#a little bit of escapism every now and then makes life a lot more tolerable
canisalbus · 10 months
I'm just imagining you at some normal day job, rotating the bois in your mind throughout your shift
"Don't talk to me, the dog men in my brain are holding hands".
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
offering u some jegulus pirates of the caribbean au (except not exactly but u do get one of the scenes from the first movie) || 3677 words || no cws apart from james being a menace and regulus praying for his downfall (while also being lowkey attracted to him very much against his will)
“But he saved my life!” Regulus insists, starting to feel a little desperate, eyes jumping from his father, to Commodore Lucius, to the stranger who had jumped into the sea to stop him from drowning. 
“Yes, Regulus, we heard you the first time,” his father sighs, barely hiding the roll of his eyes. It’s enough to make some heat flood into Regulus’ cheeks, and he has to repress the urge to pout, or even worse, stomp his foot. “But, son, come on. Look at the state of him. You’d have to be incredibly naive to not realise he isn’t a good man.” 
“I resent that,”  the stranger pipes in, grabbing everyone’s attention. Not like the soldiers’ has been anywhere else since they stormed in. “Why, Governor, appearances can be deceiving.” 
Regulus cringes slightly, and it’s not because of his wet clothes, or the cold already seeping into his bones, despite having his father’s, Orion, coat over his shoulders. Or, well, not entirely because of that. 
The scold twisting his father’s harsh features is enough to make him want to curl into himself, or at the very least, take a step back. Regulus has been the target of that specific expression more times than he can count, even though he always does his best to remain out of the spotlight. Always seen, but never heard. That’s how his parents prefer him. The only way they can somehow tolerate him. 
He’s not his brother, after all, as everyone seems so set on reminding him. Sirius might be brash, and insolent, and sometimes border on rebellious, but he’s the perfect leader. Loved and respected by all. Everyone adores him, even their parents, despite barely being capable of it, and Regulus can’t say he blames them.
Maybe that’s why he’s speaking up now, trying to do the right thing for once, even though every part of him fought against the mere idea. Regulus thinks Sirius will be proud of him, as soon as he returns from his trip and Regulus tells him all about it.
He can’t help but wish he was here with him. Everything feels less scary when his older brother is at his side. 
Before his father has the chance to open his mouth, possibly to obliterate the kind stranger that risked his life to save Regulus’, Lucius steps forward, a blonde, nearly white eyebrow arched at the unknown man. 
“Deceiving, you say?” he repeats in a drawl, nose turned up in what can only be disgust. Really, Regulus can’t understand what his cousin sees in him. “I suppose we should at least give you the benefit of the doubt.” Lucius gives him a tight-lipped smile. “I believe thanks are in order, then.”
Lucius extends one arm, if a bit begrudgingly, offering his hand to the stranger. Regulus’ eyes widen a little at the gesture, and he can feel his father glaring at Lucius’ back with such ferocity it almost makes him shiver. 
Regulus can’t say he blames him. Lucius isn’t disobeying direct orders, mostly because Orion hasn’t said anything concrete, but it comes way too close for comfort. 
The stranger eyes the hand with clear wariness, but he still grins and nods a little, before reaching out to give Lucius’ hand a firm shake. 
They’ve barely made contact with each other when Lucius grips the stranger harshly, pulling him closer and raising the sleeve of his undershirt up, revealing a branded ‘P’ on his forearm. Regulus can’t quite repress the tiny gasp that escapes his lips.
Lucius’ smile becomes wider, sharper, as he watches the suddenly sheepish stranger with no little amount of satisfaction. “Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?
Regulus grimaces at the word almost at the same time as the stranger winces. He didn’t give it too much thought at first, because he had swallowed a lot of water, and had been too busy coughing it all out to properly notice, but he supposes the man’s attire kind of gives him away. 
He wears a red bandanna around his forehead, keeping messy black curls off his face, and many strands of his hair seem to be adorned with beads and colourful trinkets. His hazel eyes seem to possess a mischievous glint in them, and Regulus thinks that, under different circumstances, he might’ve found it charming, considering it sort of reminds him of Sirius. He also sports a short, but definitely unkempt beard all around his mouth. 
He takes a peek at his father’s face, and it doesn’t startle Regulus, discovering him looking so smug. 
His words aren’t unexpected, either, but they still fill him with dread.
“Hang him,” Orion orders swiftly, almost bored, and the stranger clicks his tongue, more inconvenienced than scared. 
Lucius lets out a low chuckle. “Keep your guns on him,” he tells his men, without even bothering to check if they’ll listen. They always do, anyway. “And someone fetch me some irons!”
He raises the sleeve a little higher, and Regulus manages to catch sight of ink on brown skin, something that he’s sure resembles a bird, before Lucius is pulling down the cotton once more. 
“James Potter, is it?” he questions blandly, nose wrinkling in distaste. 
“Captain James Potter,” the pirate corrects a bit sharply, lips stretching into another one of those charming smiles. “Sir,” he adds forcibly, almost as an afterthought. 
“Well, I’m afraid I don’t see a ship, captain.” Lucius makes a show of looking around, some of his men laughing under their breaths. 
The pirate’s, James’, smile never falters. “Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it don’t exist.” 
Lucius gives him an incredibly flat stare, but James doesn’t wilt under it, doesn’t even react, really, and instead continues to hold the Commodore’s gaze. 
“Quite sad that I can’t even tell if you’re lying to me or just yourself.” Lucius shakes his head softly. 
James opens his mouth, presumably about to retort, when a sudden uproar between the soldiers draws his attention. Even Regulus’ fathers turns around, seeking the origin of all the fuss, and finally putting some distance between him and Regulus. 
“Commodore!” One of Lucius’ men exclaims, everyone around him making way for him hastily. “I found—I found the pirate’s things!” 
Lucius doesn’t take his eyes off James, not even for a single second, but he raises both eyebrows, clearly pleased by this information. When the soldier finally reaches them, Lucius doesn’t waste a single moment and begins to search through the pirate’s belongings, taking some pleasure in the way James’ expression twitches at the action. 
Regulus’ body leans forward almost unconsciously, and he feels a bit embarrassed by how curious he is about this whole scene. If his father weren’t so distracted, he would’ve scolded him by now. 
“A gun with no additional shots,” Lucius murmurs dryly, eyes fleeting from the weapon on the soldier’s arms to James. “A rusty sword and a hat. What a pathetic excuse of a pirate.”
James raises a hand, and the men flanking him go tense all over, squinting their eyes at him. 
“And yet you have heard of me,” he points out with an easy smile, which, well, it’s not untrue. 
Lucius levels him with an unimpressed glare, while James continues grinning widely. Regulus is as stiff as most of Lucius’ men, unsure of what’s gonna happen next, of how long they’re gonna keep throwing jabs at each other until either of them snaps.
Apparently, Lucius has already had enough, because he grabs James by the wrist once again, even more forcibly than before, and starts dragging him away. His men part to let him pass like it’s second-nature, and Regulus can see Lucius is headed to the other side of the crowd, where one of the soldiers is holding some irons. 
Regulus moves before he has the chance to think about it. 
He runs after Lucius and James, ignoring the startled looks all the men give him, and pretending he doesn’t hear his father call his name in outrage, or the noise of his steps as he follows a moment later. 
The heavy coat falls from his shoulders at some point during his little race, and he can only hope that either his father or one of the soldiers manages to take a hold of it before it touches the floor. The punishment for dirtying one of Orion’s coats might not be the worst his father has done to him, but it won’t be fun regardless.
Regulus has never been as athletic, or as strong, as his brother, but he’s fast and nimble, so he manages to slip in between Lucius and the man holding the irons, halting the advance. Lucius stops, James almost crashing into his back and sending them both tumbling.
“Regulus—” he starts, careful but with an edge in his tone.
“Pirate or not, this man saved my life,” Regulus cuts him off, panting a little but making sure to raise his chin proudly, like his mother has always taught him. 
Lucius blinks at him, before exhaling loudly through his nose. He pulls James from behind him, and with a firm move of his head, the man with the irons rushes from behind Regulus, getting ahold of James quickly and binding his wrists together. Regulus watches for a second before whipping his head around and narrowing his eyes at Lucius. 
“Regulus,” the Commodore tries once more, infusing his voice with something that’s too curt to be considered patient. “I admire your kindness. I truly do. But one good deed is not enough to redeem someone of an entire lifetime of wickedness, and I can assure you, this man does not deserve your mercy.”
Regulus bites his lower lip, eyes pleading at Lucius’ impassive face. “But—”
“You foolish, insolent, little—” his father hisses, fingers curling around his forearm and gripping harshly. 
Orion begins to pull, attempting to get him away from both Lucius and James, and probably drag him back to the house so he can scold him properly. Maybe even punish him. 
Regulus resists, planting his feet firmly on the ground even as his father’s gaze turns furious. He hears Lucius let out an irritated huff at the display, but it doesn’t last long, because one moment Regulus is struggling against his father’s ruthless grip, and the next one there’s a heavy chain around his neck, and a warm, hard body pressed against his back.  
Someone gasps. Or perhaps everyone does. They lean forward, automatically reaching for Regulus, because most of these soldiers have known him and his family for years. They’ve been trained to protect him, to keep him safe. 
Even his father is staring at him in what can only be terror, eyes wide and lips parted, hands twitching with the need to grab him, push him away from who’s holding him captive. 
Regulus inhales shakily. Breathing is a bit difficult, with the chain digging into his neck, but he can manage. He’s staring back at Lucius, at his father, at every single man who’s surrounding him and watching him with anxious eyes. The horror he can see in their faces isn’t helping Regulus to keep calm.
The soldier standing closest to Lucius reaches for his weapon, the noise he makes being the first sound to break the sudden silence. 
“Don’t shoot!” Lucius snarls, taking a step forward and raising a stiff arm. However, the movement leads to James using his irons to choke Regulus further, and Lucius freezes up as soon as Regulus lets out a grunt. 
“Never expected such a posh little boy to be so keen on defending my honour,” James whispers into his ear, loosening his hold but just barely. “But I’m grateful.”
Regulus presses his lips into a thin line, a spark of irritation lighting up inside his belly. It’s not enough to erase his fear, but it helps to distract him a little. 
Of course the one time he finally decides to speak up and do some good, this happens.
“And you, Commodore,” James goes on, raising his voice and infusing it with cheer. “I knew you’d warm up to me.”
Lucius clenches his jaw, hands curling into fists at his sides, but he keeps still and doesn’t dare breathe a single word. 
“Now, if you’d be so kind, I’d love to have my effects back. Please.”
It takes a beat, men glancing at each other a bit unsurely, but when James urges Lucius again with a “Commodore!”, the warning clear in his tone, he finally moves. Lucius turns around and grabs James’ belongings quite aggressively, pointedly ignoring the way James huffs. 
Regulus doesn’t even get a moment to relax, because as he watches Lucius moving towards them, arms filled with James’ effects, a warm breath hits him on the side of the neck, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Do you have a name, darlin’?” James asks quietly, lips grazing the lobe of his ear with every word. 
A wave of heat rushes through Regulus, and he isn’t sure if he’s more angry or embarrassed at his body’s reaction. 
“Regulus,” he responds through gritted teeth. “Regulus Black.”
“Regulus,” James repeats in a drawl, and Regulus can feel his smile against his skin. He tries to tilt his head to the side, get some space, but there’s no use. The pirate won’t let him go anywhere until he gets what he wants. “Well, then. If you’d be so kind, Regulus.”
He can’t help but frown a little, attempting to look back and find some answers, when Lucius steps right in front of him. He’s giving him James’ belongings before he can even blink, and they’re all very lucky Regulus has such good reflexes. 
The moment all the weapons and the belt and the stupid hat are all in his arms, James pulls on the irons and forces him to turn around until they’re facing each other. He has both hands bound and around the back of Regulus’ neck, and they’re standing so close they’re basically breathing into each other’s mouths. The realisation makes Regulus’ heart stutter and his stomach twist uncomfortably, so he tries to move away. Unfortunately, there’s nowhere for him to go, and it only ends with James smirking smugly at him, before nodding pointedly at his things.
Regulus presses his lips into a thin line and narrows his eyes at the pirate, quite satisfied at the fact that they’re basically the same height and he can’t look down on him. Not like he needs to, considering the expression he’s sporting.
Oh, he absolutely hates this. He hates that he risked everything to defend a bloody pirate. He hates that he’s being threatened and held hostage and humiliated. He hates that this is only gonna make him look weaker than he already does. He hates that Sirius isn’t here. And more than anything, he hates James Potter.
Taking a deep breath, Regulus gets to work. He starts with the weapons, uncomfortable with how they feel in his hands, how heavy and how cold. He itches to get rid of them. 
“Make sure to be nice, yeah, darlin’?” James whispers the moment Regulus begins to fasten the belt holding the sword around his waist. 
Regulus wants nothing more than to curse him out, but he settles with wrapping the damn thing extra tight, eyes never leaving James’ and watching as he winces momentarily, before giving Regulus a lazy smile. 
“Careful,” James warns, but it’s teasing. Mocking. “You don’t wanna damage the goods.”
He can’t help but roll his eyes before he grabs the gun and what looks like a sash. He attaches the gun to the belt and then puts the sash over James’ shoulder, noticing that he can’t tie it properly on his current position. Biting the inside of his cheek but refusing to show anything on his face, he presses their chests together and his hands travel to James’ back. 
Regulus focuses on the task at hand, but it proves to be harder than expected, with the way James chooses to return the embrace to the best of his abilities. As if Regulus is doing this willingly, or something. 
James leans into him, until his cheek is touching Regulus’, nose digging into his curls and nuzzling there like they’re—like they’re actually—
Regulus finishes the knot alarmingly fast, his whole face burning, especially when he remembers his father is bearing witness to this whole scene. 
Fortunately, there’s only one thing left and it’s that ridiculous hat, so he puts it hastily on James’ head, more than ready to get this torture done and over with. But as soon as it sits on dark curls, Regulus notices it’s crooked, and he’s reaching out once again a second later, righting the damn thing until it’s good, until James looks every bit the pirate that he is. 
The smile he receives in return almost blinds him, and Regulus is averting his gaze even before James turns him back around. 
The disgust on his father’s face isn’t surprising, but it still stings. Although, not as much as the disappointment does. 
“Good job, love,” James murmurs, just for him, and Regulus makes an active effort to not visibly react. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Regulus cocks his head back just enough for their eyes to meet. “You’re despicable,” he spits, hands trembling with barely contained rage. 
“So much hatred coming from such a pretty mouth.” James clicks his tongue, but his grin widens. “I saved your life, you saved mine. Now we’re square, yeah?”
He opens his mouth, a retort on the tip of his tongue, when James lowers the irons around Regulus’ neck enough to grab his gun and then press the barrel of it against Regulus’ temple. 
His blood runs cold and his heart stutters in his chest. There’s a spark of something inside his gut, and then goosebumps break everywhere on his skin, heat rushing to every point of contact between him and James. 
Regulus knows he’s not going to shoot. And yet, a tiny, buried part of him sort of wants him to. 
“Gentlemen,” James exclaims, that fake cheer returning to his voice. “It’s been a pleasure, but I’m afraid it’s time for me to bid you all farewell. Try not to miss me too much, I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”
“You better pray we won’t, pirate,” Lucius snarls, stepping forward at the same time James steps back, still holding onto Regulus.
“Is that a threat, Commodore?”
“It’s a promise.”
James chuckles, and Regulus can feel it rumble against his back. “Well, here’s to hoping you’ll be able to keep it.”
He takes another step back, dragging Regulus with him, but the barrel of the gun isn’t touching his head anymore, and he notices James loosening the irons slightly. He must be about to make his escape, and Regulus thinks he should feel relieved about being freed, but he’s too busy being furious at the fact that James is going to get away with this.
“Oh, I’ll definitely be seeing you again, darlin’,” James says into Regulus’ ear. 
“If you ever dare to go near me again, I’ll kill you myself,” Regulus replies lowly, resisting the urge to turn his head away from James’ filthy mouth.
The pirate hums, and then presses his lips into Regulus’ skin, right under his ear, and it makes him jump, a choked off noise slipping past his mouth. 
For a terrifying moment, he thinks James is kissing him, but the gesture stays as a simple contact. It’s probably just another one of his attempts to anger him, to make a fool out of him, and Regulus loathes that it’s working.
“Looking forward to it,” James mumbles into his throat, and Regulus has to bite his tongue so hard he tastes blood to keep another sound from coming out.
And then, just like that, James is gone. Regulus is still recovering from his words, and the not-really kiss, when the chain disappears from around his neck, the body wrapped around him vanishing as if it had never been there in the first place. 
Lucius and the rest of his men rush after James, running past Regulus without giving him a second glance, but when he turns around, eyes desperately searching, he can’t see anything apart from a sea of uniformed soldiers. 
Regulus doesn’t stop thinking about what happened all day, not even when his father grabs him by the arm and hauls him home. Or when he screams at him for half an hour, and then sends him straight to bed without dinner. It all feels a bit like he’s in a dream, or a trance, and watching everything from outside. 
Nothing seems real anymore. Not since James spoke into his skin while pressing the barrel of his gun to Regulus’ skull.
He isn’t sure of how or when, but one thing is very clear: Regulus is getting revenge. He won’t rest until he sees that bloody pirate behind bars.
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what woud they do if their S/O had a cuteness agression overload? idk how to describe it but if they were just cuddling or smf and their S/O got so happy that they hugged them tightly, REALLY tightly and like started giggling and screaming from happiness? how woud they react plz tell me i have a lot of these stuff happening
Undertale Sans - He jumps a bit at the sudden movement, just blinking at you in confusion. Uh, ok, yeah, he can cuddle. Can you just not crush his ribs, please? He needs them to breathe and stuff, you know. Sans doesn't mind much other than that, he's not that cuddly, but he lived with Papyrus his entire life so he's used to it.
Undertale Papyrus - Your excitement excites him even more and now he's doing the same with you. Papyrus has a lot of cuteness aggression too, so he doesn't mind. He was already a bit like that when you met him, because of Undyne, but now both of you are encouraging him so who is he to resist? He loves hug!
Underswap Sans - He whines, annoyed, and starts to wiggle his legs in the emptiness as you're holding him like a big cat under the arms, hugging him tightly. Please, he's begging you, let him go. He's not mean enough to push you away, but he definitely looks like a grumpy old man right now. He doesn't like hugs, that's a waste of time.
Underswap Papyrus - He tenses in surprise and shock, startled, before relaxing when it turns out you actually just want a hug. A very tight hug, right, but still a hug. You know you can just ask, right? If you missed him that much, he could come to cuddle with you in bed, you don't have to tackle him like a rugbyman.
Underfell Sans - It depends on what state you are in your relationship. If it's the beginning, he will bite your arm to force you to let go, and probably be mad at you for the rest of the day. After a few months though? He's just resigning to his fate. You can hear him sigh loudly as you kiss his skull everywhere and squeeze him like a teddy bear, but he doesn't do anything to stop you either. He guesses that's his life now.
Underfell Papyrus - Like Red, he tends to growl often the first few times, unhappy, but then after several months of this, he just rolls his eyes at you and sighs, not doing anything to escape your crushing arms. He still growls from time to time to show he's definitely the one in control here to please his gigantic ego, but you know it's all a facade and it doesn't have any effect on you.
Horrortale Sans - He whimpers pitifully as you're crushing his neck. Oak would never be that tolerant with anyone else and you know that, and maybe you're taking a little too much advantage of the situation. He likes hugs, but he's not a big fan of you jumping randomly at his face, it often startles him. But when he realizes it's just a hug, he immediately calms down and goes back to normal. Still, be careful to not play with fire too much as there's one day where he might punch you out of surprise lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - He grimaces in pain every time, as it hurts his spine. He would prefer if you rather not jump on him. One or twice is fine, but after that, he might stop you midway by making you faceplants into his hand. He doesn't feel particularly sorry either about it.
Swapfell Sans - He hisses, then chomps your arm with his very pointy teeth. The more you insist, the harder he bites. Nox doesn't like being tackled out of nowhere and will let you know. Usually, he's pouting a few hours after that, and giving you long intense dark stares for a good week every time you're getting too close. No touchy.
Swapfell Papyrus - At your own risk. Rus loves that so much that you actually trained him to do it as well. Except Rus is twice your size and twice your strength too. So yeah, the first time he tackles you on the couch, emptying your lungs as he hits you, it's going to be a surprise. Rus loves to play violent games, but maybe a little too much so be careful.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He does a dramatic slow turn to you with the most "WTF" expression you have ever seen him do.
You decide it's best to slowly let him go if you want to survive another day. Wine is not cuddly. And he's wearing expensive clothes. Do that again and he yeets you by the window.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - When you come running to him, screaming, he freaks out and starts to run for his life as well, screaming at the top of his lungs lol. You startle him. Good luck tackling him without him screaming like he's getting murdered now.
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mousegard · 2 years
For the character ask game: Dorothea Arnault
ooh, dorothea! i love dorothea but man i have written so little about her...
favorite thing about them
dorothea being a classically trained singer and opera star is my absolute favorite thing about her. mainly because i have an older sister who got her degree in classical singing and is like literally dorothea irl (she works in cybersecurity now and sings on the side, what a career path)
least favorite thing about them
no a-supports with bernie or ingrid :( like i get that ingrid is offput and made uncomfortable by dorothea's reflexive flirtiness and it's a compelling flaw in her characterization that she doesn't know how to "turn it off" sometimes... i just wish that at the very least they'd had an a-support where they could kiss and make up
favorite line
does it count if i just put down "every time she sings something" because man allegra clark just kills it
as much as i'm disappointed that her supports with bernie only go up to b i do love the idea of her and bernie as platonic friends. dorothea being the first commoner friend bernie has made since the yuri incident just feels so sweet... i love how dorothea helps bernie get over that wall and escape her father's control so she can be a bit more adventurous
there are so many dorothea ships that i just love to death that i don't know where to start. dorothea x petra and dorothea x edelgard have a lot of the same appeal. after a life of having to rub elbows with the nobility and hold her nose while she cynically searches for a spouse she can tolerate who will take care of her when her beauty fades, she finds the pinnacle of nobility—literal princesses, later a queen and/or an emperor—and they love her not for her beauty or her voice but for her heart, and she loves them not for their wealth or security but for their hearts... she earned a fairytale ending she didn't think was possible
also! also! i love dorothea x hubert, which really doesn't get enough attention. i got their paired ending on my first playthrough of crimson flower and i love the idea of her and hubert operating a spy ring together out of her opera company. it'll always hold a special place in my heart
i don't think there are any dorothea pairings that i just viscerally shudder at, but there are plenty of possible pairings in canon that just leave me cold. felix x dorothea is just kinda... there? the two characters never really feel like they have any chemistry between them, but they get a paired ending anyway. weird.
random headcanon
i didn't invent this but my headcanon is that dorothea has stretch marks. she was underfed and undernourished on the streets, obviously, but getting scouted would have given her body a sudden influx of nutritious food and caused a growth spurt that definitely would have left its mark on her
another headcanon: if you look closely at her list of liked and disliked foods, she dislikes every fish dish in the monastery. in fact the fish dishes are the only dishes she dislikes. since enbarr is a coastal city, you can infer that fish (most often quite past its recommended sell-by date) comprised a lot of the food dorothea had to choose from as a child on the streets. my headcanon is that she got horribly sick off of bad fish once and was lucky to survive
unpopular opinion
since i'm not clued into the fandom attitudes about dorothea i have to just assume that an "unpopular opinion" would be that every barbed insult dorothea throws at a male character is something they deserved, at the time
yes, even ferdie. her insults help him grow as a person
dorothea did nothing wrong. i'm just assuming that's an unpopular opinion in the fandom because. you know. that's what fandoms are always like
song i associate with them
one of the most famous arias from one of the most famous operas, "vissi d'arte" ("i live for art") from puccini's tosca, is a song i think fits dorothea very well. the eponymous character of floria tosca had to be at least a minor inspiration for dorothea!
tosca is a tragic story about a celebrated singer living in a time of political turmoil and caught between her lover mario cavaradossi, a painter with radical sympathies who has offered shelter to an escaped political prisoner, and baron scarpia, the corrupt chief of police who is determined to both capture the prisoner and seize tosca for himself at any cost... i'm sure a fe3h tosca au would be a pretty natural fit for a fanfic :P
I lived for my art, I lived for love, I never did harm to a living soul! With a secret hand I relieved as many misfortunes as I knew of. Always with true faith my prayer rose to the holy shrines. Always with true faith I gave flowers to the altar. In the hour of grief why, why, o Lord, why do you reward me thus? I gave jewels for the Madonna’s mantle, and I gave my song to the stars, to heaven, which smiled with more beauty. In the hour of grief why, why, o Lord, ah, why do you reward me thus?
favorite picture of them
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i like it when dorothea shoots lightning at people :) tosca would have had a happier ending if tosca could do that
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Tickletober day 11: Death spot/Anticipation
I love Kamishiro Rui. He's such a good boy and deserves all the tickles in existence. I will not tolerate any hate towards him/lh. Anyways I noticed I haven't written for lee Rui in almost 2 months, I'm so sorry to the lee Rui fanatics (aka me). Here's some lee Rui to cure all your problems.
As I wrote this I noticed that there was a lot of anticipation involved so I decided to mush both prompts together
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Rui x Tsukasa (romantic)
Lee: Rui
Ler: Tsukasa
Warnings: Tickles!
How did Rui manage to get in this situation? One moment he was working on his new inventions and the next he was found laying on his bed, arms outstretched above his head, and a mischevious world future star laying on top of him. Either way it worked out in his favor, Rui was in a lee mood and Tsukasa was in a ler mood, what a perfect duo.
"Are you ready~?" the blonde grinned down at him, causing Rui to nervously shift under his teasy gaze.
With a soft gulp, he gently nodded his head, giggles of anticipation already wanting to bubble out of his chest.
"Alright and remember don't lower your arms~" Tsukasa then started to softly trace his fingertips down his partner's forearms, going oh so slowly just to make poor Rui suffer.
The purple haired male instantly took a sharp breath, biting the inside of his cheek in hopes of keeping his giggles at bay. His arms shook every so often threatening to come crashing down at the so ticklish and yet comforting touch. Rui didn't know what was worse, getting his worst spot tickled or the buildup that lead up to it. Whenever Tsukasa's fingers got ever so close to his armpits, only to go back up his forearms, it made him closer and closer to losing his composure and sanity.
Feeling a bit mean, Tsukasa softly spidered his fingers along Rui's elbows, finally earning the first few snickers from him.
"Ack-! Ehehehe! Y-you jeherk!!" Rui turned his head to the side, trying to muffle his cute giggles against his arm. But of course Tsukasa just HAD to make his life a living hell by playfully skittering his short nails across his neck. "EEK! Ahahahaha!" Rui squeaked at the sudden change of spot, trying his best to turtle in.
"Aww~ Your reactions are always so precious~" Tsukasa cooed down at him as he dragged his fingertips along his jawline until he reached his chin, gently scratching under it.
"Eep!! S-stahahap it!" Rui shook his head around as the bubbliest little giggles spilled out of him.
"Haha whatever you say~ How about we go back over here?" Tsukasa moved his fingers back to Rui's arms, placing them on his elbows without moving them yet. "I'm gonna go for your worst spot now, prepare yourself~".
The comment made Rui's cheeks darken, nervous giggles shooting out of him as his tickle monster of a boyfriend lightly dragged his short nails down his elbows to his forearms.
"Oh nooo I'm getting closer~ I wonder how long you'll be able to keep your arms up once I ticky-ticky-tickle your armpits~" Tsukasa chuckled at the flustered squeal that escaped his boyfriend, the blush on his cheeks getting darker by the second. By the time Tsukasa's fingers were inches away from Rui's armpits, he stopped. Letting his fingers rest right next to the tickle spot.
Rui squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the kill, but it never came. He dared to peak an eye open, only to be met with two index fingers drawing small circles on each exposed armpit. "GYAH!" the squeakiest squeal came out of him, leaving anyone near him deaf. The anticipation just made him feel even more ticklish, even the lightest touch sent him over the edge.
"Awww look at how ticklish you are here, it's so cute~!" the blonde teased down at his strawberry looking partner, now opting to gently scratch one nail in the center of each armpit.
"Please what?".
"JUHUST T-TIHIHICKLE ME ALREHEADY!" Rui screeched out, his face fully red at this point. If Tsukasa kept teasing him like this any longer he for sure thought he'd go insane.
"Anything for you sweetie~" Tsukasa gave him a soft kiss on the forehead before digging all 10 fingers into his armpits, gently scratching and scribbling all over the sweet spot.
"BWAH! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Rui practically screamed in laughter, his arms crashing down in an instant, leaving Tsukasa's fingers trapped there to torment him for as long as he wants. Not like Rui minded, this is what he wanted after all~♡
Why is it that whenever I'm in a big ass lee mood my brain instantly self projects onto Rui 🥴
Did I fluster myself while writing this? mAybe
Anyways where are all the lee Rui fanatics? I can't be the only dumbass that has a hyperfixation on him akjdksjdjsjd
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codenamehazard · 2 years
InFAMOUS Headcanon: Winter Woes
Hey guys! For those of us who's winters are cold, dry and chock full of static, you know the struggles. Hair frizzing more readily, socks and sweaters clinging to each-other for dear life after a tumble in the dryer, carpets, fuzzy clothes and doorknobs seeming to conspire against you and things are sticking to you more than you'd like... And this is just the stuff in the home going on. Outside, it's cold, sometimes it's icy and slushy, sometimes the winds are vicious and bitter and while the fluff white snow is a mostly welcome sight during the holiday season, after that, it's a slushy grey sloppy mess that has overstayed it's welcome.
But all this has got me thinking... What would Cole MacGrath feel about the grief that winter likes to cause?
So in honor of being shocked a little too much from metal doorknobs, here's my thoughts on the Electric Man and how he would deal with the static nightmare that is winter.
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As stated before in a previous post I made, if Empire City's climate is anything like the city it was modeled after, than Cole MacGrath is no stranger to crap weather, including snow.
Though while Cole has a love/hate relationship with rain and thunderstorms, he strongly dislikes snow. The only thing it's good for is getting him days off if it's really bad and even then he has mixed emotions on it because, most likely, if he doesn't work that day, he doesn't get paid. Which isn't a good thing.
When he's getting ready to make his rounds, his brows would furrow and his lips would curl into a sneer if the forecast shows that the weather was gonna be shit. Rainy days he could tolerate, yeah they're wet and miserable and the roads are a bit on the slick side, but it's bearable.
Winter weather was a whole 'nother animal.
Even bundled up as much as he could, thermals and all, the wind as he rides and the cold fury of Mother Nature tears through the protective layers of clothing. Chilling him to the bone. Even the warmth produced by his movements is negated by the sweat that comes from exercise. It's even more hellish when he's stuck standing still for any reason, but the reason for his irritation is the roads.
Wet roads you can see, icy roads you often can't.
Black ice everywhere, making every road and bridge a potential death-trap for cars, literally metal cages on wheels. Can you imagine how dangerous those same conditions would be for a lone man riding a bicycle? It also doesn't help that, for some damn reason, people drive like idiots in snowy conditions. Making the roads all the more dangerous for Cole as he goes about his job.
Even on his proper days off, the snow and cold are nuisances. Parkour is dangerous enough, even with as seasoned of a practitioner as he is, icy rooftops and slick poles make things even too risky for him.
I guess he could go out with Zeke and Trish for sledding shenanigans, but knowing both Cole and Zeke and their tendency towards mischief, there's probably a lot of making ramps out of snow and a lot of yelling from Trish about the two guys (mainly her daredevil of a boyfriend) launching themselves airborne with the ramps.
On the whole though, all MacGrath wants to do is stay indoors as much as possible, be it in a bar with Zeke, curled up in his bed, escaping the cold with a nice warm shower/bath or all snuggled up on a couch under a cozy blanket with Trish watching "Home Alone."
His relationship with the cold worsens after the blast.
Now we don't really get to see much of what goes down in the year between InFAMOUS 1 and InFAMOUS 2 aside from what we see in the InFAMOUS comics, but I can imagine that the winter for that year was an absolute nightmare for the Demon of Empire City.
Everywhere he went, the air felt charged and buzzing. Sparks seemed to jump off him at random. Even after getting his powers under control, the dry air seemed to be the perfect storm for people to be zapped by accident. Touching him was like getting zapped by a doorknob, he was even more likely to accidentally fry electronics. Clothes and small light objects like plastic bags, thin pieces of paper and the like clung to him incessantly. It seemed like no matter how many times he'd discharge his body to get things to stop sticking to him and to make it so that he's not zapping every doorknob, shocking damn near every rando on the street and short-circuiting every piece of tech he wants to use, it's almost like the cold, dry, static-y air would just charge him back up again and he's back to fighting rogue sweaters and marauding foil decorations.
It also doesn't help that his main mode of getting around involves him zooming around on wires or the third rail of the train, friction from the wind and the electricity from the wires charging him up even more.
The parkour issue may have been resolved thanks to him not getting hurt from falling, but I'd think that landing wrong would still suck. His attacks probably have more punch too thanks to the added charge, but other than that, there were more negatives than positives in regards to being a living battery in the winter time.
Even indoors, Cole's powers cause issues for him. The constant charge of power makes him antsy, so being cooped up inside is irritating, when he and Zeke are on somewhat better terms, grabbing a beer has it's issues of being surrounded by bodies and those bodies are most likely gonna get a zap, electronics are still wigging out... Sleep has become an elusive thing, so he can't really enjoy being in his bed. With Trish gone, being under the covers on the couch feels just as cold as the winter air, he can't even find solace in the warm waters of a shower or a bath as the water would kill him and sponge bathing just doesn't cut it.
Cole MacGrath may have never been a fan of the winter weather, but after the blast, his feelings towards the ice and snow has turned from a strong dislike to straight up loathing.
He couldn't wait for warm weather to come and winter to be over.
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lemistired · 1 year
Essay- Untitled (again)
I don’t like naming things, I’m bad at it. 
I’ve been in a little bit of a slump for a bit now, my anxiety is getting really bad again, like I’m fighting to leave the house every time I have to. The other week I near enough downed 3/4ths of a bottle of vodka and of course i then saw that same bottle twice. I didn’t even expect that to happen, that’s the funny thing. My asthmas also been acting up like CRAZY cause how humid the air is and how much pollen there is, I hate that my lungs are as sensitive as they are, they can take a lot, but when it hits them it hits them hard, I should really tell them they’re doing a good job from time to time. ANYWAYS this is essentially just a vent that I’ve been adding to when things get a lot, and I’ve decided I’m done with this one cause it’s hard to have any literary flow when you’re in bits. 
People go on about how wonderful life is, yet have you ever found someone who isn’t simply drifting?
I mean yeah, I have these hopes and aspirations, but they’re more like rough suggestions. I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow, you can’t even say I’m taking the day as it comes because that’s a blatant lie, I’m simply going through the motions I’ve rehearsed a million times before this.
There is no escape from anything anymore. Alcohol simply allows you to sleep without a plagued mind, gradually your tolerance is getting higher though and the four cans of cider and a shot of vodka doesn’t make you drowsy anymore like it did the first time you drank; you keep drinking trying to get that same effect until suddenly you’ve gone through half a bottle of gin. You know it’s getting bad again when you’ve had a hard day and your first thought is to down some whisky, that’s my drink of choice when the days been rough. If I want a good time having rum usually goes down well, but sometimes the familiarity of that burn going down, setting your chest ablaze, is exactly the kind of comfort you need. Your mornings have started to consist of thinking about clearing away those empty bottles in your room, yet your nights are filled with heavy eyes and a thick taste of regret lining your tongue.
Sometimes it’s not enough, so you try smoking a little, doesn’t matter if it’s a tobacco cigarette or an electronic one, sometimes it’s nice to feel like you’re drowning for a moment. You know you shouldn’t because it’s “shaving years off your life”, you’re asthmatic so you know you’ll feel it when you go into an attack about an hour later. Sometimes I find myself unable to get the oxygen to my lungs, my body is shaking as I’m slowly getting dizzier trying to choke back the nausea, my inhalers won’t work so I sit there rubbing my chest hoping to alleviate the pain.
I’ve lost my sense of identity now; I don’t know last time someone asked me about what my characteristics are and I didn’t fabricate something on the spot. One group thinks I’m some shy, kind, reserved person who cares too much about everyone, another thinks I’m a more head strong, argumentative person—they’re even scared to wake me if I fall asleep just in the off chance I’ll snap at them. My family thinks I’m the most responsible introverted person you can find. The only advantage to not having a set personality is I’ve gotten really well at masking everything. I think I was 12 when I started acting, none of my current friends fully know me as a result of this, I keep losing people due to my inconsistencies.
A few points of me have stayed consistent; I’m not cishet-- truthfully I’m always in a state of questioning, my life has always looked like a dark room with a phone light being the only source, hospitals are places that I hate yet still find comfort in—they’re familiar, I hate being alone—at least alone without access to at least text someone, I prefer the cold weather—there’s less people walking so you don’t have to hide as much.
I find my emotions are something that come in waves, you get a tiny ripple, then suddenly thousands of waves come crashing down so hard it hurts as it hits against your skin, eventually they calm and there’s nothing at all. When the waves still, I wouldn’t even call it content, it’s simply a grey area between emotions, you feel something, but it’s not positive, negative, or neutral. When the waves are thundering on for what seems like an eternity, it becomes so overwhelming nothing shows, but you feel it; the suffocating of being thrown under the water with no mercy, you’re struggling to know its pointless so you begin to let yourself drown, only for you to suddenly gain the ability to breathe underwater, it’s the only way you’d ever cope with it.
I’ve become sick of sacrificing everything the moment people ask it of me. I’ve never been a caring person, the habits have just become deep routed in me, if you see a glimmer of genuine concern or trust from me, you know I really care. Sometimes I ask simply because you look upset and I don’t want the day to be dragged down as a result, other times, I want to make you feel better. The way my life has always worked was I was the caretaker, but I was not the kind of person who would clean your wound with such care and give you treats after. I think back to arguments sitting with my brother, trying to convince him to allow me to take out broken fragments of plastic out of his hand with tweezers, the concern over taking me all you may see was aggression at first glance, but those who know me know that is how I care – it’s cold, violent, and upsetting, yet I’ll still touch you with gentle hands dancing over the injury, touch so light you may not even feel it.
On some not rare occasions, I find myself disgusted to be banded in with people, not because I dislike people, I simply feel beneath them, an imposter with subtle cracks showing through a true nature. My emotions lead me in a world shrouded in logic, it was never suited for people like me. I am simply a by-product from a war between obligation and negligence.
━  S
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stella-ignis-rosea · 9 months
The Oni would hum as he wrapped his arms around Kyokai while they were laying in bed together. The Oni had a rather large bed, and it was incredibly comfortable. How he'd afforded it was left to everyone's imagination. (He'd done a LOT of odd jobs to save up the Mora to get an actual bed, rather than a bedroll or a futon.)
His lips would press against the back of Kyokai's neck as the Oni held him close to himself, in fact, the smaller male's back was flush against the larger male's chest. He'd let out a content hum before he'd slightly nuzzle his boyfriend.
"Hey, baby, how are you feelin'? Are you doin' okay? Need anythin'?"
He knew Kyokai had a weaker constitution than the rest of the Gang, but that didn't stop the Oni from loving him, or lavishing him with attention, affection, and generally just, loving on him. Such as he was now. Prior to meeting Kyokai, and later dating him, the Oni had never really known what real love felt like. He'd bring his face a bit closer to the other, lips almost touching the shell of the ear not against a pillow, or the Oni's bicep, which, for some reason or another, Kyokai, CLAIMED was quite comfortable. Why had he moved his face so close? Simple, he was going to whisper into the smaller male's ear.
"I love you. I just want you to know that. You're also amazing, kind, and positively breathtaking in every possible way. Even those who are reputed 'beauties' pale in comparison to you."
He'd give a slight one-armed squeeze to his boyfriend before moving his face a smidge closer so his lips could press against the albino's cheek, lips curling into a genuine smile.
"Nothin' and no one can compare to you, baby." ->Being incredibly sweet on the boyfriend. Enjoy the cavities.
Kyokai has indeed claimed the Oni’s biceps, those are HIS ‘pillows’ and they are indeed extremely cozy and warm, especially when the Oni has his arms wrapped around him in a nice embrace like this, especially when he can feel the others lips against the shell of his ear, his eyes were lazily closed happily..hearing his soft loving words whispered soft and soothingly in his ears
Oh how he loves it, yearns for more, yearns to let this never ever end, just forever embraced and safe in the arms of his Oni boyfriend.
A hum escaped from his lips at the Oni’s soft question, he loves it when he calls him baby, it makes his heart melt and feel all fuzzy and soft inside like he’s becoming a cloud. True his health is finicky, shitty really, and it’s always been like that since he was very young, attempts to be sheltered during his youth have failed due to Kyo always wanting to go out and play in the dirt and snow….or continue horse riding lessons, but most days he was often caught sick in bed or inside forced to tend to his studies..which did not help him build a tolerance to the outside world at all….
So seeing Itto caring for him during his lower moments made him love Itto so..so much more..he can’t even begin to comprehend just how far this oni will go for him just as Kyo will do the same for him.
“…splendid with you right here holding me Sunshine…I wanna stay like this a little longer…”
He purred out softly as he nuzzles the taller male, his arms wrapped around him as he rests his face right in between his man-boobs, right below the crook of his neck,
“And I Love you too, My dearest and most precious sunshine, words can’t express how much you light up and brighten my day..my life…nothing and no one can nor will ever compare to you…you are my entire life..”
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underthetale · 9 months
When with customers.
He is a very shy and soft spoken person while working in his beloved restaurant. Grillby enjoys the homey atmosphere of his place and spends it half listening to exaggerated stories that people experience in this isolated underground.
He appreciates small actions of gratitude from the people around him because of his tendency to not make many friends.
Overall, he mostly keeps to himself, doesn't talk much at all due to shyness. However when in his element he shows confidence that everyone adores.
When with friends and family.
He enjoys his time with his friends and family by just being around them, they don't have the need to talk. Just being near them is enough for Grillby. He takes up the role of encourager when around people he cares about.
He thinks it's important to listen to everyone before making a judgement, how people view another is important. However it is important to see how that person views and carries themselves. Afterall that is how he met Sans.
While Alone.
Grillby is a lot more relaxed while alone, it helps him recharge and be ready for the next work day.
While in his own space or ever just overall, he is an organised person. He keeps to his usual schedule so he has a constant sense of discipline in his life.
Overall personality.
Quiet, Shy, soft-spoken when working with customers and sometimes friends.
Open-minded for people he doesn't know.
Observent of peoples emotions and intent.
Disciplined in his daily life.
Encouraging towards people he is close to.
Confident in his element(Cooking and bartending)
Curious and excited for stories around the underground/surface.
When talking to the askers, he can tell more then he wants to say. When someone asks him about a topic, he can divulge a bit from the topic. (Mostly due to not talking about his interests enough) Rambling is something that commonly happens with Grillby, he always apologises even with when he doesn't have too.
In scenario's, Grillby typically just watches on from afar, unless he is dragged in due to unknow circumstances.
During dangerous situations like being attacked by the human, he typically tries to dodge unless backed into a corner. Very view can hurt him due to being an elemental, but water is something that can scare him into fighting back.
When someone else is being attacked, Grillby typically doesn't think and acts on impulse, this usually lands him joining the battle or escaping with his friend.
Other situations that surprise him, like Sans paying his tab or Papyrus coming intohis restaurant once every blue moon. Will cause the bartender to freeze for a moment before stuttering into the situation as casually as one can (He may be a little blue depending on the situation).
Grillby was summoned during the Autumn near the end of the great monster/human war. Unsure of actual date.
The war was hundreds of years ago now, so roughly he would be 400 years old which is young to elemental standards (Asgores older).
Favourites and Likes.
Grillby adores the colour blue, even when most think it'll be red, orange or yellow. He thinks that blue is majestic in a way that seems unspoken.
Something that also seems unexpected is that Grillby enjoys the snow and cold that surrounds Snowdin and hates the heat and dryness of Hotlands.
Grillby has a few hobbies of his own like baking and foraging. He likes to spend his days either cooking, baking, collecting herbs in foraging or just relaxing on the couch reading a good book.
Grillby has very few friends, but the ones he talks to the most is Sans, the doggo couple and Gaster (when alive that is). He likes to spend time listening to Sans joke away while cleaning his dishes (why are there so many cups???).
Dislikes and Pet peeves.
Grillby has a no tolerance policy for people discriminating against others for race, species, identity, mental and/or physical struggles. They are a large portion of his regulars and he respects them deeply.
Grillby dislikes being pushed to talk or be outgoing, he likes to have a slow life without many large events.
Grillby doesn't like spaghetti(and a few related meals), he thinks it is too much for him overall. The pasta and sauce is a weird texture to him, he likes simple and straightforward textures like softness of chips and the hard skin of an apple.
Grillby typically drifts away from unhonest people, if he can't trust someone to tell him the full truth then he will just drift.
"The most important thing to do when in my position is to listen to what others have to say, some things may be twisted in a way so you don't get the full picture."
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sunrisefairy · 3 years
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Paring: Remus Lupin x fem!reader Warning: NSFW! MDNI 18+ unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of oral sex. If I’ve forgotten anything let me know! Summary: Remus finds the reader so annoyingly distracting.  A/N: for the anon that wanted a mix of enemies to lovers and Remus losing control near the full moon. I hope I did it justice.  Requests are open!
tag list: if your name is crossed out i couldn’t tag you :( @theweasleyslut @anxiousblanketqueen @midnightgremlin @babyjordy @widowdays @inglourious-imagines @garbdump @star-sunshine-sage @weelittleweasley @starlightkell @omghufflepuff @weasleysprincess @harrysboo28 @j-amespotter @woodxweasley @gryffindorgirl @siriusbarnesslut @joytce397 @thegirllostinthelibrary @layaaaa @nuttytani @horrormoviebitch @j-weasley-lupin  @sunflowerdarlingx @touchdeprivedwh0re​ @melonoptimist @iamnibbsi  @thebiggestsimponearth​ @impulse-anchor​ @lilytheally​ @familydisappointed @alinor-padfoot
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Remus Lupin isn’t one to hate people, sure there is only a select few people that he actually likes spending time with and considers his good friends but that doesn’t mean that he dislikes everyone else, he just doesn’t have time for a lot of people, especially annoying people. And some people are just more annoying than others and most times those people don’t even realise they’re acting as such. Except for the girl who is basically in every one of his classes, you. Remus is certain you know how infuriating you are, especially when you shoot your hand up to beat Remus to answering a question or how a smile will stretch across your pretty lips when you finds out you scored higher than Remus on a test or how you always seems to giggle a little louder when you knows Remus is nearby. Remus finds it irritating how you seems to know exactly how to get on his nerves, you know precisely how to make his cheeks heat up in anger and make his blood boil and his cock hard, okay maybe you don’t realise you’re doing the last one but still. But the thing that annoys Remus the most is you don’t seem to care.
Being friends with James Potter and Sirius Black, Remus has learnt to obtain the patience of a saint. He finds no trouble in zoning out their constant chatter and ignoring their mindless bickering. However, as it gets closer to a full moon, Remus’ tolerance wears thin and the marauders quickly learnt to simmer down and be wary of Remus around a full moon, unless either one of them wanted a smack to the back of the head. As it gets closer to his transformations Remus’ senses are heightened tenfold, it’s as if he can hear every sound, smell every scent and everything he tastes is 10 times more intense.
His joints were aching more than usual last night so that combined with Peters constant snoring ensured minimal sleep which resulted in Remus being extra irritable today which would have been manageable if he didn’t have a class first thing with you. Beautiful, cute, annoying you.
Remus thought if he could just spend the lesson concentrating hard enough on the professors dull voice that you sitting in the same room as him wouldn’t be an issue, it wasn’t like he sat next to you anyway, James or Sirius always occupied the desk next to him eager to ‘share’ his notes. Expect this day was different, because Remus got little sleep last night he slept through his alarm and somehow even slept through the booming voices of the Marauders when they were getting ready this morning. Remus started off the day jumping out of bed and rushing to get ready, having no time for breakfast (which added to his already foul mood) and practically falling through the classroom door only to find his usual seat was pre-occupied by some girl Sirius was trying to woo and James was sitting next to Pete.
“Ah, Mr. Lupin. How fantastic to see you have finally decided to join us. Please find a seat so I can continue on with my lesson,” the Professor states before continuing his lifeless lesson.
Remus quickly scans the room for a free chair to rush to, he spots one in the far corner of the room but falters in his step when he notices who is seated next to the free space, you. Remus groans when he realises this was the only free chair and very obviously drags his feet before plopping down beside you, he can only hope you decided to not be annoyingly distracting today.
“How scandalous that Mr. prefect is late to class,” you whisper, chuckling when you see Remus roll his eyes, a usual reaction of his.
Remus comes to the conclusion that the best point of action is to just pretend you don’t exist, which goes according to plan until 3 quarters of the way through the lesson. The thing is, Remus hasn’t sat in such close proximity to you this close to a full moon before and he’s struggling to keep his focus on the jumble of words in front of him and not on the way you’re obnoxiously twirling your hair between your fingers. Whatever perfume you sprayed on yourself is suffocating Remus’ nostrils and he can’t get enough. Within no time Remus thoughts are straying away from his textbook to more filthy thoughts surrounding you. The main image that is burning a hole in his brain is the thought of burying his face in your neck and inhaling your scent and sinking his teeth into your perfect skin, he has to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning.
Remus manages to write 2 more messy sentences down before glancing in your direction and noticing the way your lip is pulled between your teeth and he can’t help but fantasise about biting your annoyingly pretty lips himself.
“Stop doing that,” Remus grits through his teeth as he speaks.
You meet his gaze confused, “stop doing what?”
“That!” Remus whisper yells, pointing at your lips as you once again pull your bottom lip in between your lip. “It’s distracting.”
You mumble an apology and go back to writing your notes. You’re so engrossed in reading the selected chapter you don’t even notice you’re bouncing your leg up and down rapidly until a rough hand stills your movements. You’re expecting Remus to remove his large hand once your movements stop, however to your surprise he keeps his hand resting firmly against your bare knee. Mouth agape and staring down at where Remus is touching you, the way his thumb is stroking at your skin seems innocent enough, so why is your stomach in knots?
Remus leans dangerously close to your ear, which thankfully goes unnoticed by the rest of the class given the fact the two of you are seated at the back of the room. “You are being very distracting right now bunny, it’s making me angry.”
A visible shudder runs through your body, feeling Remus’ hot breath fanning the side of your face makes your mouth dry. Remus’ low teasing voice makes you whimper immediately a heat rushes up your cheeks because even though your whimper was quiet Remus is so very close to you right now, you know he heard.
“Come with me,” Remus squeezes your knee and moves to rise from his seat.
You halt his movements by grabbing onto his bicep, “we can’t just leave, we’re in the middle of class.” Your eyes dart to the front of the room to see if your professor has witnessed Remus’ half standing and planning his escape.
“What’s life without a bit of risk bunny, now c’mon.” his tone demanding and firm. Without even a second glance Remus walks out of class, making you wonder if he’s done this before. The odds are high, given that he’s one fourth of the infamous marauders clan.
You look away from the door Remus just so carelessly walked out of and to the front of the class at your professor, he’s sitting at his desk reading over papers and very obviously trying to stay awake. The chances of him catching you are slim but that isn’t what you’re nervous about. You’re nervous about what will happen if you do make it out of the classroom unnoticed, you’re nervous about what Remus will do to you. The endless possibilities are both thrilling and exciting. There’s no way you could stay seated not when there’s a wetness pooling in your panties just from Remus’ hand on your knee.
Carefully you slip out from your seat and rush to the door, breathing a sigh of relief when you successfully make it out into the corridor. Looking around you notice the corridor is empty and there’s no sign of Remus, you begin walking down the hallway in search of the boy.
“Remus?” you’re met with nothing but silence. Just as you’re about to turn and head back to class you feel a strong arm grip yours and tug your harshly into a tiny room.
“Ooft,” your body slamming into someone’s hard chest; if only there was a light source in this closet? yes it’s definitely a closet, if only it wasn’t so dark in here you would be able to figure out who decided it a good idea to scare the shit out of you by pulling you in here with them.
“Took your fucking time,” the other person grunts, Remus you thought, you knew that voice.
“Remus, what the hell? Care to explain why your dragged me out of class and into this dark broom closet?” Although there is no light in the tiny closet you can vaguely see Remus’ outline towering over you, you gulp realising how close the both of you are standing to each other. Remus’ hot breath fans your face and you’re very aware that if you were to angle your head further upwards and stand on your tiptoes you could connects your lips. The thought itself has you shuddering.
“Couldn’t wait.” Remus replies, stepping closer, invading your personal space even more, not that you minded.
“Couldn’t wait for what?”
“Merlin you’re dumber than I thought if you don’t know.”
You scoff defensively, “I am not dumb, do I have to remind you I bet you on the last Charms essay? and on the transfigurations one so-”
The words die in your throat, Remus cutting you off by connecting your lips in a needy and desperate kiss. Immediately you wrap your arms around his neck and tug him closer by the hair. Remus rests his hands on your waist pulling your hips flush against his, you whimper feeling his hard cock pressing against your stomach.
Remus breaks away from your mouth and starts sucking and licking down your jaw and neck while his hands move to grope at your breasts over the top of your school shirt. “We don’t have much time before class ends.” Remus mumbles into your skin, his mouth is salivating when he breathes in deep, his nostrils filling with the sweet scent of you, it’s so intoxicating and immediately images of you are accompanying his mind, some more sinful than others. Remus wastes no time in sinking his teeth into the fleshy part of your shoulder, his cock twitching at the sound you make.
“Then you better hurry up and fuck me Remus,” you smirk, loving the way Remus groans and narrows his eyes at you. His pupils have seemingly expanded and darkened, his eyes are scanning over every inch of your face leaving you feeling vulnerable.
Your pussy has been throbbing since Remus firmly rested his hand on your leg back in the classroom and you know your panties are soaked by now with the way Remus is rutting his hips against yours but it’s not enough. It won’t be enough, not until you know what it’s like to have Remus’ skin against yours and his cock inside you but even then, you think you will always be wanting more of him.
Your hands are fumbling at Remus’ pants trying to get them unbuckled as quickly as possible, Remus understands the rush and helps you, skilfully undoing his pants and pushing them along with his boxers down his legs with only one hand, the other creeps under your shirt and rests delicately on the small of your back. Just the feeling of Remus’ skin on your back makes you melt further into him, your desire to have him fuck you hard and fast is becoming unbearable. Remus’ cock is sitting hard and angrily between your bodies, desperate for any sort of attention and Remus wishes you had more time because he would love to push you down to your knees and finally force you to shut up by pushing his cock into your sweet mouth and make you gag and choke around his length until you’re crying. But time isn’t on his side right now so instead Remus wraps his strong arms around your arse, silently signally you to jump which you do with no hesitation and lock your legs around his waist.
Remus reaches his hand down to flip your skirt up, he be damned if he couldn’t see the cunt he’s spent way to much time thinking about. Remus pull your panties to the side groaning when his fingers graze your wet dripping core, another thing he wishes he could do is to taste you. He just knows you taste sugary and sweet just like the sounds you’re making as he teases your entrance. He wants to bury his face deep in your cunt inhaling your scent while he licks and sucks until you’re screaming his name, maybe another time.
“You gotta be quiet for me kay bunny? Think you can do that?” Remus’ voice is thick with lust and a condescending tone is laced throughout it.
“You think that highly of yourself?” you retort trying to rile Remus up like you normally do, it seems to be working judging by the way Remus pinches the flesh of your arse.
Without breaking eye contact Remus lines up his cock and drags your hips down until he’s deep inside you, his balls pressed flush against your skin.
Remus isn’t sure if it’s because it’s close to the full moon but he hasn’t even started moving yet and the way the soft velvet walls of your cunt is gripping and hugging at his cock feels so intense and heavenly, he thinks he might cum right there.
Along with a lack of patience around this time of the month Remus also struggles to control himself and his urges. It takes every ounce of self-discipline in him to hold you against the rough wall of the broom closet and slowly rock his hips into yours, feeling the need to control the situation. Remus is very conscious of not gripping your hips too hard and not slamming his hips up into yours too roughly, he doesn’t want to let go mentally and hurt you.
You can tell Remus is holding back, the authoritative tone used in the classroom is vastly different to his actions right now. He’s supposed to be fucking you hard and fast and making you scream, not this.
Although the pleasure from Remus’ rocking into your cunt is great you know he can do better, can fuck you better. “Remus,” you whine, pulling his face away from your neck, forcing him to look you in the eyes. There’s clearly an internal struggle behind his eyes. “Remus, I need you to fuck me properly. I can take it, you won’t break me, promise.”
Remus does pick up the speed slightly, but you can clearly tell there’s still some hesitance on his behalf and you asking nicely didn’t seem break that. You’re desperate for Remus to let go. A smirk breaks out onto your face, an idea forming. Based on your previous interactions you know exactly how to get under Remus’ skin, what to say and do that would have him clenching his jaw in annoyance, after all it was a hobby of yours, annoying Remus Lupin. “Guess we don’t have to worry about me being quiet if you fuck like this. Pity, was kinda hoping you’d have me screaming.”
Something deep and primal in him snaps, blame it on the full moon or how you’re silently challenging him, he doesn’t care, all he cares about right now is proving you wrong, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had you trembling and shaking.
His grip on your hips tighten, nails threatening to break skin as Remus pushes your further into the wall behind you so hard for a second you think you might go tumbling right through it. You’re grateful for the material of your school top slightly soften the rough texture of the wall behind you. With no warning Remus starts slamming his hips harder and faster into yours, clearly set on making you squirm against him. Each thrust is harder than the last and his cock is poking your g-spot repeatedly. The sounds you were making were positively indecent and only fuelled Remus on. Neither of you cared that anyone walking by the broom closet could possibly hear the sound of skin slapping together or yours and Remus’ moans. None of that mattered, not when the two of you felt this good.
The vigour of Remus’ pace was unmatched and all you could do was hold on tight to Remus’ shoulders and take every powerful thrust. You were hypnotised with the feeling of Remus’ cock inside of you, you couldn’t help but wonder what other parts of his body like his fingers or tongue, would feel like when fucking you.
“Fuck Remus, so good. I-I” you weren’t even sure what you were trying to say, all your thoughts were jumbled and bouncing around in your brain, all you knew is you never wanted Remus to stop.
“You feel amazing,” Remus’ body was on fire, every inch of him alight and burning, his annoyance of how his day started was far from his mind. All he could think of was you and how you were clenching around him. He chokes out a strained sob when he hears you chanting his name in time with each rough snap of his hips, you sound both angelic and sinful at the same time, Remus’ wishes he had one of those muggle voice recording devices so he could record your whines and listen to them when he’s alone in his dorm room.
Using his free hand Remus reaches down to rub tight circles on your clit edging you closer and closer to your release. Your orgasm is fast approaching much like a freight train heading straight for you, sirens blaring but you can’t move, the pleasure is too intense and too powerful to do anything except take it.
Remus’ face is pressed back against your neck and he quickly decides it’s his favourite place to be, if someone offered him 1,000 Galleons to never bury his face in your neck, he wouldn’t take it. Remus can hear the squelching sounds of your soppy cunt as it helplessly takes his fat cock. He’s leaving sloppy kisses and hickeys wherever he can get his mouth. It’s right when Remus’ digs his teeth into your neck and bites down hard do you fall apart, your pussy clenching and spasming around him, right in this moment you’re thankful for Remus holding you up against the wall, your legs are shaking and tensing and you know if you were standing the intensity of the orgasm would have brought you to your knees. Remus’ name is the only word you seem capable of saying as the coil inside your stomach snaps and rapidly unravels as you come undone.
“Remus, Remus, Remus!”
You connect your lips with Remus’ in a lame attempt to shut yourself up, the kiss is rushed and your teeth clash together but you don’t give a fuck. Remus’ name is still spilling from your lips and into Remus’ mouth as your body begins to come down from the high.
The boy holding you up hasn’t faltered in his movements at all, determined to fuck you through your orgasm. There’s beads of sweat dripping from Remus’ forehead, his mind is whirling and thoughts of you are spiralling around his brain, he thinks he might pass out and he’s certain he does for a second when you whisper and bite his earlobe.
“Want you to cum inside me Remus, fill me up,” half a thrust later and Remus’ hips stutter and he’s spilling into your cunt groaning your name as he does so. His vision blurs around the edges before he closes his eyes and he lets out a moan so deep, primal and loud. Remus continues to rock his hips milking his own orgasm until the last drop is squeezed from his soften cock. He stills his movements but doesn’t dare pull out just yet, relishing in the warmth of your pussy and the way your hand is brushing the sweaty hair off his forehead. You rest your forehead against Remus’ sweaty one, pecking his lips, once, twice then three times.
“That was…” you drift off unable to find the right words to describe what just happened.
“Intense?” Remus offers breathlessly.
You nod, “in the best way.”
It wasn’t until you hear the sounds of students outside signalling the end of class do either of you move, Remus helping you clean yourself up. And it wasn’t until the two of you were certain the coast was clear did you exit the closet with the promise of doing that again very soon.
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silversatoru · 3 years
Yandere Megumi is so mean </3 it's confusing because he was such a romantic at first! always there, always checking in, always present. but really he was just planning -- finding every checkpoint of your life and formulating how to break them down bit by bit. it's a shame you start to feel suffocated, it's a shame you call him a control freak, it's a shame you kick him out of your house and slam the door. he didn't want to pull out every ace he had but you didn't give him a choice. now he's gotta make you crawl back to him because by the end of his crusade, he'll be the only thing you'll have left <3
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yandere!megumi x f!reader
t/w: nsfw 18+, dark content, yandere, noncon/dubcon, manipulation, abuse, mind break, dollification, electro, caging, dacryphilia
a/n: thank u kat i LOVE u for this one
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yandere!megumi who lays his eyes on you for the first time when you come innocently walking into his favorite sandwich shop. it was obsession at first sight, the way his brain hay-wired when he watched you order a sandwich with turkey, roasted peppers, and brie. he’d remember that.
yandere!megumi who charmingly strikes up a conversation with you as the two of you coincidentally walk out of the shop at the same time. he scores your number, you’re intrigued by his messy hair and empty eyes — both parties are content with their morning trip to the sub shop.
yandere!megumi who takes you on the most endearing first date — how’d he know how much you love carnivals? it must be meant to be. and oh how he hates the carnival, the messy people and the cheap greasy food, he despises it, but he does it for you.
yandere!megumi who wins you a large stuffed panda bear at one of the game stalls — have you mentioned to him that those are your favorite animal? you must have, and he’s so sweet for remembering.
yandere!megumi who continues to take you out on the best dates, always catering to your interests and remembering every detail you tell him about everything. he’s sweet, he’s attentive, and he gives you all the attention you could ever dream of — it’s no wonder that you start to spend all your time with him.
yandere!megumi who gets irritated when your friends start to steal you away from him. you’ve been so busy lately, y/n! let’s go out to lunch and catch up! they always send you the most annoying texts. and you actually wanna go? why can’t you just be content with him?
yandere!megumi who starts to get visibly angry when you spend time with other people. who gets jealous when you want to put time into your job and your school work. what do you need a master’s degree for when you have him? he’ll take care of you. you don’t need anything else.
yandere!megumi who starts to take your phone and tell people you’re busy — responding to texts from your friends while you’re in the bathroom or taking a nap. he’s discreet, deleting the messages after he’s done, but eventually you piece it together.
yandere!megumi who’s world flips upside down when you tell him you need some “space”. when you call him a “creep” and a “control freak”. when you kick him out of your house and tell him to never come back. if only that were the end of it, if only it were that easy.
yandere!megumi who wasn’t paying attention to every detail of your life for no reason. who knows the name of your boss, the college you attend, the contact information of your friends. who payed attention to your stories from work, the mistakes you’ve made and covered up — to the website you used to buy answers for your exams — to the complaints you made about each of your friends.
yandere!megumi who has meticulously planned out every single thread of his plan, who will rip you apart from the inside out until you’re crawling to his door. who sends your boss anonymous emails about the time you hooked up with one of your clients — which was terribly unprofessional in his opinion. who forwards your stolen exam answers to your college and expresses his concern about your “lack of academic integrity”. who tells your friends the things you’ve said about them — who doesn’t hesitate to threaten their own lives when they act stubbornly.
yandere!megumi who’s not surprised when you show up at his door crying, black streaks painting your tired face. who asks “what’s wrong?” and says “poor girl, sounds like you’ve been through a lot”. who has you right back in his hands in a matter of days — it was really too easy.
yandere!megumi who offers you his help — he’s so generous and it’s more than you deserve. after all you’re just a good for nothing whore who slept with her professional client, who was cheating her way through exams, and who occasionally talked shit about her friends behind their backs. you were a failure, fired from work, being threatened with expulsion, and none of your friends wanted anything to do with you. he was so kind for offering you his help.
yandere!megumi who doesn’t tolerate disobedience, and who won’t forget the first time you pushed him away. who will ensure that you never get away again.
yandere!megumi who resorts to cages and chains when you start to put the pieces together — when your eyes widen and you call him “crazy”. who keeps you locked up in his house in the most figurative and literal sense at all times now.
yandere!megumi who slowly gets more and more twisted, locking a shock collar around your neck and delivering sharp volts of electricity to your skin every time you misbehave. every time you speak back. every time you try to escape.
yandere!megumi who has needs, who forces you on your knees and shoves his cock down your scratchy throat. you give him what he wants, you hardly ever fight back anymore. you’re such a good girl.
yandere!megumi who will break you down until there’s nothing left. until you’re so braindead from the electricity, the dehydration, and the extreme exhaustion of sleeping in a cage or shackled to a wall.
yandere!megumi who has you whining and crying into his neck, the walls of your cunt pulsating around his cock at least once a day. he loves the way you cry for him, brainless tears spilling down your cheeks while he stuffs you full with his length.
yandere!megumi who bandages up your scrapes and bruises right after he’s done giving them to you. who dresses you in nothing but his own big t-shirts and a pair of pretty panties. who doesn’t care when you cry and shiver all night because he won’t turn the heat on either.
yandere!megumi who has shriveled your soul and destroyed every inkling of who you once were. who’s turned you into a mindless pet, a toy, a collectible. who’s so proud to see how perfect you turned out, that all his effort was very well worth it.
yandere!megumi who littered your life with red flags when the two of you first met, but they all looked a pretty shade of pink through your rose-colored glasses. if only you’d been a bit more perceptive, payed a little more attention, not been so honest with him. maybe then you wouldn’t be curled into a tight ball on a steel-floored crate shivering and crying and waiting for megumi to get home and fill you up with his warmth.
yandere!megumi who is the only thing you have to look forward to anymore, and that’s exactly how he likes it.
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little-spoiled-brat · 3 years
Congratulations for 100 followers! I love your writing 🥺
Can I please request prompt 16 from sfw and 21 from nsfw for Levi? 👉🏻👈🏻
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"look at you, desperate little whore"
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pairing: levi x reader - nsfw, minors dni
cw: a pissed off levi, slight bondage, impact play, teasing, degradation, dacryphilia, orgasm denial
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- beg for it -
you absolutely love to pull on levi's strings, see how much he can take before he snaps and loses his patience with you. you were being such a brat today, talking back at him and not obeying his orders like usual. it was intentional, you just wanted to mess with him today but you were starting to think that you went too far.
"l/n, my office. now" levi said, his voice was deeper than usual. he didn't even bother waiting for you to follow him as he turned around and started heading to his office. you swallowed the lump in your throat, hearing your boyfriend call you by your last name told you loud and clear that he was done with your bratty attitude.
"levi-" you started, walking in his office but you were pinned to the wall by your neck. a gasp leaving your throat, levi's hot breath was slightly fanning your face.
"i'm so fucking done with your attitude, brat" levi growled, using one hand to skillfully remove his belt. you tried to grab his wrists but before you can even get the chance to, your wrists were pinned above your head in his iron-like grip.
"talking back at your superior and disobeying their orders" levi spat, his hand colliding with your cheek as a slight moan escaped your lips. levi yanked open your uniform shirt, a surprised gasp leaving your lips as he ripped the piece of clothing off your body before discarding it on the floor of his office. "everything else, off. give me your panties after"
you knew better than to disobey him especially when you had successfully pushed all of his buttons and he could no longer tolerate you. with a nervous gulp, you took off every piece of clothing that you have, giving your panties to him as he shoved it in his pocket and you stood naked in front of the stoic captain.
"levi, i-" you started but you were met with another slap to the face and his hand harshly gripping your jaw.
"i don't want to hear your pathetic excuses for your attitude, y/n" levi said, his grip on your jaw tightening a bit and you whimpered.
"on the bed. now" levi said, looking you straight in the eyes and making sure that you got the message loud and clear. you nodded, slipping past him to cross the office to get to your shared bedroom. levi followed you with his eyes and you cowered at the feeling of his gaze burning through your back.
you sat down on the edge of the bed, levi following you afterwards. he suddenly yanked you down to his lap, tying his belt around your wrist on the small of your back.
"levi, wait i'm s-" you were harshly cut off by his hand colliding with your ass, a whimper escaping your lips. he was really done with you now.
"count" levi ordered, yanking you by the chin to meet his eyes. your breathing got caught in your throat, seeing the lust in his grey-blue orbs. "o-one"
his hand collided with your ass once again, stinging pain spreading throughout the area he just hit. you closed your eyes and gritted your teeth. "two"
levi continued to spank you, three, four, ten, fifteen times until your ass turned to a pretty shade of red as you desperately tried to reach back and stop him.
"levi, please" you whimpered, tears welling in your eyes. he chuckled, rubbing his hand on the red skin of your ass to soothe the pain.
"aww, does it hurt?" levi cooed, running his hand through your hair. you looked up at him with teary eyes and nodding your head. he spanked you once again in reply.
"good" levi said, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you upwards. you didn't even had any time to react when you were suddenly thrown on the bed, hands still tied behind the small of your back and levi straddling your hips.
"levi-" you started, levi has punished you a lot of times before but he has never punished you when he was this fed up with you - and it made you nervous, really nervous. he pulled out your panties out of his pocket, shoving them down your throat as a muffled moan left you.
"tch. you're so fucking talkative" levi complained, his hands unbuttoning his uniform shirt and started eliminating his clothes, discarding them to the floor.
you watched him strip in front of you, his perfectly sculpted body was revealing itself to you one by one. the heat pooling around your core was getting too much to ignore, you could feel yourself getting wetter by just looking at him.
you moaned, trying to rub your thighs together to get rid of the unbearable feeling in between them. levi noticed as he got off of you and spread your legs apart. his mouth was attached to your sensitive clit within seconds.
your back arched, hands desperately gripping onto the sheets underneath you, muffled moans leaving your throat. your chest heaved up an down, your body filling with pleasure that was too much for you to handle.
"you're so wet" levi said and inserted two fingers inside of you, keeping eye contact as he used your arousal to slowly push his digits in. your face contorting into pleasure was a sight he never want to forget.
you whimpered, looking down at him while he pumped his fingers in and out of you and sucked on your clit harshly. it didn't even take you a minute until the knot in your stomach started to build up, quickly unravelling as fast as it built up.
your thighs unconsciously closed around levi's head as he growled into your pussy, curling his fingers inside of you to hit that spongy spot that had your brain melting as he yanked your legs apart again.
"levi, i'm gonna-" your muffled pleads reached his ear, pumping his fingers faster to help you chase your orgasm. the knot slowly started to break, thighs shaking from pleasure and eyes shut tightly.
before you could fall apart, levi stopped. your eyes snapped open at the denial of your release. you whined, wrapping your legs around levi to get him to make you cum.
"please" you begged, staring at him with pleading eyes and all you got in return was his cold and expressionless stare.
"i don't think you deserve to cum tonight. you really pushed me to my limits and you need to be taught a lesson" levi said, his hand fisting around his cock and teasing it on your clit. you whimpered at his words, bucking your hips to get some kind of relief from him.
”please” you repeated, eyes misty as you looked up at him. levi leaned down, his lips centimeters away from yours as he reached up and took out the panties that he shoved in there earlier.
“you’re not convincing me, brat” levi said, kissing the side of your lips and you whined. you can’t even get a proper kiss from him.
“levi, please. i’m not going to be a brat anymore just please fuck me” you begged, leaning up in attempt to connect your lips together but he pulled away.
“i still don’t think you deserve to cum” levi said, suddenly shoving his entire length in you and thrusted hard and fast with no warning. your hands fisted the sheets underneath you tighter, back arching from the pleasure of getting split open by levi’s girth.
“this is what you wanted, right? acting like such a fucking brat the entire day just to get fucked like the whore you are“ levi said, slapping your cheek and you moaned loudly in return.
his hands found the headboard above you, using it for leverage as he pounds your pussy mercilessly. it has you gasping for air, your boobs bouncing with every thrust of levi’s hips against yours.
“tell me, brat. do you think you deserve to cum?” levi asked looking down at you. you stared up at him, trying to process his words but unable to form any coherent thoughts.
”tch” levi growled, teeth gritting as he held onto the headboard tighter. so tight that you swore you heard the wood cracking from the pressure.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head when levi shifted his angle to hammer that same spongy spot inside of you, making your brain turn into mush even more.
“too fucked dumb to even answer” levi teased, empty eyes looking up at him as the strings of moans continously left your lips.
“l-levi” you moaned, feeling the knot building up once again.
“do you want to cum?” levi asked, looking you in the eyes to make it harder for you to think properly.
you whined at his words, eyes closing shut from trying not to cum without his permission.
“fuck, please. please let me cum. please, i’ll be a good girl for you just please let me cum” you begged, a tear falling down your cheek from how painful it was to fight your orgasm.
levi groaned at your words, pounding into you harder and faster than what you thought possible. you were practically crying, begging him to let you cum as it was starting to become overwhelming.
“levi! fuck, please, please, please” you moaned, head thrown back against the pillow as the knot in your stomach was starting to break.
you were about to reach your high when levi suddenly pulled out completely, ruining your orgasm. the pleasure was gone in an instant, broken whimpers leaving your lips from being denied once again.
”levi please, i’m begging you. please let me cum” you whined, tears stained your cheeks as you looked up at your boyfriend pleadingly. it was painful — so painful to be denied of your pleasure.
“captain, please”
levi’s cock twitched at the sound of you calling him by his title, it was rare for you to do that and walls, did it sound so sinful coming from your mouth.
without a second thought, levi shoved himself inside of you again. more lustful moans leaving your lips, it was a sound levi would want to hear at every second of his life.
the knot in your lower stomach built up again, chest heaving up and down in a rapid pace as levi abused your needy cunt more.
“levi. levi, please. please, i want to cum. don’t ruin my orgasm again, please, i’m begging you” you pleaded desperately, legs shaking uncontrollably and tears falling down your cheeks. levi chuckled, wiping away the tears on your face and running his thumb across your bottom lip.
“look at you, desperate little whore. cum for me, don’t hold back” levi commanded, strings of sinful moans of his name leaving your lips afterwards as you fell apart.
levi came to the sight of you, lips parted, back arched, eyes closed tightly. you were stunning.
you milked him dry, his warm seed spilling into you and painting your velvet walls a pretty white. levi slowed down, letting the both of you come down from your highs.
he rested his forehead against yours, catching his breath and placing sloppy kisses along your cheeks and lips. he pulled out after a while, the white substance flowing out of your abused hole.
levi chuckled smugly, grabbing a clean cloth to clean the both of you before reaching behind you to undo the belt that was around your wrists. you pulled him down once your hands were free, connecting your lips together in a passionate kiss.
“thank you” you said, burying your face into his neck. levi kissed your temple, laying down next to you.
“tch. brat” levi grumbled, holding you against his chest as you smiled tiredly and cuddled more into him.
“i should act like that more often”
”try and i definitely won’t let you cum the next time”
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bts-hyperfixation · 3 years
Drunken Confessions
BTS Reaction/scenarios - He is drunk and he needs to tell you something.
It’s over 3000 words... don’t ask how because I don’t know
Warnings: Vomit (only in Jin’s) and it isn’t graphic, binge drinking, 
Namjoon - F2L
The party is in full swing
You'd lost sight of the boys ages ago, although you occasionally caught wind of Tae's dulcet tones or Jin’s windshield wiper laugh
That's why you were taken completely by surprise when your 6-foot, built like a house, best friend draped himself over your shoulders
Making you spill the drink you've been pouring
You tried to swap him away so you could clear up the mess he made but he just slides his arms down and around your waist subsequently locking your arms in place and forcing you to watch the sticky puddle spread across the desk
“I love you” he announces hugging you impossibly tighter
“I know Joon.”  You laugh
“No! I looove you” he tries again
You roll your eyes
“I love you too Joon” you wriggle trying to escape his death grip
“You don't get it! He stamps his foot like a petulant child releasing you enough so you can turn in his arms
You reach up to cup his cheek and he nuzzles into the fond embrace
“Come on Joon let's take a break.”
You catch JK in the crowd and ask him to clear up the mess while you deal with a very drunk Namjoon
Inside the comfort of his bedroom you managed to get free from his clutches.
Getting all the way to the last room on the corridor had been a whole workout, especially given the fact you could only waddle
You sit down on the bed and gesture for him to join you
You lean against the headboard, and he leans on your shoulder.
You reach up to run a hand through his hair just as JK brings you 2 bottles of water he tosses them onto the bed and you mouth thank you as he backs away
You open one and take a swig before putting the bottle to his lips
“I'm not that drunk” he grumbles still taking a long sip
“uh huh”
“I'm not! I just needed a little bit more confidence than normal”
“And you found it at the bottom of a bottle”
Yeah… well… kinda” he looks miserable as he drains the last of the first bottle
“What did you need extra confidence for anyway?”
“For you dumb ass”
He sits up and in that moment he looks fully sober searching your eyes and only finding confusion
You don't have time to react before his lips are on yours
It stuns you for a moment until you sink into the embrace, the taste of alcohol washed away by the water
It’s a little sloppy as he holds your face, kissing like he has something to prove
“I love you.” He pants pulling away
“yeah…” he looks down into his lap, his nailbeds suddenly becoming the most interesting thing on the planet
“Uh huh”
“Joon!” You grab his chin to make him look up
“I love you too”
You never ended up returning to the party
Seokjin - New relationship
This is the first time you've hung out with his friends
It's beyond awkward as you both tried to navigate the new situation
Neither of you paid attention to how much alcohol had been put in front of you drink topped up frequently by the maknae line
They like to think they're helping
They are not
Jin’s tolerance turns out to be a lot lower than yours it isn't long before he is hunched over a toilet while you wait anxiously outside the door
When you hear the heaving stop you slip inside and fill the glass behind the sink to give to him
You kneel at his side rubbing soft circles into his back as you slowly tip the water into his mouth
He swallows a little then uses the rest to swell out the terrible taste left behind
“I'm sorry” he Mumbles when you stand to refill the glass
“Accidents happen Jinnie we've all been here before”
“Maybe you should leave… you shouldn't… shouldn't have to” he slurs trying to lift his head from the basin
“I'm not going to leave you like this what kind of girlfriend would I be.”
You sit back beside him, setting the water to the side and hauling his large frame into your lap
You push the sweaty hair away from his forehead smiling as his eyes closed
The worlds moving too fast his face scrunches at the thought as if he could magically stop the spinning
And if you had the power you would have done it
No questions asked
Instead you settle for putting a damp flannel across his face to cool him down and smooth his features
His eyes reopen staring straight up at you, pupils still dilated from the alcohol
You can see the moment the room stops spinning, he blinks sleepily watching you take care of him
“I'm going to marry you someday”
You giggle but he doesn't
You busy yourself stretching to cool the flannel without jostling him
He reaches for your cheek to pull your eyes back to him
“I love you”
Those are the last words you get from him before he passes out on you
Yoongi - F2L
The two of you had spent all day legs entwined on the opposite ends of the sofa in his studio
You're the only person he allows to sit and work with him on a regular basis because he knows that's all you want to do
He could trust you to not ask annoying questions or breathe too loud
Nope, you will patiently work on your own thing, providing the company he craved without the pesky social interaction
However neither of you have thought to eat since breakfast
And the sun has long since set
You pull your headphones off and signal for him to do the same
He looks annoyed and confused until you gesture at the clock on the wall
The boys made him put one up last time he did a 24-hour stint
His mouth formed a little ‘o’ as he stretched his arms over his head
“Dinner?” He suggests, placing his laptop to the side and untangling his legs from yours
You end up at the Korean barbecue place round the corner from the Hybe building
Three plates of meat and 3 bottles of soju in you start to think drinking on a mostly empty stomach was a bad idea
You are currently watching a drunk August D try to give a concert to some concerned looking uncles
He turns back to face you gummy smile lighting up his whole face, cheeks pink from the alcohol
His mood is contagious
You can't help joining him, filling in Max's parts from burn it
Having finished the latest encore Yoongi pays the bill for the entire restaurant and pulls you out into the night
He doesn't turn back towards the studio
Instead leading you to a nearby park
When he is satisfied with the spot, he lies down on the floor and stares up at the starless sky above the bright lights of Seoul
You lay next to him, and his hand finds yours intertwining your fingers
He sighs like every weight in the world has just been lifted off his shoulders
“Penny for your thoughts?” You ask rubbing little circles on his hand with your thumb
“I love you”
It's out before his brain has time to catch up with his mouth
You feel the panic as his hand tightens around yours a silent prayer that you won't pull away from him
You don't
Hoseok - Established Relationship
Ever the introspective drunk, Hobi has been sat quietly in the corner of the karaoke room since he finished second glass of wine
He watches you as you laugh and dance with the best people in his life
Watching as even timid Kookie pulls you close to belt out lyrics
You've been keeping track of him out the corner of your eye
He sometimes has a tendency to get sad if you leave him in his thoughts for too long
But tonight he has a quiet smirk on his features the entire time
Four songs later you excuse yourself from the rabble claiming strained vocal cords and go to sit on your boyfriends lap
You've lost track of what number glass of beer he is on, but he seems perfectly content if not a little sleepy
“Want to go home baby?” You ask stroking his cheek
He shakes his head a little blinking slowly “want to watch you having fun”
You lean down to press your lips to his softly hearing wolf whistles through the mikes
You lift your middle fingers to the boys simultaneously
When he realises your synchronisation Hobi starts laughing manically, returning to his regular self again
“I love you so much.” He murmurs against your lips suddenly wide awake again
“Maybe we should go home after all” he winks dragging his hand purposefully up your bare leg stopping just under the hem of your skirt
Jimin - F2?
There's nothing better than a night out on the town with your best friend
So why does Jimin look like someone just stole his favourite Gucci shirt
He was so smiley when he left you on the dance floor to go to the bathroom
Now he is glaring daggers at you from the bar across the club
Not you
The man you were dancing with to fill the time
He was probably just worried you were going to be selfish and abandoned him for a hook-up
You excuse yourself from your temporary dance partner and make your way to the disgruntled blonde
You reach him just in time to take the large tequila shot out of his hand and down at yourself
“You know you shouldn't be drinking these" you chide cringing as the alcohol stings your throat
“You're a little late” he grumbles gesturing to the tasting platter of five other shots on the bar behind him
You take his hand and lead him away from the loud club music into the smoking area
“what's gotten into you all of a sudden?” You can't help but worry something happened in the short time he'd been gone
“Nothing’s gotten into me” he gets defensive crossing his arms and refusing to meet your arms
“Come on Chim, we were having so much fun”
“You were having fun! I've been watching you grind your ass on some meathead for the last 30 minutes”
You're a little shocked at the outburst and confused over the amount of time lost
“Why did you leave me for so long?” You can't help feeling a little abandoned yourself all of a sudden
He senses you close in on yourself after the way he spoke to you
“Look, you just seemed like you were having more fun without me” he finally looks at you head on, one hand coming up to stroke your arm comfortingly
“I could never have more fun without you” you whisper part of you hoping he finally hears the pining in your voice
He doesn't
“Let's get out of here, I’ve ruined the mood now anyway and those shots are going to catch up with me soon.”
He leads you out of the club and of course he's right
He's barely coherent for the taxi ride home
You managed to hobble into his house together
You leave him sprawled out in the middle of his bed
It's not your first time fixing a drunk Jimin
You empty his trash can and place it by the bed
Raid the cabinet for paracetamol
Fetch 3 glasses of water
And carefully pull off his tight jeans
Satisfied he is settled
You go to change into an oversized tee shirt and a pair of his boxer
Your regular attire when faced with an impromptu bestie sleepover
As you walk out of the bathroom you find Jimin awake and downing water like he'd been stuck in the desert for weeks
“You look so pretty in my clothes” he slurs around the glass
He places the glass down and tries to move over so you can fit in the bed too
He almost falls out
You catch his arm just before he rolls too far pulling him back to you and cuddling close for warmth
Just as you're drifting off you think you hear him whispering to your hair kissing you softly
“I love you Y/N”
Taehyung - F2?
Such a cuddly drunk
He has been attached to you like a sloth clinging to a branch throughout the entire party
Not that you care, it's nice to have your friend so close
He spends the time between sips whispering in your ear mostly gossip and judgement of people the two of you don't particularly like
The whole night he has you giggling
It feels petty but you can't stop yourselves
“You’re so funny Tae, I love you so much.” You say between laughs.
Of course you meant it platonically
But drunk Tae didn't quite get that memo
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to say that to me!”
He launched into a monologue revealing everything he had kept inside
“I didn't think you felt like that”
“I thought it was just me!”
“This is going to be so much fun! We can go out on little dates, and I can spoil you and...”
“Actually we do all that now”
“But now we could do it as more than friends”
“I love you so much, I might explode”
You mean to interrupt his rambles, but he never takes a breath
So you just sit and watch as he gets more animated describing your future lives together
The longer he goes the more you realise maybe you didn't mean it platonically after all
Jungkook - E2L
You usually try to avoid JK like the plague
You are great friends with the rest of the boys, but you've never managed to befriend JK
In fact you were fairly certain he hated your guts
It's been years since you first found Yoongi
The first time he brought you around the others they'd all been so welcoming
Except the maknae
You've been reassured he just didn't deal well with new people
Once he got comfortable it’d be fine
Apparently he never got comfortable
So now you're at a party celebrating the boys recent string of successes
And in true BTS fashion it's not just an ordinary party
Nope this one was ‘Run!BTS’ themed
So you are standing amongst the group of idols and their friends waiting for their orders
The management team pulls out a bag filled with names and each member is summoned to pick out a card
Once each member has drawn they turn to reveal their partners
You can't help but roll your eyes when you see how annoyed JK looks to be holding your name
You open another can downing the contents before you are zip tied to the world's most obnoxious idol for the evening
The first challenge was supposed to be easy
Build a tower from toilet roll
But every time you reach in one direction, he leans the other and bulldozes your efforts with your joint wrists
Losing means shots
You take your punishment like a champ
The other boys finding this cruel twist of fate hilarious
Challenge two is a scavenger hunt
Problem is you struggle to agree on where to look first
It feels like he is trying to ignore you
Time runs out and you’re with two items to everyone else is 5
Some more shots
Challenge #3 is player trivia
The aim is to answer questions about the other person to gain points
There's no way you're winning this one
Except you do
JK knows every answer
Your birthday
Your mums name
Your first pet
Even your shoe size
He still won't meet your eyes though
Doesn't even give you a chance to ask him about it
The final challenge is hide and seek
This task is doubled in difficulty having to hide two bodies in the same place
Tripled by the fact you don't really want to be stuck in a confined space with a man that hates you
You contemplate forfeiting but JK's competitive drive has kicked in since winning the last challenge
He drags you away before you can protest
He shoves you into a cupboard you'd never noticed before, following you in and pulling the door closed
It's tiny
And he's pressed so close
Even in the dim light you can see every freckle on his nose
You're compelled by the strangest urge to trace the pattern with your fingers
And your brain is too drunk to stop you
“What are you doing?” He hisses through his teeth, grabbing your wrist
It's the first time he's looked at you directly and his eyes are just so pretty
You hear steps approaching and come back to your senses yanking your hand away
Bashing it against the wall in the process
His hand covers your mouth before you can yell in pain
“Thanks” you mumble when the steps have retreated
“You're welcome” he drags his hand away and once again refuses to look at you directly
“Why do you hate me?”
“He releases a long sigh
“Maybe this is the alcohol or maybe it's the game… either way I don't hate you”
His reply raises more questions than it does answers
“Then why?..”
“You can't ask me why…”
“I have every right to know why you refuse to acknowledge me”
You stamp your foot to emphasise your point
He turns to look at you properly again and size even more dramatically
“It's because you're off limits”
Yoongi hyung said none of us could date his friends… but you were pretty and funny”
You're more than shocked by the revelation
“Ignoring you seemed simple and trying not to get attached
Not that it did me any good”
You’re still not sure you're following him correctly
It sounded as if he just admitted his feelings are the exact opposite to what you thought
“I fell in love anyway, so I lashed out to deal with it”
“In love…” You breathe out
“Yeah… in love”
You're about to follow up with a million more questions when the door is wrenched open an JK fall straight on his ass
“Come on, you guys won let's get you untied before you murder one another.” Jimin winks before heading back towards the main room
Survey to tell me about your kinks for fun
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
Tolerate It
Summary: Reader struggles with feeling like Hotch is growing distant.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!Reader
Category: fluff/angst
Warnings: the reader has thoughts/feelings of inadequacy
Word Count: 3200+
Notes: This is my entry for @railmereid‘s 2k writing challenge! It was inspired by Taylor Swift’s song tolerate it! I think there’s only one direct quote (I’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life). 
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You met Aaron on accident. It could be said that a lot of people are met on accident, and that’s just how people meet other people. But with Aaron it felt different. It felt as though every little thing that went wrong that day lead you to the accident that would introduce Aaron Hotchner into your life.
After the shit show that was today, all you want to do is get home and sleep. Maybe also eat dinner, but honestly even food is on the backburner of your mind right now. 
Your drive home from work was the first uneventful thing to happen all day, a necessary moment of peace. You made it into your apartment without any trouble, swiftly moving to change into your fluffiest pajamas and sleep.
The second your head hit your pillow, the fire alarm sounded. The blaring alarm screeched in your ears as you groaned. You forced yourself out of bed to comply with the alarm. Without thinking, you put on your slippers, grabbed your keys, and walked out the front door. 
Once you made it to the street, you turned to see the building really was on fire. It looked contained to one patio, but it was big enough for you to give up your plans of sleep. Instead, you chose to turn on your heel and walk down the street to escape the crowd. 
You didn’t have a plan as to where you were going. You just wanted it to be quiet. Before long, you found yourself in a park. Looking around, you spotted an empty bench. Perfect. You can just sit, enjoy the quiet of the park for however long it takes to fix the fire issue. 
You start trekking toward the bench, now walking with a purpose, when you notice a man chasing his child. The child laughs loudly, joy so clear on his face. The man smiles at him, still running behind him. 
His smile is so infectious, it has its own magnetic force pulling you towards him.  Switching directions from the bench, you are now walking toward the grassy area they are playing in, not looking at your surroundings. You’re so captivated by the happiness on display in front of you, you don’t notice the change in terrain. 
You end up tripping on a rock, falling and tumbling down the slight decline to land in a heap at the feet of the very man whose smile distracted you.
To make matters worse, he was not stationary. No, that would have been to simple. He was, in fact, still chasing the child. So, rather than rolling to a stop and looking up at him, you rolled right into him, causing him to lose his balance and fall over you. 
The two of you were a tangled mess of limbs piled on top of each other. Slowly, carefully the two of you separated, gingerly moving arms and legs to avoid further injury. Helping each other rise from the ground, you were both speechless, equal parts amused and horrified at what just happened. 
“Are you okay?” 
You jumped at the sudden intrusion that brought you back to reality. Spinning around, you realized it was the child. 
It took you an embarrassing amount of time to form a response. “Oh, um... yes I’m okay. Thank you.” Turning back to the man, you finally realized what just happened. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
He chuckled, a small smirk appearing on his face before he replied, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Oh, good.” Your relief was short lived as you realized what you were wearing and how you were dressed. “Please tell me you didn’t see me roll all the way down the hill?” You cringed at the thought. 
“I could say it, but it wouldn’t be very honest.”  Again, a small laugh left his lips. 
“Do you think we could pretend?” You took a deep breath as he quirked his eyebrow. “Ya know, that I didn’t just make a complete fool of myself?”
“But that’s not true! Daddy said when something’s not true it’s a lie and lies are bad.” The boy chimed in again, earning a chuckle from both adults. You bent down to talk to him. 
“You are absolutely right, lying is bad.” You nodded along with him, matching his serious expression. 
He took in your expression, as if judging the sincerity of your statement. Slowly, a smile began to form as if he was glad you agreed with him. “Do you want to play tag with us?”
Looking from him to his father, you took the slight smile and nod of his head as an invitation to accept his offer. “I would love to.”
That series of accidents led you to where you are now, though. A year and a half later you are sitting in your shared home, watching Aaron Hotchner do paperwork for what feels like the millionth night in a row. More realistically, it is the ninth night in a row, but you’re feeling lonely and dramatic. Those nine nights have been spread out over the past month, interrupted by nights he spends away from home.
You yearn to be closer to him. All it would take is for you to cross the room, but it feels as though the distance from the couch you are lounging on to the desk he is working at is too far, like there is some impassible divide preventing you from interrupting him. 
So you just keep watching. It has been 36 minutes since you started your observing. If he sticks to his pattern, he’ll pause in nine minutes to stretch, giving him the opportunity to notice your eyes on him.  You’re hopeful that this time he’ll smile when he sees you. 
So you wait. You watch him read. You notice the way his head dips just a bit lower as he tries to focus tired eyes on the smudged handwriting of a fellow agent. You notice how his hand squeezes the pen tighter than before, turning the once smooth glide of ink across the page into rushed, jagged strokes of letters. You notice the barely there wince as he flips the page, the result of the familiar feeling of a paper cut he’s grown all too used to. You notice everything he does. Which is why you’re not surprised when he speaks. 
“You’re staring.” 
Glancing at your phone, you note the time. Nine minutes later. Right on schedule. The smile you hoped for is noticeably missing, replaced by a curious tilt of his head.
“I’m basking in your presence.” 
If he wanted to, he could figure out how lonely and dramatic you are feeling. But with the majority of his energy still directed towards the many reports on his desk, he only notices the surface level. Tired, slightly miffed, but enjoying that he is home.
There was once a time when he would have noticed it all though. A time when he noticed everything about you, sometimes before you had even noticed it about yourself. You’ve learned how to hide it though, to save him the energy that would be expended to profile you. 
“You should consider a new career path. Comedy could really be for you.”
His deadpan joke doesn’t surprise you, but him rising from his desk chair does. For a minute, you expect him to come to you. To attempt to cross the impassible divide you’ve built in your head. Instead, he turns into the kitchen. He pauses at the island, drinking from the glass he never brings to his desk to prevent anything from ruining his files. 
When he returns to his desk, squandering any lingering hope that he may have been done for the night, you rise. Unwilling to do what you had hoped of him, you turn away from his desk and move toward the stairs. Just before you lose sight of him, you turn back. 
“Don’t forget to sleep tonight.” 
Your tone is soft, emphasizing your concern to cover up the lingering loneliness. 
“I’ll be up soon.”
You respond with a slight nod of your head, another thing unnoticed by Aaron as his eyes never left the files. 
You flitter through the second level as you complete your routine to prepare yourself to sleep for the night. 
You can’t help but notice the cold sheets on the empty side of the bed as you wait for Aaron, knowing you’ll likely be asleep before he comes to bed. 
You’re surprised to wake up the next morning with Aaron still in bed next to you. You watch his chest rise and fall with the steady in and out of his breath. His face is fully relaxed, a sight you so rarely get to see. 
You’re not sure how long you watch him sleep, but you notice when his rhythmic breathing changes pattern indicating he’s waking up. His eyes flutter open slowly, allowing you to see the exact moment he notices you. 
“You’re staring again.” 
The smile you are still hoping for is again absent from his face, too used to the frown that has taken over his features near permanently for the past month.  
“I’m still basking in your presence.”
You notice the beginnings of a grin forming on his face. The twinkle in his eyes. The slight twitch of his lips. It’s nearly there when the moment is interrupted by the distinct, shrill ringtone indicating a call from the bureau. 
You watch as he sits up to answer the phone with his typical “Hotchner”. If you hadn’t spent the last year noticing everything you could about the man, you would doubt that he had been asleep less than three minutes ago. 
His brows furrow, his body leaning forward to sit a little straighter as he takes in the information from whoever is on the other end of the phone. His eyes trace the pattern of your comforter, up until he throws the blanket off of himself to rise to his feet. He’s changing into his suit before hanging up. Without even hearing his responses, you can tell where this is headed. 
After he hangs up, you speak before he has the chance. 
“I take it you won’t be here for dinner with my parents tonight? I’ll try to reschedule it.” 
The question should express your loneliness, but you do well to hide the full truth. It’s easy to sound understanding because you are. You do understand, which is why you never plan to tell him how you feel. 
The grim expression is enough for you to know you’re right, you don’t need the verbal confirmation. You nod your head, a smile on your face that doesn’t meet your eyes as he walks out of your bedroom. 
While Aaron was away, you did everything you could to keep yourself busy outside of your typical 9 to 5 workday. Aside from the typical reading, cleaning, and TV watching you normally do you; you successfully navigated another conversation with your parents about why it was necessary to reschedule dinner a second time and played action figures with Jack, always in agreement about how his daddy is a hero. 
Every night you found yourself staring at the door, hoping it would swing open and reveal him on the other side. Every night you grew less hopeful and more discouraged than the one previous. 
Five days after he left, Aaron returned to your shared home. Despite the late hour, you waited for him on the couch. Knowing he probably hadn’t eaten dinner, you kept some food warm for him. 
When the door swung open, you were in front of it in seconds. You pulled him into a hug, one he was too exhausted to reciprocate, and kissed his cheek. 
Moving farther into the house, he dropped his files on his desk swiftly turning to head upstairs. 
“I kept dinner warm for you.”
Your words stalled him at the bottom of the stairs. He turned around slowly, barely looking at you.
“I actually ate with the team tonight.”
His words hit you like a bus, but you turned to hide it. He didn’t eat with the team often, so you never blamed him when he stayed with them a bit longer than usual. 
“Oh, okay. I’ll just put it in a container for tomorrow then. Did you want to talk about the case?”
You’ve always been willing to help him carry the weight of his job, but you’ve been trying harder to get him to open up this past month. Typically he brushes you off, tells you he’s fine, and then buries himself in paperwork. 
He surprised you this time. Maybe he could tell you were upset, or maybe he was just too far in his head. Either way, rather than continuing on his path up the stairs, he moved to sit in the kitchen while you put the food away. 
You listened as he ranted about the local officers withholding information about the case. You listened as he complained about the poor weather. You listened to every word, slowly washing and drying the dishes until they were sparkling. You listened until you were practically asleep, leaning against the sink. You didn’t dare to interrupt in fear he would shut down again. Or maybe it was you shutting down, but that’s a thought for another time. 
When he finished talking, he rose from his chair, too worked up to sleep now, he sat down at his desk. 
You watched, noticing everything you could. 
Your weeks repeated much the same for the next few months. Your loneliness morphed into something new with each night you spent watching Aaron work. 
It’s one such night when everything changes. You were trying to watch him work, but your thoughts drifted away from his actions as you lost yourself in your memories. 
The first case Aaron went on after you moved in with him and Jack was the hardest for you. After a straight week of seeing him so often around the house, it felt like a slap in the face to come home and not have him there. Somehow you made it through, and you were clingier than usual when he came home. 
He noticed how it affected you. That was before you started hiding your feelings from him. He told you he thought about you in every spare moment. That he wanted to solve the case even more than usual just so he could come home to see you even just a few minutes sooner.
He calmed all of your fears, protecting you from your own intrusive thoughts about holding him back when he was working. 
You couldn’t help but think about every time he recognized how you were feeling and did what he could to help. How he would reassure you that he wanted to be with you, bringing you little key chains or stuffed animals from the cities he travelled to. How he would smile when he saw you. Where was that man now? 
You thought back to the first day you met Aaron. It was like he saved you from a terrible day, bringing a smile to your face after hours upon hours of crap. 
“Do you think we could pretend?” You laugh lightly to yourself at the memory of Jack telling you not to lie.  Not realizing you spoke the words out loud, you’re surprised to hear Aaron from across the room.
“Pretend what?” The confusion is clear in his voice and the furrow of his brows. 
“Hmm? Oh, um. I was just thinking about the first day we met.” Tears begin to brim your eyes as you think about how much everything has seemed to change. “And how you became my whole world and now I feel like I’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life.” The tears are now freely falling down your face. 
Aaron looks even more confused now. “What?” He’s frozen at his desk, pen in hand, reports on the surface in front of him. 
“I’m so sorry. I just feel like I’m taking up so much of your time and you have such important things to do! God, I’m so selfish. I’ve tried so hard to hide it though, so you can focus on people who actually need your help.” The panic in your voice grows as you speak, along with the tears falling from your eyes. 
“Y/N...” Suddenly, Aaron is on his feet, easily crossing the imaginary divide you’ve built in between the couch and his desk. He slows down, moving gently as he pulls you into him on the couch, moving your legs across his lap so he could pull you into his chest. “Sweetheart, you could never take up too much of my time.” He speaks slowly, so as not to start another round of sobbing. 
“What?” Your confusion is clearly communicated with the one word question, but you’re on a roll with your feelings so why stop now. “Are you saying it’s all in my head? Bu-, but, but you’ve been so busy every time you’ve been home! I’ve barely seen you, and I’ve tried so hard to not let it bother me because I know how important what you do is! I do, I understand it all so much. I could never be mad at you for working so hard. I just feel like you’re tolerating me being here when you have so many more important things to do.” 
Now breathless, your rant ends with more tears forming in your eyes. Aaron is quick to wipe them away as they fall. “You’re right. I have been busy.” His voice is full of concern and regret as he thinks about the past few months. “But please don’t ever doubt for a second that you are the most important thing in the world to me.” He pauses for a second before continuing. “Well, other than Jack.” This earns him a slight chuckle from you before you reply. 
“Jack is the most important to me too.” Your clear your throat, hesitant to voice your next question. “You’re not mad at me?”
Aaron looks so taken aback, you would laugh if you weren’t so nervous. “I could never be mad at you. Especially not for having completely valid feelings. I’m so sorry I haven’t been as present as I should’ve been. I love you so much, Y/N. More than I could ever put into words, and I will be doing a better job of showing you just how much you mean to me from now on.” There’s a slight edge to his voice, as though he’s annoyed with himself for you feeling this way. “Please, don’t ever hide your feelings from me. I never want to lose you.” His own voice is cracking, slight tears in his eyes at the idea of you not being in his life. 
“I promise.” You lean up to kiss him, trying to convey just how much you’ve missed him. 
“Let’s go to bed.” He lifts you up from the couch, carrying you toward the stairs. 
You shriek, clinging to him even more. “It’s only 9:15!” You laugh at his antics. “What about your reports?”
“I have more important things to do right now.” He smirks at you, quickly moving into the bedroom to show you just how much he cares about you. 
permanent tag list:
@mac99martin @goldeng1rl8 @measure-in-pain
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Hi! What is your very specific Twilight AU?
okay, so. New Moon.
party disaster, dumping her and dipping, all happens normally.
but THEN. Bella finds out she’s pregnant.
(and I know you’re thinking- pre-marital sex?!?! Edward would NEVER! but listen. I am the author now. I’ve been around Christians my whole life. shut up!)
so anyway after a million pregnancy tests and a lot of googling about vampire baby legends, Bella’s like...well this is probably gonna be a situation,
Nessie doesn’t have an insane growth rate here because I hate that, so she has a normal amount of time to prepare, and she’s very...aware that the birth is gonna be Rough at best. So she goes to Jacob
who is NOT a wolf yet but Is aware of the pack and the treaty, and they are closer friends already, and she’s like ‘hey. paranormal emergency. you’re the only person in this town who enables me. help.’
 and Jacob’s like I’m Fucking Fifteen and goes and gets Leah, since she’s technically an adult and a girl
(ms. meyer How did you make one of leah’s only 3 character traits ‘upset she’s infertile’ and then not have her support bella’s choices in breaking dawn please make it make sense)
 so they start brainstorming solutions and the best they can work with is. Bella’s gotta ride out the pregnancy in hiding. they have no way of knowing whether she can survive the pregnancy and the only clue they have about whether the baby will be a monster or not is from google searches, but they also can’t exactly take her to an obgyn when her uterus feels like it’s calcified and her ribs are getting broken and she seems to be craving blood
So, Leah’s got her own little place. Bella moves in there, telling Charlie she wants to move back in with Renee (she knows her parents would never willingly call each other so as long as she keeps up communicating with both of them they should be none the wiser of her growing a little dracula in Leah Clearwater’s basement).
Leah has already defected from the wolf pack at this point (because...the Cullen’s left and she didn’t really like any of the guys anyway lmao) so they don’t run the risk of them hearing her thoughts while she’s in wolf form. She goes out and hunts animals, brings them back and her and Jake drain the blood from them so Bella can drink it. All three of them find this extremely disgusting obviously but Jake’s loyal and a little bit lovestruck, Leah’s a supportive friend and queen, and Bella’s just trying to keep her and her baby alive, and none of them feel like trying to rob a blood bank
Bella is 100% certain the baby will just be a baby who happens to like blood, like she was in bd, but the tentative plan is that if a crazy soulless monster comes out of her Leah will...handle that...
Which neither are thrilled about, so Bella’s just trying to focus on staying positive. And between that, trying to survive and stay hidden, Bella doesn’t really have time to...Check Out the way she did in new moon. Like, she’s absolutely still depressed, and she’s still getting an occasional Edward hallucination because carrying a vampire baby counts as reckless in many books, but she’s just more...resigned and pissed than anything. She’ll have days like the ‘possibilities’ scene, but more often than not she’s just telling the Edward hallucination to go fuck himself when he’s begging her to find the real him so they can have Carlisle deal with the pregnancy 
at some point, Seth gets roped into the whole mess (he’s prone to just breaking into his sister’s house) but since he’s like, 13 and The Best Baby Boy he’s immediately supportive. He didn’t even fucking know about the wolves and the vampires until he walked in on a six months pregnant Bella drinking blood while his sister and Jacob are hacking away at a dead deer, but he’s like...you know when you were 13 and sneaking around about Anything made you feel like the coolest person alive? point is he’s helpful
AND he can get away with spending a lot of time at Leah’s house without anyone finding it weird, unlike Jacob, so he starts spending most of his free time there keeping Bella company and brightening her day up
HE is the one who enables her when she comes up with the name Renesmee lmao
(just because she hates Edward doesn’t mean Esme ever did anything wrong!)
“bella I’ll throw you out of this house if you don’t come up with a real name” “leah she’s white you can’t just disrespect her culture like this omg”
anyway these four become the DORKIEST and WEIRDEST little family it’s cute
so then. labor.
it’s less...graphic than in bd because Bella hasn’t been actively dying the whole pregnancy and she doesn’t snap her spine in half, but it’s still. bad.
she essentially delivers a rock that Nessie then begins chewing her way out of. she’s actively bleeding out. Jacob’s having a panic attack. Leah made Seth watch so he would never have unprotected sex and the scare tactic is working. Leah’s covered in Bella’s blood which is not great considering she’s Holding A Rock That A Vampire Is Emerging From
Leah’s been taking classes and researching deliveries so she needs to stitch Bella up and see what else is wrong but Seth is rocking back and forth on the floor crying and Jacob’s screaming and pacing too fast to grab so she’s like. Bella babe I know you’re dying but you need to hold this thing for me ksjdfllksf
so while she’s handling That, Bella’s got this weird little rock in her arms and is watching the baby slowly fight it’s way out like this is a very fucked up egg or something and she’s just. overwhelmed. maybe it’s the blood loss but she’s looking at the messy, scrunchy little face and she’s already in love and envisioning their lives together.
and then, you know, the baby bites her,
she has just enough time to think ‘how did we not think to prepare for that’ before she can feel the venom coursing through her. it’s just as bad as she remembers from James’ bite but somehow...easier to tolerate. she blacks out pretty quickly
the other 3 notice and are like : 👁👄👁
Jacob...literally explodes into a wolf On Spot
Seth darts out the fucking door he’s seen enough for one day
Leah, sole holder of the braincell, realizes Nessie just bit and isn’t drinking from Bella, and deduces this is like...a survival instinct or something. the baby instinctively changes it’s mother first thing. weirdly...touching? 
So she gets the baby and checks that everything is physically okay with Bella (apart from you know. changing species) and is like...guess this is an issue for 3 days from now Leah
more immediate pressing issues: screaming new born baby and oh, yeah, the giant red wolf in the basement,
“Jacob I know this is disorienting but if you break anything in my house I’ll fucking kill you”
she really just leaves the poor boy to go get the baby cleaned up and warm up some of the frozen blood they’ve got in her fridge (RUINING HER TUPPERWARE, BELLA)
she’s not worried about the wolf pack mind meld yet because she knows Sam took the guys on a mission way farther up the coast for a few days and they’ll be too far away to hear Jake. hopefully, by the time they get back, Bella will be awake and they’ll have made an escape plan by then
and as she’s bottle feeding blood to the baby she’s thrilled that it seems to be like...relatively normal and not s horrific monster or anything. mission: unwillingly murder my best friend’s baby has been successfully canceled 
“Oh Goddamn it....Renesmee DOES fit you...”
Seth, from where he’s cowering behind the couch: “told you”
so, Jake eventually calms down, they spend the next few days cooing over Nessie and brainstorming how to handle Bella when she wakes up a vampire, and also nicknaming Nessie ‘Nessie’ because they know Bella will find that intolerable and they feel she deserves karmic punishment for stressing them out so much lmao
so, three days are up. Seth’s upstairs putting on a way-too-elaborate puppet show for the baby with not a care in the world. Leah and Jake are in the basement because they know Bella probably won’t want their wolf blood and their ready to phase in case she gets a little aggressive
but she just wakes up and is like. hey! how’s it going? where’s my baby?
sjdhfksdj they were expecting feral but Bella still has her super self-control. she didn’t even realize she’d changed into a vampire until they told her lmao
Bella’s a little too freaked out to try hunting yet so they give her some of the stored blood they’ve been feeding Ness and she’s like. good to go. Leah’s about to scream like have the elders been exaggerating this whole time or is Bella truly a freak??? lol
So, they spend a couple days just...relaxing, Bella and Renesmee bonding, they’re trying to come up with fun places Bella can move to with the baby so no one she knows finds out, and every now and then Leah and Jake go out and she tries to help him get the wolf thing under control
and then,,,,the pack get back from their mission early
and immediately are able to read Jacob’s mind
so they head over to Start Shit because there’s two bloodsuckers on their land but,
the pack not attacking because Jake imprinted on Renesmee? tired. the pack not attacking because Jake’s Alpha Genes have taken over and declared Nessie and Bella as part of his Pack and attacking would literally start a war? inspired
so they hash the whole thing out....ultimately Sam decides Bella is more of a victim than a threat, and since neither her or Nessie seem to be going on a bloodlust rampage any time soon...he decides to grant them immunity from the whole ‘kill the vampires’ rule. He’ll let her and her daughter stay in La Push as long as they agree to stick to animals and only hunt out of town. PLUS from what little Bella knows about the Volturi, she’s worried about them finding out about Nessie, so they’ll offer protection if that does happen, in exchange for her being able to help them with intel on any other vampire threats in the area (you know like. if a nomad is fucking stuff up in a nearby city, they’ll send her to talk to them first before deciding if they need to intervene. Sam has become acutely aware he has a lot of teens and kids in his pack, so he’s trying to keep them out of fights as much as possible)  
anyway that’s the story of Nessie gaining like 17 chaotic as hell ride or die uncles,
let’s fast forward a bit
it’s like 15 years later. Bella’s not living with Leah anymore, but she’s got a cute apartment in a nearby town, and owns and runs a bookstore on the first floor of it. she got her ged and did college online and teaches night classes at a community college. She’s still in contact with her parents, who Adore the life out of Nessie. She still helps the pack out and they’re all close. Nessie is a handful but in a fun and lovable way. They go on little weekend trips whenever they have time. Bella’s happy.
but then a. Situation. arises.
basically, the Volturi have been made aware of some unknown vampire chasing others out of the pacific northwest and conspiring with shapeshifters. and you know when Aro gets curious he tends to spin things dramatically. who’s to say this vampire isn’t conspiring against all vampires? against them? why has no one’s special talents worked on her? he simply must find out.
Bella and the Pack get word and decide their best course of action for now is to go on the run. they’re not gonna be able to take on a whole army but if they can bide some time and lay low they might be able to figure something out
except Bella is like....I have a teenage hybrid that the Volturi don’t know about yet...it would be EXTREMELY irresponsible to take her with me
but she can’t send Nessie to Charlie or Renee because they don’t know about her...dietary restrictions. She can’t stay with Billy or anyone else in La Push because the Volturi might trace the pack’s scent there and discover her. She’s panicking, they have to leave in a few days max and she can’t find a safe place for her daughter
and then she’s like.....fuck.
she had run into Jasper a couple of years ago- they have the same forgery guy and were heading to his building around the same time as a coincidence. She promised to forgive him for the party incident if he promised not to tell Edward he saw her and that she’s a vampire now. He agreed, but then told her Edward’s been living on his own for a while now and insisted on giving her his number...she never could bring herself to call it or delete it...but now...if she wants to be 100% Nessie is safe and protected...
So, the past 15 years have been fairly rough for Edward
he’s still convinced leaving in order to save Bella was the best course of action, but like...the vampires canonically mate for life. that’s his soulmate. he’s absolutely miserable without her. he’s thought about cracking and going to find her again but he always talks himself out of it, convinced she’d just tell him she hates him or something
so as stated in his patented Edward Cullen Self Loathing Guide, first thing to do is isolate yourself from all the lovebirds you usually live with. Sure, he keeps in contact, but...not well. he’s currently living alone and posing as a university student. He’s not even really sure what he’s supposed to be majoring in. He’s mostly been in a haze since he left Forks.
and one day....he gets a call from an unknown number. he ignores it, thinking it’s a spam call. but then it calls like 8 more times in a row and he figures answering might be a bit smarter than simply throwing it at the wall
And Edward...swears he came back to life and immediately had a heart attack the second he hears Bella’s voice
He feels breathless and disoriented the whole conversation, trying to figure out if his memory did her voice any justice, trying to rush out 15 years worth of apologies, trying to comprehend she’s actually speaking to him.
But Bella’s very blunt on the phone. She doesn’t want to let herself get emotional. She’s on a time limit, and she has to focus on getting her daughter to safety
And Edward swears he somehow misheard her the first ten or so times she told him. He had a daughter? that wasn’t possible
“she has the audacity to be your Evil Twin so I’m pretty sure it’s possible”
so she gives him a rundown. she needs to go into hiding, no I don’t need your help with that, gives him details about Nessie, what she’s like, what she likes to do, her diet, her favorite color, how annoyed she is by this whole situation, “Edward I know you don’t love me anymore, but I remember how protective you were, and that’s what I need Nessie to have right now. She needs you right now” and Edward wants so badly to refute Bella’s claim of lost love, to tell her he has absolutely no idea how to be a parent, but...her tone is aching so much he can barely speak. He can’t let Bella down again, and he can’t let this little girl he foolishly created and left down anymore than he already has, either.
So he agrees, she tells him to be at the airport in a few days, and hangs up. 
Edward loses about half a day staring at a wall in shock, before he jumps into preparations.
Bella told him while their daughter possessed some speed and strength, hunting was fairly dangerous for her. She was more delicate than his kind, and had a heartbeat. Reheated blood bags had been their best option, and she also needed human food as well. He also had to get a room ready for her- he wandered around stores for hours, reading young girls minds to see if there was any furniture or decorations that were universally liked- which was of course, fruitless, but he did manage to find a handful of things he was sure Bella would have liked at that age, and prayed for the best. He somehow got himself covered in purple paint that was a nightmare to get off. Bella had sent him some forged documents claiming Nessie was his younger sister he’d won custody of, and he got her enrolled in a nearby school. He lived every day leading up to her arrival staving off a panic attack.
it wasn’t until he was on the way to the airport that he realized he forgot to inform his family about this life update. they must’ve been on a hunting trip, because he got nothing but voicemails 
imagine being Carlisle and you come home to a voicemail from your son who’s banished himself from the family that’s just like ‘hi. you’re a grandfather now. I’m having a nervous breakdown and might crash my car. call me back at your earliest convenience I suppose” like what would you DO
 after he gets to the airport he starts panicking again, realizing Bella had never actually sent him a picture, worrying about how he’d find her, but then- he sees a tiny girl with untamed, dark red curls, features strikingly similar to his own that are pulled into the expression Bella always made when she was reading, absently chewing on her lip, and before she looks at him with her mother’s big brown eyes, he already knows who he’s looking at, and he’s certain if he was human his tear ducts would be having a fit right now
Renesmee, however, seems less willing to have an emotional meeting. She mumbles out a simple greeting before gathering up her bags and heading for the door, Edward rushing behind her to try and help
listen. the awkwardness of Charlie trying to connect with Bella. but 10000x worse because of Edward’s overthinking, self-deprecating ass and Nessie being like ‘ah yes the guy who broke my pregnant teenage mothers heart, fantastic’ lmao
the car ride is p a i n f u l. Edward’s trying so hard for light conversation and Nessie’s barely giving one word answers. Bella had warned her about the mind reading so she was carefully keeping her mind blocked, which Edward is trying very hard to be understanding about instead of annoyed, but By God does he want to know everything about her
when they get back to his place, she quietly thanks him for the room and then promptly locks him out of it lol. He spends the rest of the day just pacing back and forth until he realizes he should eventually feed her lmao
and that’s...kinda how the first couple weeks go. she only emerges from her room if he bribes her with food, she awkwardly tries to dodge his questions, he drives her to school and then begs her to tell him how it went when he picks her up, he spends his college classes distracted because he’s freaking out constantly about how to successfully bond with her. His favorite time of day now is night, because she can’t block her mind while she’s asleep, and even if her dreams are all nonsense they’re still...part of her that he gets to know.
His family keeps begging him to let them meet her, but he’s pushing back because if she’s this bad at adjusting to one new family member, how is she going to handle six more?
(meanwhile Alice and Rose started a group chat with her and are having a ball clowning Edward lmao)
wait ksjflksd I think this vine perfectly sums up the dynamic im envisioning  https://youtu.be/wQZIUHNORHg
anyway they....very slowly make some progress. much too slowly for Edward’s taste, but hey.
Like he finds out snacks she likes. or jewelry she likes. stuff like that and just...wordlessly leaves it around for her lmao. he thinks it’s like trying not to startle a deer, Nessie thinks it’s more like a cat trying to gift you a dead mouse, but either way it’s weirdly endearing.
He notices she always has a huffy little frown when he picks her up on Wednesdays. So instead of begging her for an ounce of information of her school life, he asks her one Wednesday morning if she’s excited for the day and she admits she has an elective class every Wednesday with a girl she doesn’t get along with.
He gets her school photos (and Weeps) and realizes apart from her room the home is fairly barren of decorations, so he buys a bunch of picture frames and hangs up the school shots, and some pictures of the Cullen’s over the years, and the few he has of Bella that he could never bear to part with. Other than catching her smiling at the prom picture of her parents, Nessie doesn’t say anything- but the next time he comes home from hunting, there’s a pile of pictures of her growing up on the table, and he starts weeping all over again as he hangs them up
(there’s one of her and Bella hugging and looking at the camera with identical grins and joy in their eyes, he can’t help but put that in his room. He hopes one day he’ll get to see a scene like that in person)
He starts trying to get her out of her room a little more- he still hasn’t managed to a get a ‘favorites’ list out of her, so he starts playing movies Bella loved, to see if any of them lure her out. some do, some don’t- he got halfway through a Lord of the Rings marathon, which was Torture in his opinion, but then Ness came out and quietly asked if he could restart it and suddenly they became his favorite movies ever.
Bella’s not able to contact her on a set schedule or anything because of her situation (and you can bet your ass Edward’s contacted every vampire he knows and ordered them to help her out if they come across her or the Volturi), and Edward realizes that’s probably taking a toll on the girl, so he starts telling her stories of her mother when he knew her in Forks. She’s particularly amused by the blood typing incident- the first time Edward hears Nessie properly laugh, he literally starts crying on the spot
could you imagine the sheer panic if she ever gets so much as a cold
And yes, she’s still pissed on Bella’s behalf, and yes, she specifically blasts 70s music because Bella told her he hates it one time, and yes, if he looks at her like he’s a kicked puppy one more time she might claw his eyes out, and yes, she refuses to introduce him to her friends from school because she Knows everyone will then start asking her about her ‘hot brother’ and she can’t live with that and also can’t live with him knowing that so she told him if he ever introduces himself to any of her friends she’ll set him on fire, and yes, she’s homesick 95% of the time but...he’s growing on her. like a mold, or something.
(okay, maybe when Seth tried to analyze why Mamma Mia is her favorite musical, he might have had a point. half a point. quarter of a point. shut up.)
And Edward’s still trying to not have a panic attack every time she’s out of his sight- he’s got Carlisle keeping tabs on the Volturi for him, and it’s not exactly hard for him to keep track of her through other people’s minds- but she’s so tiny and her heartbeat is Too Fast and what if she inherited her mother’s unlucky streak??
but they’re toeing the line of co-existing peacefully and Edward’s scared to push it past that
then he has to, because it turns out he sent her to one of Those Schools where the parents have to be involved in the school in some way or another and Nessie’s Annoyed
sdkjfsdkjf she keeps trying to get him to just sign up for like pta meetings or something and he’s like ‘I need you to understand you are the only person in this town I actually know or like I Cannot survive around fundraiser moms I can’t’ 
so she’s like ugh fine I’m in the drama club
listen.....Stage Parent Edward Cullen.......the power this holds...
that’s right this whole post was an elaborate ruse for me to make a musical theater headcanon again lmao
no okay but seriously he starts off just helping build sets and stuff like that but then midway through the year their music teacher gets fired and the schools like begging him to take over because they can’t find someone in enough time that’ll know the music for the show they’re doing and he’s like “I need you to understand Nessie will never talk to me again if I start actually working at her school” and they’re like “She also will never talk to you again if we have to cancel the big musical, though” and he’s like. fuck.
silent treatment for a week and a half
lmao so now he’s trying to juggle being an overly-enthusiastic stage parent who’s making costumes and sets and kinda crying backstage when he sees his daughter in her costume with also being the music director for the damn show and trying to teach a bunch of kids how to read sheet music 
one day he ended up in a coffee shop with the hair and makeup moms, gossiping about the cast’s love lives, and he literally doesn’t know how he got there
is it wrong to pass Nessie in class even though she’s putting all the wrong answers on the test but he Knows she knows the right answers and is only answering wrong to try and get a rise out of him
Bella sneaks into town to see the show- they thought it would push their luck if the pack came, but they sent an ungodly amount of flowers and candy. When she snuck into the house while Ness was sleeping she Was Not expecting to find Edward up to his elbows in sequins, trying to fix a bedazzler he accidentally broke in frustration, muttering under his breath about how if Nessie’s romantic opposite in the show doesn’t keep his thoughts clean he’s gonna kill him- and it just cracks her up. She WAS nervous about seeing Edward again but now she’s assured he’s still a dork lol
So Edward freaks when he sees her but they don’t wanna wake Ness up so they’re trying to be quiet but like. they’re going through it 
Like Bella Wants to be pissed at him but she can’t, she still loves him- and while she can’t just get over what he did to her, it’s also not lost on her that ‘leaving to protect someone I love’ is literally what she had to do to her daughter
And Edward....Edward, who only left to give Bella a chance at a safe, human life, seeing Bella in front of him as a vampire, knowing it’s his fault she ended up that way and she had to go through it alone, had to raise a baby herself because he’d made it so hard to find him...knowing if he’d just pulled his head out of his ass he would have been able to be there for her...would be able to form a coherent sentence around his love right now, would have long and fond memories of Nessie’s childhood, likely wouldn’t have to watch Bella hide from the Volturi...he’s back in a self-loathing spiral already
But they haven’t seen each other in so long and they just don’t want to...deal with the unpleasantness right now, so they just push it aside. Bella helps Edward with the costumes. Edward fills her in on what she’s been missing with Nessie. Bella tells him some stuff about when Ness was younger. They just spend the night talking, and it feels like no time has past between them at all- which just makes the heartaches a little stronger
When Nessie wakes up to her mother there she’s ecstatic- bubbly and loud and glued to Bella’s hip all day, giving her in depth play-by-plays of her school and rehearsals and friends she’s made, bouncing on her toes all morning, hyper, giggly, and- it kind of breaks Edward’s heart a little, even though he knows he hasn’t really...earned this side of his daughter, yet. 
(at least he got his wish of seeing their twin smiles in person)
(he wishes he could see them every second of every day)
so the girls spend the day catching up while Edward mostly feels like a thirdwheel, and then they have to get Ness over to the school so she can get ready
Bella decides to hang out around the school theater before the show actually starts- she leans against the wall next to the piano, the two talking in hushed tones while Edward runs through songs. Bella really missed watching him play- the only thing that managed to drag her away from it was when Nessie called her to the dressing room to help with a hair emergency 
she didn’t talk to him much at intermission, her attention being stolen by the rest of the Cullen family (who had been Very Loudly supporting the show so far, she knew Ness was probably dying of embarrassment backstage)
after the show, the three went back to Edward’s and just...talked. Nessie was gushing about the show and eating while her parents assured her she was the greatest actress ever born, simple stuff like that. she fell asleep sandwiched in between them on the couch 
Bella realizes she’s never going to be able to bring herself to leave again if Nessie wakes up, and tells Edward as much. He clearly doesn’t want her to go just yet either, but...she’s on the run, it’s not like she has much choice 
He has so much he wants to say to her but he just- can’t. it’s not the right time. but he’s hoping she can see that in his eyes
Bella shifts Nessie off her shoulder so Edward can hold her, and she gives him a light kiss and says ‘thank you, Edward’ before disappearing in a flash. she needed to go before she lost her nerve.
Edward can’t bring himself to let Nessie out of his arms, so instead of carrying her to bed he just stays there, holding her, trying his best not to think that that could be the last time for a long time he’d ever see his Bella again, trying not to let thoughts of a life he gave up unwittingly consume him
okay I didn’t mean for this to be So Long so I’m cutting it here uhh...let me know if anyone wants a part 2? sorry lmao
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gingersnaaps · 3 years
making things right
you and iwaizumi just aren't meant to be, and if he has to fuck some sense into your little brain for you to understand, then so be it.
wc: 2.8k
tags/tw's(PLEASE READ): noncon, explicit n*fw, blackmail, emotional manipulation, emotional sadism, dumbification, degradation, fem!reader with inner genitals, has something resembling an actual plot
a/n: i couldn't decide which way i wanted to go with the plot, so i just did both. read a darker version of this here
i don't want minors interacting with my content
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Oikawa really doesn’t like how much time Iwaizumi has been spending around you lately.
It’s not that he’s jealous, of course - that kind of pettiness is far beneath him - it just doesn’t seem right. It’s not the natural order of things for someone as pretty as you, all soft skin and glowing smiles, to be practically draped around Iwaizumi all the fucking time.
He’s counted, you know, and today was the thirty-eighth time that you’ve visited their lunch table and somehow ended up on Iwaizumi’s lap.
And doesn’t he also have to think of his team? The Spring Interhigh’s coming up, and it wouldn’t do for one of the most important players on the team to be constantly distracted. He’s seen the way Iwaizumi looks at you: it’s adoration encapsulated in a gaze, the kind of tenderness and admiration that he’s only ever seen Iwaizumi direct at himself.
Oikawa’s going to have to fix this, isn’t he? He’s going to have to make everything the way it should be.
He finds that he enjoys the constant planning and brainstorming and especially the fantasizing far more than he’d anticipated.
Oikawa notes down which days you go home immediately after school, which days you stay, and the routes you take home. He writes down all your friends in a little notebook, familiarizes himself with the classes you take, and pays extra attention to your mood swings.
Of course, as he spends more and more time detailing every aspect of your life, it’s only natural for his thoughts to… wander. In class, he catches his own attention drifting away from Japanese literature to thoughts of what you’d look like strung out on his cock, eyes squeezing out tears as he stuffs you full and claims your pussy. He thinks about how slutty your skirt looks when you’re bending over, and about how much he’d like to rip it off of you. He likes to imagine how Iwaizumi would react, too - the way he’d cry and sob and finally understand that you don’t belong with someone like him.
He finds that these thoughts allow him to tolerate Iwaizumi’s presence near you a lot better, even though the two of you have only grown closer as of late. When you start getting particularly obnoxious with your flirting, he just has to picture you screaming in pain as he fucks you dry, or think about the bulge in your throat from his cock shoved deep inside your mouth. And when he sees Iwaizumi finally ask you out on a date to the ramen place nearby, he almost feels sorry for how short-lived, how temporary, your romance is going to be.
As the weeks go by and the Interhigh draws near, Oikawa thinks he’s got a pretty good idea of how to make it happen.
It starts off almost too easy.
Oikawa’s usually the one who stays late after practice, slamming his serves into the opposite end of the court until his vision goes dizzy and his arms turn numb. But Iwaizumi - bless his generosity - had planned on staying after to help a few of the first years out with their serves.
He waits at the school gates, scanning the entrance for any sign of you. You should be finishing up with your little club soon if the notes he’d been keeping were any indication, and sure enough, he spots your bright teal jacket scurrying towards the gates after just a few minutes.
Oikawa plasters on his friendliest smile, waving you towards him. “Hey,” he greets. “Iwa-chan told me to wait for you today. Do you want to come over? He’ll be along in just a minute - he’s just cleaning up the gym a bit.”
“Aren’t you the captain?” you tease. “So much for being responsible.”
He forces out a laugh. Do you realize how insufferable you are? Because you’re really not doing yourself any favors with the way you’re acting. But he pushes down the surge of anger that threatens to spill over, because he knows you’ll change your tune as soon as you arrive at his place.
He can’t wait.
The walk home is filled with empty banter, useless conversation that flits back and forth on the most boring of topics. To be honest, Oikawa appreciates this - it gives him the mental room to think about much more interesting things, like the way your breasts are pushing against the jacket, or the slight sheen of your lip gloss. Or, alternatively, the way your breasts would look spilling out of his hands, and the way your shiny lips would look smeared with spit and cum.
He places a hand on your waist as he guides you inside his house, but you stiffen. “Isn’t Hajime supposed to have caught up to us by now?” you ask.
First name basis, huh?
It’s a small detail, but it’s the kind of change that has him seeing red at the periphery of his vision, the kind that makes him want to ruin your slutty body until it's bruised and leaking cum. He’s been friends with Iwaizumi for twelve years. Twelve years, and all he’s gotten from him is a nickname. You’ve known him for barely a fucking year, and here you are, sauntering away with his first name.
His hand on your waist tightens, gripping and squeezing at your lovely flesh until he can feel you wince in pain. “I’m afraid it might be a while,” he says, voice brittle.
“What do you mean?” you ask, turning around, your eyes widening.
Oikawa shoves you inside and slams the door. “I mean,” he hisses. “That your precious Hajime won’t be coming around anytime soon.”
Panic rises in your throat, but he slaps a hand over your mouth quicker than you can scream. All that escapes is a strangled cry, weak and thin, one that quickly dies out in the entrance hall of his house. It’s much too quiet to reach any neighbors, you realize with a sinking feeling. The last bit of faint hope you harbor in the back of your mind dies when you realize that there’s no concerned housewife coming to check on the commotion, no fumbling child who might stumble in on you and Oikawa. You’re alone. You’re fucked.
He’d made sure of it.
“Bitches like you are so stupid, aren’t you? Making me spell everything out for you.” His voice drips condescension as he yanks you by the hair towards the bedroom. There’s no reason to put up an act anymore, he thinks, so he can be as rough as he wants with his new toy - he just has to make sure he returns you in one piece to Iwaizumi. Oikawa’s sure he won’t mind if you’re a little beat up around the edges, a little used by the end of this.
As he throws you down on the bed, the thought gives him immense satisfaction. You’d been so eager to do things with Iwaizumi - he’d coaxed out embarrassed confessions from his friend over late-night calls - so he’s almost sure that you’re a needy slut during sex.
Of course, you’re not nearly so eager now, not when he’s holding your squirming body down on the bed.
“You do realize that this is what you get, right? It’s your fault for being this fucking easy. Should’ve thought a bit harder about going home with me. Did your mommy and daddy never teach you to not trust men?” he says, face curling into a smile.
You’re unable to get a word out, mouth dry and cottony from the fear that pierces you. He watches your eyes flicker between the bulge in his pants and his face, uncertain and wary, like a deer caught in headlights. Oikawa can’t help the sick pleasure that bubbles up within him at the look on your face.
“Please,” you say hoarsely. “Please.”
“You have to use your words, you know. You could be begging me to stop, but I think you like this. I think you’re begging me to get on with it,” he says.
Maybe he’s taking it a step too far with the dramatics, but he can’t bring himself to tone it down - not when he’s right about to get to the good bit, and certainly not when he sees those pretty tears trickling down your face.
He looks you up and down appraisingly. He’d always thought you were rather pretty, with your soft halo of hair and your glittering smile - but he can’t deny that there’s a special sort of charm in the way you fidget uncomfortably under his gaze.
It makes him hungry.
As he spreads your thighs apart, all he can think about is how much he wants to claim you, to ruin you, because that’s what he imagines fucking you is like: ownership and victory spread on his tongue while your juices drench his cock. All the filthy dreams he’s had, every fantasy he’s gotten off to late at night, and the stifling heat spreading through his core is begging him to fuck you, to ravish your tight hole until the only name you know is his own.
He doesn’t really want to bother with prep. He’s sure that stretching you out on three - no, maybe four fingers until you scream would be fun, but you don’t deserve that kind of special treatment. Aren’t sluts like you supposed to be wet all the time anyway?
You can feel the outline of his dick dragging along your soft thighs, pressing close to your cunt, a breathy moan escaping his lips from the friction of his sweatpants grinding against your body. It’s not long before he pulls his cock out all the way and strokes it a few times. He grabs at your hips, maneuvering you like a rag doll, and fits the tip of his cock at your fluttering entrance. Nudging at your hole, he pushes in just the head of his cock - enough so you can feel the sting of his girth, but not nearly deep enough to offer any real relief.
You whine involuntarily, and a grin lights up his face. “You’re desperate, aren’t you?” he asks, dragging a thumb against your lips. “Is it because Iwa-chan doesn’t fuck you well enough? Is his pathetic dick too small to fill up that hole of yours properly?” he leers. “I’ve seen his cock before… mine’s bigger, you know.”
“Fuck you,” you mumble. You’re dizzy from the fear and panic that clouds your brain, but anger still seeps into your veins at his crude words.
Maybe if your head was a bit clearer, you would’ve realized that only stupid girls talk back.
Oikawa’s hips snap into yours harshly, his cock tearing at your insides, and you let out a strangled gasp. You’re not prepared for how well his cock stretches you out - it’s curved in all the right places, ramming into your cervix, brushing up against your tender g-spot - and as he ruthlessly pounds your frail body into the mattress, your mind blanks, overloaded with sensation. You can’t remember who you are, or why you’re getting fucked. The only thing on your mind is the raw feeling of being cunt split wide open, of having your insides rearranged until you’re a drooling, dumb mess.
“Fuck who?” he asks, shoving two fingers inside your sloppy mouth,
“F- fuck…” you whisper. His fingers are gripping at your hips so tightly you can feel the skin beginning to bruise, and there’s just too much to handle. He’s everywhere; his fingers probe around your mouth, making you gag, and his cock drags along your tender walls until you’re left quivering around his length.
He leans down to kiss at your forehead, his lips brushing tenderly against your hair. “You can do it, baby,” he encourages, cooing at you. “You can say it.”
“Fuck me,” you whimper quietly, cheeks burning with shame.
“Good girl,” he says, voice sickly sweet. “I knew you could do it for me.”
Fucking you feels so much better once you’re compliant, he thinks. He slows down a bit, savoring the sensation of your cunt twitching uselessly while you writhe on the bed in pleasure. He feels a sharp jolt of arousal as he looks at the marks he’s left all over you, admiring how the angry bruises on your hips and waist are beginning to purple.
You tug at his shirt, sniffling and crying. “Please,” you beg. You’re not sure what you’re asking for anymore, not even sure whether you want Oikawa to stop or continue, but you can’t handle the way he’s slowly fucking you senseless.
He raises an eyebrow. “You want it faster?” he asks cruelly, bouncing you into his cock. There’s no response on your end, but Oikawa thinks he’ll take that as a yes. And if that’s what you want?
Well, that’s what you get.
The hum of pleasure in your core intensifies as he picks up speed again. This time, he angles his cock until it grinds down harshly on your sensitive spot, leaving your legs limp and body helpless as your cunt tightens like a vice. As you shudder from the orgasm that washes over you, he spills into your pussy until your hole is leaking white down your thighs.
You can feel him laughing softly as he pulls out and climbs to rest beside you, leaving you stuck in a pool of your own sweat and cum and. He wipes the remaining cum off of his cock, smearing it on your face, but you barely react. You feel so dirty, so tainted and violated, but you’re not sure you could move even if you tried - his cock has left you boneless and made sure that every square inch of your body is sore and aching.
“Well,” he says, breathless. “Better run home unless you want Iwa-chan to know you’ve been all used up.”
Hajime? Your eyes widen, welling up with tears.
Oikawa unlocks the phone in his hand and presses play.
The sounds that echo through the empty room make you feel like screaming, because there’s no denying the solid, tangible proof that’s being played back. Your breathy moans are clear as day, and it’s unmistakable when you hear yourself begging Oikawa to fuck you harder, faster, to split you apart on his cock.
With a sinking feeling, you know there’s no explanation that would ever satisfy Hajime if he heard this audio. You can already see the pain in his eyes if he were to find out that his best friend for the past twelve years had ruined you, fucked you so thouroughly that you could barely tell the difference between pain and pleasure.
You don’t want that, you realize miserably. You can’t have that.
“I’m not going to send it,” he says. He sees hope creep into your expression, as if you’re almost daring to believe that you could go back to your normal life after this little session, but he doesn’t feel any pity for you when he speaks again.
“Not if you stay away.”
You and Hajime don’t belong together anyway, so why would he be sorry?
Your eyes drop as you inhale shakily. Oikawa watches you fumble around for your clothing, entertained by the way you trip and stumble as your weak legs attempt to hold you upright. It makes for an awkward, ugly image - but he can’t deny the warm thrill of satisfaction that runs up his spine as you slink out of his bedroom.
He’s finally making things right.
When you go to school the next day, you’re glad that you don’t have any classes with Hajime for the first time ever. It makes it easier to avoid him, and you purposely choose to sit as far away as possible from their table in the lunchroom. You don’t bother responding to his messages either, every single text of his sending a bitter jolt of pain through you, and you eventually block his number.
Weeks later, you’re not sure he’d believe you even if you were to explain everything. What would you even say? That you’d been ignoring him and ghosting him because his best friend of twelve years had raped and blackmailed you? That someone he knows and trusts was capable of devastating violence? Oikawa and him seem closer than ever, and you start to wonder at your own stupidity. To think that you could ever get in between a bond as close as theirs - maybe Oikawa was right all along.
You’re walking home alone one day, the hazy late-day sun bathing the roads in a shimmering heat, when you hear footsteps and a voice behind you. Your heart hammers unsteadily, getting ready to run, when you hear three words that make your stomach drop.
“I’ve missed you.”
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