#a lot of ssl stuff
yuushiiblog · 2 months
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I don’t have any other content except oc x canon now 😔 4-6 and 8 pictures are studies from photo
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
if you havent already can u tell stuff about your neo 3s 🥺🤲 i care them
outside of agent work, they have been part of a delinquent group for quite some time, ever since they were very little! they met through that group and stuck together ever since
the rest of the agents don’t recognize them when they’re dressed in their different clothing! (which looks similar to the deliquent amiibo clothing)
(i’m working on developing that silly little group….)
they found smallfry by picking him up outside of grizzco! they named him Kuz, because he’s like a silly baby cousin
before the NSS, neither knew how to read or write
they got lost in the desert looking for a deliquent friend of theirs who went missing! after some time they stumbled upon cuttlefish and the rest is history lol
i’ve said this like a billion times but Sicily/Cap = mommy?
(do i look l-)
their arms were tainted just from lots of accidents from agent work! it accumulated especially in space, when dodging fuzzballs was especially hard!!
they’re not sure if it’s gonna have any lasting negative effect on them, all that they’ve been able to figure out is that it stings when rinsed with water.
also, they purr and act mammal-like now. i can’t help it T_T
A FERAL CHILD! she’s literally on silly mode maximum ALL THE TIME. if she’s not something is DEATHLY wrong
she loves to put her hair up in pigtails, because she likes subverting expectations!
she’s average at everything! literally everything! it’s kind of astounding how much she can do at a normal level
smallfry’s primary caretaker! she loves to dress him up like a little dolly!
she’s very acrobatic, flexible and agile. she loves to do freaky tricks that give sicily secondhand bone hurting disease.
although she’s very strong willed, she’s still very sensitive…
very gullible, would probably believe you if you said chocolate milk comes from brown cows
literally left in a cardboard box all alone as a baby, wettest little squitten you’d ever see :(
Frye named her! the name means ‘three bodies’ in Sanskrit. before that, it was mostly ‘girl’ or ‘Agent 3’
very quiet, but also very perceptive and detail oriented. he gets so lost in analyzing some things that sometimes he looks really mad lol
has a lot of anxiety regarding speaking, so he’s a selective mute! he’ll speak if he absolutely HAS to or if he’s really close to someone, but otherwise he speaks SSL (splatlands sign language), a mix of inkling and octoling SL
trikaya translates for him, and often understands what he needs with just a glance!
around strangers he has on a tough attitude, but around the NSS he’s very gentle and curious. he asks a lot of questions
he doesn’t have the most accurate aim as a charger main, but damn if he can’t apply pressure!
trikaya’s big bro!
his parents were octarian army refugees that sent him across the world to the splatlands as an infant to give him a better shot at life. he started off in a foster home but ran away due to mistreatment
sometimes he still wonders if they’re alive
Shiver named him! his name means ‘light/shine’ in japanese, but can also mean ‘third son’ and is sometimes spelt with 三(three).
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starstableopinions · 1 year
Too many SSO players just seem to be overly rooted in nostalgia. Everytime something changes it’s “bring back the old version it was better” even when it really wasn’t. The new UI for example, I definitely dislike the mobile game vibe but the old one was SO bad at scaling to screen sizes. It took up a ridiculous amount of space on my large monitor. The new one isn’t perfect, but objectively from a functionality standpoint, it’s better. And redoing it opens up the ability to add new functionality to the game, as they’ve said themselves. Some stuff in the game is just too old to stay, they use a lot of stuff from SSL! The game has to modernize or it won’t survive. New players would have stopped coming long ago if they looked at the game and still only saw gen 1 horses.
99% of the time the old one wasn’t better, you’re just being nostalgic. And that’s ok! You can personally miss it! But don’t go screaming to everyone everywhere about how much better the old one was as if it was objective! Don’t be the Instagram comments screaming about how the game is being ruined!
Honestly, if you hate ‘new SSO’ so much. Maybe you’ve grown out of the game. Maybe it’s time to find something new rather than yearning desperately for the way a game was years ago. Bc SSO isn’t that game anymore, and no amount of screaming in the Instagram comments is going to change that.
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frtools · 11 months
800 followers, dang!
Well then, I did not know that this would blow up this much. We apparently hit 800 followers recently, and I did not even notice!
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It's been quite a bumpy ride over the years as you all know, but one I am happy to have pulled through. Although there have been next to no updates to the site and it's toolset recently, I have learned a lot on how to deal with many problems.
I've learned how to do image manipulation
How to effectively parse URLs for data (like dragon's and their properties).
Automated fetching new changes to dragons and genes without even having to visit FR itself. Just run a script and commit changes.
Learned how to deploy the website and all it's background jobs without supervision.
Implemented SSL with automatically renewing certificates.
Created a discord bot that is in many servers, mostly to fetch dragon data.
Learned how to minimalist scrape the site for specific data, such as finding new items, checking news posts or fetching user ids based on name to cache so I don't have to fetch the user again in the future
Implemented many local caching methods such that data only has to be retrieved once from FR
Created a pretty expansive user profile system
Attempted to ensure that all site functionality would be available to logged in and not logged in users through means of 'secret keys', basically passwords for that specific feature.
I can probably list many more things but that would be going into a lot of detail. Below the cut I'll write some more stuff, but for those who read this far already:
Thanks for all the support <3
I recently mentioned that my cost for the hosting increases, this is what a normal month looks like for me and starting this period it will be about 10 or so euro more. This is all to keep the service running smoothly, without any downtime, paid out of pocket for you all to enjoy. Any assistance in helping offset these costs are always welcome : )
You can do so either by becoming a patron or just toss me a coffee.
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So what is in store for the site in the future?
Honestly.. probably not much. Eventually functionality will cease to work as Flight Rising makes changes to their front facing API and I won't be able to get the data needed for many things anymore.
Having said that, I have been messing about with the idea of a redesign of the front end, making it a little less developery and more user friendly. But life has been busy for me as of late with a new job since almost a year ago, other hobby projects I have been neglecting and games that have come out that I love to play.. it just doesn't leave much time for a project like FRTools that I have no direct gain from myself other than gathering more programming knowledge.
That said, if you want any specific feature added I can always look into how much work it would be and maybe it will get me hooked?
Regardless, let's get the follower counter to 1000 next before stuff breaks down completely :3
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thecloudstan · 3 months
What did you think of the Queen's Blood game in "Rebirth"? Also, it's so cool that they established a sign language in the FFVII world via one of the QB players! CLOUD KNOWS BASIC SIGN LANGUAGE!!! And of course it's called Shinra Sign Language (SSL). Since it originated from military hand signs, I want to see Rufus, the Turks, Cloud, and Vincent signing at some point.
Not even a little bit kidding, my husband is currently doing the QB Gold Saucer tourney and just won the Rufus card LMAO!!
I haven't played it myself, I'm still wandering around the Grasslands doing goofy stuff. I will definitely start it soon, though, I know there are a lot of story and side quest reasons to Get Good. And tbh, I had a ton of fun helping my husband when he was playing the tournament on the ship 😂 It's a GREAT game!!
The fact that they added sign language lore into this world...and then deaf characters...and then made Cloud, our jack of all trades, proficient enough in it to communicate...like...this is incredible. I am pretty vocal irl that I feel ASL (American Sign Language) should be compensatory in grade school so that everyone has at least a basic understanding of it, because you encounter deaf people all the time (especially since so much of my 20s were spent in customer service) and it's not THEIR fault nobody ever learned how to communicate effectively with them. The world we live in is shitty and horrible and people are so fucking selfish (in the United States, at least), that it's nice to have some escapism that at least BEGINS to reflect a kinder, more empathetic reality. Everyone can just exist.
With the exception of poor Red XIII 🤣 LET HIM DO HUMAN STUFF
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blubberquark · 1 year
The socket module in Python: More than a footgun
Previously: Beginner Problems With TCP & The socket Module in Python, Things To Think About Before You Implement Online Multiplayer
I think I have previously undersold how terrible the socket module in Python is. It's worse. Or rather, what's worse is that often enough, the socket module is all that is available with the "batteries included" with Python 3.X. For anything more, you need to look on PyPI, and there are far too many modules on there that sort of do what you want, but are unmaintained. That is not good for networking, especially on the Internet!
The socket module has a lot of functionality you don't need for Internet applications, and is missing a lot of functionality you do need. Some of that functionality is present with asyncio, but not with socket. This weird feature imparity leads to beginner programmers using asyncio without understanding the use case for asyncio, or without understanding what async does, mixing blocking functions with asyncio.
Even experienced programmers won't be happy with socket. They can see and sidestep some of the pitfalls, but they can't really make productive use of socket on its own. There is no pure-Python way to get your own IP address, network interfaces, or your public IP address. There is no interface for path MTU discovery, and no abstraction layer for handling mixed IPv6/IPv4 connections.
The socket module is not just a footgun. It's little helper gnomes opening your gun safe at light, reloading the footguns you thought safe while you sleep. Even an experienced programmer must treat the socket module as if it can go off at any time!
Solution: A modern Internet-oriented networking module
We need a high-level Internet-oriented networking module as part of Python. Let's call it "networking". It doesn't need any OS-specific networking features, and it doesn't need IPC. It should just have an easy way to opening a socket and communicating over the Internet.
You should be able to query things like IPv4/IPv6 support, and stuff like mobile IP or multi-path TCP, but by default, there should just be a simple interface that takes a DNS name, IPv4 address or IPv6 address, and lets you connect.
There should probably be a "do-what-i-mean multicast" option for UDP, with functions to send and receive broadcast and multicast packets, instead of re-implementing the wrangling of IP addresses and subnet masks every time.
There should probably be a way to extend this, by implementing different message-oriented, datagram-oriented, or stream-oriented protocols, such as SSL and ENet as separate modules.
Most importantly, this module would have its equivalent of Java's BufferedReader. I know that this is super easy to implement, but the lack of a BufferedReader is a major stumbling block for beginners, and it pushes those beginners to use asyncio without understanding what that is or how it works. The "networking" module could have async versions of everything in a separate networking.async namespace. I don't think having awaitable and blocking operations available on the same socket/connection object is sensible, it would be another footgun, so this API duplication seems to me to be the safer option.
We really need full blocking/async parity. I can't stress this enough. Otherwise you end up in bizarre situations where library users write async code inside sync functions and spin up the event loop for every function call, but then call blocking functions in their async code, because to them, async is just a cumbersome way to call blocking functions.
Solution: Interface/Network/Service Discovery
We need a network discovery module as part of Python, maintained and developed in tandem with the old socket and the new networking. It should allow the user/developer to easily enumerate all available network interfaces, their IP addresses, MTU, IPv4/IPv6 status, connectivity, whether they are metered, and whether their networks are connected to the Internet.
Path MTU discovery and ping might also be useful.
Maybe service discovery protocols like Bonjour could live in this module too, or they could be their own module.
Solution: Dealing with NAT
In an ideal world, we would all be using IPv6, and we would somehow know the worldwide unique IP address of our friend's PC - the device we are trying to communicate with. Our router would know to route packets to that IP to our friend's router, and all would be well.
In the real world we are using NAT and VPNs. Some devices have an IPv4 address, others don't. IPv6 usually doesn't help us connect to a friend's PC to play a game.
We need a module (I propose the name "unfirewall" or "traversal") to allow the user/developer to connect or send packets to a computer behind NAT. This module must set up a connection that is either stream-based or datagram-based, and present the same API as raw sockets created with the networking module, or SSL sockets built on top of it.
Whatever system you are using to connect your stream or datagram socket, whether you go through a SOCKS proxy or a TURN server, or you manage to do NAT hole punching via STUN, it should return a networking object that is mostly indistinguishable from one that was connected through your local LAN.
Solution: Common Data Types
Python needs data types for networking addresses, such as IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, DNS names, IDNA, and so on. The above mentioned modules should accept parameters with those types, in addition to old-fashioned 32-bit unsigned integers for IPv4 addresses.
Solution: Network Reliability Simulation
Once we have an ecosystem of modern networking APIs, it becomes easier to write your own network un-reliability simulator. Dropped connections, uneven transmission speeds, partial reads and writes leading to TCP stream read() not lining up with send() from the other end, dropped UDP packets, a whole second of latency, low bandwidth, all those could be simulated on localhost.
Those changes would turn Python networking from a footgun for beginners into something that still causes cursing and frozen GUI widgets when your WLAN connection gets choppy. There is no software fix for radio signal quality, or for an excavator cutting the fiber optic connection between your town and the rest of the world.
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plutosring · 1 year
lil life update im case ur interested
stuff w my friends is still messy but better, i have mock exams for all my subjects in 2 weeks which is suler stressfull bcs i suck at some subjects (esp the rlly hard ones like chemistry and computer science) also just had an english exam (which i thankfully did pretty good at) and thats kind of it at the moment? i have some ideas for writing but lack the motivation and free time to actually do it lol.
anyways i wanted to see how u've been recently so whats up?
of course im interested seth <3
im glad the stuff with your friends is getting better!! and good luck on your mock exams, i know you'll do great! <3 just make sure to study reaaaally hard! but not so hard your head explodes, you know? and congratulations on doing well on your english exam!! thats absolutely spectacular!
ive done a lot recently i believe: i took two ap exams! one for nsl government and one for seminar (which is a class about research and presentation skills). i dont know how well i did on either of them. most likely failed them both, but thats okay! at least theyre done now :D today i went to school to help with a event that my school was invited to host! i got six ssl hours (i believe) for setting up chairs for bands and i was there from 7:00 am to 12:30 pm.
im really happy to hear from you :]
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aeoki · 8 months
Sandstorm - Desert Survival: Chapter 1
Location: Desert Characters: Hinata & Kaoru
TL Note:
In Japan, speaking to your elders using “formal/polite language” (敬語 / keigo) is a form of respect for those older than you (even if it’s by a year). It’s also used when speaking to people you’re not familiar with, so most people would switch to “casual language” (タメ語 / tamego) with their close friends/family, otherwise it may seem as though you’re treating the person you’re talking to like they’re a stranger.
For those who don’t know, this is Tetora’s common phrase and Hinata says this entire line in Tetora’s speaking style.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Ten or so minutes later. >
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Kaoru: Sorry! It was just a joke! I won’t do anything scary so come over here ♪
Hinata: Really? Can I really believe you? If you’re lying, then I’m gonna mix lies and truth and tell Anzu-san about your history with women.
Kaoru: Don’t do that, seriously! She’s too pure so she might actually believe what you tell her!
Hinata: On the flip side, you’d easily believe the words of someone younger than you, huh…
Hehehe, I’ve got the advantage now that I know your weakness is Anzu-san.
So obviously, you should watch what you say and do – don’t pull anything funny, okay? You need to obey my command.
Kaoru: Okay… I’m your dog, Hinata-kun…
Anyway, enough jokes for now. Can I talk about something serious?
Hinata: I’ve been serious this whole time, though? Come on, run over there and get me a drink! I’m thirsty because it’s so hot here!
Kaoru: Me too. What’s up with this place? It’s a real desert but did we have one in Japan before?
Hinata: Isn’t it the famous Tottori Sand Dunes? It’s in the Chuugoku region, right? And we’re in Tottori.
Kaoru: Hmm… don’t you think it’s way too hot, though? It’s winter right now. We’re not in a faraway country where winter doesn’t exist, right?
Well, the problem is why we’ve been thrown out to an uninhabited area like this, though.
Hinata: And the other problem is whether or not we can get home properly~... I miss Yuuta-kun…
Kaoru: There, there. I’m here with you, so just bear with me, okay?
Hinata: Noo~... I miss Yuuta-kun’s squishy cheeks~ You’ve surprisingly got a lot of muscle and you’re boney, so it doesn’t feel nice hugging you~...
Kaoru: Well, most girls prefer this kind of figure, okay? Really, I mean it!
If being nice to touch is one of the reasons behind being popular, then no one would need to go on a diet.
Anyway, I think this is part of the event, so even in the worst-case scenario, we should still be able to go home.
Hinata: Whaddya mean?
Wait, I’ve been forgetting to speak to you formally[⁎], but is that okay with you?
Kaoru: It’s fine~ I kinda note to myself that you speak more casually than Yuuta-kun, so it’s easier for me to tell who’s who that way.
Hinata: I had a feeling that was the case, so I’m gonna take the risk and assume you just think of me as someone rude and continue talking casually to you.
Yuuta-kun isn’t here right now, so there’s no need to know how to tell us apart.
Old habits die hard… Sorry.
Kaoru: You don’t have to apologise~ I don’t know anyone younger than me who doesn’t talk casually to the people they’re close with, so if you talk to me all formally, it feels like we’re not close and that makes me kinda sad.
Anyway, I said I came across the other idols before, right?
Hinata: Oh, yeah. And you mentioned they explained some stuff to you?
Kaoru: Yeah. According to them, this is a big event in the “SS” Qualifying Round. It’s an event in this Chuugoku region to see who will advance to the next round.
Hinata: Hmm. The qualifying round wasn’t a thing where the idols just work for a month and the unit with the most “SSL$” is the winner?
Kaoru: That was supposed to be the case, but it seems this Chuugoku region has some different rules.
So it’s like preparing for the real qualifying round – like a qualifying round for the qualifying round?
Hinata: I don’t get it, teacher!
Kaoru: Yeah. I’m also speaking based on assumptions, so I’m sorry if things aren’t making sense.
I mentioned earlier that a lot of powerhouse units are gathered in this Chuugoku region, right?
Hinata: Osu[⁎]. For us “2wink”, everyone else is basically above us – it’s a real hell.
Kaoru: I don’t think “2wink” is weak in any way right now, though…
Well, anyway, it seems the Chuugoku region is way too small for all those strong and famous powerhouse units to do whatever they want here.
Frankly, it looks like there aren’t enough stages or broadcast time slots for everyone – The “SSL$” has been on the rise since those things cost “SSL$”.
Hinata: Yeah, it costs money to rent that stuff, huh. That’s how the “L$” system works at ES, so that’s common sense to us, though. Kaoru: Right. That’s probably why there’s a need for them to screen units. You can see the management’s intentions.
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nigelgodrichproducer · 9 months
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Picture of Thom listening in front of the Neve console.
I'm also not sure if this is the other Nigel control room at his place, the one we haven't seen, or another studio entirely. The gear in the back is a lot of standard stuff we've seen from Nigel/Thom/Radiohead before, plus some other things from a lot of the same companies from Nigel's now well-known In Rainbows / Venice Biennale / From the Basement II rig:
SSL G-Comp, Focusrite Two-Dual preamps, Focusrite ISA-430 MKII, Ampex 351 preamps, Pultec EQP-1A3, Pultec EQP1A (2), rackmount Sansamp, GML 8200, Summit EQF-100, Summit EQP-200B, UREI LA-4 (2), Neve 83085 modules (2), Empirical Labs Distressors (2), Manley ELOP, Retro 176, UREI 1176s, DBX 165 w/o the Peak Stop knob or a DBX 162, two DBX 165As, Teletronix LA-2A (2). Pro Tools HDX rig to the left.
I will look into some of the stuff I missed and is thus far hard to see.
A lot of stuff. If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say this is Nigel's place. That's mostly based on the presence of the Sansamp, Focusrite and Summit stuff - just seems like a particular signature of whatever taste in gear he might have. It could also be Jonny or Thom's place!
(Also, note to The King of Gear guy: before you steal this information as your own, please give some credit to the source.)
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kurayami-no-ko · 1 year
Found an SSL drama CD on the internet
So I was looking for Hakuouki stuffs, when I came across an old SSL drama CD featuring Heisuke, Saitou and Sannan called “彼らの青春ー剣道部助っ人編. I am honestly not very fond of Sannan’s portrayal in SSL or the game SSL in general. I feel like the game just got rid of all the complexity of the original game and dumbed down a lot of things to a few simple stuffs. Sannan feels too cartoonish in this drama CD. Generally, drama CDs are always rather fanservice-y and not exactly entirely in character but this one really does take Sannan and reduces him entirely into a comically mad scientist. This is the link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bu411d74z/
So, the story is that Heisuke and Saitou were practicing kendo. Sannan showed up, they explained there would be a tournament tomorrow but both Hijikata and Kondou were not around to instruct them, he offered to be their instructor, so they expressed gratitude towards him. He said they did not have to because this was of benefit to him. He then handed them some kendo instrument (I honestly don’t understand what he gave them, I tried to google translate the Chinese translation in the bilibili video, but that person also did not understand it either) but according to him, it would help them with their sword skills and said some sus things about collecting data and experimenting so obviously, Heisuke was rather unwilling about using it. Saitou failed for Sannan’s trick without resisting, though. After some resisting though, Heisuke relented and they both used what Sannan gave them, which made them feel uncomfortable. He then handed them a “sports drink” and they both drank it without doubting, but then Heisuke said he felt strangely energized while Saitou said the taste was strange.
Saitou and Heisuke both questioned it. Sannan assured them it was fine but later told them that it would have a lot of side effects despite its benefits. Heisuke and Saitou were both outraged but then Sannan said that he was just joking, and he would not let students drink something like that. However, both Heisuke and Saitou were not totally fine with that assurance so they continued on asking and Sannan was saying some sus stuffs about how they were both strong so they would be fine. Obviously, Heisuke and Saitou were not fine with that answer and Heisuke said that he did not want to die. Sannan then said he was just taking the joke too far. 
Sannan said that he was doing some image training which Heisuke accidentally heard as teasing training (teasing in Japanese is ijimeru, which sounds like image in Japanese) so Heisuke asked whether Sannan was teasing them both. Sannan corrected it to image training. He said they needed to imagine themselves as warriors fighting against strong monsters to protect peace during the Edo period, which fired both of them up. He even told them that they needed to believe that they would become stronger than Hijikata for that to happen. Heisuke apologized for doubting Sannan’s instruction, Saitou said that he was also doubting but he was incorrect in thinking so. Heisuke was full of expectations for the tomorrow’s tournament. Sannan ended the practice, Heisuke was surprised that the practice ended so early but it turned out it was already night. Sannan said it might be due to the sports drink, which led to some more doubting. Sannan asked whether they wanted to know the truth which they promptly turned down. Sannan then warned them that the drink’s effect would last until morning. Heisuke returned the kendo instrument that I am still unsure about and Sannan said the effect of that would also be felt until morning. When Saitou thanked Sannan for teaching them, Sannan said that he also received benefits from doing this.
At the end, Sannan was thinking about his experiment. And on the next morning, Saitou and Heisuke's mucles were not working properly, Sannan said it was thanks to his instruction but both Saitou and Heisuke were saying it was definitely not that!
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ssohawklord · 1 year
Hello ssoblr!
Hi! My name is Signe, I have been lurking here on ssoblr for some time and now i’m here on this blog! 
My journey on Jorvik started about 2012 when i started playing SSO where you can find me on the server Avocado Island under the name Signe Hawklord! Most of the time i theorise about the main story and the amazing world that is Jorvik!
On here you can expect to see a lot of the thoughts about the game(and the older ones like the Star riders games and SSL), my Own characters and lots of other stuff!
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fttech · 1 month
Infinite Hub Review: Unlimited Cloud Hosting-Lifetime Access
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Infinite Hub Review: Unlimited Cloud Hosting-Lifetime Access
Infinite Hub offers Unlimited Hosting, Cloud & High-Speed Video Storage — No Monthly Fees! Lifetime Access & Make Money with Our 4-in-1 Solution
Are you looking for a hosting solution that offers unlimited possibilities? Infinite Hub provides your customers with a revolutionary 4-in-1 hosting solution that allows them to host unlimited websites and videos, create funnels, and store data without any restrictions. Powered by advanced Intel® Xeon®-CPU technology, users can enjoy lifetime access to top-tier services, including unlimited web hosting, cloud storage, high-speed video hosting, and funnel creation — all without the burden of monthly fees. By opting for Infinite Hub, your customers can unlock substantial savings annually while accessing premium hosting services.
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theattainer · 4 months
How Today’s Students Can Become Great Writers by Using Thomas Jefferson’s Methods
How Today’s Students Can Become Great Writers by Using Thomas Jefferson’s Methods
During my high school years, a number of my friends were homeschooled kids who belonged to a particular accrediting organization. This organization required each student to write an annual research paper, the length of which corresponded to their grade (i.e. a 10th grade student was required to turn in 10 pages).
Over the years, I heard many groans about these infamous papers, which made me quite glad that my school did not have the same expectations. In retrospect, of course, I see that my friends who did the torturous assignment likely had a jump on me in terms of writing experience.
As it turns out, those friends appear to have had the jump on not only me, but much of the American high school population. According to Jay Matthews in The Washington Post, “almost no U.S. high school students are required to do long research papers.” Other writing is also minimal, largely consisting of only a few paragraphs here and there. With numbers like those, it’s no wonder that only one in four seniors leave high school as proficient writers.
But Matthews has a theory on how to change this problem. He suggests:
“‘Require students to take at least one semester of reading and writing instead of their regular English class. A paper is due each Monday. In class, students read whatever they like or work on next week’s essay while the teacher calls them up in turn and edits their papers as they watch.’
Each student would get about 10 minutes of live editing a week, much more than the zero minutes usually allotted. A few teachers told me they were doing something like that, but I realize it is too radical a reform for most places.”
In brief, Matthews is encouraging a focus on the basics. Read good books. Devote lots of time to writing. Be mentored by people who know their stuff.
Indeed, this advice is similar to that given by Thomas Jefferson for the education of his grandson, Francis, in 1821. According to Jefferson, literature and rhetoric – the art of persuasion through writing or speaking – were two subjects in which Francis could educate himself. Jefferson noted, however, that good writing is particularly advanced when guided by “the judicious criticisms of a qualified judge of style and composition.”
Jefferson himself seems to have had the benefit of this type of mentor while in his late teens. As he notes in his autobiography, he became a close friend of Dr. William Small of Scotland during his time at the College of William and Mary. Although Dr. Small was a mathematics professor, he appears to have been well-rounded in various disciplines. Two of these areas were literature and rhetoric. Apparently, Dr. Small was such an expert in these areas that he was the first to give regular lectures on both at William and Mary.
So, did Dr. Small’s expertise in these subjects rub off on Jefferson?
It seems likely that it did, for it was these very areas which catapulted him to a position as drafter of the Declaration of Independence. Recounting the occasion, John Adams wrote:
“Mr Jefferson came into Congress in June 1775. and brought with him a reputation for literature, science, and a happy talent at composition. Writings of his were handed about remarkable for the peculiar felicity of expression.”
When Jefferson protested being made the head of the Declaration committee, Adams gave him three reasons he should take the lead. The third? “You can write ten times better than I can.”
One has to wonder if Jefferson would have landed such an important job if he had not spent extensive time reading and been under the mentorship of someone skilled in literature and rhetoric.
Would today’s students soar to greater heights if schools took the advice of Jay Matthews, devoted more time to reading and writing, and were mentored by teachers who did the same? Would such a practice not only turn out better writers and communicators, but better thinkers?
What do you think?
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jess-moloney · 6 months
Signs An Online Storefront Is A Scam
I was doing more research into this and came across an interesting article about this and though this IceStudios website doesn't meet all of the criteria they meet a lot of it. Check it out:
5. Amateur website design
However, fraudsters tend to move quickly and often don’t want to take too long to build a fake shopping website, as it could easily be identified as fraudulent and get taken down. This is why they tend to opt for simple, inexpensive website templates that come with limited features—often just enough to convince unsuspecting customers that they’re the real deal.
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No one can tell me this isn't one of the most amateurish websites they've ever seen for someone who allegedly has a degree in marketing from LCF.
7. Limited contact details
Raise your suspicions if the site only has a fill-in contact form, the customer service email is a random Yahoo or Gmail account instead of a corporate one, or the contact details are non-existent.
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I mean this is literally all you get for contact info it's on form and it seems to go absolutely nowhere. Like it's just there for decoration. They don't even have a note up saying how long you should wait for a reply or email addresses/regular addresses/phone numbers or any sort of support for customers.
8. Complex or non-existent returns policy
To ensure they comply with the laws surrounding consumer protection rights, reputable retail brands are transparent about their return and refund policies. Scammers, on the other hand, often don’t bother putting much thought into the return policies that feature on their sites—if they choose to include one at all.
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You can read through their entire (and extremely confusing TOS) and never actually find what their return policy is. There are also several red flags in this about how they are not responsible for basically anything including false advertising or if you get your item or not.
9. Questionable payment options
Legitimate brands will always give you the option of paying with traditional and secure methods—including credit and debit cards, cash on delivery, or pay later options, such as Klarna and Afterpay.
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You get one payment option with them. Though you can put in any card I suppose since it's GPay they should still have way more than one option here for people who want to buy their stuff.
10. Bad social media
Most legit businesses have some sort of social media presence as it serves as one of the best ways to advertise their products and services. If an online retailer doesn’t have an overt social media presence—or the social media icons displayed on their site lead nowhere—the chances of it being fake are high.
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We already know how poorly this is run. Their most recent post is a stolen magazine cover from 1968 that Ice Studios has nothing to do with. They constantly say they are about to drop items then never drop them. They don't ever reply to customers asking questions about when certain items are coming back. They have falsely advertised that camo suit I don't know how many times (it looks extremely different on the actual website).
So the list of how to identify a scam store online is a list of 10 things and Jess's Ice Studio's shop meets 50% of that criteria. I'm not saying this proves it's some kind of scam but some of these things should just be basic knowledge if it's not a scam. If it isn't, then it's run by the most stupid people on the planet and there's no way Jess has a real degree in marketing, that's for sure. [Source Article]
Edit: Forgot to add
1. URL red flags
The fastest way to tell if a site is secure is by checking for HTTPS, with a padlock next to it, in the URL. HTTPS indicates that the site uses SSL encryption, which is superior to HTTP. With HTTPS, nobody between the website and the user can read the data.
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No padlock
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chishigure · 1 year
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Rules | About | Verses | Headcanons | Mun
Due to the nature of Hakuouki, this blog may contain dark themes such as “vampirism”, blood, violence, angst, murder, and other dark themes. If it’s not something you’re comfortable with, I would suggest not following this blog as I will not tone down how my muse is.
Canon and history says Souji died from tuberculosis. However THIS SOUJI IS NOT DEAD NOOOOOPE. HE’S ALIVE AND BY DEFAULT HE HAS RECOVERED FROM TUBERCULOSIS (and is now married to Chizuru even though canon says no), though I’m not against writing him still struggling from his illness either
Extremely low activity cuz I really hardly have a muse for Souji atm
Mun has only played through Souji’s, and Chikage’s routes in Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms. IDC about spoilers about the other routes so please feel free to spoil away.
Mun has only seen the Reimeiroku anime, the 2022 liveaction drama, the SSL liveaction drama, and the 2021 OVA/Demon Fleeting Blossom OVA. Mun is kind of afraid to watch the following animes that isn’t Reimeiroku (or the Demon Fleeting Blossom OVA) cuz of how dirty they did to my boy Souji, and also not being much of a fan of the canon route. Don’t let this stop you from writing with me though. I respect everyone’s thoughts and opinions.
My rules apply for all of my blogs. Shipping stuff may vary though, but for romantic shipping, Souji will only be romantically shipped with any Chizurus out there cuz it is who I can only see him getting romantically involved with. This does not mean I will only ship with one Chizuru, so any Chizurus out there have my permission to come at my Souji as long as we are mutuals.
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List of my sideblogs on a doc just so y'all know (and in case anybody is interested)
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Sources under the cut
Background and header by hauntedrph
A lot of icons I use of Souji were made by iconsbyafangirl
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stepphase · 1 year
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Bluehost Buy Hosting with Free Premium Theme and Review
Hey Guys, Welcome to my review on Bluehost. Bluehost is known as one of the most popular web hosting companies because of its affordability, excellent value, performance, and is very newbie-friendly.
NOTE: Must see our OFFER below end of the post, Happy Reading!
It's also the three hosting services that officially recognized by WordPress. Bluehost is the perfect choice because after using it for myself for over 10 years now. I have learned what is best at and as well as things it's not great for.
Bluehost : No Monthly Plan
Bluehost advertises monthly pricing but they do not offer any monthly plans. You can only buy for 1, 2 or 3 years and you'll have to pay the whole amount in advance.
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And their prices change together with the period that you buy. For example if you buy for 3 years you'll pay a lower rate than buying for 1 year.
Keep in mind that the prices you see here are only introductory prices. Meaning once your initial subscription period expires your plans will renew at a higher price.
Beginner Friendly
In general, Bluehost is one of the easiest to use web hosting services for beginners. And this is a large part due to their control panel.
You can create a WordPress website with just a couple of clicks. You'll have your website up and running in like five to ten minutes from purchase.
They also allow you to easily create professional business email addresses and have an easy to use interface that shouldn't be a problem or confusing to use.
Bluehost has extra business-oriented features that allow you to add your business to Google, So you'll appear on google maps, It will show you the reviews and opening hours
Easily Get Index on Google
Well Bluehost also offers an extra feature to help optimize your website so it has a better chance to appear on google search results and take higher positions and in my opinion Bluehost has one of the best control panels in the business because they merge simplicity with advanced functionality even people that have never created a website before will get a hang of it fast
WordPress Friendly
Bluehost plans work extremely well with WordPress from the feature side of things you geta free website staging environment this allows you to create a copy of the website to test changes you also get automatic WordPress updates these include themes and plugins and 24/7 access to support agents that can help and consult you in all matters WordPress.
Best Performance
Bluehost is a cheap web hosting provider that's packed with features naturally you can have it all something has to give. It has guaranteed 99.99% Up-time.
It provides premium Cloudflare CDN service for free. Reduced server latency, added protection from DDoS attacks, and a free SSL certificate to keep your website secure.
Free Stuffs
Bluehost will do just fine part of what makes Bluehost cheap is the fact that you get a lot of essential items for your website for free you get a free SSL certificate for a lifetime to encrypt your website and add a green lock next to your domain name and of course you get to free register a domain name as well the first year is completely free.
Bluehost is simply suited best for all types of users they'll give you everything you need for a successful website right out of the box and it's one of the better providers to choose when you're just starting out and learning how absolutely everything works.
You can also earn money from Bluehost, By referring to your audience, With per successful purchase from your link, you will get $65. Know-How?
Free Premium Theme Offer
If you buy from our Buy Now link we will give you premium themes for free, You have to do just contact us and send us your email address to us before buying, If you successfully purchased it, We will send you the premium themes. Note: Before Purchase send us your email id so we can verify it.
Buy Now (INDIA)
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After all, you can contact us to let us know if we are missing something on our page. I hope you like and thank you for your visit
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