#a robot named fight
mugbearerscorner · 2 years
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A Robot Named Fight!
This is Fight Smith, a robotic protagonist of a Super Metroid-inspired roguelike called "A Robot Named Fight!"
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loborundas · 1 year
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Not definitive because I'm surely forgetting games and stuff
If you're not in agreement I'll kill you it's okay to have different opinions and I'd love to hear yours
ignore that it says "super zero mission", i didn't realize and I don't want to make it all again, just assume I mean zero mission
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Steam Holiday Sale?
I wanna talk about some games that I like and, y'know, maybe someone will see it and give them a spin too. I'm not gonna talk about many major games here, mostly the indie stuff that I have and affinity for. Let's go.
Let's start with what I'm ending the year with. A fast, frenetic, one-hit-and-your-run-is-done horde brawler. AKANE is a real treat to spend an hour or so on at a session. It was made before the onslaught of Vampire Survivors and its various iterations and doesn't quite share their sensibilities either. You don't continually build up an arsenal to unload on the hapless many. You can't really make a build, there's only the gear you bring into each run. And it's cool, it can change how you play but you never get that "I'm fucking invincible!" moment of VS or Nova Drift. Instead it treats you to "the zone" where you're so focused on the ballet of blades and bullets that everything else falls away. That's really special. And hey, in this game you can throw your sword away and then shoot it to ricochet bullets everywhere, which is really fucking rad.
Hey do you like Metroidvania randomizers? Maybe give A Robot Named Fight! a try. I always feel like recommending this game just because it has the same little neat idea that I love about Cadence of Hyrule. That is, a randomized world map every time you play. Each playthrough features its own unique little maze, and each obstruction has a few different key items that can spawn to get past it and continue the quest. In one playthrough, your aerial item might be a space jump. In another it's a module that flips gravity, and in another it could be a jetpack.You will certainly gain an ability that lets you "fly" in each run, but it could be any of these and I think that's really neat. I wish more games would randomize an interconnected playing field rather than just throw rooms at you. So yeah. the final boss is hard as hell, even a bit tedious to my liking but I think it's worthwhile enough to get more eyes on it.
Going fast in videogames is a special treat, so you know I gotta plug Super Cloudbuilt in this list. It has so few ratings and- hey. Hey where the hell is it in the store? Hello? So uh, something weird happened with publishing changes and stuff and you can no longer have your Cloudbuilt be Super, I guess. The original is still intact, and I highly recommend it. It's really what I feel a 3D Sonic could stand to take a note or two from, mainly in how some levels have multiple paths that are contingent on your speed. It's just a shame to see something vanish like that without me even knowing. Um, well shit, let me try this again. Hold on lemme just...
Going fast in videogames is a speial treat, so you know I gotta plug Spark the Electric Jester. Especially 3. I know a lot of people compare it to Sonic Adventure and y'know, fair. But I feel like Spark has a lot more self-identity than being "3D Sonic but good again." There's a cool combo system, and a parry. Boss fights like to make you use your speed and control and Spark's sense of momentum really makes you feel the rush of it all. I really like how easy it is to go "pretty dang fast", and what a challenge it is to go "really damn fast" and keep it up through levels. Really good speed balancing there, it's a marvel. Honestly, without exaggeration. But y'know, part of what makes the series special is what a little shit Spark can be, compared to how cool and collected Fark is. I wouldn't call either "polite" but the dynamic in the moments they meet is perfect for them.
I really wanted this list to be for "games on sale during the steam sale", but I really wanna mention Rogue Labyrinth. It's not out yet but there's a little demo you can play all you like and it's just a really refreshing game. You're trying to knock out the corporation that built some game show studio from hell around your sacred tree. Your goal? Get to the tree to commune. Your method? Turning every single room into shrapnel. I cannot get over how fun it is to send scenery, enemies, bullets, and more flying all over an enemy infested room. It's cool to play as an angry nature girl with a giant club instead of the soft, floral druid archetype. Like hell yeah, knock down the establishment, girl! Go give it a spin or two, maybe you'll like it.
Okay. these last two are a bit special to me, and it starts with Lucah: Born of a Dream. I made a post about my first playthrough, I'm probably going to make a post now that I've gotten all the endings and stuff. I'd make a video about it if I could just talking about everything. It's... a depressing game. It deals directly with dark topics. I don't know if I could recommend it broadly, after all, you have to watch out for your mental health first. But if you can then I think it's a worthwhile exploration of those topics, and one that's not entirely without hope. That leads us to the next barrier to entry. You have a health meter, a magic meter, a stamina meter, a parry and a dodge roll. It's a soulslike, and it seems like every third game is now. But I'm here to tell you that if you give Lucah some time, intuition, innovation, and experimentation you'll quickly find that you're actually playing Bayonetta. The weapon switches can be super customized to make long combos, there's a dodge offset, you can execute a move in one tree and then hold down the button as you swap styles so that you can get off a charge attack on the sly. It's so slick for a game ostensibly about depression, guilt, and existential dread. Like I could go back and play it just for the mechanics alone. That's how good combat can feel. Shame there aren't any guides on how to get the most out of the system, or if there are they've been SEO'd right off the internet. So... If you can, give Lucah a try. It's expressive and impressionistic and really a labor of love.
The clock is ticking. On this post and on the final game I wanna share. UNSIGHTED. By now you may have guessed that I have a thing for top-down action games, all of which borrow from Dark Souls but do everything to exceed that baseline inspiration. Unsighted is a really special game, honestly. I don't think anything I've played could ever make me feel so differently between my first ever and now most recent playthroughs. If you pick it up for the cool parry system, Zelda-ish design, and gay robots, then I highly recommend doing a blind first play too. See, when you start, there's a timer on every single NPC that ticks down as you play. These are real timers, too, once they're up the NPC is gone and you may even find and fight their remains. It's distressing, fretful, but so full of real impact. You can go anywhere and your only constraint is how much time it'll cost you. Maybe it's already cost you and you're looking for a way out? There certainly are... Methods. Maybe your own timer has drawn thin? It's awful tempting to go for a method of stealing another's life to prolong yours. Maybe you heard a whisper about a way to control time itself and undo all your mistakes? Can you turn away from the end and face harsh trials to obtain it? Does it even exist? That first play is magic, in this sense. But when you're done, I implore you to look up the speedrun. Just trust me on it. I wanna say why but, it'll change everything for you. Odds are, anyway. It's amazing, a perfect little capsule of diverse experiences in one neat little package. And it has the spinner from Twilight Princess but even cooler.
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bat-in-the-machine · 9 months
I have three stories on a temporary hiatus because of illness. I don't have time to start another.
But this?
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This is a travesty. There's so much lore and even better IMPLIED LORE to this game.
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hermitdreams · 1 year
i'm proud
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lurkerguy65 · 1 year
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So I'm right above the final boss and one stat has literally not changed during the entire round.
I hope my low health doesn't prove to be an issue for me!
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so there's this indie metroidvania roguelite I love, A Robot Named Fight, it's basically a Super Metroid roguelite, it fucks and it's got some anti-fash/leftist stuff in it
the dev has gone mask off for the next game in the best way
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victorlincolnpine · 2 years
Bootheels of the Mecha, p1
(This is sort of a fanfiction of a game called A Robot Named Fight. I implore you to play the game, it's awesome. Basically a Metroid style rougelike that genuinely feels like Metroid in gameplay)
A solitary humanoid hunched over a crackling campfire, deep in a damp cave. Around them sit smaller humanoids, children with huge eyes long since adapted to the dimness of a world underground staring at the larger humanoid with rapt attention as they began to tell them a tale that they must be told, for such is how history is preserved.
We Mole Men don't remember who fired the first shot, but we know it was the Mechas that were the ones that declared war. They were itching to do it, all fascists do, and they were made by fascists for fascist's greed and fascist's wars.
As the storyteller spoke, they brought out a stick of dirty chalk and began to scrawl images on the walls. They drew bulky mechanical humanoids with huge weapons trained on molemen with smaller weapons aimed right back at them. Above the molemen they drew a double helix, and above the machines, they drew a menacing cross with hooked spokes.
They were designed to kill, and all it took was an excuse for them to kill us. And they did so with cruel efficiency. Machine guns, horrifying gas that melted flesh, and countless furnaces to slaughter us and burn the remains so their precious shiny armor wouldn't be dirtied by our lifeblood. Even their foul-hearted creators were not spared the bootheel of the Mechas.
They then drew a scene where dozens of molemen lay dead beneath more machine humanoids. Behind the machines stood imposing maws of metal and fire. Molemen bodies thrown inside to be turned to ash.
When the furnaces finally cooled, there were so very few of us left. Our distant, distant ancestors took refuge in these caves, where the Mechas could not find them. There they survived, as we survive now.
A new scene was drawn. A few dozen molemen hiding under a mountain. Some with missing legs and missing eyes. All of them with harrowed expressions on their faces. The double helix was drawn above the mountain.
The Mechas, thinking we were gone, turned their attention to shiny things. They changed the surface. Erasing its shapes and replacing them with towers as shiny and vain as their armor. The surface glows with their greed, and each of those lights are like a bat that will screech the instant it spots a speck of life in their sickly pristine world, which their guns and fire will erase as quickly as it is caught.
Next to the mountain was drawn an angular mountain of metal and lights. Hundreds of Mechas stood upright, many with shiny armor and grasped onto gemstones and mirrors and other things of a vain and shallow nature. At the lower edges were a few molemen being burned to a crisp by automated turrets. The hooked cross burned above this metal mountain.
After finishing this drawing, the storyteller held their chest for a moment, a look of pain on their face. They coughed a sickly cough, but eventually continued after they caught their breath. To stay alive, we must always hide. The caves are Sanctuary for us. You must remember this, children. They pointed a wrinkled finger to all of the children. If any one of you are caught, you are as good as dead.
The children appeared frightened at the story and especially the ominous declaration from their elder. But one child finally spoke up to ask a question.
Deda, what's a fascist? They asked, innocently enough. The storyteller coughed again and answered as honestly as they could: A monster, child, and a sickness. It's a horrible thing that demands a hand to strike their neighbor, and it builds things like the Mecha to kill what it hates, and it hates everything.
But... why does it hate everything?
The storyteller paused at this before answering: It needs no reason why. It just does. It is hate, child. Hate crystalized.
Are all the Mecha fascists, Deda?
If there were any that are not, they were erased just like everything else it hates, but since the Mechas were made by fascists, I doubt any were ever made that were not themselves fascist.
Ok, Deda. The child seemed satisfied by the answer, but the storyteller knew this child will ask other questions. Probably to her own demise. They hoped not, for the question askers were always the smart ones, if a little reckless.
Can we have dinner now, Deda? Asked another child, prompting a laugh from the storyteller. They looked up the drawing so far and sighed. They were finished with the story yet.
Yes, we can have dinner now. They said to cheers from the children.
As the storyteller and the children sat around the fire eating cooked cave fish, the storyteller looked up at the drawing, especially at the hooked cross. They hated that symbol and wished they didn't have to draw that horrible thing, but they knew that the children needed to hear the story. Just as they were told by their own elder when they were a child themselves.
But they have a long while before their lungs will give out yet, so the story can wait till later.
High up in the gleaming reaches of metal and light, a lower-order Mecha waited on other Mechas of higher status than he. Holding a plate of memory cells for a slender machine with golden armor bedazzled in gemstones each worth more than he would ever make in his entire functioning lifetime, he stood silently as the gilded Mecha spoke with other similarly wealthy Mechas about boring things: money, galas, talks with politicians and celebrities. Rich people stuff. But eventually, the gilded Mecha started talking about something interesting for once.
I hear that the presidents are starting to get into the lunatic fringe again. Said the gilded one. They're talking about gods and magic and like and how they could ascend or something. Complete insanity, and their idiotic followers lap it all up as if magic is real. Politicians have lost their minds, I swear.
The waiter snickered at this. Finally, the rich fuckers say something relatable. This prompted a vicious sneer from all the gem bedecked Mechas within earshot. How dare a lowly waiter make any sort of noise where they could hear it? The atmosphere in the room became instantly hostile as every eye trained on him in venemous judgement.
Keep quiet if you want to keep your position, cog. The gilded one hissed at him. He winced at the slur, but he said nothing, not even to apologize. The rich would see him scrapped and turned into a doorframe if they wanted it. The wealthy Mechas took his silence as an acceptable sign of submission, and continued their idle chatter.
The waiter stood stock still for the next few hours until his shift had the grace to finally be over so he could clock out and go home.
He made his through the metal streets, multicolored lights shining all around him; reflecting off his chrome finish as he reached a doorway to a tower just as tall as its neighbors. He placed his palm on the security lock and it lit up green as a hologram on the door displayed the words {WELCOME HOME, SERVER-8}.
He didn't read the words as the door slid open with a pneumatic hiss to a metallic lobby with no decorations to speak of. He had enough today, and took the elevator to his apartment without speaking a word to the receptionist.
Up in his apartment, he slumped on the seat with an unsightly clang, lazily plugged a charger cell into his leg and turned on the TV.
The stuff on the screen was just as uninteresting as whatever those rich fuckers talk about in between ads for stuff he could never afford. At least the TV wouldn't want to fucking murder him if he said anything though.
He flipped through the channels to find something he could just zone out to. He ended up on the newsfeed again.
The anchor on the feed today was Bucket Cromeson, a nasal toned Mecha with a gaudy crest on his dome of a head and a carefully polished faceplate, and he was giving a scathing talk about Mechas he called Glitches.
Why are we not allowed to question these insidious Mechas with their aberrant and dangerous ideologies? They are infecting our newly built citizens with disgusting and harmful Cultural Bioapologist rhetoric every chance they can find. Telling lies that threaten our free and fair republic without a single ounce of retribution or even a single fair debate from concerned citizens, and let me tell you, as a concerned citizen, I would debate them if they could be reasoned with.
He held his chest in a show of fake honesty as he said that last part, prompting Waiter8 to roll his eyes. Who honestly falls for this shit, anyways? He turned off the TV cause it was giving him a headache.
The charger cell beeped. It was out of juice already. Cheap ass thing. He unplugged and went to his charging room for the night.
As he plugged in, he hissed out a mechanical sigh. Why the fuck do I bother with this shit? He muttered aloud. He wasn't even asking a question at this point, just whining.
He pressed a button on the charger and instantly went into sleep mode so he could have the energy for another day waiting tables for rich fuckers.
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kagoutiss · 7 months
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silly doodle i made sometime after watching new trailer 1200096268985 times
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Random sketch of my cyborg OC I will never finish cause I m a loser :]
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hypogryffin · 1 year
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#persona 3#p3#mitsuru kirijo#p3 aigis#i have THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about the potential of mitsuai as a dynamic#emotions even#just. listen. they are the only two who can never stop fightjng shadows. who will never have peace and never leave the other world behind#everyone else has a choice. maybe akihiko doesnt feel like he does maybe he feels like he has to get stronger and keep figjting#so that no one he knows will ever get hurt again. but its a DECISION on his part to stay fighting shadows. and everyone else has left their#fighting days behind. but aegis and mitsuru??#aegis is a shadow suppression unit. she was created to fight shadows and even if she has a life and feelings and friends she will never#NOT be a robot made to fight and kill shadows. she can never stop. it is a part of her forever.#and mitsuru theoretically has a choice but. does she really? does she really? the moment she awoke to her persona she was cursed#now as the last kirijou alive she has a burden no one else could possibly bear. no one can take responsibility for her grandfathers sins.#nor for her fathers. nor for every person who worked at kirijou ergonomics no matter their innocence. no one but her.#she cant stop fighting shadows until the kirijou name is clear of guilt. and that will never happen until shadows stop existing#everyone else who survived sees have the option to put their weapons down. whether they choose it is on them but they CAN choose#mitsuru and aegis will never be so lucky#just. G-D! G-D! gnaws my arm off
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naffeclipse · 1 month
Sh*t, one more question; how aware are all the monsters of each other? I know Hawthorn can smell Grease's oil on MC, and I imagine Calmo at least suspects something's up due to how MC's heartrate occasionally increases when out and about, and the odd stains on MC's clothes, but how much do they know of the others' existance?
They're aware of each other. It's difficult to not notice another creature or machine hanging on your object of affection. There may be a brief time in the beginning when the monsters don't realize they're not the only ones pursuing MC, they quickly figure out that there are rivals and they are all not happy about it. Of course, the boys ask MC questions and MC is forthcoming about it—no need to hide what's so obvious.
The boys have fun first meetings with each other.
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hauntingblue · 5 months
Gear 5 luffy's laugh is so contagious I just hear the drums and go insane how does this work. What did he do to me
#i still cant believe how much this new opening theme goes off.... DREAM SAVE ALL OF US 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 💥💥💥💥💥💥#wait a second. the robot attacked 200 years ago. the void century was 800 years ago no????? what#oh see it was made 900 years ago.... but why did it attack 200 years ago then.... what happened#it is still so funny how they made evegapunk einstein but with some cunty long legs#200 years ago they gave rights to the gyojin!!! i see i see ✍️✍️also i still wonder why law and kuma have similar hat and pants designs#like there is NO WAY that much similarity isnt done on purpose. NO FUCKING WAY!!! I NEED ANSWERS!!!#are they annihliating cp ships akdhakskd yeah vegapunk letsgo#also the opening song is about dreams and the end one is about luffy reaching shanks...... havent got a clue why but there it is#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1098#also is lucci named lucci bc it kinda sounds like luffy. SERAPHIM KUMA HAS HIS DEVIL FRUIT???? vegapunk could only make zoan fruits????#also wdym when cp0 acts it means its some historic event. lucci is like 25. where are the experienced people here#sentomaru works for vegapunk??? maybe i forgor about this tbh also do theu have a doffy seraphim??? the fact they have animal names....#stussy letting kaku get hurt akdhsjsn oh atlas has lamb ears..... and lucci said she is is prey... no..... the foresahdowing :(#lucci you fucked up she just gave luffy food... that a death sentence look what happened to kaido#episode 1099#<- oh my god btw. god. jesus.#why is akainu telling the cp0 what to do or thinks he can do that... thats the world gov... also thinkng about how garp should fight him#and not luffy.... because of ace you know... i still wonder how did sengoku know who ace's father was... there is only one man who knew....#everyone trying to stop them from fighting ajdhsksjks two rabid dogs fr#LUFFY TAKING OFF HIS JACKET WHEN LUCCI ASKS FOR HIS WANTED SIGN!!!! GO OFF KING!!!! SLAY!!! THE CREW SAW HIM!!! FINALLY!!!#i have been smiling since he started the transformation this is so sick...... i have got a case of the luffy brain#zoan fruits steal the personality of the user when they awaken ✍️✍️ luffy???? nami being the only one who saw gear 5 <3 twins manifesto#robin being so shook about luffy being a god ajdbjansk wdym devil fruits exist because people wish for them. fairy magic real????#WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE FROM ALTERNATE REALITIES WHERE SOMEONE DREAMT ABOUT THEM??? DOES HE TRAVEL THRU REALITIES FOR THEM???#jinbe has been making this face 😧 every episode three times it is amazing ajdhaksnsk poor man... now he sees a kid angel version of himself#after seeing hia captain turn into a god... he is gonna get a stroke OMG SENTOMARU WE JUST GOT YOU BACK#episode 1100#<- CRAZY. INSANE. OH GOD. ONLY 12 LEFT. THATS A WEEKEND!!! I CANT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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somerobotvex · 4 months
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updated reference for Spec (he/it) for art fight!
It's an evil robot in a queer-coded supervillain sort of way. He's all about maniacal cackling and theatrical monologues and plotting the downfall of his nemesis... that sorta thing
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no1ryomafan · 1 month
Thinking about how people treat shonen as if it’s a genre of anime when it’s a demographic cause no one knows what to simply call action anime that gets really popular and what the normies always consume compared to other genres cause even shojo isn’t just “calling every magical girl you see just a shojo, it’s still its own genre that happens to be targeted for a shojo demographic” and I get it cause so many of these big shonen animes are harder to define-
But I love how no one ever wants to admit mecha *is* quiet literally shonen most of the time and it’s painfully fucking obvious with a lot of super robot shows and I’m sometimes tempted to say to piss someone off “new getter is my favorite shonen” but I’m already causing so much violence with this post probably lol.
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hermitdreams · 1 year
I still love this clip
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