. Eris is gonna be on the side of good and Mor can’t love you back no matter how much you drag him.
If you don’t vibe with a character for whatever reason, or you just can’t “forgive them” that’s absolutely fine. Taste is personal. You do you, boo. But what is it getting you to force your hate and your revenge theories into shared fandom spaces? You’ll never get what you want from the pages of one of Sarah’s books, so… what? The comment section is going to give it to you?
You should genuinely pick up other books. Life is too short to hate read and troll.
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dylanwritesgood · 2 years
Got My Fate Lyin' in Your Hands | 4
masterlist | ko-fi | ask
Part: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Summary: Barb Holland feels invisible. Her best friend is pulling away for the popular crowd and a boy, and she knows she's being forgotten. Gareth Emerson just wants her to know he sees her... but first she needs to notice him.
Pairing: Barb Holland x Gareth Emerson
Rating: Teen+
Warnings: General high school bullying, low-key canonical underaged alcohol use.
A/N: Shh, don't hurt me. Good things are coming! Gotta give him a chance to be her knight again.
divider graphic by firefly-graphics
WC: 1,750
@rebelcthulhu, @mvnsonfreak
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The Spring Fling was just around the corner, and the committee for it had positively slathered the school in decorations and posters reminding students to get their tickets and sign up to volunteer at the dance. Gareth made a point of ignoring all the nonsense. Dances were for people who actually bought into the whole “high school is the best time of your life” thing. The fact that he was rather low on the pecking order around here was evidence of the fact that the sentiment wasn’t true. He hoped to God it wasn’t true. He needed life after high school to be better than this.
It’s not like he had anyone to go with, anyways. He could go with his friends, he supposed, but his friends were even less likely than he was to want to go. But yeah, no one was going to be asking him to be their Spring Fling date so he could just ignore the candy-colored crepe paper until little spitballs of it ended up in his hair during homeroom. Tamping down an annoyed sound, Gareth brushed the sticky, wet wads from his curls and tried to ignore the tittering from behind him. When he’d first started high school and Eddie had found him eating lunch in the bathroom, his advice had been not to feed the trolls—if he paid them no attention, they’d get bored of him soon enough. He was still waiting for that. At this point, he’d give anything to be invisible—except to one person, and that person was going to the Spring Fling with Reed Branson. 
Gareth hadn’t really meant to see the big, stupid construction paper heart taped to Barb’s locker with a single pink rose, asking if she’d go with Reed. Who even did that?! It’s not like he was asking her to go to prom—though as a junior, he had that coming up at the end of the school year and could. But Gareth had, and he’d seen Barb’s excited smile as she squealed and showed Nancy. He was getting tired of the sour taste of jealousy that flooded his mouth each time he was reminded of Reed’s existence.
Whatever. He wouldn’t have to see them at the dance together, and he and his friends would all pile into someone’s living room and watch terribly campy horror movies and eat themselves sick on candy and popcorn as they celebrated his (slightly early) birthday, because none of them—none of them—were going to have a date to the goddamn Spring Fling.
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Jeff had a date to the goddamn Spring Fling. Her name was Misty, and she lived a few trailers deeper into Forest Hills than Eddie did. And so Jeff had badgered them all into going, too. Moral support, he’d said. With Eddie there, at least someone would spike the punch. Gareth was madder than a wet cat he was getting dragged into this, even though his mom was thrilled her kid was at least trying to do normal high school activities that didn’t involve dice and minis. 
It was her who took him shopping for something because apparently, he owned nothing that passed motherly muster. She picked out a nice sport coat and some grey slacks—something he’d never willingly wear again—and paired it with a baby blue button-down and a neat navy tie that made his eyes look beautiful. He only fussed a little as she fixed his tie and tried to rearrange his ever-messy curls into something respectable. That damn tie was going in his pocket literally the moment he was in Eddie’s van when his friend came to pick him up.
Mrs. Emerson had roped Eddie into coming inside and posing for pictures with Gareth, to their mutual embarrassment. Eddie goaded Gareth into the classic prom pose for one shot—holding his short friend in front of him, arms draped around his waist and Gareth’s hands folded neatly on top of his. At least, if everything else sucked, they could cackle about that picture when his mom finally remembered to develop the roll.
Eddie had hardly dressed up—black Levis that were (miraculously) unripped and a black button-down that hadn’t seen an iron in its life. It was probably just enough to appease the dress code. Gareth was jealous. His leather jacket was surprisingly heavy when Gareth moved it off the front seat, and Gareth raised his eyebrows at Eddie.
“Are you smuggling in a handle or something? How much do you need to spike a few punch bowls?” Gareth questioned, setting the coat on the bench seat behind them.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out in like, another two years,” Eddie explained as he backed out of the driveway a little more quickly than he should’ve. “Don’t drink the punch. I mean it. I’m not explaining to your mom that I got you drunk. She already isn’t keen on me.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, but noted,” Gareth replied, working on freeing himself from his tie. He tossed it on the dashboard, where he’d (hopefully) remember to grab it when he was dropped off. “How long do you think Jeff is going to make us stay for ‘moral support’?”
“I say we give it like, an hour, hour and a half. If he’s still shaking like a chihuahua in a snowstorm by then, we’ll figure out how much longer we have to stay,” Eddie decided. 
Gareth could deal with an hour. An hour of pop music and the itchy tag on his shirt and trying to not embarrass himself. He could do that. He blew out an annoyed breath. “Don’t ditch me, okay? Like, I know you’re going to sneak away at some point to smoke but… don’t ditch me in there.”
“Pinky promise.” Eddie held out a pinky to Gareth, not taking his eyes off the road. Gareth hooked his own around the digit and squeezed.
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School dances were awful, it turned out. Gareth held out maybe the tiniest little flicker of hope it wouldn’t suck because he was a romantic but no—it definitely sucked. He, Eddie, and Kev sprawled on the bleachers at one side of the gym, watching Jeff nervously slow dance with Misty. He held her like she was going to shatter in his arms and mumbled one- and two-word responses to her attempts to start a conversation. Apparently, she thought it was endearing though, because she stood up a little on her tip-toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Even in the dim lighting, his friends could see a dark flush work its way up his throat and across his cheeks. They cackled to themselves as he very nearly stepped on her toes and apologized profusely for the near miss. He was never going to hear the end of this.
Gareth let his eyes wander across the crowded gym, picking out people here and there that he was on friendly terms with—or desperately wanted to avoid for the rest of the night. He picked out his favorite tall redhead, hovering near the edge of the dance floor, and sat up attentively. For a brief second, he’d thought maybe she was here alone, but a moment later, Reed reappeared at her side and passed her a little paper cup of punch. The punch which Eddie had rather generously spiked. Oh boy. She took a polite sip but made a face and then ignored the drink in her hand while she talked with her date.
At least now he had something to do besides waste his night warming a bleacher and half-listening to Eddie and Kev make fun of anyone and everyone. He couldn’t outright stare, obviously, but he could glance her way every once in a while and enjoy her pretty smile, even if it wasn’t for him. She liked pink, he noticed. She wore it often and she was wearing it tonight—the same color as the rose taped to her locker, the same color as the roses in the corsage at her wrist. He hoped she felt as pretty as she looked.
The end of their two hours was coming up—Jeff had begged for them to stay just a little longer an hour ago—when Gareth noticed she was standing alone again, this time near the low stage at the front of the room where the DJ was set up and blasting something inane and bubblegum-sweet. He didn’t know why the image opened up a pit in his stomach until he heard Eddie say,
“Oh, shit—they’re gonna Carrie someone.”
Several members of Hawkins social royalty—a football quarterback, one of the baseball team’s catchers, Tommy H and Carol, and some that Gareth didn’t know—were carrying one of the large drink coolers that made an appearance at every sports game and heading right for Barb.
She never even saw it coming, as sticky, red punch was dumped over her head, leaving her standing in a puddle of shame and sugary juice. Gareth had frozen, too far away to do anything to stop it and helpless to look away from the impending catastrophe. As soon as it happened, every head turned to witness Barb, drenched and stained red, mascara running from either tears or punch—no one could tell. In the crowd, Gareth could see Reed laughing at his date’s misfortune as Barb fled towards the restrooms. He didn’t know if the older boy was in on the prank or just an asshole, but he saw red. He was off the bleachers in a second, shouldering his way towards the laughing perpetrators. His hands clenched into fists as he broke through the crowd.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He shouted at them, fully ready to square up.
Around them, chaperones were scrambling to respond to the incident, but Eddie was faster. He snatched his freshman up by his collar and marched him away from the confrontation. Gareth would be a grease spot on the floor if Eddie didn’t get him and his big mouth out of the gymnasium.
“Go find Barb, lover boy. I’ll see if I can find that one chick that’s on the newspaper… what’s her name? They’re friends, right?” Eddie hissed in his ear giving him another push towards the doors.
“Nancy. Her name’s Nancy.”
“Right. I’ll find Nancy, you go rescue the princess.”
With that, he gave Gareth a last push out the door and into the halls.
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nutzworth · 9 months
im going through a homestuck tumblr post archive and i found a silly little quiz game thing and im going to do it. brace yourselves and see below if you want to see me to talk about myself
also this quiz the post i found it on was MADE on 11/11/2011. dude. act 6 is coming out be HYPED! stop doing QUIZZES!!!!! it was 3am i guess theyre okay for this one. but its 11/11/11 thats so awesome
Who Are You Homestuck Troll Quiz
ARADIA [ ]You are Aries. [ ]Your favourite colour is red [x]You use this emote: 0-0 (i use o_o i think that counts) [ ]You lost interest in lots of things lately. [x]You have a nemesis/rival. [ ]Somebody wants you dead. [ ]You have really long hair TOTAL: 2 TAVROS [ ]You are Taurus. [ ]Your favourite colour is brown. (why do they say colour. is bro british?) [ ]yOU SOMETIMES USE INVERTED CASE, [ ]You are indecisive. [ ]You can’t hate anybody. [ ]You love Pokemon and such things. [ ]You get along with everyone. TOTAL: 0. he is NOTHING like me SOLLUX [ ]You are Gemini. [ ]Your favourite colour is mustard/yellow. [ ]You have a lisp. [ ]You love bees. [ ]You tend to wear different coloured socks, shoes, mittens… (MITTENS????) [ ]You like 3-D glasses. [ ]You are bipolar. TOTAL: 0. 0.5 i guess. i like bees. i like all animals KARKAT [ ]You are Cancer. [ ]You favourite colour is grey. [ ]YOU LIKE TO TYPE IN CAPS. [ ]You get angry easily. [ ]You are a jerk. (well jeez.) [ ]Deep inside, you actually care for your friends. [x]You always want to be the leader. TOTAL: 1 NEPETA [ ]You are Leo. [ ]Your favourite colour is light green. [x]You tend to talk in third person (i use we/our sometimes) [x]You love to roleplay. [x]You love cats. [ ]You are a weaboo. [x]You are cute. ( :-) ) TOTAL: 4 KANAYA [ ]You are Virgo. [ ]Your favourite colour is dark green. [ ]You Like To Write Every Word Starting With Big Letter. (i think its so funny. but i dont do it) [ ]You love fashion. [ ]You like dressing up in unusual ways. [ ]You like chainsaws. [ ]You’ve been heartbroken TOTAL: 0 i guess. some of these are halfsies so ill give myself a 1 TEREZI [ ]You are Libra. [ ]Your favourite colour is red [or teal]. [ ]YOU US3 L33T SP34K. [ ]You love to cosplay. [x]You like dragons [ ]You prefer smells and tastes over sight. [ ]You’re always grinning. TOTAL: 1 VRISKA [ ]You are Scorpio.
[x]Your favourite colour is blue. (i dont know why these are spaced weird? is that just for me?)
[ ]You are over-dramatic. [ ]You love the number 8. [ ]You are quite fond of spiders. [ ]You are a @#!*%. (you can just say bitch. its okay. were on tumblr) [ ]You like to manipulate. (hahahahaha what) TOTAL: 1 EQUIUS [ ]You are Sagittarius. [x]Your favourite colour is blue. [ ]You put some sort of a symbol before you type. [ ]You are always sweaty. [ ]You love milk. [ ]You are muscular. [ ]You’ve had your glasses broken at least once. TOTAL: 1 GAMZEE [ ]You are Capricorn. [ ]Your favourite colour is indigo. [ ]YoU mIx LoWeR aNd UpPeR cAsE. [ ]You are not quite sane. [ ]You are religious. [ ]People tend to find you annoying. [ ]You wear weird clothes. TOTAL: 0. thank god ERIDAN [ ]You are Aquarius. [ ]Your favourite colour is dark purple. [ ]You refer to people with shortened names. (i refer to people with LONGER names more than shortened ones. so harrumph) [ ]You love science. [ ]You don’t have a lot of friends. [ ]You have a bizarre haircut. [x]You love capes. TOTAL: 1 FEFERI [x]You are Pisces. [ ]Your favourite colour is purple or dark pink. [ ]You get excited easily. [ ]You are rich. [ ]You love to swim. [ ]You’re cheerful most of time. [x]You are also optimistic. Total: 2
i guess im nepeta. thanks guys for coming on this journey
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hey, i was wondering if you could do a lupin x daughter!reader headcanon when he’s a pressosor in the readers 3rd year. maybe she’s friends with the golden trio and dating draco and lupin tries to attack her on the full moon when they find out ab sirius and peter pettigrew and it just progresses throughout lupin being protective if reader joins the order and maybe lupin dies saving reader in the battle of hogwarts? also please some sirius x reader moments where sirius is like a protective uncle !!
(also would you mind adding me to your taglist??)
Remus with a daughter
Best dad ever
Kindest man to you.
Absolutely adores you and makes sure you're safe
It's just the two of you though, your mother passed during childbirth
Remus blames himself but the truth was your mom just was so sick and having a child was too much
It breaks Remus' soul when he had to separate from you for the full moon so he wouldn't hurt you
It didn't help that the two parents who usually watched you while Remus was going through this were killed when you and Harry were a year old.
Sirius wanted to confront Peter but he didn't because his godchildren needed him then and there.
Sirius raised Harry alongside you and the two of you were honestly like siblings.
You called Remus "Papa" and he called you "Pup" or "Puppy"
Sirius was "Uncle Padfoot"
You two grew up in the wizarding world and stuck together
When you were finally able to go to Hogwarts it was exciting for you.
Harry met Ron and you met someone yourself
A blonde boy with silver eyes.
You barely noticed him but he certainly took notice of you.
He started teasing you in the halls when he saw you, you taking any insult he threw at you with a grain of salt
Especially once you were sorted into Gryffindor
Then came one insult about your dad
Harry had to separate you from potentially killing him.
You gradually began to dislike him more and more.
Harry began to really hate him once quidditch started too
Like strangulation was almost used
Then weird things started happening throughout Hogwarts.
Absolute bonkers shit happening around you and then
One thing led to another and Slytherin's house ended up having to stay with Gryffindor
You made tea to hold you over
Earl gray
And because you don't like being mad with people you made some for Draco
You sat at a table and put the mug next to him.
"What the hell is this?" Draco asked.
"Earl grey. To calm the nerves. Asshole." You said sharply.
He took it and was surprised that it didn't taste terrible
"... You know how to make tea?" He asked
"It's not hard... Plus my dad's an absolute addict to the stuff." You said.
Draco looked at you.
"Why did you bring me this?" He asked.
"I don't like being mad with people and I think we need to deal with whatever hatred you have formed against me." You said.
"I don't hate you." Draco muttered.
You rose a brow.
"You don't?" You asked.
"No. I don't." He said.
"... So why the hostility then?" You asked.
"You're a Gryffindor. And aren't you a half blood?" He asked.
"No my mum was a wizard too, you're striking out here" you said.
"was?" Draco asked.
You shifted. "Mum died after I was born... She was sick." You muttered.
Now Draco felt like an asshole.
He eased up on his constant insults but if any one else teased you he'd hex them later
Your relationship with him now was very strange
Like he was a jerk but not as big of a jerk.
Then came the end of the year.
You walked up to him and gave him your address, telling him to write to him if he felt like it
He didn't.
At first.
Then one day he found himself pacing his room debating an opening line.
Then one day when you were getting the mail from your owl you found a fancy letter.
It looked so official and it was addressed to you.
Then you saw the "M" on the side of the envelope and blinked.
Draco actually wrote to you.
You walked back into the house, this perplexed look on your face.
"Something wrong Pup?" Remus asked.
"Hmm? No... No just... Something weird is all." You muttered.
"Who's that from?" Harry asked.
"Draco." You said earning a look from him.
So you read it when you were alone and you were shocked
Like he could write
Even though this was a simple "hi how are you?" It was still so well written you felt strangely connected
You began to understand the whole romanticized idea behind letters
You and him started writing back and forth and you actually found yourself liking him.
Like. Like liking him.
Remus could tell.
You had this smile on your face every time you got a letter
Then came a very strange letter
You opened it at the breakfast table and it was a warning
"Something strange is going to happen at Hogwarts, warn Harry."
You looked up and frowned.
"Harry." You said.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Draco sent something weird... He said something's going on at Hogwarts and to warn you." You said.
"He cares what happens to me?" Harry asked.
"apparently. And he seems pretty serious about this." You said making Remus and Sirius exchange a look.
The two of you went back to school with caution
Draco was always with you, acting strangely paranoid.
Then the chamber of secrets opened
And Draco wrote to Remus himself, practically begging him "TAKE. HER. HOME."
Remus almost did but he couldn't just disrupt your life because he was anxious.
Draco never left your side, he kept close to you and the trio was noticing it
When they asked him "why are you suddenly being nice to us" he gave an answer that made you fall harder.
"Honestly, Y/n has become my best friend and I don't want to lose her by pissing her off"
So the group just kind of accepted him
Oh he'd still make comments
And Harry still bickered with him
But it was like Draco was like a brother to the group
Yeah he'd talk shit
But he obviously cared.
Things were happening around campus making Draco very paranoid that something was going to happen to you
You kept assuring him that you were being careful but he still NEVER left you or Hermione’s side
Well until the night something actually happened
You and Hermione were adamant about researching whatever was causing all of this
You spent a late night in the library with her when you arrived at an answer. 
“Basilisk!” You both gasped in unison before you heard something fall behind you. 
You had a gut feeling that it was the basilisk
“Run, I’ll stall as long as I can.” You told her
“What-- Y/n I’m not--” “Hermione, someone has to tell a teacher, that someone is you now GO!” You yelled before she nodded. 
She handed you a mirror and bolted as you got up, walking and being sure to make a lot of noise to deter the snake. 
And then you saw those eyes and everything went black
You were found a few minutes later, Hermione getting the news to Mcgonagall 
Draco was pissed.
Because he knew exactly who was behind this.
And they had a deal actually. 
A deal that was “as long as none of my friends get involved, do what you please” with Lucius
Well Lucius did not account for Draco actually liking the golden trio and you.
He couldn’t voice the problem but when Lucius came with the ministry to handle the Basilisk, the trio noticed a strange tension
Students were temporarily sent home while the problem was being handled. 
Well the ones that weren’t petrified. 
Sirius picked up Harry but Remus stayed with you in the wing
When students finally were able to return you were finally okay. 
Draco walked into the Great Hall and saw you, practically tackling you to the floor. 
The summer was odd, Draco actually spending it with (wait for it) the Weasley’s 
Harry and you both spent the first three weeks of summer with them, befriending the two legendary pranksters in the process
whilst also getting closer to Draco
Things definitely changed between the two of you
in a good way but something changed
It was the night before you were going back home and you couldn’t sleep.
You walked downstairs and sat in the doorway, looking at the stars
Draco had the same idea, sitting next to you with a blanket. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” you asked. 
“Nope.” He muttered. 
You seemed fixated on the moon.
Very fixated on it.
It was full and it seemed to almost... Make you sad?
“I wonder what dad is doing.” You muttered. 
“Well it’s like two in the morning so my guess is sleep.” Draco joked.
You tensed up and he noticed. 
“What?” Draco asked.
But then it’s like he got it on his own, figuring out what you weren’t saying.
“...Remus is a werewolf?” He asked.
You looked over shocked 
“How did--” “I just figured it out.” He said. 
You sighed turning back to the sky. 
“No one can know.” You said.
“No one will know Y/n, you have my word.” Draco said softly.
You looked at him and he moved his arm as if to say “Join me under this blanket” and you scooched closer
When your dad came to pick you up that morning he found you asleep against Draco in the doorway
He kneeled and tapped your cheek.
You yawned, realizing that it was Remus and hugged him 
Harry was staying, it was just you leaving 
Draco wrote to you as much as possible
Something changed though, the morning Remus dropped you off at the station
Remus got on the train with you
You blinked.
“Dad... I know we’re close but this is the first day of kindergarten all over again.” You said
“...Pup I’m a professor this year.” He snorted. 
Harry, who just got on the train with the Weasleys paused. 
“You’re totally riding with us.” You said excitedly
So there you were in cart with your dad, Harry, Draco, waiting for Hermione and Ron who were chasing Hermione’s cat
Draco kept giving you this cute little smile. 
You two never said anything to each other but you still exchanged this smile. 
Remus of course noticed this but said nothing 
Ron and Hermione finally showed up 
“Crookshanks did not--” “YES IT DID!” 
You all looked over 
“What’s going on?” You asked
“Ron’s rat ran off!” Hermione said
“More like your cat ate him!” Ron fired back.
“What does your pet look like so we can find him?” Remus asked
“He’s a brown rat.” “He took off the second we got close to the cart.” Hermione explained.
That raised an alarm in Remus’s brain. 
“...Ron how old is your rat?” Remus asked.
“Oh he’s old. Like twelve years old.” Ron said. 
Remus stood up and drew his wand
“Dad?” You asked. 
“Lock this door the second I leave. If you find the rat one of you come and find me.” 
You guys didn’t find the rat, however there was this strange new tension on campus.
There were a few aurors walking around, one of which was walking you and Harry to classes
That auror was (wait for this one) Sirius 
People of course were speculating that 
A: your father was a professor 
and B: The Sirius Black was escorting you out of all people around the school
See, the weird thing was that four different people were walking Harry to class.
Neither you or Harry were fully alone. 
But that wasn’t the only weird thing going on.
You and Mcgonagall seemed to be discussing something at every free moment
Two weeks into school you seemed to be taking some sort of advanced skill
Don’t get me started on the group noticing you chewing something for a solid month 
Ministry members were also talking to you
not even Harry knew what was going on
Then came the trip to Hogsmeade
You all went and for the most part it was fun
 until Harry got the bright idea to eavesdrop on a conversation
He found out everything.
Peter, the betrayal, why staff was acting odd. 
all of it. 
He didn’t say anything either, he walked out of the three broomsticks, walked over to the shrieking shack and threw up
You listened to him sob and that night was hard
Draco sat at the foot of your bed while you sighed. 
“He’s going to be okay Y/n, he has us.” He reminded. 
“I know... But still... Jesus... I can’t imagine what must be going through his head” You breathed. 
Draco put a soothing hand on your leg and you smiled 
“I’m always here Y/n... Always.” he said softly 
You both exchanged this look.
Something in you just leaned forward and he kissed you.
then you heard a small pattering noise... like rat feet
You both split apart and you grabbed your wands
“MCGONAGALL!” you yelled.
She ran in and noticed the alarm on both Draco’s face and then heard the noise.
She found the rat but it was the wrong rat.
“Maybe it is best that you sleep out in the common room like mister potter. Draco you should go back to your--” “While that killer is roaming campus, I am not leaving my best friend alone.” He said. 
Mcgonagall sighed, but understood his worry before it registered that he knew.
“You know about Pettigrew?” she asked. 
“My father doesn’t keep me completely out of the loop professor.” Draco answered
She sighed. 
but she agreed to let him stay as long as he wasn’t completely alone with you.
You two didn’t bring up the kiss at all. 
But things certainly got weirder between you two.
Both of you would get extremely flustered if you even looked in the same direction
then came the night you snuck out.
it was a full moon and you were staying in Hermione’s room due to the fact that the guys snored so fucking loud.
You snuck out, tip toeing past the sleeping boys and meeting Sirius outside of the common room.
“Are you sure you want to help?” Sirius asked quietly.
“I’m sure.” You nodded before both of you took off. 
What you didn’t realize was that Hermione followed you.
Along with the guys.
You slid down the whomping willow, walking into a room with Sirius where he gave you a talk of “be careful, avoid being in direct line of his vision and stay safe.” 
The group was hearing all of this, along with the pained groans of someone. 
“He’s turning.” Sirius noticed. 
“Did he drink his potion?” you asked. 
Sirius noticed the potion’s contents on the floor. 
“Shit.” You both said in unison before hearing the snarling
“Y/n, change, now!” Sirius said before taking on his dog form.
You took on an Animagus form.  
It was a hawk, a loud screech emerging from you as you took flight
The group watched you and Sirius basically herd Remus into a room from a door crack.
“She’s an animagus?” Ron whispered. 
“From the looks of it, yeah.” Harry muttered. 
“Remus is a werewolf?” Ron asked
“No shit sherlock.” Draco muttered. 
Then Remus had an outburst, a rat scurrying by his feet.
Sirius immediately took his human form and sprinted after it, leaving you alone with your father. 
The rat stopped at Hermione’s feet that was blocking the way out.
The group was caught. 
“What in the blazes are you doing here!?” he asked. 
Remus lunged at you, you dodging the attack
He snarled and you tried to stand your ground
“I--” Harry picked up the rat and frowned.
Remus slammed you against the wall before you took your human form
“dad, it’s me--”
Sirius used the reversal spell and sure enough it was Peter.
“You son of a--” 
Then everyone heard a scream.
Your scream.
Sirius dropped everything, sprinted back in the room before seeing you with a bite mark on your shoulder
So the group now was not only holding a wand to a fugitive, they also had a potentially dying girl with them
Draco was sprinting as fast as humanly possible with you in his arms
The rest of the group was trying to get Pettigrew to the ministry 
Sirius was trying to keep your dad from going ballistic
Two hours later you were in a bed passed out with Draco pacing
Pettigrew fucking escaped and the ministry was high tailing it after him
You, thank god, weren’t a werewolf but you were unconscious
no one could pry Draco away from you.
You unconscious for about five days
Remus was a wreck
When you woke up Draco and Remus were both asleep at the foot of the bed
You shifted and Draco’s head shot up.
“Professor she’s awake” Draco said 
Remus looked at you with tears almost bombarding his face.
“Y/n, I’m so sorr--” “Dad it’s okay. I knew what I was getting into, I almost expected it.” you stated.
Remus was still very hesitant to even look at you
Summer was spent at the Weasleys, Draco again being present for it.
neither of you still talked about the kiss and it was driving both of you crazy
You both were 10x more jumpier around each other
Draco was so scared he was losing you as a friend 
So Fred gave him some advice because he knew you liked him.
“dude. Just hit on her. Let her know you’re still interested-- fucking show that you care!” Fred said. 
“But what if it fails--” “It won’t!” 
So Draco started being smooth as hell
You were reaching for a glass and he stood so close to you and grabbed it for you
You almost dropped the glass the second it was in your grasp
You’d be so focused on something, look over and see Draco staring and literally fuck it up within seconds. 
He lends you his jacket, all the time
You love it but are too chicken to admit that you do though
And then came the tournament
Draco left about three days before the tournament
He left you his jacket though
but you all ended up going 
As you were walking to the portkey Cedric seemed to have his sights set on you
Fred and George had to literally stand between you because they did NOT want Cedric making moves 
Course, all the boy was interested in was friendship though and you knew that because you knew he liked Cho
You thought that Draco wasn’t going to be there but you were pleasantly surprised.
Well, until you saw his father
and you realized what jacket you were wearing in front of him
You were a fumbling mess, stuttering over your words
However Lucius is a civil man and assured you it was fine (while also giving a look to Draco)
Let’s just say Lucius wasn’t exactly thrilled with his son’s choice
You were practically shaking when you were in your seat and eventually just sat near concessions.
Cedric found you and calmed you down, you thanking him
For the most part you enjoyed the game after you calmed down
You had to listen to Ron’s big speech on Krum afterwards though and you were rolling your eyes
Draco met you guys back in the tent
“Y/n, are you alright? I noticed you looked really pale when you left.” He asked
“Your father is terrifying.” You said before hearing what you thought was a scream of celebration
You took a long sip of water before Arthur ran in. 
“Everyone, grab your things, we need to leave.” He said
“What’s going on?” You asked 
The sense of alarm on Arthur’s face made everyone worried. 
Draco immediately pulled you close to him, neither of you letting go when you got to safety.
“Are you alright?” Cedric asked.
Draco immediately seemed jealous
“I’m okay Ced, don’t worry. I’m more worried for Harry.” You muttered looking over at the boy.
“Wait... Draco, where’s your dad?” Hermione asked.
He frowned, looking around the camp grounds to see no trace of his father. 
“....Don’t tell me he’s--” “I don’t know. He stopped keeping me in the loop after our second year.” He muttered.
“....Why?” You asked. 
Draco seemed so tense because of that one little question.
“I think he had something to do with the chamber of secrets.” Draco said
“What?” The group asked in unison.
“he carried around this black journal, I don’t know if you remember that girl from Slytherin, Pansy? We’re friends with her family and I think he snuck it into her luggage or something. Either way when the ministry found her she was unconscious and the journal was on the ground next to her.” Draco explained
Everyone was shocked. 
“Your father almost killed a student!?” Ron whisper shouted
“I didn’t know, it wasn’t until last year that I started piecing shit together man!” Draco whispered
“Are you insane-- you have to be” “Ron calm down” Hermione whispered
“He almost got someone killed!” Ron said
“Draco is not his father!” You snapped. 
Everyone was surprised by your reaction, especially Draco
You sighed and looked away, looking at the scene in front of you 
That’s when a flash of green light practically blinded you and there it was
the dark mark
Draco grabbed your hand, staring at it with a frown. 
“Do you think he’s--” “I don’t know.” Draco whispered
You all went back to the Burrow, Molly mortified that her adoptive sons  (and daughter) went through that
Remus was also there, for the first time in months he hugged you. 
“I thought the worst.” He muttered.
“I’m okay papa.” You whispered.
You all were cautious when you went back to school
Cedric was happy you were okay, Cho was too
Cedric was also talking to you more, mainly because you had crossed paths multiple times at campus.
Believe or not, you were actually really good friends.
Draco still was having no luck in asking you out
Fred and George witnessed him nearly lose his mind during the first few hours of school because you touched his hand
He went from smooth to a nervous wreck.
Then the introduction dinner started
And everything was odd.
You watched the Beauxbatons dance with ease
You watched Durmstrang march forward
You listened to Ron’s squeal when he saw Viktor Krum
And then a Durmstrang boy seemed to immediately take a liking to you
Which made Draco want to stab him
You seemed completely oblivious to the guy’s flirting though
You all found out about the goblet of fire
Draco actually was considering joining the competition but you seemed to have a negative reaction to it.
Then they announced the age restriction on it and everyone but you seemed to hate the idea of that.
Then Harry ended up getting roped into it and you were arguing 24/7 with the ministry workers on why he was involved 
Then mad eye moody assured you that he’d be fine. 
Mad eye moody freaked you out.
Seriously, he seemed awfully fixated on you and Harry
Draco hated seeing you with that Durmstrang boy.
He was always there, smiling at you, laughing at something you said.
Draco was over all in a sour mood when he was around
You didn’t mind Nikolai but you needed a break so you found yourself sitting at the lake
A blonde French girl sat next to you
It was Fleur
she didn’t always like being in the center of attention and needed a break
So the two of you became close friends
She taught you French, you taught her English
You and her became very close, Draco taking notice of your friend
not in a romantic way. Actually, she noticed his interest was not with her
No, she knew he was in love with you just by the way he looked at you
“So how long have you and Draco been... seeing each other?” Fleur asked.
“Oh we aren’t... Dating.” You muttered, throwing a pebble into the water
“Really? He looks at you as if he was in love, I just figured--” “He doesn’t--... Does he?” You asked.
“Oh my goodness does he, he seems completely head over heels.” She said.
So then you started thinking about this more and more. 
something was clearly bugging you and Draco could tell
It was that damn dance class
Draco and you were paired up and you seemed so distracted.
“Y/n?” Draco asked.
“Hmm? Oh sorry.” You muttered.
“Are you alright?” He asked, the glint of concern in his eyes
“Yeah, I’m fine...” you said
You two were dancing great actually, smiling and laughing before you noticed it
the loving look that Fleur was talking about
“Draco I need you to be 100% honest with me.” you began
he nodded
“Do you love me?” you asked. 
Draco froze as did Fred and George who were listening. 
Draco swallowed hard. 
“I-I” He stuttered. 
“Draco?” You asked.
“...Yes.” he answered
You didn’t hesitate in kissing him
You simply yanked his tie, pulling him to you and you just...
kissed him
He kind of locked in place for a minute and Fred groaned. 
“KISS HER YOU GIT!” George said.
finally his shock subsided and he put his arms around your waist. 
he kissed you back and boom
you two were dating
You both were so in love and it was nice for the friend group to see you so happy. 
You two were inseparable and of course Fred and George took full credit
The second challenge came along
You were all sitting on the docks when you noticed missing people that didn’t make sense
Cho wasn’t present for her own boyfriend
Ron wasn’t there either
and neither was Gabrielle.
You frowned, walking over to her 
“Fleur, where’s Gabi?” You asked. 
“She’s not with the girls?” She asked. 
You shook your head and she frowned.
“Fleur, what was this challenge?” You asked. 
“...retrieving... something...” she said before both of you realized what was going on.
“Y/n?” Draco asked. 
Fleur’s pale face combined with your shocked expression concerned him
“Love what’s wrong?” He asked. 
“They’re down there.” you whispered. 
Draco frowned. 
“....Are you sure?” he asked.
“Hermione would never miss this.” you muttered.
The contestants had to line up and you frowned, watching them all jump in
You noticed Neville give Harry Gillyweed 
You sat and waited, seeing Krum come up first with Hermione.
You ran over, seeing her cough .
“Are you alright?” you asked. 
“I’m fine, have you seen Ronald?” she asked. 
“He wasn’t down there?” you asked. 
“I...Don’t know, I couldn’t see.” She said.
Cedric came up with Cho and you looked over. 
Finally, Harry came up with Ron
You were relieved when they showed up
But anxiety filled you back up when Fleur came back empty handed.
“The mermaids, I-I couldn’t get her back--” 
You looked over 
“Neville, hand me the rest of the Gillyweed.” you said 
He handed it to you and you took off your shirt. 
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing!?” Draco asked. 
“Saving my friend..” you said before jumping into the water
Draco nearly went in after you but Moody stopped him.
“If she’s in danger, we’ll know.” He said
Soon, you popped out of the water with Gabrielle and Fleur sprinted over.
You were cold, naturally
Draco was just happy to have you back, wrapping you in a towel.
the ministry was pissed with your involvement now, but because you were a Hogwarts student points were given to Cedric and Harry.
Durmstrang insisted that that was bullshit and that points should've been docked but uh...
Dumbledore rlly said "No fucks given"
So that good old Yule ball.
You didn't really plan on going but Ginny AND Hermione insisted.
As far as Draco knew, he was aware it wasn't your scene but didn't get the memo that his friends were dragging his girlfriend to the dance.
His plan was to show up for looks, raid the cookies, leave, sneak to you and just spend time with you.
So imagine that boy's shock watching you walk Hermione down the stairs looking beautiful.
He just was there really to make his parents happy by keeping up appearances, but now that you were there it was a reason to stay.
You and him couldn't take your eyes off each other.
You did dip out pretty quick once things got loud but you also raided the snacks, sitting on the steps.
You laughed at some silly little joke he told you.
He smiled, brushing the hair out of your eyes
"Draco..." You said.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"do you ever consider a future... With me?" you asked.
He smiled, kissing your knuckles.
"All the time my love." He replied.
"Like what?" you asked.
"Well I know that I want us to live in a nice house... And I'd like a dog." he said.
You laughed, making him raise a brow
"My uncle is a dog, my father is pretty damn close to one, aren't you aggravated with all the canines?" you asked, making him smile.
"I've always found basset hounds to be adorable, sue me." He said.
You laughed harder.
"What is with you?" he asked.
"It's hard to imagine you with a dog like-like a basset hound! A great Dane, maybe but a small little basset hound is amusing!" You said.
He shook his head with a smile.
"One day I hope that we grow old together... Maybe have children if it doesn't make you uncomfortable... Our son's name would be Charles... Our daughter would be named Violet." He finally said.
You blinked, feeling this beautifully intense emotion of love.
"Draco I love you." You said.
He smiled, kissing you. "I love you too."
And you almost kissed again until you heard shouting from Ron and then Hermione.
"I have to handle these morons, I'm sorry." You told him.
"Go. I'll see if I can talk sense into Ron." He nodded.
So the night ended with you comforting Hermione and Draco bitching at Ron for not seeing what was SO CLEARLY IN FRONT OF HIM.
The final trial began, Ron of course having tension with Hermione
You had this bad feeling.
Draco could tell too.
"What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"I just... It feels off. Something about this. It feels off." You said.
And then it began.
As players returned back to the start you started asking questions.
And then Fleur said something.
"When I turned a corner, I swear I could hear a rat!"
Your heart dropped and you BOLTED to the ministry workers, BEGGING them to pull the rest of the students out.
Their exact words were "We can't just do that based on a 'paranoid whim'."
And then it happened.
Harry and Cedric came back.
Only one of them wasn't alive.
You sprinted down to them, pulling Cedric's chest to your ear, praying you heard something.
The silence in his chest was so loud.
You let out this pained cry that alerted the crowd something was wrong.
You and Harry were both dragged back to Moody's office
You had this feeling again.
Uneasy, like something was wrong.
As Moody talked, you kept noticing the weird tongue thing he was doing.
As he revealed more and more... It made sense.
"You put Harry's name in the Goblet of fire!" You realized, Harry looking over shocked at your accusation.
He was searching frantically for something.
You didn't even dare to reach for your wand.
You knew he'd kill you in a instant
"For a girl so caught up in a ridiculous romance, you catch on quick, Lupin." He said.
"Harry won because I made it so. He ended up in that graveyard because it was meant to be so and now the deed is done." He told you, leaning close to your face.
He walked to the cabinet looking at you and Harry.
"Imagine the reward I'd get for finally silencing the great Potter. The girl... Well the girl would just be a plus." He chuckled, whipping out his wand.
"EXPELLIAMUS!" was shouted.
You and Harry backed to the wall, hearts pounding.
"Are you alright?" you asked him.
He nodded "You?" He asked.
"Yeah." You breathed.
Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Snape all joined you, Snape pouring something in Moody's mouth.
The truth was revealed.
Moody was actually not Moody, in fact, he was Barty Crouch Jr.
And the real Moody was what was in the mysterious chest he kept in the office.
Once you and Harry were released, you both went to the common room where the group was waiting.
You hugged Draco.
You explained everything, deeply unsettling the group.
"do you know what this means?" Ron asked.
You watched the fire in the fireplace with a blank stare
The banners of Cedric went up.
Harry felt too much guilt keeping the prize money.
So he gave it to Fred and George for their business.
You seemed very depressed over the summer
You hardly left your room.
Then something happened.
Draco showed up at your house in the middle of the night.
"What in Merlin's beard are you doing here, it's four in the morning?" Remus asked.
"I need a place to stay sir." He said.
a family meeting was called.
Naturally everyone was half awake until Draco explained what was going on.
Not only did Draco confirm your suspicions of his father being a death eater. He was allowing Voldemort to stay with them.
Draco saw him enter, apparently said he was going for a walk and then just... Took off.
Remus, while reluctant to let his daughter's boyfriend to stay in the same house as them, allowed it.
You all told the Weasleys of course
Once the school year began, Sirius made a attempt to alert the ministry of "hi, guess what, the guy we all feared would come back is in fact back... And staying at the Malfoy manor"
This was waved off.
Remus tried.
waved off.
waved off.
Once you got to school, something odd was going on.
there was a ministry worker there
As a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher
and everyone was claiming that Cedric's death was a accident.
This. Made. You. Livid.
You and Harry were both pissed that actual magic was no longer being practiced
"Don't you think we should actually PRACTICE the magic, especially now that 'You know who' is back?" you asked.
"He. Is. not. back."
You glared.
"You're fucking joking right?" You asked.
By this point you were UNBELIEVABLY fed up with everything.
Weeks of refusing to acknowledge the death of Cedric or the many warnings of a war brewing made you no longer care.
"You are saying this in a class room with two children who has been attacked multiple times by his followers-" "Miss Lupin, be quiet please." "one of which SHOULD'VE died, his parents, DID die." Miss Lupin, sit. Down." "Another student's parents were tortured to a point where they can't even speak and he's aware of what's really going on!" "Miss Lupin I will not be spoken to like this-" "You might be terrified of even acknowledging what is happening, but it won't stop the fact that it is." " Miss Lupin-" "How in the hell do you think Cedric ended up dead!?" "WHAT HAPPENED TO CEDRIC WAS AN ACCIDENT!" "BULLSHIT!"
You of course got detention.
And that's when you discovered how truly crazy this woman was.
When you came back, you immediately told Mcgonagall what she did.
She did what protocol suggested.
She asked the ministry to remove her.
and basically got a "no❤️"
Dumbledore was AWOL and it was clear that this was going to be a LONG year.
Rules kept being added, lessons were being ignored
So you and Harry started the next "Dumbledore's army."
You used this 'room of requirement' a student showed you.
She was sweet actually
kind of on the hippy side but you liked her.
Draco and you both felt so tired of this woman.
Draco knew that if he just asked his parents they might do something.
But probably at a high cost.
You told him not to do anything.
"Why? Y/n, you've been injured by this woman. Harry's been injured. We've contacted everyone we know in the ministry, nothing's been DONE!" he asked.
"I have full confidence in Dumbledore." You said simply.
He didn't get that one at all but when along with it anyway.
FINALLY it reached a new point.
You were pissed, Cho revealed where the Room of Requirement was.
So you finally wrote to your dad.
"Dad. I might not finish school. Sincerely, your loving daughter."
Fred and George noticed your anger and decided to help you direct it somewhere.
They showed you a plan.
You agreed and explained it to Draco.
He was sad you wouldn't be graduating with him.
But he handed you a matchbox, kissed your head and told you to go to town.
and so you did
You set off fireworks with them and Draco smiled.
Once the three of you finished the handiwork you watched it all explode together.
"Regret any of this?" Fred asked.
You smiled at the boy.
"Never Freddie."
And so you left Hogwarts, the three of you opening up the shop.
Remus wasn't too happy with your... Unethical way of handling Umbridge.
But he was proud.
Then came a day when Bill came into the shop saying he met someone.
He would mention little things about this charming blonde girl he met
apparently English wasn't her first language so she spoke with an accent.
When you asked the name you nearly died
it was Fleur!
Your dad came in the shop one day asking all of you to close early and that it was an emergency.
you all went with him, you going to a house you had only stayed in once in your life, shortly after James and Lily died.
It was Sirius' parents' house.
The real moody was there, as were all of the Weasleys and Draco.
then there was this girl with pink hair.
You'd notice the look your dad would give her, making you realize he liked her.
You all joined the Order that night and would report back to them pretty regularly.
Then came a meeting where Draco came back.
He and Remus had been discussing something.
And Draco agreed to something
You were working in the shop one day
Draco came in and he said he had to speak with you
You sat there and listened to him
"The Order thinks we need a spy." He said
"What is Moody cooking up over there?" you asked.
"The only one with an opening is me Y/n." He said
You froze.
"No. No, tell me you didn't-"
"as far as my family knows, me and you have broken up-"
"Draco that is too dangerous, why the fuck would you ever agree to do something like this?" You asked.
"Because I want a future with you Y/n... And this is a war we have to fight." He said.
You accepted the situation but hated all of this.
And then Harry had a vision.
Something was wrong, Arthur was in danger
So you all went to the Ministry
Turns out he was right.
You ended up saving Arthur's life.
Then there was another vision
Sirius was in danger.
So you all went.
This was one of the worst decisions to make
You all went, finding out why Death eaters were there
A prophecy
you guys beat them to the punch however...
Which led to death eaters running after all of you
You all ended up in a battle, your dad, Tonks and Sirius coming to you all.
You fought as strong as you could, actually packing a real punch
and then it happened.
You all thought you were in the clear
Sirius stumbled back.
Your eyes widened as you bolted away from Ginny and Remus held Harry as he screamed
Then Voldemort came
you felt true terror
Dumbledore resurfaced
The Death Eaters took off
You all grieved the loss of Sirius.
You were right there... You should've done... Something.
Draco finally managed to sneak off and tell you that something WORSE was brewing
An attack on Dumbledore
So you all warned him
He didn't have much of a reaction to finding this out, which didn't completely shock you, the man was one of the most powerful wizards , he had a lot of enemies
To Voldemort, that was what was standing in his way.
You all started training more, though you still felt this depression due to the inability to see Draco or the inability to be at Hogwarts. \
However your father's new girlfriend always seemed to check on you.
You loved her, she had this sense of humor you just seemed to vibe with
Your dad referred to you two as his girls
finally one day Remus came by the shop.
He was rambling a lot about something changing and fiddling with something in his pocket
"Dad." you sighed
"And if you have any problems with Nymphadora-"
"I really want to hear them because your opinion matters-"
"You're proposing to her, aren't you?" You asked.
He paused but nodded.
"I'm so happy for you two dad." You said, sincerely.
He smiled and hugged you "Thank you pup"
So the two got married, you and Harry being the witnesses to it
Not long after the wedding though, Tonks kept getting sick
Remus was TERRIFIED he did something
You however noticed a series of patterns
Foods that Tonks used to love she now hated, she craved some off putting things and then it hit you
You pulled her into another room
"You're pregnant." You told her
"No, no I can't be- Oh my god I'm pregnant."
"you're WHAT!?" Remus asked, walking in at precisely the wrong time
"Uh.." "Sur...prise?" you said confused.
Your dad handled it real weird.
He was panicked at first
then he sat down with a calculator and was pricing things just saying "Oh god."
then he finally said he was happy
You started getting this feeling though
this feeling of being watched
Draco was visiting less and less and you figured maybe that's why you felt weird.
Then something happened.
Harry and Draco came back to the Order one day, both looking sick to their stomachs
"Love... Are you alright?" You asked Draco
He was shaking, Harry just looked shocked
Remus came in, looking at the boys.
"So it is true." He muttered.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"....Dumbledore he's.... He's dead."
This felt like such a shock.
One of the most powerful people... Gone
Just like that.
"Who killed him?" You asked
Your heart dropped.
the whole wizarding world now grieved
You all felt so.. Weird.
Then... You got a letter
Fleur asked an odd question
"Will you be my bridesmaid"
You happened to be drinking coffee and reading this next to the boys
"BILL PROPOSED!?" you asked
Fred and George both looked up
So that's how you all found out.
Then your lil bro was born!
Then there was a slight... Problem
Harry was going to be attacked
So seven people devised a plan, drinking polyjuice potion to avoid having harry killed
Fred, George, Fleur, Bill, Ron and Hermione all drank the potion
You stayed with Molly and Ginny
When your father came back he was pissed.
Someone in the Order betrayed them.
And then came George
Who was now missing an ear
Oh no
You all helped nurse him back to health
then when he was lucid he said the iconic lines of
"I'm holey"
You and Fred rolled your eyes but were glad he was safe
Then... The next days came
The prime minister of the wizarding world showed up
He had things of Dumbledore to give to all of you
and he gave you all a quest
to destroy some horcruxes
You all went to a wedding
Fleur and Bill! WOOHOO!
Draco of course went
He loved seeing you again
"I've missed you." You whispered to him at a table.
"I've missed you too." He said.
He smiled, watching the happy couple dance.
"...Do you think we'll have something like that?" You asked
"Well for one we're not getting married in a tent." he said making you laugh
then all hell just seemed to break lose
The wedding turned into Harry, you and Hermione all going on the run
Hermione of course came prepared
You all went to some random shop and devised a plan
You all got attacked (they failed)
You all went back to Grimmauld Place, figuring clues had to be there
you ended up sleeping there, finding Sirius's room.
You found his old things... His leather jacket being right on a chair
"Take it." Harry told you.
"But Harry you-" "You always loved that thing growing up... I'll take his lighter." He told you
Then you had a thought
"Wait, what were the initials in the book?" You asked
then it clicked with both of you
Sirius didn't mention his home life to you guys, but he did talk about his little brother
Regulus Arcturus Black
You found this little locket in his room
And then you met that creepy ass house elf
Then you had to go to the ministry
Oh god.
You all snuck in
and there was Umbridge.
You stood there in a court room
and you learned that that feeling of being watched was more than valid.
You, your families... They were all being watched by the bitch in pink.
before they started to figure out what was going on and saving a woman in the process
Then others started chasing you and next thing your ass knew, you were in the woods
You all made a attempt to destroy the locket
it failed.
you all had to walk
for days
then Ron got jealous
Then he took off on his own
You all had to keep going
Hermione was noticeably more sad
"how do you do it Y/n?" she asked
"Do what?" you asked
"fight so hard without him next to you." She asked
You sighed
"I have to keep going Hermione. If we want any shot at a future... We need to keep going." You said
"...Right." She nodded
"Plus, I found that binge drinking helps." You added making her snort
After days of traveling you found clues that led you all to a grave yard in a place that felt vaguely familiar.
You found a grave with a symbol on it
But that's not what made this familiar
You looked up and saw him at a grave
you and Hermione walked over to see James and Lily's headstone.
You conjured a lily to place while Hermione put a wreathe on it
You all ended up in a house with an old woman.
Well an old woman that ended up being a snake
A literal snake
So you bolted.
Then you ended up on the road
While you were asleep, Harry managed to find the sword of Gryffindor
...And RON!
So you broke the horcrux
you all made up but now you needed to figure out what to do next
After more traveling you ended up with Luna's dad
Mans was cryptic
and then you were all attacked
you all took off in the woods, magic was in fact used to hurt harry but only enough to conceal his identity
you ended up in the malfoy manor.
Draco's face dropped once you were put in front of him
"Y'know.. I bet the girl will have answers." Bellatrix suggested.
"Which one? There's two." Lucius said, staring at you
"...Lover girl here, who's been makin' eyes at your boy." she said.
His heart pounded in his ears as you were handed over to Bellatrix.
Harry shot a look to Draco and he had to bite his tongue
"So... pretty pretty girl" She began
you swallowed hard, looking at Draco.
"What did you take. Hmm? From the vault?" She asked
You shook your head.
"I wasn't with them-" "LIAR!" She yelled making you jump.
"Last chance. What did you take-" "I don't know--" she pinned you to the floor, winding you.
and then she started the torture.
You let out bloocurdling screams, begging for her to stop Draco having to look away, he was on the verge of tears
Then the group managed to escape.
As the group prepared to fight and you were shaking from...everthing, you all heard this metal squeak
You looked up to see
Draco looked at him, then you, then as the chandelier fell, he grabbed you, ran to Harry and you all apparated out of there
You all were safe
...Until Dobby stumbled forward.
And then Draco caught him
"D-Dobby is sorry Master Draco.." He muttered
Draco let tears fall
"You will die, a free elf Dobby." He told him.
"Dobby... Is..Free" were the last words of Dobby
You and Harry buried him, you feeling this intense guilt
"This isn't going to be the last person we bury, will it?" you asked.
"...No." Harry muttered.
Hermione went through her bag, pulling out your jacket.
You put it on, holding your wrist in pain
"What did she write?" Ron asked.
"...Blood Traitor." you muttered.
Draco pulled you to him, kissing your head
"I should've reacted-" "You could have died." you said.
he hugged you tightly, you sobbing into his chest
You were so tired.
and this wasn't even halfway done.
Well after a few days of rest they all asked what Bellatrix wanted to know
You told them it was something about a vault
The group decided to investigate said vault.
You told them you weren't joining them
Neither was Draco.
Instead you stayed with Bill and Fleur, away from everything
Fleur noticed you being so... Out of it
She sat next to you in a chair
"What's on your mind?" She asked
"Was that how they felt?" You muttered.
"What?" Bill asked, looking up from a book as Draco washed dished
"Neville's parents. Was... What I went through... That terror... Was that how they felt?" You asked.
Draco stopped what he was doing and hugged you.
Draco never stopped feeling that guilt
You and Draco took a break after the events at the manor from the Order.
Your time however came when the battle started.
Everyone showed up, first years were evacuated,
Shit was going to hit the fan.
So you all buckled up
You wore Sirius's jacket, standing next to your dad and Draco
you held Draco's hand, watching McGonagall's force field slowly break.
"THEY'RE COMING!" Ginny shouted, sprinting down the bridge with her group.
You all fought, screams around you as you sprinted down halls to find Fred and George
"Fred!" You called.
"BEHIND YOU!" He yelled, Draco blasting a rock away from you.
"Fucking trolls!" Draco coughed.
Fred and George never left your side after that.
You looked around the battlefield and frowned.
"Where's dad?" You asked
Draco looked to the twins.
You all took off again, before seeing your dad and Tonks
relief washed over you seeing him
and then
A spell was fired behind him, the entire area collapsing
Draco took your hand, sprinting away as you watched the area collapse where your father was.
When you were safe, you fell to the ground.
"We- we have to go back" You whimpered
"We can't Y/n..." Fred said.
"We-we have to--" You sobbed into George's chest, him holding you
they were gone...
Your dad
Draco looked around, hearing students yell
"We're not safe here darling, we have to go" He said
you nodded, but were still crying
Fred and George met back up with you in the infirmary, before seeing something gut wrenching
Percy was dead.
The whole family grieved, Ron sobbing into Hermione's shoulder, Ginny hugging you
Fred and George felt like the worst people on earth especially after Arthur mentioned something
Percy, stuck up, hard ass Percy's last words
was a joke.
You and Draco stayed near the infirmary, guarding the son of a bitch with your lives
you saw Hermione and Ron, both with Harry.
You ran over, looking at them
"How many more are there?" You asked.
"One. I don't even know what it is." Ron huffed.
Harry said nothing, hugging you tightly.
"You and I may not be related by blood. But we are family." He mumbled in your ear
You originally assumed his sincerity came from the fact you were surrounded by war
And then it hit you
Harry could read Voldemort's mind
Harry could read Nagini's mind
Harry could speak Parseltongue
He ran off before you could speak
"No... no no no--"
"What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"Harry's the last horcrux." You said, your voice breaking.
Everyone froze as they realized what had to happen
It didn't help either when the battle just seemed to stop
and they saw Hagrid holding someone.
Ginny let out a cry that nearly broke you
Fred and George out their hands on your shoulders as you sobbed
You lost...
You all... You were doomed from the start, you all lost
And then... they asked you all to pick sides
Draco's family motioned for him to come but he didn't move an inch from your side
But then something unexpected happened....
You walked forward.
"...This is quite unexpected miss Lupin. But I'm sure there's a place for you--"
"I’d like to say something." you said, looking at him.
"I don't care that Harry's gone. People die everyday, my dad. My stepmom. My friends. My family. My brother now has to live in a world where he doesn't have his parents. So I don't care that Harry is gone. Because he’s still with us…in here. So is my dad, Tonks, Cedric…all of them. They didn’t die in vain! I won't fucking let them. I refuse to let them. But you will, because you’re wrong. Harry’s heart did beat for us. For all of us! It’s not over!” you told the dark Lord.
Draco gripped his wand ready to counter whatever spell was about to be fired
And then something very very surprising happened
Harry was alive.
Intense relief washed over him before you snatched his wand back from Lucius and threw it to him
Lucius had the last straw with you
so he started to attack you
what he didn't account for was you having serious strength before you socked him in the jaw
Draco and you took off before you saw flashes of red and green
You watched as Harry overpowered Voldemort, destroying him once and for all.
You did it.
You hugged him, along with Draco, Hermione and the Weasleys
Harry broke the elder wand, doing away with it so no one would have a chance to use it for evil ever again
You went to sleep, finally feeling safe.
You felt empty though, having to come home to your house now without your dad or Tonks
Andromeda was staying with Teddy, sure not to wake you
When you woke up that morning you could smell something specific.
Your dad's pancakes.
you bolted up, sprinting to the kitchen to see
Disappointment coursed through you and he turned around, hugging you
"I'm so sorry." Draco whispered.
You whimpered and let the tears fall before
"Tell me you didn't burn the one thing I left you in charge of."
You turned around, Remus standing there.
"DAD!" you screamed, hugging him
He winced but hugged back.
"Oh! Hello, this is a strange start to a morning." Tonks said before you yanked her into a hug
Turns out a few of the Slytherins were around the campus on their brooms as Sentry's for Mcgonagall.
When the collapse took place, they saved them from any lethal damage
A few cracked ribs and a collapsed lung? Yes, but at least they were alive.
You all had a proper funeral for Sirius.
You, Fred and George all completed your time in Hogwarts.
Once you did, you became healer, but something WILD happened on graduation day
You smiled, looking at your family.
Draco cleared his throat, standing next to you.
"hi there stranger." you said, earning a chuckle.
"can we talk, I do have a question to ask." he said.
You nodded, turning to him.
"You remember the future we wanted together?" He asked.
"Kids, a small house and the dog? Yes, I remember." You said.
"what if I had a plan to make it happen?" He asked.
"Y/n, what if... we got married?" he asked.
Your mind imploded
"YES YOU FUCKING MORON!" you said, hugging him.
So you two ended up getting married.
You ended up having a son and the basset hound your husband just had to have.
Buddy was the dog's name
Scorpius was your son's name.
One day you were doing the dishes when Scorpius came up to you
"mummy, I have a question." he said.
"What is it dear?" You asked.
"My teachers mentioned you left hogwarts in your fifth year. What happened?" He asked.
You smiled.
"Well my little lad... That's quite a story."
Taglist: @amhyeah @newtaholic-staygold @bbeauttyybbx @fleurho @yodeadxss @mariah-can-dream
98 notes · View notes
aquarium | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You thought you and Jeon Jungkook would be last forever, but you had to read the ending yourself, in the form of typed words. When it arrived, you went to the blue sea. The grey sky would come and the black storm would appear.
warnings: cheating in established relationship; (very sad) angst; language; ambiguous ending; non-idol!AU; video game streamer!Jungkook x reader; ft. kind garden-loving landlord!Taehyung
now playing – trauma (aquarium) by ONEWE
this place has been transformed into something unknown i’m trapped alone in an aquarium
You could see the ending.
At first it was the little things. He held your hand a little less, stood a little further from you when you two walked side by side. Stared at his phone a lot.  Didn’t share his snacks as often. Spent all his time on his computer, streaming video games for longer and longer hours.
You had nothing to say. It was his job, after all.
You made his meals, washed his dishes. Changed his water bottles, gave him a kiss for the camera. Felt a little part of you die inside each time you went to bed alone, only to hear him slip under the blankets, hours after you. You went to work for longer and longer hours. There was no reason to go home. He ordered take-out for dinner every night.
Being Jeon Jungkook’s girlfriend was supposed to be fun.
And it was fun, at first. At first, he spent all this time with you. At first, he was always with you, by your side. He only streamed a little back then. It was a slow, gradual growth, and, like all parasites, it took over every aspect of your life. From your nights, to your days, to your time – making meals, cleaning up after him, doing all the laundry.
You could tolerate it. He made a lot of money. He was having fun. He was smiling. You would do anything for Jeon Jungkook. He dragged you into his sea and you swam in it happily. Until you realized you were stuck and alone, glass walls all around you, keeping you away from him. Seeing him, and yet not being able to touch him, kept away from his heart.
Caught in an aquarium.
He would give you kisses and tell you he wanted to get married.
He would say he loved you, but it was all a lie.
You weren’t in his Instagram photos. You weren’t part of his Twitter bio anymore. You weren’t listed in his phone with a little purple heart next to your name. Even that, you wouldn’t mind. He told you he didn’t want you to get harassed by trolls. He told you that he wasn’t ashamed of you, that you were the most beautiful woman in the world.
Then again.
He told every girl in his DMs that.
You stared at them that faithful night, unable to sleep, reading them all. Jungkook was asleep beside you, snoring away, and you read every single one. The WhatsApp messages were worse. They were so much worse. More sexual, detailing what he wanted to do to other people. Not you. Not you, the love of his life. Not you, the one by his side.
You knew how to backtrack and retrace your steps. Make it seem like you were never there. Placed his phone on his side of the bed and went to sleep. He held you that night. Turned around in his sleep and wrapped his arms around you.
Inside, you drowned.
When he told you that he was going to a gaming convention, he was very excited. Grinning his beautiful grin, snacking on shrimp chips as you washed the dishes. It was only the weekend, only two days. He wasn’t going to go for the Friday or Monday, so he could spend time with you.
“I would totally invite you, but you said you have to work that weekend.”
You said apologetically. “I know. I’m sorry. But I have to be there for my co-workers.”
He frowned and nudged you. “You work too much. You know you don’t have to. We can just live off my streaming money. I can buy you nice things.”
“I would feel bad for leaving them. I’ve worked at that office for seven years.”
He smirked, elbowing you a little. “Cheating on me with all the cute guys?”
You carefully wiped down the glass, placing it back in the cabinet, smile plastered to your face.
“No guy is cuter than you, Jungkook.”
That was the weekend you left.
You went to work, confirmed your month-long vacation of all the hours you’ve collected over the years, and packed every belonging you owned in that apartment. To be honest, there wasn’t very much. Anything Jungkook had ever bought you, you left behind.
There was no reason to hold onto it.
For a long moment, you stared at the photos, the stack of photos of you and him. Your smile, his smile, the places you’ve been, the things you’ve seen with him. Then you placed them on the bed, scattering them, spreading them all over the blankets.
You left it like that.
You went to the ocean.
You dropped the boxes at a storage unit in the city. Took only a carry-on bag of clothes and took a train to the coast. You left your phone in the storage unit too, telling your parents you were going on vacation to the sea. Didn’t say where, only mentioned you wanted to unplug, unwind, disconnect.
The cottage you rented was cared for by a nice young man with dark brown hair and tan skin. He said it was his parents’ and that he was renting it out for them. If you needed anything, you could contact him and he wouldn’t hesitate to help. He had a bright, boxy smile and a cheerful tone. You thanked him for being so considerate.
You sat on the edge of the cliff, legs dangling over the side.
Your pink flats were right beside you, and your arms were resting on the wooden fence. The ocean breeze was strong here, salty and cold. You were in a long-sleeved white dress that was going to get dirt and grass stains on it, but that sort of thing didn’t matter now.
Clothes could be replaced.
The garden rock in your hand spun round and round, dancing between your deft fingers. Your left hand. The hand that held his when you two walked side by side, fitting in his right covered in small tattoos. He had a king’s crown tattoo on his ring finger and asked you if you would get a queen’s crown tattoo someday. It didn’t have to be on your hand. Anywhere was fine. 
You looked at your left hand then, the hand that was holding his, and then it didn’t.
And then it didn’t.
You stared down into the crashing waves and jagged rocks under you. It was cold here. How far down was that? White forth slammed against eroding stone. Even mountains weren’t forever. Even something as solid as rock could be ground down into nothing with water.
Your eyes shifted to the shimmering sea, the endless blue, sun reflecting harshly off it. It didn’t matter how beautiful the water was or how many extraordinary creatures were under the surface. The deep sea hid all the worst creatures, all the terrible monsters. Not even science could go that far and discover all those horrors.
You pulled your arm back and threw the rock as far as you could. You couldn’t even see where it landed. The seawater was too rough and wild.
“Why would you throw my garden stone into the ocean?”
You started, turning around sharply to the heavy, baritone voice of your landlord. He was wearing a white sunhat, a beige shirt and pants, clutching a pair of dirty and worn brown gardening gloves. He frowned at you, staring into the ocean.
“What did my rock ever do to you?”
You looked back to the choppy waves and then faced him again, ashamed.
“Well, come. You will have to help with the garden to repay for that. I’m harvesting winter squash.”
“You can cook.”
You nodded to Kim Taehyung, the young man who was caring for the sea cottage. He was tasting some of your winter squash and fresh bamboo combination after he asked if you could do something with the two. You had added garlic, ginger, and made a light white sauce as you sautéed it all together.
“I got this bamboo from a friend who lives in the mountains. I can’t cook very well though. Can you?”
You two ate in steady silence, listening to the sounds of nature and waves crashing into shore. He had made rice while you cooked the vegetables.
“The only thing I can make, really,” he had chuckled.
You chewed, listening to Taehyung mix the leftover sauce with the rice and slurp it up.
“The world is quiet here,” you said softly.
He nodded; mouth full. His brown eyes shifted to the overhanging cliff as he swallowed.
“It is.”
You tended the garden with him.
You hadn’t even realized all the greenery around the cottage was a giant garden. To you, they were just pretty plants. Taehyung taught you all about the plants, which ones he was growing, which ones the season was already over, which ones he was trying to grow next season. Some were flower bushes he was trying to learn, but you learned that they were finnicky and not as hardy as the vegetables.
“I don’t even like vegetables that much,” he laughed, rich, full, heedless. “But they’re easy to care for, so they make me the happiest.”
He had tried fruits, but the wild animals always got to them despite his best efforts.
“I must share with nature, I suppose.”
Sometimes, you missed the internet. You missed the distractions, the games you played, the ability to like random thoughts on someone’s Twitter. In those times, you would stare at the never-ending blue ocean and then Taehyung would tap you with the rake and tell you that you needed to help him loosen the soil.
“We need all of nature’s nutrients.”
You stared out to the blue ocean, wearing a large straw hat and a navy dress. You weren’t at the cliff this time, but farther back. The breeze was softer at this moment. Taehyung had given you the hat a while ago, telling you it was better than the white scarf you wore around your hair. It did provide better sun protection for your face.
The cobalt sea was violent today, sky grey and dark. Taehyung told you it might rain, so the garden could be skipped today.
You held your hat and looked up.
“Me too, sky. Me too,” you murmured quietly.
You wondered when the feeling would disappear. It would probably be gradual, silently vanishing as each day was replaced, memories fading into the vast abyss of thoughts, mixing with fantasy so that you wouldn’t be able to know the difference between what was real and what was fake. That’s why eyewitness accounts were never trustworthy.
That’s how all memories were.
You let go of your hat for only a second. It flew off your head and you spun around, surprised at the strong ocean breeze.
Taehyung caught it with one hand, standing a few meters behind you.
Your lips parted at how easily he was able to catch it. He was wearing a yellow raincoat and brown pants with his usual brown gardening boots. He smiled, walking up to you and putting the straw hat back on your head.
“I warned you that you might lose it if you stand too close to the ocean.”
You hand came up and brushed against his fingers as he retreated his. He looked away quickly, into the stormy blue sea threatened by grey clouds.
“What have you lost to be looking so sad?” Taehyung asked gently.
You followed his gaze.
“Memories.” The water churned, smacking against the cliffside. “A whole book of them.”
“What do you mean?”
You turned back to Taehyung, who was now watching you curiously. You held onto your straw hat, not wanting it to blow away again.
“I left all the photos, so I wouldn’t have to see them again.” You sighed. “Pictures of moments, years etched out visually. I was going to make a memories photo book when we got married.”
You looked back to the ocean, seeing the sky darken ever more.
“And now we won’t.”
There was a loud clap of thunder. Your eyes searched for the lightning.
And then your name, shouted across the grass, harsh and angry like the thunder.
At first, you didn’t hear it. You were distracted by the sky, waiting for the rain. But Taehyung snapped his head around, startled. You noticed his movement and turned around too. A figure in black jumped over the fence, yelling your name on the top of his lungs.
The glass walls came up inside you, trying to protect you from the stumbling, turbulent sea that was Jeon Jungkook.
Taehyung frowned. “Who the fuck is that?”
“Who the fuck are you?” Jungkook spat, glaring at him and his yellow raincoat. He called you again, sharply, stomping over. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? When I came home from the convention and you were just gone? No note, nothing, only to find you running off with some random guy!”
The thunder sounded again, but there was no lightning yet.
“I called everyone! Your work, your friends, your family, your phone! You wouldn’t even answer your fucking phone. I had to find out from your work that you were on vacation,” Jungkook hissed, glaring at you. “Vacation from our relationship that is, fucking cheating on me.”
Taehyung glared back. “Dude, it’s not like that at all. I’m just the landlord of the cottage she rented–”
“Shut up. I’m not talking to you.”
You stared at Jungkook, his dark brows and wild black hair, so angry at you that he was cursing. The irony was not lost on you. You held onto the straw hat.
“Is that all it was?” you said quietly. “You were upset that I would find affection in someone else?”
“Of course, I was! You’re the love of my life!”
You smiled gently. “Is that what you tell them all?” Your navy dress fluttered in the harsh ocean breeze.
Jungkook scowled. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
You looked down to your pink flats, dirty and grass-stained now from running around the cottage garden. Taehyung had teased you, telling you they weren’t good gardening shoes, but you hadn’t brought any other shoes with you. Everything else Jungkook had bought you, with his money.
“Even now, you pretend, Jungkook.” Your hair tangled in the wind, salty and tousled from the sea. You looked back up at him and his expression was changing now. “I remember asking you once, should you comment like that on other people’s Instagram posts?” The thunder was louder now, sky ripping apart with flashing light. “You said, everyone is like that. It’s part of the business.” The color was draining out of Jungkook’s face. “Were the DMs only for show too? What about the WhatsApp messages? The things you wanted to do to them? The ones you wanted to shove your dick into?”
“That’s fucked up,” Taehyung muttered next to you.
“That… That wasn’t…” Jungkook struggled for words. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
You nodded. You felt it first, the fat drop on the hand holding your hat.
“I know you didn’t. Everything was for fun. Everything.”
Smile plastered to your face, because what could you do now?
“Even me. Even I was for fun.”
You inhaled a deep breath. You had cried for many nights when you crawled into that unfamiliar bed upstairs. For hours, long after Taehyung was gone. Drowning in your own endless sea, filling your glass aquarium. Cried yourself out, and now you let the sea cry for you when you watched it every day, while you worked on the garden with Taehyung.
The rain began to fall.
You looked back to Jungkook, torn, guilty, exposed.
“You should come in and wait for the rain to subside before going home. Your viewers will miss you.”
Taehyung pulled his hood over his head. “Do you want me to stay?” he asked you, voice sharp. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
The way he said it implied in more ways than just physical pain. But it was a little late for that.
“I think I will be okay, Taehyung,” you said, water seeping through your hat, rain drenching your dress., turning you into a soaked doll. “Nature has taught me to keep growing.”
He bit his lip, still frowning, but bowed. “Alright.”
And then you watched him go, back to his car, hurrying along. You went in the opposite direction, to the cottage. You had one more week in your hideaway. Rainwater seeped into your flats as you stepped into the grass, soaking your feet. But somehow, it was nice. It was nice to feel the sky cry on you, because then you didn’t have to. You made your way to the covered porch, wringing out your dress the best you could. Took off your hat, opened the door.
Heard heavy black boots in your wake.
“You… left all the pictures.”
The choked, sorrowful voice of Jeon Jungkook behind you.
“I did.”
You stepped inside the cottage. Placed your hat on the hook, dripping wet. Stepped out of your drenched pink flats. Didn’t wait for him. Just went upstairs to the bathroom, trailing rainwater, locking the door behind you. You turned on the water, plugging the drain. Ran a bath and sank into your own hot aquarium.
You heard the heavy fall against the door. Your name, softly spoken through the door.
“I’m sorry.”
You sank further into the water.
“No apology will ever fix what you have done to me.”
The water was cloudy and milky with whatever bath salts Taehyung had provided with the other personal goods.
“I can prove it to you.”
You felt the tears come now, the anger, the sadness. You submerged your head underwater, blocking out all the sound, blocking out your own thoughts. Your hair floated around you, washing out the salt of the blue sea. You waited, waited until your lungs screamed, and still you waited until your vision was fading to grey before you resurfaced, taking a shuddering breath, surprisingly calm.
“The trauma has already spread, Jungkook.”
You heard a slight sob at the tone you used to say his name, cold and unfeeling.
“I really didn’t mean it, I swear.”
You took a deep breath and dove into your man-made aquarium once again.
part ii
extended playlist blue & grey by BTS 기억 세탁소 (eraser) by ONEWE 기억 속 한 권의 책 (a book in memory) by ONEWE
408 notes · View notes
hxseok-honee · 3 years
atlas heart || part 49
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a/n : "the incantation comes from latin 'protego', 'i protect', and 'diabolica', a declension of 'diabolicus', meaning 'diabolic, relating to the devil'. it is unclear if the translation is meant to suggest 'protection from the devil' or 'the devil protects.'..."
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“Jungkook, will you stop eating all the cookies please--”
“How come Jin gets to eat everything in sight, but I can’t--”
“Because Jin is an insatiable mountain troll with no human manners and six stomachs--”
“Aw, Yoongi, you’re so loving with your words!”
“Shut up, Jin.”
“Kim Seokjin, stop eating the fucking food!” Jimin watches with thinly veiled exasperation as chaos unfolds in Yoongi and Hoseok’s countryside cottage. They’d arrived a few days prior, spending the week together before dispersing for Christmas Day, just in time for the full moon. It had been a chaotic week at best -- verbal altercations were had over stupid things like gift-wrapping techniques, and several small fires had already occurred in the kitchen, mostly due to Taehyung’s ice cream maker.
But somehow, they’d made it to Christmas Eve. And, so far, this Christmas Eve had been spent watching Jin eat all the food as it’s being made and consequently be kicked out of the kitchen entirely by Hoseok. Jimin’s seated in the living room with a perfect view of the chaos happening at the dining table. Y/n’s next to him, reading quietly with her head on Jimin’s shoulder. She’s especially tired today, the full moon just over 24 hours away, so Jimin’s staying close to her.
Namjoon and Taehyung are seated in front of the fireplace, engaged in an intense game of wizard’s chess. Namjoon is beating Taehyung by a landslide, but Taehyung just will not give up, something that makes Jimin smile fondly.
There’s a bang from the kitchen, catching everyone’s attention. Hoseok turns slowly from where he stands at the oven, smiling sheepishly at them.
“I may have put the pie in for too long.” The room is a collection of groans and exasperated laughter, Jin’s complaints overpowering the rest.
“How the fuck do you make a pie explode?! It’s a pie!” Hoseok looks to Yoongi for help, but the boy only shrugs.
“The man’s right, babe -- pie’s not that hard.” Hoseok lets out an affronted scoff, moving to open the window over the sink to let some of the smoke from the oven out. Jimin feels Y/n snicker softly beside him, and when he looks down at her, she’s peering over the top of her book at the scene in the kitchen. She looks so peaceful and happy, even with eyes full of exhaustion. He adores her entirely, and he knows it’s obvious to everyone but her.
Her eyes flick up to meet his then, and, over the cries of outrage from the kitchen about not having dessert, he hears her whisper to him.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Jimin purses his lips, smothering the smile that’s rising to the surface. He only shakes his head, his expression judgmental.
“Not everything’s about you, Y/n, geez.” He laughs when she gives him a hard nudge with her elbow, and he moves to wrap his arms around her and trap her in his hold. She lets it happen, only grumbling noncommittally about being unable to read like this. He presses his lips to her temple stubbornly in response. “You have a lifetime to read -- let me hug you.”
“Alright, it looks like we’re having deconstructed pie for dessert, so everyone come eat!” Apparently, the argument about the oven disaster has ended, as Hoseok’s setting a pie on the table, a giant hole in the middle where it had imploded. Taehyung jumps up from his tragedy of a chess game and runs for the kitchen, socked feet sliding to a stop in front of the refrigerator. Plucking a big bowl of homemade ice cream -- its flavor to be determined -- from inside, he makes his way to the table and spoons a giant scoop into the pie’s battle wound. He gestures dramatically at it when he’s done.
“Problem solved!” Hoseok mimics him, gesturing just as dramatically at his disappointed boyfriend.
“The man’s right, babe -- problem solved!” The group laughs, everyone slowly making their way to the table to eat. Y/n sets her book on the couch, moving to stand, but Jimin stops her. From within his pocket he pulls a vial and shakes it, eyeing her knowingly when she groans.
“Ten seconds of pain, and then you can drown the taste out with some ambiguously flavored ice cream. If it makes tomorrow night more bearable for you, then ten seconds is nothing.” She smiles, taking the vial and uncorking it.
“Did you just admit to being someone who eats dessert before dinner?” She downs the potion in one go, eyes squeezed shut. She doesn’t see Jimin gazing at her lovingly, only to lower his eyes when she’s done. She hands him the vial and takes his hand, pulling him to his feet and toward the table.
“You promised me only ten seconds of pain before ice cream, so move faster, Park Jimin.” They take their seats in the chairs nearest them, Jungkook setting his plate down on Y/n’s other side and moving to join them. Tae, Yoongi, and Hoseok sit across from them, Jin and Namjoon taking the end seats. Namjoon leaves his seat after a moment, moving to pass out silverware and swap the ladle in Jin’s hand for a normal spoon. Jin refuses to give up his spoon of choice, glaring at the boy standing over him.
“Dude, I will fight you on Christmas Eve -- I have no qualms about fucking up the holiday spirit or whatever--”
“Stop.” It comes from Jungkook, spoken with a quiet urgency that halts all activity in the room. He’s standing just behind the seat he’d been about to take, his hand resting on the back of the chair. He ignores their questioning glances, his eyes locked on nothing in particular as he focuses his hearing on the open window. When he finds what he’s looking for, he meets Yoongi’s eyes, alarmed.
“I thought you said you put a barrier around your house.” Yoongi and Hoseok glance at one another, shaking their heads simultaneously as Yoongi looks back to the Gryffindor.
“We never got around to it…” But Jungkook’s stopped listening. And, for all the years of jokes, remarks, and complaints Jung Hoseok had ever made about the boy’s heightened senses, he can say with complete confidence later that Jeon Jungkook is the only reason he’s still alive. Because the only person in the room that’s ready for the unforgivable curse that’s shot though the open window, aimed squarely at Hoseok’s chest, is the boy who’d heard the call for death fall from its caster’s lips.
Suddenly, Jungkook’s across the room, launching his body at Hoseok’s over the dinner table and twisting in mid-air to throw his hand out toward the window. He’d never in his life attempted nonverbal magic -- not necessarily the most advanced of students -- but it’s said that wizards can create even miracles if they’re desperate enough. And this is nothing like the World Cup, when Hoseok had protected him from a nasty stunning curse -- the beam of light headed Jungkook’s way right now, in this moment of literal life and death, has been shot to kill. So desperation is exactly what produces the shield charm that emits from his entire body, exploding outwards and shattering all the windows in the house as it goes. The force of it blows them all back, throwing them to the floor and against walls with cries of shock.
And, while a shield is normally null against a curse so powerful, it seems Jungkook’s done more than just perform nonverbal magic for the first time. He’s produced a physical barrier -- an invisible pane of pure energy separating his enemies from his family. It takes out half of the kitchen as it goes, destroying the far wall completely and opening the house out to the cold night around them.
In the confusion of chaos and rubble, Y/n lifts her head from the kitchen floor, catching a glimpse of the group of people outside the house, all equally disarmed from the display of sheer strength they’d just witnessed. She counts 6 bodies, all donned in dark robes, and she knows immediately that this is a Death Eater attack.
Groaning, she drags herself to her feet, grabbing anyone she can get her hands on and pulling them with her, staying low to the ground. Jimin’s the first to follow, holding onto Y/n for dear life, but he can’t help the way he hesitates when he looks past the overturned dining table, the wood splintered and cracked amidst all the wasted food.
Because there in front of him, right where the initial wave of power had surged out from and disoriented them all, is something that is very much not human. When it rises to its feet, it stands to full height, and Jimin knows that it’s easily as tall as he is. Black fur as far as the eye can see, the end of its ears and tail painted grey -- its body practically ripples with strength as it moves, and it’s from behind a set of sharpened teeth and a massive jaw, so powerful it could probably break Jimin clean in half, that a low growl starts to rumble.
It becomes a terrifying snarl in a matter of seconds, those piercing teeth shining in the moonlight with deadly intent. Jimin can feel that he’s still moving -- that all of this is happening in slow motion as he runs for safety and that no time at all has actually passed -- but he feels his whole world stop, drowned out by the sound of his heart pounding in his ears, when the beast shifts. Preparing to attack, it turns its head at the last moment to meet his eyes, and Jimin sees then that he knows these eyes. He knows the way they look him over with guarded concern and the way they turn away from him as soon as they know he’s unharmed, silently telling him to find his own way out -- after all, Jeon Jungkook’s always made it clear he has better things to do than look after Park Jimin.
Jungkook presses all his weight into his back legs, crouching low for a moment so suspended in time that Jimin doesn’t even see him leave. But then he’s gone, wind rushing past Jimin’s face and blowing debris everywhere as the wolf takes off. After another hard tug from Y/n that pulls Jimin’s focus back to the matter at hand, he only hears when Jungkook finds his first target, the ripping of cloth and the hellish cry of pain ringing in Jimin’s ears like a nightmare.
Tripping over pieces of the ceiling and walls -- the back half of the house essentially crumbling in on itself -- Jimin finds the faces of each of his friends. They’re all there with the exception of Jungkook, who seems almost feral, if the shrieks of death behind them are anything to go by. The group stumbles from the side of the house through a door that’s comically useless at this point, and when they circle around to the back, it becomes clear that there are far more than 6 Death Eaters.
The group that had led the attack has all but been taken out now, Jungkook nowhere to be seen -- but he’s certainly left evidence of his presence there. Jimin can’t tell if these people are dead or still dying, but he doesn’t have time to sort through the discarded bodies to check. Behind the cottage is a field of tall wheat that's surrounded by forest-- a massive expanse of land -- and when they look into this field to the top of a hill not too far away, there’s another wave of Death Eaters lined up, these faces rather familiar to just two of his friends. Jimin hears swearing behind him, and then Hoseok’s pushing past him roughly, only stopped by Namjoon’s hand clamping down around his wrist.
“Don’t, Hoseok! We can’t do this -- there’s too many of them. We have to run--”
“They just tried to kill me, Namjoon! In my own home!” Hoseok whirls around and gets in his face, eyes wild. Jin tenses next to Y/n, one of his hands hovering over his pocket where his wand is. When she follows his eyes, she sees that the line of Death Eaters has started to approach.
They move slowly, as if they have all the time in the world. As if they have nothing to fear, organized and protected against this mismatched group of ambushed friends. She watches as they approach like predators waiting for the kill, and she knows that this is no simple Death Eater attack -- it’s a massacre.
And then, just as silently as he’d disappeared, Jungkook’s returned. Their attackers are given no warning, only registering that the wheat around them is rustling when one of them is violently pulled down into it. He’s gone in an instant, his screams echoing in the night as he’s dragged through the dirt toward the house.
The moment Jungkook emerges at the edge of the field, the Death Eater is flying through the air and crashing into the remains of the house, slung from Jungkook’s jaws like nothing more than a ragdoll. He lands not a few feet away from them, and Yoongi’s jaw clenches when he recognizes the bloodied face of a fellow Slytherin. Turning to lock his gaze onto the line of his old classmates, he pushes past the group and summons his wand from within the rubble of his home with nothing more than the flick of his wrist. It flies from deep within the ruins into its master’s hand with ease, and Yoongi spins it between his fingers casually once he has it.
“I really hope you guys all know how to cast shields as powerful as Jungkook’s -- otherwise, we’re fucked.” The wolf in question falls into line with Yoongi, his whole body shaking from the warning growl forming deep within his chest. The rest of the group follows, facing their enemies head-on.
From Jungkook’s other side, he feels a warm hand press into the top of his head, and he knows it instinctively. He can also feel the cold length of a wand, hidden easily in the darkness of his fur and beneath her flattened hand. Y/n keeps him there for only a moment -- knowing they only have a moment -- and presses her fingertips against his skull as if to hold him back. As if to stall him just long enough to tell him to be careful. And then the moment is gone and she’s wrapping her fingers neatly around her wand, releasing him with a whisper.
None of them can say how long they’ve been there -- every second that passes is another that they could lose their lives, so it feels like they’re there a lifetime. They’ve huddled into a small circle, surrounded completely. Jungkook is mobile, weaving in and out of their enemies at too fast a speed to ever be hit by a curse. He’s taking them out slowly, dragging them back into the darkness one by one while the rest work just to stay alive. Unlike at the World Cup, where every enemy shot fired was red, these beams of lights are all hauntingly green, glowing in the night sky -- a sign that things are different now, death standing only a few feet away in the form of old friends.
Every killing curse fired is met with an equally powerful shield, a wall that shatters the moment it meets its mark. They’re cancelling each other out, evenly matched in a battle that won’t end until someone gets tired -- until someone makes a mistake. The only sounds come from incantations, spoken by those of their group that cannot cast silently.
Hoseok and Yoongi fight much like their opponents, masks of guarded silence -- a reminder that while they’re on opposite sides of the war, they were once very much the same. The difference, of course, is that their old housemates are now murderers without remorse. But that’s not their only problem.
Y/n suddenly stumbles next to Jimin, and he can’t even tear his eyes away from the Death Eater before him to check on her. He can only reach for her with his free hand, gripping her wrist in panic, which she rips from his hold with a groan. She only barely manages to raise her wand in time to block the killing curse headed right for her head. The force of her shield colliding with the curse so close to her knocks her back, and she falls into the circle with gritted teeth.
Jimin steps in front of her, closing the gap in their circle and allowing her a moment to recover inside their circle. But she never returns to her spot, only curling in on herself and gripping at her head with a cry of pain -- she knows this feeling. The feeling of her skull splitting, her body rejecting itself as it turns into something unnatural -- something unhuman.
But this can’t be happening. The full moon is not tonight, something she confirms simply by rolling over in the dirt and looking up at the sky, in excruciating pain. She can see clearly that this cannot be her reality, yet the popping of her spine as it dislocates itself is very much real. Reaching out blindly, she latches on to the first person she can find, her hand clamping down around Hoseok’s ankle and squeezing with all her might. He hisses above her and manages to glance down long enough to see an expression of pain he’d long become accustomed to.
“What the fuck?!” It’s the first time he’s spoken in ages, his attention back on his opponent as he works out in his mind how this is possible. There’s no time to reason through what he knows, however, because Y/n’s teeth are clenching so hard she’s afraid they might crack, her grip on his ankle tightening painfully. Hoseok makes a snap decision then, calling out into the night.
“Jimin, listen to me.” The boy’s on his left, so focused on the shield he’s casting that he responds only once he’s successfully blocked the deadly beam of green light.
“What is it, Hoseok--”
“You have to take her into the forest. Now.” His instructions are muffled by the sounds of a curse crashing into Namjoon’s shield, unheard by their enemies, but Jimin hears him clearly. He also hears the urgency in Hoseok’s voice, telling him there’s no time for questions. “It has to be you, Jimin.”
He knows then what Hoseok’s saying, what he hasn’t had the chance to confirm himself. Y/n’s transforming on a night other than the full moon, and they’re out of time. He calls for Y/n then, reaching back for her.
“Y/n -- baby, listen to me. We gotta go.” There’s a moment of nothingness, only her groans of pain, but then he feels her hand slamming down into his and gripping hard. And then his body is working faster than his brain.
Stepping forward out of the circle and straight for the man that’s been trying to end his life all night, Jimin swings his arm out, bringing a new shield up with him as he goes. It hits the Death Eater from the side, catapulting him through the air. Just as he’s in the downward arc of his fall, he’s caught suddenly, torso trapped in Jungkook’s jaws as the wolf leaps into the air to capture his next target. They crash to the ground not far away, hidden away in the wheat.
Jimin pulls Y/n to her feet, pointing his wand out into the field as he runs for the treeline.
“Fumos!” The effect is immediate, smoke pouring out of his wand and swirling around him in a dense fog. It keeps them hidden as they make a beeline for the trees, allowing them safe passage. Jimin chances a look over his shoulder and sees that the smoke hasn’t passed over his circle of friends, ensuring that they’ll still be able to see clearly and protect themselves.
Y/n stumbles again as they run, but Jimin’s hold on her keeps her going, and she registers that he’ll be there for her transformation. Panic seeps in through the pain, and she calls out desperately for him to stop, her vision leaving her. Jimin can feel her struggling against him, but he tightens his grip and forces her to follow. They’re close to the treeline by now, but it won’t be enough until they’re completely hidden. And, although he can’t see where the wolf has gone with his old enemy, Jimin steps in something wet and everything suddenly reeks of blood, so he knows Jungkook is near. Apparently, Y/n can smell it, too, because she’s struggling harder now.
“Jungkoo-- Jungkook, stop him!” Jimin grits his teeth and stops, turning to face his girlfriend and pulling her forward. She crashes right into him, the force of his sudden movement propelling her straight into his arms. Her eyes are wide open but her vision’s completely blacked out, which Jimin can see in the fact that she won’t look at him. But he doesn’t need her to.
Ducking low, he wraps an arm around her waist and throws her over his shoulder, ignoring her cries of outrage as he races for the forest just ahead. She pounds her fists against his back, practically roaring with fury as she fights him. He only pushes on, telling himself he’ll let her be as mad as she wants later, if they’re still alive.
Once they make it into the forest, Jimin runs only far enough that he feels unseen before setting her on her feet. She’s immediately falling to the ground, crawling blindly away from him and clawing at the dirt in pain.
“Go away! Just go away!” Disappearing behind a tree, she swears at him loudly, looking for any outlet for her pain. Jimin only turns to the treeline, letting her curse him as he surveys the land around him for Death Eaters. All he sees is Jungkook in the distance, turning in circles in the field as if lost.
Jimin watches as the wolf races for their friends, sliding to an urgent stop and turning back again in confusion when he doesn’t find what he’s looking for. He sees when Jungkook’s ears perk up at someone’s call, and his head is turning in Hoseok’s direction. Hoseok’s lips move, giving instructions Jimin can’t hear, but he knows exactly what’s been said when Jungkook’s whipping around to look at the trees.
Interestingly, the wolf hesitates, moving forward before stopping to looking over his shoulder. It’s only a moment, but it’s enough for Hoseok to point out at the forest urgently as he blocks another curse. Jimin can read Hoseok’s lips clearly then as the older boy calls out to Jungkook.
Jimin will die if you don’t go.
The chill that runs down Jimin’s spine at that moment, an omen playing a cruel joke on him, only worsens when he realizes that he’s stopped being able to hear Y/n’s pained gasps. A low whine rings out behind him, and it’s with bated breath that Jimin’s turning slowly on his heels.
Towering over him with an icy gaze locked on him is Y/n -- rather, it’s the part of Y/n that has no idea who he is in that moment. The eyes that see him only see through him, completely empty of anything that isn’t primal. Where Jungkook’s eyes are still his own even in a wolf’s body, these eyes don’t recognize him, and Jimin knows that fact alone will haunt him forever.
Yet, he isn’t afraid of her. He’s only afraid for her -- for the way she’s still curled in on herself, still in pain. He’s afraid for the way she blinks, thoughts muddled and lost, struggling to find herself in the darkness of her mind. He’s especially afraid for the way she finally gives in, losing her will to fight for herself. Her pupils shrink and grow until she’s focusing in on him, and Jimin knows by the way she tilts her head curiously at him that he’s got her attention -- and that’s never good.
When she takes a step toward him, he mirrors it with a step back, and that alone seems to set her off. She moves suddenly, closing the distance between them easily. She leans down until her snout is pushed close to his nose, snarling at him as he stays frozen where he stands. When she raises one clawed hand, he barely has time for a final thought before she’s swinging down at him.
Well, shit.
Suddenly, Jimin’s flying through the air and crashing to the ground a few feet away, rolling to a stop at the base of a tree with a groan -- but he’s in one piece. Lifting his head, he finds that he hadn’t been sliced to pieces by his own girlfriend. He’d been shoved out of the way by a wolf twice his size, the wolf in question now standing where he had just been.
Jungkook’s got his teeth latched around Y/n’s wrist, growling loudly to keep her attention on him. They stand there a few moments, eyes locked in a tense stare-down of dominance. Y/n eventually raises her other hand, claws gleaming in the moonlight, but Jungkook only growls again, a warning. It stops her, as if recognizing this moment, and, although she seems enraged by the display, she lowers her hand anyway.
Ripping her other, trapped, wrist from Jungkook’s jaws, she lets out her own snarl and steps toward him, and Jimin thinks these two might really tear each other apart. But Jungkook’s been here countless times, and he’s still of clear mind, so he knows exactly what to do.
Crouching quickly, he snaps his teeth at her ankles, sending her backwards. She roars angrily, but he persists, snapping at her feet again and again until she’s finally scurrying off into the forest with a cry of outrage. Jungkook watches her go before rushing to Jimin, startling the boy out of his shock.
The wolf sniffs at the air around Jimin, knocking him around with his massive head as he pushes his snout into Jimin’s torso, checking for injuries. Jimin’s lost for a moment, wondering exactly why Jungkook’s expressing so much concern when Y/n should be his priority, but then he remembers exactly what it would mean if he had been caught by one of Y/n’s claws.
Once Jungkook’s done checking that Jimin won’t be turning into a werewolf anytime soon, he’s gone, disappearing after his sister. Jimin only sits there, bruised and battered but alive all the same. Then he hears someone yelling Taehyung’s name in the distance, and he’s on his feet.
Rushing out to the field, he stops at the top of the hill, his breath catching in his throat when he sees the scene down below. His friends are still surrounded, and, although the number of Death Eaters has been severely reduced thanks to the merciless animagus running around, there’s still too many of them. But before he can rush to help, something happens, all too fast to process -- and Jimin has the displeasure of witnessing everything from that hill.
Down in the circle, the rest of the group is fighting for their lives. Many of the boys have sustained injuries simply from their own shields exploding too close to them -- pieces of the ground and debris from the house are thrown around, catching on their bodies in surface wounds they won’t even notice until the next morning.
There’s a special kind of desperation spilling off of Namjoon and Taehyung -- the only muggleborns in that circle -- and it’s making one of them reckless. Namjoon’s keeping his cool, as he’s been in the Order for months now and has had the battle training, but Jin’s having to compensate for small mistakes Taehyung is making out of fear. The Gryffindor’s only a boy, a boy targeted simply for being born. This is the first time he’s ever been faced with his own reality, and he’s terrified.
So when he slips on a piece of rubble at his feet, the only thing that keeps him alive is the fact that he’d moved his head a quarter of an inch to the left just in time. The killing curse flies past him and through the circle, passing Yoongi on the right and hitting a mark just past him -- that mark is the Death Eater that Yoongi had been battling all night.
The boy crumples instantly, the light in his eyes gone. Yoongi watches as he goes, his mind blank as the body crashes to the ground. And then he’s turning on his heel, everything slowed and muffled around him. The Death Eaters have all stopped, equally shocked from what’s just occurred -- after all, they’re just boys, too.
Yoongi hears Jin yelling Taehyung’s name, and he sees Hoseok rushing for him. He watches as Namjoon starts to run to Tae and then stop, raising his wand and choosing to keep guard instead, realizing that their fight isn’t over. Yoongi watches all of it with wide eyes, thinking then that this scene would be very different had the curse hit Taehyung as intended. He spins, staring down at the dead body below him, thinking that this is what Taehyung would have been. This lifeless, empty corpse. And that’s just too much for someone like Yoongi to deal with.
In that moment, the strength of the silent marksman is broken, shattered from within as he fights no longer to protect his own life but those of his friends. In that moment, he proves to be much more worthy than he’d ever thought himself before, breaking through that perpetual tendency to hide himself away — but it comes at a price. Because it’s in that moment that Min Yoongi, for all that he’d tried to free himself of that cursed name, finally gives in to the bloodline he’d spent his whole life denying.
“Protego diabolica!” The spell is cast like the roar of a dragon awakened, enraged -- the first time he’s spoken an incantation in years. It’s ripped from his lungs against his will, uttered with nothing but the urge to destroy, the need to bring pain down on his enemies so that they may never hurt his family again. That dark magic — so forbidden, so evil — follows the command of his left arm, quite literally brought to life by the malice in his eyes and the sweeping of his hand in an arc around himself. And for the first time in the 7 years Jimin had known the shy, self-loathing Slytherin — so guarded from the vulnerabilities of life — he watches from that hill as Yoongi loses control.
The fire that flows out of his hand like water -- icy and unforgiving -- spreads out around Yoongi like a wall of pitch black rage. It passes right over his friends -- they flinch at the foreign magic and its caster, who seems equally foreign to them now. They watch with awe as Yoongi commands the fire, forming a protective circle around them with ease. It almost seems to feed off of his rage, growing with every breath he takes and shrinking with the fall of his chest. He is a snake no more -- a dragon birthed of fire and blood stands in his place.
Jimin watches in pained silence as one of his closest friends loses himself to the war -- but even now, he can still see that Yoongi’s still there. And it’s Yoongi that will have to deal with consequences later, but right now he’s doing whatever it takes to save them. And that includes exploding with anger the moment he spots Jimin still up on that hill.
“Get your ass in here!” The ring of fire seems to swell with his outrage, and Jimin is in no place to refuse. The Death Eaters are still shocked and disoriented by the wall of fire they’re now faced with, and Jimin uses that to his advantage. Racing down the hill, he leaps into the circle, the cold flames licking at his ankles as they let him pass, recognizing him as a friend to their master.
Having seen Jimin’s success at passing through the ring, two of the Death Eaters rush at the wall, unaware of the nature of this dark magic. The moment they make contact with it, the fire senses their intentions, reacting accordingly. Jimin watches as they dissolve into nothing, shrieks of pain ringing out into the air as the fire consumes them. When he turns, he sees that Yoongi is shaken by this, his eyes conflicted as he watches two of his classmates cease to exist, remembering exactly what kind of magic he’s just brought into the world.
But when one of the last Death Eaters attempts to cast another killing curse into the circle, hoping to get through, the fire seems to act not on Yoongi’s command but on his instinct -- and his instinct is to block it. The flames explode outward, concentrating into a wall of protection and destroying the curse. And then they reach further, snaking out to overpower the boy who’d cast the spell, consuming him and his plea for mercy.
There’s only one Death Eater left, standing just outside the circle. Yoongi locks eyes with him, sees the trembling boy staring back at him with fear. They see each other, remembering simultaneously all the times they’d eaten together at mealtimes and suffered together during exam season. They’d grown up together. Just how they’d ended up here, neither of them can recall in that moment, and it destroys whatever innocence they’d had left.
Yoongi finally looks out to the field, his eyes flicking quickly before returning to the Death Eater. The boy hesitates, eventually stepping back. After another moment, he turns, running for his life and never looking back.
When he’s gone, the ring of fire fades, the wall tumbling down until all that’s left is a ring of earth around them that’s been burned to a crisp. Yoongi crumbles then, falling to his knees and staring at nothing. Jimin and Hoseok rush to him, eyes scanning him in concern. They all remain silent, words unable to express what any of them are feeling. Finally, Yoongi lifts his head, still unable to lock eyes with anyone.
“Is everyone okay?” They don’t answer his question, Jin only scoffing in shell-shocked disbelief.
“Are you okay?” Yoongi looks at his best friend, and he knows Jin can see right through him. They all can. He doesn’t respond, and they fall to silence again. Surrounded by bodies and destruction, unable to comprehend what’s happened. Unable to fathom how inexplicably broken they’ve become.
Just when they’re ready to face each other -- when they’re ready to face the aftermath of this night together -- a howl rings out from the forest, pained and haunting. They all lift their heads to stare in exhaustion at the treeline, outlined perfectly by the light of a moon that isn’t full. Yoongi chuckles darkly, shaking his head as he rises slowly to his feet and dusts off his pants before turning to look at what's left of his home with a long sigh.
“This family’s a fucking mess.”
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solinarimoon · 3 years
Little Sea - Part I
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AN: This is my first time writing outside of The Last Kingdom fandom, but I originally joined tumblr to find Hvitserk content.  So I hope my writing for him does it justice.  This is for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie Congratulations on your milestone love!   This story is a Vikings/TLK crossover but Sihtric is basically placed into the Vikings universe.  I know in our heads these two belong in the same universe, so enjoy.  My prompt was a reimagining of The Little Mermaid fairytale. The story got too long so I am breaking it into two parts.  Sjór means sea in Old Norse, at least according to one website I found. I have more notes at the end of part two.
Warnings: Angst, unrequited love, suicidal imagery/implications, Vikings canon Ivar cruelty
My Masterlist
She swam, racing the currents in the sea.  The water’s hazy depths constantly shifted and mottled in a swirling dance.  Hues of blue and green mixed with inky darkness but faded to the rays of the sun’s light filtering through from the surface.  
The cold temperatures below the fathoms began to warm as Alba swam towards the surface.  Swishing her fins, she felt the drag of the water as she climbed higher until slowing and ultimately stopping herself just before breaching the surface.
His face stared down at her above the water.  His lips spoke words that she could not hear.  His face was calm and serene. Happy.
The only sound was the rushing tumult of waves breaking, crashing upon rocks at the base of a cliff.  
Alba flicked her tail trying in vain to break through the surface.  She wanted nothing more than to rise above the water and envelop Hvitserk in her arms.
The fear and the panic began to rise instead.  And without warning, Alba felt her terror intensify as her tail had been replaced with two legs.  Hvitserk’s face grew farther and farther away while she sank back below the dark depths.
Alba woke with a start, sitting up in her bed and breathing heavily.  Her hands clung to the furs draped across her, pulling them aside to reveal two legs and feet.  The sight still seemed surreal to her. 
This was not the first night she had awoken from this dream.  It was occurring more and more often as she felt the pull to return to the sea.  Return home.  And as she watched Hvitserk continue to move further and further away from her.
Slowly, the young woman stood from her bed steadying herself as her legs wavered like someone returning to shore after living on a ship for weeks.  She draped a cowl of furs around herself and pushed aside the door leading from her small hut on to the beach.
Only a few paces brought Alba up to the water’s edge.  The waves lapped over her toes and Alba breathed easier.  Salty spray drifted across the cove where the waves were always harsh and ragged against the cliffs to the north.
Alba trained her eyes on the grey horizon, watching as the mist began to fade and the shadows melted away.  She breathed in the taste of the ocean’s air and for a moment felt content.
But that moment was broken when she noticed a set of forlorn footsteps approaching her.
“I knew you would be up and on the beach already.”
His voice was low and groggy as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders with a gentle squeeze.  Alba wondered if he had seen his own bed that night.  
“I wish I could help you find whatever you are looking for on the water, little Sjór.”
Alba turned her face ever so slightly to question him with a silent gaze.  And to see his braids looking disheveled. And a small bruise just under his jaw. 
“When we met, it was not unlike this,” Hvitserk paused when Alba turned her face towards him fully, furrowing her brow in confusion.  “I mean it was very different because I still have no idea how a half drowned young woman came to be lying between the rocks on the north edge of the cove, covered by nothing but a ragged boat sail,” his lips had pursed slightly trying to ward of the smirk Alba knew he was fighting.  Shuffling his feet in the sand and clearing his throat, he continued, “so it was different but you also still had that look I see so often. The one you had moments ago. Like you’ve lost something. And you’re waiting for it to return to you.”
Alba turned her eyes back to gaze across the water before dropping her face to the sand with a huff.  “Looking for your voice, perhaps?”
Alba looked up with her mouth dropped open in shock to see the young man grinning fully while she pushed him lightly away. Hvitserk let out a true laugh before wrapping his arm once more around Alba’s shoulder. Comfortable and brotherly. 
Scuffing a bare foot in the sand, Alba moved away from his side and began ambling down the beach knowing Hvitserk would follow. 
It was no use trying to hold that one sided conversation again. Part of the enchantment prevented her from revealing the truth about where she came from, about what she was…is…would be once more.  So even if they played a crude pantomime game, she still could not reveal if his guess were to be correct. 
Her time on land was almost spent. Her time with him would come to an end. Alba knew in her heart that Hvitserk was not in love with her.  And the binding nature of the enchantment would not bend. No matter how much love she felt for him. Or how much she had become endeared to him. That was not the problem. He did love her. But it was not true love. Not for him.  So she would return to the sea, but not today.
Alba sighed, straightened her shoulders and raised her head, breaking herself from her thoughts. 
She turned to look at Hvitserk walking alongside her, scuffing his boots beside her bare feet. Gently, Alba reached out her hand and tapped his neck where she’d noticed the small bruise. 
Hvitserk met her eyes with a mischievous smile. 
“Oh that, there? That is nothing, little Sjór.  Only a slight bite I received from one of the forest trolls while I was searching for mushrooms.” 
The pair laughed at his jest, her silently and him with gentle chuckles before he continued, sincerity beginning to lace its way into his words. 
“I was with Thora last night.”
Alba arched an eyebrow at him. 
“Yes, again.” Hvitserk chuckled lightheartedly. He missed Alba’s eyebrows relax and the smile on her face fall as she listened to him talk about the new woman.  
Alba woke to the sound of rain pelting the thatch roof of her small cottage. Sleepily, she opened her eyes just as a streak of lightning illuminated the sky. She had seen the flash through the leaking cracks of her shutters. 
Several moments later the booming echo of Thor’s hammer against the clouds brought a slight curve to her mouth.  A rain storm was dangerous on the water. Perilous. But under the water, Alba and her sisters had been fond of watching the crash and roll of the tumultuous waves. The lightning scattering crystalline lights across the surface of the water. A beautiful orchestra of light and movement. 
A rain storm did not startle her. A rain storm felt like home.  Alba nestled further down into her furs, feeling their weight and warmth bringing her back to sleep. 
Except this thunderous booming continued on far longer than any true thunderclap. And it was now accompanied by a muffled voice. 
No one else ever came to her door. Barely another soul knew she even existed or much less where she dwelled.
Alba opened the door to a torrent of rain blocked only by Hvitserk’s tall frame. 
For a moment, they stood staring at one another, the rain continuing to sleet down on them.
In the dark, Alba could barely make out the features of his face.  She searched his face, her eyes questioning.  But only for a moment before Alba grabbed his arm, ushering him inside and closing the door.  
In two strides, Alba moved across the room to gather up the furs from her bed and drape them across Hvitserk’s shoulders then settling him down on the short bench next to her cookfire.  Alba stoked up the flames from the low burning embers before turning on her knees to look at him. 
Beads of rainwater still tracked down the strands of his hair that had come free from his braids and he had made no move to wipe the dampness from his face.
He met her eyes as he spoke, “It’s Ivar,” he stated simply.
Alba shuffled closer to him and placed her hand on his arm, atop the furs.
“He is sending me as his messenger to King Olaf. In Norway,” Hvitserk paused to turn his head.  He clasped his hands together while bringing them up to rest against his mouth.  He was staring off towards the other side of the room.  His next words were muffled against his fist.
“I don’t know what my brother thinks he is going to do,” he chuckled then continued, “my brother the god king.”
Alba starred while Hvitserk worked through whatever thoughts were raging in his mind.  Increasingly in the past weeks, Hvitserk’s worry over his brother’s rule in Kattegat had grown.  Though he did not often openly criticize Ivar, it was clear to Alba that he carried many burdens for his younger brother. Burdens that left him questioning his path and his fate. And questioning the path his brother was forging.  
The young woman scooted herself closer to him and placed her palm against his cheek, lightly pulling his face back to meet hers. 
She saw the torment and frustration in his brow. It was mirrored on her own face.  She opened her mouth but could only huff and furrow her brow more. Sighing, Alba looked around the room, searching for everything and nothing before finally settling her eyes back onto him. 
“Even if you had words, little Sjór, there are none you could speak that would save me.”
At this, Alba felt her face shift from frustration to concern, her eyes frantically searching his face for more answers. 
“I must do as Ivar bids. And I leave you behind to deal with Ivar’s tyranny. His madness.” Hvitserk dropped his head into his hands, continuing to talk. His words came more easily now as his emotions boiled over. “And my love, Thora. I leave her behind but she does not have the anonymity you do to protect her. I fear for her. I fear what Ivar may do to her while I am away.”
Hvitserk hung his head and sighed heavily.  Alba felt her chest stutter as she realized she was holding back tears.  He truly did love Thora.  And Alba could not help herself from liking the young woman as well.  
Hvitserk had brought Thora to the beach to meet her one day.  And though it made her heart ache, Alba could not deny that she saw the love that was blooming there.  From the casual way that she saw their bodys lean into one another to the way Hvitserk watched Thora when she did not know he was watching.  While Alba was watching him.  That night, she had cried silent tears alone on the beach, while the ocean’s mist cried with her.  And the ache in her chest now was the same.
Trying her best to quell the sobs threatening to escape her lungs, Alba shifted herself once more to sit beside him on the bench.  Gently, she cradled him in her arms and stroked back the strands of his hair, now drying by the heat from the fire.  Hvitserk hugged her knees and closed his eyes for a moment, taking comfort from the care and love in Alba’s touch.  
“I will miss you while I am away.  I know you enjoy your solitude. But if you can, keep an eye out for my Thora. Ivar has made comments. Said things that make me fear she may be a target for his frustration.  She sees how dangerous Ivar has become. It threatens him.”
The more Hvitserk continued on, the more Alba’s heart continued to tear. Her prince's concern and worry was for another.  He was in love with another.  She let out a silent sob, but laying in her lap, Hvitserk felt the jolt of her body. The pain she could no longer hold back. 
Sitting up, he questioned, “What is it, Sjór?”
Alba closed her eyes and felt the tears cascade down her face as she shook her head.  
Hvitserk took her face in his hands, turning his body so that he straddled the bench. The furs around his shoulders dropped to the ground, forgotten.  
“Hey, hey look at me?”
Alba opened her eyes to see concern etched across his features.  Silently cursing her tears, she pushed his hands away and stood, wrapping her arms around herself and stepping away towards the door.  He was tormented enough and did not need to add her pain to his. A pain that she could not explain to him. 
“Sjór, I….” He started, standing to face her and grabbing her arms, firm but gentle.  His words fell silent as he watched the tears continue to track down her cheeks. 
Huffing in frustration, Alba wiped the tears away. The two stood silent except for Alba’s shaky breaths for several moments. 
Finally, Alba brought her fist up to thump against her chest. Over her heart. Gathering her courage, she took her fist, relaxing her fingers and placed her hand over Hvitserk’s own heart. And then brought her head to rest against her hand, feeling his breath and the questions in his stance. 
Taking a step back and removing her hand to wipe another stray tear, Alba met his eye. With more force she took her fist to thump against his chest. In the same spot, over his heart. 
Looking down to her hand, Alba tapped her fist against him once more then brought her hand up and pointed a single finger towards her window.  Towards Thora, towards his love. 
She watched as Hivitserk’s brow, a deep line of confusion, slowly relaxed.  A look of realization spread across his face. 
To then be replaced by something more unbearable. 
Bare feet found their way along the soft mosses and lichen carpeting the ground up the paths surrounding the northern side of the cove.  Alba stepped slow and deliberate, feeling the air growing cooler.  The spray of the mist off the sea left salty pin pricks of water glistening across her bare arms.  
Low in the distance, the rumble of thunder rolled.  As she crested the height of the cliffs, Alba found the crash of the waves joining in the thrum of the oncoming storm.  The energy in the air was mounting.  Mirroring Alba’s rising anguish. 
Thora was dead.  A cruel and horrifying death.
Ivar was rampaging.  His madness was building and unstable.  
And Hvitserk.  Her sweet Hvitserk was gone.  If Ivar was to be believed...If what he said was true, he was lost.  Dead at the orders of King Olaf.
Alba fell to her knees at the cliff's edge.  Her hands gripped tight onto the sharp rock’s edge.  The rough surface painful and grating at the pads of her fingers.  She clung to the edge.  Her eyes staring down at the waves below.  The maelstrom of the waves calling to her.  To end her suffering.  End the anguish and pain.  
Alba stood, the wind whipping her dress as the rain began, drops gently splattering across the terrain.  The young woman looked up towards the clouds and closed her eyes, feeling tears spill over across her cheeks.  
Silently, Alba let the anguish wash over her.  Knowing he was lost.  And the sea was calling her to return.
Alba’s time on legs would soon be done.  She had not found her love returned.  And she could not stay.  The pull of the sea was calling to her stronger and stronger.  Her sisters called to her to return to them. 
Slowly, she dropped her face back down to the tumult below and took a step forward.
The voice stopped her movements.  The roll of thunder boomed again. Several tense moments passed before Alba heard the voice again.
“Please don’t.”
The voice was deep and soothing.  But Alba could sense something else behind the words.  Panic.  Desperation.
Weakly, she turned to face the nameless voice, her head turning back to look across her shoulder.  The rain was cascading in steady rivulets now.  Mingling with the tears staining Alba’s face.  Her dress had quickly become sodden and clung to her skin.
When her eyes came to the tree line, she saw him.
He was tall.  Dark.  His hair plastered to the sides of his face from the rain.  Hands raised to indicate he was no threat to her.
Slowly, tentatively the man stepped forward to stand beside her before he spoke again.
Alba’s eyes tracked his movements.  
When he was close enough to touch her, he spoke once more.
“Please.  Do not succumb to it.”
When Alba did nothing but stare, the man continued, “To your grief.  Please.”
It was the please that caught her.  The gentleness and the kindness in his eyes as he pleaded with her.
His arms caught her as she collapsed atop the cliff, allowing the despair to wash over her.
The man held her while she cried, silent sobs that shook her to her core.  Her fingers twisting and clinging to the folds of his shirt.  His arms steady and firm around her shoulders as he cradled her. He held her until she stilled while the rains continued their lament.  And when she was half asleep, ruined with exhaustion he carried her back down the path.  
He settled her down underneath his own roof, beside a comfortable fire to dry her clothes and hair.
The man handed her a small bowl full of warm broth.  
“Go ahead,” he coaxed, “you must get dry and eat.  You do not want to catch cold. And then you should sleep.”
When Alba stared at him questioningly, he added, “You have nothing to fear from me. I am called Sihtric.”
~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued in part II
Tagging my usuals.  Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my taglist.
Tags: @maggiescarborough @pokeasleepingsmaug @nxrdist @mystic-shadows42 @emilyhufflepufftlk @magravenwrites @lauwrite1225 @morosemagick @thebohemianpenguin @mrsalwayswrite @notyourwildestdream @obipoelover-deactivated20210806 @ecarroll1978 @93xdiagonxalley @nobodys-business-world @evelynshelby @trenko-heart @0hsappho
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years
Earl Grey and Lavender - Shinsou Hitoshi
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​ Rating: 16+ Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/F!Reader Words: 2,713 Warnings: Language (Bakugou has a potty mouth), adorableness, Denki is a crack head, I have weird taste in ice cream. AN: Welcome to my contribution to the BNHarem SFW server collab for June! The prompt was summer! I got lucky and nabbed Shinsou and this is just wholesome and adorable. Also yes, Earl Grey and Lavender ice cream is real, you can get it in the Harry Potter park at Universal and it slaps. Check the rest of the collab submissions HERE HERE is my masterlist Buy me a Kofi! ---
There was only one thing that you loved about working at The Ice Creamery during the summer, and that was the free ice cream. 
The hot and shirtless guys walking past the shop on the daily were a nice treat too, of course. But the fact that you could have a free scoop of whatever flavor you wanted once a day was the highlight of your summer, and there was no man that could walk into that shop and distract you from it, no matter how handsome or stacked they were.
That was until you met Shinsou.
There was something about him that had you immediately attracted to him. Maybe it was the color of his hair, or his eyes, or the way he smirked at you and quirked his eyebrow when you made fun of him.
It started on a regular Friday afternoon. The shop was busy as usual, the summer bringing tourists to the beaches in droves. You happened to work at a location that was close to the water, so a lot of people would stop by on their way back to their cars or hotels for a cone or sundae. You were manning the freezer case, taking orders and scooping flavors, when you heard the bell jingle on the front door, signaling the arrival of new customers.
You barely spared them a glance, concentrating on scooping ice cream into the metal cup in your hands, and then spinning around to add milk and shove the cup into the milkshake machine. It wasn’t until minutes later when your co-worker came by, whispering excitedly in your ear about the pro hero Red Riot, that you took a good look.
A group of pro heroes were standing toward the back of the shop and peering at the chalkboard menus behind the counter, talking among themselves as they decided what they wanted. You could immediately recognize Red Riot, his bright red hair held back from his face with a bandanna. To his left was Ground Zero, the ever-present scowl adorning his pretty face as he glared daggers at the menu like it had personally offended him.
On his right was the pro hero Pinky, who was leaning against Cellophane, the two of them arguing over the merits of a waffle cone versus a sundae cup. Chargebolt was beside them, talking to a guy with purple hair that you’d never seen before. His equally purple eyes were trained on the menu above you, his lips twisted in a frown as he read through the flavor choices.
Deciding that you were probably being creepy by just standing there, you cleared your throat. “Can I help who’s next?”
Red Riot flashed you his shark-toothed grin, stepping forward and dragging Ground Zero behind him. “Hi! Can I get two scoops of rocky road on a waffle cone, please?”
“Sure! You want a regular cone or the chocolate-dipped?” Pointing at the different cones you had on display, you held back a laugh when you saw his look of confusion.
“Oh no, I don’t know!” The pleading puppy dog look he gave his grumpy friend was comical. “Bakubro, what should I get?”
“How the fuck should I know?” Clicking his tongue, he folded his arms across his chest and glared. The sour look was short-lived as he caved under the pouting bottom lip of his red-haired friend. “Get him the chocolate-dipped one. And let me have 2 scoops of mango, in a cup.”
“Please and thank you!” Red Riot perked up, grinning at you again. 
You nodded, getting to work on the order, passing it off to your coworker who was working on the toppings, trying not to think about how adorable that entire exchange had been.
“Mina, I don’t know why you were even arguing with me, we all know you’re going to get the same thing you always get and then complain that you can’t eat it all.” Cellophane teased as he walked up to the counter. 
“And then she’ll force me to help her finish it and I’ll feel like shit later because I ate too much,” Chargebolt added, shaking his head.
“Shut up! I just know what I like, okay?” Mina chirped, bounding up to the counter and leaning on the glass. “Can I get a banana split, please? Go hard with the chocolate sauce, I can handle it.”
“You got it. Is that for here or to go?” You grabbed a banana from under the counter and got to work on peeling it open. 
“For here. We need to sit and cool off, it’s so hot out there!” She slumped forward, resting her cheek on her palm. “These boys are running me ragged. I don’t know why I agreed to go on this vacation with them.”
“Because you love us?” Cellophane supplied helpfully from behind her. “You’ve been putting up with us since we were 15, Mina. Did you forget how we are?”
“I think I was trying to repress it.” She deadpanned, winking at you. “But you keep reminding me, Sero.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Enjoying a glimpse into the personal dynamics of these pro heroes was the highlight of your day. Everyone knew them as celebrities who saved the world on the daily, but it was kind of cool to witness them being normal people firsthand.
Once you had the banana situated in the dish, you added the ice cream to the middle and added the whipped cream and copious amounts of chocolate sauce. “How’s that?”
Peering through the glass, she smiled. “Perfect!” 
“I went HAM with the chocolate sauce as requested.” You slid it over to your coworker for the rest of the toppings. “Give her extra cherries.”
“Aw, you’re sweet. I like you!” Mina cheered, shuffling over to give her friend some room.
Sero ordered an orange creamsicle milkshake. “I know it’s lame but…”
Chargebolt patted him on the shoulder. “It’s not lame, bro. It would be lame if you just got plain vanilla.”
“I half expected Bakugou to get vanilla.” The purple-haired man spoke for the first time, his deep voice surprising you.
Snorting, Chargebolt laughed, clutching his stomach as he bent over. “I mean, he does go to bed at like 8 pm. He seems the type, doesn’t he?”
“Shh, Denki, he’ll hear you!” Cellophane pushed his friend, rolling his eyes. “You have a death wish, I swear.”
You glanced over to see their explosive friend was concentrating on his mango ice cream at a table in the back, Red Riot beside him and chattering happily, struggling to keep up with the ice cream dripping down his cone. You were pretty sure he couldn’t hear them, anyway.
“What can I get for you?” You asked the blonde, pouring the milkshake into a cup and finishing off the top with some whipped cream. You handed it to Sero with a smile, turning your attention to the electric hero in front of you.
“I can’t decide between the cotton candy and the bubble gum.” Sighing dramatically, he scrunched his nose. “Life is so hard.”
“Why am I friends with you?” His nameless friend looked exasperated. “Just pick one.”
“That’s rich coming from you, Shinsou. You don’t even know what you want yet.”
Shinsou opened his mouth, but you cut him off. 
“Why don’t you get a scoop of each? Then you don’t have to choose.”
Gesturing to you, the purple-haired man raised his eyebrows. “Look at that, Denki. I know that’s a foreign concept to you, but we call that problem-solving.”
“Shut up!” Denki pouted at his friend. “I know what problem-solving is, you overgrown troll doll.”
“Ha!” Eyes wide, you slapped your hand over your mouth, realizing you’d laughed a little too loudly.
“He looks like a troll doll, tell me I’m wrong! The way his hair defies gravity like that? It’s completely natural, too. He doesn’t even put gel in it or whatever.” Denki giggled, leaning on the counter. 
“I wouldn’t sleep tonight, Kaminari,” Shinsou threatened ominously, crossing his arms across his chest. 
“Great! Well, cutie, since I’m going to die tonight, I think I deserve a scoop of each like you suggested, in a cup.” He winked at you, and you blushed, nodding and moving to replace your gloves before you got his order together.
“I hope this doesn’t give you diabetes.” You said sincerely, handing him his ice cream, frowning at the sour patch kids he’d requested for the top. “My blood sugar is through the roof just looking at that thing.”
“Diabetes is nothing compared to how Shinsou will be murdering me in my sleep!” He said cheerfully. “Gotta go out with a bang, you know?” He saluted you and wandered over to the register to pay for his ice cream.
Finally, it was just you and Shinsou. You were relieved to see he was the last one in line as well, so you would have ample time to check him out and flirt with him shamelessly.
Remembering what Denki had said earlier, you smiled at him. “Did you figure out what you wanted yet? I can give you some suggestions if you’re not sure.”
Amethyst eyes trailed over the menu again. “I don’t know...”
Clearing your throat, you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “I have a secret talent, you know.”
He blinked at you. “You….what?”
“I can tell what kind of ice cream is right for you just by looking at you.” You glanced down at your nails, feigning disinterest. “It’s a gift, I guess. I’ve got second sight when it comes to desserts.” You looked back at his face, fluttering your eyelashes.
Shinsou’s chuckle made you shiver. “Okay, you’ve got my attention.” He leaned against the counter, smirking at you. “Go ahead.”
Clapping your hands, you bounced on your toes. “Oh yay! Okay, let me see…” 
You stroked your chin, squinting at him, watching him squirm under your gaze. He was wearing an old and faded band t-shirt over his black swim shorts, and you could see his biceps bulging beneath the short sleeves. 
“Well?” He interrupted your blatant staring. “Have you figured me out?”
“Mmhm!” You turned and grabbed a cup, walking to the end of the freezer, and sliding open the door. You moved over the chocolate chip to reach a hidden tub of ice cream, filling the cup with 3 scoops of the pale purple treat.
“What is it?” Shinsou asked when you placed the cup in front of him and shoved and spoon in it. 
“It’s a secret flavor. It isn’t on the menu, and they really only make it because it’s my favorite and I begged them to keep a tub of it for me. I’m allowed one scoop a day for free and this is what I have.” You pushed it toward him. “I’m trusting you with this secret. No one can know I have this.”
��You make it sound like it’s forbidden. Is there some kind of Ice Cream FBI that’s going to come in here and arrest you or something?” He smacked his palm on the counter, leaning in and speaking lowly. “Is it like the Vegan Police?”
Snorting at his Scott Pilgrim reference, you shook your head. “No, I just don’t want anyone to know because I don’t like to share it. But, I’m making an exception for you.”
“Why me?” He asked, looking surprised.
“I don’t know. It kind of matches your hair, so I feel like you’re worthy.” Shrugging, you crossed your arms. “It’s Earl Grey and Lavender.”
“Like the tea?” He looked down at it, puzzled. “Hmm. That sounds...good.”
“It’s a revelation. You can thank me later.” The bell jingled above the door, signaling that you had to cut your flirting short. “Let me know what you think, okay?”
Long fingers wrapped around the cup as he picked it up. “Thank you…” He squinted at the name tag on your shirt. “Y/N.” Clearing his throat, he smiled at you. “I’m Shinsou, by the way.”
“You’re welcome, Shinsou.” It took everything in you not to watch as he walked over to pay for his ice cream, turning your attention to the new customers walking up to the counter.
You busied yourself with helping them, trying not to glance over at the table in the back where you could hear Denki starting some kind of trouble. You were taking a chance with that ice cream flavor. It wasn’t for everyone.
You didn’t have any kind of sixth sense like you’d said, obviously. You’d just wanted to get him flustered and maybe get his attention. There was just something about him that told you he would like it. You just hoped you were correct.
Telling your coworker that you were taking your break, you got yourself your free scoop and headed into the back to enjoy it in peace. You were about halfway through it when she poked her head in the room.
“Some guy with purple hair is out here asking for you.”
Jumping up, you forgot all about your ice cream, leaving the cup sitting on the desk you had been leaning against. Patting down your hair, you walked out into the shop, noticing it was completely empty, save for the man who was looking for you.
He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, waiting patiently. You walked around the counter and smiled at him. “Everything okay?”
He stood up straight, letting his arms drop to his sides. “Everything’s great. I just wanted to thank you again.”
Waving your hand in dismissal, you blushed. “Aw, don’t mention it. Did you like it?”
“It was probably the best thing I’ve ever tasted. How did you know I’d like it?”
Smiling at him, you shrugged. “I’m a firm believer that your taste in ice cream flavors says a lot about your personality. You just looked like the type of guy who likes tea and reading books with a cat on your lap while you listen to The Smiths. That’s the kind of person who likes earl gray and lavender ice cream.”
“That’s eerily accurate. Is that the kind of person you are then?” He raised his eyebrow. “Cause if that’s the case, then I’m going to need your phone number.”
Your heart flipped in your chest at his words. “I could be. Give me your phone.”
Grinning, he pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it, pulling up his contacts and handing it to you. “What time are you off work?”
Your hands were shaking with nerves as you typed in your number and handed it back to him. “I’m off at 7.”
“Good. Want to hang out after? My friends want to go to a bar, but we’re not sure what’s good around here.” He took the phone from you and slipped it into his pocket, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I mean if you’re not busy.”
Pretending to think about it, you teased him. “I mean, I guess I can make some room in my nonexistent social life for you and your friends.”
“I’m flattered.” He smirked. “As long as you’re prepared to deal with them, that is. They’re kind of a handful.”
“I think I can handle it.” The bell above the door chimed again as more customers came in. “I’ve got to go back to work though. Text me?” You bit your lip, glancing up at him from under your lashes. 
“You can count on it.” He blushed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “See you later?”
Nodding, you walked backward a bit, not wanting to say goodbye so soon. “Yeah, see you later.”
You walked back behind the counter, watching as he left the store, your heart hammering in your chest. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket a few minutes later, your face hot as you blushed at the message you received.
Unknown: I think I have a newfound appreciation for ice cream. I wonder why?
You threw yourself back into your work, forgetting about the ice cream you’d left on the desk in the back room. That was the first time you’d let it melt before you’d finished it, and it was all because of Shinsou.
It wouldn’t be the last time, either.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
Of Monsters and Matriarchs, pt 3/3
pt.1 pt.2
TW: None
TLDR: The final troll arrives.
“Hark!” Alaric leaped to its feet, staring out into the distance. “Yonder, strangers approach!”
Ishran wiped the crumbs out of his beard and swallowed the last bite of his meal, getting to his feet. “Boy, get up.”
Fayroe cracked open an eye from where he laid on Alaric’s buggy. “Eh?”
“They are here.”
Fayroe sat up in time to see two distant figures rapidly approaching.
Within minutes, Incoding, Ruthless, and Innocent arrived at the camp.
Ruthless was sat behind Innocent, on the back of Vornik’s lusus, Alphadad. The three-headed howl-beast dropped down, letting them slide off his back.
Incoding pulled Glitch Rider, his motorbike, to a stop, cutting the engine.
“Hello again, Deadscar.” The goldblood grinned, hopping off his vehicle.
“Greetings. Where is the fourth one?”
“Huh? Oh, you mean Bri? He didn’t want to come.” Incoding shrugged, “Something something, “this isn’t where he belongs.””
“Ishran, who- who is this?” Innocent was staring nervously at Fayroe.
The fuchsia slid off the buggy, pulling himself up proudly. “Fayroe Fallen. I’m Ishran’s apprentice.”
“No, you are not.” Ishran rebuked.
Fayroe opened their mouth to argue, but seeing all three of the morails bristling at their mere presence, they changed their mind and shut it again.
“Why is he here?” Innocent frowned.
“I do not know. He followed me from the city and I cannot make him leave.”
“Hm. Sounds familiar.” Innocent mused.
Incoding growled, and Fayroe’s fin-fronds flickered nervously at the sound. “I- hey, look- I’m not doing anything, see?” They raised their hands in surrender, an uncertain smile on their face. “I’m just hanging out with Deadscar.”
“You can ignore him, Incoding. He will do nothing.” Ishran sent a pointed look towards the young troll, who nodded, hopping back up onto Alaric’s buggy and taking a seat.
“Yup! Doing nothing, see?”
“He’s the Enforcer’s brat.” Incoding rumbled.
“Sure am, but you don’t see him risking life and limb for some strange lady in a hole.” Fayroe huffed.
Incoding narrowed his eye, but Innocent stepped forward before they could continue.
“Where is the other one?” He asked, looking around, “I saw three trolls here a moment ago.”
Ishran looked around, too, only to realize Alaric had disappeared. “I do not know.”
“I hath been to see the foremother. Thou doth wish to see her slumber? I think not. I assumed thou would prefer to meet her in her wake.” Alaric’s voice echoed up from the cavern as it emerged from the tunnel. It came to a stop, looking between the morails, before its gaze settled on Ruthless. “Hark, forefather of mine. I am thine descendant, Alaric Evrren.”
Ruthless’ face was completely unreadable as he stared at the young jadeblood. He’d been silent since they’d arrived, his hands trembling at his sides. “Yer…” He said faintly, “Yer my brat?”
“Aye, thine bastard by blood.” Alaric grinned, its tiny fins twitching.
“You’ve got three of them now.” Incoding pat Ruthless’ shoulder sympathetically. “Makeno, Krakyn, and now this one.”
Ruthless could only nod, unable to take his eyes off the jadeblood’s horns. “S… So, she’s in there?” He croaked.
“Aye.” Alaric stood aside and waved into the darkness. “She awaits you, forefather.”
Ruthless swallowed dryly, but didn’t move.
“Ru?” Innocent gently touched the seadweller’s arm. He looked down at the limeblood, then at the goldblood.
Innocent smiled softly. “It is okay. We will wait here with the others.”
Ruthless could only nod.
On stiff legs, he moved towards the cavern entrance. He didn’t look back as he was swallowed by the dark, and the others sat down to wait.
Ruthless didn’t know where he was going. It was incredibly dark, even for his sharp eyes. The wind brushing past his fins was cold, and brought him the impression of branching stone halls by the way it moved.
The smell of bleach and incense, of sopor, and the tang of copper were perforated through the air. He was in a brooding cavern, he realized; long abandoned but still operational. He could hear the hum and beeping of vats and recuperacoons in the distance, down the side corridors.
His mind was clamoring and silent at the same time. He didn’t know where he was going; he just moved, without his thinkpan’s command. Trembling fingers reached up and grasped the wedding rings that hung around his throat.
Finally, there was change to the dark around him; the tunnel curved to his left, before it opened into a large chamber, which he stepped into and paused.
A desk, a recuperacoon, dozens of lit candles, scattered papers, weapons- that was all he was able to register, before the shadows moved.
In the quarter of a time it took to blink, there was something sharp pressing against the side of his neck, the cold metal burning against his gills; a spear, he recognized distantly, as he felt a presence practically materialize behind him.
“Who the hell are you?” A low voice snarled in his ear.
Ruthless’ heart wrenched.
He’d know that voice anywhere, even after four hundred sweeps of silence. He closed his eyes, a shuddering breath making its way out of his lungs.
The name fell from his lips like the rasp of dying man’s last words.
The silence that hung in the air was momentary, but it spoke of a lifetime. Only to explode like a supernova as the spear hit the floor.
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A sob punched its way into the seadweller’s throat, and he held his breath as he turned his head to look.
It was her.
She was here. She was real, and alive, and- and she said his name.
“Aye.” He croaked, his eyes brimming with tears. “Aye, Lucy, it’s- it’s me, I-” He went to reach for her, but she stepped back.
Erimus froze, his hand still extended, as he finally seemed to take in the jadeblood’s appearance.
Even in the dim light, he'd know here anywhere. She was his Lucina, but she was… hardened. Older, and greyed. She wore his old cape.
The cape he had buried her in.
“L… Lucina?” He repeated, confused now, as the jadeblood stared at him. “It’s me, it’s- it’s yer Erim.”
“Is it?” She asked; her voice was steady, void of emotion, but it cracked in the air like a whip.
Erimus swallowed the lump in his throat, and could only nod.
Lucina crossed her arms, looking the voiletblood up and down with her eyes. “You look like him.” Her eyes settled on the wedding rings hung around his neck. Her glare bore into them like she was attempting to melt them, scrutinizing the golden bands. Her gaze lifted back to his eyes.
“Where were you?” She demanded, her voice shaking now. “Where have you been, Erimus Faslet?” She stepped forward and seized his shirt, hauling the eight foot seadweller down to her height. “It’s been four hundred sweeps, you rat bastard. Explain yourself, now.”
Erimus reached up and grasped her hand in his own; her fingers were so cold. “I’m sorry.” He rasped, his throat strained and raw from holding in four hundred sweeps of grief. “I’m so sorry.” His legs buckled, and he fell to his knees before her, unable to tear his eyes away from her face. “Ye… Ye died, Lucina. And I- I couldn’t- I couldn’t do it on my own. I didn’t know ye were… like this. If I had known, Lucina, I would have clawed my way out o' hell ta come back- I’m so sorry.”
He bowed his head, his hand clinging to her fist like it was all that tethered him to the world. He was shaking, overwhelmed and painfully sober.
His breath hitched as he heard her fall to her knees, and felt arms wrap around his shoulders. Without hesitation, he embraced her, crushing her to him like he’d die if he ever let her go again.
Her face pressed to his neck, and he buried his in her shoulder. Violet tears slid down his face and sunk into the fabric of her cape. She was crying, too- he could feel her trembling against him.
“I’m so sorry, Lucina.” He whispered. “I’m so sorry I took so long. If I had known, I would’ve-”
“Silence, you fucking fool.” She muttered, hiccupped, before she laughed breathlessly. “You’re here now.”
Erimus could have cried anew. He nodded, his grip tightening around her. “Aye… I’m here now. I’m- I’m here, and I swear I will never leave ye again, Lucina Evrren.”
The rainbow drinker slowly pulled away, gazing up at her husband with tear-filmed eyes, yet not one had slid down her face. She reached up and cupped his stubbly, scarred cheek, and he melted into her touch, turning his head to brush his lips against her palm.
“What good is kissing my hand, Erim, when my lips are right here?” She whispered.
He opened his eyes and looked at her. “Do ye want me ta kiss you?” He breathed.
She said nothing.
And even after four hundred sweeps, after a thousand years, after they had both died and returned…
He kissed her.
He kissed her like he’d kissed her before, like he’d kissed her when they woke up in the morning together. He kissed her like how he'd done before, after they sparred. He kissed her like he’d he'd returned from a swim at sea and found her waiting. He kissed her like he was the one dying in her arms.
He kissed her like it would hurt to stop.
He felt her new fangs against his lips, and he only kissed her harder.
And she kissed him back, like four hundred sweeps had done nothing to erode their crimson quadrant. She kissed him like the ring around his neck was still on her finger. She kissed him like they’d just seen one another again at the end of a battle. She kissed him like they were in the crow’s nest, watching the stars. She kissed him like she had when she had to say goodbye.
She kissed him like it hurt, and she couldn’t stop.
She tasted booze on his tongue, tasted smoke and grief, and only kissed him all the more fiercely.
When they finally parted, if they ever did, they clung to one another, to the only other warm body in that cold cavern.
Outside, Erimus’ morails and companions waited for them. Outside, their middle child waited, too, adjusting the muzzle on its face. Far from them, deep in the sea, their eldest son waited to see them again. And their youngest waited to meet his foremother.
Outside, the world was waiting. But it hadn’t waited, it hadn’t grieved, for four hundred sweeps. So it could damn well wait, as the Deepbite and the Warhound parted only long enough to whisper to one another. Parted only long enough to remove the seadweller’s necklace. Parted only long enough to slide the rings back onto the fingers of their rightful owners.
Then they held one another, kissed one another, a little longer.
(Everyone please welcome Lucina Evrren! Link leads to her bio!)
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queenabstract · 4 years
King Trollex x Techno Reader
Girl, honey, what have you been up to?
All the tribes had gathered at the beach near New Techno Reef for a rave that King Trollex had invited everyone to. It was mainly your idea since you wanted to celebrate successfully moving everyone into New Techno Reef safely, and Trollex was more than open to the idea. A few tribes were still working on rebuilding, but they decided to come to have a nice break from all the hard work they’d been putting into the past few weeks. And the leaders all agreed that it’d be nice to meet up for fun.
“Whew! It sure feels nice to sit down for once.” Delta sighed as she sat down in the sand with the others.
"What? Do you not sit down often or something?” Barb asked.
“Not since your lil fancy hoedown, no.” Delta replied. Barb rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.  
“Right. Rebuilding. I’m sorry.”
“No worries, sugar.”
“Hey, have you guys ever been to the beach before? I haven’t! Its so cool here!” Poppy exclaimed.
“I don’t think any of us have been to a beach besides the Techno trolls, Queen Poppy.” King Quincy said.
“Oh yeah, right.” Poppy said in realization. “That makes sense.”
“HOT!” Trollzart exclaimed. “Ugh. This is exactly why we Classical trolls fly above the ground!” Trollzart crossed his arms in frustration.
"Why don’t you try hanging out in the sand near the water, or are you afraid of your robe getting wet?” Barb chuckled.
“I do not find that nearly amusing at all.” Trollzart glared at her. “And I’m still expecting a new baton from you!”
“Hey guys, are you all having fun?” Trollex asked as he floated up to them.
“Yes, we are. We’re all appreciate you inviting us.” Queen Essence answered, effectively stopping any arguments that could’ve started between Trollzart and Barb.
"I’m so happy to hear that! By the way, have any of you seen my girlfriend anywhere?” Trollex asked.
“You have a girlfriend? Ouch!” Delta kicked Barb with one of her hind legs.
“Yeah, this whole thing was her idea, but I don’t have a clue where she went!” Trollex said.
“I do not believe any of us have seen her, but we will be sure to let you know if we do.” Trollzart assured him.
“Thanks, I’ll see you in a bit, I gotta help Dj Suki with the DJ booth!” Trollex waved at them as he floated away.
“Huh. Who knew that Trollex of all trolls would get himself a chick?” Barb laughed.
“Well, he is cute and nice.” Poppy said.
“I spent over an hour talking to that guy, trolls got a personality of a rock.” Barb rolled her eyes.
“Okay, now that’s just mean!” Poppy shot back. As the two were going at it, one of Delta’s ears twitched and she turned towards a patch of trees and bushes on a hill nearby.
"Do ya’ll hear that?” Delta asked.
“Hear what, Delta?” Essence asked.
“That music, comin from over there.” Delta pointed.
“You’re just hearing things. I don’t hear nothing.” Barb shrugged.
“Nuh-uh. I know Country music when I hear it.” Delta got up and started walking towards the music. “Thing is, I don’t recognize that voice.”
“Oh! It might be one of us pop trolls. Some of them really like Country music.” Poppy said and skipped alongside her.
“Mmf. Whatever.” Barb mumbled and followed. The rest of the leaders decided to check it out. They had expected to see a Pop or Country troll, so they were a little in shock to find a Techno troll playing an acoustic guitar while sitting on a rock.
“And we’ve seen better days…whatever this life puts us through. Baby I’ll still love you. Oh, we’re gonna laugh, we’re gonna cry, we’re gonna fight. Oh, but we're  gonna live, maybe have a few-” The troll was you. You stopped when you realized you had an audience.
“Don’t stop! Keep going!” Poppy said.
“Oh uh…I-I was just practicing. I’m teaching myself how to play an acoustic guitar and I wanted to surprise my boyfriend today.” You said.
“Who’s the lucky man?” Delta asked.
“Trollex.” You blushed.
“So, you’re his chick? Wow.” Barb remarked, earning another kick from Delta’s hind leg.
“Well, if you’re trying to teach yourself, you at least gotta learn how to tune it right, lemme show you.” Delta took the guitar from you and showed you how to properly tune it.
“Wow! Thank you so much!” You thanked her.
“Happy to help a Country lover.” Delta tipped her hat.
“You play wonderfully! But I did hear a few sour notes.” Trollzart said.
"Yeah, the marshmallow is right. Here, you gotta fix your position a little.” Barb helped you sit upright and showed you how to hold the guitar. Each of the leaders gave you some advice and taught you a few things right before the party officially began to start.
“Thank you, everyone. I would perform on stage, but I don’t want the spotlight to be on me. I want everyone else to have fun and enjoy themselves. I’ll perform another time, but I know for sure I’m going to surprise Trollex after the party so he and I can have some alone time.”
“Aww! That’s so sweet!” Poppy squealed.
“Bleh.” Barb rolled her eyes.
~After the party~
You thanked all the leaders again for their help right before they left and thanked everyone else for coming to the party. As some of the other Techno trolls started cleaning up, you lead Trollex to a cleared area on the beach. The sun was setting and the fireflies were starting to decorate the sky, and flower petals were scattered on the ground. You were a little surprised how perfect the setting was, but you weren’t complaining!
“Babe, what’s going on?” Trollex asked you.
“Well, I’ve been practicing lately and I wanted to surprise you.” You grabbed your guitar from the bushes. For a second, it almost looked like someone was handing it to you. You didn’t give it a second thought and started playing it.
“Oh, look at those smiles. Sun on the waves. I almost taste, the salt in the air. Oh, and doesn’t it feel, like just yesterday, was our second date.” Trollex smiled at you lovingly as you sang. “And I still get nervous, when you hold my hand. It still feels perfect, when you ask me to dance. When the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns grey, the seasons all change. And we’ve seen better days, whatever this life puts us through, baby I’ll still love you. Oh, we’re gonna laugh, we’re gonna cry, we’re gonna fight. Oh but we’re gonna live, maybe have a few kids.” Trollex’s smile grew wider and he started blushing like crazy. “Whatever happens, I’ll promise you this, when the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns gray,”
“The seasons all change, and we’ve seen better days. Whatever this life puts us through. Baby I’ll still love you.” Trollex sang to you. You smiled and blushed. He was definitely trying to turn the tables on you by adding in a country accent. And he did it so smoothly, it was almost as if he had been rehearsing as well. You could’ve sworn you heard a violin start playing when Trollex started singing.
"When the sun does its damage, the paint on this house turns to rust. When the future’s the past, and there’s no more breath in my lungs. When the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns gray, the seasons all change. And we’ve seen better days,” The sun had set and the petals on the ground were picked up by the wind and started floating around you two as you both sang together. “Whatever this life puts us through, whatever time tries to undo, yeah baby, I promise you.” You let the guitar hang from its strap as you and Trollex embraced each other. “I’ll still love you.” You dipped him and kissed him. That’s when you heard the squealing.
“Popsqueak, shut up!” Barb said.
“But is so cute!” Poppy said. You and Trollex looked into the bushes and saw all the leaders except for Quincy and Essence.
I knew I heard someone playing a violin.” You looked at Trollzart who was guiltily holding a violin.
“And that explains why it looked like the guitar poked out of the bushes before you even grabbed it.” Trollex said.
“We just wanted to help!” Poppy said.
“You guys set all this up?” You asked.
“Actually, Quincy and Essence did. They wanted to make sure all of their trolls got back to the ship safely, so they had us record for them instead.” Delta said, holding up a camera. You smiled and waved.
“Hey, thank you two so much for the help, really appreciate it. And thank you guys too. I was really surprised when we got here. I was just expecting the sunset.” You shrugged.
“Ha! No. By the way, Trollex.” Delta pointed the camera at Trollex. “What was up with that country accent?” Trollex blushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Well…I might’ve gotten a little jealous when (Y/N) made a comment about how she liked Hickory’s accent.” Trollex admitted.
“Oh baby, I was just thinking out loud. I love you just the way you are.” You said and kissed him on the cheek.
"Barf.” Barb said, making everyone laugh.
Song used- I'll still love you by Abby Anderson
For @itspronouncedtrecillo and their friend! Hope you both enjoyed it 💙
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alia-turin · 3 years
Finally chapter 5 and finally things starting to move at very fast pace. There will be 3-4 more chapters based on how long they turn out to be. I hope you enjoy this one as is long, but a lot of things happen. Also I think Avallac’h is a bit of a troll.  Fic Title: Somewhere in Time (Chapter 5) Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 Fandom: The Witcher (Aen Elle) Pairing: Caranthir/F/OC Warning: Canon typical violence for this chapter, mention of scars, angst AO3 Link
Caranthir looked at himself in the mirror, one of the few occasions when he actually needed to do it. Eredin’s, or more like Ge’els’ reception, was today celebrating...something. An anniversary or something like that, Caranthir didn’t really care, it didn’t matter either. Ge’els needed that for his little political games and they all had to behave, the occasion was not important, it was about the game. Caranthir knew how the power in Tir na Lia worked, he knew there were still some who doubted Eredin’s rule. Ge’els called that appeasing the nonbelievers, Eredin called it hunting the traitors. It was all the same.
He was dressed for the occasion even if he didn’t really want to be there, black coat the collar and sleeves lined with grey furs, grey belt over his hips and black pants tucked in black cavalry boots, his Red Rider cape hanging over his shoulder. Well, that was the best he could do, no amount of nice clothes could fix his face so there was that. He thought of opening a portal to Aine’s room but he decided against it. He was going to be civilized tonight as much as he could be.
Walking to her room he wondered what was he going to do from now on. No more running on his end, that was clear but then what? He felt he was on an impossible journey where he didn’t want to let her go but the longer he held her, the worse it would become. Avallac’h was right, he was a cage. He grinded his teeth. Every time Avallac’h was right about something it caused him physical pain.
He knocked on her door and did not wait for invitation - he walked in. She was standing in front of the mirror in her room but Caranthir froze in place forgetting what he was going to say or even do. Whoever the servant who picked that dress was he should start treating them better than the rest. Her hair was tied and falling over one shoulder leaving the rest of her skin exposed. The dress his servants had picked was green, somehow complementing her mismatching eyes, thin straps were holding the fabric to her shoulders, but he could see her collarbones and the elegant curve in her neck. The dress itself was simple, wrapping around her body, tight around the waist but running free around her legs, a long slit was starting from her hip all the way to her feet.
She turned to face him but he was still staring. Women in court had never attracted him in any way or form, too polished for his taste, but seeing her like that...then again she was not part of the court and probably that did it for him even dressed like that there was still wilderness around her. Caranthir wanted to go to that reception even less now. All he could think about was throwing her on the bed and tearing the dress from her body.
“You are not talking.” she finally spoke her voice doing nothing to stop his urges.
He made a sign with his hand for her to come closer and with some hesitation she did. He touched the skin on her neck with the tip of his fingers, her body tensing under his hand. There were still traces of the bruises he left on her neck and some on her shoulders and arms. He cast the spell and it all disappeared. She looked down to her arms, her eyes filled with surprise.
“Not going to walk you in there looking like a battered horse.” He forced a smile on his lips, he wouldn’t have done that if it was different sort of marks.
He opened a portal and saw her surprise just growing at that. She had probably never seen one of those, the one he opened when he took her, well she was unconscious and then the first one she saw was probably yesterday when he walked in her room, but probably never consciously being through one.
“Not using the main door” she smiled, her eyes shining from the candle lights.
“Never.” her grabbed her hand and stepped through the portal making her follow him.
They found themselves on a grand balcony, no one was looking at them. He was right about no one paying attention to their entrance, she could see maybe few people looking at the portal but then they just continued their conversation.
Aine spent the day thinking about tonight and about the opportunity. She was finally out of the room with the door she couldn’t open and away from the servants that didn’t care about her. She did not harbor any illusions that the people here did, she was just above a slave for them, but she also looked enough of an elf to be able to blend and disappear especially dressed the way she was. She needed a chance when Caranthir was not paying attention. She looked back toward the city, the view from here was very different compared to her window. Different parts of the castle, but as it was a reception room she could assume it had easy access to the entrance.
Caranthir placed a hand on the small of her back and urged her to go inside, she obliged.
“Look at you.'' As soon as they walked in a large man approached them, the tattoos on his face looked like blood and his size was almost twice compared to everyone else in the room. “You brought your little toy.”
Aine froze as she heard him speak. That was the same man who had walked into her home and dragged her by the hair in the woods. His voice had been distorted by the helmet, but now it just hit her, that and the frame...she made a step back despite Caranthir’s hand that was still in her.
“Where is Eredin?” Caranthir seemed to pay no attention at the small panic attack she was having.
“Entertaining his guests with Ge’els.” The man made a sign to the main hall. “I guess you are busy tonight? Not getting drunk with me?”
She hoped Caranthir would say yes, he would just leave her to her own devices and he would go with his...she guessed friend. He shook his head. The other man smiled and walked away grabbing a glass of liquor from one of the servants.
Aine exhaled loudly, her knees feeling weak once her whole body was not ridged with panic anymore.
“Are you okay?” there was no concern in Caranthir’s voice, it sounded more like curiosity. Did he even understand what did just happen? Did he...she took a deep breath and collected herself. Just a couple of hours, hopefully less.
“Yes, I’m sorry it is the portal.” she tried to lie as best as she could, she had no idea if he bought it, his face was blank, nothing she could read on him.
“Come on I need a drink.” he led her inside and grabbed two glasses from a servant, he downed one immediately but passed her the second. He grabbed another one for himself. The servant walk away with an empty tray.
The room was astonishing, by far the largest room she had ever seen, still there were so many people inside colorfully dressed, women wearing fascinating dresses, it was hypnotizing and suffocating at the same time. She absentmindedly looked at the faces, that was probably the best of Tir na Lia and beyond. Everybody who was somebody here to pay homage to their king. She raised the glass to her lips, but she didn’t drink. She wanted to be sober when the opportunity arises. As she did that her eyes stopped at a man. Short for Aen Elle, short dark hair, he was far but she could recognize him.
“What?” Caranthir must have seen the change of expression on her face.
“That’s my father.” she pointed with her chin in the general direction, there were at least three other men in that vicinity. “Short, dark hair, dark blue cape.”
“Ailin Eurig?” Carathir looked surprised. “Really?” he looked at her father again and then back at her. “I guess I can see some of it. You want to say hi?”
“No!” she almost screamed. “I’d rather stay away.” she probably sounded more desperate than she was, but honestly there was no reason for them to interact. They didn’t split on bad terms, they split on no terms. Her father always had a strange relationship with her varying from warmth to ignoring. It wasn’t bad, never bad, but it was confusing. She had no idea on which day she would be the bastard child and on what days he would look at her as just a child.
“Interesting.” Caranthir looked at her and smiled as if she was supposed to understand their politics. She knew her father had power and resources. She never knew how much, no one cared to explain that to her, why would they? “If only Ge’els knew.”
“If only Ge’els knew what?” a tall lean man with blond-silver hair approached them. If Aine didn’t know better she would call him a king, there was something regal about the way he walked and held himself. His clothes were formal but simple, his gaze sharp as a cat on a hunt.
Caranthir was about to open his mouth but Aine looked at him pleading and he just smiled. “We were talking about art, seems like lord Eurig found a painter who can match your skills.”
“Interesting.” the man narrowed his eyes, she couldn’t decide if he saw through the lie or was truly offended by the art comment. “Are you not going to introduce me?”
“Ge’els, you know everybody here, do I need to introduce you?” Caranthir smiled almost pleasantly, Aine looked confused, not sure what was going on.
“I know where she came from, I know what you have been doing, but…” the man stepped closer and bent forward a bit. “Fascinating mix of human and elven lines. Almost perfect balance...and the eyes, different colors, very human but also elven... You should come to my studio some time.”
“She would not.” Caranthir moved between her and Ge’els, not even realizing what possessed him to do that. Showing he cared was giving the man advantage but at the same time something in him just stung. He knew very well what Ge’els did with most of his models and that was not happening. Not now not ever.
Ge’els smiled, his eyes fixed on Caranthir. He was going to use that against him, not now, he had no reason to do it now, but one day there will be something that Ge’els would want from him and he would use that moment. No more words were exchanged, there was no need for that, Ge’els just walked away to his next victim and Caranthir had to figure out what he could hold over the adviser’s head. A servant passed and he grabbed two glasses but when he looked at Aine her glass was still full from last time. He drank one glass and kept the other.
“Do you dance?” she randomly asked him. That was the first time she probably asked him a question.
“No.” He answered curtly then he realized it was a party and he had brought her here. So far all they had done was being short with with her and drinking. That was not how he wanted to be, but he also felt that everything he might say could scare her even further away from him, if that was even possible. “However, I do that.” he focused on a man who was standing behind Imlerith, seemingly without a reason the man lost his balance and hit Imlerith, his drink spilling over the general. What followed was angry Imlerith and a man who was very afraid.
“Nothing like juvenile behaviour to impress a woman.” Avallac’h’s voice spoke on his left and Caranthir turned making sure he did not get to talk to Aine the same way Ge’els did. Giving one of them advantage was more than enough for a night. “You are one of the greatest mages here and you use your magic for...what?”
Caranthir stared at him. He wasn’t a child anymore, he could use his magic for whatever he wanted. “Maybe you should have tried it with Lara. Maybe juvenile behaviour would have impressed her more than...what? Moonlight walks?”
They looked at each other. They had crossed a line, Avallac’h knew it and Caranthir knew it, but neither of them was going to step back.
“I hear Eredin wants you to take my place.” Avallac’h smiled.
“He should have done it sooner, with all the disappointment you have delivered.” Caranthir had gotten better at that. Years ago he would have lost his temper. Now the whole interaction was burning him from the inside, but he was still in control.
“The only disappointment I ever delivered is you, Caranthir.” Avallac’h face was emotionless but Caranthir saw how pleased he was in his eyes. “Truce?”
“Why are you even talking to me?” Caranthir’s frustration was growing, it wasn’t Avallac’h’s words, he couldn’t care less what his teacher thought. He hated being treated like a child and that was always how it started and ended.
“It is a social event Caranthir, people come to social events to socialize.” again that patronizing tone as if he was a toddler who needs to be scolded. “I heard an interesting story, from one of your servants. Yesterday when you came to my room I really wondered what despaired you so much to come.”
“Can you stay out of my business?” Caranthir raised his voice maybe a bit too much as could of people nearby turned their heads.
“I would, but you made it my business, remember, you asked.” he was right about that, his own internal tournament had pushed him there. “I’m happy for you.” there was no mockery in his voice, not as he said that. “I’m sure you will handle it well.” there came the mockery.
Caranthir wasn’t even angry that Avallac’h was teasing him, he was angry because Avallac’h was right. He couldn’t handle it well, he could turn a dragon into stardust but he could not control his own emotions or feelings.
“At least I won’t be left for a human.” he gave Avallac’h a smile.
“No but...you were left.” at first Caranthir didn’t understand what his teacher was talking about, but then he turned. Aine was gone.
Aine stopped listening to the conversation that was happening between Caranthir and the other man as soon as the navigator turned his back at her. There was her chance she just needed to calmly find her way to the door and from there the main gate and she would be free. Caranthir’s focus was entirely on the man, his whole body language had changed and she knew he was not paying attention to her, it was as if she had stopped existing, which was exactly what she needed.
She made a careful step backwards, wondering if he would notice, but nothing happened. Another one. Nothing happened. Then she turned around and started walking as calmly as she could, without running, but her feet just wanted to move faster and be out of there. She passed a pair of guards but nobody paid attention to her...of course they didn't. She was dressed like all the other guests, who would stop her. By the time she passed the last set of guards before the main gate she was running. It was so close to her freedom, she would be out of this terrible place and terrifying people.
Suddenly she saw a bright light ahead of her and she lost her balance, falling back on the cold ground. A portal with frost edges appeared before her and Caranthir stepped out of it. Her blood froze in her body. She was almost sure he would kill her now. Didn’t matter if she could not have her freedom, death was a good alternative compared to everything else he could do to her. His face did not betray anything, nor anger nor satisfaction, like most of the night he was just unreadable. He leaned forward and grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her up. Aine didn’t make a sound, she knew whatever was coming was neither going to be gentle nor pleasant. She had to accept it.
He turned her around, her arms crossed over her chest, his wrapped around her. In different circumstances his embrace might be even romantic, now she just felt as if he was about to crush her, pulling her close to his body.
“Crafty little spell that allows me to find you anywhere. You think I would take you out of your cage and just hope for the best?” he was leaning forward whispering in her ear, she could sense the warmth of his breath. “Where do you even think you are going?”
“Home!” She tried to free herself but he was way stronger and his grip was too firm.
“Silly girl. Your home is gone. We burned it to stop the humans from hiding so deep in the woods. You have no home.”
“You are lying!” he must be, there was no reason he would be telling the truth. “And even if you are not lying, anywhere is better than here.”
“Are you sure?” his grip around her eased, he turned her around, his hands still holding hers. It was dark but his pale eyes were reflecting whatever little light was in the yard, he was like a wild beast. “Half human half elf mut, alone in the world. How will that work for you? The elves will look down on you, always. Humans will never accept you, you are better than them why should they.” His words hurt but that did not mean they were a lie. There was a reason she lived far away from everybody. Sure at first she did not have a choice, but then she realized that she would never be accepted by any of them. She will always be different.
“So what, I’m supposed to do? Stay here?” she tried to sound confident, but the words had no bite.
“Why not?” he tilted his head as if he was studying something on her and then reached for her face, his fingers brushing her jaw almost loverlike. “I can teach you magic, you can have whatever you want.”
“I want a home. My home.” Honestly that was all she ever wanted, but right now for her it meant anywhere but here. She was scared, he had made it clear he wanted her here, she was denying him that, she couldn’t see herself living a long and happy life past that point.
Nothing happened for a very long moment, his face remained unchanged, she could read nothing on it. “You can go.” he finally said. “The guards won’t bother you.”
Caranthir didn’t want to watch her go so he turned around and walked back to the castle, angry. He could evaporate everyone here just to satisfy the temper. He wasn’t angry with her, she did the most logical thing one could do, saw an opportunity and used it.
He saw a servant carrying a bottle of alcohol and he grabbed it.
His first mistake was that assumed he could ever be happy in that way. His second mistake was listening to Avallac’h. His third mistake was he allowed himself to believe his teacher. In reality Crevan was right, Caranthir was a cage filled with anger, spite and violence, that was him leaving the cage door open and what happened? His bird left. If he had kept it close she would be here now with him. No, if he had kept her here she would have fought him and things would never go his way. At least not the way he wanted them to go.
He found himself back in the main hall and went straight to the balcony, no one was there so he could drink in peace. He leaned against the railing and watched the city. He could sense her, in a moment of reason he had put a curse on himself to be able to feel her. She might go wherever but he would know where she was and what she felt. He drank. The way she looked at him...she never turned her eyes away at his face, she never even said anything about it. Was it fear or she just...didn’t care? He drank. He could see her mismatching eyes looking at him, pleading with him to let her go. Was he that bad? Was he really that terrible that he did not deserve someone who can accept him for what he was? He drank. Probably locking someone in a room for a week was not the way to do it either…
“My lord.” someone spoke behind him and Caranthir turned around. Ailin Eurig was standing there, Aine’s father. He could pick some of the features from his face on hers, elegance of the face, the thin nose, better suited for her face then his. “Forgive me for the bluntness, but I couldn’t fail to notice the woman that was with you tonight.”
Caranthir narrowed his eyes. He knew that was not a social visit, it was a game. He had started the game by accident by bringing her here, but now the game was unfolding. If he was sober or less angry he could probably figure the game sooner, but he wasn’t so he waited.
“She reminded me of someone, someone I have not seen in years.” the man continued after he saw Caranthir will not respond.
“Yes, she is your daughter.” He decided to cut to the chase, he wasn’t in the mood for long pointless conversation, he needed the man to get to the point.
“Fascinating really.” The man seemed amused and Caranthir could feel his anger building once more. “I’m impressed. From my bastard daughter, who left the home rather ungrateful for everything I had provided for her to your bed. Then again humans and their offspring are good for one thing and one thing only. I hope she brings you as much joy as her mother brought me.” It was the words that burned in Caranthir’s mind but also the man’s smile. He did not care what he thought about the humans as a whole, nor about half elves, but that was personal. He didn’t view her as half elf, she was...like him and she completed parts of him that he was missing. If he was sober or less angry he would probably come up with a clever remark, make the man feel small and walk away. He was neither. Also he wished she was in his bed, not even because of lust, he needed to hold her and be held desperately.
Caranthir turned his whole attention to the man, holding the bottle in his left hand he grabbed him by the throat with his right and pushed him toward the railing. Half of the man’s body was hanging outside all Caranthir needed was just a bit more and the man would decorate Eredin’s front courtyard.
“I cannot decide right now if I want to push you down or I want to turn you in a worm and go fishing tomorrow.” the man’s hands gripped around his wrist but Caranthir was drunk and he didn’t think straight. In that moment he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned. Eredin was standing there.
“Whatever that is, you are neither pushing him down, nor you are feeding the fish with him.” Eredin squeezed his shoulder as if knowing Caranthir was past reason at that point, not even because of the man he was about to kill, he just happened to be the last drop in a very full glass. He stepped back letting the man step on the balcony.
“Your majesty!” Ailin was red and gasping. “Outrageous! Your navigator needs to know his place that was unprovoked attacked and he needs to be punished for that.”
“Punished?” Eredin smiled. “My lord, if I have four peasants, I can make myself four lords. If I have four lords, I cannot make even half of Caranthir.” the king stopped letting the words sink in the air. “I think my navigator and I need to have a conversation if you excuse us.”
The man bowed his head and walked away obviously getting the message of who is more replaceable. Carathir wasn’t proud of himself he knew he overreacted over something he usually probably wouldn’t. Or even sober and calm he would have reacted like that again as it was personal. Eredin looked at him, green eyes filled with...disappointment. First Avallac’h, then Aine and now Eredin.
“What was that all about?” the king finally asked after he had subjugated his navigator to his tortuous look for long enough.
“He said something, I took it personally.” he finally responded, he couldn’t believe the shame in his voice.
“Was it personal?” Eredin seemed curious.
He could lie. He could say yes. But it wasn’t. The man said what almost everybody else thought. Humans were below them and half elves had this strange place in their society that no one could truly define, but certainly they were not Aen Elle. It wasn’t like he and Imlerith had never made a joke about that. But it was also personal, the joke was not about them, the humans or them the half elves. It was about someone Caranthir cared about on a level he did not truly understand. He didn’t answer.
“Your arrogance does not need to hear that, but I will say it once.” Eredin leaned forward and grabbed the back of Carantjir’s head pulling him closer, his lips on the navigator’s ear. “You are valuable to me, and I like you. But I’m the king and I have a kingdom to rule and so happens his lordship is one of the richest and most influential people here. Ge’els tells me he is weak, but he has a son who isn’t, you kill the weak worm, we end up in a civil war. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Caranthir nodded, Eredin rarely spelled out things so loud and clear which only enhanced the gravity of the situation. He knew politics was fragile right now. Despite all the power Eredin held, there were people who just needed an excuse to turn the tables. There were those who thought themselves better than him and those who simply didn’t like him. Mages had ruled over Aen Elle for years and now someone else held the crown. Everyone needed an excuse.
“Ge’els will fix things, you get yourself out of Tir na Lia for a few days.” Eredin stepped back, there was fire burning in his eyes. Caranthir knew if Eredin had a choice he wouldn’t care what happened here, but the crown did not give him more freedom, it did the opposite. He nodded again. Ge’els will do his political talk and Caranthir will be out of sight so he does not add salt to the injury. He preferred to be in the mountains anyway, at least until he figured out his other problem.
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olivemeister · 3 years
OKAY NEO THOUGHTS NOW THAT I’VE BEATEN IT AND HAD TIME TO MARINATE. no spoilers for another day bc i haven’t finished it yet, but i did go “no, why shan’t i? i have the internet” and watched the secret endings on youtube so those and the secret reports will be discussed. yeah. so here’s some thoughts. i’m going to talk a lot about the more contentious things, i think. and again i haven’t finished another day so nothing to do with that, but of course major ending spoilers for the main scenario.
these are my opinions both as a writer and a media consumer, so there’s kinda two levels here. it is very freeform “as i think of it” structurally so my sincerest apologies if it’s all over the place. i am trying to keep specific topics confined rather than splattering the same plot point/whatever all through the post, but it’s not like i’m posting a peer-revied academic essay here. it’s also fucking enormous and i would say sorry but that would be a lie.
the majority of the game, i actually really enjoyed. the localization was excellent and i can’t praise it enough. i know people threw fits over the “horrible overstep” of... teenagers using slang. but did you know, in real life, teenagers use slang? even in japan, there’s slang? wild but true! the dialogue was great, and while i can’t say much re: the jp cast since i played in english, the newcomers for the english cast were spectacular. i actually think the newcomers were, in some cases, stronger than the returning cast. even in characters where i didn’t like the voice (nagi had to grow on me, i admit it), they were a fantastic match for the character’s personality.
the emotional beats re: character deaths, typically, landed the way i think the writers wanted; kanon’s death in week 3 had me devastated even though i could see it coming a mile away. i think that’s a testament to the best parts of the writing; as soon as i understood how the current game was being run, i knew it was fairly inevitable that every other team would eventually lose. odds would be that, barring something like someone changing teams or a team merger, the majority of the other teams would be completely wiped out. i knew far in advance that kanon would likely not make it to the end of the story, but it still fucked me up when it finally happened not just because i cared about kanon, but also because of how much the other characters cared about her. some character deaths affected me far less, of course. i think kanon was the epitome of “this hit exactly as hard as the writers wanted it to”, but i do feel they fell short with others. ayano’s lack of development really hurt my ability to be saddened by her death, especially when it was so clear that she set up her own possession as a trap for shoka. it undermined things for shoka in general, because while she was devastated to lose ayano, the game did a poor job at making their relationship tangible and meaningful. i felt worse (not necessarily sadder, just worse) about motoi’s death, and i didn’t like motoi. speaking of him...
the biggest issue i have with the game is a chronic square enix issue. kubo is the Man Pulling The Strings, whatever, this is fine. the problem is that he, minamimoto, motoi, and arguably susukichi are the only characters in the game with dark skin. they are all morally grey at best. i don’t think i need to elaborate on why this is an issue. we’re not going to pretend that racism and colorism don’t exist in japan. i’m just going to say that all of the dark-skinned characters are either totally evil, excessively violent, and/or morally dubious. this is my biggest qualm, but i don’t feel it needs more elaboration. yes, i know motoi turns it around in the end. yes, i know susukichi ultimately changes sides as well, and he’s ultimately portrayed as sympathetic. minamimoto is........ his own beast. but the fact remains that we don’t get a single major character who’s darker and unambiguously heroic.
second big issue is that while i understand the decision to keep shiki off camera until the very end for emotional impact, i feel like this was to the detriment of the story and to the detriment of said impact. she was mentioned, sure, and she was briefly seen from the shoulders down in a cutscene long before her introduction, but i feel that this was ultimately for the worse. her absence in the plot made her a borderline non-entity that can easily leave the audience going “why should i care about this?” on what’s supposed to be a huge emotional cathartic moment. yes, people should know this is a sequel and neku and shiki’s friendship was a crucial part of the original game, and much of the endgame of neo makes no sense if you’re unfamiliar with the original, but their interactions in the ending felt incredibly shallow. and i think this is because of how little shiki appears and how isolated she is from her other friends. eri is unseen and unmentioned. she doesn’t interact with rhyme. she hardly interacts with beat, using him as a translator at best. her other relationships are just... stagnant at best, ignored at worst, and despite having had just as vital of a role in the first game as beat did, she does nothing of import onscreen. her only narrative actions are “fix mr mew (mentioned but not seen)” and “be sad about neku”. so, functionally...
for some reason (we know why) the story decided that the only thing that was important to shiki was seeing neku. but by holding off on this reveal of her, we lost the impact that their meeting could have had. because the game refused to show her it didn’t show how much his absence was affecting her, which leaves their reunion feeling incredibly hollow. shiki was gone for upwards of 90% of the game. if not for the first game, this reunion would mean nothing; the narrative does a terrible job of reminding the audience that neku and shiki have a strong relationship and i don’t know if it’s that they expected the first game to have done the heavy lifting, or they thought that what neo gave us was good rather than “good enough”. imo this was an enormous failure and i wish we had gotten more for her both as part of the plot and as a character.
this was an issue present with rhyme as well imo, though to a lesser degree. i think they should have given up the ghost much sooner on confirming that the shadowed figure was rhyme; it was obvious by the time they showed us her silhouette, so i don’t know why the narrative held off on showing her. they didn’t have to introduce her to rindo (or give her the name splash screen) yet, but people who played the first game and are paying attention know it’s rhyme, so why bother hiding her? most of what rhyme accomplishes in this game is off-camera as well, but she has double the screen time that shiki gets.
the shiki thing is another symptom of a common squeenix problem these days, which is poorly-handled implied romantic interests. and i think that was also present with how the end of the game treated shoka. rindo and shoka as an implied romance in general did not bother me; more than a lot of squeenix protags, and perhaps primarily because of the excellent job the english cast did, i actually was unbothered by the suggestion of budding romantic feelings because it felt genuine. they actually felt like a pair of teenagers who were starting to be interested in each other, trying to play it cool and prioritize. this, and shoka’s characterization in general, is really helped by the reveal of swallow’s identity; it retroactively heightens her closeness to rindo specifically and offers enormous insight into her decision to help the team covertly. however, i think this budding implied romance was severely undermined by having other characters comment on it, especially because it felt so out of place timing-wise whenever someone commented. it was never warranted; there are times where they seem to be... not flirting, but not doing a good job of pretending there isn’t an interest. this is not when comments come. the comments come when they are having a totally normal interaction that does not suggest any non-platonic feelings whatsoever.
up until the final day, i had fairly ambivalent feelings about the idea of them as the designated hetero pairing. i felt it was a vast improvement from recent shoehorned romances in squeenix properties. the ending made things much more contentious to me, specifically how shoka is vanished by joshua. the audience should at least have the suspicion that he’s reviving her, but the circumstances surrounding it are the problem more than joshua being a deus ex machina. it’s not the first time joshua was a troll re: reviving someone, but the context of why shoka’s revival is necessary is, well... unnecessary.
they barely foreshadow the shinjuku rules re: reapers, and i will freely admit it’s not remotely ooc for shoka to hide something like that until she can’t any more. but they seem to be just a contrived excuse for shoka to be taken away... and from the framing of it, not from the player, but from rindo. which, i don’t know that i need elaborate on why i wasn’t fond of that. and i won’t lie - i know everybody beefed it in those cutscenes, including beat and neku. but when the dissonance noise grabbed shoka it gave me the exact same vibe as the demon tide grabbing kairi in kh3, and i don’t think i need to elaborate more on why that would put a bad taste in my mouth and make me fearful for shoka’s future treatment in the game. i was worried that the narrative was going to yank her away from rindo like a prize being snatched from him, and it did! while i do also think it’s ic for joshua to fuck around the way he did when reviving her, it also seems contrived and brings up a major question.
if shoka is still playing by shinjuku rules, why does shibuya’s composer have the ability to overturn her erasure? yes, i know, shinjuku is gone, but its composer is still active. surely joshua having the authority to do what he did indicates that on a cosmic bureaucracy level, shoka is a shibuya reaper. the secret reports offer a potential that joshua exploited a loophole by waiting until the second after the shinjuku rules resulted in shoka’s soul being dissolved in order to snatch it up, so perhaps the explanation is that her erasure meant she was technically no longer a shinjuku reaper and no longer beholden to its rules. but that doesn’t answer a different question that honestly bothers me more than the admittedly sorta insignificant question of whether or not joshua overstepped in reviving shoka.
shinjuku’s game has ended because shinjuku has ended; why are its rules still in play for former shinjuku reapers? i am aware that shiba is the conductor “legally” and he has made changes to shibuya’s game, but they’re careful to specify that the “ex-reapers are erased at the end of the game” rules are from shinjuku and do not apply to shibuya reapers. is she considered by the higher plane to be joshua’s underling and not hazuki’s? the secret reports confirm that the transfer of personnel from the destroyed shinjuku to shibuya was authorized by the acting conductor (uzuki) and this is standard procedure, everything was done properly. so “legally” the formerly-shinjuku reapers are shibuya reapers, right? hanekoma notes in particular that it’s a culture clash leading to the shinjuku reapers being designated as such and that they’re only nominally shinjuku reapers. why are a defunct game’s rules still active?
the biggest issue is that shoka’s threat of erasure was unnecessary from a narrative perspective, especially given how quickly it’s introduced and resolved. what was the point of putting this in the story if five minutes later the issue is just dealt with, no effort, minimal tension, by a (narratively speaking, don’t come after me joshua fans) minor character who doesn’t even appear until after the plot is resolved? i honestly wonder if it was just the writers deciding joshua needed to do something so that his appearance in the ending wasn’t just shallow fanservice for people who wanted to see the original gang. joshua’s lack of action is also presumably going to be contentious with fans; i’ve read the secret reports, and i don’t feel that they sufficiently justify why he doesn’t make any moves to protect his city despite being positioned both in his own dialogue and the secret reports as someone opposing shibuya’s purification. i will talk about this a little later re: kubo’s motivations though.
i also think it’s kind of stupid that joshua sets up “find her and you win” and then... rindo doesn’t do anything in that regard. he just bumps into her in the scramble. i know i already said i hate the idea of her being a prize to be won in a game but if they’re going to set it up, why make it pointless in that regard? it feels so unnecessary. joshua portrays shoka’s revival/return as something to be earned, and unlike the ending of twewy there’s no recognition that he was actually just fucking with them.
this is similar to my mixed feelings about kubo’s defeat. on one hand, i wanted to smash his face in personally, i have hated him the entire game. on the other hand, having him jesus beamed and rewritten out of existence without any warning or chance to resist was fucking hilarious and i actually laughed out loud. my speculation as to why he didn’t get a boss fight is that developers worried about people having trouble suspending disbelief over the party being able to defeat an angel. ultimately i think the only way this could have been done was to have it be a boss battle where your victory doesn’t matter, like the week 1 fight with susukichi, and have hazuki curbstomp kubo in the post-battle cutscenes. ultimately, i feel like this was a lesser of two evils; i don’t think the “you lose in the cutscene” approach would have necessarily been significantly better than what we got, i recognize that “the battle didn’t matter and you lose in the cutscene after” is a contentious game trope. and i would understand people struggling to accept the cast defeating a being from a higher plane without intervention from said higher plane. the only benefit would be the catharsis of getting to slap kubo around, which admittedly i kind of miss. having him as a secret boss was an option i guess but i think it would bring more questions than it was worth.
kubo’s motivation is also just bizarre; i understand that it’s given as him getting overzealous after carrying out his orders to purify shinjuku, but why? i feel like this could have easily been fixed/rationalized by “shinjuku’s surviving reapers fled to shibuya, leading kubo to consider shibuya to be an extension of shinjuku”, but that’s solely speculation. i do not know why kubo decided to also start an inversion in shibuya. they didn’t give me enough information. his conflict with joshua is inexplicable and almost entirely offscreen via the secret reports. i do not feel like i have a grasp on why the plot of the game even happened. hazuki’s involvement is iffy; i can’t say whether he initially approved of kubo’s overstep and changed his mind, or if he just took his time collecting his errant underling. the secret reports suggest the former, and hanekoma noting that the contentious nature of the previous game’s events gives a speculative explanation for why no action was taken if hazuki was actually making moves against shibuya rather than kubo being out of line. hazuki could damn well have been lying, there’s a precedent for composers being full of shit and telling bold-faced lies to protagonists, though in the previous game these lies were all eventually uncovered. this leaves me to believe that ultimately, hazuki’s statements regarding kubo acting outside of his given authority were mostly honest. but what i don’t understand is why joshua took such a hands-off approach.
yes, he says he figured the main cast had it under control and would have stepped in had things gotten worse, but this appearance and statement comes long after rindo fails and shibuya is destroyed in multiple timelines. why did he not step in in the first timeline? i can speculate, but the game and secret reports do not do a great job in explaining why the proxy vs. proxy game even happened in the first place. kubo is hazuki’s underling, which makes joshua higher in the pecking order than kubo. if hazuki was capable of exorcising kubo instantaneously, why didn’t joshua just flick him off the board like a flea before he even got started trying to cause an inversion in shibuya? in the epilogue of a new day joshua is seen in conversation with hanekoma, who’s taking shinjuku’s inversion seriously, which seems at odds with how easily his fellow composer ends the problem.
retroactively, i guess i could rationalize this as him realizing that either shinjuku’s composer must be responsible for said inversion or that potentially shinjuku’s composer has been compromised in some way. and i can rationalize him failing to immediately jesus beam kubo as well - it’s possible that, as kubo was initially acting under the orders of another composer (assuming hazuki is still technically “legally” one/at the bureaucratic level of one), joshua’s hands were somewhat tied re: what actions he could take without potential consequences. it could be that joshua would get in big trouble if he took disciplinary action against another composer’s underling, but 1. the legal transfer of personnel should mean kubo is joshua’s underling, not hazuki’s, see the shoka problem 2. hazuki’s status as a composer is questionable given that his territory is now purified and its game is defunct 3. given that kubo was acting outside of his original composer’s turf and outside of his initial orders (purify shinjuku) at this point i feel like that isn’t likely. it could be that he was trying to avoid a conflict with hazuki himself. it may be that he considered it hazuki’s responsibility to retrieve kubo, but that’s at odds with him choosing a proxy to combat kubo’s and his claims that he totally would have done something, really, he swears. they don’t give us much info at all as to why joshua entered a game with kubo in the first place. i have reason to believe that something’s fishy in the secret reports, and i would like to see the japanese text, which i’ll mention again in a few paragraphs.
i know the absence of shibuya’s composer is partially, and perhaps primarily, “there wouldn’t be a plot if joshua fixed it”. but it really feels like they just kinda tucked joshua in the corner and hoped fans wouldn’t be like “hey where is shibuya’s composer and why is no one mentioning them?” that part is probably for the same reason we don’t see shiki until the very ending, teasing the audience by holding off on revealing him until the last second, but it’s jarring to me that shiki is mentioned but neither neku, beat, nor any of the reapers (!) think “we should contact the composer”. even if just to say “we can’t contact the composer, he is unreachable”! i guess it’s to avoid people remembering how significant joshua is and thinking too hard about it, because joshua is simply too powerful of a character to be running around freely. the plot falls apart when you have a character who’s so strong and, in his own words, kind of omnipotent, who could trivialize the conflict in an instant if he took action.
i feel like they surely could have given a more explicit reason for him to not be involved in the story, even if it’s a reason like “he’s in trouble with the higher plane”. which could have easily been set up! hanekoma is clear in his reports that shibuya’s impurification is highly contentious in the higher plane; people are big mad about it, potentially people higher in the chain of command than a composer. this could have been easily utilized as an explanation for why joshua is hands-off; he’s on a shit list and needs to step carefully as a result. but it’s just not addressed. hanekoma is unreachable according to his reports, and he notes that people are trying to contact him for help. are we just to assume that people have looked for joshua to ask for help in the past but it was so long ago that it isn’t even worth mentioning now to the newcomers? according to other reports, the higher ups are pissed with joshua about his game with kitaniji and are turning a blind eye to what’s happening with kubo in shibuya as a result. but this doesn’t explain why the members of the shibuya UG never discuss the composer. hanekoma’s reports have him confused as to joshua’s lack of action as well; he knows the context of what’s going on in shibuya but doesn’t understand why joshua is staying silent.
that said! the fact that hazuki’s motive for the destruction of shinjuku is never stated does not bother me too much. he’s placed in a position very parallel to joshua in the first game, and he even says he felt like he was following in josh’s footsteps. when you add his seemingly-genuine inability to understand why people care about shibuya, i feel there’s enough evidence to... not dismiss, but nudge this aside as “He Too is a misanthropic bastard”; shinjuku’s destruction is a parallel to the intended destruction of shibuya in the first game. hazuki just carried on where joshua had a change of heart. the secret reports complicate this; it might be that someone fucked up in transcribing, but the reports i read online state that shibuya’s composer, i.e. joshua, was responsible for the destruction of shinjuku due to a game with kubo. this does not make sense given everything else, including hazuki’s own statements and later reports, so i’m setting that aside for the moment as either an uncaught mistake either in translation or transcription online (most likely) or hanekoma not knowing the actual truth until receiving the post-purification shinjuku reports. hanekoma also suggests that hazuki’s goal was also the purification of shibuya, but as he’s not shibuya’s composer this is certainly not his jurisdiction so i’m curious as to what exactly happened there.
EDIT: i’ve been informed by a helpful anon that this is not a mistranslation, the japanese secret reports do state that it was a game involving joshua that resulted in shinjuku’s inversion. with that in mind, i have figured out how to rationalize this and it solves a lot of problems: if it was a proxy game between joshua and kubo, then joshua must have been the opposition to shinjuku’s inversion. though you could argue that joshua is responsible for the end result, he didn’t destroy shinjuku; his proxy lost, probably because kubo’s had the support of shinjuku’s composer. kubo’s overconfidence in running rampant in shibuya is now explicable and he may have been trying to rub it in that joshua lost.
if hazuki was still backing kubo post-shinjuku, this could explain why hazuki felt he could make decisions about shibuya’s fate and wander around it; joshua had already overstepped onto his turf to meddle in purification, so he was returning the favor. at this point in time, i figure that joshua’s proxy was either tsugumi’s brother (shinjuku’s conductor) or coco (she’s noted to have inexplicable powers for a rank-and-file reaper, but joshua’s opposition to her killing of neku throws this into question), and if we truly had a scrapped “shinjuku’s final game” plot then joshua’s proxy could also have been neku. kubo’s proxy was presumably shiba. this actually answers a few questions that i couldn’t rationalize when i assumed joshua was uninvolved (why would shinjuku’s composer be running a game against kubo when they wanted the same thing?), so i’m gonna chalk it up as an absolute win.
i think hishima as a character was... sort of nothing. he was just there. yeah, it was kinda funny how he dressed shiba down, but i don’t know that the plot needed him. his role in the endgame could have easily been given to tsugumi without much fuss, and i feel tsugumi deserved a much bigger part in the narrative given how much she was hyped up by solo and final remix. she was so prominent and anticipated that the fans called her hype-chan for years before we had a name for her. this could also be folded into the problem with hiding shiki until the very end; it feels like we missed a whole sequence with both of these characters simply because the narrative refused to show us shiki. instead, we’re told that shiki showed up and fixed mr. mew, and somehow this freed tsugumi. i think the fact that they don’t even give a flashback of this crucial event after shiki’s proper introduction is just a questionable decision. the story tells us that tsugumi’s release from the plushie is of the utmost importance and shiba can’t be swayed without her, setting it up as a vital event, but it happens offscreen with no real interaction with the main cast. it also only happens after multiple failed loops, even though rindo’s interference is what prevents the meeting between coco and shiki to repair the plushie. i don’t understand this from a logistical standpoint; if coco isn’t pulled to escort rhyme, she must have met with shiki and released tsugumi in timely manner, but tsugumi does not appear until after you replay to get coco back to her original schedule. you could wave it off as “she didn’t get there fast enough”, but i can’t accept that as a reason given the circumstances; it’s not like she would have to look hard to find shiba. this one’s flawed writing; i know in a meta sense why she didn’t appear, it was to build tension etc etc, but in-universe it’s a plot hole.
coco being so absent from the plot is also somewhat conspicuous. i wonder what reception of her was like in japan and if that influenced her lack of presence in the story. i honestly don’t even know if she was received well by the english audience, all i know is that i did not like her at all in final remix. not from an “i don’t like the villain because they’re doing bad things” perspective, from an “i don’t find this character compelling and i think they’re annoying” perspective. also curious as to whether or not her speech patterns changed in the japanese dialogue since final remix; i found her far less jarring and obnoxious in neo and i think it’s enormously because she stopped talking verbally in internet shorthand. overall, coco’s retool was imo a change for the better, but she’s barely there for me to appreciate how much of an improvement she was. it feels like there’s an entire narrative we were set up for by a new day, yet it’s almost completely missing. the ending of a new day laid out this framework for neku and minamimoto to be forced allies in an unseen future game. i had mixed feelings about this conceptually, but the narrative setup was fairly transparent. not only does this not happen, coco’s motivation in a new day and what ultimately happened were so lacking to me.
i feel like something got lost and we were originally going to actually see and perhaps play the shinjuku game that ended in disaster instead of just getting a summation and brief flashbacks of the survivors fleeing. this kinda ties in with my complaints about how hyped tsugumi was by solo and final remix, and then she turned out to have a very small (albeit crucial, via her trailer ability) and mostly unseen role in neo’s story. retroactively we learn that rindo’s visions are from tsugumi, but this is something she does entirely off-screen. all of coco’s scheming was for nothing, because joshua was a deus ex machina and whisked neku away the second he died. this feels to me like cut content or rewrites; there’s a whole game’s worth of story that just happened off-camera and we got to hear a little bit about it. it wasn’t enough, imo. i think doing it as a midquel is still possible, but it’s a hard sell to create a video game with a downer ending and we know shinjuku’s fate is already set in stone... even though a new day ended on the tragic cliffhanger of neku’s death, it’s a little different since it’s coming as an optional postgame sequel hook after victory rather than the entire narrative you fought through ending in failure. i suppose it could be done with a Distant Epilogue now that we know shiba and most of his surviving reapers will return to rebuild shinjuku. ultimately i really think that if not for the concern about neku overshadowing the new cast, shinjuku’s purification could and should have been the prologue to neo. it would be a tough balancing act, but i do think it could have been done right and it would have done a lot for narrative tension with his absence if we had a prologue following him that ends in a cliffhanger re: shinjuku’s purification. neku’s role in the story was done decently i think re: how big said role was, but a lot of circumstances surrounding his absence, legendary status, and reappearance leave much to be desired.
frankly, i just don’t like how much they glossed over neku’s three year absence. we’re given a vague explanation of what he was doing, but it isn’t actually an explanation. definitely again feels like a plot rewrite situation; there’s this huge blank space of neku doing nothing because there used to be a story that we were going to play through and it got scrapped for whatever reason. overall i feel neku’s characterization was very odd and perhaps a little inconsistent in this game; he didn’t have much of a personality at all, which i struggle to reconcile with the original game. we don’t see how he reconciled with coco, it’s just dismissed entirely as “no we’re good now”. how are we good? why did you forgive her for playing murder games instead of just explaining shit? i know he forgave joshua for his gatekeep gaslight girlboss behavior in the first game, but we had context as to why he made that decision. also what the fuck was keeping him from coming back to shibuya, i don’t feel like that was sufficiently explained either? for someone who was so hyped up by the narrative, i was a little let down by how insignificant neku ended up being to the plot as a whole. and again, his personality seemed very watered down and neutral despite the seriousness of the situation. why was he so mellow? the circumstances of his return i did really like, because... well, we’ll talk about character relationships i guess.
i already summed up my feelings on rindo and shoka and i think i’ll leave them on the note of “unnecessary elements dampened my potential for overt enthusiasm, but overall i feel neutral-positive about the suggestion of romantic interest” which is a lot more than i can say about a lot of (semi-)official pairings. on a broader and more platonic scale? generally i have positive feelings about the new cast and their interactions; i feel like their development is more understated than neku’s in the first game, his character arc is very in your face and the neo cast is not nearly as overt, but you can see the difference in how the team interacts across the three weeks. rindo and fret’s established friendship, not to be dismissive of it, does exactly what it needs to. i mean this in a completely positive way. it’s an established friendship, they feel like friends, and they serve initially as anchors to one another in the beginning of the game as a “you’re the only person i know in this chaos” setup. this contrasts neku in the first game in an excellent way because of how it highlights their biggest character flaws, which i’ll talk about later; it’s important to rindo’s fatal flaw that he has someone to fall back and rely on in the beginning of the game in the same way that it’s crucial for neku’s development that he’s surrounded by strangers who he must learn to trust and rely on in order to survive. rindo and fret can lean on each other in the beginning of the game, and as people who have known each other for some time, are able to recognize and appreciate each others’ positive changes.
i do love the development of nagi’s friendship with fret, particularly how it’s sometimes but not always remarked on when she shelves her initial aloof attitude with him. i prefer when a narrative is more subtle on that kind of thing; pointing it out every once in a while is okay, but i don’t want it shoved down my throat via dialogue that characters are developing an emotional bond. we can see that nagi is slowly becoming more receptive to fret and less likely to dismiss or disparage him. it seems like their initial relationship is that of two people who have opposite struggles; nagi is notably closed off in the beginning, but fret immediately approaches her with an unearned and offputting level of familiarity. their slow and understated (more noticeable with nagi than fret) development towards accepting each other as friends is mutually beneficial to them even outside of the context of their personal relationship; nagi opens up a little with everyone, not just fret. placing two people with very different perspectives on how to interact with new people in close proximity helped both of them grow. i’m sure other people have different perspectives, but i do not feel like they were being teased as a pairing which i enormously appreciate, i am tired of “pair the spares” shit. (minor note: i also appreciate how while fret’s crush on kanon was very overt and strong, she was also fairly clear that she considered him a kid and his feelings were never going to be reciprocated because of that age gap. i know, the bar is low, but thank god.)
i love how, despite nagi now having been confirmed as older than beat, as soon as beat joins the narrative he takes this hard stance of “i’m the one who’s already been in this hellscape so it’s my responsibility to help the newbies”. he really embodies the big brother role so well in this game; he knows a little more about what’s going on, this isn’t his first rodeo even if it’s not exactly the same, so he considers himself to have an obligation to protect the others. he serves as sort of a physical and emotional rock for the team from the second he joins, becoming an excellent support for them both as a combatant and an older brother figure. he has experience in being both of these things, and i think beat’s writing is some of the best in the game.
despite his position as a former player who’s back in the UG, he meshes with the newbies perfectly. he doesn’t overshadow the rest of the team despite having more lived (ha) experience in the reaper’s game, he doesn’t feel like he’s on a different level from them or anything like that. he fits in while serving an important unique role that he can only fill because of his prior time in the UG. it’s completely understandable and reasonable why rindo remains the team leader despite beat’s presence. he’s had a three year gap since his last game and doesn’t even understand how he returned to the UG. he’s not a fish out of water, he knows the UG and the game. but he’s really truly gotta shake the dust off, and he’s trying to figure out what happened to him in the first place because he knows he shouldn’t be in the UG at all. he didn’t have a huge bump in intelligence since the first game, but it’s hard to dismiss him as a complete idiot. he has both large and small perceptive moments where another narrative might have chosen to keep him as the dumb muscle. in fact, his firm convictions serve an important role for the others - beat knows he didn’t die and can’t be convinced otherwise, and his confidence that he’s a living player is part of how rindo and gang realize they also aren’t dead. he’s clearly not simply a comic relief character. another story might have positioned him as more of a mentor figure, but he plays to his strengths and serves to ground the team instead. beat is honestly a highlight of this ensemble cast to me. i’m unsure as to how much of that is simply because he was one of my favorites from the first game, but i really truly love beat in this game.
shoka and neku’s late introductions to the team mean they have far less “we are now firmly allies and friends” interactions with the rest of the ensemble for unavoidable reasons. i will say that the excellent casting and localization for the english version, particularly shoka, has done a lot to mitigate that issue; yes, the plot doesn’t develop her relationships with the team as a whole as thoroughly as some of the others, but the combat interactions with her are so genuine that i found myself shocked when writing this because, well, those combat lines did so much legwork making her role in the party seem earned and cohesive. i had such a strong sense of her place in the team that just isn’t reflected in the cutscenes, and i find that very interesting but i’m unsure as to whether it’s good or bad; i think it’s incredible that the combat dialogue did such a good job fostering this air of “we are a unit” for these characters and it really is a testament to the skill of these actors, but i do wish it was more prevalent in the cutscenes itself. beat’s established relationship with neku and their relaxed nature with one another does a lot to ease neku’s entry into the group; he has an “in” with a firmly established member and a well-written dynamic with him that helps him out here.
as a nekubeat appreciator i feel very fed and i hope there’s an uptick in interest for the pairing following neo. i love how beat, who throughout the game is constantly forgetting who people from 3 years ago are (doesn’t recognize his former superior bc she’s wearing a suit now and can’t even remember her name), immediately recognizes coco despite her changing her entire aesthetic specifically because he’s so angry with her for killing neku. he’s ready to throw down the second he sees her, which gives this feeling of “he’s been waiting for this moment for 3 years”. because the narrative never addresses beat’s change in style, particularly that he wears his hair like neku now, i choose to believe it’s because the last time he saw neku was immediately after coco shot and killed him. it could be that this shit’s been haunting him ever since neku died. my city now, if you don’t talk about it in the game i make shit up. both their cutscene interactions and combat quotes do an excellent job of maintaining the sense that these two have been close friends for a long time and distance hasn’t changed that. they fall right back into old ways with one another immediately.
even outside of the context of me being a nekubeat shipper, their relationship and continued partnership (UG game context partnership) feels very genuine. neku and joshua call each other partner, but it rings hollow. i’m sure it’s partially the lack of screentime that makes it so they don’t feel like partners any more than neku and shiki do, but the game doesn’t even try to push closeness the way it does for shiki - more on that in a minute. beat is the only one of neku’s partners that seems to have retained the same strength in their bond with him despite the three years; shiki and joshua are super absent in the plot, which really undermines their relationships with neku. i’ve already talked about my problems with shiki’s lack of focus and how i feel it harms her relationship with neku, but as for neku’s relationship with joshua, i think neo has taken an interesting approach that i feel will have a mixed reception.
it actually feels like neku and joshua ended this game on worse terms than the first one even though joshua was a far more benevolent figure this time around. neku is very clear about wanting to return to the RG despite this meaning he will have no access to the UG (outside of potentially text-based communication since rhyme paved the way for RG residents to bust into the RNS and... however it was that shoka’s fanGO account worked, since she and rindo were fanGO friends long before his entry to the UG) and doesn’t show any hesitation or reluctance in stating this desire. he seems quite content with not having joshua be a part of his life, as opposed to the first game’s ending where he extends an open offer to joshua to join his friend group. i understand how this would (and will) let a lot of people down, but i actually think it’s for the best. i have no real opinion on neku’s capacity for forgiving joshua after the first game, good or bad, but i think putting distance between them in this game is the correct move.
i take this viewpoint especially given that after the first game, joshua did in fact choose this distance - neku invited him in, and he did not take the offer. it was his decision to not join neku’s group in the first game’s ending and he continued to remain separate from it in the three year gap; he may have masqueraded as a fellow player and peer in age, but joshua is not and has never been an actual peer to neku, shiki, and beat. his life experiences are so different from theirs that i would struggle to suspend disbelief that they have enough in common to maintain a close friendship. he intervened when neku was killed by coco and placed him in a safe area and gave moral support in the ending, and i think this is the most we should expect of a reforming (not reformed but in-progress) misanthrope like joshua. he’s an enigmatic figure sure and largely benevolent if inactive in this game, but he isn’t a good person and he clearly considers himself to be on a different level from neku and his peers. hanekoma notes that joshua’s somewhat reluctant to continue to remain separate from neku’s group, but i think the narrative places him both objectively and in his own mind as someone who is just... from a different world. joshua chose distance, he chose to cut contact, and this is the consequence of that decision. i think that’s a good lesson to teach; it may not be a given, but it’s natural that sometimes a friendship you ignore will fade. it doesn’t necessarily mean the time you spent didn’t matter, but you shouldn’t be shocked if a plant you don’t water wilts away.
i feel like that wasn’t the intended takeaway, that it was just questionable writing that i’m reading too deep into, but that’s how i feel about the situation.
i’m also incredibly grateful that hazuki was introduced as an age-appropriate option for joshua and i hope they’ll draw attention as a bastard boyfriends ship, both because i think it’s very funny and because i have opinions about shipping joshua with the teens. i know it’s contentious and i’m not going too deep into it, so what i’m going to say is this. the secret reports state in plain objective text that joshua downtuning his vibes aged him down and his true appearance is older. neither the narrative nor supplementary info state anything about how old josh was when he died or how long he’s been a reaper/the composer (reapers ageing is ??? as well, we don’t know if it’s not a thing or if it’s optional or what). however, it is firmly canon that he is older than 15. if that canon upsets you then that’s your problem to either work through or ignore indefinitely. suffice to say, joshua and hazuki do not have the schrodinger’s pedophile issue and i wholly support and strongly encourage that over the alternative for this reason and again because i find it funny and think they deserve each other. i hate to say hazuki is a healthy choice for joshua because i think both of them are just walking messes, but they are actual peers on the same tier of the higher plane pecking order and more importantly the disaster they could be as a couple has infinite potential.
on the girls side of things, i am still mad about eri’s absence not just because it’s a relationship shiki had that just got ignored. i know the story wants us to believe that neku and shiki have something but shiki and eri had more. i’m sorry writers you made a more compelling f/f ship by accident in the first game and i am not invested in the one you weakly suggested between neku and shiki here. if you made shiki have more of a role in neo maybe i’d feel differently, or maybe you would have screwed it up worse. we’ll never know. i think it’s a shame that they couldn’t make me care about neku and shiki as a pairing, but it is what it is.
i was briefly worried that the game would try to suggest something between kaie and rhyme because sometimes people lose their minds when a boy and girl stand next to each other, but i was quickly set at ease with that one. they felt like two people who are starting to straddle that line of acquaintance/friend in a believable way despite how little interaction between them we see, and i appreciate that. i was also briefly worried that fret would develop a crush on rhyme based on his initial reaction at being introduced to her, but again quickly dismissed. can you tell i’m a little gun shy about strangled “him boy her girl” romances in fiction these days? yeah. i’ve been let down too much recently by bad writing.
i think all of the party members could have benefited from more development with one another outside of combat lines - i would like to see more interaction between nagi and shoka, or neku and fret, etc - but that would come at the expense of the narrative’s pacing. i think it could have been done by tweaking certain details, but ultimately i can accept this as a sacrifice made in the interest of keeping the narrative from getting bloated.
i wanna talk briefly about the new main cast a little.
rindo’s ups and downs re: development are much more subtle than neku’s were, but with the secret reports in mind i feel his arc is actually pretty excellent. i think we could have done with a little less of fret pointing out rindo’s increased confidence and how he becomes more assertive, i think the audience is smart enough to notice that on their own. but i’m a huge fan of how the narrative quietly places rindo in this position of a leader who fears that responsibility, but nonetheless has to grow and accept it. hanekoma’s reports may spell it out in plain text postgame, but the narrative already told us in our own way that rindo’s development stalled when someone else entered the cast who could take over for him and this is demonstrative of a(n understandable) lack of maturity and failure to grow. neku’s fatal flaw was his rejection of others, and so he was forced by the narrative into a position where he had to learn to trust them; rindo’s is that he relies too much on them and the narrative forces him to stand on his own.
while i think this is a little muddled (he was right in some instances to not make hard solo decisions; thinking specifically of ayano, it was absolutely the right call to ease shoka into this inevitable loss rather than forcing her into the situation unilaterally) and i wish we saw more consequences of his initial waffling behavior, rindo’s indecisiveness is an actual flaw that i think a lot of people can relate to and i think it contrasts him wonderfully with neku without being heavy-handed. rindo working through it from “relying on others to make choices for him -> still valuing the input of others but not wholly dependent on them -> capable of making difficult calls without anyone else to support him” was subdued and while it had realistic hitches in the form of other characters who he could consider authority figures, it was steady and imo very good. he’s a teenager coming into his own, stepping out of this world where others in his life - motoi as an0ther, shoka as swallow, presumably his parents, teachers, etc - have made the big, scary decisions for him or guided him through them, and into a place where there aren’t these people to guide him. he’s surrounded by people who either don’t know anything more than he does, or don’t care about his best interests; he’s clashing and changing and it forces him to grasp and accept his own autonomy rather than falling back and relying on someone else to fix things when it’s too frightening or difficult.
we can talk cultural differences re: the level of autonomy and responsibility that’s right for teenagers but i’m not really interested in drawing hard lines there. this is a coming of age story; as he approaches maturity, rindo is learning how to be an adult. i think that’s a classic and important narrative concept and it’s done well here.
fret, interestingly, is imo a case where the subtlety didn’t work out. to me, there wasn’t a huge distinction between flippant “telling you what i think you want to hear” fret and “genuine” fret. his initial interactions with kanon don’t seem different from their last conversation; maybe he comes off as less initally honest in the jp version, or maybe this one was a writing fumble. maybe it’s just me, and other people don’t feel the same way! he seems to be a far more static character in a strange way; the narrative tells us that he’s developing via other characters’ dialogue, but it doesn’t seem to support that. to me it’s a failure of “show, don’t tell” - i don’t take a hard stance on “show, don’t tell” as some kind of holy rule of writing, there are plenty of situations in a narrative where telling is perfectly acceptable and i think rigid adherence to showing and not telling can result in a bloated narrative, but in this case i feel like that’s where the narrative failed. it failed to support fret’s development outside of other people telling him he’s changed. i like fret, but i feel like in this ensemble cast fret and nagi kinda serve more as nominal protagonists and are more strong supporting characters than true leads.
as for nagi, i love how, despite it being low-hanging fruit, not only are there no real digs at nagi for being a vocal fangirl of a visual novel dating sim, it actually ties perfectly into her character as someone who understands people. dating sims are about people and relationships. how people interact, the importance of conveying your feelings, the consequences of bad communication; that’s what nagi is obsessed with. and rather than this being a detriment and making her avoid others, it ends up priming her to have healthy friendships because her gaming taught her to value knowing other people. it takes her time to actually open up, but rather than the video games closing her off to others they actually set her up to be an excellent friend. elestra in general could have been a subject of enormous mockery, but instead it’s viewed in a very neutral way and is given the implication of universal appeal by fret picking it up in the epilogue. nagi’s not in the spotlight for most of the game, but the payoff of her monologue to fret about being human was immense and was one of the best bits of dialogue in the entire game to me. it’s not going to be as iconic as hanekoma’s “open up your world” and “enjoy the moment”, but i truly think it’s one of the only parts of neo’s dialogue that approaches its level.
shoka is a character that i think is better on the replay, and i say this as someone who was very fond of shoka the first time around. i thought she had a lot of personality in her mannerisms alone, and i firmly appreciate how she wasn’t a one-note tsundere character. she had some of those minor elements, but subdued and with a reasonable context - she’s hot and cold with rindo and his team because she’s supposed to be working this rigged game to erase them, but she’s already rindo’s friend in a different context and is struggling to reconcile these two parts of her life. knowing her motivation as swallow gives so much retroactive depth to her actions; she was circumventing the game itself not just because she was exhausted by it or unease with shiba like some of the other turncoat reapers, but because rindo was her friend from before the story even began.
i will say that i didn’t actually fully call swallow being shoka simply because at first i had the impression that it would be rhyme (before rhyme’s role in the story became clearer), and admittedly by the time the climax hit the mystery of who swallow was had kind of dropped out of my mind completely, but i think it does a lot to develop shoka. whether this development being retroactive is strictly good or bad as an issue is subjective; neo is a game that has a built-in chapter select, so replaying the game and rewatching the cutscenes with the full narrative context is incredibly easy. however, for a lot of players, if you’re replaying the game it’s with a specific goal of getting something you missed earlier in-game, so you’re rushing through those cutscenes trying to get to that completionist bit. i think a line could have been walked re: giving more of a hint that shoka was swallow before the very end without fully giving it away, but i definitely think the rewatch value is more subjective and based on how you specifically play the game. if you’re here looking to watch all the cutscenes again now that you know everything, shoka being swallow is a huge treat regarding changing the context of her behavior - if you’re fast-forwarding trying to find a pig, it’s totally wasted.
i would have liked to see more of shoka’s backstory and interaction with the other shinjuku reapers for sure, and i wonder if this is another thing along the lines of “we were supposed to see more of shinjuku’s final game than we did”; if we’d gotten more of shinjuku, we certainly would have seen more of its reapers. i talked briefly about how i feel like ayano’s death didn’t hit the way i think it was intended to, but if the game had let us see more of her as a shinjuku reaper i feel like the entire plot would have benefited. it would have benefited shiba as well honestly; they tried to have him as a repentant “now i shall fix what i destroyed” character at the very end, but i don’t feel like they did a good enough job portraying that he had changed and he was brainwashed so it fell flat. if we’d seen more of shiba as the compassionate leader who deserved the loyalty of his reapers that they say he was, the contrast would have done a lot to help define the tragedy of his backstory. overall i think this is another “we lost a chunk of the plot in rewrites or something” issue, which i admit is not based in anything like interviews. it’s just my speculation because it feels like something that was supposed to be here got left behind - i can’t say if i’m right, or why it happened if so. it just feels to me like the shinjuku reapers besides shoka went fairly undeveloped not because of writing/lack of screentime alone but because we lost big pieces of shinjuku content entirely. it’s insane that we only learn in the secret reports how tsugumi became trapped in the mr. mew plush to begin with; to me, this screams “we had to cut something”, and the more i think about it the more convinced i am that we were originally meant to see more of shinjuku’s inversion. hell, the secret reports just flippantly inform us that tsugumi’s brother was shinjuku’s conductor and he’s why she survived - but he goes unnamed and unseen, mentioned only in a piece of postgame content that many players may never unlock.
shinjuku’s final game is just left as this incredible story that was never told, with a cast who we barely see. again, it doesn’t bother me that they never explained to us why hazuki purified shinjuku. but i do wish we could have connected with its reapers to see how they reacted to its impending fate; who was on kubo’s side, who was trying to protect shinjuku? who knew what was happening, and who was just swept up in the chaos? how did the purification affect them emotionally after their escape to shibuya? just from the secret reports we see that tsugumi’s brother is this tragic hero of another story, the conductor opposing the executor and fighting to save his city before ultimately sacrificing himself to keep his sister alive. this is enough content that it could have easily been a standalone, but it wasn’t. i think that’s a damn shame. i’m sure there are people who are already chomping at the bit to write about shinjuku’s tragic final game and it’ll make a stunning fanfic in the right hands, but this is a big gap for fanfiction authors to be filling in.
this was mostly a narrative thoughts dump, but i wanna say just a couple of things about the combat: overall i liked it! i was significantly overleveled for the vast majority of the game partially because i was having fun with the combat, i feel gameplay was very intrinsically motivating. because of how the food system worked, being overleveled didn’t mean too much since it only affects HP, but i also was eating constantly so i was in fact just OP for much of the game. so i suppose, take my gameplay commentary with a grain of salt because i was busted quickly. if i hadn’t been such a powerhouse from early on, i expect my gameplay experience would have been much different.
my biggest complaint: there were some significant issues in enemy design related to battles being timed and the timer having consequences. some enemies were a reasonable/intuitive pain, say, elephants being bullet sponges and chameleons having an invisibility mechanic. these things made them challenging, but in a sensible way. like, of course a big honkin’ elephant has a ton of HP. i think that chameleons in particular could have been tweaked; you have to be very close to them when they’re invisible in order to lock on, and i think this could distance could have been extended a bit to minimize frustration. likewise, it felt like party members that get grabbed by a t.rex were trapped for ages; i feel this could have been tweaked as well. i know a lot of people had issues with wolves for this same reason, but their comparative frailty and my pin choices meant that i quickly overcame wolves and they became a minor nuisance at best until endgame introduced a beefier wolf. even then, i found t.rex noise to be much more of an issue because of their sturdier nature and higher damage output. these are minor gripes; i didn’t like seeing these enemies, but i didn’t hate seeing them. no, here’s what i hate: rhinos and pufferfish.
to me, these are the most annoying enemies in the entire game outside of maybe a handful of bosses. i feel they were poorly thought out in general. the tendency for rhinos to put themselves against the arena walls and the delay on pufferfish exploding after their HP hits zero do not mesh well with that battle timer. i find myself very frustrated by these enemies because it feels like i’m being punished not for a lack of skill or bad decisions choosing weak pins, but simply bad luck. very few pins can circumvent the rhino’s front guard and the hitbox for their guard feels enormous, so i can’t imagine i’m the only player having difficulty herding them out of corners to actually damage them or get beat drops. there’s a postgame dive with a big noise rhino, and it was my worst experience with the entire game because it just kept backing into a corner. i quit that dive multiple times because of how much time i wasted with the rhino; i changed my pins like crazy trying to take advantage of elemental weaknesses or use pins that could circumvent the guard. but it wasn’t about what pins i was using, it was just bad luck with hitboxes. when i finally got the gold rank on that dive it wasn’t that i did anything significantly different, the rhino just didn’t park its ass in the corner that time.
as far as i know, and i hope i’m missing something that someone can enlighten me on, there is no way to prevent pufferfish from inflating and exploding outside of a killer remix. i have not discovered any way to make them explode faster. the amount of time it takes for them to blow up seems to vary not by species but by individual, i’m not sure if it’s being triggered by proximity to a party member or what but i know sometimes one of those little shits will inflate and chase me across the entire arena before finally exploding. in a chain battle, that wasted time adds up. the pufferfish issue could have been severely mitigated, if not entirely fixed, if the gap between HP hitting zero and explosion was just the time it took for them to inflate. that would have basically eliminated my needless frustration with them. but instead i just... don’t know how to make them pop faster.
in normal combat, your post-battle score is primarily just bragging rights/making yourself feel good to have gotten a good grade. but when it comes to dives, where the timer directly decides how many of the finite friendship points you get, the appearance of a rhino or pufferfish specifically is something i approached with dread and disappointment. i already mentioned the postgame dive giant rhino specifically being a nightmare, but this was a reoccurring element for me through the entire game with just normal rhinos. i know rhinos are a returning enemy and kept their front-guard schtick, but the shift to a 3D environment has made them a much more (imo needlessly) difficult opponent.
regarding the pin system itself, i was enormously disappointed to learn how the multi-pin input worked. it turns out that you can only have multiple pins using a single input no matter how many multi-pin wields you unlock; gone were my dreams of having 2 Y-input pins and two ZL input pins (i played on switch). the inability to multi-pin wield uber pins regardless of how many uber slots you have filled is also a huge bummer. i feel like in the postgame i should be able to be an absolute god of destruction, but this didn’t pan out.
this seems to be a switch issue, but autosave was the MVP of the game because i had a few cutscenes crash or freeze (the one with kubo’s reveal seems to be a common source of a crash on the switch version as it fails to load the 3D cutscene); this was annoying and needs fixing, but it was slightly mitigated by autosave kicking in immediately after boss battles. i was crushed thinking i was gonna have to go through the shiba fight again after kubo crashed my game, so the relief i felt upon loading up again and going right into the cutscene was immense. don’t get me wrong: cutscene freezes and particularly crashes are a big problem that a game like this shouldn’t have launched with, but at the very least i didn’t lose my progress on that crash. related, i appreciate the ability to speed through cutscenes you’ve already seen, but i do wish we had the option to skip them entirely because that would have saved me from the freezes that i had to manually close the game and lose progress for.
a more minor complaint that i admittedly am unsure as to how to fix (maybe utilizing the d-pad instead of having it be camera/target select alongside the right stick?) is that i do not seem to have much control over which character my camera centers on in combat. typically selecting the pin that’s equipped to them will focus the camera to them, but every once in a while i’ll be locked to someone whose pin is rebooting while my other party members are actively attacking on the complete opposite end of the arena. i have no idea why this happens. if i’m missing something please let me know. the static nature of the overworld camera took some adjusting to, at first i was offput but i got used to it quickly. if camera was fixed position in combat it would have been a nightmare, but it being fixed in the overworld isn’t the same beast.
this has gotten obscenely long, so props and condolences to everyone who has made it this far. i wanna end on a high note because i want to reiterate something: i have so many criticisms here and that’s actually praise. i enjoyed so much of this game that i’m critical of where it fell short specifically because it’s such a strong contrast to how much i felt it did right. the main story was pretty strong in general, though some character interactions were lacking. the plot itself i didn’t talk a lot about because i thought it was good. there wasn’t much to say, they did a good job! the dissonance noise being created from deleted timelines was great, i loved that. i don’t feel like predictability makes a narrative bad, so it’s not like i was upset when it turned out replay was (gasp) part of a dastardly scheme. for me, foreshadowing is an excellent thing even if sometimes i wish it was handled a little differently.
i vastly prefer this game’s vague sequel hook with minamimoto over how final remix ended a new day; that sequel hook i hated and it had me so worried about neo. thankfully a lot of my fears didn’t come true, and i am very happy overall with the game we got. if another game is greenlit, i would hope it progresses with a mostly new cast; as long as we stay in shibuya some supporting characters can and should be staples imo, like kariya and uzuki, and i hope to see more of what’s being set up with minamimoto even if not necessarily with him as a protagonist. but overall i think twewy’s worldbuilding lends itself much more to a rotating cast if it develops into a full franchise; that’s just the nature of the UG, and i would like to see further installments taking advantage of that and allowing characters to have a complete arc and then retire from the narrative naturally.
i’ve got some pigs to erase and some bosses to slap the pins out of, which i’m sure will take me some time. another day certainly has a secret boss and/or time trial boss rush, so i’ll take a look at that sucker soon as well. i’m looking forward to continuing my playthrough, and i expect to sink quite a few more hours into this game. i really truly enjoyed neo despite my qualms, and i’m leaving the main storyline behind for postgame stuff with almost entirely positive feelings and a hopeful stance on the potential future of the series. i know this was a long-ass post, which is why it’s beneath a readmore, but to anyone who cared enough about my thoughts to keep reading the whole thing... thanks for the time you spent, hope you got something positive out of it!
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
seer => refuse to see the bonds
brain: lets make a string of fate au. me: aight- brain: with kankri. me: oh- brain: and attempt a character analysis and deconstruction me:...basically an angsty mess? brain: :D me: .....aight.
Your vision goes down for just a second, only to look away once you see your hands. You squint as you hold your eyes closed to forget the strings around them. You have four strings on your hands, two on each hand in four familial colors: red, black, grey, and a pale-ish pink almost white.
Your quadrants. You have all four filled with the potential of who the filler’s will be. The benefits of being a seer of blood you suppose, even if something like this seems a bit too literal, but you guess beforus’s society isn't the only one to give you a headache, no apparently paradox space decided to have its fun with you as well in making fun of your celibacy.
Your romantic quadrants are on your left hand on, the pitch is on your middle finger while your flushed is on your ring finger. Your platonic quadrants are on your right, your diamond is on your pinky and your ashen is on your thumb. It's almost impossible not to see them when you're texting out your spea-you mean your responses to naively thinking individuals and their toxic mindsets on the internet. The only benefit is you can't see your strings to the usernames on there, only in person so you suppose paradox space wanted to give you a break especially with how much of this has left you with a bile taste of resentment to everything you’ve been through up to being able to see them.
Apparently from what you’ve gotten from your dead god-tiered self after a rather frustrating but understandable conversation, a reason you don't talk to your dead selve’s very often, you're not the only one. It's a commonality in many of your other dead selves. The only difference was how close each one was to the classpect after death. Obviously your tiered self was able to not only see his own potential quadrant mates but also everyone else’s, while other versions of you could barely see just one of their very own strings.
You envy them for that truly. This power is so ultimately useless. You’d expect it for meulin of ALL trolls and classpects but you yourself? It spits in the face of who you are; a celibite troll with no interest in filing any quadrants whatsoever. You already get enough flack from the others in your ragtag poorly taught group of ‘friends’ you call loosely, you don't need this offending god-tier power to confirm to you that their naive way of thinking your celibacy is worthless is true because it’s NOT.
You dont need some stupid strings to basically play leijon’s shipping game for your quadrants. Besides that you really see no reason to even fill them, what just because some strings told you? No offense to hoofbeast-identifying individuals but that’s bullshit. Who goes by some string of fate to fulfill such concupiscent needs unless you're actually wanting such needs? Just like any other bullshit you don't look at what they're connected to. You try to just barely see them but it is hard when you need your fingers to do most things.
You choose to keep your head up, eyes rarely open only to make eye contact best you can, and you refuse to look at anyone else’s hands. It's unlikely you could be able to see their space assigned quadrants but from what you've gathered, besides your tiered self you're the closest to identifying so closely to your classpect out of all the dead versions of yourself.
You can't bring yourself to anyways even if you were able to, to see who pyrope’s flushed string went to even if you knew the answer you're not going to justify its existence because this power is just downright stupid its completely none of your business anyways your just friends, only friends.
You're like that with most of the ghosts here, you have no reasons to follow some god strings to your quadrants if you don't even feel for any of them like that anyways in any color. You use your process of elimination to confirm this.
The humans can barely do any form of quadrants, of course no offense to some such as porrim’s descendant and her matesprit-or girlfriend perhaps would be the more correct term yes. But any other quadrants is rather a hard one to decipher being one to fill anyones let alone yours. Even with your own descendant’s' friends you're highly not one wanting any of them as confirmable quadrants, who’d want to be immortally bound to a six sweep old in any of them? Forbid the romantic ones for that matter, you're better than meenah. Speaking of, you’ve already considered most of your ‘acquaintances’ as nicely as you can call them ineligible for any idea of quadrants, but it's not like you wont try and be as friendly as possible, even if they barely change for the better or are just insufferable to be around with.
Even if you did know your quadrants from these cursed strings, you really have nothing you can give a quadrant. You could try but you only have so much, especially if they can't fill their own end of the relationship. Your especially not fond of the idea of a moirail, you can take care of yourself just FINE you don't need someone to coddle you when you feel a little bit upset, you’ve learned coping mechanisms for such a thing to not rely on anyone, or be forced to, but that’d fall into a territory of beforus’s unjust treatment that you should save for another sermo-you mean conversation. It's a similar issue for the others, some form of dependence on them that disgusts you, if they do so for others though its fine but yourself you feel a knot in your digestive system over such a thought. Depend on someone to hate you in a healthy way, love you in a healthy way, look after you in a healthy way, the dependence and trust you’d need for such quadrants is...horrifying.
To get your mind off it you wonder if there ever was or is a version of you that never got these strings. The dead versions you’ve found so far have had them from what you were able to see if not faded slightly due to your lack of god-tier but that’s fine, you hate to stick your nose into others business’s unlike your stupid power. If there ever was a version of you without them you wonder how, perhaps he never met your ‘friend group’, perhaps english had killed him in his attack, or perhaps they were destroyed? You're doubtful, a prince or bard could, but you're doubtful on if hope or rage could destroy such a thing. But if there was a version of you without them you envy him the most. Not needing such presumptuous strings to try and drag you into quadrants and keep true to your vow, strings that have you believe you will break said vows for them, it’s truly something you wish you had.
You open your eyes, arms crossed and hiding your hands in them. It doesn't stop the strings from being seen near your boots but you can pretend that’s not yours, it's someone else’s. Your name is kankri vantas, and you have more important duties to fulfil in this afterlife as long as these bubbles remain unpoppable then to worry about some silly strings.
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feral-ella-flynn · 3 years
PAYING THE TOLL - Teaser | Troll
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Male Troll + Female Human
SFW (so far)
tagging @feralprose (please comment if you want to be tagged in updates)
Escaping a goblin raid on your village leads you to a bridge...
The day had begun commonplace enough–the fires to be lit and oatmeal to be boiled, eggs to gather and pigs to feed. Chores, the same as yesterday and the day before, so that it seemed you could look back at your life and see an unbroken chain of monotonous labor. You’d jumped at the opportunity to take a basket into the brambles lurking at the edge of the woods. A few scratches seemed a fair exchange for sweet jam for the winter and an afternoon to yourself in the fresh air. You’d even promised your nicest pair of stockings (not new, but with only one small darn) to Mathilde if she traded tasks and let you go.
She’d rolled her eyes as she dumped the berry basket into your arms. "Oh very well, if you want to get sliced to ribbons on the thorns, who am I to stop you? I’d just as soon keep the church yard between me and that wood, anyway."
You’d laughed at her exaggerated shudders and almost danced up the path, lifting your face to the cool breeze. Except now the air was choked with smoke, great black clouds bringing the smell of death and the shrill, uncanny cries of the invading barbarians--goblins, their skin sickly pale like the underside of a mushroom, their teeth black and sharp. They came to plunder and destroy, burning villages to the ground and leaving no one to bury the dead. You’d heard stories, but all of them were from far away, and you never imagined that your quiet inland town could be in danger. It is only when you come dawdling down the path, a full basket on your arm, that the distant screams reach you, and you see them. Four goblins, laughing in high, snorting bursts as they chase a terrified goat around its pen.
You turn on your heel, sprinting toward the trees, but it's too late. Over the thudding of your heartbeat in your ears you hear a snarling yell and know that they've seen you, that they will catch you, and then--it's better to die than let them catch  you, that was what the women of the village said in hushed whispers.
So despite every instinct, every memorized skipping rhyme, every superstition, you plunge into the shadows of the uncanny wood without hesitation.
Unfortunately the goblins don’t know the reputation of the gnarled trees, and they don’t hesitate to follow. Their mocking laughter gets closer. It makes the skin at the base of your neck itch with gooseflesh, makes your stomach twist as you push your aching legs to run a little faster and your burning lungs to take in ragged gasps of air.
The cold mist you inhale tastes like bitter memories on your tongue, before something tugs at your skirt and your mouth fills with the acid bile of panic. You twist, trying to yank free of the goblin claws–but it's a thorny branch snagged in your hem. You curse the close-woven linen for refusing to tear as you fight to pull free. Your heart pounds so loudly in your ears that you can't hear your pursuers. Every moment you expect them to emerge from the inky dark shadows where no light penetrates the dense leaves above, baring yellow teeth in awful, lustful grins as they laugh--and there it was again, a sniggering giggle that echoes from the tree trunks and sounds far too close.
Your skirt comes free and you stumble, slipping on the damp leaf mold underfoot and landing on your backside, your head jolting up--and your eyes meeting the eerie green gaze of the goblin crouched in the tree above you.
You scramble up, running, looking over your shoulder, seeing the laughing creature launch itself out of the branches to follow--and then there is no earth under your feet.
The world tilts, spinning in jerky, uneven revolutions as you half roll, half slide down the muddy hillside. Only an obstinate sapling saves you from plunging into the black currents of the river below.
Dizzy, your palms scraped raw and cold mud coating your dress, you find your feet. The goblin is still above you, hooting, but he hasn't followed you down yet. As you watch, he tries a step and his foot slides out from under him, but he pulls it back before it can send him down the way you’d gone. He turns away–not back toward the town, where black smoke is staining the sky like funeral ash, but along the top edge of the slope, toward a place where it levels out and he can descend at his leisure. He walks like a gentleman out for a stroll, glancing over to smirk, and your heart sinks as you realize you're trapped between the slope--too steep and slick to climb--and the swiftly moving water. It's impossible to run. You can only trip and scramble between rocky outcrops and treacherous mudslides.
If there were a bridge--the goblin is not far behind you, but far enough that if there were a bridge, or a fallen tree, anything that could take you across the river, you would have a chance to escape into the trees and find a hiding place before he caught up. If only, you wish numbly, fighting to keep moving one foot ahead of the other (the mud is so cold your toes ache with it, and you barely even register that you’d lost your shoes), if only there was a bridge.
And then there it is. Rough gray stone, stacked tightly like an ancient fence without mortar, and yet arching up in an impossibly high, impossibly narrow curve. Staring at it, you half expect it to collapse in on itself at any moment--but you scramble toward it just the same. Maybe it will last long enough for you to reach the far bank, and then fall apart under the goblin’s feet when he follows. Or maybe it will plunge you into the water, frothing angrily where the river narrows between the stone feet of the bridge. They seem as good a pair of options as any you are likely to get. 
No matter what happens, you decide, the bridge will decide your fate. 
You reach the first stone step. There is no rail, no wall of any kind between you and the edge. The belly of the bridge is so high that you drop to your knees, crawling, the stone below you barely wider than your shoulders. It's impossible to tell if the bridge actually shudders in the wind or if it's just belfry-giddiness making everything dip and sway. You dig shaking fingers into the pitted stone beneath you and risk a glance back.
The goblin isn’t laughing anymore. The black fangs are bared in a snarl as it picks its way toward the bridge–and it isn’t alone. The others that had helped chase you out of the brambles and into the forest are making their way down the slope from the treeline, guttural voices raised in outrage when one of them slips, rolling in the mud.
You didn’t mean to laugh. In fact the noise startles you, and only the raw raspe in your throat as the peals of laughter tears themselves out of you makes you realize that sound comes from you. But the closest goblin hears, and snarls at you. Clawed fingers grasp obscenely at his loincloth, waggling the bulging shape beneath, while the short spear in his other hand makes jabbing motions. This is what I’ll do to you, the gesture says, as clearly as if the goblin’s foul breath was in your ear. We’ll see you impaled, in more ways than you can imagine.
The sight is enough to make you get to your feet, ready to run across the second half of the bridge–
–but you hit a wall instead.
The wall grasps your arm and glares down at you. The eyes are blue, shockingly brilliant, sapphire blue, but the face around them is grey and rough, blunt features with hard angles the color of stone.
"Toll," it says.
You step back, stumbling a little, torn between terror and fascination. "Please," you gasp. "Help me."
"Pay toll. Toll for the bridge."
"What?" Patting helplessly at your pockets with your free hand, you search for something. Anything. But your handkerchief is gone, your little purse of coins was left behind at the house, and even your basket of berries was abandoned long again. There’s not a single ring on your fingers. "I don’t have anything, but please–"
"No toll? No bridge."
"Please!" Your whole body hurts, your stomach is knotted with fear and anger. "Please, I have to get to the other side of the bridge. They’ll kill me when they catch up!"
"I don’t have anything!" Hot tears spill down your face as you struggle against the grip on your arm. "I was only supposed to gather berries," you sob, "and I have nothing, nothing except myself."
A huge hand cups your chin. For a horrible moment you think that he intends to crush your jaw. It would be just like cracking an egg for him, you think. Barely any effort, just a squeeze, and then--
"That will have to do," the troll rumbles, and flings you over the side of the bridge.
The rest of Part 1 is now posted here!
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