#a species of evergreen shrub that includes both green and black teas. The difference between Ceylon tea and black or green tea is in the wa
mabroctea · 2 years
#Is Ceylon tea high in caffeine?#Ceylon tea is a type of black tea that originates from Sri Lanka. Pure Ceylon teas are different from other types of black tea because they#green tea and oolong tea.#Ceylon black teas have been used in herbal medicine since ancient times due to their health benefits and antioxidant properties. You can ge#Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis.#Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis#a species of evergreen shrub that includes both green and black teas. The difference between Ceylon tea and black or green tea is in the wa#Green tea undergoes minimal processing while it’s still fresh—it’s steamed#dried#and sorted by hand. Black teas go through a much more extensive process: they’re rolled#oxidized (or fermented)#and for some varieties roasted before being blended together with flavors like fruits or spices to create traditional English-style tea ble#If a tea is listed as “pure Ceylon” or “single origin Ceylon#” then it contains only tea leaves sourced from Sri Lanka#with no other additions.#with no other additions. This means that if you’re looking to drink 100 percent pure Ceylon tea#look for the words “single origin” or “pure.”#If you’re not sure exactly what kind of tea you have and where it was grown#ask your grocer or the store clerk. If they can’t answer this question#they probably don’t know much about the product at all!#The main types of teas that come from the Camellia sinensis plant are black tea#green tea and oolong tea. All three are made by cutting off the leaves and buds of Camellia sinensis#but they’re processed differently to produce different flavors:#Black: Fermented#Green: Not fermented#Oolong: Partially fermented#Ceylon tea is lower in caffeine than other black teas due to the way it’s processed.#Ceylon tea is lower in caffeine than other black teas due to the way it’s processed. Ceylon tea has a lower level of oxidation during proce#which means there are fewer tannins in Ceylon tea than in other black teas. Tannins are chemicals that give black teas their distinctive fl#but they also have a high concentration of caffeine. In addition
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xeford2020 · 5 years
Shopping at an 1880s General Store
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Left side of J.R. Jones General Store featuring large grocery “department” and a cigar case on the counter up front. (THF53774)
During the 1880s, proprietor James R. Jones would have welcomed customers to this general merchandise store—now in Greenfield Village but originally located in the rural village of Waterford, Michigan.  Jones sold everything here that townspeople, local farm families, or visiting out-of-towners might want—from groceries to fabrics to farm tools to fishing poles.  The store also served as a community gathering place, for customers to exchange news, socialize, and pick up mail.
Choices between similar products even in country stores like this one were quite plentiful.  Decisions by shoppers depended upon such things as their family background, gender, financial means, and personal values.
Here’s a sampling of some of the products that 1880s customers to the J.R. Jones store might have purchased.
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Sugar barrel (THF176665)
Sugar (approximate price: .08-.12/lb)
In a study of general store accounts from the era, customers purchased sugar more often than any other single product. It was, of course, used in cooking and baking, but large quantities of it were necessary for preserving fresh seasonal produce in the days before refrigeration. 
Sugar was available in many grades, from “A” (the highest) to brown to “X” (the lowest).  Sugar was available in bulk and, unless a storekeeper stocked several grades, customers had little choice in the quality of sugar they obtained at the local store.
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Store canisters for tea (THF176669)
Tea (approximate price: .45-.75/lb)
The Grocer’s Companion (1884) called tea the “foremost of all beverages in reference to its invigorating and restorative qualities.” Tea came in a tremendous variety of grades and types in the late 19th century, and store canisters were often specifically designed to hold the various types. They came from only one species of evergreen shrub or small tree. The differences came in how the tea was grown and how the leaves were treated.  All the tea in the J.R. Jones General Store came from China, which was considered the center of the tea industry at the time. This included:
“Black” teas, which underwent a fermentation process before drying.These included Oolong (strong and pungent, made from young leaves) and English Breakfast (in the 19th century, a blend that came from China, but was popularized in England).
“Green” teas, which were submitted immediately upon gathering to a high temperature in iron pans.These included Gunpowder (made from young leaves, fragrant and pungent taste with a greenish hue and shaped like round small shot); and Imperial (like Gunpowder but with larger leaves).
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Cans of tomatoes (THF176668) Canned tomatoes (approximate price: .15/can)
Tomatoes were one of the most popular commercially available canned food products.  By the 1880s, improved manufacturing techniques in canning had raised the production of canned goods to a major American industry, making all manner of fruits, vegetables, and meats available year-round to just about everyone but the very poor.
Canned goods, however, had many critics. Some claimed that the food tasted “tinny,” that it was unhealthy, and that products were adulterated to add weight (this was before the Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906). In some cases, women also could be looked down upon for relying on canned goods rather than canning and preserving themselves.  Nevertheless, the presence of canned goods in store accounts and advertisements attests to their popularity. 
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Packages of Magic Yeast and One Spoon Baking Powder (THF176670)
Magic Yeast and One Spoon Baking Powder (approximate price: .15-.25/box)
Despite the introduction of several different brands of baking powder during this time, yeast still remained the most popular bread-leavening agent. Many women made their own yeast and numerous recipes appeared in cookbooks. As for the commercially processed product, compressed yeast introduced by Gaff, Fleischman & Company in the 1860s, was considered the purest and most dependable form of yeast.
But many brands of packaged yeast cakes and powders, including this Magic Yeast, vied for competition in the market. Critics of these commercial yeast products claimed that their vitality could be easily destroyed by heat, cold or movement, and that they could make bread sour or moldy.  Still, they were much more convenient than the homemade. 
Baking powder, a leavening agent usually made from a proportion of cream of tartar and carbonate of soda, was fairly new on the scene in the 1880s. It saved careful measuring of one or both of these ingredients in baked goods, and saved hours of time over yeast in making bread. Dozens of baking powders, like this One Spoon brand, were available on the market.
But baking powder, more than just about any other cooking ingredient of the late 19th century, raised suspicion and complaints among housekeepers and advice writers alike.  High cost, poor performance, and leaving a bitter taste in foods comprised some of these complaints. But even more alarm was raised by accusations of adulteration—that is, the addition of impure ingredients like lime, earth, or alum, which could actually injure people’s health. Fortunately, most of these problems were worked out in the next decade or so, when the advent of “quick breads” really began. It was the adventurous housewife that tried baking powder in the 1880s. 
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Variety of graniteware coffee boilers (THF176673)
Graniteware coffee boiler (approximate price: 1.00-1.35)
When enamel-coated ironware was introduced in 1874, it was marketed as light (compared to cast iron), handsome (the gray mottled surface was considered picturesque and elegant), wholesome (wouldn’t rust or corrode like tinware and didn’t contain poisonous arsenic, lead, or antimony like cheap imitations), and durable (actually, it chipped easily but 3 out of 4 points in its favor weren’t bad!). Manufacturers of this so-called granite ironware, or graniteware (because of its visual appearance like granite), optimistically claimed that these goods would entirely supplant the “common and unserviceable” stamped tinware. (Actually, it was aluminum that did this in the early 20th century.)  In the 1890s, enamel-coated steel replaced much of the earlier granite ironware.
Coffee, as an accompaniment to breakfast and other meals, was an extremely popular beverage at this time. The most common way of preparing it was in an open boiler on a cookstove.
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Package of Rising Sun Stove Polish (THF176674)
Package of Rising Sun Stove Polish (approximate price: .08-.10/pkg)
This product would have been used in conjunction with blacking to clean and give luster to cast-iron stoves. It was mixed with a liquid agent (e.g., turpentine or soap-suds) for application to the stove. This was a crucial task for cleaning cast-iron stoves, but it was also marketed as necessary to maintaining a tasteful home. Rising Sun Stove Polish was very aggressive in its marketing. Advertisements boasted that it was “the oldest and most reliable stove polish in the world” and that it would “keep stoves looking good and operating efficiently.” 
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Case of boxes of cigars (THF176666)
Cigars (approximate price: .04-.08 apiece)
During the 1880s, cigar-smoking was extremely popular, especially among men who wanted to appear prosperous and ambitious. Unlike smoking tobacco (for pipes) and plugs of chewing tobacco, where production was monopolized by a few large national manufacturers, cigars were still produced at thousands of small, local manufactories across the country as well as in Havana, Cuba. Detroit had several cigar factories. As a result of this great number of producers, cigars came in a daunting array of sizes, colors, grades, and flavors. To the uninitiated, sometimes only the eye-catching images on their boxes in the store’s showcase distinguished one brand from another.
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Packages of Ayer’s Hair Vigor (THF176671)
Ayer’s Hair Vigor (approximate price: .50)
The hairstyles of the 1880s required an abundant supply of healthy hair in order to make it stand up as high and look as natural as possible. Hair dressings and restorers abounded, with Ayer’s Hair Vigor among the best known. 
This product claimed to promote hair growth, restore color and vitality to faded or gray hair, and render the hair soft, youthful, and glossy. It contained cream of tartar (removed the reddish color in hair caused by rust from iron-rich well water); glycerin (a moisturizer); lead acetate (which claimed to remove the gray hair); and a caustic soda (a.k.a. sodium hydroxide or lye), which claimed to be a hair relaxer or straightener. The colorful images of young women with long, luxurious hair on Ayer’s trade cards and packages must have encouraged older women to try this product as well. 
Medical journals attacked Ayer’s Hair Vigor as unsafe and denounced its manufacturer as deceiving the public. But the product’s allure persisted, and certainly J.R. Jones and his customers would have been unaware of any safety warnings from such journals. 
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Jars of Woodworth’s Ursina Bear Grease (THF176672)
Woodworth’s Ursina Bear Grease (approximate price: .12)
Pomades, oils, and dressings for keeping hair in place and sometimes for promoting hair growth were popular men’s grooming aids in the late 19th century. In fact, that is the major reason why ornamental lace tidies and antimacassars were so common—to protect the surfaces of chairs and sofas from these often greasy concoctions. This particular product claimed to be “real bear grease procured from the Rocky Mountains and very carefully refined.” 
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3 varieties of castor sets (THF176678)
Castor set (approximate price: $1.50-2.25)
In the 1880s, silver-plated castor sets frequently formed the centerpiece of the dining table for middle-class families, reflecting the families’ good taste and economic status.  Castor sets would have been a necessity in places like hotels and boardinghouses, where large groups of people dined—each with different tastes in food. They were available in a tremendous variety of styles and prices. Most contained two to six bottles, generally for holding pepper, mustard, oil, and vinegar, and sometimes other spices.
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Boxes of men’s and women’s collars (THF176676)
Men’s and women’s collars (approximate price: .10-.30)
A white shirt with a white collar and cuffs marked the man as someone of means, or at least on his way up. But clean collars and cuffs were always a necessity, no matter what color and style shirt a man wore. Enter replaceable collars and cuffs.
Men’s collars of the 1880s were plain in style and were made of paper, celluloid, or linen. Collars were high and tight, either “standing” (straight up around the neck) or “turned outward” (tips or side edges turned outward or over and slightly down), complementing the coats which buttoned high during this time. Paper and celluloid collars were considered disposable, while linen collars could be washed and ironed and kept fresh for a period of time.
Women’s dresses were time-consuming to make and costly to have someone else make. Purchasing a new collar was an inexpensive way of freshening or updating the look of a dress that had been around for a while. Ladies’ collars were detachable and could be used multiple times on various garments. They ranged in price, from fairly plain linen collars to intricate lace ones.
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Men’s derbies and straw hats (THF176675)
Men’s hats (approximate price: .50-1.75 for straw; $1.00-2.50 for derby)
While top, or silk, hats might have been worn by a wealthy city gentleman going to a fancy affair, Waterford men would have generally worn a bowler hat, supplemented by a low-crowned straw hat for summer occasions. The hard felt bowler (usually referred to as a derby in the United States) was a staple, durable hat that could have been worn all day long—even at work—and was generally considered a symbol of respectability. 
Also during this time, the hat industry aimed to persuade every man to purchase a new straw hat at the beginning of every summer. Straw hats tended to be water-resistant to hold up even on rainy days.
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Bolts of fabric (THF176677)
Fabric (approximate price: .05 for print to 1.30 for silk)
Women’s clothing was not ready-made yet, so all dresses had to be fashioned at home or by a seamstress.  Bolts of fabric and trims lined numerous shelves of general stores like this one.  The bolts of fabric in this store include:
“Print”– a general term for a fabric onto which patterns were printed or applied by dyes after it was machine-woven.Available in a huge variety of designs, it was about the cheapest and most durable, but least elegant, dress fabric available.
Linen – One of the oldest textile fabrics known, this would have been imported.It was more elegant and fashionable than cotton, but also quite a bit more expensive and harder to maintain.
Wool – A very warm and durable fabric, produced in mills in the eastern United States.(In fact, the fleece from sheep raised on farms around Waterford was shipped to these mills.)Wool was very serviceable for winter clothing.
Silk – Noted for its resiliency and elasticity, this would have been imported.It was quite a bit more expensive than wool, and dresses made of this material would have been elegant and stylish.
Donna Braden is Senior Curator and Curator of Public Life at The Henry Ford.
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Indian Plants
Due to India's large size and different climates and seasons, it can produce over 15,000 flowering Indian plants species. Although you can find beautiful flowers in India year round, the spring and summer produce some of the most popular flowers. Indian flowers not only look pretty but their religious and cultural significance give the people of India an immense sense of pride. In conjunction with their religious and cultural importance, many Indian flowers also have strong medicinal properties. Lotus is considered to be the national flower of India, but there are a ton of other flowers throughout the country.
Summer Flowers in India
India is known for its beautiful gardens that are packed with many lovely and unique flowers. Thousands of flowers are cultivated every year and are used for special occasions and are even shipped out through foreign trade. There's a lot to learn and see in India, but many tourists love to look at the flowers that grow in this beautiful land.
The flowers can be split up into both summer and winter categories. Throughout the summer, one can find a variety of flowers such as marigolds, lotus, roses, hibiscus, sunflowers, lilies, zinnias, petunias, pansy flowers, tulips, dahlias, pineapple lily, gloriosa lily, peonies, daffodils and bougainvillea.
Popular Summer Flowers
Marigolds are considered to be one of the most popular and recognizable summer flowers in India. Also known as Caltha, Genda, garden marigold, gold-bloom, holligold, marybud and pot marigold, the marigold grows from July to September. Bright yellow and orange marigold flowers are used throughout India for many cultural and religious reasons. Garlands can be made to offer to the Hindu gods and goddesses.
Marigolds are also used to treat ulcers, menstrual cramps, eye infections, inflammations and wounds. They're known to keep mosquitos, bugs and rodents away because marigolds are a natural bug repellent. Many farmers plant marigolds near their crops to keep these pesky bugs off their land.
Indian lotus is also known as Ambal, Thamarai, Suriya kamal, Padma, Ambuja, Pankaja, Blue lotus, Sacred Water lily, bean of India, Kamala, Kanwal and Kamal. The lotus is a water plant. It has broad floating leaves and long stems and is a bright and fragrant flower with overlapping petals. The flowers are a rosy pink shade with some white shades.
What's so beautiful about the lotus flower, besides the fact that they come in a variety of shapes, is that the flower opens in the morning and the petals fall in the afternoon. Lotus seeds, which are edible, are believed to help the kidney, spleen and heart and aid in restfulness, palpitations, insomnia and liver disorders.
Other Summer Flowers
Rose is also known as Dublin Bay, Impatient, Gul, Gulbahar, Hravart, Roosevelt, Vartan, Arrosa, Aygul, Oklahoma Hulthemia, Hesperrhodos, Platyrhodon, Banksianae, Carolinae, Pimpinellifoliae, Rosa, Laevigatae and Gymnocarpae. These flowers come in white, pink, maroon, red, yellow and orange. Roses are known to be beautiful flowers, but hips, the fruit of roses, are a good source of vitamin C, the rose petals can be used to help dry and patchy skin and rose herbal tea is said to treat cold and coughs.
Hibiscus is the signature flower of subtropical regions. This flower needs a lot of sunlight and room to grow.
Sunflowers are bright yellow and can survive extreme phases of heat. They prefer not to be overwatered.
Different Types of Lilies
There are a variety of lilies in India, including the pineapple lily and the gloriosa lily. Lilies can withstand very extreme weather conditions. In the winter, lily plants and leaves will wither, but don't get rid of this plant. The bulb remains dormant throughout the winter but will bloom again the following season. They're very low maintenance flowers that look great in a garden or one's home.
The pineapple lily isn't really a flower you'd see growing in a garden. This lily is actually a member of the asparagus family, not the pineapple family. You can use this flower as a centerpiece or in a flower bed.
The gloriosa lily is a climber plant, so it looks beautiful draped over poles in a yard. Be careful with this lily though. It's very poisonous and shouldn't be consumed.
Variety of Colored Plants
Zinnia comes in a variety of colors. They love to grow in the late summer, and because they're very fragrant, they attract butterflies.
Just like Zinnia, petunias also come in a variety of colors including pink, red, yellow, orange and white. Petunias are considered a favorite amongst amateur gardeners because they're very easy to grow.
Bougainvillea Indian Flower
Bougainvillea, also known as the paper flower, is a favorite woody scandent shrub. The shrub can grow up to 10 to 15 feet high, and the flowers come in a variety of colors such as red, purple, orange, white, pink and cream. The leaves have an oval outline, are a vibrant green and have smaller leaves with tubular flowers. The trunk is twisted and the stem has sharp thorns and green leaves. The fruit on a bougainvillea is narrow five-lobed achene. Achene is a dry, small, one-seeded fruit that doesn't open to release the seed.
Jasmine Indian Flower
Jasmine is also known as Mogra, Kundu Malligai, Arabian Jasmine, Mallika and Moonshine. It's grown in all parts of India but is primarily found in the country's Nagarhole National Park. This plant is an evergreen semi-vining shrub. It can grow to 8 to 10 feet tall, but the Jasmine flower is only one inch.
Jasmine flowers have oval green leaves that have five to nine leaflets. Each leaflet is almost two to three inches long. They're usually white and the stems are skinny, trailing, green and free from hair. Jasmine is propagated (reproduced) through softwood cuttings, semi-hardwood cuttings and simple layering.
The plant is propagated in the summer and needs to be planted in six inches of soil. The soil should be well drained, free of weeds and contain cow manure. Jasmine loves to grow in full sun or partial shade and thrives in warm temperatures.
Medicinal Properties of Jasmine
The people of India use Jasmine to remove intestinal worms and treat jaundice and venereal diseases. They also use the flower buds to treat ulcers, blisters, boils, skin diseases and eye disorders. A lot of Western cultures drink Jasmine tea for its calming and relaxing effect.
Cosmetic Properties of Jasmine
Jasmine oil is also used cosmetically. You can make perfumes, incense, creams, shampoos and soaps. Culturally, Jasmine is used in covering the face of the bridegroom. Also, the Jasmine plant is believed to be related to Lord Shiva (one of the principal deities of Hinduism) and Lord Vishnu (Supreme Being).
Orchid Indian Flowers
Also known as dancing ladies, dancing doll or Butterfly orchids, orchids are found in all parts of India. They're mostly grown in the Namdapha National Park, Simlipal National Park and Singalila National Park though. Orchids have two growth types: monopodial and sympodial.
Monopodial orchids' central system grows from the tip of the orchid. They don't have pseudobulbs, but they do have new growth from the crown of the plant. Flowers are grown from the stem between the leaves and alternate from side to side.
On the other hand, sympodial orchids send out from the shoot. They can produce more flowers since they develop stems and leaves. New shoots develop through a continuous cycle, and a sheath sometimes protects buds. To grow orchids, they're propagated through the seeds.
Orchids need a lot of attention, rely on 60 percent humidity to thrive, need watering occasionally and like fertilizers every week. They flower regularly, so they require hot temperatures to grow properly. Orchids are eaten by the indigenous people of Nilgiris. They eat the dried tubular (tube-shaped plant) of the terrestrial orchids because it energizes them. You can also cook and eat the roots of orchids.
Popular Winter Flowers In India
Winter Indian flowers include amaryllis, anemone, bells of Ireland, camellia, carnation, daffodil, poinsettia, poppies, ranunculus, star-of-Bethlehem, sweet pea, tulips and waxflowers.
Bells of Ireland are native to Turkey and have been cultivated in India since the 1500s. The more you cut these flowers, the longer they grow.
Popular Bridal Bouquet Flowers
Amaryllis winter flowers are normally used as the focal point in a bouquet or centerpiece. These flowers come in a variety of colors including red, white, pink and salmon. Each stem of amaryllis can have three to six blossoms, so although a single stem can be expensive, you don't need that many.
The camellia flower has dark green waxy leaves and is often used in bridal bouquets or table centerpieces.
Multi-Colored Winter Plants
Anemone requires a lot of water to stay in bloom throughout the winter. They come in a variety of colors such as white, red, purple, pink and blue. This flower also has a black center.
Carnations are very inexpensive and are available year round. In the winter, they produce in various colors including yellow, red, pink, white, orange and purple.
Other Indian Winter Flowers
Daffodils, also known as jonquils and narcissus, is a winter bulb that comes in a variety of colors including yellow, white, orange, pink and tricolor.
Poinsettias are red flowers, but they also come in a marbled color. They're often sold as potted plants during Christmas.
Poppies are a popular wildflower in the United States that's initially from Asia. They come in a variety of colors including purple, red, white, orange, pink and yellow.
Popular Filler Flowers
Star of Bethlehem is considered to be a filler flower because they grow in clusters on long stems and are white.
Wax flowers have a citrus aroma, and they work great as a filler flower. The flowers come in lavender, white and pink.
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