#a leaf or a flower or smthn
himynameis4 · 1 year
Note from me: Please change your profile picture or something they’re going to think you’re a bot and block you.
I appreciate you taking the time to leave a note/offer the tip! I’ll be honest, I don’t really mind? If people think i’m a bot, i mean. When i first joined tumblr, i really wanted to make friends & such, but i quickly realized that i enjoy being passive a lot more. While i like coming up with posts and theories, and the idea of sharing them, it takes a lot of energy & has overall been better for me in terms of social anxiety when i interact (chats, leaving asks, making posts, etc) less, & do more reblogs & likes. All that is to say, the potential negative impacts of people thinking i’m a bot haven’t interfered with the main things i get out of being on this hellsite, so i haven’t really had an incentive to change my profile. Plus, i’m not entirely sure what to change it to 🤔. It was really nice of you to offer the tip, though, and it probably shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a different profile picture, at least 🤷.
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Uhh any Sparkpelt hcs to share?
omg hi!!! im so sorry this took so long to answer... i got distracted watching riverdale 😔
but umm i have a lot, most of them ive already shared but here they are! they're also all very all over the place and miscellaneous but!
-spark is a pansexual grayromantic librafem, and uses she/it pronouns!
-shes kind of really mean <3 i love her for that! (she also probably makes fun of alder a lot, she knows hes just too sweet to beat her up altho he definitely could)
-shes also pretty tall! like. one of the tallest cats in the colonies. although shes still mad that alder is like. a giant and the tallest cat in the lake so 😔
-she also has a very windclan like build. thats because in my heart sandstorm is like. half wind or smthn
-she has a lot of scars - her ears are just from like. regular skirmishes and battles - but the others are all from the dog attack.
-she has graying hair! it started graying when its in mid-apprenticeship. its because of genetics, not anything else (like me lmao)
-spark is basically just. a firestar coloured sandstorm! it still gets called firestar by accident sometimes - even though its like. twice his height XD
-it has the same eye colour as nutmeg
-shes also really close to sandstorm and leafpool! since squilf had a lot of deputy duties, it and alder often got babysat by leaf and sand. shes also very close with daisy ofc, and would call her mum lmao.
-she and alder also obviously got babysat by their brothers. she and lion like to beat eachother up daily now <3
-she and alder dd like. Everything together. theyre really close and they love each other a lot so they were both devastated when alder was made a healer. It would sometimes sneak in with twigkit to hang out and help alder, much to jays annoyance lmao.
-shes a really good hunter like holly and sand! i like to think that sand was the one who really taught her how to hunt.
-she doesnt really have a normal mentor/apprentice relationship with cherryfall. she respects her very much, but they never really formed a strong relationship!
-she and needletail definitely had crushes on each other when they were apprentices. there was. a lot of charged energy between them lmao. they gradually grew a part, but spark was still devastated when needletail died. it sill has a trinket from twolegs that she gave it.
-its really likes learning stories and about history - she also loves telling people random pieces of history and can probably ramble on for hours about like. the great battle or something lmao. this also means she like. hung around the elders den a lot a was probably graystripes favourite great grandchild lol. (grayfiresand is real in my heart)
-larksong was the one who started braiding her hair. after his death, lilyheart taught it houw to do it itself, since lilyheart was the one who taught larksong.
-the flowers she wears and the first flowers larksong gave to her to start their courtships. she also has them woven into her nest, although she sleeps in the healers den most nights with her brothers.
-she and larksong had a special clearing they would go almost every day together - she still goes now. its also where flickerkit is buried.
-she became really close friends with twigbranch, leafshade and honeyfur after larksongs death. lilyheart as well.
-sorrelstripe was always very kind to her, but they really became friends after imposterstar got imprisoned. they talk about finch and flame together - and sorrel tries to help spark rebuild her relationship with flame
-spark gets really scared around bramblestar still. she never really like him cause hes a fucking bitch, but after the imposterstar fiasco and the cat it thought was its own father tried to kill her and exiled her, she couldnt look bramblestar in the eye again. sometimes, she thinks that she can see blue in his eyes.
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imaginesumo · 7 years
Do you have headcanons for each main character personality? Not linked to the anime or manga at all, as it's pretty different stories. Thanks!
alright i think this is about like, the playable characters of pokemon and their personalities? but if not please feel free to clarify with another ask and i’ll be happy to do it again  ( ^o^ ) - mod hau!
Main Character Headcanons
((the characters won’t be separated by gender, bc for the most part i interpret them the same way if they are in the same game, but there may b some rule breakers + read more bc wowie this is long!!))
- these are the quiet protag, very thoughtful and somewhat reclusive, and a lot of that has to do with their rival (Green/Blue/Gary) being such a show off and watching him lose face every time they wipe the floor with him, and they don’t want to end up being the same level of asshole if/when they get shown up
- they love nature, and spend a lot of time in pallet town just. reflecting. on themselves, their place in the world, the world. just everything. 
- the quiet philosopher, but also a large case of being the world’s biggest overthinker. gets caught up in the details a lot about things and fails to be understand the ‘big picture’ a lot of times
- needs to get out of their own head for a bit to get to know the world in an immediate relation versus the detached expression they feel before they start their pokemon journey
- childhood best friends, and are the consistently asked if they’re dating or smthn so they both have really snarky answers after years of strangers asking them. fan favorites are: ‘oh god, you can see them too?? i think they’re haunting me’ or ‘he’s a stalker i swear please call the officer jenny’s as fast as you can’ - its a tie
- the protagonist (the played character) is constantly jealous of the rival when they get the marill, and it kind of drives the protag away from their rival before the game starts. after, for some reason they always are anxious and compare their own bond with their pokemon to the rival and their marill (even when they have a fucking lugia or whatever)it’s a big source of conflict in their friendship and one of the protag’s biggest insecurities
- hg/ss feels but, i like to think the protag’s favorite time of day is the sunset just outside of goldenrod city and likes to sit near the edge of the water while listening to the cheesy radio dramas, and calls their family and friends up to let them know they’re doing alright (they spend the most time talking with their rival bc i think, even platonically, they depend on each other for support and love to spend hours talking)
- almost best friends who still have time to mature and work their stuff out, but until their journey begins things are just kind of weird
- i’m gonna say this, i really did think that brendan’s hat was his hair until like last year, full naruto kakashi hair and shit. the kakashi of 11 y/o’s and pokemon. god what an awful hat.
- their favorite town is a constant toss up between lavaridge and slateport. they love the warmth that seems to just radiate from everywhere in lavaridge, but they also love the ocean breeze and the museum in slateport. once they can use fly, they weep tears of joy. the feeling and smells they get from those two towns make their chest constrict in such a strange and good way, they want the feeling to never end.
- loves the first evolution/cutest stage of evolution of all their pokemon. could care less that the second and third evolutions are stronger and have better moves, they love the cute stuff
- sucks at cooking pokeblocks, they always burn them and end up using up most of their battle winnings on just buying their party their favorite pokeblocks for a good battle or training day. 
- nerds who are very obsessed with capturing all these new feelings on their journey and how light they feel all of a sudden
- Research nerds all the way, these kids love learning and are obsessed with pokemon research and the protag is super jealous of professor rowan’s assistant bc lbr that’s such a dream job for these little brainiacs 
- I really associate twilight/evening with this game because that’s just when i always played it but i think that these two would love it and like really their color scheme and outfits just really go with it - they live for the aesthetic
- they love watching those little ‘tv’ segments about pokemon moves/abilities/etc. and probably watch nothing but the equivalent of pokemon documentaries anyway (this is basically confirmed i mean, come on lol, the game starts with a documentary on the red gyarados y’all)
- their favorite seasons are fall and winter, but they love early spring after they visit floaroma town and see all those flowers - and they develop a taste for honey too after visiting
- crisp kids you would find in a library or watching the equivalent of animal planet, and they are just so curious about the world around them that they see their journey as their first big foray into scientific research (they probably cried when they got their pokedex)
- they’re eternally lost without their best friends, cheren and bianca
- like really, i’d like to say they are all bad ass and stoic, but really their main goal is to just catch back up with their friends and hang out like they did before they go their pokemon and started this big old journey
- has a sinking feeling a lot of times that this journey was the end of something rather than a beginning, and tries to fill the void with pokemon when they can’t call their friends on the x-transceiver
- has…confused feelings about n. because, after spending so much time trying to catch up to their friends, they thought they could slow down and spend some time with this new fast friend who seemed to want to slow down too. it was a confusing friendship but, they still call it a friendship despite everything.
- comes home after the journey feeling not as content as they were before. not like they’re missing something because of the journey, but more like they found out they were missing out on something all along - probably goes on a few more journeys to find it before they call it quits
- Gaymer kids
- for real tho, these kids were shut ins who only really went out to get new videogames/junkfood when their mom wasn’t forcing them to eat healthy or at least not play videogames for 18 uninterrupted hours
- they don’t do well with the grime of being outdoors too well, but they love visiting the other cities - they love the night/early evening when the whole place just lights up, and they really love just staring at it or taking pictures for social media
- have all the cool games on their phone, but along with emergency provisions (chewy granola bars and fruit) and first aid (hello kitty bandaids with a tube of neosporin) the rest of their bag is electronics: 4 different types of portable consoles, a digital camera, a laptop, a tablet, an mp3 player, and all their accompanying charging cords
- voted most likely to own a midi fighter
- the mom friend
- hates their nickname that their friends use but, they don’t like the idea of not having one so they will for ever be known as that embarrassing title they gave themselves when they were fifteen 
- straight a student, but doesn’t even try and doesn’t know why their friends get so frustrated around finals but offers help anyway, and doesn’t understand why it just makes everyone more frustrated
- its difficult when a lot of their friends compete with them, like the rival, and it can strain the relationship but their friends always have their back and the protag always has their and having a unstoppable force on your side isn’t always a bad thing
- sweet angel babies who deserve the world
- but seriously, these kids go through so much and are the kind of kids who can’t stop smiling - even when it would be appropriate to stop grinning like a fool 
- that’s part of the appeal, they’re like a magnet and a binding force of sorts, people can’t help but be drawn to this kid and somehow the people this kid brings together always manage to be just the kind of people the others need to be better people/heal
- so many close friends that they just call family, it’s confusing to an outsider but this kid really does love all their friends like family and practically all of the islands are in this kid’s found family (holidays are always so hectic tho since they moved to the islands lol)
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