#a helpful weapon mod or car part
gith-zeri · 6 months
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Deserter, Corpo, Brother
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
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Why Aren't You Here
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, weapons (guns, knives, bombs), murder, bloody, lots and lots of death, scared boys, kidnapping, past abuse, past SA, fighting, cops, news crews, attempted SA, Megan being the absolute worst, a little madness, Dom's darkness, Blain and Kells being badass omegas, denial, lies, the plot is plotting, momma bear Kells, threats, even more death, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature AF
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom arrived to a hellscape of surreal proportions. There was a helicopter overhead, SWAT, cops, and emergency response members of all kinds. There were news vans and people gathered all over, it made him sick to his stomach. LA was always too bright but it looked like daytime with all the bloody lights. He hadn't been able to get anywhere close with the car so he'd left it blocks away and run. He pulled his hood up and kept his head down, looking around the crowd for his people. When he finally spotted them he tried to appear like any other lurker as he wandered up but the moment he reached Tom and Mod the omega squeezed him in a hug. He took a deep breath and tried to let the scent of family settle his nerves but it wasn't the smell he needed. He was realizing that extra sweet scent on his lover that morning had been his whelp and he craved that more than anything.
“Wha's ‘appening?” He asked, down to business as fast as possible. He kept an arm around his brother but he gave the beta and his computer his attention.
“I still have access to the cameras for now but if they cut the power I'm not sure what will happen. There's a guy on the roof, three in the medical flat with our people, another four walking the floors, one in front of the safe, and Megan has Colson in the lobby. It's like she wants the fucking attention.” The beta huffed and Dom nodded. She might want it but his mate must be pissed. On top of everything else he hated being in the media unless he had control over it. “I don't know for sure how many are in our home.”
“And Blain?” His voice almost broke but he held it together. He wasn't sure how the kid had become so important to him already but the thought of losing him was too much.
Tom made a soft noise like a sniffle that he hid against Dom’s chest which almost made the Alpha's heart stop. Mod just shrugged and bit his lip, looking up at the windows they knew were theirs. “Colson disabled ours when you moved in for some reason.” The beta blushed because they all knew exactly why. They had a habit of fucking wherever they felt like and of course his mate didn't want the wrong person seeing. With his green hair Dom couldn't help but think Mod looked like an upside down easter basket and he let out a strained laugh. He might truly be going insane. “Kids a badass.”
“He's a bloody kid. Show me Cols.” Dom demanded and the other pulled up that camera in full screen. Megan was too fucking close to his family. The omega's face was bloody and his teeth were grit, he was leaning over with his hands on the counter but he was still glaring at the bitch. At least he hadn't lost his fight yet.
“There's bombs in the stairwell and I think she has the detonator. That's why SWAT won't go in.” Tom explained and the boy felt wild with grief and fear. He was so focused on the image of his love he growled when someone touched his shoulder but when he looked it was just Tim.
“I hate to be the one to tell you but I think he's in labor. Something was up at work so I sent his ass home to The Doc. I'm sorry Dom.” The older man looked gutted but it obviously wasn't his fault.
“You did the right fing. I should ‘ave been ‘ere. She'd ‘ave been dead before she even looked at ‘im if so.” The blame game didn't matter, he could hate himself later, but he didn't want anyone taking guilt they didn't deserve.
“Where were you?” The man asked and Dom rolled his lip between his teeth. He couldn't get into it right now.
“Collette needed me. She'll be ‘ere soon. Keep an eye out. And Tim, keep ya ‘ead about yas aye?” He wouldn't ruin the fucked up surprise because he didn't have time, he had to rescue his family.
He gave Tom one last hug which both betas got in on, he didn't like being touched but he understood their need. With one last look at his mate on screen he took a deep breath and melted into the shadows with a practiced ease. He was both thankful for his past and hating it, being a serial killer gave him special skills but being the most prolific one the world had seen in years made him not exactly friendly with the coppers. He avoided them and the cameras as best he could until he reached the hidden way he got inside for the first few months of their relationship. Before they met he made friends with a smoke happy janitor who knew all the secret spots to toke up. Dom had acted like that's all he was looking for and shared a joint with the guy on the roof. The poor idiot, he should really have him fired now but he was still thankful for the help.
Climbing the ladder was more difficult than it ever had been before. Every few rungs he had to twist himself to one side and hide against the edge of the building. The way it was designed he had a little coverage but barely and it wasn't long before he had the helicopter flood light timed. Before he reached the top he took his inhaler, he'd been wheezing since he ran for the building. He couldn't help but think what a silly picture of a hero he made but he wasn't that and he never would be. Not like his mate.
He stopped at the top and risked a quick glance over to pinpoint where the guard was. The bastard was near the door to the stairwell because no one really knew about his secret one. It was some remnant of when the place was built, left over for window washers and the like. It only took the Alpha a moment to pull out two of his blades but he waited for the light to pass over one more time.
He exhaled a shaking breath and threw a knife, hopping onto the roof at the same time. He ran as fast as he could and caught the man before he fell and dragged him to the other side of the building. He pushed him over the edge and jumped onto his balcony as the dying bloke thudded onto it. He didn't stop moving until he had the glass door open and he was sliding the fucker inside. He had the door shut before the light ran over the building again. He was damn glad he'd taken his inhaler on second thought.
He kept pulling until he had the intruder on the tile floor of the bathroom and finally he ripped the blade free. The first spurt of crimson had him smiling and his shoulders relaxed as he slipped into his much needed other headspace. He started to kneel out of habit, ready to slice into the jerk more but of course he couldn't. He didn't have the time. This wasn't for fun for fucks sake. “Almost distracted me. Fuck you! First ya tried to mess me carpet and get me in trouble. ‘Ow bloody dare yas.” He gave the man a swift kick to his neck and the sound of bones breaking underfoot soothed his rage.
His next move was out into the bedroom to look inside the closet. A fight had obviously broken out but he didn't see blood or bodies. He rushed to his drawer of knives and slipped them wherever he could on his body but as he left through the bedroom he paused at the bedside table. “Fuck. Ya knew you'd get me ‘ere eventually didn't yas? You know I bloody ‘ate ‘em. Ya went into labor on purpose didn't yas? Wanted to stress me out. Make me mental.” He pulled his hoodie off and tossed it on the bed as he spoke out loud to his lover who obviously couldn't hear him. He yanked open the drawer and pulled out his mate's gun, they'd been keeping it there since it basically became a sex toy. A loaded one. “Bloody ‘ell.”
Exploring the flat was easy in his darker state of mind. He wasn't thinking of what he might find, he was focused on what he got to kill when he did. It was a cat and mouse game, a hunt for him, a predator searching out his prey. He found the first body in Blain's room, his carpet soaked in blood. There was a dead beta cut to ribbons and he couldn't help but smirk. In the kitchen was another, bleeding out on the tile. At least he'd be easier to clean up. “Where's the boy?” He growled.
“Fuck you and your little slut.” The bastard spluttered blood on his floor and he rolled his surely crimson eyes before he crushed the fucker's windpipe under his creeper.
“Grandpa shoes me arse.” He muttered as he stopped at the safe and found a silencer to screw into his weapon. He barely knew what he was doing but it was a day of firsts he supposed. Of course his lover would drag him out of his comfort zone.
The stairwell was a mess when he entered it, red everywhere as if someone had exploded. Between their floor and the next was another dying beta which he put out of his own misery with a bullet to the forehead. Normally he loved death rattles but gasping for air through a ripped open throat bothered his misophonia. He only liked wet noises when it was coming from his omega's cunt or mouth. He was distracted from his thoughts and annoyance by the first bomb which he took a picture of with his phone and sent it to his brother. He wasn't sure if there was something he could do from here or if he needed the detonator. He was so wrapped up in his wondering he didn't notice the form coming for him until something jumped on his back from a floor down.
“The fuck?” He huffed.
“Dom?” A small voice sounded right next to his ear before the boy dropped and he turned to face his tiny attacker.
“You alive?” They whispered at the same time and hugged each other tight. When the Alpha finally got a good look at the kid he couldn't be prouder. He was an absolute mess.
“Did ya see? Ain't let a one of ‘em touch me. They keep trying but I'm better. I was trying to get to The Doc when tha’ fucker grabbed me from behind-” His voice broke and Dom held him closer.
“You did so good. I'm proud of you. I'm so bloody sorry I weren't ‘ere. I should ‘ave taken ya wiv me to confront Collette. I'm sorry.” The words were rushing out before he could think better of it. It wasn't exactly the time for apologies but he couldn't seem to stop himself.
“It's alright. I protected the ‘ome. Did ya see? Didn't let ‘em get me.” Blain repeated himself and his voice sounded wet. Dom knew everything was starting to hit him now that he felt safe. He didn't want to be an arse but it wasn't time for that yet. They had to save everyone. He was genuinely worried the kid might be lying to himself but he couldn't ask yet. He swore mentally he'd be a good father as soon as they were done but he had to protect both his children first.
“You did. I'm so proud of yas and Cols will be too. We ‘ave to get ‘im, Megan's got ‘im downstairs.”
Blain went stiff against him and took a deep breath, wiping his face on Dom's chest before he took a step back and held his blade at the ready. “Let's kill ‘er. Bitch messed wiv the wrong family.”
“Damn straight.” Dom knew he picked up the saying from his mate but he didn't care. It was appropriate for the moment and it made them both grin.
They entered the next level to find only two bastards with guns, it seemed the third that should have been watching their omegas had gone for Blain in the stairwell. The Alpha took them both out quick and quiet, slitting their throats from behind. It only worked because one was at the door and the other was leering at their people. Disgusting fuck. The Doctor and Dorothy were happy to see them but he couldn't linger long. He took the weapons off the bodies and passed them to the girls and they followed him back out and down the stairs.
With his hair dripping sweat and his gun held out in front of him he scanned every floor and took out intruders as he found them. His pulse picked up the closer they got to the ground floor and he had a passing thought of wondering if he looked like a mother duck leading her ducklings which made him laugh again. Yeah, he was definitely going mental. He picked off the bastards one by one but when they reached the first floor Blain stopped him.
“Go get him, we can handle anyone else. They need ya.” The boy gave him a quick hug and The Doctor though still teary gave him the Star Trek signal again. He nodded at them all and slipped into the shadows, he knew he'd have to be careful with another Alpha.
“You realize there's fucking cameras everywhere right? Even if you make it out of this alive you're going to be arrested. How the hell do you plan to get out of this?” Colson finally asked, he'd been mostly silent for too long. He'd been listening to her rant for what felt like hours. She'd gone off about his parents, his mate, the family, and she'd been explaining to him in detail how easy it was to steal the other group. Who wouldn't follow a sexy female Alpha? He'd barely kept his snark in check for that one.
“Look at me, who would condemn me for finally fighting back against the boss who'd been abusing me for years? It won't be hard to make everyone believe me. Pretty privilege is real. You could have tried it. You always took the hard way but now all your lies are coming to bite you in the ass Daddy. Now you look like all the other asshole Alphas and I look like the poor girl who just wanted to break through the glass ceiling. Of course after years of you assaulting me and making me love you when I found out the truth I snapped! I'm doing the world a favor, taking you out and exposing Yungblud. I'll have to off him too then I'll really be a hero. A fucking icon.”
Colson's stomach rolled but he hadn't stopped being nauseous the whole time. Her lies were disgusting but that was just her. Nothing was real and he was pretty sure it never had been. The scary thing was that she could probably pull it off. As long as she only killed him and his mate and people that obviously worked for him- rest in peace driver, she could probably pout her fake lips and cry crocodile tears enough that everyone would listen. He had a reputation for selling people, though the DA could never prove it. She'd get off scott free wouldn't she? The only way out was to kill her. Even then he might end up in prison if the feds used this to their advantage and said the omegas upstairs were kidnapped and held against their will by him. Was there enough evidence against Dom in their home? Would they be safe if they made it out alive?
Another cramp locked up his hips and belly and his knees went weak. He snuck a look at his watch as he grit his teeth and he knew his pains were too close together. He could tell Punk was close to joining the world and he knew he had to act fast. He had to get to The Doc. “Shit! Okay! Okay. I hear you. I'm sorry for all I've put you through. You're right about me and you were right about Travis.” It broke something inside him to lie through his teeth like that but he had to. He had to do something. He'd never waited to be saved since his adoptive father took him in.
Her eyes looked softer and she lowered her gun and he moved his palm to his lower back as if he were rubbing out the ache. “He was in love with you but my mom wouldn't let him go. She tried to pull me away from you too. I'm so sorry. You've always deserved better. She didn't want me with you so she brought Dom in. I went along with it to make her happy but you always saw the truth didn't you?” She stepped closer and he felt his skin crawl.
“Of course I did. You're my twin flame Cols, you were always supposed to be my omega. I knew you needed me. Why does your mom hate me so much?” She huffed, dropping her arm to her side. When the Alpha got even closer he tried to breathe through his mouth. Her scent was always wrong to him but now it was hell on his senses.
“I don't fucking know.” He shook his head. He very much knew but he had been lying so much of his life it was second nature. Almost easier than telling the truth. “She didn't want us to be happy. She probably knew how much better you would lead the family.”
“I will. I'll make us legends. You'll let me kill her right? She can't be alive to fuck with us anymore.”
“Hell, I'll kill her for you. A mating gift.” He dropped his voice and let pain fill it though to her the growl sounded like need. Her palm laid against his bruised cheek and his arm wrapped around her back. “If you'll have me?”
“Of course Daddy.” She purred, pressing her body far too close. “Just one other thing I need from you…” She trailed off, standing on tiptoe. Three things happened simultaneously, her lips pressed to his as he sunk a blade into her stomach and she cut his own with her claw like fake nails. He gasped at the added pain as she choked on blood and stumbled back a few inches, her hand falling from his cheek to her wound. “I want your brat dead.” She growled and tried to jump for him but something hit her and she fell to her knees.
It took him a second to realize she'd been shot, he'd heard it but it was muffled and he was lost to pain and fear. His fingers searched out the gash in his skin but he hoped it was only a surface wound. He couldn't feel anything bulging out but he stumbled away from her just in case. He watched as she fell and bled out, he thought he would feel relief but he kept expecting her to jump back up and yell surprise. So much was fake about the bitch why not her death too?
Dominic was panting by the time he reached his lover. He'd been terrified to shoot her so close to his mate but when she moved to cut Col's belly open he had to do something. He hadn't realized the older man had already stabbed her with one of the boy's knives. How bloody apt. He stalked over to her and kicked her foot, just making sure she was gone. Part of him wanted to make a show of her but he had other things to focus on.
“Shit Dom? Dom!” Colson's voice was shot from stress and strained from pain, it broke his heart to hear and he turned to race for him.
“I've got yas. I'm ‘ere. You alright?” He asked, his hands reaching out to steady the omega's trembling form.
Distantly the killer noticed The Doctor leading out some of their people and he was glad for it but he wished she'd come to check on Kells soon. “I don't fucking think so.”
“Wha’s wrong luv?” He didn't know why the fuck he asked, obviously the answer was everything.
“I think… I think my water just broke. You have to get me the fuck out of here.” For the first time during the entire mess the omega let himself cry. He felt safer now that his Alpha was there but he was terrified still. His whole world was about to change. He didn't want any of that on the fucking news at eleven. He couldn't be outed like that.
Dom's gaze dropped first to Colson's pants and then to the floor underneath. The man was right, everything around him was soaked in something similar to slick but wasn't. Even the bags of whatever the omega had brought home. “I fink you ruined wha’ever shopping ya did.” He couldn't help but tease.
“Fuck you! Punk did it. Little fucker takes after their dad.” Another roll of intense pain locked up the man's body and had him kneeling in the mess. Dom ran for the door but a gun was trained on him from across the street. He held up his hands and backed up, joining his mate in kneeling on the floor. He placed his forehead against his partner's and let Kells squeeze his hand in his own.
“I don't fink we gonna be able to get out baby. I fink we stuck in ‘ere alone.”
“What? What the fuck? Can't they see the wicked bitch is dead?” Kells sobbed out. He didn't want to be trapped anymore. He needed his doctor and his mom. Where was everyone?
“‘Ey, listen to me. I've got you Colson. I've got ya boff. Do you trust me?” Dom was terrified but he could be strong for his family. He fucking hoped.
“To get a baby out of me? What? Are you gonna use your psycho bitch skills?” He didn't mean it. He was scared shitless. His Alpha understood and just smiled and kissed his forehead. “Yes. Fuck me but yes. I do as long as you tell me where the hell you've been all day!”
Dom swallowed hard and tried not to make a face. Bloody fuck he didn't know how to explain this shite.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
Oh boy look at that! Is Megan really dead? What is Dom hiding? Why won't the cops let them out? I love seeing them all bond like they are and I enjoy them all being so badass. We're so close to the end! I can't wait for part two, a lot more family time to come! I hope you're still enjoying it! 🩸💣🖤
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therobotmonster · 1 year
Power Armor Stuff it seems weird Fallout 4 didn't have
I'm feeling ramble-y.
Junk/Salvage Armor Types for the Minutemen, Railroad, Children of Atom, and Atom Cats. With the role power armor plays, variants of the "Raider" type for other factions with slightly different stats but very different aesthetics would have seemed a no-brainer. (That and making all the paint jobs work on all the models so you can mix-and-match your look, but hey.)
Minuteman armor would be junk-y but cleaner than raider armor and with revolutionary touches to the plating. The face-shield of the helmet would be repurposed from a destroyed minuteman statue, and the helmet would have a tri-corn hat design. It would have the option for a backpack mod for the chest for extra storage, since transporting supplies is part of the whole "help-the-commonwealth" ethos.
Railroad Armor would be locomotive themed and designed around fighting robots and synths. Special options for a stealth chest mod that would give a big bonus against robots/synths with a lesser one to other enemy types. Railroad paint job provides protection against energy weapons, etc.
Children of Atom armor would be like raider armor but made of higher-tech parts, while being more ramshackle, with glowing green chunks of exposed power source visible in the armor. Rad-emitter mod. Has almost no radiation shielding.
Atom Cat Armor would be made of car parts. Exhaust pipes, bumper-shoulders, basically think an Autobot not designed to transform and made out of a muscle car. The Atom cat paint deco should be as shiny and clean as imaginable without looking completely out of place.
And while not faction-based, a raider armor type that clads their armor in repurposed super-mutant armor is just... so obvious.
As for DLC Power Armor:
How is it that the Rust Devils don't have an armor type built from robot parts? How does the faction of robot-obsessed weirdos not have robot power armor?
And imagine how cool it would be if the custom power armor for Nuka world was an anamatronic park mascot armor? Cartoony Nuka-Bear Head, the kids would love it.
You could put the Children of Atom armor in Far Harbor, but the lack of a diving suit armor is striking.
Some of these could just be specific parts, like helmets, but the power armor just seemed undercooked for how big of a mechanic it was.
And speaking of power armor, there should have been a power armor factory in/outside of Boston.
Or, if not a factory, a military depot specifically for power armor, or an armor-developing vault. This would be a higher-tier area, one you'd hear about in rumors. This is the first Fallout with a heavy power armor focus, and the first with salvaged/junk armor, so tying that to a regional abundance of armor makes sense and would put the concept front-facing in the story as well as the gameplay.
When you get there there's actually not much in the way of power armor left because you've been beaten to the punch... which is why every Tom, Dick, and Immorten Joe has power armor by the time you're high level. The Commonwealth has been raiding this place a bit at a time since the war, and the use and maintenance of power armor is now a part of the post-war society.
This could be its own area, or it could be a better use of Fort Strong (More power armor in the basement would be a big temptation for the Brotherhood, maybe unlock a new brotherhood armor style post-mission).
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kate66s · 2 years
My TFA oc Redesigns
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I aged up Nancy a bit more and added way more colors and details to both Nancy and Vanguard, along with giving Nancy a different kind of story along side Vanguard.
Let's get this show on the road
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He is still a Carterham 7 come to life from an all spark fragment, just like Wreak-Gar and the Constructions. With a need for speed and exploration this Bot just can't seem to stay way from trouble, constantly stumbling into the wrong places. He didn't have any weapons when he came to life so Nancy (who he considers his Best Friend) had to pick up a thing or two on cybertronian tech and weaponry just so she could provide him something to protect himself. The "young" bot is highly friendly, having a attitude of a spunky drag racer who can't stop living life in the fast lane Vanguard is the more optimistic part of this duo. Always bringing Nancy along for the ride sense he believes that she needs moments to just have fun and he isn't wrong about Nancy loving a good joy ride through the abandoned outskirts of Detroit. But like any spunky bot who can't help but seek new fun and adventure he always seems to run into the wrong bots, or at least he is constant running into bots and causing a bigger ruckus than there needs to be. With Vanguard not being allied with autobots or decepticons it puts him in an odd grey area which to a good amount of bots makes him seem like either a loss cannon, free spare parts or mistake him for being on a side. Never the less Vanguard is open to bots no matter their allegiance, but if you're doing something that puts others in danger or in harm he will call you out on it and advise how to do things more safely....if a bot doesn't wanna listen or wants to pick a fight then they better hope Nancy isn't thinking about robo-murder for disrespecting her Bro-bot.
Nancy Witwicky
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After she went off to college for a robotics degree, she drifted apart from her family, growing tired of her father and brother's meekness and her mother just standing by. Nancy wanted to actually do something with her life. She wasn't sure what, but it was in the field of robotics. She eventually got herself set up working as a mechanic and doing routine maintenance on malfunction robots in the city of Detroit. Eventually, she started to notice patterns of malfunctions for robots and other pieces of techniques. They all had some kind of rock shard inside them (a fragment of the all spark). After she had found one shard, she had accidentally left it out by her car, and overnight, the shard lodged itself into her Carterham 7 and brought to life Vanguard. After that she decided it was high time she figured out the kind of tech that the robots like Vanguard used or were built up of and sense Detroit seemed to be a hot spot for these robots she pokes around some of the wreak cites and finds scraps of metal and tech that broke off during battles. With all these scraps, she basically Sumdac's the stuff and reverse engineer the tech. She eventually figures out how to repair cybertronian based bots thanks to this (along with the fact she has to constantly repair Vanguard when ever he gets damaged) and figures out how to create weapons similar to cybertronian weaponry but it was only blasters, EMP based weapons and energy blades. She then decided to make cybertronian weapons and be a Repair Doc for Bots to. All they had to do was find her and pay her. The only problem was that her location wasn't well known since she decided to make her home out of an abandoned Hanger in the middle of nowhere around Detroit. Giving her plenty of space for projects, stations, and repair bays for bots. But trust me when I say she isn't a push over. She created a weapon just for herself to make sure she could fight back. It's a combo weapon that has two separate mods. It has a dull blade mode and a sniper rifle mode that acts similar to an anti tank rifle which means it should either knock down any bot or kill them. She calls the weapon Black Betty cuz she likes to make bots think it's a person when they've never seen it.
Now I will confess, Black Betty is kind of based on the Dagger Gun from Age of Extinction but I changed it up by making the two sides of the blades be disconnectable to just be normal blades. I haven't gotten to draw it yet but I will get around to it eventually.
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dryshr1mp · 2 years
I am too lazy 2 draw but i have these two splatoon ocs i need names for
One is an ex-octarian soldier that moved to the splatlands after escaping the domes. She works at a small restaurant, but her real passion lies in weapon design and her whole apartment is filled with questionably legal modded weapons (her favorite is the terrifying “explosher 2″ that is basically a splat bomb launcher.).
Despite this, she doesn’t play turf because she is a MASSIVE sweat and doesn’t understand its meant to just be for fun. Also she can’t use her Grizzco-level weapons. She lives with my other oc who’s parents basically adopted her after hearing that she was a defected member of DJ octavio’s army.
The other is my neo agent 3 oc, He is a younger Splatland-native octoling that is a huge showoff, he lives and breathes turf war and begs his sister to help him by adding juust a bit more firepower to his Aerospray. He is a gear collector, and does countless shifts of salmon run to feed his addiction. This doesn’t help his grade though, you can’t exactly study while 15 grillers are coming your way. He also is obessed with human history, and goes artifact hunting in the desert on weekends. 3 often cheerfully tells his sister the most horrifying things about humans culture, simply finding it fascinating. He mostly listens to ancient human recordings, his prized possession being a Queen cd he found in a car.
Neo 3′s Salmon run shifts are a huge part of his family’s income, but it drives a wedge between him and his sister. She was always taught to respect salmonids, and under no circumstances interact with them. She has deep suspicions about Grizzco’s effect on the salmonids, and was in shock when 3 so causally talked about his time in Alterna. She also believes Grizzco takes advantage of kids who don’t know any better, placing them in dangerous working conditions and having locations next to turf lobbies. You can imagine her reaction when 3 brought home Little Buddy one day. She is very protective of 3, and tries to convince him to focus on school instead of taking shifts.
I want to give them a story, but other than a vague idea of them trying to go deeper into the shady parts of Grizzco I have NO idea where to go lol.
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wispythreads · 4 months
Mod Wishlist of someone who has not figured out how to install mods yet - Fallout Edition:
- Fallout 1 and 2
Different character models for the player. Just a simple retexturing of some colors would be good enough for me.
Honestly that's it I have steam versions so I was able to find and easily add the mod for Fallout 2 that fixed the bug that had the Deathclaws of Vault 13 doomed no matter what you do.
- For 3, NV, 4
A motorcycle. I miss the car from Fallout 2 but would enjoy the (theoretical) maneuverability of one of the suspiciously intact looking motorcycles. Make gasoline a resource that needs to be managed. Make them take fusion cells/fusion cores. Idk. I just really want a motorcycle in these games.
For New Vegas I'd settle for a horse. Surely someone can bring over a horse from Skyrim, retexture it, and put it into New Vegas. (I say so confidently with no modding experience)
More hair options but ones that feel like they still. Fit within the game? I've seen some previews of mods with added hairstyles but they stand out harshly against the rest of the character models/environments, haven't seen one I've liked so far.
New songs on the radio that still fit the vibe of the stations you can already listen to. Maybe with a quest that has you delve into some ruins and find some intact records you can bring to the radio host.
Ghoul player character. (I know this one does exist! feel like they probably work best for 3 and NV since 4 has a voiced protagonist.)
New OriginsTM of your player character for 3 and 4, though how it'd weave you back into the main story, I don't know.
Lowering the foreheads on character models in 3 and New Vegas??? This is really nitpicky they just seem weirdly large on all of them, hats end up looking a little silly. It's weird cause I don't remember noting this/being bothered by it while playing on the Xbox, just as I've started over on PC. Not sure if this one can be done.
The ability to target specific body parts with melee weapons in VATS. I understand it being clunky due to how Bethesda's combat is just clunk in general, and am fine with kind of hitting wherever when you're not using action points to aim, but in VATS it feels weird that you can't try to specifically cripple someone's legs with a baseball bat or chop at their arms with a ripper.
For 4 specifically: Seeing the fullness of what is being said for your voice line options, appended with a tone indicator in the same style as the Elcors from Mass Effect.
Also for 4 specifically: fuck'n let me bring Dogmeat along with my humanoid companion like I was able to before god damn man don't understand why they took a step back with this.
... Another for 4 specifically: keeping X6-88 even if you turn against the Institute with the Minutemen. I can understand him being pissed if you went with the Brotherhood that can stay. Yes it makes more sense story wise for him to no longer be recruitable and turn hostile BUT. I like him. And the same should still be true if you side with the Railroad but apparently it's not so I don't think I'm that unreasonable with it.
look I did enjoy Fallout 4 but I have to admit there are things and choices they made that bug me. I love Preston. I wanted to take him around with me everywhere. Why did they make his default state a radiant quest giver who never. Ever. Stops giving you three radiant settlement quests at once. It is very frustrating as someone who doesn't like seeing quests piling up. A mod that removes this please, or has a way to toggle it.
For New Vegas specifically: Removal of the song Johnny Guitar.
For New Vegas specifically as well: ... ability to have multiple companions with you 👉👈 (I get so scared I'm running into a scenario that would've helped out their character quest but because I don't have that specific companion with me at that specific time I miss the opportunity. I would take them being less effective at combat as an equivalent exchange. They're scarily more efficient combatants than I am rn anyway, killing enemies way before I even see them)
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deckof-dragons · 6 months
The Strider battle at the end of the HL2 ep 2 VR mod was not nearly as hard as I thought it was gonna be. I was prepared to die several times but only did so once (in the normal game I died a bunch). I guess it helps a lot that I knew where everything was and wasn't running around like a chicken with its head cut off half the time the way I did when playing the normal game. Also, I think my aim is better in VR and by that I mean 'I'm pretty sure most VR shooter games, including this mod, have some kind of aim assist, making aiming not necessarily easy but still possible for normal people do well and thus it helps me a lot'. Also, I discovered the Hunters are weak to the logs lying about the place so when I ran out of aim on my good weapons I wasn't scrambling nearly as hard and just tossed some logs instead.
It was still intense and a lot of fun though, even if I did get a tad motion sick from all the spinning and speeding I did in the car. But like that's the way to do a big climatic fight in a game not designed around proper boss fights. Really good game, for sure the whole of Half Life 2 has rose its way into being among my all time fav games.
But this time when reaching the ending instead of feeling sad that there will never be a conclusion to the story, I felt kind of salty. Obviously we're not owed anything by the game's creators but it still really fucking sucks that it ends on an emotional cliffhanger, when they're so close to possible victory over the Combine, and when the proper connection point between Portal and Half-Life was so strongly teased to be coming up in the next part. I'm rather salty about it and wish they hadn't done the episodic thing and just did Half-Life 3 properly. But whatever, I guess that's life sometimes.
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speedwaycomposites · 6 months
Putting on a C8 Z06 X Brace to Give Your Corvette Better Control
When making all the standard performance changes on your C8 Z06, you're still looking for that one more item to improve handling even further. We have the perfect update for you, though: an X bracing kit made especially for the C8 Z06 chassis.
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In order to significantly stiffen the frame and reduce flex and body roll for a sharper turn-in and more precise steering, these robust crossbars bolt into certain locations under the vehicle. 
Any gearhead can tackle installing one on their Z06 over the course of a weekend, and the benefits—increased grip and driver confidence—make the effort worthwhile.Keep reading to learn everything you need to know to boost your Vette's handling with an X brace of its own.
Why Do You Need a C8 Z06 X Brace and What Does It Include?
An aftermarket improvement in performance that gives your Corvette Z06's chassis structural support is the C8 Z06 X brace.In order to lessen flex and increase handling precision, it joins beneath the car are the side sill panels on the left and right.
Because of the Z06's tremendous power, the chassis may twist during sharp turns, making it harder to precisely position the vehicle where you want it. By joining the two sides of the chassis, the X brace prevents this and enables the suspension to function as designed. Sharper turn-in, improved mid-corner grip, and confidently powering out of corners are the final results.
For any track day addict or performance enthusiast, an X brace should be high on your mod list. While the C8 Z06 handles fantastically from the factory, the X brace elevates the chassis to another level of rigidity and poise. You'll immediately notice the steering feels more direct and precise, and the car tracks better over bumpy surfaces.Body roll is reduced, allowing you to push harder before the tires start to slide.
All things considered, the C8 Z06 X brace is a simple and reasonably priced addition that offers significant advantages to any Z06 owner hoping to optimize their Corvette's handling capabilities..You can transform your Z06 into an even more capable track weapon and experience the true capabilities of Chevrolet's supercar.
How to Install a C8 Z06 X Brace
When you receive the X bracing kit, it's time to install it. Basic tools like wrenches, socket sets, and tools are helpful. Don't forget to allow ample time to finish the installation.
Raise your Corvette and secure it firmly on jack supports to start. Safety comes first. It will be your task to work beneath the car. Locate the mounting points for the X brace on each side of the transmission tunnel. 
Then, undo the bolts on just one side of the tunnel. Remove them later. Hand-tighten the X brace's end after attaching it to the loosen bolts. Now join the other end of the brace and, after releasing the bolts on the other side of the tunnel, hand-tighten it again.
With the X brace in place, you can now fully tighten all the bolts to the recommended torque settings using a torque wrench. This helps ensure an even, secure installation. Double check that the brace is level and all bolts are tight before lowering the car back down.
You'll notice your Corvette feels more solid and planted to the road.The X brace install, while straightforward, does require getting under the car.For any gearhead, however, installing your own performance parts may be a highly fulfilling experience.Savor your Corvette's improved handling and performance!
So there you have it. Installing a C8 Z06 X Brace will noticeably improve the handling by increasing chassis rigidity. If you have any expertise working on automobiles, the install shouldn't be too difficult.Just set out a couple of hours on a weekend, get a friend involved, and get started. You will be speeding along those narrow back roads in no time if you have the correct equipment and patience.
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ittza7a · 1 year
GTA: Kurdish
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GTA San Andreas MOD APK is the best action game on Android, and Rockstar Games published it. Every PC gamers play the GTA series on their PC. Also, they know about the most popular gaming developing team, Rockstar games. Everyone loves these GTA series games. For example, GTA Vice City is the most played game in the PC game series. Rockstar Games released many action games. This game is the 8th part of the developer’s release. First, this Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was released on the PlayStation version. When it launched on PS2, PlayStation got many buyers. After the days, the publisher launches the game into Xbox, MAC, PC, and now mobile. So everyone can easy to play this action game on any platform.
GTA San Andreas MOD APK’s story starts with a new journey. Five years ago, Carl Johnson (CJ) escaped from the Los Santos, San Andreas, due to the pressure of mafia gangs. Also, the millionaires and film stars take action against the drug dealers and sellers. So the CJ will escape from those pressure situations. Now it’s the 90s, and the CJ go home to see their mom. But his mom was already murdered by mafia gangs. After his mom was murdered, CJ’s family fell and faced critical financial problems. And his childhood friends have all heading towards disaster. San Andreas newly created GTA San Andreas MOD APK story based on CJ lifestyle. After some days, CJ back into the neighborhood house. But a couple of corrupt cops frame his face into the streets. Cj plans to take over the street, and he wants to become a mafia in San Andreas. It will help to recover their family’s current dire situation. After the days, CJ controls and takes the current street. He makes some gangs for his safety. Lot of gang mafias join the CJ team. Now CJ will big mafia gang of San Andreas street. He tries to start to find the persons who kill his mom.
GTA San Andreas MOD APK is a combination of role-playing games and action games. The gameplay is entirely similar to the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. BUt the game graphics have been improved, and the available elements of things graphics are improved. Role-playing complete crime-based gameplay with much entertainment mixed. The whole open world is based. So you can explore the three central cities of America. Watch the maps so you can travel to three different cities. In GTA San Andreas MOD APK, the arrow mark and location mark will explore your mission place when you start the game. After you reach the mission place, you can get the new mission from the local area mafia teams. After finishing every mission, the game will start a new story for you. Each complete of missions, you get some rewards. Upcoming missions are available in different locations. Not all missions happen in exact locations. GTA San Andreas MOD APK comes with many new elements, and you can travel to places. Meet the new characters to get the mission to earn money. Money help to buy the new own apartments and cars. You can be done anything by using mission rewards. Every completion mission, you receive a lot of dollars money from the game. You are getting open contacts for killing people and theft the car from a specific area. Beat the mafia gangs with the weapons. You cannot run more meters, so walk a little bit to steal the rich cars. Click to door icon to enter the car by hit the driver. Driver tries to kill you so faster to tun with the car.
Based on real-life mafia fights
GTA San Andreas MOD APK contains many gang wars, fights, shooting fights, and more. When you have a big team, you need to beat all the mafia gangs with available weapons. Same time the cops will arrive in the fighting location by hearing shooting weapons sounds. So you it would help if you escaped the cops. Because they arrested you and the mission has been failed. Like GTA Vice City, when you kill the ordinary people in front of cops, you get one police star. Up to five cop stars are available. When you reach five stars, the coms and army come to you to kill you. So careful about getting the cops stars. GTA San Andreas MOD APK has many gunfights in the street, and the cops will walk the street anytime. Many missions in the game. It would help if you fought with the gang mafias. After defeating the mafia gangs to you was easy to become a real gangster of the game. Complete all missions and robbery missions give you much money to buy expensive houses. By defeating the ordinary people to you get what they have in the dress. Careful to complete the gang fights without dying. because after die, your current missions have been failed
Car customization
GTA San Andreas provides car customization with different colors. You need some amount of money to buy an expensive vehicle for your own business. Upgrade the car power, change color, seats, and more things have been easy to do with money. You can customize your car with what you need—using the all available designing tools to customize your car like a real mafia boss. You can have explored who you are in the game. Most of the mafia gang leaders car has been designed with black colors and added skull elements.
Real-life things
In GTA San Andreas MOD APK, you can see the three types of weather mode. You are based on our natural life weather system. Peoples are 24 hours actively walking on streets, work at buildings, and more. You can steal any type of car in the street. When you get hit by a car, your life has been a little bit decreased. After complete down your health, you are admitted to the hospital to recover your health. Heart marks appeared in some locations. Collect the heart items so you can revive the CJ lives. Traffics system has made, and the people follow the traffic rules. Beaches and sea are available inside the game.
Rockstar Games launched this GTA San Andreas MOD APK game in 2004. the Rockstar Games develop this game with a 2K starting graphic type. All elements and items are improved with the new graphics system. Compared to GTA Vice City, this game’s graphics improved and added many things like real. 3D graphics with high resolution make it more addictive. The quality of graphics never reduced while playing the game. Three cities are made with vivid brown graphics, and the quality of the elements is never lost. Shopping centers, buildings, vehicles, banks, and more things look real. There have been no more changes in the objective, entirely made with reality-based graphics. Developer highly improved the sound and music parts of GTA San Andreas MOD APK. Horn sounds of cars and bikes are heard like actual vehicle sounds. Hitting sounds, built sounds, cops sounds, and more sounds are improved. Once try this open-world game, you will be addicted to this game, and you never get bored until the end of the game. Restaurant’s radio systems, car inside songs, radio songs have heard like 70s songs.
Overall, we covered all detailed information about the GTA San Andreas MOD APK. This excellent open-world application. From the original version, you need money and after completing missions to you get money. Complete all missions without getting die is our challenge for you. Finish all the missions to get a lot of money reward that will help you buy new things. You will never get bored until the end of the story because the gameplay story and graphics will make you addicted to this game. Our MOD version gives unlimited money for you. Download the MOD version below the article available links.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Press SHIFT + TAB and enter the cheat codes. Health trick, weapons and ammunition tricks, immortality mode, no damage, big hands, etc. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Mafia for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to. - Idle Tycoon Game download free. Our Mafia trainer has 8 cheats and supports Steam. Cheat in this game and more with the WeMod app! Mafia cheats. Trainers and cheats for Steam. Download. click "Downloads," and put "Mafia Swap Program" in the search engine. You want to use--I enter the number that means I don't have a mod. Official Game Link. Today's Wackiest Video. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy Disclaimer. Latest Forum Discussions:. Rise from the lowly but well-dressed Foot soldier to the envied and feared Made Man in an era of big bands, zoot suits and Model Ts. Take on the role of a hit man, enforcer, getaway driver and more in your struggle for respect, money and power with the Salieri Family. There are 20 action-packed missions each of which have their own sub-quests. Luxury and riches are yours for the taking, if you do as Don Salieri has requested. From mob hits, car chases, shoot-outs and more, complete the unsavoury tasks the Family needs done and you will be handsomely rewarded. As well as the missions, there are over 12 square miles of the s American city, with simulated traffic, landmarks and surrounding landscapes to explore, it's a sprawling city where opportunity is around every corner. The environments pull you into the s with their attention to detail and style. From seedy bars and hotel rooms to train stations and airports--every location is rendered in fantastic detail by the 3-D "LS3D" engine, such as the Lost Heaven International Airport and Chinatown. In addition, drive over 60 different vehicles including the Model T, Roadsters and delivery trucks with some of the most realistic car physics ever made in a game. Info With this savegame you get all cars in freeridemode, all tracks and freeridemode extreme is unlocked. Info none. Mafia: City of Lost Heaven v1. Info MafiaHack is a development and cheating tool for Mafia. It works for all versions of Mafia 1. It provides a position manager that allows you to read and modify the player's position in the memory. Additionally, it offers a save function that allows you to store read positions in a position file that you can use later. The cheating functionality helps mod development. It simplifies missions without actually requiring any changes to the mod itself e. This comes handy for test-runs or to find bugs more easily. Furthermore MafiaHack offers a fly mode. This allows you to override collisions and to get to parts of a map that are inaccessible by default. Again, everything without requiring any changes to the mod itself. Finally MafiaHack comes with an actor modificator that allows you to modify an actor properties in memory such as speed, strength, mass, etc Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. Game Info. Game Cheat Codes. Game Demos. Game Patch Updates. Game Trainers. With this savegame you get all cars in freeridemode, all tracks and freeridemode extreme is unlocked. MafiaHack is a development and cheating tool for Mafia. Game Patch Fixes.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Press SHIFT + TAB and enter the cheat codes. Health trick, weapons and ammunition tricks, immortality mode, no damage, big hands, etc. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Mafia for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to. - Idle Tycoon Game download free. Our Mafia trainer has 8 cheats and supports Steam. Cheat in this game and more with the WeMod app! Mafia cheats. Trainers and cheats for Steam. Download. click "Downloads," and put "Mafia Swap Program" in the search engine. You want to use--I enter the number that means I don't have a mod. Official Game Link. Today's Wackiest Video. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy Disclaimer. Latest Forum Discussions:. Rise from the lowly but well-dressed Foot soldier to the envied and feared Made Man in an era of big bands, zoot suits and Model Ts. Take on the role of a hit man, enforcer, getaway driver and more in your struggle for respect, money and power with the Salieri Family. There are 20 action-packed missions each of which have their own sub-quests. Luxury and riches are yours for the taking, if you do as Don Salieri has requested. From mob hits, car chases, shoot-outs and more, complete the unsavoury tasks the Family needs done and you will be handsomely rewarded. As well as the missions, there are over 12 square miles of the s American city, with simulated traffic, landmarks and surrounding landscapes to explore, it's a sprawling city where opportunity is around every corner. The environments pull you into the s with their attention to detail and style. From seedy bars and hotel rooms to train stations and airports--every location is rendered in fantastic detail by the 3-D "LS3D" engine, such as the Lost Heaven International Airport and Chinatown. In addition, drive over 60 different vehicles including the Model T, Roadsters and delivery trucks with some of the most realistic car physics ever made in a game. Info With this savegame you get all cars in freeridemode, all tracks and freeridemode extreme is unlocked. Info none. Mafia: City of Lost Heaven v1. Info MafiaHack is a development and cheating tool for Mafia. It works for all versions of Mafia 1. It provides a position manager that allows you to read and modify the player's position in the memory. Additionally, it offers a save function that allows you to store read positions in a position file that you can use later. The cheating functionality helps mod development. It simplifies missions without actually requiring any changes to the mod itself e. This comes handy for test-runs or to find bugs more easily. Furthermore MafiaHack offers a fly mode. This allows you to override collisions and to get to parts of a map that are inaccessible by default. Again, everything without requiring any changes to the mod itself. Finally MafiaHack comes with an actor modificator that allows you to modify an actor properties in memory such as speed, strength, mass, etc Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. Game Info. Game Cheat Codes. Game Demos. Game Patch Updates. Game Trainers. With this savegame you get all cars in freeridemode, all tracks and freeridemode extreme is unlocked. MafiaHack is a development and cheating tool for Mafia. Game Patch Fixes.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Player cheats. THUGSTOOLS. All weapons #1. PROFESSIONALTOOLS. All weapons #2. NUTTERTOOLS. All weapons #3. PRECIOUSPROTECTION. Full armor. Download GTA Vice City Full Cheat codes Trainer with Unlimited Mods Unlocked fully tested and working GTA vice city ultimate trainer in the ocean of games. The original game, despite being launched back in , still has a large user community so it won't take you too long to find a guide for this GTA or cheats. These files are stored somewhere else on the internet and are not a part of this website. Recent Posts. City Racing Download For. GTA Vice City Cheats FREE - Cheats for Grand Theft Auto Vice City ! Cheats for the all time classic open sandbox game by Rockstar Games!All cheats, hacks. GTA Vice City , the game which might give you the nostalgia of your childhood, is still one of the most popular titles from the Rockstar Games. The game title was known for its crazy map and cheat codes which can be used to avail an upper hand in the gameplay and while completing missions. There is a list of cheat codes that you can apply to access sports cars, and motorcycles, get rid of the police, increase your health, and a lot more among others. GTA Vice City is still one heck of a game and gaming enthusiasts are still mad about the graphics and gameplay. All you need to do is just enter the cheats given below and enjoy the game. So, in order to take proper advantage of the cheat codes, you need to follow the given below steps. In this section, we will provide you with the list of all important cheat codes that you can enter in the PC version of the GTA Vice City. These cheat codes can be used to change your character skin, spawn vehicles, weapons, remove or add wanted levels, and more. Check it out:. Rockstar also gives you an option to enter cheat codes for the PlayStation platform as well. However, unlike the PC version, you need to use a combination of buttons and not any special phrase to enter the cheat codes. The cheats can be only activated with a certain combination of buttons like R1, R2, L1, L2, arrow keys, and more. Check out the full list of cheat codes for PS2 and PS All you need to do is enter a combination of different buttons while playing the game. If you enter it correctly, then the cheats codes will get activated, and you will get a notification. Just like any other console, players can simply enter the cheat codes for GTA Vice City on Nintendo Switch by pressing a combination of buttons. Here are some of the popular cheat codes for GTA Vice City, which will help you to enhance the gameplay:. Sadly there is no direct way to enter cheat codes for Android and iOS versions of the game. The developers have retained all 46 cheat codes from the original game. You can simply enter the cheats by enter the button or key inputs in the middle of the game. The cheat codes will not work if you enter in the pause menu. However, one can earn money quickly using different methods. Users can then sell some of these properties to earn money quickly. Thanks for reading till the end of this article. For more such informative and exclusive tech content, like our Facebook page. Sign in. Log into your account. Forgot your password? Password recovery. Recover your password. Get help.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Press SHIFT + TAB and enter the cheat codes. Health trick, weapons and ammunition tricks, immortality mode, no damage, big hands, etc. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Mafia for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to. - Idle Tycoon Game download free. Our Mafia trainer has 8 cheats and supports Steam. Cheat in this game and more with the WeMod app! Mafia cheats. Trainers and cheats for Steam. Download. click "Downloads," and put "Mafia Swap Program" in the search engine. You want to use--I enter the number that means I don't have a mod. Official Game Link. Today's Wackiest Video. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy Disclaimer. Latest Forum Discussions:. Rise from the lowly but well-dressed Foot soldier to the envied and feared Made Man in an era of big bands, zoot suits and Model Ts. Take on the role of a hit man, enforcer, getaway driver and more in your struggle for respect, money and power with the Salieri Family. There are 20 action-packed missions each of which have their own sub-quests. Luxury and riches are yours for the taking, if you do as Don Salieri has requested. From mob hits, car chases, shoot-outs and more, complete the unsavoury tasks the Family needs done and you will be handsomely rewarded. As well as the missions, there are over 12 square miles of the s American city, with simulated traffic, landmarks and surrounding landscapes to explore, it's a sprawling city where opportunity is around every corner. The environments pull you into the s with their attention to detail and style. From seedy bars and hotel rooms to train stations and airports--every location is rendered in fantastic detail by the 3-D "LS3D" engine, such as the Lost Heaven International Airport and Chinatown. In addition, drive over 60 different vehicles including the Model T, Roadsters and delivery trucks with some of the most realistic car physics ever made in a game. Info With this savegame you get all cars in freeridemode, all tracks and freeridemode extreme is unlocked. Info none. Mafia: City of Lost Heaven v1. Info MafiaHack is a development and cheating tool for Mafia. It works for all versions of Mafia 1. It provides a position manager that allows you to read and modify the player's position in the memory. Additionally, it offers a save function that allows you to store read positions in a position file that you can use later. The cheating functionality helps mod development. It simplifies missions without actually requiring any changes to the mod itself e. This comes handy for test-runs or to find bugs more easily. Furthermore MafiaHack offers a fly mode. This allows you to override collisions and to get to parts of a map that are inaccessible by default. Again, everything without requiring any changes to the mod itself. Finally MafiaHack comes with an actor modificator that allows you to modify an actor properties in memory such as speed, strength, mass, etc Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. Game Info. Game Cheat Codes. Game Demos. Game Patch Updates. Game Trainers. With this savegame you get all cars in freeridemode, all tracks and freeridemode extreme is unlocked. MafiaHack is a development and cheating tool for Mafia. Game Patch Fixes.
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spotslong · 2 years
Rope hero vice town mod apk 2020
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Use your power to help the police and free the city from crime. Now it's time to become a real super rope hero! Try yourself at an amazing 3D third-person shooter with RPG elements, get a new games experience, and have a lot of fun. We have improved the quality of graphics and completely redesigned the huge 3D open world. Our brand new open world has become even more interesting and exciting than ever before. You can jump like a spider from one building to another one get new level increase. He has a rope with no limits super powers. If you like superhero gaming apps - try to play our best action game, with the blue super hero.
I-enjoy lang ang Rope Hero: Vice Town PC sa malaking screen nang libre! Rope Hero: Vice Town Panimula Hindi na tumitingin sa baterya o nakakadismaya na mga tawag sa maling oras. I-download ito sa GameLoop library o mga resulta ng paghahanap. Ngayon, maaari mong laruin ang Rope Hero: Vice Town sa PC gamit ang GameLoop nang maayos.
The map was missing, the health and stamina indicators, shop, pause button, everything on the top part of the HUD went missing.Ang Rope Hero: Vice Town, na nagmumula sa developer na Naxeex Ltd, ay tumatakbo sa Android systerm sa nakaraan. Once, after I died, I was respawned on top of a moving car and then the game went into slow motion. The previous screen also obscures the current screen. Every time I close the pause menu, or once the game loads, I get spawned under the map, causing me to fall endlessly. There have been many updates and features added to this game that were amazing! There have been some things I have noticed while playing though: Hey, it has been a while since I played this game. If you need more iron power - you can try one of the robot suits: robot tank, robot plane, robot car, and even robot ball. This thing helps to move very quickly on the map, to get away from the mafia or police. Glider - an addition to the superhero costume that allows him to fly on jet propulsion, like a fast military plane. Parachute - with the help of the updated parachute, the hero will be able to perform more extreme tricks than ever before. Skateboard - is always available to the player, with it you can more interesting to move around the city, and perform amazing tricks. Here is some amazing stuff for spider man: The game has updated the set of vehicles: beach SUV, bike, pink tank, helicopter, plane, mech. Since a real superhero is always on the alert.Ĭhoose the right gun for you, use a wide range of ammunition, and customize your character using a huge amount of sets. This funny thing can also be a great means of self-defense. Selfie stick - allows you to take photos of interesting moments in the game and share them with your friends. With this thing, you can have great fun in the 3D city. This is a great thing, the possibilities of its use are limited only by the imagination of the player.įlamethrower - a powerful gun that shoots fire, with it you can set fire to everything in the city that you want.ĭance gun - a fun thing, with the help of it, the player can make all their opponents dance. Gravigun - cool weapon that allows you to attract enemies to yourself. This gun allows you to freeze tanks, robots, cars. We have significantly expanded the game store.Įspecially helps the hero in quests new superhero weapons.įreezer - a gun that allows you to freeze opponents for a while. With the help of rope jumps, the hero is always aware of what is happening on the city streets.Īt your superhero duty, you'll need a lot of stuff: guns & pistols, SMG, shotguns, melee weapons, and super weapons. With a super rope in his arsenal, as well as the ability to make mega jumps, move around buildings and landings. There are waiting for exciting chases and fights with various crime bosses. The hero will gain popularity in the city or will be a mafia gangster. Or you can come to the dark side and become a bad guy: fight with the police, make hot pursuit races throughout the city, ram cars, and seed chaos. The main hero will fight gangsters by playing interesting quests. You can jump like a spider from one house to another one. Let's try our free game with the blue super hero.
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centuryjust · 2 years
Simpleplanes mac
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#Simpleplanes mac simulator
Nadia Oxford, a writer for Gamezebo gave SimplePlanes a 4/5 for its realistic flight challenges, sandbox mode and the amount of building options. The biggest issue critics had was the process of building. SimplePlanes received 'mixed or average' reviews, according to Metacritic, where it garnered a score of 67/100. The challenges involve short tutorial-type activities (such as the 'take-off tutorial' and the 'landing tutorial') but can get more advanced with missions (such as 'SAM Evasion' (a 4 stage level which gets increasingly difficult) and 'Trench Run' (a race through a canyon-like area on the game map) > There are also weapons (bombs, wing guns and miniguns, missiles, rockets and torpedoes) in the game for the player to use on their creations. SimplePlanes contains challenges which the player can do. The game also gives players the ability to build cars, boats, trains and mechanical objects. Each island has a unique name, such as Maywar, Krakabola, Snowstone or Wright. The five islands each provide a different experience to the player, with interactive targets. When the creation or build is finished, the player can fly/drive/sail it around the map which contains 5 different islands with unique features, (4 on IOS or Android) and/or upload it to the SimplePlanes website. Planes (or other creations) created by the community can also be downloaded from the website. In SimplePlanes the player is given the freedom of building anything they want to create using the materials and objects provided, and players can additionally use XML modifications on their creation.
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Users/ Your Mac user/Library/Application Support// Mods and put it in there. Download the mod, either click on the download or open your file browser. 27 Wright Helipads Kakhikotchauri1 5 days ago. Create Help Parts Maps Tools Backgrounds.
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DOWNLOAD AIRPLANES Over 100,000 airplanes are available to download for free from Find anything from old WW2 bombers to next generation fighters to sci-fi spacecrafts. Design and attach wings and then strap yourself into the cockpit and see how it flies.
#Simpleplanes mac install
Since I'm on Mac, Finder tells me to select an application to install the.spmod file into, and it won't let me select Simpleplanes. I haven't installed any mods yet, and I'm trying to install overload. You might need to have discussions with students about the appropriate use of weapons in any work they do, though.In the main menu, there used to be a mods tab where you could view your mods. Use this before assigning your "build a frisbee-throwing robot" final project as an introduction to the kinds of thinking, iterative processes, trial-and-error, prediction, and collaboration that such work requires.
#Simpleplanes mac simulator
The specifics of aerodynamics might be a stretch for most high school physics classes, but a flight simulator and the prospect of video gaming in class might be enough to hook some kids into getting interested in force vectors, at the very least.įor engineering-flavored physics projects or engineering elective classes, SimplePlanes is a great way to experiment with prototyping and design principles without the mess and material overhead. When discussing centers of mass and motion - and lift, drag, and three-dimensional force generally - you can include this app for some hands-on practice, especially if live demonstrations aren't practical for some reason. You'll need to pair SimplePlanes with solid lessons that dive into the mathematics and dynamic systems at play here.
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journeylong · 2 years
Beach buggy racing 2 apk mod
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The game has the same gameplay as other racing games on the market such as asphalt or grid os Gosport.
What's More In Beach Buggy Blitz Mod Apk? You can also collect and unlock cool new vehicles to add to your beach spoiler collection, such as Stunning car storage is what you would expect from a single car in real life. The game of driving or racing is not complete without a power-up, so an intermediate stroller does not lag behind in this regard, as there are many cool power-ups that can be unlocked during your trip, and your driving experience will be a more exciting idea. This game will allow you to follow it until you find a character that fits your personality perfectly. Each character combines his quarantine level for the game. The game has many cool collections that players can collect for the entire trip. Your beach buggy can also be sued to paint your favorite colors. The collected beaches are used by gamers to enhance their beach buggy. Players need to collect coins in search of a tropical island. This will give you a new level of enthusiasm throughout the game. The game guarantees that you will be a mystery and that you can never get bored during the game by presenting hidden places where the hunters can find bugs.
A buggy flash game on a short beach will allow you to be part of a wonderful journey full of fun and adventure to discover the wonderful elements of the beach and discover the wonderful tropical island. Deteriorates it creates more state of the art and is the best. With Beach Buggy Blitz you can guide your own beach buggy and drive to the secret tropical islands, find hiding places and earn coins that will bring your beach to life and can be used for painting. With Beach Buggy Blitz you can collect cool characters on the go, so you never get tired and tired. You also need to earn coins that will help you grow your car faster. In short, you can be an adventurer on the beach. This is done by searching for secret places on the island. Under the smoke hot sand and hot sand can be better!īeach Buggy Blitz is a wonderful game that allows you to experience the fun and adventure of running your own beach on a fantastic tropical island.
The funny race on Android devices that puts you behind the wheel of a sports armpit, the fastest in the game and equipped with rockets and other weapons, is a great graphic that is made in the form of a cartoon. This game can make you happy with beautiful graphics and beautiful special effects, invite your friends and win sand melody on the spot! Set up different types of improvements and changes in your transport, such as Nitro Accelerator, Rocket Launchers and more. In the game, you have a unique opportunity to run a fast buggy, especially with sandy beach.
There are many more features available to experience.Download JavaScript needs to be enabled in order to be able to download.īeach Buggy Racing (MOD, Unlimited Money) - an outstanding racing simulator that has caught millions of players worldwide. Most loveable are upgradeable Powerups, new game modes, online competitions, and tournaments. Developers include multiple new features in this model. In short, this is the concept of this fantastic game.Īs you can see, it is the second version of Beach Buggy Racing. Gamers are allowed to convert their car into a powerful beast. Later on, you can use those rewards to upgrade, customize, and buy equipment. You should chase or compete with those players to beat.īesides, there are multiple points earning facilities available. There are many other cars also running on the track.
besides, you get a personalized character or driver who controls your vehicle. Most famous are Egyptian pyramids, pirate ship wrecks, dragon-infested castles, etc. You can drive a vehicle in multiple locations around the globe. What Is Beach Buggy Racing 2 Mod APKīeach Buggy Racing 2 is a car chasing the game. Thus, you can enjoy all premium features for free. But don’t worry, we are giving you the link to the MOD version. However, few facilities are paid or unlocked. In one game, you can enjoy multiple things. This is a combination of car racing, thrilling, world tour, and drivers. Still, the concept is much similar to many games.īut Beach Buggy Racing 2 is something special for you. This type of gaming is known for its intensity and high-end graphics. You can drift, boost nitro, modify cars, assemble equipment, and more. If you are that person, you know that driving a car is thrilling, exciting, and intense. Users love to play car games in their free time. There are hundreds of racing games available on the play store.
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