#and tbh i dont really like the orange
himynameis4 · 1 year
Note from me: Please change your profile picture or something they’re going to think you’re a bot and block you.
I appreciate you taking the time to leave a note/offer the tip! I’ll be honest, I don’t really mind? If people think i’m a bot, i mean. When i first joined tumblr, i really wanted to make friends & such, but i quickly realized that i enjoy being passive a lot more. While i like coming up with posts and theories, and the idea of sharing them, it takes a lot of energy & has overall been better for me in terms of social anxiety when i interact (chats, leaving asks, making posts, etc) less, & do more reblogs & likes. All that is to say, the potential negative impacts of people thinking i’m a bot haven’t interfered with the main things i get out of being on this hellsite, so i haven’t really had an incentive to change my profile. Plus, i’m not entirely sure what to change it to 🤔. It was really nice of you to offer the tip, though, and it probably shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a different profile picture, at least 🤷.
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lemongogo · 2 months
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dungeon lord marcille ft. timelapse
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hanasinbloom · 6 months
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arttsuka · 9 months
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Guess what movie I watched yesterday (it was 'Chicken run: dawn of the nugget')
Anyway British chicken am I right 🐓 (I know that this is a rooster but I didn't like the chicken emoji)
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floralovebot · 20 days
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MADE EDITS i couldn't stop thinking about their outfits and like,, the aspects i liked and thought felt very winx and in line with the individual characters and the aspects i Hated and thought sucked dookie SO i made some edits :)
biggest changes are to musa, aisha, and stella! actually changed the clothes there. flora and tecna i just adjusted the colors (in flora's case to further unwhitewash her and saturate her clothing more and in tecna's case to bring back her pink hair and green and cyan).
explanations on changes below!
I'll start with the simpler edits!
For Tecna, I just wanted to play around with her og colors lol I actually LOVE her new look and I would love to see this be the final design!! It's SO tecna and fits in with the rest of the winx i love it soo much :') I do think they should bring back her pinker hair though! And again, would love to see the green and cyan make an appearance. I feel like neon green is just very classy techy character. And while it is cliche, I do love it akjgd plus I think it looks good on her and makes the other colors stand out more imo! (but maybe this new, pinker look will make people like her more idk :') justice for tecna my beloved :'))
For Flora, I darkened her skin more for obvious reasons. And then I added more saturation to the colors and added back the warmer tones they took out. Imo, the darker, desaturated, and cooler toned look for Flora only works in very specific circumstances. Color theory rainbow!! Bring back the brightness! The color!! The warmth!!
Which brings me to Stella ohmygod,,, please,,,, please stop desaturating her she looks so pale and sick and lifeless STOP please :') Anyway lol, obviously brought back the brighter orange! I also took away the random sleeve. It's cute but it just didn't feel very Stella at the time? The tube top look is Very Classic Stella (very much giving s3 casual but in orange). Tbh, I don't love the dress itself, but I do think it looks better once you add more of Stella's colors. I also tanned her skin more and made her hair more yellow + brighter! Just like with Flora, color theory is important for media!! This Stella design just does Not give sunny, optimistic character. It's giving the gap (aka BORING aljdhg)
Aisha's design stumped me for a bit, I won't lie. I couldn't figure out exactly what I didn't like. But I got it!! One, way too symmetrical imo. Yes, Aisha does have some very symmetrical looks, but like 80% of her looks are very asymmetrical. I also didn't love that it didn't incorporate more of Aisha's powers. It really just went for *vaguely sporty* and didn't try to bring anything else to the table. And some people might say that Aisha's og looks were like that too, but I disagree! They told a story! She's a brave adventurer, a dancer, a princess, etcetc!! This tells me "oh yeah this girl might like to do yoga. cool."
Anyway! So I made Aisha's pants baggier because let's be fucking real for a sec. Changed the design on the pants slightly to make it asymmetrical and incorporated a wave design. Took away that bottom shiny fabric of her shirt. I tried to keep it but it just wasn't looking great with the pants changes tbh. Added small waves to the bottom and made it one shoulder! Also added her classic little circle wave design 1. because it's cute and 2. so Musa wouldn't feel so out of place with a design. Tbh, I still don't love the pants... I think maybe that hem could be higher?
For Musa! I've spoken about this before but I do not like the bodysuit. I liked the concept and the vibe it brings, but it looks So uncomfortable and s1 Musa was alllll about being comfortable. It's why so many people think she hates wearing dresses (even though she doesn't). So I kept the vibe, but changed it to the same mesh that's on her right arm! Which like!! I didn't even see that until I started the edit!! It's so,,, unnoticeable which like,, isn't a bad thing? But also? I think the mesh being on her stomach too makes the design as a whole a little more balanced (and it's a nice callback to her og magic winx!). As for the color changes, really just wanted to go back to her reds and dark blues. I don't Hate the color scheme, but I also don't love it. And I think this feels a lot more like Musa yknow? Also darkened her hair cause fuck that dude
Anyway lol it's not the best edit so don't look too hard :') I just wanted to explore what I liked about the designs and what I didn't. We did get to see a little bit of Bloom's casual, but I want to wait until we get a closer look to speak on it/make edits. Also tbh, I don't really love Flora's outfit but I didn't want to completely redesign her and I concede that this is something she would wear (although it feels more like s4 cowgirl time/s5 casual and not s1 new student time but Fine). For now, I'm gonna pretend the trailer showed us my edit of Stella and not what it really showed. I can't get pale pinterest stella out of my head,,, aggghhhh
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demento-mori · 25 days
i keep trying to eat healthier, but its so fucking hard when fresh, healthy, nutritional food is so much more expensive than frozen or premade stuff, and it takes so much more time and effort to prepare, and the ingredients go bad so quickly, and they take up so much fridge space and you only have a single tiny fridge that you share with 6 other people, and you dont even like most of the go-to healthy meals people suggest because of the texture or smell or ingredients, and you feel too nauseous to eat half the time anyways, and-
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waywardsalt · 1 year
i have planned to write a pseudo-essay or some kind of detailed look at linebeck in phantom hourglass and how he can be interpreted as autistic but thats not going very well right now so here are some autistic linebeck headcanons
He has low empathy and as such has a hard time responding very well to emotional situations, but he can take advantage of his lower empathy in situations where empathy could make things harder, like tending to wounds or rationally handling emotionally-charged situations
His coat is a comfort object and he made it specifically to act as a very slight accommodation; it’s heavy and barely lets any light through it, and he can keep all kinds of little things in pockets sewn into the inner lining, but larger objects do make it more uncomfortable to wear at times. It’s mostly good to carry around things to fidget or stim with and can be helpful in trying to recover from overwhelming sensory experiences
He doesn’t usually stim in public, but taps his fingers on tables quickly and tends to rhythmically snap his fingers when excited, and on his ship is more vocal and more willing to stim, even if around others. One of his main stims that he’ll do for no particular reason is that he’ll hold his arm or back of his wrist/hand up to his nose and mouth for the smell.
He masks frequently to please people. His default mask is that arrogant and brave front he puts up for islanders and other he may come across. Usually, if that mask doesn’t work, he tends to double-down because it usually works and, in his experience, dropping the mask has usually gone badly (non masking he’s rude and blunt but more outwardly excited about adventure and his ship and all of that, i consider it where overseas in the game is when he usually isn’t masking. this shifts his arc to be about him learning to stop masking and feel comfortable being himself)
His special interests could include stuff related to treasure hunting but it could really range from stuff about adventuring or the ocean or engineering (relating to his ship) to stuff not at all touched in the game like music. He really enjoys music, listening to it, playing it, and writing it. He also enjoys and is fascinated by shellfish.
When busy or otherwise occupied, he doesn't usually notice when he's hungry. He doesn't have as much of a problem noticing thirst or exhaustion, but feeling hunger is a problem for him, and often leads to him going a long time without eating. On the other hand, he doesn't mind eating the same thing repeatedly and is perfectly fine with blander foods, so handling food supplies for when he'll be overseas for a long time is easy for him.
He knows he's autistic, he's known for a pretty long time, and he has books on it; he also knows that Link is autistic, but doesn't say anything about it and instead waits until someone else tells him. Until (and after, I suppose) Link actually learns that he's autistic Linebeck just makes sure to keep note of what accommodations he might need and if there are any textures or tastes or smells he can't stand. He doesn't have much of a problem helping out during sensory overloads, even soon after meeting him. It's more out of understanding how it feels to not have your needs met and a sort of solidarity rather than actual friendship.
#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#linebeck#OBVIOUSLY he experiences some nasty rsd and he's a bitch about it that's like. basically canon so i didnt mention it#a lot of linebeck’s autism is based and referenced off of my own with some extra additions#which is why i have an easier time writing him as autistic than link#kindness is a choice and having low or no empathy does not in any way make someone heartless but linebeck does abuse his own low empathy#to be a mean bitch with minimal emotional consequences#i think linebeck would call link a dipshit to his face and then not feel bad about it for like a few weeks until he starts caring abt him#linebeck stimming by smelling his arm is actually my main stim. its probably why i sit all fucked up bc i sometimes do it w/ my legs lol#the masking bit does kinda fuck some stuff up but i personally enjoy that take on him#one of his comfort objects is an old orange cat plushie named copernicus and if you know what that is specifically from thank you im sorry#linebeck being way into music has no canon backup i just like the idea of him playing piano and composing some form of his own theme#piano is a mad sensory experience btw i dont yet know how to really play it but when i did keyboard in pit it was a fantastic feeling#bangin' out the tunes. it was a really good sort of stim if i was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the new tech and music too#salty talks#not entirely an autism headcanon but he thinks gender is a sham and less identifies as a man and more specifically considers#his gender identity to be 'real man of the sea' which is initially kinda silly but kind of a fucking gender move tbh#i dont think he's explicitly trans or nb he's just having fun fucking with his own gender and doing whatever he feels like doing#he isnt a man but he is a man. kind of like how im a dude but also not. yeah.#these were initally going to be call 'quick' headcanons but you can see why i uh. didn't end up going with that
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lime1991 · 2 years
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More humans!
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i got you
~1,3k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
soooo @midnightpretenders0 this isnt really a sick fic, but the one i just did not too long ago is so fresh in my mind still its hard to find a way to make this work for me, so i opted out to swap it for a caretaking fic, i hope thats okay ;; i just really like the idea of the exhaustion of the title matches and injuries and everything else finally getting to cassidy. i need that twink to mcfucking break finally so kip is here to help pick up the pieces. also i hope the description of blacking out makes sense, based this on my own experiences since i remember them rather vividly cause i find them very scary oof
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate
on ao3
Everything ached. Brushing a hand through his sweaty hair, Cassidy glanced down at the title belt barely hanging on his healthy hand, letting out an exhausted sigh as he pushed the locker room door open. Alongside the cool air hitting him in the face as the door opened, he spotted a familiar face turning into all smiles as soon as the Brit’s eyes landed on him. He had obviously been here waiting for Cassidy to finish his match of the night so they could eventually leave the arena together.
As Cassidy closed the door after him and Kip got up from his seat to meet up with him, his brows furrowed a little as he got closer to the blond.
“Are you okay? You’re so pale, you look terrible.”
Cassidy snorted a little at his carefree bluntness, but just ended up shrugging. Truth to be told, he felt probably as bad as he looked, the exhaustion of these high profile title matches week in and week out was steadily wearing him out, the plentiful of injuries not really helping his case much. No matter what he tried, everything hurt, even thinking at this point often felt like an exhausting activity, but Cassidy just kept pushing through, knowing that he didn’t have much of an option.
“Well, you did great out there tonight,” Kip smiled at him as he walked up to him, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek. “I’m proud of you.”
Cassidy nodded, remaining silent. He didn’t really have anything to say, trying to find proper words for the situation was difficult to him. He just let Kip continue talking, his words barely registering as more than a muddled mess in Cassidy’s ears.
He didn’t resist as Kip took the jacket and the backpack he was carrying, leaving the title in the deserving champions hands. Cassidy watched as Kip walked with them back to the couch he had been sitting on earlier, emptying his hands over there while he kept talking about something Cassidy couldn’t hear anymore.
The more Kip talked, the more his words were turning into high pitched screeches in Cassidy’s ears, until that was all he could hear.
He could feel the cold sweat rolling over him, his hands suddenly shaky as the screeching turned into static in his eyes, blurring his vision before everything went dark.
It took Cassidy a moment to feel his body again, slowly the coldness of the hard floor underneath him registering with him as it pressed against his hot skin. He could feel a soft breeze on his face, as his eyes finally slowly fluttered open and his vision focused a little, he was met with a familiar worried face staring back at him, Kip’s hand fanning some air on his face.
“Oh thank god,” Kip sighed, Cassidy barely registering the relief that washed over his face. “How do you feel?”
Cassidy blinked blankly at him a couple of times, trying to process the sudden change of position he found himself in. He was slowly regaining consciousness in his body, finding himself on the floor, head propped slightly up on Kip’s lap. “Wha… What happened?”
“You blacked out. You’re lucky I got you, you could have hit your head really badly.”
As Cassidy stirred, wanting to get back on his feet as soon as possible, he didn’t have the energy in him to fight it as Kip gently but firmly stopped him by grabbing him by the shoulders, pushing him down to keep him in place.
“No, stay there. You’re not moving until I make sure you’re okay.”
Cassidy was annoyed, but let it go, knowing how hard headed Kip could be about all of this. To be honest he didn’t really want to be, sure the hard floor was uncomfortable to lay on, but at the same time the coldness of it was calming to him, helping him ground himself after yet another exhausting bout he had just come back from. Cassidy was so used to being the fighting champion, never taking a day off and never backing down from a challenge, that settling down for a break was really hard for him. The injured hand constantly bugging him and leading to restless nights and constant worry didn’t really help his case, if he was being honest.
Which was probably why he was here right now. He could vaguely remember Kip telling him to slow down a few times, but he didn’t really listen to him, telling both Kip and himself that he could do it, that there was nothing to worry about, that everything was fine.
Well… Turns out on the long run things weren’t really fine, now were they?
After a while Kip carefully helped him up from the floor, walking Cassidy to the couch. He was visibly shaky and barely able to walk on his own, but for once allowed himself to be helped. Cassidy wasn’t one to push his friends away when he needed them obviously, but at the same time he was usually a very proud and independent champion. He was hardheaded, Kip knew that much, but he was glad Cassidy was giving him this chance to actually help him.
Searching through his bag for a while, Kip finally presented him with a water bottle. Cassidy gladly accepted it, barely able to screw the bottle open on his own, but as he finally did, even the lukewarm water felt so good and cooling as he got a few sips of it down.
Kip watched him carefully as he took a seat on the armrest of the couch. Cassidy leaned his head back, closing his eyes as he took in a few deep breaths.
“You should have told me.”
Cassidy didn’t reply to him, but Kip could see him tense up a little at his voice. Kip didn’t try to be accusing or demanding, far from it, but it was obviously the words, not his tone, that got to the champion at that time.
“You should have said you were so tired.”
As the silence lingered on, Kip just sighed as he looked around the empty locker room a little, fidgeting with his hands, but slowly a little smile made its way on his lips again.
“But that’s fine. I know now. And now that I do, I can actually do something about it.”
Cassidy opened his eyes, head tilting slightly to the side as he looked at Kip, whose eyes returned back to him as well, sending Cassidy a smile.
“So you’re going to relax tonight. I’m gonna drive us back to the hotel, take care of food, feed you if I have to, the whole nine yards. Whatever you need, I’m there for you.”
Cassidy chuckled at him dryly, both at Kip’s sudden enthusiasm over the caretaker role that had suddenly pushed onto him, and the thought of him doing all these things. If there was one thing Cassidy for sure knew about Kip, it was that he was all talk and less action. “Everything? Kip, come on…”
“Yes, everything,” Kip stated with a nod as he pushed himself up from the armrest, leaning in closer to Cassidy as he walked by him, pressing a little kiss on his lips. “Just leave it to me. You need the rest.”
As much as Cassidy wanted to argue back on him on that, he was just too exhausted to do so. Remaining quiet, he watched as Kip walked around the locker room, continuing to talk about something Cassidy didn’t really register, while collecting their belongings and clothes for Cassidy to change into from around the room.
Yeah… Maybe this once he could give into Kip’s demands. Maybe this once.
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sylvaridreams · 1 year
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I'm debating... changing some colors on Eldulis. :hear:
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crossthread · 11 months
Hot take? Unpopular take?? Imma try to get somewhere with this point but like. I really think reading fanfiction inherently increased my standards for literature.
Cause for a while now I've only solely read fics in the past few years, like probably finished like two published books a year maybe (even though if I count my fic reads I'd easily be in the 100s from word count alone) and like. Recently got into the YA side of booktok, tried reading several of the most popular ones cause i kinda miss published books, and I just. side eye that shit?? Best example is ACOTAR. Read like 4 books in that series. Kinda get why it's popular cause the overall the main plot points (hot romance and kinda Mary sue protag) are good enough to get you into it but like. I genuinely had to force myself to finish it?? I have no idea why this is so popular.
Cause literally when I hold the ACOTAR up to my top 20 fics. Nothing. Not even my top 50 fics. Cause first off the plot is good enough but it's not something I've never seen before either. Same with characters. The writing style?? Straight up nope. Like. Is this really the standards for a good story?? There's so many good authors that write excellent smut and plot and characterization and just FANTASTIC writing style and overall quality of work and just. I don't get it.
I'm assuming this is a me thing, because I tried going through several YA novels and just. The quality of writing reeeally leaves a lot to be desired. The best thing I can come up with for the reason behind me feeling like this about YA is that the last time I was reading insanely, I was a teen, and now I'm in my early 20s so there's a good possibility that the same things don't intrest me anymore. But I keep circling back to the level of writing cause like. Idk. Just. I feel like while the plot and characters for a lot of these novels are good, what falls short is how it's written??? Like wtf.
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boyfeminism · 2 years
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guy whose work is letting hir experiment with the challah recipe <3
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schoolgirl739 · 1 month
I miss A$AP Rocky 😔🙏
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lesbianlenas · 2 months
had an adhd zoning out moment where i was trying to mix this paint bc one of my paints dried out bc i haven’t worked on this painting in a yr lol and i got paint all over my hands and for some reason used my leg as a palette which wasn’t that helpful bc when i was like ok that looks right it was too yellow in the end 😔 right at the end i added a little more of the bright orange bc i thought it wasn’t yellow enough but it prob was & my dumb leg didn’t show it right…..but anyway i did that for like 2 hrs by accident 😭
#michelle speaks#i should have just mixed the bright orange w white & i would have gotten it a lot easier#but i didn’t realize i had a bright orange so also the color was not yellow it was like a pale color that was slightly tinted yellow#so i was like ok i will use the color one above it which was this kind of peachish color & then i added white to that#but this was before i realized the yellow tint bc i made it lighter but it was just closer to tan now so i was like oh…..#but i had no idea how to make it be more yellow so i looked it up & saw i could use a little green perhaps#so i went to use the lightest green but that was dried out (i dont have any more of that number tho thankfully)#so i had to use the slightly darker green very sparingly it was only slightly darker too so still light#which did start giving it a more yellowish tint but not a bright yellow more of a dull yellow#and that was the point at which i realized i had bright orange & i was like oh……i should have just used this#too late at that point tho! so i added the bright orange & it finally started brightening up a little bit#but i was like i don’t want this to get too orange now so i added a little more white#and then i was like ok done. i had the paint that was dry bc it got like a rubbery quality so i was putting some paint on it to compare#& it looked to be basically the right color. the problem was that i either did not use this color at all yet or i used it like one time#so i never really had a good thing to compare it to bc i didn’t really know how it looked on the paper#but when i used it it def came out as a nice pale yellow. so i made a nice color just a little too yellow i think#i think i was going more for tan w a yellow tint vs getting more of a pale yellow which i got#but it is what it is i’m done 😩 it’s a nice color & def different from the other colors + close enough to the og so i am satisfied#you’re welcome for the step by step thru me mixing a paint color for 2 hrs 🙏#most impressive part is the fact that i actually achieved some yellow tbh lol…..i did not think i could do it w the colors i had at first 😩
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frostbite-the-bat · 7 months
i kinda want to eat the rot from rain world. It looks yummy
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astyr-art · 1 year
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more mermay art!!! yeehaw. this time its a revamp of an old adventure time oc from when i was like 13. her name is sea princess and i can remember literally nothing else about her lmao
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