#a terf. anti nation mindset…
hyumjim · 3 months
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Hey guys. Found a new type of racist
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
I'm done with your purity
I'm fucking done with all of you westerners fucks who take your freedom for granted. AO3 was banned in china because pissy fans reporting RPF TO THE GOVERNMENT UNDER FALSE REPORT OF PEDO OR WHATEVER thus making life a living hell for Chinese writers and fans. ALSO LET ME TELL YOU that fanfic and AO3 is a safe space for many oppressed LGBT people outside of the west
I can't fucking say that I'm trans and bi without having people beating the shit out of me, but I can fuckin' write that I'm gay as fuck in fanfic or writing gay shit about my fave with fanfic
Imagine some people defending state wide censorship over fanfic, because they don't like icky fanfic, that's a sign that either you are brainwashed or fucking privileged and taking your freedom for granted. You know why Asian and other non western USA-European are more chill with fanfic and fandom?
Why we are less prone to make some stupid callout over fanworks?
Because most of us doesn't have the same information and expression privilege like the west, we take any freedom that we can have
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That's in 2017... There's probably more than one million websites being censored rn. I cannot even buy pride pin here because NO ONE outside of internet selling it! The censorship always begin from "banning information to protect children and moral from nsfw" down to censoring Spongebob Squarepants
You don't like something? Just don't fucking read it, it wouldn't stop the author to write and when they do stop writing usually after they are harassed so bad to the point of mental break down or suicide. What the actual fuck...
Defending and supporting state wide censorship because you want to feel superior on the internet is beyond stupid and it showing your privilege... Also yah fuck you who defend china aggressive state wide censorship because adult x adult RPF icky or whatever, I like reading Tom Hiddleston x Reader, because I'm lonely and it's fun. Don't lie that you never thinking of marrying your favorite celebrities or dreaming about dating Gerard Way.
What the fuck you gonna do about it? Crucify my ass? So long you are not shoving it to the person's face, who give a fuck? It's not a justifiable ground to cheer for government mandated national wide censorship. A lot of westerners are so privileged and terminally online to the point their mind revolve around online discourse 24/7 I'm not saying discourse has no damn merits but you get what I said...
Some people particularly white westerners are so privileged they have the chance to goes back 180° and agreeing with conservative mindset they claim to hate so much... Also your kink critical bullshit and your bullshit crusading over dark stories? Yeah. Heavily influenced by TERF and conservatism. Newsflash...
I'm not a person who agree with all ship or stories, i don't claim any moral high ground. I was so scared of getting cancelled due to the hostile neo puritan fandom culture, but seeing people defending China great firewall and aggressive censorship finally broke something inside of me and I cannot stay quiet
I don't give a fuck about your fanfic discourse, If i don't like something i just wouldn't fucking engage with it and wouldn't read...
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I'm done, I'm tired. Fucking tagging this shit as anti vs pro because i need to get the message out there and LET THE CHAOS begin
( When you want to escape your country censorship to the internet but then you see the supposed liberated westerners people wanting censorship because they want to feel moral. Yes there are even westerners who don't want to see anything even remotely 'problematic' example: they will attack Zutara or fuckin' Reylo shipper whatever. See? You are terminally online and so privileged... Congratulations... Here's your fucking medal and gold star)
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hello!! i'm sort of new to your blog and to in-depth research about irish paganism & history, so apologies if this ask is obvious or already answered on your blog, but could you explain why your blog is anti-druidry?
i understand if this is a personal thing to ask, so absolutely no pressure to divulge anything like that. i've done some research and been on a few more broad "celtic" pagan servers before and haven't heard any specific info about druidry in a negative light aside from the general "use your discernment and double check things" stuff. is there something i'm missing? (i appreciate the time you take to answer this, if you do. :} thank you)
Many druidic organizations have TERFs and White Supremacists on their recommended reading lists. They have lengthy histories of covering up sexual abuse within the organization. A good number of them actively prey on young people looking for their money for "coursework" (and by young people I mean as young as 13).
Not to mention that many of them try to push the idea of a pan-Celtic religion which is not just ahistoric but also kinda serves as this colonial mindset where the Celtic Nations aren't distinct from one another and treats them all as one entity regardless of historic and cultural differences.
And of course the vast majority of the history of druids that their organizations are based on is literally MADE UP. It's all fake. And several organizations can trace their origins directly to notorious antiquity forgers. And many of the resources they put out are just someone's UPG with baseless historical claims that don't hold up to the archaeological and written historical record.
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void-to-scream-into · 2 years
I can only assume it's a matter of time until I make a kinda badly-phrased/vague comment on a political post and someone will look up my blog to figure out what I meant, so I'm just gonna clear this up now just in case.
I'm a feminist, not a terf. I don't tolerate feminism-appropriateing reactionary transphobia, white feminism, militarist feminism, "Girl-Power" feminism or "if you ever imply sex work is a product of patriarchy, rape culture or capitalism you're a SWERF" mindset.
I'm vegan. Save the long-refuted arguments about veganism being "un-woke" that allegedly excuse supporting animal agriculture industries.
I'm queer and GNC. My blog is a safe space for fellow queer, GSRM and GNC people. No gatekeeping. Tumblr slur discourse is meaningless to me.
I regularly protest for Palestinian liberation in Haifa. PEPs are pro-colonialism, anti-zionism is not antisemetism.
I do not tolerate americanocentric propaganda, neither about the USA undemocratic two-party system, the "middle east" aka SWANA (which I'm from) or anything else.
I'm neurodivergent. My blog is a safe space for fellow neurodivergent (self diangosed included) and otherwise physically or mentally disabled people. I'm more well-intended than well-informed on the subject, feel free to tell me things I don't know.
I'm an anarcho-communist. I believe in opressed people's right for national self-determination. I also aspire for a world that doesn't require it. I haven't read much of the Marxist menifest (YET) but I do agree with most of what I know of it.
I hope this helps. Feel free to ask me anything about my political opinions and experience, as long as it's a genuine question for the sake of education/getting to know me and not just troll harassment.
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leblogdebrillante · 4 years
De fait, à Lyon, Lille ou Montpellier, des militantes qui ne s’inscrivaient pas dans la ligne intersectionnelle et refusaient de coller sur la question trans affirment avoir été contraintes de quitter le collectif auquel elles appartenaient. “J’ai peur de la déferlante de haine, écrit l’une d’entre elles à Marguerite Stern par l’intermédiaire de Twitter. J’ai été dans un groupe de colleuses et j’ai assisté à leur violence, comme exclure toutes celles qui ne pensent pas pareil et les mépriser/insulter/lyncher, refuser que des femmes ayant été victimes de violences collent, car ces femmes n’étaient pas assez intersectionnelles, selon le groupe.” “Il y a une confiscation du mouvement et de la parole par des filles qui ont dévié le mouvement avec des messages intersectionnels, confirme une pionnière. Bien sûr, que ce sont des combats légitimes et qu’on les soutient. Mais ce n’est pas pour ça qu’on est venues.” Avec une trentaine de colleuses parisiennes, elle envisage de constituer un groupe dissident.
Marguerite Stern a publié une photo de l’article complet sur Twitter.
The movement “Femicide posters” tears itself apart over the trans question
[Published in French newspaper Le Monde on January 31st, 2020 Note : “universalist feminism” is radical feminism, “intersectional feminism” is actually liberal/queer feminism. The terms have little to do with women of color.]
On Twitter, the feminist activist Marguerite Stern regretted that the anti-femicides movement she founded has now been monopolized par trans women. A stance that prompted her being ostracized.
It’s a microcosmic but ultra-violent war that, for a week, has been quietly taking place on Twitter and Instagram. Infighting that puts in jeopardy the “Femicide posters movement”, that became the showcase of activist feminism in many cities in France. Everything started from a series of tweets, posted on January 22nd by the founder of the movement, Marguerite Stern, successor of “universalist” feminism.
According to the ex-Femen, who has withdrawn from the movement since fall 2019, “debates about transactivism are taking more and more space in feminism, she reckons. I interpret that as a new masculine attempt to prevent women from expressing themselves.” But, she continues, “I am for the deconstruction of gender stereotypes, and I think that transactivism only reinforces them. I notice that men who want to be women suddenly start to wear makeup, dresses and high-heels. And I think it is an insult against women to think that tools invented by patriarchy are what makes us women. We are women because we have vulvas. It is a biological fact.”
In the few hours that followed, the response of “intersectional” feminists (who take discrimination based on race, class, religion... into account) very involved in the defense of sexual minorities, swarmed into social media.
Between insults and death threats, Marguerite Stern is branded a “terf” (for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist”) by her former friends of struggle. Some activists in Montpellier even posted a photo where they pose, giving the middle finger, in front of a poster “Sisters not cisterfs” (contraction of “cis”, which describes a person who identifies with their biological sex, and “terf”, feminist who excludes trans people).
As for Camille Lextray, intersectional activist who became national coordinator of the movement, she immediately denounced “transphobic” remarks. Now at the wheel, she takes cognizance of fundamental disagreements with Marguerite Stern : “Since fall, the group opens itself to other issues. By excluding trans women, we were betraying our feminism. If trans women face even more violence than trans men, that’s because they are women.” “Today, I have the feeling that the movement I created turned against me”, observes Marguerite Stern.
Especially as the ideological war became a street fight : overnight between January 24th and 25th, a group of extremist Parisian activists, who until then were denouncing femicides, totally called for the murder of their rivals with a poster “Terfs [burn] at the stake”, on Tunis street, in the 11th arrondissement. On January 26th, an intersectional activist sent a message to the others in the capital : “I am organizing a poster gluing session with the support of our transgender sisters as its main axis.” The chosen place : the lion on the Denfert-Rochereau square. Precisely where Marguerite Stern put her first posters in Paris... “I don’t regret my Twitter thread at all”, the young woman assures, however. “I don’t care about trans people existing. It sickens me that they are colonizing the feminist debate and making everything about themselves to the point that certain “cis” feminist only have that struggle as a goal.”
Actually, in Lyon, Lille or Montpellier, activists who were not following the intersectional mindset and refused to put up posters about the trans issue assure that they were pressured to leave the collective they belonged to. “I am scared of the wave of hatred, writes one of them to Marguerite Stern on Twitter. I was in a group of poster sticking activists and I saw their violence, like excluding everyone who doesn’t think the same way and despising/insulting/lynching them, refusing that women who were victims of violences put up posters, because they were not intersectional enough according to the group.” “There is a seizing of the movement and of speech by girls who deviated the movement with intersectional messages, a pioneer confirms. Of course, those are legitimate messages and we support them. But that’s not what we came for.” With around thirty poster sticking Parisian activists, she is considering starting a dissident group.
“In spite of the pressure”, the socialist senator Laurence Rossignol, former minister of women’s rights and president of the women’s assembly, lends her support to Marguerite Stern. “There is an injunction of silence on that topic, she assures. Yet, Marguerite Stern opened the debate. Women cannot stop speaking for women. Changing the mindset to reexamine feminism through transsexuality only leads to erasing women.” Philosophical militant quarrels that makes them lose sight of the most important thing : meanwhile, in Boulou, in the Pyrénées-Orientales, Valérie, 47, mother of four children, was killed, shot in the head by her partner.
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