#a huge weight has been lifted
thebirdandhersong · 6 months
you guys won't believe this but y'all what a miracle..... God's grace always seems to come in floods when you least expect it. The boy problem is now resolved and at rest (well. somewhat.)
I somehow got around to talking to him yesterday about the disastrous conversation (the one where he went on at length about my age) and, God bless him, it was all ignorance rather than malice. He listened for a while, his face becoming more and more drawn and appalled as I explained how X thing came off, and at one point he just put his head on the table and was very, very upset because he hadn't thought about it from my perspective and hadn't realised the effects of his words. It was a surprisingly comfortable conversation (it is always easy to talk to him), and it was a relief to hear from his lips that he hadn't meant any of it in a hurtful way - he hadn't thought about how his words might sound at all.
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nyaaakis · 1 year
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Wanted to illustrate what it feels like having depression and I think ever since I got this piece out, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. I am still seeking therapy to make sure I get myself in check with my mental health. Its been helping a lot.
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perilegs · 14 days
i'm going to my cousin's bday party tomorrow which is fun and great except that my mom is also going to be there. we don't talk. she literally skipped my other cousin's graduation party just bc i was there.
#for context shes a huge transphobe who wants nothing to do with me and thinks im soiling her good name just by existing#so. im not v excited about that.#but it's something i can handle and i have support around me!#what i however cannot handle are regular mom things. ive gained a lot of weight since i last saw her and#i cannot handle it if she comments on it im so stressed out about it bc she knows just what to say to hurt me#i got chubby after starting t and i think it suits me. especially if i start hitting the gym or something so i'll also have some strength#like im not looking to lose weight im looking to have a dad bod by my 30s#with my soft round features and curly hair i already look like a hobbit so i just need to get a little bit of muscle to complete the look#bc those bitches work outside i know how theyre built#i however cannot achieve that with just my office job so yknow#im mostly just saying this to motivate myself to excercise bc i know it makes me feel good but actually getting around to doing it is hard#also i would love to stop being weak#i just want to be able to lift heavier things#like. it's unhealthy how little i do rn and i dont feel good about it but school has been sucking the life out of me#so i dont have the energy to do things that will increase my mental wellbeing which. not ideal.#agh now that my thesis is done i might finally get around to doing stuff#after a while once my brain and body registers that i'm literally fine#anyways. im nervous about tomorrow.#but it's fine i'll get to catch up with the nice relatives too#leevi talks
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katierosefun · 10 months
hot girls will randomly get out of bed at 1:45 am to clean out their entire closet (it’s me, i’m hot girls)
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theinconveniencing · 5 months
walking off this campus as an entirely different bitch than I was when I walked on. Im literally free.
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cinewhore · 1 year
Sent in my name for graduation and will go to the bookstore after class to order my cap and gown and I’ve been crying all goddamn morning
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citrucee · 2 years
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peace in knowing :)
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asiancatboy · 2 years
i feel so fucking good right now
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kiricat · 1 year
I finally just blocked Twitter in my hosts file so I can't look at it anymore
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g0reoz · 2 years
ok so after a fit of stupidity last night in which i decided to look up some updates, it appears that shit's noticeably less fucked than i expected!!
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brimstone-cowboy · 2 years
Not doing my masters this year but I’ll still go down to Manchester or wales or wherever to see friends, I’ll be working but I think it’ll be nice to finally see the seasons change here at home again after lockdown weirdness
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adriftinsoho · 2 years
Feeling super thankful for supportive family. My mind's blown how well that went over.
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triralph · 2 years
I’ve always thought my mom passively accepted me but was embarrassed I was a lesbian “I accept and love you; but I don’t want you telling other people you could get hurt”. But I’ve come to realize something; she’s actually afraid of me getting physically hurt.
My mom is 75 and was born and raised in Eastern Appalachia. She’s seen some shit. She was 16 when MLK gave his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech. She was 21 with two kids when MLK was shot. She was 22 during the Stonewall Riots. 25 during the first Pride Parade. In her 40’s during the AIDS crisis etc.
What I’m trying to get at is my moms seen decades of injustice, not just in the world but in her community.
She’s seen and heard of queer people in our tiny town be discriminated against, made fun of, and in some cases be attacked. Hate crime was the norm and all outside opinion was quickly stomped out.
No matter how many times I tell her about the strides and progress of the LGBT+ community and how accepting a lot more people it doesn’t matter. She’s seen her close family and friends hurt and she’s scared for me. I don’t blame her either, it must be scary having a queer child seeing the things she’s seen.
In conclusion: I love my mom so very much and her love for me is so strong that she went against the ‘norm’ and also loves me so much that she fears for my safety even in these more ‘accepting’ times.
Also P.S. conclusion: Black and LGBT+ history isn’t ‘ancient’. This all happened in her life time and she is still alive and well. We never realize how recent these major events are and we should be conscious of them so we can be kind to the ones who lived in those intolerant times. And while the world still isn’t equal and perfect, we have definitely made strong strides in the community and I think that’s something to appreciate thx for coming to my Ted Talk.
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torahtot · 2 months
im finally emerging from my anxious depressed state that ive been in recently.. sometimes all u need to do is cut off 2 people and recommit to being a better person & having a positive outlook & suddenly u realize none of it mattered & it's going to be ok. summer is coming im going home soon im gonna have a fresh start and im carefree right now
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suqqubus · 6 months
we played games together for seven straight hours yesterday. went to bed at 4 AM. tomorrow I’m going over to his place so we can strategize his streaming career bc he’s officially hiring me to help w the logistics. i truly had no idea where this saga would lead us but “manager for an eboy Twitch streamer who’s fucking her client” is not what I envisioned (but I fucking love it holy shiiiiiiitttttt)
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future-crab · 8 months
Have you guys heard about this Medicaid thing? It's incredible. It really feels like it should be For All.
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