#a reaction to what he’s saying 🤦🏻‍♀️
random0lover · 10 months
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highladyjane · 6 months
Y'all, my husband is getting into his Elriel era and making points 😊😂
My husband as soon as I opened my eyes this morning:
Is Elain the one who lives in Rosehall? Or is it a place where you go buy roses?
Me: Huh?
H: I just finished this chapter... Rhys told Azriel to go buy presents and go to Rosehall. Does Elain live there?
Me: I think you read all of that wrong... They said a "her", right? Who do you think that "her" means for Azriel?
H: Elain?
Me: Uh... What made you think that? Can you think of another "her" for Azriel who might live there?
H: His sister? Mor?
Me: When did they mention Azriel having a sister? And Mor lives with them. Think again.
H: Oh, um... His mum's still alive?
Me: 🤦🏻‍♀️ Did they ever even mention her getting ☠️?
H: Oh, right... It was Cassial's mum who was ☠️, right?
Me: CassiaNNNNNNN! And yes, it's most likely Azriel's mum who lives there and who he's buying presents for. The place is just called Rosehall... I don't know why though. But what made you think Elain lived there?
H: I think they mentioned she and Nesta moved out... And because she likes gardening and is always about roses and flowers so it just sounds like her place... And earlier in the chapter, I think Rhys was trying to get a reaction out of Azriel about Lucien and Graysen... They're both connected to her, and Azriel doesn't want to spy on Lucien because he says he's Elain's mate. Rhys seems intrigued, because I really think Azriel likes Elain. Is he courting her?
Me: What makes you think that? Did you read it anywhere?
H: Isn't it obvious?
Me *slightly stunned over his choice of words, obviously*: What is?
H: Well, because of everything that he did for her during the war? When he went to save her and then he gave her that knife that he hadn't even let Mor or Cassial- CassiaNNNNN touch. He could have given it to Feyre, his High Lady if he wasn't going to fight and if it didn't matter so much, but he gave it to Elain. And I don't know... I just think their personalities make sense together... They seem to be the quiet ones who likes being at the side of everything or keep to themselves. They make me think of old couples who like sitting in their garden drinking tea all afternoon while the children's making a mess. *I laughed so hard at this* So I thought that's who Rhys meant lived in Rosehall and why Azriel's going there... to woo her.
Me: Not everything's about Elain for Azriel...
H: But everytime they mention "Elain" or "Azriel", the other is always mentioned right after. They keep being pointed out. Like Cassian and Nesta. I think they're going to end up together... Do they end up together in the next book?
Me: We'll see. You'll have to keep reading to find out.
H: Maybe Elain reminds Azriel of his mum... So he likes her and that's why he was protective of her...
Me *trying to gauge if I even have the mind to explain the Oedipus complex before having coffee to him*: You mean he'd court her just because she reminds him of his mum?
H: I mean, if his only family is his mum and he's actually close to her, a guy is more likely going to like a girl he knows would obviously get along with her, right..? Poor Lucien though. *chuckles* Maybe Elain will like him back at some point, but I think it's going to be Azriel... I don't know. They just make more sense right now.
If even my husband thinks it's obvious, it's pretty fricking obvious.
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margareth-lv · 8 months
🫥 What does it mean to be 'shy'? 🫥
I've always thought of shyness as an emotion that makes people feel uncomfortable or anxious in a social setting. A shy person is a person who feels nervous or timid in the company of others. A shy person feels hesitant or reluctant in social situations. Someone who is extremely shy might blush or fumble for words when speaking in front of a group of people.
However, Caitríona, under the control of a vengeful King of Puppets, took the concept of shyness to a whole new level.
*** *** *** The interview was conducted in mid-February 2018, when Caitriona had just won the Irish Film & Academy's Film & Drama Awards in the category of 'Actress in a Leading Role - Drama' for her work on Outlander. In her private life, according to much publicised PR, she has just become 'engaged'. I am uploading a longer extract from the interview here because the change in Caitriona's speech, facial expression and intonation is striking. Note: Tumblr doesn't like large files, so I had to edit and shorten the original video anyway.
Caitriona is relaxed and smiles warmly when discussing the metaphysics of Outlander. She even stutters like a teenage girl when she talks about the "dashing Highlander" with whom her character (😜😜😜) falls head over heels in love. On the other hand, when asked about her fake fiancé, she has a strange expression on her face. The muscles around her mouth are tense and she has a blank look in her eyes.
He's shy, says Caitríona, he doesn't like much talking about him.
*** *** ***
Let's stop there.
Let's assume that our prima ballerina's fiancé is not a fake, but a real one.
Let's suppose that a month and a half earlier, a real, loving man had proposed marriage to a woman who loved him.
A real man has proposed to the first Irish supermodel who has walked the catwalks for Dolce&Gabbana and Chanel, a talented actress who has been nominated for three Golden Globes and has just been the winner of the IFTA.
And let's imagine that this supposedly real man, a total "civilian" and an absolute nobody, is not proud of his fiancée, is not proud of having won her heart. Instead, he's too shy to put his name next to hers.
Is he ashamed of her?
This is not shyness. This guy is psycho.
My advice?
Caitríona, run! Run, run, Caitríona! Don't get involved with a jerk like that!
As you can see: Caitríona's "love story" with her PA has no credibility whatsoever.
The Narrative was written by an emotionally brainwashed idiot who has no understanding of life and human reaction.
*** *** ***
Finally, an interesting point in this interview is the one where Caitríona says that she met her fake fiancé through one of her (gay) best friends.
And we all know that it was through Outlander that she met the love of her life.
So they're two different people, aren't they, her faux fiancé and the love of her life?
[January 15, 2024]
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heavyisthecrown-if · 7 months
Please ignore this if I've already sent it but Okay so how what would the ROs reaction to MC being asked out in front of them be..? (crushing stage vs. relationship stage)
Say we are at a royal ball or something 👀
Also very much debating between shutting my face and getting all my questions out. I'm so fascinated by this I have alot to say but I also don't wna clog your inbox 🤦🏻‍♀️
Please get all your questions out if you’d like, I’d love to answer them!
Derrick - [Crushing] He finds his eyes periodically drifting to you, the sheriff’s attempts at conversation ignored as he spots the noble sidling up to you. Their name doesn’t fully register in his mind, but he’s fairly sure they’re not a pleasure to be around. His grip on his cup tightens as they strike up a conversation with you and, much to his chagrin, you reply in kind. He urges himself to look away and back to the sheriff beside him.
[Relationship] He knew he shouldn’t have left your side the moment he sees your admirer. He stalks toward you, mumbling some choice words as he does. Lucky for him, others are quick to get out of his way. When he’s finally beside you once more, he slips an arm around your waist and fixes the guilty party with a glare. They quickly wither under his stare and depart without another word. “Sorry about that,” he whispers and gives you a wry smile.
Talia - [Crushing] She quickly looks away from you as you’re approached by a noble. She could see it in their eyes what their intentions behind the conversation were, and she thinks for a moment if they’ll truly earn your heart. She overhears bits and pieces of your conversation, and is desperately trying to hide her smile when you send them on their way.
[Relationship] She smiles despite herself before coming back to you. “I’m afraid they’re already taken,” she says, as polite as she can be, and slips a glass into their hand. “I’d be glad to point you to someone who isn’t, though.” The noble looks between you and Talia, decidedly dumbfounded before making their way back to the group they departed from. She leans in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. “At least they backed away, hm?” she mumbles.
Alex - [Crushing] “Godfrey, eyeing the prin(ce)(ss) again?” The deputy slaps a hand onto their shoulder, one they’re quick to shake off. They don’t respond to the man’s teasing, instead keeping their eyes locked on you and the rather snarky noble that’s cemented themself at your side. When the person’s intentions become clear, they shoot from their position and come over to you. Because they’re supposed to protect you, of course. No other reason.
[Relationship] They laugh awkwardly, shifting at your side when you’re faced with the confident flirting. It’s honestly commendable the poor soul hasn’t picked up on any hints you two have given them. “The spot’s filled,” they grumble the second the noble asks you if you’re free. Their offended expression almost makes Alex smile, but they hold back. “I think you should move along, mate.” They chuckle softly as the noble stomps away from you two, careful not to make it known it’s them they’re laughing at.
Z - [Crushing] They get to your side a moment before the other could and immediately make a show of speaking with you. You spot the noble sneering at them over their shoulder, a look you know they can sense given their smirk. “They looked like they wanted to bother you, thought I’d step in instead.” They usher you away from the noble- who still seems deeply bothered by the situation- with a hand on the small of your back.
[Relationship] They come up behind the person just as they begin to ask you a few too many personal questions, their pale hand sliding slowly over the noble’s shoulder. “Don’t you know they’ve already been wooed by someone else?” They gasp, holding their free hand to their heart. After a moment, they push the noble away and rub their hands on their skirt/trousers. “If you’d like to keep it in the family, I’m fairly positive the king is not in a relationship of any kind.”
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TBB S3 Episodes 4+5 thoughts
ngl I had a good bit spoiled for me bc I forgot to block the spoilers tag 🤦🏻‍♀️
A Different Approach
genuinely so happy that my man is back
his voice is a little weird tho ngl
yk when the ship is sparking like that on the inside, I don't think you should be flying it
I love batcher so much
they are 100% going to be going back for the other prisoners by the end of the season, I'm calling it
not sure if I feel bad for Nala se or not
fuck hemlock fr
yeah what's up with Omega's blood sample
creepy ass city
crosshair is seriously wondering what he's gotten himself into lmaoooo
his voice is back to normal thank god lol
so fucking funny watching this 10yo try and barter with the spaceport person
omg crosshair is hilarious, he's missed all of Omega's normal hijinks and he's so fucking confused
is that Bossk???
def not bossk
not the troopers
oh fuck
crosshair is freaking out back there
crosshair called Meg's dad count: 1
this captain has me stressing
fuck you
love that crosshair was about to fight a man for her
fuck not batcher
oh just punch the kid already
dad crosshair is so hot oml
babes freeing all the animals will get you caught so fast
just shoot the captain already
that "finally" did things to me 😶‍🌫️
oh omega you badass
I mean that's one way to deal with the captain but damn
where are they???
and hunter.
I really don't like hunter tbh
"never stopped searching" but you were so willing to leave crosshair
ugh the camera angles 😫
The Return
she has Lula!!!
omg pabu is so pretty
genuinely why does crosshair, a clone of a man played by a Māori actor, whiter than I am
omg AZI you don't tell him his accuracy was 53% 🤣🤣🤣
does crosshair know tech is gone??
nvm he's gotta know with that reaction after echo mentions him
all of them look so pretty in the sunset
wrecker gave him his armour back 😭😭😭
the sound I made at crosshair in his old armour is ungodly
lay off him hunter
did batcher just find maydays body???
batchers efficient I'll give her that
not the helmets 😭😭😭😭
watch as those sensors actually did something other than warn about the raiders
I actually hate hunter
call him out babe
echo is eldest daughter-ing rn
can't believe the sensors actually worked
"and I don't even see any blood this time!" true sibling behavior
also the look on Omega's face as he says that 🤣🤣
I love the ice vulture symbolism with crosshair so much
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okamirayne · 2 months
I’m one of the people who have gotten really bad at commenting on fics I read. In the case or BtB it’s mostly because I can’t figure out how to comment in the FF.net app 🙈 (In other cases I’ve been scared off by being told my reactions and interpretations were wrong, both by writers and other commenters) However, that doesn’t excuse not commenting or writing you here, so I am sorry for my negligence.
Because I am still here, I’m still reading BtB like a religious text, and I still adore every last word. I, much to my own surprise, loved reading from Hiashi’s pov in a previous chapter; I’m so here for the whole mess that’s Sasuke and the SasuNaru…maelstrom; I desperately want to see where Kiba and Ino end up, how they solve their current situation (if they solve their current situation), and how they heal, individually and potentially together.
Even more desperately: I want Shikamaru’s grief. I cannot describe how much I love reading these dreamscape flashbacks. Getting these small insights into the hidden life they got to live for a little while, it’s incredible. Even more so because we know how it ended. For now, hopefully. Shikamaru watching Naruto, but refusing to see who Naruto was holding… He knows, of course he knows, but like he said in an earlier chapter: they won’t let him grieve. I want his grief, every last ugly heartbreaking bit of it! If you were to write out the scene when Neji’s death caught up to him (cause I’m not sure the moment he died would necessarily be it), my god… I’d pay good money to read that, for real.
And, finally, Genma. I said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know how he’s still standing. I want to read when Kakashi first walked away. And I want to read every last letter of them, hopefully, finding their way back to each other. Genma deserved his eight times up. I at least want to see him get his ninth time realised.
Hey sweetie! 💜💖
Thank you so much for carving out the time to leave this message. I'll always reiterate how much it means to receive feedback. I appreciate you doing so. 💖
[...] In other cases I’ve been scared off by being told my reactions and interpretations were wrong, both by writers and other commenters
I'm sorry to hear you felt scared off by responses to your feedback, but I'd definitely encourage you to ignore that. Christ, some of the stuff I've been told about my writing, the tropes I use, the themes I explore...🤦🏻‍♀️ Not everyone's cuppa chai. Even if interpretations were 'wrong' so to speak, the fact that you're engaging with that storyline and the characters is fantastic. I'm sorry if your engagement hasn't been warmly received by writers in the past - I find that baffling and not representative of writers on the whole, who are invariably hungry for engagement and grateful to receive it unless it's a troll comment or angry flame. Gently guiding a reader who may have misunderstood something is different to completely blasting them out the water and if that's been the case for you, then that's rubbish and I hope that me telling you how much your feedback matters will encourage you to share your thoughts with writers you read. You matter. Your engagement matters. What you love matters, as it's invariably what we love too. I'm so grateful you're still here, luv. And I thank you for showing up for me.🫶🏼 💖
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I, much to my own surprise, loved reading from Hiashi’s pov in a previous chapter; I’m so here for the whole mess that’s Sasuke and the SasuNaru…maelstrom; I desperately want to see where Kiba and Ino end up, how they solve their current situation (if they solve their current situation), and how they heal, individually and potentially together.
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So lovely to know you enjoyed reading from Hiashi's POV. I feel that there's room for a lot of nuance where Hiashi is concerned, rather than him being portrayed as a black-and-white, cold-hearted dinosaur for not changing the Hyūga clan. Digging into his brain (and chest cavity) was a must.
Kiba and Ino 🫶🏼😔
SasuNaru: Watch this space 😏
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Even more desperately: I want Shikamaru’s grief. I cannot describe how much I love reading these dreamscape flashbacks. Getting these small insights into the hidden life they got to live for a little while, it’s incredible. Even more so because we know how it ended. For now, hopefully. Shikamaru watching Naruto, but refusing to see who Naruto was holding… He knows, of course he knows, but like he said in an earlier chapter: they won’t let him grieve. I want his grief, every last ugly heartbreaking bit of it!
Oddly enough, Shikamaru wants his grief too. And I'm on what emotional whumpster ride with you. *grabs medicinal liquids*
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Funny how HHU began as another of my failed attempts to write a series of one-shots (BtB flashfowards/flashbacks) that just ended up as a timeline skip continuation of the BtB series....my point being the little flashbacks are good fun to write, and might've originally been posted as one-shots (if I wasn't so shit at them). I'm glad you're enjoying these memories.
If you were to write out the scene when Neji’s death caught up to him (cause I’m not sure the moment he died would necessarily be it), my god… I’d pay good money to read that, for real.
Ah damn, I'd need my Angsta guns locked and loaded for that. Ha! Aw. I'd also happily receive said good money to write it too, if only that were legal. 🤣
And, finally, Genma. I said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know how he’s still standing. I want to read when Kakashi first walked away. And I want to read every last letter of them, hopefully, finding their way back to each other. Genma deserved his eight times up. I at least want to see him get his ninth time realised.
Ah, Dearly Tortured Genma. 🥹💖 He's been through the absolute wringer. Kakashi walking away was a serious KO to his heart. Damn right you are, Genma definitely deserved his eight times up and I adore that you are invested in him having his "ninth time realised" (love that). I fully support this sentiment. Thankfully so does Raido, or else Genma might've been alone in the fallout...but credit where it's due, he's a tough bastard.
Thank you again, my lovely, for this wonderful feedback! It matters and it impacts. 💖🫶🏼💖
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alj4890 · 1 year
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
(Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis) in a Choices The Royal Romance Crackship AU
A/N Sorry this took so long. I'm the girl who gets the flu each year in the dead of summer, instead of the winter like a normal person 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyway, on to more enjoyable things! The Court is at Lythikos. After replaying TRR, I forgot how the things Maxwell says and his reactions could be interpreted into him actually liking Olivia in the two Lythikos chapters. Naturally, for this storyline, I ran hard with it 😂 This chapter focuses on that first day there.
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Chapter 2
The Royal Palace, the Duke of Ramsford's chambers...
"Maxwell?" Bertrand snapped. "Are you paying attention?"
Maxwell remained silent as he stared out the window. His thoughts were focused on a wild variety of revelations. After the previous day's time observing Liam and Riley play croquet and then last night's sneaking out for cronuts, he could see that Liam had a definite favorite amongst his many suitors.
It continued to give him hope, not just for himself, but also for Liam. He'd never seen the prince react the way he was with any of the ladies they'd grown up with. Maxwell could tell that Riley seemed just as crazy about him. If things continued to move along like he thought, he would be lifting a glass of champagne with the rest of the nobles in honor of their engagement in a few months.
The rest of Maxwell's thoughts, as usual, were filled with Olivia.
The conversation he had with her outside her room the night of the Masquerade Ball revealed that she preferred it when he acted like himself. He couldn't help but be pleased to hear that. Perhaps his idea to be more casual and aloof was going to pay off in the end.
It has to, he argued with himself. This has to make her finally see me.
He also couldn't help but notice her looking at him curiously the day before at the derby. When he didn't go up to her to even say hello, her eyes narrowed. Usually, he'd have remained by her side, making outrageous bets in the hopes of seeing her smile. It'd been hard to merely nod her way then turn his back on her. He wondered what she was thinking at that moment.
He'd then done the same at the Queen's tea later on. Olivia's frown followed him over to where Riley was sitting after the croquet match. He hadn't even bothered to look for her, at least not obviously. He'd instead watched her from the corner of his eye.
If his actions kept him on her mind in trying to figure out this new version of himself, then it would all be worth going against his very nature.
His worry now was how to behave at Lythikos.
Should I change it up or--
He jumped, turning quickly towards his brother.
"Sorry!" He automatically replied. "I um, well..."
Bertrand groaned.
"Maxwell, I have to return to Ramsford." He began again.
"Why?" Maxwell asked.
"Why?! I just went into a detailed explanation on why I'm not journeying to Lythikos with you and Lady Riley!"
"Oh." Maxwell said a touch sheepishly. "Right. Sorry."
Bertrand sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can I trust you to make certain Lady Riley behaves herself appropriately at Lythikos?"
"Of course you can!" Maxwell replied, slapping a reassuring hand upon his brother's shoulder. "You know I'll make sure she has a great time snow skiing and all."
"That's not what I'm worried about!" Bertrand grumbled. "I'm worried about her bringing attention, the wrong kind of attention, upon our House!"
He narrowed his eyes at Maxwell.
"Don't think I've forgotten what I'd hoped was a joke of yours about finding an indecent woman to represent us."
"Come on, Bertrand." Maxwell folded his arms. "You've seen for yourself that Riley has been a perfect lady since she arrived."
"She does appear to be all you've promised." Bertrand said. "I suppose I have little choice now."
"You can't send her home, even if you wanted to." Maxwell pointed out. "Liam is crazy about her. Now, the public wants to see more of her with him."
Maxwell held his right hand up while placing his left over his heart. "On my honor as a Beaumont, I swear only the best of both me and Riley will be shown at Lythikos."
"I can't very well argue against that type of reassurance." Bertrand's lips curved into a slight grin.
"You and I made sure no one could ever doubt the word of a Beaumont." Maxwell added, grinning even more.
"That we did." Bertrand patted Maxwell's back. "Let's go awaken our chosen lady and give her the details about this next event."
Olivia watched from a window in her library as Maxwell's limo pulled into the drive. She knew she should already be outside to greet them, but she wanted just a few more seconds behind the curtains to see how Maxwell acted with Riley.
She didn't know why her curiosity was notched to an eleven over his odd behavior, but she was determined to see if Liam's new suitor was possibly stringing both men along.
Her eyes narrowed even more so to see Drake and Hana getting out of the same limo.
Well that's odd, she thought.
She ducked down when Maxwell glanced over towards her way. Cursing herself for that ridiculous reaction, she crawled out of view and hurried to greet them.
"Welcome to Lythikos." She announced from the front steps. "I hope you will take advantage of all the beauty my duchy has to offer."
Before anyone could properly respond, she waved towards her butler standing at the ready. "Harris will show you to your rooms. Please let him know of any needs you might have."
Olivia cast her typical smirk and took off towards a frozen pond that already had a gathering of nobles.
"Join us when you're ready." She added.
She glanced back to see Maxwell help Riley with her luggage. A slight frown formed on her lips when she noticed the two laughing over some joke.
Her temper simmered as she faced forward. No matter how distracting Maxwell was at this moment, she was determined to focus all her attention on Liam. After all, the prince was the whole point of this social season.
I despise the mystery that is Maxwell Beaumont. He can act weird all he wants with that barely attractive American. If he wants her, then he can have her. See if I care.
"C'mon Riley!" Maxwell urged. "We need to get down to the pond."
"Okay, okay." Riley struggled with a sweater she was pulling on. "Geez, Max. It isn't like the ice will melt before we get there."
"I know." He mumbled. "I see that Liam is already out there."
"He is?" She hurried over to the window. "Looks like most of his suitors are out there too."
"Yeah." Maxwell's brow furrowed the longer he watched the group skate.
Riley gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"
"Hmm? Oh. Yeah! I'm great!" Maxwell held her coat up for her. "I'm only anxious to get our future queen out there for some fun!"
Riley laughed as she slipped her arms in the sleeves. "I'd love some fun."
"Then you shall have all the wintery fun you could possibly want!" He slung his arm along her shoulders. "On the suitor front though, you'll have to work hard to catch Liam alone here."
"I figured." She gestured about the mansion. "It's what happens when you have a home field advantage."
"Yep." His smile dimmed. "Olivia isn't going to waste this opportunity to win Liam."
"Max?" Riley stopped him once they were outside. "Do you think this is right?"
"Me trying so hard to win Liam?" She turned towards the pond, eyes narrowing in thought. "I mean, if he wants someone like Olivia or Hana or anyone else out there; should I be breaking that up?"
"But he doesn't!" Maxwell exclaimed. "He has to humor them because that's who Liam is. He's too polite and thoughtful to tell them he's already made his choice, i.e. you."
Riley shook her head, a smile forming. "You really believe strongly in your candidate."
He smiled once more as they walked to the pond. "I can't help it that the Beaumont's are backing the right lady."
He took her hand and squeezed it.
"Liam really is crazy about you." He whispered.
"You think so?" She asked.
"Not only do I know, I'll prove it." Maxwell helped her lace up her skates before he did his own.
The pair stepped out on the ice.
That was a close one.
Maxwell ran his hands over his face as he thought back to his rash action on the ice. He tried to excuse his impulsive behavior as a means of helping Liam and Riley find a moment alone together, but he knew the truth.
I didn't want Olivia with him.
He stared into the flames of the crackling fire. What had he been thinking? Yelling out for Olivia to watch him spin. He'd nearly blown the whole cool, aloof noble persona he was cultivating by acting like he was twelve years old again, trying to get her to notice him.
Thank God for Penelope.
If she hadn't clapped and begged him to teach her how to spin like a professional figure skater, he might still be acting out in front of Olivia. Penelope's attention gave him a chance to once again ignore the one he wanted most. Olivia's frown formed the moment he turned away from her. Her perplexed expression when she rejoined Liam and Riley helped him keep as far away from her as he could.
When everyone decided to go snow skiing, he knew he couldn't join them. He'd probably break his neck in trying to impress Olivia. So, while his friends headed towards the ski lift, he escaped back into the manor.
Unable to sit still and dwell on how badly he could screw this up, he pushed himself off the couch and looked about. He needed something to distract him from his worries. His attention landed on a pair of crossed swords over the mantle.
I'll go check out Olivia's armory, he decided. That'll take my mind off things.
He lost track of time as he toured the impressive display of weapons and torture devices the Nevrakis had been fond of for centuries. As he got near a wall covered with war hammers and flails, he heard voices coming from a nearby vent. There was one in particular he recognized.
That's Olivia!
He leaned closer to hear what she was saying.
Olivia's Ballroom...
"Harris?" Olivia called out. "Were you able to find the items I asked about earlier?"
"I was, your grace." Her butler answered. "I took the liberty of placing them in Lord Beaumont's chambers as you requested."
"Good." She eyed her ballroom and the work done to have it ready for the next evening's special event.
So far, it was exactly as she pictured it. Her lips curved as she imagined dancing with Liam. Her ballroom always sparked romance with the soft lights of the chandeliers combined with the wide expanse of windows showcasing the wintery beauty of Lythikos. Once everyone saw her in Liam's arms against that perfect backdrop, there would be no doubt that she was meant for him.
The other ladies will be forced to give up, she thought with glee. My history with Liam alone puts me in the top spot. Add in everything else I possess and it will be proven to be a lost cause for those poor, pitiful suitors.
"Your grace?" Harris cleared his throat once more to get her attention.
"Hmm?" Olivia refocused.
"Is there anything else I should put in Lord Beaumont's room?"
"Not at the moment." She checked the time. "Everyone should be returning shortly. Have the footmen prepare the refreshments in the main drawing room."
Harris bowed on his way to do as she commanded.
Olivia left and began to mentally prepare to steal Liam away from everyone. Along the way, she noticed Maxwell running down a hall towards her right.
She almost called out, then stopped herself. She still wasn't certain what was going on with him. The one thing she did know was that she was tired of how often this mystery that was the new Maxwell Beaumont was getting on her nerves. She detested anything she couldn't figure out quickly.
Her hope was simply this: that the old Maxwell would return once he saw the surprise in his room. When that happened, she'd interrogate him over who made him change.
She still suspected it was Riley. He was perfectly normal before she stuck her big nose in Cordonian affairs. Now this woman was trying to befriend everyone. Olivia wasn't buying her sweet, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth act. Everyone had ulterior motives for doing what they did.
She would find out the American's and then make her regret ever coming to Cordonia.
Maxwell took the main stairs two at a time. He nearly tripped twice as he made a mad dash for his chambers.
I gotta know what she had put in my room!
His door bounced against the wall once he burst inside. Breathless, he quickly scanned the guest room for anything out of the ordinary.
Is it a cool weapon? Maybe a letter finally telling me she's been crushing on me too?!
He shook his head
No. It wouldn't be that.
He noticed a silver covered tray sitting on an end table near a wingback chair.
He lifted the lid and gasped.
Maxwell slapped his hand over his mouth for that outburst. He rushed to his open door and peeped out to make sure the hallway was empty. He blew out a relieved breath to see that no one heard his undignified excitement over a sugary treat. He hadn't reacted like that since he was eight years old and first tried the perfection that was simply Cheetah Cakes.
He couldn't believe she remembered something so insignificant like his favorite snack cake.
But why did Olivia go to the trouble to find these for me? Does this mean she like likes me? Or am I just wishful thinking again?
He didn't know. He only knew that this made the trip here that much sweeter, literally and figuratively.
"I'll see you in a few hours." He said to his cakes. "Together, we'll celebrate the awesome duchess who sent you to me."
Feeling a lot happier than he had mere minutes ago, he went downstairs to wait on Riley.
The Main Drawing Room...
Olivia eyed Maxwell from across the room.
He's doing it again!
Maxwell was sitting next to Riley, grinning that dimpled grin of his and listening.
Since when did he ever just listen? He's always got some story or joke or anything that makes him the center of attention! Why is Riley able to be at the center? Why is he not mingling with everyone else? He hasn't even come to me like he normally does to brag about his skiing or whatever he did when he disappeared earlier.
And what in the hell is Drake and Hana doing hanging out with her??? I get why Liam has to be nice to her. That's just how he would be with anyone. But Drake?! There is nothing more unnatural on this earth than Drake Walker going out of his way to be nice! Come on! And is Hana that stupid to think Riley is a friend? She's in competition with you, you idiot! You can trust no one here.
Maxwell, can't you see it's all an act? As soon as she loses to me, Riley will reveal her true self. Then you'll be hurt because she isn't as sweet as you think she is. Are you falling for her? Is she actually playing both you and Liam?
Olivia couldn't take another second of their happy little group.
"Is everyone enjoying all I've provided?" She asked.
The group stilled. Drake and Hana eyed her warily. Riley nodded while Maxwell spoke.
"I've always enjoyed my time with you, Olivia." He said in a soft, unassuming tone.
Olivia blinked over that. She wasn't certain how to take that statement. Normally she'd chalk it up to his crush on her. But that damn tone! How was she supposed to interpret that now?!
She did not like him pushing her off balance like this. Searching for anything to make her world seem normal again, she zeroed in on the half eaten eclair on Hana's plate.
"Drake, did you notice the treats I had the staff set out?" Olivia smiled at him.
She knew he wouldn't like where she was going with this. A little verbal sparring with some carefully executed jabs would be just what she needed to recover from Maxwell's mysterious ways.
"What about it?" Drake asked.
"I remember how Savannah loved eclairs. She plowed through them as if they were the last on earth." Olivia laughed. "I guess we should all be grateful she isn't here or else no one would have a chance at the buffet."
"Don't," he hissed, "talk about my sister."
Drake glanced at his watch and stormed out.
"Wait Drake!" Olivia shouted with a giggle. "I'm not done--"
"Shut your damn mouth!" Riley snapped.
Olivia whirled back towards her. "Well, well. Look who has a soft spot for Cordonia's most popular commoner."
"Leave him alone." Riley commanded, getting to her feet.
Olivia's smirk faltered when she noticed the sad, disappointed look in Maxwell's eyes. A slight pinprick of guilt washed over her.
"As fun as that was," Olivia straightened her shoulders, "I should be on my way. I promised Liam a personal tour of my duchy."
She left the small group, doing her best to avoid Maxwell's unwavering gaze.
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themirokai · 1 year
For my new followers: I’ve been watching Person of Interest really slowly and posting reactions to each episode with gifs. Check out the tag #miro does poi if you’d like to see more. Or, ya know, blacklist it.
POI 03x23: Deus Ex Machina
I thought some parts of this episode worked and some did not. Gonna do some big overarching thoughts, then call out some specific moments.
I generally liked Collier as a villain. Some of that is an affinity for Leslie Odom Jr., but as I said in a prior post I also really like villains who have a point but take it too far. And I thought Odom played him really really well. The guy is crazy charismatic and brought every ounce of that to bear in this role.
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So I felt a bit let down by the trial as culmination of his arc. It’s just… kind of dumb? Like did they actually believe that doing this show trial at gun point - of two political operatives and three people no one knew - was going to … what? Convince people to rise up against the government and demand greater privacy rights? Or was it to make themselves feel better about killing the people responsible for Northern Lights? It just seems pretty half-baked for a character who I felt had been previously set up to be intelligent and driven.
And I didn’t really like the reveal that Greer had been pulling the strings the whole time. It made sense for the broader Samaritan plot but it undermined everything about Collier. I think I would have preferred if they just had Decima influence how the trial went rather than have them be responsible for the entire Vigilance movement.
The trial did create the set up for Harold to be self-sacrificing. Again. Still. Some more.
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So much of Harold’s actions throughout the series seem to be motivated by guilt. Actually, remorse is probably more accurate. He only thinks he’s important in terms of what he can do for others. BRB my heart is breaking.
Another thing that got my wheels turning was this part with Control where she gives her experience on 9/11 as her motivation for undertaking the surveillance program, and I’m interested in how that reads to younger people and people who aren’t American.
I was 17 on 9/11 and it isn’t much of an exaggeration to say that you could feel the country change in real time. Control’s story of having the rest of her life motivated by that day isn’t at all rare. I know several people who signed up for the military on 9/12 or shortly thereafter.
Probably most of the people using this site weren’t even born on 9/11 and I wonder if Control’s story comes off as contrived or manipulative to you. I know that for me, I do feel the remove of 22 years. I know that 9/11 jokes and memes are pretty common now. But I don’t think that was the case when this aired. I think we were still too close to it then, and Control probably came off as sympathetic or at least doing the wrong thing for the right reason. I’m not sure this part of the show has aged well. But also Camryn Manheim’s performance is fantastic.
I find it super interesting that when I try to use gif search, the majority of gifs that come up, and the first ones, are ALL Shoot. I’m not sure if that’s because there’s just more of them or if Shoot fans tag their stuff differently or what. I didn’t embed any here because this was getting lengthy, but this scene was great, they have excellent chemistry, and I generally love how their dynamic is developing.
Fusco’s arrival was fantastic because I’m always happy when he shows up but also Root … apparently sent a message on??? with??? Bear? We’re not going to interrogate the mechanics of how Root got Bear out of the library while she was going after Samaritan but I was very glad Bear was there too.
Also! Fusco still doesn’t know about the Machine!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Oh look, Hersh ends up being great and I’m kind of attached to him now. Of course he’s dead at the end.
Let’s talk about the Rinchiness. As always, we have John’s single-minded determination to get Harold back for the majority of the episode.
But then there is this oh so gentle and affectionate scene that I suspect lives in every Rincher’s heart.
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And the ending. Goddamn the ending was gutting. RIP Library.
That’s a wrap on season 3! Thanks for sticking with me, y’all. Reminder that my ask box is open if you want to share your thoughts!
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clairehadenough · 8 months
Like they’ve never ever had a problem with other couples with sometimes even a bigger age difference. No it’s just “Chrissy”s wife who’s the problem.//
The other thing that’s gets to me is the going on about the power imbalance in the relationship like Chris is in control, he’s tells her what to post, hides her, tells her not to post him etc like as if they know what goes on in their private life. Coupled with big age gaps can be tune with each other. Other celebrities couples with big age gaps seem to handle it alright.
One moment she’s immature, uneducated and the next she’s a schemer and been planning this since 2020. There you have the ones that say that at her age they had career, an apartment or even married but for some reason AB can’t as she acts immature and a school drop out🙄. In PT you can’t leave school until your 18 I think so yes she stated acting at 16 but probably was schooled on set like other child/teenage actors round the world are. Never anywhere have I seen her state she dropped out of school. It was the fandom that started that one. Yes she and her friends have some problematic posts some very and they dont get a free pass for that.
Its takes 2 to be involved in a relationship, yes some relationships there is a power imbalance but she has been in the industry since she was 16 shes not some naive girl. She seems to me to relate to older people - Justin and Joana are older.She said she was going to move to the States to further her acting before the pandemic hit. US is where working at all so makes sense she moves. Chris is more established in the US and has homes there. She doesn’t have property that we know of in PT. She might like living in MA just because other say it’s boring etc it’s not them living there. She is in easy reach of NY and Chris has a house in LA. It’s not like she struck there. They have been to PT, she went to Bermuda. We don’t know if she has made new independent friends there or what she does with her days. Oh that’s right they smoke,drink, smoke pot and play video games all day everyday.🤦🏻‍♀️
As for not posting Chris look what happened when she posted Dodger, Chris did his cringy video montages everything got analysed to hell so I’m not surprised she doesn’t post. If it was me I would post away and said take that bitches🤣🤣
Very well put Anon, you got it 100%. The narrative keeps changing according to what content we get-or don’t get for that matter. She goes from being the evil mastermind in all this to a silly naive girl who hasn’t got a say in anything. As for posting him, yes that would be hilarious to see the reactions but I kinda understand why she doesn’t, no one enjoys having people shitting on them even more so when these people are strangers who know nothing about your life…
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damelucyjo · 1 year
Right. Let’s grab a cup of tea and crack on, shall we babes!! It’s a long one!
Episode 6 - Sunflowers 🌻
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Oh poor boys. Ted is still so clueless 😂
That’s a fancy ass owners section!!
She thinks the songs depressing 👀 okay!
I love that she can’t drink alcohol normally 😂 chug it, girly!!
You tell him Roy 🫡
Bless Higgins. He’s so excited
They’re so cute. I love that Rebecca knows her so well now that she recognises her vocal changes 🥰
But bailing on a night out with your bestie for your boss?? Come on Keels! 😔
“Somewhere that believes they deserve her” 👀 say it louder, Becca, please!!
Methinks he may be angry… but I can’t tell 🤔
Beard’s eyes 😳 😂
“Not as bad as you do” Are you listening, Ted?? They’re on to you…
Poor Jamie. But Ted’s eyebrow impression of Roy makes me snort 😂
I love that they’re all like excited kids on a school trip
Sweet baby Will, going to the red light district with papa Higgins 🥹 this pairing is cute. And Charlie’s reaction is brilliant 😂
Jamie giving a lesson on Amsterdam to Roy. Beautiful
So apparently they’re close enough that she feels warm in her belly when something is wrong so must ring her, but not close enough to know where she is?? Make it make sense please
And down she goes! 😂 we’ve been waiting a year for this!! 😂
“Stupid fucking place” Hannah is so funny
You know, if I wasn’t such a Tedbecca girly I would be into these two in a heartbeat 😍
Omg he’s in another colour. What do I do?! 🥴
(He’s changed her picture. Again.)
Not focusing on your conversation with your bestie cause you’re trying to plan a date with blonde?? We see you, Ted 👀
Beards little eye patches. He’s so cute 🥰
So has he never been punched in the face? Or drink yelled at his mum?? Interesting
Beard’s time has come 🫡 (also we have the same toothbrush 😂)
This really shows how vastly different all these boys are, yet they work very well together. I love it.
Also a single tulip cause a field would be overwhelming. Protect Dani at all costs, yet again 🥰
Oh hey, uncle Trent!
Higgin’s line about Will becoming a man foreshadowing a conversation later - very clever. I also love that ‘nah’ after everyone hears Leslie is going to the red light district 😂
Yo, Van Damme. You’re a little too into the sex show. What’s that about??
not pickled herring! Poor Colin 👀 I see you, Trent.
Yes, captain Isaac! A team! But I know so we’ll the struggle of picking something with a group of people 😂
Jesus, that boat is huge! Every house boat I’ve been on has been tiny!!
Her face at seeing his little girls room 🥹
‘It’s not drugged. I promise’ He promises so it must be true! You’re very trusting, babes 😂
Roy & Jamie are quickly becoming my other favourite pairing on this silly little show. Brett & Phil are brilliant together
These two are another surprising great match!
“Is everything alright at home?” Aww, love a concerned Will
My favourite character thing about Leslie is how much he loves his music. Him sharing his love with Will is beautiful to see. And Will being excited to learn is gorgeous
How many times has Beard tried to get Ted to partake? And he must just be fucking with him doing it with tea 😂
His struggle 😂😂
None of them noticing there’s a vase of them right there 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
Still arguing over what to do. So real
Isaac has had it 😂
Okay, Trent, LOVE those shoes!!
Alright, yeah. They’re cute. I said what I said.
On my first watch I thought she said she was more of a webcam girl 😂😂 omg
“Force of habit” BECAUSE HE HAS A DAUGHTER 🥹
Rebecca! On another reluctant date because she’s hungry 🫣 you need to eat more, girly 😂
The box of clothes and the comment on them being trophies are nice callbacks to Beard After Hours 👍🏼
I’ll keep saying it, but they are cute. They have easy banter like she had with a certain someone else…🤔
Okay, that whole thing is a little questionable?? But she could have stuck to her guns about the alcohol. I really don’t think he would have cared either way.
I love you, Jamie. Please never change 🥰 (love that tiny glimpse that the little arsehole is still in there 😂)
Thunderdong!! Nice one 😂😂
Oh poor Colin 😔
The most unbelievable thing about Trent is that he dresses and acts the way he does and everyone just doesn’t assume he’s gay. This is how I can tell it’s primarily written by Americans 😂 Brits always assume every guy who is a little ‘different’ is gay 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ted being an avid gif sender 😍 he’s just like me
So out of it he doesn’t notice all his messages are now being sent as texts, not iMessage?? Oh Ted 🥺
Oh, hey Keeley! Weird that they’d have that playing on TV in Amsterdam with info about the museum but… whatever
She looks pretty!! Me and boat guy had the same reaction
Rebecca, he’s telling you to let your anger go. Please listen to him!! 📢📢📢
Since when has Rebecca been a fan enough of The Gambler himself to recognise one of his songs in Dutch?? 👀 Is that Teddy’s influence?? 👀
Love that they’ll get Hannah to sing any way they can. Thank you, boys! 🫡😂
He really is just Dutch Ted, isn’t he. Is she noticing it too??
Oh I really love that she’s just so relaxed 🥰 I need more casual Becca. She’s fun
How maybe fuck has Roy been running around Amsterdam all evening with his dodgy knee?? Im fucked just walking around for a short while 😂
Oh poor Roy 🥺
For grandad 🥹 yes I do have tear in my eyes. What of it 🥹
You just know these two had the time of their lives filming this 😂😂
Beautifully showcasing how nurturing Jamie is, absolutely nothing like his dad 🫡 good lad
“LET’S GO FIND A FUCKING WINDMILL!” “FOR GRANDAD!” They’re so fucking cute 🥰😂
Baby Will & Papa Higgins are adorable. I’d happily watch a full episode about just them
Proud ‘dad’, successfully sharing his passion and introducing another to jazz. Love to see it 🥰
Full on tears through this scene too!! James & Billy did an amazing job with this. Feels incredibly real & true 🥰 nice one, lads
Heartbreaking that he just wants to live his truth and for it to not be a ‘thing’. Hand on, I need tissues
“When you know you’re doing what you’re meant to do, you have to try” Wow.
Jason is so hot and cute. Sometimes I don’t know what to do.
Still arguing 😂 Isaac had had it!! Angry Isaac is hot though 🥵😂
These two are so good for one another. I’m glad they’re getting closer
Not that we needed another reminder of how shitty James is as a father 🥺 poor Jamie. But at least he has happy memories of the place with his mum. Loved that trip so much that he still remembers everything he learnt 🥹 Jamie, my boy 🥹
The casual Keeley mention o why he’s angry. 😔
She’s so soft 🥰 more soft Rebecca moving forward, please
I know she was making a point, but she could have just stayed 😂
Another dad reminder - cue sound effect
Nathan jump scare!! 😂😂
Arthur Bryant’s must be doing so well off the back of Ted Lasso 👍🏼
He’s just like me! Shout out to al the visual learners!!
So true that Hannah is the voice of God 🫡
Also leave me be that I want to believe this voice is his dads…
Aww Higgins, this is why he wanted to hide, bless him
PILLOW FIGHT!!! Shame Ted isn’t there for it though. But I’m sure there’ll be many more
The dancing is very cute
God speed to whoever had to pick up all those feathers 🫡😂
Trent & Colin besties era starts here. I love it
They all had perfect evenings 🥹🥰
“I won’t forget you” is a beautiful line, because that night was when her whole attitude towards her life changed. She can finally let go and be happy like she wants to. All thanks to this nameless man that she’ll never forget 🥰
“Did we? Oh yes, we did” have a perfect evening, have a great connection… THEY DIDN’T SLEEP WITH EACH OTHER GUYS, STOP WORRYING!
Of course Beard had the craziest night of all! And speaks Dutch 😂 well done, Brendan
Will on the phone to him mum telling her about being invited to a threesome 😂😂 amazing
Huh. Dud batch. So you came up with that all by yourself, Ted, because you just let it all go… interesting 👀
Ted coming up with something that already existed 😂 total football 👍🏼
The boys cheering Rebecca getting on the bus is so cute 🥰
12 UNANSWERED TEXTS AND 3 UN-HAHA’ED GIFS!! Boy, you are in love with your boss. Who does that 😂 also love knowing Rebecca haha’s his gifs
She’s so chill still. How longs this gonna last?? I hope it does 🤞🏼
“We saw a windmill!” It’s adorable how enthusiastic everyone is about everything!
The fucking sex show 😂
They will use any excuse to get Hannah to sing. And I am all for it! But Beard joining in makes me laugh every time 😂😂😂
There’d better be a comment on the fact she went home on the bus in the next episode 👀👀
Well that episode was just wonderful! For so many of the characters!! Definitely one I will be going back to again and again. It set everyone up beautifully moving forward and I for one and excited to see what happens next 😁
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stoookes · 5 months
Umm... No. VK has legit evidence with Nathan, Carey as well as Usman 😭😭😭
For Nathan:
https://www.hindustantimes.com/cricket/virat-kohli-will-say-nathan-lyon-disagrees-with-experts-gives-stunning-take-on-umpire-nitin-menon-s-controversial-call-in-india-vs-australia-2nd-test-101676723517251.html (Lyon giving his opinion on one of VK's controversial dismissals in the BG trophy)
https://www.indiatoday.in/sports/cricket/story/virat-kohli-has-provided-me-with-the-best-challenge-in-test-cricket-nathan-lyon-2334983-2023-02-15 (Lyon saying that bowling to VK and Sachin is a tough challenge, but he likes it, and that once you get either of them out, you become public enemy no 1)
https://www.timesnownews.com/sports/cricket/ind-vs-aus-4th-test-day-3-virat-kohli-engages-in-banter-with-nathan-lyon-video-gets-caught-on-stump-cam-watch-article-98568390 (VK STOP FLIRTING WITH THE OPPOSITION!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️)
For Alex:
https://www.indiatoday.in/sports/cricket/story/india-vs-australia-virat-kohli-is-a-class-player-and-he-didnt-give-us-a-chance-says-alex-carey-2345705-2023-03-12. (alex heaping praise on vk after he scored a century)
https://thecricketlounge.com/alex-carey-revealed-how-virat-kohli-advice-is-helping-him-in-ashes-2023/ (Aw this is actually cute... VK giving Alex some batting advice 🥰🥰)
For Usman:
https://youtu.be/9sdywle2xVA?si=DmF0yIxWWEDT3TGu (Well, a 6 min long video of Uzzie telling it all about his friendship with VK 😳)
https://www.hindustantimes.com/cricket/watch-video-virat-kohli-s-gem-of-a-reaction-after-usman-khawaja-spoils-his-instructions-to-ashwin-during-india-vs-australia-2nd-test-101676654846387.html (VK was telling Ashwin how to get Uzzie out, remaining oblivious of the fact that Uzzie can speak Hindi 😂😂😂)
https://thesportsrush.com/cricket-news-virat-kohli-who-loves-long-drives-had-usman-khawaja-as-his-chauffeur-in-australia-before-india-debut/ (VK man 😭😭😭😭 you're insufferable 😭)
VK, honey, I'm in awe of what a whore you are 🤣
Told ya 😂
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river-ocean · 1 year
hiii! it’s me, wildspace from ao3. i do have tumblr aha. and i’m so glad you like my comments because i really like your fic and (as a currently retired writer myself aha) i know comments are important for writers.
anyways, your fic makes my brain imagined crazy theories every chapters which is funny bc siren AU aren’t something i usually search for. but yours is really good and i got me so curious. like, this chapter made me go crazy with theories. i feel like it’s definitely pascale knowing about siren and about pierre. not sure why/how but maybe it’s linked to charles’ dad death. (or she’s a siren herself 👀) the map in sewis’ home is a map of siren "communities" they visited/know of imo but there is a big chance i’m wrong aha. i mean, sewis could just be travelling everywhere without meeting siren. and the dream, the dream!! it was so well done, i thought it was not a dream til you wrote charles waking up and i was like "girl, you dumb 🤦🏻‍♀️". i still feel like it could be about charles becoming a siren in the future. or maybe he can breath underwater for some reason. bc the ocean and the siren people accept him? so manyyy questions and theories. i love this. also, if my theory that human can become siren (maybe by being drowned? 👀) when a siren fall in love with them and swear to love them for eternity or whatever, i feel like lewis told seb about it and told him he could do it if seb wanted and seb told him because he likes his life as human. also, i need to know if siren can stay on land for longer than a day bc we kind of know pierre isn’t around unless it’s a new moon day, but we don’t know about lewis. and lewis seems to be a siren for way longer than pierre and in love and in a relationship with seb so my theory of siren potentially living on land for days/weeks/months/years if they find their soulmate/love of their life/etc is still there in my mind.
anyways, this ask is a mess and way too long. sorry for rambling 🙈
WILDSPACE MY BELOVED — my reaction every time you comment on this fic. my sincerest apologies for the time it took for me to get to this ask!!!!
i am truly blown away by your ability to sus out what i am doing with this fic. i cannot confirm or deny your assumptions, but i will say that you have been right on more than one occasion with your predictions you will quickly find out which ones, i have no doubt 😉
i also need you to know that not only do EYE want to propose marriage to you, but also @wolfiemcwolferson and @duquesademiel are prepared to ask for your hand as well. as you may know the three of us are in a very committed fic triad and we are hoping that you will accept our shared declarations of love.
i am so happy you are enjoying this fic and i am happy to chat with you about it anytime!!! this is my first time posting a WIP and i love seeing your theories about where it is going.
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androidmuses · 1 year
👕💭💞 for Hyunjin please
👕 POLO SHIRT — my muse's appearance/fashion preferences
Hyunjin usually goes for something more comfortable, kinda going for that soft boy aesthetic. He likes baggy jeans and big sweatshirts, but will also change it up and wear something more edgy or sexy usually for events or when going to the club, like b&w or skin tight shirts. he also LOVES crop tops, probably his favorite piece of clothing, and no matter what he wears he always accessorize silver jewelry/chains and sometimes with hats likes beanies.
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💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — my muse's personality
Hyunjin is very kind, caring and gentle. He loves painting and photography a lot, he aspires to be both one day. He is also a good listener and tends to give great advice, he is lowkey clingy and protective. He likes going to museums, supply stores and shopping. Hyunjin is know to have a warm personality, the others say he is very calm, soft and so caring towards the ones he loves. He also has a HUGE soft spot for bunnies, he’s never seen or felt one but would love to adopt one.
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💞 REVOLVING HEARTS — our museus' romantic relationship
Hyunjin and you would be like such a lovey dovey, cheesy ass couple. He loves holding, kissing and cuddling you a lot. He is the type to go on cute dates with you, like going to arcades, cafes, amusement parks or anywhere you want. Hyunjin will tie your shoes, hold your bag/belongings, put you hair up, help you get dressed, anything really. He is completely and utterly obsessed with you and will cherish you so so much. He feels so lucky to have someone who accepts him for who he is so in return he will do anything you want and love you unconditionally.
He will also sometimes wear cheesy shirts that say “my girlfriend/boyfriend is hot” or something, just to see your reaction.
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(I just realized I’m so bad a moodboards 😔🤦🏻‍♀️ also im sorry for the delay i had a busy weekend! I hope you like it 🫶🏻)
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wikiangela · 2 years
I always thought Xander confrontation with Anya was about him acting as Buffy’s heart:
Both of them feel betrayed by Spike/Anya and Buffy has expressed how conflicted she feels about sleeping with Spike.
So I saw Xander angry reaction of anger, betrayal and disgust of the situation as something Buffy has been thinking forever and being expressed through Xander because Xander is metaphorically Buffy’s heart.
I’m not even trying to sound like a Xander defender that’s honestly how I interpreted the scene when I first watched it
I mean, it's a valid take, and while I absolutely understand why they reacted that way, and it was valid - Buffy had all the right to feel betrayed and hurt, and Xander's anger at his ex sleeping with someone he hates more than anything was kinda warranted - I think my dislike for Xander has been building up for so long I just can't help but feel annoyed 😂
first of all, I'm still so pissed at how he handled the wedding too - how he left Anya there all alone to deal with all the guests and everything - like, if you came back to tell her it's not happening, why not tell everyone?? why leave her to do it?? - and he has the audacity to make a scene when she sleeps with someone else - I understand being angry and hurt, obviously, but it was just infuriating
not to mention how Xander was convinced Anya did it on purpose to hurt him when she had no idea that she was being recorded 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 - I get emotions taking charge and all but like, lmao it was lowkey hilarious 😂
as for Xander and Buffy, Xander has been inserting himself into Buffy's relationships since the beginning, and I can't be the only one who sees that he's still lowkey obsessed with her 😂 I firmly believe that if Buffy was willing to fuck him, he'd jump on the occasion immediately 😂 (maybe I'm wrong, but like, he's been jealous of her boyfriends since day 1, and that never changed, and you can't tell me he's just concerned)
even if they intended for him to act as Buffy's heart, I just can't help but be fucking annoyed with him
I already hated when he defended Riley (which is a whole other thing I'm not even gonna start on bc I'm still too angry) and here he was again jumping into Buffy's love life like he has any business doing so - even if his reaction is what Buffy was thinking... why do that? we already knew what Buffy was thinking and feeling, Sarah Michelle Gellar is such an amazing actress she showed all that in Buffy's face constantly, I didn't need another scene making me like Xander less 😂
Buffy even told him later it wasn't his business who she sleeps with - and it isn't - even if she's making a huge mistake, it's her mistake and he already expressed his disapproval once, he can shut up now
I think my problem with his reaction was mainly about how fucking entitled he feels to Buffy and to always have a say in her romantic relationships, in whatever relationship she's in - I get that they're friends, but honestly, why are they 😂 if my friend was constantly criticizing my relationships, especially when I wouldn't want any advice or anything from them, I'd honestly stop hanging out with them 😂 (unless it was like a very bad situation and they'd have reasons to be worried, but like, Xander knows Buffy can handle herself against Spike and nothing she does is against her will so 💁🏻‍♀️)
besides, just his entire attitude towards Buffy and women in general kinda takes me out of the show and makes me remember that: oh right, this is a 90s show 😂 (like, okay, there's more characters sometimes making comments that make me think that, but lately it's been mostly Xander)
your take about Xander being Buffy's heart makes a lot of sense and maybe if they didn't make me dislike Xander as much until that point, I'd think that too, but alas, I'm just annoyed with most of the things he does 😂 and, like I mentioned, to me it came off more as another example of him feeling entitled to Buffy 💁🏻‍♀️😂 but like with art, with media also there can be as many interpretations as there are people, and that's what's great about it haha
thanks for the ask though! 😘 (and sorry I went on a rant and it got long lmao)
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alj4890 · 1 year
Based on my real life experience today - I have an ask.
Tobias accidentally because he'd never be this much of a dick says "He needs to babysit" their kids and your MC overhears this.
How does your MC react?
Feel free to share reactions if it were your other pairings too!
😂😂😂 For Tobias and Chris, here's how I think she would react to hearing him say something like that 🤣 For this drabble their child is just three months old.
*Sorry this took so long. I've had some family emergencies pop up that have taken a toll on me mentally and physically. I've whined enough about them as it is so I won't do so again 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'll eventually get back in to the swing of things properly this week now that all has started to calm down.
The Babysitter
The Carrick Household...
"Hey Tobias." Will said. "Dean and I are planning on going to Banners to watch the Bruins take on the Canadiens tonight. You in?"
"I can't. Chris is taking Sienna out for her birthday tonight. I have to babysit Jamie." Tobias explained.
Chris was walking past and paused upon hearing that.
"Uh huh." Tobias continued. "Have fun."
He ended the call and glanced up.
"Everything okay?" He asked when he noticed Chris struggling with her laughter.
"Yes." She nodded, fighting back a smile. "Um, Jamie fell asleep with his bottle so he should be good for a few more hours. I think I'll go ahead and get ready."
"Okay." He said slowly, wondering at the giggles that slipped past her lips.
Tobias glanced down to make sure he didn't have any spit up or anything on his shirt. He wasn't certain what about his appearance was amusing her to this extent.
"I won't be long." She told him.
"Take your..." His brow furrowed when she dashed upstairs. "time."
Shaking his head in realizing he would probably never truly understand his Chris; he stretched out on the couch, turned the volume on the baby monitor up, and settled in for a quiet night at home.
About an hour later, he sat up to whistle at her.
Chris grinned while doing a slow twirl.
"I don't know if I should let you leave looking like that." He rose to take her in his arms.
Chris pushed him away before he could kiss her.
"Sorry, but your behavior is entirely inappropriate."
He blinked at her hard tone.
"My what?"
"Your behavior." Chris rolled her eyes while digging through her purse. "I'm a married woman."
Tobias folded his arms and waited on her to finally make sense.
"Here." She handed him a twenty dollar bill.
"What's this for?" He asked.
"Your fee." Her lips trembled with laughter. "Isn't this what most babysitters make a night?"
She nodded. "I'm sorry if your friends made plans, but you did agree to watch my baby this evening."
Tobias rolled his eyes while a grin formed.
"Here." Chris handed him another twenty. "If Jamie is still asleep by the time I get back, I'll throw in a bonus."
"What kind of bonus?" Tobias took her back in his arms.
"Ten more dollars." She stiffened in embrace. "But if you persist in this inappropriate behavior, I will be forced to take it out of your fee."
"You will, huh? And how much would this cost me?" He kissed her cheek.
"A dollar." She closed her eyes when his lips brushed hers. "That's definitely five more dollars."
He smirked while dipping down to kiss along the curve of her neck.
"Another five."
She gasped when he dropped down to his knees and tugged her skirt up.
Twenty minutes later, she was trying to right her appearance.
Tobias was once again on the couch. His smug smirk on full display as he watched Chris struggle to not look like she'd just tried to muffle her screams of his name mere seconds ago.
Once she was ready, she turned towards him.
"Do I look decent?"
His eyes traced the high color still showing on her cheekbones and the brightness of her eyes. Other than those telltale signs that she'd been ravished, she looked perfect.
"You do." Tobias got to his feet, swiped up the two twenties, and handed them back to her.
"Sorry, but this won't do." Chris told him.
"It won't?"
She shook her head, her own smile breaking forth while mirth swam in her eyes.
"Your behavior makes it where you now owe me at least two months of babysitting."
Tobias mocked a sigh. "Two huh?"
Chris nodded.
He braced his arm above her head and leaned forward. He paused right before his lips touched hers. His body was already responding to the thoughts he was having about all he'd love to do to his wife.
"When you get back, how about I owe you for a year's worth of babysitting?"
"A whole year?"
He nodded.
Chris looped her arms around his neck. She pressed a tender kiss to his lips, then deepened it when his hands drifted down her body.
"I should be home by eleven. We can then see just how much free babysitting you'll owe me."
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
🥺 That was so nice of you to say, you're so sweet and nice and iwbshdjsonenfjiejr
Also do you think that rooster/jake/bob would get a tattoo (or more) of something special to them and the reader?
Also also unholy thot #2: if the space in the cockpit were bigger would any of the tgm squad do the deed there with their special someone 👀
ALSO this is an unrelated q but if you were part of the dagger squad what would your callsign be? In my head my character (i prefer making chars that can fit into scenarios vs imagining myself) would have either 'Duchess' or 'Vixen'
Ily pls don't feel obligated to answer ALL of these 'alsos' if you don't feel like it ❤️
oof!! you’re sweet too to send me some thoughts! and I really am glad to hear you’re feeling better. If you ever need to vent, my inbox is open!💞
I actually feel like Bob might get a matching tattoo? I have some friend tattoos, I have one of the moon, like so many other people, but I really like the sentiment of it being a source of light in the darkness - so maybe Bob and his significant other would get that together? Ugh, now I’m soft thinking about Bob looking all bashful and proud every time he sees his tattoo. He’d look at it and think of his so when he’s deployed🥹🥹 I feel like Rooster might show love a different way, and I don’t peg Jake as a tattoo kind of guy? (He doesn’t wanna mess up the canvas too bad) but please share your thoughts!! What kind of tattoo do you think Jake/Rooster would get?🥰
Akansksk I mean, I feel like Jake would be tempted but also I think they’re all too much of good boys to fuck with such expensive equipment. On commercial flights however… it’s fair game. Jake would 100% try to convince you to let him do a quickie in the galley (literally out in the open, like the kitchen area🤦🏻‍♀️) when the FA’s are on break. Rooster would want to join the mile high in the bathroom for sure.
Ohhh those are both really cool!! I understand that. Sometimes I really just read and think up a character myself. And my initial reaction is, as always, to be funny - so my first thought of my call sign was “Dumbass” but on a more serious note I’d love something cool, when in all reality I’d probably end up with something akin to Fanboy (because I’m such a nerd). I did write a blurb with a character called Dove which I liked. What call sign would you give me? (You’re allowed to say dumbass😉)
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