#a peacock looking guy and his pet parrot
azullumi · 6 months
if you don’t see me posting about aventurine for 24 hours, consider me dead or kidnapped. i could never go on a day without thinking about this man
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hp-hcs · 5 months
If the boyos were animals what animals would you think they’d be?
For some reason Tom gives (killer) bird energy for me lol
i disagree, anon, and hear me out on this one, okay?
headcanon: what birds are the slytherin boys?
Draco: Peacock, duh
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enough said. no explanation needed.
Mattheo: Northern goshawk
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these bad boys are wildly terratorial, and prone to attacking other birds (and the occasional human) during nesting season. since matty boy would gladly jump into a fistfight if someone even looked at his friends, i think he'd be a goshawk.
Theo: Lammergeiers
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spooky, right? wrong! these silly lil guys are actually hella cool! they're a type of vulture, but they eat the bones of carcasses, rather than the flesh. they were hunted to near-extinction in the early 20th century due to being misjudged as child- and livestock-snatchers; their name even means "lamb-vulture" in german, due to the misconception of their eating habits. ergo, theo, who's often misjudged and also has a deeply unsettling stare like the pictured bird above, is a lammergeier.
Enzo: Galah
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these silly lil guys are very friendly, and are pretty to look at! they're a type of parrot native to australia, and make good house pets. they're also loud, talkative, and high-energy. but enzo's like a galah because even though they both look like loveable idiots with empty heads, both boy and bird are actually wildly intelligent.
Tom: Cuckoo
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now here's where we differ, anon. the cuckoo is not a murderous killer bird (...usually), but, it is the mobster of the bird world. you see, tom is often depicted in fanon as being violent, ready to murder at any second, but in the novels, he's wildly crafty, manipulative, and clever. the cuckoo is known for exploiting other birds (especially magpies) by leaving their eggs in a "foster parent" bird's nest. the unwilling foster bird then is obligated to raise the cuckoo chick to adulthood, oft at the threat of the parent cuckoo smashing the foster bird's own eggs (as is often observed when the foster bird neglects or attempts to egg-toss the imposter egg, or if ornithologists tamper with the nest and remove the cuckoo's eggs). so you see, dear anon, that cuckoos are the exploitative dicks of the bird world, just as tom is the utilitarian asshole of his.
Blaise: Swallow-tailed kite
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pretty! it's a type of raptor, but actually quite friendly! it's quiet though, and known for its odd gliding way of flying, with little to no wing-flapping at all. blaise is quiet, reserved, (pretty), and little unusual, so i think he'd make a great swallow-tailed kite!
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aerial-jace · 1 year
Give me a list of the top ten birds ever
Let's go!
Quetzal — It's green! Males have these gorgeous long tails! Their feathers were used as trade commodities in pre-Columbian times! The red accents on the chest are according to legend because one descended onto the bleeding chest of the Guatemalan national hero Tecún Umán! This would be my fursona if it wasn't my country's national bird. Can you imagine? That'd be as cringe as an American with a bald eagle sona.
Yellow-naped parrot — My chosen bird to base my sona design on. This is my head the archetypal parrot because my grandfather used to have one as a pet. I used to spend a lot of time at his house so of course I'm fond of them. Also I find parrot mimicry so cool. Language bird, very fitting for a linguistics nerd like me.
Scarlet Macaw — Also from the parrot family. The red plumage is also gorgeous. A bird I associate with the maya lowlands. I also associate them with the Mesoamerican mythic motif of the hero twins who defeat the sun monster.
Peafowl — They are so fancy and funky looking. They are the mascot of this hotel here in Guatemala operated by an amusement park company that is partially a private enterprise and partially funded by a voluntary tax. Seeing the peacocks when I visit is one of my favorite things. Also there are some at the cemetery where my grandma is buried.
Egyptian Sacred Ibis — The sacred bird of the primary deity I worship, Djehuty! Seeing them depicted in the tomb murals makes me wish I could visit the pharaonic era Nile valley and walk among the reeds.
Raven — Love the witchy aesthetic! As with other corvids very smart and playful. Has mimicry abilities! I associate these with vikings a lot because of the whole Odin's ravens thing as well as the raven banner. Look it up, it's a seriously cool design.
Crow — Smaller size means they get away with mischief so much easier. Same as above, corvids are just such neat little guys.
Grackle — A smaller corvid which I see more often in my local environment. I love collecting the feathers they leave strewn about. I hope if I'm ever visiting the US I can resist the magpie urge of picking up feathers because I hear that is super illegal.
Harris' Hawk — THEY STACK! These are so silly, love seeing photos of them. Also unusually among raptors they are pack hunters. If I ever branch out from writing about cats I wanna write about these.
Magpie — I too have an instinct to collect shinies. Another bird I feel a kinship to.
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
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Easy Company going to the Zoo | Headcanons
Note: I do believe Zoos are ultimately harmful to animals; this is only for entertainment purposes. I recommend to read everything because is kinda connected.  
– Dick Winters - This man is calmly watching every animal, listening silently to what the guides say like the perfect man that he is. Nix takes pictures of him like he is the wife that died at the beginning of the movie. He is genuinely embarrassed when the boys do something stupid and he has to apologize to strangers. He sees them getting along and Shifty helping random kids and he is on Proud Dad Mode. An elephant patted his head and he was so happy. 
“Alright everyone, if anyone falls off the railings it will make the animals sick, so please be careful. You are hard for the animals to digest.”
– Lewis Nixon - A monkey stole his sunglasses and Winters laughed at him instead of helping him. Can’t stand kids screaming at the animals. Starts oversharing how bad his marriage was with the animals.
"Nix, they're gonna get depressed." Winters told him. "Even more? We are all trapped in some way, aren't we?" He replied after a sigh with a gloomy voice.
– Carwood Lipton - Plans everything as always. When the zoo guides are telling information It’s him who tells everyone to be quiet. He asks everyone to take a group picture. He really likes the red pandas. 
"Come on guys, form a single file line."
“Do not pick the goats Perconte, can’t you read the sign?”
– Ronald Speirs - Gets offended because a parrot starts imitating him. Refuses to eat there because it is too expensive. He stole a mini toy turtle from the gift shop, and at the end of the day he gave it to Lip. He doesn't trust the raccoons or the lemurs because he thinks they are going to steal from him. 
“Sir, can you help me find the kay-muls?” Muck asked. “You mean ‘camels’?”  “Yes, that’s what I said.” “Fucking idiot.” 
– George Luz - George tries to teach the parrots how to swear. He makes fun of the penguins too. A baby koala climbed on his shoulder to hug his neck. Talks with the zookeepers and learns more than the other guys. He looks at Don and Skip messing around and says: “Look at the primates socializing.” My poor boy really tries to communicate with the monkeys tho.  "Hey, It's you George." Bill said, pointing at the monkey while laughing.  “Sure, look Bill, It's you too." George points at the trash can.
– Joe Liebgott - The first one to volunteer to pet a snake. Almost threw hands with a kid because he stole his sandwich. He pushed Web and he almost fell in the otters water tank. He scares Babe with fake stories about animals who attacked people. Says dark humor jokes to offend Shifty.
“Shit, that leopard would make a pretty good coat.���  “Lieb, please stop. It 's not even funny.” Shifty replied. 
– Bill Guarnere - He is so excited to see the lions. If other companies are there, he is always screaming at them like it's a school trip. Runs back and forward in the front of the glass, to make the cheetahs run with him. Feeds the animals that are forbidden to be fed by the visitors. 
“Bill, stop feeding them before anyone sees you.” Malarkey warns him.  “What? No! Look at them, they have skinnier legs than Lieb.” “Bill, that’s a flamingo.” Webster replied.
– Joe Toye - He is against zoos, so he starts screaming at a zookeeper and Lip has to apologize in his name. Wants to make himself look like he doesn't want to be there but at the first cute animal that he sees he lets escape an "Anw." A bunny pooped on him. He is kinda scared a peacock wants to mate with him because he shook his feathers to him. 
“Look, Toye found a girlfriend, how cute.” “Shut up George.” 
– Donald Malarkey - Donnie is so excited and happy to be around the animals. He takes pics with every single one of them. In the farm section he spends his money to buy food to feed the goats. He buys so many stuffed animals. He saw a ginger monkey and got so happy. Names everyone animal like is going to keep them.
“Look how long their necks are.” Perconte says about the giraffes.  “Don’t say that.” Malarkey replied angrily, “She might hear you.” “Yeah, don’t you hear him, Louisa.” George says playfully to the giraffe, “You have a lovely neck.”
– Warren “Skip'' Muck - Yes, he definitely dances to the monkeys. Brings everything from the gift shop. Imitates the meerkats when they stand up. Makes a stare contest with a lizard. Presses his face against the glass and Martin yells at him. He and Bill find orangutans kinda creepy and suspicious (??).
“Are we allowed to ride giraffes?” “NO.” Lip yelled. 
– Darrel “Shifty” Powers - He was the one who volunteered to feed the elephants. He stays watching an animal no one else seems to be interested in. He loves to be around the animals but feels genuinely bad for them. He helps scared kids pat the ponies. He wants to adopt a kitten from the shelter of the zoo but he thought he wouldn't be responsible enough to take him.
“You know sir, cats don’t like loud noises, what if I talk too loud near him?” “I don’t think that would be a problem, Shifty.” Winters said with a kind smile. 
 – Eugene Roe - When they were in the farm section, he spent the whole time gently rubbing the belly of a pregnant bunny. I feel like he loves pandas. Asks the zookeeper's how many times each animal is being fed during the day and wants to know about the treatment of the sick ones. Even in the zoo he has to carry his first aid kit. 
“Hey, look, it's a pelican.” Babe said.  "That's a toucan.” Eugene replied.
– Edward “Babe” Heffron - He fed a deer and then got scared when they started to surround them. He is kinda scared of birds. He gave his lunch to a peacock because he bit him. He genuinely loves lizards. 
“Heffron, you know It’s your fault that you got bit.” Eugene told him while taking care of his injury. “How is it my fault?” “You were trying to do a mating dance for the peacock.” “And I gave him my lunch, and for what? For him to like Toye instead. I hate birds.”
– David Webster - Web, Aka Shark boy, just wants to see aquatic animals. Is genuinely interested in learning about animals. He reads every board with the animal information and also acts like the teacher’s pet to the zoo guides. 
“No, sir, actually they live 15 to 45 years.” “Shut the fuck up Web.” Lieb told him. “Ok.” 
– Frank Perconte - He kinda judges giraffes for having long necks. He hates how the zoo smells. He wants to keep every lost belonging but Shifty convinces him to give it to the zoo staff. He leaned in to see the crocodiles better and almost fell but Martin grabbed him by his shirt right on time.
“If you fall in there, I won’t save you.” Martin said. “You won't, sergeant?” Perconte replied with a sad expression. 
– Denver “Bull” Randleman - He is compared by everyone to a bear. He makes Perconte hold his shirt to not lose him in the crowd. He will call out anyone who taps the glass. Makes the guys wear hats because of the sun. He notices Talbert taking pictures of the animals mating and says to Martin: “Look, that creep is taking pictures of the zebra putting the stick on the honey.” (No, but imagine him saying this with his accent, I-...) 
– John Martin - I feel like he has a special love for rhinos. A baby binturong fell asleep on his lap when they were in the Baby Room section. A hawk shitted on his shoulder and he got pissed. 
"Alright everyone, let's go! If anyone touches, teases or even screams at the animals will be thrown at the Lions. Oh, and Bill, don’t try it on purpose.”
"For fuck sake, Muck don't dance to the monkeys." 
– Floyd Talbert - The most distracted, instead of looking at the animals he is looking at the women. He sees two animals mating, quickly whoops Malarkey’s camera to take pictures. Is envious of how beautiful the alpacas hair are. He flirts with the zookeepers.
“Yeah, that’s a pretty big snake. You know what else is b-...” “Sergeant Talbert, get your ass back here.” Sargent Martin yelled at him.
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zoe-oneesama · 3 years
AAAAA WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE NEW EP (i screamed many times)
I really liked it! Alya really carried the whole thing, genius level planning in this one on her part! I have minor pet peeves, as per usual, but overall I had a fun time.
-I like that Marinette is getting more sleep on the weekends, lol, and that she can just show up at Alya's place and no one bats an eye. I even like the confirmation that Chat Blanc is a feature in her nightmares and something that she does still think about.
-I like that Nino's afraid of spiders, maybe it was established that he was already afraid of them in Anansi (I haven't watched it yet tbh) but if not it's a nice little continuity that he was effected by it in that way.
-I was cackling immediately when Shadowmoth started belaying his plan, which all hinged on Ladybug delivering to Alya a miraculous that she already had. Plus, I hate to get meta on ya Hawky, but if you explain your entire plan before the plan happens, that's media short hand for "this plan is going to go wrong".
-I liked that Adrien called out Nino's name first when he saw the news, and I liked that he also called out Marinette's. Just cute when they remember that he has friends and cares about them.
-Can't believe...but also totally believe that SM fell for the whole "I need to use the bathroom" ploy. Absolute child's play.
-Also I love all the comics that have come as a result of SM showing up to a fight with coffee. Please keep them coming, forever.
-Alya was a total boss in convincing SM that she's not getting her miraculous anymore. And I've always thought that the Fox is best when the enemy doesn't know they're there, so if Rena Rouge has to fight only in the shadows from now on, I support it.
-The Marichat (though not romantic) was peak. Him listening to Marinette after being so annoyed with being bossed around by Rena, him assuring her that they'll rescue her soon, her supporting his idea to head off Sentibubbler before he can expose Illusion-bug and out Rena's whole illusion. her trying to warn him about SM's attack, him lowkey trying to show off when he escaped the bubble the first time. I like Marichat best when it's friends having each other's back, so this watered my crops and cleared my skin. I am a simple woman of simple tastes and offer my Ladrien friends a hopeful prayer that you are next.
-I liked that Pegabug was only like 45 seconds, thank the Lord.
-I liked that Chat Noir saved Nino first and foremost (and uh left literally everyone else to Ladybug, thanks?) Still, bromance is bromance and I'll take my crumbs.
-I think (?) Chat Noir is over the Rena thing now? At least he's over Rena being on equal partnership as him with Ladybug, especially with how the Rocketear teaser is portraying their friendship as growing. That's not to say there's no possible angst to be had down the line if he finds out she's permanent or that She Knows.
Now the nitpicks:
-I don't love Alya's "Alya vision" but it's way better than how the "Adrien vision" looked.
-Also don't love Alya's fanny pack. Maybe if it was in a contrasting color? Or just solid? Why'd they make it the same pattern as her shirt but just...zoomed in?
-I get they're trying to ramp up the DJWifi drama for Rocketear (and possibly beyond) but I'm sorry Nino "Let's throw a city wide party for Boys Only and purposefully exclude and lie to the Girls about it because Guy Time is Guy Time" Lahiffe, were you bothered that Alya and Marinette wanted a little alone time to talk about something without you? Because I find it hard to feel to bad about that.
-Rena rushing through trying to give Chat Noir the right information making her be careless with her words while a bit frustrating is totally understandable. Also understandable is Chat Noir being angry about it because of how she worded it or because of the situation itself. But him destroying a piece of property in his anger is kinda frightening to me, especially when it's paired with him telling himself that the Miraculous Cure will fix it (implying that means it doesn't matter), which is just...eerily parroting things that I've had Scarlet Lady say, who if you recall, I'm portraying as The Worst(tm). So, that was less than fun.
-Pegabug has two hands, I do not understand how she didn't go for both the amok item and the butterfly broach (outside of the meta reason that the show might be over then). For sure she'll be kicking herself for that (and so will her detractors). And given how the Magic Charms and Senti[x]s have made akumas obsolete, I don't get why she couldn't have grabbed the Butterfly, but SM could get away with the Peacock and continue his terror that way. Them giving her a throw away Lucky Charm that didn't even assist in the fight at all combined with her only going for the coffee just doubles up on how contrived it feels.
-While I appreciate Chat Noir's turn around at the end of the episode, it does come out of no where. Maybe in order for this change to make a little more sense, Rena Rouge should've called him back when Illusion-bug left to be like "Okay, kit-kat, you're on now! We need you to make sure my illusion isn't found out, time for the two-person plan to become a three-person one!" At the same time, it is to Chat Noir's own credit that he realized what he needed to do on his own, so it's a bit of a mixed bag.
But uh I think that's it for now! One thing I've noticed in this season is that I feel the need to hold back on full salting because this is the first season that I feel like I need to wait until the next episode before I can complain about the current one because things are for once being continuous. I'm actually, like, pumped? For new episodes? Because they build off one another? Maybe they don't do it in the order I'd particularly like (why is Optigami and Sentibubbler so IN THE MIDDLE of the season when they should come almost right off the Season 3 finale, we seriously could've pushed Zoe and Su-han back to fit them in sooner) BUT they are building, and, I'm kinda excited for it!
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This is what happens when you let me think to much pt 4
Muzan likes cats.
Kokushibo... I don't know
Douma has this extoic "pet" cause he's special
Akaza is either scared of dogs or has really big dogs
Hantengu might have a bunny, Sekido has a badass animal (Maybe a whole ass tiger-) Karaku maybe has a snake, Aizetsu has a really gentle animal..a bunny, Urogi- Jesus this guy- he has 3 eagles, 5 hawks, and a large ass parrot. And he understands them, he has full ass conversations with them as well, Zohakuten either has a badass animal or a really fluffy one.. maybe both
Nakime also likes cats (Muzan's cat plays with her cat)
Gyokko a peacock cause their pretty
Daki has one of those small dogs and she puts bows on them. Her dog also has its own room and has a whole lot of expensive treats, toys, outfits, and a personal groomer (My sister said her name would be princess and she's a menace to society💀)
Gyuutarou (That's how you spell it?) has a small snake
Kaigaku.. a chaotic animal that's also fluffy... a fox?
Enmu, a train-
Rokuro... I feel like he would have a golden retriever
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Since when did this guy have earrings..
Wakuraba...I don't think he's into pets, maybe a doberman? I don't know
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She's so cute!! They called her a coward in her bio😭 Well I'm sorry do you wanna die in Muzan's hand just because his favorite demon died?
Mukago needs a soft gentle animal, maybe a kitten or a chinchilla
You know Rui is the only one who's allowed to play with Muzan's cat(+Nakmie). But I feel like Rui would also have a bunny. Guess who's getting it for him?
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His bio said that he had a nervous personality, so I had to look up "pets for nervous people" and now I feel bad..
Kamanue has a very calm cat
Kyogai(Cause why not? I low-key miss him) also has a cat..they watch him write.
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
Being afraid of birds
°~ Bang Chan ~°
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° Finds it absolutely adorable, but feels bad by how distressed you get over a very common animal.
° He found out your fear when he took you to a zoo, and sprinted to the bear cages when a peacock was walking among the streets. He thought a bug chased you at first, but realized that the colorful feathers were what put you on edge.
° Doesn't go for many park or forest dates, unless it's a dog park. Because the dogs usually scare the flying creatures away.
° Smiles to himself when you cling onto him, but would never take any of your fears especially one that effected you so much not seriously. So he will smile at your accidental affection but still shoo the birds away.
°~ Minho ~°
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° Would definitely tease you about it, but never do anything that would bring you to tears from fear or embarrassment.
° He found out your fear when a small chickadee flew into the apartment, and you were on the floor sobbing in fear. He quickly found a way to get it out of the apartment, but soon after he got he noticed your trembling body as the cats tries to comfort you.
° He will lightly tease, saying he'll throw some fries to the birds so they will come closer. But never acts on them, if anyone else teases you though, he will immediately shut it down. He is only allowed to tease you because you know he's only joking.
° Once made you laugh hysterically, when he hissed at a pigeon like a cat without thinking. He was embarrassed, but it was okay since he got to see your bright smile and warm eyes that were free from fear and anxiety. Even if it only lasted a couple seconds, he still cherished it.
°~ Changbin ~°
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° Finds it funny when you give them cruel nicknames or swear due to one flying by you, but other than that he is a sweet protective boyfriend.
° He found out about your fear when you two were just chatting as a random tv program played in the background. It happened to be a nature documentary that showed small clips of the feathered creatures you hate with a burning wrath. "Rats of the sky." you hissed, shivering at just the thought of one.
° He doesn't tease you at all, usually just ends up in laughing fits at your cruel nicknames for such an innocent creature. But would still run at a flock of birds so they fly away just so you aren't scared.
°A random group of guys started to tease you after you flinched when a bird flew by you, Changbin didn't waste any time to go talk to those punks and show them that his girlfriend/boyfriend is precious to him and will beat the shit out of anyone who hurts them.
°~ Hyunjin ~°
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° Is either your personal bodyguard from the feathered creatures, or the one throwing fries to get them to come closer
° He found out about your fear when you two went to the pet store to get food for Kkami, and while passing by the birds. You froze on the spot when an employee held one on his hand, showing it off to an interested customer. You clang onto Hyunjin, making the both of you go the long way around to the dog section.
° Will run at a group of birds to make them fly away when you are very scared, but if there is one single seagull who doesn't seem to get under your skin overly. He will throw fries near the both of you for it to eat.
° Once was invited to go for a camping trip and brought you alone, whenever he noticed a bird nearby he would make sure it didn't come too close to you. Sometimes just cuddling you in the tent if you were ever anxious.
°~ Jisung ~°
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° Honestly could get a bit jumpy around them if they flew close to him or something, but wouldn't consider them a fear of his
° Found out about your fear when you two went on a double date with one of your close friends, and she spilled a horrid memory of yours while in a tipsy state. Bringing back the story from your childhood, of when you had your first full blown panic attack because a bird sat on your shoulder.
° Usually avoids any dates that involve a forest surrounding or that are near food trucks where random strangers throw fires to the feathered species. When you are scared, he will guide you around them while holding you hand.
° Doesn't take your fear as a joke, but will still slightly tease you. Not going to harsh on the sensitive topic, making sure you end up laughing along with him and not awkwardly smiling silently.
°~ Felix ~°
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° Understands that everyone is scared of something and will never judge you on your fear, even if he finds it adorable
° Clued into your fear, when you clung onto him for dear life when a bird flew into your apartment. Mostly because you were always pretty shy about PDA. Yet there you were, arms wrapped tightly around his waist as your eyes brimmed glossy with tears. Once he helped the bird escape, he rushed over to comfort your shaking and fragile state.
° Always tries to brighten up the situation, whether it be giving you a piggyback ride and rushing by the flock of birds. Or simply reassuring and trying to distract you from your extremely large fear that can't be avoided.
° Doesn't tease you about your fear, in case he would ever cross the line and make you feel insecure. Wants you to know that it isn't weird to have a fear, even if it isn't common.
°~ Seungmin ~°
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° Was pretty surprised by your fear, since you always praised yourself on being fearless and loving all animals
° Realized your fear of birds, when you went to the zoo for a date. And you held snakes, tarantulas, and weren't fazed in the slightest. But when they took the parrot out of it's cage, you quickly rushed behind Seungmin and politely declined the requests for your to hold the colorful bird.
° Will laugh with you when you make jokes at yourself, but usually doesn't make jokes about your fear of birds. Sometimes will giggle and shake his head when you hide behind him. But only because he finds you adorable.
° Claps cutely with his heart melting smile whenever you take baby steps towards conquering your fear, but if you need support or someone to hide behind. He will be there for you in an instant.
°~ Jeongin ~°
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° Wasn't overly surprised, since you seemed kind of jumpy and cautious when you went on a date at the park for a picnic.
° Listened when you came clean about your fear, after you jumped back in your seat when a bird flew by outside. Even though you were inside a café and a thick layer of glass separated you from the bird, you couldn't help but fall into a quick state of panic and anxiety. He gently interlocked fingers with you and listened kindly.
° Knows when a bird is near because you freeze up and sometimes trip over your words, making himself look around for the creature so he could shoo it away.
° Doesn't mind your fear at all, and always feels bad for you when you become scared. He doesn't want to see someone he cares about so much to be scared and upset.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
Animal Brawlers 2: Electric Boogaloo
Tick: Otter. A very expressive and fun-loving animal. They're also not the most graceful on land very much like how Tick is a very bulky Peggy the Pirate, lol. I honestly don't think that Tick is waterproof, and he might sink into the water too because.. robot. But it's cute to imagine him laying on his back and enjoying the sunny day in the water. Off the Table: Crab/Shellfish.
Jessie: Fennec Fox. Foxes are known to be very crafty. Jessie's very handy with building stuff, and as the most intelligent Brawler (implied in at least two pics), it's fitting. It could have been a regular fox, but I had to crank up the cuteness, because just look at her. She didn't have to be a red animal, but it's welcome. The more 'mischievous' reputation that foxes have could probably fit Shadow Knight Jessie. Off the table: Ducks, dogs*, dragons/lizards, Raccoons/Tanuki (holy moly look at that list)
Bull: Honey Badger. A critter with very tough skin- figuratively and literally. Both Bull and this animal both have the rep of shaking injuries and have virtually no fear. They have stood their ground with creatures several times larger than them with no problem. The point is Bull doesn't care; he don't give a shit! OTT: Bulls/Oxen.
Byron: Peacock. Yeah, there's plenty of venomous creatures, but can something really match Byron's energy as much as this bird? Look at the colors, the attitude, the flair. Look up a video of a peacock fanning out his feathers if you haven't already. The sass and majesty in a sea of shades of green and blue/purple-- with those eyes to ward away foes. For bonus points, look up the white peacock too. OTT: Ssssnakes.
Lou: Harp Seal. This was almost Tick's animal, but it fit Lou better for several reasons. 1) Habitat. A more icy place fits Lou better of course. 2) Appearance. A baby harp seal is almost practically Lou's face/head. 3) There's a silly video of a seal saying "egg" repeatedly, which makes me think of the King Lou skin and his odd obsession. OTT: N/A.
Penny: Galah Cockatoo. Not quite a parrot for a pirate, but nevertheless ;3 Not only does the pink fit her hair, but pet birds in general are very high maintenance (and LOUD. I'm not joking.) Penny's playful with a lot of energy to burn. She also... doesn't have the smoothest voice, to put it nicely. My headcanon of her being able to throw her voice also comes from this. The bright colors she dresses up in also points to being a very pretty bird indeed. Maybe despite her irresponsible mannerisms, she could be an early riser too? OTT: Bunny/evil bunnies, elves (lol)
Emz: Skunk! :) This one was a really tough call. The other animal that could have represented her is the Virginia Possum. The cute rodents who play dead and are borderline immune to rabies and lyme disease, which is really interesting. The deciding factor was that possums are virtually defenseless, and won't even bite when in danger- the most they do is hiss and their death facade is actually involuntary. (That said, do NOT mess with wild animals, guys!) The zombie princess is definitely more than just empty threats to those around her. Skunks are famously known for their defensive spray, which just screams Emz too. Despite their smell, wouldn't you agree their fur looks very sleek and pretty? It reminds me a lot of her hair. OTT: Bats, techncially? She has that purse.
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travelingtheusa · 4 years
2020 Nov 30 (Mon) – We left Simpsonville at 9:15 a.m. and drove 169 miles to the Elks Lodge in Orangeburg.  The lodge was closed.  There were 30 amp hookups around the side of the lodge in the back.  You had to drive onto the grass.  It rained very hard last night and the ground was very soggy and wet. We were afraid to try to drive onto the grass in fear of sinking into the mud.   There was a little piggy running around the property and it had dug up several areas in the yard.  It was hungry and came running up to us looking for food.  Not knowing anything about pigs, we tried to ignore it while we decided what to do.
     Finally, we got back in the truck and found another campground.  It was 30 miles north over by I-95.  The Colleton State Park campground was small but nice.  They had a lot of trees in the campground that make it hard for large rigs to navigate. We were lucky to get a pull through site.  There were only two other campers in the park.  We drove out to get fuel.  The town was essentially nonexistent – everything closed up – and we had to drive down another exit to find a gas station.  We also stopped at Skynyrd’s Grill & Bar for lunch.  
 2020 Nov 29 (Sun) – We drove over to Trap & Sam’s this morning. They went shopping and enjoyed some alone time while we watched the kids.  We watched some of their favorite shows, played a board game, and walked down the block while the big guys rode their bikes.  The baby is walking very well now and learning to talk.  Each of them is so unique in their personality.  It would be interesting to see what they will be like as adults.  It was a delightful afternoon and hard to say goodbye.  Tomorrow, we move on.
2020 Nov 28 (Sat) – We went shopping this morning.  We had to pick up cat food and a few Christmas gifts. Then we drove over to Greg & Sharon’s to see their new house in Cowpens.  They had it custom built.  It is a lovely home with 3 bedrooms and a large great room that incorporates the kitchen, dining area, and living room.  Their back deck faces out over a lake and their one-acre property.  Trap and family also came over.  The kids spent most of the time riding around the yard in Greg’s golf cart.  They had a blast!
 2020 Nov 27 (Fri) – We drove to Greenville today and met Trap, Sam, and the kids at Falls Park on the Reedy.  It’s a beautiful park with a flowing waterfall right in the middle of the city.  We walked across a pedestrian bridge and around the area that had lots of grass and walkways.  The park was very crowded and most people were not wearing masks.  There was a fascinating tree on a hillside.  The dirt on one side of the tree’s roots had been washed away and the root system was fully exposed.
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     After Falls Park, we drove to Paris Mountain State Park.  Unfortunately, the place was full and they were turning people away.  So we drove to Cedar Falls State Park.  This was a large park with paths that wound through the woods and alongside the Reedy River.  There were some rapids and small waterfalls.  We strolled along the paths trying to avoid the other people out there.  It was a very pleasant day with the kids.
 2020 Nov 26 (Thu – Thanksgiving) – We went over Trap & Sam’s for dinner.  Sam’s parents, Greg & Sharon, joined us as well.  As with every Thanksgiving, the food was plentiful and the family lively. It was a good day.
 2020 Nov 25 (Wed) – We packed up and left Moncks Corner at 9:35 a.m.  It was an easy drive over mostly local roads to arrive at 1:30 p.m. in Simpsonville. We are staying at Scuffletown RV Park. It is a kind of helter skelter place with RVs spread around the area.  It has an air of dishevelment to it.  I think many of the campers here are full-time residents.  When we arrived, no one was in the office.  I had to call.  The gentleman told us to park in our campsite and he would be over later.  He showed up about 3:30 p.m. and checked us in.  We have full hookups and wifi.  I guess this campground kind of takes care of itself and he doesn’t need to sit in the office all day.
     We went over to Travis & Sam’s to see their new digs.  They live in a huge house in a cul-de-sac.   Each room is bigger than the next. The kids love it.  There are also lots of kids in the neighborhood to play with. Travis is bringing home more money than he made in New York, and their cost of living in the area is less. Things are looking very good for them.
      Sam ordered dinner from Chilli’s and we had a feast together.  We will be back tomorrow.
 2020 Nov 24 (Tue) – We met Samantha for lunch at Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant.  This restaurant was right on a wide canal.  It was a delightful visit and a wonderful chance to say goodbye.
     We have a Fantastic Fan that we’ve been having trouble with for the last several months.  Finally, the fan would not shut off and Paul cut the power to it.  Today, he got on the phone with tech support trying to find what the specific problem is.
 2020 Nov 23 (Mon) – We drove over to Samantha’s house today to visit and see her beautiful home.  It is a lovely home in a large development.  When Michael gets out of the Navy in three years, they plan to sell it (for a profit, hopefully) and move elsewhere.  Neither of them cares for the summer heat of South Carolina. We certainly don’t blame them!  They have a plethora of pets – a dog, 3 cats, a hamster, and a bullfrog.  Their dog, Biscotti, is adorable and loves people.
     I had printed out copies of the genealogical books I had put together for our family but forgot to take them with us when we went to Sam’s.  So she followed us back here to the campground. She got a chance to see our RV (they’re talking about getting one, too) and to get the books.
 2020 Nov 22 (Sun) – We went to Cypress Gardens today.  It was very enjoyable.  They had a self-guided boat tour around the swamp.  That was the first time we’ve ever done a self-guided tour on a boat.  The water was so still and smooth; like glass.  We followed arrows as we paddled around the lake.  Although we saw lots of turtles, we only spotted one small alligator sunning itself on a sign post base.  After the boat tour, we walked around the grounds.  There was a butterfly house, an area with five different parrots and a peacock, and a swamparium with various fish, snakes, and toads.  An outdoor pen held the biggest alligator I have ever seen.  It must have been 20’ and weighed a ton!  We then hiked around the lake.  We came upon a bat hotel and an old gravesite.  The original owner, his wife, and their son are buried on the property.
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     We had lunch at Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant, then picked up some groceries at WalMart.  I called my niece, Samantha, to see if she was up to a visit (she is my brother’s daughter).  She and her husband, Michael, met us at El Maguey for dinner.  It was a delightful visit.  Because Michael is currently in the Navy, he is not allowed to eat indoors in a restaurant.  We sat out on the patio and enjoyed a good meal.
     I heard many gunshots this morning when I woke up.  Apparently, there were several people out hunting this morning.  That seems so unsafe!
2020 Nov 21 (Sat) – We ran out of propane last night.  We stopped at WalMart to pick up some items, then Tractor Supply for propane.  There was no sign for Tractor Supply on the road.  The WalMart sign was also way back off the road.  We had trouble finding the way into Tractor Supply but finally found it.
     We drove around the lake, trying to find the power station.  All the roadways were closed off by gates and fences.  Paul said there were also locks on the lake at one time.  When they were built, they were the highest locks in the world at the time.
 2020 Nov 20 (Fri) – We pulled up stakes and left Kure Beach, NC at 9:30 a.m.  We drove down the spit to the ferry.  Unfortunately, the next ferry was not until 11:30 a.m. so we sat and waited.  In addition, it was an extra long drive today – over four hours.  We didn’t arrive at Moncks Corner at the Short Stay Navy Recreation Area until 4 p.m.  Thankfully, Bonnie’s issue is over and we were able to drive with only one stop.  The route was mostly over Route 17 which is just a two lane road that passes through many local towns.  
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     This is a very interesting campground.  There is lots of space between campsites.  The sites themselves are on grass and worn gravel pads.  We have electric and water hookups only; no sewer. The campground sits before the largest manmade lake in South Carolina.  The interior roads are dirt; there’s very little concrete and asphalt in the park.  There are also cabins for rent and when the coronavirus is not prevalent, boats to rent and lots of recreation area.  Some of the cabins are painted that beach front pastel color that makes them very attractive.  They are in the process of renovating many of them – either because of their age or from hurricane damage.
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     It was so cold that I dragged the electric blanket out of the closet. That made the bed so nice and cozy. I hate crawling into bed and waiting for the sheets to warm up from your body temperature.
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