#on the one hand: oh thank god i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders
katierosefun · 1 year
hot girls will randomly get out of bed at 1:45 am to clean out their entire closet (it’s me, i’m hot girls)
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ariesangelxo · 4 months
mornings - part two
cw: more angst, still no comfort (i promise it’s coming in the next part), heartbreak, one mention of panic attacks, prescription benzo use, recreational coke use, drinking, arguing, mention of a gun and a gunshot at the end, not proofread lol
an: thank u all SO SO much for all of the love on part one !!! i am blown away and in awe. there also will be a part three for sure <3
part three
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the past twenty-six days had not been kind to you. your mornings were spent rotting away in bed until your mom would force you to get up, her expression of concern always made you feel even worse. your days weren’t much better, you forced yourself to detach from your heart and numb your emotions. it was the only way you knew how to keep going. you put on a mask during the day with your parents, giving them occasional smiles and laughs that weren’t the kind that warmed their hearts. they knew you weren’t okay, but they also knew they couldn’t force you to talk about it or you’d shut down completely. your nights consisted of taking a benzodiazepine in order to fall asleep, you couldn’t sleep without them. you tried, it only led to intense panic attacks and hysterical sobs that made your mother’s heart break in front of you.
this morning had been a bit different. you were awakened when you felt a weight in your bed, and in the haze of waking up you initially thought it was rafe. you shot up the moment you remembered everything, eyes widening and heart racing, but you looked over to see sarah in your bed. "oh my god, sarah you scared the hell out of me!" you exclaimed, holding a hand over your chest.
she let out a giggle, "i'm sorry, your mom let me in. i miss you," her tone was gentle. you had become very close with sarah during your relationship with rafe. being over at the cameron's house so often led to a beautiful friendship forming between the two of you. she was like a sister to you, something you cherished deeply as you didn't grow up with a sister.
you felt a pang of guilt in your chest at her words. you knew she missed you, she'd messaged you every single day since your break up without fail, even if you didn't always text back. you had seen her a couple times, but when she asked about what happened, you told her you weren't ready to talk about it. sarah was incredibly understanding, knowing how much you loved her brother and not wanting to push you too far.
"i miss you too, sar. i'm sorry i've been such a shit friend lately." you responded to her. you gave her a small smile, curling up next to her as she sat against your headboard.
"it's okay, i know you're not doing great with everything going on right now," she trailed off with a sad smile, "but, you're going out with me tonight!" she became animated as she spoke.
you didn't have it in your heart to deny her, not when she looked at you like you were the most important person in her world. "you know i can't say no to you. where are we going?" you asked curiously.
"there's going to be a huge party at the boneyard, and you're coming with me. no ifs, ands, or buts." she giggled out, "i need to get you out of your room, you're rotting away in here, babe."
"god, you sound just like my mother," you teased back. "i'll go though, i miss you more than you know. i even miss the pogues a bit." you both laughed, referencing her newer relationship with john b.
you couldn't prevent your curiosity from getting the better of you, "how- how has he been?"
sarah bit her lip, debating internally how much to tell you. "he's been... not great. i don't see him much when i'm home, he's usually in his room with the door shut. he's been a lot more moody too, snapping at literally everyone in the house. it probably didn't help that i told him he's an idiot and he fucked up the best thing to ever happen to him."
you couldn't suppress the laugh that slipped through your lips or the slight satisfaction you felt knowing that you weren't the only one struggling. "i love you sar. thank you." you leaned over, giving her a hug.
"i love you too. now get your ass up and shower. we're getting you a new outfit for the party."
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you spent the next few hours strolling through the streets of figure eight with sarah. your arms held multiple shopping bags, filled with clothes she insisted you needed for tonight. you were incredibly grateful that she had forced you out of bed, you actually felt human for the first time since everything happened.
you found yourself in a small cafe, giggling as sarah told you a story from one of her drunken adventures with the pogues.
“you know… you should talk to jj tonight. i know he thinks you’re hot.” sarah gave you a mischievous smile as she wiggled her brows.
“funny,” you rolled your eyes playfully at her, “but it’s way too soon for me to get into anything with anybody right now.”
“i didn’t mean start dating him, i just think you would have fun together.”
“i just- i don’t know, sar. i’ve been such a wreck these past few weeks… can i tell you what happened?” you looked up from your fingers to meet her eyes, now widened with shock.
“yeah, of course you can. but don’t feel like you have to if you don’t want to.”
you were grateful for her support, going into your explanation of how the last couple months of your relationship, rafe’s behavior changed drastically. sarah hung on to your every word, needing to know exactly what led to the end of your relationship.
“and so i walked into the country club to surprise him. i spent the whole morning getting ready, did my makeup how he likes, even wore a new sundress that i know he would have loved. but i walked in and…” you looked up as your vision began to blur, “he was talking with some bitch i’ve never seen before bartending. she had short brunette hair, but he fucking smirked at her the way he only does- did for me. and- and then, she basically fucking held his hand while she fucked him with her eyes, and he let it happen!”
you spit the words out like they were poison on your tongue, not noticing your voice beginning to raise with frustration. sarah’s jaw was nearly on the floor.
“what the- what the fuck?” she racked her brain, trying to remember if she’d seen anyone matching your description recently, but nothing came to her.
“god, shit. i’m so sorry, babe. i don’t know what the fuck is wrong with him.” she attempted to console you as you dabbed your eyes with a napkin.
you shrugged your shoulders, “what’s done is done. i just want to forget about everything for a while.”
she nodded, “then let’s go get ready. we can pregame at yours and ride with john b and them.”
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after a few shots, a couple hours spent transforming yourself to not look like you spent the last three weeks trying to cope with your break up, and a lot of laughter, you and sarah were ready to go.
you wore a cropped loosely crocheted white sweater over your pink bikini and a white miniskirt that hugged your hips , the strings from your bottom peaking out from the top of it. you were finally feeling good about yourself again, and you’d be damned if you let anyone ruin it.
the ride to the boneyard only lifted your spirits more. it was impossible not to laugh around the pogues, especially when jj did whatever he could to hear your giggle.
you arrived just as the party was beginning to pick up. relief flooded your veins when you didn’t see rafe anywhere. you knew it was a possibility he’d be here, but it was going to be significantly easier to have a decent night without his presence lingering around.
you filled up a red solo cup at the keg, downing the cheap alcohol before refilling it.
“slow down there, or you might not make it too long.” jj approached you, giving you a flirty smile.
you gave him a laugh in response, “i’ll be fine, jay. i just want to be able to let loose tonight.”
“stick by me then, don’t want any of these pervs creeping on you.” the thinly veiled concern in his voice made you smile. you know he’s flirting, but it’s clear he wants to keep you safe knowing it’s your first night out in so long.
you spent the next hour surrounded by the pogues, and true to his word, jj looked out for you. he did so well that you failed to notice who had shown up to the party, the one and only rafe cameron.
rafe, on the other hand, saw you immediately upon arriving. it was impossible for him not to when your presence demanded his attention. he was not happy to see who you were hanging around with. his ongoing beef with the pogues was well known by everybody on the island. he didn’t come to party though, he had other business to attend to as barry gave him a side eye, “fuck are you doing, country club? you can fight for your girl later, we’ve got shit to do.”
your drink had somehow disappeared. your furrowed your brows as you looked down, giggling to yourself as you told your friends you were going to get another one. you were at the perfect level of drunk, not to the point of blacking out or vomiting, but to where you couldn’t quite walk in a straight line and everything was funny to you.
you stumbled up to the keg, starting to fill up your cup when you felt someone watching you. the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, you instantly knew who it was. it was as though there was a chip in you that alerted you to when he was nearby. you took a deep breath as you turned your head slightly, seeing rafe sat next to a man you didn’t know as he handed a small plastic bag filled with overpriced coke to a touron. rafe’s eyes didn’t leave you as he signaled him to leave.
you could hear your heartbeat in your ears, the hand holding onto your cup now trembling and the lump in your throat building. rafe stood, starting to approach you as you froze. your brain was screaming at you to run but your body refused to move an inch.
“what the fuck do you want, cameron?” your words were spat out with venom. your tone clearly surprised you both as he looked shocked momentarily. you were typically one to stand your ground, but never ever was your attitude aimed towards him.
“what do you mean ‘what the fuck do i want’? you fucking up and left out of nowhere and haven’t spoken to me in almost a month.” his voice was filled with anger, his nose flaring as he clenched his jaw.
you let out a humorless laugh, “out of nowhere? you can’t be serious, rafe. you treated me like shit the last few months of our relationship.” you didn’t yet mention seeing his interaction with the bartender at the country club, not knowing if topper and kelce had told him about seeing you when you left that fateful day.
“what? be-because i couldn’t be with you twenty-four fucking seven? like i- i wasn’t out working my ass off to afford nice shit for you?”
“‘working your ass off’ will you stop fucking lying to me? i fucking saw you at the country club,” his facial expression showed confusion, bringing his brows together to try and understand what you were talking about, “you let that bitch touch you, you looked at her how you used to look at me. i spent hours getting ready, i showed up, wanting to surprise my boyfriend for lunch, and what do i see? my boyfriend letting some bartender hang off of him while he flirts with her?”
your voice had raised as you got more and more angry. you were now shouting at him as other partygoers failed to hide their stares and murmuring. nobody ever talked to the kook prince the way you currently were, unless they wanted their face bashed in.
rafe grabbed your arm harshly, pulling you down the beach and away from others. you stumbled behind him, knowing you weren’t physically or mentally strong enough to push him away.
when you looked up at him, you suddenly noticed his blown-out pupils. you felt your heart sink. “you’re using again.” you stated flatly.
he scoffed, rolling his eyes at you. “don’t act like you fucking care.” he spat out at you.
“jesus fucking christ- rafe, when did you start again?”
“don’t worry about it. when did you come to the country club?” his tone was demanding, sparking further irritation in you.
“the day i left. i- i let a lot of shit slide for too long, because… because i wanted to be a good girlfriend and support you when i thought you were just stressed out from work. and, in return, i get to watch my boyfriend make me look like a fucking idiot.”
rafe was silent for a minute, his lips pursed as he clearly was trying to remember what he was doing before he came home to an angry ward and an empty room. then realization hit him, he knew exactly what you were talking about. he brought his palm up to his face, groaning.
when he was about to speak, he was cut off. “is cameron bothering you?” jj’s familiar voice called out. you looked past rafe’s large figure to see all of the pogues standing beside him, looking ready for a fight if it came to it.
rafe gave a humorless chuckle, “stay the fuck out of it, pogue.” he clearly wouldn’t go down without a fight either.
your heart stopped for a moment and your body filled with ice cold terror as jj pulled out a gun that was hidden behind his back in his waistband. it was clear you weren’t the only one not expecting it as the rest of them looked at jj with concern, john b telling him to put it away. “yeah? let’s fucking go, rafe. been itching for a fight for too long.”
everything became blurred. the mixture of shouting, seeing figures suddenly moving towards each other, and the unmistakeable sound of a gunshot, and then everything went black.
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wizzdot · 1 month
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: poor Laika’s self doubt raises its ugly head again. John is a sweetheart. Kyle is upset. Lots of angst, fluff etc xoxo
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Laika's POV*
I must have fallen asleep. I wake up next to Kyle, the others had left.
Oh god.. what have I done?! I've made a huge mistake forcing myself on them like that.. worthless stupid mutt, no one would ever want a stray like you. Why did you ever get your hopes up in the first place?!
Physically, I feel so much better - almost as if the heat fever hadn't happened at all. I slowly and softly lift his arm from around me and try to crawl from the bed. I need to hide from the rejection. I won't let it find me. I know it's coming. I just know it..Kyle's only here because he was literally stuck to me, because I practically forced myself on him.
I feel sick. Disgusting mutt!
I stand from my bed and don myself in my own clothes, feeling far too revolting to even dare to pull on anything of theirs..
I sneak out from the room, taking a final glance at Kyle, a tear falling from my cheek as I scamper away from the pack's private quarters.
As I reach the familiar hallway of the mess hall, I take a sharp left and go to the infirmary. I make sure to ask for the same kind nurse who had checked me when I first arrived. I trusted her - sort of..
She pokes her head out from behind a door and furrows her brow..
"I'm not aware you had an appointment Miss..." she doesn't remember my name
"...Laika" I supply for her "..and I don't.. I need to talk to you.. and ask for help.. please" I whisper, eyes darting to make sure no one is listening in or watching.
"Oh.. okay, you better come in then, I can call the Capta-" - "NO.. I mean, no, it's okay.. he wouldn't want to waste his time on something so stupid.. honestly"
I lie through my teeth with a fake, tight lipped smile on my face. She buys it though.. thank god.
"What did you come here for then, Laika..?" she asks, casting an eye over me, clearly checking for any external injuries.
"Uhm.. well- you know how you did the blood tests.. and they came back as sort of inconclusive but swaying towards Omega.. well - I want suppressants..just incase"
She narrows her eyes at me, confused by my request.
"Laika, from what I recall, the unknown drugs that you have been exposed to while in Russia haven't left your system yet. It would be dangerous to mix suppressants in while we still aren't entirely sure what you are.."
"I don't mind.. I'm happy to risk it.."
"Where has this all come from, honey? You are stressed and nervous, I can see your eyes darting all over the room, you've not made eye contact with me once, you're being deceitful and you're clearly panicking over something.. I want to help you, I do.. but I need to know a little more about what's happened.. do you understand where I'm coming from, honey?"
She leans forward in her chair and places a gentle hand on my leg. Just above my knee. She smiles, a trust worthy smile.
"I-I need to leave and I don't want anything to happen before I'm ready to deal with it.. I just want the suppressants, then you'll never see me again.. I'll be out of your hair...please..?"
"Okay, honey.. Let me just go outside and think this through.. I need to have a quick re-read of your file just to make sure you're not allergic to anything or if anything would be incompatible to your blood type.. just give me a few minutes, sit tight.."
She stands from her chair and gives me a squeeze on my shoulder and a smile as she leaves, closing the door behind her.
Thank god - she is helping me. As soon as I get these suppressants, I'm calling Kate and requesting an immediate pick up. I don't care where to. Just away from here. I've already done enough damage here. Filthy, disgusting mutt.
*John's POV*
I had left Kyle and Laika together, sleeping it off. They looked so comfortable and settled when I left. I decided to take Simon and Johnny to the gym - we'd been lifting weights - spotting each other. Simon is quite close to improving on my personal best but he hasn't managed it yet, thankfully.
As we walk back towards our quarters, I can smell a subtle hint of her scent in the hallway. I ignore it, and put it down to the fact that we probably have carried her scent around the base, having spent the morning in her bed.
My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. I glance at it and see that it is Dr Lewis. What does she want? I thought my check was next week..?
I slide the green tab to answer "Captain Price speaking.." I greet.
"Captain, it's Dr Lewis.. I need to keep this quick because she isn't in a stable mood. I've got Laika here - she is in a bit of a state, rambling about needing suppressants and said something about never seeing her again.. I think she is planning to run away.. I'm not sure what's happened, but she needs someone to talk to. She is very fragile at the moment, Captain.. I sincerely hope nothing bad has happened to her under your watch.."-
"I'm on my way" I growl out, hanging up the phone. "JOHNNY, SIMON FOLLOW ME"
I storm my way to the medics, barging angrily past rookies. When we arrive, I order Johnny and Simon to wait at the entrance.
The Doctor is standing in the middle of the waiting room, no Laika to be seen.. "Where is she?" I grumble.
I can feel my palms splitting - my nails digging harshly into my skin. "Captain, she is in my office - I suggest you calm down.. she isn't going to take this well - I didn't tell her I was calling you.."
"You've done the right thing - I need to see her, where is she?" I ask again, quickly, trying to hurry things along.
"Follow me.."
I walk directly behind the slightly older Doctor, Fuck I wish she'd hurry the fuck up..
*Laika's POV*
I hear the door handle rattle slightly and then the Doctor steps into the room. What I don't expect is an angry looking John following closely on her heels..
"What on earth do you think you're playing at, Love..? Suppressants and threatening to leave..? Why...?" he barks at me.
I stare at the Doctor, my lip quivering and my eyes wide and red, from unshed tears. This isn't the first time I'd been betrayed..
She gives me an apologetic smile, mouthing 'sorry', before turning and leaving the room. Coward..
"...Laika?" John steps closer when the door closes.
"Speak to me, c'mon, Love" - "Stop calling me that" I whisper.
"I didn't hear that, speak up, Love.. I want to hel-"
John visibly recoils at my tone, tilting his head to one side and furrowing his brow. The tears start flowing freely now, I stubbornly turn away, refusing to face the Alpha.
"Look at me.."
"Laika..? C'mon, whatever this is about.. we need to talk about it..."
"Th-there's nothin' to talk about, Captain.. I need to leave"
"Nonsense.." - "S'not, I don't belong here.." my hands shake as I throw my arms in the air, exasperated. Defeated.
I hear him step closer again, then I hear his knee hit the floor in front of me. Alpha's don't kneel.
"Look at me.."
"Please, sweet girl.." - "don't call me that, either.."
"Jus- Just look at me.. please"
He kneels in front of me for at least two minutes, while I stubbornly refuse to face him from my seat. He doesn't move, doesn't sigh, doesn't so much as move a muscle. He waits for me..
I sit, sniffling snot and tears into the sleeve of my own jumper. He just kneels there. Unmoving.
"You can go.. I don't need babysat.. You've got better things to do.." I eventually argue, still not looking at him.
He doesn't reply, still kneeling and silent. What is he trying to achieve..?!
"Captain.. I said, GO!"
Silence, just the sound of his breathing..
I break. I look at him, he is already staring back at me. Why are his eyes slightly red..?
He still doesn't say anything.
"What do you want..?!?" I choke out, tears still pouring from my eyes.
"Get up.. stop kneeling.. speak.. SAY SOMETHING" God, I'm desperate.. I don't know why I'm reacting like this..
He gently reaches out, slow enough that if I truly wanted to, I could have moved, hell - I could have slapped his hand away..
He entangles his fingers in mine and squeezes, softly, just once. He guides my hand towards his lips. He kisses every single knuckle, I look away, not deserving of his tender touch.
As soon as I look away, he releases my hand. I furrow my brow. He still hasn't said anything..
He stands and walks towards the door. My eyes widen, anxiety heightening.
"John..." I say in a small voice, as his hand reaches the door handle.
He pauses, but doesn't turn to face me.
"I'm sorry.." I whisper. He still doesn't turn, but he also doesn't turn the handle.
"I - I don't know how to.. how to do any of this.." I finally admit. His shoulders relax, dropping slightly, yet he still doesn't speak..
"I'm broken, John.. you.. your pack.. it's better without me..."
He lowers his head, I can see that he is shaking it. His hand pulls away from the door handle, dropping back to his side. He takes a half-step back into the room, still facing away from me.
*John's POV*
I couldn't speak. I couldn't find the right words. One wrong move and she'll leave. She thinks so lowly of herself. She doesn't think she is worthy of anything but pain and sadness.
I can't let her go.
I clear my throat and turn to face her, almost unable to continue when I see that broken look on her face, staring right back up at me.
*Laika's POV*
He clears his throat and turns around. This is it, he is saying goodbye.. brace yourself, don't let him see you cry..
"My pack would tear heaven and earth apart to find you if you left us now.."
"My pack.. they want you.. emotional baggage and all.. we've all got some.."
I gulp
"and my pack - it could be your pack too - if you can stop punishing yourself for things you had no power over."
"We both know it isn't your fault. And I'll kill the bastards. You just say the word. I'm at your command.."
"Love" he tacks on to the end.
I have nothing to say.. I'm stunned.
"What if I mess it up..?" I whisper
"You won't.."
"But what if I do..?"
"We'd figure it out.."
"Why me..?"
"You may not see it, Love.. but you're perfect for us.. if you'd let us prove it to you. I'll tell the boys.. we will take things slow.. court you properly.. let us at least try..?"
"Yes, sweet girl.." he replies instantly, kneeling back to the ground, taking both of my hands in his..
"I'm scared.. I'm scared I'll mess up.."
He cups my chin softly.
"Beautiful girl, there is nothing you could do.. nothing.. that would change my mind on this.."
My eyes trail from his eyes, to his facial hair, to the freckles on his nose and then down to his lips.
"Yes, Love..?"
"I-I'll try.. I want to try.." I sniff.
He breaks into a soft smile, his dimples showing. He wipes the tear lines from my cheeks with his thumb.
I stand on the balls of my feet to kiss him on the cheek. I wobble slightly and end up kissing the very corner of his lips. He purrs, but doesn't push for more.
"C'mon, I want to take you back.. never liked Doctor's offices anyway.." he grumbles lowly.
He reaches and grabs my hand, squeezing it softly once, giving it a quick kiss on my knuckles again.
He turns the door handle and leads me through the waiting area.
He nods a quick 'thanks' to the Doctor.
As soon as he steps foot into the main hallway, I'm greeted by a pacing Johnny and Simon, who looks.. anxious.
He immediately steps forward and holds my face firmly in his large hands, crouching down so that we are eye to eye.
"Are you hurt? What happened? Who do I need to fuckin' kill?"
"Calm down, Simon".. John reaches over my shoulder to squeeze Simon's arm.
"We're all okay now.. That's all that matters.."
Johnny squirms his way behind me and lifts me into his arms, carrying me like a groom would carry a bride.
"Johnny!" I yelp.
"No princess of mine walks when she is hurt! Whit happened, lass. Si will sort the fucker out.."
"N-nothing happened!" I giggle.
I notice, from the corner, how John and Simon both relax at the sound of my laughter.
"Wh-where's Kyle..?" I ask, guiltily.. that same feeling of dread washing over me.. what if he hadn't wanted it.. what if he regrets it..?
As soon as the words have left my mouth, a frantic figure skids around the corner, wearing just loose sweatpants slung lowly over his hips.
"JESUS FUCK, LOVE!!" He pants, actually clutching his chest, where his heart beats rapidly.
He rushes towards me and pulls me from Johnny's hold and into his own, tight and suffocating arms. It was oddly grounding. Until I felt his hands shaking, and his panicked breathing...
"When I woke up.. and you weren't there.. I looked everywhere. FUCK!" he weeps into my neck, rubbing my lower back gently, more for his own benefit than mine, I assume..
"Thought you'd gone.." He glances up then, and notices that we are outside the infirmary. He freezes and drops his arms immediately.
"Shit.. fuck.. tell me I didn't hurt you..? Please tell me I didn't..." He looks completely lost in his own panic.
I step towards him, with tears in my own eyes..
"Kyle.. Kyle.. Alpha..?" He backs away from me.
I scurry forward and cling to him, trying to hug the anxiety from him.
"Alpha.. you didn't hurt me.. I promise.."
"You sure..?"
"I'm sure, Kyle.. not at all.." I reach up and kiss his cheek. He looks me up and down, making sure that I am telling the truth.
"Why'd you run off..? You weren't there when I woke up..." I gulp
"I- I was running away from rejection.. didn't want you to regret it.. so I - I ran.."
"Why would you think..-" he starts with a furrowed brow, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Oh, you silly girl.. come here.. I'd never regret even one second spent with you.." he whispers into my hair as he hugs me tightly.
He pulls away from the hug and looks around at his pack..
"Dinner..?" John suggests.
The Alphas all nod, and I feel a gloved hand take mine and drag me back towards their private quarter. I turn my head back to the others and stumble after the hand that is pulling me. It's Simon.
"Gave us all a hell of a fright there , little bird" he grunts..
"I don't want your apologies, love. Just need you to stay, yeah..?"
"Yeah, Simon. I'll try staying this time. no more running away.." I whisper
"No more running away.." he repeats, softly.
I feel the softest squeeze on my hand.
I squeeze back.
A silent promise to each other.
We are both ... damaged.
But Christ, we'd try...
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darklcy · 11 months
𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞.
‣ requsted by @ipromiseimnotthirsty : hello! if your requests are open, would you write robin x reader smut where reader has been teasing robin all day until she snaps? maybe they’ve been in public/with other people/in class all day and then they get home? thank you!!
‣ robin buckley x f! reader | stranger things mastelist | 1.5k words | 18+ MDNI, heavy petting, skin on skin, sexual tension, swearing, reader has boobas, college au, no use of y/n, fingering, make out sesh
‣ this is actually one of the first times i've ever written smut so i hope i did you justice adfafawe sorry this one took so long! enjoy my luvs
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Something must’ve been in the air today, she thinks.
Surely that’s why her skin flared red, insides grinding like an engine, knee bouncing beneath her desk anxiously while trying to find a rhythm with the pencil in her grip. Professor Smith’s lecture faded quiet, the woman pointing to an assignment on the board that was to be finished come Monday morning. Robin slouched further into her chair.
…A shoe trails the inside of her calf. 
Her eyes close while her lips tighten. Nudging it away, she ignores the playful scoff behind her. 
Quit it.
The shoe lightly pokes her back, the tip of a canvas converse tapping into her corduroy pants. Smith and the chalkboard mesh together in a blur, a sweaty induced blur with Robin’s only focus being the damn girl behind her. The same damn girl who’s been riling up her nerves the whole class period.
The tip of a finger twirls around a strand of Robin’s bob, a phantom sensation of pulling on her scalp before the tension releases. Something’s gotta be in the air today.
The lunch line was annoyingly long today. Her weight shifts from feet to feet as her shoulder leans against the wall, awaiting her turn to enter the school cafe and order some overpriced food the campus provides. Not her usual choice, but waking up late damned her to forget packing a sack lunch. A student with a plastic tray walks by. Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. Her nose twitches.
A sharp pinch to her side jolts her awake.
Of course it’s you. Robin’s hand flies to her chest.
“My god, you scared me.”
“Good, I was trying to.”
Do you even know what you’re doing or is it just a state of oblivion?
“What’s for lunch today?”
“Uhh, steak and mashed potatoes.”
She watches you contemplate. 
“Hm. I’ll save you a spot.”
Your hand caresses her shoulder, but as you depart, trails down her arm before releasing at her wrist. Goosebumps stem up from her fingertips, unable to do anything else except watch you prance away to an empty table, joining a couple other classmates, and sure enough, placing your bag to the seat right next to yours.
You smile in greeting like it was just a regular day. It was almost mocking her. Her freckles could feel the heat underneath her pores. 
Someone taps her shoulder. “Can you move up.”
— Last period of the day. Thank god.
She’d just about had it with you and your damn mannerisms. It’s never riled her up like this before, but surely there’s something in the air, with how much she wants to just-
“Wanna hangout today?”
You two hangout every day, yet you still ask. She hops in your passenger seat and leans her cheek against her palm, strategically moving her knees a bit away from you. Your hand still finds its way to her knee.
You commuted to class everyday, seeing how you only lived a couple blocks down the road. Robin doesn’t complain, her roommate wasn’t really her favorite person to hangout with anyways. Most days it was just awkward silence and greetings. 
“You won’t believe what happened in chem. Jason Carver messed up on the lab, and made a huge mess. His face was so fucking funny, he kept whining about how his sweater was ruined.”
You shake your head with laughter. Robin doesn’t react.
“Rob? You listening? I just said Jason Carver made an ass of himself and you’re like not responding.”
She raises her head when you squeeze her knee twice.
“Oh, yeah. No, that’s funny.”
You scoff. “I love your enthusiasm.”
Robin’s tongue rolls the inside of her mouth, her face returning to its rest against her palm. 
The familiar neighborhood streets fade in, your car slowing to a park, when Robin finally breaks. Her hands pull you into her immediately, her torso leaning over the gear shift to reach you better. She feels you smile against her, your hands gripping her hair and tugging gently. 
“You’ve been driving me crazy all fucking day.”
Robin groans into your mouth while taking a swoop of air, only to dive back into you again.
“I was trying to.”
She wants to ruin you. She wants to take you here and now. She wants you to shut the fuck up.
Your lips taste so sweet. The gasps and whines she drives out of you she immediately drinks in. She’s so lost in you that the roll of your bodies hitting the horn startle you both apart with a jolt.
Robin swears as you burst out laughing. She glares down at you, but surrenders at your expression, your face squinting with giggles and smiles. She adores you. With a sigh, she bends down to steal another kiss. 
“Let’s go inside.”
You hum. “Good idea.”
Robin starts immediately where you left off. The second you two enter your room, she grabs hold of you again, not wasting any time to place her mouth on yours. She feels you hold onto her waist, gently rubbing your fingers against her sides. Robin bites your lip when you pinch her.
“You don’t know when to quit, do you?”
The back of your knees buckle against your bed, allowing Robin to fully settle herself on top. 
She hates how you pop the ‘p.’
This way is much better, she finds. No damn gear shift or car horn to drive you apart now. This way she can feel you entirely, your warmth, your breath, your soft skin. Her knee glides up to rest between your legs, smiling when you stutter, your fingers desperately grabbing onto her. Robin rubs herself up and down, her weight and position making you two hungry for more, kisses growing deeper and deeper. Who needs to breathe air when she could just live here, in your body, in your affection?
She feels her shirt rise with her movements, to which she momentarily pauses to sit up and rid herself of the damn thing. You take this chance to follow her, exposing more of yourself to her and quickly meeting her lips again. Your fingers trail up and down her shoulder blades, her spine, her nape. Your nails become your new eyes, wanting to memorize every single freckle and pore of Robin’s skin down to the minute detail. Robin was so beautiful. Her freckles were probably your favorite thing about her. If you could, you’d kiss every single one. You started with her collarbones, then her shoulders, your teeth gently biting her in between.
Robin’s arms encased around your shoulders, starting to mess with the back of your wired bra before snapping it off. She moved lower to embrace your breasts with her tongue, each lick and kiss quickening your breaths. With a pop, Robin moves to the other, her tongue swirling around the bud before wrapping her mouth around it entirely. 
“You know..”
Robin peers up at you through her eyelashes, her lips still working on your left breast.
“If I’d known messing with you would get you like this… I would’ve done it a lot sooner.”
You gasp when her teeth bites your nipple.
“Shut up.”
Robin’s tongue licks into your mouth greedily, shutting you up in the best way. You find the latch hooking her bra together and eagerly rip it off, your fingers grabbing at her while her mouth occupies itself with yours. Robin leans on her right elbow while her left hand redirects yours to the hem of her jeans, letting out a hum when they dip inside and find where she needs you most. 
She’s so warm and slick with heat, you find no trouble slipping in a finger inside, curling rhythmically and slowly. Robin moans against you, breaking apart from you to your neck, letting herself rest there while you get her ready. It’s not long before you slip in another finger, even allowing her to grind down against you to rid some of the ache. 
She practically whines when your fingers leave her.
“Take this thing off.”
She obeys instantly. Her jeans fall heavy to the floor and you’re back at it, her heat missing the two seconds you weren’t inside her.
Her moans and whines could sustain you forever. It feels so good to make her feel good, you could probably reach your limit right here and now just drunk off her pleasure. Three fingers in now, pumping in and out, in and out. She’s close, you can feel it. It’s almost amusing how her cool exterior dumbs down to whimpers the moment someone touches her. 
“I’m getting, I’m,”
You leave a lingering kiss on her cheek, while Robin’s eyes clenched shut, her walls closing down on your fingers as she lets go. Her moans are euphoric and beautiful, and being this close you can feel them all around you, surrounding your five senses, and you find yourself starting to moan with her, too.
Her body collapses onto you, her sweaty cheek meeting the crook of your neck while your slick covered fingers come up to your lips to be licked clean. Robin can hear you hum at the sensation, annoyingly popping your fingers like a cartoon character after finishing a gourmet meal.
“You taste so sweet, Rob.”
You can’t hold back your grin as she groans into your skin.
“God, shut up.”
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anjelicawrites · 8 months
Once poly!Aemond asked his lovers to help him stay in subspace for the whole weekend. It had been a couple of grueling months and he felt his brain needing to be disconnected from everything. He was cutely uncoordinated and in need to be touched all the time, both reader and Osferth walking around with an Aemond koala plastered on their backs. When his lovers gently helped him back, he felt like he had recharged his batteries. The weird thing had been Vhagar, who was less cranky herself and even let reader’s adopted donkey sniff her snout.
From one of your headcannons can you elaborate more pls??? 😏
The OG!Poly is back!
Warnings: kissing, handjob, ass play, blowjob, hints at subspace sex, being in subspace for a long period of time, overwork, stress, hints at chronic pain.
NSFW and 18+ only please under the cut!
Aemond has been working hard on his latest project and had, basically, disappeared from your lives. He would sleep a handful of hours, waking up early and going to bed later and later, to the point that he had started sleeping in one of the guest rooms in order to not disturb you and Osferth. You two knew he was alive because he would send you quick texts or put his dirty laundry in the hamper, but he was a ghost in your lives, who promised you two that he was going to be finished soon. You and Osferth were worried he would overwork himself or that his chronic pain would flare up, you two knew that he couldn't afford it to happen.
The text message arrives in the chat Thursday afternoon, it simply reads "I'm finished. Coming home." You rush home, your only goal is to hug Aemond, which you do, the second he walks through the threshold, your arms hug his slender frame with all your might.
"Gevie, gevie, dōna jorrāelagon."
You can hear Aemond murmur in your hair as you take in his familiar scent, and the tension in his back.
"Please tell me you don't have any leftover work to do." "I'm done. I have the whole weekend off, my team as well." "Oh thank God!"
You stare at him with adoring eyes, take in his tired expression and the dark circles: all the alarm bells go off in your mind immediately. You try to help him relax and Osferth joins in when he manages to return home, to little results: Aemond is still a ball of stress on the couch, all the pent up energy trapped in his tense shoulders and in the way his eyes fixates on the TV, without truly seeing the stupid show playing. Not even putting the collar on has helped.
"You're not listening, are you?" Osferth asks from the floor where he's laying with the dogs. "I'm sorry beloved, my mind seems unable to unstruck itself from this last project. I am so tired and my brain doesn't want to stop."
He sounds exhausted, barely managing to run on fumes.
"Do you think there's something we can do to help you unwind? You never stopped working for two months!" You tell him, worried that he might just collapse.
Aemond hums in your embrace, pensively weighting your words.
"There's something, but I don't know if it's feasible." "Tell us and we'll see, together."
Aemond cups Osferth's face for a second and breaths in his earthly scent, wishing that just your combined presences would be enough to help him finally relax: he feels so drained.
"Would it be possible to keep me in subspace for the whole weekend? I just need to stop thinking and I don't know how!"
You suck in a big breath: it is so huge coming from him, who is still fighting against his demons, it's a testament to the trust he has in you two.
"We can try." You can hear in Osferth's voice that he is already shifting, taking control subtly.
"Let's go upstairs." You murmur in Aemond's ear, following Osferth's lead. "Let's make sure you're all nice and dumb for a while."
Aemond shudders against you, he closes his eye with a tired sigh: if only.
"We are not asking, my sweet prince." Osferth's voice is a low rumble that sends a shiver down Aemond's back. "You will stop thinking, I don't care how long that is going to take."
"Or how many times you're going to come for us, like a good boy." You add.
"I want that, badly. My brain doesn't seem to want to follow the plan." Again, defeated against his own mind.
"It's not your brain we're interested in."
Aemond groans when Osferth's hand sneaks inside his loose trousers and curls around his soft cock.
"You're going to come for us, you don't have a choice."
Osferth's voice has deepened to a growl as his hands slowly moves up and down Aemond's cock. You can see how enlarged his pupils are, how feral his smile is when he notices your fingers finding their home around Aemond's sensitive nipples, pinching them until he lets out a soft whine.
"You're playing dirty." He stammers, his head leans on your shoulder. "You have no idea Aemond."
He whines again when the hand around his, now, hard cock jacks him with intent, fluid already seeping from the bulbous head, hips canting to follow the rhythm Osferth has chosen for him.
"Come, now."
Aemond can hear the command in his voice and that makes the coil in his stomach curl tighter and tighter with every fast movement of the hand around his cock and your cruel fingers on his nipples, the orgasm so close he can almost taste it, yet just a step away from him, his brain still running a hundred miles per hour.
The sudden pain of your fingers pinching his nipples tear through the million thoughts in his head and he comes, body kept upright by yours and Osferth's, who keeps pumping his cock, milking it until Aemond whimpers, raw already with overstimulation.
Aemond is not fully aware of how he finds himself on the bed, naked and hard, his mind is fuzzy on the details of walking up the stairs as you and Osferth kiss and bite his skin and lips, and all his clothes are gone and he is defenseless under your stares: where he wants to be.
The pleasure that slowly consumes his overworked brain never stops, you two dead set in driving him absolutely out of his mind with your teeth, mouths and hands.
He begs when your lips find home around his erection, again, in the attempt to suck his brain out through his dick. His hips squirm uselessly when his hole his violated again by Osferth's long fingers, muscles fucked and scissored until he comes down your throat with a shout.
With every orgasm he can feel his mind losing grip against the pleasurable pain you're subjecting him to, the threads of his million thought snipped at the bud by your bodies on his.
Yet he can't let go, his mind is so stubbornly clinging to the most difficult detail of the project and just focuses there as his body burns with pleasure.
"You know." Osferth's dark voice tears through this last stubborn thought. "One day I will bring you to a piercer and make sure you get the prettiest rings on your nipples. After they've healed I'll put nice weight on them, make sure everyone sees how sensitive they are."
As on cue you bite down on his right nipple and suck harshly, Aemond's mind snaps free of that troublesome last thought and finally floats in that safe space where he doesn't have to think, just feel and soak in your care, and Osferth's.
Aemond's body melts under yours, his muscles completely relaxed, the sign you and Osferth have reached your goal: he's into subspace, where his mind can, finally, let go.
"Come here sweetling, sleep in my arms. You did so good my heart." You murmur, helping Aemond on his side, with his face against your chest.
Aemond's eye is closed, his breathing slow and even, blindly his face finds your breasts and just rests there, where your soft smell envelops him completely and he knows he's safe.
"He's hogging your boobies." "Osferth, don't be morose. Lie behind me and be nice." "There isn't enough space!"
Osferth stares at you like a kicked puppy and, for five whole seconds, you feel bad for him.
"Those are my breasts, thank you very much. Second, Aemond needs them more than you do right now." "I need them always!" "Be good Osferth, come on!"
Osferth looks devastated that he can't hold your breasts the way he likes to, when Aemond sleeps between you two: he has to settle with just a couple of fingers on the upper side of one breast for the night. How unfair is that?
When you wake up, Aemond is still asleep in your arms, his long body relaxed in your embrace. With a gentle touch you caress his back, following the dip of his spine: he needs food and a slow awakening.
From the door Osferth observes you two, enamored with the way you are taking care of Aemond. On silent feet he heads to the bed and hugs Aemond from the back, murmuring that it's time to eat. Aemond stirs and makes a sleepy sound of contentment, cocooned as he is in the double embrace. He can only feel, his mind is still somewhere soft, while is skin blooms with goosebumps wherever your hand, and Osferth's, caress him, a tentative erection stands against your tummy and Osferth gently wraps his hand around it.
"Let's make a deal. You come for us and then we feed you breakfast." Osferth says.
In this state Aemond is nonverbal, he just nuzzles closer to your breasts and moves his hips: he doesn't need words when he has you two. His mind is hazy, yet his nerves carry the distant feeling of Osferth's rough palm around his cock and the sweet taste of your nipples in his mouth, both sensations cloud his mind and mix with the pleasure he has been feeling. His hips move following the long strokes around his cock, unhurried as pleasure tightens in his belly. He hears your soft moans of pleasure and Osferth's praises, the nipple in his mouth is pert and delicious, he can't help but nibble on it as his hips move faster, his cock head rubs against your clit with a wet sound he can barely hear over his own whimpers of pleasure as his orgasm explodes in his loins and his mind flies higher and higher into subspace.
Aemond lies on the bed, his semen splattered on his belly, his breathing slowing down: he looks like the portrait of desire, with his head on Osferth's chest and his legs spread out like an offering. He makes a pleasurable sound when you slowly clean the mess on his groin and tummy, kissing the head of his spent cock. With your lips you follow the path of his beauty marks, until you can hover his parted mouth.
"Let's feed you baby, you've done so well." You murmur and he preens.
He's unstable on his legs, he wobbles and has to lean against Osferth to walk down the stairs; you've never seen him like this, but he's never been in subspace outside the bed. It's endearing to see him, who is always preternaturally aware of his surroundings, walk on unstable legs, nearly hitting the banister with his elbow or trip on one of the dogs. He plasters himself against your back with an happy sigh, while you make coffee. You expect his hands to mold themselves around your breasts, instead he is happy to just feel your warmth seep through the clothes you two are wearing and walk with you, using your body as a crutch to keep his balance. He is not aware of what he's doing, it's just that you smell so good and are so soft, that his body simply follows its natural instincts. You have to put your index in the loop of his collar to maneuver him to where the bench is and have him sit down next to Osferth, who has already cut the food in small pieces and feeds them to Aemond in between butterfly kisses.
He's never been so needy of physical touch like he is now. He doesn't shy away from it normally, but he is never reached for it so openly; deep as he is in subspace he can't help but follow what his body is telling him to do: soak in the warmth of his lovers' skins, taste it with his lips and tongue and just bask in their presence next to him to even out those two month without you two. You and Osferth are keeping him safe as well. A part of Aemond knows he needs your help, that he is not capable of recognizing danger and that he needs to lean on you two for safety. Draping himself over Osferth's shoulders, or yours, and just walk with you this way is an instinct he easily follows and saves him from falling and tripping around the house. Pleasure and arousal mingle with the warm waves where is mind is now, with every orgasm you and Osferth extract from his pliant body, he soars even higher and falls deeper into subspace and becomes ever more responsive to your touch, and Osferth's, his body blossoming under yours as he whimpers and moans with every touch on his sensitive skin. Whatever refractory period he normally has simply vanishes and he seeks your combined touches, until you two have made love to him to both your heart's content.
When it's time to help him resurface from subspace, he stubbornly clings to it, doesn't want to come back and be himself again. It takes you and Osferth the longest time, between soft kisses and gentle words, to see his eye focus again on your smiles. Aemond feels boneless, all his muscles well used and pleasantly tired, his mind, finally, his own again.
"Welcome back sweetling." You murmur in his ear, tickling the sensitive skin with your breath. "How long was I under for?"
He genuinely has no idea of the day and the hour.
"It's Sunday afternoon." Osferth tells him.
Aemond says something unintelligible in High Valyrian, surprised his idea actually worked.
"Even Vhagar is not as cranky as she usually is." Osferth adds. "She's an elderly lady, she's entitled to be grumpy." Aemond will always come to Vhagar's defense, it makes your heart swell. "Not when you're in subspace. She never huffed and slept peacefully: that's a first."
Not for the first time you find yourself wondering about the bond between you lover and his elderly dragon, how deep that runs.
"Come here sweetling."
You let Aemond hug you, this time he can lie pressed between you and Osferth, without stopping the latter's access to your breasts.
"Do you want to sleep my love? It's too early to eat." You say. "Let's just stay like this. I want to feel you two."
His mind, lulled by your combined warmth, starts wandering through disconnected thoughts, simply enjoying the stillness, after months of non stopping worry. Indeed, you three should do this more often.
Poly taglist : @fan-goddess, @notyour-valentine, @aegonx
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firecooking · 11 months
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(bruhstation) hey neil! thank you very much for supporting fortezza bigg city so far :] I really appreciate the thought you've put into analyzing bits of my silly little AU, and I've also gained a huge appreciation for your own works as well. it's so clear you've put a lot of thought and research into your AU and it really blew my mind because everything is so meticulously thought out!!! and I'm looking forward to more!!! here's a quick sketch of your gal zaffre! once again thanks :3 (also you're inspiring me to make my own z-stacks oc! haha)
OHHH MY GOD LOOK AT HER MY BABY GIRL MY SWEET CHEESE SHE LOOKS AMAZING AHHH YOUR ART IS SO GOOD I LOVE YOUR FORM AND VOLUME AND HOW YOU DO YOUR LINE WEIGHT WITH THE OPACITY AND LINE DYNAMICS your handle on anatomy and rendering is really interesting to me, reading you work in Fire Alpaca with a mouse is mind boggling to me, i remember when I was doing the same years and years ago and the skill you show is really fascinating and i am jealous, the way your art is put together is scratching my brain. i have been doing art studies of it and trying to dissect it, it'd have such a interesting feel for animation, you have a wonderful style for breaking down into a limited animation style with a emphasis on dynamics with animation in a 8s, 6s, and 4s with 2s detailing and a hard tweening style [<- just professional animator things lol] The way you render shadow and lighting is also ough. This Zaffre is genuinely so wonderful, new desk top background moments. I love her gesture and expression here, it really captures her as a character! Also the way you draw hands, augh, just augh I wish.
You, my friend, are a fabulous illustrator!
And oh my god your AU is scratching my brain in ways I didn't think possible! I know so little yet there is so much there. When I genuinely say that it is affecting me as much as if not more that @askthefamous8 that is the highest compliment I can muster [that AU has been one of my special interests since 2015,]. I am legit making a post it note wall over FBC just like ATF8 had when I was in middle/high school
You have the most loyal human AU fan on your team now, I genuinely smile thinking about Fortezza Bigg City all day long, my friends and partner are getting annoyed to death from me ranting. sorry dear if you are reading this: I know you hate tugs
Also thank you! I really love doing in depth research, its the autism at work. I am a proud vehicle autistic. I've said it before but working on a ship for a summer just to know the mechanics of how actual sailing works is probably the most unhinged thing I can say I've done for accuracy sake. Loved my Captain and fellow crew, very sad I got sick and had to leave. Honestly would love to be a sailor if my heath wasn't bungled up and I wasn't like $200k of debt in animation college.
My humanoid vehicle AU's are partially based on my sadly never going to be picked up pitch bible for a science fiction based historical vehicle show [my fatal flaw is niche interests] And it literally makes my day to sit down and work on the most expansive and historically researched BS on earth, my AU is both a lovely love letter to TUGS as the show it is and a Love Letter to what TUGS wanted to be! At the end of the day TUGS wanted to be it's days Steven Universe or MASH [something I am gonna elaborate in another format later] but unfortunately it just didn't have the right ingredients. Its the Same as the TUGS musical I'm working on, it's a love letter to what TUGS both is and was supposed to be along with being a love letter to the characters themselves
Join the Z-Stacks OC League, we have cool hats and crime
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callsign-magnolia · 9 months
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 54
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 5.9k
Chapter 53 | Masterlist
June faded into July and Independence Day came fast. Bradley was tired but still wanted to celebrate so we managed to put together a barbecue for mid July. “Can I help you honey?” He asked as I set the ribs up to marinate. “Roo, I’ve got it.” I said and he sighed. “I just feel like I’m useless.” He said and I gave him a sad smile. “Well, you’re not useless. In fact, I know how you can help me.” I said and the left side of his lips twitched up. “And what would that be?” He asked. “Come snuggle on the couch with me. I’m freezing.” I said and he looked at me confused. “Freezing?! It’s literally ninety-seven degrees outside!” He said and I shrugged. “And it’s seventy-six in here and I’m freezing.” It was true. Since I came home I’ve been in one of his old hoodies and leggings. I smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him from the counter and towards the couch. “Well, you have lost quite a bit of weight.” He said and I turned and smiled at him. “You think?” I asked and he nodded. “Yeah, you probably weigh less than ten pounds now, so that means I can lift you!” He said and acted like he was going to pick me up but I just laughed and stopped him. We laid on the couch, my back to his chest and he kissed the back of my head. “If we nap now we’ll never sleep tonight.” He said and I nodded. “Yeah, but we’ll be up late tomorrow so tweaking our schedule for one night won’t hurt.” I said and it wasn’t long before I heard him snoring.
The next day I managed to put Bradley to work setting up the table outside with a tablecloth and some decor I bought. He finished that quickly and around noon the doorbell started ringing and Rooster was more than happy to get up and answer it. “Hey Mav.” He said and immediately Mav stepped in and hugged him tightly. “Good to see you, Rooster.” He said and pulled away, allowing Penny to hug him. “I managed to talk him down from tackling you. How are you holding up?” She asked as she let go of him. “I’m okay. I get tired easily so Mags has me doing simple things.” He said and she chuckled. “Well at least she’s not coddling you.” She said and he nodded. “Hey Rooster.” Amelia said, stepping past him and heading for the dogs. “Hey kid.” He greeted back, making the teen roll her eyes.  Mav stayed in the living room with Rooster and Penny joined me in the kitchen. “I brought the pie.” She said and I smiled at her. “Thank you! I was glad everyone else offered to bring sides. Makes this a lot easier.” I said and she agreed. “Wow, you really have lost weight.” She said and I smiled at her. “I know! I feel the best I’ve felt in a long time.” I said. “The only downside is I’m constantly freezing in this house. I’m glad Rooster is like a heater in bed or else I’d freeze.” She chuckled at me just as Coyote came in with a huge bowl. “One order of nana’s potato salad!” He said, setting the bowl down next to me. I pulled the lid off and moaned. “Oh my god that smells divine.” 
Soon everyone arrived and we got everyone to the table outside. Most everyone had a beer besides Bob, Penny, Rooster and I. Rooster wanted one but he can’t with all of his medications and if he can’t then I won’t. “Hey guys.” Rooster said standing and everyone looked at him. “I just want to say how much I appreciate you all doing the things you have done for us, not just during this, but during everything else too. Staying with Mags while I was gone, looking out for us-” “Yeah yeah, we get it! You love us and we’re amazing!” Payback interrupted and everyone chuckled, including Bradley. “Yeah, I guess that’s what I was trying to say.” He said and I laughed as he sat next to me again. Soon we all dug into the food, just enjoying being around each other. But soon the food was put away and most of the team made their way out to the beach behind the house while the rest of us dragged some chairs into the sand and watched. Penny, Amelia, Nat and I were talking before I turned to Rooster. He was leaning on the armrest of his chair with his head in his hand.
“Roo, honey? Are you okay?” I asked and he sighed. “Yeah.” I gave him a sad smile. “You want to go out there?” I asked and he nodded. “I do. But I know that’s a bad idea.” He said. “I’m sorry, Roo.” I said and he shook his head. “It’s not your fault. If I wasn’t at risk of popping a stitch then I would.” He said and I hummed, running my fingers through his curls. “We’ll do another get together to celebrate you getting better and then you can kick their asses when we play.” I said and he chuckled. “Yeah, I think Hangman needs to be taken down a notch.” He said and I chuckled. The day was peaceful and soon everyone went home, and poor Rooster was falling asleep on the couch when Mav and Penny went to leave. “Well, we better go. I think we’ve almost overstayed our welcome.” Penny said and Mav agreed. “Yeah, he’s been fighting sleep like a toddler.” Mav whispered and I chuckled. “Yeah, I better get him to bed.” I said and he nodded. “Goodnight, Magnolia.” He said as they walked out. “Goodnight.” With that, I shut and locked the door before turning to Rooster. “Bradley.” I said and his eyes fluttered open as he hummed. “Everyone is gone. Let’s get to bed.” He groaned but soon I managed to pull him up and we made our way upstairs where I helped him strip and he laid back in bed. “Snuggle Mags.” He said, making grabby hands at me and after a minute I managed to strip myself and crawl in bed next to him. “Did you have fun today?” I asked and he hummed. “I’m glad I lived to see it.” He muttered before drifting off. “Me too, honey.” 
A few more weeks went by and we were now in early August and officially five months away from the wedding. "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" I asked Bradley as I buttoned my khaki pants. I made a mental note to get new pants since these are getting so loose. "Mav said I could have off any time I needed for your doctor's appointments." He just smiled up at me from his spot in the bed. He had grabbed my pillow, tucking it under his chin as he laid on his stomach long ways on the bed. "I'll be fine, honey. Penny said she'd drop me off and pick me up. I will call you on your lunch break to tell you what the doctor says." I sighed as I sat on the bed and put my socks on. "It's not that I don't want you there. I’m hoping that before I come back and after I'm cleared we could take a trip somewhere." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist I turned to him excitedly. "Really? Where to?" I asked and he chuckled, placing a kiss on my arm. "Anywhere you wanna go, pretty girl. Why don't you think on it?" I nodded, kissing him. "Okay." I said, excitement seeping out in my words. I finished getting ready as Rooster went downstairs and made my coffee. "You will call me, right?" I asked as he met me at the door. "Yes, honey. I promise." He handed me my coffee and kissed me. "Have a good day!" He said as I started for my jeep "I love you!" He yelled out as I opened the door. I blew him a kiss and smiled widely at him before climbing in. The drive to base was uneventful but as soon as I parked Mav had me in his sights. "What are you doing here? Isn't Rooster's doctor appointment today?" I nodded, slightly annoyed at being questioned so early. "Yes, but he said he was fine with Penny dropping him off.” He wants me to save my PTO because he wants us to take a trip before he comes back." He stopped but nodded.
"Will you tell me what the doctor said?” I nodded. "Of course, Mav. We'll always keep you updated. He smiled and nodded before leaving me to put my things away. We spent all morning in the classroom, and I was feeling anxious. I knew Bradley would be fine, but I knew he was getting frustrated being at home all the time. After what felt like a lifetime it was eleven and time for lunch. We were walking out when Mav turned to me with a smile. "Magnolia. Someone wants to talk to you." Mav said as he walked into the hangar. I walked inside to see Bradley standing there, a large bouquet of roses and baby's breath and a bag of food from my favorite deli. "What are you doing here? Were you released to drive?" I asked as I rushed over, gently hugging him and kissing his cheek. "Doctor released me to drive, and I missed you so I wanted to have lunch with you and bring you some flowers."
My bottom lip jutted out as I took the roses. "You're amazing." We walked down to the cafeteria, joining the team who was so happy to see Bradley. Soon everyone got up and I was eating up every last second I could. “So, I have another doctor’s appointment in the morning.” My eyes widened as I looked at him. “Wh-what?” I asked, growing nervous. “It’s a urologist appointment. To check my sperm count.” I blinked at him for a second before tearing up. “Oh, honey. I wasn’t trying to make you cry.” He said, pulling me in so he could kiss my forehead. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” I said. “Maybe because we might get answers?” He asked and I nodded. “Yeah. It’s just crazy to me that we went so long without any form of protection and I didn’t get pregnant. I just want to figure this out so that way, after the wedding, we’ll know what we need to do.” I said and he nodded, kissing my head again. “Me too. Now go, Mav will kill me if I hold you up too long.” 
The next morning Bradley drove us to his appointment and he was so excited to drive. It's a freedom he felt like he lost for a while. Once there, we got him checked in and waited. I noticed he kept rubbing his palms on his jeans. So I reached out, taking his hand in mine. "Hey." I whispered. "What's going through your head?" I asked. My free hand reaching behind him and rubbing his back. "What if something is wrong with me? What if i'm the reason we can't have kids on our own?" I could see the fear in his eyes. "Look at me." I said. His warm brown eyes glistened with tears as his gaze met mine. "I will still love you no matter what." I told him. "Bradshaw?" A nurse called. He squeezed my hand as we stood and didn't let go as we were led into a room. The nurse took his vitals before pulling vials from a drawer. I watched Bradley who watched the nurse and he jumped when she pulled out the needle. "Woah!" He said as she turned towards him. "She has to get blood work, honey." I said, squeezing his hand that still held mine. He took a deep breath before turning towards me and squeezing his eyes shut. "Just do it." The nurse chuckled and stuck him. After a second his face relaxed. "Have you done it yet?" He asked, "I'm getting the last tube now." After a minute she was done and wrapped his arm up. "Alright, now we need a semen sample.” She said and grabbed a cup. "Here's the cup, do you need magazines or anything?" She asked and he blushed. I could tell he was flustered by the way he looked at me. "Um, n-no thanks. I have pictures and videos of my wife." 
I bit my lip, trying not to laugh at him. He just squeezed his eyes shut, questioning everything he said. The nurse held out her own laugh. "Many men prefer pictures of their wives over magazines." He just swallowed, nodded and she led him out of the room. After a minute she came back.  “I love when they get flustered, it's hilarious." She said, making me laugh. "As soon as he's done I'll bring him back to you." With that she left. After a couple minutes my phone dinged with a text from Bradley. 'Help me out here?’ He asked. I bit my lip, still scared that someone hacked my phone. But I decided to say 'screw it’. I double checked that the door was closed before I quickly lifted my shirt and snapped a picture, sending it to him. Another few minutes pass by before the nurse brings him back in. "How do you feel?" I asked, smirking at him. He sat next to me and crossed his arms over his chest. “I haven't had to do that since we got together.” I just giggled at him. “Not even on deployment?” I asked. He just shook his head "Didn't want to. I just wanted to wait till I got home." Now, he finally turned to me, tossing his arm around the back of my chair. 
“But it makes me think about all the ways I'm going to ruin you once I can get you in our bed." My face flushed, but we jumped apart when the door opened. "Mr. Bradshaw?" He asked, holding his hand out to Bradley. "Yes, sir. "He shook his hand before turning to me. "Mrs. Bradshaw." Neither of us made a move to correct him and honestly, it made me feel giddy to hear someone call me Mrs Bradshaw. "I'm Dr. Evans." He said as he sat across from us. "Nice to meet you." I said, my fingers intertwining with Bradleys. "You as well." He said, nodding at me. "All of your blood work looks good." We nodded. That was something we already knew. With all of his doctor's appointments recently, we were well in tune to his current health state." It will be about twenty-four hours before we have the results of your sperm count. So tomorrow, we'll give you a call with your results." We both nodded. "So what should we do next if everything is normal?" Bradley asked, squeezing my hand. "The next steps I would suggest would be for Mrs. Bradshaw to find a gynecologist. Our next steps for Mr. Bradshaw would be some ultrasounds. But if we don't find anything, then you'll still need more testing Mrs. Bradshaw." He said and I nodded. Bradley squeezed my hand, kissing my knuckles as he did. "Thank you, Doctor." With that we checked out and left. "Do you think Mav would be mad if I stole you for a breakfast date?" Bradley asked as we got into the elevator. I smiled up at him, tossing my arms around his shoulders. 
"For all he knows, we waited forever." I said and he raised an eyebrow at me." You'd lie to your superior?" He asked and I nodded. "If it means I get to spend more time with you. I will." I pulled him into a kiss, his hands falling to my waist. The elevator dinged and it took us a second to pull away. An older gentleman stepped on, giving us a soft smile. We stood in silence for a moment before the man spoke up. "Can I give you some advice?" He asked. I was tempted to say 'no', not really wanting a stranger to advise me on my relationship. But he didn't wait for a response. "Never stop kissing her." He said to Bradley and we both visibly relaxed. "Because one day she won't be here." My heart clenched at his words. "My wife died at forty-three. It's been twenty-two years since she passed. Not a day goes by where I don't wish I kissed her or held her more." With that the elevator doors opened. "You two have a nice day.” With that he smiled at us and walked out. Bradley and I managed to get out a ‘you too’ before he was gone. “Damn.” Rooster muttered. "What?" I asked, looking up at him. He continued to stare out of the doors the man exited through. "He just reminded me of my mom. She used to say things like that a lot." Tears filled his eyes and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "You okay?" I asked him and he nodded "I'm great.” He said. "Now let's go have ourselves a breakfast date." Our date went great, and I showed up on the tarmac later than I planned. The next day I was antsy. Rooster should be hearing about his results today and I was dying to know. But he didn't mention it during any of our conversations throughout the day.
I drove home in silence, my mind racing with thoughts of what his results were. What if he was totally normal? Then that made me the problem. I knew that Bradley wanted kids just as much as I did, and I hated being the reason he couldn’t have that. Once I got home, I slowly climbed out of the jeep, grabbing my duffel bag and making my way inside. As soon as I opened the door I was shocked. “Roo?” I yelled out. I could smell something from the kitchen and the house was absolutely spotless. “In here, honey!” I set my bag down, walking back towards the kitchen. “Hi honey.” He said as I walked in. He placed the lid on a tupperware container and slid it into the fridge. “What are you up to?” I asked as I leaned against the doorway. “Just marinating some steaks for dinner.” He said, walking over. “Oh so you’re cooking dinner?” I asked and he nodded, grabbing the top of the doorframe and leaning over me, his big brown eyes looking down at me. “I am. Think of it as my way of saying thank you for taking care of me.” He said and I shook my head. “You don’t have to thank me, Roo.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his chest so I could look up at him. “Yeah, but you deserve it and I won’t take no for an answer.” He said and I giggled. I opened my mouth to ask if the doctor called when he stopped me. 
“Why don’t you go relax and shower. You stink of jet fuel anyway.” He said as he scrunched his nose in disgust. I scoffed and smacked his stomach. “You love it.” I said and he chuckled. “Why don’t you join me?” I asked, my fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. “Oh, that is so tempting.” He replied, leaning down till his lips were close to mine. “But I can’t.” He said and I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Why not?” I asked. “The doctor hasn’t released me for physical activity yet. So I can’t fuck you like you deserve.” He practically had me melting into a puddle. “It’s so hard to resist when I have you in the shower, but another two weeks and the doctor should release me to live my life like I was.” He said before he pulled me flush against him. “And trust me, I won’t let you leave our bed as soon as I get the all clear.” He said and I grinned at him. “Trust me, I cannot wait.” I said. “So go shower and by the time you get out I should be putting the steaks on.” He said, turning me around and smacking my ass, making me squeal. 
So I decided to listen and go take a shower. I took my time and slipped into one of his old t-shirts when I got out, forgoing panties. I put my hair in a clip before walking downstairs to find Bradley in the kitchen seasoning asparagus and mashing potatoes. “Oh, so you can do more than make a reuben?” I asked and he chuckled. “You haven’t properly given me an opportunity to show off my cooking skills.” He turned to face me and he groaned, his head falling back. “Honey.” He whined. “What?” I asked, stepping closer. “You’re killing me.” He said and I smirked at him, pressing myself against his arm. “That was my plan.” I whispered in his ear. “So, do you need help with anything?” I asked and he shook his head. “You can help me by sitting on the counter and looking pretty.” He said and I couldn’t help but giggle and pull myself up onto the counter next to the stove. “It’s the one time I will sit still and look pretty for you.” I said and he chuckled. 
While he made dinner I kept trying to bring up his test results but he always changed the subject and by the time we sat down I was frustrated. “Just tell me what the doctor said.” I blurted out and he looked at me with wide eyes. “Sorry, It’s just been driving me crazy all day!” I said and he nodded before swallowing his food. “The doctor did call.” He said, sitting back in his seat. “And?” I asked. He gave me a small smile and held his hand out for me to take. I returned the smile and took his hand, his thumb brushing over my knuckles. “He said everything was normal.” He said and I could tell by the look on his face that there was more. “What else?”  I asked and he sighed. “He said things are actually better than normal and that if everything was fine, you probably would’ve been pregnant a long time ago.” He said and I stared at him for a second before taking a deep breath. “O-oh. Um, well that’s good that everything is, um, fine.” I stuttered out, fighting back the tears. “C’mere pretty girl.” He said, tugging on my hand so I stood and walked over to him, straddling his lap as he pulled me against him tightly. 
He hugged me to him and the dam broke. Tears soaked the back of his shirt and I’m pretty sure my cries were making his ears ring, but he didn’t care. I knew he didn’t. He just held me against him and rocked us back and forth until I finally calmed down. “I’m sorry.” I said as I pulled back and wiped my eyes. “Don’t apologize. For crying or for the fact it hasn’t happened yet.” He said. “I knew you’d put the blame on yourself and I was trying to think of a way to tell you without making it seem that way. But the truth seemed best.” He said and I nodded, sniffling. “This is not your fault in any way. It just hasn’t happened yet. No one has said it’s impossible, just that it may be a little harder for us, okay?” He asked and I nodded. “Okay.” I muttered. “I love you pretty girl. I hope you know that.” He said and I nodded. “I do.” I said and he kissed me gently. “I love you, even if we’re a family of two or a family of twelve.” He said and I laughed quietly. “Who said we were gonna have that many babies?” I asked and he laughed. “You said you wanted as many as we could get.” He said and I rolled my eyes. “There will eventually be a cut off.” I responded and he chuckled. “I thought we were going to replace the Phillies team.” He said with a sly grin. “No,” I responded. “And if we were to replace any baseball team it would be the Braves. We’ve had this conversation before.” He just smiled and kissed me. “I love you, Mags.” I smiled and hugged him, feeling a lot better in his arms. “I love you too, Roo.”
The following day I called my gynecologist and scheduled an appointment in hopes we could get more answers. “Have you thought about where you would want to visit?” Rooster asked and I looked at him, confused. “Visit?” I asked. “ Yeah. Remember? I asked if you wanted to take a trip before I came back to work.” It was like a lightbulb in my brain went off. “Oh yeah!” I said. “I forgot about that.” I told him, going back to brushing my teeth before bed. “Well, have you thought of any place in particular you wanted to go to?” He asked and I shook my head. I finished brushing my teeth and cleaned my face before making my way to the bed. “No, my brain has been  a little preoccupied.” He smiled at me, holding the covers up for me to slip under them. “Well we need to think of something fast, I’ll be back at work before you know it.” He said and I grinned, sliding closer to him and wrapping my arms around him. “And I can’t wait.” I said, kissing his cheek. We laid there in the dark and I was slowly drifting off when he spoke up. “What about Tennessee?” 
I furrowed my brows and looked up at him. “Well that’s vague.” I said and he chuckled. “You said your grandmother has land out there.” I nodded. “Yeah but that’s all it is, just land.” He hummed. “We could drive out and take the airstream.” He said but I shook my head. “It'll take us 3 days at the earliest to get out there.” I responded. “Well, what if we flew and stayed at a hotel?” He asked and I thought. This was in a tiny town in the middle of the smoky mountains, it didn’t exactly have a Hilton. “There is a little Inn in town. I can call tomorrow and see if they have anything available.” I said and he nodded. “Why don’t we go two weeks from now? I’ll be free to do anything and everything I want.” He said, his voice going an octave lower as he pulled me close and nudged his nose against mine. “I’ll call tomorrow.” I said and he nodded before pressing his lips to mine. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Bob asked as I got up from the table we were eating at. “I gotta make a call.” I said as I walked outside. I found the number for the Inn and pressed the call button. “Black Bear Inn, how may I help you?” A thick feminine southern accent answered the phone. “Hi, I was wondering if you have any rooms available for the night of the nineteenth and twentieth?” I said as I crossed my free arm over my chest. “Let me just look.” She said and it was quiet. “I have our sunset room available. It’s got its own balcony and you get the most beautiful view of the sky up there.” She said and I nodded. “We’ll take it.” I said, a grin growing on my face. “Alright and how many adults and children will be with you?” She asked. “Just me and my fiance. No kids.” I replied. “Alright, the total for two nights is two hundred and eighteen dollars. I’ll just need some info and a card number. I gave her the info and made my way back to the hangar. Lunch was over now and I knew everyone was headed back there. 
“Where did you disappear to?” Hangman asked as he slid up next to me. “Just booking a trip for Rooster and I.” I said and he chuckled. “Where to? If he has anything to do with it, it’ll be Hawaii.” He said and I chuckled because usually, he’d be right. “No actually, we’re going to the Great Smoky Mountains.” I said and he furrowed his brows. “Wasn’t that where your grandmother lived?” He asked and I nodded. “Yeah, the house burned down not long after she died. But it’ll be nice to go back out there for a weekend.” I said and he nodded as we walked in. “Hey Mav.” I said, walking over to him. He turned to me and smiled. “Ready for your hop?” He asked and I nodded. “I am, but I’m going to need next Friday off.” I said and he raised a brow. “That’s a little short notice isn’t it?” He asked and I nodded. “It’s the trip Rooster and I are going on. We’ll just be gone for the weekend.” I said as I pulled my helmet from its bag. “I’ll see if I can swing it.” He said with a wink. “You better. I just paid for it.” He just laughed at me. “If you can beat me in the sky, I can guarantee it.” He said and I held my hand out for him to shake. He stared at it for a moment before grasping my hand and shaking it. “You’re on.” 
“You really beat Mav in a one on two?” Bradley asked as I reheated some leftovers. “You say that like you’re surprised.” I gave him an angry look as I turned to face him and put my hand on my hip. “What?! No! No, honey I know you can do these things I was just… just…” I started laughing at his stuttering. “It’s okay, honey. I surprised myself too.” The panic washed from his face and he visibly relaxed. “Don’t scare me like that.” He said and I giggled. “Oh come on, it was fun!” I said and he shook his head. “Yeah, for you! I was scared!” He said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Oh but I did get the nineteenth off and I booked us a room at the Inn in town.” I said and he grinned at me. “Then I will book our flight.” He said and I turned to face him, my arms going around his shoulders. “And I will call Penny and see if Amelia can watch the dogs while we’re gone.” He nodded and kissed me before disappearing from the room. 
I grabbed my phone and dialed Penny’s number. “Hello?” She answered. “Hi Penny.” I said as I grabbed some spices from the cabinet. “Hey! What are you up to?” She asked. “Making dinner.” I replied as I sprinkled some seasonings on the brussel sprouts I was putting in the oven. “Me too.” She responded. “So I called with a question.” I said and she chuckled. “Shoot.” “Bradley and I are going to Tennessee on the nineteenth and we’ll fly back on the twenty-first, and we were wondering if Amelia would be free to watch the dogs?” I asked. “I think so, but I’ll double check with her. Can I get back to you?” She asked and agreed. Soon we said our goodbyes and dinner was almost ready. I quickly finished it up and Bradley came to join me at the table. “So can Amelia do it?” He asked and I shrugged. “Penny is going to ask and get back with me.” I said and he nodded, pulling my chair out. “What if she can’t?” He asked before he grinned at me. “We could let Coyote stay with them.” I glared at him after I sat down. “I love Coyote. I do. But the man does not know the first thing about taking care of two dogs.” I said and he chuckled. “Yeah, he always struck me as more of a cat guy myself.” He said and we laughed because it wasn’t true. “We could ask Bob to do it, or Nat and Hangman.” I suggested and he raised his eyebrows at me. “I do not want those two fucking in our bed.” He said and I rolled my eyes. “We do have a guest room, you know.” 
Penny called me the next day so I wandered over to Nat and Hangman. “Can I ask y’all a favor?” They both turned to me with a raised brow. “I don’t know. I’m not one to do favors.” Hangman said and I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Bradley and I are going out of town next Friday and we’ll be gone all weekend. Amelia usually watches the dogs but she can’t this time so I was wondering if y’all would?” I asked and they immediately nodded. “Of course.” Nat said and I smiled at her before yanking her into a hug. “Thank you!” I said excitedly. Now that I knew everything was taken care of I was getting excited about our trip. After an exhausting day at work I showered and went home to Bradley. As soon as I hit the door he turned and smiled at me from his spot on the couch. “Welcome home.” He said. He was lounging on the couch in only his boxers and he opened his arms for me and I slowly laid on top of him. “How was your day?” He asked before kissing my head. “Exhausting.” I huffed and he chuckled. “Do you need a nap?” He asked and I nodded against his chest. “Yes, now don’t move and snuggle with me.” I demanded and he just chuckled, holding me tightly to him.
I woke up about half an hour later and didn’t dare move. I was comfy and didn’t want to let him go. So I laid there, fighting to keep my eyes open until I felt Bradley hand rubbing my back. “You awake?” I asked and he hummed. “Do we have to move?” He asked and I shook my head. “Nope.” I said and he chuckled. “Why don’t we order pizza for dinner?” He asked, grabbing his phone. “I love that idea.” I said as he put the order in. “Oh, Amelia can’t watch the dogs so Hangman and Phoenix will.” I said and he sighed. “They’re sleeping in the guest room.” He said and I rolled my eyes. “Yes, they know that.” I said and he chuckled. “So I guess that means we should get packing because we leave at seven in the morning next Friday.” He said and I sighed. “You mean I still have to be up at the crack of dawn?” I asked and he chuckled. “You can sleep on the plane and in the car.” He said and I raised a brow at him. “You’re not driving from the airport.” I said and he raised a brow at me. “I’ve been released to drive!” He said and I huffed. “I know, but it’s a two hour drive to town from the airport and it’s all back roads.” I said and he sighed. “It’s just easier if I do it.” I said and he loudly sighed. “Fine! I guess I’ll let you drive even though you should be passenger princess.” He said and I laughed loudly. “I’m the passenger princess here at home, I can handle driving for a weekend.” I said and he chuckled. “That’s okay, you’ll be at my mercy in the hotel room.” He said, kissing my neck. “Oh god, I can’t wait.” I moaned, melting into a puddle as I lay on him.
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @fanboyswhore9 @kmc1989 @sunderland-6 @mygyn @halstead-severide-fan
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dandelion-sugar · 2 years
𝑺𝒄𝐚𝒓𝐚𝒏𝐚𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 『Scaramouche x Reader』
➺ Summary: You and the Traveller share more in common than anyone can imagine. But if there is one thing that sets you apart from the Traveller, it is your determination to create this mechanical deity.
➺ Warning: 3.2 Spoiler
➺ Author’s note : HOW COULD I NOT WRITE ABOUT OUR GOD?! Maybe I'm a bit too much in love with Scaramouche… BUT the character is just incredible! >.&lt;
724 words || 4k
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Everything should have ended as Nahida had planned. The data collected during all the many tests, the data collected with The Akasha…it should have allowed the Traveller to destroy the huge, godlike robot. They were so confident in their own ability. They were so confident that their plan was going smoothly. But nothing is ever perfect, is it? No one could have foreseen the betrayal of the young woman who had shown nothing but tenderness and benevolence since their trip to Sumeru.
"I hope you don't expect thanks from me?" Scaramouche asks, his mechanical voice doing nothing to hide the mocking intonation. "I wouldn't even dare to imagine that you might know the polite forms of address." You reply, a mischievous smile at the corners of your lips.
The Traveller extends his hand in your direction, before dropping it to the ground. Exhausted, injured, even if he wanted to, he didn't have the strength to fight you. Nahida was not at her best either, in fact she was unconscious. The pain and shock of having her gnosis ripped from her chest had caused irreparable damage.
No one had been able to react to your quick and effective attack. The vision hanging from your waist falls to the ground. You no longer need to pretend to have one. Your powers were enough on their own. The exhilarating sensation of this power makes you shudder. The power seems to pulse through your veins, spreading to every corner of your body.
You walk with dignity into the battle arena, twirling the gnosis dendro between your gloved fingers. Small, luminous vines would delicately wrap themselves around your fingers before disappearing as if nothing had happened. An endless cycle of rare beauty that you cannot admire any longer. The huge metal hand lowers, allowing you to climb into the palm, which guides you to the robot's face, where the new deity is.
Scaramouche's arm wraps around your waist, allowing you to join him in the narrow cabin, while proudly showing the Traveller his victory. He owns you. He has the gnosis dendro. He has won. You grin, savouring the grip of his arm around you. You feel his fingers lightly knead the flesh of your hip, almost as if to congratulate you on the long work you have been doing for several months. You hand the gnosis to the new deity, burying your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. A shiver ran down your body. A delicious feeling stirred your heart as he tilted his head slightly to meet the top of your head. You couldn't see it, but you felt the weight of it on your hair. He couldn't thank you with words, but his touches were always enough for you.
"168 times?! How on earth can the knowledge of mere humans defeat a god?" "Look at that. The simp crying over Scaramoochie's defeat. "It's Scaramouche." "Okay, Scaraboobs"
"Aren't you happy? You can pull for Wanderer." "I am happy…" "But…?" "It's just that I would have liked to see Scaramouche succeed. Did you see the desperation? The completion of his whole life was so easily taken away from him." "Are you still crying about it? It's been months." "SO WHAT?! My love for him is endless!"
Out of the corner of your eye you glanced at the Traveller, still wrapped in a possessive embrace as Scaramouche's victorious and mocking speech echoed through the arena walls. The Traveller… you couldn't help but feel a pang of compassion for its wounded form. But the satisfaction of having prevented your god's downfall far overshadows any feelings of remorse.
You and the Traveller are not so different. Two beings from elsewhere, outside the boundaries and lies of Teyvat.
But one thing makes you drastically different.
If the Traveller was supported by the intentions of some people in Sumeru. You, you have the Scaranation. And as a faithful member, you owe it to yourself to serve your god, waiting for other members to join you to form a cult worthy of the name.
"Soon…very soon, the world will be in your hands. I pledge it, my dear God." You say, lips pressed against his cheek, close to his earlobe.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Her Secret Weapon
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When Casey is stressed out over an important presentation, Tobias knows just how to help her out.
Book: Open Heart (Book 2)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish
Rating: Explicit / 18+ Only
Warnings: Explicit sexual content
Words: 1,115
A/N: Late in the Book 2 timeline; not yet living together. It's Smutember! And this is my Day 1 entry for the prompt "We've got time" @choicesprompts / Also participating in @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 18 - Taking Care of Each other when they're feeling low. It's been a while since I've written smut, I hope it's like riding a bike! 😂
Full Masterlist | Tobias x Casey Masterlist Smutember Requests
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The clock was ticking, and Casey was only half-dressed when she spilled the contents of her purse atop Tobias’s dresser. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she whispered, doing her best not to wake him, sleeping just feet away. But the volume intensified along with her panic as she fumbled through her keys, lipsticks, assorted receipts...everything but the one item she sought.
“Case?” Tobias’s groggy voice called out from bed. “What’s the matter, babe?”
Her chin fell to her chest, and her shoulders dropped in defeat. Somedays, she could channel her anxiety and make it work to her advantage, but today was not one of those days. In three short hours, she would be presenting the findings of Naveen’s case, a career-defining moment, and nothing was going right. Tobias could hear her breathing becoming more rapid as she began to spiral.
“What are you looking for?” He asked when she didn’t reply. “Maybe I can help.”
“You can’t!” She snapped. “My presentation is in three hours, and I can’t find my flash drive.”     
“Flash drive,” he snickered, stepping out of bed. “What is this 2009?”
“Very funny! You know the cloud has fucked me over before, and I’m sure it will fuck me over again. I feel much better having a backup, and now I don’t! This presentation is huge, Tobias, I can’t screw it up!”
He stepped up behind her, arms encircling her waist; she resisted a bit when he pulled her near, but even she knew resistance was futile.
“Hey,” he whispered, his lips landing on her neck. “Worst case scenario, I get you to come to work for me at Kenmore.”
He felt her body tense, and his arms held her tighter as she attempted to wriggle away. “Not funny, Tobias!”
“I wasn’t laughing,” he smiled, opening the palm of his hand to expose the missing flash drive. “We’re you looking for this?”
“That... that’s! Where did you find it!”
“It was right on my bedstand, babe. You left it there last night.”
“Oh, thank God,” she sighed, falling back against his bare, muscular chest. “You saved my life!”
“That makes two times,” he smirked. “And you know what they say, if you save a life, you’re responsible for it, so now I’m doubly responsible for you.”
“Is that so?” she giggled.
“Oh, that’s definitely so,” he growled, turning her to face him. “And right now, it’s my responsibility to get you to relax. You can't go into the presentation this tense.”
She had to chuckle, though her tension level didn’t drop at all. “Seriously, Tobias? What do you have in mind?”
His eyes darkened as he quickly unbuttoned the top of her blouse, pushing the fabric to the side to expose her shoulders.
“I think it’s fair to say that I’ve become an expert in helping you relax, so allow me to practice my specialty.”
“Tobias,” she giggled, gently pushing him away. “We don’t have time!”
Undeterred, he was on her again, the weight of his body pressing her firmly against the cold bedroom wall. “Oh, we have time, angel. We have plenty of time.”
Casey wanted to protest, but her will was weak as his mouth fell to the crook of her neck, lavishing her with kisses as his hand moved under the fabric of her shirt, deftly pushing the delicate lace cup of her bra to the side as his fingers nimbly toyed with her nipple. He smiled against her goosefleshed skin as his ministrations elicited a soft, feeble groan. 
“That’s it, baby,” he whispered against her. “Give in... I promise you’ll feel much better when I’m done with you.”
His lips were on hers, ravaging her with a kiss before she could reply. Both his hands now cupped her breasts, rolling her firm peaks between his fingers. 
“Fuck,” she moaned, partially amazed at how quickly he made her feel this good, partly angry at herself for being so weak in his presence. But there was no time to focus on that because Tobias was already making his way down her body. His tongue leaving a hot trail down her chest, her abdomen, as his thumbs looped into the sides of her panties, slipping them down her curvaceous legs onto the floor. She protested in vain one more time.
“Sshhhhh,” he said softly. “Don’t worry, princess, I know what I’m doing. This won’t take long.”
He pulled her thigh onto his shoulder as he settled between her legs, his lips latching on to her swollen core. Encouraged by the sweet little whimpers she was making, he worked deftly against her. His tongue lashing her clit with quick, deliberate motions that abruptly stopped when he could tell she was perilously close.
One hand continued to toy with her breast as the other ran through her soaked folds before two fingers thrust inside her. She let out a sudden shriek as he doubled his pace, sucking and nibbling at her most sensitive spot with abandon as her thighs trembled around him. 
Her eyes flashed open, the screwed shut as her nails dug into his shoulders, screaming his name as she tipped over the edge. His hands rose quickly to her waist, helping ease her body as it slid down the wall, crashing into a heap on the floor. Tobias’s bright eyes and a far too satisfied grin awaited her when her eyes finally opened.
“Less than five minutes, baby,” he boasted. “And aren’t you feeling better now?”
“Much,” she whispered. “You’ve given me something other than work to focus on when I’m crammed into the T.”
“The T?” He reprimanded. “The only T you’re riding today will be me after you leave work tonight.”
He rose to his feet and offered a hand to help her up, kissing her gently when she was on both feet.
“I love you," he smiled. “Go get dressed, and I’ll start the car up to drive you in.”
“Damn, I’m going to have to give you credit when I knock this presentation out of the park today.”
“Don’t do that,” he chuckled. “My methods are effective, if a bit unorthodox, but most importantly, they’re limited to you. So don’t go naming me in any papers. I’ll be your secret weapon.”
“My secret weapon,” she grinned. “I like that. Now, can you iron my blouse while I go wash up? After all, it’s kind of your fault it’s wrinkled.”
“Yes, dear,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Is this what it means to be doubly responsible for you?”
“It is,” she winked. “But no worries, I’ll be responsible for you tonight."
Tobias kissed her cheek tenderly, “And I’ll be counting the hours.”
Thank you for reading!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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cellard0ors · 2 years
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It starts because of the nightmares.
Laura starts having them in rapid frequency and they're always extremely intense. Interestingly enough they have nothing to do with werewolves or her imprisonment.
Instead they're more abstract and bizarre and she read that her hormones are no doubt to blame - a sort of 'pregnancy brain' taking hold of her REM cycles.
At first she tries to deal with it on her own, waking up gasping and clicking on her bedside lamp, telling herself over and over to relax, that they're just nightmares and they're nothing to get so worked up about.
But as they continue, they start to really interfere with her rest and she knows it can't be good for the baby.
This leaves Laura with one option, one she finds extremely embarrassing, but one she feels she'll have to overcome for her child's sake.
"Travis?" She asks into his dark room quietly. She hears nothing, not even snores (and she would have pegged him as the snoring type), and she strains her eyes, trying to pick him out.
He has a rather large bed with a huge fluffy comforter and more pillows than necessary. It's actually because of the pillows that it takes her a moment to pick him out
He's buried beneath a few and as she carefully treads in, she does her best not to alarm him. Apparently she fails, as he suddenly shoots upright, holding out his hand like he has a gun in it.
He doesn't (thank God), but she gets the impression he used to, as he makes a few disgruntled sounds before asking in a confused, sleepy slur, "L'ra?'
"Yes, it's me."
Travis lets out a grumpy sound and rubs at his face, "Mm'doin here?"
Laura picks up the gist of it, "I...I had a bad dream. Been-been having them a lot lately..."
She feels both stupid and anxious, yet she forces herself to ask, "C-can I sleep in here?"
Travis breathes in deep and sits up more. Even in the dark, Laura can tell his hair is a mess. He fumbles around until he turns on a lamp and he looks exhausted, but cognizant enough to interact, "Sleep here?"
"Yeah, I mean...if you don't mind?"
"Sure." He says as if it's no big deal and then he goes to get up, Laura holds out a staying hand, "What are you doing?"
"You-?" He rubs at his eyes, clearly trying to wake up more, "You said you wanted to sleep here."
"Well, yeah..."
"So, I mean, s'weird, but if you think sleeping here'll be better but 's fine. Just gonna go crash on the couch..."
"Oh! Ah! No..." Laura feels her stomach twist, feels her face flush, "I-I was hoping you...you'd sleep in here too."
Travis looks both sleepy and befuddled, "Um, floor's not great for my back-?"
"I don't want you to sleep on the floor!" Laura comes across sharply, because he has to be pulling her leg now, right? Travis can be dense, but not this dense, "I-? I want you to stay where you are."
If Travis is pulling her leg, he's really playing it to the hilt, because he just looks more confused. Laura sighs, "Your bed is big enough! I stay on my side, you on yours..."
"You-?" He says it so haltingly, "Want to share the bed?"
"Yes, officer. If that's okay." The sarcasm is dry and full of annoyance. Travis just huffs, "Not an officer anymore."
"Okay, well-?"
It hangs there, unanswered, and she feels like someone needs to say something, "You can put up a pillow wall between us if you need-!"
"No, I don't-?" He lets out a few gruff sounds and knocks the covers aside, "Just-?"
He gestures to the open space before curling up neatly (and tightly) on the opposite side. Laura lets out a breath and a 'thank you' before clambering in.
They both stick to their ends, but the air holds tension for some time. Eventually one or both of them succumbs to the weight of sleep and that's that.
In the morning, when the sunlight streams in, Laura wakes up and finds Travis gone. He's gone, but she's...refreshed. She actually did sleep well the rest of the night.
So, the concession was worth it. Laura's sure that once will be enough.
It isn't.
The next night she tries to sleep in her room alone only for the nightmares to return. Once she wakes up a third time that same night, shaky and disoriented, she decides to give up the ghost.
Laura goes to Travis's room, but doesn't wake him this time, as she notices he's to one side again. Instead she crawls in and makes sure to put pillows between them just in case, just to ensure she doesn't alarm him.
If he's alarmed, she never knows it, because the next day she just wakes up alone again, not one word from him.
Thus they settle into a new routine of sharing the bed.
It's not something they talk about - it's like when they share meals or spend time in the same room together, watching television or reading or whatever. It's this unspoken, amicable agreement they've just come to.
Either Travis or Laura will go to bed first and then the other will follow. They've each claimed a side and they sleep together - same room, same bed - no big deal.
Until one morning when Laura wakes up feeling warm and wonderful. Her thoughts are hazy, but she knows she's in someone's arms - she's not sure whose, because she's in that moment of wakefulness where she's not entirely aware of her surroundings.
She's not even entirely sure of who she is, just that instinctual feeling of cozy happiness one finds after a good night's rest and a gentle awakening. But, as her thoughts become more solid, more stable, she realizes that she can only be in one set of arms
His name leaps to her mind, almost bursting from her mouth, as her eyes pop open wider and, sure enough, Travis Hackett's arms are circled around her, holding her as closely as a child would hold a beloved stuffed animal.
Laura tenses up, wondering what exactly to do. Flipping out isn't going to help the situation and, frankly, it's...nice. It's been so long since she's been held, touched.
It's surprising how much one can miss physical contact from another person. Laura never appreciated it until she lost it. So, now, in his arms, she almost wants to languish here, enjoy the feeling.
And, selfishly, she does for some time. Eventually, however, she untangles herself from him gently. He doesn't wake up, but she does take note of a displeased wrinkle forming between his eyebrows - as if, even in sleep, he notices the loss
As if he's upset by it.
Laura valiantly ignores this.
It was a strange one off. No big deal. Their spooning. Big whoop. She's just going to forget all about it.
But then it happens again. And again.
Laura doesn't talk to him about it and, if he's ever caught himself doing it, he doesn't talk to her about it. Again, an unspoken thing
It's not as if it's anything overtly romantic or sexual.
Until, of course, it is.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 9 months
Pairing: BestFriend!Harry x Reader
Summary: YN, Harry and another guy have been best friends for a long time and YN has always like the other guy but didn't say anything because she was overweight and though the guy didn't like him back but then he confesses.
AN: Harry doesn't really have much role in this one but I just wanted to write this because personal experience...
I take out my key from my bag, walking up to my apartment door. I open the door and lur on the light. I gasp at the sight in front of me.
My living room is full of pink and red balloons with candles. A slow song is playing in the background. In the middle stands Hans with a Bouquet of roses.
Hans is my best friend, well, my other best friend. We are a trio of best friends, me, Harry and Hans. We have been best friends since we were 8. Harry and my moms are best friends so naturally we are too since we spend literally every day together from our birth. Hans came around in 1st grade.
We have been inseparable from the moment we met. We went through everything together. I saw them at their worst and held them close when they needed it and so did they. They were there for me when I cried or worked my ass out to lose weight when it got too much.
And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with Hans.
I have lost count of how many times I have cried to Harry because I can't show my real feelings of Hans. Now he stand in my house with roses and a smile that make me melt every time.
"Hans, what are you doing here?" I nervously chuckle, hoping to god this isn't a dream.
He comes closer to me since I seem to forget how to walk. "These are for you" He gives me the bouquet with a smile.
"T-thank you" I smell the flowers and look at him. "But why?"
"I have a confession to make." He says taking my free hand in his. My heart is beating very loudly and I'm breathing heavily.
"These past few months, ever since you had that... change in you." He hesitates looking at me. I know what he means, ever since I lost weight. "I have been feeling differently."
"I am starting to like you. More than a friend." He looks me in the eyes, something soft behind them.
Oh my God.
"This is too much, don't you think?" I point at our surroundings, filled with candles and balloons.
"Well you always liked grand gestures." He laughs.
He touches my cheek. "Harry told me." He doesn't need to explain for me to understand that he told him about my feelings. "I like you too, darling"
I forget how to breath when he put his forehead to mine. "Will you be my girlfriend, baby?"
I'm about to say yes when I get a strange feeling. I frown when I repeat his words in my head.
Ever since you had that... change in you. I have been feeling differently.
I suddenly get a huge flashback of mamories of everytime he made comments about my weight and told me I don't look good in things I wear. How he would look at me with disgust every time I wore something that showed my strech marked skin. He was so bad to me.
He doesn't deserve me.
I take a step back creating space between us when I realize it. He frowns in confusion.
"Y/N" He looks at me worriedly.
"No" I whisper giving him the bouquet back.
"What?" He says.
"No" I say firmly this time. "I won't be your girlfriend."
"Is this a joke." He laughs nervously but stops when he realizes I'm not kidding. "Why"
"Because I remember how rude you were to me about my weight." I look at him with a hard look. "If you didn't accept me at my worse, you don't deserve me at my best."
I don't wait for his reaction and turn back with tears in my eyes. I get out of the house leaving him in my living room. I don't turn to look at him one last time because I know if I do I might forget everything and take him back.
I drive straight to Harry's house without letting a tear drop and only cry in his arms letting in all the comfort he's giving. He tries to get me to talk but I can't get a word out so I just sob in his embrace.
I don't think everything will be the same again.
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bexreadstoomuch · 2 years
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Magic Man - Chapter 14
NSFW — SMUT 18+MDNI, slow burn, fluff, flirting, protected p in v, (wrap it before you tap it) reader has weight/image issues light angst, 18+ overall for eventual smut, drug/alcohol mention/use/language, EddiemunsonxFemReaderHenderson
Relaxing round the motel with Eddie, smoking and talking, things are about to heat up
Part 14/? [wc 4.5k] a/n - please please like, share and comment, your comments make me so happy and encourage me to write more! thank you <3
Extra special thanks to @whoahoney for your helping me with this chapter! <3
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14 - Your Stuck With Me Now
Celebrating turned out to be a huge get together at the local diner. Spread over a few booths, you and Eddie would steal glances over at each other, still wanting to keep things quiet about you two.
What were you though? This is something you wanted to address with him, but in a way that you hoped wouldn't scare him off.
The next week was a whirlwind of travel, shows, stolen kisses in deserted corridors, secret meetups late at night by whichever motel pool you happened to be staying at at the time.
One such evening you were sitting on the rickety white sunbeds, passing a joint between the two of you, watching Eddie blow smoke rings into the air.
“So sweetheart, I had an idea for one of the shows one night” Eddie says passing you back the half smoked roll up.
“Oh yeah? What's that then?” you quiz him, taking a deep inhale, and immediately start coughing.
“y/n/n, what have I told you about that? Dont inhale so deep when you don't really smoke this, c’mere, let me help you” Eddie holds his arms open, moving his legs to either side of the chair for you to join him on his sunlounger.
Standing up you saunter over to him, sitting yourself down between his open legs facing him. You can't help but stare at him. Taking in his features. And he notices. 
“What? I got something on my face?” He dramatically starts rubbing and patting his face with his heavily ringed hands.
“Oh stop it, what did you drag me over here for then?” You laugh at his antics.
“Ok ok, I need you to keep still ok? You trust me right?” Eddie answers moving closer to you, taking the joint from between your fingers.
Anticipation runs through you as all you can do is nod.
“Ok, all you need to do is open your mouth slightly and breathe in gently ok?” Eddie explains, nodding again as you watch him bring it to his lips, inhale deeply, and bring his free hand up to your face, thumb and forefinger on either side of your face, pursing your lips open slightly at his touch.
Leaning forward his lips a whisper away from yours he blows the smoke into your mouth.
Breathing in as he told you, you close your eyes feeling his hot breath on you. Something in you snapped and you pushed forward and brought your lips together. Eddie grabs hold of your hips for balance and your lurch forward. Meeting you with the same energy Eddies pushes back deepening the kiss, running his tongue against your lips begging for entry.
Granting him what he wanted, your tongues battle it out for dominance, all the sneaking around over the past week has got you frustrated. You had not been intimate with him since that first time at New Years. Not that you wanted to rush anything, but this just felt right. Eddie has made you feel so special since then. You were going to take your shot. Adjusting yourself in the seat you move forward bringing your legs over his so you were now straddling him, moving closer to him.
Your lips not yet separating, panting desperately into each other, Eddie’s hands move from your hips to your lower back, bring you towards him, moving back to your hips and he starts to feel you slowly start to rock back and forth searching for that little bit of relief you are so desperate for.
“God your beautiful sweetheart,” Eddie's breathy voice says between kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers into his long hair you start to grind your hips hard into Eddies feeling the growling bulge in his tight jeans. 
This only spurred you on, wanting more, wanting him.
“You in a room on your own right?” You ask him, a slight pitch in your voice as his lips attack your neck.
“Mhmm, yeah” he mumbled against your skin.
“Can we, erm, Ed’s can we maybe, err, go to your room?” Your voice was now no more than a whisper.
“You sure doll?” Eddie's face came into view, focusing his eyes on yours.
“Yes, I’m sure Ed’s, please” 
Without another word Eddies lifts you from his lap, adjusting himself slightly in his jeans, and grabs your belongings from the chairs and takes your hand in his.
You both practically run to the room, not wanting to waste any time. Getting outside his door, wrapping your arms around his middle from behind.
“Babe, you gotta move your arms out the way I need to reach the door key” Eddie laughs at you trying to fumble for the key in his jacket pocket.
You reluctantly let him go, moving your arms behind your back, bouncing back and forth on the balls of your feet. 
“Finally” Eddie huffs as he opens the door after struggling with the keys.
He dramatically bows down at the side of the door beckoning you in, his arms open wide.
Once over the threshold you notice the bed in the middle of the room, looking very daunting. You knew what you came here for but you were still nervous.
It’s not that you haven’t had sex before. You have. It’s just that it’s never been great, and most of the time it was so the college boys could brag about the big girl.
You turn on the spot noticing Eddie looking at you. 
“Now it’s you staring, what is it?” You ask him, hands clasped in front of your body.
“Just thinking, I was an idiot to let you get away all those years ago, your so beautiful y/n” 
You inhale deeply at his words and move forward, closing the distance between you, your arms swinging around his neck, reaching up on your toes to kiss him. It’s a messy teeth clashing kiss, but full of pent up lust from the pair of you.
Eddie’s the first to pull away, looking down at you breathing deeply, trying to catch his breath.
“Sweetheart, I just need to hear you say it again for me, are you sure?” Eddies softly asks you.
“Yes, Ed’s I’m really sure, I want this, I want you, if you’ll have me?” Your reply is all he needs to dip his head back down to kiss you softly this time, hands resting on your neck, moving slowly down your arms, resting on your wrists, bringing them to his upper arms.
His hands ghost back down to your hips, walking you backwards, all the time kissing you lips, cheeks,and neck, until you feel the back of your legs hit the mattress behind you.
“I got you Princess don’t worry, lay back for me, let me take care of you again” Eddies voice was sultry and soft, full of kindness.
Doing as asked you sat on the edge of the bed pulling yourself backwards until you were in the middle laying your head on the pillows by the headboard, Eddies climbing up following your movements until he was above you, one of his legs between yours.
Hair cascading around you like a halo, the yellow light of the bedside table the only illumination, Eddie thought he’d died and gone to heaven looking down at you, the light bouncing off your hair, giving you an ethereal glow.
Hands either side of your face he lowered himself down, pressing your bodies together, feeling that familiar need to release tension your hips raise to meet him, causing you both to let out tiny moans.
Mouths crash against each other hungry for the other, hands roaming and grabbing over each other's bodies.
You shudder at his touch as his hands snake under your hoodie to find the bare skin beneath, pushing it upwards together with your t-shirt underneath. Raising your arms you allow him to pull the fabric up and over your head, throwing it across the room, leaving you exposed to him in just your bra and leggings.
Goosebumps form on your skin at the sudden feeling of the cold room. Bringing your hands back down to Eddie's shoulders, you just stay there, looking at each other, drinking each other in.
Your hands shaking slightly you trace your fingertips down to the hem of his shirt, pulling at it in a silent request to remove it. Sitting up he shrugs off his jacket behind him and crosses his arms across his front grabbing hold of the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head, his hair cascading back down his back and framing his face.
Your breathing hitches in your throat as you take in what you see before you. His toned stomach begging to be touched, his piercings glinting in the light, almost winking at you. It was as though he knew what you were thinking.
“You can touch them, they don't hurt” Eddie says looking down at you as he takes one of our hands in his and brings it to his chest, helping you sit up slightly.
“Really?” there was uncertainty in your voice, but you couldn't deny you were curious.
Nodding and chuckling he took your finger tips and helped you trace across the balls of the piercing protruding from each side of his nipple.
“Its, err, mmm, actually really nice, makes them a lot more sensitive” Eddies eyes shut, his head tilting back, a deep sigh emanating from his nose, at the feeling of your fingers drawing tiny patterns across his sensitive skin.
You look up at his face, watching him try and hold it together as you trace your fingers, cross his chest through the small spattering of hair, to his other piercing tracing the same lazy circles. His hand mirrors yours, bringing them from your waist up your side, taking your clothed breasts in his hands, palming and squeezing, tracing his thumbs over your covered nipples, and back down to your hips again.
“Fuck, y/n/n, I love your body, your hips, your thighs, this ass” forcing each words with a squeeze of the mentioned body part. He felt you squirm as though to try and cover yourself up with your arms, but he wouldn't allow you to move, caging you in with his arms and legs.
Eddie suddenly buried his face between your breasts leaving hot kisses along the sensitive skin, causing you to throw your head back and let out a moan, which only spurred him on, gently biting and kissing those areas to sooth again. His hair tickling at your exposed skin as he moves lower down your body, leaving more open mouthed kisses down to your stomach, his hands following down to the waistline of your leggings, hooking his thumbs looking back up at your for permission. 
Nodding you watch him as he slowly pulls them down your hips, lifting them up to aid him, continuing to kiss down your thighs, you your ankles. Pulling your boots and socks with them he throws them to the side to the growing pile of your combined clothes.
From his position between your legs he looks up at you, eyes hooded by his hair falling against his forehead. He slowly moves back up muttering sweet nothings against your skin, the coolness of his rings against your skin makes your body tingle all over, feeling like there’s a flood bearing through your bloodstream, making everything heightened and sensitive.
You take a sharp intake of breath when you feel his fingers trace the lace hemline of your panties. 
“I got you sweetheart, we’ll take this slow ok? Just relax baby” Eddie's voice was soft, but still in control. 
Moving back up your body, he leaned over you for a few moments, the only sound coming from him was his ragged breathing as his chest heaved, the look in his eyes made you feel like he wanted to eat you alive.
“I just want to make you feel so good, sweetheart.”
Your reply was breathy and full of want for me “Please Eds, please”
He lowered his body ever so slightly to kiss you so softly, it felt like he was whispering against your lips. Breathy moans coming from the pair of you as his hand lowered back to the waistline of your panties, stroking across your soft stomach.
Not wasting any time, his long fingers manoeuvred under the fabric and stroked lazily through your folds.
“Oh baby your so wet for me already, all worked up for me” “Ooh, Eds please, don't stop” your voice came out at a higher pitch, enjoying the feeling of Eddie's fingers working their way around you, drawing tight firm circles around your now aching clit. 
Eddie free hand moves around under you to reach for the back of your bra unhooking the clasps. You reach up to the straps pulling them down, exposing your chest to him. His eyes flash with lust as he quickly is moving his lips down to capture your nipples in his mouth sucking and licking, making you moan loudly.
Your hands move around his neck pulling at the hair at the nape of his neck letting him know you want more, pulling him toward you. 
He slowly starts pushing a digit inside of you causing you to moan ever louder, pressing your forehead against Eddies, pushing your hips upwards matching this pace. Moving an arm lower, your hand going past his waistline palming at the large bulge begging for freedom from his right jeans.
Eddie's head buried in your neck at your touch letting out a low guttural moan, this is all the encouragement you needed. Moving your hand up slowly one handed you undo his belt buckle, undo the button at the top and slowly pull the zipper down. 
Moving your hand back over his crotch you trace your hand over the line of dark hair that descended under the waistline of this boxer shorts, Eddie suddenly halts your movements, removing his fingers from inside you leaving you feeling empty, moving your hand away from him.
“What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?” your words laced with worry and shame, searching his face for an answer.
“Oh sweetheart, don't worry, you did nothing wrong at all” Eddie says as he brings a hand up to stroke your face. “I just, fuck, I want to feel you so bad”
“Lay back for me, let me look at you” Eddie raises from the bed, looking like a vision in front of you. Messy hair, chest rising heavily, jeans undone, teasing what's beneath.
You start to feel exposed and try to grab a blanket to cover yourself up.
“No baby, let me see you, let me see your gorgeous body” Eddie's eyes were now blown out, but you could still see the softness in the chocolate rings surrounding his pupils.
Taking hold of the blanket you tried to cover yourself with, he places it on the chair across the room, and turns back to you, hands on the waistline of his jeans and boxers.
He slowly lowers them down, shaking them from his feet, before reaching down to his chain wallet in his jeans and producing a foil packet from within.
Upon standing up you can't help but stare. Swallowing deeply you feel your face flush, you knew he would be big from the feel of him outside his jeans but you weren't expecting what you saw. 
Seeing your flush face, he looks down at himself and you spot a red flush appear on his cheeks as though he's embarrassed. 
Leaning up on your elbows to look at him better you slowly part your legs open wider, bringing your legs up so your feet are flat on the bed, breathing heavily, waiting for his next move.
He moves so fast you don't have time to blink. He pounces back onto the bed, climbing up your body, kissing you furiously. 
“Fuck, Y/n, you taste so sweet, I need you, will you have me?” Eddie's voice is almost pleading with you, begging for your acceptance.
“Ed’s please, I want you so bad, want to feel you, but please, please be gentle with me”
“Oh baby, I want to take my time with you, don't worry, I got you sweet girl” He reaches down between your bodies, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulling them down agonisingly slowly. Unhooking them from your ankles they join the growing pile of your clothes across the room.
Eddie starts slowly stroking himself, before sitting up, ripping the foil packet between his teeth, taking the condom out and rolling it down himself. Taking himself in his hand again he adjusts himself between your legs, and teases your entrance, rubbing his tip up and down your folds, coating himself in your slick.
Small quiet moans escape the pair of you at the feeling, being swallowed by each other's mouths as he brings your lips to his again.
Slowly he pushes his tip inside of you causing you both to let out a moan. Eddie starts slowly moving his hips forward, still guiding himself with his hand, moving slowly deeper inside you, resting his forehead against yours.
“That's it sweetheart, your doing so well, keep looking at me, don't take your eyes off mine” Eddie reassures you with every inch he moves forward into you, taking every inch until you’re so full it’s the only thing you can think about, he’s the only thing you feel. 
Holding onto each other like you felt the other would disappear, you tilt your chin up to his ear “Eddie, please, mhm, please move” your words breathy in his ear, swallowing hard.
Eddie kept a slow pace, pulling himself back out of slowly, pushing back in with the same slow tenderness, letting both of you ease into the rhythm of being together, but eventually, you felt your body loosen up. Finally, it wasn’t enough anymore. 
‘More, Eds please, more, you feel so good’ the words were nearly just an exhale, but it was enough for Eddie. 
He kissed you passionately with a grin, and he plunged deeper inside you. From then on, his thrusts were harder and faster. He grabbed your thigh and pulled up closer to himself. The new change brought in a whole new angle, letting you feel him through your entire body. 
“Fuck sweetheart, your amazing, you feel fucking amazing” Eddie moans into your mouth, his tonge expertly working yours.
The pleasure was intense, and beautiful. Your mind was scattered, so you didn’t even feel your teeth graze over your lips, locking in your voice. But Eddie noticed. 
“Let me hear you sweetheart, please, oh fuck” the thought of Eddies ringed fingers biting into your soft thigh, knowing they’d leave behind marks, sent your head dizzy.
Trying to match his thrusts you brought your hips up to meet him causing you voice to crack at the feeling of him stretching you out.
“So fucking warm, aren’t you? Yeah you are. So nice and warm, warm on my dick, fuck, love how fucking wet you are. You feel amazing wrapped around me” 
“Fuck, Ed’s…you….this…feels so good” you arms grew tighter around his neck, each word coming out of you with each thrust if your hips.
You feel a moment of confidence hit you as you try to wrap your legs around his tiny waist and pull him closer to you.
Eddie's thrusts become deeper and harder, causing you both to moan even louder, spurring each other on, feeling him hit those places you couldn’t reach yourself. 
“Eddie, please, mmm, please touch me” you're almost begging him, grapperling for his hand to move it down to where you were connected.
Eddie's eyes flashed to you, his hair stuck to his face, eyes wild, completely lost in you, as though he was making sure he heard you right as you moved his hand to meet your aching clit.
“Ed’s please touch me! I think.. I… I think I’m close” your voice is all high and breathy, feeling that knot forming in your lower stomach, feeling like you could shatter into a thousand pieces.
“That’s it sweetheart, cum for me, god, I want to feel you” Eddies movements quicken wrapping his free around your shoulders pulling you closer to him.
“Oh Ed’s, don’t stop, god don’t stop” your head thrown back into the pillows giving him access to your neck.
“Shit y/n/n, are you close? I can’t hold on much more” eddies eyes squeeze shut tight.
Your vision starts to blur as tears start to form in the corners of your eyes. Not from pain, or sadness but pure joy. Joy of being in this moment with someone you truly cared about. And you hoped the feeling was mutual.
Legs starting to shake, the familiar tight knot forming, you clung to Eddie's shoulders digging your nails into his back.
“I’m cumming, fuck I’m cumming, Eddie.” You screech out. Your whole body shaking, your release flooding through your body like electricity in your veins. 
“That’s it beautiful, fuck I can feel you, Jesus Christ! I’m right behind you, fuck yes” Eddies thrusts start to slow, as he stills and you feel him release into the  condom, his flush face dripping into your neck, feeling the cold beads of sweat now beading under this bangs.
Heavy breaths emanated from you both, hands caressing each other, stroking faces, arms, your hand pushing his face away from his face, seeing his flush face smiling down at you.
“That was, sweetheart, that was amazing, are you ok?” Eddies asks you softly.
“More than ok” your reply is no more than a whisper, trying to regain your composure.
You felt like you could lay there forever, wrapped in Eddie's arms, but you needed to move.
“Eddie? Ed’s, can you err, can you move please? Your heavy” you pushed gently at his shoulders, as he lay on top of your breathing heavy.
“Sorry sweetheart, yeah, err, just, err give me a sec” Eddie shuffles moving his hand down to grab the base of the condom as he takes hold making sure it doesn’t come off as he pulls slowly out of you.
Rolling off to your side he gets up from the bed and makes his way to the bathroom grabbing his boxer shirts as he goes. You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched him walk away, watching his butt muscles tense and he walked.
“I can hear you giggling! Leave my butt alone!” 
You quickly notice a small design on his left butt cheek, squinting trying to make it out before he closes the bathroom door behind him.
“EDDIE?” You shout through the door to him. “erm, what you got tattooed on your butt?”
All you can hear is a low chuckle coming from behind the closed door. 
“Come on you got to tell me” You say as you climb off the bed making your way to the door, grabbing your blanket as you walk, wrapping it around yourself making your way to the door.
Eddie opened the door, his hair now pulled back in a low bun, a few strands falling down framing his face, adjusting the waistband of his boxer shorts on his waist.
“I’ll tell you in a minute, I promise” Eddie says leaning down to peck your lips.
“Ok then, I’ll be right back out, I’m just gonna go freshen up” reaching down to grab your panties and your t-shirt you scurry away in the bathroom.
Looking  at yourself in the mirror, you don’t recognise the woman staring back at you. This woman was happy, this woman was confident, you didn’t believe this kind of happiness was allowed for you.
Smiling back at yourself, you splash your face with water. You see some mouthwash on the counter that you will have to do for now.
Looking around you see a shower connection over the bathtub, and jump in, only to find Eddie's body wash. Lifting the lid you could smell him, sandlewood and vanilla. 
Lathering the scent over you you felt like you were back in his arms, warm and content.
After a freshen up, you quickly get dressed and make your way back into the room.
Eddie was already under this covers, lifting up one side inviting you in.
“Come on, I’ll tell you the story of what happened” Eddie laughed, shaking his head from side to side.
Climbing in you gravitated straight into his side, like magnets, wrapping your arms around this middle leaning your head on his chest.
“So, not long after we got signed by Wyatt, we all went out to celebrate. Things got pretty messy, and I was very drunk, as was everyone else” Eddie starts to tell you the story as you snuggle in closer to him, being the blanket over the pair of you.
“So, after going to and from a  few bars, we saw a tattoo place, and I thought it would be a good idea to get a tattoo, now beat in mind I don’t remember any of this myself, I had Jeff tell me the next day what happened” Eddie started to laugh.
“Go on..” you poked his sides making me laugh more.
“Okay, okay, so back in high school I always used to say Gareth was always trying to kiss my ass, either it be in DND for me to tell him what was gonna be in the next campaign or during band practice..” Eddie's voice started to trail off.
Sitting up suddenly, your eyes going wide realising what was coming next “No!”
“Yes! Story goes, I shouted at Gareth ‘Kiss my Ass!’ And he did! No idea where he got the lipstick from, no doubt Kelly, and we got it tattooed on me, so now I can say that Gareth had well and truly kissed my ass”
You both couldn’t stop laughing, as Eddie rolled over and pulled down his boxers showing you the perfect pout of a set of lips right by the dimple in this butt cheek, with ‘love bites’ written across the top and bottom. ***
“Is that? Is that the Judas Priest song?” You couldn’t stop laughing that it was becoming hard to breathe.
“Yeah, apparently I was singing it all night. You know you look more beautiful when you smile sweetheart” Eddies fingers come up to your face moving a piece of hair behind your ear.
Blushing you sheepishly look down, but remember something Eddie mentioned before.
“Before we erm got distracted, you said something about an idea for one of the shows, what was it?”
“Oh that! Well I’m thinking maybe we could sing together? I have a few ideas, and it's just an idea, obviously we don’t have too” you cut Eddie off on his tangent.
“I’d love to Ed’s!” you beam up at him.
“Really? Oh that's great y/n/n, I can show you some ideas tomorrow” Eddies smile grows as you gaze at each other, all the time he’s stroking your cheek softly with his thumb. 
You sit there, wrapped up in Eddie's arms, enjoying the quiet. You break the silence, it was no more than a whisper.
“Eddie… tonight was special, I erm, I’ve never felt like this before with anyone, I just, I feel, maybe..most people just.. you know”
You look up, seeing Eddie's lips twitch at the edges forming a small smile. Placing his arms around your torso, he pulls you close, laying you both down under the covers, reaching over to switch the bedside light off. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere, your stuck with me now”
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***Eddies Butt Tattoo from Gareth***
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tag list - @corrodedcoffincumslut @bohemianrhapsody86 @themrsmunson @emmalee-01  @jennk182 @whoahoney
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In one intimate moment between the couple…(D, no.20)
Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 This is a cute private moment between Gavin and the reader
Prompt 5, 15 & 24: a kiss on the temple, the jawline & on the shoulder
Gavin x F!reader
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Two strong arms wrap around me, resting their hands on the underside of my bump. Out in the living room, I hear the buzz of chatter continue and my lips form a knowing smile.
“Shouldn’t you be out entertaining our guests?” I ask.
“I should, but you’ve been in the kitchen for too long. You should’ve asked me if you needed anything. I was worried,” his voice drops cutely as he rests his cheek close to my ear.
I suppress a laugh and say, “Hmm worried or bored. I’ve been in the kitchen for only a minute.”  
“Mm, bored and worried. Without you, I always am.”
As always, Gavin says that with such seriousness in his voice, without ever missing a beat. This man is honest to his bones. He follows me, arms now loosely around my belly as I move around the kitchen, from the fridge to the counter. 
Today’s menu for dessert is cream puffs and cheesecake brownies. I steal one cream puff from the huge box I ordered and raise my hand behind to offer one more to Gavin but he refuses.
“Too sweet,” he says.
The cream puffs are dense. The minute I stuff one in my mouth, it bursts open with sweet vanilla bean pastry cream. I make a giddy noise, savouring the creamy filling. 
“You sure you don’t want one. How about the cheesecake brownie?” I say while my hands get busy cutting a decent piece of brownie. For quality control. 
“Mmm,” I nod my head, relishing the merry dance the rich chocolate and the sweet tangy cream cheese are having in my mouth. I hear a soft chuckle against my ears, and smile to myself. It’s not too sweet compared to the cream puffs so I make Gavin eat a tiny piece. He doesn’t mind it but he’s not really one for desserts. No matter, more for me. 
I arrange the cream puffs and the sliced brownies neatly onto their respective plates. Go to the sink and wash my hands. Then I lean back against his body, soaking in this private moment between the two of us.
“Hold on,” says Gavin. Then his strong arms support my belly and gently lifts it up. 
“Oh my god,” a huge sigh of relief and satisfaction escapes me. I feel a 100 times lighter, the weight bearing me down lifted by his arms. 
My voice is breathy when I say “don’t let go.” I grip both of his hands, afraid he will while I’m in the middle of basking in the lightness my body feels without the added pressure.
“I won’t, I’ll wait until you’re ready,” his gentle voice says, injected with a tinge of laughter. He rests his lips on my temple and kisses me there. 
I don’t know how long it has been, perhaps a few minutes, but I can’t leave the guests unattended for much longer. I would very much love to remain in his arms and have him support my belly but it’s rude of both of us as hosts even if our friends may understand. 
I tell him I’m ready. Gently as he lifted my belly up, he lets go. I feel the whole weight bearing on me down once more, it takes me seconds to reacquaint myself with the weight. 
“OK?” Gavin asks, planting tender kisses on my exposed shoulder.
“OK,” I answer.
He meets me halfway as I look up to leave a chaste kiss on the underside of his jaw. Then he brings the two plates out to the living room as I waddle next to him. 
A/N: Thank you for reading❤️
💌Asks are open: spots to kiss
Delve into my world
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© YOURSSINFULLYQUICHE2023 — no part of this writing shall be plagiarised, translated or reposted in any way. Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
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vvitchering · 1 year
After ep thoughts for the pirate (deragatory)
Haha guys remember when this show was about Din Djarin
I guess now that we’re in the second half stretch I can stop hoping they’re going to magically somehow turn the show around and have it get good again. Pacing still sucks but I did actually think this episode flowed better than the rest of this season has, which isn’t saying a lot, but it’s something.
I was REAL scared this was going to be another ep where it focused on characters we don’t give a shit about the entire time again but Din actually was on screen and did something for a little while! (Sad that that’s something I have to mention as an unexpected positive, though)
I’m really happy the show brought the covert to a safe planet and Karga’s offer of land to Din has come full circle. Even though it’s not Tatooine, my wish for a safe home where they can live like people again was granted so that’s really nice! I wasn’t super shocked Paz backed Din in going to help, he does owe him one. But that was nice to see too.
And I guess we are committing to ignoring the final detail they haven’t walked back yet from s2, Din having the darksaber. I would REALLY like to know why the armorer has now TWICE praised and rewarded Bo for things she ripped Din a new asshole for previously. Din destroyed his entire life to rescue a foundling? Excommunicated, no trial, no explanations, get out. Bo is there when they rescue a foundling? She’s a national hero. (Never mind that Din was once again the one who actually physically saved the kid) Bo takes her helmet off? Oh well she walks both worlds! Thank god we have been sent someone who can do that finally for the first time ever!!!!! (Are you fucking kidding me)
Not only have they IGNORED the character building goldmine that is Din’s journey from apostate to redemption, they’re just handing everything that’s rightfully narratively his to her. I won’t be shocked if they suddenly decide it’s fine for him to hand over the darksaber before the end of this season too. Why tf not.
I’m still not enjoying these episodes. I can’t for the life of me figure out why all of this is happening in this show. They’ve solidly set aside their main cast in favor of side characters and overarching plots that have very little to do with anything we care about in the context of this show. The Mandalorian’s strength has always been in its ability to tell a Star Wars story without relying on its audience knowing or caring about the wider universe. That’s what gained it such a huge audience in its first two seasons. Now it’s getting weighed down by the weight of a narrative that feels foreign because it’s suddenly had 80 tons of lore shoveled on top of it.
This show succeeds when it’s about characters and their journeys. Not only has it completely veered off of that, it’s few attempts to refocus back on it’s characters are feeble and stuck on the wrong people. Which isn’t to say characters like Bo-katan don’t deserve the spotlight, but they’re so show happy they could easily give her her own show. Why did we need to lose the title character of this show to lift her up? Why did we need to burn everything this show has worked up to to force in lore and wider universe stuff that have never meant anything within this context? The darksaber being in Din’s hands is the last detail they haven’t retconned from previous seasons. Like?????? Hello????
I’m aware the events going on in the background of the show will eventually effect the lives of the characters, but it’s so puzzling to me why they’ve completely gutted the character focus and switched to such a disjointed “we have to show EVERYTHING GOING ON RIGHT NOW” plan. I fell in love with this show because it was about characters making their way through the universe. Now I tune in every week praying the Star of the show gets at least five minutes of screen time. I don’t care and they haven’t done anything to make me care.
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sylviazem · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023- Prompt #11: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
"Manami, I wanted to thank you", Agnes approached her meekly. "For...Well, everything, really. Letting us stay in your lovely home and...Our little talk."
"Of course, my dear", Manami beamed with warmth. "You're very important friends of my daughter, after all."
"Um, speaking of", Agnes whispered. "Would you mind going for a walk with Shiori? Just for a little while..."
"...Is it time", Manami gasped and tried to contain her excitement. "Are you going to tell her?!"
"Y-yes, I want to try..."
"You can do it", Manami held Agnes' hand tightly. "I know you can."
Before long, Manami and a very confused Shiori left the house. As Agnes was making her way up the stairs to Shiori's room where they had all been staying, her heart started pounding in her chest. She stood before the door for a moment, took a deep breath and slid it open.
"Agnes", Otoha greeted her, sitting in front of a mirror and brushing her hair. "Hello."
"...Hi", Agnes responded nervously. Though her heart was still beating like a drum, there was something soothing about watching Otoha. "Um. I'd like to...talk about something."
"Okay", she put the brush down and sat towards Agnes. "Otoha listening."
"I-", Agnes sat down in front of her, still unsure of how she should say it. "I like you, a lot. I'm...in love, actually. With you."
"....oh", the feathers on Otoha's face visibly bristled and her cheeks turned red. "Um..."
"I-I never said anything sooner because-", Agnes started explaining nervously. "Well, um, this one time, when I was still young, I told a girl I liked her, and it turned out she didn't like me that way, so I've been really nervous about sharing my feelings ever since and once bitten, twice shy, you know, and I'm pretty shy to begin wi-"
Otoha practically lunged at Agnes and very awkwardly kissed her. She hesitated for a moment but quickly put her arms around Otoha and held her close, lost in the hazy, confusing euphoria of their first kiss. After a while, Otoha pulled herself away, laughing and crying at the same time.
"A-are you okay?"
"Mmh", Otoha sniffled and wiped her eyes, still laughing. "Otoha just...so happy. Like great weight has lifted from heart..!"
"So you", Agnes was visibly confused. "You've been- I mean, you...you like me?"
"Yes! Yes, Otoha has been...Lovestruck", she sheepishly twiddled with her hair. "Agnes very big and pretty. So pretty, Otoha not really know what to do."
"Geez, why didn't you say anything? You don't seem nervous about it like I do..."
"Otoha no good at flirting! Never been in love before", she laughed. "Otoha try to show interest with physical gesture but...Agnes never react. Thought, maybe not interested..."
"O-oh, oh no, I'm sorry", Agnes covered her face with her hands. "I thought you were just being friendly, I'm sorry for being so oblivious and nervous..!"
"No, no", Otoha hugged her tightly, pushing her face against Agnes' chest. "No need to apologize. Agnes very cute."
"...Wait, so...All those times I thought you were touching my chest when hugging me...you actually were?!"
"Er-! Um", Otoha's face went even redder and she turned away. "Otoha not know what Agnes talking about."
"...Gods, I thought it was just because my boobs are huge..!"
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
Heya! Its Lilith! I know I've said it thousands of times, but holy shit you write SOOOOO good!!!! You said to send in the ideas i had well i've got one! Could you do a Zagreus x reader whos is the daughter of Anubis (Egyptian god) and had been sent to go greet and Greek gods to ask if their underworlds could be combined for whatever reason? And she meets Zagreus and he forms a huge crush on her and they get together? Its a bit vague as i havent fleshed it out very well but I wanted to see your take on it?
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The Weight Of A Heart
Zagreus x Female!reader
Work count 5k
Warnings: Death, talking of the death of children, talk of doom for souls/gods, kissing, implied intimacy, no beta. Will have a happy ending, just in case that wasn’t clear
Note: Hey! Thanks for this fun prompt, and I hope this is close to what you were looking for. 💜 @jewelwayne101 (tagging you since tumblr was being a butt last time)
Quick thing to note: I am playing fast and loose with a lot of stuff, so just that in mind. I also had to read up more on ancient Egyptian mythology thus part of the reason it took me some time.
Like the sand of an hourglass, fate has come for you as well.
You stood straight and proud as your father carried the jackal head to you. Black as of void, its irises were made of gold and it stared at you accusingly. As if you weren’t worth it’s time.
You took a sharp breath, you didn’t care what the others whispered, you will prove yourself worthy as a daughter of Anubis.
Anubis stared at you and you made yourself hold his stare even as your hands shook.
At last, he spoke. “Be brave, you are but one more grain of sand among the many.”
You said nothing and bowed your head.
A heartbeat later, your face was covered by void.
Say what you will of the Greeks Pantheon, they knew how to make an impression.
Hermes stood bright and golden, his scarf moved like flames among the snow. You almost missed how cold snow was. And you didn’t realize how soft it would feel under your feet. You wondered if the rest of the underworld was like this.
He beamed at you and your Father, like you were old friends. “Oh my, Anubis. You didn’t tell me she got so big.” He said to Anubis, his voice lightening fast.
Then he turned to you, holding a hand to his temple then to yours. “The last time I saw you I think you stood knee high.”  He lowered his hand with a laugh, “I forget how quickly young gods grow up.”
“I trust that you will make sure my daughter will make it safely?” Anubis spoke more slowly but Hermes didn’t seem impatient. He acted like he had all the time in the world for your father.
“Don’t worry about a single thing, fellow guild. I know Lord Hades and his Queen had done everything in their power to make your daughter feel right at home.”
You doubted that but you knew better than to voice it.  You and the rest of the Egyptians needed this to work out.  If it didn’t…
As the door of the Underworld opened, your Father gave you a hug.
“Be brave.” He whispered
“For I am but one more grain of sand among the many.” You whispered back.
Anubis held for a second longer, not wanting to let you go but with one last squeeze, he did.
He took a step back, and watched you walk through the door. You gave him one last glance backwards as the doors closed shut.
Queen Persephone had a simple grace to her movement. She reminded you of a farmer’s wife, hardworking and intimately familiar with the seasons. However her eyes were the most pure green you have ever seen, not even the purest of jades could match it.
She smiled at you warmly and you took an immediate liking to her.
“Daughter of Anubis, welcome to House of Hades.” Queen Persephone greeted, clasp your hands between hers.
“Queen Persephone, thank you so much for welcoming me to your lovely home.” You told her. “I never realized how amazing it would be.”
Queen Persephone smiled, “I’m glad the boat ride agreed with you.” She took your arm in hers as she walked you through the entrance. “I must admit, I do wish you could have seen Asphodel in its prime.”
“Asphodel was that place with magma, correct?” You asked. You couldn’t help but look at the walls and the paintings, it was so different from your own home. Your eye caught on a picture of Queen Persephone sitting down with another god standing behind her, his jet black hair messy and his smile soft. His hands rested on her shoulders as they both looked at the viewer.
“That would be my son, Prince Zagreus. You will meet him and my husband, Lord Hades later.” Queen Persephone said, smiling warmly at the artwork. Even in her face, you could see the love she had for her son.
“I’m looking forward to it.” You said and you meant it.
Maybe there was a chance for your home after all.
However your first impression of Lord Hades and Prince Zagrues was less than… Fortune.
“Are you serious?” A male voice came from behind the door. “And you just-“
“I won’t tolerate this disrespect, boy.” Another male voice nearly shook the hallway you were in. You stared at the door, surprised at the sheer volume. The power of the voice could rival Set himself.
The other voice, the boy if you had to guess, just laughed, “And what if we don’t help them, how long before the-“
“Excuse me.” Queen Persephone said, her mouth tight.  You simply nodded, glad the mask covered any nervousness you might have shown. You stayed where you were as Queen Persephone pushed past the door.
Only when you were alone did you let your shoulders slump, maybe you had gotten your hope up too soon.
Then the door slammed open, and it took you a moment to realize that you were looking at Prince Zagreus. The painting didn’t do him justice, you realized. You didn’t expect his shoulders to be so broad or the strength in his form.
He stared at you, no doubt put off by the mask you thought with a twist of your mouth.
“Your Highness.” You replied coolly.
He blinked his mismatched eyes, odd even for a god, and opened his mouth to say something when Lord Hades placed a hand on his shoulder. Zagreus’ mouth snapped shut and he pulled away from his father.
You knew Lord Hades would be huge, Hermes had warned you about him and of his temper. Not all the warnings in the world could have prepared you.
“Daughter of Anubis.” Lord Hades greeted you politely as you shook hands with him.“I trust your trip was pleasant.”
“It was. I didn’t realize how unique every level of the underworld was. You must have put a lot of work into it.” You said.
“And this is my son, Prince Zagrues.” Queen Persephone pushed him forward and he offered up a smile, making him look boyishly sweet. “Yes, it’s truly nice to meet you, I don’t think we ever had a goddess from Egypt before.”
“I would hope not.” You said politely. Prince Zagreus looked ready to ask you another question when Lord Hades spoke up.
“I’m sure you would like a chance to rest after such a long trip, Lady Y/N.” Lord Hades looked down at his son. “Show her where she will be staying, and mind your manners, boy.”
Prince Zagreus gave a quick eye roll, an act so brazen you almost didn’t think it happened. He took a step forward with a smile, “Please, let me show you your room.”
Later when alone in a bedchamber, you pulled the mask off and stared down at it. You rubbed your thumb along the muzzle with a sigh. You rested your forehead on the jackal’s temple.
Please, please you thought to yourself, let this be the right decision.
So far, everything was going well. You and Queen Persephone got along amazingly well and even Lord Hades seemed accepting of your presence. Lady Nyx understood what you were trying to do and all of her sons were willing to go along with it.
It was all coming together and the chokehold that Ammit had over the gods and goddesses can end.
You stood on the cliff, looking over the beauty of Elysium. It really could rival Sekhet-Aaru in beauty, and you wished you could take your mask to feel the breeze.
This place will be well suited for your people, families could make a home here until they were ready for rebirth and no longer fear the bite of Ammit.
Yes, this will do nicely.
“Is there a place like this in your underworld?” Prince Zagreus asked, standing several paces away. You turned away from Elysium, and toward it’s prince. Prince Zagreus was an unusual creature. He reminded you more of a mortal warrior, almost too humble to be a god.
“Yes, we call it Sekhet-Aaru.” You rejoined him from the cliff. Prince Zagreus gave a bemused smile, and tried to repeat it.
You laughed a little bit, “Sekhet-Aaru.” You sounded it out for him, amused at his frustration. It took several more tries before he got it.
“It is also known as Field of Reeds if that will be easier for you.” You said, looking back at Elysium. “If I may ask where are the homes of the shades that rest here? In ours, there are countless.”
Now that you think of it, you don’t think you have seen a single child in all of Elysium.
“Homes?” Prince Zagreus with a frown and you returned the frown even though you knew he couldn’t see it.
“Yes, home. The dwelling which your people live in, just like you.” You told him, a growing pit in your stomach.
“Oh.” Prince Zagreus said, titling his head. “They don’t have homes, they have no need for it.”
“What?” You said flatly. No, that can’t be right.
Prince Zagreus raised an eyebrow, “Well, they have rest areas and the markets so they should be fine.”
You laughed, “No, these were humans and they are even after death.” You waved a hand, “You can’t tell me that you thought this was normal.”
Prince Zagreus crossed his arms, “And your Field of Reed has that? Because from I heard that Ammit-“
“Don’t.” You warned softly. “You don’t understand the first thing about your duties as an afterlife god, now do you?”
He scoffed, “I understand it perfectly well, do you?”
You stared at him for a moment, then took a step toward him and when he didn’t back down, you took another step. It felt almost too intimate to stand this close to another person when you only been this close to other family members.
“Where are the children? The farmers? The craftsmen?” You asked gently. Prince Zagreus blinked, not expecting the question. You continued, “If even children and their families are not worth all this,” and you waved toward the false beauty. “Then who is?”
“The greatest of the Greek heroes and warriors.” He said, and you saw something that looked like shame, “The others are in Asphodel.”
You gasped, “In the fire?”
And he nodded.
For long heartbeats, you said nothing. He and you stared at each other and you swallowed. Faintly, you were aware of your ears ringing. Prince Zagreus reached up and placed his hands, warm and rough, on your shoulders. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this would upset-“
You pushed his hands off and took several steps away from him. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. For a moment, all you could see was Ammit’s grinning mouth as she swallowed souls after souls and not even your father could get her to stop.
The great devourer and hell itself, Ammit takes all and leaves nothing in her path.
“Lady Y/N?” Prince Zagreus’ voice was soft, gentle unlike before and you suddenly hated him for trying to be kind to you when there were children living in the flames.
“Take me back to my room.” You ordered hoarsely.
It must have been a full day since you left your room.
A shade left a tray of food in your room as custom since you were supposed to only eat alone or with close family or with a lover.
You couldn’t touch a single morsel.
You sat in the bath, staring at the rafters. How had this gone so terribly wrong?
Surely your Father must not know about this. From what your father spoke, only Tartarus was for evil souls, too corrupt. He must have not known about Asphodel.
You sunk deeper into the warm waters, and tried to think what to do. Coming to the Greeks had been the last resort and they have failed their people. Ordinary souls shouldn’t be barred from paradise, especially not the little ones who never had a chance.
You refused to go home as a failure. You will bring salvation no matter the cost.
But what to do?
Eventually you got out of the bath, and put on a simple linen dress, not brothing to put your jewelry or even the mask on.
You paced as you mentally wrote a letter to your father, trying to think what to say.
‘Dear beloved Father,
I have failed you and all of Egypt.
Love, your daughter.’
You laughed unhappily, it was better than crying.
At the sound of crashing and footsteps, you looked up in confusion to your doors. Then Prince Zagreus busted though, waving off the shade guarding your bedchamber.
He saw you and stopped in place. He stared at you, a slight smile forming. “Oh. So that's what you look like.”
You blinked, and your hand reached up to your face, expecting the hard coldness of the jackal but touched soft, warm flesh instead.
Your cheeks flushed and you rushed over to the mask and quickly placed it on. Then you wirled back to him and he took some steps backward. Good. he should be scared, you thought, stomping over and shoving him in the chest repeatedly. He held up his hands but you only shoved harder.
“My father would have killed you twice over if he knew what you just did, you utter fool!” You hissed. Zagreus, because you certainly weren’t going to call him a prince after this, grabbed your wrists and held them carefully.
You seriously gave thought about kicking him.
“First off, ow.” He said, “I know I shouldn’t have come in like that but I don’t understand what the big deal is. It's not like I saw anything-“
“The big deal? You saw my face! It is an honor to share one’s face. You might as well walk in on me in the bath.” You snapped. You pulled your hands away with a huff, “Only my parents or a lover are allowed to see my face, and you are neither.”
“Ah.” He said softly. “I didn’t know. Not an excuse obviously. My apologies, I shouldn't have come in here without your permission. I just thought…”
You sighed, crossing your arms. “Why are you here, Zagreus?”
Zagreus reached out then dropped his hand, “I was worried about you. After our talk the other day, I haven’t seen you. And everyday since your arrival, you were always doing something. So I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
Between the careful look he gave and his gentle tone, something in you softened. You cursed yourself, this is why you could never take over your Father’s position. It was why you felt safe behind the mask, it hid any weakness you had and now you  felt exposed in front of this god even with it on.
A blush warmed your cheeks and you tried to shove the memory away of his smile.
“It’s quite alright, your highness.” You told him, feeling very tired all of the sudden.
“Zagreus.” He corrected you and he gave you that boyishly sweet smile again. “I finally got you to use my name, and not my title. Admittedly not the way I wanted but I would like to keep it that way.”
You said nothing for a long moment. Then you gave a nod.
“Alright, Zagreus.”
You made a personal visit to Asphodel with Zagreus by your side, quiet as the heat built. Even the heat of it was hotter than your own home. The coolness of your mask wasn’t much help.
Zagreus got out first, and held a hand out to you.
You lifted the skirt of your dress with one hand as placed your other hand in Zagreus’. You tried not to think how easily his hand enveloped yours.
You carefully stepped off the boat, glad you wore sandals at the least. You turned to Charon who stared down at you, he reminded you of your father in a way. Quiet and solemn and you couldn’t help the fondness you felt for him.
“Thank you master Charon.” You said simply and he groaned with a nod. With that he pushed his boat onward.
There was a crowd of shades, tucked away in a cave from the worst of the magma. Your heart tightens but you leave them alone.
“How did this happen? Was it always this?” You asked, walking besides Zagreus.
Zagreus was quiet for a moment then shook his head. “No. From what my mother told me, it used to be a field of these flowers called Asphodel, thus the name and trees too.”
He waved a hand toward the bubbling magma, “Then one day something happened with the River Phlegethon. And it overtook the land.”
“No one knows why?”  You asked, allowing Zagreus to guide you around a puddle of magma. His hand on your back for just a moment, steady even in the heat.
“No. I tried to ask my father but not even he knows the causes of it or so he says. When it first happened, they tried to build dams but it always overtook it eventually.” Zagreus said.
You fell quiet, slowly making your way through Asphodel.
This isn’t what you wanted for your people but it would be better than to suffer oblivion at Ammit’s hands.
“Is it true that Ammit just went mad one day?” Zagreus said when you and him reached the end of Asphodel.
You stood in the doorway, taking one last look at Asphodel. You tried to imagine what it looked like before Phlegethon overtook the land.
“No. I think she was always mad. My father is getting older, and the endless judgments weigh heavy on him. And one day…” You stopped, swallowed down the knot that formed in your throat.
You turned to him with your arms crossed, head bow. “One day, there was a child. Children have never lived long enough for their hearts to weigh them down usually. This child was just like the others and they passed the weighting of the heart. When my father picked up their heart to return it to the child, Ammit stole the heart from him and swallowed it whole.”
“Oh gods.” Zagreus whispered. You felt his hand on your arm but you didn’t look up at him. If you did, you might start crying.
“My father and Lord Thoth tried to stop her but every soul that came across was devoured mindlessly. Lord Osiris was able to close off Sekhet-Aaru before she got in. But every day since, any souls that die will perish to her, no matter how light their heart is.”
You took a breath, “This isn’t what I wanted for my people but it will be better than Ammit. Anything would be.”
Zagreus was quiet the whole way back home. When you and him were to part for the evening, he caught your hand gently in his.
“What is ours is yours.” He said.
‘Dear Beloved Father,
The Greeks had agreed to open their underworld to ours. They have been very kind to me during my stay here. Lord Hades, Queen Persephone and their son Prince Zagreus agreed to do everything in their powers to help.
I trust you and Lord Hermes already have a plan for what to do. I will stand by as I await your next orders.
Love, your daughter.’
“You’re being a fool, you weren’t supposed to let this happen. I trusted you with one job and you were to tell her they would get no help from us.” Lord Hades’ voice was loud in the hallway.
You didn’t mean to overhear, you were on your way to the library but you turned around and walked down the hallway you heard his voice again.
“And this is madness! I already lost control of the Phlegethon river.” Lord Hades yelled.
You stopped short, and tried to listen in. It was shameful to spy on your host but when it came to your people, there was no limit to how low you were willing to go. Especially since you just learned there might be no help coming.
“If no one minds me saying so, is it really that crazy?” It took a moment but that was Hypnos’ voice, “They are strong. Their morals and ours already share so much thanks to Alexander the Great. It won’t be that different.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, he is right.” Thanatos said.
“And Ammit won’t stop. Father, if what Y/N told me is true, Ammit will just eat everything until there is nothing left.” Zagreus said harshly. Even from where you stood, you could hear the desperation in his voice.
“He’s right.” Queen Persephone said much more calmly.
“Maybe it’s time to let the rivers meet again,” Lady Nyx said. “We have let them stuffer long enough.”
Silence filled the hallway and you almost left, fearing you would be found out. But then Queen Persephone spoke, “ After all, once Ammit eats her way through their underworld, what will stop her from coming to this one? And she will come for us, Hades. And for the Norse and Roman gods and so on.”
More silence.
“We need a plan.” Zagreus said.
It had been nearly a week.
You have yet to get a letter back from your Father.
You tried to comfort yourself by telling yourself that he must be busy getting their people ready.
“I found out why the Phlegethon river overflowed.” Zagreus said softly. You looked from the maps of the Greek underworld, blinking your tired eyes. One thing you weren’t warned about was much harder reading was with a mask on.
“Oh?” You said, voice rough from the lack of use.
You had taken up a corner spot in their library, maps spread out on the table as you tried to work out where you were going to place all of your people. Zagreus had joined you between his runs, helping point places where he knew they could settle in. He had told you the plan and at least, you had something while you waited for your Father.
“It was in love with the river Styx.” Zagures said, his eyes firmly on the maps. “They were trying to reach each other but my father was able to stop it.”
You glanced toward him. “But why would he?” Something in the air changed,a tension that had been building since the first day.
“Because my father thought they would destroy the underworld.” Zagreus finished. He marked an ‘x’ on part of the map, writing in Hyra next to it. You studied his fingers, they looked like a warrior’s hand, broad and rough.
“Yet it happened anyway.” You said with a sigh. You looked back at the maps, your people’s only hope.
Between the nervousness from the lack of letters from your Father, the headache that slowly formed behind your eyes and how the candlelight framed Zagreus’ face, you made a very foolish decision.
“Zagreus, are you hungry?” You watched his face carefully.
“Oh, yes.” Zagreus blinked, “I will have a shade get your food and let you eat alone-“
“I’m sorry.” You said quietly, “I meant to ask, would you like to join me for dinner?”
Zagreus said nothing as he looked at you, and you wondered if he was imaging your face.
“If you don’t want to-“ you started but he took your hand, gentle like you were made something fragile, something cherished.
“I would like that very much.” Zagreus said, his thumb brushing along your skin.
You blushed at the tender smile he gave you.
When you bare your face to him, he sighed like a man who finally got a drink of water. He reached up, cupping your face between his hands. Hands that you had grown familiar with and your cheeks warmed at his touch.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered, close enough to kiss. “I thought I’ve seen beauty before but I was wrong.”
Somehow your blush got even worse and you pressed your cheek into his palm. You never had anyone look at you the way Zagreus did. You tried to form words but every time you looked at his face, at the amazed tenderness of it, you lost your thoughts.
“May I kiss you?” It was a gentle request but you heard the undercurrent of want, of need under it.
You curled a hand in his tunic, “You may.”
His lips caught yours, dipping your head back to deepen the kiss. You and him moved together in the kiss, slow at first but it quickly grew desperate.
You broke the kiss first, gasping slightly. Almost immediately, you and him returned to each other.
For now, nothing else matters but you and him.
Unknowingly to you, before Zagreus had returned to you, he found where his father had kept the rivers from meeting.
He would set right to what his father had done wrong.
With his sword, he slammed into the barrier again and again. Until it cracked like glass then shattered into a bright light.
Zagreus huffed, his sword resting his shoulders. He thought of you as he watched the two rivers find each other. He didn’t know what to make of you when he first laid eyes on you, you were nothing else he ever knew. You still were a mystery to him and he found himself only getting in deeper.
A goddess willing to do anything to save her people, her family. He closed his eyes, he just hoped it worked out because he knew your heart, too big and too kind for its own good, would break if it didn’t.
You stood on barren grounds and stared out at the land. What once had been covered in magma was now hardened ground but more shades than you ever saw were walking about.
Two children darted past you, screaming with laughter. Even with the stress of the last few weeks, you smiled at their joy even with the mask on.
Lord Hades stood next to his son, staring at Phlegethon. The river still took a good amount of space but it was controlled now. If you could see far enough, you could see where there was a pool of magma for the Bone Hyra.
Lord Hades only sighed, and glanced at his son. “You’re a fool, boy. But maybe so am I.” With that he left you and Zagreus alone among the shades.
You looked across the land, there was still much to be done but it was a start. No doubt Queen Persephone will be able to help restore this place.
He smiled at you and you felt that he knew you returned his smile back.
Later, Zagreus pressed a kiss against your forehead, your nose, both of your cheeks and finally your mouth.
You laughed against his lips, heart ready to burst from love.
“You should have told me.” You said, resting your head on his chest. His heartbeat was smoothing in the dark.
“I wasn’t sure it would work.” Zagreus said, running a hand through your hair. You closed your eyes, “It's you, Zagreus. Of course, it would work.”
He just chuckled before pressing another kiss against your brow.
Finally a letter had arrived but it wasn’t your fathers.
‘Dear Daughter of Anubis,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this. Fear not, for your Father still lives but you need to stay where you are. Your father will rest easy knowing you are safe and out Ammit’s reach.
Ammit only grows stronger and I fear I won’t be able to hold her back much longer. Lord Hermes and the others had started the first half of the plans and I trust our people will be welcomed.
Be safe. Be strong.
Lord Osiris’
You tore your mask off, letting it roll on the bed and covered your eyes. Tears burned even though you tried to hold it back.
The letters said your father was alive but you felt so foolish for just sitting around and waiting while he suffered.
You didn’t hear Zagreus come in. He didn’t ask what was wrong, just held you as you tried to pull yourself back together.
If you ever saw Ammit again, you will personally wired her jaw shut yourself.
You stood with bated breath as you waited for the first sign of Zagreus along with lord Hermes and the countless shades.
Queen Persephone and her countless shades had already been working on restoring Asphodel back to its former glory.
The grass was just soft as Elysium and soon flowers will fill the fields.
“You should be proud.” Queen Persephone said with a smile. You turned to her, your mask covering up your confusion.
“Queen Persephone, I hardly did anything.” You told her with a shake of your head.
“I know for a fact you and your father choose not to listen to your fellow gods. You choose to seek help. Many won’t, far too prideful.” She said, and you saw something passed over her face before she smiled again.
“And I think without your help, it would have taken much longer to restore Asphodel.” She finished.
You nodded, not willing to argue with Queen Persephone.
Then you heard it, you turned and clapped your hands together. Lord Hermes, bright as the sun, led Charon’s boat along with many smaller boats behind him to the land. The first you saw was your Father, tall and strong even the injuries you can see on him form.
You hurried over, “Father!”
He turned and opened his arms wide. You almost leaped in them and you were glad the mask hid your foolish tears. Thanks to the fates, he was alright. He squeezed you as the shades moved pass, muttering and pointing at their new home.
“You were brave, my daughter.” He placed a hand on top of the jackal mask as he pulled away. “I will tell you later what to come but for now, let us enjoy this.”
You nodded, and Queen Persephone took your Father along with her, head bowed together as they spoke. Then lastly Zagreus stepped off the boat, and he gave you that boyish sweet smile.
“Hey.” He said quietly. “I missed you.”
“Welcome home.” You said just quietly. “I missed you too.”
He offered his arm and you took it.
Welcome home indeed.
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