#” then it contains only tea leaves sourced from Sri Lanka
mabroctea · 2 years
#Is Ceylon tea high in caffeine?#Ceylon tea is a type of black tea that originates from Sri Lanka. Pure Ceylon teas are different from other types of black tea because they#green tea and oolong tea.#Ceylon black teas have been used in herbal medicine since ancient times due to their health benefits and antioxidant properties. You can ge#Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis.#Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis#a species of evergreen shrub that includes both green and black teas. The difference between Ceylon tea and black or green tea is in the wa#Green tea undergoes minimal processing while it’s still fresh—it’s steamed#dried#and sorted by hand. Black teas go through a much more extensive process: they’re rolled#oxidized (or fermented)#and for some varieties roasted before being blended together with flavors like fruits or spices to create traditional English-style tea ble#If a tea is listed as “pure Ceylon” or “single origin Ceylon#” then it contains only tea leaves sourced from Sri Lanka#with no other additions.#with no other additions. This means that if you’re looking to drink 100 percent pure Ceylon tea#look for the words “single origin” or “pure.”#If you’re not sure exactly what kind of tea you have and where it was grown#ask your grocer or the store clerk. If they can’t answer this question#they probably don’t know much about the product at all!#The main types of teas that come from the Camellia sinensis plant are black tea#green tea and oolong tea. All three are made by cutting off the leaves and buds of Camellia sinensis#but they’re processed differently to produce different flavors:#Black: Fermented#Green: Not fermented#Oolong: Partially fermented#Ceylon tea is lower in caffeine than other black teas due to the way it’s processed.#Ceylon tea is lower in caffeine than other black teas due to the way it’s processed. Ceylon tea has a lower level of oxidation during proce#which means there are fewer tannins in Ceylon tea than in other black teas. Tannins are chemicals that give black teas their distinctive fl#but they also have a high concentration of caffeine. In addition
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timeteaca · 4 months
From bush to mug: What do you know about tea? How the most popular drink in the world is created
Tea is drunk always and everywhere: at breakfast and before bed, in summer and winter, with sugar and lemon. But how much do we know about him? Why is black tea not black at all in a mug, but green tea has different shades from amber to gold? How is it grown and when is it harvested? And most importantly, how to drink and brew tea correctly? Together with Time Tea, we have compiled a tea guide and answered the main questions about the most popular drink in the world.
1. How tea is grown and harvested
White, green, black, oolong – despite the fact that there are many different teas in the world, they are all made from the same plant. It is called Camellia sinensis, or Chinese camellia. This is a small bush about a meter high, although closer to the south the plant becomes taller, stronger, branchier and more reminiscent of a tree. The first harvest is harvested five years after planting, but it is believed that the leaves gain maximum weight by the age of 50 (for this, the crop must be harvested regularly). Every year the bushes are pruned, and only the youngest, softest and juiciest leaves are selected for tea.
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2. Where are tea leaves collected?
Tea grows in more than 30 countries. Although it was originally cultivated in China, the country still ranks first in terms of yield. It is followed by India and Sri Lanka – the British brought tea there in the 19th century, so these places are famous for their black varieties. Depending on where it is grown, the leaves differ in taste and color. Thus, African varieties have a reddish tint – all due to the fact that there is a lot of copper in the soil. Thanks to the ideal climate, the best varieties of tea grow in China, India, Sri Lanka and Kenya – they are used in TimeTea
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3.What kind of tea is there?
In addition to the regions of growth, tea is divided according to the method of processing. There are six types in total – white, green, yellow, oolong, black and pu-erh. They differ mainly in the degree of fermentation. White is almost never fermented – the young buds just wither in the sun. Green is steamed, dried or fried. Black tea has the longest chain: dried leaves are rolled into plates, from which the juice is released. They are laid out on special trays, where the processes of oxidation, fermentation and fermentation take place – almost like wine production. It is at this point that the tea leaves turn dark in color.
4. How to tell if the tea is of high quality
The criteria differ depending on the variety, but there are several general principles. Examine the leaves – they should be approximately the same color and size. Make sure there are no twigs or dust in the package, and no foreign odors. When you have brewed the tea leaves, look at the water – it should be clear, even if it is strong pu-erh. The aroma of the drink should be light and the taste rich. If your green tea turns out bitter, it may be not only the poor quality of the leaves, but also the wrong water temperature or the wrong number of leaves.
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5. How to brew the perfect cup of tea
The first thing you need is fresh, high-quality tea. The second is soft water. It should not contain minerals, salt or chlorine – use a filter or bottled water. For one cup you will need a teaspoon of tea. Remember that water should not boil for a long time: the taste of the drink depends on the oxygen content, which decreases with long boiling. The brewing time depends on the variety: black tea needs at least five minutes, while white tea needs less than a minute. After this, the tea leaves must be removed from the teapot or cup.
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Discover the exquisite world of tea with Time Tea. Our selection of high-quality teas, including black, green, oolong, and more, is sourced from the finest regions worldwide. Whether you’re a connoisseur or just starting your tea journey, our premium teas promise an exceptional experience in every cup.
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toadstoolgardens · 3 years
10 Amazing Medicinal Herbs to Grow in the Garden
1. Calendula, Calendula officinalis: with cheerful golden orange flowers that are edible and medicinal, calendula is one of the most beloved herbs. The petals are edible and the entire flower is medicinal and great for the skin. External use can heal wounds, rashes, burns, and dry skin. Internally calendula flowers are used as an antifungal, an antibacterial, for stimulating the lymphatic system, for stimulating the menses, and as a digestive anti-inflammatory. Calendula also attracts pollinators and is easy to grow from seed. It does well as a container plant too!
2. Motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca: easy to grow and versatile, motherwort is a favorite for anxiety and stress. It's leaves, flowers, and stems can also be taken as a tea or tincture to lessen pain from headaches, menstrual pain, and muscle aches. It can help menstruators going through menopause, easing hot flashes and hormonal irritability. It can be used in childbirth to strengthen contractions. This herbaceous perennial will self-sow happily and can be quite weedy, plant it somewhere where it will have lots of space or where you can control its spreading easily.
3. Passionflower, Passiflora incarnata: these gorgeous flowers are native to the southeastern United States and an important nervine sedative. The stems, leaves, and flowers are used to promote sleep and alleviate pain like headaches and menstrual cramps. Passionflower is a perennial herb that loves to climb, it can be somewhat tough to sprout (stratifying and/or scarifying the seeds will help) but will spread happily through your garden and over fences and trellises once its growing. It's a short lived perennial that usually needs replanting every three years or so, so even if it's spreading quicker than you'd like it will die back after a few years.
4. Echinacea/Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea: a popular garden ornamental that attracts butterflies and bees, echinacea is a gorgeous and easy to grow plant. It's quite hardy, withstanding drought and disease. The roots, seeds, and fresh flowers are all medicinal and stimulate the immune system. Echinacea has been used for centuries to treat the common cold, coughs, bronchitis, upper respiratory infections. It increases the number of white blood cells to help your body fight off all kinds of infections. It's a perennial and will return to your garden year after year, with flowers beginning to grow in its second year.
5. Tulsi/Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum syn. O. sanctum: a relative of common basil native to India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia, holy basil or tulsi is aromatic and antimicrobial. The leaves and flowers can be made into a medicinal tea to help with colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, headaches, stress, and anxiety. It has an adaptogenic effect, giving uplifting energy and aiding mental focus. You can also use tulsi like regular basil in recipes, it's just more pungent. Tulsi is a perennial in zones 10 or warmer and an annual elsewhere, but it may even self seed in cooler climates too. Its easy to grow from seed after the danger of frost has passed. You can harvest it multiple times a year by cutting the mature plant to 8 inches tall and letting it re-grow.
6. Meadowsweet, Filipendula ulmaria: this European wetland herb has beautiful clusters of white flowers and a pleasant wintergreen flavor. It's flowers and basal leaves are used internally for inflammation, fevers, heartburn, and peptic ulcers. It makes a very tasty tea and is a wonderful tonic for arthritis and other inflammatory issues thanks to its anti-inflammatory salicylates. Meadowsweet is a hardy perennial in zones 2-8 and likes moisture. A wet meadow, streamside, or edge of a pond are perfect for meadowsweet, but it can happily grow in the regular garden with a little extra watering. It's easy to grow meadowsweet by root division, any little piece of root will grow a new plant.
7. Southern Ginseng/Jiaogulan, Gynostemma pentaphyllum: native to southeast Asia and used as a tonic for longevity and vitality, the leaves of southern ginseng can be brewed into a medicinal tea for anxiety, stress, depression, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. This vine is easy to grow and contains some of the same ginsenosides as American and Asian ginseng. It's an herbaceous perennial vine that grows about 4 inches tall and indefinitely wide. It spreads vigorously so you may want to grow it in a container to keep it from becoming troublesome.
8. Spilanthes, Acmella oleracea: with golden globe-shaped flowers and a red center, spilanthes is an interesting herb to look at and to taste. It's a powerful sialogogue (saliva promoter) and provides a tingly numbing sensation that can relieve toothaches. It's great for your teeth and gums since it's antimicrobial, stimulating, and acts as an oral anodyne. All the above-ground parts are medicinal and can be chewed fresh in moderation or turned into a tincture. Spilanthes is super easy to grow as an annual if you sow seeds after the danger of frost has passed. You can harvest spilanthes a few times during the growing season by cutting the plants back to 6 inches and letting them regrow. Only one or two plants is all you need to make over a quart of tincture.
9. Stinging Nettle, Urtica dioica: a highly revered, highly nutritious spring green. Stinging nettle can be eaten steamed, in soups, or in stir fries and the sting disappears when the leaves are cooked. The greens and tea of nettles are packed with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. The leaves and seeds are used medicinally for allergies, arthritis, and as a kidney tonic. It's considered a perennial, coming back from the roots year after year and will spread prolifically by runners. The fresh shoots will emerge in early spring and you can continually harvest these tender leaves with scissors and let it regrow. Gather your nettles before they flower and always wear thick clothing or gardening gloves to protect from their sting. Stinging nettle is also a dynamic accumulator and is a great addition to your compost or fertilizing mulch.
10. Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa: a beautiful, medicinal, pollinator attracting relative of bee balm, wild bergamot is an important medicine. Used to treat infections and digestive issues like gas and bloating. Wild bergamot is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and diaphoretic (makes you sweat to help break a fever). The leaves and flowers are medicinal and edible and the pungent flavor makes a great medicinal tea or a tasty pesto for a snack. Wild bergamot is an herbaceous perennial with tiiiiiiny seeds that need to be planted on the soil's surface and misted. It can also be grown by dividing an already established plant since wild bergamot spreads vigorously by runners. Since it spreads you may want to plant it somewhere on its own or contain it. The stems, leaves, and blooms can all be gathered at the peak of flowering and used fresh or dried.
This list is just some ideas to get started. Consider your needs, your region, and your climate and find some herbs that match. Choosing plants native to your area is great because you'll attract local pollinators and it's safer for the ecosystem. If you live in the United States, the National Wildlife Federation has a Native Plant Finder Tool where you can search by zip code. Non-native plants can be wonderful to grow for our herbal needs, but should always be contained and managed. Happy growing!🌱
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prorevenge · 6 years
English is not my first language so plz forgive any mistakes that I make :)
The cast :-
P - The victim (a corrupt politician).
M- AN APACHE ATTACK HELICOPTER. (Also there were about 15 people involved in this plan so I will refer to them as F )
I am from Sri Lanka and this happened about 3 weeks ago. But first a little back story.
End of story right ??
After this P burned every ball we accidently hit in to his back yard in front of our eyes. We were pretty mad but what can we do ? So instead of playing cricket we played volleyball but after like 2 weeks of us mineding our own business and playing volleyball peace fully one day we forgot the ball near the water tap so we all went back to go look for it. AND WE SAW P JUST CASUALLY STABBING OUR BALL AND WALKING AWAY. He saw us and proceeded to curse at us and tell us how he will get rid of us and that he would never allow us to play again ( we did not care ) but we were furious. Not going to lie after seeing that we were about to burn his house down. Again but what can we do ?? So we all went to our homes. The next day we gathered our friend group and we told our selves that we would do what ever to fuck him over and never to leave our stuff behind. This surprising worked for a long time and one day an unexpected thing happened.
So this day we go to the play ground and play as usual the when we were about to leave P came towards us. Now we were ready for a fight if necessary. He came and talked to a friend the conversation went some thing like this ;-
P - Are you boys about to leave ??
F - Yes ! What is the problem? ?
P - No nothing I was wondering if you wanted some cool drinks ??
F - *confused * looks at us
Now this was unexpected because he hated us and also very stingy. So at first we were going to decline this but we chatted for a bit and said "OK fuck it free drinks " so we accepted this and we drank the juce, thanked him and went to our homes on the way we were talking about this we thought that this was his way of saying sorry. And that he was really changing ( we were wrong btw ).
So this went on for about 5 days. An awkward conversation and cool drinks. So in the 6th day he asked us for some "help"
Conversation :-
P - so I was wondering if you boys are willing to help me??
Me - with what??
P - with my dhana (this is like a religious celebration and these things are very important to Bhudist people )
Friends - *realising that this was his plan all along * stars to back out.
P - but think what I have done for all of you !!
Me - * trying to discuss this with friends * ok I will ask them and see what we can do !!
And after he was gone we started joking about that and also how we all fell in to the trap. After some time one of our friends suggest that we could ruin his image by using this. We just started to think about that so we came to a conclusion, 8 of us will go to his house and ask what he needed help with and we would tell others and we would hatch a plan to fuck him over.
So me and some friends went to his house that day and we asked what he needed help with. Turns out he needed help with his sound system ( first of all he could have hired an adult for very little money and this was not what we planed) we chatted with him and we left for the day.
The next day we came up with a plan. We were originally planned to mess up the food. But this was good enough so we all went to his house to look at his speakers. And to our suprice they were pretty nice ! He said that he had a pen drive that contained all the suthres that he wanted to play. We took that pen and looked at the audio. It was a 10 hour recording of suthres and religious talk. So we took a photo of the pen drive when he was away and sent out 2 friends to find the same type of pen drive. After they were gone we set up the speakers and also did the wireing we made sure to tell P that you will be electricuted if you touch the pen drive ( these speakers were the type that you can directly plug the pen ) so we went home for the day. On the way home we bought about 40 tubes of super glue.
We returned to the play ground at 7.00 a.m. And filled our 10 hour audio clip which contained :- 2 hours of suthres,1 hour of religious talk and 7 hours of hard core porn audio and went to his house at about 8.00 a.m and the big celebration was tonight. So we went to his house and asked for his pen. He gave it to us and left to do some arrangements, so in the meantime we superglued the speakers wires to the outlet (this was pretty easy because he was away doing other stuff and the people thought we were fixing some thing ). It was about 12.00 p.m when we finished this. The guests arrived one by one and there were the state head of the police (one of my dad's friends ) the state political organiser and some other important people. So he told us to start playing the suthres. We did it! And also secured the pen drive with about 10 tubes of super glue. So after an hour or so we all had tea and told P that we had some tuition classes and calmly left. His house was close to my house and so me and my friends came over to my place to watch or listen to the chaos that was about to go down. We played some games and out of no where we hear. "AAAAA FUCK ME DADDY" "AAAA YES PLEASE " loud and clear, so our plan was working !!. We burst in to laughter and just listened. He first tried to turn the volume down ( we glued it). Then he tried to get the pen out ( we glued it ). He tried to pull te plug ( we glued it ) and after that he switched the main switch. ( we left one of our friends brothers to watch what happened ).
Out come:-
We are making fun of him to this day. He was not allowed to participate in the elections. His respect was gone. This spreded among the villagers like wild fire. He never bothered us again. I think he is selling all his land to move some where else.
This old and corrupt politician tried to take our play ground away from us and we destroyed him.
(source) story by (/u/yesilbimsara445)
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travelcenter-uk · 4 years
Travel Hotspots for World Environment Day.
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What better way to celebrate World Environment Day than to explore the most beautiful hotspots in the world and help preserve the beauty around them. This year’s theme for World Environment Day 2020 is, ‘Time for Nature,’ with an emphasis on its role in offering the necessary structure that supports life on Earth and human growth.
Siem Reap.
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Considered to be Cambodia’s cultural center, Siem Reap also mixes nature with culture beautifully. With a history that goes all the way back to the year 802, exploring Siem Reap is a highlight for several people travelling across Southeast Asia, with an abundance of activities and marvels that go far beyond the ancient ruins. Here’s how you could help preserve the beauty of Siem Reap for Environment Day.
Managing waste is a huge problem, it’s tragic to see so much garbage continuously on the roads and even in the natural areas. Being a responsible traveller in Siem Reap certainly means reducing your trash. There are some exceptional recycling programs that you could support, and carrying your own reusable bags with you is a simple way to lessen plastic bag use.
There is also a small business that creates reusable straws from bamboo in Siem Reap. Several cafés utilize their straws, and you could buy them and carry them around yourself too. Using them other than plastic straws seems like such a small thing, but straws are the main polluter and take several years to break down.
Numerous cafés and restaurants provide filtered water refills in Siem Reap. Carrying a big stainless steel water bottle with you everywhere is the best way to lessen the requirement for plastic water bottles.
Never purchase artifacts that might have been taken from a heritage site.
Don’t support illegal wildlife trafficking and poaching, by eating meats or buying keepsakes from rare and threatened animals, a lot of them are endangered by these practices.  
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The capital of Vietnam is situated on the banks of the Red River, it’s one of the most ancient metropolises in the world, where travellers could explore well-conserved temples and pagodas. Lakes, parks, and shady boulevards also add to the charm of this city.
From Hanoi, you will be able to explore many famous places like Halong Bay, where you can appreciate nature at its best. And make sure that you visit Hoan Kiem also known as Turtle Lake a central feature of Hanoi, the thing that adds beauty to this lake is the Ngoc Son Temple found on a tiny island in the center of it, connected by a small bridge, the lake is the ideal place to capture some great pictures and it’s the best spot to practice Tai Chi, line dancing or just relax and wind down. Here’s how you can help conserve the beauty of Hanoi on world environment day.
Take your reusable coffee cup when you do take away, it’s way better for the environment. You have to also pay a visit to Tropical Forest café. It’s an innovative plant-filled coffee shop that has been created as a customary greenhouse and focuses on tackling the city’s pollution issues.
Fast fashion has never been as famous as it is at the moment, but it’s also extremely bad for the environment. Instead of purchasing 5 new outfits, why not buy one that is timeless and that you could reuse. The ideal thing to do is choose clothes that are prepared from natural fibers and have been dyed naturally too.
Think about taking a free walking tour in Hanoi. Not only would you be able to encounter other tourists on this tour, you’ll also get to walk with a local across Hanoi and discover more about the city and the history of Vietnam. Walking around the metropolis is also way better than taking a taxi or motorbike.
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Ella is everyone’s favourite hill-country village, the views between Ella Gap are spectacular, and on a clear night, you could even see the subtle radiance of the Great Basses lighthouse on Sri Lanka’s south coast. Don’t be too relaxed though; certainly make time for calm walks across tea estates to temples, waterfalls, and viewpoints. Here are some tips to keep in mind on world environment day.  
Request green. Sri Lanka’s hotel and guesthouse owners are particularly helpful and, as travellers numbers rise, many are eager to provide customers with what they want.
Observe your use of water. Visit the hill country of Sri Lanka and you’ll think the island is flowing with water, but ask for outstrips supply. Take up your hotel on its suggestion to save plenty of water, by not having your sheets and towels changed daily.
Bag the bags. Just say no to plastic bags (and plastic straws, as well).
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The Maldives is a self-governing island country in the north-central Indian Ocean. Comprising of around 1,200 tiny coral islands and sandbanks (about 200 of which are occupied), assembled in clusters, or islands. Take a look at these tips on how to help preserve the beauty of Maldives on world environment day.
Don’t walk on the now-deceased reef structures. There may be young and barely noticeable re-growth. Be cautious when snorkeling, diving, or kayaking.
Inform yourself about reef-friendly suntan lotion’s, they are available. We suggest physical protection (shirts, trousers) over chemical protection.
Try to save water —> each towel being washed, every shower with chemicals counts if you want to lessen the chemical stress because your wastewater is being directed into the reef.  
Don’t feed the fish. The ecological stability is now disturbed deeply by the decline of corals and the rise of algae. The amount of fish that feed on algae would increase profoundly while those feeding on corals would lessen. Feeding fish is an extra intrusion in this balance.
Inform yourself about the resort before booking. Pick resorts that display efforts to help the reefs or that show signs of sustainability efforts overall.
Educate yourself and others. Study more about reef ecology and speak to the staff or local marine biologists. Maybe even take part in local actions like reef cleanups or artificial reef structure building.
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Iceland is a country of sharp distinctions. A destination where fire and ice coincide. Where dark winters are equalized by the summer’s midnight sun. A country where insular existence has prompted a wealthy and vibrant culture. Here are some tips on how you can help conserve the beauty of Iceland on world environment day.
Bring a reusable water bottle. It’s a fact that loads of plastic water bottles end up in landfills, oceans, and in the open environment each year. Luckily in Iceland, tap water is the purest and tastiest that you could ever have.
Get rid of your trash properly. Icelandic nature is massive and breathtaking to observe. Unfortunately, stunning nature doesn’t always come with garbage cans so when you can’t find one, make sure you hang on to your trash for when you do find a suitable container.
Don’t walk where you’re not supposed to. As you travel across Iceland, you would come across signs that mark paths where you are and aren’t permitted to walk. These are set up for your safety but also to safeguard the nature you are standing on.
Leave what you find. It is no secret that Iceland is overflowing with other-worldly nature but it is vital that it must stay untouched and unspoiled. This is why it’s important not to take lava rocks and other natural features as keepsakes.  
Travelling is a simple lifeline that we all need and it’s our responsibility to take care of it and preserve the beauty that’s all around us for the future.
Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/travel-hotspots-for-world-environment-day/
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk
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janduaus-blog · 5 years
Benefits Of Consuming Black Tea For Your Health
Apart from water, black tea is one of the most consumed beverages across the globe. It is known to be quite strong in flavour and has a significant amount of caffeine in it. However, it has less caffeine than coffee. The brew also has several benefits as it contains antioxidants along with compounds which help in reducing inflammation in the body.
If you are looking for an amazing variety of Ceylon black tea, the single estate tea produced by J&U is one of the premium black tea you can ever have. It is fresh and full of flavours. The tea is sourced from the tea-producing regions of Sri Lanka.
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Here’s a look at the benefits of black brew:
Contains antioxidants
Antioxidants are known for offering a host of health benefits. Having black brew can help in removing the free radicals and decreasing cell damage in your body. It helps in decreasing the risk of chronic disease. While you can find antioxidants in many supplements, the best way to consume them is through food and beverages. In fact, some studies have shown that taking antioxidants in the form of supplements can harm your health.
Help in boosting cardiac health
Black decoction contains flavonoids which are good for your heart health. Consuming them on a regular basis can help in reducing many risk factors for the heart disease, which includes high blood pressure, high cholesterol, elevated triglyceride levels and obesity. One study established that drinking 3 cups of black decoction per day helped in reducing the risk of developing heart disease.
Helps in improving gut health
Many studies have found that the type of bacteria in your gut plays a significant role in your health. The gut contains trillions of bacteria along with 70% to 80% of your immune system. The polyphenols in the black brew can help in maintaining a healthy gut by promoting the growth of good bacteria and preventing the growth of bad bacteria. It also contains antimicrobial properties that kill harmful substances and improve gut bacteria and immunity.
Help in regulating blood pressure
High blood pressure affects around 1 billion people across the globe. It can also increase the risk of heart and kidney failure, stroke vision loss, and heart attacks. Changes in your diet along with improving lifestyle can regulate your blood pressure. Also, having black tea over a period of time can help in keeping your blood pressure in control.
Help in reducing the risk of stroke
A stroke can occur when a blood vessel in the brain gets blocked or ruptures. It is the second major cause of death across the globe. However, the majority of strokes can be prevented. Studies have found that drinking black tea can help in reducing the risk of stroke.
The J&U produces the single estate tea where the leaves are hand-picked so that only premium two leaves and bud are plucked at the right time. If you wish to derive the health benefits from the black brew, visit their website and order now.
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doyouthatknow · 5 years
How To Make Cinnamon Tea
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How To Make Cinnamon Tea, What Are The Benefits?
Cinnamon is a tree in the family of laurels. The homeland of the evergreen tree, which is evergreen, is South Asia and Southeast Asia. In our country, outside the botanical gardens cinnamon tree does not grow. The blunt branches of the tree are cut and the outer shell is peeled and dried. The cinnamon shell or powdered cinnamon from tropical climates is one of the indispensable spices of kitchens. BC in China It is known that cinnamon has been used since 3000s. Adding this woody spice into hot water creates a pleasant, aromatic and delicious tea. In recent years, research has revealed that cinnamon has many characteristics that can positively affect health. Cinnamon tea can be used to accelerate weight loss, increase immunity and prevent chronic diseases. What is Cinnamon Tea? Cinnamon tea is a herbal tea made by brewing cinnamon bark in hot water. Cinnamon tea can also be prepared using cinnamon powder and cinnamon extract. Cinnamon bark is usually sold in the form of cinnamon sticks, but cinnamon tea bags containing crushed cinnamon bark can also be found. In Chile, cinnamon tea is made by infusing the cinnamon stick with black tea leaves in hot water. In Korea, cinnamon tea is consumed by mixing with ginger tea. For cinnamon tea in Korea, it uses only the shell of Chinese or kasia cinnamon, the scientific name of Cinnamomum cassia, and served by sweetening with honey or sugar. While many people combine cinnamon with other ingredients such as ginger, honey or milk, others prefer to extract the cinnamon as it is without combining it with anything. Well, What does cinnamon tea do? Some of the benefits of cinnamon tea, a delicious and soothing decaffeinated beverage that improves heart health, controls blood sugar, and facilitates weight loss. Cinnamon Types There are two types of cinnamon commonly used to make cinnamon tea. Cassia cinnamon is the most common form of cinnamon. Most supermarkets can be found in the spice department. Although it is of Chinese origin, kasia cinnamon is widely cultivated and used worldwide. However,
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cinnamon cinnamon can be harmful because of the presence of a compound called coumarin, which can be toxic when consumed in large quantities. The color of this cinnamon variety is darker than the real cinnamon. Cinnamomum verum or Ceylon cinnamon, known as true cinnamon, is useful in many subjects. Ceylon or the official name of Sri Lanka has spread to the world. Ceylon cinnamon, which has a mild, aroma-rich and lighter color, contains much less coumarin than kasia or Chinese cassia. In this respect, it is a safer alternative than kasia cinnamon. Benefits of Cinnamon Tea Cinnamon tea has important benefits such as keeping blood sugar stable, supporting heart health, protecting against cancer, promoting weight loss, reducing inflammation, and preserving brain function. The benefits of cinnamon are described below. https://www.orak11.com/index.php/the-benefits-of-rosehip-tea/ 1. Antioxidant depot:  Cinnamon tea is full of antioxidants such as many herbal teas. Cinnamon bark contains catechins and procyanidins with antioxidant activity. These antioxidants protect the body from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radicals are associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer, as well as early aging. The cinnamon shell also contains polyphenols and flavonoids with free radical scavenging properties.  2. Increases immunity: Like many tea, cinnamon tea also helps to strengthen the immune system and fend off pathogens that are disease agents. Studies show that cinnamon can inhibit the growth of bacteria, including Salmonella and Candida albicans. This tea has antibacterial properties that can help to eliminate colds and colds as well as bacteria that cause bad breath.  3. Stabilizes  blood sugar : Cinnamon has a strong effect on blood sugar level. Some research has shown that tissues through the circulation of cinnamon
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shows that the hormone responsible for sending sugar behaves like insulin. Cinnamon can also increase the effectiveness of insulin and protect the body against insulin resistance. According to a study by the Thames Valley University in the UK, people with cinnamon type 2 diabetes can reduce their fasting blood glucose levels by up to 29%.  4. Supports heart health : adding daily routine cinnamon tea provides great benefits when it comes to heart health. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in cinnamon tea help prevent heart problems caused by high cholesterol and triglycerides. Cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels as well as reduces total and es bad esterol LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increases useful HDL cholesterol levels. 5. Has cancer prevention properties:  Some in vitro studies and animal models have found that cinnamon can help prevent cancer. A research conducted on the subject and published results showed that cinnamon extract can stimulate tumor cell death in skin cancer cells by altering the activity of specific proteins. In another in-vitro study, there were similar findings indicating that polyphenols isolated from cinnamon helped reduce the growth and spread of liver cancer cells. However, further studies are needed to determine whether the effects of cinnamon's cancer-related effects apply to humans.  6. Promotes weight loss: Although studies on the effects of cinnamon tea on weight loss have been limited, some studies have shown promising results. For example, a study from India showed that there were significant reductions in waist circumference and body mass index of people who received three grams of cinnamon supplement per day for 16 weeks and compared with the control group.  7. Reduces inflammationStudies have shown that inflammation at the origin of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases may occur. Inflammation or inflammation can also increase the risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as blood clotting and heart attacks. Studies show that cinnamon and cinnamon tea are rich in antioxidants and potent anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation, which can cause a range of health problems. For example, a study by the Chinese Medical University has shown that some compounds are effective in reducing the signs of in vitro inflammation. Ceylon cinnamon is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods. Researchers show that cinnamic aldehyde in the cinnamon of the substance that reduces inflammation.  8. Maintains brain function: One of the most impressive benefits of drinking cinnamon tea before bedtime is the ability to maintain and maintain brain function. Cinnamon tea drink helps to protect the brain from neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. A study of animals published in 2014 found that cinnamon helped protect neurons and improve motor function in mice with Parkinson's disease. Cinnamon helps maintain dopamine production, which helps normalize neurotransmitters. Another in vitro study in California showed that specific compounds help prevent abnormal modifications of proteins in the brain. This is thought to help prevent Alzheimer's. How to prepare Cinnamon Tea? There are many different cinnamon tea recipes and options. One of the easiest ways to make a hot cinnamon tea is a teaspoon of 1 cup of hot water
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Add cinnamon powder and mix. In addition, the cinnamon stick can be placed in a cup of boiling water and allowed to infuse 10 su15. In the meantime, unique flavor and healthy compounds will be mixed into the beverage. Cinnamon tea bags can often be found in many grocery products, such as cinnamon green tea, ginger cinnamon tea or honey-cinnamon tea. In addition, cinnamon tea can be prepared by mixing with popular spices and natural sweeteners in houses. Turmeric, apple, lemon and banana are other ways of laying a different flavor into cinnamon tea. Although it can taste this delicious drink at any time of the day, most people prefer to drink cinnamon tea in the morning or drink before bed to take advantage of the soothing, sleep-stimulating feature. Side Effects of Cinnamon Tea and what are the measures that can be taken? https://www.orak11.com/index.php/what-are-the-benefits-of-turmeric/ Cinnamon tea is safe as long as it is consumed. Excessive hot cinnamon tea consumption can cause side effects such as mouth sores and throat irritation. Cinnamon tea can cause an allergic reaction in people with allergic to cinnamon. If symptoms such as itching, swelling of the tongue or breathing difficulties are encountered, immediately stop using cinnamon and go to the emergency room of a hospital. People who are allergic to cinnamic aldehyde (cinnamaldehyde) in cinnamon should also give up drinking this tea.  Cinnamon tea can interact with some drugs. Those who use diabetes for diabetes, blood sugar problems, or heart disease should consult with their doctor before drinking cinnamon. Some types of cinnamon can cause liver failure
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it contains high amounts of coumarin, which may cause. Those who use drugs for liver disease should not drink cinnamon tea. Ceylon cinnamon should be used instead of cassia cinnamon to keep coumarin consumption low and to prevent negative side effects.  Those who use cinnamon tea for weight loss should pay attention to the materials they use. Adding sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup or sugar to the cinnamon tea increases the flavor, but also causes the removal of excess calories.   https://www.orak11.com/index.php/benefits-of-weight-loss/ Warning ! It is a proposal and Information article that has been compiled from different sources. There is no definitive diagnosis and treatment. Ask your doctor about any health problems. Remember, the treatment methods applied in health problems may vary according to the biology of individuals, hereditary characteristics, age, height, weight differences, allergic aspects and dozens of such conditions. Only your doctor can help you in the treatment of your health problems. Read the full article
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organicteagarden · 7 years
Stash Tea Sampler: Find Your Own Flavor
window.___gcfg = {lang: ''}; (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();
Do you know what tea flavors suit your taste buds well? Do you want something to energize, to relax or to soothe your ills? The variety of tea flavor options is astoundingly endless. There’s a hodgepodge of caffeine-based teas in as much as therapeutic herbal ones. There’s black, white, green or, blue– all coming from different regions across the globe. While there is no single way to make your own tea, one of the most widely acclaimed brand in the market is the Stash Tea Company, a Portland-based specialty tea company– and to give you an idea, here’s an in-depth look on their Stash Tea Sampler that’s overtaking the net by storm.
  Source : thespruce.com
  Six Sensational Flavors of Stash Tea Sampler
The Stash Tea Sampler is a specialty pack from Stash Tea Company which made “bringing back the travel joys, worldliness and exoticism” of the ancient tea trade into every tea bag they sell to the market. Stash literally means, private reserve, an old terminology in the tea trade wherein ship captains carrying the best selection of the company’s finest teas referred to their own precious collection meant only to be tasted by a few. Such is the essence of embodied in this 6-box sampler containing 18 tea bags each or a total of 108 tea bags carrying the following organic flavor– lemon ginger, lavender tulsi, chamomile, chai green and black, breakfast blend, and premium green.
Here are some of the known benefits of each tea flavor from this sampler:
Organic Breakfast Blend Tea: A blend of several black teas particularly from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), a British colony in the past and one of the top producers of the country’s tea, and that of full-bodied extra-dark Indian Assam tea, the Breakfast Blend variety has always been known for its rich and energizing blend due to its high caffeine content. You can use this as a healthy substitute for coffee. To add some kick, simply add a splash of fresh milk. Putting ice cubes during dog dags of summer also makes this tea truly invigorating.
Organic Lemon Ginger Green Tea: Give your immune system a boost with the perfect fusion of lemongrass and ginger blended smoothly with green tea. Sweet and spicy, it is known to be packed with therapeutic benefits ranging from respiratory illnesses to nausea and digestion. It is also known to lower the ill effects of diabetes and known to stimulate metabolism leading to weight loss. This one makes great company during heavy winter spell for the warmth each bag brings.
Organic Lavender Tulsi Tea: A known superfood, Tulsi combined with Lavender makes a potent daily drink. Lavender provides the relaxing aroma and taste. Commonly used in Ayurveda, Tulsi helps stimulate healing for the body and the mind as well as the soul. It’s known health benefits touches on digestive issues, respiratory problems, stress, circulation issues, abnormal sleep patterns, inflammation, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. Overall, this is a calming and healing tea.
Organic Chamomile Tea. One of the most common tea variety in the market today, chamomile exudes a delicate apple-tasting flavor and aroma. It is best to drink this variety to boost your immune system during flu season or as stress buster and sleeping aid during tough times. Chamomile tea is also known to address menstrual problems, skin irritations, stomach upsets, and diabetes symptoms. It is also known as a good anti-histamine.
Organic Chai Black and Green Tea. This perfect fusion of rich Indian Assam black tea and green tea with the choicest of spices like clove, ginger, cinnamon and cardamom is one of the most aromatic variety. Sweet yet strong that permeates deep into your senses, it delivers a lingering note while bringing these health benefits– anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and digestive support. This is best taken after a meal to relieve indigestion.
Organic Premium Green Tea. Grown painstakingly in the heart of Stash Tea Company’s Yamamotoyama’s Brazilian tea gardens, it is delicately processed to preserve not just flavor and fragrance but also the vibrant color of green tea leaves. Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, this Stash Tea sampler variety is known to deliver powerful effects to the body ranging from fat loss, improved brain activity and focus, lower risk to certain forms of cancer, and so on. Taste range from nutty and vegetal adding a sense of freshness as you start your day.
The Stash Tea Sampler is a great way for one to discover the many aroma, taste and texture of different tea leaves as well as their benefits. It is also important to note that all tea products from the Stash Tea Company are certified 100% USDA-certified organic, blended in the USA, and Kosher, too. All tea flavors contain caffeine, too.
  What’s Your Flavor?
  Source ;’ behance.net
Definitely, this Stash Tea Sampler is divine! Each of the tea variety on this pack delivers a sense of purpose to make your day brighter, better and more relaxing. So, try creating your unique tea ritual by starting off with this sampler. You can buy them in bulk via Amazon.
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sarashafni · 7 years
Have you heard of the brand Spa Ceylon? One of the best Ayurvedic products you’d find! I got to know about this product a couple of months ago when my sister traveled to Srilanka and got me this amazing Spa Ceylon Scalp and Hair Treatment Oil since she knew I was struggling with hair fall, and I must say this product worked wonders for me, the ingredients helped nourish, strengthen and promote hair growth.  I was in awe with this product I quickly posted a picture and talked about the benefits on Instagram which you can see here.
Right after posting the image on Instagram, I got more than 50 messages from my followers asking me where they can get this product and how much their suffering with hair fall as well. Unfortunately, the products are not sold in Dubai yet, though they have future plans
A couple of days ago, I received a DHL Box from Srilanka, was wondering could be inside, and to my surprise, it was a gift box from Spa Ceylon! Was thrilled to get this and more over excited so I could review their products and make you aware of how awesome their products are.
Just before I get into reviewing the product, I’d like you to get to know the brand and their story.
The Spa Ceylon Story
From the teardrop isle of Ceylon, an exotic paradise nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean comes natural well-being rituals drawn from holistic practices of age-old wisdom, deep-rooted in the culture of the island.
Derived from royal relaxation, rejuvenation and healing rituals of Ayurveda, practiced in the grand palaces of Ceylon, comes the range of treasured formulae and rituals from Spa Ceylon, to hydrate, treat, purify and soothe your body, mind, and soul.
Spa Ceylon combines Ayurveda wisdom, fine natural ingredients & contemporary design to bring you the ultimate in Ayurveda luxury – for health, well-being & relaxation. The range includes treatment oils, massage balms, massage and bath oils, essential oils, cleansing bars, exfoliating bars, shower gels, body scrubs, body packs, milk baths, body lotions, moisturizing balms, body mist, soothing balms, foot care and herbal compress.
The Spa Ceylon range of Ayurveda luxuries is the result of nearly 50 years of expertise in the field of natural health & beauty products from the pioneer in modern Ayurveda beauty care in Sri Lanka.
Aiming to offer our customers a lifestyle of indulgence & total natural wellness, Spa Ceylon offers the highest quality Ayurveda services through its design, innovation, professional retail staff and worldwide distributors.
Spa Ceylon products are formulated only with the finest natural ingredients, including organic essential oils from our tropical island home, organically grown sun-kissed fresh Aloe Vera, therapeutically proven pure extra virgin coconut oil, mineral rich Indian Ocean salts & fabled Ceylon spices.
Spa Ceylon promotes environmentally-friendly products, supports human rights, and is against the use of child labor and animal testing. All products are alcohol-free & contain no ingredients of animal origin.
The Virgin Coconut Home Spa Set
What I’m loving about the brand!
Paraben Free
Paraffin Free
100% Vegetarian
Silicone Free
Not tested on animals
Promotes sustainable harvesting
Supports community fair trade
Virgin Coconut Pure & Natural Organic Oil
A 100% pure Virgin Coconut Oil, naturally cold pressed at source from the finest fresh coconuts and rich in nourishing vitamins & protective anti-oxidants to help reinforce, repair & fortify skin & hair, promoting overall wellness. Hydrates, nourish, softens, smoothens & brightens for total care.
Application – Apply all over face, body and hair, Massage in long strokes and must leave for atleast an hour
Dietary – Take 1 tbsp each morning, with a balanced diet (Since this is organic it is harmless) you can use this in your coffee, your dressing.
Benefits :  
Keeps you healthy and slim you can help boost and regulate your metabolism to keep your weight under control with this wonder oil.
Support Your Immune System Organic coconut oil is jam-packed with lauric acid, the immune supporting nutrient.
Promote Heart Health Packed full of healthy fats that are good for your heart, organic coconut oil is a great addition to your daily diet.
Give You Instant Energy Organic coconut oil can help you feel less fatigued and require less sleep by stimulating your metabolism. It can also enhance athletic performance.
Support Healthy Thyroid Function Organic coconut oil helps to stimulate the activity and proper functioning of this important gland which provides energy, supports the health of your skin and metabolism, and keeps your moods in balance.
Oil pulling – Rinse mouth with 1 tbsp each morning,
Make sure to oil pull first thing in the morning right after you get out of bed before you brush your teeth or drink anything.
Gently swish 1 – 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in your mouth and between your teeth for 10-20 minutes making sure that you don’t swallow any of the oil. (Do this gently so you don’t wear out your jaw and cheeks!)
Spit out the oil in the trash (not the sink so it doesn’t clog up the plumbing…ask me how I know) and immediately rinse your mouth out with warm water (use salt water for added antimicrobial properties).
Finally, brush your teeth as normal.
Voila, easy as that!
Oil pulling works by cleaning (detoxifying) the oral cavity in a similar way that soap cleans dirty dishes. It literally sucks the dirt (toxins) out of your mouth and creates a clean, antiseptic oral environment that contributes to the proper flow of dental liquid that is needed to prevent cavities and disease.
This unbelievably effective procedure has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy to:
Cures tooth decay
Kills bad breath
Heals bleeding gums
Prevents heart disease
Reduces inflammation
Whitens teeth
Soothes throat dryness
Prevents cavities
Heals cracked lips
Boosts Immune System
Improves acne
Strengthens gums and jaw
Virgin Coconut Face & Body Soothing Serum
A 100% natural serum of pure Virgin Coconut Oil naturally cold pressed and rich in nourishing vitamins & protective anti-oxidants to help reinforce, repair & fortify skin, promoting overall wellness. Hydrates nourish, softens & smoothes face & body, evening-out skin tone & improving visible youthfulness.
Application – Apply lightly all over face, body, scalp & hair and leave for an hour, for optimum use lightly heat the serum.
Helps increase Cell Regeneration When your metabolic rate increases, your cell regeneration speeds up, too. This means that your body will more quickly replace old cells with newer, healthier cells.
Virgin Coconut Hair & Body Natural Butter
A 100% natural multi-usage ultra-nourishing butter of pure Virgin Coconut Oil  Rich in nourishing vitamins & protective anti-oxidants to help reinforce, repair & fortify skin, promoting overall wellness. Deeply hydrates , soften, protects & cares for lips, skin, elbows, feet & hair.
Application – Can be used during Day/Night/ after bath, lightly massage the butter onto lips, skin, and hair to lock in moisture
Due to the saturated fats in the butter, this helps the skin stay moisturized, with the fat preventing moisture loss through the skin’s pores. These fats give the skin a healthy, smooth and even tone.
Virgin Coconut Face & Body Scrub
A unique 100% natural complex of pure Virgin Coconut Oil & Virgin Coconut Crystals Rich in nourishing vitamins & protective antioxidants to exfoliate, refine & renew skin, promoting overall wellness. Hydrates smoothes & revitalizes face & body, revealing instantly softer, more radiant skin.
Application- Apply all over face and body, massaging into clean, use this on damp skin, using gentle circular motions, rinse off and pat dry.
Combat dry, flaky skin and dullness
Fight acne breakouts
Stimulate circulation to help reduce cellulite
Reveal smooth, glowing skin!
Ceylon Tea Ylang Luxury Soap Bar
A luxuriously creamy natural cleanser infused with a soothing blend of Green, White & Black Teas – rich in natural antioxidants & nutrients. Mystical Ylang Ylang & sensual Tuberose to help protect subtle energies & balance chakras. Virgin Coconut, Rice Bran Wheatgerm & Almond moisturize, nourish & soften skin. Pure Mango Butter & Kokum Butter help hydrate, protect & preserve natural balance, while fresh Aloe Vera helps cool & comfort.
The scent of the blended teas is extremely calming, ideal for a warm shower before going to bed.
Sandalwood Spice Intensive Hand Cream
A natural revitalizing treatment enriched with precious Mysore Sandalwood, Sweet Almond, Wheatgerm & Virgin Coconut to moisturize, nourish & care for dry & rough hands. Pure Mango Butter & Kokum Butter help hydrate, protect & preserve youthfulness. Rice Bran & Soya soften & smoothen skin for total hand care. Mysore Sandalwood comforts & beautifies skin, while earthy Vetiver, uplifting Ceylon Cinnamon & Precious Patchouli help warm & invigorate the senses, promoting sensual energies.
Spice Scent, extremely innovating and great moisture.
I must say I’m a big fan of this brand, as most of you know I just love natural products that help me connect with nature and love sustainable products, Spa Ceylon is one of the best ayurvedic brands out there, their quality of ingredients are amazing and all hand-picked from the lush tropical gardens of Ceylon.
This kit definitely gives you a luxurious spa feeling right at home, transporting you to an exotic paradise, perfect for destressing and pampering yourself.
If you’re looking for an all natural, ayurvedic product you must try Spa Ceylon, I can guarantee you the quality of the product will make you fall in love with the brand! And if you’re interested in purchasing, you can purchase them online here  or for those of you who will be traveling to Srilanka you can purchase these products from Odel.
Have any of you tried their products? Comment below and let me know what you think of their brand?
Spa Ceylon – Virgin Coconut Home Spa Set Have you heard of the brand Spa Ceylon? One of the best Ayurvedic products you'd find! I got to know about this product a couple of months ago when my sister traveled to Srilanka and got me this amazing Spa Ceylon Scalp and Hair Treatment Oil since she knew I was struggling with hair fall, and I must say this product worked wonders for me, the ingredients helped nourish, strengthen and promote hair growth. 
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Other Health Benefits
Used by mankind since 2000 BC, cinnamon is a spice that was at once valued more than even gold. The spice has several medicinal properties for which it is a well-known ingredient in ayurvedic science.
Besides using it as a home remedy for cold and nausea, there are many aspects to cinnamon nutrition facts. One such is the use of cinnamon for weight loss diet.
Have you been always looking up for weight loss tips and got overwhelmed with so many ideas? Or have you been sweating a lot in the gym lately and not losing an inch? Weight loss has become a myth among us. 
From extreme diet plans to extreme exercises, there are so many ways one can go for weight loss. However, only a few ways are feasible for daily routines. 
While the weight loss industry is filled with several gimmicks, healthy eating happens to be the smartest move for maintaining weight. And by healthy eating we don’t mean expensive food items, we mean regular food sources that are beneficial for health as well as weight loss. 
One such amazing nutrition source is cinnamon. Yes, cinnamon aka in Hindi as dalchini is a spice that can do much more than twist up the dishes. In fact, there are many health benefits of cinnamon that makes this spice a must-have for the health watchers. 
Cinnamon Nutritional Facts
Cinnamon helps in cutting the body fat and hence, expedite the weight loss process. But before jumping into how to use cinnamon for weight loss, let’s know a bit about the nutritional facts of this spice.[8]
Name Amount (per 100 grams) Calories   247 Kilojoules Total Fat  1.2 grams Cholesterol  0 milligrams Sodium 10 milligrams Potassium  431 milligrams  Total Carbohydrates  81 grams Protein  4 grams Vitamins  0.05 grams Dietary Fibre  53.1 gram
Cinnamon is obtained from the inner bark of different trees from the genus Cinnamomum. The term “cinnamon” means mid-brown colour. Cinnamomum Verum is a native to Sri Lanka, the Malabar Coast of India and Myanmar. 
Sri Lanka is known to produce most of the world’s Ceylon cinnamon. However, in 2016, China and Indonesia produced a whopping 75% of the world’s cinnamon supply. China is the native for the Cinnamomum cassia which is thicker than the Sri Lankan cinnamon. 
Benefits Of Cinnamon
Popularly known to add taste and flavour to dishes, cinnamon is one of the spices in the world that comes with several health benefits. Besides the aromatic compounds, the spice contains many medicinal properties too. 
Almost every part of the cinnamon tree has some medicinal benefits, including the leaves, flowers and roots.
Here are some of the major benefits of cinnamon:
1. Cinnamon is a natural source of antioxidants
Antioxidants are required by our bodies to fight against several oxidative damages created by free radicals. These antioxidants should be included in a diet through different food sources.
Studies show that cinnamon contains extracts like ether, aqueous and methanol that have considerable antioxidant activities. [1].Moreover, in another study, cinnamon stood out as a winner with the most powerful antioxidant properties, compared to other 26 spice varieties. [2]
2. Cinnamon benefits the diabetics
Cinnamon contains insulin-potentiating factors that may be of . Studies reveal that the aqueous extract of cinnamon promotes insulin-potentiating effects.
Another study proved that the polyphenol type-A polymer found in cinnamon, acts as insulin-like molecules. After this classification, naphthalene-methyl ester, a newly formed compound from hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, has shown glucose-lowering effects that further establishes cinnamon’s anti-diabetic properties. [3]
3. Cinnamon lowers cholesterol
Besides impacting the blood glucose levels, cinnamon is also believed to influence cholesterol levels. While there have been many experiments proving this on mice and rats; a recent study reported that dosing of 1, 3 and 6 grams per day caused a reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in humans. [4]
Also Read: 8 Superfoods That Lower Cholesterol
4. Cinnamon affects risks of heart diseases
The effect of including cinnamon in regular diets has shown that the spice can be beneficial in lowering of type 2 diabetes as well as lowering of bad cholesterol levels. 
Researches have proved that consumption of cinnamon is directly linked to a significant lowering of fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol levels in humans. These statistics are associated with lowering the risks of heart diseases. 
5. Cinnamon can be beneficial for Alzheimer’s
Cinnamon extracts show properties that inhibit the building up of the protein tau–an aggregation of which is found to be associated with Alzheimer’s disease in vitro.  
Cinnamon’s aqueous extract is also found to promote disintegration of recombinant tau filaments associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.[5] There have been many studies in mice with Parkinson’s Disease also that showed the benefits of cinnamon in protecting neurons and improving motor functions.
6. Cinnamon benefits weight loss
The flavouring agent, Cinnamon, isn’t just a miracle spice for diseases like diabetes and cholesterol, it is also quite helpful in weight loss. 
Studies have reported that cinnamon supplementation can significantly affect obesity measures. [6]. The Ceylon Cinnamon supplementation can burn fat and can be used to manage weight in many ways.
Also Read: 5 Handy Tips On Healthy Weight Loss
4 Amazing Ways Of How Cinnamon Helps In Weight Loss
1. Start Your Day With Green Tea & Cinnamon:
Morning tea is always a good idea but a better idea is to add the health factor in it. Ditch your regular milk tea with a cup of health-boosting Cinnamon Green Tea. Besides boosting your immunity, it will also help you start your day with a weight control tea.
Immunity Boosting Tea
200 ml Water
5 – 6 nos Tulsi Leaves
1/2 tsp Cinnamon Stick(Powdered)
1/4 tsp Green Tea
Take water in a tea vessel and add a few tulsi leaves and a cinnamon stick. Boil the water for some time.
Once it starts boiling, turn off the gas and add some green tea leaves with a spoon of honey. You’re now ready with the health tea!
2. Go for a healthy breakfast by adding cinnamon to it:
Whether an oatmeal or starting off with a heavy breakfast (with a small amount of brown rice), add cinnamon to the dish. Along with flavor it will bring you a morning boost that will take you ahead with the day!
Oat Porridge with Cinnamon
100 gm Oats
150 ml Milk
2 tsp Cinnamon Powder
4 nos Walnut
4 nos Almonds
24 nos Raisins
1 tbsp Honey
200 ml Water
Take a bowl of water and add some amount of oats to it. Stir it properly and don’t make it too thick. 
Take some cinnamon powder to it along with some milk. Don’t over do the cinnamon, otherwise the taste might turn too sweet. 
Cook them well and add walnuts, almonds and honey to the recipe. 
You’re now ready with your cinnamon breakfast!
3.  Cinnamon coffee at work:
If you are all held up at work but can’t concentrate without coffee, just add some cinnamon to your caffeine doses. 
Yes, add some cinnamon powder to your coffee to add a natural boost to your office breaks. It will keep you active at work, all day long!
4. Another way of adding cinnamon to your weight loss routine is to have a cinnamon – walnut smoothie:
Our experts came up with a yummy recipe to help you include more cinnamon to your daily routine. 
Cinnamon-Walnut Smoothie
Servings – 2
250 ml coconut water
5-7 nos walnuts
Vanilla extract for flavor
1/2 tsp cinnamon
The recipe is simple! Just blend all the ingredients in a blender and enjoy your healthy smoothie.
How To Use Cinnamon To Lose Belly Fat?
While we all desire to lose weight, there’s a bigger challenge in losing away those inches from the waist region. The plank exercises are a good way to affect the visceral fat but diet is also an integral part of losing the love handles.  
Although cinnamon doesn’t work on fat cells directly, the spice helps in losing weight and hence belly fat in several ways:
Cinnamon, when included in the diet, helps in making you feel full after eating.  It stabilizes the satiety response and hence, prevents you from overeating. 
Cinnamon also improves the digestion process. Being a spice, it promotes the complete breakdown of foods by the digestive hormones. It makes each nutrition unit of foods to be easily absorbed by the body. This helps in meeting the nutrient requirements of the body. Hence, it prevents the semi-digestion of foods which otherwise are stored as fats.
Cinnamon can prevent fat cell storage by regulating blood glucose levels. Excess glucose is usually converted to fat and stored in the body. Like mentioned above, cinnamon has insulin-potentiating effects that regulate the blood glucose level. Also, this helps in maintaining the diabetic weight in patients. 
Cinnamon helps in keeping the body active by boosting the metabolism. It is known that adding cinnamon in your food can actually improve alertness. Hence, helps in maintaining body weight.
Also Read: 7-Day Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat By Expert Nutritionists 
Side Effects Of Cinnamon For Weight Loss
While we are now fairly acquainted with the benefits of cinnamon, there are few things you should know about overeating of the spice. 
Eating too much of the Cassia cinnamon can hamper your health. Cinnamon is found to consist of high amounts of a compound called coumarin. This coumarin is found to be interlinked with liver damage issues.
Cinnamon also contains cinnamaldehyde.[6] This compound can trigger allergic reactions in the body when consumed in high amounts. Thus, overeating of the spice may result in mouth sores or even burning or itching sensations.
The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon can be a throat irritant that may lead to common problems like coughing or breathing problems. In fact, taking high amounts of dry cinnamon may reach the lungs and create lung infections too. 
Taking cinnamon in excessive amounts can promote the side- effects of certain medications. It can amplify the side effects of medicines like paracetamol and acetaminophen and may cause liver damage. Cinnamon supplements may also affect the working of antibiotics and diabetes medicines. 
Cinnamon can even induce premature labour. Hence it is advised to avoid cinnamon if you are pregnant.
To help you carve your diet chart more accurately and to let you know how much and how cinnamon can help you, here are a few frequently asked questions that will guide you through.
1. How can I use cinnamon for weight loss?
A. You can include the spice in your daily nutrition plans in different ways. Be it including in your morning tea or just adding it as a flavouring agent to your dishes, everything works fine. Cinnamon can aid you in weight loss by controlling your appetite and also by regulating your blood glucose levels.
2. Can cinnamon help lose belly fat?
A. By maintaining the cholesterol levels and the blood sugar level, eating cinnamon can affect the overall weight loss of the body. 
The fat stored in the belly, known as visceral fat, often leads to heart diseases and diabetes. And studies have shown that through diet this fat can be managed well. Many research performed on mice has proved that including cinnamon in the diet may help reduce this belly fat. 
Hence, dieticians have shown positive reviews about adding cinnamon to cuisines to prevent cholesterol, diabetes as well as belly fat. 
3. Is cinnamon bad for kidneys?
A. Including cinnamon naturally in your diet can be beneficial for many health problems. However, supplemental doses of spices such as turmeric and cinnamon may result in certain issues.
Studies show that high oxalate intake may result in kidney issues. The percentage of oxalate that was water-soluble differed markedly between cinnamon (6%) and turmeric (91%). 
Hence the consumption of supplemental doses of turmeric and not cinnamon may significantly increase urinary oxalate levels. Thereafter increases risks of kidney stone formation. [7]
4. How much cinnamon can you take a day?
A. You can take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder a day. Like mentioned above, excessive doses of cinnamon may result in other health issues. Hence, including it moderately in your diet can do the trick!
In case of doubts or confusion on consuming cinnamon, you can always have a word with your nutritionist. Experts advice is always a way to success!
The post Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Other Health Benefits appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Other Health Benefits published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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topjobshub-blog · 5 years
Getting Job Vacancies In Nigeria
White tea comes from the same plant as other teas, the camellia sinensis. But, beyond this similarity, white tea is very unique of black tea or green tea. White tea is harvested much earlier vs the growing process than tea that's destined staying black or green green teas. White tea is harvested before the buds are fully open, while nevertheless still engrossed in fine white hair. Sign-up to as many online writing sites as they can. To look for writing websites online you can use Google or maybe favourite bing to search the Internet and get many data. Some of these websites that promotes writing jobs offers free membership along with many you need to pay annually as being a host member. Make sure you start more than free you to join. Doing so allows you to receive updates and newsletters if there are job openings for writers through your e-mail. Ireland's ranking is not much relevant as they've played only 3 matches. Slow-moving the software competition appears between tips for sites 4 - South Africa, Australia, Nz and Great britain. Jayasuriya is capable of squeezing in Find Local Job Vacancies in sri lanka if he tries hard enough as he's riding on his huge come back form in 2006. And if you remember he's used it alone once earlier likewise! Early computers were employed by office projects. Programs like Microsoft Office allowed users to use Microsoft In order to make a database that contained e.g. contacts, events, tasks, records, e.g. student records, personnel records, assets and more. https://srilanka.embassy.gov.au/clmb/AustralianHighComission07.html to these could written in Visual Basic (VB). Microsoft access often stored the database on my computer that had the program installed on it, or on a college or company server. It could not be easily accessed utilizing an internet internet. Professionalism conditions a similar set of rules, meet your deadlines, make sure you are punctual and do not Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka try to bend the rules of the gown code. Payments you handle your written and verbal communications within a manner not merely make your mother proud and, particularly else, types of thoughts to the finer details. Professionalism also means looking avoid office politics and water cooler gossip. Best Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka with the initial job is really a reputation getting productive, proficient and an invaluable member with the team, truly pot stirrer. I. Do not believe the fuss. Trust statistics choices consist of. Hype goes each way. The job market is horrible, and nobody can find a job or, things are improving plus more and far more are back in work. Relax in touch with reality and you should not get sidetracked by the advertising and promotional materials out certainly there. For example, certainly one of the biggest myths nowadays is that the best for you to find a work is regarding the Internet. Statistical truth: the success rate for job hunters who don't use anything but the Internet as their search technique are 4%. Only four people out of 100 understand a job if all they do is make use of the Internet searching method. The second step is usually an job. Dress neatly and professionally. Do some research concerning the company you're being interviewed for, their website is the source facts. Have all your documents ready and copies of your certificates, CV, ID and payslip suitable. Sit straight and speak clearly. Don't chew gum during a conversation or smoke right before one. Make eye contact and try not to appear shy. In addition, white tea undergoes a great deal less processing than black tea; even less processing than green aid. White tea leaves are simply steamed and after dried. Sometimes, the process is even undertaken right in the actual tea fields. This quick and delicate processing protects the delicate flavor, color and aroma of white tea.
0 notes
wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Get a Sneak Peek Inside a Legendary Amaro Distillery
“This is the magic behind Amaro Montenegro — starting from something disgusting and getting something beautiful,” Matteo Bonoli says, gazing at a beaker of dark, viscous liquid in his hand. The aroma is complex, syrupy, and redolent of molasses. But this is a trick of the senses: Even the tiniest of sips floods the mouth with an unrelenting, nose-wrinkling bitterness that lingers and lingers. This is wormwood, and to the untrained palate, it is truly disgusting.
Labeled fittingly as the “Bitter & Herbaceous” essence, this is one of the six mother extracts that are blended together to make Amaro Montenegro, an Italian bitter liqueur. I am with Bonoli, the master herbalist for the brand, at the Gruppo Montenegro facility outside Teramo, Italy, where these essences are produced. Here, 35 botanicals are boiled, macerated, and distilled into base notes with distinct flavor profiles — Bitter & Herbaceous, Fresh & Balsamic, Sweet & Roasted, Warm & Tropical, Spicy & Floral, and Fruity & Vegetal.
Like many Italian amari, Amaro Montenegro has used the same recipe since it was first developed in 1885. And like many Italian amari as well as other legacy liqueurs from around the world, this recipe is a closely guarded secret — so closely guarded that I am only the third journalist allowed a pungent peek behind the curtain at the Teramo production plant.
The Guards of Montenegro
As master herbalist, Bonoli, who has been with the company for nearly 10 years, is the steward of the recipes for Amaro Montenegro and the company’s other spirits, including Select Aperitivo and Coca Buton, a Slimer-green liqueur made from coca leaves. Dressed in moto jeans and a leather jacket, curly hair pulled back in a ponytail, Bonoli could conceivably be played by Antonio Banderas were there a market for films based on the lives of food scientist PhDs. Today, he is my tour guide — primarily because he has to be. This building is normally off limits, and the list of employees authorized to access the plant (and who are fluent in English) is short.
At the Amaro Montenegro facility, 35 botanicals are boiled, macerated, and distilled into base notes and essences.
The facility is a nondescript building that looks like it’s been plucked from an office park in Cupertino, Calif., and dropped into the rolling hills of Abruzzi. As we open the door, we’re immediately hit by an herbaceous, spicy aroma. Marcello Chiarini, the plant coordinator, greets us and escorts us into the locker room, where we remove our jewelry, don disposable lab coats and hairnets, and trade our sneakers for sensible factory shoes with strong Weekend Dad vibes.
Exactly six men work at Amaro Montenegro’s Teramo location, and the rookie among them has been there for 18 years. Doors with keypads are everywhere, and Chiarini explains that the mens’ jobs are highly compartmentalized; he is the only person allowed access to all areas. He pulls out his phone, showing live security camera footage from a locked room. It is empty except for three large sacks — coca leaves. He’s like a proud parent sharing images from his baby monitor, except instead of an infant it’s a Schedule II narcotic.
Cloak-and-Dagger Distillation
As we cross the factory floor, the smells intensify, layering and wafting seductively from around corners. Bonoli shepherds us into a refrigerated storage room, where deep shelves stretch to the ceiling. On the shelves are hundreds of identical white sacks, piled in four-foot-high stacks. Each stack has a cryptic piece of paper taped to it: “ERBA AROMATICA” followed by a five-digit code. All other identifying information has been removed.
Bonoli explains that these herbs, the raw materials of Amaro Montenegro, are subject to agricultural cycles and supply chain whims. When the 2004 tsunami hit Sri Lanka, Gruppo Montenegro was unable to source the cinnamon that the recipe requires. As a precaution, they now stock a two-and-a-half-year supply of every ingredient.
As we step out of the cold storage room, I catch a whiff of warm spice. “Cloves?” I guess. Bonoli shrugs theatrically. We head toward the maceration tanks and stills, moving in and out of ribbons of scents. We walk by a jumpsuit-clad worker opening a sack and are thrown headfirst into an aromatic cloud of juniper bush. We pass an open doorway and are suddenly steeping in a pot of chamomile tea. (It’s a red herring: Bonoli is careful to note that the facility also processes botanicals for Gruppo Montenegro’s other spirits and line of teas.)
At the facility, botanicals are processed for Gruppo Montenegro’s spirits and line of teas.
Artemisia, a genus of herbaceous plants with many culinary and medicinal uses, is being prepared for boiling. Bonoli steers me toward four open sacks of various varieties — small absinthe, valais wormwood, Roman wormwood, and genepy. He scoops up a handful from one, encouraging me to do the same. I bring my nose to my palm. The smell is bitter, dusty, medicinal, and very green.
Approaching the tour’s conclusion, we round a corner and are greeted by the bracing aroma of Vicks Vaporub; the Fresh & Balsamic essence is coming off the still. Bonoli extracts us a sample. At 80 percent alcohol, it’s only suitable for lip wetting, but I detect flavors of bay leaf and nutmeg, like Thanksgiving on a crisp morning. He cuts it with water, and it turns cloudy like pastis, indicating that it’s rich in essential oils.
The Teramo plant is responsible for producing all the essences that comprise Amaro Montenegro except for one, il premio. Bonoli speaks of it in hushed, reverent tones. Each bottle contains only one drop of the premio, which is produced at the company headquarters in Bologna, but without it, it wouldn’t be Montenegro. Its five ingredients are, naturally, top secret, but as I smell a dab applied to my wrist with an eye-dropper, I suspect they simply melt down Creamsicles.
Why All the Secrecy?
Of course, Amaro Montenegro isn’t the only amaro or bitter liqueur to keep its recipe behind closed doors. Amaro Ramazzotti has been made with the same “secret” blend of 33 herbs and roots since its creation in Milan in 1815. Fernet-Branca, produced in Milan since 1845, shares only a handful of its 27 components with the public, and those five ingredients are prepared by the company’s CEO in a locked room. Campari’s recipe, rumored to contain up to 80 ingredients, is such a closely guarded secret that only three individuals know it, and their identities are protected, too.
Even Germany’s hard-partying Jägermeister is tight-lipped about the 56 botanicals, fruits, and herbs in its formula.
Amaro Montenegro classifies its herbs to create a selection of “essences.”
Asked about the reasons behind Amaro Montenegro’s extreme stealth — which seems especially unnecessary in this facility, which is closed to the public and where the six employees are all lifers — Bonoli sighs. “I don’t know,” he says. He tells a story of the night before in Rome, where he went for a drink at The Court, a cocktail bar across from the Colosseum:
“When the bartender found out where I worked, he told me that he didn’t believe we actually started from botanicals. He accused us of using powders and flavorings,” Bonoli says. “This is what we’re up against, but it is a problem of our own making. We are so secretive about how Amaro Montenegro is made that people start believing we have something to hide.”
“In Italy,” he continues, “we have a saying—‘San Tommaso che non ci crede se non ci mette il naso.’ It means, ‘Saint Thomas doesn’t believe something unless he can put his nose right into it.’”
The expression refers to Saint Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus, who is commonly known as “Doubting Thomas” for not believing in the resurrection until he saw Jesus’s wounds. Had that Roman bartender been able to visit Montenegro’s processing plant, to wander the thickly scented rooms and put his nose right into the sacks of aromatic herbs, he’d likely be a believer.
Still, it’s Amaro Montenegro; with it and any other liquid legend, it’s almost as if the secret ingredient is secrecy itself.
The article Get a Sneak Peek Inside a Legendary Amaro Distillery appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/amaro-montenegro-distillery-tour/
0 notes
johnboothus · 5 years
Get a Sneak Peek Inside a Legendary Amaro Distillery
“This is the magic behind Amaro Montenegro — starting from something disgusting and getting something beautiful,” Matteo Bonoli says, gazing at a beaker of dark, viscous liquid in his hand. The aroma is complex, syrupy, and redolent of molasses. But this is a trick of the senses: Even the tiniest of sips floods the mouth with an unrelenting, nose-wrinkling bitterness that lingers and lingers. This is wormwood, and to the untrained palate, it is truly disgusting.
Labeled fittingly as the “Bitter & Herbaceous” essence, this is one of the six mother extracts that are blended together to make Amaro Montenegro, an Italian bitter liqueur. I am with Bonoli, the master herbalist for the brand, at the Gruppo Montenegro facility outside Teramo, Italy, where these essences are produced. Here, 35 botanicals are boiled, macerated, and distilled into base notes with distinct flavor profiles — Bitter & Herbaceous, Fresh & Balsamic, Sweet & Roasted, Warm & Tropical, Spicy & Floral, and Fruity & Vegetal.
Like many Italian amari, Amaro Montenegro has used the same recipe since it was first developed in 1885. And like many Italian amari as well as other legacy liqueurs from around the world, this recipe is a closely guarded secret — so closely guarded that I am only the third journalist allowed a pungent peek behind the curtain at the Teramo production plant.
The Guards of Montenegro
As master herbalist, Bonoli, who has been with the company for nearly 10 years, is the steward of the recipes for Amaro Montenegro and the company’s other spirits, including Select Aperitivo and Coca Buton, a Slimer-green liqueur made from coca leaves. Dressed in moto jeans and a leather jacket, curly hair pulled back in a ponytail, Bonoli could conceivably be played by Antonio Banderas were there a market for films based on the lives of food scientist PhDs. Today, he is my tour guide — primarily because he has to be. This building is normally off limits, and the list of employees authorized to access the plant (and who are fluent in English) is short.
At the Amaro Montenegro facility, 35 botanicals are boiled, macerated, and distilled into base notes and essences.
The facility is a nondescript building that looks like it’s been plucked from an office park in Cupertino, Calif., and dropped into the rolling hills of Abruzzi. As we open the door, we’re immediately hit by an herbaceous, spicy aroma. Marcello Chiarini, the plant coordinator, greets us and escorts us into the locker room, where we remove our jewelry, don disposable lab coats and hairnets, and trade our sneakers for sensible factory shoes with strong Weekend Dad vibes.
Exactly six men work at Amaro Montenegro’s Teramo location, and the rookie among them has been there for 18 years. Doors with keypads are everywhere, and Chiarini explains that the mens’ jobs are highly compartmentalized; he is the only person allowed access to all areas. He pulls out his phone, showing live security camera footage from a locked room. It is empty except for three large sacks — coca leaves. He’s like a proud parent sharing images from his baby monitor, except instead of an infant it’s a Schedule II narcotic.
Cloak-and-Dagger Distillation
As we cross the factory floor, the smells intensify, layering and wafting seductively from around corners. Bonoli shepherds us into a refrigerated storage room, where deep shelves stretch to the ceiling. On the shelves are hundreds of identical white sacks, piled in four-foot-high stacks. Each stack has a cryptic piece of paper taped to it: “ERBA AROMATICA” followed by a five-digit code. All other identifying information has been removed.
Bonoli explains that these herbs, the raw materials of Amaro Montenegro, are subject to agricultural cycles and supply chain whims. When the 2004 tsunami hit Sri Lanka, Gruppo Montenegro was unable to source the cinnamon that the recipe requires. As a precaution, they now stock a two-and-a-half-year supply of every ingredient.
As we step out of the cold storage room, I catch a whiff of warm spice. “Cloves?” I guess. Bonoli shrugs theatrically. We head toward the maceration tanks and stills, moving in and out of ribbons of scents. We walk by a jumpsuit-clad worker opening a sack and are thrown headfirst into an aromatic cloud of juniper bush. We pass an open doorway and are suddenly steeping in a pot of chamomile tea. (It’s a red herring: Bonoli is careful to note that the facility also processes botanicals for Gruppo Montenegro’s other spirits and line of teas.)
At the facility, botanicals are processed for Gruppo Montenegro’s spirits and line of teas.
Artemisia, a genus of herbaceous plants with many culinary and medicinal uses, is being prepared for boiling. Bonoli steers me toward four open sacks of various varieties — small absinthe, valais wormwood, Roman wormwood, and genepy. He scoops up a handful from one, encouraging me to do the same. I bring my nose to my palm. The smell is bitter, dusty, medicinal, and very green.
Approaching the tour’s conclusion, we round a corner and are greeted by the bracing aroma of Vicks Vaporub; the Fresh & Balsamic essence is coming off the still. Bonoli extracts us a sample. At 80 percent alcohol, it’s only suitable for lip wetting, but I detect flavors of bay leaf and nutmeg, like Thanksgiving on a crisp morning. He cuts it with water, and it turns cloudy like pastis, indicating that it’s rich in essential oils.
The Teramo plant is responsible for producing all the essences that comprise Amaro Montenegro except for one, il premio. Bonoli speaks of it in hushed, reverent tones. Each bottle contains only one drop of the premio, which is produced at the company headquarters in Bologna, but without it, it wouldn’t be Montenegro. Its five ingredients are, naturally, top secret, but as I smell a dab applied to my wrist with an eye-dropper, I suspect they simply melt down Creamsicles.
Why All the Secrecy?
Of course, Amaro Montenegro isn’t the only amaro or bitter liqueur to keep its recipe behind closed doors. Amaro Ramazzotti has been made with the same “secret” blend of 33 herbs and roots since its creation in Milan in 1815. Fernet-Branca, produced in Milan since 1845, shares only a handful of its 27 components with the public, and those five ingredients are prepared by the company’s CEO in a locked room. Campari’s recipe, rumored to contain up to 80 ingredients, is such a closely guarded secret that only three individuals know it, and their identities are protected, too.
Even Germany’s hard-partying Jägermeister is tight-lipped about the 56 botanicals, fruits, and herbs in its formula.
Amaro Montenegro classifies its herbs to create a selection of “essences.”
Asked about the reasons behind Amaro Montenegro’s extreme stealth — which seems especially unnecessary in this facility, which is closed to the public and where the six employees are all lifers — Bonoli sighs. “I don’t know,” he says. He tells a story of the night before in Rome, where he went for a drink at The Court, a cocktail bar across from the Colosseum:
“When the bartender found out where I worked, he told me that he didn’t believe we actually started from botanicals. He accused us of using powders and flavorings,” Bonoli says. “This is what we’re up against, but it is a problem of our own making. We are so secretive about how Amaro Montenegro is made that people start believing we have something to hide.”
“In Italy,” he continues, “we have a saying—‘San Tommaso che non ci crede se non ci mette il naso.’ It means, ‘Saint Thomas doesn’t believe something unless he can put his nose right into it.’”
The expression refers to Saint Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus, who is commonly known as “Doubting Thomas” for not believing in the resurrection until he saw Jesus’s wounds. Had that Roman bartender been able to visit Montenegro’s processing plant, to wander the thickly scented rooms and put his nose right into the sacks of aromatic herbs, he’d likely be a believer.
Still, it’s Amaro Montenegro; with it and any other liquid legend, it’s almost as if the secret ingredient is secrecy itself.
The article Get a Sneak Peek Inside a Legendary Amaro Distillery appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/amaro-montenegro-distillery-tour/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/get-a-sneak-peek-inside-a-legendary-amaro-distillery
0 notes
isaiahrippinus · 5 years
Get a Sneak Peek Inside a Legendary Amaro Distillery
“This is the magic behind Amaro Montenegro — starting from something disgusting and getting something beautiful,” Matteo Bonoli says, gazing at a beaker of dark, viscous liquid in his hand. The aroma is complex, syrupy, and redolent of molasses. But this is a trick of the senses: Even the tiniest of sips floods the mouth with an unrelenting, nose-wrinkling bitterness that lingers and lingers. This is wormwood, and to the untrained palate, it is truly disgusting.
Labeled fittingly as the “Bitter & Herbaceous” essence, this is one of the six mother extracts that are blended together to make Amaro Montenegro, an Italian bitter liqueur. I am with Bonoli, the master herbalist for the brand, at the Gruppo Montenegro facility outside Teramo, Italy, where these essences are produced. Here, 35 botanicals are boiled, macerated, and distilled into base notes with distinct flavor profiles — Bitter & Herbaceous, Fresh & Balsamic, Sweet & Roasted, Warm & Tropical, Spicy & Floral, and Fruity & Vegetal.
Like many Italian amari, Amaro Montenegro has used the same recipe since it was first developed in 1885. And like many Italian amari as well as other legacy liqueurs from around the world, this recipe is a closely guarded secret — so closely guarded that I am only the third journalist allowed a pungent peek behind the curtain at the Teramo production plant.
The Guards of Montenegro
As master herbalist, Bonoli, who has been with the company for nearly 10 years, is the steward of the recipes for Amaro Montenegro and the company’s other spirits, including Select Aperitivo and Coca Buton, a Slimer-green liqueur made from coca leaves. Dressed in moto jeans and a leather jacket, curly hair pulled back in a ponytail, Bonoli could conceivably be played by Antonio Banderas were there a market for films based on the lives of food scientist PhDs. Today, he is my tour guide — primarily because he has to be. This building is normally off limits, and the list of employees authorized to access the plant (and who are fluent in English) is short.
At the Amaro Montenegro facility, 35 botanicals are boiled, macerated, and distilled into base notes and essences.
The facility is a nondescript building that looks like it’s been plucked from an office park in Cupertino, Calif., and dropped into the rolling hills of Abruzzi. As we open the door, we’re immediately hit by an herbaceous, spicy aroma. Marcello Chiarini, the plant coordinator, greets us and escorts us into the locker room, where we remove our jewelry, don disposable lab coats and hairnets, and trade our sneakers for sensible factory shoes with strong Weekend Dad vibes.
Exactly six men work at Amaro Montenegro’s Teramo location, and the rookie among them has been there for 18 years. Doors with keypads are everywhere, and Chiarini explains that the mens’ jobs are highly compartmentalized; he is the only person allowed access to all areas. He pulls out his phone, showing live security camera footage from a locked room. It is empty except for three large sacks — coca leaves. He’s like a proud parent sharing images from his baby monitor, except instead of an infant it’s a Schedule II narcotic.
Cloak-and-Dagger Distillation
As we cross the factory floor, the smells intensify, layering and wafting seductively from around corners. Bonoli shepherds us into a refrigerated storage room, where deep shelves stretch to the ceiling. On the shelves are hundreds of identical white sacks, piled in four-foot-high stacks. Each stack has a cryptic piece of paper taped to it: “ERBA AROMATICA” followed by a five-digit code. All other identifying information has been removed.
Bonoli explains that these herbs, the raw materials of Amaro Montenegro, are subject to agricultural cycles and supply chain whims. When the 2004 tsunami hit Sri Lanka, Gruppo Montenegro was unable to source the cinnamon that the recipe requires. As a precaution, they now stock a two-and-a-half-year supply of every ingredient.
As we step out of the cold storage room, I catch a whiff of warm spice. “Cloves?” I guess. Bonoli shrugs theatrically. We head toward the maceration tanks and stills, moving in and out of ribbons of scents. We walk by a jumpsuit-clad worker opening a sack and are thrown headfirst into an aromatic cloud of juniper bush. We pass an open doorway and are suddenly steeping in a pot of chamomile tea. (It’s a red herring: Bonoli is careful to note that the facility also processes botanicals for Gruppo Montenegro’s other spirits and line of teas.)
At the facility, botanicals are processed for Gruppo Montenegro’s spirits and line of teas.
Artemisia, a genus of herbaceous plants with many culinary and medicinal uses, is being prepared for boiling. Bonoli steers me toward four open sacks of various varieties — small absinthe, valais wormwood, Roman wormwood, and genepy. He scoops up a handful from one, encouraging me to do the same. I bring my nose to my palm. The smell is bitter, dusty, medicinal, and very green.
Approaching the tour’s conclusion, we round a corner and are greeted by the bracing aroma of Vicks Vaporub; the Fresh & Balsamic essence is coming off the still. Bonoli extracts us a sample. At 80 percent alcohol, it’s only suitable for lip wetting, but I detect flavors of bay leaf and nutmeg, like Thanksgiving on a crisp morning. He cuts it with water, and it turns cloudy like pastis, indicating that it’s rich in essential oils.
The Teramo plant is responsible for producing all the essences that comprise Amaro Montenegro except for one, il premio. Bonoli speaks of it in hushed, reverent tones. Each bottle contains only one drop of the premio, which is produced at the company headquarters in Bologna, but without it, it wouldn’t be Montenegro. Its five ingredients are, naturally, top secret, but as I smell a dab applied to my wrist with an eye-dropper, I suspect they simply melt down Creamsicles.
Why All the Secrecy?
Of course, Amaro Montenegro isn’t the only amaro or bitter liqueur to keep its recipe behind closed doors. Amaro Ramazzotti has been made with the same “secret” blend of 33 herbs and roots since its creation in Milan in 1815. Fernet-Branca, produced in Milan since 1845, shares only a handful of its 27 components with the public, and those five ingredients are prepared by the company’s CEO in a locked room. Campari’s recipe, rumored to contain up to 80 ingredients, is such a closely guarded secret that only three individuals know it, and their identities are protected, too.
Even Germany’s hard-partying Jägermeister is tight-lipped about the 56 botanicals, fruits, and herbs in its formula.
Amaro Montenegro classifies its herbs to create a selection of “essences.”
Asked about the reasons behind Amaro Montenegro’s extreme stealth — which seems especially unnecessary in this facility, which is closed to the public and where the six employees are all lifers — Bonoli sighs. “I don’t know,” he says. He tells a story of the night before in Rome, where he went for a drink at The Court, a cocktail bar across from the Colosseum:
“When the bartender found out where I worked, he told me that he didn’t believe we actually started from botanicals. He accused us of using powders and flavorings,” Bonoli says. “This is what we’re up against, but it is a problem of our own making. We are so secretive about how Amaro Montenegro is made that people start believing we have something to hide.”
“In Italy,” he continues, “we have a saying—‘San Tommaso che non ci crede se non ci mette il naso.’ It means, ‘Saint Thomas doesn’t believe something unless he can put his nose right into it.’”
The expression refers to Saint Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus, who is commonly known as “Doubting Thomas” for not believing in the resurrection until he saw Jesus’s wounds. Had that Roman bartender been able to visit Montenegro’s processing plant, to wander the thickly scented rooms and put his nose right into the sacks of aromatic herbs, he’d likely be a believer.
Still, it’s Amaro Montenegro; with it and any other liquid legend, it’s almost as if the secret ingredient is secrecy itself.
The article Get a Sneak Peek Inside a Legendary Amaro Distillery appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/amaro-montenegro-distillery-tour/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/190159788099
0 notes
battybat-boss · 6 years
Explore the World of Tea With the Many Varieties of Ceylon Tea
Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, overtaken only by water. What's even more impressive is that the rate at which people are drinking tea is continually increasing. In 2016 in the United States alone, imports had increased by 400 percent since 1990,1 which means that more people are enjoying tea and the benefits it brings.
To keep up with global demand, some countries are highly focused on growing tea leaves as a large part of their overall economy. China, for example, is the world's largest producer of green tea, producing 1.5 million tons from 2015 to 2017. Kenya, on the other hand, is the largest exporter of black tea in the world.2
Interestingly, Sri Lanka, an island nation off the coast of India, is another of the world's top tea-producing countries. The country is well-known for their Ceylon tea, which is a unique tea grown only in their country, helping set themselves apart from bigger producers.3
What Is Ceylon Tea and What Makes It Unique?
Ceylon tea takes its name from Ceylon, which is the name of Sri Lanka before it was given independence from British rule in 1972.4 Seeds from the original tea plant were brought into the island in 1824. At first, they were planted with no commercial purposes in mind because cinnamon was the crop supported by the government. After an economic crisis that dwindled demand for the spice, farmers turned to coffee, but this venture was not successful either. As a result, the country opted to try growing tea.
James Taylor, a Scotsman with experience in tea cultivation, created the process for growing tea in Sri Lanka and, by 1872, successfully sent his first shipment to London.5 The industry has grown throughout the island. There are seven regional Ceylon teas, all based on the altitude of the region where they're grown:6
Nuwara Eliya - Located on the center of the island, west of Uva and north of the town of Dambulla, Nuwara Eliya is a mountainous region with the highest elevation among all tea producers in the country, producing tea filled with floral fragrance and a light, brisk flavor.
Dimbula - Situated between Nuwara Eliya and Horton Plains, Dimbula is grown at an altitude of about 4,000, although it has great changes in elevation and climate, depending on elevation. Most teas produced here have a mellow flavor with a golden-orange hue.
Uva - This is a windy region that weathers both the northeast and southwest monsoons, and which produces a tea that has an exotic, aromatic flavor.
Kandy - The tea produced in this region is described as “mid-grown” because the cultivation altitude does not exceed 4,265 feet, and its harvests' flavors vary depending on whether they are exposed to monsoon winds. Mostly described as flavorsome, this tea has a bright infusion with a coppery tone, as well as a full-bodied flavor.
Ruhuna - The lower-elevation Ruhuna district is classified as “low-grown,” with a diverse geology ranging from coastal plains to the edge of the Sinharaja Rain Forest. Its specialty is black tea with a full flavor.
Uda Pussellawa - Close to Nuwara Eliya, this district has heavy rainfall that produces a tea often compared to its neighbor, but is darker with a pinkish tinge and a stronger, tangier taste.
Sabaragamuwa - The biggest tea-producing district in Sri Lanka, Sabaragamuwa is known for its aromatic tea that has a hint of caramel.
Potential Benefits of Ceylon Tea
Ceylon tea comes in two forms - black tea or green tea. Black tea is made by fermenting the leaves, and is more popular. Green tea, on the other hand, is unfermented and is known for its high antioxidant levels.7,8 Either way, published research has shown that tea may help:
Promote healthy weight - Ceylon tea is low in calories, making it a beneficial drink for those who are monitoring their caloric consumption.9
Boost your immune system - Ceylon tea contains various antioxidants that may help fight free radicals throughout your body. This allows your immune system to focus on doing its job, which is to ward off pathogenic microbes.10
Protect your heart - A study published in Nutrition Reviews indicates that consumption of either black or green tea may help reduce blood pressure, especially for those who are prehypertensive and hypertensive.11
Reduce your risk of cancer - Polyphenols are a special type of antioxidant found in tea.12 Research has shown that drinking green tea may reduce your risk of cancer related to the digestive system.13
Maintain healthy skin - A 2017 study notes that green tea possesses protective effects ultraviolet irradiation-induced skin aging.14
Manage diabetes - Drinking Ceylon tea may help regulate blood sugar levels, which may benefit diabetics,15 especially when consumed before performing moderate-intensity exercises.16
Nutrition Facts and Caffeine Content of Ceylon Tea
Ceylon tea is widely praised for its high polyphenol content.17 Polyphenols are essentially compounds found in natural plant food sources known for their antioxidant properties. Tea is commonly cited as a primary source, but they are also found in organic chocolate, certain fruits and vegetables, as well as extra virgin olive oil. It is these polyphenols that make tea so highly regarded.
Aside from antioxidants, Ceylon tea is also known for containing caffeine, much like tea made in other countries. A 7-ounce cup of Ceylon black tea contains 58 milligrams of caffeine,18 while green tea usually has only half that amount.19 White tea, on the other hand, can contain caffeine anywhere from 6 to 75 milligrams depending on where it was made.20
These amounts are generally safe for most adults, since the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) found that 400 milligrams of caffeine21 per day is not linked to an increase of long-term health risks.
How to Prepare and Store Ceylon Tea Properly
Making Ceylon tea starts with high-quality ingredients grown, manufactured and packed entirely in Sri Lanka using the best practices available. Whichever type you choose, the preparation procedure is similar. Just boil filtered water and let the tea leaves steep in a teacup for two to six minutes.22
Storing your Ceylon tea properly can help you enjoy it until your stocks run out before the expiry date. Remember to place it in a clean, airtight container so your tea's quality is not affected. Also, do not mix it with pungent items as it may affect the taste.23
Common Side Effects of Ceylon Tea
The side effects of drinking Ceylon tea are generally similar to most teas. For example, drinking too much black tea can cause a range of problems from mild to severe, such as:24
Sleeping problems
Irregular heartbeat
If you develop any of the issues listed above, visit a doctor immediately to receive treatment. Furthermore, stop taking the drink to prevent endangering your health.
Since there is conflicting data on the safety of drinking caffeinated beverages,25,26 pregnant women should drink only moderate amounts of Ceylon tea. For that matter, they should limit consumption of any caffeinated drinks to quantities of less than 300 milligrams per day, as the caffeine may impact the health of their unborn child. Research has shown that caffeine easily passes through the placenta27 and directly into the fetus, and does not provide any health benefits at all to the fetus.
There is a concern, however, that some studies have shown consuming high quantities of caffeine may pose hazards, such as:
Possible increased risk of miscarriage28
Low birth weight and smaller head circumference29
Caffeine withdrawal in the infant30
Increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)31
Whichever Ceylon Tea You Prefer, You Will Most Likely Enjoy It
Most people will certainly enjoy Ceylon tea for its flavor, aroma and health benefits. Take your time in exploring which variety you like, but make sure that it comes from high-quality ingredients grown using certified organic standards, so that you can be sure to reap its potential health effects.
Frequently Asked Questions About Ceylon Tea
Q: Where does Ceylon tea come from?
A: Ceylon tea is essentially a type of tea made from Sri Lanka. The name comes from “Ceylon,” which is the official name of the country before its change to the current one in 1972.32
Q: What does Ceylon tea taste like?
A: The taste of Ceylon tea depends on where the leaves were grown. Products made in Nuwara Eliya, for example, are known for their fragrant flavor, while tea made in the Kandy district is known for its full-bodied, strong flavor.33
Q: What is Ceylon tea good for?
A: Various studies show that drinking Ceylon tea may promote healthy weight, as well as lower your risk of cancer, boost skin health and promote healthy blood sugar levels.
Note: When buying tea of any kind, make sure that it's organic and grown in a pristine environment. The Camellia sinensis plant in particular is very efficient in absorbing lead, fluoride and other heavy metals and pesticides from the soil, which can then be taken up into the leaves. To avoid ingesting these dangerous toxins, a clean growing environment is essential, so that you can be sure you're ingesting only pure, high-quality tea.
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Explore the World of Tea With the Many Varieties of Ceylon Tea
Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, overtaken only by water. What’s even more impressive is that the rate at which people are drinking tea is continually increasing. In 2016 in the United States alone, imports had increased by 400 percent since 1990,1 which means that more people are enjoying tea and the benefits it brings.
To keep up with global demand, some countries are highly focused on growing tea leaves as a large part of their overall economy. China, for example, is the world’s largest producer of green tea, producing 1.5 million tons from 2015 to 2017. Kenya, on the other hand, is the largest exporter of black tea in the world.2
Interestingly, Sri Lanka, an island nation off the coast of India, is another of the world’s top tea-producing countries. The country is well-known for their Ceylon tea, which is a unique tea grown only in their country, helping set themselves apart from bigger producers.3
What Is Ceylon Tea and What Makes It Unique?
Ceylon tea takes its name from Ceylon, which is the name of Sri Lanka before it was given independence from British rule in 1972.4 Seeds from the original tea plant were brought into the island in 1824. At first, they were planted with no commercial purposes in mind because cinnamon was the crop supported by the government. After an economic crisis that dwindled demand for the spice, farmers turned to coffee, but this venture was not successful either. As a result, the country opted to try growing tea.
James Taylor, a Scotsman with experience in tea cultivation, created the process for growing tea in Sri Lanka and, by 1872, successfully sent his first shipment to London.5 The industry has grown throughout the island. There are seven regional Ceylon teas, all based on the altitude of the region where they’re grown:6
Nuwara Eliya — Located on the center of the island, west of Uva and north of the town of Dambulla, Nuwara Eliya is a mountainous region with the highest elevation among all tea producers in the country, producing tea filled with floral fragrance and a light, brisk flavor.
Dimbula — Situated between Nuwara Eliya and Horton Plains, Dimbula is grown at an altitude of about 4,000, although it has great changes in elevation and climate, depending on elevation. Most teas produced here have a mellow flavor with a golden-orange hue.
Uva — This is a windy region that weathers both the northeast and southwest monsoons, and which produces a tea that has an exotic, aromatic flavor.
Kandy — The tea produced in this region is described as “mid-grown” because the cultivation altitude does not exceed 4,265 feet, and its harvests’ flavors vary depending on whether they are exposed to monsoon winds. Mostly described as flavorsome, this tea has a bright infusion with a coppery tone, as well as a full-bodied flavor.
Ruhuna — The lower-elevation Ruhuna district is classified as “low-grown,” with a diverse geology ranging from coastal plains to the edge of the Sinharaja Rain Forest. Its specialty is black tea with a full flavor.
Uda Pussellawa — Close to Nuwara Eliya, this district has heavy rainfall that produces a tea often compared to its neighbor, but is darker with a pinkish tinge and a stronger, tangier taste.
Sabaragamuwa — The biggest tea-producing district in Sri Lanka, Sabaragamuwa is known for its aromatic tea that has a hint of caramel.
Potential Benefits of Ceylon Tea
Ceylon tea comes in two forms — black tea or green tea. Black tea is made by fermenting the leaves, and is more popular. Green tea, on the other hand, is unfermented and is known for its high antioxidant levels.7,8 Either way, published research has shown that tea may help:
Promote healthy weight — Ceylon tea is low in calories, making it a beneficial drink for those who are monitoring their caloric consumption.9
Boost your immune system — Ceylon tea contains various antioxidants that may help fight free radicals throughout your body. This allows your immune system to focus on doing its job, which is to ward off pathogenic microbes.10
Protect your heart — A study published in Nutrition Reviews indicates that consumption of either black or green tea may help reduce blood pressure, especially for those who are prehypertensive and hypertensive.11
Reduce your risk of cancer — Polyphenols are a special type of antioxidant found in tea.12 Research has shown that drinking green tea may reduce your risk of cancer related to the digestive system.13
Maintain healthy skin — A 2017 study notes that green tea possesses protective effects ultraviolet irradiation-induced skin aging.14
Manage diabetes — Drinking Ceylon tea may help regulate blood sugar levels, which may benefit diabetics,15 especially when consumed before performing moderate-intensity exercises.16
Nutrition Facts and Caffeine Content of Ceylon Tea
Ceylon tea is widely praised for its high polyphenol content.17 Polyphenols are essentially compounds found in natural plant food sources known for their antioxidant properties. Tea is commonly cited as a primary source, but they are also found in organic chocolate, certain fruits and vegetables, as well as extra virgin olive oil. It is these polyphenols that make tea so highly regarded.
Aside from antioxidants, Ceylon tea is also known for containing caffeine, much like tea made in other countries. A 7-ounce cup of Ceylon black tea contains 58 milligrams of caffeine,18 while green tea usually has only half that amount.19 White tea, on the other hand, can contain caffeine anywhere from 6 to 75 milligrams depending on where it was made.20
These amounts are generally safe for most adults, since the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) found that 400 milligrams of caffeine21 per day is not linked to an increase of long-term health risks.
How to Prepare and Store Ceylon Tea Properly
Making Ceylon tea starts with high-quality ingredients grown, manufactured and packed entirely in Sri Lanka using the best practices available. Whichever type you choose, the preparation procedure is similar. Just boil filtered water and let the tea leaves steep in a teacup for two to six minutes.22
Storing your Ceylon tea properly can help you enjoy it until your stocks run out before the expiry date. Remember to place it in a clean, airtight container so your tea’s quality is not affected. Also, do not mix it with pungent items as it may affect the taste.23
Common Side Effects of Ceylon Tea
The side effects of drinking Ceylon tea are generally similar to most teas. For example, drinking too much black tea can cause a range of problems from mild to severe, such as:24
Sleeping problems
Irregular heartbeat
If you develop any of the issues listed above, visit a doctor immediately to receive treatment. Furthermore, stop taking the drink to prevent endangering your health.
Since there is conflicting data on the safety of drinking caffeinated beverages,25,26 pregnant women should drink only moderate amounts of Ceylon tea. For that matter, they should limit consumption of any caffeinated drinks to quantities of less than 300 milligrams per day, as the caffeine may impact the health of their unborn child. Research has shown that caffeine easily passes through the placenta27 and directly into the fetus, and does not provide any health benefits at all to the fetus.
There is a concern, however, that some studies have shown consuming high quantities of caffeine may pose hazards, such as:
Possible increased risk of miscarriage28
Low birth weight and smaller head circumference29
Caffeine withdrawal in the infant30
Increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)31
Whichever Ceylon Tea You Prefer, You Will Most Likely Enjoy It
Most people will certainly enjoy Ceylon tea for its flavor, aroma and health benefits. Take your time in exploring which variety you like, but make sure that it comes from high-quality ingredients grown using certified organic standards, so that you can be sure to reap its potential health effects.
Frequently Asked Questions About Ceylon Tea
Q: Where does Ceylon tea come from?
A: Ceylon tea is essentially a type of tea made from Sri Lanka. The name comes from “Ceylon,” which is the official name of the country before its change to the current one in 1972.32
Q: What does Ceylon tea taste like?
A: The taste of Ceylon tea depends on where the leaves were grown. Products made in Nuwara Eliya, for example, are known for their fragrant flavor, while tea made in the Kandy district is known for its full-bodied, strong flavor.33
Q: What is Ceylon tea good for?
A: Various studies show that drinking Ceylon tea may promote healthy weight, as well as lower your risk of cancer, boost skin health and promote healthy blood sugar levels.
Note: When buying tea of any kind, make sure that it’s organic and grown in a pristine environment. The Camellia sinensis plant in particular is very efficient in absorbing lead, fluoride and other heavy metals and pesticides from the soil, which can then be taken up into the leaves. To avoid ingesting these dangerous toxins, a clean growing environment is essential, so that you can be sure you’re ingesting only pure, high-quality tea.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/17/xdjm18-teas-18mcsa-ceylon-tea.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/explore-the-world-of-tea-with-the-many-varieties-of-ceylon-tea
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