#a whole ass main street I drive down
imfinereallyy · 1 year
celebrate softly
it my birthday today so here’s a lil gift from me to you (yes I know that’s not how this works haha) I made a bunch of little things is celebration, i probably won’t post these till later in the day so sorry if you get a bunch at once.
Steve wanted to like his birthday.
No, really, he truly did. He knew that birthdays were the one time of year you get to be a little selfish. The people you loved gathered around you to celebrate another year of you.
It was just that Steve was also used to disappointment.
Over the years, his birthday has consisted of either his parents parading him around at business dinners or the empty silence of a house that wasn’t ever a home.
His old friends were never around. It was a holiday weekend; he didn’t expect them to stick around. Even if they had, Steve was almost sure they would have made him throw a party, where they would have pressured him to get drunk and sleep with someone, and…
Yea, Steve wasn’t interested.
The one birthday he spent with Nancy had been okay. She had to go on a family trip, her parents attempt at getting their kids to cheer up over the loss of their friends, and she was going to leave the morning of his birthday. But at midnight of July 2nd, she had snuck into his window even though she could have walked through the front door. Nancy had brought him a cupcake, a small present, and a soft smile. Steve had wanted to kiss her, but he knew it wasn’t what she wanted then. He wanted to be respectful, so he held her hand instead.
Nancy hadn’t brought a candle, said she didn’t want to risk burning the Harrington Household down. Steve had laughed, saying that would be the best birthday present ever, but she hadn’t laughed back.
The present had been a book. Which wasn’t a terrible gift per se, Steve liked reading it was just he had difficulty doing it. He couldn’t focus long enough, or he would have to reread sentences over and over again.
It just didn’t feel worth the frustration.
But it was sweet of her to get him something, so he tried reading it. It took him months to finish it, even though it was small. It was boring, and Steve had found the main character whiny, and Steve had begun to wonder if Nancy was trying to tell him something.
Then the Upside Down round two had happened, Steve got his ass kicked again and learned that Catcher in the Rye was Jonathan’s favorite book.
Steve had thrown out the book amongst his bloody bandages.
Steve was only slightly hopeful to have a good birthday last year. He had good friends (sure, one was his ex, and the other were children, but he still counted them); Dustin would be home from camp, and even though he had work, he got to spend the whole day bothering Robin, which brought him a special kind of joy.
But then they were cracking Russian code, getting tortured, and watching Max’s Stepbrother die, all within the days of his birthday.
So Steve didn’t have high expectations this year. Sure, people knew it was his birthday, it was hard to hide when he was friends with the nosiest people, but most of them were spending the entire weekend staying with Max, and he would have been too if Max hadn’t thrown a remote at him when he suggested it.
So Steve had conceded to having a quiet but lonely July 2nd.
But then at 7 am there was a knock on his front door.
A knock was putting it lightly, there was pounding echoing in the Harrington Household.
When Steve walked up to the door, he was prepared to drive away some bigots who had been trying to “repent Hawkins.” They had been going around the richer neighborhoods recently, saying we needed to clean up the streets of the sinners and the queers.
Yea, they were knocking on the wrong door.
Steve hadn’t expect Eddie Munson, notorious night owl, to be crowding his doorway at 7 am.
“Harrington, have I ever told you how absolutely ugly your house is? Like for how wealthy your parents are, they chose an absolute nightmare of a layout! It makes no sense.” Eddie budged his way past Steve with his arms full of bags.
“I’ve been telling him that for a year, Eddie, and every time he just shrugs!” Steve turned to find Robin bullying her way through him as well. She had a handful of videos in her hands.
“Sure, come in, I guess,” Steve mumbled. He shut the door and turned toward his intruders. “Not that I don’t love a surprise appearance at—“ Steve checked his watch “—7:03 am, but is there a reason why you are awake before the birds are even chirping?”
Eddie snorted and just gave him a look instead of answering. Robin shook her head, “What doofus hear is trying to convey with a noise, Jesus Eds, I know you’re not a morning, but words please, is that we are obviously here for your birthday. You, Steven Alison Harrington—“
“Not my middle name.”
“—we’re born at exactly 7:07 am on July 2nd. So we had to be here to say happy birthday officially!”
“How do you even know the time? I don’t even know that.”
“She snuck a look at your file last time Owen’s was in town.” Eddie smirked.
Robin hit him upside the head, “Don’t tell him that asshole, he already thinks I’m crazy enough. And don’t act like this wasn’t your idea!”
Eddie rubbed the back his head in dramatic fashion then yelled, “Snitch!” through hissed teeth.
Steve felt himself unthaw at the idea that these two weirdos woke up this early for him. “Ah, well, thanks, guys.” A blush rose on his cheeks, “Well, thanks for stopping by; you guys can go home and sleep if you want.”
“Stevie, did you think we brought all this to just leave? On your birthday. Oh no, no, no. We are having a whole movie and snack day! I brought weed, and chips, and we can order a pizza later in the day. And just be lazy weirdos in your fancy living room.” Eddie hopped up on his coffee table, startling a laugh from Steve.
“That sounds like a typically Friday for us, what’s so special about it?” Steve teased.
“Well we brought all of your favorite movies! Grease, Top Gun, Karate Kid, Indiana Jones...wait I think I'm noticing a theme here—“
“Robin!” Steve screeched, his blush coming back with vengeance. He didn’t want her to reveal there very obvious, and embarrassing pattern to his favorite films.
“And!” Eddie said from atop his place on the coffee table, unfazed by the two of them, “We are paying for the pizza.” His voice oozed with pride at that. Steve was sure he had come up with the idea.
“Wow I’m a spoiled prince. Maybe ever think I wanted to stay in bed?” Steve raised a single eyebrow.
“Oh but my sweet prince, we know you rather spend this glorious day with us.” Eddie was confident, with confidence came the damn nicknames, and Jesus Christ—this blush of his was never going away. “Besides what else could you wish for!”
A kiss from you. Steve thought quickly.
Steve sighed deeply before saying, “Alright. Get down.”
Eddie seemed taken aback, like he hadn’t expected the rejection. “Oh yea man, of course. We will get out of your hair.” He scrambled off the table.
Steve giggled, “No Eds. I’m moving the coffee table. This couch is a pullout. We can all just lay on it while we watch movies.”
Eddie’s face lit up while Robin yelled, “Oh thank god, I’m exhausted.”
An hour later, when the sun was still barely risen and Grease blared in the background, Robin was bundled up in the blankets they dragged from his room, out like a light.
Eddie and Steve huddled close, but didn’t touch. The anticipation and want sat between them. “I actually have something for you.” Eddie whispered.
Robin snored beside them; Steve looked at her fondly. “You don’t have to whisper; she’s a heavy sleeper. Learned that the hard way.”
“Ah well, I have a present for you.”
Steve knows he should say that Eddie shouldn’t have, or insist he returns it. He knew it was the polite thing to do. He couldn’t find it in himself to do it, though. The idea that Eddie even thought to get him something beyond the amazing day they had planned (truly Steve couldn’t ask for a better day), but Eddie had spent his time to get something for Steve.
It was nice to have someone who would do something nice for you just because they can, not because they should. So, Steve waited patiently as Eddie reached into his bag beside the couch.
“Here.” Eddie spoke, placing the roughly wrapped package in his lap.
There was a tiny notecard with Eddie’s chicken scratch on it; Steve decided to read that first.
No adventure is the same without you, and this is the only one I have taken without you by my side. Thought it was about time we changed that. Hopefully we are not forever partners in crime (we’ve had enough of that) but instead, adventurers taking on then great unknown.
Eddie Munson ッ
Steve smoothed over the card and tried not to cry. The poorly drawn smiley face stared up at him from the piece of parchment. Steve tucked it into his pocket for safe keeping; he might even frame it.
Eddie looked at Steve eagerly as he tried to open the package. He does it slowly to tease Eddie; his frustrated little growl made butterflies in Steve’s stomach.
Inside the package is a worn-out book, one he would recognize anywhere, considering he saw it every day on Eddie’s bookshelf. “Eds, this is your copy of Lord of the Rings. I can’t take this.”
Eddie put his hair in front of his mouth, suddenly shy, “Well, it wouldn’t be exactly yours. It’s just I thought it would be fun to, ya know, read it together? Like we take turns reading to each other. I know the kids always bug you to read it, and I noticed that it’s hard for you to focus sometimes, and I get that, so it might be easier if we like make it a thing? I know it’s probably not your interest; it’s my favorite book, not yours, so you know what? This is stupid—“
Steve cut him off by pulling him into a hug. Steve buried himself into Eddie’s neck before saying, “Thank you. It’s the best birthday present.”
“Really?” Eddie pulled back to look at Steve’s face. Whatever he found there must settle him, because he relaxed his shoulders. “I know it’s silly, but I guess I wanted to share this piece of myself with you…and maybe spend some more time together.”
Steve didn’t mention how they spent almost every day together, didn’t think he had to either. They both knew.
Steve decided to be bold instead. He pushed Eddie back into the couch and settled his back into Eddie’s chest. He snuggled into the warmth of his arms.
Steve put the book in Eddie’s hand. “Okay, you read first.”
Eddie laughed; Steve could feel the vibrations from under his skin. It was delightful; it was delicious. “Oh, you want to start now?”
Steve made an indignant noise while Eddie laughed again at him. His hands settled at the back of Steve’s neck as he played with hair that brushed it.
“When Mr Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventyifirst birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was …”
And once again, hours later, when Steve woke up, after drifting to Eddie’s soft, deep voice, Steve felt something settle in him. He felt Eddie lightly snoring beneath him, one hand still tangled in his hair. He felt Robin’s hand wrapped around his ankle, grounding the both of them. And there, between all of them, was the fallen book with no bookmark, signaling they would have to start again.
Maybe, sometimes. Steve thinks, birthdays could be good.
projecting. projecting. projecting. that’s me.
I hope you guys liked this one :) I did use my own bday for him, but the time he was born at is different than mine lol. I had a lot of fun writing it, it was just the softness I needed.
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starillusion13 · 1 year
A Night for Apology
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Pairing: bf! Hongjoong x f! reader x bf! Yunho
Genre: Angst, Smut, Non Idol au, Mature
Warnings: very suggestive things, mature themes, mention of ( brat, bitch), boyfriends being angry with you, controlling and possessiveness (don’t know what more to add, if these all are giving you hints what more can be there so be aware of it please)
W.C: 3.6k
Note: My horny ass for pissed off Yunho and Hongjoong made me write this after watching a reel on the insta so bear with my work.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere
@yeoobin @anyamaris (I know you both are down for mad Yunho and Joong)
*under the cut*
“Where are you now?”, your friend is asking you for the third time this evening. She is calling you for past two hours but you were not picking up as you were not sure whether you can go to your destined place for today. The plan to spend the whole day at your friend’s place for a girls’ sleepover was planned last week when you all four suddenly met at the mall. It was all fine until today when you received a call from your boyfriends telling you they can be possibly home before the date of return. You were tensed after the call but somehow made up your mind to take a final decision and picked up your friend’s call when it was the fourth time for the missed call.
“I will be there in thirty minutes.” You are staring at the mirror while on the call to check your look for the nth time before heading out. With one hand, you hastily packed up all the necessary belongings for the sleepover in your vanity bag and the other hand is still busy pressing the phone to your ears to hear your friend ramblings.
“Are you sure you will be coming today? Our meeting was supposed to be started two hours back but neither we saw any sign of your coming nor you were picking up the call. Are you okay?” The phone got snatched away from your friend. A rather louder voice spoke up now.
“If you have any problem then we can arrange this for another time.” Another time? Oh, not possible. This is the only chance you have until your boyfriends return from the business trip. If your boyfriends get to know about your today’s plan then it would not go well for you.
“Oh! its okay, both of you relax, I will be there soon. Don’t worry too much.” Switching off the lights and locking the door of your grand house, you walked towards the main street. You can’t take your car because they have taken your keys away as you are being disobedient to them for last two months. They have banned you for going out when they found out your sneak outs with your friends with whom they have warned not to meet. It’s not like they don’t want you to meet with others but they don’t trust two of your friends as they think those two don’t have good intentions to you. But you being persistent and still going to meet your best friend where those two friends will also be there.
 It’s okay as far as they are not aware of this.
Getting inside the cab, an uneasy feeling settles down at the pit of your stomach as to what can possibly happen if they ever get to know about today. The ring of a phone call takes you out of your thoughts, without looking at the id you picked up hoping to hear your friend’s voice.
“Y/N where are you?” your eyes go wide on hearing the deep masculine voice for which you double check the id and it shows ‘Yuyu’. Pity you, being always in a hurry leads you to this situation. Not coming with a fast excuse rather you cut the call when the driver made the horn sound indicating your arrival to your friend’s place. You still looking at the screen which went black for getting turn off after thirty seconds of screentime. Dim street lights are still enough to reflect your shocked eyes into the tiny phone screen. Debating in your mind for the 5th time, you made up to go back to your house. Telling the driver to drive you back, you quickly sent a text to your friend telling her about your sudden headache to which she insisted you to take rest and not to think about turning them down like this.
The whole ride back to home was a mental battle for you and your thoughts as to what to tell him after calling him back. Well, you are a bit confused as why neither one of them yet called you back when you without replying a word cut the call back then. You are looking at the phone screen in anticipation to get a call but silence; neither a call nor a single text. Maybe they are busy in any business deals or so, they would might call you back later so you need to prepare some believable excuses before the interaction. You were so lost in thoughts that you didn’t notice the cab pulled in by the main street stop. It was prepaid so you quickly got down and head towards the house. The silence of the night is contrasting the loud thoughts inside your head, the shiny backless short dress making you the brightest star on the street.
Unlocking the door, your senses hit with a familiar smell of a perfume. Why is this smell so strong now? Switching on the lights, you keep your bag on the top of door side cupboard, back still facing the main area of the living room.
“So, you really went there again?” there is someone in my house and this smell all around, so that means he is here.
Turning around you face the reality of the current situation, Hongjoong sitting on the centre sofa with legs spreading wide with elbows placed on the knees and hands joined above with chin on top of it, eyes staring daringly to you.
“Ho-hongjoong?........” you are still shocked to see him at this hour here. They were supposed to return next week but the early return was not expected to be so early.
“What? Why are you like a cat being caught?” giving you his wicked grin.
“You are back so early? I-I didn’t expect you to be here.” He is still wearing his outside clothes; the black leather jacket with funky black jeans and a black tee inside. You looked around to find any trace of other presence when you noticed a bigger size black jacket placed on the handle of the other sofa and now you are sure Yunho might be taking shower in upstairs.
“Are you not happy or are you disappointed as we are interrupting your brat routines of sneaking out to places you are being banned to?” he is not joking, he is dead serious with you even though he is grinning. His eyes are travelling all over your body, under his gaze you are really feeling exposed also your dress is not helping but adding the anger in him. His expression is dark full with anger but lust in his eyes. The cold air of air conditioner is hitting your skin making you realize you need to change the attire and also not to become the prey to the person before you. You hesitantly placed few hairs behind your ears and breaking the eye contact with the eyes which are now focused to your movements, you turned towards the stairs.
 “Where are you going now?” the question made you stop in your tracks in a fast reflex. You have already messed up the situation and also don’t have well prepared explanation and now without giving him a proper reply, you are going to your room. Is it really a good way to escape?
“I will just go to my room. I’m fe-feeling sick right now.” Your stuttering never helped you to act strong in front of them.
“Really? Come here.” Joong signalled you to sit beside him on the sofa.
 “No no its okay. Its just a minor headache, I can take care of myself.”
“Headache? The one suddenly occurred after the call from Yunho?” dang! How does he know about your excuse to your friends?
“I really d-don’t know what you are talking about.” You just want to run away from this house and hide in a place somewhere where they can’t find you until everything about today is forgotten.
“Oh my poor baby. I think your memory is becoming short then . You might be thinking so much about something.” The words are so soft but you know this is him mocking you with a dangerous look on his face which is only caused when he is mad at you. After warning you so many times, you still went to meet those friends even without asking them for once.
“Come here.” He blankly stated while staring at you the way he would jump on you anytime if you try to move in any other direction.
“Look, you are not going to control me or tell me what to do.” Wow. The strong woman is appearing in you. You are really pissing this man to the edge. Edge? The man stood up abruptly and with quick steps came in front of you facing close to you. He glared at you in a way, you can melt down in that place right at that moment. He holds your hand and the grip is way tighter and then pulled you towards the sofa and made you sit with him. The sudden bending made your tight dress to ride up the thigh a bit exposing lot more skin. He glanced there but quickly looked up to glare at you.
You tried to glare at him as well but miserably failing when a hand comes near your forehead to wipe away the hairs and then he pressed four fingers to your forehead. He might be a menace but a softie if you are sick or when you need something. He smirked at you when he caught you staring at him.
“Don’t have a fever so I suppose you don’t have that little headache as well.” Hearing his statement, you scoot backwards to run away from there. You are now leaning to the cushioned handle of the sofa, Joong keeping his one arm over the headrest of the sofa and lifted one leg on the sofa slightly bending the knee joint to sit comfortably facing you.
“I’m sorry……” you whispered.
“What? Speak loudly. I can’t hear you.” Joong is no more smiling but having a pissed off look which is referring to your deeds have surpassed his limits of temper.
“I’m sorry Joong.” You look down feeling guilty and keep on fiddling with your two thumbs. He loves you a lot but why you are still not listening to their warnings. They have always treated you like their princess but still their possessiveness sometimes is way too much. But no matter what you love them the most, they mean your world and the only family.
“I don’t think you are really sorry.” That’s it. You are going to say the world good bye this night. This voice alone can make you fall on your knees and ask for forgiveness. The new guest in between the moments of you and Joong is the real menace. While the other one can be a softie for few moments but this one is a total egotistic. You craned your neck to the direction of the voice.
Standing at the last step of the stairs with wet hairs and a white t-shirt with a casual trouser. The fresh lavender smell filled the atmosphere of the room. The tall frame throwing daggers at your small frame from the distance. He is totally looking like a fresh meal but to your disappointment you are not getting it unless you are sincerely apologizing to them.
“Yuyu, I’m really sorry.”
“Don’t call me that when you are just going to be a disobedient girl later.” You tried to pout at him but his glare made you shut up.
Distracted with Yunho, you didn’t notice how Joong’s eyes travelling longingly over your every exposed skin, literally eye fucking you. You felt tug in your hands and suddenly Joong pulled you on his lap.
You yelped on this sudden act and you can feel a different sensation in your stomach.
“What should we do with you?” Joong whispered.
“Joong…..” you moan out his name when his hands trail upon your thighs and on your back which is exposed because of the backless dress. His warm hands giving the perfect feels in the cold room.
“Don’t give her the satisfaction for anything Hongjoong.” You can hear Yunho speaking behind you. His presence is near to you yet far away to feel his touch.
“I’m not going to give her anything when she is just being a bitch like this.” Joong spoke glaring at you. You are so immersed to feel his touch, your eyes shot open on hearing his words.
“Why?” Titling his head, Joong asked you. You felt a third presence on the sofa just right behind you.
“You are really disappointing Y/N.” Hearing your name from his lips for the first time this night making you feel excited and anticipated of what can happen next. The large hands coming up to your scalp brushing the hairs and then messaging it when you felt a harsh pull to make you face the owner of the voice.
“She is really enjoying this.” Joong spoke up while playing with your fingers.
Yunho leaned his back on the cushion handrest and spread his long legs in front of him reaching to both side of your frame on Joong’s lap. He signalled Joong to make you sit between his long legs with your back resting to his chest, your legs are now spread similarly like him but so tiny compared to him. Joong made himself comfortable and sat facing you both.
“So, as you know this was your last warning.” Yunho’s deep voice near your ear and his vibrating chest in contact with your back is igniting the sensation in you but you know you are helpless in this situation when he is just so mad at you.
“I said am sorry but you both should know that you can’t always control me in every situation.”
“This is too much. You have disobeyed us and now arguing with me.”
Joong chuckled and now your attention is to the opposite male. He moved a bit forward to slightly hover your tiny frame. The hand in your hair is no longer there but tracing over your sides slowly, very slowly.  You tried to move a bit forward but you were held back by Yunho. He is gripping your forearms tightly to make you still. Your thighs rubbed together to feel any sensation to reduce the heat and wetness pooling between your legs. Hongjoong noticed your actions when he placed his knee between your thighs to separate them. You close your eyes in frustration for loosing friction.
Yunho’s big hand slaps your bare thigh to make your eyes water on the burning sensation on the skin. You look back towards him and see him devilishly smirking at you on your helpless state. Again, you move your attention towards Hongjoong. Yunho’s hands travel a bit upwards to lower your thin straps of your dress down exposing your shoulders and the upper chest. Joong eying the actions of his friend. They might be once close friends but their common interest on you and you accepting them made them become closer. Suddenly his eyes met yours.
“If you are thinking, you will be repeating this again and getting treated like this so good then you are wrong baby. We are just preparing you for the punishments later you will be receiving. I might let you slide sometimes but yunho would never.”
“I will never. Why don’t you listen to us?” his fingers intertwined with your one hand and your other hand is playing with Joong’s fingers.
“I really wanted to meet them. They are my friends after all.” You said looking at where Joong’s knees separating your thighs.
“They are not your friends. They always try to distract your mind by telling you that we are not nice people and you should stay away from us. Despite you keep on insisting to meet them. At this point I think you are starting to believe them.”
Yunho’s grip become tighter on hearing Joong. He can’t deal with any of such nuisance when anything is bothering you or his relationship between your or with his friend.
“No!....I don’t  believe them…..”
“When we have already warned you from meeting them, you started to sneak out and lying us that you are going somewhere else.” Hearing the voice laced with anger from behind you made you realize that how disappointed they are with you.
“Look at me.” You glanced up to see Joong’s face is so near to you. He added, “your friends keep telling you that you should find another man for yourself who will be better than us and you without ignoring them, still being friends and even meeting with them often.” His thumb brushing your lips and then gripping the jaw tightly. You tried to move your hands up to hold his hand but got held back when Yunho locked your hands to both of your sides.
“You are not in charge in what to do. We will be controlling this tonight. We will be punishing you in such a way that when your friends meet you next time can know that you are claimed by us for the lifetime and no other man should ever think of coming near to you nor getting a chance with you.”
Joong smirked on his friend’s words. His glanced at yunho and then slowly comes near to your face that you can feel his mint breath and he kissed you. He is not kissing you but totally devouring on you and your lips is his last meal. He moved his knee a bit forward and pressed it to your heat. He paused for a moment before taking off his jacket followed by his black tee. He is only in his jeans now and again he smashed his lips on you. Your fingers are aching to touch those abs in front of you but this is not happening today.
Joong pulled you towards him in between the kisses when he bit your lips to enter your mouth. Meanwhile, yunho takes off his t-shirt and Joong again pushed you back to his friend’s chest. Your bare back coming in contact with the bare chest of Yunho making your back arch a bit and toes curling in the sensation of his abs. You can feel something poking in the lower back. You are closing your eyes to take in this intimate position. You tried to move your body to Joong’s knees but you were restrained.
“Stay in place. You are not getting anything.” Yunho commanded.
Breaking the kiss while gasping for air, you whispered “please……”
“What?” Joong wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth asked you.
“I need you both……”
“No!” Yunho again slapped your thighs and your watery eyes needily look towards Joong.
“I can’t do anything now if you are asking for help as I’m equally pissed off with you.”
Suddenly you felt wet kisses over your shoulder and hands busy removing the hairs from your neck and shoulders and keeping them in a high knot over your head. Yunho is griping your hairs tightly in his big hands. Biting and kissing all over your exposed neck and shoulders with Joong’s knee to your heat is taking to your edge of neediness. You closed your eyes and moaned out loud when Yunho bit just below the ear as he knows your sweet spot where you are most sensitive. 
“Oh! My baby is enjoying this then we should stop here.” Joong spoke in between pushing the dress upward from your thighs exposing more of your wet heat. He bent one of your legs and kissing them from the knees trailing to the inner thigh, still pressing the knee to your heat.
Your eyes shot open, “No please….this is too much…I can’t take this anymore….”
“I’m tired so……I want to go to my room”, You added thinking to get off this frustration off on your own inside your room.
Yunho huffed and harshly made you turn towards him. “You don’t speak here today when the fault is yours. Suffer like this or I have some other ways to make you follow my orders.”
“Well, I know something to make it more fun.” Joong suggested while standing up from the previous position. You lose every contact with him which makes your heat ache more for any friction to the spot. Standing beside the sofa, he takes in your form with Yunho. He smirked to the view in front of him before signalled you both to stand up.
“what’s more fun to you?” yunho questioned his friend.
“Isn’t she tired then we can all take a shower all together.”
“No I- “
“Oh! That.” Yunho made himself and you to stand up from the sofa. Your dress falling down exposing your whole figure only in your underwear in front of the two males. Yunho eyed your whole frame a bit longer before smirking at you and then looked towards Joong who was already halfway through the stairs.
“Let’s resume this game from where we paused in there. Right tiny?”
“That’s going to be a long night to accept your apology baby.”Joong loudly alert you from the stairs.
(Let's be friends if you are in need of any friend. Also, I like to hear from my beautiful readers if they liked about any sudden parts in the fic so please do tell me.)
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
baby, I'm the whole damn meal
I have no explanation other than I need to find myself a dbf!Joel of my own because this man is magic. Welcome to part 6 with our friendly neighbourhood DILF. Enjoy.
Pairing | dbf!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary | Joel saves your ass by giving you a ride to work, and then promises you a night you won't forget.
Word Count | 4.2k
Warnings | As ever, blanket warning for dbf!Joel being a general menace. Age gap (Reader is 25, Joel is 36), flirting, light sexting, edging/orgasm denial, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, praise kink, protected PiV sex, aftercare.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Texas Sun Playlist
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You’re late. Not exactly the first impression you were hoping to make on the start of your second week at work. It was sweltering outside, which meant you’d opted for a shorter and thinner dress to begin with, then thrown it off and gone for something more work-appropriate when you remembered the archives were basically like a freezer from the air-conditioning. You said a silent prayer to your beat-up car that it’s feeling generous with you on the drive into the city and will let the aircon work, so you don’t turn up looking like you’d run five miles. 
You grab your keys and your bag and bound out of the door, straight into the back of your dad, who is stood on the porch talking to Joel. 
“Woah, careful there, kiddo,” Your dad murmurs, catching you before you can fall back on your ass, “In a rush?” 
“If I don’t leave in the next thirty seconds, I’ll be late for work,” You explain, steadying yourself on your feet, “Oh, morning Joel.” You shoot over your dad’s shoulder, as if you hadn’t spotted him the second you opened the door. 
“Morning,” He shoots back, giving his signature smile to you, which causes a blush to flush across your cheeks, “You have a good day now.” 
“You too!” You call over your shoulder, unlocking your car and throwing your back in the back seat. 
You settle into the driver’s side and turn your key and groan, because of course the engine is spluttering and refusing to actually switch on. It’s like it can sense you’re in a rush, the one morning you really need it to cooperate with you, it decides it’s had enough. 
“You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me,” You mumble, letting your forehead hit the top of the steering wheel, “I ask one thing and you can’t even do that.” 
A light tapping on the driver’s window makes you jump, but it’s just Joel. You open the door slightly, “You need a ride?” 
“I don’t want you to go out of your way for me,” You mumble, “But yeah, I need a ride.” 
“I’m headin’ into town for some supplies so it’s no trouble at all, sugar,” He speaks quietly so your dad doesn’t catch the new nickname Joel’s got for you, “You hop into my truck, and we’ll get goin’ as soon as I’ve said goodbye to your old man.” 
You’re listening to their conversation as you reach for your bag and heat to the passenger side of Joel’s truck. 
“You make sure you bring the little lady over when she’s back,” Your dad is saying, “I’ll make sure to get the grill going.” 
“I will,” Joel promises, reaching out his hand for your dad to shake it, “I’ll catch you later, old man.” 
Your dad chuckles, “Make sure she pays you for gas, Joel!” He exclaims once Joel has turned around to make his way to his truck, “It’s her own fault for not buying a new car sooner.” 
“Oh, don’t worry,” He shoots a look at you through his open driver’s side window, “I’ll make sure she pays for her ride.” 
You’re stunned into silence for a while as he sits down behind the wheel and makes to pull out of your dad’s driveway. He looks over at you and shrugs with a laugh, “You okay, darlin’?” 
“Are you for real?” You scoff, “You’re a subtle as a brick sometimes, Joel Miller.” 
“I didn’t say anythin’ that wasn’t true.” 
It’s too early in the morning for this, you decide, “What were you doing over here anyway?” 
“Your dad wanted to borrow some tools for somethin’,” He answers, pulling out of your street and onto the main road, “Brought ‘em over before I went to work.” 
You nod in understanding, “And Sarah, she’s back soon, right?” 
He hums in the affirmative, letting his palm rest on your knee, “Back tomorrow evenin’, means it might be harder to see you.” 
You take hold of his hand at your knee, “We always knew that Joel,” You turn and smile at him, “We’ll make it work.” 
It. Whatever it was, you were determined to make it work. In the space of a few weeks, he’d well and truly wormed his way under your skin and settled there, refusing to leave even if you’d wanted him to. Too caught up in how he fucked you and not wanting to cause him to run off into the sunset with your conversations of commitment, you’d skirted round asking what it was that you two were doing exactly. If it meant you could keep him by your side and buried deep inside you, you’d carry on avoiding the conversation too. 
“How about you come to mine after work?” He suggests, “I don’t know, tell ya’ dad you’re going out, I’ll pick you up and I can make the most of you while I still can?” 
You think for a second about how you’ll get that one past your dad. You’d been home straight after work every night last night, staying up only long enough to eat your dinner, before collapsing into bed. And it was a Monday night, who the hell goes out on a Monday night after work? But if this was the last time you were going to get Joel, in his house alone, you were damn sure you were going to do it. 
“Alright,” You agree, giving his hand a squeeze, “Pick me up at six?” 
“I’ll be ready and waiting, sugar.” 
“I promise I’ll be sensible dad,” You sigh, shoveling another forkful of salad into your mouth, “It’s just a few drinks, we won’t be that late.” 
“Alright, well, if you need pickin’ up earlier, you just call, okay?” You know he only means well when he goes into protective mode, but you’re twenty-five years old and managed to live in New York City for years without any real incident, “And if your designated driver starts drinkin’ you call me.” 
You feel your phone vibrate against your ear, signaling a text, “I will dad,” You spear another bit of lettuce with your fork, “I gotta go, but I’ll see you later.” 
“See you later, kiddo,” He speaks, “Love you.” 
“Love you too!” 
As soon as you hang up, you’re checking your messages. It’s Joel. He’s a man of few words when it comes to texting, only ever really using it to make plans with you to sneak around somewhere. 
Joel Miller. 
Can’t stop thinking about you. 
You smile at your desk, resting your chin in your palm as you read it over. 
Can’t stop thinking about you either. 
You put your phone back on your desk and finish your lunch. Not only is he a man of few words when it comes to texting, but it usually takes him a good ten minutes to reply. You’ve seen him texting Sarah to the point that it’s actually comical. 
Been thinking of bending you over my kitchen counter, what do you think? 
You almost splutter the mouthful of water you were drinking all over the computer screen in front of you. Was Joel Miller attempting to sext you at work? 
Dangerous thoughts for the middle of the day. But you know I like being bent over just for you. 
This time he does take a few minutes to respond. You like to think you’ve got him flustered on whatever jobsite he’s at today, shoving his phone back into his pocket and taking deep breaths so he can go back to work with a clear head. 
I know you do baby. Gonna fuck you so good later, be feeling me for days. 
That’s not much of a change Joel, I always feel you for days after. 
You grab your phone and the list of documents your manager had given you to pull for the afternoon and head down into the archive itself. You check your phone, thankful there’s enough signal for any more of his messages to come through to you. 
Might not get the chance again for a while, gotta make sure you’re remembering me for as long as possible. 
You scoff a little, as if you’d ever forget. 
Gonna be in for a long night then? 
You start pulling the documents on the list, getting three down before your phone is vibrating again. 
If you can walk outta my house, I’ve not done it properly. 
You can feel the arousal pooling in your lower stomach, goosebumps peppering your skin at the thought of him doing just as he promised. Burying himself deep inside you, pounding his cock into from behind. You can already feel the delicious ache he usually leaves you with. 
I hope that’s a promise, Miller. Now stop distracting me and go back to work. 
His reply, for once, is almost instantaneous.
Yes ma’am. See you at six. 
The rest of the day is a blur. You’re too distracted by Joel’s promises that it takes you far longer than it should to finish pulling all the documents you needed. Then, when your mind wanders to visions of the last time he had you bent over a kitchen island, you have to double check where you’re distributing them to. You’re grateful when, at six o’clock, your colleague Hanna comes up behind you, your bag in her hand, to tell you it’s time to leave. 
“Come on, I’ll walk you out.” She smiles. 
Hanna was close to your age, which was a welcome change to the mostly older women who worked in your team. She was Canadian, moving to Austin after her degree and you’d already become fast work friends. When you exit the building, Joel is stood against the hood of his truck, one ankle folded over the over, with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Who is that?” Hanna enquires when he waves at you. 
“That’s Joel,” You smile, not able to hide the pride that this man was yours, “He’s my…. Well, I actually don’t know what he is, but we fuck.” 
Hanna’s eyes dart between you and Joel, a smirk on her face, “Damn girl, get it.” 
You both break into fits of giggles before you give each other a hug, Hanna heading down to catch the bus to her apartment whilst you practically jog over to Joel’s truck. 
“What’s so funny?” He grumbles, dipping his head to press a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Oh nothing,” You tease, standing on your tiptoes to press another kiss to his lips, “Just happy to see you.” 
You feel his hand trail down your back to grip the globe of your ass through your dress, “You talkin’ about me, pretty girl?” He growls into your ear. 
“Might have been,” You shrug, “Just showing you off, handsome.” 
“Get in the damn truck.” He says with a playful swat to your ass. 
“Yes sir.” You smirk, hopping up into your seat. 
The drive back to his house in thick with tension. He’s got his hand on your leg, much like he had this morning, but this time his fingers are gripping into the meat of your thigh. Whenever it’s safe, his eyes are trailing over your body, dark with wanting. He pulls up outside his house in no time, taking a few moments to look up the street to make sure no-one is going to notice you sneaking in through his front door. 
When the coast is clear, you grab your bag and follow him to the door. He unlocks it and pushes it open, letting you through first. 
“You hungry, Joel?” You call over your shoulder once you’ve thrown your bag next to his couch, “We could order something in?” 
You’re rooting through his fridge for something cold to drink and don’t hear a reply. Gripping the tops of two bottles of beer, you stand back up, “Hey, Joel, did you hear me?!” You yell as you’re closing the fridge door. 
“I heard ya.” He’s standing at the kitchen island, leant on his palms, with those deep, brown eyes trailing over your body. 
“So, are you hungry?” You ask again, flicking the tops off the bottles before placing one down in front of him. 
His eyes drag slowly down your body as he tips his bottle to his lips, “I could eat, yeah.” 
“What are you hungry for?” You question, “We could get pizza, or maybe a Chinese takeout?”
He shakes his head, “Not hungry for those.” He shrugs. 
“Well, what are you hungry for?” 
Your eyes widen at his words, “I’m not even really a snack Joel.” 
He’s shifted his position to be leaning on his hip at the end of the island with his hand outstretched to you, “Sugar, you’re so wrong,” He breathes as you take hold of his hand, “You’re a whole damn meal.” 
He’s leading you to the table and gesturing for you to sit on it, “You want me to sit on there?” You ask with a snort, not sure that it’s going to hold your weight. 
“I said I was hungry for ya, didn’t I?” Joel asks with an eyebrow raised, you nod in agreement though, “Well then sit down and let me eat that perfect pussy.” 
He steadies you with wide palms on your hips as you settle your ass on the table. Of course, it holds your weight, because he built it. You remember Sarah gushing over how he’d made it a few years back. 
Joel drops to his knees after he’s pulled the chair away from the table, his hands dragging from your hips to the hem of your dress just above your knees. He’s pushing the fabric up your thighs devastatingly slowly, pressing hot kisses to each inch of new skin he uncovers. You’re leaning back with your palms braced on the wood behind you, soft gasps tumbling from your lips at each touch of his lips to your skin. 
Once he’s shucked as much of the material to bunch at your waist as he can, his hands are back on your hips, this time under your dress, keeping you in place as he drags the same slow trail of kisses back down your other thigh until he reaches your knee. He’s hooking both of your legs over his shoulders, shuffling into you a little more on his knees before you can feel hit hot breath fanning the material of your underwear which is practically sticking to your core from arousal. 
“You gonna be all wet for me, sugar?” He asks, “All that textin’ got you worked up for me?
“What don’t you find out for yourself?” You challenge, feeling your legs shake on his shoulders from the slight chuckle he lets out. 
“Would rather you tell me,” He murmurs, planting a kiss on the skin of your groin, right where the seam of your underwear begins, “Tell me how hot I made ya?” 
“So fucking hot, Joel,” You whimper as he presses a similar kiss to the other side of your underwear, “Couldn’t think straight.” 
He’s gently running his thumb along the seam of your pussy through the cotton covering your core. It’s so featherlight that if you weren’t burning from every nerve ending, you’d probably have missed it, but it’s there, and it has you bucking your hips and begging for more friction. 
“So, if I peeled these off, you’d be soaked for me, right sugar?” 
You gather what sanity is left in your brain, reaching down between your thighs to take his chin in your hand, tilting his face to meet yours, “Why don’t you fuck around and find out, Joel Miller?” 
With his eyes on yours you swear you see something snap behind his brown orbs. His hands are practically ripping the material off your body. They’re thrown over his shoulder and forgotten, just like his need to incessantly tease you when the flat of his tongue licks a wide stripe along the now naked seam of your pussy. A soft sigh leaves your lips as his tongue mimics the movement once more, this time, the tip of his tongue dipping just below your folds to graze your clit, ever so gently. 
You’re widening your thighs, baring your naked cunt to his face. He’s got his hands splayed back on your hips to keep you still, his tongue once against licking a familiar stripe, this time through your folds, stopping to flick the bundle of nerves with the tip of his tongue yet again, but this time with more purpose than before, more purpose that to just tease you. This man between your thighs wants to devour you. 
Joel’s hands are spreading your pussy wide, baring your entire core to his mouth as his tongue moves from the precise movements over your clit, down to the weeping entrance. His tongue swirls and gathers the slick that has gathered there. 
“God, you taste so fuckin’ good, sweetheart,” He groans into your core, taking his time to swipe his tongue through the wetness again, “Best damn meal I ever had.” 
“Joel, please,” You beg, letting your fingers run through the dark strands of his hair, “It’s not enough.” 
You can feel his mouth grin into the skin of your pussy, he licks a stripe back up to your clit before focusing on your clit, making short and fast flicks to the bud with the tip of his tongue. Your grind your hips into his face, hands gripping at the back of his head to keep him in place because this is exactly what you needed. The movement of his tongue is precise, switching from short flicks in and up and down motion, to tight circles. It’s enough to have you teetering on the edge but still not enough. You’re shifting your ass to the edge of the table, hoping that bringing his tongue closer to you will help, but it doesn’t.
“Fingers, Joel,” You demand, groaning in frustration when his movements stop altogether, “Please baby, I need it so bad.” 
“All you had to do was ask nicely.” He says, pulling back just enough to give him room to speak before you feel two of his thick fingers pushing inside of you. 
He curls them up into your pussy almost immediately, whilst his lips wrap around your clit. The pressure of him sucking on your clit, teamed with his still precise flicks, and the thrusting of his fingers inside you have you hurtling towards the cliff face of your orgasm in record time. You’re so close you can almost reach out a hand and grab it to pull yourself over the edge. Joel knows it, can feel your pussy clenching and fluttering around his fingers, and the son of a bitch pulls his fingers and mouth from you just before you can come. 
“No!” You exclaimed, looking down at him with wide eyes full of frustration, you’re pulling at his hair to try and get him to put himself back on you, “Nonononono.” You whine in frustration as he stands from his knees. 
He dips down, pressing a kiss wet with your slick to your cheek, bringing his lips to your ear, “Patience sugar,” He chuckles, hands moving to undo his belt, “Promise it’ll feel better if you wait for it.” 
Your chest is heaving, pussy fluttering around nothing as you sit and watch as he sheds his jeans, kicking them backwards to join your underwear on the kitchen floor. Then he’s tugging his t-shirt over his head. If you weren’t so angry with him, you’d be able to appreciate the broad expanse of his chest, the way the muscles of his biceps clenched whenever he moved. All you could focus on was the intense need to chase the high he’d deprived you of. You weren’t even overly bothered when he helps you stand, dragging your dress over your body to meet it on the floor with the rest of his clothes. You’re aware of the fact that he unclips your bra, grateful more than anything that it’s off after a long day. 
Then, Joel is turning you around, placing his warm palm at the nape of your neck and pushing you down to the table. Your palms are resting on the wood in front of you. You turn around and watch as he fishes a condom from his wallet, shucking his boxers off before sheathing himself. 
“Gonna fuck you so good, pretty girl,” He murmurs behind you, using one of his feet to kick gently at your ankle, causing you to widen your stance, “Promised you I would.”
You can feel the head of his cock nudging at your slick entrance before he’s slowly burying himself inside you to the hilt. You let out a whine of satisfaction at the feeling of him filling you. He pulls himself back a little before he’s slamming back into your pussy like he means it this time. He’s pounding into you so hard that your hips are digging into the table in front of you. He’s got one hand gripping the nape of your neck again, keeping you pressed down, the other gripping the meat of your ass. 
“You like that?” He asks, grunting behind you as he pulls out and thrusts back in, “Like it when I fill your pretty pussy like this.” 
Oh God, I really do, is all you can think, but the way his cock is brushing against that perfect spot inside you means you can’t talk, only let a throaty moan drop from your mouth. 
“Fuckin’ you so good you can’t even talk, pretty girl,” Joel chuckles, his point proven when he shifts the angle of his hips slightly and has you crying out when he thrusts back into you, “Gotta remember this, okay?” You nod, “Remember how well I fuck you when I can’t be there.” 
It’s desperate from here on out. He’s rutting into you like a man starved, hips beginning to stutter as he climbs towards his own climax. You think he might actually leave you hanging until the hand that was gripping your ass slips in front of you and begins circling your clit. You almost cry with relief. The circles on your clit are messy but they’re doing their job. You can feel your tight walls clenching around Joel’s cock, can hear that way his moans change when you do. Neither of you are going to last much longer, it’s just a question of who gets there first. 
Just as you think the answer is going to be you, Joel once more pulls his hand from your pussy, and you actually cry. The second time he’s cruelly denied you your release and you’re fed up. He’s always been a giver. Always made sure you finish before he does. But right now, he doesn’t seem to care. Both his hands are gripping your hips, you know there will be bruises of his fingertips there tomorrow. He thrusts into your pussy twice more, maybe three times before he’s stilling inside of you and groaning your name behind you. 
You don’t really think he gives himself enough time before he’s slipping out of you, pulling you up and around to sit you back on the table before he’s once again on his knees with his face buried in your cunt. 
“You wanna come, pretty girl?” He asks, thumbing at your clit gently. 
“Make me come right now Joel Miller,” You demand, tears dripping from the corner of your eyes in frustration, “Before I kill you.” 
His lips circle your clit again and he’s lapping at your pussy like it’s his last meal on earth. His fingers are back inside you, curling again, reaching that sweet spot inside you that has your back arching into him. 
It’s quick and it’s overwhelming when it arrives. Your whole body is convulsing and you’re calling his name out into the emptiness of the room. There’s are dark spots in your vision and the aftershocks are more intense than you’d ever felt before. Joel is slipping his fingers from you but continues pressing light kisses to your clit as you come down from your high. 
He lets you fall back onto the table for a moment as he disposes of the condom, but is back quickly, gathering you up into his arms and walking you to the couch. He lies down and settles you on top of him. He knows that he pushed you tonight, knows that the shaking of your shoulders and the tears in your eyes are because you’re overwhelmed. He runs his fingers through your hair, pressing soft kisses to your forehead whilst you recover. 
“You okay, sugar?” He whispers into your hair as his other hand rubs soothing lines up and down your spine. 
You look up at him, eyes glazed, “I am more than okay, Miller.” You mumble, letting your lips drop to his chest to press a kiss to them. 
He tilts your chin to his face, shuffling a little to capture your lips in his for a tender kiss, he pulls away, leaving barely any space between your lips and his, “Did so well for me,” He praises, “Hopefully that’ll keep you going until I can see you again.” 
You press forward and kiss him again, letting your arms circle his neck, “Seriously now though,” You whisper, gathering your strength, “What do you want to eat, because I’m starving.” 
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badkitty3000 · 1 month
What do you think of Steve's Five needed a love story remark in general? Ignoring Lila.
I think Steve Blackman saying Five needed a love story is some next level horseshit, to be honest. I'm not sure who he thinks was jonesing for that, except for himself and a few others. I also think the decision, and who it was with, demonstrates greatly the kind of person he is. All of those allegations of him being a misogynistic jerk that didn't want to hear anyone else's opinions seem to be spot on. Because I highly doubt if he had sat down and asked what the actors, writers, and other creators of the show wanted, we would have ended up with this. I realize this is his project and he's in charge, but it just seemed like he got a bit of an ego boost and decided to just do what he wanted, others be damned. Apparently he wanted to see Five play kissy face. Which, hey, so do I...but there's a time and place for everything! This was not it.
I do understand he was the only main character to not have a romantic love story arc throughout the seasons, but there was a reason for that. As others have said on here already, Five already had a love story and it was his family. He was the driving force behind the entire Hargreeves family in every season, and keeping them alive and saving the world were his top priorities. And he did it because he loved them. Maybe he didn't know how to express his love in words, but it was apparent by his actions. Nothing says I love you more than enduring decades of loneliness and regret just for the chance to see them again and save their lives.
This may all sound hypocritical, considering I write romantic Five fanfiction, but even going into the season I had no desire to see any romantic love story for him. It wasn't necessary. He is such an interesting, complex, and larger-than-life character that adding in a sappy love story in the space of 6 lousy episodes is a big misstep. And that's even if they had managed to keep his character intact.
What we needed was to see him find peace for himself through the love of his family. We needed apologies. We needed angry outbursts, and healing hugs, and "I love yous" between all of the siblings, but most importantly Five. No one has ever thanked him for all of his sacrifices. Or for continuing to stay with them even though they've caused him nothing but hassle throughout his life. We did not need a sappy, rushed, half-ass love story concocted just to please whatever weird fantasy the show runner has going on. We needed a payoff after watching Five fight, and struggle, and lose his moral code just for the chance to save his family. That's the ending the fans, and Five, deserved.
If we got that first, then yeah, a romantic love story for Five would be nice. I would have loved to see an ending where after everything was resolved (no group suicide), we see a shot of Five a few years later, driving down the street in his beloved Corvette Stingray, looking over to smile lovingly at his lady next to him, on their way to their next big adventure. I get teary just thinking about it! But only after he got everything else that he so desperately needed from his family.
Instead, we got what we got because Steve Blackman was convinced that Five needed some sweet sweet loving. Well, we got it I guess. Steve got his wish while the rest of us are left just trying to make sense of the whole thing. Ignoring that it was Lila, which is an entirely separate disaster, it was silly. It was heartbreaking. And it was unnecessary.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
Hawkins all lit up for Christmas is like something out of a postcard. It’s been a warm winter, which means big fat snowflakes piling up in fluffy drifts all over town, and string lights have been going up along every street and building to make the whole town look like a gingerbread fantasy.
Steve remembers it feeling a lot more magical when he was a kid, back when he didn’t have to shovel his car out of the drive or worry about winter tires. They don’t salt the back ways early enough in Hawkins, so on days like this, it always takes him longer to drive to work, going slow and cautious down the main roads, trapped in the Hawkins version of a traffic jam as everyone else does the exact same thing as him.
When he finally gets to the print shop, Donna McCorkle’s waving enthusiastically at him from the parking lot.
“Steven, honey! I’m so glad to see you out and about. I heard—” she leans in and whispers in a way that might actually be more conspicuous than yelling at the top of her lungs. “I heard about you and Laura. Sweetie, I’m so sorry, we all really thought you two would be taking a little stroll down the aisle by spring.”
“Thanks, Mrs. McCorkle,” Steve says. “I’m okay, honest. Just wasn’t meant to be, I guess.”
Jerry nods in greeting as Steve gets in and hangs up his winter coat. “Heya, Harrington. You’re six minutes late.”
“Sorry, boss,” grunts Steve, scraping off his boots.
“S’fine. Considering the circumstances and all. Just don’t get too hung up on her, eh, son? Can’t let some woman get you down. That’s no way for a man to live.”
“Right,” Steve says. “I’m okay, honest. Wasn’t meant to be.”
He shoves his lunch in the minifridge and heads out to his desk to check his messages.
He gets beers with Hopper after work. As soon as he slides into the booth, Hop raises a knowing eyebrow and snorts. “Folks around town been up your ass about the thing with Laura today?”
Steve groans. “Don’t even know how it got around so fast. We broke it off just yesterday, and I sure as hell didn’t tell anyone.”
Hopper nudges a bowl of peanuts his way. “Ah, you know how Hawkins is. People just want to see you doing well, kid.”
“People just need to mind their own damn business.”
Hopper’s face creases into a wry smile. The lines around his eyes seem to be getting deeper by the week. “They go a little overboard, sure. But come on, it’s nice knowing people care, ain’t it?”
“Sure.” Steve takes a long gulp of beer. “Nice.”
“I’m just—tired, Robbie,” he sighs into the phone. “Feels like I can’t walk down the street without running into someone trying to talk to me about the breakup.”
“It’s been coming for a while though, right? I mean, you’ve been talking about how you weren’t sure about her for a while. Like, actually way too long. Like this definitely should’ve happened six months ago.”
“I know, I know. But we were together for over a year, and it was…I dunno, nice. Easy. Felt like the thing to do. People are gonna start back up asking why I’m not married yet, ‘cause everyone else around here seems to be.”
Robin’s laugh crackles down the line, tinny and familiar. He presses the receiver tight against his face like it’ll bring Robin closer.
“Miss the hell out of you, Buckley. Can’t wait until you get back for Christmas.”
“Actually…” Even through the shitty line, he can tell Robin sounds a little nervous. “I was thinking. Well, me and Eddie were thinking. My folks aren’t going to be in Hawkins this year, they’re visiting my aunts in Vermont, and…we’ve got some friends here who are planning to just stay in the city for the holidays. So. What would you think, hypothetically, about coming here instead of me going there? It could be fun! You’ve only visited like twice, and you haven’t visited at all since I moved in with Eddie. You should come see our place, it’s pretty great.”
It’s true, he hasn’t made the trip out for a while. Robin and Eddie had been talking about moving in together for years, and last spring they’d finally found a place they liked. Steve had offered to drive up and help them move in, but their move-in date was Laura’s cousin’s wedding weekend, so that hadn’t worked out. And then it had just been easy to let his summer and fall get away from him, and just see Robin when she came back to Hawkins, because Eddie never comes back to Hawkins at all if he can help it.
Steve’s not avoiding Eddie. Of course he's not. There’s no reason for him to avoid Eddie, because the thing about Eddie is that there’s not a thing. There’s never been a thing.
But the lack-of-thing, the space where a thing could maybe have been, is something that’s followed Steve around for the last six years or so whether he likes it or not.
It’s not like he thinks about it every day, or anything like that. It’s just that—there was a moment, maybe, back in ‘87. He’d been smoking with Eddie outside in the miserable freeze of February. The grimy slush around them had been half-liquid in a way that was going to be trouble in the morning, after it'd had a chance to freeze over.
“If I asked,” Eddie had said, eyes fixed on the distant gray skies. “Would you come with me?”
Steve hadn’t had an answer, then. He’d thought he’d known, by that point, all the different ways he could be afraid, so it took him a second to recognize the feeling clawing its way up his ribcage and quickening his pulse. His tongue had felt thick and useless in his mouth.
Eddie’d just nodded once in a matter-of-fact way, and crushed his cigarette butt beneath the scuffed toe of his boot. “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, Harrington. I won’t ask.”
And then a week later he’d been gone. So it’s not like there was anything at all, not ever.
“Steve?” Robin’s voice is still kind of nervous. “What do you think? We’d both really love to see you.”
“Okay,” says Steve. “Sure. I’ll visit you guys for Christmas. Why the hell not?”
(continued here)
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kirishimasbabygirl · 2 years
Dating Kirishima
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A/N: Hey!!! I've been having Kirishima brain rot of months now so it's y'all problem now lol
He is the definition of a gentleman; he holds doors open for you, helps you up steps, and walks outside the sidewalk closer to the street.
The first time he took you out on a date, he almost threw himself across the hood of his truck to stop you from opening the car's door to get out.
"W-Wait holds on; I'll get it for you!"
He is so polite with your folks.
Tries real hard to impress them, brings flowers for your mama, and gives your pa a firm handshake and compliments that beat up on racing car his been "fixin' " for years.
He's shaking the whole time; you have to hold his hand to get him to relax.
"I just don't want to mess this up."
He LOVES to show you off.
He'll take you out and strut around with you on his arm like he won the lottery. (If you ask him, he'll say he did)
He was so excited for you to meet his friends he grew up with; he told you so many stories of them from high school you can't help but feel a little intimidated.
"Hey, look at me; they're going to love you, okay?"
And they do!
Mina and Danki would gang up on him and tell you the stupid shit he did when they were teens.
Sero would crack a joke at Kirishima's expense, and everything was fine!
You got along with everyone and felt really welcomed by them; the only one that worried you was Bakugou.
"Then he crashed his head through this guy's window-"
"H-hey! Maybe we don't let her that one."
He sat there all night quietly watching you and every move you made; it felt like he was staring you down by the time the two of you left.
Eijiro noticed how quiet you were returning to the house and asked what was wrong.
You told him you were worried about what bakugou thought of you; you know the two of them are best friends, and you didn't want to cause problems.
He stared at you in the corner of his eye and told you that you didn't need to worry about that.
Later that night, you heard him on the phone with the blond when he thought you had gone ahead and gone to sleep.
You could see a grin split across his face.
"So, what do you think about her?"
"She's nice, man. Sweet."
"Yeah? Yeah, she is; she's the best, bro. I mean, like, did you hear how she laughs? Oh god, don't get me started on her nose and -"
He could go on and on about how much he loves you to anyone who would listen.
The lady scanning his items at the store? He's talking about how his surprising you with your favorite ice cream.
The old woman his helping cross the street? He's talking about how cute you were playing with your little cousins at your last family reunion.
"I just love her so much."
He does adore you; you are his main drive in life, and he absolutely would do anything for you.
He once stopped what he was doing mid-guys night and RAN all the way home from across town because you called him that you watched a scary movie by yourself. You swear to god you saw something outside your window.
"Don't worry! I'm here!"
He's knocked motherfuckers out over you; one time at a club, your shared friend group dragged the two of you too, and he decided to hang back as Mina pulled you onto the dance floor.
He hung back with the boys and was shooting shots when he felt Katsuki nudge his arm; he looked up at his friend, whose eyes were glued on the dance floor.
He looked over to see these two guys pressed up against you, front and back, you clearly distressed, pushing on the guy in front of yous chest, while the guy behind you pressed up against you even more, sandwiching you between them.
He's never moved faster in his life; he flew out of his chair and was tearing them both off you before they could even open their mouths; he had them on the floor rumbling.
At some point, Katsuki, Kaminari, and Hanta, as well as Mina, had jumped in to whip their asses which caused all six of you to get kicked out.
You were apologizing the whole ride home when he pulled over and cupped your face.
"As long as I am alive, no one will ever touch you like that again."
And you believed him.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Small Town, Big Problem
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Summary: On the way home from a solo hunt, the reader’s car breaks down outside of a small town. She has a bad feeling about the situation though and calls Dean to pick her up before something bad can happen...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language, vague creepiness, drugging
A/N: Enjoy!
“You’ve reached the handsome Winchester. Dean speaking, sweetheart,” said Dean as he answered his phone. You paused from where you were walking, glancing behind you, seeing nothing but the rainy road. “Y/N, you there?”
“My car broke down on the way home from my hunt,” you said. “Something feels off about this whole situation.”
“That your car broke down?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said, pulling your hood down, even if it meant getting wet. You had better visibility that way. The road was empty aside from your car quite a ways back, some trees nestled on either side of the road. “Didn’t you work a hunt like that before? Car breakdown?”
“The scarecrow? Years ago,” he said. “Anyone service the car lately?”
“No,” you said. “I just have this really weird feeling is all.”
“Stay in the car,” he said.
“Why? There’s a small town a few miles up the road,” you said.
“Stay in the car. Odds are it’s safer, even if you are more of a sitting duck,” he said. “Where are you?”
“Uh, heading into Apple Crest. Population 352,” you said.
“You’re not in your car, are you.”
“Nope. I was waiting in it for awhile before I got uneasy. I wanted to be able to see more of my surroundings,” you said. He groaned and you turned around to look at the car. “I could go back.”
“If instinct says it’s not safe, trust it,” he said. “You should…” 
He started to break up and you walked back a few steps.
“What’d you say?” 
“I was saying you should probably get to town, stick in public and avoid eating or drinking anything,” he said. “Just in case. This place looks about six hours out. Can you hold on until I get there?”
“Of course. It’s probably after hunt jitters,” you said.
“I have my gun and my other gun and my knife and my other knife. I’ll be safe, Dean.”
“You better. Stay sharp. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he said. 
“Okay. I’m sure there’s some kind of diner or something on the main street. Meet me there when you get in?” you asked.
“Will do. I’ll see you soon sweetheart.”
“Are you sure you don’t want nothing to eat?” asked the waitress about two hours later. You shook your head and saw her leave, catching her speak to the manager. You sighed when he walked over and pouted.
“Miss, if you’re not going to order anything I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave. We don’t take to drifters in this town.”
“My car broke down outside of town. I’m simply waiting for it either to be fixed at the shop here in town or for my boyfriend to get me which will be in a few hours,” you said. “I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can.”
“Well I’m going to have to insist you order something if you’re going to wait,” he said. You pulled out a fifty dollar bill and set it down, sliding it across the table.
“Give me a cup of black coffee and we’re good?” you asked.
“I could service more than fifty dollars at this table in that time.”
You took out another fifty and handed it over.
“Thank you very much,” he said before he walked away.
“Small town hospitality my ass,” you muttered to yourself. You checked the time, Dean about four hours out now. You knew the local garage was going to end up closing before he could get there though and sighed, hoping he made the drive quicker than that.
Four Hours Later
“Hey,” you heard, eyes flickering over to the door. You smiled and stood up, Dean giving you a hug. “Ready to go home?”
“My car’s stuck in the shop,” you said.
“Still?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” you asked as you walked outside with him.
“I hit construction and got detoured. I’d think after a whole day-”
“A whole day? Dean I’ve only been here six hours,” you said. He blinked slowly and looked around. “What?”
“I drove into town at noon. On Tuesday. Today is Tuesday.”
“No, it’s Monday night.”
“We need to get you out of here,” he said. “Let’s get your stuff out of your car and go.”
“You want to just leave my car?”
“Yes. We’ll get you a new one. Why aren’t you concerned about the fact that…” he said, looking back inside and at the water bottle on the table. “Did you drink something? I told you not-”
“I got thirsty,” you said. “Dean’s let’s wait for my car and then we can go home, okay?”
“Y/N, this is me on that scarecrow hunt years ago. This town is up to something. We gotta go,” said Dean. You scoffed and he pulled you over to Baby. “Alright. Alright. Let’s get a motel for the night and we’ll get your car in the morning, okay?”
“That sounds a lot more reasonable,” you said. You got in the passenger seat and he slid in behind the wheel. 
“What’s that?” he asked. You looked out your window, suddenly in a headlock. 
“Dean,” you grunted but it was no use.
“I’m sorry sweetheart but something’s wrong and I gotta get you out of here,” he said just as you felt yourself passing out.
You woke up groggy in the backseat, hands behind your back, frowning as you saw Dean with his laptop in the front seat. He glanced over the bench at you and gave you a smile.
“Sorry about that. You sort of freaked and tried attacking me.”
“I don’t remember that,” you said, tugging on your arms. You stared at him and then out the bright sunny windows. “It’s Tuesday?”
“Yeah. I grabbed your hunting gear. Car’s a lost cause. You seem to be doing better now that whatever you were given is getting out of your system,” he said. 
“Untie me?” you asked. He shook his head and your blood boiled, shooting daggers at him. You shook your head and sat back, squeezing your eyes shut. “Don’t untie me yet. Shit. What’s wrong with me?”
“What I’m trying to figure out,” he said. “We’re about ten miles outside of that town. I think there’s some kind of three mile perimeter around the place, making shit crazy or something. Like with the time and cell reception?”
“Dean I don’t remember drinking water,” you said.
“You also didn’t notice that a whole night and morning passed. I think, based on the bruises I found on you, somebody drugged you long before I showed up. It kept you complacent I figure.”
“How do I know I’m not drugged up right now then, or that this is real?” you asked. 
“Poughkepsie,” he said.
“Wouldn’t my drugged up brain know what that is though?” you asked.
“Yes but a fake me wouldn’t,” he said. You nodded, noticing that while your hands were restrained tightly behind you, someone had taken the care to do it in a way so as to not hurt your shoulders as much. “You okay?”
“You’re real,” you said. 
“Yup,” he said, looking back at the computer. “We’ll figure out what’s going on soon, I promise.”
Six Hours Later
“Dean,” you said, resting your head on the backseat, staring out the window. “I think we have a problem.”
“What?” he asked, writing something down on a pad of paper.
“I need to pee,” you said. 
“Do you still feel like you might try and kill me?” he asked.
“My head feels a lot clearer. I don’t want to risk it if we don’t have to though,” you said.
“I think it’s been long enough,” he said. “I’ll shoot you in the arm like when we first met if you try anything?”
“Always a romantic,” you said. You nodded and he helped you up and out of the car, walking the two of you over to the tree line. He cut through the ropes and stepped back quickly, waiting as you rubbed your wrists.
“How you doing?” he asked as you ducked around a tree. You shoved down your pants and finally relaxed.
“Much much better,” you said. You glanced down, your jaw dropping for a moment before your pants were back on and you moved out from the tree. “Dean? Um, this might be too much personal information but my pee is purple?”
“Purple?” he said. You nodded and walked back closer, giving yourself more than a few good feet from him. “That’s not normal.”
“Yeah. You haven’t seen anything to do with that in your research?”
“No but it gives us something to go off of,” he said. “Come on, it’s cold out and I could use another pair of hands to research.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well whatever the hell was in you I’m pretty sure it’s not anymore. Come on,” he said, holding out a hand. “I’ll knock you out again if you try something, okay?”
“Okay,” you said with a nod. “Let’s figure this one out.”
“How is that even possible?” you asked around midnight, eating another chicken nugget as Dean scratched his head in the front seat. “A curse on a whole town?”
“If Rowena says it’s a witch doing it, I’m gonna believe Ro,” he said. “It sounds like they want to just keep it like a small town, happy feel? Like no bad stuff, including outsiders?”
“I get that but still,” you said. “So all those people are stuck in a loop?”
“You thought maybe a few hours went by? I can see why. The car trick is probably how they get them in,” he said.
“Why didn’t Baby break down?” you asked.
“Probably didn’t want me. I’m not exactly the poster child for happiness,” he said. 
“Well, I disagree with that,” you said. “If it’s a curse, it should be simple enough to correct once the witch is dead.”
“Which do you want? Witch or curse?” he asked.
“Witch. Not a big fan of people drugging me,” you said. Dean smiled and nodded. 
“Alright. We’ll head back tonight and take care of it.”
“Not a half bad place,” said Dean the next day as you waited outside the garage for your car. “Once you get rid of the evil witch in it.”
“Still, I’d rather we get home as soon as possible,” you said. “Should just be a few minutes the guy said.”
“They charging you?”
“No on account of the whole saving everyone’s lives thing,” you said. “So. Go ahead and say it.”
“No more solo hunts? Why ever would I say that?” he teased.
“Technically, this wasn’t a solo hunt,” you said.
“Y/N. Please?” he asked. You nodded and he smiled, giving you a quick kiss as a guy came out. He handed you your keys and Dean broke off. “Race you home?”
“What are we racing for?” you asked.
“Winner gets to pick dinner?” he asked.
“Winner gets a massage?” you countered, Dean smiling.
“See ya at home, sweetheart,” he said.
“See you soon, Dean.”
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sehunniepotwrites · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS. There are many things Mark Lee wants to do with you. He wants to walk you home. He wants to dive into the deep blue sea with you. He wants to go on a drive with you at his side. But mostly, this crazy, head over heels in love boy just wants to make it with you.
PAIRING. mark lee x fem!reader
GENRE. college!au, friends-to-lovers!au, tooth-rotting fluff, humor WARNINGS. beach setting, profanity, mentions of food
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters or concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work. © sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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Three weeks before your summer break ended, you drove Mark’s car to your university’s athletic complex on an early Saturday morning.  As you made the turn onto the campus’ main road, the dashboard’s screen lit up with a familiar name. A simple button press allowed you to answer the call while your eyes remained on the empty street. It was a warm summer morning after all. No one else would even bother coming to campus unless they had work or summer school. “Hello?”
“Hey, Sunshine! You on your way to campus yet?” Mark’s bright voice filled your ears. You wanted to laugh. If anyone were pure sunshine, it would be Mark Lee and not you. If only the boy realized it himself. 
“Yeah, I’m only a few minutes away,” you replied as you stopped at the red light. Just as you finished that sentence, you saw a couple of charter buses drive past you as the other light turned green. You grinned, knowing that Mark and your other friends were finally home. “Hey, you just drove past me!”
The sounds of material shuffling around echoed through the speakers and you knew Mark made for the closest window to catch a glimpse of you in his car. “Oh shit, you weren’t kidding!”
“Would I ever let you down, Marky?” you laughed as green flashed before you. Feeling the wheel slip in between your fingers, you continued your way across campus and followed the path the buses took. 
“Actually, you—”
“Finish that sentence and I’m turning this car around,” you joked as you pulled into the lot where all the buses parked. As you drove closer, you saw all the athletes disembarking and gathering their belongings stored in the compartments. 
Every summer, your university required all student-athletes to attend a two-month-long training camp at a high-class sports facility. Your school wasn’t the only one in attendance, many others were invited as well. It was something every athlete looked forward to and dreaded at the same time. They loved being in their own bubble and meeting other teams to form a sort of friendly camaraderie but hated the long hours of training this camp asked of them. By the end of the month, they usually came back to school exhausted but in the best shape of their life. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he said and you could almost see him saluting you. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Yeah, I’ll come and find you, I just have to park.”
“Don’t be so shocked when you see Marky, Squirt. He’s a whole-ass man now,” a voice other than Mark’s responded. Johnny Suh must’ve been his seatmate during the ride back. The outside hitter of the men’s volleyball team always found joy in butting into other people’s conversations. The tall guy could never keep to himself.
“Dude,” was the last thing you heard before the line went dead. 
Johnny’s sentence left you wondering what he meant. Why would you be shocked?
You found out soon after as you stood by buses, standing on your tippy toes to catch a glimpse of your best friend amongst the crowd of athletes. Johnny, being the tall giant he was, spotted you first. Your friend gave you a shit-eating grin as he exited the bus alongside Ten Lee, a member of the ice hockey team, and another friend of yours. It was funny how you were friends with so many athletes but did not carry one athletic bone in your body. 
“Hey there, Squirt,” Johnny teased as you approached him. God, if you had the skills and accuracy, you wanted to spike a volleyball right in his devilishly handsome face. 
“Shut up, you menace,” you said as you avoided his hand that aimed to ruffle your hair.
“Yo, Marky, I found her for you!” he yelled over his shoulder. Johnny bent down ever-so-slightly to whisper in your ear, “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“For what?” 
“You’ll see, young one,” Ten chuckled, pressing a little kiss to your head before dragging Johnny to find their duffles and gear they brought with them during the course of the summer. 
And see you did as the athlete you didn’t recognize as Mark popped into view. You caught sight of him from afar but dismissed him because there was no way that man was your best friend. His shoulders were broader than you had last seen him. His chest and arms filled out the shirt he wore so well. As your eyes raked over his bigger build, you could not pinpoint that the shirt he wore was the very shirt you gifted him for his birthday last year.
When Mark first received the present, his lean build made the shirt appear fashionably oversized. It draped nicely over his shoulders and drowned the rest of his body in the softest fabric with a design that was so undeniably Mark you couldn’t resist buying it for him. His arms were thin compared to the large holes in his sleeves, he looked nothing but cute in the shirt.
But now, the design of the shirt was stretched out against the wide planes of his chest. A line appeared down the middle, drawing attention to his pecs, you could barely take your eyes away from the sight. The only things that caught your attention were the arms Mark frantically waved in your direction. Although not completely hugging his biceps, you could see his arms taking up more space in the sleeves. You couldn’t even bring yourself to blink when his flexed muscles hauled his hockey bag behind his back. 
And his face. Dear God, his face was even more chiseled than before, amplifying the good looks others would swoon over.
If someone were to ask you before Mark left for the summer, you would’ve called him your cute friend. If they asked you the same question now, at this very moment, you would say that Mark Lee was fucking hot. 
“You look different,” was all you could say as he approached you. A snort came from beside you. It was another athlete scouring through piles for their own gear. To him, you probably sounded like a lovestruck idiot. That was what you would call yourself at that moment anyway. 
Mark paused a few steps away from you, appalled at the first sentence you uttered to him since his return. “Like a good different? Or a bad different?” With the way his voice tilted up at the end of his second question, you could tell your friend (and crush) was beginning to pick at his new appearance.
Your eyes scanned his body again, appreciating the way his shirt was so deliciously filled in all the right places and how the curve of his butt still stood out in the soccer pants that hugged his toned legs. “No, uh, it’s a good different. Yeah, definitely—definitely a good different.” Since when were you the type to stutter? 
“Oh, good. Cool, yeah, I mean cool.”
“Yeah, um, Johnny took me under his wing while we hit the gym during camp and he showed me a couple of things I could do,” Mark chuckled shyly, “I’ve got a solid gym routine now.”
“I mean yeah, it’s really working for you.”
“Y-yeah, you think so?”
Before your brain could spit out your big fat crush on your best friend, you quickly changed the topic and flashed a bright smile at him—the one that he called sunshine. “I’ve missed you, Marky.” You opened your arms for a hug and waited for him to approach. 
“Oh my god, dude, I’ve missed you so much,” Mark practically sighed as he dropped his bags filled with expensive gear just to pull you into him. Being in his strong arms, feeling his chest against yours, and smelling the fresh scent of his cologne set your heart and skin ablaze. You were so in your feelings that you couldn’t bring yourself to respond. Instead, you shut your eyes and wound your arms around his waist to press him even closer to you. “I’m so glad to be back.” His voice was low and raspy, his breath hitting the shell of your ear, as he said those words and it sent a shiver down your body. 
“Glad you’re back too,” you whispered into the crook of his neck.
A loud slap rang in your ears and you felt Mark wince in pain. The hit broke your contact with Mark as you both shifted to see who inflicted the uncalled-for strike. Your neighbor, Jeno, just laughed as he hauled his gear over a shoulder. A shoulder that appeared wider than the last time you had seen him. Summer did him good as well. But not as good as it did for Mark. 
“God, you two are disgusting. Just get together already,” Jeno chuckled as he walked by, playfully shoving your head into Mark’s chest. 
Instead of denying the chemistry Jeno insinuated, Mark simply said, “Bro, shut up.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Jeno ignored Mark’s comment. “See you lovebirds at the beach later?”
The local beach was around one and a half hours away. A small group of friends—including Jaemin, Renjun, and Chenle—left earlier in the morning to secure a spot at the beach. You and Mark were going to stop by his apartment so he could drop off his hockey gear and change into beach attire before heading over to the rest of them. The remainder of the ice hockey team as well as some volleyball, soccer, and basketball folks were coming as well. 
“Yup, see you later, Jeno!” you waved him off before leading Mark to his parked car. Tossing Mark his keys, he caught them in his hand with his swift reflexes. You got into the passenger seat a bit sulkily. Your friend had a newer model than your beat-up, hand-me-down car; you were going to miss taking his car around the city. 
As Mark put his belongings in the trunk, he bit back a grin to see your things already there. It was such a weird thing to smile at but seeing your things mingling with his felt so domestic and right that it just brought him joy. The hockey player slid into the driver’s seat and you were off. 
It took ten minutes to get to Mark’s place. His apartment complex was closer than yours, which was why you crashed there half the time during the school year. You were there so often that you left extra sets of clothes in case of emergencies—meaning unplanned sleepovers—and Mark even had an extra key made for you. You could’ve gotten Mark’s things on the way to pick him up but your best friend insisted that he wanted to drop off his hockey gear first. It made sense, seeing as how expensive his gear was. No one would want to leave a bag as valuable as that in the back of a car trunk.
“Wait here, I’ll be quick,” Mark said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Before completely sliding out of the car, he turned to face you with a shy expression on his face.
“What’s up, Marky?”
His face shifted from shy to determined, like he was hyping himself up to do something. You’d seen your best friend make that face many times in all the years you knew him—before a game, right before a test, or asking a girl out—but it didn’t make sense as to why Mark would do it at that moment. 
Light pressure on your cheek pulled you out of your inquisitive mind and back into the present. When you took a deep breath, the smell of clean, fresh laundry took over your senses followed by a whiff of his birch and eucalyptus shampoo that you used every time you stayed over. His shoulder brushed against your own as he pulled away. And that was when you realized what had just happened. Mark kissed you on the cheek. 
“What was that for?”
His eyes gleamed and his bashful smile widened. “Nothing, I just missed you a lot.” Leaving you no chance to reply, Mark slipped out of the car and slammed the door behind him. You watched as he ran inside, his hands slapping his reddening cheeks while he entered the building.
Mark’s unexpected action left you in a dizzying haze for who knows long, time slipping away while you replayed that moment over and over and over again in your head. Sure, he had done questionable actions to show affection before, like nuzzling his face in your hair or tugging you by the arm into a big hug, but Mark never went as far as kissing you on the cheek. He pet your hair, shouting “cute!” in the most endearing way with the other younger boys following his lead but a kiss on the cheek? Never been done before. But that didn’t mean you didn’t like it. 
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The hour-and-a-half drive to the beach didn’t feel so long to the two of you, not when you were shouting into a Bluetooth microphone you saved for road trips. Singing in the car with Mark was one of your favorite past times. Whether it was headbanging (and almost losing control of the car) to a hard rock song or slowing it down with an R&B track that showcased Mark’s husky vocals, you loved every second of it and wouldn’t do it with anyone else.
It didn’t take you long to find where your friends camped out for the day, their loud shouts carrying over the waves crashing into the shore. They were the biggest group on the beach, with three canopies and two smaller tents all huddled in a circle. You saw Johnny and Jaehyun’s surfboards sticking out of the sand, the boys standing right by them with their rash guards hanging loosely around their waists. Ten was controlling the music while Jeno and Jaemin tag-teamed on grilling the food. Your other friends were either lounging about in their chairs, drinks in hand, and you swore you could Donghyuck shouting at Chenle from the shallow end of the water. 
Jaehyun, noticing how much you were struggling to make it through the sand with all your bags, ran to help. “Shouldn’t Mark be helping you with these bags?”
You shrugged as you handed the heavier belongings over to the star basketball player. “He sent me ahead with all the snacks and said he forgot something in the trunk.”
“How was your summer?” 
You elbowed Jaehyun’s side with a teasing grin. “Boring without you by my side.”
Jaehyun chuckled, elbowing you right back. “Don’t let Marky hear you say that.”
It was a weird comment to make. “Why?”
The basketball player shook his head knowingly before throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you to his side. “Ah, that’s for me to know and you to find out, Squirt.”
“And when exactly will I find out?” 
You heard Mark’s voice yelling your name, causing you and Jaehyun to turn around. The boy ran through the sand towards you with a grin brighter than the summer sun, bags tangled in his grip, and an unknown item tucked into his side. Jaehyun released you from his grip and with a gentle shove in Mark’s direction, he replied, “Soon enough I hope.” Your friend went ahead with the rest of your belongings, leaving you to wait for Mark. What did Jaehyun mean by “soon enough?” Was there something you weren’t aware of? Was Mark keeping something from you?
“Sunshine! Look what I brought for us!” Mark pulled out the item pressed against his side to reveal a kite. Your heart swelled with joy and all the feelings you carried for Mark increased tenfold. In the past, you expressed that you always wanted to fly a kite but never had a chance to. It was something shared in passing, nothing memorable by any means. But the fact that Mark remembered that tiny, childlike wish you carried touched you.
Mark stopped in front of you, setting his bags down, to hand the kite over to you. He gently placed it in your hold, giving you the time to admire it.  Its design was simple, just a diamond with rainbow stripes and a matching rainbow tail, but it was beautiful. Your fingers ran through the tail of the kite, feeling the thin fabric slip through the cracks. The breeze picked up, causing the tail to go with the wind, and the childish excitement inside you bloomed. “Can we try it now?”
“Yeah,” Mark laughed at your how your eyes grew brighter and brighter with each passing second. “We just need to drop off the rest of the stuff first and then give it a go.” 
Your gaze never left the kite.
“You like it?” Mark asked.
You shifted your gaze to look him in the eye. “I love it. Thank you, Marky.”
Tucking it to your side, you picked up half of Mark’s belongings. You used your free hand to tug Mark, causing him to stumble in the warm sand. “Now, what are we waiting for? Let’s go already!”
Mark wiggled his hand in your hold, twisting it so your fingers interlocked like it was nothing out of the ordinary. You felt heat rising within you and it had nothing to do with the warm weather. There were little catcalls here and there as you approached your group of friends. Jaehyun and Johnny, the ones who started it all, snickered as you shot death glares at them. You shoved the rest of the belongings into their hands. “Here take care of this stuff, will you?”
You dropped your beach bag under a canopy, quickly stripped yourself of your outer layers, and grabbed the pretty kite once again. Mark wasn’t too far behind you, chatting it up with Renjun and Doyoung, who preferred to stay under the shade. Taking your place beside him, you smiled at the other two. 
“You ready, sunshine?”
“We’ll be back!” you called to Renjun and Doyoung, who simply waved you off.
Mark led you to the shoreline, your feet sinking into the damp sand. You bounced up and down as you waited for your next step. As you held onto the kite, Mark unwinded a bit of the line from the kite spool with certainty. “Now, there isn’t enough of a breeze down here for the kite to launch, so you have to make a run for it.”
“That I can do.”
“As soon as you feel like you’re fast enough, let it go and run back to me. I’ll do the rest.” At that moment, Mark sounded so reliable and it made you melt into goo. “Sounds good?”
“Sounds great,” you whispered back, nodding at him before you broke into a run. You felt the tension of the kite line as your speed increased. And when the wind made its way through your strands, you lifted the kite up in the air and let it go. Your eyes followed its every move as it made its way up, up, up high into the sky, the tail of it fluttering so pretty below it. 
Mark called your name, motioning you to come back to him as he angled the kite to fly above the water. In no time, you were back at his side. Wordlessly, he handed you the reel and you held it with two hands. Mark’s toned arms wrapped around you so that your back pressed against his built front. Every little instruction that he whispered to you brushed against a weak spot of your neck, sending the slightest tingle down your spine. At times, his large hands would land on top of your hands to help you control the reel. When no further instruction was needed, Mark didn’t back away. Instead, he just rested his palms on your hips and watched you as you continued to control the kite. 
You flew the kite for the majority of the day, only taking a few breaks to eat or dive in for a quick swim with your friends. The others invited you to play a round of beach volleyball but there was no way you wanted to go against Johnny or Yuta in the sport. That was a losing game and you knew it. Besides, kite flying was more relaxing than chasing after a ball in the sand. 
When the sun began to set and the temperature dropped, it was time to set up the bonfire. When the breeze picked up, Mark handed you his hoodie and insisted that you needed it more than he did. Plus, unbeknownst to you, your best friend always left an extra jacket in the car for you in case you got cold. He took hold of the reel as you slipped it on, smiling ear to ear as you covered yourself in his clothes. Mark liked the sight of you in his hoodie so much, he loosened his grip on the kite and the flimsy item was picked up by the wind. The spool dragged on, leaving a tiny path on the sand, as the kite continued to drift away.
“Oh shit!” He yelled as the two of you chased after it. The kite landed right in the water, floating along with the waves. You laughed at the ridiculous situation, stopping right where the water met the sand, while Mark ran full speed ahead into the ocean.
“Mark, hey! It’s okay!” You yelled but your best friend didn’t listen. “Just leave it!”
Determined to get it back for you, Mark dived right into now freezing water and swam towards the floating item. He fought the cold temperature that was prickling his skin and the seawater that got into his brown eyes as he reached out for the rainbow kite. Once he latched onto the tail, he pulled it towards him, hugged it to his chest, and led himself back to the shore.
You met him as he made his way out of the water, immediately draping his beach towel over his wet shoulders. His teeth chattered as he winced at the breeze that wiggled its way through his wet layers. Feeling him shiver against your side, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders and ran your hand up and down his side. “You idiot, why would you go after it? It’s just a kite. Now you’re gonna get sick.”
Mark tucked his wet mop of hair into your shoulder, lips brushing against the skin of your neck. “Because you love the kite,” he muttered.
“You’re a dummy,” you whispered back, leaving a little kiss at the top of his head. His free arm circled around your middle, drawing you closer to him. If it was anyone else, you would easily shove them away for dampening your dry clothes. But because it was Mark, you didn’t mind how the cold fabric tickled your skin. It was nothing compared to the way Mark clung to you. “Let’s get you to the fire.”
If Mark Lee was an endless ocean, you would easily dive into his embrace. And much to everyone else’s knowledge but your own, Mark would do the very same. 
If you were a siren, he would heed your dangerous call, no matter the risk. If you were the breeze that pushed the sails, he would go along with the wind. And if you were the bottomless sea, filled with the unknown, Mark Lee would willingly submerge himself into rough waters and dive into you.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. harvest break from work and school means i finally have time to relax and unwind by writing <3 i haven’t released anything mark lee related in a while and thought this would be a good time to drop a mark fic! please let me know what you think. proofread but i may have missed some things!
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NETWORKS. @czennienet @neowritingsnet @ankathi-a 
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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ginsengkitten · 6 months
༺Beautiful Dangerous༻
a slashxreader fanfiction
Chapter Eight
Gods & Monsters
A/N: This chapter contains smut and upsetting drug related themes. This chapter particularly insinuates one Steven Adler in a negative light. I adore Steven but couldn’t have the main love interest be the sole proprietor of the main characters drug habit. Thus I utilized Steven. Just wanted to clarify.
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After that night, you and Slash were inseparable. The next month. the routine followed sneaking out after everyone fell asleep and then hitching rides from Dave to go meet up with slash. The two of you would peruse the streets with the band or run off together and terrorize the city. On occasion, slash would borrow a friends car and you would drive to the beach and sit around one of the dingy barrel fires and share stories of your lives til dawn. An intimate intertwining of your two very different upbringings. Swapping past loves and losses. Many more kisses and touches exchanged. The two of you would find the sneakiest and not so sneaky spots to get a risky quickie in. Stifling moans and giggles behind concert bathroom stalls, a spare room at a party. Slash was thrilled to find someone with the same sex drive as his. He was admittedly a fiend for the right girl, but especially you.
Occasionally, driving up to the abandoned house up the canyon off Laurel and taking refuge together in the concrete ruins as you watched the sunset and sunrise hues bleed over the city below. The band would play a gig, and you would be front and center, and Slash never played without staring you down the entire show. Giving you cheeky smirks and showing off. He had this confident arrogance about him when he played. He was good and he knew it. The whole band was, and you couldn't get enough.
Over the course of this time, you also got to witness the fiery evolution that was the Guns n Roses career. During the day when you weren’t with Slash, he was in and out of label meetings with the manager and other aristocratic rock n roll slum lords.
In the past two week in particular, you noticed a swift upbeat in the tune of not only Slash but the whole band collectively. You knew things were on the up and up with the label and record deal so you figured it made sense, however intensely excited they all were all the time. They always had energy for a party. The best days of your life were now passing in rapid motion and though your heart begged to continue, your body was often clamoring to keep up with the pace. You could feel the opportunities for memories slip through your fingers and it scared you. How did they do it? The possibility of missing out on anything made you anxious with desperation.
One night was especially difficult. The band had all shared their typical bottles of liquor which you were becoming  accustomed to. However, between the booze, coffee and joints, you still found yourself once again falling behind in the activities of the evening. This weekend particularly was important as the guys were taking a short road trip upstate to play a show. With the beefed up excuse of going to a charity retreat, you were set to ride along with the guys all weekend without fuss. Sitting on slashes lap for a bumpy 2 hour drive spelled for little haste when the two of you got alone again once the venue was reached. With some time surprisingly to spare before the show, the car had pulled up and the two of you practically launched out of the car into the dressing room.
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The sex had become more and more depraved and frantic. Slashes sexual energy was easy to match for you. Finally meeting his match, he still couldn't take his hands off of you. Sliding his fingers up your thighs or blatantly grabbing your ass at any given chance, slash satisfied his intense hungers on your body every chance he got. And every chance you got, you took to entice him further with teases and touches slight of hand.
Barely slamming the door behind you before propping you up on the dressing room counter, slash lines his way up in front of you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. As his hands did their now familiar dance over your body, caressing and gripping every curve on the way down to your ass were he would hike up your skirt for easy access. You leaned back as he slid in. He blew out a plume of smoke as he casually puffed a cigarette in between thrusts and grunts. All the while giving you his signature devilish smirk as he broke his way through you in wet tight motions. He guided you as you threw your shirt up over your head and off to the floor. Still grinding into you, he took his cigarette and placed it in your mouth, as he looked down at your naked chest, and greedily began sucking and kissing your breasts. You let out gasps of pleasure. His favorite. He’d do anything just to entice a moan out of you. “Yes Foxey girl you love when I do that huh” he cooed out as he pressed his wet lips across your breast, giving a sensual and almost too painful bite of your nipple. You yelp out in pain and he smiles against your skin. “Sorry doll, you’re just so good. I want to eat you up.” He chuckles a false apology, still encompassing his palms full of your curvatures.
After 2 rounds of quickies before and after the show, a plethora of liquor and cigarettes, you began to feel that familiar lull of dwindling excitement and sleepiness crawl through you. The group was still early into the night and you were already checking out. You began considering the idea of putting down a quick line. Contact with Joel had fizzled out quickly over the prior incidents with you. With the primary coke dealer cut off from the group, coke was in low supply.
“You checked out already Foxey?” Steven notices from across the room as you laid your head back on the couch in exhaust. Slash turns to look at you himself and notices this as well. “Only a little..” You admit. Steven looks over to Slash and gives him an interesting look. “I dunno man..I mean I might I don’t know if she can handle that..” slash muttered to him with apprehension. “I can handle it!l you protest, sitting up quickly. “Handle what? I can handle whatever. What is it? Coke?” You investigate. Slash glares at Steven as Steven perks up at your interest. “No Foxey it’s just stevens smack. Which is interesting as he never seems to share…” slash half seriously jabs at him, still glaring him down. Steven holds his hands up in arrest. “Hey man I’m just trying to be gracious here. “ he defends. “Hey don’t do that. Don’t hold out on me just because you think I’m weak or some shit.” You get defensive. Slash looks at your look of desperation. He grinds on the silence thick in the air as if contemplating something. “I don’t need permission you know.” You remind slash. Slash gives you an annoyed look but gives up at not to offend. “Just don’t go fucking crazy dude. And I get first hit.” He wagers with Steven and Steven abides. You follow Steven and Slash into a bathroom, where Steven whips out a syringe and pulls up his sleeve to reveal multiple stab scars. “Oh shit-“ You blurt out. “Not coke.” Slash affirms to you begrudgingly. You nod slowly and can hardly bear to witness. That is until you witness the almost immediate euphoria that lights up both Steven and Slash. This is the key to their energy. This is what the band has been riding on for their pursuits. You see how blissful and energetic it makes them and decide right away that this was what needed to happen for you to feel awake again. ‘Just like a cup of coffee’ you preach to yourself to ease the idea of shooting up.
Almost instantly you feel a wall of pure elation. You can’t help but smile at your newfound energy and joy. This was like sex and rock n roll got put in a blender and injected straight into your soul.
Pure. Happiness.
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frasier-crane-style · 2 months
Picard season 3 was at least good enough for me to have a guarded interest in the proposed Star Trek: Legacy, but there's still enough there to give me douche chills. Let's rap about it, shall we?
Seven of Nine should not be out of Starfleet Academy yet. Seven of Nine should not be the first officer of a starship yet. Seven of Nine should definitely not be the captain of the flagship. It was ridiculous enough when Pine!Kirk got command of the Enterprise straight out of the Academy; Star Trek did not need to double down and give Seven the same treatment essentially the moment she filled out the paperwork.
I'm not so enthused with Seven and Raffi's relationship that I want to watch Seven Loves Chachi, sorry, Raffi. Folks, it's just as underdeveloped as Seven and Chakotay, people just like it more because it's two hot chicks.
The whole "our main characters are a thief, a spy, and a pirate!" thing is just too ragtag bunch of misfits. This is Star Trek. Not Guardians of the Galaxy. It should be nerdy NASA astronauts, not guy who plays Metallica while driving a Firebird. Just... no. C'mon.
I realize it's an American ensemble and there's always going to be an element of ragtag bunch of misfits, but usually it comes up naturalistically. Geordi is blind and sees with cybernetic implants, but that's just how he was born--he's still a gifted engineer who went through the Academy and worked his ass off to get the best engineering gig in the fleet. Worf and Data are obviously eclectic additions to the crew, but they're still skilled and highly trained Starfleet officers. In fact, part of the show getting better was removing oddball elements like Wesley Crusher (not trained enough and too immature) and Pulaski (too antagonistic and unprofessional) from the cast.
DS9: Kira and Odo were longstanding members of the Bajoran power structure. It was unconventional for them to be part of a 'Starfleet' crew, but it's not like they were picked up off the street. They were good at their jobs and had been doing them for a long time.
VOY: This is the closest thing to the classic ragtag bunch of misfits, but it's justified in that Voyager was heavily damaged and they had to make do with what crew they could field. And even then, people don't like Neelix because he's... unprofessional and useless.
ENT: Similar straits to VOY where Archer has to make do by recruiting T'Pol and Phlox to round out his crew, but T'Pol is a high-ranking officer in the Vulcan navy and Phlox is a respected physician (I know, but let's not get into that now).
SNW: ...actually, I think pretty much the entire crew is just veteran Starfleet officers who've made it to working on the flagship simply by being very good at their jobs and being unspeakably talented. Hunh. No wonder people like this series.
So, Legacy, the whole "what was Starfleet thinking, putting us in charge of a spaceship! This has to be the kookiest ship in the fleet!" Ugh. No. If Matalas wanted to include Seven, Raffi, and Jack in the cast, fine, but I don't like them being the new Picard/Riker/Data. They really should've kept Shaw around to be a kind of Picard figure who stays on the bridge while Seven beams down and gets into misadventures. Someone who you can buy Starfleet putting in charge. Like General Hammond in SG-1, supporting his guys when they're in the right but reining them in when they're overstepping their bounds.
But I really don't like this Chris Pine, main character syndrome crap where the hero is both the authority who demands that their underlings obey orders AND the renegade who bucks authority on days that end in Y. (Sorry, Chris Pine, you're great, but you know--his take on Kirk.)
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1986harrington · 2 years
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Day 11: Caught in the Rain
You were soaked, your summer dress clinging to your chest and hips and legs, cardigan slipping from your shoulder with the weight of the water it had absorbed. You were glaring up at him, eyes scrunched to keep the rain from dripping into your eyes from the ends of your long lashes, your nose wrinkling in the process. Even when you were mad, Steve thought you looked absolutely adorable, but he knew better than to point that out right now. "You're gonna have to help me out here, baby. I honestly don't know what issue is-" "Nancy." You stated, and you instantly felt like a weight had been lifted at finally saying it outloud.
"Well this is just fantastic," Steve groaned, palms coming down on the steering wheel as he slumped into his seat, defeated.
You were sat beside him, arms folded across your chest and eyes cast to the side, staring out the passenger window as streams of rain blurred your view.
Steve's car had started making a very heavy and very concerning clunking noise about 5 days ago, and you had warned him various times that he needed to get it checked.
"Says the girl with only one wiper and a check engine light that's permanently illuminated." He'd joked at the time, and you'd pretended not to be a little offended.
Tonight, the clunking had started on the way to the Wheeler's house, and once again Steve had ignored your offer to let you drive them in your car. Really, you had an alterior motive besides the clunking, which was to be in charge of the driving so that once you'd had quite enough of Nancy Wheeler making eyes at your boyfriend, you could up and leave.
Instead, you'd had to fake a headache and ask Steve to drive you home.
Now? Now you were entirely fed up, annoyed and stranded with your boyfriend who was infuriatingly obvlious to the whole damn thing.
"What? Nothing to say, sweetheart? No smart ass comment? No 'I told you so'?"
"Nope." You replied flatly, a slightly sardonic pop of the 'p' as you continued to deliberately not look at him.
"Aw c'mon, what's up? You've been weird with me all night."
"I haven't been weird."
"Yes, you have. You won't even look at me, for starters."
You wanted to tell him you didn't need to look at him because you had his stupidly handsome face committed to memory at this point, but it was too close to compliment that you didn't feel like giving.
"Yeah well, I've seen you every day for the last 8 months. I know what you look like."
"Don't baby me whilst we're stuck in the middle of nowhere, broken down in the middle of the night."
"Baby-" Steve tried again, and this time you turned to face him and fixed him with a glare that indicated he should choose his next words carefully.
He didn't.
"You know it's only like 9.45 and we're 15 minutes from Main Street?" He was laughing as he said it, but you remained thoroughly unamused.
"Do you even know why I'm upset?"
"I thought you said you weren't upset?"
"I lied. Sue me."
You raised a brow at him, encouraging him to take a guess at what the problem was.
"Is it because I didn't listen to you about the clunking? Or because I said your car was a hunk of junk and we shouldn't take it because it would end up breaking down and stranding us at the side of the-hey!"
He wasn't even finished his sentence when you opened the door, climbing out into the rain and slamming it closed behind you without a word.
"What the-, hey!" He called, clambering out the driver's side door after you.
"Baby, what the hell? Where are you going? Come back!"
The rain was loud as it bounched off the road around you both, the sound rushing in your ears and blurring Steve's voice.
You'd made it maybe 10 feet when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist, but you pulled it free of his hold and spun to face him.
"Are you really that oblivious, Steve?" You yelled, mostly to be heard over the sound of the rain but also because you were really pissed off.
He let out an exasperated laugh, head dropping back briefly before his eyes came back to meet yours.
You were soaked, your summer dress clinging to your chest and hips and legs, cardigan slipping from your shoulder with the weight of the water it had absorbed. You were glaring up at him, eyes scrunched to keep the rain from dripping into your eyes from the ends of your long lashes, your nose wrinkling in the process.
Even when you were mad, Steve thought you looked absolutely adorable, but he knew better than to point that out right now.
"You're gonna have to help me out here, baby. I honestly don't know what issue is-"
"Nancy." You stated, and you instantly felt like a weight had been lifted at finally saying it outloud.
"Na- Nancy?"
You nodded wordlessly, eyes blinking away rain drops.
"What's Nancy got to with any of this?"
"I don't know, it's just - ever since she and Jonathon broke up, it's like she's looking at you differently."
"Differently, how?"
"I don't know! Wistfully. Longingly. Regretfully. The way a girl looks at a boy when she's thinking that maybe she made a mistake letting him go. That maybe he's the most incredible and selfless boy she's ever met. The love of her life, even."
Steve just looked at you, totally bewlildered.
"She wants you back, Steve. I can see it."
"Baby, no." He said, a solemn and sincere shake of his head, wet hair clinging to his neck and forehead, rain dripping for the ends of his lashes and nose. He stepped closer and this time you let him. His hands slid into place against your face, palms pressed to your cheek and the curve of your jaw, thumbs brushing your cheek bone and you felt your lip quiver as he looked down into your eyes.
"It's not like that. I promise you. And hey, even if she did want to give things another shot, I'm not interested."
"But Steve, you were in love with the girl for years. That doesn't just go away."
"You're right. I'm always gonna care about what happens to Nancy. I'm always gonna want her to be safe and happy, and to be there for her as a friend if she needs me. We've all been through too much shit together, you included. But fuck, I'm not in love with her anymore. Only you."
You don't when or how it happened, but your hands wrapped around his forearms, clinging on for dear life to the boy in front of you.
"It's just a lot, competing with someone's first love."
"I get that, I do. I mean, fuck, even just the thought of you with anyone else makes me crazy. So if there's any doubt in your mind at all, I wanna get rid of it. Whatever it takes, until you know for certain that I'm all in with you, no one else."
Your eyes were fixed on his, hot tears spilling over your lashline and stremaing down your face along with the rain. You nodded, a jagged breath escaping as you huffed out a relieved laugh, eyes falling closed as you looped your arms around his neck and pulled him down toward you.
You don't know how long you both stood there, in the middle of the road, wet clothes clinging to your bodies, mouths sliding hot and messily together as the rain continued to pour down you both. It was only when another car finally passed, headlights illuminating you, horn blaring as the tyres sent a spray of surface water over you both that you pulled apart and headed to the backseat to wait it out together.
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chaotic-on-main · 5 months
Hi Sky 👋 sorry if I am bothering you 🥺
May I request a moodboard of me levi and gojo?? Gojo and I are best friends; he has a feeling for me but I am in love with Levi and Levi loves me a lot. Gojo and I went on a long drive and I excitedly told him about my marriage to Levi and he looked very sad.
I know it’s cringe please forgive me. It is actually based on what I see in my dream few days ago
Levi x San x Satoru
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☾ content/warnings ➼ angst, unrequited love, crossover (jjk and aot)
☾ a/n ➼ hi @notgoodforlife <3 this has been in my drafts for so long because life has been kicking my ass and I haven't been able to get back onto solid ground. but I hate that I've made you wait for like, 4 months. you asked for a moodboard and i got carried away writing this whole thing instead. I hope you're doing well over there, and I hope this doesn't hurt too much. ALSO THIS ISN'T CRINGE. ANYONE THAT SAYS SO CAN COME TALK TO ME INSTEAD OF CLOWNING IN YOUR INBOX. anyway. ily <3
☾ wc ➼ ~800
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The jingling of metal keychains against each other grabs your attention away from the phone in your hand. As you look up, you see the sleek black car belonging to your best friend sitting in the driveway of your little home. White hair and a snarky grin, Satoru Gojo was right on time and leaning against the warm metal.
“Where's the grouchy old man?” He calls out, still a few yards from where you sat on the doorstep. You stand up in excitement, making sure to slot your phone into your back pocket before bounding down the last few steps to meet him halfway.
“The grumpy man has a name, you know. He got called back into work and won't be back until late, so it's just us.” When you say those words, Satoru's eyes light up just the slightest bit, but you miss it as you're busy pulling your phone back out to check something.  
“Oh good, that just means more time with me.” He says half-jokingly. As always, there’s that lopsided grin, but it slowly fades as he looks at you carefully over his dark sunglasses. “He's always at work. Does he ever make time for you?”
You're quick to throw him a soft glare at such an accusation. While his tone is lighthearted, it has a depth of concern that you don’t pick up. Satoru knows he shouldn't be so mean, but when it comes to you, he can't help but be defensive. He's loved you for as long as he's known you, after all.
“Of course he does, ‘toru. It really isn't Levi's fault. Some intern fucked something up in the computer systems and Levi is the only one that knows how to fix it.” At this point, you're sitting in your friend's passenger seat and buckled in. You run your fingers over the soft velvet that lines the door of his car.
Satoru always had nice things - car included. That's one of the perks of being a child to a decently wealthy family. But he was never showy with his possessions, and you liked him for that. If only you knew that you were the one thing he couldn't call his.
“Well, I sure hope they're paying him enough. Sounds like he's irreplaceable.” Your friend mutters as he puts the car in reverse and slides down the driveway.
“You have no idea.”
“The venue is down Main, right?” Satoru checks his mirrors before fully pulling out onto the mostly vacant street.
“Yeah. You know, I heard it was a sold-out show.” You pull your phone out to check a few notifications that popped up.
One was a text from Levi, apologizing once again that he had to pull out at the last minute and would make it up to you as soon as he could. He was always good on his promises so you can't help but smile at the date he has planned in the near future.
While your hand holds up your phone, Satoru notices yet again the shining bright stone that sits pretty on your left ring finger. It sparkles brilliantly against the orange setting sun. His smile doesn't fade but it wavers.
When you told him the news a few months back, he made sure to show up as the best friend he is. Oh, how you squealed in delight at him, telling him all the details of the proposal Levi had planned and what you already want from your wedding.
How you wanted Satoru there as your maid of honor to which you laughed right after, saying that you don’t have to wear a dress. You mistook his wide eyes as shock to the maid of honor demand instead of what it really was - heartbreak.
His heart had shattered into a million pieces despite the million-dollar grin he threw your way. You weren't aware of how he felt for you, and you never would. Satoru only wanted you to be happy, and it seemed that you were.
As he glanced at the ring and back up to the road, he couldn't help imagining what it would be like to have you wearing a ring he had picked out. How would he have proposed to you, he wonders. Would you still want the same things for this pretend wedding, or would it be completely different?
“’Toru?” You ask, breaking him out of his thoughts. Bright blue eyes shift in your direction at the sudden call out, and he grins over to you.
“Are you okay?”
“Never better. Now let's get some tunes going, yeah?” That cocky grin of his made you laugh as you nod in agreement.
No, he doesn't need to think about these “what ifs". Pain is nothing new to him, and he would survive this one.
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Rewatching Good Omens season 2 liveblog
Season 2, episode 2 ‘The clue’ Post 1
Link to episode 1 post 1
What in the actual duck did Crowley summon here? It’s like a mini sun that shoots sun lazers?? Again-showing how powerful Crowley is he can summon a dam sun looking thing just to smite a few goats. Also unnecessarily dramatic, which I appreciate. Very on brand.
Be gay, so crimes, smite some goats with a giant sun you summoned out of nowhere.
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This was so funny it was like they were in a play, and it was cute how Azirphale recognised him and was like ‘oh it’s yooouu’ and immediately dropped the Angel act
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Fuck off Gabirel. If I could curse this Angel to a thousand years of stubbing his little toe repeatedly over and over again on a table leg in hell I WOULD. That’s all I have to say about Gabriel. Moving on.
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This whole Job flashback is so important to setting up the the conflict of the season which ultimately builds up to Azirphale and Crowleys fight.
The main conflict of this season is Aziraphales fight with his own mortality and beliefs. It’s so sad to watch him get his hopes up just to have them dashed again and again when he’s trying to find reason or meaning in the events that are unfolding in front of him. He has a very strong sense of justice, and the events of the Job flashback are obviously disturbing to him. So much so that he actually goes AGAINST gods will to try and stop Crowley when he thinks he’s going to hurt the children. He spends the whole thing bouncing around between rebellion and conformity. And it’s really telling that he is still in the same struggle in the present day. He hasn’t resolved anything, he’s just gotten more comfortable with breaking the rules (probably bc of his scary dog privileges, aka, Crowley)
Moving on….
This is the face of a man in the process of experiencing the ick. His ick is anyone but Crowley or him touching his books but I think his ick is also Gabriel in general.
This is an ick we share. Fuck Gabriel. Even when he’s Jim.
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I have multiple questions- first of all, does Crowley ever clean his windscreen?
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Second of all-why does he park in this random ass street all the time? Does he want Azirphale to think he’s out doing something cool and important when really he has nothing to do and no house to go to? Then he can pull up all suave like whenever Azirphale calls? I bet this street is like 2 minutes from the bookshop so he can pretend he was far away then drive up at the perfect time.
You need a hobby Crowley, like a real one, and saving your Angel over and over again is not a hobby. You also need a therapist but that’s another discussion…
Also-I love how DISGUSTINGLY sarcastic he is this season. He’s really turned it up like five notches. Probably compensating for the fact everyone knows he’s attached to the hip with Azi so he gotta turn up the cool/unbothered sarcastic demon of the underworld act while he sleeps in his car with his houseplants. What a gay disaster I love him.
Aziraphale is a mood here not knowing what to do when someone’s crying infront of them
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Me whenever I see Gabriel even when he’s Jim. That’s my middle finger if it wasn’t clear enough.
Fuck Gabriel and therefore also fuck Jim. I hope he drops his toast in the morning, spread side down.
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BUT I have to admit-Jim is hyperactive ADHD personified and I appreciate the comedy.
But still fuck you Gabriel.
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Azirphales face in the background when he thinks their about to discover Gabriel: a toddler who thinks if they can’t see you, you can’t see them.
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puppyslutty69 · 11 months
Fantasy of mine in detail one of them
I wanna have my hair straightened, my make up looking good, black lipstick eye liner, eye brows down, everything looking good. Have a sexy bra and knickers on, maybe red and black one or my pink and black one. Lacy one. Then have a black fishnet outfit on, with my red dress that shows my boobs off a little to much, making me look like a whore. Whilst wearing a choker and my black hoop earrings.
I’ll be walking down the street looking all cute, and feeling confident whilst listening to music, a blacked out beaten down van drives past me, ever so slowly, a bunch of men jump out, the biggest one puts a knife against my throat pulling my hair back telling me if I scream bell slit my throat right here and now. The other men help the biggest one go put me in the back of the van, duck tapping my mouth shut, so I can’t scream the biggest one has he between his legs with the knife against whilst I stare at the rest of the group, he’s grabbing my tits with bis free hand, he starts ordering his group to touch me, I try to wiggle free, moaning not with pleasure but frustration as I can’t get free, the next biggest guy get my hands above my head whilst chaining them to the ceiling of the van, whilst I’m still on my knees, and duck taped. The group starts ripping off my clothes whilst recording and taking pictures, calling me a dog, slut, fuck toy. How they are gonna rape my tight little ass hole. The more I try to fight back the harder they all get. We stop driving. The guy who chained my hands up, now he’s put a chain collar around my neck, slaps me about telling me he can’t wait to rape me. I get dragged out the old beat up van, dragged to an old warehouse, abandoned, run down warehouse.
Thrown to a chair, with the metal chain still around my neck, duck tape still on. Now I’m getting tired to the chair, so the whole group can see my pretty pink whore pussy, one of the group members come up behind me starts to grab my tits hard, then starts whipping them. Whilst holding my head so I’m forced to watch everyone getting turned on. The main guy rips the duck tape of my mouth, forcing me to drink alcohol I refuse so he grabs my hair and forces it down my throat, I’m chocking on alcohol he stops let me drink what’s in my mouth and throat. I start to get dizzy, moments later I black out, later on I wake up tied to a bed, raped over and over again whilst being recorded. Getting fists, cocks. Toys in side my deep pussy. I get rapped so hard I’m swollen.
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ridley-was-a-cat · 1 year
What I Watched This Fortnight – 9/17- 9/30
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Space Adventure Cobra – RetroCrush added this to their streaming catalog just as everyone was posting their remembrances after the mangaka passed away, so I figured I should probably see what it was about. What I got was a interstellar romp featuring a blond-haired frat boy with a gun-arm and a smorgasbord of comic book villains and nearly naked women that entertained me despite my better judgement. It’s directed by Osamu Dezaki, with all the pastel freeze frames and three pans he was known for, and still looks pretty darn good for a 40-year-old anime. If you’re ever in the mood for a turn-your-brain-off sort of adventure peppered with smugly delivered one-liners, this should deliver the goods. 7/10
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Project Blue Earth SOS – I found this one night while randomly poking around Crunchyroll’s library, and it’s a nice little retro-futuristic sci-fi that’s much better than its MAL score lets on. It’s set around the year 2000 in an alternate timeline Earth where humanity has developed powerful engines that allow for near-light speed travel, leading them to be targeted by an alien civilization bent on subjugating the planet. Rising up in opposition are two brilliant teenagers, one the son of the manufacturer of the powerful engines, and the other the son of astronauts killed in a space disaster years earlier, who work together with a quasi-governmental secret agency to drive them away. The art style is vibrant and colorful with a delightfully 1950s ray gun sci-fi vibe, and the story had lots of twists and turns and revelations straight out of a midcentury B-movie. 7/10
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Initial D: Extra Stage – This two-episode OVA follows the driver of the blue Sileighty from Usui Pass as she faces down a challenge on the road and one in her love life. The first episode, Beyond Impact Blue, has her racing one of the Lan Evo drivers from the Emperors after he insults female drivers as a whole and challenges her to what he assumes will be an easy race for him. The second episode, Sentimental White, has her go on a date with one of the divers from the Night Kids, who suggests that he would want his girlfriend to give up a dangerous hobby like street racing, leading her to do some thinking about her life. I didn’t feel like the racing was as exciting as it was in the main series, and I don’t love this mangaka’s approach to writing female characters or romance content, but I did like watching Mako take control and set a path for herself. 7/10
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Space Dandy – I don’t know what took me so long to watch this series, as an episodic space comedy directed by Shingo Natsume featuring dozens of top-tier animators and guest directors is completely my kind of food. It starts off a little dubiously with the title character monologuing about tits and asses before heading off to his favorite breastaurant, Boobies, but it was hard to stay mad at this charming idiot blundering his way around the galaxy with his talking vacuum cleaner robot sidekick and alien cat freeloader, Meow. Some of the episodes were fantastic sci-fi short stories that packed a ton of worldbuilding and creativity into 20 minutes, and others were just sort of okay monster-of-the-week episodes, with a thread of a overarching plot loosely connecting them. The art and animation varied a bit depending on who worked on the episode, but on the whole, it was very good work and a lot of fun to watch. 8/10
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Gunbuster – The old anime nerds have been talking up this series ever since Discotek licensed it, and Crunchyroll added it to their catalog this week, so I watched it. If you watched Aim for the Ace and thought to yourself that it would be better if it had more mechs and titty fanservice, this is the show for you. The first episode is an almost frame-for-frame homage to the beginning episodes of Aim for the Ace, which is kind of amusing when all the girls were training to be mecha pilots to fight the alien horde. It had some solid space fights and substantial sci-fi scenarios, and I appreciated how big the stakes felt. I only wish there were fewer lovingly animated bouncing titties. 7/10
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Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation – This is one of those movie sequels to a series that’s kind of hard to put a rating on. On the one hand, it’s more of the story I enjoy with the characters I love, and it’s great to see some of the moments I remember from the manga animated and acted out. On the other hand, however, it’s not structured like a movie in the least, and runs through the material pretty quickly, leaving the viewer little time to take in what they’ve seen. It’s basically just two more episodes smooshed together without an opening or ending song. If you like the series, you’ll like this, but it’s not a movie-length story with a dramatic arc that stands alone. 8/10
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gclionessa1230 · 6 months
Been sick and threw up this morning from the acid and the stress of all of this. I've about had it with hubs and all. Right now I'm at a place to grab a very light lunch before I go back and sleep in the car for the next 20 or so minutes. I didn't want to work but I had to get away from hubs so my life wouldn't be hell today. (And we're short at work too which doesn't help me.)
at home now and gonna take the reflux med but hubs is still acting like an arse but at least he did eat finally. i'm gonna ignore him for the moment and see how it goes but venting here was a bit of a relief for me cause i don't want him to find any of this. but i meant what i said in this one completely.
About to break someone's neck here and let it go. He doesn't deserve to live anymore (hubs for some of you peeps). Not after he chewed everyone out for a freaking spilled drink. He went overboard with the whole thing and if he had let me I would have walked to the nearby convenience store and got him one to replace it. But he doesn't want the food and wants me to eat it tomorrow for lunch and I don't have anywhere to put it or even heat it up. Screw that. I'll leave the damn thing in the fridge and forget it and he can eat it later. And all this cause our daughter accidentally knocked his drink over. He overreacts to so many things that it's stupid. I don't even know why I’m trying to stay with this. He's an asshole, a slob and doesn't care. His blood sugar was out of whack last night and the damn alarms went off at least 3 times. I was so tired of hearing them that I didn't sleep that well last night and was out of it all day at work. I'm about to find out if I can disable a few of them and only have the urgent low alarm go off (if he gets that low). But that's only if I can get a hold of that phone to do that. I'll figure something out later. I'm just sick of this crap with him and ready to toss his brain into the street one day. Or break that cane in half. And this is why I won't ever try and be sexy for him. He's lost the appeal ever since he lost his s*x drive. Ugh.
If and I mean *if* he ever gets this "personal care assistant" I hope it's some mean older lady or guy that can put him in his place and kick his ass down a peg or two. And by 'mean' I mean the kind that'll make him shut the hell up if he so much as tries to argue with me or try to blame us for something that he clearly did. And they'll make him apologize and be quiet and do what he's told, such as taking meds and eating. (Group or care home that controls everything would work for this and no phones allowed either.)
Had to let this out and this is one of a few places where I can. He wants me to leave at 7.15a in the morning to be at work by 8a. Fair enough but I would have to leave him alone without any food and he has to eat or his blood sugar goes crazy. It did last night and kept waking us. I'm gonna try and kill those alarms if they go off again cause he ignores them. And I can't wake him anyways when they do go off. I don't even bother anymore. I can't deal with him and I'm sick of him. I'll try and sleep and hope it's better than last night. Stupid dog didn't want to be quiet either as he's still being kept crated for that injury and the sedative doesn't work that well on him. Sigh.
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