#a new season begins
paperstorm · 6 months
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Missing Moments
Season Three
A series of canon compliant tags and a continuing storyline that follows along with the show but digs deeper into TK and Carlos’s relationship, their individual struggles, and the love they build together.
Find links to individual stories below, or read the whole collection at the link above.
3x1 - Imperfect pieces pulling at the glue (T)
3x2 - Up in smoke (E)
3x3 - Wayfaring stranger (T)
3x4 - Homeward bound (T)
3x5 - Reconstruction (M)
3x6 - All these sacred melodies (E)
3x7 - Everest to Mariana (E)
3x8 - "You have one new message..." (M)
3x9 - Cracks begin to show (T)
season one fics season two fics
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anytime you get to hear the philharmonic live is a great occasion, especially when it’s opening night of the season and you have a fourth-row ticket
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isjasz · 6 months
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Remember, there is always a great big beautiful tomorrow.
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yellowvixen · 1 year
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A version of Maria that survived to adulthood in a dimension where Shadow doesn't exist? I'm sure that won't affect Shadow's self image at all
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
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if star wars was pitched for the first time in today's entertainment industry it would be turned down. and so would any other thing that's currently a "big IP". where do idiot executives think the IPs come from to begin with???
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lotuslate · 1 year
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ushering the new year with Hanguang-jun 🐇
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outofcontextbokumono · 5 months
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..........guys who's gonna tell her
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bbbartblog · 24 days
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I've been busy, so I haven't had time to draw much. But I had some time today, so I decided to finish this drawing that I've had started several months ago~
This drawing is based on this:
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lavapulsemods · 2 months
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The birds of A New Beginning
I'm obsessed with the sparrows' cheeks. They're so round!
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mikimeiko · 20 days
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Hacks | Season 3 (2024), Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs and Jen Statsky
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2024.03.10 FSTV | Shoma Uno interview before Worlds 2024 (x) Did a translation for this because it was a pretty in-depth interview and a good window into Shoma's mindset going into Worlds
[The interviewer asks Shoma about the possibility of getting another World title] Shoma: I know that in terms of ability I'm no longer at the top, since there's Malinin. I don't really have the feeling that I'm going to win three championships in a row. To be honest, my mindset and feeling has changed, in that I feel I'm no longer in the position of defending my title, but rather that I'm in the challenger position. When it comes to me as a skater, there are parts that are not very athlete-like, but I have also the fighting spirit and the determination that I've had from long ago. I have very clear boundaries, and I have a strong determination not to compromise on what I think is essential, and a sense of what I cannot give up on. I really understand what you are saying [t/n: I think he is referencing the interviewer's question]. I think the reason why I have come this far is because there are parts I have to give up on and parts that I absolutely don't want to give up. I don't know what everyone's expectations for me are, but well, anything is ok. For example, regardless of whether people expect results or the quality of the content, I am truly grateful to the people in my life, the people who have allowed me to skate until now and who have motivated me. I want to live each day to the fullest for the sake of those who have shown me kindness. When it comes to competition results, there are bad times and there are good times. Of course, it's a world where we are told that results are everything, but that's just the public opinion, and none of the people around me who put me first think that results are everything. Of course, if the results are good, everyone will be happy. I wonder what is best... is the most important thing to be evaluated by others ? Or is it that you yourself are satisfied? But then I also think about the fact that in the current situation, I can feel satisfied with myself because I am being evaluated by others. I have been thinking about it, and my first priority is to satisfy myself, and then I want to cherish the people who are closest to me and who support me. After clearing that up in my mind, what are the results that Stephane, who is the person closest to me in skating, wishes for? I was wondering if I had reached better results, better scores, better performance and content, and a better process of getting there. So when it comes to skating, that's what I want to prioritize the most right now. Judging and results are really sensitive and difficult aspects, and it's hard to evaluate whether expressivity is good or bad [t/n: probably he means in terms of actual competition scores]. I was thinking about it a lot, and the more I thought about it the more I got confused, so I decided to just 'cherish what is important to me'. That's how I feel now.
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glimblshanks · 10 months
I love the choice to have Fry, Bender and Leela move in together so much because it enforces the fact that Fry considers his relationship to Bender just as important as his relationship to Leela. Personally I'm a Freeler shipper, so of course I appreciate that aspect of this episode, but going beyond shipping, as an aromantic person seeing Fry's platonic relationship to Bender be prioritized and respected even as he moved into a new stage in his romantic relationship with Leela was really refreshing and nice. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see these three characters that I've loved for years take on a living situation and dynamic that I could actually relate to and see myself in for once.
And I'm so glad Bender was allowed to want to live with Fry and be upset by shifting relationship dynamics. I feel like as an aro I get asked to suck it up and just accept that my most important relationships won't be prioritized by the other person because they have romantic attachments. It was genuinely nice to see Bender be upset about this stuff and to see Fry respond to those feelings with sincerity and genuine concern for his friend. I do wish we had gotten a bit more of a resolution to those feelings then Bender simply... deciding he's okay with being a 3rd wheel, but over all I really loved this episode and the direction the writers are going with the trio's relationship.
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gavidaily · 10 months
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FC Barcelona: A New Era Season 2 | Gavi wins the Kopa Trophy
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bbdoll · 7 months
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Happy Birthday 🕯️
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murdererofthumbs · 1 year
Seeing reactions after this episode is actually slightly hysterical? It proves that this fandom can be so blind-sighted by characters relations, that they forget what show they are watching. Like, I have always been a self-proclaimed Roman-girl, because I find him compelling and extremely psychologically interesting, and like all of these characters, to a certain extent, I do empathise with him on the level of trauma that he went through. But why the fuck are people surprised that THIS is how he behaved in this episode is beyond me. Oh, suddenly Roman is dead to you because he behaved in the way that was very much consistent with who he is? That’s who all of these people are, like come on, what do we think we are watching here? You didn’t really think he will suddenly become a defender of democracy because it serves a greater good of the country? He was the one to fucking choose Mencken as a president, he cherry-picked him for Logan, because he knew that their views align, that Mencken will be a smart business decision. This whole thing is a transactional procedure - they needed to get someone who will be willing to serve their corrupt interests. Roman doesn’t see a problem in having fascist as a president, because he will never be touched by the consequences of having that kind of man in power. He is very much safe at the top of the mountain, and who the fuck cares what will happen to the peasants at the bottom of the chain? In this way, he imitates Logan the most, because in the end of the day, people are units to him, to all of them really, some of them are just more willing to admit this than others.
Also, like, “uuu, Roman was such a misogynist to Shiv this episode, he just didn’t listen to her at all”. Look, can we stop being delusional here for a second or is it some sort of selective memory situation? Roman is a misogynist. Kendall is a misogynist. Shiv, in fact, has a lot of internalised misogyny going on, and her being a woman never stopped her from pushing other women under the fucking bus, so let’s be real here for a second. And that is not to be said in defence of Roman, frankly nothing what I’m saying here is supposed to justify his behaviour in this or any other episode, but it’s more of like… reality check? I know that Roman’s self-destructive spiral and semi-decent behaviour at the beginning of this season might have clouded certain aspects of who he is, but please, go back to season 3 and count all the instances of him throwing misogynistic and, frequently incestuous jokes and innuendo, at Shiv? How many times he undermines her position on the basis of her being a woman? Or how Kendall, for that matter, uses similar arguments in 03x02? All the siblings use aspects of each other as weapons. Kendall is undermined because he is unstable, because he is a drug-addict, because he has a tendency of flying off on the cloud of mania, and crashing in the heap of depression. Shiv is crossed out because she is a woman, because she frankly has no real experience in the firm (which, although people might be super angry about that, because she is such a “girlboss” apparently, but this is a factual argument), because of her relationship to Tom and tendency to take several sides at the same time (with not much thought put into it). And Roman is frequently undermined because he is a freak and a pervert, because “there is something wrong with him”, because he is the weakest dog that is most easily manipulated, who crumples like a wet tissue if only to receive a bit of affection. They all weaponise their “weak” points against each other, because this dog-eats-dog mindset is focal to who they are as a family, to how they were brought up, to how Logan wanted them to be. So please, let’s not be surprised, when Roman suddenly uses misogyny as an argument against Shiv, because it’s not sudden at all, and it’s always been there.
I think what we have on our hands, is the same situation we had in 03x07 during Kendall’s birthday (and previous episode with Mencken), where some people are so outraged by Roman, and by his ability to shove the knife where it hurts, that they suddenly cross him out completely. Again, all these characters are bad people, there was never any doubt about that. They are compelling because of the complexities of their familial relationships, because of their childhood trauma and the consequences that this trauma has on them as adults. But they are still completely reprehensible as human beings, and I think some viewers forget about that and then get outraged when show about awful people features awful people. And I’m sure, either in next or final episode, something will happen and Roman will become sympathetic again, and he will regain his position as a “poor meow meow”, just as he did in the finale of season 3. Its always a fucking carousel with this character and people get sucked in and have their eye’s covered just to realise that nothing really changed, and nothing will change, because in this show people, at their core, remain the same.
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kingofthering · 5 months
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2021 Honda Valentino - mixed media AU (2/∞)
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