#a resounding yes
suaviter-loqui · 2 years
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- Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
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lesbiten · 10 months
my birds are home for the first time in 3 months for thanksgiving break. when i opened their cage last night i went 'do you guys remember this place?' and they answered by immediately flocking to their cubby where they used to nest and would bite me when i tried to remove them
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pnfc · 2 months
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my thinking is, star war perry smokes weed. not regular perry though that would be ridiculous
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poppy-metal · 8 months
Letting jordan creampie you for the first time I just knowww it changes both of ur brain chemistries wish that were me 😔💔
stop they're the type to cum so much - and they get so overwhelmed they need to just - stay inside and rest on top of you for a bit. get their bearings. plant open mouthed wet kisses into your neck as they lazily roll their hips and pump you full - god the way they grunt into your shoulder when they shift and some of it leaks out - and they push it back in and that wet sticky squelch fills the room - gets them hard all over again and it isn't long before they're looking down at you with hopeful eyes and a flushed face, chain dangling and kissing your chin as they ask - plead more like, "again?"
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honesttoglob · 7 months
Cesare being "handsome" and "cute" and all is nice, but what about like,,,, Cesare who's as gross as inhumanely possible? I want a Cesare who smells like he's rotting all the time, but especially when its hot out, so he hangs those little scent trees from the roof of the Zomburger truck hoping no one will notice. Give me a Cesare who has to stuff his guts back in and manually sew/staple the wound on his abdomen closed whenever he fights too hard or turns the wrong way in his sleep or stretches his arms too quickly over his head. Give me Cesare who's rail thin but who's stomach has a swell because of how full of maggots it is. Give me a Cesare who's teeth and fingernails and clumps of hair fall out all over the place and who has to cover for himself in a panic and try to get them back if anyone finds them. Give me a Cesare who blacks out when he's low on energy, only to wake up somewhere in the woods covered in grave dirt and cold viscera, hastily jumping in a creek somewhere in order to clean up jn order to be presentable for work on time. Cesare being pretty and fishy is cute or whatever but…. Gross Cesare is MY thing! That's what *I* want!
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mountmortar · 4 months
it IS kind of funny to me how professor oak is constantly framed as this great benevolent amazing professor to the point where they were even like "let's give this guy a cousin in alola who looks almost exactly like him because THAT'S what everybody wants to see in the games right" and then you pick up r/b/y or fr/lg and see how he treats blue and it's like Wow. This old man sucks. Somebody should kill him for sport. is he as bad as, say, ghetsis or lusamine? no. but he is DEFINITELY objectively awful. the games and professor oak framing blue as a bad trainer and person when he quite LITERALLY did NOTHING wrong (r/b/y has as many examples of blue being genuinely helpful towards his childhood friend as it does of him being an arrogant little twat, which is fine because. hello. he's 11. have you ever interacted with an 11-year-old) is soooooo irritating sometimes because like. in the VERY NEXT GENERATION you have a very clear example (silver) of what a kid mistreating their pokémon looks like (to the point where npcs are quite literally commenting on it left and right) and absolutely none of that is there with blue. glad to see he's flourishing now that he's fully moved to alola with red to run the battle tree and i hope he's blocked professor oak's number
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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can’t not have a ProRev Frank in the mix today~🎃
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longlivetv · 3 months
Travis flying from LA straight to Dublin after his friend's wedding and making it to the Eras show in Dublin made me realize that YB could've done the same when he was in Hungary during his days off when he was filming there, he could've flown from there to any of the Eras weekend shows but he didnt..
If he wanted to he would
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year
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sodrippy · 1 month
what if i just got really into xmen again
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kohakhearts · 4 months
ive definitely said this before but i think there's this common (and understandable!!) misconception that goh is canonically a victim of bullying and tbh i thought the same thing when jn was still airing lol but now that i have gone back and obsessively rewatched every episode a million times i think it's a lot more interesting to consider what the anime shows us, which is...not a kid who is bullied, but a kid who simply has no friends. and it doesn't seem to be a matter of, like, other kids not liking him. even in the very first episode, we see chloe's classmates asking her about him. it's a very casual "oh yeah, he never really comes to school, does he?" like they don't even really think about him that much. but they say his name respectfully, and just seem mildly curious about it. not really like...mocking or anything like that.
i mean, his whole "i don't need friends" attitude when they're younger could stem from bullying. that's completely possible. but the anime never really goes out of its way to make us think that? like...his disengagement in the flashback in the drizzile evolution episode emphasizes that he's refusing to play with his classmates - and that he doesn't even know why. if he were being bullied by them...wouldn't he have been able to at least articulate that he doesn't like them or that they don't treat him well or that they're just no fun to play with? like i won't say that some bullied kids aren't really unwilling to talk about the experience of being bullied...but in hindsight, they usually have a solid idea of what was going on.
in goh's case, i think he's just like...maintaining what he knows, which is the experience of being isolated and alone. he takes control of that feeling by saying he doesn't need - or even want - friends. he's still doing that when he tells ash that he "accepts" him as his friend, as opposed to just...being like, nice to meet you :) and moving on. he needs to be the one who has that say (and in this respect, his whole w-well would you maybe...consider being MY friend too...?? in jn003 is actually kind of...sweet? and indicative of the change that ash has already begun to motivate in him! doubly so considering ash's response is "wait but weren't we friends already?" bc ash is someone who like...doesn't need that verbalization, and doesn't consider friendships as things you "give" and "take" or whatever. they just are!!!).
ANYWAY, all this to say like. i see where the idea comes from, because he does have those little "you're just like everybody else" lines and whatever, and like...his whole thing with horace - his awkwardness in social interactions, like this. overcompensation for something, this need to prove how Smart and Impressive he is (and his fear of being seen as stupid, like in the horace ep when he's like "oh haha...well...you tell me what you know about celebi first. obviously i know this stuff already. i'm just testing you" when he obviously doesn't know it). but to me that's like...a projection, if anything. he's so determined not to acknowledge that his parents' absence has made him lonely, has affected him in any way, that he twists himself into believing the reason he doesn't get along with others isn't because he's too used to being alone to deal with having friends...it's because they're not worth his time, or they're not good enough for him, or they're just going to hurt him anyway. something something pokemon journeys if goh had learned some dbt techniques
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queerdiazs · 1 year
wip wednesday, teehee
i was tagged ny @eddiediaztho, @hippolotamus, @exhuastedpigeon, @wikiangela, @daffi-990, and @jesuisici33, mwah
have a sorta long snippet of hoa eddie finally starting to figure his shit out. he's a fucking loser. i love him.
Once Buck’s drifted off to sleep, snug and relaxed under the big blanket, Eddie rolls over and grabs his phone off the nightstand. He opens one eye, turns the brightness all the way down, clicks onto the browser, and types am i gay quiz in the search bar.  Dozens of links pop up. He clicks on the first one, marks the answers that resonate the most with him, and frowns when his results of 89% straight flash on the screen with a sullen face.  “What the fuck does that even mean?” he mumbles and then, with a fierceness that crinkles his brow, clicks off the quiz and finds another.  He takes seven more, each a little more deranged than the last, and throws his phone to the hardwood floor when he gets his eighth variation of Unfortunately, you aren’t gay! because he’s upset. It thuds loud and heavy, and slides face up all the way to his closet; the screen shines bright like a little flashlight, illuminating the corner.  Eddie huffs, flops onto his back, crosses his arms over his chest, and pouts.  How dare those quizzes diagnose him heterosexual? Yeah, sure, he has a preference for feminine-presenting people, but he’s had plenty of cock to know he’s not straight, too, and being in heterosexual-passing relationships don’t make him any less queer. He’s worked too damn hard to accept himself, selfishly and fearlessly and totally, to let a few quizzes invalid him.  Which—why was he taking the quizzes in the first place? He knows he’s queer and he doesn’t need a pompous test on the Internet to tell him so, Christ. He’s acting like a lovestruck kid with his first crush on another boy.  The absurdity of the situation makes him giggle. He swipes a hand over his face to muffle his laughter, but his body shakes, so near Buck’s, and it rouses Buck around. Eddie sobers and shuts his eyes, feigning sleep.  It doesn’t work.  This must be how Christopher feels when it’s past his negotiated bedtime of midnight.  Buck murmurs, a pitiful noise, and snuffles close. “Eddie?” He noses along Eddie’s shoulder until he has his face stuffed in Eddie’s throat, right where his pulse throbs. “Wha’s goin’ on? Heard a noise.”  “It’s fine,” he says, wrapping Buck up in his arms and pulling him in, until he’s nearly laid out atop Eddie’s body. His weight feels nice, solid and sturdy. “Go back to sleep.”  Buck smacks his lips, puffs his stinky breath in Eddie’s face, and sighs. “M’kay.” He cuddles in, nestling up over Eddie’s body like three’s no other place in the world he wants to be, and goes still. “Nighty night.”  Eddie exhales. “Night, Buck,” he says, setting his chin on top of Buck’s head and running his fingers through Buck’s sweaty, frizzy hair.  He looks at his phone in the corner one last time and wonders if there are any quizzes on the Internet that might help him figure out if he’s in love with his best friend before he eventually dozes off, too, wrapped up tight beneath Buck’s big body. 
no pressure tagging @wildlife4life, @watchyourbuck, @callmenewbie, @thewolvesof1998, @try-set-me-on-fire, @shitouttabuck, @folk-fae, @fortheloveofbuddie, @eowon, @giddyupbuck, @honestlydarkprincess, @ladydorian05, @loserdiaz, @callaplums, @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy, and whoever else wants to share something <3
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corvidpaws · 6 months
🪻🦋 GENESIS. 🔮📋
kirby oc tournament entry.
“Lucky is she, who lives unaware, who doesn’t get bothered by all that’s unfair…”
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Genesis is a kind, caring figure haunted by a past only they remember- and it doesn’t matter too much in the grand scheme of things, anyway. They have taken on the role of a therapist, and their personality generally fits the stereotypical view of a therapist. Of course, they aren’t without their flaws- often trying too hard to reach a goal or blaming everything on themselves.
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Genesis is from the Forgotten Land. Or, as the residents prefer to call it, the New World.
Their origins are mostly hidden. I mean, you don’t really want to tell people that- well. I’m not going to tell you their secrets. That’s just rude. They’ll tell you when they’re ready.
All I can tell you is that they have a strange connection to Fecto Forgo.
Oh, well, I’ll tell you a bit more.
Let’s see… I’m sure it was written down somewhere around here.
“Since it’s capture, ID-F85 has only shown activity once- it’s brain patterns seem to suggest that it is dreaming. But that is a fanciful observation, and we are not fanciful people. A monster cannot dream.” — Retired Lab Discovera Tour, Year Unknown
The creature known as Fecto Elfilis had split into two- Fecto Forgo and Elfilin. The Ancients had long abandoned the planet, taking off to Shiver Star. Imprisoned, alone, unable to move and lost in a world without any creatures capable of thought- yet, they drifted. They dreamed. And in their dreams surfaced memories.
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A land of dust and fire. A trickster magician.
A world of flora. A sorrowful spindler.
And their own great form, lost to the cruel experiments of the people who lived here, so desperate to leave.
From those dreams, came Genesis. A creation of stardust and love. They wandered throughout the abandoned land, watching as the beasts gained intelligence, and talking with them. When trapped in a collapsing tunnel, they met Elfilin, who saved them. The two then became friends.
They also met Gamma Knight, who landed in the forgotten land after [REDACTED]. Genesis helped them flee to [REDACTED].
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When the Beast Pack was formed, Genesis stayed out of the way, recognising the work of their progenitor. But when Elfilin was captured, they followed Kirby from a distance, leaving behind Maxim Tomatoes and vanishing without a trace.
When Elfilis was defeated, Elfilin and Genesis reunited, and the former took the latter to Dreamland, where they both settled.
And they decided to settle on a rather successful career.
It had been a solid five hours since Kirby had started telling Genesis about the 'monsters' they'd fought, with Dedede and Meta Knight himself chipping in when needed; sometimes to explain their actions while the puffball had been defeating the newest threat to Popstar, sometimes to correct him or add a detail. But instead of getting frustrated or tired, Genesis had only listened politely, nodding as they talked. […] "Those monsters you fought... I'd be terrified, honestly. But you've survived all of it, and you're still here, ready to face the next battle, and that means you're exceptionally resilient. But life isn't all about battles." Genesis continued. "It's pretty late, so I'll end the session here, but think about it. Come back if you need to." — Chapter Two, Session One, These Creatures I’ve Seen
Well, that wasn’t a bit more, that was a lot more. But there are still some mysteries. Will you uncover them? Let’s find out.
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The Dream Discoveries Tour Juliet - Cavetown Blow My Brains Out - Tikkle Me Gilded Lily - Cults Meteor Shower - Cavetown Treehouse - Alex G
Toyhou.se Page: https://toyhou.se/22030569.genesis Ginjka Design: Here
“Unlucky me, who knows way too much, and fights to make changes through music and such, unlucky me, aware of the pain, all ‘cause I happen to have some brain…”
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@kirbyoctournament sorry about the lore dump! It will happen again
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radicandy · 7 months
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I’ll never be able to stop thinking about this game for the rest of my life
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ye-olde-trojan-horse · 6 months
sorry internet ads but you’re about 10 years too late for me to click on that link…
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ki-flor · 2 years
Shared looks, shared chuckle, shared smile like damn you want to share the rest of your life with him too 🤨
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