#a rare species that you can only observe in that one area like one of those endangered lord howe island stick insects
subway-boss-jericho · 18 hours
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Fossil Ingo meets a new friend.
Writing + bonus art beneath the cut:
Little Pearl
TWs: Mentions of Former Death/Revival ~1200 Words (4-5 minutes)
Amidst the chaos of all the other events his Sinnoh "vacation" has thrown at him, Emmet receives a call.
The mines where Ingo was initially 'recovered' had been sectioned off since the day he sat up on the table. (Not that Emmet had any intention of going back.) The archeologists and historians of the region were concerned there may be a burial site nearby or some other location of cultural significance and so mining in that area was closed off. However, they've found something else important while they were excavating the site. Very near to where the rock was first disturbed, they uncovered a fossil- a proper fossil this time. A dome fossil.
No one has been able to confirm it yet, however, because of its proximity to where Ingo's remains had been unearthed... It's very likely that this Kabuto is the one he now shares DNA with.
Emmet brings Ingo with him to the Oreburgh museum- Although, it is more like Ingo is dragging him along for the ride. He is far more enthusiastic about this than Emmet is- In fact, he'd really like to be anywhere else. He would really like to go home, but they can't do that until they find a safe and comfortable way to help Ingo travel long distances. And also, he needs to wait for the investigation on him to close. Preferably with an innocent verdict. Which is probably the more pressing matter of the two.
They're allowed to take a look at the fossil before its revival. Without a doubt, and with proper steps taken to verify this time, this is a Dome fossil. There are a few pearls, likely the same from Ingo's burial, that have become embedded in the surface of the rock around it. A familiar thought crosses his mind. This could be verrry special. Even the minor influence caused by the rare mineral could potentially shape this pokemon's future- Ingo had been changed just because of the spare stuff that happened to be in the earth with him.
The wait in the lobby is excruciatingly long, for Ingo. Emmet can tell he would be pacing if he were any younger; his spines are constantly twitching, betraying some kind of emotion that Emmet hasn't puzzled out yet. The correct answer is Excitement. Ingo is positively thrilled at the prospect of getting to meet the pokemon with which his fate has intertwined.
Moreover, he can raise it himself! They can start this new life together, two strange beings out of place in this time, no one else quite like they are. Ingo isn't alone anymore, not with Emmet by his side. This little pokemon won't need to be alone either. Never has the prospect of a fresh start sounded more bright.
The moment the scientist returns from the back to give them the good news, Ingo lifts himself to his feet. He'd like to be the first to welcome back this new life. He turns the corner to find a little rock-type on a nearby countertop. It's barely been moved from the machine that restored it, frozen stiff. If it was any more still, Ingo would mistake it for the rock it use to be minutes before.
The various kind folks in charge of the operation give him a bit of space to approach the little pokemon, coming closer at a gentle pace to keep the tension low. Joints bidding, he kneels down at the counter to reduce his height as a factor. Up close, he can see it trembling oh-so-slightly.
"Welcome back, little one... How do you feel..?" He keeps his hands on his knees, only observing as it subtly shrinks back before poking forward again curiously. He can just barely see the tips of its claws peeking from under its shell. He chuckles softly, turning to the kind folks nearby. "Remind me, what did you say was the name of this species?" "Kabuto, the Shellfish Pokemon." Respecting his careful handling of the situation, they answer quietly.
"Thank you very much." He returns his attention to the Kabuto, who has slowly inched closer to him on the table. There are pearls encrusted along its shell, reflecting the afternoon light brilliantly. It's claws are less hidden now, revealing a gorgeous iridescent luster.
"I imagine you are quite confused... Perhaps, overwhelmed." "However, you need not fear," Ingo's knees protest as he picks himself back up again, bending to keep himself lower than his full height. He offers a grateful whisper to Mighty Sinnoh for whatever was done to him having eased a lot of the aches that came with his age.
Softly and slowly, he sets his rougher, rockier left hand on the table a few inches away from his shelled friend, letting it lay loosely on the smooth countertop. "You see, little one... Our lives are quite interconnected." He smiles as it curiously shuffles forward to investigate. "Our chance encounter through an accident of unlikely proportions has tied us together. I was returned to life, just as you have been."
It pokes a claw at his hand, and he slowly picks up his fingers to offer forward. "Through whatever happenstance caused us to share the earth between us, through however the burial rights of my clan have affected the fabric of your being, regardless... Our cabs now share many traits, you and I."
"I feel a closeness to you, silly though it may sound." The Kabuto repeatedly taps its pearlescent claw against his thumb in quick succession, as though swatting him away. It doesn't hurt even slightly.
"I will keep you safe. We can explore this grand world together, no matter what changes may await us." "...Would you like to join me on this new frontier?"
It taps its shell against the tough exterior of his hand a few times, continuing to poke around at anything that appears to catch its attention.
After a minute or so, Ingo can feel positively itty pin-pricks over his skin as it uses its hooked claws to crawl over his hand. He can't help but laugh, rewarding its curiosity and trust by bringing his less armored hand to pet it softly. "Excellent!" It seems ticklish around its underbelly, he notes with delight as he scratches the edges its shell. "I look forward to exploring the new tracks ahead of us! I'd best study up on how to use these merits of yours, especially now that I have one to teach... Or perhaps I've gained a teacher?"
He reflects on the journey ahead of him and the life he left behind as he views the world through the reflection of the largest pearl along its spine. The sensation of its claws along his hand is the same as that from the darling kits of his Lady. The pearls were bestowed to him in his passing, a demonstration of the pride and honor felt by his clan for his service as her warden. The lives of many loved ones have been closed to him, now, but the lives of those he had forgotten have opened to him once again.
He will draw comfort from the past, and bring their strength ever onward into the future. An easy smile graces his lips as he lifts his new partner higher, supporting it firmly but with great care. Mirth fills his old soul under the gaze of four beady eyes. In his renewed beating heart, compassion burns warmer than the sun.
"...I cannot wait to grow alongside you, Little Pearl."
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Fossil AU Masterpost
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dykealloy · 11 months
You understand me I would get the exact same feeling when the shiny commuter trains from London would pull smoothly out of the station without making a sound past the ancient trains from the valleys struggling for their lives like you just Know that new train is making some smug quip about age before beauty. You know there's train discrimination going on. Also the steam trains that only exist on back and forth seaside lines that don't even connect up to the actual railway lines are endangered species on nature reserves.
literally it goes beyond speciation at this point that railway is a society. im riding the underdog from the sewers with the rats and every time a new train passes i feel like ive just witnessed a microaggression
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catholictrauma · 1 year
this is the place to post about your knowledge and i’m thinking about my little royal sunangel (from the coquette hummingbird family) google deep-dive and i wanted to show you guys these rare little bastards!
this is a male (left) and female (right) sunangel, they’re sexually dichromatic (different colors indicate different sexes) and so, so teensy! they’re roughly 4.3-4.7 inches/10-12 cm long from their beak to their tail!
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they’re as little in number as they are little in size, too. they are exclusively found in the bordering andes area ecuador and peru share, where there are subtropical elven forests (because everything about them deserves a pretty name). there are only 8 known sunangel habitats within this area. when documentation started, around the start of the 2010s, there were 12. the estimated population of this endangered bird is anywhere from 3-7 thousand. the royal sunangel population has been steadily — and scarily — declining since their discovery in 2009, and this is largely attributed to the deforestation due to frequent forest fires and the conversion of their habitats into agricultural fields.
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it feels like the royal sunangel JUST got discovered, and the scientific community has only JUST started noting down how unique they are among their hummingbird family and birds at large, and now their delicate little frames and stubborn commitment to their habitat range might lead them to death’s door before i reach middle age and have the credentials or cause to observe them myself. ornithologists love these little guys because they feed in these little circuits so no two (super territorial) males may meet, and when they feed, they either stalk and eventually eat insects or take nectar from shrubs and flowers using the punctured feeding holes of some other animals’ labor. also, you know how hummingbirds famously hover while they feed? these hummingbirds are the only ones who don’t. they perch and relax (as is only sensible)!
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If you find them as charming as I do, or if you have a heart, you’re probably asking yourself how we go about conserving these birds in the first place.
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well, on the agricultural front (which is more heavily an ecuadorian obstacle for these habitats), the situation feels more complicated. ecuador’s market relies on agricultural exports and i don’t see how tumblr users could make the government prioritize sustainability over profits. There are already conservation groups trying to fight that good fight and buy properties on these fragile biodiverse lands before agricultural companies can (you can punch in neoprimate.org for a good one, my link function isn’t working on here) and if you can donate a little to these initiatives you’d be contributing to the protection of tons of endangered species in the local areas.
another way to prevent habitat loss is by funding efforts to prevent the forest fires that frequently wipe out habitats around this area, especially those in peru (the area with the majority of sunangel habitats). there are legal and activist groups putting energy towards that that’s linked above, but another subtle improvement is to provide local farmers and residents with fire weather forecast devices. this way, everyone will be on the same page, and know that if it’s an arid/risky day to light a fire, they should act conscientiously. these devices are being circulated and groups are educating about and encouraging them to the local communities and could use some help in these links. below, i have a screenshot from an organization that doesn’t have a clear donation link for me, but i heavily encourage supporting, because ultimately i think local, sustainable, community-based and indigenous-prioritizing efforts are the way to go.
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thanks so much for listening to my little spiel about these cuties, and i hope this information brightens your day and motivates you to care about the beautiful things we can protect. 💙💜
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evolutionsvoid · 2 years
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From my entries on the infamous "evil whales" of the northern seas, folks should know that there are ten species that make up the Illhveli. However, it has been brought up to me time and time again that I apparently missed one. Some locals have told me and even people from other parts of the world have claimed I am forgetting the eleventh member. To them, there are eleven Illhveli, and this last one is the most mysterious of them all! Obviously so mysterious that even the famous Chlora Myron, master of all things flora and fauna, didn't know it existed! How embarrassing! To take all this time to write up entries on "every" Illhveli and then miss one! Oof, what a blunder! And that is when I turn to the helpful little informant, grab them by the collar and say LISTEN HERE, YOU NOXIOUS WEED! I didn't miss nothing! I didn't forget, I didn't omit! You come in here all smug with the idea that you "got" me but I will have you know that I am perfectly aware of the Galdrhveli and I didn't include it with the other Illhveli ON PURPOSE! It is you who are making the mistake because the Galdrhveli ISN'T AN ILLHVELI!
"Oh but Chlora" you stupidly say, "it has hveli right in the title!" Why yes it does, ya knothead, and Bone Dragons have "dragon" in their name too! You know what they aren't?! Dragons! Are Nectar Cows really cows?! Are spider monkeys actually spiders?! NO! It is just the name they have been given, with no basis or connection to their actual origins and classifications! So despite the Galdrhveli sounding all official like, it does not belong amongst the evil whales. Yes, I know there are plenty of folk who think I am wrong and truly believe it is a member. Believe me, they have let me know they exist. But just like individuals who believe the world is flat or think dryads are the result of an unsupervised greenhouse and a frisky wizard, they are incredibly wrong and need their head checked. So why do I so boldly claim that the Galdrhveli doesn't belong with the Illhveli? Well, lets look at the facts. The Galdrhveli is a rare whale of the northern oceans, found only in a certain region of the sea. Despite their armored appearance, which makes some people think exoskeleton, they are indeed mammals. This species can be found in pods of six to eight, or swimming alone. What decides if they are traveling solo or not isn't fully known, but we feel it has to do with distance. This species has a preference for a certain group of islands and ice flows, with most of their kind remaining near these land masses their entire lives. When close by to these islands, they are fine swimming about in smaller groups. If they are traveling away from this specific region, they appear to group up for safety in numbers (or power in numbers, as we will discuss later). Pretty much the further you get away from this area, the more they boost their pod size.
 The most notable thing about these whales are their prominent tusk that juts from their head like a lance. Lots of people call this structure a "horn," while in truth it is really a tooth. It is a canine tooth that has grown to such a size and length that it pierces the flesh and acts like an entirely different thing. Obviously you can't chew or bite with such a tooth! This crazy structure is what a lot of folk know about these whales, as it is pretty much all we really know about them. The Galdrhveli is a species we know very little about, as they live in a remote area of the icy ocean and are also insanely aggressive. The Galdrhveli are blamed for most, if not all, missing ships that travel out to those frozen islands. What sails out into those unknown waters are doomed never to return, except some totally do because we wouldn't know what we know if everyone died. "Hold it there," you annoyingly cut in, "you said they are an aquatic marine mammal and are also known to sink ships and kill people. Sounds like a pretty evil whale to me!" Astute observation, rotbrain, but not all Illhveli are actually whales, and those reasons are not why I am excluding them! Galdrhveli don't belong in that group because there is one other big thing we know about them: someone made them.
The Galdrhveli are not a natural species, and thus do not properly belong in usual classification systems. Indeed, they are a whale, so we can say they are a whale, but if we are trying to figure out how they are connected to other species or came to be, they no longer fit because they were artificially created. You can't just make up terrible new species and then jam them into whatever order or classification you want! If they are so mysterious, then how do we know they were made? The easy answer to this is that a certain group literally admitted to creating them, so that clears it up quite nicely! But even before this hard confirmation, you could plainly see that something was up with this species. Records of all the Illhveli date back to a long time ago, spanning centuries. On the other hand, records of the Galdrhveli have a very clear starting point, one you can almost pinpoint to the day. So this species is known to be way younger than all the other Illhveli, which is another reason I exclude them, as how can you have a clear group of ten members but then loop in one other species that showed up centuries after?
Anyways, there were no records of the Galdrhveli or any encounters that have those clear Galdrhveli signs in ancient history. There are even journals and ship logs that pass through those islands they call home way back then, and make no mention of running into one. So a species that is tied to a single region was somehow missed each time some explorer or lost trader wound up in their area? Yeah, I don't think so. Then suddenly, a ship full of witches is chased out into the northern seas, desperately escaping the eternal witch-mage conflict. They vanish near these islands and then, not long after, reports of a glowing sea and vanishing vessels start to show up. How strange! What could it mean? It means that the Helkkja made them! Like I said, they have straight up admitted it. The whole history and ways of the Helkkja are too much to get into here, but we can assuredly say that this species was made to protect their new home. The Galdrhveli don't just lurk these waters because they are their birth place, but because they are the guardians of these frozen isles. The pods that swim further away serve as scouts and spies, checking the outer regions to see if anything foul is afoot. They will eventually return home to safe waters and bring this information back to their masters. As for the ones near the islands, they are on patrol, keeping a look out for any vessel that dares invade their waters. Any ship that gets too close or seems too suspicious is deemed a threat, and the Galdrhveli go into action. For attacking ships, they have one weapon. Obviously, it is their tusk, or should I say, their wand.
The tusk of the Galdrhveli is not just some fancy long tooth, it was designed and shaped to serve as a catalyst for magic. The nerves running into that structure are tied to mana reserves in their body, and they call upon it to power them. The glow that comes from their body is not just regular bioluminescence, but an indicator of the energy that flows through them. When sailors enter their waters, they will start to see the ocean glow and lights move about in the deep. This is a subtle warning for them to turn around and flee. Unfortunately, it is not an obvious one and the Galdrhveli are not the patient type. If the vessel does not react in a way they see fit, they open fire. Twisting and moving their head allows them to wield the tusk like a real wand, having it go through the motions one associates with spell casting. By performing a specific gesture, they can unleash crude magic upon their foes, and they appear to have a variety of spells to choose from! The most common one is a simple bolt of blue energy, like a magic missile! Except this magic missile is scaled to the size of a whale and is being fired from the dark waters below your ship. Survivors of these attacks speak of pillars of light that appear and destroy their ship, but these phenomenon are not from the heavens. It is their bolts of magic that are erupting from the ocean and blasting holes in the offending vessel. Needless to say, not many ships can survive this assault, so this is the spell they commonly use to sink intruders.
Another spell they have is an icy one, capable of freezing the waters with their tusk. It sounds like they use this to create icebergs and frozen barriers that will block ships and seal off escape. Another story tells of the Galdrhveli leaping from the waters and summoning lightning with their tusks, calling down an explosive bolt to fry their foes. The only other one I have heard about is a spell that is only cast by an entire pod of Galdrhveli. In extreme emergencies, the entire pod will circle the opposing fighter or ship and point their tusks skyward. Spinning in the water as they keep themselves vertical, these whales will create a ring of devastation between them, annihilating everything caught in their circle. These stories are a bit shaky, but some folk have claimed to escape this magic and witnessed entire ships and their crew turn to dust from this infernal energy. Honestly, just hearing about the first spell was enough for me to swear off visiting these islands. Unless I get a Helkkja escort, I will never risk getting near that place! That shows you how good their guards are, if they are enough to deter me!
The specifics on how the Galdrhveli were created or how they work is known only by the Helkkja, and they obviously aren't the talkative type. They have claimed to be the creators of this species (and numerous others) and that is all they've really said. The rest we supposedly know about the Galdrhveli is from legends, rumors and good ol' guessing. For example, some stories claim that the Helkkja feed the Galdrhveli potions and ingredients to help fuel their spells. The claim is that they make up these floating bundles of special foods and materials then cast them into the ocean. The Galdrhveli gobble these gifts up and that is how they maintain such a source of energy. It would also explain why they always eventually return home, as they need a good refuel. I imagine they are capable of eating other things in the wild to keep up some of their reserves, and maybe these offerings are just for their stronger spells. Some say that the Galdrhveli are Helkkja who have transformed themselves, and that the species is just an illusion of shapeshifting. Not too sure on that one, it may just be them mixing it up with another aquatic denizen tied to these witches.
Another claim is that the Galdrhveli are always watched over by their masters, even after death. Despite their incredible tusks and magic soaked bodies, very little materials of theirs have made it to our shores. A species that potent would be ripe for harvesting, and I imagine many black markets would go nuts for goods like that. However, killing one has to be incredibly difficult, and succeeding in doing so would only incur the wrath of the Helkkja. It is said that the parts of a dead Galdrhveli are beacons to the Helkkja, and those who possess these forbidden materials are targets for their vengeance. Plenty of scary stories about collectors or mages that obtained a supposed tusk and then mysteriously vanished. It is also why any specimens or displays you see in museums are fake, as no one wants to tempt fate. And also because an actual carcass would be way too expensive to obtain and it would lead to droves of people trying to steal it. Even then, there are folk out there who claim to have magical equipment crafted from these forbidden parts, usually showing them off or selling them at exorbitant prices. Those who own such items say that they constantly give off an aura of cold, no matter the weather or temperature. Some would say it shows the magic potential within these materials, while more fearful folk claim it to be the presence of the Helkkja and an omen of what is to come for owning a piece of their beloved pets.         Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian -------------------------------------
Oh is that how it's going to be? Well fine, I'm going to make my own Illhveli! And it's gonna have magic and lasers and it can totally beat up your Illhveli! TAKE THAT! GO NAR-WAND!
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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A Blazing Orange Wildflower Thought Extinct Rediscovered in Ecuador
A rare blazing orange wildflower that was thought to be extinct for 36 years was rediscovered in South America.
The wildflower Gasteranthus extinctus has only been spotted in Ecuador’s cloud forest and was last documented in 1985, according to a new study in the journal PhytoKeys. The researchers saw a dim future for the flower, so they named it “extinctus” because they believed it would soon die out, said coauthor Dawson White, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Field Museum in Chicago. Most of the cloud forest suffered deforestation in the years that followed. The habitat loss was thought to have killed off dozens of species, White said.
Researchers decided to take another look in western Ecuador in 2021 to see if there were any patches of forest left and to search for the species that had lived there. Within days, the flower was found, White said.
“It was total elation because Gasteranthus extinctus is a symbol of these unique forests,” White said.
The team gathered samples to later confirm the DNA of the plant, which was scattered in clumps in the small sections of remaining forest.
A serendipitous moment
After the magnificent rediscovery, team member Riley Fortier checked the nature app iNaturalist to see if anyone else had taken a similar photo, White said. A joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, iNaturalist is a biodiversity observation network where people can post photos of plants, birds and other findings in nature for help with identification.
The researchers found photos of the wildflower posted in 2019 by a group of Ecuadorian students who had been enjoying an outing in a small conservation area.
“They were out on a trip a little north of where we were collecting and sure enough, they took two pictures of Gasteranthus extinctus, but they weren’t able to identify it as such,” White said.
He was able to track down the students to learn more details about their encounter and to include their observations in the scientific paper.
Gasteranthus extinctus is not well known in Ecuador, but another member of its family, the African violet, is, said Carmen Ulloa Ulloa, botanist and curator at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. She was not involved in the study.
“Many people probably have an African violet from Africa in their homes, but very few of the Ecuadorian native plants are cultivated for ornamentals,” she said.
Working against the clock
While no longer considered extinct, the wildflower is still endangered, White said.
Despite the devastation the cloud forest is suffering, the Ecuadorian government continues to destroy the forest for their own gain, which wreaked havoc in that part of the country, he explained.
The originally Ecuadorian government redistributed the land to the working class in the 1950s and 1960s, White said.
People cut down trees to make way for growing crops like cacao beans and bananas, most of which end up in the United States, he added.
“We were with local landowners, and they told us about their plans to continue to cut down some of these small forests that still remain,” White said.
Ulloa Ulloa grew up in Ecuador and saw firsthand the deforestation, but as she became an adult, she understood the delicate balance of needing to protect the environment while finding ways to make money.
“You need to protect the forest, but then you also need to feed the population of the country,” Ulloa Ulloa said.
One solution is to invest in ecotourism, which invites tourists to enjoy the natural land, she said. It’s a way to protect the forest while boosting Ecuador’s economy, Ulloa Ulloa explained.
Research teams who traveled to Ecuador before and after White’s team discovered nearly half a dozen plant species new to science. The teams who discovered the new species are hoping to publish their findings later this year, he said.
White’s goals are to conserve the environment of the cloud forest while continuing inventory on the newly discovered species, he said.
By Megan Marples.
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batmanschmatman · 2 years
Babe Heffron - Tanuki/Raccoon Dog
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Like most dogs, or dog adjacent critters, raccoon dog souls are loyal guys, and if you manage to befriend one, you’ve got a friend for life. That said, they don’t live in massive packs, and thus they’re not the sort that’s really looking for a huge social circle or always super welcoming to newcomers. Babe is a good guy and a good friend, but he’s also a little reserved, giving both Julian and Web a hard time for not being immediately up to speed with the rest of the guys. He’s open to new friendships - like with Bill! - but only with the sort of people who will put the same amount of effort and care into it that he will. Otherwise, he’s kind of happy being an unobtrusive member of the group, a good dude, but not the life of the party or absolutely everyone’s best friend for life.
Raccoon dogs are major team players. Both parents help look after pups and bring back food for the family, and raccoon dogs raising pups solo see a high mortality rate. Babe gets a lot out of supporting the group, and in turn, is supported by them. The bond he shares with his friends is the most important thing to him over status or power, meaning he’s happy to help where he can, but not really looking to establish himself as a leader or a person with any kind of authority.
Raccoon dogs have been introduced in a variety of areas outside their natural territory and have thrived. They’re omnivorous and pretty hardy creatures, who rarely threaten the prey of other predators, meaning they’re pretty unobtrusive. Babe fits right in with the Toccoa guys and seems to have a good handle on how to integrate himself into a group without making waves or calling too much attention to himself. He’s just happy to be there and do his part where he can. He’s also clearly suspicious when Bill first talks to him, but isn’t ready to throw down with him or clearly expecting a fight so much as just being surprised and a little wary. He’s also not one of the worst culprits in picking on Web when he comes back to the company. In most ways that count, Babe’s a pretty easy going guy, with the occasional moments of barking at the people who annoy him.
Raccoon dogs are so attuned to their families needs and wants, and Babe is a pretty observant and perceptive guy when it comes to his social group. While everyone else is kind of ignoring Buck’s long term emotional breakdown, Babe’s the one we hear starting to raise questions on if he’s really doing okay. He also seems to realize how badly Gene is actually struggling during Bastogne, trying to include him in conversation and offering him food.
We’ve called Babe’s daemon Passyunk (called Shunkie) after a neighborhood in Philly. I’ve often wondered how aware folks actually are of what species their daemon has settled specifically when it’s something unusual or foreign to their part of the world, so we often joke that she and Babe are a little like idk, I guess I’m some sort of weird dog when asked about it.
( HBO War Daemon AU Masterlist )
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laprimera · 1 year
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Strangely Glimmora has no personality in Paldea that much. The Crater subdues its species due to some electromagnetic pulses only the Glimmora line and unique Area Zero species can detect and hone in. Because of how incredibly static they are there's still questions if they're classified as Flora or Fauna ( though Paldean biologists are getting closer to identifying it as Fauna. They might be related to barnacles and arthropods! Huh! The more you know! ).
Few instances have been observed of their species outside of Paldea because of how rare the Pokemon is and how only recently Glimmet been spotted outside Area Zero in caves and such. The sanctioned few biologists who take the Glimmora line outside the region note it's often a little dazed without a similar electromagnetic satellite of sorts to orient it in space. Regions like JOHTO, HOENN, SINNOH and GALAR are hypothesized to be good habitat candidates because of their large mountain ranges, cave systems, temperatures, and electro-kinetic activity for Glimmora...but of course all in hypotheticals. Cant have invasive species out compete local species in which Glimmora ARE very competitive in out spacing rivals on cavern walls and floors. What they cant push away with their massive pointy, craggy and poisonous petals alone they'll laser blast.
Though Glimmora line fans and trainers will contend the finicky flora fauna actually DO have personalities and are protective of what they perceive as one in their pack or "bouquet" cheekily named after a group of flowers. They often lift a bit of their trainers personality not observed by feral Glimmora who prefer no contact with humans or actively hostile if disturbed from the holes they bore their beaks in.
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the-consortium · 2 years
What is your favorite experiment or your favorite discovery? Have you ran any social experiments?
"My favourite experiment …" the Clonelord's usually sharp, snapping voice has a hint of warmth for a fraction of a second, as if some affection has spread somewhere in both his black hearts for a short while, but then he waves it off impatiently. "It's always the next thing. A scientist does not live in the past. Our profession is the future. In my case, the future of the species. Or better - the future of what follows our species. Because let's face it: in its current condition, humanity is a hopeless thing to deal with. My Homo Novus is certainly the next step. It is in a state that the population will sustain itself and - with a little supervision - also evolve itself. My guiding hand is still occasionally needed here, but I almost have something like hope for the future. However, as long as we monsters - and by that I mean mainly us, the living war machines of the false Emperor - are the greatest predators in the galaxy, Homo Novus still needs protection from external, unpredictable threats. Fortunately, we Astartes are very talented at exterminating each other. It makes no difference if I keep creating new and more effective warriors for Abaddon and Eidolon. And as I observe the efforts of my colleague Cawl," here a slightly arrogant smile creeps onto his thin lips, "his works are also only one decimal point better than the original. Pity." He takes a deep breath, his gaze drifting to his bookshelves. After a few seconds, he continues, "My most surprising and, in a sense, aesthetic discovery was actually a rediscovery. The possibilities of combining wraithbone with organic matter, especially neurological matter. The Eldar have lost a lot of knowledge in this area and I am in the process of bringing things back to light here. If you have good hearing protection with you, you can check out the Noise Marines' garden later - they are very attached to the growing Wriathbone and there has been an amazing synthesis between Ramos' people and the Wraithbone. If you avoid looking them in the eye or moving too fast, they shouldn't attack you." He rises from his chair, a signal that the conversation is nearing its end. "And as for the social experiment … well, I've always been of the opinion that sooner or later a society sorts itself into what it deserves. Intervening there has never brought good results. Although I must admit that the flotsam of apothecaries that has accumulated here on Urum surprisingly rarely decimates itself. So perhaps the conclusion could be that people get along well if you leave them alone and they want something from me."
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wasppilled · 1 year
Been thinking about joining inaturalist (had a real interesting convo today w some guys who monitor fish in our creek, it’s home to a really rare species of fish that only lives here!), can you tell me a bit about it, since you use it? How does it work for uploading stuff, and do you know anything about privacy of info on it?
Did a quick poke around and there’s literally one bush by the gate into one of my paddocks on it and that’s it in my entire area! Feel like I could stand to learn and share a lot by posting some things, and also get more in touch with what’s living here besides me and my animals, yknow. =)
hi!!! not sure when u sent this ask but I must have missed the notification, just saw it today!!
I'd definitely encourage you to use inaturalist! Uploading stuff is pretty straightforward, there's a website and an app. The quality of the app depends on the kind of phone you have (for some reason the apple version is way more limited and sucks, the android/everything else version is better), but either way the website is kind of the best for uploading if you have a lot to upload. If you just take photos on your phone occasionally, uploading from the android app is pretty good.
You upload things with however far of an identification you can confidently give it, ideally- so often that can just be something like, "insect" or "plant"- even that bit of detail makes it easier for people who go through identifying stuff in more specific areas to see it. And over time people will help identify things based on your photos, which is a really cool thing! It's also great for making connections with people who are interested in this stuff, hobbyists and experts alike, in my experience :-)
As for privacy, there's a few options you have there. You can upload with the locations open, which means it'll show the exact location data associated with the photo, but if you're concerned about privacy, there's a few options. You can obscure the locations of your observations, which basically sets it to show the general area rather than specific location. The obscure function has a specific radius it gives and I don't remember what it is, but if that radius isn't big enough for your comfort you could also go into the location selecting part when you're uploading and set a wider "accuracy" radius, and move the point within that circle if you wanted for good measure as long as your actual observation location is somewhere in that circle- definitely for an open location you can change that. Not sure about changing the obscure radius but if you wanted to know more on that I can look into it! Since you have the option to manually enter locations though, you could tell it something as broad as you'd like, such as your general region or even country.
You can also make the location private entirely, although this sets the observation to casual grade. There's a few downsides to this:
- casual grade observations don't come up in the searches or ID menus for people looking to identify things unless they manually toggle the option in the search
- without even a vague indication of geographical location, identifying organisms is way more difficult, because the biodiversity of different regions varies so much
- casual grade observations don't contribute to data for global biodiversity databases (whereas any research grade observations do- they are used on GBIF, specifically, which is used by a lot of scientists).
so ultimately a completely private observation is not very likely to get identified or anything. personally I'd recommend going for manually inputting a broader location to whatever extent you're comfortable with. when uploading on the desktop site you can mass edit uploads so you may also not need to manually do that one by one.
I personally love inaturalist, and I'd be happy to dm you about it more too! 10/10 would recommend I'm steadily approaching a good 19k observations on there rn
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Discover Kenya: Budget Safaris, Tsavo West Adventures, and Luxurious Safari Lodges
Budget-Friendly Kenya Safaris
Kenya is renowned for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and unforgettable safari experiences. While safaris are often associated with luxury and high costs, budget-friendly options allow travelers to experience Kenya's natural beauty without breaking the bank. Opting for budget-friendly Kenya safaris doesn’t mean compromising on the quality of the experience. Many budget safaris offer comfortable accommodation in tented camps or lodges that provide a close-to-nature feel. These safaris often include guided tours in shared vehicles, giving you the chance to spot the Big Five while sharing the adventure with other travelers. The key is to plan ahead, as early booking can secure some excellent deals, ensuring your safari is both affordable and memorable.
Tsavo West National Park Safari
Tsavo West National Park is a gem in Kenya's wildlife crown, offering a rich and diverse landscape for safari enthusiasts. Known for its rugged terrain, Tsavo West provides an excellent safari experience with its volcanic hills, rolling plains, and dense bush. On a Tsavo West National Park safari, visitors can explore the park's famous landmarks like the Mzima Springs, where hippos and crocodiles can be seen in crystal-clear waters. The park is also home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and the lesser kudu. Tsavo West’s varied ecosystems support a wealth of biodiversity, making it a perfect destination for those looking to experience Kenya’s wild side in a unique and adventurous setting.
Kenya Safari Bird Watching Tours
Kenya is a paradise for bird watchers, boasting over 1,100 bird species, including some endemic and rare ones. Kenya safari bird watching tours offer an unparalleled opportunity to explore different habitats, from wetlands to savannas, each hosting a unique bird population. These tours often take you to bird-rich areas such as Lake Nakuru, where you can witness the breathtaking sight of thousands of flamingos painting the shoreline pink. The Maasai Mara is another hotspot, not only for its big cats but also for bird species like the Lilac-breasted Roller and the Secretary Bird. Whether you're an avid birder or a casual observer, bird-watching safaris in Kenya offer a chance to connect with nature in a profoundly enriching way.
Kenya Luxury Safari Lodges
For those seeking a more indulgent experience, Kenya luxury safari lodges provide the ultimate in comfort and exclusivity. These lodges are often located in prime safari locations, offering stunning views of the wilderness right from your room. Staying at one of these Kenya luxury safari lodges allows you to enjoy world-class amenities, from gourmet dining to private plunge pools, all while being immersed in the natural beauty of the Kenyan bush. Many lodges offer personalized services such as private game drives and guided bush walks, ensuring a truly bespoke safari experience. Luxury lodges in Kenya are not just about opulence but also about providing a seamless connection to the surrounding environment, allowing guests to experience the wild in style
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seomastersstuff1 · 2 months
Unveiling the Wonders of a Wildlife Safari in Malaysia
Malaysia, a Southeast Asian gem, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich biodiversity, and vibrant culture. Among the many adventures this tropical paradise offers, a wildlife safaris in Malaysia stands out as a must-experience activity for nature enthusiasts. Coupled with the thrill of jungle trekking in Malaysia, this journey through the heart of its lush rainforests and diverse ecosystems promises unforgettable encounters with some of the world's most fascinating wildlife. Here are five exceptional experiences you can expect on a wildlife safari in Malaysia.
1. Exploring Taman Negara National Park
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Taman Negara, one of the world's oldest rainforests, is a prime destination for a wildlife safari in Malaysia. Spanning across three states—Pahang, Kelantan, and Terengganu—this national park boasts a staggering variety of flora and fauna. Jungle trekking in Malaysia finds its epitome here, with well-marked trails leading adventurers deep into the forest. As you trek, be prepared to spot Malayan tigers, Asian elephants, and a myriad of bird species. The park's canopy walkway, one of the longest in the world, offers a unique vantage point to observe the forest's upper layers and its inhabitants.
2. River Safaris in Kinabatangan
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The Kinabatangan River in Sabah is another hotspot for wildlife enthusiasts. A river safari here provides a unique perspective on Malaysia's diverse wildlife. Gliding along the river, you'll encounter pygmy elephants, proboscis monkeys, and the elusive clouded leopard. The river's banks are teeming with life, from vibrant bird species to crocodiles basking in the sun. Night cruises reveal a different side of the jungle, with nocturnal creatures like owls, civets, and flying foxes making their appearance. This river safari not only showcases the region's biodiversity but also emphasizes the importance of conservation efforts.
3. Discovering Endangered Orangutans in Sepilok
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No wildlife safari in Malaysia is complete without visiting the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Sabah. This sanctuary is dedicated to the conservation of the endangered Bornean orangutan. Visitors can observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat as they undergo rehabilitation to be reintroduced into the wild. The center's feeding platform offers a rare chance to witness orangutans swinging from tree to tree, displaying their remarkable agility and intelligence. The adjacent Sun Bear Conservation Centre provides an opportunity to learn about another threatened species—the Malayan sun bear.
4. Bird Watching in Fraser’s Hill
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Fraser's Hill, located in Pahang, is a bird watcher's paradise. This hill station, surrounded by dense forests, is home to over 250 bird species. The annual International Bird Race attracts bird enthusiasts from around the world, highlighting the area's rich avian diversity. Jungle trekking in Malaysia takes on a more serene form here, with trails designed to offer the best bird-watching spots. From the strikingly beautiful silver-eared mesia to the rare Malaysian whistling thrush, Fraser's Hill provides ample opportunities to add unique species to your bird-watching list.
5. Night Safari at Kuala Lumpur's Zoo Negara
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For those who prefer a more controlled environment, the Night Safari at Zoo Negara in Kuala Lumpur offers a glimpse into Malaysia's nocturnal wildlife. This guided tour allows visitors to see animals that are active after dark, such as leopards, tapirs, and various nocturnal birds. The zoo's open-concept enclosures mimic natural habitats, providing a safe yet realistic experience. This night safari is perfect for families and those who want to experience the thrill of wildlife observation without venturing deep into the jungle.
A wildlife safari in Malaysia, combined with the excitement of jungle trekking in Malaysia, offers an unparalleled adventure for nature lovers. From the ancient rainforests of Taman Negara to the serene bird-watching trails of Fraser's Hill, each destination provides a unique glimpse into the country's rich biodiversity. Whether you're cruising down the Kinabatangan River, observing orangutans in Sepilok, or enjoying a night safari in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's wildlife safaris promise unforgettable experiences that highlight the importance of preserving our natural world. So pack your bags, lace up your hiking boots, and embark on a journey to discover the wild wonders of Malaysia.
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writing--references · 8 months
Park car and start from the Pu'u O Kila Lookout, which is the trailhead for the Pihea Trail. The total distance is about 7.8 miles long round trip with an elevation gain of 1300 ft. The first mile of this ridge trail you can enjoy stunning views of Kalalau Valley below.
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The trail then turns right and quickly descends, taking you along a boardwalk through a dense forest of native trees and plants, such as the ohia lehua and the hapu'u fern.
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As you hike deeper into the forest, you hear the songs of native birds and smell the fragrance of the lush rainforest before coming to a sign and intersection in the boardwalk. Stay straight on Pihea Trail, to go to the Mohihi-Camp 10 Road and ultimately to the Kawaikoa Camp and Sugi Grove Campsite. (The Mohihi-Camp 10 is an alternative starting point for this hike. However, it is a steep dirt road that is 4x4 only and best done in dry conditions.)
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Making a left, you are now on the Alaka'i Swamp Trail and the joyous leisurely boardwalk continues. You then cross the gurgling upland Kawaikoa Stream before ascending again to a mystic swamp.
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The Alaka'i Swamp itself is a breathtaking sight to behold. The boardwalk that runs through the swamp allows you to walk above the dense vegetation and see the unique plant and bird life that call this area home. The swamp is one of the most important ecological areas in Hawaii, providing habitat for rare and endangered species like the Hawaiian gallinule and the carnivorous plant, the sundew. As you journey through the spiraling mist and observed rays of light bursting through at random, you can’t help but be consumed with the appreciation of how sacred of a place the Alaka'i Swamp is.
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The trail continues up to the summit of Wai’ale’ale, the highest point on Kaua’i, where you may be rewarded with panoramic views of the island and the surrounding ocean. Depending on weather, you may only get the inside view of a gray cloud.
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kumarshivam · 11 months
Wild Wonders of India: A Journey Through its Rich Biodiversity
India, a land of diverse civilizations, rituals, and geographies, is also the residence of an extraordinary collection of nature and wildlife adventure in India From the dense wildernesses of the Western Ghats to the extensive parks of the Terai area, the government submits wilderness lovers the experience of a lifetime. In this blog, we will delve into the remarkable globe of nature experience in India and investigate the knowledge it has to offer.
The Jungles of Central India:
For those seeking a rendezvous with the royal Bengal tiger, the wildernesses of Central India are an exceptional terminus. Nationwide grasslands like Kanha, Bandhavgarh, and Pench request the opportunity to spot these magnificent animals in their biological habitat. Safaris here is a mesmerising combination of excitement and tranquillity; you observe not only tigers but also a plethora of other wildernesses, containing leopards, sloth bears, and a variety of deer and birds.
The Birding Paradise - Western Ghats:
India is a sanctuary for birdwatchers, and the Western Ghats are a hotspot for wildlife adventure in India. With lush rainforests and a superabundance of endemic bird species, this area vows a bird-watching understanding like no other. Havens and budgets like Thattekad Bird Sanctuary and Agumbe Rainforest are must-visit goals for a peek at vibrant and periodic birds.
Unveiling the Beauty of the Himalayas:
The Himalayan area delivers an extraordinary wildlife adventure, with the elusive snow leopard as the pinnacle gem. In Ladakh, Hemis National Park is one of the promising spots to spot this elusive feline. Additionally, this area is residence to the Himalayan brown bear, blue sheep, and an assortment of bird species that flourish in this high-altitude geography.
Marine Wonders of Andaman and Nicobar Islands:
The adventure expands to the marine globe with the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where you can plunge into the azure waters to find a vibrant underwater domain. Here, you can glimpse a stunning assortment of coral reefs, unfamiliar fish, and even the magnificent dugong, a gentle ocean animal rarely found elsewhere.
In Search of the One-Horned Rhinoceros:
A trip to the northeastern state of Assam leads to Kaziranga National Park, recognised for its successful preservation of the Indian one-horned rhinoceros is a wonderful place for wildlife adventure in India. Jeep safaris in this grassland furnish a thrilling encounter with these prehistoric-looking animals, alongside other wildlife like tigers, elephants, and water buffalo.
Seeking the Elusive:
Beyond these well-known destinations, India submits an endless number of wonders for wildlife lovers. The Western deserts are the residence of the extraordinary Indian bustard, a critically jeopardised bird species. In the southern state of Kerala, you can analyze the dense forests of Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, where elephants and the inaccessible Nilgiri tahr roam freely.
For a remarkable wildlife adventure in India, you need a dependable guide and tour operator. La Safaris India has earned prestige as one of the best in the business. Their expertise and obligation guarantee that your wildlife experience is not merely remarkable but also donates to the preservation of these magnificent animals and their habitats. With a profound responsibility to ethical and accountable wilderness tourism, they submit a spectrum of customised excursions to claim your curiosities and appreciation.
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silverlab101 · 2 years
Ringworm Treatment Frisco, Plano Tinea Treatment Mckinney Fungal Infections Richardson
Fungal infections rarely spread beneath the surface of the skin. However, without treatment, ringworm can unfold from one part of the physique to a different. Apple cider vinegar has strong antifungal properties, so it might help treat ringworm when applied topically to the affected space. To use it, soak a cotton ball in undiluted apple cider vinegar and brush the cotton ball over your skin ringworm treatment. The problems of tinea capitis can be worrisome because it could produce life-long permanent hair loss. When contemplating these potential issues, it’s best to treat ringworm as rapidly as possible.
Antifungal shampoo, corresponding to ketoconazole shampoo (Nizoral A-D®), might cease scalp ringworm from spreading. It won’t treatment it, but it may assist comprise the infection. You additionally need to take a prescribed oral antifungal medication. Unaffected members of the family could profit from utilizing the shampoo as well. This sort of fungus naturally lives on your skin, hair and nails. However, when their surroundings gets sizzling and damp, the fungi start growing uncontrollably.
Malassezia species were identified utilizing conventional phenotypic methods and 26 s rDNA PCR-RFLP. The highest prevalence of PV was observed among young adults' group. The most affected physique areas had been the again and neck. In total, 50.8% and 35% of PV cases had pruritus and history of recurrence respectively.
Tinea capitis often needs to be treated with prescription antifungal medication for one to three months. Ringworm, or tinea, refers to several types of contagious fungal infections of the top layer of the pores and skin, scalp, and nails. It is recognized as ringworm as a end result of the itchy, pink ringworm treatment rash has a ring-like appearance. Anyone can get it, however it is most common in children. It may be referred to as one thing else if you get it in a sure area. For occasion, ringworm on your ft is named athlete’s foot .
After your youngster has began taking the prescription and washed his hair as quickly as with antifungal shampoo, he is not contagious and might return to excessive school. Warn your youngster not to share combs, brushes, hats, etc. Siblings with an itchy scalp or scalp rash must be examined. Pets with a pores and skin rash or sores must be examined by a vet. Ringworm of the scalp is thought by the medical term, Tinea capitis. It usually happens in young children and might seem as a scaly plaque on the scalp.
Ringworm is identified in a physical examination with your primary care supplier. They will look at the rash and talk with you about signs and potential exposure. Occasionally, they might take a small pores and skin scraping and ship it to a laboratory to confirm the presence of fungi that causes the ringworm infection. Ringworm is most typical on your torso, scalp, groin or ft. Jock itch and athlete’s foot are each kinds of ringworm. Antifungal medication can clear ringworm from each area of the physique.
Younger kids and adolescents could experience this situation, which may trigger scaling and itchiness, in addition to bald spots on the scalp. Only a couple of of the fungi, molds, and yeasts that exist trigger skin problems. These fungi stay on the dead keratin protein that lies on the highest surface of the skin. They have a tendency to stay only on this outer layer, rarely invading deeper areas.
Ringworm is a typical pores and skin dysfunction, particularly among children, but might occur in people of all ages. It is essential to treat ringworm since it is contagious and can spread to others. In most circumstances a topical antibacterial solution is used. Once evaluated your dermatologist will make the best recommendation. The practitioner in our office could do a fungal scraping, and verify it under the microscope in our workplace for indicators of fungus.
The vital scientific variables that may affect the efficacy of efinaconazole include intercourse, BMI, disease severity, disease period, and tinea pedis. Treatment compliance may have to be mentioned for an improved well being outcome. Therefore, these prognostic factors ringworm treatment need to be rigorously evaluated, which can help in formulating individualized remedy to maximize treatment success. Ringworm is a standard an infection of the skin and nails that is brought on by fungus.
Numerous research have discovered Tinea capitis to be the most prevalent dermatophyte to contaminate kids throughout the continent of Africa. Dermatophytosis has been found to be most prevalent in youngsters ages four to 11, infecting extra males than females. Low socioeconomic status was found to be a danger issue for Tinea capitis.
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flippiner · 2 years
Lots of snakes chasing a lizzard
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The animals and plants that make our island unique are facing a fight to survive. Hedgehog habitats are disappearing, porpoises are choking on plastic and ancient woodlands are being paved over.īut if we don't look after nature, nature can't look after us. Our future depends on nature, but we are not doing enough to protect our life support system.īritish wildlife is under threat. Now we're wondering if you can help us.Įvery year, more people are reading our articles to learn about the challenges facing the natural world. or that it helped you learn something new. These snakes have a black and cream or white collar at the base of the head and are also proficient swimmers. They have a round pupil and have a green back with dark bars. Grass snakes are the largest in Britain, reaching up to approximately 1.3 metres. Two other species of snake are native to Britain: the grass snake ( Natrix helvetica) and the smooth snake ( Coronella austriaca). 'It's better not to use a tourniquet and to just immobilise the affected limb with a splint or sling for an adder bite - it may be different in the case of a more dangerous snake attack abroad.' What other reptiles are found in Britain? It will lead to the venom concentrating in one part of the body and could end up destroying the flesh in that area. Patrick says, 'Using a tourniquet to isolate the bite to some may feel sensible but in actual fact will probably only make matters worse. Victims of a snakebite should seek immediate medical attention and try to remember a description of the snake seen to help medical professionals identify the species - but don't try and catch it. They also have keeled scales - rather than being smooth, they have a raised ridge down their centre. These snakes have a slit pupil (similar to a cat's) instead of a round one. They have a distinctive, darker zigzag pattern down the middle of their backs and a clear V or X marking on the top of the head. They vary in colour: males are usually grey and females reddish, although there are some that are entirely black (melanistic form). But if you find them, they'll often slither away rapidly and are likely to strike out only if provoked or picked up.'Īdders, also known as European vipers, have distinctive features that make them identifiable next to other British snake species.Īdders have stocky bodies, reaching a maximum length of approximately one metre. 'They tend to favour hiding under things for safety, to keep warm or to escape the heat - unless they're out basking directly in the Sun. 'You often have to upturn logs and discarded metallic objects, which are good conductors of heat, to find them,' explains Patrick. They need to be warm in order to be active. The body temperature of snakes is regulated externally by sunning or retreating to cool. More bites occur in the summer as British snakes hibernate through winter, when people are also less active and wearing heavier clothing and footwear. Adders are mainly found on heathlands, commons and woodland. Antivenom is rarely needed but should be considered in severe cases.'īritish snakes are usually solitary, shy animals that prefer to flee than fight. 'However, in any case of suspected adder bite, immediate medical attention is needed, primarily to avoid infection around the wound. It is not an aggressive snake, but quite shy and reclusive. An adder won't chase you - there are stories, perhaps fanciful, of black mambas in Africa pursuing people, but the adder is not like this. It's safe to observe them respectfully from a distance, but just don't go picking them up and they will leave you alone. Between 19 there was only one death caused by an adder bite across England and Wales.īees and wasps are more dangerous, causing 61 deaths over the same period.įor those who see a snake in the wild in Britain, Patrick says, 'The best advice would be: don't aggravate it. The last in Britain occurred in 1975, when a five-year-old was bitten on the ankle in Scotland. 'Children, the infirm and the elderly are most at risk.'įatalities from adder bites are exceptionally rare. Some who may be less fortunate may suffer an allergic reaction, but it generally isn't going to kill you. It will hurt and swell for a few days and you may have feelings of nausea and dizziness. 'There have been a few incidents over the years, but for those who are in good health, you're not going to die from a bite.
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mansipatel5 · 1 year
A traveler's guide to the most inspiring places in Egypt and Oman.
Every wanderer feels like a miracle of charming structures, a plethora of home-guarded recipes, and well-planned structures. Much influenced by Arabian influences. Egypt and Oman are destinations that fit well into everyone's shoes. 
If you are a globetrotter and want to hit the check on Egypt and Oman then these awesome places are worth visiting.
The Great Pyramid of Giza: Serves out to be the iconic destination. This one is the last beautiful man-made creation of ancient creation. It is easy to spot them on the western side of the Nile. There are three pyramids to watch here, each of them is dedicated to ancient kings. When you sign up for Egypt pyramids holiday packages, the prominent tour operator sees to it that you get to know everything in detail.
Unleash your adventure side: Not just the historic places, Egypt has well preserved the beauty of modern advancements. If you love exploring marine life then check out the healthy flora and fauna of Hurghada. This fishing village is an awesome spot to try on scuba diving activities. The good visibility out here brings you great chances for underwater photography.
Visit the only fish garden in Cairo: The beautiful caves and several aquariums are not to be missed. There are a myriad of colorful and rare fishes here. With the lots of expansive spread greens, you can spend quality time here.
 Try Desert Safari at 300 ft high dunes:- If you are an adventure junkie then the Wahiba sands tour is the perfect thing to try hands-on.  This place is also known as the adventure playground. When you book Oman Tour packages from India, there are proper travel arrangements done to reach out on this spot.
 Checking out on other nature creatures:- Have you ever seen a turtle laying eggs on the beach?  The undisturbed nature brings to you yet another reason to visit Oman and explore its beauty. Various diving spots in Oman will let you see the beauty of marine life.  In the jungle areas, you could witness a lot of extinct species like desert foxes, leopards, or wild cats.
Beaches:- Get that perfect picturesque feel and be spoilt for numerous choices. You would just love and admire the beautiful patches of sand and backdrops of mountains.  If you are a beach lover then definitely you would love to explore the Al-Sawadi beach which has a lot of sea shells waiting to be discovered.
Explore the Emerald green water pools:- The best thing about Oman is that it fascinates you at every level. The Wadi Shab (gorge) is an easy 45-minute walk. When the walk gets complete, you can swim through the cave and can observe the waterfall.
Sultan Qaboos Mosque:- If you love observing the finest detailing and architecture then this spot is worth a visit. The spiritual site brings in a lot of positive vibes. Built-in the year 2001, this spiritual place is gaining attention around the world for all good reasons.
Feel like a royal by visiting the beautiful castles: The ancient charm of Oman remains to be unspoiled with modern advancements. The Nizwa Fort is the place where the kings once ruled. It is just amazing to hear the stories of defense systems.
Experience the stay at Mud Village:  The signature Oman-style stay can be much felt at Misfat Al Abriyeen. The best part here is that the houses have rooftop terraces which makes it even more interesting to stay here. While you stay here you can also have the bliss of nature as these mud houses are in the middle of all dates and banana plantations.
Masirah Island: This destination enjoys the crown of being the largest. The place is perfect to offer every tourist spectacular views. This place is simply a paradise for kite surfers. On Masirah Beach, it becomes worth watching the four different species of turtles. The Masirah beaches do have a lot of female turtles that nestle eggs on the beaches. The reputed tour operators and the guided tours ensure that you don't miss out on any prominent spots.
Whether We talk about Oman or Egypt both these destinations have amazing culinary lists. Here are worth trying out things. 
Hummus: After you are done with all the sightseeing spots, it's high time to relish your taste buds. This recipe is generally eaten with flatbread. The prime ingredients of this recipe include mashed chickpeas, tahini, cumin, lemon juice, and a hint of garlic.
Koshari: Considered to be one of the staple dishes. This delectable recipe is made from lentils, white rice, spiced tomato sauce, and chickpeas.  Mostly topped with crispy fried onions.
There is never a boring moment in Egypt and Oman when you have planned a tour with reputed tour operators from India. All the needs do get adhered to well with proper systematic itineraries at a feasible price.
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