#a strong basis for a long-term ship
transgenderer · 2 years
Tonga's current king, Tupou VI, traces his line directly back through six generations of monarchs. The previous king, George Tupou V, born in 1946, continued to have ultimate control of the government until July 2008
Tonga's economy is characterised by a large nonmonetary sector and a heavy dependence on remittances from the half of the country's population who live abroad (chiefly in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States). The royal family and the nobles dominate and largely own the monetary sector of the economy – particularly the telecommunications and satellite services. Tonga was named the sixth-most corrupt country in the world by Forbes magazine in 2008.[60]
King Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV and his government made some problematic economic decisions and were accused by democracy activists, including former prime minister ʻAkilisi Pōhiva, of wasting millions of dollars on unwise investments. The problems have mostly been driven by attempts to increase national revenue through a variety of schemes – considering making Tonga a nuclear waste disposal site (an idea floated in the mid 1990s by the current crown prince),[35] and selling Tongan Protected Persons Passports (which eventually forced Tonga to naturalise the purchasers, sparking ethnicity-based concerns within Tonga).[36]
Schemes also included the registering of foreign ships (which proved to be engaged in illegal activities, including shipments for al-Qaeda);[37] claiming geo-orbital satellite slots (the revenue from which seems to belong to the Princess Royal, not the state);[38] holding a long-term charter on an unusable Boeing 757 that was sidelined in Auckland Airport, leading to the collapse of Royal Tongan Airlines;[39] and approving a factory for exporting cigarettes to China (against the advice of Tongan medical officials and decades of health-promotion messaging).[40]
In mid-2003, the government passed a radical constitutional amendment to "Tonganize" the press, by licensing and limiting freedom of the press, so as to protect the image of the monarchy. The amendment was defended by the government and by royalists on the basis of traditional cultural values. Licensure criteria include 80% ownership by Tongans living in the country. As of February 2004, those papers denied licenses under the new act included the Taimi ʻo Tonga (Tongan Times), the Keleʻa, and the Matangi Tonga – while those permitted licenses were uniformly church-based or progovernment.
The bill was opposed in the form of a several-thousand-strong protest march in the capital, a call by the Tuʻi Pelehake (a prince, nephew of the king and elected member of parliament) for Australia and other nations to pressure the Tongan government to democratise the electoral system, and a legal writ calling for a judicial investigation of the bill. The latter was supported by some 160 signatures, including seven of the nine elected, "People's Representatives"
tonga is a small island nation of about 100k people, 70% of which live on the largest island of tongatapu. its politics are kind of crazy
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brassknucklespeirs · 2 years
Hey there, sweetheart! <3
I don't think (?) I've ever asked for a BoB ship, but I'd love to get your opinion, because your masterlist and your writing is just great. :)
I'm a six foot tall former elite volleyball player who's currently in their articling year to be called to the bar and become a lawyer (It's basically like our version of a doctor residency requirement- twelve months through the ringer of being a lawyer before being called to the bar). However, I'm thinking of after becoming a lawyer I'll be moving into more of a policy position- I like being behind the scenes more, and want to be more helpful than cruel with my knowledge of the law.
I have an undergraduate degree in Classics, with a double minor English, and German Literature, and then obviously a J.D. I'm an INTJ Virgo Sun Leo Moon, so I think I'm a bit of a contradiction in terms of getting to know me. I can come off as very friendly, playful, and open/honest, but I need to have time to decompress and spend on my own. I think lots of people find me likeable- but few actually are people I count amongst my close friends or people I let into my life on a day to day basis.
I like to pretend I'm quietly tough, but I'm secretly very sensitive and enjoy nature and just spending time on my own listening to music, going for long walks/doing some sort of physical activity, and drinking coffees/chai lattes.
I think if I was matched with someone, I'd want it to be someone who could pull me out of my shell, but not in a pushy way. One of those people who you could walk beside in silence or lean on, and it's just a comfortable silence. But at the same time, you could tease each other all day and you know that they could take it because they're comfortable and confident enough in themselves that they know you're teasing them with a sense of endearment and fondness. I love to tease people I like.
Oh, and I guess if it's in terms of "aesthetics," I have blonde hair, and green eyes.
(Anyhow this has gone on entirely too long I'm sorry <3 Look forward to hearing from you!)
So without further ado i ship you with...
Mr Joseph Liebgott himself
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Right so first off, Joe likes to play little games when he flirts with women but you came in strong being like don't do that and my goodness he bucked up his ideas pretty quickly. Can imagine you being straight up with him one day when he's being all flirty and just saying that if he wants to take you out then all he needs to do is ask because you don't want to tiptoe around things. He gets taken back by this and stutters out a question of whether you'll go to dinner with him sometime and you just smile and nod. His face breaks into this massive cheeky grin but he also doesn't really know what to say from this point so he just says he'll pick you up that night. He takes you to this cute little pizza parlor or something and you just spend the entire night talking about your lives and what you want to do in the future and he spends ages just looking at your face light up talking about what you want to do with Law. All i can say is this man is hooked from the beginning.
So obviously you're the intellectual of the two of you because bless his soul but Joe just isn't. But Joe idolises your work ethic and the way you can sound put together when you speak. Good thing is, Joe has never been self-conscious of the fact that he isn't an intellectual, even when he struggles to understand what you're talking about with certain things, he honestly enjoys just listening to you speak about it, like you're his very own person life-coach because god knows he needs one sometimes.
Okay so the other day i saw a post on here that was talking about Joe actually being one of the oldest out of the Easy boys and now I see him in a different light, especially when you think of him coming to Tab's aid when he got skewered, when he looks after Tipper after he's blinded by that blast and also some of the looks he gives some of the men as if he's the tired aunt that is sick of looking after others kids. So i've come to realise why i always see him as being so protective in a relationship. No doubt he would be the type to always stand very slightly in front of you when you're in a group of people while still clutching your hand kinda as if he's semi dragging you with him but in the sense of just not wanting to let you go because it's his way of protecting you. He is also walking closest to the street while you walk down the sidewalk.
Following on from this, he does tend to hover, and yes it can get annoying but you've grown use to it because you know it makes him feel better. You'll be socialising with all these new people and he'll either be pressed up against your back or standing with his shoulder very slightly in front of yours so that if for whatever reason these people try anything at all he can be right there ready to shield you or fight back. I can imagine you're standing there with a drink in your hand at a party, laughing away at something this person has said and he's kinda behind you just squinting at them, making it obvious that he will fight a bitch if anything happens to you. Sometimes it bothers you cause some people you talk to find it intimidating and they wanna leave asap when he stares at them but other times it makes you feel relieved asf because you just don't wanna be dealing with certain people.
Joe figures out pretty quickly that you like just going out for a little stroll and stopping somewhere for coffee so my gosh does he like taking you out to do that. He'll tell you he's taking you out and to out on something sweet and won't really tell you where and what you also don't know is that he was actively searching for new cafes to take you to, especially ones that have a calm vibe and then he'll take you there and you'll just sit and talk over a coffee for ages.
He originally struggles with you liking to be in silence because we all know this man loves to talk constantly, always a cheeky comment or throw away line. He begins to enjoy it though, realising that it is actually nice to just be in your presence. That's when you start catching him just staring at you with hearteyes, like he obviously use to look at you like that already when he would be chatting away about some nonsense but the fact that he gets to take you in whilst just listening to the calm of the world is something he never realise he needed to do.
Again, following on with the whole him being the tired aunt of the company, he gets this kinda thing where if you're out creating mischief with say Luz, he does the whole 'crosses his arms over his chest and taps his foot impatiently' thing and it makes you giggle every time. He'll roll his eyes at you every time you start laughing at how he looks when he poses like that but he always gets this really small smile on the corner of his lips because he can't help but grin any time he hears you laugh.
Joe can struggle sometimes when you need time to yourself because he does get this thing where he wants to spend all day every day with you near him, both protectively and affectionately. HOWEVER, THIS MAN WOULD DO LITERALLY ANYTHING FOR YOU AT ALL. Bro you ask him to jump off a cliff and he'd ask which one, of course you wouldn't do that but that's the general idea. So if you tell him you need some time to decompress, he'll leave you be after asking if you want a hot drink or some food before he leaves. He's a little mopey about it but he knows that once you've had enough time to yourself, you'll be feeling good so he'll do it.
Joe is a social butterfly even though he can pretend that he's all mysterious and broody sometime. He likes taking you out and just enjoys being in your presence while you're all dolled up looking fabulous. He'll take you out to the pub to hang with the boys and he is definitely the kinda man that gets caught looking at you while you're having a conversation with one of them. He's looking at you with a little grin while you're smiling away at someone and then once you've both walked away he'll whisper cute little things in your ear about how stunning you are and how he's the luckiest man in the world.
You two have the best banter and teasing ever. You'll make a sneaky comment about something and he'll bite back with something fun and then you'll just spend ages smiling at each other and everyone around you is just like omg these two are sickly sweet.
Look, this man is literally yours like he pretends that he's all tough big boy but no doubt you could walk around with him on a leash and he'd bloody bark for you. You are his everything man just fuck it's so cute. He really does bring you out of your shell, and he LOVES seeing your face light up when you're just doing mundane things like everything about you comforts him my goodness
A/N Just gonna say this is really not my best work and apologise, i feel like i've hit a bit of a wall recently, but if you ever want a redo of this one then please ask or if i get any more good ideas i'll tag you in a new one cause ugh I didn't do as well as i usually do with writing this
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ajmeraxchange1 · 3 months
Navigating Volatile Markets: Essential Risk Management Strategies
It's common to equate stock market investing to sailing a ship through erratic seas. Even experienced investors may find their limits due to the volatility. Safeguarding assets and seizing opportunities during market volatility require effective risk management. This is a thorough guide to risk management in erratic markets.
Comprehending Market Volatility
The rate at which the price of assets rises or falls for a specific set of returns is referred to as market instability. When planning your investment plans, it is crucial to understand the elements that cause market volatility, such as shifts in market mood, geopolitical stability, and economic data.
1. Making an Explicit Investment Plan
A well-defined investment strategy is essential. Your investing horizon, risk management, and financial goals should all be part of this plan. Making well-informed decisions as opposed to rashly responding to market fluctuations is facilitated by a clearly defined strategy.
2. Equilibrium Distribution Among Asset Types
An essential technique for risk control is diversification. You can lower the risk of suffering substantial losses by distributing your assets over a variety of asset classes, industries, and regions. The performance of the entire portfolio is balanced if one asset class underperforms while another performs well.
3. Periodic Evaluation and Rebalancing of Portfolios
To make sure your portfolio is in line with your investing objectives and risk tolerance, evaluate and rebalance it on a regular basis. This could entail increasing investments in assets with growth potential and selling off assets that are underperforming or too risky.
4. Making Use of Stop-Loss Orders
Stop-loss orders are a useful tool for risk management. A security that has a stop-loss order set will be sold when it hits a specific price, protecting investors from potentially large losses in a dropping market.
5. Stressing High-Grade Investments
Investing in high-quality assets—those with a track record of growth and stability—can be safer during periods of extreme market volatility. These investments could consist of reliable bonds, blue-chip equities, and other securities with a strong track record.
6. Recognizing and Controlling Leverage
Leverage raises risk even if it can boost returns. It is advisable to employ leverage with caution in volatile markets. Reducing the amount of leverage in your investments can help you avoid suffering significant financial losses.
7. Taking a Long-Term Viewpoint
It's critical to keep a long-term outlook during market ups and downs. For long-term investors who can tolerate brief drops in the value of their investments, volatile markets may present buying opportunities.
8. Hedging Using Derivatives
You can utilize derivatives, like futures and options, to protect your investment portfolio from possible losses. These financial tools can aid in risk management and transmission, but their proper usage necessitates a deep comprehension of financial markets.
9. Controlling Emotions
Especially in erratic markets, emotional investing might result in snap judgments. Creating a disciplined investment approach and following through on your plan will help you control your emotional reactions to market swings.
10. Ongoing Education and Adjustment
Your risk management techniques should also be constantly changing in tandem with the financial market. Keeping up with the latest developments in risk management tools and strategies will help you handle investment risks more skillfully.
In summary
In volatile markets, strategic planning, well-informed decision-making, and emotional self-control are all necessary for effective risk management. By using these techniques, investors may protect their capital and put themselves in a position to benefit from any chances that may arise from changes in the market.
To gain a deeper understanding of risk management in erratic markets, visit Ajmera X-Change to improve your tactics - https://www.ajmeraxchange.co.in/blogs/navigating-volatile-markets--tips-for-risk-management
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xeizhou · 6 months
From Servant to Captain of the Ship: Shifting your Employee Mindset to an Employer's
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The technopreneurial itch – it's a feeling you just can't ignore. When you have that brilliant tech idea, and then you think of building your own company. Now that's a dream. But above everything else, you still need to take the leap from being an employee to an employer, which can be excruciating for the employee.
As an employee, you're already accustomed to a day-to-day basis. You have specific tasks meant for you, and a manager that guides you with work. It's indeed a comfortable space, but it can also limit your vision and entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, being the employer is a whole different matter. You're the one with the vision at hand, the one responsible for almost everything, and you will be the one who steers the ship towards success (or steers it straight into an iceberg). It's a fun thought, but it also comes with a hefty amount of responsibility.
Here's how we shift to an employee mindset to an employer's
As an employee, you really have to focus on completing tasks that are assigned to you. As an employer, you have to look at the bigger picture. From product development to marketing and sales. You have to think strategically and consider all the crucial aspects that make a startup thrive. Responsibility is very crucial especially as an employer. Be prepared to own every decision, celebrate victories, and learn from unavoidable setbacks. You also have to embrace responsibility, think of it as your bestfriend. Calculated risks is a must. Playing it safe won't cut it in the startup world. You have to learn to assess those risks, make decisions, calculated ones, and be comfortable with a little uncertainty. Remember, some of the greatest innovations happened outside comfort zones. You need to be a leader, the one to inspire, motivate, and guide your team. Hone your communication, delegation, and conflict-resolution skills. A strong, empowered team is the backbone of any successful venture. Being a jack of all trades is a good thing. In the early stages, you might be the CEO, the marketing whiz, and even the janitor. Be prepared to learn new skills and adapt to changing circumstances. Having a long-term vision is a crucial thing. Yeah, you could say that day-to-day tasks are important, but don't lose sight of your long-term vision. It is what keeps your passion revving. Make sure that you don't forget about the long-term goals you made and make decisions that puts you closer towards the vision you wish to achieve.
Transitioning from employee to employer is a excruciating journey. Although, learn to embrace the challenges, celebrate every milestone, and most importantly, believe in your vision. With the right mindset and a willingness to learn, you can transform your innovative idea into a thriving tech startup!
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thecosywinteremo · 6 months
One controversial stucky opinion I have is that if, as most people seem to agree, Steve and Bucky instantly formed a strong connection when they met that very quickly formed the basis for a lot of love and affection, then why can't the same be true for Steve and Peggy? Sure, Steve and Peggy might not have spent all that much time sat down chatting together over tea and cake but they were clearly immediately intrigued by each other when they met and at the same bases using a lot of the same spaces for long enough that the Howling Commandos were combat ready after a long period of capture and all their equipment had been acquired or manufactured. That provides a lot of opportunities to encourage their connection and romantic interest in each other, and given that the Howling Commandos evidently do actually come into SSR bases every so often Steve and Peggy must have had some opportunity for one-on-one downtime even if it was only every few months. Given that they're both canonically capable of being romantically interested in multiple people at once and are in the middle of a war (which tends to erode hesitation over pursuing a mutual attraction somewhat), is it therefore so unbelievable that steggy would have had a romantic love which would (especially unresolved) continue to impact them past the others' death? Or, even if not romantic, a genuine love for each other? Like nobody doubts Sam and Steve had a connection and loved each other quickly and they literally were on speaking terms for about a week before the helicarriers etc. I get the resistance to "and he's in love with a woman now for some reason and she likes him randomly" but steggy doesn't have to be that. It's actually quite sweet and you don't have to ship it romantically but it just feels like doing a disservice to one of the few fairly well-developed female characters there to dismiss any kind of connection between Steve and Peggy out of hand especially because Peggy is 'just some girl'. First of all she's an adult woman, second of all she's not JUST SOME GIRL. Yes, I am a stucky shipper mainly so I do think that a steggy relationship might not have lasted amazingly in civilian life but that doesn't mean they don't love each other. Anyway.
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sabusinessconsultants · 8 months
Uncovering the Strategic Role of Business and Tax Consultants in Navigating the Corporate Jungle
Companies sometimes become mired in a web of rules, financial difficulties, and constantly changing tax laws in the complicated world of modern business. Here's where business and tax consultants, the unsung heroes of the corporate world, come into play. These individuals are essential in helping firms navigate the complexities of the corporate jungle; their roles go far beyond simple math calculations and tax form completion.
The Skill of Managing Money: The corporate ship's navigators, business consultants assist companies in navigating through choppy economic waters. Their knowledge goes beyond simple financial management; they create strategic blueprints and help businesses sail toward their objectives. Business consultants are the compass that makes sure companies attain their goals, from risk management to market analysis.
The Guardians of Financial Legitimacy: Tax Consultants Let us introduce you to the world of tax advisors, the protectors of sound money. In a world where tax laws are like a maze, these experts are the lighthouses that show the way to responsible money management. They guide companies through the complicated world of tax rules, guaranteeing adherence and optimizing profits. They protect companies from the dangers of non-compliance thanks to their acute awareness of the constantly shifting tax landscape.
Strategic Alliances: Going Beyond Calculations: Business and tax consultants are strategic partners with a strong stake in the success of the organizations they work with, not merely outside parties engaged on an as-needed basis. By working together, they coordinate financial plans with corporate goals, promoting long-term expansion. Their perspectives transcend conventional financial advice, as they actively participate in decision-making procedures and provide a comprehensive outlook that goes beyond the balance sheet.
The Tech Revolution in Consultancy: As technology continues to reshape industries, Business and Tax Consultants are leveraging cutting-edge tools to enhance their services. Artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation are becoming integral components of their toolkit, allowing for more accurate predictions, efficient processes, and proactive decision-making. The marriage of human expertise and technological advancements is revolutionizing the consultancy landscape.
The Consultancy's Future: The function of business and tax consultants is expected to change much more in the upcoming years. Consultants will need to be flexible and adaptable due to the rapidly evolving technology landscape and the ever-increasing complexity of global marketplaces. As firms look for assistance in traversing these new frontiers, the emphasis on sustainability, ethical business practices, and social responsibility will also influence the landscape of consulting in the future.
In summary: The unsung heroes who work behind the scenes and are essential to a company's survival and success are business and tax consultants. They are not only experts at crunching numbers; they are also strategic partners in the business journey, developers of strategic strategies, and defenders of financial propriety. These experts will be at the forefront, assisting companies as they navigate the constantly shifting business and tax environments, as the corporate landscape continues to change. In the future, consulting will focus on guiding companies toward a more promising and sustainable future rather than merely numbers.
To know more please visit www.sabusinessconsultants.com
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growith · 8 months
Unlocking Success: A Guide to Setting Up Your Noon Seller Account in the UAE
In today's fast-paced e-commerce environment, having a strong online presence is essential for business success.The UAE's increasing digital sector has numerous prospects for enterprises to prosper.Noon is a well-known marketplace, and this post will lead you through the process of setting up a Noon Seller account in the UAE, allowing you to achieve incredible success.
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Understanding Noon: A Gateway to the UAE Market
Noon, termed the "Amazon of the Middle East," has quickly established itself as a key player in e-commerce in the UAE.Noon's huge consumer base and user-friendly design make it an excellent platform for sellers to showcase their products and get into the UAE's growing e-commerce market..
Step 1: Registration and Onboarding
Registration is the first step in achieving success with Noon. Visit the Noon Seller Portal and start the registration process by giving basic information about your business. To speed the approval process, complete the onboarding steps and ensure that all information is accurate.
Step 2: Creating a Compelling Seller Profile
Your seller profile serves as your brand's internet storefront, representing it to potential customers.Make a compelling seller profile by include a clear and concise business description, a visually appealing logo, and high-quality product photographs.Creating a professional image boosts consumer confidence and sets the stage for successful interactions.
Step 3: Listing Your Products
Noon allows you to sell a variety of items, including electronics, clothing, and more. When creating product listings, prioritise informative and accurate descriptions. Include important details such as product specifications, size, and any unique selling aspects. Use high-quality images to properly present your products.
Step 4: Pricing Strategies for the UAE Market
Effective pricing is a critical component in drawing clients at noon. Research competitive rates in the UAE market and carefully price your products to maintain competitiveness while guaranteeing profitability.Consider the value you offer and set fees that are in line with client expectations in the region.
Step 5: Leveraging Noon Advertising Tools
Explore Noon's advertising solutions to boost product visibility. Sponsored Products and Banner Ads can help increase your product's visibility to potential customers. To enhance the impact of your advertising efforts, write compelling ad copy and choose keywords that are relevant to your target market.
Step 6: Establishing Efficient Order Fulfillment
Noon provides fulfilment services to help your business streamline order processing and shipping. Consider using Noon's Fulfilment Centre to streamline processes, ensure timely deliveries, and increase customer satisfaction. A dependable and speedy fulfilment process leads to great feedback and repeat business.
Step 7: Embracing Customer-Centric Practices
Building a successful business on Noon entails more than just transactions; it also requires cultivating strong client relationships. Respond quickly to customer requests and feedback, handle concerns professionally, and seek to exceed customer expectations. A customer-centric strategy builds trust and promotes long-term success.
Step 8: Monitoring Analytics and Adjusting Strategies
Using the analytics dashboard, you can regularly track the performance of your items at Noon. Analyse critical indicators including sales, consumer behaviour, and advertising ROI. Use these insights to fine-tune your strategy, modify your price, and optimise your product listings for increased visibility and conversion rates.
Step 9: Staying Informed About Noon Policies and Updates
The e-commerce landscape changes on a daily basis, and platforms like Noon adapt their regulations accordingly.Keep up to date on changes to Noon's terms of service, shipping restrictions, and promotional offers. Responding to these improvements ensures that your firm remains compliant while reaping the full benefits of the Noon platform.
ConclusionOpening a Noon Seller account in the UAE is an important first step towards success in the region's burgeoning e-commerce business.Using this comprehensive strategy allows you to develop a strong presence on Noon, engage with a diverse audience, and position your company for future growth.It is crucial to remember that success on Noon entails more than just product sales; it also entails building a strong brand identity, creating exceptional client experiences, and remaining adaptable in the face of market shifts.
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containercartage · 11 months
13 Key Advantages of Using Shipping Container Transport Service
Using a shipping container transport service can offer several advantages, whether you're a business looking to move cargo or an individual relocating or in need of storage. Here are some of the key advantages of using such a service:
Efficiency: Shipping container transport services are highly efficient in moving goods. Containers are standardized in size, making them easy to load, stack, and transport. This efficiency can lead to faster loading and unloading times, reducing overall transportation costs.
Security: Shipping containers are built to withstand harsh weather conditions, and they offer a high level of security for your goods. They are made of sturdy steel, and once sealed, they are difficult to tamper with, providing protection from theft and damage.
Versatility: Shipping containers are versatile and can be used for various purposes. They are not limited to just transporting goods. They can be used for on-site storage, temporary offices, and even as the basis for architectural projects like container homes.
Cost-Effective: The use of standardized shipping containers can help reduce costs. They are reusable and stackable, which minimizes the need for excessive handling and packaging. This can lead to cost savings in the long run.
Intermodal Transportation: Shipping containers are designed to be easily transferred between different modes of transportation, such as ships, trucks, and trains. This intermodal capability makes them ideal for international shipping and simplifies logistics.
Environmental Benefits: Reusing shipping containers is an environmentally friendly practice. It reduces the need for new packaging materials and decreases waste. Additionally, the use of intermodal transport can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Flexibility: Container transport services can accommodate various types of cargo, from consumer goods and industrial equipment to perishable goods. They are adaptable to different shipping needs.
Reduces Pilferage and Damage: The secure nature of shipping containers reduces the risk of pilferage and damage during transit. This is especially important when transporting valuable or delicate goods.
Accessibility: Shipping containers are widely available in most parts of the world, making them accessible for a wide range of transportation needs.
Customization: Many container transport services offer customization options to meet specific requirements, such as refrigerated containers for temperature-sensitive cargo or specialized containers for oversized items.
Easy Tracking: With the advancement of technology, it's easier than ever to track the location and condition of your cargo in real-time, providing you with better control and visibility over your shipments.
Economies of Scale: For businesses, using container transport services allows them to benefit from economies of scale. Large quantities of goods can be efficiently transported together, reducing costs per unit.
Reliability: Established shipping container transport companies often have a strong track record in terms of reliability and on-time deliveries.
It's important to choose a reputable shipping container transport service to fully realize these advantages. Consider factors like the company's reputation, experience, track record, and pricing when selecting a service provider for your specific needs.
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hightechlogistics · 1 year
5 factors to find the best fulfillment service provider for the best B2C order fulfillment
Your search for the best fulfillment service provider for B2C order fulfillment ends here. Unlike B2B fulfillment, B2C fulfillment is a complex process involving smaller orders. Also, it is not as straightforward as B2B with contracts, standardized prices, and others. Hence, you need the best B2C fulfillment services to develop your business to the next level. And by doing it, you can stop worrying about the challenging logistics part and focus more on the core marketing, financing, and others.
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But if not doing it you will face many issues on the logistic side of not delivering the products on time not to get the customer satisfaction and hence lose business to competitors.
So, check out five factors to find the best fulfillment service provider for the best B2C order fulfillment to develop the business to new heights.
What is B2C order fulfillment?
B2C or business-to-consumer order fulfillment involves delivering the products from traders to the customers’ doorstep. It helps build a strong foundation for any startup or small business to have long-term success by building the brand’s image. Hence B2C order fulfillment needs picking the products from the manufacturers or traders, packing them as per the consumer requirement to deliver them as subscriptions or one-off orders fulfilled on a recurring or predetermined basis.
Five factors to find the best fulfillment service provider for the best B2C order fulfillment
Check if the service provider connects to the online store
Confirm if it integrates with other e-commerce solutions
Verify the order accuracy of successful deliveries to customers without errors
Check shipping reliability to even improve last-mile delivery
Confirm if the service provider offers responsive customer service at all times
The above facts and factors will end your search for the best fulfillment service provider for B2C order fulfillment.
For original post visit: https://www.poemsbook.net/blogs/46171/5-factors-to-find-the-best-fulfillment-service-provider-for
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newnewz · 1 year
Russian energy giant Rosneft appoints first Indian on its board
G K Satish, a former Indian Oil Corporation director, is one of the three new faces appointed to the 11-strong board of directors of Rosneft.
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NEW DELHI: Russian energy giant Rosneft has appointed a former Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) director to its board in signs it may be looking at boosting trade links with India.
G K Satish, who retired as director for business development at IOC in 2021, is one of the three new faces appointed to the 11-strong board of directors of Rosneft, according to a statement issued by the Russian firm.
Satish, 62, is the first Indian to be appointed to the board of Rosneft.
Rosneft has partnerships with Satish’s former company in oil and gas fields in Russia.
It also sells crude oil to IOC and other Indian firms and has in recent months started shipping naphtha to Gujarat refiners.
His appointment assumes significance as Rosneft is now eyeing more deals with Indian firms including the sale of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Satish, who has deep insight into the Indian oil and gas market and has expertise in petroleum product marketing, petrochemicals, LNG and international trade, is one of the five independent directors on the Rosneft board.
During his stint at the IOC board beginning September 1, 2016, Satish was also chairman of IndianOil Adani Gas Pvt Ltd — the joint venture IOC had formed with Adani Group for retailing CNG and piped cooking gas.
That venture helped Adani Group catapult into city gas and it is now the biggest operator.
Rosneft said its shareholders at the annual general meeting on June 30 elected a new board of directors consisting of 11 members.
Igor I Sechin, a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin, continues to be the CEO and chairman of the management board of Rosneft.
Other members appointed include “Govind Kottis Satish, Managing Director, Value Prolific Consulting Services Pvt Ltd (ValPro),” it said.
ValPro is the firm that Satish joined as Managing Director in 2022.
ValPro advises on mergers and acquisitions and investment banking.
Former IOC chairman M A Pathan is on its board of advisor and its top management include former IOC executives.
Russia sells about 2 million barrels per day of crude oil or 100 million tonne on an annualised basis, to Indian firms.
Rosneft has a term deal to sell 6 million tonne a year of crude oil to Satish’s former company and is eyeing similar deals with other state-owned refiners including Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL).
Rosneft is also a majority owner of Nayara Energy, which operates a 20 million tonne a year refinery at Vadinar in Gujarat and owns over 6,300 petrol pumps in the country.
IOC alongside Bharat PetroResources Ltd (a unit of BPCL) and Oil India Ltd in 2016 bought a 23.9 per cent stake in Rosneft’s Vankor oilfield for USD 2.02 billion.
The consortium also took a 29.9 per cent stake in a separate Taas-Yuryakh oilfield in East Siberia for USD 1.12 billion.
IOC is India’s largest importer of Russian oil and the only company with a long-term delivery deal in place with Rosneft.
Rosneft board includes representatives from Qatar and the Philippines. “Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Sada (chairman of the board of trustees of Dohal University of Science and Technology) has been elected Chairman of Rosneft Oil Company Board of Directors,” Rosneft said.
0 notes
myprintingmatters · 2 years
Know the Benefits of Color Printing Companies in Burbank
Burbank is a city located in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, and it is known for its vibrant media and entertainment industry. As a result, there is a high demand for printing services in the area, with many businesses and individuals seeking high-quality prints for various purposes. There are several printing companies in Burbank that offer a range of services to meet the diverse needs of the community. These companies provide services such as printing flyers, brochures, business cards, banners, signs, and more. Some also offer graphic design services to help customers create eye-catching designs for their prints.
As there are many Printing Company Burbank available, but one of the advantages of working with a local printing company is the convenience it provides. Customers can easily drop off their print orders, discuss their needs with the staff, and receive their prints without having to deal with the hassle of shipping or transportation. This can be particularly useful for businesses that require frequent printing and want to establish a long-term working relationship with a local printing company. Printing companies often have state-of-the-art equipment and technology, allowing them to produce high-quality prints at a reasonable cost. They also use environmentally friendly practices to minimize their impact on the environment, which can be appealing to customers who prioritize sustainability. Working with a printing company can offer several benefits, including convenience, high-quality prints, and environmentally friendly practices. With several printing companies to choose from, customers can find one that meets their specific needs and provides excellent customer service.
Whether you are looking for a printing service for personal or business use, customers can rely on local printing companies to provide high-quality color prints that are eye-catching and professional. Color Printing Burbank service provider can produce a range of products, from brochures and flyers to banners and signs, with the added benefit of vibrant, eye-catching color. Local printing companies use advanced printing technology and high-quality ink to produce stunning color prints that are sure to grab attention. Moreover, many printing companies in Burbank offer graphic design services to help customers create custom designs and layouts that are tailored to their specific needs. This can be particularly useful for businesses that want to create a strong visual identity through their branding and marketing materials. Working with a local printing company in Burbank for color printing services also offers the advantage of convenience. Working with the local service provider can save valuable time and money, especially for businesses that require frequent printing. The color printing services in Burbank provide customers with high-quality, vibrant prints that are perfect for personal or business use. Local printing companies offer advanced printing technology, graphic design services, and convenient drop-off options to make the process easy and efficient. It would be great to check all the details of the service provider before hiring them for the printing work. You can share all your requirements with the professionals and on the basis of the requirements; they will provide you with the best result.
0 notes
tirsynni · 3 years
Okay, mild fandom rant time, because I keep seeing this in the Resident Evil fandom, and the only thing I can think of due to the lack of real basis is that people just prefer enemies-to-lovers or that it’s a beloved trope in the fanon.
The bit where Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy hate each other. Wtf. Where does this come from? Why is it so popular?
We have two -- two -- moments of actual tension between the two in the entire series, and that is it. Wtf.
1) Where the pair meet in RE6. At first, they don’t know who the other one is and that is the only time you see them physically fight. You see them draw guns on each other and hold them on each other even when they recognize each other, Here’s the thing: there’s nothing in the world that could convince me they were ever going to harm the other when they recognized each other. The guns up acted as a barrier as they argued their points. At this time, they were both seriously fucked up but were calming down and talking and I think would have reached a conclusion if fake-Ada had interfered.
2) When Chris and Rebecca interrupted Leon’s vacation/private breakdown in Vendetta.The two argued angrily with each other and were clearly pissed by the other’s inability to see their point. The closest it came to physical was when Chris tried to stop Leon from drinking some more.
Now here’s why I don’t think any of that lends to the antagonistic relationship a lot of fans think they have.
In RE6, despite seeming to be on opposite sides regarding the Ada affair, despite having their guns drawn on each other, they were talking. For the first time in the entire game, Chris seemed semi-calm regarding his teams’ death after a couple moments of talking with Leon. He was actually talking to Leon about this when every other time he just snarled and grew angry. We’ll never know for sure, but I’m confident that, if fake-Ada hadn’t interfered, Chris would have gone with Leon’s argument. He was calming down, he was checking Leon’s conviction. Most importantly, when fake-Ada ran, he quickly agreed with Leon that he would try to bring Ada in alive.
At that time, Chris had been incredibly messed up. He had been beyond poor Piers’s control. He has been angry, aggressive, violent. Yet it took one meeting with Leon to remind him who he was and what he wanted. It was after Leon stopped him and told him that he trusted that he would do the right thing that Chris stopped focusing on revenge and started focusing on doing the right thing. He change his goal, worked hard to be a good partner for Piers, and when he was face-to-face with the person responsible for killing his team, he tried to bring her in.
As for Leon? No one would blame the man for having major trust issues at this point, but he doesn’t hesitate to tell Helena that he trusts Chris. Despite literally just seeing Chris planning to murder Ada, he was confident that Chris would do the right thing and try to bring her in alive. When he said he believed in Chris, everything indicated he sincerely meant it.
Okay, onto Vendetta. I’ve ranted about that scene before, but I believe much of the scene with Leon drinking and the pair arguing has been blown out of proportion. Here’s what is canon: both men had just undergone something traumatizing. Both were reacting to that in that scene. Leon’s choice: going on vacation and drinking. Maybe not the healthiest response but done in a reasonable fashion: off the job, in a safe, out-of-the-way location, literally on a vacation. The fact that he’s merrily day-drinking shows that he wasn’t doing well mentally in that scene. As for Chris? He’s furious, frustrated, emotionally compromised, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to arm him and send him on his merry way? Leon was licking his wounds in true Leon Kennedy fashion by not addressing it and Chris was licking his wounds in true Chris Redfield fashion by aggressively going after his problems and trying to blow them up.
So were they fighting? Absolutely! Was that the last time they fought in the entire movie? Yep! They were both in a rough spot and failing to communicate with the other, but when push came to shove, they clicked. It took no effort after that for them to get on the same page. They worked together smoothly and trusted each other implicitly.
In the rare times we see the pair together in canon, that is the main point with them. They trust each other. Leon states it clearly in 6 and it is shown repeatedly. They trust each other not only in a fight but to have their backs and to make the right decisions. Even after fighting, they show no grudges toward each other. They get on the same page and go forward.
If someone wants to write tension between the pair, it would be remarkably easy. RE6 is a great example of how radically different they each approach their problems. Leon’s game started with his needing to kill a good friend. He is clearly fucked up about it. It’s the first time since RE2 that we see him hesitate to kill a BOW. He is in tears. He is devastated. He screams Adam’s name when he shoots. And then? He doesn’t say another word about it for the rest of the game. Helena repeatedly mentions her sister: after apologizing to Adam’s corpse, Leon doesn’t say his name again for the rest of the game. In RE6 and Vendetta, Chris charges after his problem. He goes for revenge. He wants the bad guy’s head on a pike. In Vendetta, we see Leon literally hide away and drink. They have incredibly different responses to emotional trauma. That could be an amazing source of tension between the pair instead of some strange antagonism.
Hell, I would love to see that possible tension be addressed, but regarding just general antagonism between the two? No. I don’t see it.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
Beyond Evil: the Romantic Rain trope
Hello! Guess who's back on their shit again... Me!
When I first finished watching Beyond Evil/ 괴물 on 5/02/22 (yes, I know, it surprised me too during the last episode), I immediately started writing an essay about the show's queer subtext/queer coding. The essay is an analysis of episodes 1-8... and it's ridiculously long and unfinished (and probably never will be finished). This post includes the opening parts. I like them, so I have decided to share them. These opening thoughts surround the rain scene in episode two and how it is romantic in tone.
[I do have another bit analysing Dong Sik's queer coding, which I might post one day.] So, yeah, this is a part of a larger piece. So, that's why it feels a bit incomplete.
A disclaimer: ~ I use the word ‘queer’, a lot. But this is not meant as a derogatory/offensive term. But instead, is used by its reclaimed meaning: a generalised term to refer to someone who isn’t heterosexual.Also, all spellings of characters’ names are taken from AsianWiki.
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(my very gloomy-looking screenshots)
“Why are you doing this to me? Why?” Han Joo Won talking to Lee Dong Sik (episode 5).
Have you ever asked someone a question that they refuse to answer? Instead of giving you the information you want, they dance around it, jump to conclusions, and add the right amount of distraction; until you can’t even remember what you asked in the first place. This is a recurrence of Beyond Evil’s main characters Lee Dong Sik and Han Joo Won. Their conversations and arguments often spark one of them to ask a question that the other does not answer. 
This happens numerous times throughout the first half of the series. Typically, these questions are of the following nature:
“Just what about me interests you so much?” Lee Dong Sik, episode 2
“It’s a dangerous thing to become attached to someone. Don’t you think?”  Lee Dong Sik, episode 4
“Why can’t you leave me alone?” Lee Dong Sik, episode 5
(English translations taken from Netflix)
Oftentimes these questions are more for the audience to ponder on, rather than for the characters to outright answer. This is why they aren’t answered with verbal confirmation but instead, with the character’s actions. 
In the thriller, crime, and mystery genres, it is usual to have a protagonist investigate and chase our anti-hero/sympathetic villain. Beyond Evil (otherwise known as Monster/ 괴물) uses this narrative trope as the basis of its storytelling: one hotshot young guy comes from the big city to investigate an older seemingly unhinged man of a crime he may or may not have committed. But over time, as the protagonist learns more, we get to see the shades of ambiguity that are bursting at the seams.  Furthermore, both characters will be forever changed because of their relationship and the events that follow.
One element that makes Beyond Evil stand out from others within the same genre is that this story isn’t really about a small hometown murder. It uses the murders within this rural area as a canvas in which to tell the real story: love. One way this is proven is that the story focuses on the victims and their friends and families, and the overall community, instead of the killer(s). 
Beyond Evil explores and showcases the Ancient Greeks’ philosophy of the seven kinds of love:
Eros: romantic love; passionate, lustful, the want for sexual intimacy  Philia: friendship; affectionate, platonic, sweet and equal Storge: familial; strong bonds, kin-ship, unconditional Agape: altruism; empathy, selflessness, love for worldly experiences Ludus: new love; non-committal, flirtatious, playful Pragma: committed love; long-term relationships, companionship, maturity Philautia: self-love; self-esteem, self-worth, a necessity
(information source: https://www.wellandgood.com/greek-words-for-love/)
It is a story highlighting the importance of love: all the different kinds of love we encounter in our lives; how we are affected by them; what it looks like to live without love; including, when it's time to accept love and when it's time to let it go. But most importantly, sometimes, you can find love in the most unexpected place. 
[But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s sprinkle some background information and analyse the first half (the first act, if you will) of Beyond Evil (episodes 1-8) and look at how Joo Won ended up broken-hearted in Dong Sik’s front garden.] Redacted for this post.
On the first watch-through of this show, the audience is told the story predominantly through Joo Won’s gaze; which is biassed and trifled with unreliable narration. Through his perspective, we are toyed with and encouraged to constantly doubt the other characters. The show expertly uses Alfred Hitchcock’s film theory Pure Cinematics for instilling doubt, harnessing the power of the editing process to define the visual narrative. In other words, the show creators displayed a key understanding of how the narrative changes with context. 
The best example of this is the butcher shop sequence on the night of Kang Min Jeong's disappearance. We are first introduced to the sequence from Joo Won’s perspective: all of Dong Sik’s actions are awkward and suspicious, and we over-analyse his movements and actions/inactions to come to the conclusion that he’s done something. Then later on in the show, we revisit this sequence from Dong Sik’s perspective and yes, he has done something but not what we were led to believe. All of his awkward and suspicious behaviour becomes a painful and morally grey experience, where the audience feels great sympathy for him. 
The context defines the narrative. Without the full context, we do not get the full story. 
And only with the full context, can we look past the structure of the piece and unveil the answers to the questions that are asked... we reveal the truth.
Whilst rewatching the show, the viewing experience is completely different. All the pieces are already fitted into place, so I spent less time trying to decipher and instead, leisurely trying to digest. The experience is nowhere near as suspenseful but far more gut-wrenching. This is because the viewer already has the full story - the full context - everyone’s actions and inactions are accounted for: we know why x was acting sketchy in episode y because of what they did 20 years ago, and so on. 
When everyone’s actions are accounted for it is a lot easier to follow the story from Dong Sik’s perspective. We see the injustices that innocent people go through more harshly, we also see the cruelty of the guilty from the get-go. We are able to focus on the smaller details of people’s relationships, instead of thinking about the big picture. We are also able to take the time to truly understand the visual language the creators are showing us and how that shapes the narrative.
There is one sequence that comes to mind that is told purely from Joo Won’s perspective. There is no dialogue during this particular sequence of shots, so the audience is completely reliant on the visual language to understand what is being conveyed. This scene is greatly important for the show as a whole, as it gives us an uncensored look into Joo Won’s thoughts.  Without it, the narrative of the story would be different, as it adds context to Joo Won’s actions later on in the series. That scene is from episode two. 
Joo Won and Dong Sik are on patrol, still getting used to each other as partners. One) because their personalities clash and two) because Joo Won is actively investigating Dong Sik for murder, which is just hanging there between them. They stop their patrol to help a disabled young adult who is lost in the rain. Dong Sik takes charge of the situation because he is better equipped at interacting with disabled people and the people of Manyang (and the wider Munju area) as a whole. This scene is one of the most important as it is an untainted humanisation of Dong Sik’s character, giving the audience (and Joo Won) a first glimpse into who Dong Sik really is.
Up until this point, Joo Won has only seen Dong Sik as a character: the killer; “the suspect” as Dong Sik later describes it. He vehemently dislikes him but still has a misguided interest in Dong Sik’s life. But this suddenly is challenged. Standing there in the rain, with no shoes on, smiling at the young man who is dancing, we get to see what Joo Won sees for the first time: kindness, humility, and beauty. 
It’s a glitch in the system.
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This scene is slightly baffling. It poses the question of what the creators are truly trying to tell its audience. Is it that these two characters work best when they are unified and Joo Won’s assumptions of Dong Sik are wrong?... Well, yes ... but also, of course, hiding in plain sight is the subtext that Joo Won is gay/queer.
Which point takes paramount importance? It would seem that in this scene it’s the subtext. We see why this is so through the sequence of shots:
After the situation has been assessed by the pair and they have come to an agreement. Joo Won goes to the shop to get supplies to help with the young man and when he returns, we, the audience, are faced with a sequence of ever-closing in close-up shots. With each cut, the camera is showing us what Joo Won is choosing to focus on; where his eyes are gravitating. What is odd about the sequence is the information that is chosen to be shared: Dong Sik's feet, the umbrella, the smile: kindness, humility, beauty. 
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 Joo Won returns to the pair and falters, he seems shocked into stillness. Which almost seems frivolous, as Joo Won is already privy to two-thirds of the information being presented. 
Joo Won already knew that Dong Sik had given his shoes to the young man. 
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He knew about the umbrella because he is the one who gave it to Dong Sik to use. 
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Then… they cut to a slow-motion close-up of Dong Sik’s smiling face, rain behind him and sunshine kissing his face. This last shot is the only piece of information we didn’t have before Joo Won went to the shop because it’s Joo Won’s thoughts at that moment. It’s no longer information that can be detailed in a police report but a deeply human moment. He has digested the information in front of him and this is his conclusion: beauty. 
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This screams romantic undertones- especially with the knowledge that rain is often used as a romantic trope in visual media.  “​​Rain seems to go along with pivotal moments in characters' lives. It's implied that if you can ignore bad weather and brave the elements, then your big moment is even more real and intense and genuine. If you want to be deserving of your love, you won't care if it's raining, you will rush out into the rain to be with her or him-” tvtopes.org, Romantic Rain.
This trope is used often within Korean media, especially within the romance genres. So, it is a visual language that is common knowledge with Korean audiences. It is less likely to be seen within the crime and mystery genres, so it speaks volumes that the creators decided to include it.
Here are three examples of Korean dramas that use the Romantic Rain trope to show the protagonists have romantic feelings for one another:
Legend of the Blue Sea: offering an umbrella as protection/taking someone into your care Flower of Evil: Hee Sung allows himself to become soaked because of his feelings Goblin: slow motion shot of the characters passing one another in the rain
How Beyond Evil uses the same visuals within this scene:
Protection: Joo Won gives Dong Sik an umbrella and forensic shoe covers Soaked: Joo Won stops mid-run to stare at Dong Sik in the rain, seemingly awestruck/concerned Slow-motion: Joo Won’s perspective in the following sequence of close-ups is in slow motion
This scene is not the moment that Joo Won realises the extent of his feelings for Dong Sik. It is used as supporting evidence for the later conversations Joo Won has with Park Jung Je and Nam Sang Bae. In which he is asked by both of them why he cares so much about the cold case (in which Dong Sik is his suspect). To which, Joo Won replies the first time he’s asked:
“This is Lee Dong Sik’s–” 
He shouts this and has to stop himself, calming down to answer that he’s determined to solve the cold case because one of the victims is Lee Dong Sik’s sister. The key person in that answer is Lee Dong Sik. He is the reason Han Joo Won cares so deeply [and because of his own personal involvement] about a case that no police officer would try to solve: “-there isn’t a single cop in the country that would prioritise such a case.” [Park Jung-Je.]
Han Joo Won is a determined person. When he sets his mind to something, he will achieve it, even if it upsets other people or hurts himself. He’s a person who cares deeply about things and can become easily fixated. If the creators wanted us to see Joo Won’s actions deriving from a place of spite or a self-righteous need for the truth, they would never have used the Romantic Rain trope.
Following the scene in the rain, Joo Won chooses to not act upon what he felt then and instead, suppresses his feelings.  It makes sense. He’s experiencing attraction (eros) for his murder suspect; the man that he has been obsessing over; the man who only now is more than just a character to him. He is becoming a human and a very attractive one, at that. 
Joo Won doesn’t know what to do with that newfound knowledge. So… he starts to lose his cool. This is obviously aided by other factors…  
Without this scene, and those particular shots, Joo Won’s intense interest in Dong Sik and his mental decline over the next two episodes wouldn’t make as much sense. When we take the queer subtext into consideration, it makes the puzzle pieces fit all that bit more snuggly. It gives us the knowledge that Joo Won has humanised Dong Sik in his mind, he likes what he sees and he doesn’t know how that fits around his rigid moral compass… and what Joo Won knows about himself because really this scene is more about Joo Won discovering himself than it is about Joo Won discovering Dong Sik.
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Look how devastated he is. This man has literally stalked the very handsome man he's staring at, has taken pictures of him, has said pictures on his tablet/printed out, spends his days staring at these pictures whilst biting his lip- then gets all bent out of shape because he realises he's attracted to him?? Baffling.
That is it for that scene's analysis, I remember writing more but I must have deleted it at some point. Anyway, hope that was entertaining and easy to read (I have the tendency to ramble on/make grammatical errors haha).
See ya!
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why do you ship chell and glados if glados is basically her mom
Okay this is actually a pretty common misconception in the fandom that unfortunately a lot of people have taken as canon, but I’m feeling nice so I’ll answer your question.
Basically, anon is referencing a theory from around 2012 that Caroline is Chell’s mom. The evidence for the theory is as follows:
- The turret opera calls Chell “bambina”, which means “little girl” in Italian
- Chell’s name can be found on a Bring Your Daughter To Work Day science project
- GLaDOS references the possibility of Chell being adopted multiple times
- GLaDOS is significantly nicer to Chell after discovering she’s Caroline 
And, anon, you’re right, it does sound like a pretty good argument at first glance. The problem is that a lot of these points don’t actually hold up to scrutiny.
For example, although “bambina” literally translates to “little girl,” it’s often used in the same way “baby girl” is used in English - it can mean child, but contextually it’s usually a flirtatious term. (Source: Cambridge Dictionary)
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For Chell’s science project, it doesn’t work as evidence for the theory because GLaDOS killed the scientists around 1998-ish, when Caroline had presumably been uploaded several years earlier and Cave was already dead. Also, Chell’s in her 20′s, and since we know from Lab Rat/Portal 2 that people don’t age in stasis, and that Doug put Chell at the top of the test subject list only weeks after the takeover, Chell was 28 at the time of the takeover. The science project is really only an Easter egg and doesn’t actually fit into the canon timeline let alone prove anything about Caroline and Cave. 
GLaDOS talking about Chell being adopted is a pretty strong point, I’ll admit, but also it’s important to remember that maybe half of what GLaDOS says is true. And even if we take what she says at face value, she also says there’s a man and a woman in stasis with Chell’s last name, which could not have been Cave and Caroline because they were already dead at that point. And the official book Final Hours Of Portal 2 confirms Cave and Caroline were not married and could not have shared the same name anyway. It was also the 50′s, an an unmarried couple of two likely famous people having a child would’ve been scandalous, and yet we see no hint of something like this affecting their company. 
Also, although GLaDOS is nicer to Chell after the Caroline reveal, that’s not necessarily indicative of a mother-daughter relationship, and neither is any of their interactions. It’s just. GLaDOS being friendlier. 
Finally, when this theory was made (and let’s be honest - it still is happening) Chell was constantly whitewashed to hell and back. 
Chell is Japanese-Brazilian, and Cave and Caroline are white, so it would be a near impossibility for her to be their biological child (and insisting otherwise is kinda. just. whitewashing). And although people will cry “adoption!”, based on what I’ve previously proven, that’s pretty much impossible. This theory that somehow she’s Cave and Caroline’s daughter erases an important part of her identity. [Disclaimer, I am white, but this is what I’ve heard from around the fandom]
With all that said, the idea that she’s the daughter of Cave and Caroline really doesn’t hold weight when you really analyze the canon. It’s surface level analysis that doesn’t hold up. And honestly? The idea kinda cheapens the story. It’s much more powerful that GLaDOS learns to care about Chell and becomes kinder than just. Oh, she remembered she’s related to Chell. 
But to actually answer your ask. 
Why do I ship them?
Well, they aren’t mother and daughter, I think that’s pretty obvious now. But if you actually look at a lot of subtext in Portal 2, without the lens of the mother theory, it’s actually pretty romantic! 
I know that sounds ridiculous, but bear with me!
Now - it’s totally okay if you don’t ship them. I get it. Their interactions in Portal 1 and the first half of Portal 2 are toxic if not outright well. Y’know. Murderous. I completely understand why that turns people off from shipping them, and ultimately, shipping is a personal thing. To each his own. 
But before you judge me, let me present my case.
Exhibit A: Portal 
Portal is kinda gay. No, really. Chell and GLaDOS are enemies in this game, but the entire focus is on their relationship (good or not) and the power struggle between them. They are opposites, two sides of the same coin, different representations of opposite ideologies. People have analyzed Portal as a relationship metaphor, or as a metaphor about women’s role in society - either way, the heart of Portal is the complicated dynamic between Chell and GLaDOS. 
That’s not necessarily enough to code a romance, but a lot of popular (and especially popular queer ones) ships begin with opposite ideologies, symbolic powers colliding. Portal cements their relationship as a toxic one, something on the verge of falling apart and hurting both parties in the end. The ending image, of Chell and GLaDOS side by side after the battle, reinforces the symbolic parallels between the two. 
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The companion cube is also pretty symbolically important to this interpretation. It’s literally a representation of someone’s heart, and you are told to protect it and preserve it under GLaDOS’ orders, and then you have to destroy it regardless of how you actually feel about doing that. You are destroying GLaDOS’ heart, so to speak. 
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There’s also the ending song, Still Alive. The lyrics speak for themselves.
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They hint that GLaDOS’ feelings about Chell are more complicated than they may appear (if she’s not being sarcastic...) and she literally talks about Chell breaking her heart (also, think back to the companion cube. Yeah.). The entire song is structurally similar to many a breakup number, with the laments of “I’m glad it happened, but also leave.” 
At the end, we also see that the long promised cake GLaDOS was supposedly lying about was real the whole time. Before Portal 2 came out, it was mostly interpreted as a stinger ending (along with the nicer lyrics of Still Alive) to make you question GLaDOS’ true motives and intentions.
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She actually did have a real cake waiting for you. (Side note - not really evidence, but in Argentina, “torta” means cake in Spanish. It’s also a slang term for lesbians. So. Do with that what you will). The cake is what GLaDOS offers you to lull you into the sense that she cares about you, so discovering that “the cake is a lie” wakes you up to the realization that she doesn’t. Except then the idea is subverted one last time, at the very end, showing that the cake is real and at least some of what she said she meant. 
You also see the companion cube. You know, GLaDOS’ symbolic heart?
Now, okay, you might be thinking I’m extrapolating a bit too much. And you might be right. But Portal is not the only game in the series, and if you’re asking me about Cave and Caroline you obviously know about Portal 2.
Exhibit B: Portal 2
If you thought Portal was gay, Portal 2 turns that up to 11.
Even before GLaDOS wakes up, you’re treated to some visual subtext. A few of Rattmann’s drawings representing the events of Portal 2 focus a lot on the relationship between GLaDOS and Chell, with more of the cake symbolism.
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In this, you can see a face layered on top of GLaDOS. This could be foreshadowing about Caroline, and likely is, but also resembles his other drawing of Chell. It insists that Chell is a part of GLaDOS, or reinforces parallels between Chell and Caroline, hinting at something either way. 
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In this picture, we also see Chell standing on top of GLaDOS, in the same position where the overlay of the feminine face was, again referencing the parallel. It also presents them as opposites, fundamental parts of the same thing and both connected to the same basis, but on opposing sides. 
When GLaDOS wakes up, she returns to her antagonistic role, but there are more hints to something deeper just like in Portal. 
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Here, in her awakening lines, she references Chell not unlike an estranged ex. Also worth noting that GLaDOS is pretty much the personification of testing (in a sense, she is testing since she can control all of Aperture like an extension of her body), and insinuates that Chell loves to test. And that she reciprocates that feeling.
In test chamber 10, she says this:
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It’s supposed to be threatening, but it does read as almost... sentimental. 
There’s also another chamber with companion cubes in Portal 2. I already talked about their symbolism in Portal, and the same pretty much applies to them here. However, GLaDOS says something interesting about them during this level:
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Once again, meant to be intimidating, ends up coming off as “well, GLaDOS, why were you going to give Chell a heart shaped representation of yourself that says ‘I love you?’” And you might think I’m stretching the GLaDOS’ heart metaphor thing a little far here, and I might agree, if the companion cubes didn’t literally sing Cara Mia for you. 
Cara Mia is the turret opera from the end of the game, which is all about how much GLaDOS cares about Chell. More on that later. But the companion cubes play a song called Love as A Construct, and when you get close to them, they sing a specific part of the song that has the tune of Cara Mia. These things literally exist to sing about GLaDOS’ feelings. 
Which makes this line a lot more. For lack of a better term. Tsundere-ish.
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Then, right before the escape, she starts talking about the confetti from her fake surprise. 
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I really don’t have to explain this one. What else does GLaDOS consider an inconvenience but might miss anyway? Or, more aptly, who else?
Then, during the escape, she teases a (fake) final test chamber in front of you, and forms the panels in the shape of a heart. No, really. 
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Up to this point, a lot of the points I’ve presented are interspersed with a fair amount of antagonization on GLaDOS’ behalf, more Foe Yay than anything actually hinting at something deeper than GLaDOS being conflicted about whether she loves or hates Chell. But things really ramp up after Wheatley’s betrayal, when the two of them are forced to team up. (I should also note here that “enemies to lovers” is a pretty classic queer romance trope.)
Here, GLaDOS is put on an equal level with Chell and they have to rely on each other if they want to survive. For the rest of the singleplayer campaign, GLaDOS becomes a lot nicer and even friendly to Chell. There comes a point where she starts referring to Chell as a teammate, calling them “we.” She begins to consider them one unit, two opposites unified. Here’s what she says after the lemon rant:
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You can not only see her using we, but actively talking about how her and Chell are going to fight Wheatley together. There’s also that last line - “let’s explode with some dignity.” GLaDOS has fully accepted the very likely possibility that she and Chell might die together. That she might die on the same level, and the same team as Chell. And she seems... surprisingly okay with that, as long as she and Chell go together. 
It’s during the Old Aperture levels that Chell and GLaDOS also discover that they have a lot in common. This is the part of the game where GLaDOS figures out she’s Caroline, that she’s human. Or, that she’s like Chell. And Chell discovers (from what we can tell anyway) that Caroline is kind, that she’s funny and smart and so many of these things she never noticed about GLaDOS before. Now also with the knowledge she is fighting alongside another human being. 
You can also draw parallels between Chell and Caroline, both intelligent women ultimately betrayed by their seemingly innocuous male friends before being trapped in Aperture and forced to team up with one another in a way that will free both of them. We see that really, GLaDOS isn’t that different from Chell - she too has been imprisoned in this place against her will, but in a completely different way. Once again, the idea of two sides of the same coin applies here. 
I’ve written another meta about this before, but I also think the whole idea of repressing a part of your identity and hating it, before bonding with another woman and then realizing that it’s okay to be like her and to be on her side. It’s okay to be yourself and meeting her is what helps you discover this new part of yourself. Is kinda inherently gay. GLaDOS’ discovery of her own humanity just fits so well into a queer realization narrative, to me at least.
Then, Chell and GLaDOS escape Old Aperture and have to get through Wheatley’s tests. 
Here, GLaDOS isn’t just begrudgingly on Chell’s team. She’s actively helpful. She wants to help Chell solve tests, defends her from Wheatley’s insults, and makes jokes to lighten the mood. Things that can really only be explained by her caring about Chell, especially the part about the insults. See below.
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After the two escape Wheatley’s testing track, right before the boss fight GLaDOS has a few other things to say.
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GLaDOS is not going to betray Chell, because of some kind of conscience. But she could easily ignore that back in her body, and yet? Here she’s deciding not to, and for no good reason. She didn’t have to say that to Chell, but she did, because she cares and she wants Chell to live.
And then, moments before the fight:
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The final lines imply that GLaDOS does not think of Chell as an enemy anymore, and that it doesn’t matter what Chell thinks because they are in this together and they are getting revenge together. It’s pretty heartwarming to be honest, to know that even in a fight that will almost certainly kill you, she is there rooting for you and caring about you, even if you don’t feel the same way about her. It no longer matters to GLaDOS whether you even reciprocate - you staying alive, you making it through is enough for her.
So Chell fights Wheatley and sends him into space, all well and good, and at this point, GLaDOS has the option to kill Chell. But not only does she not, she actively saves Chell, and holds her hand in the process. If you don’t believe me:
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And not only that, but when Chell goes unconscious from her injuries, GLaDOS sits and waits for her to wake up. It’s also implied that GLaDOS carries her to the elevator, since it’s where she wakes up but not where she passed out. In the scene where Chell blacks out, you can also hear the part of Love As A Construct that sounds like Cara Mia. Yeah. Yeah.
If you think that this cannot possibly get any gayer, you are wrong again, because then GLaDOS makes her final speech. Which is really just a love confession, let’s be honest.
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The “surge of emotion?” Do you mean love, GLaDOS? And the idea of GLaDOS considering Chell her best friend, despite everything these two have done to each other? The idea that GLaDOS, out of all people, forgives someone?
Except this isn’t even Chell’s final send-off. GLaDOS writes her an entire opera of turrets, that sing a literal love song. (Note what I said earlier about the use of the word “bambina”).
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It really can’t get any more obvious than that. “My (affectionate romantic term here), my dear, I adore you.” How. Is. That. Heterosexual. In. Any. Way.
So Chell goes to the surface, set free by GLaDOS (think of the saying “if you love something, set it free), and you think that’s the end. Until GLaDOS gives you a companion cube so you aren’t alone on the journey, and from the burn marks, you know it’s your first companion cube. Her original heart, her first gift to you, a piece of her that she wants you to carry with you to remind you that she does care about you after everything. It also gives the lyrics to Still Alive a much more genuine meaning. 
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Portal 2 ends, and then the ending song, another GLaDOS number plays. Just like Still Alive, Want You Gone is structurally a break up song and very obviously about GLaDOS missing Chell and “counting on” (read: caring about/loving) Chell’s tendencies and quirks. 
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She’s accepted Chell completely, and yet also given Chell the one thing she wants most. Only wanting Chell gone can mean GLaDOS not wanting Chell in her life anymore, but can also mean she wants to give Chell the freedom she’s wanted for so, so long. It’s the best thing she can give.
In the co-op campaign, GLaDOS also references still caring about Chell.
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And that’s the end of the Portal series. Except. Brace yourself. Despite the games being over, there is STILL more subtext somehow. It gets. Even gayer.
Exhibit C: Supplemental Evidence
Valve has made a lot of extra/cut content for the Portal series, and I’ll be looking at some of it below.
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This official valentine from Valve shows GLaDOS offering a romantic partner cake, which as we’ve established before, is very symbolic of GLaDOS’ feelings about and/or relationship with Chell. 
There’s a lot of other concept art and official art that emphasizes their relationship too. See below.
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There’s also some cut GLaDOS lines that are even gayer than the source material and again, sound like confessions or references to a breakup:
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The idea of “discovering things about someone”... how much more obvious can it get?
The developers have even confirmed a lot of my commentary on Chell and GLaDOS’ relationship in The Final Hours Of Portal 2. See these quotes from the book/this post:
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The devs literally describe it as a romance. They use terms like “cheating,” they wanted to write a romantic duet, JoCo purposefully wrote the endings like love songs. It is literally, blatantly said by the creators of the game that their relationship is interpreted romantically. By the creators of the game. 
And if Word of God confirmation isn’t enough for you, have a song written for a cut alternate ending by GLaDOS’ voice actress, Ellen McClain. The song is literally nothing but GLaDOS talking about caring about Chell, about not wanting her to die/leave GLaDOS alone, about wanting to bake a cake with Chell, about waiting for Chell to wake her up. It’s so genuinely sweet and sad, and really, really romantic in the most heartwrenching way possible. 
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JoCo also came back for the Portal levels in Lego Dimensions, writing one final breakup song for GLaDOS to sing about Chell. It comes off as GLaDOS not wanting to admit she misses Chell even though she obviously does, trying to replace their relationship but failing, and even explicitly forgiving Chell/wanting her to come back.
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Also, the “finally I understand,” as if only now GLaDOS understands just how deep her feelings for Chell are... What else can I say?
In Lego Dimensions, GLaDOS also outright rejects anyone who isn’t Chell.
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In Conclusion:
Why do I ship Chell and GLaDOS? 
Well, ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether I ship them. 
Because I think it’s glaringly obvious Portal does.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
The way it's phrased I think this was said as a joke and it's very vague for me to address an issue with it. There is also some harmless fun in a post with people who want to see themselves represented and find some solace in Achilles not being "straight". I think the joke was not meant to be analyzed that much.
Now, I will talk a bit about it just because I haven't spoken about "the ship" in a long time and I want to have a recent reference. The tweet is just the cause, I am not addressing this specific tweet.
There is the phenomenon of modern people trying to put labels on ancient people who didn't use these labels (e.g. how we use the term "gay" may not have expressed homosexual men 2.000 years ago) which I caution against. We can't "reinterpret" ancient relationships with our modern lens and we should not. "Reinterpret" means "reinvent" or "changing how something is viewed". If you change it, it's not what it was anymore. If you don't like how the ancient story is told you can go read something else, what can I say 😂 We don't have an ancient "gayer" or a "more obvious" version, I am sorry!
I'd love representation as much as anyone, and I am against the erasure of "queer" identities from history but here we don't have enough evidence for the two being lovers except that they were two men very close to each other and had great love for each other, which makes them automatically gay.... if you live in the US Bible Zone.
Some people say "but look how devastated and angry Achilles was with Patroclus's death!" as if one can only feel these things only if their lover dies. If one loses a brother I suppose they feel... better than this? They are not devastated? Don't they refuse to eat? They don't want revenge against the one who killed their brother?
Greek culture encourages more affection than many northwest ones and I don't want us to also fall into the trap of "if you are too affectionate with your male friend you are obviously gay". Kissing on the mouth was also traditionally acceptable for Greek men to show kinship. So in this light, we are not sure what this type of affection meant 3.000 years ago.
We don't know too much about funerals and weddings of that time to draw a parallel to the case of Achilles and Patroclus. We know so little that two men having their bones mixed in the grave could be viewed as valid for two metaphorical brothers. Could they be a couple? Potentially! But we really don't know. I wouldn't have any issue if the original text said "aaand then they had sex" (or something somewhat indicative of a romantic or a sexual relationship). But the text doesn't say that so for me the most respectful I can be is "we don't know if they were a couple". We certainly know they were very close and we should be careful to not give them identities we are not sure they would claim for themselves.
It's true that ancient people also speculated and debated about their relationship. We can also speculate and debate about their relationship but I am a supporter of "work with what you have" (especially since we are 2.00 years more removed from the event) because playing the guessing game can steer you away to different stories and theories which might not have been what the older ancients had in mind.
I can acknowledge all the affection and love in the text and in case this made them lovers back then, then sure, no problem. I just don't know if it qualified to make them lovers based on everything I've read. For me, there is the basis to see them as brotherly friends. It's not that I don't want to see them as a couple! I actually would like us to have enough evidence to say that they were lovers! Buuut we don't have it.
And... what if I "reinterpret" Achilles as an aroace?? All the evidence is there for sure. All strong affection, all this connection, but no romance or sex. Maybe he didn't love anyone else romantically or sexually and he deemed brotherhood so high that he wanted his bones mixed with his best friend, whom he saw as a brother??
But well, the argument "the evidence is there" doesn't always work. Anyone can interpret anything to fit their own image. And if we start "reinterpreting" based on what we know today, we project our own wishes and modern ideas into the text and we lose focus of what the text shows us.
If one wants to have them in the back of their head like two gay men and another as asexuals or two trans men, fine! But we should all acknowledge this is only inside our heads and that the old texts can stand on their own. The text doesn't wait for my headcanon to be valid as it is.
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bybdolan · 2 years
I’d be really interested in reading any essay by you on that One True Love trope and how it’s impacted your view of relationships btw
The “One True Love” trope in particular is not really something I have struggled with in regard to my own life (although I definitely have stressed myself out over really wanting to be with only one person in my entire life), but it is part of this larger shipping-culture complex of viewing romantic relationships as part of a narrative that really affected the way I view love. Obviously this makes a lot of sense when looking at a piece of fiction, because romance absolutely does serve a narrative purpose in art, but it cannot be applied to real life because our lives are not a pre-written narrative. Having grown up in fandom, I often looked at the relationships I had in my own life as part of a larger plan. I evaluated possible romantic prospects on the basis of how they would fit my character growth or what they would communicate about me to outsiders. (The latter point is something that YouTuber Olisunvia touches on in her video on Hyperreality in Love, which I consider an incredibly important video on love in the age of social media and increasing communication of the self through consumption.) I would even go as far as to actively think about who an imaginary audience would “ship” me with. Romantic love became a vessel for self-actualization and my ideal of a relationship or a romantic partner was much more closely tied to outward perception than to what I actually wanted. The complex nature of my attraction to men in a society that frequently tells women to attach their self worth to a man also plays a big part in this, as does the general insecurity my teenage self felt, but I nonetheless believe that my conception of love would have been VERY different had I not grown up in online spaces were romance actually WAS something to be consumed and something that way conceived with the audience and a narrative in mind.
When romance is tied to a narrative or to an overarching theme or plot, when it is something that is supposed to grab the consumer’s attention, it isn’t really allowed to be plain or boring. And I am not saying that there aren’t stable relationships depicted in fiction, but when one takes a look at fanfic in particular, it becomes clear that the way love (and lust!) are depicted is oftentimes meant to elicit strong feelings in the reader. Of course fluff is a thing, but I personally don’t find it super interesting to read about characters cuddling on a couch. Which brings me to my main point: A lot of the time, traits that make a relationship good or compelling from a narrative standpoint are RADICALLY different from traits that make a relationship good in real life. This is why toxic, co-dependent relationships are interesting or why people get invested in decade-long pining, when both of these things would SUCK in real life. I am not saying real-life long-term relationships are boring, because I do not believe that is true, but a lot of it is just… Hanging out. You are not overcome with burning desire whenever you see your significant other. There is no endless “will they won’t they” back-and-forth. The love you have for them becomes simply blends in with the rest of your life. And it is wonderful! And it is very different from the high-stakes romance we often deal with when we look at popular ships!
Also, on a final note because I touched on it at some points in the previous paragraphs: The idea of the “one true love” is often tied to the trope of years and years of pining away after somebody because you will never love somebody else the same way, etc, that is frequently romanticized in tumblr circles. It may sound incredibly romantic, but it honestly kind of sucks when you are in that position, and it puts you at risk to put the object of your affection onto an incredibly high pedestal, which is a dangerous position to be in. Love is a magical, incredible thing, but it also is SO banal in a lot of ways. And there is a lot of beauty in that.
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