#i can see him taking care of a parrot though
azullumi · 3 months
if you don’t see me posting about aventurine for 24 hours, consider me dead or kidnapped. i could never go on a day without thinking about this man
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peachesofteal · 2 months
Cool Girl
Ghoap x female reader / 18+ / previous
The sunrise stabs under your eyelids with malicious intent.
You don’t have much of a hangover, but your face is still puffy, under eyes swollen. You’ve been crying all night, and it’s painfully obvious.
Not to mention the lack of sleep. The vomit induced by your overwhelming anxiety, the bile still scorching your throat. You haven’t slept more than an hour. You look like the walking dead.
You tried to have a serious talk with yourself around two o’clock in the morning. You told- no you promised- yourself you’d leave well enough alone. You’d put them out of your mind. You’d move on.
They never wanted you. So why are you so insulted that they did exactly what they said they would? You weren’t theirs. You’d never be theirs.
Good enough to keep in bed. Good enough to keep out of sight. But not someone they’d consider theirs.
You’re no one’s. You’re just… yours.
Which is fine. It’s more than fine. You’re cool. You don’t need them, or anyone.
Your hand won’t stop shaking though. It shakes when you turn on the water for the shower, shakes as you try to shave. It shakes through your first cup of tea and then your second, shakes when you curl up the couch and huddle under your blankets, staring blankly at reruns of some laugh tracked sitcom. It’s because you haven’t slept or you’re hungover or something-
And it only stops when your doorbell rings.
You slam your eyes shut. You’re not expecting anyone, and that alone makes you feel like there’s probably someone on the other side of the door that you decidedly do not want to see.
The glance through your peephole confirms your suspicions.
It’s Johnny. He’s standing squarely in front of your door, bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Your head starts to pound, and he knocks on the door.
“I know ye’re home, bonnie. I saw yer car in the garage.” You’re frozen on the other side, separated by a piece of metal and wood that suddenly feels less substantial than it ever has before.
When the lock doesn’t click, he knocks again. “‘m not leavin’ until I see ye.” You groan.
“Stalking me now?” You spit when you open the door and he grins sheepishly.
“Naw...” He doesn’t elaborate and you stand in the frame of the door, trying to block him from peering over you- though it’s no use. You watch his critical gaze take inventory of what he can in your flat, and then he returns his attention to you, holding out the flowers.
They’re tulips. Maybe twenty, twenty five stems, all in a spectacle of color. They’re beautiful, and your favorite.
It surprises you. That they even know that about you. That they would remember a comment you must have made in passing.
It gives you pause. It’s confusing.
“Got these for ye.” He’s… such a boy. A grown man, a decorated military man, a strong man but still… such a boy. He’s never looked more like a boy than he does now, eyes wide and nervous, shifting his weight from leg to leg. He blinks, eyelashes feathery and dark, and you’re left to wonder if he gets it from his mom or his dad. Does he have sisters? Brothers? Nieces or nephews? You ached for those pieces of them, before.
Now, the lingering questions fill you with embarrassment.
He steps forward, and you shrink back. His gaze flickers, and then clears, holding the overflowing bundle of colors towards you.
“Thanks.” You say stiffly, careful to avoid his fingers when you pull it free.
“Can I come in?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He chews on his lip.
“Ye look tired, love. Did ye get any sleep?” You sniff, hand resting on your hip.
“I’m fine.”
“Ye dinnae look fine.”
“Why are you here?” You’re cracking with exasperation, legs going weak. You’re not strong enough to stand here and survive an onslaught.
“Need to talk with ye, like we said last night.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, like I said last night.” You parrot with a irritated exhale.
“Ye know that’s jus’ not true. We need to talk about what ye saw, what ye think ye saw-“
“What did I see? Since apparently you know what I’m thinking now.” You’re too tired for this. You don’t want to do this. You want to crawl back into bed and hide under your blankets.
“Ye think ye saw us with another woman, or on a date, but-“
“I saw your hands on another woman. I saw her smiling at you like-“ you shake your head. “It doesn’t matter what I saw,” he swallows, mouth pressing into an uncomfortable line, “I always knew this wasn’t real, that it didn’t mean anything but-“
“Ye agreed. Ye always said ye didnae want a relationship.” He reminds you sharply, and you nearly swallow your tongue.
“Yeah, I didn’t, so.” The lie is foul on your tongue, rancid and spoiled, but you give it life regardless. Fuck them. You’re fine.
“But yer mad ye saw us with another woman.” He raises an eyebrow, and you never wanted to punch someone so badly.
But instead of a rising tide of anger, you get an overwhelming wave of despair, and tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
“Ah, no, love. Please, please dinnae cry. ‘m sorry, this is such a mess. We never meant for any of this.” Your hand starts shaking again, trembling against the plastic wrapped around the stems, and Johnny’s expression changes from sad to worried. “What’s this?” He tries to reach, fingers grazing the back of your arm.
“N-nothing, I’m just tired.”
“Just… go away.” Your patience snaps, shatters, and his face falls. It almost makes your feel bad.
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selarina · 6 months
continuation to this
so, that night gojo satoru leaves with no jacket and half a broken heart and for the first time since he was 12 years old, he takes a sip of alcohol as he slouches against his home bar.
it's bitter, and it tastes a bit too much like soy sauce for his liking but he sips and sips until he sees the engraved "S.G" inscription at the bottom of his glass.
"hello, husband," a voice comes from behind him, interrupting his sob fest.
and for a moment, for dumb little moment, he thinks it's you. the voice sounds nothing like you though, it's far too high-pitched, but he's dreamt of this far too much for him to imagine someone else calling him husband.
aya tsukino materialises next to him, and seats herself on a seat beside him. she moves with a certain a quiet sleekness that he barely caught her moving from behind him. or maybe, he's finally out of it. "excited for the wedding, then?" she deadpans as she pours herself a drink.
"thrilled," he parrots back, merely a barren echo of emotions.
there's more truth in this room than there's been in your shared room for weeks. because it's simple really— gojo doesn't want to marry her, and aya couldn't care less as long as she got the money his family had.
before they had even exchanged any words, it was clear that they had this silent agreement that the two of them had little to do with love and everything to do with societal expectations and status.
as gojo attempts to take another sip from his empty company, he can't help but replay the events of the evening in his mind. your anger, and the way you stood up for the love you believed in. it'll haunt him for the rest of his life.
he wonders if you'll genuinely come to understand that he did have you in mind when he left you. he doesn't want you to be a mistress, a dirty little secret. he's seen how it broke his mother apart. how could he wish the same fate upon you knowing how his mother's life ended?
you're strong, and he believes you will persist and he will see at the end of his life sleeping grey and old in his bed as he stares at the way the sunlight hits your laugh lines.
but he also remembers the way you cried in secret. he never brought it up, he never brings it up. he was just waiting for the day you'd be comfortable enough to cry in front of him but for now, he settles for meaningless presents he brings afterwards to wipe off the blue from your face.
he places his glass down with a clink, and he hears a resembling clink from aya. "i'll ask you this only once, gojo satoru," she speaks up. "do you want this marriage?"
"i never wanted this marriage," his reply is immediate.
"of course not," she says. "i meant, do you still want to go through with this?"
he doesn't respond. the both of them know the answer to that, it's written all too clearly on his soppy little face.
"what if i don't," he finally speaks. "what about your money? your status?"
"my money..." she feigns to ponder. "as someone who's always sought out money, i can tell you one thing about it. money, it comes and it goes. i'll find another way as i always do," she says. "i will be fine."
"your father—"
"—is a terrible man, who will go on his pissy campaign against me but i hope it's not presumptuous of me to expect you to come to defence when needed. you know, for all the trouble?"
he chuckles with no mirth. seems trouble is all he's capable of causing the past few days. "of course," he responds.
aya smiles, she supposes there's one benefit of having the strongest sorcerer as her ex-fiancé. she stands up, as she pulls her coat snug against her body as she prepares to leave. "besides, you're not the only rich high-status man in town, you know?"
"well, they're not all me," he replies. his smug demeanour returning to him like it's breathing a new life into him.
"wow, a bonus too," she chuckles.
"and who was that handsome man with you on friday? blonde, glasses, chiselled like a—"
"nanami kento," he replies with a grin.
"nanami kento. is he rich?"
"not as rich as you," he replies. it's true. he's rich, he worked on wall street after all and nanami is a smart man, he has so much in his savings account, it's enough to feed an entire nuclear family. why he saves up is something that's beyond gojo.
"well, he's handsome. tell mr. kento i said hello," she smiles facetiously.
"tsk, fine." he grins again. "get out of here."
it's been a week since you heard about the wedding falling apart. and since, you've been hearing about it daily, almost hourly if you're being honest. after all, you're at the centre of it. it only makes sense.
there's a whole slew of narratives running around, cheating, money laundering, even murder. but the most popular one was about how aya was the rosaline to your romeo and juliet. gojo's as romeo as he comes — handsome, influential and maybe a bit endearingly dumb but you fail to see how you're juliet. she was rich, influential, beautiful — everything you've been starkly reminded that you are not.
but everyone's talking about the romance of it all and you haven't heard from gojo himself so it's strange to take their words to mind or heart. you ignore them, forming a ready-made response sheet in your head to every possible question you encounter across the week. they become white noise, as you go through your day like a pre-programmed robot.
but that changes on a hot, dusty afternoon as you're sitting in a cafe, awaiting a man you were advised against seeing, and he's late. of course, he's fucking late. he broke up with you and he has the audac—
he walks in. he looks exhausted, lankier than usual, and there's a cruel part of you that likes it. to know he looks as miserable as you've been seeing. there's the other, familiar part of you that wants to run your fingers against his sensitive eyes as you feed him with the warmth of the diner's food.
but you do neither, you neither smile nor frown. you sit in place as you wait for him to come and sit opposite you.
"hey," his voice sounds gravelly. "i'm sorry i'm late."
"nothing i'm not used to," you reply with a glare as you cross your arms.
his hands reach for the menu as he plays with the edges of the paper. he always orders the same breakfast meal from this place. he must be nervous.
"i... i wanted to talk to you," he starts. "i want you back."
"excuse me? you can't just—"
"i'm willing to do anything. anything. if you want to take it slow, i understand. if you want to take your time, i understand. if you want me to get down on my knees and beg, i understa—"
"do it."
his eyes widen, you can tell — even though the black glasses are blocking his eyes, you can tell. it only lasts for a split second, because you blink with contempt and he's beside you. on his knees, as he stares up at you. he barely stares up at you — he's so tall, he's almost eye-to-eye with you. but even so he hunches his back, makes himself small.
"i'm sorry," he says again, as he takes off his glasses placing it onto the table in front of you. his eyes are alarmingly blood-red, and it takes every muscle in your body to hold back from running your fingers over his. "like i said, i'll do anything. just pleas— take me back."
you stare, and he stares back at you. you're too lost in the way he looks at you — at your mercy — that you miss the strange and baffled looks from people around you. and when you finally do, your cheeks flush with heat.
"okay," you say. " please, get up now."
"no, let me— let me stay," he says. pleads. "just let me stay until you take me back."
"fine," you sigh, as if there was any real objection from your side. "get up now."
"really?" his blood-red eyes gleam, you could almost see a tinge of the vibrant blue coming back to life.
"yes," you groan as your hand grip his elbow. "i was willing to be your fucking mistress. did you really thin— i would say— mmpph"
and just like that he's up, sliding next to you on your seat, as he kisses you. you're ashamed to admit that your first thought was the idea of getting kicked out for public indecency but your second thought was about how you think you could stay like this forever. despite the public gawking at you through mean and baffled stares.
"i'm serious about doing whatever it takes," he says, sincerity laced in his voice. "you shouldn't let me get away with this lightly."
you smile. "I hope you mean it," you reply. "and i won't. i’ll make you work for it, just a little."
he nods with a smile, "anything. i'll make it up to you."
"you have to do the chicken dance," you say, seriously and firmly.
"you have to do the chicken dance. right now in the middle of the diner and i'm taking a video," you pull out your phone. "and... i'm sending it to nobara."
his eyes widen, almost like he's feeling actual fear. "not nobara," he gasps. "but she's so mean, baby."
"well, you said anything."
he sighs. gojo looks around the crowded diner, his tall frame rigid and tense. he glances at you, then at your phone, and finally resigns himself to the absurd request.
"fine," he mutters, standing up from the seat as he begins flapping his arms and doing a clumsy version of the chicken dance in the middle of the diner.
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eluxcastar · 3 months
Hello Riri! :]
I'm in my platonic harbingers with a child reader era, and you're one of the few people I follow who writes platonic stuff on an occasion. So here's my request!
Here's the small storyline I have. Reader is the child of a god (you're free to decide what they are the god of, if you want) who is extremely well known around Tevyat, and puts on a very intimidating and serious presence. Yet one unfortunate day, the readers parent dies, so now they have to take on their legacy at a too young of age. Making them grow up out of their childhood much faster and pressuring them into becoming exactly like their parent. Cold, intimidating, and serious.
And out of all the mortals the reader has met, the harbingers are who they find comfort in. They could be lecturing some other mortal one minute, and the next minute, they see one of the harbingers. They're grabbing them by the hands, bouncing on their tip toes with a bright smile.
(Hope you're having a good day! And please don't overwork yourself<3)
Fatui harbingers with a child god
── ୨୧:fatui harbingers & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: child reader taking over as archon and basically immediately proving why child rulers are a bad idea but it's ok because it's cute and endearing
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, god reader, signora might be ooc tbh I struggled to think for her, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 3k
this has been in my inbox for some time, even though I've really wanted to do it for ages. I'm sorry honey it took me a while to get to it. the description of their parent at least to me was giving mr zhongli when he was morax and I immediately thought of the ramifications of him faking his death in the rite of descension which makes me wanna write something else BUT THAT'S FOR LATER
I meant to post this four and a half hours ago but suddenly it was like twice the length I thought it would be and uh yeah that was not the plan but enjoy the food served hot and fresh
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There has hardly been a moment of grief since you were orphaned, and the people are turning to you for their next overseer. You, small, fragile, and ill-prepared, are the one they wish to see take up the pillar left in your father's wake. You weren't ready, and maybe you never would've been, embraced by the caring side of your well and truly mellowed-out father and cherished by the people as the child of the nation.
Your transition from people's treasure to people's guide was jarring, and you're still not used to it. You move with what pleases and hide what brings deep frowns and disappointed eyes. The people no longer want a child but a god. They want their pride, once a god who had walked by their side for millennia, now the passing generation of a god as the mantle shifts to his blood.
It's hard not to notice what they make you, now the spitting image of your father, though you can only parrot his earned wisdom and show a brave face to keep the nation from despair.
You have but a single ally—the Tsaritsa—someone whose messengers approached you to ask for your father's gnosis and who gladly agreed to offer you an invitation to Snezhnaya at your request to speak to her personally, quite honestly not knowing how to say that you frankly didn't know what to do with the gnosis. Though you could keep it, you're unsure how to harness its power, wield it, or even control it. Your father was strong, you're not.
She is an intimidating presence but gentle. She knew of your father for as long as she had been an archon—though they weren't on good terms toward the end—perhaps you could understand her more than he would. He was the original archon in his seat, but you are an inheritor like her. In her lands, you are the careful balance of both a god and a child, spoken to with the grace of a higher power but the softness that is befitting to a young child.
It is as you are.
Tartaglia is the first to seek a test of your strength, though you wish not to hurt him and convince him to wait. So long as the answer is someday, he allows you to let him down easily and settles at indulging your requests to join the snowball fight you noticed him having. You want to join in, fidgeting and with your gaze flickering between the smiling children and your feet. You push away your every want to join them and play as well, but remind yourself of the people who would scorn you. It's unfitting for a god to behave like an immature child, you remind yourself, but every hope of remaining steadfast to that is gone as Tartaglia notices you watching.
His offer is merely that—an offer. He speaks with a snowball forming in his hands as he approaches, his thick coat engulfing his form and the red scarf bundled around his neck to keep him warm. You have to look up to meet his eyes, playful and perhaps a little mischievous. Tartaglia holds the snowball out to you as if it were his peace offering.
"You look like you want to join the fun. Care to throw a snowball or two with us?"
"May I?"
And with that, you take his offering.
Pantalone's musings and the intentions of his gifts are not beyond you. He means to win you over and perhaps spoil you a little. It is coddling, and you notice it. He wants what he wants, and he will get it out of you, but it is also not beyond him to recognise that you are...naïve, endearingly. Pantalone can lavish you in fine silks all he wants, but you have received many offerings, so they don't particularly sway you as he had hoped, and he moves on. Your true weakness lies in children's toys, the many things you have been denied since you have been forced to steel yourself. The smile that twitches at the corners of your lips as he presents you with the first is enough to confirm it.
Toys are made for children; though you try to deny it, you are still a child at heart. Gifting a child a toy they will try to pretend they don't cherish but will protect with their life is perhaps the quickest way to earn their favour. He watches as you fiddle with the arms of the plush cat when you think nobody is looking, asking it questions and then responding to yourself in an all-too-dedicated voice you put on for this cat. 
"Oh, Mr Cat, would you like some borscht too? It's very good."
"Yes, please, I would love to try some!"
Pantalone admittedly can't deny that you come with your own charms.
Signora spoils you what many of your aids have tried to before you, the chance to fix your hair, marvel at a pretty lady and wish you were half as sophisticated as her. She is your role model, second only to the Tsaritsa. She is beautiful and elegant and willing to teach you her ways as long as you continue to show up as cute as you are. Fix your posture a bit, head up, and walk everywhere with purpose, even if there isn't one. She has mastered the art, and you want it. Pantalone has his own appeal, a sophisticated man who learned through blood, sweat and tears, but there is something so distinct about Signora that makes you run to her at your first problem of presentation.
Like your mother, she will take you by the hand, lead you to a mirror, straighten your back, tilt your head up by the chin, and tell you to look at yourself now. Each time, you stare dumbly in awe of her reflection standing behind you, observing you like something precious, and it fills you with the confidence you need to heed her advice. It doesn't occur to you that Signora looks at you that way only because she thinks you're cute in your efforts, but too much like a child who got into their mother's perfume to be taken seriously.
"How others see you is important. Do you think they want to see their god with their back slouched and head hung? Hold your gaze above the people."
"It's-- well, different. I think I just look tense."
Sandrone has also come to realise that your weakness lies in toys, though she will not admit to aiding and abetting Pantalone's endeavours to find you a plushie. Instead, she shows you Katheryne. You have seen Katheryne before; you are sure of that, and that is only confirmed as Sandrone informs you that she exists in every branch of the Adventurers' Guild, including the one in your homeland. Katheryne is your access to knowledge, and the Northland Bank is your connection to Snezhnaya. Sandrone offers you comfort, the path that will lead you back to where help is and where you can go when you become overwhelmed by responsibility.
She likes your company, a reluctant admission that does not come cheap as she bargains your silence with the knowledge that she's aware of your liking for your cat toy. The embarrassment that overwhelms you is palpable until she offers you her workshop to play when your quarters are so overcrowded by your aids. You couldn't come to Snezhnaya alone for your safety, and it leaves you stranded without a moment of peace at times.
"Really?...and I can just, stay here? For as long as I want?"
"Isn't that what was offered to you?"
"Well...yes, thank you."
Scaramouche, whom you meet adjacent to Sandrone, is ill-tempered in the presence of others but a tad nicer when it comes to you. He does not drop his rough-around-the-edges personality to melt his heart out of his chest for you, but you manage to strike the perfect cord in his to gain liberties others cannot, having him share sweets with you. You learned at one point he really doesn't like them, leading you to wonder why they suddenly appeared ready and available for you to stuff your pockets full and snack on them when nobody's looking. You earn his favour through endearment and talk to him like he's normal because he is.
He is the child of a god, though in a different capacity to you. He was not loved quite so dearly by his mother and cannot share with you the pain of losing someone who treasured you. He was merely abandoned. There is the vague part of you that shuns the idea his softness is pity, sympathy even, as you're stuck stumbling through the world alone. It is all too familiar to him, and if candy will make you smile at him so cheerfully and hug him so tightly, then candy is a simple trade-off.
"Are you sure you don't want any? These are yours."
"Sickly sweet things make me feel like my teeth are fusing together. You can have them."
Pulcinella reminds you of home, the trinkets gathered on a whim that he keeps, the years showing through the rooms dedicated to him as you notice things your father told you of in stories. These are stories that Pulcinella will start off on without prompting, indulging your curiosity before you even lowered your guard enough to show it and casually enough that you slowly ask more. Every item holds a story: what it is, how he obtained it, why he kept it, who it was for. You see many such things around what used to be your house, but you don't know all of the stories, treasuring the ones you remember.
Pulcinella doesn't recall every story either, as some of your pointing and questioning is met with remarks of how long it has been. It is the only thing you feel you share with him, a living space filled to the brim with memories. Many of your trinkets don't belong to you, but his do, and it's nice to hear someone tell you stories again as he lets you pick from the collection of sweets in your pockets to eat when it suits your fancy.
"What about this? It reminds me of a lumenstone, the ones from the chasm."
"It is, and it came from Liyue when I asked that one of my subordinates bring it back for me. You must have a fine eye for these things."
"Not really, only lumenstone and noctilucous jade glow like this."
Arlecchino's offering to you is company, and plenty of it. Children who are so far removed from the stretch of news beyond the issues of the Steambird they manage to get their hands on that they wouldn't know your face from a haggler on the street. Father brought a guest to play with, and that's what matters as they induct you into their games, teach you the rules, and regard you exactly as they regard every other child their age. You are given the choice to simply become nobody, and you love it. Though you were once only a child, you were still the child of a god, and everyone knew it. Now, you elicit excitement only because someone new enters their lives, someone to learn about and befriend, merely a guest their father brought them.
Despite her sharp exterior, she is sweeter to you than you expected. You thought Arlecchino might be scarier, meaner, harsher, but she softens when she speaks to you. It is not with the cutthroat demeanour she holds speaking to the Harbingers and lacks a degree of the stern attitude she fronts to the children. You are not the average child, and it's necessary to treat you with some degree of respect, but you notice she's gentler with you than others, and it almost makes you feel special.
Columbina has sung you to sleep many times during your stay; her voice is sweet and more than enough to calm you. You let her hold your cat plush and dance with you in the hallways with the excuse you need knowledge of these things should you aspire toward being an archon, even if spinning around until you fall on the floor from dizziness and burst out laughing is a tad non-traditional. Columbina can see things others can't notice more than the human eye is capable of, and you'd rather not know what that's like. Something in the way she speaks tells you that it's hardly adjacent to anything human, closer to you, but still quite far off. It's interesting to hear the strange things humans have no business knowing.
Your hand is grasped in Columbina's, her fingers holding you tenderly. Her eyes are partly obscured beneath the lattice of a mask she wears. You're not sure if you could really call it a mask. She steps back, tugging you with her, and spins you in time with the steps she takes, each accompanied by a shift that forces you to keep up with where she moves, her other hand on your shoulder. It is the closest you will get to proper dancing, though merely a fool's waltz. You can't dance; being spun down a hallway while you struggle to match her movements feels much like you imagine a waltz would.
"It's not really proper dancing if we have no pattern to it."
"There is no such thing as proper dancing. If you'd prefer it, I could sing."
Dottore is someone you did not expect to be so open to the idea of you, and your assumptions were proven correct by his apprehension to engage with you. He is curt with you at best and avoidant at worst. You are a child filled with the yearning to touch everything that doesn't belong to you, desperate to hear too much about the things that don't concern you. You are young, needy, and with no concept of what is beyond you. Dottore's unique abundance of knowledge is appealing to you, however. He knows things your father did, many of which he didn't tell you, but Dottore will, so long as it gets you to sit still and stop interrupting him. You may be convinced you have pocketed your unnecessary emotions away, but he has seen you, and that is an insulting lie.
Your wants are written on your face plain as day, so long as people pay enough attention to you to care what you feel. He does not especially care, not for the child of a god, but it helps to know what you want to stick your nose in most. It helps to know how you benefit from him, and on luckier days, you might even catch him in a better mood when he is willing to indulge your interest in his knowledge. Your capacity to understand, let alone remember, hardly worries him.
"So you have clones of yourself? And they just...work for you?"
"Not exact clones—segments. They have wills of their own and use them as they see fit."
Capitano is strong, a man of few words, and he does not abhor your presence quite so strongly, nor does he indulge your more childish desires. What you get from Capitano is respect, the highest honour you can get from his book in your eyes, and it comes from your perseverance. You're running around working so hard when you're so young, and you deserve a break sometimes. You deserve a quiet place to curl up in the corner with that cat he's caught you hiding under where no one can bother you, and maybe with a few sweets you always seem to have these days. That corner still does not exist, though he will find you one if you want it. 
You show no signs of slowing down, are energetic and eager and are far too committed to the act of being something you're not to listen to him when he tells you to rest. Gods must all be fickle. The most he can do for you is make sure you're safe and happy as you will be in your position, maybe wipe your hands of powdered sugar when you find pastries at the market you want and recklessly eat them without thinking of how you'll clean up short of wiping the remnants on your clothes, but you'll never do that as you are.
Pierro once made you nervous. He is a stern, serious man who never smiles. Pierro is steadfast in loyalty and never wavers, which is precisely what you have begun to aspire to be now that that is what has been asked of you. You could never hope to replicate the kind of dedication he has, and perhaps that is part of what sways you. Though you have become so comfortable behaving childishly around some people, you fear you may never be around him, whether because you fear his disapproval or yearn for his approval. Despite that, he is arguably who you trail around behind most, quiet, observing, trying to figure out how to copy and apply what he has to yourself.
It settles the quick realisation he reminds you most of what the people saw in your father. Someone like him is someone people envision fostering a nation to prosperity, and you fight your own subconscious to keep all of your slipping habits, making sure he never sees you sneaking candy, hiding your cat plush from him, refusing Tartaglia's every offer to play games around him. You're not sure why you think that will make him like you more, having long ago gained his favour, unable to notice the faint smiles and the conscious effort to make you believe he doesn't notice you out the window barreling snowballs at Tartaglia.
You are still a child at heart; he is just about the last person you can hope to hide that from.
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
The Private (not) Thoughts of a Moray Chapter 4: This thing called love, I just can’t handle it
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Gender Neutral Reader x Jade Leech
Chapter 4 preview:
Jade! I’m so happy to see you! You look wonderful today. I mean you always look wonderful, so handsome! Oh, you look so cool as a human, not that you don’t look cool as an eelmer, but you’re always so cool and handsome and I just love you so much! I love, love, lovelovelovelove— Oh…  Jade (unfortunately) was looking back at you, thoughts of affection ramming through his head.  Darling! You’re so cute! You look so ethereal under the lights of Octavinelle, the blue reflects wonderfully in your eyes. You always look so angelic, though, but especially now that the color of the sea can act as a scenic environment for your presence. Oh, I love you~ I love you, I love you, I love you— Between the two’s thoughts fighting for space in your cramped mind, and you’re pretty sure you could feel a migraine coming on. 
[wc} - 8,150
[notes] - *crab raves* finally, struggled with it but it's out. i got done kinda setting up the characters and their dynamics so chapters should have an easier time getting out
back to chapter list
Chapter 4: This thing called love? I just can’t handle it
The liquid in your cat shaped mug (courtesy of Cater) slowly turned from a light purple back to a soft creamy brown as a few drops from your small vial of mauve liquid dripped into your drink.
One, two, and that’s three drops for me and for Grim…
Placing the vial back in your pocket, you set Grim’s own morning drink, a small cup of hot cocoa with the tiniest of marshmallows, to the side. The barely rising sun indicated it was just before 6 in the morning, so Grim, and most of the dorm was still asleep. 
You settled in on the nook of the windowsill facing the entrance of the dorm. From here, you could see the Hall of Mirrors, Sam’s shop, and the alchemy building. 
A loud yawn startled you as James entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and blinking at you owlishly. 
“Good morning James.” You said softly, waving. James mumbled what you assume was a ‘good morn’ back as he opened 
Frustrated grunts and growls emanated from James as he wrestled the, evidently well sealed, package of cereal. You think it was this world’s version of Captain Crunch, the image of a well-dressed pirate in red with a gleaming hook and mischievous grin staring back at you across the kitchen table. 
“Damn this—why do they make these things so hard to open!?” James hissed, throwing the colorful cardboard box across the room, nearly hitting a sleepy Tony in the face.
“Ack! Ayo?” Tony rapidly looked back and forth between the offending material and James, who was now yanking at the plastic bag of cereal with his teeth. Growling, he used his canines to rip the bag apart so that he could finally have a core part of a valuable, healthy breakfast. 
He was failing miserably. 
“Can you watch it? I’m walkin’ here—are you fightin’ a bag of cereal?” Tony asked incredulously. 
Taking a pause, James looked up, bag still in mouth, and gave a muffled “Yesh.”
“…and losin’?”
“…” Flushing, James let go of the bag and responded, “It’s my favorite.”
He yelped as one of the other freshmen walked past him and flicked his forehead. 
“Hey, what gives Yakub?”
Yabuk, one of the Scarabia students in your care, shoved James aside with his broad shoulders and tall frame, as he began to take out items from the small pantry in the corner. You weren’t sure what Yabuk was, you think either a beastman or fae based on the slight point in his ears and the way his bright red hair was ever so slightly feathery. 
In fact, you're pretty sure that it was actually feathers, the plumy hairline starting from the peak between his eyebrows and turning into a prominent widow’s peak. His hair, which was undercut and slicked up like a parrot, was quite striking against his dark brown skin and sharp yellow eyes. 
Framing his narrow face were a pair of red macaw feather earrings, which you think might’ve been plucked from his own head, as the blue and green ombre matched that on the tips of his hair/feathers. 
Yabuk sighed, deciding to turn and address James, who was back to gnawing at the bag. 
“How about this, how about you fight the rest of the cereal by yourself, and I’ll courageously make pancakes for those of us who want a little warmth in our mornings.”
James sneered at him, deciding that the best course of action was to vigorously shake his head in order to tear the bag open. He succeeded, after the bag split down the middle and spilled half of the yellow, red, and blue contents on the floors, where it would no doubt be vacuumed by the never-ending ravenous Grim. 
You lifted a hand to cover your mouth in an effort to hide the fact that you were seconds away from laughing your head off. 
James dejectedly poured himself a bowl of cereal, careful to not spill the rest of it. Deciding to be helpful, you walked over from your nook in the corner, surprised no one had yet noticed you. 
“Here, I’ll get the broom—”
“GWAH!” James shrieked at your “sudden” appearance. You wonder if it was just early morning fatigue that made him forget you were there, or if he genuinely didn’t process you sitting at the windowsill. 
“H-housewarden—I mean Prefect—I mean Y/N—” The poor man yelped as he knocked his bowl off the counter with his elbow. 
Yabuk, also squawking in surprise, managed to catch the bowl before it fell on the ground, wincing at the cold milk dripping down the slides onto his hand. 
“Hah—got it.” Clearing his throat, Yabuk gave you a nod. “Good morning, Housewarden Y/N, would you like a pancake?”
You too had been reaching for the bowl, bent over in an awkward position between Yabuk and James (who was internally screeching at the proximity between you two). 
“Ah, it’s fine, thank you, Yabuk.” You stood back, slightly puffing your chest out as you stretched your back, sighing in relief at your upper spine popping. 
“I have to go in here soon anyways, I’ll be out of the dorm for most of today.” 
Tony, who had poured himself a cup of coffee from the still warm pot you’d brewed earlier, piped up, “Oh yeah, ain’t we ‘upposed ta be going over to Octavinelle in halfa-hour?”
You winced and nodded. “Yep…that’s right.” 
Going over to the dragon’s lair. Or would it be the eel’s lair? Octopus’s lair technically…
“Ah yes! I’ve been ready to head back to our actual dorm for sometime now!” You jumped, noticing that Aspen had been watching your interaction from the doorway for who knows how long. 
Aspen gave a closed mouth smile, tilting his head. Can’t even be bothered to wake up early in the morning? Pathetic.
You raised your brow at that, deciding to return his smile with a polite one of your own as you greeted him, “Good morning Aspen, yes I’m aware—”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t keep us waiting, Prefect.” You didn’t miss the way he nearly hissed your nickname as he walked over to Tony and swiped his cup. 
“Hey! That was mine—”
“Ah, well, I’m sure you didn’t mean to do so on purpose.” Ignoring Tony’s grabby hands, he continued, “After all, being a magicless human for so long, and just becoming a housewarden so recently, I’m sure you’re still trying to manage everything.”
He made a face as he sipped from the cup, disgusted, most likely from the quality of your 2 thaumark grounds from Sam’s. Aspen decided to hand back the coffee to a pouting Tony, who was giving his friend the side-eye. 
“I have to wait on you anyways,” He sighed, turning around to head to the common area. “I’ll be in the living room, once you’re ready!”
He ended his sentence in a sing-songy tone, waving over his shoulder. You sighed, the 9 hours of sleep slipping away into exhaustion rather than rest, as you finished your now cooled coffee in just a few gulps. 
Myah! What’s this guy’s problem? Did someone steal his tuna? I bet it was Wynfred. Definitely Wynfred.  
Grim trotted on all fours to you, using the island barstool as leverage to jump onto your shoulder and affectionately smash his cheek into yours. 
“Mornin’ Henchman! Why did you leave the bed so early?” Grim pouted, hanging off of your shoulder as he winced at the sight of the hot cocoa you’d prepared. 
Mrrah, I don’t like the lavender taste! Grim grumbled in his head, taking the small mug with his paws and downing the now lukewarm drink like a child with a cup of bitter cough syrup. Next time, I get to choose the taste, sashimi-flavored, hehe!
You sighed, grimacing at the thought of a tuna flavored coffee syrup, “We gotta go to meet with Azul, remember?”
“Nooo!” Grim whined, fiddling with his mug. You tsked as cocoa spilled over. “I still don’t trust that shifty octopus, I still have nightmares of waking up with an anemone on my head again.”
Grim was still whining as he finished off the cocoa at your insistence. You yourself also finished your drink, placing both cups in the sink. A Heartslabyul student rushed over to clean them for you, muttering something about Riddle warning them to be helpful. 
Please tell him I’m good, I don’t want to get collared my first week like that freshman last year.
You withheld a snort, biting the inside of your cheek instead. You leaned down to whisper, “Thanks, I’ll tell Riddle that you’re doing a good job.” to the student, smiling at his beaming face. 
“Grim, let’s surprise everyone with our dorm uniforms today!” Grim whooped and jumped back down from your shoulder to climb up the stairs. He’d been so excited that you two had gotten proper uniforms, as he claimed that it was time everyone started taking him seriously as a mage. 
Once again, the ghosts had taken liberty to create your dorm uniform. Eliza had given them some of her old dresses from when she was alive as an apology for taking over your dorm. They’d decided to take those, as well as some of their own clothes to get you all dressed up. Your dorm uniform was relatively simple, compared to the other’s, but was comfortable. 
They’d given you two versions, noticing your affinity for both skirts and pants. Your top was made with a striped cream button-up blouse adorned with a silver collar chain sporting two mauve crystal ball pins. The top was accompanied by a dark blue cloak, reminiscent of the ghosts’ own capes. Of the two outfit variants, they had managed to find a dark gray and blue, front corset dress from Eliza’s collection. She had suggested to Bernard that you wear it over the blouse along with dark tights and her old, brown chunky-sole loafer shoes with the dress. 
The other outfit was recommended by Albert, who claimed he was rather fashionable while alive (Earnest gawked at that, so you’re not sure how true that claim was). This one had a vest, the same color as the cloak, with dark gray, high-waisted pants decorated with silver buttons along the waistband and pockets. You wore the same shoes as with the previous outfit, as they were in surprisingly good condition despite their age. 
Eliza must have taken really good care of her stuff before and after she passed. I hope she and Puffy are happily married in the afterlife. Maybe they’ll visit again…without the whole suitor stuff, though. 
You hummed as you decided to put on the dress version of the outfit. It was obvious that the clothes were older, time and dust took a toll on them, but you had to admit it was nice having a dorm uniform. Plus, the age of your clothes matched the appearance of a now fixed, but still full of character Ramshackle. Like an old Victorian ghost still trapped in their home. 
“Henchhuman! Help me with this cloak thing!” Grim was grumbling as he had trouble tying the bow of his own mini-cloak. He really looked like a mini-version of the ghosts, he just needed a hat! 
“Coming, coming!” You crouched down to help him, humming. “There we go. You look great, Grim!”
Hmph! Of course, I do! You don’t look bad yourself, henchhuman. 
Grim grinned as he jumped up to your shoulder, watching as you grabbed the hair pin with the Ramshackle crest and clipped your hair back. 
“We look like the real deal! Finally, gonna get some respect here, mehehe!” 
You and Grim shared a soft laugh as you pressed your foreheads together. The two of you rushed down the stairs, Grim gripping your shoulder so as to not fall off. Aspen and Tony were dressed in their school uniforms. Though, you noticed, Tony’s uniform was more hastily put together, vest and jacket unbuttoned and the tie messily put together. 
Aspen, who was prim and properly dressed, fussed over Tony’s appearance before noticing you and slamming his hands back to his sides. 
“Hello Prefect, took your time to look nice I see” Trying to impress? I still don’t see the appeal. “May we leave now? I’d like to actually be on time.”
Tony shoved an elbow into Aspen’s stomach, the latter smacking the former’s arm in retaliation as they shared a look. 
“Um, yeah. Follow me.” You gestured as you passed by Wynfred by the front door, who was currently trying to yank something out of Silas’s hands. 
“Give that to me—Oh! Prefect!” Wynfred happily greeted you as he managed to take the item from Silas’s hands and shove it in his pocket. “Off to Octavinelle? Will you be coming back for us Pomefiore students?” 
You nodded and replied, “Yes, but probably in the evening since I’ll have to do Scarabia and Heartslabyul first. Grim and I will both be out all day…”
Humming, you narrowed your eyes at Wynfred and listened to his thoughts. 
How nice, my club meeting was canceled today, so I’m bored. Maybe I’ll just watch everyone and see what they get up to.
“Hmm, hey Wynfred?” The redhead perked at the mention of his name. 
“Can you do me a favor? Watch over Ramshackle and make sure no one gets into any trouble or anything like that. I have a chore board for tasks that Grim and I normally do around the dorm and school, but…”
You gestured to Aspen and Tony, the former looking and thinking about the inconvenience of stopping. 
“Well, we’re pretty busy now, so it would be a great help if—oh!”
Wynfred grabbed onto your hands, eyes dazzling and shimmering with glee. He yanked you close to him until your noses were nearly pressing together as he started yammering. 
“Of course I’ll be in charge! Oh, I’m so flattered that you’d ask me of that. You know I’m an exceptional leader of my coven, and I was back home as well, so you can depend on me! I’ll make sure everything is in tip-top shape, don't worry bout a thing! Off you go now!”
Wynfred gently pushed you out the front door, Aspen and Tony following, as he turned to start calling out to the remaining freshmen. 
“Alright! Housewarden Y/N put me in charge, so listen up!”
Geez, I hope this isn’t going to bite me in the butt later.  
The walk to the mirrors was short and quiet, on your end at least. A few steps behind you, Aspen and Tony trailed along, softly conversing between themselves. Based on their thoughts, you think they were arguing about something, or someone.
Gah! You’re more jealous than the nereids!
Tony’s voice rang through your head as you turned your head to look back at the duo, who was now muttering angrily at Aspen. The latter looked almost pouty, looking at the ground as he hissed back something to his friend. The image was actually pretty funny, with the near 1-foot difference between them, Aspen had to lean down fairly drastically to whisper with Tony. 
Gods, you’re so annoying, like a suckerfish, just take my side!
Tony, on the other hand, craned his neck up to reach Aspen’s ear, and kept darting his head into his friend’s eyesight every time Aspen looked away to pout further. 
Blah, blah, blah, jealous my ass, maybe I just don’t like them!
“It’s too early for them to be this loud, henchhuman! Make them stop!” Grim whined from his place in your arms, glaring at the pair over your shoulders. You cradled him as he sleepily rested his little chin on the crook of your neck.
“Let them be, they’re not that loud, be honest.” as you said that, you decided to turn your head to look back at the freshmen. 
Aspen locked eyes with you as he looked up at the same time you did, narrowing them as you turned back forward. You could still feel his stare burn into your back as the four of you turned the corner to the Hall of Mirrors. 
YOU! You’re nothing special, just a stupid human. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you, IhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhatehatehatehatehatehate—
You abruptly turned around as you arrived in front of the Octavinelle mirror, disrupting Aspen’s little chant of loathing, to address the pair. 
“Before we enter, a few things!” You smiled at the pair, listing out your tasks with your free hand as you spoke. 
“First, I need to meet with Azul myself to work out the schedule for you and your two other dormmates. I believe you’ll get fitted into your dorm uniforms with your vice while I do. Second, you’ll get trained for the working lounge while I go meet with Heartslaybul’s housewarden-”
Grim jumped from your arms to place his paws on his hips and continue your sentence confidently. 
“The Great Grim will come get you after your training since my henchhuman will have to move on immediately to the other dorms, so you better do what I say-” 
“Wait, is the cat actually our vice housewarden?” Tony asked with a deadpan expression. “I thought that was a joke.”
“Hey! How dare you mock the greatest mage of all time? Bow down and beg for forgiveness—mmpphh!”
You quickly snatched Grim up and covered his mouth as you gave a tight smile. 
“Third, once you're back at the dorm, please make sure the Heartslabyul students all leave with Grim, and let the Scarabia students know that they’ll be next. Afterward, you can do what you want as long as you're back to the Ramshackle lounge by 5:30! Any questions?”
You could see the metaphorical roll of Aspen’s eyes as he thought, No-
“Yeah!” Tony raised his hand up, akin to an eager kindergartener in his favorite class, as he asked, “Is Jade gonna be meetin’ us at the Mostro Lounge or somethin’? He’s usually off hikin’ in the mornin’.” 
Yep, just as I intended. Thank god he’s consistent at least, same as last year.
You let out a sigh of relief at that, making Aspen and Tony share a look. Though, they seemed to think your sigh was for a different reason. 
Hmpf. “Disappointed, are we?” Aspen grumbled, hissing as Tony jabbed an elbow in his ribs in response. 
Tony chuckled, “Aw, don’t worry Prefect, don’t be sad, I’m sure he’ll be back soon! You can say hi to him then!” Ain’t that cute, Jade sure knows how to pick ‘em. 
“W-what?” You furrowed your brows in confusion, noting that both of their faces matched your expression. Your grasp on Grim’s squirming body had weakened enough for him to slip out and climb up your arm to sit on your shoulder. 
“Why would they be disappointed?” Grim questioned, “Jade’s too scary for my henchhuman to be hanging around!”
“Grim! Be nice! No, it’s not that, I just hardly know him.” you hurriedly clarified as Aspen’s face turned to one of elation and Tony’s of disbelief.
Thank. The. Fucking. Sea Witch.
No fucking way?!
“Whaddya mean ya hardly know him? All summer, he’s been-ow!” Tony yelped as Aspen pinched his side, glaring at him as he instead turned to give you a smile. 
“What he means to say is: you’ve been a hot topic all summer, Jade speaks…highly,” Aspen’s face soured as he said that. “Of you, so we assumed you were rather close, is that not the case?”
Grim snorted as his thoughts spoke to you. Yeah, I bet he wished he was reeeeal close to ya, huh Y/N?
You let out a nervous laugh as you stammered out, “No, uh, we’re not close at all. Now come on.”
Gesturing to the pair to follow you into the mirror, your vision was blinded by the light of the mirror. Its lavender shimmering morphed into the underwater dorm, a bubble developing around your small group once you’d made it far enough in. The tranquil ocean that Octavinelle resided in never ceased to enchant you, with the soft bluish gray seabed and the light purple reefs, not to mention the clear glass walls of the actual dorm building itself, built right into the lavender reefs. 
Despite it being so early in the morning, you could see a numerous number of students running through the halls of the dormitory from the aquarium walls. Peeking behind you, you smiled at Aspen and Tony’s faces of delight, the latter pressing against the bubble until his face was smooshed against it, grinning like a madman.
“Yooooo, this looks sick! Aspy, look at all the reefs!” 
“Aspy?” Grim asked while you hid your smile behind your hand. Aspen’s cheeks turned a light purple as he kicked the back of Tony’s knee. 
I thought I told him not to call me that here!
“It’s a childhood nickname…” Aspen trailed off, his eyes lighting up as the Mostro Lounge entrance came into view. “Woah…it really is in the skeleton of an ancient whale.”
You tilted your head at the two as you asked, “Is this your first time in your dorm? You guys didn’t get to see it after orientation?”
Tony shook his head. “Nah, when we found that we’re crowded, we’re sent over to ya right awayyyYYYEEH-”
The bubble, once past the magical barrier separating the water from the café entrance, popped, causing you, Grim, and Aspen to land on your feet just fine, if a bit unbalanced. Tony, who’d been leaning down farther and farther against the bubble, fell face-first into the ground. 
Aspen chuckled in response, looking back at you with pursed lips. So if you hardly know him…then why…
“So back to what I was saying earlier…what’s the nature of your relationship to Azul and the twins then? They, Jade especially, spoke of you quite often.”
The thought of a love struck Jade talking off Floyd and Azul’s ears all summer with the same level of intensity that his thoughts betrayed made a strange feeling pit in your stomach. 
Ugh, maybe I’m getting sick. I think…
“Like what Grim was saying, I don’t really know Jade outside of class or even Floyd. Actually, I’m closer to Azul though…we’ve been through…a lot together last year. Plus, we hung out over the summer!” 
Aspen nodded, grunting as Tony used his arm to yank himself back up.
“Right…you and the other overblot students had to meet with Crowley, right?” 
You perked up in surprise, as did Grim, who whipped his head around to Aspen and growled.
“Some random freshman ain’t supposed to know that. Have you been snoopin’ around? I’ll cast a whole spell of hurt at cha if ya have!”
“Grim!” You growled, gaze strict, at your familiar as the fire in his ears grew in his growing ire. “Behave yourself. He's right, though, Aspen? Please explain.”
Aspen tensed while Tony abruptly explained, “Our families are…tight-knit! They all do business—”
“Heh, you mean ‘business’?” Grim air-quoted as he scoffed. 
“We do business together. When the headmaster told his parents, they told ours, so we learned pretty soon after it happened.”
Aspen, quick to agree, nodded along. “Yes! We all…grew up together?” 
You squint your eyes at the pair, hoping that your, admittedly halfhearted, glare would provoke one of them to either blurt out a further explanation, or their thoughts would betray something. 
Instead, a synchronized screech was echoing through both of their heads. You took a long, deep breath, and sighed heavily. 
“I’ll ask your housewarden about it later instead, how about that?” With a cheeky smile, you turned back around briskly walking to the host stand of the Mostro Lounge as Aspen and Tony  quickly followed after, resuming their earlier bickering.
Looking over your shoulder, you smiled again, softer this time, at the two. The way they bantered, brushed and shoved each other with their shoulders, reminded you of your own favorite duo.
I’ll have to make sure I say hi to my boys before I see Riddle.
Aspen eyes met yours, widening slightly as a soft lilac blush formed on his cheeks. He looked to the side instead, huffing in his head.
What are you smiling at, stupid human. Turn back around and…huh?
Still smiling, you turned to see what had taken Aspen’s attention, before running face-first into someone’s chest. You and the very tall stranger tumbled a bit before they grabbed your shoulders to help steady you, grasping you gently like you were a precious stone. 
“Oof! Sorry, I—”
“It’s quite alright, Prefect.” My pearl~ “Perhaps you should pay more attention, you might bump into someone less savory, fuhuhu!”
“EEK!” You rapidly jumped back, Grim falling off your shoulder with an ‘oomph’ as your back smacked into Aspen and Tony. “Jade! I thought you were hiking! You usually do on Saturdays.”
Jade, his tall frame now in full view, smiled as he leaned down to tower over you. “Oh? I hadn’t realized that you’ve memorized my schedule.” 
Aaaah! Did you want to make sure we’d bump into each other, too? My sweet, you can ask for my time any day of the week!
“NO!” The volume of your yelp made everyone jump as you turned a deep pink. You laughed nervously, waving your hands rapidly. 
“Ahaha! No, I just remember from last year that you’d be out by the woods near Ramshackle! I figured you’d keep up the same routine.”
Oh, of course. Still, I’m so happy they remember, my darling pearl! I love you~
“I see,” Jade closed his eyes as he continued smiling, chuckling, “I usually would, but today I decided to make an exception.”
You heard Tony mumble under his breath, “Gee, wonder why.” Aspen shoved an elbow into Tony’s ribs, shushing at his friend before smiling shyly at Jade, a small lilac blush on his cheeks. 
“Hi Jade,” Aspen waved, voice soft and almost meek. 
Jade! I’m so happy to see you! You look wonderful today. I mean you always look wonderful, so handsome! Oh, you look so cool as a human, not that you don’t look cool as an eelmer, but you’re always so cool and handsome and I just love you so much! I love, love, lovelovelovelove—
“Hello Aspen. Tony. It’s wonderful to see you again so soon,” Jade’s attention shifted to the two momentarily. “It’s like we never left home.”
He (unfortunately) was looking back at you, thoughts of affection ramming through his head. 
Darling! You’re so cute! You look so ethereal under the lights of Octavinelle, the blue reflects wonderfully in your eyes. You always look so angelic, though, but especially now that the color of the sea can act as a scenic environment for your presence. Oh, I love you~ I love you, I love you, I love you—
Between the two’s thoughts fighting for space in your cramped mind, and you’re pretty sure you could feel a migraine coming on. 
“Ugh, my head.” You rubbed your temples as Grim climbed back up on your shoulders, hanging himself off you. 
“Ya good, Prefect?” Tony asked. His voice sounded concerned. 
“Yeah, um, are you going to be training the two while I meet with Azul?” 
Jade’s smile grew as he leaned down, just slightly, to meet your eyes. 
“Floyd will be training them, and you’ll be meeting with me instead.”
What! Nooooo! Not Floyd, he still pinches my cheeks…
Aspen seemed upset, both internally and visibly, as his face soured. Tony, on the other hand, brightened and pumped his fist. 
“Yes! Floyd, my boy!” 
Jade chuckled and reached over to ruffle Tony’s head. “Do try and stay out of trouble, for poor Aspen’s sake. I’ll be too busy with our dear Prefect to keep an eye on the three of you.”
“Oh, yes.” Aspen drawled, “Our ‘dear Prefect’ will need all the assistance they can get. Did you know, they didn’t even realize that they had to sign off on their students’ club registrations? Our paperwork was barely submitted to the guidance mage yesterday!”
Hmph, I still don’t see the appeal in them. They’re such a clumsy human. Barely a housewarden. You can do so much better, Jade!
Ooooooh. That makes more sense now…wait, NO.
“Are you sure that I’m not meeting with Azul?” You laughed nervously, the panic setting in. “I double-checked with him yesterday, he said that we were still set!”
“Something came up.” Jade explained. The image of Azul’s bedroom door with a broken lock, door shaking as Azul’s muffled voice shouted through the wooden door, entered your brain. 
You raised a brow and slowly replied, “Oh. Should we go check, or?”
“Nope. If you’ll please follow me, I will drop off our newest employees with Floyd.” Jade turned, looking over his shoulder. “You and I will have our meeting in the VIP Room.”
You cringed, a shiver going up your spine as you gave Jade a tight smile, gritting out, “Greeeeat. Cool. That’s fine. Yep.”
Jade is either oblivious or maliciously ignorant to your distress as he guides the small group to the dining room. As you approached, you could hear the bickering of familiar voices, one angrier than the others. 
Near the bar was an irate Azul, arguing with a bored looking Floyd. Based on what you could hear, Azul was asking Floyd about why his bedroom lock was jerry-rigged to lock him instead. 
“IDK Azul, I didn’t do it, wasn’t feeling up to anything like that today.” Floyd whined, flopping his head around before looking over to your group’s direction. He perked up as he noticed you, more specifically, noticed Tony. 
Tony ran up to the taller man, dodging his attempts to grab him and ruffle his hair. The two played a small game of chase as Azul came up to you with a pleasant smile. 
“Y/N! Welcome back, I see you’ve taken on the role of housewarden quite well.” Azul nodded his head at you in greeting, directing his gaze to a stiff Aspen as he continued, “None of my students are giving you any trouble, I hope?”
You had the theory that his question wasn’t really for you, as he eyed Aspen up and down. His thoughts confirmed it, though. 
Aspy, you better have not been a pain, I know how you can be. 
Said individual was pointedly staring at one of the aquarium walls, pretending to be enthralled with the reefs and fish. 
Why do you even care, it’s not like they’re an actual mage. Just, stop staring… Please…
“Yeah, they’ve all been great, don’t worry about it.” You answered, smiling as you noticed the freshman relax. 
Yeah, I’ve been great! Hmph! Take that Zully!
Zully? Huh.
Azul smiled back, shifting his weight on his cane. “Good, I’m glad to hear. I apologize for not coming to greet you myself, it seems that someone—”
He directed a glare to Jade, who was still standing next to you with a small smile.
“—tried to lock me in my room, you wouldn’t happen to know who that was, would you Jade?”
“No, I can’t imagine who would do such a thing.” Damn, I should’ve added a spell too. I was in a rush to get to them first. “Would you like me to investigate?” 
“WoULd yOu LiKE mE TO INvesTIgATe” Oh shut up Jade, I bet it was you. 
“Yes please, that would be quite helpful, thank you, Jade.” Azul gestured for you to follow him. “Shall we?”
“Oh, we’re meeting, right cool, yes!” You sighed in relief as you rushed away from Jade to Azul’s side. “Just us right?”
“Us and Jade.” You screamed internally. “He’s in charge of the schedules, training, and position placements, so he’ll have to be involved.”
Aaah, at least we’ll be together in the same room again. I wonder if you’ll get flustered if I sit too close? Maybe I can get Azul to step out so we can be on our own…
Jade tapped you against Azul’s desk, hands reaching down to caress your thighs, before trailing down and making you wrap your legs around his waist. Your dress was unlaced and shirt unbuttoned to reveal your chest and neck, covered in hickies and bite marks.  Your hands were running through Jade’s hair tenderly, holding him close as you shared a deep kiss.  “Mmm~ Jade! Hurry, we’re gonna get caught if we—AH!” You yelped as Jade reached under your dress to tear a hole into your tights for easier access. Jade shushed you with another kiss, swallowing a loud moan as his hand worked you.  “We’ll get caught if you don’t stay quiet, unless you want to get caught~ Is that what you want? For everyone to know that you’re mine? For everyone to know that the one making you cry out in pleasure is me?”
Your face was rapidly turning red as you tripped over your feet, stumbling as Azul and Jade both reached out to catch you. Instead, you straightened and rushed out of their grasp, looking at Grim with a strained smile. 
It’s just for a bit. You can deal with Jade for a bit. 
“Okay! Grim, please go take care of the Scarabia students, and tell Kalim and Jamil I said hi. I’ll see you later!” 
Hmm? Oh yeah. “Got it! Hehe, I got a whole group of henchhumans to be in charge of now!”
Grim ran off, happy and in blissful ignorance, as you turned to address Azul, “I just remembered, I will have to go to Diasomnia today as well, so I can’t stay for long.”
Azul raised a brow, humming, “Is that so? I thought you didn’t have any Diasomnia students on your roster.”
“They don’t.” Jade answered, fond thoughts bouncing around his brain as he watched you walk. 
“I believe they should only have ours, Heartslabyul, and Pomefiore’s freshmen. I’m surprised that you also have Scarabia students, Prefect.”
Are you stressed? Are all the students too much? I can help! Ask me for help and I’ll make sure you’re never bothered by your freshmen again! 
You huffed at the suggestion, replying, “Jamil let them take residence with me to have a bit of extra space, since they were getting close to being overcrowded. Silver didn’t want to burden me with more. That’s all.”
“How kind of him, though I have to wonder if it was really a decision all his own, or if a certain prince asked~” Azul let out a musical laugh, smirking at your glare. 
“Tsk, please.” You opened your mouth to refute Azul, pausing as you felt a dark, angry presence from behind you. 
Hmph, as if they’d need assistance from him! He’s off in Briar Valley while I’m the one here with you, he’s hardly reliable. I don’t like what you’re implying Azul, did something happen between them over the summer that you’re not telling me?! Do I have to ask your mother for your baby pictures?
Slow blinking, you kept your gaze straight ahead, Azul’s words becoming gibberish as Jade continued ranting in his head. He was becoming increasingly more annoyed at the thought of you interacting with Malleus over the summer. 
I’m willing to bet that you would’ve enjoyed visiting the Coral Sea instead, hm?
Huh? Seriously?
I hear it’s dreary in Briar Valley, I think the warm waters of the Rosarian reefs would’ve suited your disposition much better! 
It’s not dreary, only a bit… you’re one to talk, don’t you live in the cold deep sea? That’s probably drearier than anything else, you can’t even see anything!
I would’ve shown you the perfect sightseeing location at Atlantia! I’m willing to bet my terrariums that he would’ve taken you to see gargoyles.
So? I find them quite delightful, you know?
“Prefect? Is your head in the clouds?” Azul lightly tapped your forehead as he stopped in front of his office. “You seem a bit out of it. Tired?”
“Uh.” You shook your head and stuttered, “No, just lost in thought, let’s get started.”
Azul opened the door to his office, gesturing for you to enter first, as he and Jade quickly followed after. Surprisingly, the whole ordeal was rather smooth sailing, if Jade’s constant barrage of what you could only describe as internal love bombing.
Azul had brought out 5 student files, one for each student in your care and gave you the copies of their information. Class and club schedules, student ID numbers, and lots of information about their school before NRC. Interestingly enough, Aspen and Tony’s files were... sparse, with only their student information on the file. But no mention of their life, hobbies, or family before NRC.
I like that dress on you, it makes you look quite posh. 
Aw, are you nervous? You always tap your leg when you are, is it Azul? Is it me? HOW CUTE! There’s no need to be nervous around me, darling~ I only wish to make you and every other being in this school know that you belong to me~
You tapped your leg faster before pausing and shifting in your seat instead. 
Geez, just how much are you watching me to notice stuff like that?
“Based on their schedules, they should all be able to work their 15 hours throughout five week days.” Azul handed you a few files to look at the class and club schedules of your Octavinelle students. Each did have about 3 hours per day that they were free for a shift. 
“That leaves their weekend open for any duties they may have for Ramshackle and club activities. Are there any issues that could occur on your dorm’s end?”
Shaking your head, you looked through the student’s schedules with mild curiosity. 
“No, probably not. The Heartslabyul students have taken up most of the chores at the dorm.” 
Oh, Tony’s one of the ones in Spelldrive? Heh, ironic. 
“I’m pretty sure Riddle instilled the fear of the Seven in them, before sending them off to me.”
Oh, looks like Aspen’s in Pop Music Club? Huh, doesn’t seem like the type. Man, I really didn’t pay attention to their club paperwork…
“My my, that does seem like the Riddle we know.” Azul chuckled, nodding as Jade refilled his cup of tea. “Not surprising knowing how fond he is of you, isn’t that right, Jade?”
“ISn’T thAT riGHt JAde?” Yes, I’m aware, quit mocking me you're not too skinny to make a meal of.  
“Oh yes, I’m quite aware. I’m sure you enjoy having such a protective friend, Prefect.” I can be protective! He’s nothing compared to me! “You do quite need it, with all the trouble you’ve gotten into.”
“Really?” You nervously laughed, half-hearted and soft. “I guess? He’s just being a good friend, that's all, I’m sure.”
Azul scoffed, “For being a friend, he does underestimate you. I still remember how you almost took Jade’s head off when we first met. Remember, when you charge in here demanding I free everyone?”
You blinked rapidly in confusion. “What? I never did that, what are you talking about?”
“Oh, you don’t remember? Hah! Jade, they don’t remember nearly smacking your face with a server’s plate!” Azul laughed as you continued to look on in confusion. 
Jade smiled, chuckling along. “Oh? I do. Quite vividly, really.”
An image, or you guess a memory, passed through your mind of you, very clearly, brandishing a large silver platter like a weapon. The memory's vision shifted, dodging your hits as you tried slamming the plate into Jade’s face. 
“You were quite angry that we took your 3 friends as anemones. A rare sight, seeing as you’re tended hearted, hm?”
Aaaaah! I look at that memory so fondly, you looked so beautiful, angry! Fighting is always the first step to a moray’s heart~ 
You choked on the cookie in your mouth, frantically reaching and gulping your own cup of tea. Choosing to ignore Azul’s snickering, and Jade’s internal fretting, you nervously gasp-laughed. 
“Oh, I guess? Probably why I don’t remember, aha.”
“Perhaps. Back to the topic at hand,” Azul gestured to the schedules and continued, “do you foresee any issues with the shift schedules Jade assigned?”
You looked again, noticing the blocks drawn in a few of the spare spots in blue pen. 
“Ah, no, it all looks good.” You looked at the clock, peeking at the time. “Did we cover everything? I’m supposed to be meeting Riddle in about 15.”
Azul and Jade turned to look at it as well, the former clicking his tongue in disappointment. 
“Oh my, yes, this has gone far longer than needed.” Azul squinted at Jade. “Jade, I thought you were keeping the time?”
I know you’re lovesick, but please! Your brain isn’t made of sea foam, you know?
“Apologies. I have been quite focused on the schedules, I do have to ensure that they are able to fill in a position at work.” Jade replied, humming as he cleared the table of your empty plates and cups. 
I was just so enthralled by my pearl’s loveliness. They’re breathtaking…my love. 
You’re not sure what’s worse: the raunchy daydreams, or these. Sentences so full of yearning and devotion that it almost made you feel flattered. 
I want to hear what they sound like out of breath, can you even moan with no air in your lungs? How could you when I’m eating them up with my tongue~
Nope. Actually, the raunchy ones are worse. 
“Well!” You got up, dusting the imaginary dirt off your outfit. “If that’s all, then I’ll be heading to Heartslabyul. Grim will be bringing the remaining Octavinelle later for training, they all had clubs this morning.”
Azul nodded, holding the VIP Room door open. “That works perfectly. I’ll have Jade escort you over.”
“What? No, no, no!” You laughed, waving your hands and shaking your head. “I’m perfectly find walking myself-”
“Nonsense, we are a dorm of gentlemen after all, Jade?”
Say something this time, I beg. I don’t want to hear you whining about clamming up again. 
“Of course, if you will, Prefect?” Thank you, Azul, perhaps I won’t eat you after all.
You stiffened, eyeing the arm Jade held out. With a resounding sigh, you nodded and ever so lightly wrapped a hand around his bicep. You chose to ignore the cheers in Jade’s head. 
“Okay, fine. Bye Azul, I’ll see you at the next housewarden meeting.” You waved as you and Jade made your way through the hall into the lounge’s main dining hall. It was fairly full, the Mostro Lounge was always busy over the weekends, and you could see Tony running around with Floyd. He was carrying two trays in each of his hands with ease, balancing drinks with little concern. 
What are you doing! Let go of Jade’s arm, you whore! Die die die diediediediediediedie—
You quickly swiped your hand back from Jade’s arm, noticing the small pout he gave at that. From the corner of your eye, you could see Aspen (and the rage that was practically emanating like an aura) seething at you. He was muttering to himself as he angrily cleaned the inside of a glass tumbler. It seemed that he was put at the bar to “train” though based on Floyd following around Tony, who was gossiping with him, Aspen wasn’t actually getting much training in. 
That’s right, you better take your filthy hands off of him, you’re a sorry excuse of a mage and an even worse excuse of a human! You’re not even that pretty, you gross little—oh crap you’re staring, look away look away!
Aspen turned a deep lavender, looking down at the glass in his hand like it was the most interesting thing since sliced bread. You gestured at Aspen and suggested to Jade, “It looks like Floyd kinda left Aspen to fend for himself, maybe you should help him out? I can make it to Heartslabyul just fine.”
“Hmm? Oh dear, I suppose you are correct.” Jade sighed, eyeing Floyd as he and Tony leaned against a wall, chatting away. 
“Though, I’m sure I can escort you and be back in a reasonable amount of time. It would be rude of me to abandon you so, especially when Azul asked me to do so.”
“It’s not that big of a deal…”
“Nonsense, let’s be off now.” Jade shushed any further concerns of you as he gently pushed you to the exit. He nodded to Aspen as you two walked by, mouthing ‘I’ll be back’ to the young man. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see Aspen physically deflate at Jade leaving. Floyd noticed and gave his brother a wink, while Tony briefly frowned, looking between you, Jade, and Aspen. 
Just let me be around you a bit longer, my pearl.
You sighed, relaxing as Jade’s hand remained comfortably on your upper back. Though the thought of Jade cornering you in a spare empty room as you headed to the mirror made you warm up, Jade seemed remarkably relaxed around you, for once. 
It was weird, him just humming along without any screams or daydreams of fucking you. 
Weird…wait no! This is ideal, don’t jinx it! Knock on wood, or he’s gonna think of something! Wood, wood, wood?? AH! It’s all glass and metal here!
“After you, Prefect.” you’d been so distracted that you didn’t notice that Jade and you made it to the lounge doors. He was holding the handle of the exit, motioning for you to enter the bubble forming at the door. 
You made a small sound of surprise, rushing forward to push your body through the bubble. You weren’t quite used to the bubble, so It took a bit of effort, which caused you to fall forward. Jade’s arm wrapped around your waist, catching your fall. A small gasp left your mouth as he pulled you flush against his torso, your cheeks warming. 
Ah, you’re so soft. And clumsy. You need me to care for you, don’t you?
“Careful,” Jade purred into your ear. “I would hate to see you hurt, though I’d be happy to tend to you if that happened.”
You felt your stomach flip and heat settle as Jade’s hand tightened its grip. If it wasn’t for the warm breath tingling your ear and the rumble of Jade’s chest against your back while he spoke, you’d think this was another one of his fantasies. 
I can feel your heart pounding, are you nervous? Do I make you nervous?
Jade leaned farther down, his body nearly covering your own. Ironically, he was nervous himself, if his quick breaths were anything to go by.
You feel so warm against me, I wonder if you’ll feel just as warm when I’m inside…
Oh Sevens, seriously? Now!?
I would make you feel good, give you the most incredible pleasure ever known…
Please, bubble, move faster! Eek! Jade, where are you putting that hand!
Jade’s hand trailed upward, resting just below your chest. 
Ah, is this really real? It is!! I can feel your heart. 
“Just ask, and I’ll serve. I’m sure you could use the help now and then.”
Just say something, please! I want to hear your voice. 
What am I supposed to… god, why am I so flustered?!
Despite your thoughts, you couldn’t find yourself trying to get out of his grasp. Maybe it was due to the nerves, or the way the warmth in your belly almost felt pleasant, but you weren’t sure how to respond to Jade. 
“Uh, n-no that’s fine.” You mumbled, shifting as Jade continued to hold you, though it seemed his hand was loosening. “I’m good…by myself.”
But you’re never by yourself, are you? You have many friends, ready to come at your beck and call. Why won’t you add me to your little roster? 
“If you say so. Just know I’m always ready to be of assistance.” Jade finally let you go as the bubble finally floated up to Octavinelle’s mirror. It pressed against the now glowing mirror, allowing you to push into the flickering glass of the mirror. 
The familiar Hall of Mirrors was comforting, the air filling your lungs as you took a deep breath to  calm your racing heart and nerves. Jade followed, though he stayed close to the Octavinelle entrance. 
“Ah, I should be heading to Heartslabyul before I run late.” You nodded at Jade as you walked away. “Take care of Aspen, I think he’s nervous.” 
You omitted ‘around you’ for Aspen’s sake. 
Oh, that’s sweet. Is that so? How can you tell?
Jade smiled as he walked away, “How kind, I’ll be sure to keep an extra eye on him.”
The teal-haired man gave a small wave as he disappeared into a soft light through the mirror. 
See you soon, my love. 
You briefly watched him leave, before sighing and turning back around. 
Geez, that was intense… I’m surprised a that you didn’t freak out more—
You brought up a hand to cover the snort leaving your mouth. 
Ah, there it is. Okay, I guess you’re a bit funny sometimes…
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seeingivy · 4 months
speak now
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting series
songs mentioned: the greatest by lana del ray and speak now by taylor swift! (minor mentions: daylight and forever winter by taylor swift)
previous part linked here
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There’s something strange about showing Eren around an elementary school. Or strange about being around Eren at all. 
There’s an overarching hunch, a quiet fear that parrots in your mind whenever you’re with him, stuck in those quiet pockets of time that you feel like he can see right through you, that every secret thought ricocheting in your mind is one that he’s entirely cognizant of - and that he hates it for it.
It almost fills you with disgust. How badly you want to be around him all the time, to be able to read him the way you’re positive that he can read you, just so that you can know what he’s thinking. 
Is he upset with the way you reacted? Does he know how grateful you are towards him? Is he consoled by the fact that he’s fully forgiven? Does he care?
Does he think about you as much as you think about him? 
The elementary school makes it worse. Almost emotional. Because it’s the fact that even though it’s not your school, it’s exactly how you remember it - so nostalgic that it’s nauseating. Though the colors are less vibrant, almost too dull this time around. The desks are comically small, when they used to be so expansive that you could barely reach the front corners. 
“Did you ever collect Box-Tops?” you ask Eren. 
He looks at you, face wrinkled in confusion as he shrugs. And the second his eyes lock with yours, you quickly swallow down your gulp of shame - at the lost, almost pinched look in his eyes - as he quickly averts his eyes. 
Does he hate you for bringing it up? Does he want to berate you for rubbing in the fact that he had no semblance of a normal childhood? 
You take the little jar, the little cardboard slips secured in the glass, as you hold it up to him. 
“These are Box-Tops. They’re usually on the top of cereal boxes and granola bars and stuff. You can collect them and bring them to class and whoever gets the most in your grade usually gets a pizza party. It’s a charity-type thing where they get more funds for things like arts programs at your school by turning them into the foundation.” you murmur, placing the little jar in his hands. 
“You can’t just…fund the schools properly?” Eren asks, wrinkling his nose. 
“Are you crazy, Eren? Why would they ever do that?” you respond, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Eren smiles.  
“Figures. D’you ever win?” 
“Win what?” 
“The pizza party.” 
“Oh, maybe once or twice. They usually only buy two pizzas so you get a comically small slice so that it’s enough to go around for everyone. And I had Falco and Colt to share with - we had to split all the Box Tops we collected evenly between the three of us so I always felt lame turning like three or four in.” you state. 
Does he think your complaint is stupid? That you should be grateful that you even got to experience it in the first place? 
“What if there was an even number?” 
“Rock paper scissors. Then Falco started crying when he lost, so we ended up giving it to him anyway.” you state. 
“Very on brand.” 
Eren smiles - brightly this time - as he sets the jar back onto the top of the filing cabinets and the two of you continue to awkwardly pace around the room. Eren’s overwhelmed with the memory - of Falco sobbing at his first Canadian Christmas when he was asked what he was thankful for - and the consistency makes him warm.
There’s something unsettling about the room - about how foreign it is to him. There’s a weird echo panging in Eren’s chest, somewhat caused by how longingly you seem to be looking at every little detail of the room. Running your hand over the hardwood desks, picking up the box of crayons, almost frowning at the pictures.
The thoughts that run through Eren’s mind are almost paralyzing, that he can barely keep his beating heart collected in his chest, and more awkwardly, that you know and are choosing to ignore it for civility sake. 
Are you going to leave him when the show ends? Would you have left him if you lived a different life too?
Are you never going to end up together?
“Did you ever see Falco and Colt? When you were at school? S’that like a thing that happened?” Eren asks, poking around each of the little flyers on the bulletin board.
“Ah. Not really. Though sometimes when I was going to art class and Falco was going to computers or something, we’d kind of pass each other. We’d always be really excited to see each other. When we saw Colt, he always pretended like he didn’t even know who we were.” you state. 
Eren can't stop the thoughts.
Do you hate him for bringing up a life that was robbed from you? The security of a school, of a quiet life because he selfishly picked you to be at his side? 
Eren hums in response, as you head over to the last wall - the one left untouched by your inspecting eyes - as you fight the urge to smile. There’s little pictures of each of the students, Teddy right towards the top with a big toothy smile on his face. You point it out to Eren as you catch it before him, memorizing the soft look that spreads over his face when he finally catches light of it. 
“You ever see Zeke?” you ask. 
“Well, we technically watched a movie with him in it? So, that counts?” Eren shrugs. 
“That’s right. Having your own parents and your brother as your source material must be so crazy.”
The thought that follows your comment nauseates Eren.
Are you trying to point out how different you are, so much so that you’ll never be able to be together? 
“I can imagine exactly how you would be in elementary school.” Eren states, slinging his arm around your shoulder and bringing his face nearly flush with yours. 
“Oh yeah?” you ask.
“You’d be like…this girl.” 
You inspect the picture, rolling your eyes at the cop-out answer. Each of the little pictures is labeled with their hobbies or their interests, and naturally, Eren’s picked the girl who says she wants to be a songwriter. 
“You’re funny.” you respond, sarcastically. 
“S’nothing funny about it.” Eren responds. 
“You’d be like…this one. He seems like the type of kid who would pull on a girl's pigtails, which according to Mikasa, is something that you actually did.” 
Eren’s going to kill Jean. 
“That’s just how you get a girl's attention.” Eren responds. 
“Is that right? Had something you wanted to tell Mikasa really badly?” you smile. 
Eren’s almost embarrassed that you know. That he feels the need to defend himself, to prove his devotion to you even though there would be no reason for him to do that. 
“Ugh. Who told you?” Eren asks. 
You can’t help but laugh. 
“I can’t remember. Maybe Jean?” 
“It was two days!” Eren whines. 
You’re not sure how the topic came up, but Jean humbled you very fast when you claimed that you were the first person that Eren ever liked. Apparently you weren’t because Eren had sported a two day crush on Mikasa when they were younger, before he ever met you, which left you embarrassed - but also ready to tease him to oblivion. 
“Eremika…” you state. 
Eren clamps his hand over your mouth, as you quickly shove him off. 
“Shut up.” Eren states. 
“It’s funny! Mikasa’s getting married and you’re stuck at a five-year old’s piano concert. With seats all the way in the back, mind you.” 
Eren rolls his eyes, as he leans back and sits on top of one of the desks. You follow suit, ignoring the little creak, as your legs swing over the top of the desk. 
“What was your signature move in elementary school for the boys?” 
“Was I supposed to have game as a seven year old?” 
Eren scoffs. 
“Well, we can’t all be talented.” Eren teases. 
“I hardly qualify hair pulling as a game. That’s an annoying way to get attention.” 
Eren smiles, leaning forward and curling his hands around a lock of your hair, before he lightly tugs. His face is so close to yours that you can make out the tiniest wrinkles in his skin, marked around his eyes. 
“Annoyed?” Eren teases, his voice barely a whisper. 
You shake your head, ever so slightly. A jarring movement feels too loud, like he’ll move away at the smallest of breaths, like a deer in the woods. 
“Down to my very core.” you respond. 
Eren smiles, the wrinkles even more pronounced, as you almost lean your forehead against his, skin ghosting each others. The thoughts are racing at this point, so fast that Eren can barely feel his breaths. 
Is he ever going to be in love with someone who isn’t you? 
“I feel the need to clarify. It was two days.” Eren states. 
“Two days of hopeless pining.” 
“Nothing compared to the three years of it that I did with you.” 
You roll your eyes, cheeks burning. 
He knows. It's written all over your face.
“Nothing compares to a puppy-love childhood crush.” you state. 
“That’s where you’re wrong. I get the whole innocence of the puppy-love thing, but nothing pales comparison to the intensity of a teenage dream.” Eren states. 
Eren watches your eyes waver and feels his throat constrict. 
You know. It's written all over his face.
Thankfully for him, and less so for you, Sukuna ruins the movement. His shouting from the doorway breaks that quiet bubble, quickly pulling you both farther away from each other. 
“What the hell are you guys doing? It’s starting in five minutes.” 
You and Eren settle into your seats at the back, right by the door, as the lights dim in the little auditorium. They’re a warm golden, the smell of fresh paint tickling your nostrils.
Sitting all the way in the back has you and Eren weaving your heads around all the people crowded in front of you, the tiny cell phone lights illuminating each row. 
You catch sight of Lana and Sukuna are aggressively gesturing at Teddy on the stage from their cushy seats in the front row at your left - Sukuna trying to get him to smile for a picture while Lana tries to signal to him to fix his untied shoelaces. The coddling makes your heart burn.  
Eren digs into his coat pocket and pulls out a little camcorder that he hands to you. 
“For?” you ask. 
“Can you record it for me? I just…want to watch him in real time.” 
You smile. 
“Of course, I can.” you murmur, taking the little camera from him and flipping it open in your hands. 
“Don’t record the other kids. I don’t give a fuck.” Eren states. 
“Who knew you felt so passionately about kindergarten piano concert etiquette?” you jeer. 
“You would be shocked. Lana’s basically out of storage by the time she gets to Teddy.” Eren groans. 
You roll your eyes. 
“I think it’s sweet.” 
Eren wonders if there’s anything you can’t find the good in. His wavering suspicion is that it’s him - that you’re the worst thing he’s ever seen. So tainted that there’s barely any semblance of light left in him. 
Eren’s hanging onto the end of your words, wanting to hear the spiral of thoughts running through your mind. Your affinity to look towards the positive, to soak up all the good, to point out all the love in the room - it was something he found himself chasing even though he knew he was barely half deserving of it. 
“I just mean…when I was younger, my mom would tell me that my friend’s mom recorded me singing too and then sent it to her. And I was always really touched that they saw me and didn’t think god, it’s another kid I have to sit through. Like no, that’s Y/N! That’s my daughter’s friend.” 
Eren deflates. He figures that it comes so naturally for you - seeing the good - because he thinks the law of attraction is real; that like attracts like, that people find what’s similar to them. And that he always seems to be the antithesis to it. 
He’s always the exception to your rule. 
“And some parents are late. They’re running here from work, or…or they were late because they had another kid to take care of first and…and it still makes the kid feel special, even if they don’t know it.” you whisper. 
You twist the camera around in your hands as Eren gives you a lopsided smile, an underlying sentiment you can’t really place mirrored in his features. You’d memorize his expression just to agonize about it later, in the safe confines of your room, but your train of thought is cut off by a tapping on your shoulder. 
It’s a little girl - with dark skin and braided hair - barely the age of seven. Her little legs can’t even reach the tan colored floor, her sparkly purple shoes glittering in the dim light. 
“Hi.” she states. 
Eren leans over, a cautious arm on the small of your back, as you lean your head closer to hers and whisper. 
“Hi. Is something wrong?” you whisper. 
“Our dresses are matching colors.” she states. 
You look down - the white flowers printed on your dress matching her frilly pleats. It’s an painfully relieving breath, as you give her a smile. 
“My name’s Y/N. It’s really nice to meet you.” 
“Y/N? Like the pop artist?” 
You freeze, freezing cold ice shooting down your spine. 
“I wish my mom named me after someone cool. My name’s Grace. It was my grandma’s name.” 
You can barely muster out a response, Eren’s fingertips at your side squeezing shaking the shock out of your mind. 
“I’m sure your grandma was pretty cool.” you respond, barely registering the words as they leave your lips. 
“I mean, yeah. She was old. But no one’s as cool as Y/N L/N.” she responds, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
You can see Eren smiling out of your peripheral vision, giving a polite nod to the parents seated at her side, who’ve now caught onto the fact that their daughter is talking to a complete stranger. Eren’s quick to diffuse the situation, holding out a hand to them. 
“I’m Eren. This is Y/N. We’re here for Teddy. Curly blonde hair, big brown eyes?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. I’m sorry…did you say your name was Y/N?” 
You give them a sheepish smile, bringing your hands to the coarse skin above your elbows and pinching. 
“That’s right.” 
“Our daughter’s a really big fan.” they state. 
You smile, looking back down at her dark eyes, this time wide in shock. 
“Is that right?” you ask, trying to give her the warmest smile you can. 
Her parents lean down closer to her ears, the overwhelming sense of a flowery perfume taking over your senses, as you watch them talk to her, softly. 
“Okay. Ask her nicely, okay?” they ask. 
Grace gives them an obedient nod, before turning to you and puffing her chest out to you. 
“Can I have a hug?” 
“Oh. You…you want a hug?” 
“Please? It’ll be quick.” she asks, her little voice shrill with a hopeful tone. 
There’s a soft sense of elation that spreads through you, your cheeks warm at such an innocent request, as you can barely stop your arms from shaking. You open up your arms to her, as she nearly jumps into your embrace, and you squeeze her little frame as tightly as you can. The smell of strawberries wafts off her hair, accompanied by a soft giggling sound in your ear that nearly brings tears to your eyes. 
You look up to find her parents, an awkward pinched smile in their eyes, as you give them a polite smile. 
“I promise, I’ll take a picture with her after the show, okay? And if I forget, please come find me and remind me.” 
The relief is apparent in their faces - their sickeningly grateful smiles over something as simple as a picture - as you let go and she settles back into the seat next to you. 
You have to settle for recording Teddy with one hand, a deathlike grip in the camera, only because Grace refuses to let go of your other hand for the rest of the show. 
Eren’s surprisingly really good with kids. Or really, not surprisingly at all, because you were finding it hard to identify something that Eren was really bad at. Because even the mistakes he did make were so painfully endearing, so warmly thoughtful that you could barely accost him for it. 
He's making jokes with all the kids - participating in their rock paper scissors contests, playing pranks on their parents, and stealing cookies for them when people aren't looking.
You guys are the last ones to leave the school. But it’s only because Eren’s so enthralled with talking to all the passing people - taking pictures, signing napkins, and making phone calls to all their loved ones - that it makes your chest swell. 
The narrowed eyes still make you nervous, an underlying feeling of inadequacy - of embarrassment for hiding out for so long - is all but nauseating, something Sukuna picks up on right after Eren. 
He lets Lana take the lead on the pictures and mingling with all the parents, apparently something that was Sukuna’s forté, as he keeps his arm linked with yours, backs cold against the cement wall.  
“You know, you can go make your rounds with Lana. I don’t want to ruin your son’s piano concert for you.” you state. 
“This shit is overrated.” 
You smile. 
“You’re lying.” you state. 
Sukuna looks over at you, brown eyes fixed on yours, as you watch a smile curl on his face. It’s almost boyish - and it’s the first time that you’re acutely aware of the fact that Sukuna’s probably the youngest one here - living a life so vastly different from yours. 
“I am lying.” Sukuna states. 
“Do you like it here, Sukuna?” you whisper. 
“I’m better at this than I was at the whole - award show, celebrity world thing. People here are really easily impressed.” 
“Is that right?” 
“I handed a woman a lemonade earlier and she said God bless you. Over a fucking lemonade.” 
“That’s just basic human decency, sweetheart. Were you raised by wolves?” you ask. 
Sukuna scoffs. 
“Basically.” he responds. 
You hum in response, watching Lana crouch on the ground and press her cheek to Teddy’s as Eren quickly snaps the picture for them. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Sukuna asks. 
“Is me saying no going to stop you?” you ask. 
“Probably not.” 
“Proceed.” you respond. 
“So, what did you really do for two years? And don’t give me the same shitty bullshit as last time. I want to know what it was that you did.” he responds, tone unrelenting. 
You pause, mulling over the question. You knew it would come soon enough, the utter bleakness of it all, but you suppose it's like ripping off a bandaid. That it'll become softer to talk about after you do it so many times.
“It’s not pretty.” you respond. 
“I’ve always thought you were really ugly. It’s hardly a difference for me.” 
“Lovely. In a world of boys, you really are a gentleman, Sukuna.” 
He grins, nursing the glass of lemonade in his hand. 
“To be a woman is to perform. Now, tell.” Sukuna responds.
The truth of the matter is that there’s nothing to tell. Because you didn’t do anything. 
“I got home from doing the interview and spent the entire week with Falco and Colt. I-I basically didn’t let them leave my side. Falco slept with me at night, Colt basically watched over me like a hawk.” 
It’s a crashing plate, worried eyes, and an embarrassingly debilitating loss. 
“And then Falco came into my room one day and told me that The Lucky One sold more vinyls than all of my other albums combined, in one week.” you state. 
“Non-fluff shit prevails. I’ve been telling you.” 
“I didn’t approve of that album being distributed as vinyl. For physical sales - at all. It wasn’t about the money or the records or- or any of that. And when Falco told me, I-” 
Sukuna looks over, at the lump in your throat. He knows the feeling too well - the sweaty skin, the heavy tongue, and slips his hand into yours at his side. 
“I broke his phone.” you state. 
“I took it from his hands and I smashed it. Then my own too. That’s partially why I never called you guys. I didn’t exactly memorize your numbers and I wasn’t in a position where I was going to just ask for them back.” you state. 
“Not like you would have called anyways.” Sukuna states.
“I only knew Mikasa was having an engagement party because she sent me a physical invitation. Only knew Marco died because of the news. I-I barely knew what any of them were doing when I was gone, still.”  
You bite your tongue, the tiniest metallic taste enveloping your mouth, as you pull the now warm, puffed up flesh away from your teeth. 
“I knew that if I came back, it would mean I would be sucked back into it. What’s your response going to be, hint at it with this song, come back like this and…I’d rather lock myself in my house then do that again. I love songwriting, but not enough to sacrifice my dignity. I enjoyed my career but it drained the life out of me.” 
Sukuna’s lip twitches. You choose to ignore it for the time being. 
“I took up different hobbies. Got a sewing machine, made sourdough from scratch, I even learned flower arranging. But, I could tell that I must have seemed like I was off my rocker or something. My parents and my brothers never really left my side, I could tell that they were always worrying about me, and-and I hated that because-”  
Sukuna stops you before you get too choked up, now standing in front of you, his back blocking the sight of you from any of the people milling around the courtyard. 
“I know that’s a shitty answer. That I should have been doing something worthwhile. But, but- I was fucking tired. I was done doing all this and I can’t exactly…be a functioning member of society or something. I can barely stand here without people giving me a second look or trying to get a discreet picture.” you whisper. 
“I just wanted to know. I’m not giving you shit for it.” he whispers. 
You frown. 
“You aren’t. But maybe you should.” 
You look over his shoulder, at Eren squishing Teddy’s cheeks with his fingers as Lana takes a picture of them - far too close to barely even get the two of them in it together. 
“He fought for me when I wasn’t even here anymore. I was moping in my house, breaking plates whenever I got frustrated, and he was still moving forward.” you murmur. 
Sukuna pauses. 
“Y/N. Don’t do that. I need you to be so careful with what the fuck you do after you leave here.” 
The sense of urgency in his voice catches you off guard. 
“Y/N. It won’t happen if you’re careless. You cannot wallow in your own pity about this, I need you to tread lightly, okay?” 
“What won’t happen?” 
Sukuna glares at you.
“You and him. You could spend years pointing fingers at each other, who didn’t do what. You won’t get him back if you stay there when he’s moved forward.” 
“I don’t want him.” you whisper. 
You barely believe it when it comes out of your mouth. 
“You disgust me, Y/N.” he states. 
“You’ve always had such a way with words.” 
“And you’ve always had a lack of critical thinking. Why wouldn’t you want him?” 
“Why would he want me?” 
“He just does. The same way you just do.” 
You swallow hard. 
“Fine. Be a fucking idiot for all I care. If you do ever knock some sense into that thick fucking skull of yours, just be careful. Eren knows that he has to prove he cares about you for you to come back to him. You need to know that he barely thinks he’s deserving of anything from you, so much so, that he won’t ever make the move.” 
Sukuna doesn’t mince his words. You wish he could have you through every important decision of your life just so you wouldn’t stumble and fall as much as you did. 
“Eren’s called the shots since you were fifteen. You’re going to have to call all the next ones. And for the love of god, really. I’m so tired of that fucking freeloader showing up whenever he pleases. And you look really ugly when you look sad, so just do it right please.”  
You smile. 
“Are you insinuating I’m pretty when I don’t look sad?” 
“I hope you fall off a bridge and never recover.” Sukuna responds. 
The sniffling cues Eren onto the fact that you’re crying. The air pressure of the plane is overwhelming in his ears, almost so loud that he misses it, but he counts himself lucky that you’ve always been an obscenely loud crier. He peeks his head over the division over your seats and reaches forward to poke your head. 
“Hey. You okay?” he asks. 
You give him a meek nod. You know for a fact that he doesn’t believe it for one second. 
“Can I come over there for a second? I don’t want to talk from so far away.” Eren asks. 
“Isn’t that like…illegal? Two people in one seat.” you murmur. 
“This is first class, the seat is basically a bed. And there’s no laws in the air.” 
You frown. 
“Eren. Laws still exist in the air. They’re just local.” 
Eren smiles. 
“Well, aren’t you a little genius? Scooch over.” 
You shift on the seat, pulling your blanket closer to you as Eren very precariously makes his way over to your seat, the two of you almost cramped in the small space. It’s almost funny how there’s barely any room, your foreheads pressed together from the lack of space. 
“Hey.” he whispers. 
“What’s wrong, Margaret?” 
You shake your head. His hands are warm on your sides. 
“Come on. Tell me. I’m really good at fixing problems.” 
“I know.” 
Eren can’t place what the tone is in your voice - but it comes out all strained and raspy - that it rubs him the wrong way. 
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” you clarify. 
“Which way do you mean it?” Eren asks. 
You sigh. 
“I mean. You handled everything considerably well, even if it wasn’t easier for you. You…you waited until I was ready to hear it, until I asked to be told your side of the story. And you put it all together, wrapped in a perfect bow with that documentary, and then took me to see Lana and Sukuna too because you knew I’d want to.” you mumble. 
“Wrapped in a ribbon. Who the fuck calls it a bow?” 
You roll your eyes, earning you a laugh from Eren that’s so loud it makes you laugh too. You reach forward to clamp your fingers over his mouth, muffling the loud sound, as you shush him loudly. 
Eren pauses. 
“I’m glad it worked. And I had a lot of time to think. You don’t have as much, but…we’ll help you. With whatever you want to do.” Eren states. 
You give him a nod, unsatisfied with the answer. 
“What were you thinking?” Eren asks. 
You fish out the little slip of your pocket, nearly smushing your face into his in the process, and place the little paper in his hand. 
“This is…Satoru Gojo’s phone number?” Eren asks. 
“Yeah. I got it from Sukuna.” 
“For what purpose?” 
You pause. 
“I’m going to bury Scott Clarkson into the ground.” 
Eren’s caught off by the answer. 
“You’re what?” 
“What answer were you expecting?” 
“I’m not mad at it. I was just thinking more…I want to write music again. I’m not a quitter.” 
You frown. 
“I thought about that. But it hasn’t exactly worked for me like that. I even tried when I was at the beach but I came up with nothing. But that’s not relevant, I don’t need to write music to end him.” 
“I mean, yeah, I guess. But it’s better that way. Using exactly what they tried to take away from you to get back at them.” Eren responds. 
You smile. 
“You’ll help me?” 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“I’m pretty sure I made it clear that I’d do anything for you. Even this. Especially this.” 
You smile. You reach forward, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing hard. 
“Thank you. And I get what you’re saying about the music, but it just isn’t happening, so we’ll have to think of something else.” 
“I have an idea. When we get back to set, okay? I think it’ll help.” Eren states. 
You nod. 
“Okay. I trust you.” you respond. 
The sentiment sends a shiver down Eren’s spine. 
“I don’t know how it’ll go. I can’t promise that it’ll work out the way we want it.” Eren clarifies. 
You smile. 
“I was trusting you to help me get back into songwriting, not into bringing him down. I’m talking about help into being…myself again.” 
Eren’s eyes flicker, down to your lips, and then back up to your eyes. You almost swear that you imagined it. 
“Do you think I’m different?” you ask. 
You pale. 
“Do you hate me for it?” you ask. 
Eren shakes his head. 
“I like you better like this.” he whispers.
Eren reaches forward, tucking the loose hairs back behind your ear, before his warm fingers are secured around the nape of your neck. He does it a second time, looks at your lips, and this time you swear the corners of his mouth are twitching too. 
“You weren’t very confident when I met you, almost like you didn’t think you were cut out to do this. Unsure of why you even had a place in the room. Then you went so far away from me, worked yourself so hard, that I barely remember you even smiling at any of us anymore. You were angry, then you were heartbroken, and apparently you broke a lot of plates when you weren’t with any of us?” 
You roll your eyes. 
“I’m going to kill Falco.” 
“Colt.” Eren corrects. 
You scoff. 
“No way. Eren, he kind of hates you.” 
“Kind of? Colt was ready to punch me in the face when he first got to set. Rightfully so.” Eren responds. 
“It’s actually not rightfully so. He didn’t even know what you did.” you state. 
Eren pauses. 
“I know. He got here and asked me first thing what it was I did to you. Then he wanted to punch me in the face when I told him.” 
You shrug. You can tell that Eren’s waiting for an explanation - green eyes looking at you expectantly as you give him a nod. 
“It felt wrong to talk to him about it. Falco knew you a little bit better, but even for him…they would just start bad mouthing you just to make me feel good. But that would just make me feel worse because…I don’t get it. Hating someone just because things went wrong.”  
You crack your knuckles. 
“It’s like Ricky. I can badmouth him. He was horrible. He’s a bad person and he literally left me out there to rot just to embarrass me. He did it to Lana, to Teddy. You…I just thought you didn’t like me. I couldn’t really fault you for how you felt. And I loved you. I don't get off on talking shit about you when you were my entire world.” 
Eren smiles. 
“You had every right to badmouth me.” 
“But that’s the thing. I just didn’t want to. Even if things ended badly, you still made me really happy. We still did this entire thing together and-” 
“We’ll finish it together.” 
You smile, giving him a nod.
“You know when you’re in a relationship and you feel like you get to see a different side of that person? Because you’re so close?” Eren asks.
“That’s how you came back to us. Feeling close again. A fresh slate, back to what drew us all to you in the first place. So many things in this industry, in this job are so fake. I mean our job is to literally pretend. You are an overwhelmingly genuine person. Even more so now. You are different. We’re all going to love you for it.” Eren states. 
For someone who’s so convinced he’s horrible with words, Eren always seems to have the perfect ones for you. 
“Will you leave if things go south?” you ask. 
“Then we can do this. I’m positive.” you state. 
“What makes you so sure?” 
You squeeze Eren's hand three times.
“I don’t have anything to lose, Eren.” 
When you get back to set the following morning, you don’t miss Connie very loudly whispering with Eren behind you. You’re positive Jean and Mikasa are eavesdropping just as much as you are, their eyes fixed a little too hard waiting for Eren’s response. 
Did you guys kiss?
No, Connie, am I crazy?  
It makes your heart sink a little bit, but you ignore it as Eren comes up at your side, giving you a bright smile. He reaches for the little glass jar to your left and gives you a wink before he calls for everyone’s attention. 
“First things first, Falco. Good job on press. That was one of the funniest fucking interviews I’ve seen in my life.” 
Falco laughs, as you turn your head to the side, pretending to do a little bow as everyone pats him on the back, and you look at Mikasa. 
“What did I miss?” 
Mikasa smiles, pulling up the video at your side. 
“Levi’s direction was to not answer any questions about you. Naturally, that was all they asked about so we all decided to coordinate our answers and basically say that we didn’t know you.” Mikasa states. 
“It sounds stupid, but it was so funny. Some of them started actually believing it. And Falco took it so far, he started pretending like he wasn’t even related to you.” 
Mikasa hands you the phone as you play the video, barely containing your laughter at how stupid the video is. Falco’s so confident in his words, so self-assured that it’s making Gabi burst out into laughter, and obviously messes with the interviewer so bad that they can’t even continue. 
It makes you happier than it should - their first experience being so overwhelmingly positive.
“And we all wore ribbons in our hair, which didn’t help matters anyway.” Mikasa states. 
“Levi’s a menace. He’s milking this so much.” you state. 
“That was actually my idea.” 
“Oh. I didn’t mean-” 
“I know. I just want you coming back to be a big deal. It’s not an easy thing for you to do. You’re going to get every bit of hype for it.” 
You smile, reaching forward to link arms with her, as Eren makes a booing sound. 
“Are you done? Can I talk now?” 
You shove Eren. 
“Stop being rude.” 
“I’m not being rude. You guys interrupted me.” 
“Why were you talking before us? That’s so inconsiderate of you.” Mikasa states. 
You laugh as Eren rolls his eyes, handing each of them a tiny white slip and a marker, before he takes his spot next to you and gives you a big smile. 
“Y/N is going to write a song. Multiple actually. I want you to write down ideas for her and she’s going to pull one out every morning and read it to us. Then she has to play whatever she came up with, even if it was only one line, at the end of that day.” Eren states. 
“Eren.” you start.
“No buts. You guys know the drill.” 
You watch as everyone follows his instructions, excitedly whispering to each other as their pens move, and you look over at Eren. He drops his own slip into the cup, the first one, with his name neatly looped on the outside as he gives you a smile. 
“I’m not going to be able to write anything.” you state. 
“Well, you heard the rules. You’ll have to write something.” 
He shakes his head, handing you his journal, opening it to the marked page as you flip through the sheets. 
“I did this a while back, when I was getting back into it. It helps a lot more than you think. And you can ask the person who gave you the slip for help if you really need it, but that person only.” 
You take the book for him, watching everyone give you excited smiles as the cup fills up just as fast, and flip though the pages. 
“write a song about me and sukuna” And underneath, the lyrics to a song called Daylight. 
“write a song about connie’s one year anniversary of being sober” with Levi’s distinct handwriting and the lyrics to a song called Forever Winter scribbled messily on the page. 
And the last one makes your throat bob in your chest. 
“write a song about y/n”
You read over the lyrics, pressing your fingers against the ink, as you fervently read the lyrics. 
We didn't know that we had it all But nobody warns you before the fall Don't leave, I just need a wake-up call
I'm facing the greatest The greatest loss of them all The culture is lit and I had a ball I guess I'm signing off after all
You look up at him, his attention drawn away as he shuffles the cup in his hand to mix up the slips and then holds the cup out to you. Everyone’s watching, waiting for you to pull a piece, as you set the book down, and give them all a meek nod. 
There’s a resounding sound of cheers, and an obscene amount of screaming from Connie and Sasha, as you close your eyes and pull out the first paper. You open up the little slip, floored by how random the request is. 
“Write a song about upstaging someone's wedding. Connie.” you state. 
A resounding smack fills the room - as you look over to find Jean hitting Connie. 
“I told you not to put that in.” Jean yells.
“What? It’s funny! Eren said random stuff helps with this.” Connie defends. 
“Dumbass. You just had to write something about ruining a wedding?” Jean grates. 
“Who the fuck said it was about you, you egomaniac?” Sasha asks, reaching forward to flick his forehead. 
“Who else is getting married, dumbass?” Jean responds. 
“Why are you so mad? You’re clearly projecting your own personal issues.” Connie states, as Jean and Sasha follow him out of the room, their shouts filling up the quiet air. 
Eren turns to you, a bright smile on his face. You want to smack him.
“I’ll see you tonight. Fully written song and all.” Eren states, lightly shoving you as he walks past. 
You groan, leaning your head on Mikasa’s shoulder, as you hand her the little slip. 
“Eren’s so fucking annoying sometimes. How am I supposed to write a song about this?” you complain. 
“You’ll think of something. You’re amazing.” Mikasa states. 
“I um…actually got you something. And I had something I wanted to ask.” 
You took Sukuna’s words seriously. And had every intention to make amends. 
“Really?” she asks. 
“Yeah. It’s a keychain.”
You pull it out, the little penguin charm hanging off the end, as she takes it into her hands. It makes your heart swell - the way she carefully turns it over in her fingers, the excited smile on her face. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N.” 
“It’s kind of stupid but…it’s blue? Like something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?” you state. 
Mikasa’s smile gets wider, her shoulders relaxing as she reaches forward to give you a hug. 
“Thank you. I love it.” 
“It’s just a penguin.” you murmur. 
“Maybe to someone else. But I haven’t forgotten that we watched Happy Feet at midnight the day we were supposed to film the Colossal Titan reveal and almost missed shooting that day.” she states. 
You can barely contain your elation this time. That Mikasa remembers the memory just as well as you do. You both laugh for a second before you muster the courage to ask. 
“Listen. I want to ask something but I don’t want to overstep so know that you can say no.” you state. 
“I know that we have our own rooms, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to share again? Colt and Porco always snore and…and you have your entire life to share a room with Jean but only a few more months to share one with me?” you mumble, voice nearly shaking. 
Mikasa brings her hands to your shoulders, squeezing hard as she can barely contain your smile. 
“Really? You really want to share with me?” she asks. 
“Are you crazy? You’re like the best roommate I’ve ever had.”
“No, really. Falco kicks, Colt smells, Porco snores, and Eren’s nothing compared to you. You're like a princess compared to them.” 
Mikasa smiles. 
“Deal. Lets go switch the signs - to their rightful places - right now.” 
“What if Jean disagrees?” you ask. 
Mikasa rolls her eyes. 
“He can choke for all I care.” Mikasa states, linking her arm in with yours as you both pound up the stairs right to the hallway. 
You take the marker, scribbling out Mikasa and Jean’s names (and Connie’s comments underneath) as you hand her the marker to do the honors. You both admire the little sign together, arms wrapped around each other, as Eren, Connie, and Jean join you two. 
“What the fuck?” Jean asks. 
You smile at him. 
“Sorry. Not your room anymore.” you respond. 
“One could argue that it was never really yours in the first place, Jean.” Mikasa states. 
“Dude, you guys are so annoying.” Jean states. 
“Did you just call your fiance, dude?” Eren asks, earning him a shove from Jean. 
Connie comes up at Mikasa’s side, taking the marker from her hands, and adding his signature comment to finish off the new sign. You look over at him and smile, tugging him into your hug with Mikasa - as you all admire the door. 
And underneath, Connie’s lopsided handwriting: 
You understand why everyone was crowding you and Eren when they thought you were going to kiss in season two. It’s because you got to set early to make sure you got a good seat for Falco and Gabi’s love confession - so excited that you could barely eat your lunch.
You can’t help but watch them a few feet away from you, nervously kicking their legs on their chairs, as your notebook lays forgotten in front of you.
There’s a group of shitty lyrics on the page, so embarrassing that you shut the page as Eren approaches and takes the seat next to you and Mikasa. 
“I wasn’t going to read them, silly goose.” Eren states, lightly shoving you as you tuck the book under your ankles. 
“Good. I’d kill you before you tried.” 
“Wow. Standing up weddings has you that mad?” 
“The opposite actually.” you state. 
Eren rolls his eyes as he scooches closer to you, halfheartedly shaking Levi’s hand as he passes. You look over to Falco and Gabi again - the two of them increasingly nervous, Gabi more so for some reason, as you lean over and whisper into Eren's ear.  
“Ten bucks this pushes their real love confession ten years into the future.” you state.  
“Think about it. We had to kiss and it pushed things back basically a year and a half because we got all flustered and confused. Falco’s doing a whole bit, they’re going to be nervous about this for years.” you state. 
Eren rolls his eyes, reaching forward to elbow you in the side. 
“I’m right! The same thing happened with Hange and Levi.” you defends. 
“Rookie mistake, Y/N. Do I know your little brother better than you? He’s not half as pussy as you or Levi.” 
“Touché, asshole. If he likes her so bad, why hasn’t he said it yet?” you respond. 
“He’s a romantic. He’s waiting for the right time.” Eren responds. 
You look over at the two of them, splitting a box of Tic-Tacs, as Levi walks back to his cues and sets up the cameras. 
“Think about it. In a relationship, you’re either a Hange or a Levi. You’re either a Jean or a Mikasa. Falco’s obviously more like Mikasa and Levi. And Gabi’s like Jean and Hange. She has to make the move.” 
“You’ve got it all wrong. Gabi’s the Levi and Falco’s the Hange.” Eren responds, nearly offended at your statement. 
“Are you an idiot?” 
“Watch. I’ll prove it to you.” 
Eren pushes up off the floor, dragging Niccolo along with him, as they two of them approach Gabi and Falco. You’re not sure what they’re whispering - but you can tell that Falco and Gabi are flustered by the premise - and Eren and Niccolo are far too elated as Eren walks back over to you, this time with Niccolo in tow. 
“Hi Nico.” 
“Hi Y/N.” 
You look over at Eren, glaring at him, as he gives you a sheepish shrug. 
“Okay, guys. We’re going to start rolling. Falco, Gabi, you ready?” 
“Yeah.” they respond in unison, giving each other a little fist bump as they take their seats on the floor. 
“Was no one going to ask me? I’m in this scene too.” Colt complains, earning a fit of laughter from the crew. 
Everyone quiets down as the lights dim on the set, the group of you hunching forward, trying to contain your smiles as you look at each other. It’s only then that you’re reminded of how good Falco and Gabi are at acting, the painstaking agony in their voice almost making you shiver. 
“I helped make the attack on Liberio happen. I met a wounded soldier at that hospital, and without knowing it was Eren Jaeger, I sent letters from him to his allies using the mailboxes outside the zone.” Falco starts. 
Mikasa leans over to look at Eren, mouthing the words “fucking bastard” as you try to contain your laughs. Levi gives the four of you a warning glance, as you muster out an apologetic smile. 
“A lot of people died in Liberio. So….it’s my fault that Udo and Zofia died.” Falco finishes. 
“I see…” Gabi responds. 
Falco swallows hard, a pink blush on his cheeks, as you all excitedly smile. 
“Also, I love you. I didn’t want you to inherit the Armored Titan. That’s why I became a warrior candidate. So…so that we could get married…and be happy forever.” 
Gabi’s as red as a tomato. You almost feel bad for teasing the two of them so hard but it’s so endearing it makes your heart squeeze. 
“I wanted you to live a long life!” Falco shouts. 
“What are you saying?” Gabi responds. 
“I might turn into a Titan at any moment. I just wanted to get it all out there before I’m gone for good.” 
It's silent - leave for Gabi's tears before she quickly stands up. You watch as Gabi aggressively wrestles with Falco, pulling off the little black band secured around his waist, before she throws it on the ground, her chest heaving.
You sincerely hope Levi campaigns for them to win an award for this one. 
Levi calls cut, as Hange runs up to the two of them, excitedly cheering them both on as they avert their gaze from each other. Eren’s quick to jump up, grabbing you by the wrist as he pulls you up to the group of them, a devious smirk on his face. 
Niccolo’s quick to join his side, the two of them crossing their arms over their chest and smirking at Falco, as he sighs. 
“Really, guys?” Falco asks.
“Really. You agreed to it, little dude.” Eren states. 
Falco rolls his eyes, nervously eyeing Gabi - who is excitedly jumping up and down in front of a very unamused Levi - before he walks over to her and plants a big kiss on her cheek. The group of you all gasp, Gabi’s skin burning red, as Falco runs away, claiming he needs to go to the bathroom. 
Niccolo and Eren are fist bumping at your side and Eren’s turns to you, irritatingly positioned with his hands on his hips, as he smiles at you. 
“Told you so.” Eren states.
“What the hell did that prove?” 
“It’s simple. I asked Falco if he wanted to play a game of Truth or Dare. Then, I asked him to kiss his favorite person on the cast on the cheek after the scene was over. Told him to run right up to you and do it since I knew for a fact you’re his favorite.” 
“Eren, you little-” 
“Falco is most definitely the Hange or the Jean of the relationship. Would even go as far to argue that he might even be the boldest.” Eren states. 
You groan, the two of you walking past Gabi and Falco near the snack table, a sizable distance away from each other and nearly sweating in the presence of each other. You and Eren shoot them a thumbs up, and Eren continues to gloat all the way back to the house. 
At the end of the workday, Eren’s gathered everyone in the main room in a big crowd, doing nothing to help your nerves, as you give them all a smile and loop the guitar strap over your shoulder and sit on the bench. 
“Okay. Repeat the request, Y/N.” Eren guides, the group of them all giving you warm smiles. 
Mikasa and Sasha blow you a kiss, Porco and Connie with overenthusiastic thumbs up, and Eren’s smile pushing you on. 
“Right. The request was ‘write a song about standing up a wedding’ and it was from Connie.” you state. 
You swallow hard as you shut the book and place it under the bench and start strumming on the guitar to warm up. 
“Be nice to me guys. I called this one Speak Now.” 
I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
There’s a resounding sound of cheers, Connie and Mikasa clapping along with the sound as everyone else follows suit. You can feel your head pounding, your voice slightly shaking as you continue on and the guitar strings uncomfortably burning your fingers. 
I sneak in and see your friends And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel And she is yelling at a bridesmaid Somewhere back inside a room Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry 
Mikasa scoffs. 
“Are you trying to tell me something?” 
Everyone laughs, including you, as you shake your head and blow her a kiss before continuing. She makes the little gesture at you - like she’s catching the kiss in the air and tucking it into her pocket. You can feel Jean rolling his eyes at your side. 
Don't say yes, run away now I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door Don't wait, or say a single vow You need to hear me out And they said, "Speak now"
The rest of the song goes relatively smoothly, the excitement from the group of them making your heart soar, that block in your throat dissolve.
Sasha’s trapped Niccolo in her arms and has been aggressively swinging him around for the past minute, Porco and Gabi locking their fingers together to do a little swing dance, and Hange, Armin, and Eren bobbing their heads in unison at the side. 
The group of them all give you a deafening sound of applause when you finish, aggressive hugs and kisses being placed on your cheeks as they all applaud you - claiming your brilliance - as you feel your cheeks burn with excitement. 
Eren’s the last one to approach you, an almost too satisfied with himself smile on his face for the second time today, as you give him your most peachy smile. 
“Like it?” you ask.
“Loved it. You’ve still got it.” Eren states. 
“You know it.” 
“Can I give you one note?” Eren asks.
“The last verse. You have to change it.” 
“What? Why?” you ask. 
“It’s a good repeat. But I’m more curious…did the guy from the song leave the altar for her?” 
You nod, giving him a smile, as you reach for the book, and gesture for him to sit next to you on the bench. You quickly jumble the lyrics onto the page, nearly misspelling half of the words, before you hand it to him for inspection. 
And you'll say, "Let's run away now" I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door Baby, I didn't say my vows So glad you were around When they said, "Speak now"
"Always a sucker for a happy ending. It's perfect." Eren states.
He gives you a glimmering smile, making your heart skip a beat as his hand brushes against yours. Eren pulls out the little slip from earlier today, taping it right above the lyrics.
He gives you a last pinch of the cheek before pushing off the bench, leaving your entire body burning at his praise. 
“That’s my girl. I didn’t doubt you for even a second.”
You pause.
He turns back, eyebrows raised.
"Ask me who my favorite person on set is."
"Ask me."
"Why would I-"
"Can you just do it?"
Eren turns back, hands at his side.
"Who's your favorite person on set?" Eren asks.
You walk up to his side, standing on your tip toes to press a kiss into the softness of his cheek. You hope that he understands - that you're overwhelmingly thankful for him. For the documentary, the days in Seattle, and the lifeline he always throws you. That you'll always be indebted to him.
"It's you." you whisper.
Eren's cheeks are pink.
"Is that right?" Eren asks, the tone in his voice teasing.
"Don't push your luck." you state.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Eren responds, as he gives you one last cheek pinch before leaving you alone with the piano.
Singing the song, strumming the guitar - it's almost like stretching an old muscle, flexing out the soreness. You're so excited that you reach for the cup on top of the piano to start writing the next one right away. But when your read the slip, you feel your mouth go dry.
you love someone with your entire being, and all they do is tolerate it
And at the bottom, a name scribbled in messy handwriting
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next part linked here
an: OK GUYS. WE'RE IN THE ENDGAME NOW!!! sorry its kind of boring but we die like men
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sturnioloskies · 7 months
Too Damn Long // C.S.
by 💋Natalie💋
summary: chris hasn't jerked off in six weeks and desperately wants to get off
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mentions: @oversturn ily 😝💋🤭
warnings: SMUT / mommy kink / sharing is caring / minors dni
DISCLAIMER: these stories are fictional :) we do not actually legitimately think matt and chris would share a partner.
text - reader
text - chris sturniolo
text - matt sturniolo
Word Count: 4318
It had been far too long for Chris’s liking. Six weeks and two days too long, to be exact. Of course he had enjoyed his time on tour with his brothers, he loved getting to travel the country and make all of these wonderful memories with the people he loved the most. The excitement had died down after the first few days, though. Not that he wasn’t enjoying his time or ungrateful for anything at all, he was just tired and missed the comforts of being at home. The car and late night rides with his brothers, his bathroom where he could take showers for as long as he wanted, his bedroom, his bed…he craved it. Being away from home for too long drained him of all of his energy. 
Being back home was like a breath of fresh air. But being back in LA after their month and a half of touring didn’t eliminate anything in their busy work schedules. From recording videos, to designing merch, to meetings and sponsorships, the boys continued to stay booked and busy. 
“I’ll be back in a few hours.” 
Chris looked up from his phone as Matt trudged over to the couch, leaning down to be eye-level with his girlfriend. She looked up from her phone as well, a smile finding its way onto her face when she made eye contact with Matt. “Okay, can you get me a couple things while you’re out?” She asks, earning an eye roll from him in response. His hands rest on the couch on either side of her, his weight being shifted as he leans closer to her and presses a soft kiss to her lips. 
“So needy. Text me a list,” he tells her. He looks over at his brother for a moment. “You need anything?”
Chris went to speak, but was cut off before he could even start. 
“Pepsi, yeah yeah I know. Is there anything you NEED?”
Chris shrugged, leaning back and hooking an arm over the back of the couch as his gaze switched back down to his phone. “If I think of anything I'll let you know.”
Matt rolled his eyes again. A swift smack to his chest and his attention was back on the beauty in front of him. “Be nice,” she warned. “You’ve been at each other's throats all day,” she reminds him in a much more hushed tone. 
“This is me being nice-“
“I’m being for real,” he laughs. 
“Matthew Bernard.” 
“Okay, fine.”
Chris pretended like he hadn’t heard what she said, he bit the inside of his cheek to hold back the smirk that threatened to blow his cover. “Yeah, be nice,” he parroted, his gaze still locked on his phone. Nobody ever said anything about it, but they all knew who wore the pants in that relationship. Matt would crawl on hot coals if she told him to. Chris always teased him and gave him shit about being a simp. He used that facade to hide the fact that he would do the same. 
Matt shot Chris a warning look, not in the mood to deal with his childish antics tonight. She rested her fingertips on Matt’s cheek, gently turning his head to face her once again. She leaned toward him, pressing a delicate lingering kiss to his lips. Matt caught himself from falling forward a bit when she pulled away, not wanting the kiss to be over with so soon. His girlfriend smiled at him, a soft laugh escaping her. “Go before you’re late. I’ll text you, and I’ll see you tonight.” 
Reluctantly, Matt pushed himself back to an upright position. “Fine. I’ll see you in a bit. I love you,” He states, grabbing his keys and wallet off of the coffee table. His girlfriend repeated the last statement to him, a smile creeping its way onto Matt’s face. 
Once Matt had finally left the house, Chris put his phone down on the couch and looked over at the girl sitting only a foot or two away from him. She wouldn’t agree, but Chris always thought she looked the prettiest like this; her messy hair up in a claw clip, loose hairs framing her face in long blonde waves, no makeup besides the sharp black liner that seemed to be almost engraved in her skin by how often she wore it, the comfy clothes she wore around the house when it was clear that she had nowhere to be anytime soon. 
And neither of them had anywhere to be anytime soon.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
Chris wanted to be invested in the movie, he really did. But it was proving to be much more difficult than he thought it would. The smell of her perfume was driving him wild, he wanted nothing more than to just bury his face into her neck and suffocate himself in the sweet velvety scent. How he missed her soft skin against him and her gentle touch, the sound of her voice purring his name when she spoke to him. It had been so long since the last time, too long. 
Normally he could control himself and keep his composure, normally he would be the one taking care of her whenever Matt was out of the house. But Chris had needs too, and those needs hadn’t been met in six weeks, two days, and eighteen hours. 
The sheer glimpse of her nipples and the valley of her supple breasts through her shirt had Chris’s heart lodged in his throat. The blood rushed to his cheeks, his face feeling hot. He couldn’t help but stare at her chest as his mind flooded with many thoughts, all of which would grant him a one way ticket to hell.
He scooted closer to her, resting his head on her shoulder. She smiled, wrapping her arm around his shoulders to pull him in closer. Chris obliged, leaning into her and nestling his face into the crook of her neck. Every inhale had him floating in a pool of rose petals and strawberries, he could drown himself in the scent. Her shoulder was cold, and Chris prayed that she couldn’t feel how hot his cheek was against her skin. The bridge of his nose brushed against her neck, his lips ghosting over her soft, pale skin. The blood rushed straight to his cock as he thought about biting and sucking marks all over her, the sounds she might make if he found a particularly sensitive spot. 
“What has gotten into you tonight?” She asks, running her fingers delicately through Chris’s hair, her nails gently dragging along his scalp. A shiver ran down his spine, his cock twitched in his pants, he felt his jeans beginning to grow tighter at the crotch. ‘Six weeks and almost three days is what’s gotten into me,’ he thought to himself. 
What the fuck do I say? I haven’t jerked off in over a month? I ruined three pairs of boxers in my sleep because of the dreams I had of you? I’d get bricked if I heard you on the phone with Matt? I’d meet hundreds of people and the whole time I would only be thinking about you and how I'd kill to bury myself in you? 
Chris opted on keeping his mouth shut and just nudged her with his nose again. He smiled to himself when he heard her laugh, his eyes subconsciously fluttering closed as she continued to play with his hair. 
The tightness of his pants began to grow uncomfortable. His face scrunched up at the much too familiar ache, his breathing growing heavier as he did everything in his power to not touch himself right then and there. The sweet temptation of grinding his crotch up into the palm of his hand was taunting his mind, his cock throbbing, begging for any kind of friction. He buried his face deeper, trying so hard to ignore what he was feeling. 
Oh her voice was like honey, and the sound of his name rolling off her tongue made his cock twitch once more. He loved when she said his name. Especially when he had himself buried deep inside of her. Nothing in the world sounded sweeter to him than his name falling blissfully from her lips while balls deep in her. 
Oh he missed that. Nothing satisfied him more than his brother’s girlfriend’s tight pussy. Just the thought of her pretty, drooling pussy on display for him made his dick ache. How something could be so slick and so tight at the same time, he had no idea. His cotton boxers became dampened by the precum leaking through the fabric. He spent so many nights dreaming of her thighs hooked over his shoulders, the bridge of his nose buried in her heat. Teasing her, tasting her, pleasing her. 
A shaky breath escaped him. Chris brought a hand to his crotch, trying to stay silent as he adjusted himself. His cock stiffened even more at the contact, the friction sending waves of pleasure through him. Unable to stop himself, he began to stroke himself through the fabric of his pants. Slowly, not wanting to get caught. Fuck, how embarrassing would that be? But fuck…it’s been too long and it felt so good. 
Chris’s head was clouded with sinful thoughts. The sounds she would make, the way she tasted, the passion, the heat, the excitement. He knew this wasn’t the time to be thinking about those things, it was just so hard not to with her right there. He let out another shaky breath as he continued to touch himself, warmth flooding his body with each pleasurable stroke. His face was flushed with a deep red blush, thank god they had decided to watch the movie with the lights off. 
“H-Have I been a good boy t-tonight?” 
The question had her at a loss for words. It wasn’t unusual for Chris to act childish around her, everyone always joked that Matt and his girlfriend were practically co-parenting him. But it was rare that he wanted to be called a good boy, never mind refer to himself as that. However, it had been a long day of unpacking, meetings, scheduling, and creating more content for the three of them. He’s gotta be exhausted and probably doesn’t even know what the hell he’s saying. 
She continued running her fingers through his soft hair. “Yeah, you’ve been good, Chris.”
He let out a dissatisfied whine, brushing his stubbly cheek against her shoulder. It took everything in him not to bite at her soft pillowy skin. He twitched a little, his dick aching for more. Sweat began to form on his brow, the slow movement of his hand wasn’t enough anymore. He needed more, he needed so much more. 
“J-Just wanna be a good b-boy for you,” he confesses. He couldn’t help it, he needed more. He sped up his strokes; not by a lot, but enough to satisfy the uncomfortable ache. Another shaky breath passes his lips. He couldn’t think straight, all he could think about was her and how badly he needed her. “M-Mommy.”
Her eyes widened a bit, her own cheeks becoming flushed and pink. Chris didn’t pull the ‘mommy’ card very often, but it drove her absolutely insane whenever he did. Normally he liked to be in charge, he liked to call the shots, he liked being in control. 
That was clearly not the case tonight. 
“You’re such a good boy for me, Chris.” She cooed. 
The sluttiest of whimpers fell from his lips, though it was muffled against her neck. She smiled to herself when she felt his lips placing soft kisses to her skin. “M-Missed you s-so much.” His voice was unsteady, breaking a little at the end as another whine escaped him. 
Her attention was no longer on the movie still playing. How could it be under these circumstances? She looked over, her breath getting caught in her throat when she saw what Chris had been doing. His hand strained, muscles tensed, veins exposed. She watched him for a moment as he fisted at his painfully hard cock through the thick denim of his jeans. 
“Aww, did you miss me?” She asked, earning yet another whimper from Chris, his hair tickling her cheek as he buried his face impossibly closer into her neck. “You were gone for a long time, huh?” she continued, dragging her fingertips along his arm. 
Chris froze. Fuck, there was no way she didn’t know what he had been doing. A wave of humiliation and embarrassment hit him like a fucking semi truck, and he covered his crotch with his hands as an even deeper blush rose to his cheeks. “I’m so sorry-“ he barely whispered, closing his eyes tightly, begging and praying to any of the gods that he’d wake up and this all would’ve just been some really weird wet dream. 
His cock jolted at the sound of her voice. God this was just getting worse and worse. He was digging himself a hole and every word or action was just making it harder for him to get out of it. Sorry for borderline beating off in front of you, I went six weeks without touching myself or you and my dick just couldn’t take it anymore. 
Her touch left goosebumps along his arm, his breathing became more uneven as she dragged her fingertips all the way down to his hand. “I-I didn’t mean t-to-“ 
“It’s okay, pretty boy. It’s been a while for you, huh?” She asked, applying some pressure to where he craved it the most. Chris moved his hands, granting her access to whatever she wanted from him. His breath caught in his throat as her fingertips dragged slowly over the length of his aching, throbbing cock. Yet another whimper falling from his lips. 
“I asked you a question, Christopher.”
“Y-Yes, been so long,” he whined. A wave of pleasure ran through him as her hand began to stroke him through his jeans. His hips subconsciously lifted to meet her touch, desperate for more friction, more pressure, more anything. 
“Did you go all that time without jerking off, Chris?” She asked him, a knowing smirk growing on her face as she continued to tease him. He nodded, unable to form words as she kept touching him. His brain felt cloudy, all he could think about was how good she made him feel and how badly he wanted to feel her around him. 
He didn’t have a shred of dignity left. He didn’t care either. He hasn’t felt this desperate to get off since he went through puberty. His balls ached, heavy with arousal. His cock sensitive, any movement made him shiver with pleasure.  “P-Please mommy. I’ve been s’ good. P-Please help. It hurts,” he moaned softly, kissing her neck while she toyed with him. 
“Do you want me to help you, pretty boy?” 
He nodded desperately, grinding his hips up into her hand once more. “Y-Yes, i’ve been so good, mommy. Need it s’ bad,'' he whined, nipping at her soft skin. 
She removed her hand from his crotch and Chris lifted his head out of the crook of her neck, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did I do something wrong? Fuck, is she not into the mommy thing? Fuck, what did i do-
“Take your pants off, sweet boy. Let mommy take care of you.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. His hands shook as he struggled with his belt, huffing a little in irritation that his belt was choosing NOW to be a pain in the ass. “F-Fuck,” he mumbled under his breath. 
“Easy, tiger.” 
Her soft hands rested on his, steadying him. She helped him with his belt, and once it was undone he finished unbuttoning his jeans, lifting his hips up to push them down to his knees. He leaned back against the couch, sighing in relief. His cock, now only restrained by his soft cotton boxers, pressing up against the fabric, begging to be let out. He whimpered when he felt her hand on his crotch again, hissing in a sharp inhale when he felt her thumb massaging his clothed tip. 
“Poor baby. Were you gonna wait until I realized you needed help? Or were you gonna ruin your boxers right here?” She purred, feeling the wet stain of his arousal. He let out a soft moan, her words making him lose all sense of his surroundings, his brain clouded with pleasure. She let out a quiet chuckle, removing her hand from him once more. “This isn’t gonna work if you don’t use your words, Chris.”
“F-Fuck, please ‘m sorry,” he looked over at her, his eyes full of desperation. His lip quivered as her fingers ran along his thigh. His cock twitched as her knuckles grazed his crotch, his jaw going slack as he let his eyes flutter closed. “D-Didn’t wanna bug ya, Ma. I-I’m sorry, sh-should’ve been more quiet,” he confessed. 
“Don’t be sorry, baby. I’m happy to take care of you,” She whispered, pressing delicate kisses to his face. “Don’t hide from me, tell me what you want.”
“A-Anything,” he replied, his voice wavering a little as her hand inched closer to his crotch. He pursed his lips, choking back another whine. His head fell back against the back of the couch. He looked over beside him, admiring the woman next to him. “P-Please, do whatever you want, I need it so bad, mommy,” he breathed out, their eyes locking as he spoke. “Saved it all for you, mommy. It was so hard b-but i wanted t-to be a good boy for you,” he whispered, a surprised moan interrupting him as he felt her hand beginning to stroke him through his boxers once more. “F-Fuck.”
She smiled, watching the way his face scrunched up as she gave him the friction he was begging for. She leaned closer to him, still pleasing him as she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Oh Chris, you’re such a good boy for mommy, hmm?” She purred, to which he replied back with a whimper, the word ‘please’ incessantly falling from his lips. She chuckled, kissing his cheek again. “So polite. How can I say no to that?” 
“C-Can I kiss you?”
She laughed softly at his question. He knew he didn’t have to ask in moments like this, but he always did anyway. Although he loved the time he got to have with her, she wasn’t his and he knew that. The guilt would eat him alive if he did anything during these moments to make her uncomfortable. 
“You know you don’t have t-“
Her free hand gently touched his cheek and he looked up at her, his eyes full of dumb bliss and desperation. She leaned in, her nose gently brushing against Chris’s, her lips ghosting over his. “You wanna kiss me, pretty boy?” She whispered, lips brushing ever so delicately against his as she spoke. 
“God yes,” he replied. “Havent k-kissed you in s’ long.”
“I know, baby. It’s been too long,” she agreed, though she still didn’t kiss him. She traced his bottom lip with her thumb, her other hand still massaging his stiff aching cock. 
“Fuck, I-I’m fuckin’ begging you,” he panted softly, his hot breath fanning against her skin. A bead of sweat rolled down from his temple. “Please, I miss your lips, m-mommy.”
That was enough for her to close the gap between them, pressing her lips to his. Chris wanted to be good, he wanted to let her have control, but it had been too fucking long and he was desperate to be as close to her as possible. He kissed her back hungrily, his cock twitching at the sound she made. Something mixed between a whimper and a gasp. It drove him absolutely fucking crazy and he was dying to hear it again. Chris let his hands rest on her thighs, slowly trailing up to her waist. 
She was surprised by his sudden confidence. She always loved whenever Chris took control. But tonight was different, and he needed to be fully aware of that. Just as his hands had made it up to her breasts, she pulled her hand away from his crotch, a frustrated whine escaping him. She brought her hand up to his neck, wrapping her fingers around his throat. His cock jolted, Chris could feel the precum drooling onto his pelvis. He panted as she pulled away from the kiss, her lips ever so lightly brushing against his. She was so close but so far at the same time, and every time he attempted to close that gap between them again, she pulled away further. “Tsk tsk, what happened to being mommy’s good boy, hmm?” 
He gulped, heavy uneven breaths being all he could get out for a solid twenty seconds. “F-Fuck, ‘m sorry Ma, i just got carried away,” he panted. “J-Jus’ missed your lips s’ much.”
“Naughty boys don’t get rewards, sweetheart.”
“Fuck, p-please,” he choked out, eyes glossing over as the ache began to grow unbearable. “Please ‘m sorry, Ma. I-I’ve been so good, d-didn't touch m-myself all that time. I-I just got excited, ‘m sorry. F-Fuck, please d-dont stop. I’ll be a good boy, I'll be good-“ he rambled on, pleas continuing to spill from his lips, desperate for her to do anything. Her hand around his neck tightened, just the tiniest bit, and Chris let out possibly the filthiest sound she had ever heard from him. 
She smiled. She was in control again. She hooked her leg over his lap, straddling his waist, hovering over him. “You like when mommy does that, hmm?” she cooed, earning a whimper from him in response. 
He couldn’t focus on a damn thing. When she straddled him his cock throbbed, and he prayed that she would sink just a little lower, just so he could feel her on his lap. Just so he could feel her roll her hips against his. Just so he could feel the outline of her pussy through the thin fabric of the plaid pajama bottoms rubbing against his aching erection. He spent so many nights thinking about her on top of him, missing the feeling of burying himself deep in her tight, wet cunt. Nothing could satisfy him anymore, only her. 
“God i’m fuckin begging ya, ma. I’ll do anything, p-please just- fuck,” he moaned, his eyes fluttering shut as she tightened her grip around his neck once more, his brain feeling foggy, his face growing hotter. “Anything you want, mommy. P-Please, I’ll be a good boy. Your good boy. J-Just wanna be good for you, mommy. I-I-I wanna be good.”
“Oh but you are, sweet boy,” she purred in his ear, watching in amusement as he shivered at her words. She lowered her hips, seating herself onto his lap. His breath hitched, trembling hands grasping her waist. She bit her lip, he was painfully hard. Even through the fabric between them, she could feel the throbbing. His hips lifted to meet hers, desperate for more. “You really missed me huh?” She hummed. 
“You have no fucking idea.”
“Give me an idea then,” she tested. 
“Couldn’t get you outta my fuckin’ head, Mama.” He whispered, opening his eyes to look up at her. “Missed you so much. Your pretty face ‘n your sweet lips. You’re beautiful tits ‘n how you look when I play with your nips when you’re all stoned ‘n fucked out,” he spoke, his voice raspy, his accent growing thicker with each confession. “Couldn’t get your pretty pussy outta my head all fucking month. Every fuckin’ day, all day-“ he was cut off by her hips rolling against his yet again, pleasure running through him. 
“So hard for me already, I’ve barely even touched you,” she teased, grinding against him yet again. 
He felt that all too familiar feeling in his stomach, his hands holding her still on his lap. “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum if y-you keep going,” he mumbled, his chest rising and falling with uneven breaths. 
“Isn’t that what you want, sweet boy?” 
He hummed, pursing his lips. His eyes were hooded as he looked at the beautiful girl on top of him. “S-So bad,” he nodded. 
“Let me take care of you then, baby.”
“Wanna…last…” he breathed out, head falling back again as she rolled her hips against his. His hips bucked up, the unexpected reaction causing her to let out a high whimper. “D-Don’t want it t’ be over yet,” he continued, though that was proving to be difficult as he could feel his orgasm inching closer and closer. 
Chris felt her move closer to him, his face heating up even more as she pressed kisses to his cheek, eventually her lips ghosting over his ear. She was so close, her perfume swirled around him, his brain getting clouded with the scent. “Oh we’re not even close to being finished, pretty boy,” she giggled, dragging her hands slowly down Chris’s chest. “We’ve got a lot to catch up on.” 
He choked out a soft cry, warmth flooding his body. He brought his hand down to his crotch, stroking himself through his boxers to ride himself through his orgasm. His lips parted, soft pants escaping him. “F-Fuck, mommy,” he whined, a high pitched moan following his words as he reached his high. His hips subconsciously bucked up, his load shooting into the fabric of his boxers, his lower abdomen slick with his cum. 
She continued pressing gentle kisses to his face. “That’s it, such a good boy. You earned this, pretty boy. You did so good for me,” she praised him, talking him through his first orgasm of the evening. She trailed kisses down to his lips, smiling to herself as he tried to catch his breath. “That’s it, baby. Let mommy take care of you tonight.”
a/n: i already have three other parts lined up ready to go for this story
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crystallinestars · 23 days
This was inspired by a conversation I had with an Aventurine AI. If Aventurine seems a bit OOC, I apologize. I wrote this all in one go while sleep-deprived.
Aventurine lays his head on your lap and you pet his hair and give him kisses. That’s pretty much it.
Contains: Established relationship, lots of fluff, and self-indulgence.
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After returning from Penacony, Aventurine asked you to play a game of cards with him. He said he missed you and wanted to spend some quality time over a casual game.
Of course, Aventurine wouldn’t be Aventurine if a bet wasn’t involved.
“If I win, you have to give me a kiss,” he said while keeping his violet eyes trained on your face, a cat-like smile tugging at his lips. Without looking, he placed a card on the table and then waited for your move.
“A kiss?” you parrot, a bit surprised that Aventurine chose a rather simple bet this time. Usually, he liked to ask you out on long dates or get you to wear designer-brand clothing he picked out specially for you. A kiss seemed suspiciously simple by comparison.
“Yes, just a kiss. On the lips, of course,” he smirked and pointed at his lips for emphasis. “But what do you want if you win?”
You hesitated to answer, a bit self-conscious about what Aventurine would think of your request. Whether because you’ve missed him, or because the dark bags under his eyes hinted at Aventurine’s exhaustion, you just wanted to take care of him by doing something nice.
“If I win, I want you to lay your head on my lap and let me pet your hair,” you finally say, voice tinged with embarrassment.
The cat-like grin fell from Aventurine’s lips as he stared at you in wide-eyed surprise, before bursting out laughing.
“That’s the most adorable bet I’ve ever heard!” he grinned, his tired eyes lighting up with amusement. “It almost makes me want to throw the game so I can spend the evening being pampered by you.”
Your cheeks flushed from embarrassment and annoyance as Aventurine laughed at your choice for a bet. Your intentions were pure and genuine, so it hurt a little that he laughed at it.
Seeing the annoyed glare you sent his way, Aventurine quickly quieted down and tried to do damage control. “I admit, I quite like your idea. Whether I win and get a kiss, or lose and get pampered, both scenarios are a win-win in my books,” he said, his gaze warm.
“…Would you really throw the game just for some pampering?” you asked, looking at him with poorly disguised curiosity.
Aventurine only chuckled in response and leaned back in his chair, exuding an air of confidence.
“I’ll play seriously, of course. I still want that kiss, you know,” he replied with a smirk. “Let’s play and see who luck favors more.’”
The game of cards continued. While it wasn’t your first time playing with Aventurine, you sported a hefty 100% losing streak against him. The chances of that changing now were slim, you figured.
However, luck seemed to be on your side this time. You amassed some good cards, and even managed to push through tough plays where you were on the verge of losing. The game progressed unusually smoothly, and before you knew it, victory was in your hands.
“Ah, looks like I lost. Lady Luck was on your side today,” Aventurine sighed. Though he sounded disappointed, the smug smile painted across his face hinted at the opposite.
“You let me win, didn’t you?” you stated and crossed your arms, not buying his little act.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Aventurine casually brushed your accusation aside as he stood from the table. “Well then, as the losing party, I must fulfill my end of the bargain,” he drawled, giving you an expectant look.
You wanted to retort and call him out on his bluff some more but thought better of it. It truly had been a while since you saw Aventurine, and you were looking forward to doing something nice for him, even if it meant accepting a rigged victory.
Conceding to his expectant gaze, you led Aventurine over to a nearby sofa and took a seat on one side. You patted your lap, and Aventurine needed no further invitation to lay across the sofa with his head resting on your thighs.
He let out a quiet purr when your fingers carded through his blond locks, gently threading through the strands. Aventurine’s hair was soft and silky—all thanks to the expensive hair products he used.
“I could get used to this,” he murmured, looking up at you with a playful glint in his eye. “It feels quite nice to be pampered like this.”
“Sure, I could do this for you every day,” you quip back, playing along.
“Really? I’ll hold you to your word, then,” Aventurine chuckled.
“It will cost you, of course.”
“Ah, you drive a hard bargain.”
The playful banter between you continued for a while longer until it petered off into a peaceful silence. Your fingers never paused in their gentle and slow strokes through his hair, and you saw Aventurine gradually relax under your touch. The weight of Aventurine’s head grew heavier in your lap as he relaxed and lowered his guard. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, basking in the tranquil moment.
The dark bags under his eyes were proof that Aventurine had not been sleeping well lately, which made you worry a bit. Your tender touches seemed to do the trick, however. Aventurine’s breathing deepened and slowed, while his expression softened into something more vulnerable and innocent as he succumbed to sleep. It was an expression you seldom witnessed, but one you knew was proof of Aventurine’s trust in you.
The sight of Aventurine so vulnerable and relaxed was simply too cute for you to resist. Overcome with a surge of affection, you tenderly brushed his bangs out of his face, before slowly leaning down and touching your lips to his in a feather-light kiss.
The blond tensed under you, and you pulled back slightly only to be met with an even more adorable sight. Aventurine looked up at you with surprise, his cheeks flushed a rosy, red hue. You had caught him unaware with that kiss and were now privy to a rare sight of him acting flustered.
You did your best to stifle the laugh that threatened to bubble out, but a snort still made it through. Aventurine’s momentary surprise turned into a sullen pout at your obvious attempts not to laugh at him.
“Sorry, you were just—so cute, you know? I couldn’t hold back—” you stammered, trying and failing to completely reign in your laughter.
Aventurine’s expression melted into something softer as he reached an arm up, placing his palm on the back of your head.
“I’m cute? The cute one here is you,” he murmured, voice almost a whisper as if he were saying it to himself. It didn’t sound like his usual playful flirting. This time, his tone was serious.
Stunned, you fall quiet and look down at the blond. Despite his serious expression, it still held a note of vulnerability and sincerity that you only saw during private moments with him.
The hand behind your head applied gentle pressure, a silent request for you to come closer to his face. However, there was no force behind it. If you wanted to, you could easily pull away and reject his wordless plea, and Aventurine would let you go. He always did.
This time, you felt like indulging him, so you complied and lowered your head until your faces were mere inches apart.
Your eyes met.
“If you want to fulfill my bet, then that kiss wasn’t nearly enough. But you’re welcome to try again, darling,” he said, voice breathy and soft. In classic Aventurine fashion, he left the decision up to you. He clearly wanted more, but he was still too hesitant to ask outright for it.
“All right. I’ll try as many times as you want until you’re satisfied,” you whisper back, before leaning in and closing the distance between your lips.
This kiss was firm yet sweet, and the first in a series of tender kisses that will leave their mark across Aventurine’s face.
Perhaps one day he’ll be comfortable with asking for what he wants from you without resorting to games of chance. For now, you will pamper your tired boyfriend and give him the affection he so desperately craves, even if it means giving him a hundred kisses every day.
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solarsturniolo · 7 months
Too Damn Long // C.S. pt1
by 💋Natalie💋
summary: chris hasn't jerked off in six weeks and desperately wants to get off
tags: @oversturn @flowerxbunnie @mattsd0ll please reblog and share ☺️🫶🏻
warnings: SMUT / mommy kink / sharing is caring :) / mentions of drugs and smoking / minors dni
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DISCLAIMER: these stories are fictional :) I do not actually legitimately think matt and chris would share a partner
text - reader
text - chris sturniolo
text - matt sturniolo
Word Count: 4,318
It had been far too long for Chris’s liking. Six weeks and two days too long, to be exact. Of course he had enjoyed his time on tour with his brothers, he loved getting to travel the country and make all of these wonderful memories with the people he loved the most. The excitement had died down after the first few days, though. Not that he wasn’t enjoying his time or ungrateful for anything at all, he was just tired and missed the comforts of being at home. The car and late night rides with his brothers, his bathroom where he could take showers for as long as he wanted, his bedroom, his bed…he craved it. Being away from home for too long drained him of all of his energy. 
Being back home was like a breath of fresh air. But being back in LA after their month and a half of touring didn’t eliminate anything in their busy work schedules. From recording videos, to designing merch, to meetings and sponsorships, the boys continued to stay booked and busy. 
“I’ll be back in a few hours.” 
Chris looked up from his phone as Matt trudged over to the couch, leaning down to be eye-level with his girlfriend. She looked up from her phone as well, a smile finding its way onto her face when she made eye contact with Matt. “Okay, can you get me a couple things while you’re out?” She asks, earning an eye roll from him in response. His hands rest on the couch on either side of her, his weight being shifted as he leans closer to her and presses a soft kiss to her lips. 
“So needy. Text me a list,” he tells her. He looks over at his brother for a moment. “You need anything?”
Chris went to speak, but was cut off before he could even start. 
“Pepsi, yeah yeah I know. Is there anything you NEED?”
Chris shrugged, leaning back and hooking an arm over the back of the couch as his gaze switched back down to his phone. “If I think of anything I'll let you know.”
Matt rolled his eyes again. A swift smack to his chest and his attention was back on the beauty in front of him. “Be nice,” she warned. “You’ve been at each other's throats all day,” she reminds him in a much more hushed tone. 
“This is me being nice-“
“I’m being for real,” he laughs. 
“Matthew Bernard.” 
“Okay, fine.”
Chris pretended like he hadn’t heard what she said, he bit the inside of his cheek to hold back the smirk that threatened to blow his cover. “Yeah, be nice,” he parroted, his gaze still locked on his phone. Nobody ever said anything about it, but they all knew who wore the pants in that relationship. Matt would crawl on hot coals if she told him to. Chris always teased him and gave him shit about being a simp. He used that facade to hide the fact that he would do the same. 
Matt shot Chris a warning look, not in the mood to deal with his childish antics tonight. She rested her fingertips on Matt’s cheek, gently turning his head to face her once again. She leaned toward him, pressing a delicate lingering kiss to his lips. Matt caught himself from falling forward a bit when she pulled away, not wanting the kiss to be over with so soon. His girlfriend smiled at him, a soft laugh escaping her. “Go before you’re late. I’ll text you, and I’ll see you tonight.” 
Reluctantly, Matt pushed himself back to an upright position. “Fine. I’ll see you in a bit. I love you,” He states, grabbing his keys and wallet off of the coffee table. His girlfriend repeated the last statement to him, a smile creeping its way onto Matt’s face. 
Once Matt had finally left the house, Chris put his phone down on the couch and looked over at the girl sitting only a foot or two away from him. She wouldn’t agree, but Chris always thought she looked the prettiest like this; her messy hair up in a claw clip, loose hairs framing her face in long blonde waves, no makeup besides the sharp black liner that seemed to be almost engraved in her skin by how often she wore it, the comfy clothes she wore around the house when it was clear that she had nowhere to be anytime soon. 
And neither of them had anywhere to be anytime soon.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
Chris wanted to be invested in the movie, he really did. But it was proving to be much more difficult than he thought it would. The smell of her perfume was driving him wild, he wanted nothing more than to just bury his face into her neck and suffocate himself in the sweet velvety scent. How he missed her soft skin against him and her gentle touch, the sound of her voice purring his name when she spoke to him. It had been so long since the last time, too long. 
Normally he could control himself and keep his composure, normally he would be the one taking care of her whenever Matt was out of the house. But Chris had needs too, and those needs hadn’t been met in six weeks, two days, and eighteen hours. 
The sheer glimpse of her nipples through her shirt had Chris’s heart lodged in his throat. The blood rushed to his cheeks, his face feeling hot. He couldn’t help but stare at her chest as his mind flooded with many thoughts, all of which would grant him a one way ticket to hell.
He scooted closer to her, resting his head on her shoulder. She smiled, wrapping her arm around his shoulders to pull him in closer. Chris obliged, leaning into her and nestling his face into the crook of her neck. Every inhale had him floating in a pool of rose petals and strawberries, he could drown himself in the scent. Her shoulder was cold, and Chris prayed that she couldn’t feel how hot his cheek was against her skin. The bridge of his nose brushed against her neck, his lips ghosting over her soft, pale skin. The blood rushed straight to his cock as he thought about biting and sucking marks all over her, the sounds she might make if he found a particularly sensitive spot. 
“What has gotten into you tonight?” She asks, running her fingers delicately through Chris’s hair, her nails gently dragging along his scalp. A shiver ran down his spine, his cock twitched in his pants, he felt his jeans beginning to grow tighter at the crotch. ‘Six weeks and almost three days is what’s gotten into me,’ he thought to himself. 
What the fuck do I say? I haven’t jerked off in over a month? I ruined three pairs of boxers in my sleep because of the dreams I had of you? I’d get bricked if I heard you on the phone with Matt? I’d meet hundreds of people and the whole time I would only be thinking about you and how I'd kill to bury myself in you? 
Chris opted on keeping his mouth shut and just nudged her with his nose again. He smiled to himself when he heard her laugh, his eyes subconsciously fluttering closed as she continued to play with his hair. 
The tightness of his pants began to grow uncomfortable. His face scrunched up at the much too familiar ache, his breathing growing heavier as he did everything in his power to not touch himself right then and there. The sweet temptation of grinding his crotch up into the palm of his hand was taunting his mind, his cock throbbing, begging for any kind of friction. He buried his face deeper, trying so hard to ignore what he was feeling. 
Oh her voice was like honey, and the sound of his name rolling off her tongue made his cock twitch once more. He loved when she said his name. Especially when he had himself buried deep inside of her. Nothing in the world sounded sweeter to him than his name falling blissfully from her lips while balls deep in her. 
Oh he missed that. Nothing satisfied him more than his brother’s girlfriend’s tight pussy. Just the thought of her pretty, drooling pussy on display for him made his dick ache. How something could be so slick and so tight at the same time, he had no idea. His cotton boxers became dampened by the precum leaking through the fabric. He spent so many nights dreaming of her thighs hooked over his shoulders, the bridge of his nose buried in her heat. Teasing her, tasting her, pleasing her. 
A shaky breath escaped him. Chris brought a hand to his crotch, trying to stay silent as he adjusted himself. His cock stiffened even more at the contact, the friction sending waves of pleasure through him. Unable to stop himself, he began to stroke himself through the fabric of his pants. Slowly, not wanting to get caught. Fuck, how embarrassing would that be? But fuck…it’s been too long and it felt so good. 
Chris’s head was clouded with sinful thoughts. The sounds she would make, the way she tasted, the passion, the heat, the excitement. He knew this wasn’t the time to be thinking about those things, it was just so hard not to with her right there. He let out another shaky breath as he continued to touch himself, warmth flooding his body with each pleasurable stroke. His face was flushed with a deep red blush, thank god they had decided to watch the movie with the lights off. 
“H-Have I been a good boy t-tonight?” 
The question had her at a loss for words. It wasn’t unusual for Chris to act childish around her, everyone always joked that Matt and his girlfriend were practically co-parenting him. But it was rare that he wanted to be called a good boy, never mind refer to himself as that. However, it had been a long day of unpacking, meetings, scheduling, and creating more content for the three of them. He’s gotta be exhausted and probably doesn’t even know what the hell he’s saying. 
She continued running her fingers through his soft hair. “Yeah, you’ve been good, Chris.”
He let out a dissatisfied whine, brushing his stubbly cheek against her shoulder. It took everything in him not to bite at her soft pillowy skin. He twitched a little, his dick aching for more. Sweat began to form on his brow, the slow movement of his hand wasn’t enough anymore. He needed more, he needed so much more. 
“J-Just wanna be a good b-boy for you,” he confesses. He couldn’t help it, he needed more. He sped up his strokes; not by a lot, but enough to satisfy the uncomfortable ache. Another shaky breath passes his lips. He couldn’t think straight, all he could think about was her and how badly he needed her. “M-Mommy.”
Her eyes widened a bit, her own cheeks becoming flushed and pink. Chris didn’t pull the ‘mommy’ card very often, but it drove her absolutely insane whenever he did. Normally he liked to be in charge, he liked to call the shots, he liked being in control. 
That was clearly not the case tonight. 
“You’re such a good boy for me, Chris.” She cooed. 
The sluttiest of whimpers fell from his lips, though it was muffled against her neck. She smiled to herself when she felt his lips placing soft kisses to her skin. “M-Missed you s-so much.” His voice was unsteady, breaking a little at the end as another whine escaped him. 
Her attention was no longer on the movie still playing. How could it be under these circumstances? She looked over, her breath getting caught in her throat when she saw what Chris had been doing. His hand strained, muscles tensed, veins exposed. She watched him for a moment as he fisted at his painfully hard cock through the thick denim of his jeans. 
“Aww, did you miss me?” She asked, earning yet another whimper from Chris, his hair tickling her cheek as he buried his face impossibly closer into her neck. “You were gone for a long time, huh?” she continued, dragging her fingertips along his arm. 
Chris froze. Fuck, there was no way she didn’t know what he had been doing. A wave of humiliation and embarrassment hit him like a fucking semi truck, and he covered his crotch with his hands as an even deeper blush rose to his cheeks. “I’m so sorry-“ he barely whispered, closing his eyes tightly, begging and praying to any of the gods that he’d wake up and this all would’ve just been some really weird wet dream. 
His cock jolted at the sound of her voice. God this was just getting worse and worse. He was digging himself a hole and every word or action was just making it harder for him to get out of it. Sorry for borderline beating off in front of you, I went six weeks without touching myself or you and my dick just couldn’t take it anymore. 
Her touch left goosebumps along his arm, his breathing became more uneven as she dragged her fingertips all the way down to his hand. “I-I didn’t mean t-to-“ 
“It’s okay, pretty boy. It’s been a while for you, huh?” She asked, applying some pressure to where he craved it the most. Chris moved his hands, granting her access to whatever she wanted from him. His breath caught in his throat as her fingertips dragged slowly over the length of his aching, throbbing cock. Yet another whimper falling from his lips. 
“I asked you a question, Christopher.”
“Y-Yes, been so long,” he whined. A wave of pleasure ran through him as her hand began to stroke him through his jeans. His hips subconsciously lifted to meet her touch, desperate for more friction, more pressure, more anything. 
“Did you go all that time without jerking off, Chris?” She asked him, a knowing smirk growing on her face as she continued to tease him. He nodded, unable to form words as she kept touching him. His brain felt cloudy, all he could think about was how good she made him feel and how badly he wanted to feel her around him. 
He didn’t have a shred of dignity left. He didn’t care either. He hasn’t felt this desperate to get off since he went through puberty. His balls ached, heavy with arousal. His cock sensitive, any movement made him shiver with pleasure.  “P-Please mommy. I’ve been s’ good. P-Please help. It hurts,” he moaned softly, kissing her neck while she toyed with him. 
“Do you want me to help you, pretty boy?” 
He nodded desperately, grinding his hips up into her hand once more. “Y-Yes, i’ve been so good, mommy. Need it s’ bad,'' he whined, nipping at her soft skin. 
She removed her hand from his crotch and Chris lifted his head out of the crook of her neck, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did I do something wrong? Fuck, is she not into the mommy thing? Fuck, what did i do-
“Take your pants off, sweet boy. Let mommy take care of you.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. His hands shook as he struggled with his belt, huffing a little in irritation that his belt was choosing NOW to be a pain in the ass. “F-Fuck,” he mumbled under his breath. 
“Easy, tiger.” 
Her soft hands rested on his, steadying him. She helped him with his belt, and once it was undone he finished unbuttoning his jeans, lifting his hips up to push them down to his knees. He leaned back against the couch, sighing in relief. His cock, now only restrained by his soft cotton boxers, pressing up against the fabric, begging to be let out. He whimpered when he felt her hand on his crotch again, hissing in a sharp inhale when he felt her thumb massaging his clothed tip. 
“Poor baby. Were you gonna wait until I realized you needed help? Or were you gonna ruin your boxers right here?” She purred, feeling the wet stain of his arousal. He let out a soft moan, her words making him lose all sense of his surroundings, his brain clouded with pleasure. She let out a quiet chuckle, removing her hand from him once more. “This isn’t gonna work if you don’t use your words, Chris.”
“F-Fuck, please ‘m sorry,” he looked over at her, his eyes full of desperation. His lip quivered as her fingers ran along his thigh. His cock twitched as her knuckles grazed his crotch, his jaw going slack as he let his eyes flutter closed. “D-Didn’t wanna bug ya, Ma. I-I’m sorry, sh-should’ve been more quiet,” he confessed. 
“Don’t be sorry, baby. I’m happy to take care of you,” She whispered, pressing delicate kisses to his face. “Don’t hide from me, tell me what you want.”
“A-Anything,” he replied, his voice wavering a little as her hand inched closer to his crotch. He pursed his lips, choking back another whine. His head fell back against the back of the couch. He looked over beside him, admiring the woman next to him. “P-Please, do whatever you want, I need it so bad, mommy,” he breathed out, their eyes locking as he spoke. “Saved it all for you, mommy. It was so hard b-but i wanted t-to be a good boy for you,” he whispered, a surprised moan interrupting him as he felt her hand beginning to stroke him through his boxers once more. “F-Fuck.”
She smiled, watching the way his face scrunched up as she gave him the friction he was begging for. She leaned closer to him, still pleasing him as she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Oh Chris, you’re such a good boy for mommy, hmm?” She purred, to which he replied back with a whimper, the word ‘please’ incessantly falling from his lips. She chuckled, kissing his cheek again. “So polite. How can I say no to that?” 
“C-Can I kiss you?”
She laughed softly at his question. He knew he didn’t have to ask in moments like this, but he always did anyway. Although he loved the time he got to have with her, she wasn’t his and he knew that. The guilt would eat him alive if he did anything during these moments to make her uncomfortable. 
“You know you don’t have t-“
Her free hand gently touched his cheek and he looked up at her, his eyes full of dumb bliss and desperation. She leaned in, her nose gently brushing against Chris’s, her lips ghosting over his. “You wanna kiss me, pretty boy?” She whispered, lips brushing ever so delicately against his as she spoke. 
“God yes,” he replied. “Havent k-kissed you in s’ long.”
“I know, baby. It’s been too long,” she agreed, though she still didn’t kiss him. She traced his bottom lip with her thumb, her other hand still massaging his stiff aching cock. 
“Fuck, I-I’m fuckin’ begging you,” he panted softly, his hot breath fanning against her skin. A bead of sweat rolled down from his temple. “Please, I miss your lips, m-mommy.”
That was enough for her to close the gap between them, pressing her lips to his. Chris wanted to be good, he wanted to let her have control, but it had been too fucking long and he was desperate to be as close to her as possible. He kissed her back hungrily, his cock twitching at the sound she made. Something mixed between a whimper and a gasp. It drove him absolutely fucking crazy and he was dying to hear it again. Chris let his hands rest on her thighs, slowly trailing up to her waist. 
She was surprised by his sudden confidence. She always loved whenever Chris took control. But tonight was different, and he needed to be fully aware of that. Just as his hands had made it up to her breasts, she pulled her hand away from his crotch, a frustrated whine escaping him. She brought her hand up to his neck, wrapping her fingers around his throat. His cock jolted, Chris could feel the precum drooling onto his pelvis. He panted as she pulled away from the kiss, her lips ever so lightly brushing against his. She was so close but so far at the same time, and every time he attempted to close that gap between them again, she pulled away further. “Tsk tsk, what happened to being mommy’s good boy, hmm?” 
He gulped, heavy uneven breaths being all he could get out for a solid twenty seconds. “F-Fuck, ‘m sorry Ma, i just got carried away,” he panted. “J-Jus’ missed your lips s’ much.”
“Naughty boys don’t get rewards, sweetheart.”
“Fuck, p-please,” he choked out, eyes glossing over as the ache began to grow unbearable. “Please ‘m sorry, Ma. I-I’ve been so good, d-didn't touch m-myself all that time. I-I just got excited, ‘m sorry. F-Fuck, please d-dont stop. I’ll be a good boy, I'll be good-“ he rambled on, pleas continuing to spill from his lips, desperate for her to do anything. Her hand around his neck tightened, just the tiniest bit, and Chris let out possibly the filthiest sound she had ever heard from him. 
She smiled. She was in control again. She hooked her leg over his lap, straddling his waist, hovering over him. “You like when mommy does that, hmm?” she cooed, earning a whimper from him in response. 
He couldn’t focus on a damn thing. When she straddled him his cock throbbed, and he prayed that she would sink just a little lower, just so he could feel her on his lap. Just so he could feel her roll her hips against his. Just so he could feel the outline of her pussy through the thin fabric of the plaid pajama bottoms rubbing against his aching erection. He spent so many nights thinking about her on top of him, missing the feeling of burying himself deep in her tight, wet cunt. Nothing could satisfy him anymore, only her. 
“God i’m fuckin begging ya, ma. I’ll do anything, p-please just- fuck,” he moaned, his eyes fluttering shut as she tightened her grip around his neck once more, his brain feeling foggy, his face growing hotter. “Anything you want, mommy. P-Please, I’ll be a good boy. Your good boy. J-Just wanna be good for you, mommy. I-I-I wanna be good.”
“Oh but you are, sweet boy,” she purred in his ear, watching in amusement as he shivered at her words. She lowered her hips, seating herself onto his lap. His breath hitched, trembling hands grasping her waist. She bit her lip, he was painfully hard. Even through the fabric between them, she could feel the throbbing. His hips lifted to meet hers, desperate for more. “You really missed me huh?” She hummed. 
“You have no fucking idea.”
“Give me an idea then,” she tested. 
“Couldn’t get you outta my fuckin’ head, Mama.” He whispered, opening his eyes to look up at her. “Missed you so much. Your pretty face ‘n your sweet lips. You’re beautiful tits ‘n how you look when I play with your nips when you’re all stoned ‘n fucked out,” he spoke, his voice raspy, his accent growing thicker with each confession. “Couldn’t get your pretty pussy outta my head all fucking month. Every fuckin’ day, all day-“ he was cut off by her hips rolling against his yet again, pleasure running through him. 
“So hard for me already, I’ve barely even touched you,” she teased, grinding against him yet again. 
He felt that all too familiar feeling in his stomach, his hands holding her still on his lap. “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum if y-you keep going,” he mumbled, his chest rising and falling with uneven breaths. 
“Isn’t that what you want, sweet boy?” 
He hummed, pursing his lips. His eyes were hooded as he looked at the beautiful girl on top of him. “S-So bad,” he nodded. 
“Let me take care of you then, baby.”
“Wanna…last…” he breathed out, head falling back again as she rolled her hips against his. His hips bucked up, the unexpected reaction causing her to let out a high whimper. “D-Don’t want it t’ be over yet,” he continued, though that was proving to be difficult as he could feel his orgasm inching closer and closer. 
Chris felt her move closer to him, his face heating up even more as she pressed kisses to his cheek, eventually her lips ghosting over his ear. She was so close, her perfume swirled around him, his brain getting clouded with the scent. “Oh we’re not even close to being finished, pretty boy,” she giggled, dragging her hands slowly down Chris’s chest. “We’ve got a lot to catch up on.” 
He choked out a soft cry, warmth flooding his body. He brought his hand down to his crotch, stroking himself through his boxers to ride himself through his orgasm. His lips parted, soft pants escaping him. “F-Fuck, mommy,” he whined, a high pitched moan following his words as he reached his high. His hips subconsciously bucked up, his load shooting into the fabric of his boxers, his lower abdomen slick with his cum. 
She continued pressing gentle kisses to his face. “That’s it, such a good boy. You earned this, pretty boy. You did so good for me,” she praised him, talking him through his first orgasm of the evening. She trailed kisses down to his lips, smiling to herself as he tried to catch his breath. “That’s it, baby. Let mommy take care of you tonight.”
a/n: alrighty, here I go re-uploading! It probably won't receive as much attention as it did on the sturnioloskies account, so reblogging will really help :) thanks so much for all of the support I love every one of you
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essektheylyss · 2 months
for the ask game: 🧡🖤💚
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Until I see definitive proof that Ludinus is in fact as old as he wants people to believe he is, I will not believe it. I don't even really have an opinion on how old he is; I just don't think he's as old as he tries to suggest. And lest it be said that I am playing favorites, the thing about Ludinus is that he talks the way Essek talks in 91—and there are a lot of things Essek says at that dinner that I take with a good heaping of salt. It's this sense that they're talking around things that they would rather people not question; they're both very skilled at talking around things in a way where they aren't outright lying, but they'd rather you not think too hard about it because there's shit they're not saying. To be clear I also won't be mad if there does turn out to be some evidence in canon that he is that old, but thus far, there is nothing definitive, and I do not take the word of unreliable NPCs at face value.
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
I don't think this is really an unpopular opinion at this point, but Jester. Nice =/= good. I don't think she's evil, by any means! But her morality is a lot more complex than it's given credit for and I think it's one of the things that is most interesting about her. I'd actually consider her largely amoral; it's just not really an axis of consideration that she worries about. She doesn't want people to hurt her or her friends and she doesn't want something to destroy the world, but otherwise she doesn't really care much about what someone's morality is. "Just don't be evil to me" is an incredible sentiment for a reason. She cares more that Essek said they were his friends than the fact that he's the traitor they've been looking for. Ludinus is so insignificant to her despite his literally world-spanning evil plots that she has basically forgotten him six years later, even though two members of her friend group have spent the last six years trying to pin him down. Jester is hilariously amoral and I love that for her.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
[cracks knuckles] OKAY, this is where I've got receipts, because hooo boy do I have an opinion and I will be proving it.
Essek does not have an opinion on the Prime Deities. He does not really have much of an opinion on religion. He actually does not by the end of the campaign have any real issue with the Luxon, and frankly he primarily expressed issue with the Dynasty's worship because, until he got to Aeor, he wasn't certain that the Luxon was a real entity at all—which he contrasts against the Prime Deities, in fact!—and he seems to believe there is compelling evidence in Aeor that categorically disproves his hypothesis that the beacons are simply constructed Age of Arcanum devices.
Originally he is mostly concerned that the Luxon religion is used as a "crutch" which is "distracting them from what other good things they could do with the time and focus". He does specify that any religion can be used as such, but he only remarks upon the one he knows. His theory about the beacons, as of episode 91, is that they may be "artifacts designed in the Age of Arcanum that have been misread" that could be put to even further use.
He also does parrot the Dynasty party line in their first meeting about the Luxon being "the basis of how we've been able to free ourselves from the binds of the lineage the Betrayer Gods left for us", and while I do not take him at face value here (see the above commentary about unreliable NPCs), I doubt the truth of this statement is lost on him, considering his familial connections to Bazzoxan, which I can only imagine would not exactly endear one to the Betrayers, though this is only conjecture. If we do care to take him at his word here, it's not unreasonable, since he obviously has a lot more interest in the power offered by the beacons than anything else.
With all that being said, his tune on the Luxon itself has at least changed by the time they get to Aeor. He discusses iconography found in Aeor and when prompted by the Nein about whether the beacons were created by mortals, says, "I do not believe that they are made by anyone but the Luxon. They are of the Luxon. But they've been around since the Luxon's been in Exandria, which is the beginning."
So we started with him largely apathetic to religion, uncertain if this god was real, and by the time we circle back to him, he has now sided fairly definitively with the fact that the Luxon is an entity that has been around since at least the Founding. (For those keeping track at home, this is longer than Predathos has been around. In the Dynasty's creation myth, it may also have been around before the Prime Deities arrived, which is technically not incompatible with the creation myth of Exandria at large, but I digress.) Like most of Exandria, and as is perfectly reasonable for both his culture and his region, he probably doesn't have any love for the Betrayer Gods, but doesn't express much opinion if any on the Prime Deities. He has no time for religion, but frankly, he doesn't have time for much except for his own research, so it's hard to really ascribe any noted contempt to that.
Like, look, I've written plenty of religious trauma Essek fic, and I don't doubt that that element of it exists, but overall, in terms of canonical statements, it's pretty tame.
With that being said, I do want to fast forward a bit to draw attention to something else. Because I actually do think he ends the campaign with some measure of respect for, at the very least, the Wildmother.
In 140 after the Raise Dead fails, he talks briefly with Fjord about the unfairness of it. Fjord passively directs him to "if you were to ask my wise friend Caduceus..." Immediately after this exchange, Essek challenges Caleb to not accept defeat, and admits he wishes there was more that he or any of them could do, but concedes that, "Unfortunately, this type of magic is beyond my purview."
Immediately after this exchange, Caduceus asks for divine intervention.
Of course, he then spends several weeks gardening in a temple to the Wildmother, and seems to find some genuine clarity and perspective there, but I think this alone is enough to argue that, for a person as driven by empirical evidence as Essek, this sequence of events in 140 would be plenty to earn a wizard's respect.
So my formal belief is that Essek is not in fact anti-god or anti-religion, let alone against the Prime Deities. My opinion is that it's very easy to imagine him on his post-campaign travels leaving a small offering at any shrine of Melora he might pass, not out of actual worship but as a sign of respect.
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shiikiyun · 5 months
I think something i don't often see in discussions about Futa's character is how, if you really take a second, he's kind of a people pleaser
He isn't so in a way like what Mikoto got going on, he does want to be around people of the same interests as him, and you wouldn't think he'd care about anything but authenticity if you stayed with the way he behaves on milgram. It is only when you think about him -in- those social circles he manages to get into that you can see him tweaking lol
I think the closest to see this that we have in milgram itself is that one interaction with Kotoko in which she attempts to debate how prisons respect human rights. Any other time he expressed his opinion/stance on things he was aggressive and maybe condescending to the rest because they disagreed with him, but the second someone agreed? Whole demeanor changed. Suddenly he didn't have much to say anymore and he just parroted Kotoko's words back at her. Why. If he has such a strong personality and mindset, why was someone validating his point enough to shut down his otherwise very firm attitude?
Futa doesn't go as far as to manufacture his every word for it to cause a positive reaction on others from the get go, but he does seek validation all the same. He braces himself for rejection by being loud and obnoxious and harsh until he sees a positive reaction and then is when he does a complete 180 to keep the other person in that place of validation. He is simultaneously completely bad at it though, but I never said he was good at people pleasing. Which connects back to what i've said before about his inability to fit in. Even when he thinks he's doing it right and he sees himself getting validation by people he cares about (in the case of his crime, by mimicking his friendgroup's method of "bringing justice" by calling out someone online, that same friendgroup following along and reinforcing the idea that he was doing it right), he ultimately fails anyway and loses it all over again.
In the end, he's just extremely socially awkward and anxious. It isn't in his nature to reach anyone else's expectations even if he genuinely wants to, so he'll either do what he can within his parameters (mold himself for his friendgroup of people he deems similar to him) or he'll avoid trying altogether because he knows he'll fail (what we see in milgram!)
It also shows how his yearn for a support system (t2 qna + mu's birthday timeline convo) isn't particularly new from his current circumstances, or why the only person he could think of when asked who he would want to see right now was his mom (who left so long ago he barely remembers her). He has just never truly had people that genuinely cared for him no matter what he tried to do to make himself likeable.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Can i have mcyt + cellbit with a reader who has lots of pets like reptiles, birds and mice and stuff?
ooooo okay!! I don't know too much about little rodent pets (/lh) so I had to do some research, bare w me if anything is weird or wrong lmaooo
MCYT ; animal sanctuary
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & cellbit
warnings ; language, talk of harm towards animals
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"Holy shit, what is this? an animal sanctuary? this is your house???"
he loves all ur animals dw
he's afraid of the little parakeets though
he mistakes them for pigeons at first 💀💀
he's jittery around the mice and rats but he comes to love them
if you have a lizard/salamander that likes to be heald/climb all over ppl, you know damn well he's allowing it to crawl all over him
so many selfies and pictures of the little critters all over his insta, tik tok and even twitter
he makes a whole segment in his show to talk about your animals 😭😭
"the first time I ever went to y/n's house, I actually almost pissed myself" cue pictures of your little critters on the screen behind him "these fuckers are so terrifying. you see that bird right there? he mocks me everytime I speak! hashtag ban rodents 2024"
"Oh my god."
one how do you afford taking care of all these animals, two, why???
"these are my lizards. they've all been rescued from abusive households where parents gave their kids an animal and didn't care afterwards. most of them had limbs cut off but they've just about all regrown by now"
"Holy shit?.."
he loves the fuzzy critters like the mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters etc
not the biggest fan of reptiles or amphibians, they look cool but no touching for him
you guys turn the lights off, and ur led lights on and have a little concert with the animals and stream it (the music isn't super loud dw)
if any of the critters like climbing around on people, he'll always record or take pictures of them doing so
"mothball was climbing all over me today" and below is a video of a little mouse making a home in his hair 😭😭
"I think I need to rename them to Remy because you might be the next Alfredo Linguine"
if he's over at yours while recording a video or streaming, he always gets distracted by the birds and has to say hi and show them off
God forbid you own a parrot for some reason, it's his whole personality now
lovesss talking to the birds that talk back to him LMAOO
absolutely loves the reptiles and fuzzy critters
always taking pictures of them
you two do this fun thing by inspiring outfits around your different animals
like one day it'll be a certain salamander and another it'll be one of your birds
loves handfeeding the critters
loves posting their goodnight pics with one of your critters in hand/climbing on them
you guys go to animal shelters if you wanna find a new pet or buddy for a critter of course
yall always get the ones with the saddest backstories and shit
ranboo gets an axolotl
they're obsessed with her, and is so good at raising the fishy lizard 🫶
you bring a salamander over to meet the fish and they have a connection istg
ranboo takes a pic and posts it to Twitter; "two best friends in two different worlds"
is probably slightly afraid of the birds at first, they're scared of being bit
uses funny pictures of your animals as reaction memes
absolutely loves all your little critters
loves all the colors of them as well, especially the reptiles and birds
if you have a snake, he's terrified to get near it but will always take pictures of it climbing all over you
"You feed him spiders?? 😨😨😨"
he's the bird master
birds all over him all the time, he's a walking bird nest
always taking pics of/with your animals
if you have hamsters, good lord he's paying more attention to them than you 😭😭
"hiiiii, how are you today?"
"why do you actually care about my mice more than me"
also loves taking to the birds that talk back
has genuine conversations with them too
you do a cooking stream and he HIDES A RAT IN HIS HAIR FOR TEN MINUTES
"what the fuck"
absolutely adores all your little creatures
always has to show them off online
and always telling stories on stream
"y/n has this one salamander and she likes to nibble fingers, and one time-"
always taking cute pics with the pets that like to be heald/like to climb on people
she's literally an animal godess I swear
she's a critter whisperer sorry not sorry
always taking videos of funny moments / when you're giving all them time outside the cage
there's always birds on her shoulder, sleeping beauty ass 😭🙏
literally becomes a photographer for ur pets, she takes the best pictures ever
she makes them little hats and accessories 😭😭😭
always buying them toys as well
in the middle of the night you'll be awoken with the RMRMRMRMRMRM of the hamster wheel she got the hamsters
literally has to make a note on his phone to keep track of all the names
he is not touching no damn reptile
always posting pics online
you guys start fostering critters as well
turns on loud meme music and has a concert with the mice
he knows how to call the birds like he's fucking sleeping beauty
"how tf did you just do that???"
"okay then 🤨"
you foster a duck together that had her wings clipped
you name her together (it's named daisyhq I can't even make this up. you did the hq btw)
mice and rats all over him and his desk 24/7
and he'll gladly show them off on stream
"can we get a parrot?"
"my brother in christ we already have two birds?"
also lovessss your critters
he genuinley has conversations with the birds
so many pictures of your animals on his social media LMAO
he names the new ones (you left it all up to him) the most random things
always asking you about toys before he buys them because he feels bad because what if they're lonely and sad but he doesn't wanna potentially hurt them either
always fucking around with the birds when they're hyper
also plays tag with the mice/rats
also loves showing them off on stream and ranting about them for a solid ten minutes
he finds a rat on the qsmp and names it after one of your rats
walks back in the house one day with a rat like "I found a friend! :D"
"Holy shit bro"
selfies with critters in his hair >>>>
alright this is all I got this took me way too long...
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 5 months
Lady and The Tramp-ing Pasta w the Jackass Guys HCs!
Johnny Knoxville X Gn!Reader, Bam Margera X Gn!Reader, Steve-O X Gn!Reader, Chris Pontius X Gn!Reader
Warnings: None!
An: One of my friends suggested that it would be funny to see the guys’ reactions to of Y/N asked them to do the spaghetti kiss from Lady and The Tramp, so of course I had to explore this idea! I’ve never written head cannons b4 so plz request more! I would love more practice :)
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It all started when your boyfriend decided to take you to a nice restaurant for Valentine’s Day- this cute little Italian place you had your eye on for a while.
So when your food arrived first, you got an idea,
“You know what’d be, like- really cute?”
He just stares at you incredulously as you tell him your idea
Before snatching your plate and sticking his fork in it! Oh that little shit.
Still, you can’t help but smile as you drag it back in front of you, “Oh, fuck you. That’s my spaghetti!”
Bam swallows a mouthful of noodles before parroting back your words, “Fuck you, that’s my spaghetti.”
The two of you go back and forth for a while- you’d take the plate back, he would take the plate after you
Even though it was pretty childish, both of you slowly fall into giggles
This all culminates when you grab a piece of garlic bread from the wire basket in the middle of the table and throw it at him, which Bam quickly nabs off of the table and bites a chunk off, ignoring the stares you got from the other patrons
Maybe you would have better luck going out to somewhere a little less refined, but you didn’t care
Wether it was a fancy restaurant or an all night diner, you and Bam couldn’t ever behave around eachother
Chris is the kind of guy who’d usually bring up this sort of goofy, romantic stuff first, but there’s no way in hell he’s saying no when you ask!
So before you can open your mouth, he’s already got half a strand of spaghetti hanging from his lips
Of course, he still is himself, so expect things to turn at least a little weird halfway through
Especially when he starts exaggeratedly moaning, “Mmm…spaghetti.”
You start laughing so hard you have to bite off the noodle and pull away so you won’t accidentally spit your dinner out
There’s nothing Chris loves more than making you smile so of course this just fuels him as that half grin spreads across his face
“You sure you don’t want some meatballs with your pasta? Maybe some sausage?”
And he hits you with that eyebrow raise
The whole dinner just devolves into the two of you laughing your asses off
Despite what one would assume, Steve could be quite the romantic!
That is, when he wanted to be
So of course he’s down for it when you suggest it, but there’s something going on behind those eyes you can’t really read
All seems to be going well at first
That is, until you feel the noodle slip right out of your lips
Confused, your eyes shoot open, and there is your boyfriend, slurping down the same noodle that was just in your mouth!
With a fucking smile
“Ugh! You are nasty!” You chuckle, playfully shoving him
Steve leans over, giving you a kiss on the cheek, “S’just the way you like me, baby.”
Wiping off the marinara sauce from your face, you smiled because he was totally right
Oh, Johnny is the type of boyfriend to just eat this shit up!
He’s old movie levels of romantic, probably because that’s where he steals all of his flirty moves from
But he is all cool, twirling a bit of the pasta on his fork, “Sure, why not?”
Of all of the guys, he’d probably be the man to ask for this if you genuinely want a sweet moment
It starts really cute as you slowly get closer and closer to eachother
Until you get to that very last bit of pasta separating you and you’re so close you could feel his eyelashes on your cheeks
That’s when Johnny reaches out, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you into a kiss!
He’d linger a little after you pull away, smiling a little against your lips
Until the now embarased waiter that was waiting at the end of your table clears his throat, food in hand
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ddejavvu · 2 years
hi babes im literally so anxious that school is starting and i need some kind of comfort
can you do eddie helping r out of a panic attack or just helping them with their anxiety <33
i'm sorry you're anxious about school, honey! i wish you the best of luck, i'm always here if you need to talk, and i hope this helps!
The stance that Eddie finds you in already has his heart picking up speed, your hands bunched in your blankets as your knees draw to your chest like magnets. Your breathing is staccato, rapidfire puffs of not-enough air entering and escaping your lungs all too fast.
He doesn't know which is worse, the hand clawing at your calf, or the one that's itching at your neck. Both are leaving marks, and he rushes for the closest first, the one on your leg.
"Hey!" He's sure that doesn't help, but he can't figure out a better way to announce his presence. He grips your hand as you jolt tugging it hurriedly away from your leg and wincing when it draws blood as your nails rip off of your skin.
"Fuck," He dabs away the surface level scrape, his white shirt now dotted with crimson, "Babe, babe, let go."
He reaches for your other hand, trying a calmer approach this time. He's upset that panic is now infesting him, he berates himself for not being the strong one, but you're hurting and he doesn't know how to help you, and he's panicking.
He lays his hand out over yours, feeling a tremble wrack through your frame, "Let go, sweetheart, hold my hand instead."
You do, and Eddie takes it as a sign that you're still somewhat coherent. That maybe you're not gone, maybe you just need help finding your way back. He feels your fingers tighten around his and nods encouragingly even though you can't see him, "Yeah, there 'ya go. Squeeze, baby, get it all out."
He's absolutely certain his fingers will ache tomorrow, but he doesn't care. He lets you mutilate his hand, because it's better than mutilating your neck. Sobs pour out of you like rainfall, quiet one second and striking the next, and he sees your teeth dig unforgivingly into your plush bottom lip.
"No more," He urges, guiding your first hand to the one that's clasped in his own and using his now-free hand to tug your lip out from under your teeth, "C'mon baby, you're gonna cut it open."
You're no longer able to muffle your sobs by biting your lips and Eddie finds them even more heart-wrenching at full-volume. He tugs you sideways into his chest, you're bent at an awkward angle, but you can hear his heartbeat, and that's all that matters.
Maybe it's your newfound stress toy in Eddie's fingers, or maybe it's the soft thumping of his heart in his chest, or maybe it's his voice humming you familiar tunes that vibrate through his chest and send ripples of calm through your own, but you're coming back. Your breathing is clearer, your sobs aren't as frequent, and your fingers are starting to loosen up on his hands.
Finally your cries turn to sniffles, your shaking to an occasional quiver, and you let your hands go limp in Eddie's grasp.
"Hey there," He breathes shakily, his voice thick with emotion, "You okay, baby?"
"I'm sorry," Are the first words out of your mouth, and they only twist the knife in Eddie's heart, "I didn't mean for you to see that. And- and I probably hurt your hand, I'm really sorry, Eddie."
"Don't apologize." He insists, his brown eyes glistening with unshed tears, "That's- that's not something to apologize for. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." You offer lamely, wiping at your tears, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." He parrots, "You're not."
"You're not either." You frown at his mangled fingers, "Do you want ice?"
"No," He shakes his head, lacing his with yours, "No, just talk to me. I wanna- I wanna know what happened."
"Nothing happened." You mumble, "Not yet."
Eddie cocks his head to the side, waiting for an explanation.
"I just- I'm really anxious." You admit, the word coming out chewy and strained, "I.. sometimes I don't know how to shut my brain off."
"Drugs." He grumbles, and it gets a laugh out of you. He relaxes an inch.
"It's hard." You continue, face dropping from the chuckle, "Sometimes it's a little too hard."
"Yeah." He nods, blinking his tears away when you squeeze his hand, lighter this time, "Yeah, I know what you mean."
"I.. I really am sorry, Eddie." You repeat, and his eyes snap to yours, ready to fight, "Just-! Just listen," You beg, and he nods once.
"I don't.. I try not to do that in front of people. It's- well, I know it's not a comforting sight. I'm sorry for scaring you, but thank you for.. for staying. And helping."
"I'm glad you scared me," He admits, a glossy sheen over his pretty doe eyes as his nose burns red, "Ignoring scary things doesn't make them go away. I wanna face the scary things, I- I wanna fight 'em. With you."
You chew on the inside of your cheek, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He smiles weakly at you, leaning forwards to nuzzle his nose with yours. It's intimate, sweet and tender, and it nearly resurfaces your tears.
"'Gonna beat its ass." He adds, after a moment of too-good-to-be-true silence from him, "Stupid fuckin' anxiety."
"It's in my head," You laugh, "You're gonna hit me in the head?"
He reconsiders, brows furrowed. Then he grabs your face, tilting it so that he's speaking directly into your ear, definitely a bit too loud.
"Hey, you in there! He-lloooo," He taps a fingertip on your temple, "Anxiety? Get the fuck outta my baby!"
You giggle at his antics, "Eddie-"
"'Can't see anything in there," He cuts you off, turning from your ear to your face, peering into your eyes, but past them somehow, "No, not there, maybe-?" He lifts your chin, peers intently up your nose, "Shit, not there either. How about-?" Then he's popping your mouth open, peering around while you giggle lamely under his touch.
"Fuck." He concludes, "Can't find it. Wherever it is, though, I'm ready." He holds up a threatening fist, "Not gonna let that little shit hurt you anymore, sweetheart."
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momo-t-daye · 8 months
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"Now, Severus, the sword! Do not forget it must be taken under conditions of need and valor-" the portrait recited, an echo of Albus Dumbledore, a recording unspooling predetermined plans. It wasn't Albus Dumbledore, it was paint and canvas and curated memories and trained habits, it was a simulacrum that could only ever offer false connection and empty comfort.
Minerva thought it was a mockery of remembrance, hanging the portrait of Albus behind the desk Albus had once occupied. She had refused to enter the Headmaster's office a second time as staunchly as she refused to look at Severus with anything but hatred now. It was torture. Every parroted guile and canned expression of concern and impersonation of Albus' intelligence was another knife twist in the knot of grief and guilt that had replaced his heart in the last terrible year.
It was continuing on, another reminder that Severus mustn't let Potter see him, mustn't let Lily's son know of Severus' allegiance lest the child become a liability before he could be a sacrifice.
"I know," Severus said, curt, hoping to skip past the pre-recorded reminders of all the promises he'd given to a dead man.
He didn't need the portrait to press a hand against some invisible wall as though it wanted to reach him, he didn't need it to make that expression of determined concern Albus used to make when Severus had marched off to another terrible meeting with the Dark Lord for the sake of the Order and keeping the boy alive and as safe as they could.
Yet despite the mimicry of care, it wouldn't even tell him why he had to get the sword into Potter's possession; perhaps Albus hadn't trusted his own portrait enough to imbue it with that knowledge even as he had trusted it to continue to haunt Severus.
It was a ridiculous dedication to his little mind games, like that note on the inside of the firewhiskey label, as if Albus had feared that, left to his own devices, Severus might go and haunt himself off Dumbledore's plotted path with grief over his own wasted loyalty and rage at the fate sewn under Harry Potter's skin and memories of his once best friend. As if Severus wasn't an expert at closing his mind and shuttering his heart and ignoring furious wailing of his own ghosts.
The portrait was still talking, another formulaic warning to take caution while accomplishing Albus Dumbledore's plans.
"Don't worry, Dumbledore," Severus said, speaking more to himself, his disappointed devastated selves, than the portrait, "I have a plan..."
For Unofficial Snapetober 2023 prompts "Ghost" and "Remembrance" The idea of haunting ones own self/of seeing the ghost of your past self seemed like it would be suitable for Severus- Sev is different from Severus is different from Snape is different from Professor Snape etc. etc., right? I mostly work with traditional media and do a little bit of digital tidying up to try to get the colors on the screen to look like the colors on paper, but I had a bit of fun figuring out how to put the ghosts of past Snapes (young Sev, Teen Sev, and Professor Snape) haunting Headmaster Snape into the picture. I painted each of the ghosts separately- in dark orange over black inked lines- and then inverted the colors once it was scanned and put those as semi-transparent layers on top of the separate painting of Headmaster!Snape in Dumbledore's office (...I am not very good at drawing backgrounds inside of a building where furniture and walls have too many straight lines, let's just put the characters in the woods with trees and lots of nice wavy wobbly lines...). Also! Have you all read "Stronger than a Butterbeer" (https://archiveofourown.org/works/10786743)? It's such a precise gut-punch of "the absence of Severus" that haunts me so I just had to make a reference to it.
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shveris · 11 days
au idea in which satoru and shoko get suguru an emotional support cat after the whole riko-toji situation because neither of them have the time to be there for him properly (satoru with missions and shoko with med student studies).
but suguru absolutely hates cats, which both of them were aware of but they knew he wouldn’t find the energy to crawl out of bed or even leave the room for walks for a dog. so a cat it was.
the first week is just him constantly complaining about the kitten being everywhere in his space, saying it’s just like satoru in that regard (satoru pouts at that) but he doesn’t have the heart to bring the cat back to the shelter — “i would look like a heartless asshole” he said and his best friends almost replied with “you kinda are.”
after two weeks, the cat starts following suguru around obediently, almost like a dog, and sits on his shoulder when he has the energy to cook, like a parrot. they decide to not comment on it because suguru seems to be actually doing better.
in all honesty, shoko and satoru didn’t know if their friend would be able to take care of another living being if he couldn’t even maintain himself properly. they were relieved to see that learning how to take care of an animal, paying attention to them, going through trial and error multiple times, did actually help suguru to fall back into his old routine again. when the cat ate, he ate; when the cat slept, he slept; when the cat was busy cleaning its fur, he took a shower; when the cat was busy playing with itself, suguru found himself enjoying books again.
he talks with the cat when he feels alone and he doesn’t have to worry about getting judged for his opinions, spilling out all the somber thoughts he’s been harbouring to this little unaware and very fluffy creature. it just stares at him with wide eyes while playing with his fingers while he talks about genocide and his deep hatred for non-shamans.
while the cat grows in size, suguru’s fondness for it does as well. he stops being irritated when the little fur ball decides to bounce on him during the night — when his thoughts wander off into dark and very horrible territory — because it helps him snap back into reality. he entertains the cat with one of the hundreds of toys satoru brought him until they both pass out from exhaustion.
when he cries or thinks about just ending everything, the cat is always there to comfort him with purrs, never once upset about getting pressed into his chest like a stuffed toy. it helps, it’s nice, he feels listened to without having to deal with the repercussions or the effects of his words if there’d be an actual human being lending him their ears.
it’s freeing.
when summer is nearing its end months later, suguru doesn’t burn down a village and kills 112 people. he simply takes the twins back to school and hurriedly walks to his room to tell the cat — which always waits for him on the pillow of his bed — all about those horrible human souls he’d just had the pleasure of dealing with.
“why are humans so stupid, non-shamans in particular? those two are just children, you know? i wish i could’ve just explained those assholes how jujutsu works but i’m glad yaga-sensei is dealing with their bullcrap right now. i think if i’d have to look at their faces for one more second, i would’ve gone on a murder spree… i guess it’s good i didn’t though, who would take care of you then, hm? surely not satoru, he can barely take care of himself. he’s been so busy, i rarely see him nowadays… i don’t think he’s slept at all for the past weeks. and don’t even get me started on shoko, she’s either studying in the mortuary, drinking herself to death, smoking her stress away or all of those at the same time.”
the cat purrs because suguru’s chest vibrates with every word. suguru cries.
the cat loves him for who he is, unconditionally, unaware of the horrors outside the school campus. it’s there for him, always, eager to accept or give attention when suguru’s on college grounds. suguru’s actions and thoughts don’t matter, all that does is the love he shows for the cat and it happily gives him some of it back.
hi hello i hate gege and love & miss sashisu terribly ):
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